2013-14 MEDIA RATE KIT - Official Karate Magazine


2013-14 MEDIA RATE KIT - Official Karate Magazine
The Voice of
the Karate
since 1968™
Official Karate Magazine™ is the “official” publication
of Martial Arts Grandmasters International®. It’s the 21st Century
version of the original Official Karate™ that was published from
1969–1995 by founding editor Al Weiss.
We are published quarterly in digital format with a yearly, physically
and future champions, and legends from the “Golden Age” of Karate in
America. This new publication is for all karate-ka and martial artists regardless of age, style, or system­—traditional or modern.
We publicize and distribute Official Karate™ magazine/e-zine
through social media and major industry vendors. We reach out to companies that sell custom belts, patches, uniforms, weapons—basically everything
a MA/MMA supplier would carry. Imagine your magazine ads getting inserted into outgoing packages sent to customers of these martial arts supply
companies. Due to limited pages in the printed mag, we only accept space ads
from quality companies/individuals with an excellent reputation who need
to reach targeted buyers via measurable, direct response advertising in print
and online. We do have special sections with affordable, classified display
ads. Additionally, major advertisers in the magazine receive rotating ad banners on our popular website.
Each issue of OK mag includes columns and articles by well-known
Grandmasters (see below). The printed Annual also features the year’s Karate
Master Hall of Fame® inductees along with the Official Karate Golden
Shuto™ Award winners.
Recent contributors include: Andrew S. Linick, Keith D. Yates, Cezar
Borkowski, Joe Corley, Jeff Smith, Emil Farkas, Don Wilson, Linda Denley, Andy Horne, Danny Lane, Craig Heimbichner, Duane Ethington,
Ted Gambordella, Terry Maccarrone, Jim Mather, Bill Wallace, Raymond
McCallum, Karen Schlachter, Rudy Timmerman, Dan Tosh, Troy Dorsey,
and Keith Vitali.
printed “Annual” issue. Readers meet their heroes, favorite movie stars, past
Comments from former
editor David Weiss
My father’s fascination with the
martial arts began with a single reverse
punch delivered by his future sensei,
John Kuhl—a punch that not only sent
him sprawling, but ignited an insatiable
curiosity. He became a sponge for
knowledge and it wasn’t long before he
realized that the public deserved, indeed
needed, to know more about these
ancient disciplines.
“He also recognized the need for
a forum through which instructors and
practitioners could share their knowledge and skills. OFFICIAL KARATE™ was
born. Now, 43 years later, a talented and
devoted team of practitioners have resurrected the first martial arts magazine
published on the east coast.
“Young practitioners of all styles
will be kept abreast of news and events
in the martial arts community as well
as learn of their shared heritage—of
those who made the martial arts the
popular phenomenon that they remain
today. The masters, the ones that have
withstood the test of decades of devotion, will be able to look back fondly on
the glory days of American martial arts.
Everyone wins.”
Official Karate Magazine™ distribution and demographics
We will print up to 100,000 copies of the “Annual” issue (with a pass-along readership of up to 350,000 based on
publishing industry standard statistics).
☛ Remember we will distribute copies through major MA suppliers and vendors, and at national tournaments such
as the Battle of Atlanta and the United States Karate Championships.
Additionally we will be publicizing the e-zine via targeted placements in over 2,000 martial arts
distribution channels including (but not limited to) blogs, discussions groups/forums, chat rooms, internet radio
and TV, and more (here’s a sample of outlets):
• Top 50 Self Defense Blogs
• Top 50 Martial Arts Ranked Sites
• Martial Arts Grandmasters International®
• Top 50 Martial Arts Blogs
• Martial Arts Ad NetworkTM
• Top 50 MA/MMA E-zines Directory
• Karate Masters Hall of Fame®
• Top 50 MA/MMA newsletters
• The KMHOF Inductees’s personal sites
• TOP 50 DOJO Directories
• All of our 12+ Board of Advisors’s
• Top 100 Discussion Forums
personal and corporate sites
• Top 100 Martial Arts Schools
By taking the number of “friends” and “likes” on the Official Karate and MAGI® Facebook pages (along with the
pages of the 12+ Board of Advisor Members and other groups/pages such as Martial Arts MilestonesTM, The United
Martial Arts Community (TMAC), Karate Masters Hall of Fame® , Museum of Sport Karate and Jet Li, Steven
Seagal, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris and others) and extrapolating their “friends/fans” and “likes” we can
predict that a post from Official KarateTM will potentially reach into the millions on Facebook alone (each post will lead
to visitors to the OK website and magazine where readers can see your advertisements).
The current OK magazine Facebook breakdown is: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialKarateMag?sk=page_insights
Male 83% Female 16%
Under Age 24 10.6%
Age 25–44 42%
Over Age 45 47.4%
20 countries in addition to the United States
Some foreign distribution rights are still available for the printed mag.
We look forward to working with you and growing your MA business in 2013-14 and beyond!
Official Karate Magazine™
Full Color
Full Page
Ad size 8 x 10.5
Trim 8.5 x 11
allow extra .20
Full Color
1/2 Page V
Ad size
4.25 x 10.5
Full Color
1/2 Page H
Ad size 8 x5.25
Full Color
1/4 Page
Ad size 4 x5.25
Full Color
1/3 Page
Ad size 2.57
x 10.5
“Classified” Display ads
4 x 2.5
Ads must be submitted electronically as high resolution (300 ppi) PDF, TIFF or JPG files. 100% size.
If the ad is strictly for the DIGITAL issues, resolution may be less (150 ppi at actual size).
A quarterly, digital publication with one printed “Annual” issue (up to 100 ,000 printed copies).
E-zine available for FREE viewing on our WEBSITE (and many others) via the ISSUU viewer.
The printed Annual (first issue of the year) is mailed directly to MAGITM and KMHOFTM members (see next page).
The Annual issue will also be distributed in outgoing orders of major MA vendors and suppliers
and at major martial arts tournaments and events.
WEB BANNER ADS (call for exact pixel size) Your ad appears on our
website but not inside the magazine itself (we have a limit of 6 ads
which rotate on various pages of the OK site).
A 90 to 240 day exposure = As little as $90 (Just a dollars a day!)
A 60 day exposure = $75 (Just $1.25 a day!)
We ALSO have a “classified” web page where you can post
up to a 30-word listing for just $30 per thirty days.
MAGAZINE ADS (digital version). Half and full page ad buyers get a BONUS with a discounted Banner Ad
on the pages of the Official KarateTM Website (limited availability) OR GET IT FREE WITH A 4-TIME AD RESERVATION!
1 time (digital)
(Add 20% for PRINT issue.)
ezine print
Back Cover$2100 ($2520)
Inside front/back cover$1800 ($2160)
Full page color Ad$1400 ($1680)
1/2 page color Ad$720 ($864)
1/3 page color Ad$355 ($426)
1/4 page color Ad$250 ($300)
Classified Ad$140 ($168)
4 times
Includes one print issue.
$1900 ea
Save $240 BONUS: + $240 for a 240 day web banner
$1600 ea
Save $240 BONUS: + $240 for a 240 day web banner
$1200 ea
Save $180 BONUS: + $180 for a 180 day web banner
$620 ea Save
$120 BONUS: $120 for a 120 day web banner
$250 ea $199 ea (Reserve a quarter page in four issues and we’ll throw in one free “classified” ad in the PRINT issue.)
$ 99 ea
n BEST DEAL- Save over $1300! Reserve the back cover ad in 4 issues (including the PRINT issue) and get the FREE web banner ad. That package saves $1310 from buying them all individually.
n Here’s a way to SAVE $422 (and get a free classified ad too). Put your quarter page ad in just 4 issues (which includes the
“Annual” PRINT issue) for just $199 each.
n For just $140 you can get a one-time, “classified” ad in one issue of the digital magazine.
We reserve the right to refuse advertisments that, in our opinion, are not suitable for our publications.
Call or email for dynamic direct-response copywriting & attention-getting graphic design services to
improve your ads. Call 631-924-3888 or 631-924-8555 email: OKmagAds@gmail.com
Advertising Agencies only: Call or email for agency discounts.
email: OKmagAds@gmail.com
phone: 631-924-3888
phone/fax: 631-924-8555
Official Karate Magazine publication schedule
Winter (2013 Annual) February 15
December 15, 2012
Keith D. Yates cover
(Longer lead time needed for print edition.)
Spring May 15
April 1, 2013
Don “Dragon” Wilson cover
SummerAugust 15July 1
Theme: Chuck Merriman/Asian Traditions
FallNovember 15October 1
Theme: Military/Law Enforcement
Winter (2014 Annual) February 15
December 15, 2013
(Longer lead time needed for print edition.)
Spring May 15
April 1, 2014
SummerAugust 15July 1
FallNovember 15October 1
“Dr. Linick is a pro in every sense of the word. We recently purchased ad space in Official Karate
magazine and he went above and beyond to ensure our success. His insight and strategic thinking
were worth triple his going rate. If you need guidance for your next marketing campaign, call him.”
—Travis Hopkins, VP, Watch Me Dad
“Hanshi Linick and his crew did a great job with my magazine ad. They added the finishing touch
that really made the ad look polished and professional. In addition, he offered advice on my web site
and Facebook pages plus some marketing strategies that went well beyond the scope of our project.
Those added touches really impressed me.”
—Chuck Phillips, Martial Arts Greeting Cards
“Congratulations for putting Official Karate magazine back on the map. Not only is the magazine
packed with some great articles, the quality of the magazine is second to none. I enjoyed the old
Official Karate magazines from back-in-the-day and look forward to continued reading.”
—Jerry Figgiani, Shorin Ryu International
“As one who was on the cover of several issues of the original Official Karate I am excited to see that
this new version carries on the tradition of a quality publication. I look forward to a magazine that
can reach the next generation as effectively as that first one reached all of us.”
—Oso Tayari Casel, Kung Fu Pioneer and Champion
Official Karate Magazine™
is the “official” publication of Martial Arts Grandmasters International®
MAGI® is a dynamic, membership association of traditional and modern martial arts practitioners. Since
1994, we have strived to fulfill our mission to recognize and register kyu/gup students, black belts, masters,
and grandmasters of various martial arts styles organizations, Asian and Western self-defense systems,
and fighting arts. www.joinMAGI.com
IN ADDITION to the distribution channels mentioned on page 2, the “Annual” printed magazine is sent to
members of MAGI® and to the living members of the KARATE MASTERS HALL OF FAME® (and their students).
Since 1972 the Hall of Fame inductees are:
Nick Adler
Ed Alexander
Gary Alexander
Dan Anderson
Tony Annesi
Patrick Beaumont
Art Beins
Billy Blanks
Don Bohan
Dennis Bootle
Cezar Borkowski
J. Pat Burleson
Joel Buckholtz
Sid Campbell
Oso Tayari Casel
Joe Corley
James S. Cook
Ralph Chirico
Ed Daniel
Linda Denley
Michael DePasquale, Jr.
Michael DePasquale, Sr.,
Ernest Ferrara
Ted Gambordella
Ed Gross
Jim Harrison
Bill Hayes
Fred Henry
Isaac Henry, Jr.
Andy Horne
Larry Isaacs
David Jones
Richard Jenkins
Edward Kaloudis
J.H. Kim
Eric Kovaleski
RObert Kovaleski
Roy D. Kurban
Gary Lee
Joe Lewis
Andrew S. Linick
Raymond McCallum
Terry Maccarrone
Ed McGrath
Vincent Marchetti
Tsurouka Masami
Jim Mather
Ed McGrath
Chuck Merriman
Toytaro Miyazaki
Skipper Mullins
Don Nash
Takayoshi Nagamine
Don Nagle
Jong Soo Park
Ralph Passero
Jhoon G. Rhee
Cynthia Rothrock
Karen Schlachler
Parker Shelton
Wally Slocki
Al Smith, Sr.
Since 1972, Honoring the Pioneers and
Masters and Legends of Traditional Karate-Do.TM
Imagine getting your advertisement seen
and read by the followers of these icons
and pioneers of the martial arts in America
and around the globe!
Jeff Smith
Allen R. Steen
Rudy Timmerman
James B. Toney
Dan Tosh
Peter Urban
Ron Van Clief
Keith Vitali
Timothy Vought
Robert Yarnell
Keith D. Yates
Royce Young
Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts Grandmasters International®
L.K. Advertising Agency, division of the Linick Group, Inc. (publisher’s representative)
Advertising Copy and Content:
The following terms are binding upon signing an initial order ( IO ) for advertisement insertion.
a. All content of advertisements are subject to publisher’s approval. Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts
Grandmasters International® L.K. Advertising Agency, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to reject
or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, space reservations, or position commitment at any time for
any reason.
b. No cancellations or changes in orders by the advertiser or its agency are accepted after closing date.
c. Advertisers, agents, representatives and advertising agencies assume full liability for all photos, content,
including text, representations and illustrations of advertisements.
Payment Terms:
The following terms are binding upon signing an initial order ( IO ) for advertisement insertion.
a. Pending credit approval, new advertisers must supply payment with order. Once approved, invoices are
issued on publication date and are due 30 days from invoice date (payable in U.S. funds only). Further
advanced payment may be required if credit references are not acceptable.
b. Recognized advertising agency commission = 15 percent, net 30 days. No commission allowed if payment is
not received within 30 days.
c. Once an account is delinquent, publisher has the right to demand payment in full. All sums and commission left outstanding are immediately due. All costs incurred for collection including reasonable attorney
fees will be the responsibility of the advertiser and/or agency.
d. Publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser, its agents and/or advertising agency jointly and severally
liable for all money due and payable to the publisher for advertising which advertiser or its agent ordered
and which advertising was published. Agencies submitting orders which disclaim dual liability must
have their client sign a personal guarantee or submit one from the agency. Otherwise, prepayment will be
required in advance.
f. Payment must be made to L.K. Advertising Agency, Seven Putter Lane PO Box 102, Middle Island, NY
a. To calculate earned frequency discounts, number of issues or insertions may be used, whichever is greater.
Insertions must run within a 12-month period (24 months for eight time rates) starting with the issue in
which the first insertion appears.
b. Provided account is current, advertisers who prepay or pay within 15 days of invoice may take a 2 percent
discount off the published space rate.
Advertising Copy & Contract Conditions:
a. Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts Grandmasters International® L.K. Advertising Agency at their
sole discretion, reserve the right to reject any advertisement at any time for any reason. No advertisement
will be accepted if it speaks negatively, attacks or belittles any martial art style, promotes violence, hate or
discrimination. Discretion also will be used for advertising with content not suitable for younger readers.
b. No cancellations are accepted after closing date.
c. Advertisers, agents, representatives and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content, including
text, representations and illustrations of advertisements.
d. The Publisher and its officers and employees herein shall not be liable for errors including but not limited
to: key numbers, the readers service section or advertising index. Any Liability for errors for which the
Publisher may be found legally responsible for damages cannot exceed the cost of the space. Any Liability
Publisher is found legally responsible that is created by its contracted printer during manufacturing will
not exceed recovered damages from printer paid to Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts Grandmasters International® L.K. Advertising Agency.
e. Advertising insertion orders are accepted subject to the conditions that the Publisher shall have no liability of failure to execute such advertising because of acts of God, action by government restrictions, fires,
floods, insurrections, riots, explosions, embargo, strikes whether legal or illegal, labor or material shortages, transportation interruption of any kind, work slowdown, accidents or any other conditions or events
beyond the Publisher’s control affecting production or delivery in any manner.
f. If an ad is scheduled for a given issue and copy instructions are not received by the issue closing date, the
most recently run ad will be repeated.
g. Positioning of ads is at the discretion of the publisher except where a request for a specific preferred position
is acknowledged by the Publisher in writing.
h. All rates quoted are subject to change at any time in accordance with any general rate change. All rates under contract will be protected under same terms agreed to till the contract renewal date it reached.
i. No conditions under than those set forth herein shall be binding on the Publisher. Unless specifically agreed
to in writing by the publisher. Publisher will not be bound by conditions printed or appearing on order
blanks or copy instructions which conflict with these provisions.
Ad Specifications: For Best Results Please Follow These Instructions:
Digital files up to 20 MB may be e-mailed to OKmagAds@gmail.com. For sending files larger than 20 MB send
a CD Mac format. A laser print or faxed sample of your ad for guidance is required. Materials will not be
File Format:
We accept Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign files up to CS6 and Adobe Acrobat PDF files with fonts
embedded (X 1-A Compliant). Include all EPS, TIFF files and/or other graphic files linked to the document.
All photographic or tonal images should be in RGB (for digital e-zine) or CMYK/Grayscale and at least 300
dpi at 100% of original file size (for the printed, Annual issue). If in Adobe CS format, ads must have fonts
supplied in Mac format. Do not use “spot” or Pantone colors.
Color Ads:
Should be accompanied by digital color guidance proof, such as an Iris or Tektronics. If proper color guidance
is not submitted, Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts Grandmasters International® L.K. Advertising Agency is not responsible for any color variances.
Ad Creation and Production Charges:
Official Karate MagazineTM / Martial Arts Grandmasters International® L.K. Advertising Agency offers
graphic ad design, copywriting and production services.
Advertisers will be provided a digital proof of their ad for approval. Custom design and photo manipulation
(image correction, special effects, multiple ad variations or changes) will be billed at the rate of $75 per
hour. Advertisers must provide images, photos or drawings, logos and ad copy to be used in ads.
L.K. Advertising Agency
Seven Putter Lane, P.O. Box 102, Middle Island, NY 11953-0102
Phone: 631-924-3888 or 631-924-8555 email: OKmagAds@gmail.com, HanshiLinick@gmail.com
New Contract
Insertion Only
The Voice of the Karate Since 1968TM
the Official Publication of MAGI ®
Date:_________________________Size_______________________ Bleed____________________
Advertiser:_____________________Vertical_____________________ Position__________________ Address:______________________Horizontal__________________ Frequency________________
_____________________________ Black & White_______________ Gross___________________
Attention:_____________________ 4 Color_____________________ Discount_________________ Phone:________________________ 2 Color_____________________ Net_____________________
Address:______________________ INSERTION DATES:
_____________________________ Annual/Winter ______ Spring ______ Summer ______ Fall ______
_____________________________ To be determined_____________
Attention:_____________________Phone:_____________________ MARTIAL ARTS GRANDMASTERS INTERNATIONAL ®
Since 1994, Perserving Traditional Martial Arts and Rank Certification Worldwide®
Go to www.joinmagi.com “Like” us on Facebook — www.facebook.com/joinmagi
Go to www.joinmagi.com
“Like” us on Facebook
MAGI also sponsors the
karate masters hall of fame ®
Since 1972, Honoring Outstanding Masters, Pioneers, and Legends of Traditional Karate-Do ®
Billing Instructions
Bill Advertiser
Bill Agency
Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Policies and Conditions of Publication
Contract year: Advertising must be inserted within one year of first issue to earn frequency discount rate. Advertisers will be short
rated if frequency originally contracted for is not achieved.
Credits earned by increasing frequency during contracted year will be applied toward future billings. No cash rebates will be made.
No cancellations will be accepted after the space closing date and they must be in writing.
Payment Terms: Invoices are dated as of issue date - terms: 2% discount if prepaid or paid within five (5) days of invoice date,
net fifteen (15) days. Payments after this date will be assessed a late charge of 1-1/2% per month/18%APR.
Advertiser and agency shall be held jointly and severely liable for past due accounts. Full advance payment is required for all who do
not have established credit with L.K. Advertising Agency.
Agency Commission: Fifteen percent of gross billing when allowed to recognized and licensed agencies, provided account is paid with
fifteen (15) days of invoice date.
Publisher Policies: The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising which is not in keeping with publication’s standards. Advertisers and their advertising agencies will assume liability for all content including text.
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Accepted by: ______________________________________________________________________________
For L.K. Advertising Agency, a div. of The Linick Group, Inc.
Account Executive: _________________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to L.K. Advertising Agency or go to PayPal to make full payment in
Linickgp@optonline.net account. Thank you.
Please sign this form, keep the bottom copy and return original to L.K. Advertising Agency. Copies
received by fax or through website are accepted as a legal agreement to transact business between both parties.
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