NOVAG® Chinese Chess Instruction CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Short history Movement of thé chess pièces BASIC OPERATIONS 1. Making a move 2. Capturing a pièce 3. Impossible and illégal moves 4. Draw 5. Check, Mate and Checkmate 6. Error Indication COMMAND KEYS and their uses 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NEW GAME CLEAR BOARD LEVEL SOUND HINT TAKEBACK VERIFY SETUP CHANGECOLOR GO Starts new game Remove ail pièces/Set Up Set level of skill Turns on/off sound Shows move/Teaching Aid Move corrections Check board position Set Up spécial board positions Change sides/Set Up Compute/Exit key APPENDIX A. Trouble shooting list B. C a r e o f t h e N O V A G ® CHINESE CHESS C. Technical data NOTES: Typographical conventions used in this manual LED The red lamps on thé right side (4), left side (10) and bottom row (9) are referred to as LEDs Point Refers to thé intersections on thé chessboard FROM point The first part of a move TO point The second part of a move, thé point to go to Coordinates Lit LEDs at thé side and bottom indicating a point e.g. C and 8 LEDs lit means point C8 on thé board. Standard Openning Position Green Side Red Side SHORT HISTORY Chinese Chess is an ancient game played in China and documented since thé times of Confucius around 2000 BC. This makes it considerably older than ils Western counterpart International Chess which is generally acknowledged to hâve been invented around 600 AD somewhere in thé région between NorthWest India and Persia. The modem rules for Chinese Chess were finalized during thé Sung Dynasty around 1000 AD. The two games hâve gréât similarities and it will be easy for those who play International Chess to learn this game quickly. The names of thé chess pièces hâve been given their équivalents of thé corresponding Chinese characters to enable easy référence to their type of movement but thèse names are not thé standard because there is not yet an internationally accepted set of names for them. Movement and names of thé pièces Some of thé chess pièces hâve différent looking Chinese characters but actually they hâve exactly thé same meaning, and they are shown side by side on thé keyboard. Chess Pièce Name Range of movement 1 point verticaliy or horizontal only within thé confines of thé box SPECIAL RULE: Two gênerais may not face each other on an open file. The side to move must not make this illégal move. Rook Any number of moves verticalty or horizontally. CailllOU Although thé movement is thé saine as thé Rook this pièce captures only if there is an mterposing pièce. PaWfl Pawns may only move 1 step forward while in own îerritory but once they cross thé river boundary they may move forward and sideways but never backwards. Only along thé diagonals within thé box, tlierefore only 5 possible points for this pièce. Bishop Two squares diagonally. only within own territory, never beyond thé river boundary, May be obstructed by an intervening pièce. 7 possible points on thé board. Cannot reach point because of obstruction Knifjnt Thèse 2 points cannot be reached because of obstruction Each move eonsists of moving straight two points then 1 more point left or right. May be obstructed if any pièce stands on thé first point of thé move. 1. Making a move Your NOVAG® CHINESE CHESS bas a sensor chessboard which registers your moves automatically. The computer will indicate thé pièces that it wish to move by lighting up thé leds that are thé coordjnates of thé move, for example if thé C LED and thé 2 LED are lit this means thé point C2 and in thé opening position this is thé left CANNON. NOTE: You must make thé moves for thé computer by pressing lightly on thé points indicated. To make a move, press on thé pièce that you wish to move and you will see thé LEDs on thé left side and bottom of thé board lighl up. To complète your move lift thé pièce and put it down on thé point that you wish to move to and press LIGHTLY. If this move is a légal move thé computer will immediately consider its counter move and will flash thé color LED. If thé computer does not accept your move it will beep 3 times. Each press is accompanied by a beep. (To turn this off see 10.) NOTE: You may always cancel a move by pressing again on thé FROM point and thé LEDs will be switched off and you may enter another move of your choice. 2. Capturinga pièce If you capture a pièce simply remove it and place your own pièce on thé point and press lightly to let thé computer know that you hâve completed thé move. If thé computer indicates a move onto a point occupied by your pièce this means that it wishes to capture this pièce. Remove your pièce and complète thé move for thé computer by pressing on that point. 3. Impossible and illégal moves NOVAG® CHINESE CHESS is programmed according to thé mies and does not accept nor make illégal moves. Correcting mistakes is very simple and in rnost cases will not need your help in making any adjustments. If you press on a point which is not occupied by your pièce thé coordinates will light up and thé computer will beep 3 times and turn off thé coordinates. The computer has înformed you of your mistake but does not need your assistance in making any corrections. If you are in doubt you may verify thé position (see 13.). If you attempt to move a pièce to a point which is illégal thé computer will beep 3 Urnes and thé coordinates of your FROM point will remain lit. You may cancel this move by pressing on thé FROM point or if you wish place your pièce on a légal point and piess that TO point. NOTE: There are some complex attacking situations where thé computer will play an impossible move, most likely Jl-JI (no pièce on this point). To correct this problem please press Take Back (error beeps) then set thé computer to a level higher than 6. Given enough time thé computer will play thé correct move. 4. Draw Unlike International Chess there is no perpétuai check in Chinese Chess as no more than 3 checks is allowed unless thé attacker can prove checkmate in which case he is allowed to continue. Since thé General is confined within a small block, perpétuai check is extremely easy, hence, thé rules of Chinese Chess forbids perpétuai check. The computer will always avoid checking more than 3 times and would rather play a losing move rather than repeat, since thé game is lost anyway. Chess pièce abbreviations: General - G, Minister - M, Bishop — B Knight - K, Rook - R, Cannon - C, Pawn - P Draw due to insufficient material is recognised by thé computer and it will light thé draw LED after every move to let you know that thé game is theoretically drawn, some examples are R + G versus 2B + 2M + G, K + G versus 2B + G, 2C + G versus 2B + 2M + G, C + G versus 2M + G. The computer will play out thé draw but you may continue attempting to win until you are convinced that thé game cannot be won unless some serious blunder is made by thé computer (which is possible at thé lowest levels). EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: A double perpétuai check is a draw. 5. CHECK, Mate and Checkmate Check - When thé computer makes a move that puts your General in check thé Check LED will be Ht and you must move your General out of check or block with a pièce. The computer will not allow you to continue thé game while in check. Mate There is no stalemate in Chinese Chess and if thé General has no légal moves to make and no other moves are legally possible then thé game is lost. This is definitely not a draw situation and forms thé strategy for many endgame victories. Only thé mate LED will be lit. Checkmate - The end of thé game. The check and mate LEDs wil) be lit. 6. Error indication Most errors are self correcting but you will be warned with 3 beeps. Errors that need your attention are; (i) replacing a pièce after taking back a move. Please replace thé pièce capturée and press lightly. (ii) making another move when you hâve not cancel a previous FROM. If you hâve pressed a point but wished to make another move please remember to cancel by pressing again on thé previous FROM point. (iii) improper exécution of a computer move by not pressing on thé points as indicated. Please détermine carefully which point thé computer is indicating and press correctly. (iv) Set Up errors (see 14.) NOTE: In thé event of an error that you cannot correct please switch off thé computer. Powering on will reset thé computer. 7. NEW G AME This will reset thé board to thé starting position, please put thé pièces on their respective starting positions. Note, however that thé level of skill will be retained until thé computer is switched off or if changed to some other level. 8. CLEAR BOARD This is used while in SET UP mode (see 14.) to remove ail thé pièces so that a new position may be created normally for thé purposes of playing from a spécial position instead of from thé normal starting position. 9. LEVEL Press this every time you wish to see or change thé level of skill. Each successive press will incrément thé level 1 step higher until thé highest selectable level which is level 10 and then a further press will return to level 1 and so on. You must press GO to exit from thé level setting mode. NOTE: An easier alternative method of selecting thé level is to press any point on thé board corresponding to thé level that you wish set, for example to sélect level 8 press H l . Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LED A A&B A to C A to D A to E A to F AtoG A to H A toi A to J Average response times in seconds 3 10 20 40 60 90 120 180 255 (spécial level for Player/Player) Level 10 is specially designed for you to enter moves into thé computer for both sides. Some uses for this function are ; (i) Référée mode: two human players may play on thé board and thé computer will check for errors/illegal moves. At any time you may press GO and thé computer will compute for thé side to move but only for 1 move. (ii) If you wish to play an opening variation that thé computer does not know.'You may use this level to enter ail thé opening moves into thé computer's memory and then continue thé game with thé computer from thé end of thé theoretical opening Une. Remember that if you leave thé computer on level 10 you will hâve to press GO every time you want to thé computer to play, therefore you should reset thé level to continue a normal game against thé computer. 10. SOUND To turn off thé sound press this key once. A second press will turn it back on. NEW GAME key automatically sets thé sound back on again. 11. HINT There are two display formats WHEN COMPUTING : The coordinates of thé FROM and TO points are flashed alternately to show you thé move being considered best but will change this whenever a better move has been found. This key acts as a toggle (on/off switch). NOT COMPUTING : When thé computer is waiting for your move you may called on thé computer for some assistance in thé form of a move suggestion. The first press of Hint will bring on thé FROM coordinates of thé suggested move and thé second press will display thé TO coordinates. A third press will turn off thé Hint display. 12. TARE BACK If you made a mistake or played a weak move you will hâve to wait until thé computer has decided on its counter move before you retract your move. You may interrupt thé computer and force it to play immediately by pressing GO. To take back a move, press TAKE BACK and thé coordinates of thé former TO point will be displayed. Press this point and thé computer will display thé FROM point. Put thé pièce back on this point and press light. If thé move you took back was a computer's move then you will hâve to repeat thé above procédure so that you can take back your own move. When this is completed you may play another move of your choice. If thé move taken back was a capture thé computer will prompt you to put back thé captured pièce by lighting up thé coordinates of thé former TO point. You will hâve to put back thé pièce and press lightly on thé point before you can carry on with thé game. If you forgot which pièce it was you should still press on thé required point with your finger and then use VERIFY (see 12.) to see which type of pièce should be on that point. NOTE: The maximum number of moves that may be taken back is 5, counted for both sides. 13. VERIFY To check if thé position is correct please press VERIFY. The LED to thé right of this key will be lit and you may begin verifying if thé board position is correct. Example: To check thé position of thé red GENERAL, check if thé color LED is showing red then press thé GENERAL key and you wifl see thé coordinates of thé red GENERAL displayed. If in thé starting position this will be thé AS point. Example: To check thé position of green pawns, make sure that thé Green LED is lit then press thé PAWN key and you will see thé coordinates of pawns and if in thé starting position thé G row and columns 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 will ail be lit showing locations of ail thé 5 Green pawns. If thé pawns were in différent coordinates then each succesive press of thé PAWN KEY will show a coordinate of 1 or more pawns if they are on same row. If there are no pièces of thé type you selected thé error LED will be lit accompanied by 3 beeps. Using thé above procédures you may verify thé position of ail thé pièces on thé board. You must press GO to exit thé VERIFY mode. NOTE: If 2 or more pièces of thé same type (e.g. bishops) are on thé same row they wi!l be displayed together (see above). 14. SETUP To enter a new position, aller thé position of thé pièces or add some pièces you will need to enter thé SET UP mode by pressing that key. The LED on thé right of this key wili then be lit. If thé position you wish to SET UP contains very few pièces it will be advisable to clear thé entire board before following thé procédures below to enter it into thé computer's memory. In this case press thé NEW GAME/CLEAR BOARD key. You may change thé colors simply by pressing CHANGE COLOR. Example: To enter a red GENERAL on thé coordinate AS (i) Make sure that thé Red LED is on (ii) Press thé GENERAL key (iii) Place thé pièce on thé point AS and press lightly. Example: To enter 2 Green ROOKs on B4 and C6 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Make sure thé Green LED is on Press thé ROOK key Place thé first ROOK on thé point B4 and press lightly. Place thé second ROOK on C6 and press lightly. When you hâve enter thé position you wish and wants Green to make thé first move from your position^ make sure that thé Green LED is on before you press thé GO key to enter thé position into thé computer's memory. NOTE: Illégal/impossible positions are not allowed and if you try to exit to such a position thé computer will light up thé mate LED and will not allow you to play from that position unless you go back into thé SET UP to correct your error. Some examples of impossible positions are; more than 2 kings, more than thé normal number of pièces (32 pièces), only 1 king etc. Certain "fixed" pièces like thé BISHOP may not be placed on an illégal position and thé computer will not allow you to do so and will beep you and light up thé error LED. 15. CHANGECOLOR This key serves 4 functions (i) (ii) At thé start of a new game you may if you wish make thé computer play Red from thé top of thé board, so that you may play thé green side from thé front of thé board. In this case, press CHANGE COLOR then press GO and thé computer will make its first move as Red but playing from thé top of thé board. For example thé first move in thé Central Cannon opening variation will be C8-CS if playing normally but if playing from thé top of thé board would become H8-H5. Because thé board is symmetrical you need not reverse thé colors but just imagine that it has been reversed. At any time during thé game you may "cheat" and make thé same color play again! If it is Red to move you may press CHANGE COLOR and thé computer will allow Green to make another move. Take care if you are taking back moves in this sort of situation. Of course you are still not allowed to make illégal moves. (iii) SET UP mode uses this key to change thé color for thé purposes of settingup thé position for both sides. (iv) In thé VERIFY mode this key allows thé vérification of every pièce on thé board. 16. GO This key has 3 functions (i) Calls on thé computer to start Computing. (ii) If pressed while thé computer is considering ils move, this will force it to play whichever move that it is currently analysing.Use this to interrupt thé computer if you cannot wait for its reply. (iii) Exits from thé SET UP and thé VERIFY modes. A. TROUBLE SHOOTING LIST (i) (ii) (iii) The computer does not work and none of thé LEDs are lit I - Check thé adaptor, is it thé correct type? Use ONLY thé specified adaptor Art. 8210. The use of any other adaptor automatically invalidâtes thé warranty. II - Check thé operating voltage of your adaptor to see if it matches your local power supply. III - Hâve you switch on thé power? The computer will not let you make a move I - Is thé error LED on an/or thé computers beeps every time you try to make a move? If so, check if you hâve cleared or completed thé previous move. II - Is thé SET UP or VERIFY LEDs on? If so, press GO to exit. Computer plays an impossible move please refer to paragraph 3 on Impossible/Illégal Moves. B. Care of thé NOVAG® CHINESE CHESS Dirt or dust may be removed with a soft cloth. Do NOT use any chemical solvents or water on thé set. Any damage caused by îheir use invalidâtes thé warranty. If you do NOT intend to use thé computer for an extended period please remove thé batteries before putting away for storage. C. Technical data Operating voltage Current consumption Read only memory Random access memory 9 volts 15 mA maximum 8 Kbytes 256 bytes AU data subject to change without notice Copyright®! 986 NOVAG® INDUSTRIES LTD. (R) NOVAGr; is thé registered trademark for NOVAG® INDUSTRIES LTD. 1103 Admiralty Centre, Tower 1 Hong Kong. ART. NO. 866