Sept 6, 2009 Email AMBO - St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral
Sept 6, 2009 Email AMBO - St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral
Ambo ST. THEODOSIUS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 733 Starkweather Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 September 6, 2009 13th Sunday After Pentecost Mailing: 733 Starkweather Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 4411 The Holy Virgins Menodora, Nymphodora, T 216 741.1310 F 216 623 1092 and Metrodora (305-311) (September 10) • Archpriest John Zdinak Dean • Dn. Daniel Boerio • Subdeacon Theodore Lentz • Reader Julius Kovach Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days 5:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Great Vespers Sundays and Feast Days 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Fr. John Office Hours Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM *Articles for publication in the AMBO should be submitted to: by Wednesday of each week before noon. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 The Holy Virgins Menodora, Nymphodora, and Metrodora (305-311), were sisters from Bithynia (Asia Minor). Distinguished for their special piety, they wanted to preserve their virginity and avoid worldly associations. They chose a solitary place for themselves in the wilderness and spent their lives in deeds of fasting and prayer. Reports of the holy life of the virgins soon spread, since healings of the sick began to occur through their prayers. The Bithynia region was governed at that time by a man named Frontonus, who ordered that the sisters be arrested and brought before him. At first he tried to persuade them to renounce Christ, promising great honors and rewards. But the holy sisters steadfastly confessed their faith before him, rejecting all his suggestions. They told him that they did not value the temporal things of this world, and that they were prepared to die for their Heavenly Bridegroom, for death would be their gateway to eternal life. Flying into a rage, the governor took out his wrath on St Menodora, the eldest sister. She was stripped of her clothes and beaten by four men, while a herald urged her to offer sacrifice to the gods. The saint bravely endured the torments and cried out, "Sacrifice? Can't you see that I am offering myself as a sacrifice to my God?" Then they renewed their torments with even greater severity. Then the martyr cried out, " Lord Jesus Christ, joy of my heart, my hope, receive my soul in peace." With these words she gave up her soul to God, and went to her Heavenly Bridegroom. Four days later, they brought the two younger sisters Metrodora and Nymphodora to the court. They showed them the battered body of their older sister to frighten them. The virgins wept over her, but remained steadfast. Then St Metrodora was tortured. She died, crying out to her beloved Lord Jesus Christ with her last breath. Then they turned to the third sister, Nymphodora. Before her lay the bruised bodies of her sisters. Frontonus hoped that this sight would intimidate the young virgin. Pretending that he was charmed by her youth and beauty, he urged her to worship the pagan gods, promising great rewards and honors. St Nymphodora scoffed at his words, and shared the fate of her older sisters. She was tortured and beaten to death with iron rods. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 2 The bodies of the holy martyrs were to be burned in a fire, but a heavy rain extinguished the blazing fire, and lightning struck down Frontonus and his servant. Christians took up the bodies of the holy sisters and reverently buried them at the so-called Warm Springs at Pythias (Bithynia). Part of the relics of the holy martyrs are preserved on Mt. Athos in the Protection cathedral of the St Panteleimon Russian monastery, and the hand of St Metrodora is on the Holy Mountain in the monastery of the Pantocrator. BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 September 6 1 Cor. 16:13-24 Matt: 21:33-42 September 7 2 Cor. 12:10-19 Mark 4:10-23 September 8 Phil. 2:5-11 Luke 10:38-42 Luke 11:27-28 September 9 2 Cor. 13:3-13 Mark 4:35-41 September 11 Gal. 2:6-10 Mark 5:22-24 Mark 35-6:1 September 12 1 Cor. 4:1-5 Matt. 23:1-12 September 10 Gal.1:1-10;20-2:5 Mark 5:1-20 PRAYER REQUESTS DEPARTED: Julia Grabowski Maria Hanzel Donna Jacak Mary Potulski + 8/16/09 Evelyn Dobrovic + 8/16/09 Ill Afflicted & Special Intentions Fr. Michael Conrad Fr. Anthony Dimitri Fr. Stephen Jula Helen Antonik Dan Arangelovich Jerry Arangelovich Alice Artino Helen Baldner John Baranich Carol Bohurjak John Conrad Elena Dascalescu (Lavinia’s mother) Eugene Erhardt Tony Eschuk Larry Gindlesperger Paul Kappanadze (son of Fr. Jason Kappanadze) Sarah Kersey Dorothy Laskovich Paul Laskovich Shane, Sierra and Taylor McNeilly Brian Nemec (Frank Tkacz’s Godson) Walter & Grace Parhamovich (Karen Felon’s parents) Natalie Ponomarenko David Roman (Nephew of Margaret Rusynyk) Dorothy Romig Mary Ann Silberhorn Elsie Sudnick Damian Tyler Donald Tipka Hannah Ward (God Child of Fr. Andrew Stevens) Harrison Ward (God Child of Fr. Andrew Stevens) Deborah Wojnicz Helen Zawisza (Joseph Rusynyk’s sister) Julia Zimmerman Denise Zweifel (Sister of Marshall Prock) Grant & Stephanie Dever & Unborn Child (Fr. John’s Niece) Anthony & Nikol Gammalo (Nickol Zdinak) & Unborn Child Erik & Gwen Hasselquist & Unborn Child Miki McNally & Unborn Child (Cindy Zdinak’s Cousin) Nathan & Chelsea Pozderac & Unborn Child (Cindy Zdinak’s Nephew) CATECHUMENS: Erik & Gwen Hasselquist St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 3 CONGRATULATIONS to JOSHUA ZDINAK & CHRISTIN KELLY O’MALLEY who will be joined in Holy Matrimony today ~ SEPTEMBER 6, 2009 ~ Dome Lighters Donations to offset the cost of lighting the domes can be made for the health of or in memory of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office if you are interested. For the week of September 6 -12 For the St. Theodosius Choir and their singing at Joshua and Christin’s wedding by Fr. John and Matushka Cynthia DID YOU KNOW? Dome light donations are $150.00 a month or $37.50 a week. Contact Parish Office if you are interested. GOD’S GIFTS TO US OUR GIFTS TO GOD Weekly expenses: $ 6,538.00 Last week’s collection $ 2,131.00 Over/Under < $ 4,407.00 > RUSSIAN TEA CAKES We will be baking Russian Tea Cakes on Wednesday, September 9, 9:00 AM Attendance Members 112 Visitors 5 Total 117 at the Parish Hall. ALTAR SOCIETY STEWARDSHIP - ENVELOPES Please use your assigned church envelopes to ensure that each parishioner receives their proper credit for all donations. If you do not have an assigned envelope number, please see the Treasurer, Mary Lee Erhardt. Thank You. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 4 Welcome Visitors Our parish welcomes you and thanks you for joining us at today’s Divine Liturgy. While only Orthodox Christians may approach the chalice for Holy Communion, everyone is welcome to partake of the Holy Bread after Liturgy. You are also invited to join us for fellowship in the Parish Hall following Liturgy. COFEE HOUR & GREETERS SCHEDULES Coffee Hour Hosts: Greeters: 09/06/09 Nick & Kate Zolikoff Debby Pinta/Maria Broslawik 09/13/09 09/20/09 09/27/09 10/04/09 Alex & Deborah Wojnicz Natalia Pricinovskis & Mary Lee Erhardt Maca Tyler & Judy Schwind To be announced Eileen Bondor Paul Pangrace/Karen Felon Debby Pinta/Maca Tyler Debby Pinta/ Maria Broslawik CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS REGISTRATION FOR 2009 - 2010 YEAR TODAY & SEPTEMBER 13 $5.00 for 1 student $10 for 2+ students in a family. Also, sign-up for dinner preparation. For your convenience, we will have HOMEMADE APRICOT, NUT and POPPYSEED ROLLS for sale at every Sunday’s Coffee Hour. The price is $8.00. Homemade rolls are also available at the Ridge Manor Party Center. Please call Sharon Glagola at: 216-749-5509. FIRST SESSION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 AT 4:30 PM FALL SESSION, SEPTEMBER 19 - NOVEMBER 2 (10 WEEKS) ANNOUNCEMENT TREMONT ART WALK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Volunteers are needed for Friday night’s “TREMONT ART WALK”. Come and share your Orthodox witness and the love you have for our beautiful Cathe- ANNOUNCEMENT FAITH ENRICHMENT CLASSES BEGIN Thursday, September 10, 11:00 AM Contact Paul Pangrace or Subdeacon Darrell Felon for additional information and cost of materials. dral. We begin at 6:00 PM and go until around 10:00 PM. If you have any questions, please see or call Albert Jacob Casey at 216-773-4721. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 5 HOW TO PRAY Have you been wanting to deepen your prayer life? Do you wish to improve your communications with God? THIS 6 WEEK SUNDAY EVENING CLASS IS DE SIGNED TO HELP YOU PRAY BETTER! We will learn how to pray from the Bible, the Saints, and contemporary Orthodox writers---and perhaps we can learn some from each other as we learn and discuss together. Sunday Evenings, September 20, 27, October 4, 18, 25, and November 1. Time: 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. St. Matthew Orthodox Church, 10383 Albion Road, North Royalton Free of Charge. Refreshments will be served. To register - Please call 440-582-5673 or email Father Andrew Harmon at by September 17. BAKERS NEEDED COOKIES Tuesdays: Sept. 15, Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27, Nov. 3 (Ridge Manor) NUT, POPPYSEED & APRICOT ROLLS Mondays: Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Oct. 26 Nov. 3 and Nov. 9 Ridge Manor 9:00 AM Please call Phyllis Gindlesperger at (216) 661-0201 or Virginia Medvec at (440)892-4562 if you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer. Parish Council News Parish Council Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 6:00 PM @ Ridge Manor EASTERN ORTHODOX WOMEN’S GUILD OF GREATER CLEVELAND cordially invites you to attend their meeting on Monday, September 14, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Demetrios Orthodox Church, 22909 Center Ridge Road, in Rocky River. Fr. James Doukas will discuss Orthodox missions at work in the U.S.A. Please join us and bring a guest. We invite all clergy and wives. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m., prior to the meeting. For details please contact Helen Ksenyak at 330-467-5571 or Antoinette Geanneses at 216-479-8125. Finance Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 4 4:30 PM @Ridge Manor St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page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t. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 7 Sunday, September 6 Weekly Schedule Miracle Of Arachangel Michael At Colossae 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Church School Registration (Following Liturgy) 2:30 PM Joshua Zdinak Wedding SPECIAL September COLLECTION ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Monday, September 7 Labor Day Martyr Sozon St. John, ABP. Of Novgorod 6:00 PM Vespers Tuesday, September 8 Nativity Of The Most-Holy Theotokos 9:00 AM Liturgy Wednesday, September 9 St. Theodosius Of Chernigov Patron Saint Day Righteous Joachim and Anna 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Russian Tea Cakes Baking @ Parish Hall Thursday, September 10 Martyrs Menodora Metrodora And Nymphodora 11:00 AM Faith Enrichment @Ridge Manor Friday, September 11 Ven. Theodora Ven. Sergius And Herman Of Valaam 6:00 PM Art Walk Saturday, September 12 Leavetaking Nativity Theotokos Hieromartyr Autonomus Martyr Julian 6:00 PM Great Vespers Tremont Art Festival Sunday, September 13 Sunday Before Elevation Founding Of Church Of The Holy Sepulchre Tremont Art Festival 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Church School Registration following Divine Liturgy Patron Feast Day Cook-Out 6:00 PM Vespers For Holy Cross St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral 733 Starkweather Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 8
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