ImageSat International N.V. Correspondence Office 6 Yoni
ImageSat International N.V. Correspondence Office 6 Yoni
ImageSat International N.V. Correspondence Office 6 Yoni Netanyahu Street Or Yehuda 6037604 Israel Tel: +972-3-796-0600 Fax: +972-3-516-3430 ImageSat International N.V. Wilhelminalaan 13 Willemstad, Curacao Tel: +599-9-737-4557 Fax: +599-9-737-4563 Customer Service: © ImageSat International, Products and Services Guide, April 2014 ImageSat International N.V. Correspondence Office 6 Yoni Netanyahu Street Or Yehuda 6037604 Israel Tel: +972-3-796-0600 Fax: +972-3-516-3430 ImageSat International N.V.Wilhelminalaan 13 Willemstad, Curacao Tel: +599-9-737-4557 Fax: +599-9-737-4563 Customer Service: Content 1. ABOUT IMAGESAT INTERNATIONAL .......................................................................................... 4 2. THE EROS SATELLITES ................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 5 2.2 ORBITAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 5 2.3 IMAGING PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... 5 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN THIS GUIDE .............................................................................. 6 4. PRODUCT GUIDE ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.1 PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................... 7 4.2 IMAGING TECHNIQUES ................................................................................................................ 8 4.3 PROCESSING LEVELS ................................................................................................................... 9 4.4 VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS ........................................................................................................... 9 4.5 PRODUCT FORMATS ................................................................................................................. 11 4.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) ....................................................................................................... 11 4.7 SUPPLY OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 11 5. SERVICES GUIDE ....................................................................................................................... 12 5.1 IMAGESAT'S ORDER DESK ......................................................................................................... 12 5.2 SERVICE TYPES ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.2.1 New Acquisition .................................................................................................... 12 5.2.2 Archived Images ................................................................................................... 12 5.3 THE WORKFLOW PROCEDURE – FROM REQUEST TO SHIPMENT ........................................................ 13 5.4 SPECIAL IMAGING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 14 5.5 "LAST CALL" TIMES FOR ORDERING IMAGING ON A SPECIFIC DATE .................................................... 16 5.6 HOW TO SUBMIT AN ORDER ...................................................................................................... 17 5.7 HOW TO PROVIDE THE AOI ....................................................................................................... 17 6. ADVANCED SERVICES ............................................................................................................... 18 PRODUCT ORDER FORM .................................................................................................................. 19 1. ABOUT IMAGESAT INTERNATIONAL ImageSat International N.V. is the owner and operator of the EROS-A and EROS-B very high resolution imaging satellites, whose global coverage provide high-quality imaging services, satisfying national security and management needs with maximum autonomy, secrecy and flexibility. Established in 1997, ImageSat launched EROS-A, its first commercial imaging satellite, into orbit on December 5, 2000. EROS-B, the company’s sub-meter resolution satellite, was launched on April 25, 2006, providing customers with increased revisit time and the benefit of a variety of sensors. Both satellites were accurately placed in their orbit by Russian Start-1 launchers. ImageSat serves a global customer base, comprised of governments and international agencies, which utilize EROS satellite imagery primarily for National Security, Homeland Security and Environmental Security, as well as a wide range of civilian applications. ImageSat International N.V. is a Curacao company with offices in Limassol, Cyprus and Tel Aviv, Israel. The Company's offices in Tel Aviv supervise the construction of the EROS family of satellites and the operation of ImageSat's main Ground Control Station. 4 2. THE EROS SATELLITES 2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION The EROS satellites are lightweight LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites with a single electrooptical camera system. EROS satellites acquire high-resolution panchromatic imaging data. EROS satellites are designed to maximize operator flexibility in the creation and adaptation of the daily image acquisition plan. The EROS Satellites’ high maneuverability enables them to be quickly pointed to image customer specified sites on Nadir or at oblique angles of up to 45 degrees. Oblique viewing enables the satellite to view virtually any site on Earth as often as two to three times per week. The orbital period of the EROS satellites, for one revolution around the Earth, is 94-96 minutes. The satellites complete approximately 15 revolutions around the Earth every 24 hours, with two daylight passes per day through the footprint of a typical Ground Receiving Station. 2.2 ORBITAL INFORMATION Info Orbit Type Orbit Height Inclination Nominal Life Expectancy Local Time of Descending EROS-A Sun-Synchronous Orbit ~550 km 97.2° 2000-2015 10:00-11:00 EROS-B Sun-Synchronous Orbit 510 ± 40 km 97.2° 2006-2022 13:00-14:00 EROS-A Push-broom Sun-over-horizon angle: more than 10° EROS-B Push-broom Sun-over-horizon angle: more than 10° CCD-TDI, Selectable levels: 1,4,8,16,32,48,64,96 0.5 to 0.9 10 bits 0.7 m at Nadir from 510 km for TDI stages 1,4,8 0.8 m at Nadir from 510 km for all other TDI stages 7 km at Nadir from 510 km 2.3 IMAGING PARAMETERS Parameter Scanning Type Imaging sunlight conditions Sensor type CCD Spectral band Sampling Depth transmitted 0.5 to 0.9 11 bits Ground Sampling Distance (Resolution) 2.1 m at Nadir from 550 km Swath Width 15 km at Nadir from 550 km 5 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN THIS GUIDE □ Imaging/Acquisition: The action of the satellite taking an image of a requested area (One shot of the satellite's camera). □ Scene: The area that is being imaged by the satellite. □ AOI – Area of Interest: An area in which the customer is interested, that will be imaged by the satellite. In order to cover an entire requested AOI, it might be necessary to acquire more than one image. □ Off-Nadir Angle: The off-nadir angle is the angle between the acquired scene's center, the satellite and the nadir (the normal to the Earth from the satellite's center). Each image operation is defined by its starting and ending off-nadir angle, which changes along the imaging process (as the satellite moves in its orbit). As a rule, the smaller the off-nadir angle is, the better the resolution (GSD) is. Satellite Off-Nadir Angle Nadir Earth □ Azimuth: Azimuth is a direction given in degrees, in relative to the north. The direction of the north is considered 0°, and the angle grows in clockwise direction. Some examples: North North 90° 0° □ North 315° Order: A request submitted by the customer to ImageSat, so that ImageSat will take care of imaging the AOI requested by the customer with either EROS-A or EROS-B. 6 4. PRODUCT GUIDE 4.1 PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS ImageSat International offers various types of panchromatic images. Each final product is defined by 4 characteristics: Imaging Technique, Processing Level, Value Added Product (Optional) and Format. □ Imaging Technique: The manner in which the satellite payload is used to acquire the imagery data. □ Processing Level: The level of post processing performed on the ground after acquisition and reception of the imagery at the ground station. □ Value Added Product (Optional): After the processing of the image, ImageSat can create an advanced product from it (based on EROS-B images only). This is completely optional, and done only by request of the customer. □ Format: The type of file provided to the customer, as the final product. The following tables summarize the available Imaging Techniques, Processing Levels, Value Added Products and Formats. 7 4.2 IMAGING TECHNIQUES EROS-A: Technique Basic Image Dimensions 15 km x 15 Km Vector Image 15 km x (up to ~180 km) Stereo Pair 15 km x 15 Km Triplet Polygon Coverage 15 km x 15 km Any shape and size EROS-B: Technique Basic Image Dimensions 7 km x 7 km Vector Image 7 km x (up to ~480 km) Stereo Pair 7km x (up to 21 km) Triplet 7 km x (up to 14 km) Any shape and size Polygon Coverage Details 2.1 meter ground sampling distance (GSD) at nadir for an orbit of 550km. This is the minimal area available for acquisition with EROS-A. Like a Basic Image, but longer, up to ~180 km, depending on resolution and scanning direction. It is possible to acquire multiple images of the same scene in Basic/Vector mode in the same pass – This is used in Stereo and Triplet Techniques. Two overlapping images of the same scene, acquired at symmetric off-nadir angles (fore and aft) during the same pass, so that the absolute sum of the two offnadirs angles is 50°. A Stereo Pair + one overhead image of the same scene, acquired during the same pass. The polygon will be defined by a "KMZ/KML file", "SHP file" or by a set of coordinates. The polygon will be larger than one Basic Image, and will be covered using a several Basic/Vector images. Details 0.7 meter ground sampling distance (GSD) at nadir using TDI level 8 for an orbit of 510km. This is the minimal area available for acquisition with EROS-B. Like a Basic Image, but longer, up to ~480 km, depending on resolution and scanning direction. It is possible to acquire multiple images of the same scene in Basic/Vector mode in the same pass – This is used in Stereo and Triplet Techniques. Two overlapping images of the same scene, acquired at symmetric off-nadir angles (fore and aft) during the same pass, so that the absolute sum of the two offnadir angles is 50°. A Stereo Pair + one overhead Basic Image, of the same scene, acquired during the same pass. The polygon will be defined by a "KMZ/KML file", "SHP file" or by a set of coordinates. The polygon will be larger than one Basic Image, and will be covered using several of Basic/Vector images. 8 4.3 PROCESSING LEVELS The following Processing Levels are the same for EROS-A and EROS-B images: Processing Designation Raw Imagery Processing Level Level 0A Radiometric System Correction Level 1A Geometric System Correction Level 1B Details The four image data channels are assembled to one image (the satellite's camera sensor is composed of four separate 'rulers'). No additional processing is done. The date is just as it was received from the satellite. Provided only per customer request. The 0A imagery (16-bit format) is processed: Known radiance response characteristics of the camera sensor system are fixed by calibration and gain adjustment. Also, ruler-overlap correction is performed. The 1A imagery (16-bit format) is processed: Known sensor or acquisition (ephemeris) based geometric corrections are applied to compensate for camera optics and scanning distortions. Level 1B images are provided in the WGS84 Coordinate System. As a default, EROS-A and EROS-B images are processed to 1A and 1B levels, both provided to the customer. 4.4 VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS ImageSat can create an advanced product from the Level 1A/1B image (based on EROS-B images only). This is completely optional, and done only by request of the customer. The available products are: Value Added Product DEM (Digital Elevation Model) Details A DEM (Digital Elevation model) is a grid of coordinates, each consisted of Longitude, Latitude and Altitude. Usually it's required for the production of an Orthophoto, however it may be provided as a standalone product. By default it's based on the WGS84 coordinate system. Prerequisite: Stereo Pair A DEM is produced from a stereo pair. Therefore, it's required to order stereo imaging if a DEM is required. 9 Required Information: Grid Density The Customer should specify the Coordinate Grid Interval, meaning – the horizontal and vertical distance (in meters) between each pair of coordinates in the grid. If the DEM will be used as a base to an Orthophoto, than the Orthophoto's scale dictates the recommended DEM's Grid Density: For a scale of 1:5000 – Density of 40m or lower is recommended. For a scale of 1:10,000 – Density of 50m or lower is recommended. Orthophoto An Orthophoto is an image that is geometrically processed ("Orthorectified") so that its scale is uniform: the photo has the same lack of distortion as a map. Therefore, it can be used to measure true distances. The orthophoto looks as though it was acquired directly from above. Prerequisite: DEM An Orthophoto is produced from an image and a DEM. The DEM can be created by ImageSat. Therefore, it's required to order a DEM if an orthophoto required). Another available option is that ImageSat will use an existing Free-forCommercial-Use DEM, the SRTM, which has a Grid Density of 90m. Required Information: Final Product Scale The Customer should specify Final Product's scale (up to-1:2500). ImageSat can add (by request) Altitude Contour Lines. The Meter Interval should be specified by the customer. Pan-Sharpened Image A Pan-Sharpened Image is a merging of a high-resolution panchromatic image with a low-resolution multispectral image, in order to create a high-resolution color image. Prerequisite: A color Image of the AOI In order to produce the Pan-Sharpened Image, the customer may provide a pre-purchased color image of the AOI. Another available option is that ImageSat will buy a color image of the AOI from Rapid-Eye Company. 10 4.5 PRODUCT FORMATS Product Supplied Formats Basic/Vector/Stereo/ As a default: Both Level 1A (16 Bit Tiff format) and Level 1B (16 Bit GeoTiff Triplet/ Mosaic format) are supplied. The following formats are available per customer request: Level 0A (8 bit Tiff), Level 1A (8 Bit Tiff), Level 1B (8 Bit GeoTiff). DEM The customer may specify the requested format/s: dem, ntf, *.Tiff, *.DT0 – *.DT5, *.shp Orthophoto / PanAll the common image formats are available. Sharpened The customer may specify the requested format/s: TIFF (recommended) / NITF2.0 / NITF2.1 / NSIF1.0 / SUN-Raster / JPEG / JPEG2000. 4.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) ImageSat is committed to the customer's satisfaction with the quality of its products. The QA process of ImageSat is designed to find any anomalies in the products and to verify that the product meets the customer's specifications. A Qualified Image should meet the following requirements: □ Clear of any anomaly: The image is clear of Haze, BER, Geometric Distortion, etc. □ Location: The image is located within the area requested by the customer. □ Cloud Cover (CC) meets the requirement: Cloud Cover assessment is done by calculating the number of pixels with a value above a threshold color out of all the product pixels (image or a polygon). The validation criteria is 80% clouds free product. Cloud free requests can be fulfilled for additional cost. The customer gets only qualified images. If an acquired image doesn't pass the QA requirements, it will be imaged over and over again, until it meets the QA requirements, without any further cost to the customer. 4.7 SUPPLY OPTIONS After the final QA verification, the customer will receive the ordered product. By default, the images are provided by FTP download. It can also be supplied by CD/DVD by customer request, for additional cost. 11 5. SERVICES GUIDE 5.1 IMAGESAT'S ORDER DESK ImageSat has an Order Desk, to handle all customer requests and orders. To contact, send an e-mail to: It is recommended to first read all the following information in the Services Guide, in order to understand the company's workflow. Nevertheless, the Order Desk will gladly help each customer with his questions, regardless if he wishes to place an order. 5.2 SERVICE TYPES ImageSat offers the following two types of services: 5.2.1 NEW ACQUISITION This service provides a guarantee to the customer that ImageSat will task the satellite to fulfill the image acquisition request on the first possible attempt (unless ordered for a specific date – see "Special Imaging Requirements", pg. 14). The first possible attempt may be as close as the following day or until 5-6 days from the ordering day, depending on the location of the AOI. ImageSat commits to attempt to acquire the specified location on a best effort basis in the context of the satellite capacity and other higher priority orders in the orders queue. For a complete explanation about this service workflow and timeframes, please refer to "The Workflow Procedure – From Request to Shipment" (pg. 13). For advanced ordering options, please refer to "Special Imaging Requirements" (pg. 14) and ""Last Call" Times for Ordering Imaging on a Specific Date" (pg. 16). 5.2.2 ARCHIVED IMAGES ImageSat offers its customers the option to order data from the entire archive of the EROS satellites. An archived image is defined as an image older than 60 d. Requested archived images will be supplied to the customer (by FTP or CD/DVD) no later than 72 hours after the request is received by ImageSat. Archived images are offered at a special price. Archived images less than 6 months old are offered at the regular image price. 12 5.3 THE WORKFLOW PROCEDURE – FROM REQUEST TO SHIPMENT This Workflow specifies all the actions that are performed for every New Acquisition Request: Step Description 1. The customer submits his New Acquisition Request to the Order Desk. 2. ImageSat's Order Desk checks the order and performs a feasibility assessment, taking into consideration the order's details, the satellite' abilities and higher priority orders in the area. If any changes should be made to the order, they are first agreed with the customer. 3. ImageSat's Order Desk places the order in the imaging queue. The customer receives a notification e-mail stating that the order has been processed. 4. ImageSat attempts to acquire an image of the specified location. 5. After acquisition of an image, ImageSat conducts a Quality Assessment (QA) of the image. If the image complies with ImageSat’s QA requirements, the customer receives a notification e-mail that states the imaging was successful. The delivery, either by CD/DVD or by FTP download, is prepared within two business days. Value added products require an additional 30 days to be prepared and delivered. In case of FTP download, the customer receives an e-mail with the link to the FTP. If the image does not comply with ImageSat’s QA requirements, ImageSat will acquire the image again, until successful). A new opportunity to image a specific coordinate on Earth is available every 5-6 days, so the customer should expect this period of time to pass between each imaging attempt. After every imaging attempt (including the unsuccessful ones), the customer receives a notification e-mail with the imaging results and a “quick look” (jpg) of the acquired image. 6. The customer is charged only for the final successful image, and not for the preceding unsuccessful attempts. 13 5.4 SPECIAL IMAGING REQUIREMENTS A customer may choose to add Special Imaging Requirements to his order. Imagesat offers the modification of the following 6 imaging parameters, but the customer may also submit any other requirement, in order to get the best out of his final product. □ Imaging on a Specific Date/Time period When ordering the New Acquisition Service, the customer may ask to image his AOI on a specific date, or during a specific time period. In this case, ImageSat will verify that the AOI can be imaged on this date/time period, and let the customer know whether it's possible or not. In case it's not possible, ImageSat will let the customer know when the AOI can be imaged instead. When ordering an imaging on a specific date, the customer needs to do so until the "Last Call" time – which means, enough time before the actual time of the imaging. The allowed time is relatively short, but it's recommended that the customer will read the explanation on this limitation. Please see ""Last Call" Times for Ordering Imaging on a Specific Date" (pg. 16). □ Multiple Acquisitions Usually, the customer is provided with one successful image of his requested AOI. However, a customer may be interested in getting as many images as possible of his requested AOI, during a specific time period. In this case, the customer may specify the starting and ending dates of the time period. Charge for this kind of service is done for each successful imaging. □ Max Off-Nadir Angle By default, ImageSat ensures that each scene will be imaged in the best possible offnadir angles. In the worst case, the max off-nadir angle isn't allowed to exceed 30°, in order to ensure a good resolution (GSD) for the entire scene – less than 1 meter. If, from any reason, the customer wishes to limit the off-nadir angle, he may ask for it. □ Resolution (GSD) Limit As explained, the max allowed off-nadir angle ensures that the resolution will be less than 1 meter in the entire area of the scene. If, despite that, the customer wishes to limit the resolution (for example, to less than 0.8 meters), he may ask for it. 14 □ Scanning Azimuth Scanning azimuth refers to the azimuth in which the satellite scans the scene. The customer may specify a requested scanning azimuth, between 0°-359°. Some examples: (Upper view on Earth's surface. The arrow shows the direction of the scan on Earth's surface. The AOI remains the same, while the scanning azimuth can be changed) The most efficient azimuth for EROS images is 180°, but any azimuth can be requested. □ AOI AOI AOI 180° 270° 225° Viewing Azimuth Viewing azimuth refers to the location of the satellite relative to the scene's location. The viewing azimuth changes along the duration of imaging, because the satellite keeps moving in its orbit. Therefore, in case of limiting the viewing azimuth, a range should be stated (for example, limiting the viewing azimuth from 90° to 120° means that when the imaging begins, the satellite's viewing azimuth will be greater than 90°, and when it ends, the viewing azimuth will be smaller than 120°). Limiting the viewing azimuth is useful for the case that the AOI is obstructed from certain directions. For example, if the scene must be viewed from the east, it can be imaged in the range of viewing azimuth of 45° to 135°. If it must be viewed from the west, it can be imaged in the range of viewing azimuth of 225° to 315°. Some examples: (Upper view on Earth's surface. The arrow shows the satellite's orbit and cruise direction. The dashed lines show the satellite's viewing azimuth at the beginning and ending of the scan) The satellite images the scene from the west: The satellite images the scene from the east: 315° AOI 225° 45° AOI 135° 15 5.5 "LAST CALL" TIMES FOR ORDERING IMAGING ON A SPECIFIC DATE ImageSat allows customers to order acquisitions at a time very close to the imaging time itself. The following information is presented here in order to let the customers know until which exact time they can order an acquisition, in case they want to order it as close as possible to the imaging time. To determine the "Last Call" time for submitting an order, just follow these steps: □ 1st step: Determine the day of the week on which the AOI should be imaged. □ 2rd step: On the following tables, locate the imaging day. In the right column, the table shows the "Last Call" time for submitting the order to ImageSat. Notice that there's a different table for each satellite. EROS-A: Day of requested imaging Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday "Last Call" time to submit an order Preceding Thursday, 07:00 UTC Preceding Thursday, 09:00 UTC Preceding Sunday, 07:00 UTC Preceding Monday, 07:00 UTC Preceding Tuesday, 07:00 UTC Preceding Wednesday, 07:00 UTC Preceding Wednesday, 09:00 UTC EROS-B: Day of requested imaging Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday "Last Call" time to submit an order Preceding Friday, 05:00 UTC Preceding Friday, 06:00 UTC Preceding Sunday, 05:00 UTC Preceding Monday, 05:00 UTC Preceding Tuesday, 05:00 UTC Preceding Wednesday, 05:00 UTC Preceding Thursday, 05:00 UTC 16 5.6 HOW TO SUBMIT AN ORDER To submit an order, the customer needs to either fill a "Product Order Form" (included at the end of this guide) and send it to ImageSat's Order Desk (, or send the Order Desk an e-mail including the following requests and preferences: □ Satellite (EROS-A or EROS-B). □ AOI (see explanation below). □ Service Type (New Acquisition Order or Archive). □ Imaging Technique (Basic/Vector , Stereo, Triplet or Polygon). □ Special Imaging Requirements (Specific Imaging Date/Time Period, Multiple Acquisitions, Max Off-Nadir Angle, Resolution, Scanning Azimuth, Viewing Azimuth or any other Special Request). □ Processing Levels, Formats and Delivery Options may also be included, though they can be discussed later. □ Any other questions or requests. ImageSat's Order Desk will check the details of your order, and contact you as soon as possible. For a full description of the workflow after the customer submits his order, see "The Workflow Procedure – From Request to Shipment" (pg. 13). 5.7 HOW TO PROVIDE THE AOI In order to submit a New Acquisition Request, the customer should provide ImageSat's Order Desk with his requested AOI (Area of Interest) – The area that the customer wishes to acquire. The AOI can be provided in the following ways: □ KMZ/KML file: A file exported from "Google Earth". □ SHP file: A file exported from the "ArcMap" program. □ Coordinates: Coordinates (Longitude and Latitude) of the center point of the area, with the addition of the area's length (width is dependent on the chosen satellite). The coordinate's format may be in Decimal Degrees or in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds – whichever is preferable by the customer. KMZ/KML or SHP files are recommended for large, polygonal areas. Coordinates are recommended for small areas. Polygons may also be defined by coordinates. The customer may provide the coordinates of the polygon's corners, though usage of KMZ/KML/SHP file is more convenient. If the customer is having problems creating a KMZ/KML or SHP file, he can describe his AOI's location to the Order Desk, and the Order Desk will help him define it. All coordinates should be provided in WGS84 datum. 17 6. ADVANCED SERVICES The vast majority of ImageSat's customers are partners in one of the company's Advanced Services. These services include: □ Satellite Operating Partner (SOP) Program: This program enables the exclusive use of an EROS satellite's camera, each time the satellite passes over a defined geographic footprint. Through ImageSat's unique SOP program, it is possible for a government or a civilian organization to acquire completely autonomous, high-resolution imaging capabilities with full secrecy, each time the satellite passes over the defined geographical footprint. □ Exclusive Pass on Demand (EPOD) program: This program enables the exclusive use of an EROS satellite's camera, during selected passes out of all the passes of the satellite over a defined geographic footprint. Through ImageSat's EPOD program, it is possible for a government or civilian organization to acquire completely autonomous, high-resolution imaging capabilities with full secrecy, during the selected passes. □ Priority Acquisition Service (PAS) Program: This program provides customers with high-priority tasking of an EROS satellite, done by ImageSat. It also provides exclusive ownership of the acquired imagery. PAS services are based on a volume of imagery to be acquired during the term of the agreement. ImageSat is flexible in the supply of any "tailor-made" services in order to meet the specific customer’s requirements, including direct data receiving, local tasking and local mission planning. The exact services are agreed upon individually with each customer. If you want to learn more about the Advanced Services, please contact ImageSat's Order Desk: 18 Product Order Form Contact's Details Contact's Name E-mail Address Shipping Details Invoice Details Customer's Name Recipient Name Address City Postal Code Country Order Details AOI Satellite Service Type Imaging Technique Special Imaging Requirements (optional) Value Added Products (optional) Processing Levels and Formats Delivery Options Comments (optional) Identification Name: □ Attached SHP/KMZ/KML file □ Coordinates (Decimal or Degrees): Center Point Latitude: Center Point Longitude: Center Point Altitude (m) (optional): Total Area Length (km) (optional): □ EROS-A □ EROS-B □ New Acquisition □ Archive □ Basic/Vector □ Stereo □ Triplet □ Polygon □ Imaging Date/Time Period: □ Multiple Acquisitions Number: □ Max Off-Nadir Angle: □ Resolution (GSD) Limit: □ Scanning Azimuth: □ Viewing Azimuth: □ DEM Grid Density: □ Orthophoto □ Based on SRTM. □ Based on DEM. □ Scale: □ Altitude Contour Lines. Meter Interval: □ Pan-Sharpened Image □ Color Image provided by Customer. □ Color Image provided by Rapid-Eye. □ 0A: RAW data only. □ 1A: ○ Default: Tiff (16 bit) ○ Tiff (8 bit) □ 1B: ○ Default: Geo-Tiff (16 bit) ○ Geo-Tiff (8 bit) □ Default: FTP □ CD/DVD □ Both □ Same as shipping details