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US008554191B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: White et a]. (54) US 8,554,191 B2 (45) Date of Patent: SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING (52) *Oct. 8, 2013 US. Cl. MEDIA USPC 455/418; 455/419; 455/569.1; 455/569.2; 455/3.06 (71) ApplicantszRussell W. White, Austin, TX (US); (58) Field Of Classi?cation Search Kevin R. Imes, Austin, TX (US) (72) None _ _ _ See application ?le for complete search history. Inventors: Russell W. White, Austin, TX (US); _ Kevin R. Imes, Austin, TX (US) (56) References C‘ted U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Af?nity Labs of Texas, LLC, Austin, TX (US) ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this . 3,582,926 A 6/1971 Hassan 4,291,749 A 9/1981 Ootsuka et al. it’; . 2 gslltnoda 4,401,848 A 8/1983 Tsunoda , patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0days. This patent is subject to a terminal dis- , a1 0 4,407,564 A 10/1983 Ellis 4419 730 A 12/1983 It ’ ’ Claimer' (21) (Continued) Appl NO _ 13/658 210 . .. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS , _ (22) Flledl tal. _ 0e Oct. 23, 2012 (65) CA 2225910 12/1997 CN 1218258 6/1999 Prior Publication Data US 2013/0045731 A1 (Commued) Feb. 21, 2013 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Factiva, Hardware Review, “Lost in the Supermarket,” Mar. 1, 2000, pp. 1-4. Related US. Application Data (63) (Continued) Continuation of application No. 13/117,507, ?led on May 27, 2011, which is a continuation of application No. 12/495,190, ?led on Jun. 30, 2009, now Pat. No. 7,953,390, which is a continuation of application No. _ _ _ Prlmary Exammer * Enka A Washmgton 12/015’320, ?led on Jan 16, 2008, HOW pat NO_ 7,778,595’ which is a Continuation of application NO (57) ABSTRACT An automobile with a communication interface con?gured to help communicatlvely couple'a sound system wlth a w1reless 10/947 755 ?led on Sep 23 200 4 HOW Pat NO 7 324 8’33 ’ h. h . t'. f’ 1. t. ' N ' telephone such that the w1reless telephone can stream selected media content like music or Video to the communi ’ (51) _ 0' cation module using an asynchronous channel of a localiZed 09/537,812’ ?led on Mar‘ 28’ 2000’ HOW Pat‘ NO‘ ’ ’ W 16 1S a Con mua Ion O app lea Ion wireless network. The communication interface may also 7,187,947- allow operation of the wireless telephone in a hands free Int- Cl- mode to facilitate use of the wireless telephone in the auto mobile in a way that does not require a user to hold the H04M 3/00 H04M1/00 H04H 40/00 (200601) (2006.01) (2008.01) wireless telephone. 21 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets US 8,554,191 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,441,405 4,481,584 4,536,739 4,570,217 4,582,389 4,636,782 4,716,458 4,731,769 4,740,779 4,740,780 4,752,824 4,795,223 4,802,492 4,807,292 4,809,177 4,812,843 4,817,203 4,818,048 4,827,520 4,837,551 4,876,594 4,905,272 4,914,705 4,977,509 4,988,976 4,995,258 4,996,959 4,999,622 5,006,829 5,051,735 5,070,323 5,124,915 5,164,904 5,179,385 5,198,797 5,203,499 5,214,413 5,214,707 5,214,793 5,239,700 5,257,190 5,270,689 5,274,560 5,278,532 5,293,115 5,299,132 5,307,326 5,327,558 5,335,743 5,341,350 5,345,817 5,351,041 5,361,165 5,363,355 5,371,510 5,388,248 5,400,045 5,400,246 5,404,443 5,408,686 5,410,326 5,414,439 5,416,318 5,418,962 5,420,573 5,422,565 5,432,904 5,440,428 5,442,553 5,442,557 5,450,321 5,450,471 5,450,613 5,475,399 5,475,835 4/1984 11/1984 8/1985 2/1986 4/1986 1/1987 12/1987 3/1988 4/1988 4/1988 6/1988 1/1989 2/1989 2/1989 2/1989 3/1989 3/1989 4/1989 5/1989 6/1989 10/1989 2/1990 4/1990 12/1990 1/1991 2/1991 3/1991 3/1991 4/1991 9/1991 12/1991 6/1992 11/1992 1/1993 3/1993 4/1993 5/1993 5/1993 5/1993 8/1993 10/1993 12/1993 12/1993 1/1994 3/1994 3/1994 4/1994 7/1994 8/1994 8/1994 9/1994 9/1994 11/1994 11/1994 12/1994 2/1995 3/1995 3/1995 4/1995 4/1995 4/1995 5/1995 5/1995 5/1995 5/1995 6/1995 7/1995 8/1995 8/1995 8/1995 9/1995 9/1995 9/1995 12/1995 12/1995 Takeuchi Holland Nobuta Allen et al. 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