Brownfield Action Items for Sustainable Jersey
Brownfield Action Items for Sustainable Jersey
Brownfield Action Items for Sustainable Jersey Sustainable Raritan Remediation & Reuse Workshop October 22, 2014 Dr. Beth Ravit Dr. Wolfram Hoefer Rutgers University Brownfields Brownfield Definition: New Jersey state law (N.J.S.A. 58:10B‐23.d): "any former or current commercial or industrial site that is currently vacant or underutilized and on which there has been, or there is suspected to have been, a discharge of a contaminant." Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Known New Jersey Brownfields • 54,453 Closed • 13,140 Active • 2,268 Pending – (not active, may be closed) • 1,075 (Middlesex) • 943 (Monmouth) • 449 (Somerset) • 550 (Mercer) • 250 (Hunterdon) Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Lower Raritan Brownfields Identified Brownfields (NJDEP) -Active -Pending -Closed Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Benefits of Reclaiming Brownfields • Increase municipal tax base • Provide business, residential, and/or public infrastructure • Opportunity to introduce high quality open space • Industrial or historic elements can be incorporated in reuse • Quality of life improvement for neighbors and the larger community Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields CUES-Sustainable Jersey Brownfield Task Force (2012) • CUES recruited members and led Task Force • Sustainable Jersey Brownfield Action Items • Brownfield Challenges – – – – Urban versus Rural Regulatory oversight Highly technical High costs of remediation Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields CUES-SJ Brownfield Task Force Participants State of NJ & NJDEP: Alan Miller, Colleen Kokas*, Barry Ableman, Tim Bartels, Athena Sarafides, Stephen Kehayes Municipalities: Caroline Ehrlich, Don Meisel* Environmental Consulting: Sue Boyle, Leah Yashenchek*, Bob Ceberio Legal: Wanda Monahan*, Barbara Koontz NGO: Debbie Mans Sustainable Jersey: Randy Solomon Rutgers: Judy Shaw, Beth Ravit, Wolfram Hoefer, David Hanrahan Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Action Item Goals • Support municipal redevelopment efforts • Increase public knowledge and involvement • Enable Green Teams to participate in returning Brownfields to productive uses Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Subcommittee Topics Marketing the Site Formation of Green Team Brownfields Committee Site Prioritization and Specific Site Details Site ReUse Responsible Party(s) Site Remediation • Inventory (Leah Yaschenchek, Chair): Identification and Prioritization of a municipality’s Brownfield sites • Reuse Planning (Don Meisel, Chair): Community Planning Steps and Options • Marketing (Colleen Kokas, Chair): Communicating the availability of a Brownfield property for reuse • Assessment & Education (Wanda Monahan, Chair): Understand the process governed by recently enacted NJDEP Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Subcommittee Actions – Brownfield Inventory & Prioritization (Required) (Leah Yaschenchek, Chair) Identification and Prioritization of a municipality’s Brownfield sites (10 Points) 1. Brownfield Inventory downloaded from Dataminer (Required) 2. Written policy for regularly updating the Inventory (Required) 3. Documentation of public meetings to develop Prioritization Factors used to determine priority sites (Required) 4. Listing of Priority Sites (Required) 5. Map of Brownfields/Priority Sites (Optional) Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Subcommittee Actions – Reuse Planning (Don Meisel, Chair) Community Planning Steps Documentation (15 Points) 1. 2. 3. 4. SiteMart data sheets Public meeting notification and minutes of reuse option discussions Mayor & Council Resolution endorsing proposed reuse(s) Brownfield Reuse Element or Redevelopment Plan for municipal Master Plan Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Subcommittee Actions - Marketing (Colleen Kokas, Chair) Communicating the availability of a Brownfield property for reuse (10 Points) 1. Provide Web Links to the websites used to communicate your Prioritized Brownfields Inventory: 1. Feature Prioritized Brownfields list on municipal Economic Development or Redevelopment portion of community website 2. Enter Prioritized Brownfield sites on NJ Site Mart website 3. List Prioritized Brownfield sites on USEPA’s Interactive Brownfield Map 2. Upload Site Mart data sheets for all Prioritized Sites 3. Upload copies of all Brownfields marketing materials developed for your municipality Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Introduced at League of Municipalities - 2013 Inventory (Required) – prioritization, mapping Reuse Planning, Community involvement in reuse planning To Be Introduced at League of Municipalities - 2014 Marketing Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields 2014 Sustainable Jersey Brownfield Certification Results • 22 Municipalities submitted Brownfield Action Item materials • 2 Certified • 8 Potentially certifiable this year Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Brownfields Action Item to be Completed Environmental Assessment & Remediation Action Items Underdevelopment • Green Team Training • LSRP Program Education Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields CUES Award-Winning Design Voorhees Environmental Park (formerly a landfill) Department of Environmental Sciences Brownfields Contact Information • For Additional Information – Please visit the CUES website or – Contact Drs. Ravit or Hoefer Department of Environmental Sciences
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