5/6F Presentation of “My Country” by Dorothea Mackellar Principal`s
5/6F Presentation of “My Country” by Dorothea Mackellar Principal`s
No.11 26th June,2014-------- 5/6F Presentation of “My Country” by Dorothea Mackellar Principal’s Report Another busy term has ended and I would like to thank all the students for their continued efforts throughout the term and all the parents who have assisted in any way. School is a partnership between students, staff and parents and it is only when we all work co-operatively together that good things can happen. Winter has certainly arrived this week! It has been a wet and blustery time with children rushing from room to room unsuccessfully avoiding the rain. Let’s hope that we see some sunshine during the school holidays. We also hope that Mrs Fahey has had better weather on her trip to Australia’s Centre. Today reports have been sent home. Please take the time to sit with your child and talk to them about all the positives in their report. Remember a “C” Find us at: www.yass-p.school.nsw.edu.au http://twitter.com/#!/yasspublic/ 6226 1017 yass-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Principal: Mrs Michelle Fahey grade indicates that they are working at the expected level for their grade and this is the grade that most children will receive. The mark for effort and the comments for each subject will tell you about their performance in class. Mrs Finlayson has already conducted interviews with parents this term but all other classes will be having their interviews early next term. If you have any questions concerning your child’s report please take the opportunity to have a talk with your child’s teacher at this time. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday period with your children. For those grandparents out there who will be minding children while parents are at work I hope you have a great time and enjoy every minute with your grandchildren. Cheryl Dentrinos Relieving Principal Principal’s Award Charlie Johnson 5/6F Principal’s Award Darcie O’Sullivan 4/5W Caring and responsible student. Always stepping up to do jobs. And being proactive in his flag job. Very thoughtful and caring girl with beautiful manners. She is helpful and hard working. Principal’s Award Principal’s Award Jack Fuller 5/6L Very mature attitude to his work and in the playground. A great help and great peer mentor at Active Afterschool sport. A great role model. Sam Glover 1/2R He is a dedicated student with nice manners. He is working very hard in class and is a budding author. Principal’s Award Ryland Riters K/1K Well mannered student. Works hard in class and is a great friend. Is reading really well with expression and fluency. Diary Dates 2014. TERM Two 27th Last Day of Term TERM THREE. July 15th Students Return th July 28 K-2 Excursion “Wombat Stew” nd August 22 Regional Athletics. AIS Canberra Canteen Days: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Uniform Shop: Mondays 8.30 to 9.30am Bell Times. Start of School 9.15am Recess 10.55am Lunch 1.00pm End of Day 3.20pm NB: If you wish to receive a hard copy of the Newsletter we have spare copies at the office or we can email you a copy. Please advise the office of your email address, NUT FREE SCHOOL. A reminder that Yass Public is a nut free school. We have several students with allergies, some of which are very serious. Try to discourage nuts, Peanut Butter, Nutella etc coming to school in lunch boxes. Netball. Due to the bad weather the netball had to be cancelled on Wednesday 25th June. P&C Suggestion Box. Got suggestions for making our school an even better place? Things you’d like to see the P&C do, projects that would benefit students, teachers and the community. You’re welcome to join the P&C anytime or speak with any representatives. We’ve also started an ideas box, stuck on the wall outside sick bay, drop us a note or fill in the form near the box. Leave us contact details for feedback or make it anonymous. Student comments also welcome. 5/6F Assembly Item Last week in our assembly time 5/6F presented a wonderful rendition of My Country by Dorothea Mackellar. The poem was inspired by the poet’s life on the land and 5/6 certainly looked the part in their wonderful costumes. It was great to see so many students confidently reciting the poem off by heart. Thank you to the parents who came to be part of the audience. It makes our assembly time so enjoyable when we see what students are doing in class. Well done Mrs Finlayson and 5/6F. Intensive Literacy Class Celebration. A big congratulations to those children participating in the intensive literacy class this semester. All students and parents had a celebratory morning tea with Mrs Fahey, Mrs Walker and Mrs Davis to recognise the improvement they have made. Dr Cameron Writer’s Workshop This week students attended a writer’s workshop with Dr Cameron, author of the ‘Stroogle’ book series and ‘Pierats’. The students were certainly engaged in the activities on offer given the responses from them. The session began with an activity that helped students plan their own stories; where they could get ideas for plots, characters and scenes. Dr Cameron said that he had developed his characters on his friends, family and people he met during his travels. His scenes were also based on his travels. The main activity began with a few bags stuffed full of toy animals. Students were asked to choose an animal and draw an image of it. Then students created a character profile for their selected animal. They also had to create a flag, a ship and a crew for their story. The next stage challenged the student’s vocabulary skills. They had to choose a scene from memory and describe the scene without naming it; other students had to guess where they were. For the older students Dr Cameron spoke on how he developed his Pierat characters so that he avoided clichéd ideas about boys and girls and what they should do as characters. Overall the session was engaging, educational and inspiring for all the students and the teachers. 5/6F students Captain Fat Rat. Captain Fat Rat and his crew were on their way to kill the bad side but when the crew got at the back of the boat, Captain Fat Rat saw the cat crew. The cat crew saw Captain Fat Rat. Captain Cat Whisker’s always fights but Captain Fat Rat always wins. Now they are going to fight on their boat. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! boom! went the cannons. Captain Cat Whisker’s ship was blown up. Captain Fat Rat and his crew then came to an island to look for the treasure. Captain Fat Rat and his crew saw a big red cross on the sand. They got some big shells to dig the sand. They found a big box. They put the box on the boat and sailed back across the water. Captain Fat Rat saw Captain Cat Whiskers in his little boat and Captain Cat Whiskers said “What about we be friends and share the treasure”. Captain Fat Rat agreed and then they became friends forever. By Anthony Chambers 5/6L Children Reading their Stories to Dr Cameron Stelzer Item for 1/2M Thank you to the members of class 1/2M for their recreation of their assembly item for me on Tuesday. I loved the transport themed songs and percussion and acting. Great job. Thank you Miss Marple Mrs Fahey. Maths topic we are studying in each year for this week and next week Year Level Kindergarten This week (Week 9) Year 1 Developing the language of Position and Movement Students identify the direction left and right, on both on and from themselves. They review the language used to describe the location of an object. Year 2 Place Value Sequencing three digit numbers Comparing three digit numbers Ordering three digit numbers Year 3 Measurement & Geometry 2D Angles Year4 Measurement & Geometry Number & Algebra, Fractions, Decimals & Percentages. Year 5 Identifying triangles and investigating Angles Year 6 2D shapes and angles Investigating growing patterns Following the rule for sorting Copying, making and describing growing patterns Determining rules for pictorial growing patterns Making and extending growing patterns Relating growing patterns to numbers Breakfast Club Donations Dear Parents, It has been a busy term in Breakfast Club with over 1000 meals served. We would like to thank the many parents who have donated money or good to help keep our club going. With the beginning of cold weather we are running Breakfast Club out of the Computer Room. All children are welcome even if they have not brought in a note. For Term 3 we are going to serve toast and milo as well as cereal. We would like to ask for donations of spreads (Not peanut butter) and tins of milo for Term 3. Any amount will help! Please send your donations into the front office. Wishing you all well for the holiday break, Ian Brien Keep brains ticking over these holidays If your child is working on a personal project or a school assignment these school holidays (or you want to make use of the break for a little revision), don’t forget www.SchoolAtoZ.com.au has lots of information and fact sheets to help with homework. For students polishing their spelling skills, the free Spelling Bee mobile app also allows them to record a list of their own words and then test themselves. You might even want to challenge them with a list you create. Here’s where you’ll find the free app to download: http://bit.ly/Q9ez0G Yass Junior Open Wednesday, 9 July 2014 Proudly sponsored by Yass Nursery In conjunction with Canberra Junior Week of Golf Tee off from 9.30am 18 holes GA Handicap Tee off from 10.30am 9 holes Sub Junior Tee off from 11.00am 6 holes My Golf Junior Entry Fee: $10.00 Includes a sausage sizzle lunch $500 in prizes! Open to all juniors under 18 years of age at the time of the event Entries to Kirk Davis Pro-Shop, Yass Golf Club 2 Worth Street Yass NSW 2582 Phone: (02) 6226 1894 Fax: (02) 6226 3537 Phone: (02) 6226 1977 or Email: kirkadavis@gmail.com