Handbook - FAAM PTA
Handbook - FAAM PTA
Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 Emily R. Little, Principal 334-269-3673 The Faculty and Staff of Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Welcome You to the 2016-2017 School Year! FOREST AVENUE ACADEMIC MAGNET FOREST AVENUE ACADEMIC MAGNET 1700 West Fifth Street Montgomery, AL 36106 (334) 269-3673 ADMINISTRATION: Principal Assistant Principal Secretary/Office Mgr. Secretary/Bookkeeper Lunchroom Manager Emily R. Little Demond Mullins Judy Glanzer Denise Thornton Sonja Williams Important Phone Numbers: MPS Public Information Office: 223-6870 MPS Bus Transportation: 284-2085 Ms. Little’s Email Address: emily.little@mps.k12.al.us Kelli Newman--President PTA BOARD: Lori DuBois--Executive Vice President Carol Ann Barfield--Treasurer Carla Stallworth--Secretary Lauren Sutley--Vice President Fundraising Page 1 Montgomery Public Schools Mission Statement The mission of Montgomery Public Schools is to engage, educate, and inspire our students to succeed in college, career, and beyond. Forest Avenue Mission Statement The mission of Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Elementary School is to encourage productive and responsible students by providing a challenging and stimulating curriculum taught by dedicated and innovative professionals in a safe, positive and nurturing environment. MPS Vision Statement Montgomery Public Schools....where every student develops a love of learning, cultivates intellectual curiosity, and dreams of a future full of amazing possibilities. Forest Avenue Vision Statement The vision of Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Elementary School is to teach, model, and encourage children to become independent learners who are self-motivated, disciplined, and committed to life-long achievement. Page 2 Table of Contents Page 1 School Administration and PTA Officers Page 14 Uniform Policy (Boys) Page 2 Mission and Vision Statements Page 15 Uniform Policy (Girls) Page 3 Table of Contents Page 16 Dress Code Violations/Lost and Found/Money at School/Textbooks Page 4 Easy Ways to Help! Page 17 Honors/Awards/Reflections Program Page 5 General Information/Daily Schedule/Student Absences/Check-In/Out Procedure Page 18 PTA Information, Email Page 6 Parent and Visitor Information/ Scheduling a Conference Page 19 Confiscated Items/Communication Devices/ Disruptive Adults/Bookkeeping Page 7 Communication Page 20 Gifted Information Page 8 Transportation Page 21 Faculty and Staff Page 9 Car Pool Information Page 22 E-mail Addresses Page 10 Field Trip Guidelines/ Gifts/Birthdays/ School Parties/School Pictures Page 23 Calculating your child’s GPA/Criteria to Remain in Program Page 11 Medication Procedures/ In Case of Emergency/ Internet Access Policy Page 24 RTI/PBIS Letter Page 25 Prior Approval of Absence Form Page 12 Library Media Center/Science Lab/Computer Lab/Discipline Page 27 Volunteer/Chaperone Background Check Form Page 29 Receipt to Return to Homeroom teacher Page 13 Breakfast/Lunch/Juice Information Inside Back Cover 2016-2017 MPS Calendar Please refer to the school calendar that is included in this handbook. Important dates during the school year have been included. You may add other dates as they become available. Page 3 Easy Ways to Help!!! Designate Forest Avenue as your school and we will receive 5% of any purchase!! Our school code is: 70001738 . Clip and save your General Mills Boxtops! Put them in the box in the lobby and we will receive dollars in exchange for these boxtops!!! This is a great way to support our school!! Save the caps from your Coke products( bottles), go on mycokerewards.com and register. Forest avenue will receive money for each cap you input. ORDER YOUR PARTY AND BIRTHDAY CUPCAKES FROM TISH AND WE GET A PERCENTAGE OF THE PURCHASE!! Whenever you use your Target cards, designate Forest Avenue as your School of Choice. We will receive a percentage of the purchase! Ask for your “Lids for Kids” prescription lid from Adams Drugs when you have your prescriptions filled. Turn those lids into the box in the Forest Avenue lobby. Each lid is worth 25 cents to FA! Volunteer Moms, Dads and Grandparents are always welcome at Forest Avenue. We always need help in the library, on field trips or in the copy room!! Please fill out the PTA Volunteer Form and then be ready to help!! Thank you!!! Page 4 When you purchase individual or class school pictures, we receive a percentage of the proceeds!! Pick up a Publix Partners card for your keychain in our school office. Present your card at the register and our school will receive a percentage of your purchase!!! We have plenty in the office for you to share with friends, grandparents and neighbors. They are good at any Publix in the United States!! Forest Avenue Student/Parent Handbook General Information: Daily Schedule: 8:10 am Supervision of Students Begins (Breakfast Line Opens at 8:10) 8:25 am Students Admitted to Classrooms (Please be here, ready to go to class at 8:25) 8:40 am Tardy Bell Rings and Students Must be Signed-In at the Office 3:40 pm Dismissal Bell Rings Absences/Tardy and Check In/Out Procedures One of the criteria to remain in the program at Forest Avenue is ―Satisfactory Attendance Records‖. Excessive tardiness is not acceptable. Excused absences/tardies are those which meet the criteria listed below. (See MPS Code of Student Behavior for further clarification) A written excuse from a parent stating illness as the reason for absence An absence of more than three days, or a pattern of excessive absence, requires a written excuse from a physician, dentist or other recognized medical practitioner Serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family Recognized religious holidays Approval of absence for other reasons must be presented, in writing, in advance of the absence, and given to the principal for approval. A form is available in the school office. It is the responsibility of the parent or child to schedule make-up work for excused absences with the teacher(s). Students must be checked in/out by a legal guardian and through the front office. Perfect Attendance means no absences, no tardies, no check-ins or check-outs! Family vacations scheduled during school days will result in unexcused absences. Unexcused absences result in a zero entered for any graded activity or test given when absent. Page 5 Parent and Visitor Information 1. All visitors are asked to stop by the office, sign in, and receive a red visitor’s badge. Teachers have been instructed to monitor our visitors and to send those without a badge to the office to register. Parents will be allowed to observe in the classrooms with a green visitor badge. 2. According to MPS Policy, parents/legal guardians wishing to observe in the classroom should receive permission from the principal. Please remember that this is not a time to conference with the teacher or to have a conversation with your child. Teachers will have a designated chair for visitors. Green “classroom observation” badges are available in the office. Classroom observations are not permitted during major graded assignments (tests, presentations, etc.). Classroom observations for the 2016-2017 school year will begin September 6, 2016. 3. Please allow your child to become an independent and responsible student while at Forest Avenue. To do this, we ask that you do not go into the classroom with your child in the mornings or afternoons to help him/her with bookbags, etc. Our teachers are working hard to teach independence and responsibility in all grades and this will assist us! If your child is unable to carry a project, please leave it in the office and a staff member will deliver it to the classroom. 4. Due to student privacy requirements, neither teachers nor administrators will discuss a student with anyone (including other family members) unless a parent or legal guardian is present. Please do not ask teachers for information they are not permitted to disclose or for others to observe in the classrooms. 5. Guidelines for School Visitors is a Board Policy. Please refer to the Code of Student Behavior for 2016-2017. Scheduling a Conference 1. Please call the office (269-3673) to schedule a conference. 2. If your child has more than one academic teacher, it is best to have all teachers involved in the conference. This helps you understand your child’s behaviors, needs and participation in all classes. 3. Conferences may be scheduled on most Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons at 3:45 p.m., during the teacher’s planning period, or at 7:50 a.m. on most mornings. Some teachers have specified conference times, so please schedule these through the office. 4. If you would like to have a teacher call you, please send a note by your child, call the office and leave a message, or email that teacher at: firstname.lastname@mps.k12.al.us. Email addresses are located elsewhere in this handbook. Please do not call teachers at home or on cell phones unless they have specifically asked you to do so. 5. Please refrain from conferencing with teachers during lunch, at PTA meetings, before and after school or on field trips. Page 6 Communication Communication is one of the key components for success at Forest Avenue. In order for effective communication to happen, it must be a two-way conversation. We have provided email addresses for all staff members elsewhere in this handbook. Teachers check email at least once per day. If it is imperative to contact a teacher, please copy Ms. Little and the chances are better for it to be read during the school day you send it. The school phone is often busy. Please do not leave information on the answering machine if it is time sensitive. We will check the answering machine, but it may be later in the day. Again, email is the best way to contact us during the school day. If a question can be answered by a phone call from a teacher, please ask the secretary to have the teacher call you. Students in grades 1-5 are assigned a code with which parents can access classroom grades on the internet. These are the same each year, but parents must sign these out from the office the first time they request one. Signed papers and progress reports will go home every two weeks. Students are also assigned a code for Accelerated Reader. By following the provided directions, parents are able to keep a close watch on Accelerated Reader student progress. Most kindergarten students begin using AR the second semester. AR tests may only be taken at school between 8:45 and 3:30. Page 7 Transportation Bus Transportation is available to all students who attend Forest Avenue. Arrangements for pick-up and drop-off points are made through the Bus Transportation office. The number for Bus Transportation is 284-2085. Bus students are dropped-off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon at the rear entrance of Forest Avenue. Teachers are on duty to supervise arrival and dismissal of students. The following established rules are expected to be followed by students transported on MPS school buses: Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Book bags are to remain in your lap and unopened Sit in assigned seats and remain seated IMPORTANT: The driveway behind the school is for No loud or distractive noises bus traffic only. Parents are not allowed to use this as a Follow the bus driver’s directions at all times short-cut from Mulberry to Pineleaf Drive. Please proceed Bus referrals will be written if rules are not followed. The bus is considered to Carter Hill in order to turn onto Pineleaf. to be a “rolling classroom” and all Code of Conduct rules apply. Never drop off or pick up car-riders in the back of the school. Car Riders are dropped off and picked up in the front drive-through of the school. Students may not be dropped off until 8:10. Teachers are on duty for supervision beginning at 8:10. Unless the weather prohibits, students are to remain outside until the 8:25 bell rings. Fifth grade students wait on the old front steps, Grades K-4 students wait on the sidewalks by the flagpole. Cars stay in the curbside lane until students get out and then move to the outside lane to exit. Parents are asked to allow students to enter the building on their own after the first day of school. This instills responsibility and independence even for our kindergarteners. Teachers are on duty in the hallways to help students to class. Any parent entering the school must sign in at the office and obtain a red visitor badge. Parents must remain in cars in the drive-through lane at all times. It is tempting to leave your car to find your child, but the process works well if you allow us to bring your child to you. Students line-up by grade level in a designated area and are called by walkie-talkie and bullhorn when their car is pulling forward. Your child’s name should be visible in the front window of your vehicle all year. Parents who park across the street and walk over for children must cross only at the crosswalks. There is no parking on the curb at the corner of Forest Avenue and Fifth Street. Fifth Street is one-way in the mornings and afternoons. !!IMPORTANT!! If a change in transportation is to occur for any given day, a written note must be sent to the teacher. ***Please do not call the office for a change in transportation unless it is an emergency.*** The use of cell phones is prohibited while in the car pool lane!! Page 8 Car Pool Procedures Morning Drop Off If you arrive before 8:10 you MAY NOT sit in the car pool lane until 8:10. You must park in a parking spot! Teacher supervision starts at 8:10. Children are not to be on campus until after 8:10. Car riders may enter the line for breakfast from 8:10 until 8:20. WATCH CAREFULLY FOR CHILDREN!! Pull forward to the orange cone, or as close to the car in front of you, as possible. Have your child ready to exit your car as soon as you stop. Stay in line along the curb until your child exits your car, then turn on your blinker and move into the left lane to exit. Never pull around stopped cars if your child is still in your car. Please wait until that car moves forward so that you can proceed. NEVER BACK UP IN CAR POOL! Always have your child exit your vehicle on the curb side. If you choose not to enter our drive through, have your child cross Fifth Street only at the Crossing Guard. Do not block the crosswalk either on Fifth Street or in our drive through lane. Everyone must cross at the crosswalk, both in our school drive through and on Fifth Street. Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom when the 8:40 bell rings. Please be on time and do not ask your child to “RUN” in order to be on time. Plan to have your child at school by 8:15...not 8:30, then you will be on time! Afternoon Pick-Up WATCH CAREFULLY FOR CHILDREN!!! Never leave your car parked in our drive-through lane unless you remain in the car. Never leave your car to walk up to retrieve your child. We will bring him/her to you. Please have a sign with your child’s name and grade in the front window of your car. Please have it written LARGE AND DARK so that it can be read several car lengths away. Please help us teach your child that when his/her name is called to go to a blue square (painted on the sidewalk). A teacher will then help them to your car. Children are never to go into the drive through lane without a teacher escort. A teacher or administrator will be at each of the two crosswalk areas in our drive-through to stop cars for you and your child to cross safely. Please cross only at these designated crossing areas. Please do not try to discuss your child’s progress with teachers if they are on duty in the afternoons. They must be able to concentrate on their responsibility to get children safely to their cars. Please pick up your child promptly when the 3:40 PM bell rings. This is for the safety of our students. (After school care is offered by the YMCA Goodtimes program for children from 3:40 PM until 6:00 PM.) Law enforcement may be called for students remaining on the school grounds after 4:00PM to locate the parent or legal guardians. If you are running late, please call the office so we can inform the teachers on duty. Page 9 Field Trip Guidelines Teachers at Forest Avenue believe that students benefit greatly from experiences on field trips. School bus transportation will be used if at all possible for local field trips. Charter buses are used for most out of town trips. Students are required to have written permission on MPS field trip forms in order to participate in field trips. No phone permission or faxed forms are acceptable. Payment for trips is communicated to parents well in advance of trips, and deadlines for payment must be followed. Most of the time, teachers must pay for trips in advance and require student payment early. Depending on the trip, some money may NOT be refundable if a child misses the trip. Parent volunteers are necessary for field trips. If an MPS bus is used for the trip, parents must follow the bus in private cars. If a charter bus is used, payment will be required for parents to ride. Specific information will be supplied by individual teachers. Younger siblings are not allowed on field trips. It is important for parent volunteers to monitor Forest Avenue students and not be distracted by younger brothers and sisters. All parent volunteers must complete a volunteer background form to attend any field trips or volunteer in any capacity EACH SCHOOL YEAR. 2015-2016 FORMS ARE NOW INVALID. A Field Trip Guide for Parents handbook will be provided to all parent volunteers. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE ALLOWED ON FIELD TRIPS Field Trip T-Shirts are required to be worn on all Forest Avenue field trips. Gifts, Birthdays and School Parties Two parties will be planned by room mothers each year. These parties are scheduled for Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Parties will be from 2:30-3:30 pm. Siblings are not allowed to attend class parties or school dances (4th and 5th grade). Individual birthday parties are not allowed. No gifts may be delivered to classrooms. Please remember to send “healthy” snacks whenever you provide snacks. School Pictures Individual school pictures are taken twice each year, Oct. 7 and March 3. Payment for these pictures is made directly to the photographer in a supplied envelope. Class pictures are taken on Jan. 13, and are available by pre-payment of order. Purchasing school pictures is a great way to help us raise necessary funds for the school. Page 10 Medication Please read the medication information printed in the MPS Code of Student Behavior that you will receive on the first day of school. Students who need to take prescription medication must follow the guidelines printed in this code. Non-prescription medication may not be administered at school, therefore please do not send any with your child. If prescription medication is to be administered three times a day, and does not specify “with meals”, please give this to your child in the morning, after school, and at night. If a parent comes to the school and administers medication to a child: (1) Inform the school nurse, (2) Have the nurse log in the medication and the dose into the child’s medical information log. In Case of Emergency 1. Be sure to include a local emergency contact phone number on the registration card. This information is necessary if we cannot contact you at work or at home. In the event of an emergency involving illness or accident, and the parent cannot be reached, the office will follow the School Safety Plan, including calling paramedics and/or ambulance services, if needed. The cost of these services will be at the expense of the parents/legal guardians. 2. In the event of a tornado warning, please refrain from coming to the school to check out your child. This is both for your safety and for your child’s. Students are placed in safe areas in the school as determined by the Emergency Management Office of the State of Alabama. Parents may always check-out students if safety is a concern. Watch the local TV stations if severe weather occurs before school begins on any given day. If it occurs at the end of the day, students will be held at school until the warning is lifted. Internet Access Policy The form in the Code of Student Behavior must be signed and returned to the homeroom teacher the second day of school. Please note the listed consequences for inappropriate use of the internet. Page 11 Library Media Students are encouraged to visit the Library Media Center to discover the wonderful world of reading! An automated card catalogue system assists students in locating specific books. The Alabama Virtual Library is available to all Forest Avenue students. Accelerated Reader quizzes are available, and encouraged, to enable students to improve reading comprehension/vocabulary skills. All tests must be taken at Forest Avenue and during the regular school day (8:45-3:30). When a child comes to the library for the weekly visit, he/she should bring all checked-out books. New books may not be checked out until all books are returned or renewed. Parents are responsible for paying for lost library books. Science Lab/Computer Lab Parents are requested to purchase a set of safety glasses/goggles (not swim goggles!) to be worn during science experiments. This is for your child’s safety and is a requirement in order to participate in particular aspects of the science lab curriculum. These goggles/glasses are labeled with your child’s name and are kept at school for convenience. You will receive ordering information from the science lab teacher, Mrs. Overby. Earphones are required for use in the computer lab. You will receive information about the use of earphones from Mrs. Acreman at the beginning of the school year. All students must have a signed Internet permission on file in order to participate in many activities in the computer lab. Discipline Students at Forest Avenue are expected to have a high standard of behavior. One of the criteria to remain in this program is good behavior. Character is defined here as “choosing to do the right thing, even when nobody is watching”….this is what is expected. As you review the MPS Code of Student Behavior, you will notice that Class A Offenses are “those behaviors that interfere with the educational process in the classroom or elsewhere when the student is under supervision of the teacher or other school officials.” Teachers will communicate the consequences for violation of Class A offenses through the grade level/classroom discipline plan. Some offenses may warrant skipping prior interventions and initiating more serious consequences. Other offenses will be handled according to the MPS Code of Student Behavior. Page 12 Breakfast/Lunch/Juice All enrolled students of Montgomery Public Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at to your household for the 2016-2017 school year. No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a Free or Reduced meal application. The school breakfast and lunch we serve follows the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines for healthy school meals. The Community Eligibility Provision cannot succeed without your support; please encourage your children to participate in the school meal programs. Additional student meals will be charged the normal price of $1.00 for student breakfast, $1.75 for Elementary student lunch, and $2.00 for Junior and High School student lunch. A la carte item prices will also remain the same. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact Maranda Green, Child Nutrition Programs at 334.230.0649. If a child is allergic to milk, a doctor’s note should be filed with our lunchroom manager. If a child cannot drink milk, he/she should bring 100% fruit juice or water from home to have with lunch. Parents are encouraged to allow us the first month of school to get into our routine before coming for lunch. Beginning September 6, we welcome you to visit and have lunch with your child. There are picnic tables outside for students to sit with their parents. Food may not be taken into the outdoor science lab. We ask that if you plan to eat with your child you pick a day when it is not raining or cold outside. Due to space, parents and students eat at the picnic tables outside. Child Nutrition Services prohibits fast food to be brought to school for lunch. No carbonated beverages or glass containers are allowed. Please either bring lunch from home or buy lunch at school when you come to eat with your child. Faculty Breakfast: $1.75 Adult Visitor Breakfast: $2.50 Faculty Lunch: $2.75 Adult Visitor Lunch: $3.75 Juice: Juice is $.50 per day. Juice may be paid for by semester or year (see chart below). Money is turned in to the homeroom teacher. No juice money will be refunded. Juice money must be separate from any other type of money turned into the school. Juice will begin this year on August 29th. If your child would like to bring a juice from home until August 29 that will be fine. Juice Payment 1st Semester $38.00 Due August 24 2nd Semester $48.00 Due Dec. 13 Year $86.00 Due August 24 Page 13 Dress Code for 2016-2017 Forest Avenue Uniforms for BOYS: Forest Avenue students are required to be in compliance with the uniform guidelines at all times. Boys Shirts White (collared) polo or button down White turtle neck long-sleeves may be worn under polo or button down shirts Navy or burgundy (collared) polo White, navy or burgundy cardigan, pullover sweater, V-neck sweater, or zip-up fleece White, navy or burgundy pullover sweatshirt (plain or Forest Avenue logo) No sleeveless shirts . All shirts must be long or short- sleeved and must be tucked in at all times. No hoods are allowed. Belt Brown, black , navy, or Forest Avenue plaid (if pants have belt loops) (Elastic waist pants are recommended for Kindergarten-no belt required with these) Pants Solid Khaki or Solid Navy Regular length or knee length (shorts) only (Elastic waist pants are recommended for Kindergarten-no belt required with these) Shoes Tennis shoes only Socks White or Black NO CARGO OR PAINTER PANTS WILL BE ALLOWED. ALERT: UNIFORM CHANGE for 2016-2017 Forest Avenue field trip shirts for the 2016-2017 school year will be the grade level Friday shirt. This shirt must be worn on all school trips and may be worn on Fridays. These are available at the school. All pants must be worn at the waistline. . During cold weather, heavy jackets must be removed upon entering the classroom so that all children are in uniform compliance during the school day. Page 14 Dress Code for 2016-2017 Forest Avenue Uniforms for GIRLS: Forest Avenue students are required to be in compliance with the uniform guidelines at all times. Girls Shirts White shirt (collared--Peter Pan, polo, button down, or banded) Navy or burgundy collared polo or collared banded White long sleeved turtle neck may be worn under shirts White, navy or burgundy cardigan sweater, pull over sweater, V-neck sweater, or zip-up fleece White, navy or burgundy pullover sweatshirt (plain or Forest Avenue logo) No sleeveless shirts . All shirts must be long or short- sleeved and must be tucked in at all times unless the shirt is banded. No hoods are allowed. Belt Brown, black, navy, or Forest Avenue plaid Pants Solid Khaki or Solid Navy Regular, knee length shorts or capris Skirts/Skorts/ Shorts/Jumpers Must reach the top of the knee Solid Khaki, Solid Navy or Plaid (Only Forest Avenue plaid) Polo Dress Must reach the top of the knee Solid Navy or Solid Burgundy ONLY Shoes Tennis shoes only Socks White or Black Tights Must be white only NO CARGO OR PAINTER PANTS WILL BE ALLOWED. Headbands and ribbons must match the uniform colors! Jewelry must not interfere with instruction or PE. Decorative scarves are not allowed. ALERT: UNIFORM CHANGE for 2016-2017 Forest Avenue field trip shirts for the 2016-2017 school year will be the grade level Friday shirt. This shirt must be worn on all school trips and may be worn on Fridays. These are available at the school. During cold weather, heavy jackets must be removed upon entering the classroom so that all children are in uniform compliance during the school day. Page 15 Dress Code Guidelines/Violations The uniform guidelines of the school coincide with MPS dress code, but in a more detailed and school specific form. It is important that students comply with the dress code procedures as stated on page 14. The first offense will require that the parent is contacted and asked to bring appropriate apparel/shoes to school. If a child is out of compliance with the dress code for the second time, the student will receive a one-day detention and the parent will be called and asked to bring the appropriate clothing/shoes for the child. The third offense will be handled according to the Code of Student Behavior and considered Persistent/Willful Disobedience. Field trip shirts are required for all Forest Avenue field trips. If a child comes to school without wearing a field trip t-shirt, every effort will be made to have the parent bring one to school. Students will not be denied the trip due to attire, but for your child’s safety on the trip, we require all students to be dressed alike. Lost and Found Lost and Found is located between the second grade hallway and the lunchroom. Items found are taken to that area and are kept until school ends. All items left unclaimed after school ends will be donated to the uniform swap or given to a local clothes closet. Please be sure names are on all jackets, sweaters and lunchboxes. Parents are encouraged to check the lost and found area if you are missing items! Money at School Whenever possible, payments should be made by check for food services, pictures, PTA purchases and the like. Separate checks should be sent for separate expenses. Please be sure to send the exact amount since we do not keep change at school. We are not allowed to cash checks through the office. Sometimes it is necessary for students to bring cash to school. Please talk with your child about being responsible when he/she is bringing money to school. Always put all money (cash or check) in an envelope with Textbooks Textbooks are issued by the classroom teacher once she receives the signed student information card. There is a statement on the back of the card for parents to sign that it is understood that you will pay for any loss, abuse or damage to state owned textbooks issued to your child. ISBN numbers are available in the office, or on the school website, if you wish to purchase separate textbooks for home. Page 16 Honors and Awards Forest Avenue recognizes achievements of students at Honors Assemblies each year. First—Fifth Graders have Honors Assemblies at the end of the first semester (January) and at the end of the school year (May). Kindergarten students have only one Honors Assembly and it is held at the end of the year (May). For First through Fifth graders, the January Honors Assembly recognizes accomplishments for the first semester. Students receive Good Conduct Ribbons, Academic All A Ribbons and Academic All A/B Ribbons. Awards are also presented for non-academic type achievements or awards received during the first semester. These may include: Holiday Writing Awards, PTA Reflections Awards, Student Council Officers, etc. Accelerated Reader Awards are also presented. Each grade has it’s own Honors Assembly. At year-end Honors Assemblies there are several additional awards. Kindergarteners are recognized for Perfect Attendance (see below) and Principal’s Award (All G’s All Year in all areas of the report card). First- Fifth graders are recognized for All A’s and all A/B’s for the second semester, Perfect Attendance (see below), and Principal’s Award (All A’s All Year both in Academics and in Conduct). Fifth graders may also qualify to receive the President’s Award. Students will also be recognized for other activities such as Chorus, Student Council, Ambassadors, School Related Competitions, Physical Fitness Awards, and more. Perfect Attendance: In order to receive a year-end award for Perfect Attendance, a student must be present 100% of the time and have no recorded check-outs, check-ins or tardies. Even though an absence or a tardy may be excused, this still counts against perfect attendance. PTA Reflections Each year the National, State, and County PTAs conduct an awards program. There are several categories into which a student can submit entries. These are: visual arts, creative writing, photography, dance (and possibly more each year!) Please watch for the information after school starts and encourage your child to enter. Judging is done at the school, county, state and national levels. If a student should make it all the way to the National PTA, college scholarship funds are awarded! PTA will be sending home this information and you will need to request an entry packet through the office. Page 17 PTA is our PTA President this year. Our president and board have planned several opportunities that will provide necessary funds to our school, while promoting family togetherness at Forest Avenue. Volunteerism is a vital part of our school and PTA allows our school to continue to provide outstanding services to your child. Some of the areas where they will need many volunteers are: Spirit Store—Our school store (clothing and other FAAM items) will be open on a regular basis and volunteers will be needed to “man the store”. Back to School Bash—This is our main fundraiser for the school year. It will be on Friday night, September 16 in our school backyard. Hundreds of volunteers are necessary to make this effective and fun!! Molly Stone is our coordinator this year. Molly’s contact information will be provided when school starts. Copy room, PTA website, and Library volunteers are also necessary areas where we will need many volunteers! PTA President—Kelli Newman PTA Treasurer–Carol Ann Barfield Executive Vice President– Lori DuBois Vice President of Fundraising–Lauren Sutley Secretary—Carla Stallworth Awards Chair—Rob Johnston County Council Representative—Foster Dickson Spirit Store Coordinators—Maggie Brooks/Jana Broughton Yearbook Coordinator— Marie Stypinski Website —Greg Black Hospitality Committee Chair—Allison Godwin Volunteer Coordinator—Jorica DeJesus Communications Chair—Ashley Levett Programs Committee Chair—Courtney Griffin E-Mail We have initiated a drive to input parental email addresses into an address book. Parents will be grouped by grade level and parents will have the option of having correspondence sent via email or receiving paper copies. This not only assures that you will receive all correspondence in a convenient manner, but it also will save our PTA the expense of copying numerous forms and papers. Page 18 Confiscated Items Items not to be brought to school are listed in the MPS Code of Student Behavior. School officials accept no responsibility for safeguarding confiscated items. Any of these items that are brought to school will be taken up by the teacher and the following procedures will be taken: Teacher will submit the item to the principal or assistant principal for further action if necessary Item is logged in with an administrator and placed in a secure location Parents will be contacted regarding retrieving the item Cell Phones and Other Communication Devices The cell phone/telecommunication device guidelines of the school coincide with MPS policy, but in a more detailed and school specific form. Bringing a cell phone or other communication device to school is strongly discouraged. Teachers WILL NOT be using these devices during instruction and if a cell phone disrupts a class, it will be dealt with according to the MPS Code of Student Behavior. If there is an extenuating circumstance in which a student must have a phone at school, please contact the principal for approval and procedures. All school procedures regarding these devices are applicable for school buses and while on field trips. We strongly encourage parents to turn off cell phones while on the school campus. Disruptive Adults Any visitor who causes disruption, distraction, or any other interference in the teaching and learning process will be asked to leave immediately. The Principal will have the right to have a disruptive visitor removed by school security and/or the police department, as well as the right to prohibit the individual from participating in future visits to the school. Please refer to the Code of Student Behavior for 2016-2017. Bookkeeping Parents will be notified well in advance of payments due for supplies, field trips, etc. Any fee charged for a returned check will be the responsibility of the parent. Separate checks must be sent for individual students and for individual activities. For example, lunch money must be separate from juice money. Field trip payments may not be included with any other payment. Make all checks payable to “Forest Avenue”, unless it is a payment to PTA, and that should be made payable to “Forest Avenue PTA”. Please read all correspondence carefully to determine to whom the check should be made payable. Exact amount of payment is required. We appreciate any donations you wish to make! Ms. Little will send a letter acknowledging the donation and this is acceptable for tax purposes. Donations may be made to individual teachers, the Smartboard Maintenance account or to the school’s general operating expenses. Page 19 Gifted Education Gifted students are those who perform at or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. These students require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Students possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. Teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, or any other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities may refer a student. Additionally, all second grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted behavior checklist. For each student referred, information is gathered in the areas of Aptitude, Characteristics, and Performance. The information is entered on a matrix where points are assigned according to established criteria. The total number of points earned determines if the student qualifies for gifted services. To make a referral, contact the Gifted Specialist or Gifted Referral Screening Team chairperson at your child’s school. If you have further questions, you may contact the Gifted Coordinator at 269-3808. Identified gifted students in magnet programs receive enrichment and/or acceleration through the magnet program. For further information about the Montgomery Public Schools Gifted Program, go to http://www.mps.k12.al.us/index.php/departments/special-education/gifted-education. Page 20 FOREST AVENUE ACADEMIC MAGNET FACULTY AND STAFF 2016-2017 PRINCIPAL Emily R. Little J. Glanzer, Secretary Manager Kindergarten J. Bryant K. Kenerly V. Richards T. Thomas V. Wannamaker M. White ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Demond Mullins D. Thornton, Secretary (Bookkeeper) Grade 1 J. Armstrong E. Baker D. Holtam V. Palmer K. Scott G. Thomase Grade 2 L. Brothers B. Crittenden E. Hardin C. Kirkland C. Roberts K. Weaver Grade 4 T. Atcheson J. Dumas N. Hall R. Offord B. Viars T. Weaver S. Williams, Lunchroom Grade 3 G. Anderson C. Colee M. Cook T. Mumpfield J. Porath L. Porter Grade 5 S. Lowery R. Phillips W. Dyer J. Rodopoulos B. Vinson Science Lab B. Overby Computer Lab R. Acreman Counselor M. Friesen Spanish E. Jabes Media Specialist S. Tolliver Physical Education S. O’Neal W. Moore Page 21 Music V. Whiting Speech/Sp. Ed. TBA TEACHERS AND STAFF EMAIL ADDRESSES Kindergarten: Macy.Hopson@mps.k12.al.us Kay.Kenerly@mps.k12.al.us Jennifer.Bryant@mps.k12.al.us Vivian.Richards@mps.k12.al.us Tina.Thomas@mps.k12.al.us Vanessa.Wannamaker@mps.k12.al.us Third Grade: Gayle.Anderson@mps.k12.al.us Julie.Porath@mps.k12.al.us Tanika.Mumpfield@mps.k12.al.us Mary.Cook@mps.k12.al.us Lindsey.Porter@mps.k12.al.us Crystal.Colee@mps.k12.al.us Specialists: Emely.Jabes@mps.k12.al.us Rhonda.Acreman@mps.k12.al.us Melissa.Friesen@mps.k12.al.us Susan.O’Neal@mps.k12.al.us BrendaJ.Overby@mps.k12.al.us Vivian.Whiting@mps.k12.al.us Shonda.Tolliver@mps.k12.al.us Will.Moore@mps.k12.al.us First Grade: Emily.Baker@mps.k12.al.us Jennifer.Armstrong@mps.k12.al.us Veronica.Palmer@mps.k12.al.us Gina.Thomase@mps.k12.al.us Diane.Holtam@mps.k12.al.us Kelly.Scott@mps.k12.al.us Fourth Grade: Tracy.Atcheson@mps.k12.al.us Jasmine.Dumas@mps.k12.al.us Nelly.Hall@mps.k12.al.us Rebecca.Offord@mps.k12.al.us Barbara.Viars@mps.k12.al.us Teresa.Weaver@mps.k12.al.us Second Grade: Elizabeth.Crittenden@mps.k12.al.us Cheryl.Kirkland@mps.k12.al.us Carol.Roberts@mps.k12.al.us Leanna.Brothers@mps.k12.al.us Elizabeth.Hardin@mps.k12.al.us Katie.Weaver@mps.k12.al.us Fifth Grade: Whitney.Dyer@mps.k12.al.us Jennifer.Rodopoulos@mps.k12.al.us Starla.Lowery@mps.k12.al.us Bonnie. Vinson@mps.k12.al.us Robbin.Phillips@mps.k12.al.us Office Staff: Emily.Little@mps.k12.al.us Demond.Mullins@mps.k12.al.us Judith.Glanzer@mps.k12.al.us Denise.Thornton@mps.k12.al.us Page 22 CALCULATING YOUR FIRST-FIFTH GRADE CHILD’S GRADE POINT AVERAGE A Grade Point Average is computed by assigning numerical points to the core academic subjects. The core subjects are: Math, English, Science, Social Studies and Reading. The numerical points assigned are: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0. Assign the points to the grades for each 9 weeks and divide by the cumulative number of core subjects completed thus far. For example, for the 4th 9 weeks: KINDERGARTEN GPA Your child may have earned: The GPA for each area of the report card must Math A(4) B(3) A(4) A(4) be a 3.0. These areas include: Science C(2) B(3) A(4) B(3) Reading, English B(3) A(4) A(4) B(3) Mathematics, Social Studies C(2) B(3) B(3) C(2) Conduct Reading A(4) A(4) A(4) B(3) 15/5 subjects for the year) 3.0 32/10 subjects 3.2 51/15 subjects 3.4 66/20 subjects A Cumulative GPA is noted at the end of each grading period for each area. 3.3 (Final GPA Criteria to Remain in Program The criteria to remain in the program at Forest Avenue is: “Students must maintain, for the current year, an academic average of 3.0 or better, a B average in conduct and satisfactory attendance records.” Grade point averages are computed using the core academic subjects (math, reading, science, social studies and English). This procedure will be followed as written for the 16-17 school year. Your child’s yearly cumulative grade point average will be printed on his/her report card each grading period. If you have any questions about this, please ask your teacher. Students must have an overall 3.0 grade point average for the entire year, on the final report card, in order to remain in the Forest Avenue program. Grade point averages do not round up. Communication with your child’s teacher is extremely important if your child is borderline to meet the GPA requirements in either conduct or in academics. Page 23 307 South Decatur Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Dear Parents/Guardian: Montgomery Public Schools (MPS) is committed to providing the highest quality of education to every student. To meet that goal, MPS adopted two fundamental frameworks: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Instruction (RtI). PBIS is a proact ive approach to establishing behavioral supports to address psychological, social and emotional needs. RtI is a multi-tiered approach to providing core instruction to all students in addition to identifying and supporting students with learning and behavior needs. Both frameworks provide early, systematic and intensive assistance to students who are at risk or already underperforming. Interventions will include but not be limited to specialized, research-based teaching and behavior strategies provided in both the classroom and small group settings. According to the Alabama Administrative Code, all public schools in Alabama are required to implement the Problem Solving Team (PST) model. The PST process is designed to guide general education intervention services for all students who have academic and/or behavioral difficulties. The PST will review student data regarding the need for assistance, monitor progress being made by students, inform parents of plans of action, a nd make recommendations for changes to interventions. Based on initial screening results and other academic data, if it is determined that your child would benefit from assistance or intervention, he or she will be provided tiered support as needed. MPS utilizes a three-tiered approach to instruction/intervention: Tier 1 – Classroom teachers will use a variety of instructional strategies and positive behavioral supports within the core curriculum to address individual instructional needs Tier 2 – Based on assessments, discipline, grades, attendance and other data, students who are unsuccessful with Tier 1 will be provid ed additional research-based interventions Tier 3 – Students who continue to misbehave or struggle in Tier 2 will be referred to the PST and receive more intensive interventions. Respectfully, Bridgette Johnson Page 24 Bridgette Johnson, RtI Coordinator Montgomery Public Schools Prior Approval of Absence Form School: Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Date of Request: __________________ Homeroom Teacher: ___________________________ Name of Student(s): ________________________________________________________________________ Day/Dates to be absent: ___________________________________________________________________ (up to 3 days may be approved per school year; more than 3 days will be at principal’s discretion) Reason for Absence: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Attachment to request (Optional) Parent’s Name: ____________________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ___________________________ ********************************************************************************************************************* (For School Office Use Only) _____________ I give approval for the dates listed above to be counted as excused absence (s). _____________ I do NOT give approval for the dates noted above to be counted as excused absences (s). ___________________________________________, Principal ___________________________________________, Date Page 25 School Name: _________________________________ MONTGOMERY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR OFFICE OF OPERATIONS FAX # (334) 269-6158 VOLUNTEER/CHAPERON Background Check Request Form This form is to be completed in order for you to volunteer/chaperone on the Montgomery County Board of Education campuses and to attend field trips. Please complete the entire form. Background checks will not be performed on individuals submitting incomplete forms. Please complete one form per volunteer/chaperon, even if you have more than one school or student. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY___________________________________________________________ Last Name _______________________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ First Name Middle Name Maiden Name ____________________________________________________ ___________________________ _______________ Street State Zip Code ____________________________________________________ ____________________________ Complete SS# Date of Birth IF YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION TRUTHFULLY YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOLUNTEER/CHAPERON WITH THE MONTGOMERY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted OF A CRIMINAL OFFENSE (OTHER THAN A MINOR TRAFFIC OFFENSE)? YES _____ NO ____ If yes, please attach an explanation with details including dates, allegations, and dispositions. I certify that the above information is true, correct and complete on this form. I hereby give the school system permission to complete a background investigation. This investigation may include such information as criminal or civil convictions and other offenses. Furthermore, I agree to abide by all policies and procedures as delineated in the Montgomery County Board of Education policy manual and to notify MPS if I am charged or convicted of any new violent offense or offense involving children during the 2016-2017 school year. Information on this form will be used ONLY for purposes of completing the background check. You may not begin to volunteer/chaperon until your background information has been received, evaluated, and the schools(s) have been notified you are cleared to serve as a volunteer/chaperone. Having a criminal history will not automatically prohibit you from serving as a volunteer/chaperon. Please direct any questions about this process to the Montgomery Public Schools Security Chief at (334) 230-0651. Parent Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________________ Teacher ___________________________________ Student: ____________________________ Page 27 HOMEROOM TEACHER __________________________ Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Handbook Receipt 2016-2017 I, ___________________________________, a student enrolled at Forest Avenue Academic Magnet, hereby acknowledge by my signature that I have received and read the Student/Parent Handbook. I understand that these rules and regulations apply to ALL students and parents at Forest Avenue Academic Magnet and that ALL students must adhere to these rules and regulations in order to continue attending Forest Avenue. Signed ____________________________________ (signature of student) Date ________________ I have received and read the Student/Parent Handbook and will encourage my child to follow these rules and regulations. Signed ____________________________________ (signature of parent/guardian) Date _________________ PLEASE SIGN, DETACH, AND RETURN THIS PAGE TO YOUR CHILD’S HOMEROOM TEACHER. Page 29 MPS Calendar 2016-2017 Important Dates Student Holidays School Pictures Aug. 3-9 Teacher Professional Development Aug. 10 First Day for Students Oct. 7 End of 1st Nine Weeks Oct. 13 Report Cards Dec. 16 End of 2nd Nine Weeks Jan. 4 Students Return Jan. 5 Report Cards March 10 End of 3rd Nine Weeks March 16 Report Cards May 25 End of 4th Nine Weeks May 25 Last Day for Students Sept. 5 Labor Day Oct. 10 Columbus Day/Staff Dev. Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday Nov. 21-25 Thanksgiving Holidays Dec. 19-Jan. 4 Winter Holidays Jan. 3 Staff Dev. Jan. 16 King/Lee Day Feb. 20 President’s Day/ Staff Dev. March 20-24 Spring Holidays March 27 Staff Dev. October 7-Individual Fall Pictures January 13-Group Class Pictures March 3-Individual Spring Pictures Back to School Bash September 16 Testing Schedule (subject to change) ACCESS for ELLs—Feb. 6-March 3 ACT Aspire —April 12-May 2 Report Cards Grading Period 1st Nine Weeks 2nd Nine Weeks 3rd Nine Weeks 4th Nine Weeks Ending Dates October 7 Dec. 16 March 10 May 25 Report Cards October 13 January 5 March 16 May 25