`First Year Flowering` Plug Range below
`First Year Flowering` Plug Range below
Optimise space after bedding production THE BALL 84 PLUG FOR AUTUMN ‘GREEN’ OR SPRING ‘COLOUR’ POT SALES • • • • • Perfectly proportioned 4cm plug for hand or machine production Fast turnaround Autumn jumbo packs or 1-1.5 litre pots Pot June/July for ‘green’ Autumn sales, or overwinter for Spring ‘colour’ sales An ideal follow on crop from bedding plants with saleable plants in just 6-8 weeks Delivery weeks 24 and 30 Large 15cm Labels Supplied 4cm ORDER FORM – Make your selection from the Ball 84 ‘First Year Flowering’ Plug Range below Account Number: Delivery Weeks Available Week 24 Week 30 Delivery Weeks Available Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. Acanthus mollis Coreopsis Sunny Day Achillea Cassis Coreopsis Tweety Achillea Goldie Delphinium Dasante Blue Achillea Peggy Sue Delphinium Diamonds Blue Achillea Pretty Belinda Delphinium Guardian Blue Achillea Red Velvet Delphinium Guardian Lavender Achillea Summer Berries Mixed Delphinium Guardian White Achillea Terracotta Delphinium Magic Fountains Mixed Agastache Apricot Sprite Dianthus Bouquet Purple Agastache Black Adder Digitalis Carillon Agastache Pink Pop Digitalis Dalmatian Cream Alchemilla (Lady’s Mantle) Irish Silk Digitalis Dalmatian Mixed Alyssum Gold Ball Digitalis Dalmatian Peach Alyssum Luna Digitalis Dalmatian Purple Aquilegia Clementine Mixed Digitalis Dalmatian Rose Aquilegia Mrs Scott Elliott’s Mixed Digitalis Dalmatian White Aquilegia Swan Mixed Digitalis Summer King Aquilegia Winky Double Dark Blue White Doronicum Little Leo Aquilegia Winky Double Red White Echinacea Pow Wow White Aquilegia Winky Mixed Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry Arabis Pinky Erigeron Azure Fairy Arabis Snowfix Erigeron Sea Breeze Mauve Arenaria Avalanche Erigeron Sea Breeze Pink Armeria Mini Sticks Rose Erigeron Stallone Armeria Mini Sticks White Erigeron Wayne Roderick Artemisia Powis Castle Erodium Bishops Form Artemisia Valerie Finnis Erodium Spanish Eyes Aster Alpinus Trimix Erodium White Astilbe Astary Pink Eryngium Blue Hobbit Astilbe Astary Rose Erysimum Linifolium Variegata Astilbe Astary White Euphorbia Amygdaloides Purpurea Aubrieta Blaumeise Euphorbia Humpty Dumpty Aubrieta Double Pink Euphorbia Martinii Aubrieta Royal Blue Euphorbia Polychroma Purpurea Aubrieta Royal Mixed Gaillardia Arizona Apricot Aubrieta Royal Red Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades Aubrieta Royal Violet Gaillardia Arizona Sun Aubrieta Variegated Gaillardia Fanfare Aubrieta Westacre Gold Gaillardia Mesa Bright Bicolour Campanula Blue Bell Gaillardia Mesa Yellow Campanula Clips Deep Blue Gaura Corries Gold Campanula Loddon Anna Geranium Vision Pink Campanula White Bell Geranium Vision Violet Coreopsis Early Sunrise Geum Double Blazing Sunset Coreopsis Heavens Gate Geum Lady Stratheden Coreopsis Rising Sun Geum Mrs Bradshaw Week 24 Week 30 Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. ORDER FORM – Make your selection from the Ball 84 ‘First Year Flowering’ Plug Range below Delivery Weeks Available Week 24 Week 30 Delivery Weeks Available Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. Geum Queen of Orange Monarda Cambridge Scarlet Gypsophila Snowflake Monarda Didyma Hybrids Mixed Helenium Helena Gold Monarda Fireball Helenium Helena Red Shades Monarda Marshall’s Delight Heuchera Palace Purple Nepeta Nervosa Heuchera Ruby Bells Nepeta Nimbus Hollyhock Chater’s Double Golden Yellow Oenothera Missouriensis Hollyhock Chater’s Double Maroon Oenothera Siskiyou Pink Hollyhock Chater’s Double Mixed Oenothera Sunny Delight Hollyhock Chater’s Double Rose-Pink Papaver Champagne Bubbles Mixed Hollyhock Chater’s Double Salmon Pink Papaver Garden Gnome Hollyhock Chater’s Double Scarlet Papaver Moondance Hollyhock Chater’s Double White Papaver Pizzicato Hollyhock The Watchman Penstemon Electric Blue Iberis Snowflake Penstemon Sea™ Coral Iberis Snowstorm Penstemon Sea™ Purple Kniphofia Flamenco Mixed Penstemon Sea™ Red Lavandula Bella Light Purple Penstemon Tubular Bells Red Lavandula Bella® Rose Penstemon Tubular Bells Rose Lavandula Bella Rouge Lavandula Bella® White Penstemon Tubular Bells Wine Red with White Throat Lavandula Ellagance Ice Phlox divaricata Chattahoochee Lavandula Ellagance Purple Phlox divaricata Clouds of Perfume Lavandula Ellagance Sky Phlox douglasii Red Admiral Lavandula Hidcote Blue Strain Phlox paniculata Blue Paradise Lavandula Munstead Strain Phlox paniculata Cosmopolitan Leucanthemum Aglaia Phlox paniculata Grenadine Dream Leucanthemum Crazy Daisy Phlox paniculata Jade Leucanthemum Old Court Phlox paniculata Neon Flare Leucanthemum Sante Phlox paniculata Pina Colada Leucanthemum Sunny Side Up Phlox paniculata Purple Kiss Leucanthemum White Knight Phlox paniculata Red Caribbean Lewisia Special Mixed Phlox paniculata Swizzle Liatris Floristan Violet Phlox paniculata Watermelon Punch Linum Sapphire Blue Phlox subulata Calvides White Lithodora Grace Ward Phlox subulata Candy Stripe Lobelia Fan® Blue Phlox subulata Emerald Cushion Blue Lobelia Fan Burgundy Red Phlox subulata Scarlet Flame Lobelia Fan® Salmon Polemonium Bambino Blue Lobelia Queen Victoria Primula Denticulata Mixed Lupin Gallery® Blue Primula Littoniana (Vialli) Lupin Gallery Mixed Pulsatilla Bells Red Lupin Gallery® Pink Pulsatilla Bells Violet Lupin Gallery Red Pulsatilla Bells White Lupin Gallery® White Rudbeckia Goldsturm Lychnis Molten Lava Salvia Blue Hill ® ® ® ® ® ® Week 24 Week 30 Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. ORDER FORM – Make your selection from the Ball 84 ‘First Year Flowering’ Plug Range below Delivery Weeks Available Week 24 Week 30 Delivery Weeks Available Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. Salvia Caradonna Viola Blackout Salvia Hot Trumpets Viola Columbine Salvia Lyrical™ Blue Viola Etain Salvia Lyrical™ Silvertone Viola Rebecca Salvia Marcus Viola Starry Night Salvia May Night Viola Suzie Salvia Ostfriesland Viola Zoe Week 24 Week 30 Qty. Req’d. Qty. Req’d. Salvia Patio Deep Blue Salvia Sensation Rose Salvia Snow Hill Saxifraga Findlings White Scabiosa Blue Note Sedum Angelina Sedum Bon Bon Sedum Coral Reef Sedum Frosted Fire Sedum Herbstfreude Sedum Matrona Sedum Munstead Red Sedum Purple Emperor Sedum Spirit Sedum Tricolour Mixed Sedum Variegated Sedum Vera Jameson Sedum Voodoo Solidago Golden Baby Stachys Fuzzy Wuzzy Verbascum Southern Charm Verbascum Temptress Purple Verbascum Temptress White Verbena Buenos Aires Verbena Venosa Veronica Atomic™ Pink Ray Veronica Atomic™ Red Ray Veronica Atomic™ Silvery Pink Ray Veronica Atomic™ Sky Ray Veronica Atomic™ White Ray Veronica Blue Bouquet Check availability and order your Lasting Beauty Perennials online with WebTrack Have your order confirmed within minutes! ® Veronica First Love Veronica Georgia Blue Veronica Inspire™ Blue Veronica Inspire™ Pink Veronica Pink Harmony Veronica Purpleicious Veronica Red Fox Veronica Ulster Blue Dwarf www.ballcolegrave.co.uk Ball 84 ‘First Year Flowering’ Plug Range – 2013 Please Enter Your Delivery Address Details Below. Account Number: Contact Name: Company Name: Address: Email: Telephone: Fax: Signed: For full availability and prices, please contact our office on 01295 811833 or visit www.ballcolegrave.co.uk Date: Visa If you want to pay by Credit or Debit Card, please enter your card details: Mastercard Maestro Card No: Expiry Date: / Issue No: Valid From Date: / Card in Name of: Please print details in CAPITALS. Address: (If Different From Invoice Address) Post Code of Card Holder: Signature How To Use This Form Please refer to our 2013 Plant Catalogue for our current Terms and Conditions. Please enter quantities required in numbers of plants in multiples of the tray size. For example if you want to order 2 trays of Aubrieta Double Pink in a Ball 84 tray on week 24, please enter 168 in the week 24 column in the box provided against this product. Please ensure that you enter your ship-to account number on the order form. This should be the address to which you require the delivery to be made. Please ask if in doubt. Once complete, please post back in the enclosed reply envelope, fax (01295 812135), email (order@ballcolegrave.com), telephone (01295 811833), or enter online using WebTrack® at www.ballcolegrave.co.uk. Further copies of this order form are available upon request. If you telephone your order through to us on 01295 811833 the order will be entered immediately while you are on the phone, and we can instantly inform you of any changes that may need to be made. Please note that LABELS are automatically supplied with all the Ball 84 Lasting Beauty Plugs. Ball Colegrave Limited West Adderbury, Banbury, Oxon. OX17 3EY Tel: 01295 811833 Fax: 01295 812135 Email: order@ballcolegrave.com Registered in England No: 1577898 VAT Registration No: GB 336-3097-57 © 2013 Ball Colegrave Ltd. ™ denotes a trademark of Ball Horticultural Company It may be registered in the US or other countries. BCL13004
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