Total Ad market
Total Ad market
ATRESMEDIA Presentation to investors January 2016 Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 1 Advertising market in Spain 9M 15: A very positive year 9M 15 Gross Ad market Yoy growth 8% 7% 11% Total Ad market Source: Infoadex Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 2 5% 6% 1% Advertising market in Spain TV: Clear leadership and upward trend Spanish Ad spending by medium Share 42.0% 41.6% +0.4pp 26.8% 21.9% 13.6% 10.8% 9.3% 9.1% 5.3% 1.3% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015e Source: Infoadex. 2015e: assuming growth rates at 9M15 Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 3 +21.6pp -13.2pp +0.2pp -5.5pp Advertising market in Spain Total & TV market vs GDP is bouncing back Total & TV ad intensity (vs GDP) 0.94% Total Ad market All-time average= 0.73% 0.44% TV Ad market 0.33% All-time average= 0.29% Source: Infoadex and Bank of Spain Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 4 0.19% Advertising market in Spain Spanish TV: Best cost-coverage mix Cost-coverage by medium In €/1,000 impacts & % penetration 88% 67% 11.9 60% 39% 8.1 29% 5.1 1.1 2.2 Coverage CPT Source: Internal estimates & EGM. 2015 data Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 5 Spanish TV industry Key issues: Ad market recovery & industry changes 2016 key issues Ad market • • Macro outlook Ad market growth Industry changes • • More DTT channels New players: Pay TV & OTTs Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 6 Spanish TV industry: Main drivers Positive outlook for household consumption & GDP Household Consumption & GDP Yoy growth 3.9% Consumption GDP 4.1% 3.7% 1.4% 2.7% 1.0% -1.1% -0.5% -1.9% -2.1% Consensus 2012 2013 2014 Source: Funcas (Dec 15). In nominal terms Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 7 2015e 2016e Spanish TV industry: Ad market Recovery seems sustainable but the size of the market is still low in historical levels Gross TV Ad market In € mill % yoy Gross TV Ad market 3,469 2,378 2,317 2,472 Average: 2,475 1,890 2,015 1,703 16% 10% 8% 11% 9% 4% -19% -23% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Infoadex. 2015e: Consensus of analysts Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 -6% -10% -11% 8 7% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015e Television industry: Ad market Spanish TV Ad market: Last 8 quarters in positive Gross TV Ad market FY14=+11% Yoy growth 9M15=+8% 22% 13% 8% 6% 3% 1% 12% 8% 3% -3% -8% -10% -14% -15% -15% -18% FY11=-10% -16% -21% -24% FY13=-6% FY12=-19% Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q2 12 Q312 Q412 Q113 Q213 Q313 Q413 Q114 Q214 Q314 Q414 Q115 Q215 Q315 Source: Infoadex. Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 9 Spanish TV industry: Ad market 9M 15: All the sectors in positive Ad spending by sectors % 9M 15 yoy 17% 14% 11% 8% 10% 9% 6% 6% 9M 15=+8% 1% Beauty, Hygiene & Cleaning 14% Food Autos Telcos Retail Finance Culture Health Others (Beverages Energy Home Sports & leisure…) 14% 11% 10% 11% 10% Source: Internal Estimates Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 10 5% 6% 19% Weight Television industry: Prices and volumes Prices and volumes at very low levels TV Ad market 3,469 In € million + Market Prices & Volumes in index terms 2,317 2,015 147 146 1,890 1,703 109 100 83 TV ad market 2003 2004 2005 2006 Nominal Prices 2007 2008 2009 2010 112 89 116 92 Volumes 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015e Source: • TV Market: Infoadex. 2015e: Consensus of analysts • Prices: Internal estimates. Conventional advertising. • Volumes: Internal estimates. Commercial hours: 13h-25h. Conventional advertising excluding TVE. Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 11 Spanish TV industry: Audiences TV viewing remains at very high levels Average daily viewing 343 In min Age groups >65 302 284 45 to 64 253 237 Ind 4+ (+7 days) Ind 4+ 213 234 25 to 44 191 193 146 137 143 129 Source: Kantar Media Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 12 4 to 12 13 to 24 Spanish TV industry Atresmedia has a key position in a wide FTA TV offer Commercial FTA TV landscape (2015) Channels Audience Power ratio 42.5% 26.8% 1.58x 43.4% 31.0% 1.40x Mkt share* 3.4% Net TV 4.0% Veo TV 13TV 2.1% 2.0% Secuoya Real Madrid TV Kiss TV To be launched in Q1 16 Source: Kantar Media, Infoadex * At 9M15 Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 13 0.5x Spanish TV industry : Pay TV Pay TV position in Spain Pay TV sector in Spain 2015 Penetration Audience Ad market share % households with pay TV connection % Total Individuals 4+ % Total TV ad market Pay TV 7% Pay TV 25% Source: Kantar Media, Infoadex Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 14 Pay TV 4% Spanish TV industry : Pay TV Pay TV by platform type and player Pay TV sector % Total connections (5.4 mill) DTT 4% Others Gol T 10% 4% Others 4% Satellite 26% VOD 15% IPTV 44% TEF 71% Cable 22% Source: CMT (Data available for Q215) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 15 Atresmedia: A leading communication group Solid and clear group structure OTHERS Market share 42% Market share 20% ADVERTISING Total Ad market share 19% Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 16 Atresmedia: Market positioning TV & Radio as main source of revenues Atresmedia Cine Atresmedia Digital Atresmedia Diversification Onda Cero Europa FM Onda Melodía Others 2% Radio 9% 2014 Net Revenues € 883m TV 89% ANTENA 3 LA SEXTA NEOX NOVA MEGA (launched in 2015) ATRESERIES (launched in 2016) Planeta-De Agostini: 41.7% RTL: 18.7% Shareh. La Sexta 4.1% Treasury stock: 0.4% Free-float: 35.2% Source: Infoadex & internal estimates Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 17 Atresmedia: Strategy Clear strategic approach Consolidating TV leading position Regaining #2 position Monetizing digital developments Consolidating business model Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 18 Atresmedia Television: Strategy Unique TV offer Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 19 Atresmedia Television: Positioning Balanced and varied TV offer 55-64 Age 4-12 Male Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 Female 20 Atresmedia Television: TV audiences by core channel Antena 3: Stable audience ratings Total Individuals Commercial Target 24h 24h 14.5 13.9 14.1 14.8 13.3 13.4 13.8 13.5 12.5 13.6 13.4 13.6 13.5 10.2 10.0 9.8 12.5 13.5 12.2 12.2 10.0 8.2 7.9 Source: Kantar Media. Commercial Target (16-54 y) Source: Kantar Media. Total Individuals (4y+) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 7.8 21 Atresmedia Television: TV audiences by second channel La Sexta: The best growth story Total Individuals Commercial Target 24h 24h 9.5 8.5 7.8 6.0 6.0 7.2 6.7 7.6 7.4 7.9 8.1 6.6 7.2 5.8 6.0 4.9 5.8 5.2 4.8 Source: Kantar Media. Commercial Target (16-54 y) Source: Kantar Media. Total Individuals (4y+) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 8.4 7.4 6.8 7.3 8.2 22 Atresmedia Television: TV group audiences Atresmedia TV: Solid ratings despite losing 3 channels as of May 2014 Total Individuals Commercial Target 24h 24h 33.3 28.1 29.0 28.8 30.7 31.0 30.9 31.4 31.0 27.7 25.8 28.0 26.8 33.6 30.0 29.2 13.6 13.4 18.9 16.7 16.7 16.7 15.9 13.8 Source: Kantar Media. Total Individuals (4y+) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 Source: Kantar Media. Commercial Target (16-54 y) 23 Atresmedia Television: TV group audiences Atresmedia TV: closing the gap with MSE quarter after quarter Total Individuals Commercial Target 24h 24h 31.4 31.5 33.7 31.1 34.4 33.7 32.8 30.1 31.3 26.6 16.7 25.8 17.0 26.6 16.7 28.6 28.1 16.3 13.9 Source: Kantar Media. Total Individuals (4y+) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 27.5 14.2 29.2 13.0 12.6 Source: Kantar Media. Commercial Target (16-54 y) 24 Atresmedia: 2015 guidance in costs Cost increases mostly explained by one offs & programming costs Cost increases by concept Updated guidance Original guidance +0.5% +2.0% One-offs +1.5% +2.0% +1.0% Mega ∆Prog Variable costs Sports overlap +7% 104 756 2014 OPEX Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 100 2015 one-offs Variable costs & programming 25 2015 OPEX Atresmedia Radio: Positioning & Strategy Atresmedia Radio: 20% market share #3 radio player in Spain 4.5 million listeners 20% market share # 2 talk radio 2.3 mill listeners # 3 music radio 2.1 mill listeners Source: EGM 2015 yearly average Market Share: Infoadex & internal estimates Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 26 New music radio 230k listeners Atresmedia Radio: Audiences Atresmedia Radio: 4.5 million listeners Thousand of listeners 4,981 4,738 4,812 2,623 2,598 2,649 2,009 2,045 2,077 106 169 4,552 4,123 2,492 2,368 1,954 1,548 83 3rd 11 230 3rd 12 3rd 13 Source: EGM Surveys Monday to Friday (.000) ( Moving average). Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 255 27 3rd 14 3rd 15 Atresmedia Digital: Positioning & Strategy Exploring any possible source of audience & revenues Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 28 Atresmedia Digital: Atresplayer Atresplayer: Atresmedia’s OTT offer Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 29 Atresmedia Diversification: Positioning & Strategy Developing new non ad-based media initiatives Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 30 Atresmedia Diversification: International International: More than 31 mill subscribers ytd (Antena 3’s premium content channel) (Celebrity & Life-style channel) ≈ 16.5 mill subscribers ≈ 9.5 mill subscribers 33% 20% 100 % 4 mill 2 mill 47% 15% 35% 50% 25 mill Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 31 (Atresmedia’s best-series channel) ≈ 5 mill subscribers Atresmedia Diversification: Media for Equity MEDIA FOR EQUITY: Exploring new business models Automotion Classified & Social Fashion & Accesories Travel Health Media For Equity Sports Leisure Education Technology Others Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 32 Medium term goals: TV & Radio Television and Radio’s EBITDA margin on track Market Gross Ad revenues (€ mill) & EBITDA Margin All time average ≈2,100 All time average 2014 ≈460 1,890 2014 2013 2013 1,703 404 420 ≈25% ≈25% 21% 15% 22% 7% EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin Source: Kantar Media & Atresmedia’s financial results Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 33 Medium term goals: Other revenues Other non-ad based revenues to double Other revenues than TV & Radio advertising as % of Total Revenues 10% x2 45% 55% 2017e: ≈ € 100 mill 5% 67% 33% Diversification Others (Films & Digital) 2014: ≈€ 50 mill Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 34 Medium term goals: Financials Debt at target level and dividend policy according to plan Total Net Debt Target (€ mill) Dividend policy 185 Payout ratio € 150 mill 136 ≥80% Long term target € 100 mill 2014 dividend: 0.20 €/ sh 100% payout ratio Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 35 Back up Back up: 9M 15 Financial Results Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 36 Atresmedia 9M 15 Results in € mill: P&L 9M 15 9M 14 Net Revenues 697.9 626.2 +11.4% OPEX 578.4 541.9 +6.7% EBITDA 119.5 84.3 +41.7% 17.1% 13.5% 103.1 72.0 EBIT Margin 14.8% 11.5% Net profit 69.3 47.1 9.9% 7.5% EBITDA Margin EBIT Net profit Margin Source: Atresmedia’s financial statements Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 37 YoY +43.2% +47.1% Atresmedia Television 9M 15 Results in € mill: P&L 9M 15 9M 14 Total Net Rev. 617.5 554.5 +11.4% OPEX 517.4 484.6 +6.8% EBITDA 100.1 69.9 EBITDA Margin 16.2% 12.6% EBIT 89.3 59.6 EBIT Margin 14.5% 10.8% Source: Atresmedia`s financial statements Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 38 YoY +43.2% +49.8% Atresmedia Radio 9M 15 Results in € mill: P&L 9M 15 9M 14 Net Revenues 65.0 59.6 OPEX 50.6 50.5 +0.0% EBITDA 14.4 9.0 +59.5% 22.2% 15.2% 13.0 7.6 20.1% 12.8% EBITDA Margin EBIT EBIT Margin Source: Atresmedia’s financial statements Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 39 YoY +9.0% +70.2% Atresmedia: “Others” Division Financials Net revenues split € mill 9M 15 9M 14 Events 18% Net Revenues 15.5 12.1 Films 32% EBITDA 5.0 5.4 Source: Atresmedia’s financial statements Contribution to consolidated group *Others ( Internet, Editorial…) Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 40 Others * 50% Additional information Investor Relations Department Phone: +34 91 623 46 14 E-mail: Web: Legal Notice The information contained in this presentation has not been independently verified and is, in any case, subject to negotiation, changes and modifications. None of the Company, its shareholders or any of their respective affiliates shall be liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information or statements included in this presentation, and in no event may its content be construed as any type of explicit or implicit representation or warranty made by the Company, its shareholders or any other such person. Likewise, none of the Company, its shareholders or any of their respective affiliates shall be liable in any respect whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of this presentation or of any content therein or otherwise arising in connection with the information contained in this presentation. You may not copy or distribute this presentation to any person. The Company does not undertake to publish any possible modifications or revisions of the information, data or statements contained herein should there be any change in the strategy or intentions of the Company, or occurrence of unforeseeable facts or events that affect the Company’s strategy or intentions. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the business, investments, financial condition, results of operations, dividends, strategy, plans and objectives of the Company. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they reflect the Company’s current expectations and assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not prove accurate. A number of factors, including political, economic and regulatory developments in Spain and the European Union, could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements contained herein. The information contained in this presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any ordinary shares, and neither it nor any part of it shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Roadshow backto up_Mar 2013 Presentation investors_Jan 2016 41
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