Golf Swing Efficiency


Golf Swing Efficiency
Dennis Halliday is a physical therapist
Angels Camp Physical Therapy. He has 34 years
experience in orthopedic rehabilitation. He is
an avid golfer logging approximately 85 rounds
of golf per year. Dennis is the only TPI certified
professional in the foothills. He is certified as an
expert in the body swing connection and will
work closely with your teaching professional to
maximize results.
Golf Swing Efficiency:
For more information or to set up an
appointment please contact:
The Body-Swing Connection
Dennis Halliday, PT
Any error in timing, body position or sequencing
will result in an inefficient golf swing.
Three things that lead to efficiency breakdowns :
Poor mechanics: Best addressed by your golf
teaching professional
Poor Conditioning: The focus of our program
Poor equipment
Phone: 209-736-9266
Titleist Performance
Institute Program
The Evaluation
The evaluation involves 16 physical screens that
quickly identify any physical limitations that may
be causing a player’s swing inefficiencies and an
Who Would Benefit From a Golf Swing
Efficiency Evaluation?
The program is designed to benefit the serious and
recreational golfer alike.
Male/female golfers age 13+ years
player’s swing efficiency.
Any golfer who has joint or muscle pain that
1. Pelvic Tilt test
exercise prescription designed to improve the
2. Pelvic Rotation test
effects their swing
orthopedic surgery and want to transition back
3. Torso Rotation test
4. Overhead Deep Squat 5
The experts at Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) have
spent more than 18 years using more than 100,000
golfers to study one thing: The Body Swing Connection.
The years of study have resulted in TPI’s philosophy of
the golf swing:
“We don’t believe there is one way to swing a golf
club; we believe there are an infinite number of ways
to swing a golf club. But we do believe that there is
one efficient way for everyone to swing a club and it is
based on what the golfer can physically do.”
5. Toe Touch test
6. 90/90 test
7. Single Leg Balance test
Golfers who are recovering from any
to golf
Golfers who are currently taking golf lessons
and are struggling to perform what the golf
teacher is asking
8. Lat Length test
Why Get Evaluated?
9. Lower Quarter Rotation test
The golf swing is one of the most intricate, athletic
10. Cervical Rotation test
11. Wrist Hinge test
12. Forearm Rotation test
13. Wrist Flexion test
14. Wrist Extension test
15. Seated Trunk Rotation test
16. Bridge with leg extension test
actions in sports and requires a certain level of
mobility, flexibility, strength and power. If any or
all of these actions are limited, then the swing will
be compromised causing the golfer inability to
perform the swing proficiently.
Our TPI professional is trained to increase player
performance through a deep understanding of how
The Center for Sports Medicine is proud to offer this
the body functions during the golf swing.
golfer-specific evaluation and conditioning program at
our Angels Camp Physical Therapy office location to
benefit our golfing community.
**Swing mechanics will not be taught in this program, but a referral
will be made to our local golf teaching professional.