your property handbook
your property handbook
YOUR PROPERTY HANDBOOK CONTENTS 1 |Welcome 3 2 |Introduction 5 3 | Gatwick Strategic Priorities 7 4 | Gatwick Real Estate Vision9 5 | Your Gatwick Property team 11 6 | Your responsibilities 13 7 | Your business services 15 8 | General information 17 9 | Your Health & Safety 21 10 | Travelling to work 25 11 | Airside Operations 33 12 | Shopping, Food and drink 35 13 |Other 37 14 | (FAQ) Frequently asked questions 39 15 | Airport map 41 16 | Useful numbers 43 2 PROPERTY HANDBOOK WELCOME 1 We would like to welcome you into your new accommodation and thank you for making London Gatwick your home. We look forward to providing great service to you during your tenancy. The Gatwick Property Handbook is specifically designed as a guide for those commencing or currently occupying our airport accommodation. It provides general information about your tenancy and provides guidance on key issues you may encounter during your stay. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional customer service, to achieve a successful relationship and be available to assist you if you have any questions or concerns. Our team members play specific roles to best service your needs. Any time you have a question or something you would like to discuss, someone from our team will always be willing to help. We also send out newsletters throughout the year to give you up-to-date information on what is happening at Gatwick. Please read this handbook and keep it for future reference. We hope you find this guide useful and would appreciate any comments you may have. Emma Rees Head of Real Estate PROPERTY HANDBOOK 3 4 PROPERTY HANDBOOK INTRODUCTION London Gatwick is the UK’s second largest airport and the most efficient single-runway airport in the world operating 365 days a year 24 hours a day. It is an exciting and fast moving environment and it is our ambition to grow and compete to become London’s airport of choice serving around 200 destinations (more than any other UK airport) in 90 countries for 34 million passengers a year on short and long haul point-to-point services. 2 The airport is also a major economic driver for the South-East region, generating around 23,000 on-airport jobs and a further 13,000 jobs through related activities. London Gatwick is 28 miles south of London with excellent public transport links into the heart of London and elsewhere. It’s quicker to get from Gatwick to central London than from other London airports taking just 28 minutes from the airport direct to the financial district in London or 30 minutes to key tourist attractions. Gatwick Airport is owned by a group of international investment funds, of which Global Infrastructure Partners is the majority shareholder. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 5 6 PROPERTY HANDBOOK GATWICK STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 3 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 7 8 PROPERTY HANDBOOK GATWICK REAL ESTATE VISION 4 Gatwick Real Estate vision YOUR foundation for growth OUR foundation for growth OUR Mission is to best utilise the Airport portfolio in a manner that delivers success to Gatwick, our customers and our stakeholders. OUR Objective is to optimise the property portfolio at YOUR London Airport through 3 strategic priorities: 1. Providing appropriate, dynamic and value for money facilities to enable our customers and business partners to grow. 2. Ensuring we create the optimum environment and accommodation to successfully operate London’s Airport of choice. 3. Evolving the property environment to ensure the future success of YOUR Airport. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 9 10 PROPERTY HANDBOOK YOUR GATWICK PROPERTY TEAM General Contact information The Property Team, Commercial department, 6th Floor Destinations Place, South Terminal Gatwick Airport, West Sussex RH6 0NP Name 5 Gatwick Property Team Property letting enquiries Job Title Areas of Responsibility Contact details Emma Rees MRICS Head of Real Estate Oversees Gatwick Real Estate. 07876 577466 Colin Galletly MRICS Property Asset Manager Property Asset Manager Any queries in regards to your Agreement, Lease, Rent review. 07818 464840 Kate Hazelwood MRICS Property Asset Manager Property Asset Manager Any queries in regards to your Agreement, Lease, Rent review. 07593 800624 Stephanie McGaffin Property Asset Manager Property Asset Manager Any queries in regards to your Agreement, Lease, Rent review. 07710 333643 Sue Coxon MBIFM GAL accommodation Manager Any queries relating to GAL accommodation. 07803 116471 Tania Tupper Graduate Surveyor Support all the Asset Managers with new lettings, Rent Reviews and Lease Renewals. 07585 665697 Hannah Wilson MRICS Property Asset Manager Property Asset Manager for CIP lounges, South and North Terminals, Ticket desks. Any queries in regards to your Agreement, Lease, Rent review. 07747 475382 Naomi Wild MRICS Currently on Maternity leave Property Asset Manager Property Asset Manager for the Industrial portfolio including the Piers. Any queries in regards to your Agreement, Lease, Rent review. 07824 320227 Phil Tidbury Senior Commercial Facilities Manager Key contact with GAL engineering and tenants on maintenance issues/ compliance. Safe delivery of minor/ major projects and continued accreditation of ISO55001. Philip 07802 852297 Dionne Rose Facilities & Solutions Manager Assist Property with dilapidations, schedule of conditions, minor works and occupation changes by ensuring delivery of the 3rd party works in accordance with all safety and technical standards. 07850 924857 Matt Morgan Facilities & Solutions Manager Assist Property with dilapidations, schedule of conditions, minor works and occupation changes by ensuring delivery of the 3rd party works in accordance with all safety and technical standards. 07922 426976 Dawn Lashley Facilities Manager Responsible for the car parks, roads and external areas. 07881 585681 Asset Management Facilities PROPERTY HANDBOOK 11 YOUR GATWICK PROPERTY TEAM 5 Name Job Title Areas of Responsibility Contact details Mark Regan MIAM Property Asset Planner Responsible for maintaining the information on the Property asset portfolio within the Maximo CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) and producing information to be used to ensure the GAL asset management process is adhered to in order to deliver improved, cost effective maintenance and data to support the asset replacement programme. 07545 059410 Charlotte Janjetich Utilities Coordinator Oversees accurate and transparent utility charges across the Gatwick Estate. 07720 946810 Commercial Development projects Kathryn Williams Commercial Development Manager Any queries in relation to Gatwick Capital projects to provide the right facilities and services for our Passengers, Airlines and Business Partners. 07789 398609 Louisa Craven Commercial Development Manager Any queries in relation to Gatwick Capital projects to provide the right facilities and services for our Passengers, Airlines and Business Partners. 07739 363892 Jon Hemsley Commercial EHS Coordinator Support all areas of the Commercial department in driving Health & Safety performance and working with customers to ensure compliance with all Health & Safety matters. 07803 211826 Ian Judd Property EHS Coordinator Support all areas of the Property department in driving Health & Safety performance and working with customers to ensure compliance with all Health & Safety matters. 07454 282347 Property Executive Delivering Customer service to all our customers! Your first point of contact for any general property related queries. 07718 118133 Health & Safety Customer Service Naurin Rashid 12 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 6 YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES As one of Gatwick Airport’s customers you will have a number of responsibilities: 1 2 3 4 Pay the rent in full on the dates shown in your agreement. Pay rates, electricity, gas, water, phone, Gal IT infrastructure and any other costs charged against the property. Make sure you keep the property in good repair. Apply in writing to your Asset Manager for permission to carry out any improvements or alterations to the property. Written permission must be received before any work is carried out. 5 6 7 8 Give notice in writing to your Asset Manager if you want to end your tenancy. This will usually be either three or six months. Please refer to your agreement. Not cause nuisance to your neighbours and the local public. Adhere to all employer health and safety legislation. Apply in writing to your Asset Manager for permission for any changes to the use of the property. Written permission must be received before any changes can be made to the property use. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 13 14 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 7 YOUR BUSINESS SERVICES There are numerous business services which can assist you as an airport occupier, whether you are new to Gatwick and are setting up your operation from scratch or if you are an existing customer. IT at Gatwick Other business facilities Gatwick IT provides a range of services including network, telephone, WiFi, internet bandwidth, FIDS, data centre hosting, and IPTV for customers operating at Gatwick. We constantly explore options to introduce new services to our portfolio and we’re currently trialing exciting initiatives such as check-in queue measurement, people counters and proximity beacons. The following local hotels offer a range of business facilities to all customers including meeting and conference rooms Using Gatwick’s IT services makes business sense for the tenants as it’s quick, cost effective and includes 24*7 support from a single provider. It’s a simple process of signing up to the IT Services contract electronically and then ordering the services through the IT Operations Centre. We then bill the customer each month, in line with the quantity of services used. For further information please contact Neil Thomson, IT Account Manager or Abhilash Chacko, Head of IT Commercial Hampton by Hilton: +44 (0)1293 579999 Hilton: +44 (0)1293 518080 Sofitel: +44 (0)1293 567070 Regus South Terminal arrivals is home to Gatwick’s first drop-in business lounge and meeting room facility, which is a key part of our commercial plan to entice business travellers to use our airport. Regus Express provides a range of services including • • • • • A quiet place to work or hold a meeting Shower facilities Free WiFi and refreshments 10 meeting rooms available by the hour A library and an outside area Regus Express services and lounge access can be pre-booked on their website Tel: +44 (0) 1293 621070 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 15 16 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Airport Waste and Recycling Management This is managed by Biffa Waste Services who are the preferred waste management company contracted by GAL to deal with all airport operational waste streams. These include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • Office Recyclable bins for mixed dry recyclables Cardboard recycling Toner cartridge recycling Retail waste Food waste and edible oil recycling Terminal waste and passenger confiscated goods Aircraft Waste – including Category 1 (International Catering Waste) Animal By Products Engineering Waste Mixed Construction Waste (Non Contract – Adhoc charge) Biffa Waste Services are also available for free consultation and advice regarding the waste management hierarchy and disposal options to assist all tenants in meeting Gatwick’s “Decade of Change” environmental and sustainability objectives. As well as Gatwick operational waste, Biffa Waste Services are happy to provide a quote for any adhoc works, such as removal of waste from office clear outs and disposal of electrical items. Contact Details are as follows: The CARE Centre Larkins Road Gatwick Airport RH6 0ND Office weekdays 0700 – 1730hrs 24 hour mobile / weekends Contract Manager Cleaning services OCS are our onsite cleaning contractor. GAL is responsible for the cleaning of common areas. If there are any ongoing issues please contact OCS Cleaning Contacts: Property 07768 812820 South Terminal 07803 029475 North Terminal 07803 029477 Utilities All tenants will be charged for utilities (electricity, water and gas) on a quarterly basis in arrears. If you have any queries regarding your consumption please contact: Charlotte Janjetich 07720 946810 01293 50 (5557) 07867 900782 07841 198451 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 17 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Gatwick Faultline A fault reporting system is in place for rectification of building/engineering faults. Your particular tenancy agreement will specify responsibilities in the event of a fault occurring. Generally, Gatwick Airport Limited will be responsible for the repair of faults to the building structure or service media to your accommodation as well as to the common parts. If a fault occurs within your accommodation which is not the responsibility of Gatwick Airport Limited to rectify, you should arrange for your own contractor to carry out repairs/ replacement. Please Note: This information is only intended as a guide for tenants therefore Property reserves the right to assess each fault on a case by case basis. If you become aware of a fault, please contact the faults helpline on +44 (0)1293 501111 Option 5. Retain the fault number and if the fault is recurring please contact the Property team. ID Passes Signage For security, please ensure that Airport ID passes are worn at all times. ID passes are issued by Gatwick’s Security Documentation Unit located on the Ground Floor, Ashdown House, Gatwick Airport, West Sussex, RH6 0NP. Gatwick Airport will ensure all tenant’s directories and signage is updated when our customers move in and out of their accommodation. The opening times are Monday to Friday: 07.15 - 19.00 For further information visit or call 01293 503636 / 0844 335 6886 between 08.30 - 16.30 Or email Door locks with codes New moved in tenants are issued with keys or codes for their accommodation. If issued with a door code this can be changed on request. TV Licence You are responsible for your own TV licence should you require one. 18 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Common Tenant Fault Guideline Fault Tenants Responsibility Landlord’s Responsibility Lighting Lamp outage within the tenanted room If entire room lights are out or lamp outages in communal areas Heating & Ventilation Any standalone units that are specifically included in the lease/ licence agreement are the tenants responsibility. If AC/Split units have yellow tags with a 3 digit number on. Main heating/cooling system Locks Door locks Locks to common areas Water Drainage within demise, taps, saniflow units, tap temperatures, POUHW Mains Water supply, main drainage stack Other Interior fixtures and fittings Rest Rooms within tenanted rooms Cleaning of tenanted rooms Furniture IT Telephones TV aerials Water leaks that stem from a GAL issue All Communal Kitchens All Communal Toilets, Corridors, Showers Windows Communal Doors Loss of Power Cleaning of communal areas Lifts Networks if supplied by GAL Lease/Licence If you have any queries in regards to the terms of your lease/licence agreement please contact your relevant Property Asset Manager as listed on Page 1. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 19 GENERAL INFORMATION Contractor Support Centre (CSC) The Gatwick Contractor Support Centre (CSC) works with our contractor partners and educates, supports and controls contractors to support Environmental Health and Safety excellence at our airport. Contractor airport Induction training (EXCLUDING fire training) is available in the centre every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 09:00 -10:00. In addition, P2W Work Request familiarisation training will also be offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 14:00 – 15:30. For further information or to book on any of the above sessions please call +44 (0)1293 501439 and speak to one of the Technical Clerks who will be pleased to assist you alternatively email Urgent 24 hour assistance is also available on the same number +44(0)1293 501439 or internal extension 1439. Gatwick Airport Directives (GADs) Gatwick Airport Notices (GANs) From time to time Gatwick Airport issues Directives (GADs) and Notices (GANs) Notices that provide information are GANs Notices that provide instructions that must be complied with are GADs. These Notices and Directives are issued to registered company representatives via email and the company is responsible to ensure that all relevant Airport Directives and Notices are brought to the attention of all their staff operating at Gatwick Airport. Gatwick Esendex text service To receive text alerts with details of any disruptions that may affect you/your operations please send an email to 20 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 8 Deliveries For applications for parking/ delivery requests please contact +44 (0)1293 501774 48 hours’ notice must be given for applications to be processed. A permit template, Terms and & Conditions and guidance notes will be sent out. 9 YOUR HEALTH & SAFETY Annual Property Inspections You are required under the terms of your Lease/ Licence to allow your landlord access (upon prior notice insofar as this is possible) to carry out an annual inspection to ensure that your premises are properly maintained as set out within the terms of your lease/Licence. Any enquiries please contact your Property Support team. Fire Risk assessments You are responsible under the terms of your lease to carry out and implement your own Fire Risk assessments on all your leased demise. Fire detection GAL carries out the testing of the fire detection system and may require access to your accommodation. Fire evacuation This can be done by booking online at www.vigilaris. com and following the link to Airport Bookings or by calling 0843 5158529. Fire Trainers courses are also available for companies who wish to carry out their own fire training programme to fit in with their operational requirements.This course will be held in Training Point, Ground Floor, North Wing, Concorde House and the course duration is 2 days. For further details contact or call 01293 504070. Toasters, kettles and Microwaves Toasters, sandwich toasters and microwaves with a grill function are not permitted on airport as part of GAD /F25/14. Kettles and microwaves are allowed in your demised area within your tea point. Fire Extinguishers You are responsible for supplying your own fire extinguishers and to have them tested on a regular basis. Fire drills are undertaken on all GAL properties annually. Fire alarm testing A weekly test is undertaken in all buildings, please make all members of your staff / visitors aware of which day this falls on. Fire Training Companies are required to make adequate arrangements to provide Fire Training for their employees annually. An organisation may train their own staff providing it has trainers who have attended an approved GAL Fire Trainers course within the last 3 years and hold a current valid GAL Fire Trainers certificate. Alternatively they can make arrangements with any other qualified trainers from an approved organisation, provided the training content has been approved by the GAL Fire Safety Advisor. There is also an opportunity to send staff to one of GAL’s fire training sessions PROPERTY HANDBOOK 21 YOUR HEALTH & SAFETY 9 Insurance Claims procedure Gatwick Insurance policy If you need to claim, report any damage immediately to GAL’s insurance manager and he will guide you through the claim procedure. As landlord it is standard procedure to insure our properties and to recover the cost from the occupiers. We arrange competitive building insurance to provide cover for all our tenanted properties. It is specifically designed for our tenants to make sure premises are adequately covered. Due to our buying power we can offer good quality coverage, with low deductibles, at competitive rates, and placed with sound security. Please note that you should also tell the local airport police immediately if it becomes evident that damage has been caused by a criminal or malicious act. Please take any reasonably practical action to prevent further damage or to minimise the loss. What the policy covers Policy conditions The insurance policy provides comprehensive, regularly updated building cover against the following perils: A full copy of the policy is available from GAL’s insurance manager, but please note the following: 1. 2. 3. Fire, explosion, lightning & aircraft Earthquake R iot, civil commotion, strikes & malicious damage 4. Storm or flood 5. Accidental escape of water 6. Impact 7. Sprinkler leakage 8. Theft (damage to buildings only) 9. Subsidence 10. Any other accident 11. Terrorism Excess (Each claim) 1, 2, 7 & 11 Nil 3-6, 8 & 10 £100 9 £1,000 Payments The building insurance premium will either be recovered as part of your service charge or sent as an individual invoice. 22 PROPERTY HANDBOOK • • • This insurance does not include cover for your own contents, public liability or fit-out works. Any such cover must be arranged by you. The declared value of the buildings is the cost to reinstate or rebuild, and the sum insured provides for a 50% inflationary uplift of that amount Where your building has any type of fire protection equipment (eg a fire alarm or sprinkler system) please ensure that it is maintained in efficient working order, routinely tested, any defects promptly remedied and no alterations made without GAL’s prior approval. Your Gatwick contacts Property: Naurin Rashid 01293 503850 Insurance: Mark Scott: 01293 502783 Police: 01293 501222 YOUR HEALTH & SAFETY Gatwick Occupational Health & Wellbeing Service 9 buildings. GAL’s Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service are now able to offer external companies working at Gatwick Airport a range of Occupational Health services. If your staff require Airside Driver or Confined Space medicals, Health Surveillance, Physiotherapy, advice to manage sickness absence or any other aspect of occupational health, the OHWS team can provide an onsite service which is tailored to meet the needs of your business. For more information on the full range of services, how to access GALs Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service or to arrange a visit please contact the OHWS team on 01293 503635 or email The OHWS team are based on the ground floor of Ashdown House, South Terminal beside the Gatwick ID Centre. Smoking Smoking is only permitted outside the terminal buildings and offices in the designated zones which are clearly marked. E-cigarettes have the same restrictions as our current smoking policy and can only be used in the designated areas outside the terminal PROPERTY HANDBOOK 23 24 PROPERTY HANDBOOK TRAVELLING TO WORK 10 Staff car parking To request the use of a staff car park, please arrange for your company’s Authorised Signatory to tick the box provided on the online MTrust ID application when applying for a staff ID pass. The ID Centre will then add carpark X on to the pass at the time of production. Alternatively, should the employee already hold a staff ID card then your Authorised Signatory can request staff parking retrospectively by emailing the dedicated staff parking inbox please include the applicants ID number and prefix, (this can be found on the front of the ID card). All applicants are offered car park X which is served by a regular shuttle bus departing every 7 minutes from Jubilee House in the North Terminal or Atlantic House in the South Terminal. The journey time from car park X to Atlantic House, South Terminal is approximately 9 minutes and 14 minutes to Jubilee House, North Terminal. Should you wish to cancel a car park allocation, the Authorised Signatory should email the dedicated staff parking in-box with the request at least 5 working days prior to the date you would like the car park allocation to be terminated. GATWICK STAFF BUS ROUTE Time in minutes Journey Sections Continuous Loop From To Frequency Trip time Route Car Park X / Z Overflow Atlantic House 7 10 Direct Car Park X / Z Overflow Jubilee House 7 14 via AH Atlantic House Car Park Z Overflow / X 7 10 Direct Jubilee House Car Park Z Overflow / X 7 11 via AH Jubilee House Car Park Y 7 4 Direct Car Park Y Jubilee House 7 4 Direct Disabled Parking To request an application and copy of the guidelines for disabled parking please email: NB: we can only accept requests for staff parking from your company’s Authorised Signatory. For further information on staff parking please contact: Dianne Reynolds, Staff Car Park Manager Email: PROPERTY HANDBOOK 25 TRAVELLING TO WORK 26 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 10 TRAVELLING TO WORK Local Bus - Metrobus With the Gatwick Local Bus Travelcard you can take advantage of unlimited use of local Metrobus services, while saving up to 51% on equivalent standard bus tickets. Services include 24 hour, early morning and late evening. With bus priority measures it’s often quicker to travel by bus than to drive. Travel to Gatwick from Crawley, Horley, Redhill, East Grinstead, Horsham and elsewhere using your Travelcard. And remember – you can use your Travelcard any time for other journeys too, saving you even more! The Gatwick Travelcard is on “The Key” smartcard system. Gatwick Travelcards are valid for unlimited travel on any routes that directly serve Gatwick or Crawley, e.g. route 291 to Tunbridge Wells, route 273 to Brighton, route 23 to Worthing, etc. 10 Conditions of Gatwick Travelcard Gatwick Travelcard can only be purchased and used by people employed and based on the airport site. Proof of employment is required. A current airport ID card or other proof of employment and work site (i.e. letter from employer) is required. Contact Metrobus: 01293 449191 Real Time Information Know exactly when the next buses are due at your bus stop. Bookmark the information onto your computer or mobile phone. Visit for details. Real time information is also available on the ‘MyBus’ iPhone and ‘Android’ applications. How to get your Bus Travelcard Step 1Obtain a Gatwick Travelcard key smartcard by taking your airport ID (or proof of employment letter, along with photo ID) to the Metrobus Travel Shop at Crawley or Redhill bus stations. Step 2You can top up your key smartcard at either of the above locations or online at If ordering online you will need to allow 48 hours before you can collect your ticket on the bus. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 27 TRAVELLING TO WORK 10 Bicycle and Motorcycles Storage Cycling/cycle parking There is a secure bike compound located just South of Concorde House along Perimeter Road East available to all Airport staff holding a valid Airport ID. At the time of writing, cycle racks are available in car parks B and M. A secure cycle compound is located on the Perimeter Road East car park “R2, about 3 minutes’ walk from Concorde House. Please arrange for your Authorised Signatory to forward your request for access to this facility to thededicated staff parking inbox: To use this compound, you need a valid airport ID card, which will need to be programmed for access. You can apply for access by contacting the car park management team on Alternatively, there are cycle racks and an area designated for motorcycles located within the staff car parks. Further details are provided below: Car Park B - South Terminal, located close to the railway station Car Park M - North Terminal, opposite Longbridge House Car Park L -North Western Zone of the airport, near cargo Individual cycle pods and bins are located around the airport. If you want to use one, you will need to find one that is vacant and supply your own padlock. Once you have selected and reserved a cycle pod or bin, you must register it by emailing, giving your name, company, contact telephone number, work site and the location and number of the cycle pod. Any cycle pods not registered may have their locks removed for security reasons. Cycles and any other items may be removed without notice. If a pod is considered to be ‘dormant’ or misused, a notice will be placed on the pod and the lock may be removed and the pod released for use. NB: These facilities are allocated on a first come first served basis and you are required to provide a padlock to secure your bicycle. 28 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 10 TRAVELLING TO WORK Cycling and Train Travel Folding bikes can be carried free of charge on all National Rail services with no restrictions. For full details of the cycle policy please check with the operator before travelling. Cycle parking is available at most rail stations. With the Gatwick Local Bus Travelcard you can take advantage of unlimited use of local Metrobus services, while saving up to 51% on equivalent standard bus tickets. Services include 24 hour, early morning and late evening. With bus priority measures it’s often quicker to travel by bus than to drive. Travel to Gatwick from Crawley, Horley, Redhill, East Grinstead, Horsham and elsewhere using your Travelcard. And remember – you can use your Travelcard any time for other journeys too, saving you even more! The Gatwick Travelcard is on “The Key” smartcard system.Cycling and walking are great for your health, giving you more energy and reducing the risk of heart disease. Over short journeys, cycling can be quicker than taking the car. National Cycle Route 21 is adjacent to the south terminal and there’s a good network of cycle routes around the Crawley and Horley area. Special offers on cycles and accessories; Evans Cycles has various special promotions throughout the year. The nearest store to Gatwick is at Camino Park, Crawley (about a mile south of the airport). Special offers and other store locations can be found at: Evans Cycles also operate a cycle2work scheme with certain employers at Gatwick (please check with your employer for further details). Cycle parking is located across the airport and there are showering facilities in the south terminal (landside), Jubilee House (ground floor). In addition, there are showering facilities in other work areas such as crew rooms, airline offices, motor transport, engineer’s facilities, police and fire stations, etc. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 29 10 TRAVELLING TO WORK Train services With over 900 trains a day connecting Gatwick to locations throughout the south east the airport really is fast and easy to get to by train. And with the Gatwick Staff Discount Card it’s excellent value too. The Gatwick Staff Discount Card is available to people who are based and work in the airport. It is valid on all GTR services. With the Gatwick Staff Discount Card you get a huge 25% off train fares. You can travel direct from stations throughout the south east and you can also use your Discount Card for other journeys on the network at any time. With the Discount Card you can buy cut-price season tickets, singles or returns and commuting by train can work out cheaper than driving – especially if you take into account the full cost of running a car. Use your Discount Card to purchase train tickets at any station in the Gatwick network. Season tickets must include Gatwick Airport as an origin or destination to receive the discount. Discounts apply only when travel tickets are purchased before boarding the train. How to get your Train Discount Card Step 1Visit www.southernrailwaytickets. com/main.php?page_id=356, and select “Purchase your Gatwick Staff Discount Card online” Step 2Register your details and purchase your Discount Card (3 monthly or annual). Step 3A reference number will be sent to you by email. Step 4Take the reference number to the ticket desk or Travel Centre at Gatwick rail station, together with one of the following: • • a photo ID card or letter of authority from your airport employer on appropriately headed paper confirming employment status and work address (you will also need a Rail Photocard) Your Gatwick Staff Discount Card will be issued to you. your current Gatwick Airport ID Card Contact National Rail Enquiries +44 (0)845 748 4950 Southern Railway Ltd + 44 (0)845 127 2920 Gatwick Express National Rail Enquiries: 30 PROPERTY HANDBOOK TRAVELLING TO WORK 10 National Express Airport Coach Card Up to 30% off National Express coach services Save up to 30% on National Express coach travel by purchasing an annual coach card for just £5. Other tickets, such as ‘Multiride’* and season tickets offer substantial savings on coach travel. Visit any National Express ticket desk at the airport with your airport ID or other proof of employment to start saving.* Please note that Multiride and season tickets are regarded as standby tickets. However, a Multiride holder has the option to reserve a seat when required. Further bus and coach information is available by visiting the following websites: Call 24/7 on: 08717 81 81 81 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 31 32 PROPERTY HANDBOOK AIRSIDE OPERATIONS 11 Parking Parking is controlled and monitored by Airside Operations. Please contact for further information. Always try to prevent exposure at source. For example: Can you avoid using a hazardous substance or use a safer process – preventing exposure, eg using water-based rather than solventbased products, applying by brush rather than spraying? Can you substitute it for something safer – e.g. swap an irritant cleaning product for something milder, or using a vacuum cleaner rather than a brush? What is COSHH? Coshh is a control of Substances hazardous to Health and is the law that Requires employers to Control substances by: • • • • • • • • Can you use a safer form, e.g. can you use a solid rather than liquid to avoid splashes or a waxy solid instead of a dry powder to avoid dust? Finding out what the health hazards are Deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment) Providing control measures to reduce harm to health Making sure they are used Keeping all control measure in good working order Providing information, instruction and training for employees and others Providing monitoring and health surveillance in appropriate cases Planning for emergencies Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some processes create substances. These could cause harm to employees, contractors and other people. Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful. Common substances such as paint, bleach or dust from natural materials may also be harmful. PROPERTY HANDBOOK 33 34 PROPERTY HANDBOOK SHOPPING, FOOD AND DRINK 12 Retail/Coffee shops There are staff noticeboards after staff search in both terminals which provide you with information about offers, discounts and general updates in Retail at Gatwick. Airside Shopping One of the great benefits of working at Gatwick is that we have over 100 shops and restaurants from which staff members are able to purchase goods. In airside retail stores staff benefit from access to a wide range of both ‘Best of the High Street’ and ‘Premium’ brands at tax-free equivalent prices. Please note that shopping airside is available only to staff who have a valid ID pass and staff are not permitted to purchase Tobacco or Chanel branded products in airside stores and Liquor may only be purchased from the World Duty Free Arrivals store. Many stores and restaurants (both airside and landside) offer additional staff discounts on production of your Staff ID – ask in stores for full details, and Staff can also use the vouchers in the Gatwick Shopping and Eating Guides. Finally, the Retail team also run bi-annual World Duty Free staff exclusive sales and a pre-Christmas Staff shopping event where ID holders can benefit from even more great savings – see your property newsletter for details of forthcoming events. Gatwick Retail team contacts Richard Irving, Retail Manager Jessica Snazell, Retail Manager PROPERTY HANDBOOK 35 SHOPPING, FOOD AND DRINK 12 Charlton House Charlton House offer two staff restaurants to the staff and workers here at Gatwick. Operated on behalf of GAL they support a breakfast, lunch and dinner offer. In both restaurants you have the opportunity to sit with colleagues and have a coffee or enjoy a full three course meal. Along with this they also offer an extensive hospitality menu and service across the airport both land and airside. They actively promote a healthy and fresh food approach with regular marketing initiatives along with traditional and continental breakfast, buffet style hot food menus. After 16:00 the chefs are available to cook a dedicated menu to order for guests. Opening times North Terminal The Green room Ground floor, Jubilee House Opening times 06:00 – 20:00 South Terminal Great place to be Gatwick village, level 3 Opening times 05:00 – 21:00 36 PROPERTY HANDBOOK Payment can be made by cash or by a company led discount scheme. This scheme can offer generous discounts set by your own company. The level of discount offered ranges from 10% to 63% our most supported offer to employees. This scheme allows companies that want to offer its staff a benefit that enhances their remuneration package. This is recognised at Gatwick as a considerable benefit by current companies. There are also no other ‘house expenses’ associated with running a traditional in house catering offer. This means your costs are managed month to month. For further information please contact: Email: Tel: 01293 579034 13 OTHER Hampton by Hilton North Terminal Bloc hotel South Terminal Directly connected to North Terminal, The Hampton by Hilton London Gatwick Airport is what used to be Longbridge House. This 192 Bedroom Hotel offers an inclusive Hot Breakfast, Free Wifi, and free use of their well-equipped and modern 24/7 Fitness Suite within all their bedroom rates. BLOC Hotels are committed to offering smart accommodation at honest prices for the savvy traveller. The Hotel Bar serves food between 16:00 – 22:00 and offers an array of tasty bar meals including Lasagne, Burgers, Salads, Nachos and Pizza. A 24/7 Menu is also available offering Pizza and Jacket Potatoes. Alternatively, visit the cosy coffee shop situated in the Hotel Lobby. Proudly serving Starbucks Coffee, this “hidden gem” also offers a wide selection of light snacks, sandwiches, toasties, Panini’s, homemade baguettes, pastries and cakes! The Hotel also offers a fantastic Boardroom Facility designed for up to 18 delegates. Room Hire rates include Complimentary WiFi, Unlimited Tea, Coffee and Biscuits, Delegate Stationary, Use of Conference Phone, Use of 55” HDTV, with laptop connection, Flip Chart & Markers, Mineral Water & Sweets. Food and Beverage Discount available from 20% to all Airport Staff and Partners on presentation of Airport ID (in all F&B outlets) Hot and Cold Breakfast Buffet from £7.50 per person. Subject to Availability – Please enquire at the Front Desk Team or call 01293 579999 Discounted rates are available on request and subject to availability Conveniently located within the South Terminal of London’s Gatwick Airport, free Wi-Fi is accessible throughout. Travellers can check-in their bags with their airline the night before their flight, leaving time to relax and enjoy the bespoke facilities of BLOC Hotel and the airport. All rooms are en suite with a monsoon shower, and all have a king-size bed with Egyptian cotton linen. The lighting, electronic window blinds, climate control and flat-screen Smart TV can all be controlled with the Samsung Galaxy Tab found in the room. Guest rooms come complete with ambient Artemide lighting and complimentary Zenology toiletries. The hotel offers 15% discount on production of a Gatwick ID pass on all room types. Staff ID required at time of booking and arrival. For bookings Email: Tel: 0203 051 0101 Email: Tel: 01293 579999 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 37 OTHER Property Customer Survey Every year we conduct a Customer survey and invite you to take part. Your participation is extremely important to us as we would like to evaluate our performance in order for us to improve the quality of service that we currently provide. Newsletters Regular updates from the Property team are sent to our customers. If do not already receive a copy but would like to please send us a note and we will add you to the database. Property Enquires Monthly Property EHS bulletin In this bulletin we have a ‘hot topic’ each month which covers important Environment, Health and Safety common concerns along with tips and advice on how to keep yourself and your accommodation safe and secure. If you do not already receive a copy but would like to do so please drop us a note and we will add you to the database. Property Enquires Property get together The Property team host get togethers from time to time for our customers where you will have the opportunity to informally meet the team, raise any issues or concerns and hear about property news and updates. 38 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 13 14 (FAQ) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Indefinite Tenancies 1. 2. Q. Who is responsible for cleaning my room? A. It is your responsibility to arrange and pay for the cleaning of the accommodation you occupy. Gatwick Airport Ltd are responsible for the cleaning of the common areas. Q. Who is responsible for emptying my bins? A. It is your responsibility to empty your bins. You are responsible for emptying your bins and ensuring that your refuse is taken to the nearest central area. You will then be charged a proportion of the cost for the removal of the waste off-airport, which will be recovered either through a service charge or on a separate invoice depending on the type of agreement you have. 3. Q. Who is responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the accommodation? A. This usually depends on the type of tenancy agreement you have signed. If you have a Lease or an Indefinite Tenancy it is usually your responsibility to look after your accommodation and replace as necessary the tenants and landlord’s fixtures and fittings. For example your company is responsible for replacing light bulbs. As a general rule the tenant is responsible to look after equipment and lighting that is used solely by the tenants. Lighting within the common parts that everyone benefits from and equipment such as the air-conditioning system is maintained by Gatwick Airport Limited but please refer to your tenancy agreement for clarity. 4. 5. Q. Can I redecorate? A. You can usually redecorate if occupying under a lease or indefinite tenancy. Please refer to the lease or speak to your Asset Manager for advice if necessary. Q. Am I allowed to make structural and Non-structural alterations? A. This is dependent on what has been agreed in your property lease or licence. You are not allowed to make structural alterations within your accommodation, but you may be allowed to make non-structural alterations with the landlord’s prior consent. Please contact the Asset Manager for your area to understand what may or may not be allowed in your property. Please note that some cabling installations within your accommodation may require landlord’s prior consent. For further information please contact: PROPERTY HANDBOOK 39 14 (FAQ) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Indefinite Tenancies 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Q. What happens if I want to lay cables on the trays within the ceiling voids and ducts? A. As the ceiling voids and ducts are not included within your accommodation you will need landlord’s consent to lay cables. Please speak to your Asset Manager. Q. Can I share the accommodation with another company? A. Again this is dependent on what was agreed in your lease or licence agreement. In certain circumstances this may be acceptable, but please note that landlord’s consent is always required unless otherwise stated in your agreement. Sharing illegally could result in the termination of your rights to occupy the premises. Please speak to your Asset Manager for advice. Q. Who pays the Utility bills? A. You will be billed for the utilities you have consumed either by meter or assessment. Q. Who is responsible for Fire Fighting Equipment? A. The tenant is normally responsible for supplying and paying for fire fighting equipment within your accommodation and complying with the requirements of the landlord’s insurers and Fire Authority. This includes ensuring that you have a valid Fire Risk Assessment relating to the premises. Q. Am I allowed to put up signs advertisements? A. You are not allowed to exhibit on the premises a sign or advertisement visible from the outside of the premises without the prior consent of the Landlord. Q. Who is responsible for heating equipment in my room and the cost of heating my accommodation? A. Again this is dependent on what was agreed in your lease or licence agreement. Gatwick Airport Limited is responsible for maintaining each buildings’ central heating and cooling systems. Usually you pay a charge for heating the accommodation through either the service charge, or it is included within the rent/licence fee or billed separately. If there is heating and ventilation equipment within your demise that only serves your accommodation, you may be responsible for the maintenance – you can check in your agreement or ask your Asset Manager for advice. You will also be responsible for the payment of utilities bills associated with it. The cost of repairing accidental damage to the heating apparatus within your accommodation will be borne by the occupier. 40 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 15 AIRPORT MAP CAR RENTALS WASH AREA / PARKING N CARS RENTALS MAINTENANCE AREA HIRE CARS PARKING / MAINTENANCE AREA STAFF CAR PARK 'M' NORTH TERMINAL HOLIDAY PARKING STAFF CAR PARK 'Y' COACH PARK PIER 5 STAFF CAR PARKS 574 573 64 572 CAR RENTAL CAR PARKS 569 568 SHORT STAY CAR PARKS LONGSTAY CAR PARKS 571 570 65 FUEL FARM NT LONGSTAY CARPARKS 66 567 564 563 PIER 5 ENGINEERING CAR PARKS STAFF CAR PARK 'L' CONTINGENCY PARKING NORTH SHUTTLE STATION 566 565 68 67 NORTH TERMINAL POLICE STATION 562 561 560 SUMMER SPECIAL POLICE STATION JUBILEE HOUSE 559 558 SOUTH TERMINAL CONTRACT CAR PARKS 557 CARGO CENTRE 46 47 555 SUMMER SPECIAL PIER 4 48 554 159 HIGH-SIDED VEHICLE PARKING 158 157 156 155 154 153 553 STAFF CAR PARK 'J' 552 235 SUMMER SPECIAL 54 551 VALET PARKING 53 52 51 50 49 PIER 4 35 36 ATLANTIC HOUSE STAFF CAR PARK 'B' 37 STAFF CAR PARK 'G' 34 180 234 COMMUTER PARKING PIER 6 152 178 BUILDINGS 233 STAFF BUS ROUTES 151 PIER 3 111 150 101 112 113 102 176 177 174 175 172 173 170 171 160 110 42 41 32HOUSE 31 ASHDOWN 109 107 106 105 104 25 161 STAFF CAR PARK 'W' 231 230 136 135 134 133 132 145 144 143 142 141 23 21 130 AOSU FIRE STATION FIRE STATION 131 TRAIN STATION 17 15 13 SOUTH TERMINAL PIER 2 27 140 19 28 24 PIER 2 22 20 18 SCHLUMBERGER HOUSE STAFF CAR PARK STAFF CAR PARK 'H' ID CENTRE 232 STAFF BUS STOP SOUTH SHUTTLE STATION 33 43 PIER 6 MAINT. HANGAR AREA 7 38 PIER 3 16 14 12 11 FIRST POINT STAFF CAR PARK 10 CONCORDE HOUSE 7 9 COURTLANDS PARKING BIKE SHED ST LONGSTAY CARPARKS STAFF CAR PARK 'X' STAFF CAR PARK 'Z' OVERFLOW CAR PARK 'V' STEERS LANE CAR PARK 42 PROPERTY HANDBOOK USEFUL NUMBERS Emergency 01293 501222 Unattended bags 01293 501212 Faultline (Option 5) 01293 501111 16 From a white phone Emergency 222 Unattended bags 1212 Faultline (Option 5) 1111 OCS Cleaning Contacts Property 07768 812820 South Terminal 07803 029475 North Terminal 07803 029477 PROPERTY HANDBOOK 43 HEADING SUB Gatwick are thrilled to advise that a £120m project to Re-develop Gatwick Station was announced in the Autumn statement on 3rd December 2014. The project will be partly funded by Gatwick Airport and will fundamentally change the passenger journey for approximately 38% of our passengers who come to the airport by train, as well as over 40% of our staff, in total 15m people in 2014 increasing to over 21million by 2025 (single runway). The current proposals will be to infill between the existing entrance bridges. The new central plaza will provide a huge space for our train users to access and egress the platforms and a seamless transition into the check-in concourse. There will also be dedicated route to the shuttle which will ensure that passengers heading to North Terminal do not needlessly enter the South Terminal check-in area. It is anticipated that the existing station remains in situ but is effectively closed off and is used for predominately back of house activities. The design of the new station concourse has yet to start in great detail but the image below gives an indication of what the station could look like. Gatwick Property Team Destinations Place, South Terminal, Gatwick Airport, West Sussex, RH6 0NP 44 PROPERTY HANDBOOK JULY 2015
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