Fall 2006 - Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin


Fall 2006 - Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
Citizens Utility Board
Annual Report
January 1 - December 31, 2005
From the Executive Director
Tim Lovett
Vice President
Rodney Stevenson
Steve Brachman
Margot King
Amy Kirkland
Don Wichert
C U B Staff
Executive Director
Charlie Higley
Research Director
Dennis Dums
Office Manager
Richard Storck
This annual report for 2005 will give
you a quick summary of CUB’s recent
activities, a review of our finances, and
a list of all of our supporters who help
CUB keep up the fight for reasonable
utility rates and policies.
During 2005, all five of Wisconsin’s
major investor-owned utilities decided
to increase electricity rates for 2006.
CUB challenged the reasonableness of
these rate hikes at the Public Service
Commission of Wisconsin (PSC),
which must approve utility rate increases.
Here’s a quick recap of these electric
rate hikes (“dba” means “doing business as”):
• Madison Gas & Electric: $36 million
or 12 percent
• Northern States Power (dba Xcel
Energy): $43 million or 11 percent
• Wisconsin Electric Power Co. (dba
We Energies): $230 million or 11
• Wisconsin Power & Light Co. (dba
Alliant Energy): $132 million or 15
• Wisconsin Public Service Co.: $80
million or 10 percent
In total, Wisconsin utilities are charging $521 million more for electric service in 2006 than in 2005. The good
news is that CUB was able to reduce
these rate increases by at least $149
million or more than 22 percent. If not
for CUB (plus good decisions by PSC
Commissioners Dan Ebert and Mark
Meyer), your electric bills would have
increased even more.
On rare occasions, CUB and the utilities actually agree on energy policy.
During 2005, CUB and the utilities,
along with environmental groups, labor
unions, and business associations, were
able to convince the members of the
State Assembly and Senate to pass legislation that will strengthen Wisconsin’s statewide energy efficiency program known as Focus on Energy
(www.focusonenergy.com), and will
increase the amount of electricity coming from renewable resources such as
wind machines.
Governor Jim Doyle signed this energy legislation this past March, turning
it into 2005 Wisconsin Act 141. The
policies in Act 141 were developed
through the efforts of the Governor’s
Task Force on Energy Efficiency and
Renewables, on which CUB participated.
CUB’s ability to influence utility policy would not be possible without the
generous support of you, our members.
I’d also like to thank the Energy Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and the
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for their important support of our
efforts during 2005.
CUB staff is working hard on many
fronts in 2006—I look forward to letting you know about our progress next
As you are making your estate plans,
please keep CUB in mind.
CUB 2005 Program Saves
Ratepayers $149 Million
CUB fights utilities every day for
fair rates and to protect the environment. In 2005, CUB’s work saved
ratepayers $149 million in excessive
rate increases and promoted energy
efficiency and renewable energy.
CUB conducts its work in several
ways: in rate cases before the Public
Service Commission (PSC), in the
state Legislature to encourage progressive energy policies, in court
when utilities or the PSC fails to follow existing laws, and in collaborative public programs.
Below are just a few of the highlights of CUB’s 2005 program work
on behalf of CUB members and all
Wisconsin ratepayers.
CUB’s Cases at the PSC
Madison Gas & Electric, docket
MG&E originally applied for a
$14.8 million electric rate increase,
then increased their request to $35.7
million due to increased fuel costs.
CUB filed testimony regarding
concerns with MG&E’s cost of services studies and proposed the development of new rate designs that
would assist residential customers in
reducing their bills as well as reduce
pressure on MG&E to build new generation or purchase more transmission to serve load.
The PSC approved MG&E’s rate
increase request and agreed with
CUB’s position on the need for new,
transparent rate designs.
Northern States Power (Xcel
Energy), docket 4220-UR-114
In its first rate case since 1998,
NSP requested a $48 million increase
in electric and natural gas rates
(revised by the PSC to a total of $51.2
CUB filed briefs arguing for a
lower return on equity, improved load
management goals and to reject
NSP’s revenue allocations between
residential, commercial and industrial
2005 Activities
The PSC approved rate increases
totaling $43 million and ordered NSP
to work with commission staff to
develop goals for load management
Wisconsin Electric Power Co. (We
Energies), docket 05-UR-102
In June and July, WEPCO filed rate
increases to raise natural gas rates by
$80 million and electric rates by $144
million. Subsequent to its original
rate increase request, WEPCO
increased its request by $84 million to
account for increased fuel costs.
CUB filed testimony arguing for a
lower rate of return, lower fuel costs
and to protect residential ratepayers
from excessive rate increases. CUB
also argued for an independent
review of WEPCO’s renewable energy program.
The PSC approved an electric rate
increase of $230 million and a gas
rate increase of $60.1 million . The
PSC approved CUB’s position for an
independent review of WEPCO’s
renewable energy program.
Wisconsin Power & Light Co.
(Alliant Energy), docket 6680-UR114
In late 2004, WP&L applied for
electric and gas rate increases totaling
$63.2 million – an increase of nearly
20% for residential customers.
CUB argued for a more reasonable
rate allocation across customer classes (residential, commercial, industrial), rate designs to create incentives
for energy efficiency, and the impact
of rate increases on low income customers and WP&L’s request to disconnect certain residential customers
during the winter moratorium period.
CUB also argued for the immediate
return to customers of $173 million
from the sale of the Kewaunee
Nuclear Power Plant.
The PSC approved an electric rate
increase of $16.5 million and $2 million for gas. It applied $56 million
from the sale of Kewaunee to reduce
utility rates in 2005 and 2006.
Wisconsin Public Service Company, docket 6690-UR-117
In early 2005, WPS filed for an
electric rate increase of $90 million
and $10 million for natural gas. Citing increases in fuel costs, WPS later
increased its electric rate request to
$147 million.
CUB fought WPS’s request on several fronts including: cost of service
and rate design, WPS mismanagement of the Kewaunee Nuclear
Power Plant resulting in a 5 month
shutdown and the immediate return of
the (nuclear power plant) decommissioning funds. In late December
2005, the PSC approved rate increases of $80 million electric and $7 million natural gas. The PSC also
ordered the refund of the decommissioning funds over a two year period.
Governor’s Task Force on Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy
CUB participated in the Task Force
on Energy Efficiency and Renewables created by Governor Jim Doyle,
which lead to the passage in March
2006 of the Energy Efficiency and
Renewables law. The new law, 2005
Wisconsin Act 141:
Increases funding for Wisconsin’s
statewide energy efficiency program
called Focus on Energy, and protects
these funds from future budget raids;
Increases the use of renewable electricity in Wisconsin to 10 percent by
2015, up from a current 4 percent;
Makes state government facilities
more energy efficient, and makes the
state a renewables leader by purchasing 20% renewable electricity by
CUB, along with Clean Wisconsin
and the Sierra Club, continued pursuing a lawsuit in federal court opposing the “consent decree” between We
Energies and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency dealing with We
continued on page 4
Energy Planning
Citizens Utility Board
(CUB) is a state-wide membership organization incorporated
under state and federal laws
regulating non-profit groups.
The purpose of the organization
is to:
1. ensure effective and democratic representation of
residential, farm and small
business utility customers
before regulatory agencies;
2. ensure effective and democratic representation of
residential, farm and small
business utility customers
before public bodies; and
3. provide education on utility
service costs and on the
benefits and methods of
energy conservation for
Citizens Utility Board
16 N. Carroll St., Suite 720
Madison, WI 53703
608.251.7609 fax
Providing millions of people with
electricity is a tricky business: Everyone
depends on electricity every second of
the day.
Power plants and power lines are very
expensive. Power plants using coal, natural gas, or uranium produce thousands
of tons of toxic pollution each year.
All the power plants east of the Rocky
Mountains are literally connected to
each other; every power plant affects the
operation of other power plants, and the
same is true for power lines.
Power plants and power lines last for
at least 30 years, often many years
Given these qualities, you would
expect that electric utilities would
engage in extensive planning to make
sure they were building the right power
plants and lines (or investing in energy
efficiency) at the right time and at the
right location.
Given the importance of electricity to
society, you would expect that the
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin would be carefully examining the
plans by the utilities to make sure they
were doing the right things at the right
If you lived in Wisconsin during the
1970’s, ‘80’s, and ‘90’s, your expectations would have been correct. Wisconsin law once required the Commission
to review and approve 20-year plans by
the utilities to make sure they were making the appropriate investments in
2005 Activities ...
power plants, power lines, and energy
efficiency programs to keep the lights
on while minimizing energy bills and
energy pollution.
However, the deregulation fervor that
swept the power industry in the 1990’s
ended up killing Wisconsin’s electricity
planning process. Deregulation proponents claimed that planning wasn’t necessary, and that “the market” would provide for our electricity needs. Turns out
deregulation proponents were absolutely wrong.
Planning by utilities and state government is absolutely critical for the provision of affordable, reliable electricity
service. The planning process itself
needs to be open to interested members
of the public, so that we can understand
the energy challenges facing Wisconsin,
and the plans to meet those challenges.
CUB has been working hard for the
past several years to improve the energy
planning process in Wisconsin. CUB
staff and consultants have been meeting
with the utilities, the Commission, and
other stakeholders to determine ways to
improve Wisconsin’s energy planning
We hope to report to you in the future
about improvements made to Wisconsin’s energy planning process—stay
CUB would like to thank the Joyce
Foundation and the Energy Foundation
for grants that have made our energy
planning work possible.
continued from page 3
Energies violation of the Clean Air Act
with its failure to add pollution control
equipment to power plants.
Community Organizing
Energy Initiatives – Dane County
and Southeast Wisconsin
Working to prevent another power
line siting fiasco like the ArrowheadWeston power line in northern Wisconsin, CUB facilitated a process between
interested stakeholders to discuss energy needs in Dane County and Southeast
Wisconsin. This process brought togeth•3•
er consumer groups, labor unions, environmental groups, and utilities and
resulted in reports that showed:
• a proposed transmission line running
from Madison to Milwaukee has been
postponed indefinitely.
• the need for more energy efficiency
and distributed generation along with
new transmission lines in Dane
2005 Income by Source
2005 Financials
2005 Expenses by Source
2005 Income by Source
Memberships and Contributions
Intervenor Compensation
2005 Expenses by Source
*Program Expenses by Activity
PSC Intervention
Energy Planning
Governor’s Task Force
Energy Initiative
Legislative Activity
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Grants and contracts receivable
Total current assets
Property and Equipment
Office equipment
Less: accumulated depreciation
Net property and equipment
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Accrued compensated absences
Total current liabilities
$ 260,270
Net Assets (Deficit)
Unrestricted net assets:
Designated by Board for CUB
legal & advocacy trust
Fixed assets
Total Unrestricted
$ 418,635
Temporarily Restricted
Total net assets
$ 220,468
$ 253,538
$ 418,635
2005 Friends of CUB
Grant Abert
James Amberger
Suzanne and William Ammerman
Curt Andersen
Carol Anderson
Barbara and John Auby
Maxine Austin
Vivienne Babcock
Frances Bachman
Robert and Connie Benner
Kathleen Bernhart
William and Ann Beverly
Dave Blecker
Jonathan Blick
Jeffrey Bloohm
Adam Bors
Joan Box
Susan Brahm
Arnold Breitung
Jim and Mary Brill
Cheri Briscoe
Mary Frances Bullamore
Elaine Burke
Michael Burke
Alan and Marilyn Cable
Susan and John Campbell
Brook Chase Soltvedt
Jenny and Marshall Chay
Vernon and Evelyn Childs
Jim Christensen
Sandra Christensen
Thomas and Joyce Christie
Michael Chubeck
Michael Clark
William and Janet Cordua
Cecilia Coyle
W H H and Carol Cranmer
Betty Ann Cronin
Jackie Csedo
Michael and Judith Cullen
Donn D’Alessio
Kristin Daugherty
Peter and Susan Davis
Warren and Nancy DeKraay
Doreen and Joseph Deloria
Herbert and Mary Desnoyers
Nora Jane and David Dohler
Warren and Ruth Downs
Edith Dudgeon
George Edgar
George and June Egan
Frederick and Juanita Ehrke
Willard and Eunice Eimermann
Charles Elftmann
Jean Ellarson
Kenneth and Marge Engelman
Jennifer and Robert Esh
Franklin Evans
Robert Factor
David Falk and Joanne Robbins
Linda and Eugene Farley
Wendy Fearnside and Bruce Meier
Ted Fetting
James Fiala
Mary and James Fico
Arthur and Virginia Fish
Roger Fisher
James Forret
Those giving $100 or more in total during the year.
Mary Lou France
Lemuel Fraser
Marie Fraser
Kentner Fritz
James Ganser
John Garvin
Chuck Gates and Candy Schrank
Jim Gebelian
Vaughn and Esther Gehrt
Robert Geiser
Chester Gerlach
Stanley Goldfarb
Lorena Gordon
Bob and Pam Grady
Allen Greeler
Robert Greenler
David Groenier
Susan and Howard Gundlach
Harold and Ruby Halfin
Jean Hamann
Jim Hammitt
Eldred Hansen
Brad Harford
James Harkonen
Virginia and Henry Hart
Kristina and John Harvey
Marvin and Helen Hasheider
Norma and Harlow Hellstrom
Gertrude Hessel
George Hillery
Suzanne Hodgman
Bernadine Hoffman
Edna Hoffman
Paula Hogan
Opal Huettner
Margaret Banta Humleker
Geoff Hurtado
John and Irene Igers
William and Sheila Isakson
Leslee Jepson
John and Helen Johnson
June Johnson
Elroy and Joan Johnson
Anna Jones
Mary Jones
Carol Justin and Ed Szopinski
Lolita and Dave Kachel
Dennis Kaiser
Ken and Lois Kamps
Esther Kaplan
Carol Kean
Phil Kerckhoff
Eric Key
Ken Kickbusch
Margot and James King
David Kinyon
Amy Kirkland
Ed and Margaret Knop
Robert Koehler
Janet Koerner
Shirley Kraft
Edith Kraus
John H. Krause
Bruce Krawisz
Jerome Krings
Dora Kuehner
Hans W Kuhn
Paul and Audrae Kulas
Max and Kay Kurz
James Lafky
Billie Lambert
Theresa Larson
Charles Lester
Don Lindsay
Lester Lindstrom
Arthur and Susan Lloyd
Tom Lonsway
Margot Lori
Elaine Lubbers
Barbara Lund
Betty L Malaney
Elizabeth Malone
Carl and Juanita Manak
Ralph and Shirley Mandernack
David Manke
H Edward and Kay Marshall
Patricia Matthews
Walter Meier
John and Linda Merrill
Donald and Mary Metz
Lou Metz lll
Richard Meyer
James Meyers
Gerry Miller
Mark and Carol Mitchell
Anne Morrissey
George Mosher
William and Rosemary Muenter
Sally Mundt and Carolyn Schloemer
Myron Murray and Karen Bradford
Lucia and Jack Murtaugh
Donald and Leone Nachreiner
David Nelson
Wayne Nighorn
Walter Oestreich
Don Olesen
Fred Olson
Joseph and Mary Ousley
Theodore Page
Thomas and Elaine Pagedas
Henry Pagenkopf
Barbara Parsons
Fred Paul
George Penn
Barbara and W H Perloff
Kathryn Philipp
Ann Pollock
Tom and Susan Porter
William Prohaska
Susan and Stephen Ragatz
Fran and Louis Rall
Bill Randall Jr
Donovan Rasmussen
Dennis and Mary Ray
Mark Redsten
Robin Reed
Lucille Repka
Christine Retert
Keith Rodli and Katherine Grant
Col. John and Ann Rogan
Dora Rohl
David Rosenberg
Lucille Rosenberg
Janet Ross
Jo Rummelhart
John and Carole Rusch
Dennis and Sharon Ryan
Roy Schenk and Kathryn Seifert
Curtis and Marieta Scherer
Lawrence Schirmer
Anne Schmidt
Elliott Schnackenberg
Jon Schoenbeck
Ed and Marilyn Schten
Marguerite Seflow
Joe Sensenbrenner
Gustave Sevela
James and Shirley Seymour
Dorothy and Theodore Shannon
Stuart Shapiro
Emil Shelendich
John and Fawn Shillinglaw
Mary Lou and Howard Short
James and Kathlin Sickel
James and Rose Sime
Marilyn Slautterback
Dorothy Smalancke
Mary Smith
Marguerite Soffa
Elsbeth and Louis Solomon
Hedwig Spaight
Joseph Statz
Isabelle Stelmahoske
Rodney and Karen Stevenson
Janice Stewart
Fred and Patricia Storm
Bonita Strauss
Susan and Vincent Stromei
Jerome and Marjorie Stueber
John Surber
Virginia Tenuta
Lawrence and Mary Teofilo
Beverly and Gordon Underwood
William Vail
James Van Deurzen
Roger and Edith Van Dien
Janet and Michael Van Vleck
Jennifer and Tim Vellinga
Georgene Vitense
Paul and Patricia Vogelsang
Bastiaan Wakker
Todd Walker
Michael and Laurie Walsh
Robert Wanasek
Sally and Ben Washburn
Phyllis Wax
Marietta Webb
Daniel and Joanne Weinstein
Ronald Weisbrod
Julie Weiss
Edward Wellin
Jack and Nancy Westman
Barbara and Donald Williams
William and Daisy Williamson
Dorothea Winek
Helen Wineke
James Witalison
Terry Witucki
Sandy Wolens and Michael Feldman
Sharon Wolf
Margaret and Daryl Wood
Kathy and David Wyatt
Sylvia Youell
Bettie Zillman
2005 CUB Members and Contributors
Joseph Aaron • Shirley Aasen • Paul Abelman • Robert Ableman • Fern Abrams • Faye & Allen Ackermann • Joseph M Adamczuk • William & Jackie Adams •
Rick Adamski • William Adamski • Richard Adelman • Clayton Adrians • Janet Aeschlimann • Ruth Ahl • Vern Ahlborg • Dave Ahlers • James Ahlgrimm • Henry
& Regina Ahrenholz • John Aiello • David Albertini • Alice Albertson • Joyce Albrecht • Sue Albright • Betty Alford • Timothy Alioto • Wendy Allen • Bill & Victoria
Allen • Richard Allen • Willard Allen • Lois Allen • Bob & Eleanor Allen • Bradley Allen • Jack & Leigh Allgaier • Johanna Allison • Kathleen & Thomas Alpren •
Grace Alshouse • Ruby Alswager • Peter & Susan Altenbach • Helen & George Alter • Helmut Ammon • Joan Amundson • Joseph Ancel • Donald Ancevic • Marie
Ancinec • Arthur Anderson • Barbara Anderson • Del & Mary Ann Anderson • Gary Anderson • Hubert & Nancy Anderson • Richard & Rosanna Anderson • Nancy
& Michael Anderson • Alfred Anderson • Joyce Anderson • Keith Anderson • Raymond & Zora Anderson • Roy Anderson • Ellen Anderson • Eunice Anderson •
Dorothy Anderson • Dirk & Wendy Anderson • Dr Henry Anderson • Curtiss & Elaine Anderson • Bert Anderson • Gerald Anderson & Holly Jorgenson • Marilyn
Andler • Philomena Andrea • Louella Andrews • Lorraine Andrews • Ronald Antonelli • Duane Apel • Tom & Jane Arbogast • Vita & Martin Armato • Colleen &
Michael Armgardt • Roy Arndt • Lorraine Arndt • Jean Arnold • Deane & Edith Arny • Sandra & Louis Arrington • Hubert & Alicia Ashman • Dennis Ashmore •
Michele Askren • William Aspinwall • Mary Atkinson • Kathleen Attermeier • Richard & Marvel Aukland • Donald Austin • David & Margaret Austin • Kathy Averbeck
• David Axtell & Patricia Schade • William Aylward & Joyce Sargent • Ken Babbin • Clyde & Linda Bachand • Phyllis Backhaus • Donna Backus • Richard Bader
• Dolores & Robert Bahr • Lloyd & Dorothy Baima • Clemens & Peggy Baime • Bruce Baker • William Baker • Bob Baldauf • Eugene & Elaine Balke • A R Ballinger
• Karen Banaszak • Larry & Mary Bandor • Steven Barber • Edna Barbour • Harold Barfknecht • Judith Barisonzi • J Barker • Francha Barnard • Scott Barnett •
Robin Barr • Earl & Grace Barrette • Byron Barrington • John & Helen Barry • Kay snd Daniel Barry • Lawrence Bartell • Dan Bartell • Ardyce Bartkowiak • Barb
Bartkowiak • Harlan Bartsch • Norman Bartsch • Barbara Basaj • Jacqueline Bastiani • Richard Bate • Joe & Sandra Bates • John & Jean Batha • Terri & Robert
Batovsky • Samuel & Minerva Batt • Joseph Batzler • Nicholas Bauch • Janet Bauman • John Bauman • Herman Baumann • Joseph & Karen Baumann • Herman
Baumann Jr • Gary Baxter • Stephen Bazan • Lawrence & Jean Beales • Barbara & Bernard Beaman • Fred & Ruth Becker • Lovice Becker • Rosemary Becker
• David & Patti Becker • Wayne & Mary Becker • Thomas Becker • Lee Becker • Caroline Beckett • Nancy Becknell • Selma & William Bednar • Ethlyn Beeman
• James Begalke • Allen Behling • John Belknap • Debora Bellinger • Carl Below • Bernice Bemowski • Dale & Anna Bender • Lorainne Bender • Shirley Bendix
• Ruth Beneker • Judy Benish • Anne Benishek-Clark • Kenneth Benka • Mrs G E Benkendorf • John Benkovich • Elva Bennett • Amy & William Benson • Wilma
& Carl Benz • Linda Beranek • Sherri & David Beranis • Carol Berg • Norman Berg • Hensel & Marion Berge • Linda & Kent Bergemann • Mike & Deb Bergen •
Barbara Bergen • Marc Berkson • Gloria Berman • Keith & Marcia Bernard • Lois Bernbeck • Randall & Sheryl Berner • Heinz Berner • John & Virginia Bernhardt
• Trudy Bernsten • George Berzowski • Cyril Besanson • Dennis Bessette • Lizbeth Best-Gell & Nicholas Gell • Linda Bestor • Lee Bethel • Eldor Bethke • John
Betinis & Emily Burt • Michael Betz • Helen Bewick • Oral Beyersdorff • Gary & Jan Bezucha • Barbara Bickford • David & Mary Bickle • Susan & Alan Bickley •
Frances Bicknell • Marjorie Bierbrauer • William & Frances Biesek • Amalia & George Biester • Laura Anne Biglow • Roman Bilak • Eugene Bilich • Joe & Mary
Billmann • Harvey & Ruth Bilz • Janine Bina • John & Linda Binder • Thomas Bingham • Beth Binhammer & Kristen Roman • Marcella Birschbach • Betty Bischel
• Louise Bishop • Jane Bjorklund • Sid & JoAnn Bjorkman • Irving Blaesing • Raymond Blanchard • Kathleen Blandford • Leonard Blank • Vern & Shirley
Blankenburg • Mardell Blaschka • Lurton & Carolyn Blassingame • Robert Blazek • Cathleen Bleidorn • Charlotte Bleistein • Robert & Diane Bless • Elfred &
Florence Bloedel • Clark Blomquist • Mary Virginia Bloom • Hallie Lou Blum • Betty Blumenkamp • Rodger & Shirley Bobholz • LaVerne Bochek-Robbins • Peter
Bock & Kathleen Falk • Richard Bock • Ramona Bockenhauer • Dennis & Mary Bodden • Todd & Mary Alice Bodden • Albert Boehme • Harvey Boehnlein • Sandy
& Michael Boeker • Paul Boettcher • Stanley Bogdanski • Joanne Bogenschutz • Allan & Margaret Bogue • Colette Bohlmann • Melvin & Phyllis Bohlmann •
Russell Bohn • John & Mary Boie • Helen Boley • Mark Bollendorf • Sandra & Raymond Bollendorf • Robert Bolz • Ermino Bonacci • James Bonnett • Gerald &
Lynne Bontempo • Steve Books • Vera & Ross Boone • Joseph & Suzanne Booz • Roger Borchardt • Sally & Clifford Borden • Gene & Loretta Borman • Roger
Borre • Cheryl Borree • Susan & Edward Bott • Barbara Boudry • Dr Adrian Bourque • Stephanie Bova • Robert & Sherin Bowen • Virginia Bowersox • Mary
Bowman • Mary Boyd • Jacquelyn Boyd • Arlene Brachman • Todd Brachman • Robert Bradley • Colleen Bradley • Ron Brajdic • Thomas Brandstetter • Alvin
Brandt • Janet Brandt • Jerzy & Carin Brania • Joseph Branks • Robert & Betty Branston • John & Linda Brantmeier • Joan & Donald Brauch • Judith Bredlow •
Joseph & Marit Bregant • William & Marla Breidenstein • Erik Breilid • Paul Breitbach • Karl Brekke • Elizabeth Brenckle • Robert Brenneman • Norman Brever
• Jay & Rita Brickman • Ethel Bridge • Marcella Brightman • David Briles • Dennis Briley • Michael Briselli • Marilyn Brissett • David Brittain • Wade Britzius •
Barbara & Jeffrey Brochtrup • Thomas & Patricia Brogan • Anthony & Laverne Brondino • Carolyn Bronston • Melinda & Jack Brooks • Thomas & Joan Brooks
Sr • Norbert & Margaret Brost • Russell & Lenore Brost • Dorothy Brostowicz • Edna Brown & Peter Frorath • Loretta Brown • John Brown • Thomas Browne •
Marion Bruce • Kathleen & John Bruce • Patricia & Frank Bruce III • Larry & Martha Brueggeman • David Brueggemann • Mathilda Bruett • Loren Brumm • William
Brumsickle & Henny Regnier • Helen & Ervin Bruner • Tom & Barb Bruning • Robert & Carol Bruss • Richard Bruss • Fran Bubolz • Joyce Buchanan • Fred &
Diane Buchholz • William Buckley • Theresa Bucko • James Buglass • Marya Buglass • Rose Bull • Jennifer Bulleit • Mary Lee Bullis • Bruce & Patricia Bultman
• William & Mary Bunge • Thomas & Karen Burdette • Dennis Burdick • Robert & Glenda Burdick • John & Barbara Burgess • George Burgess • Eugene Burke
• Dennis Burmesch • Virginia & Joseph Burnett • Dennis & Judy Burnick • Mason Burns • Gregory Burns • Joan Burns • Jim Buroker • Maxine Burress • Roxana
Burton • Thomas Burton • Joseph & Eva Busalacchi • Dick Buschmann • Karen & Thomas Bushman • Patrick Butler • Leo Butler • Caroline Butler • Metje Butler
• Betty Butterfield • Diane & David Butts • Joy Butz • Clinton & Becky Byrnes • Karen Byrns • Rotraut Cahill • Thomas Callahan • Tom & Patti Cameron • Norm
Campbell • Pamela Campbell • John & Lois Campbell • Kathryn & Bruce Campbell • Marie Campos • Margaret & Michael Cannestra • Jane Capito • Wallen
Capper • Carmello Caputa • Rosemarie Carbino • Janice & Donald Cardinal • Mary & Jorge Cardona • David & Mary Carlson • Ruth Carlson • Lucille Carlson •
Jean & Patricia Carmody • Darwin & Elizabeth Carpenter • Jim Carpenter • Michael Carroll • Paul Carstens • Peter & Carol Carstensen • Melvin & Esther Carter
• Janet Carter • Karen Case • Mildred Cashin • Gary Casper • Dennis & Jean Casper • David Caulum • William Cayley • Jon Caylor • Paul & Jean Cefalu • Tamer
& Ellie Ceylan • Maria Chadha • Felmers Chaney • Kathy Chapman • Roger Chapman • Sharon & Robert Chapman • Phillida Charly • Irvin Charne • Leigh
Cheesebro • Elizabeth Chewning & Lawrence Lundy • David & Rita Chicks • Gerald & Eleanor Chipman • Al & Mary Chizek • Irving Chortek • Joseph & Rita
Chovanec • Flo & Josh Chover • Virginia Christensen • Grace Christensen • Janice Christensen • Peggy & William Christenson • Grace & Herbert Christiansen
• Chuck & Debi Christianson • Bill Christofferson • Marjorie Christoph • Beatrice Chudnow • Jayson Chung • B. Ciplijauskaite • John & Dorothy Clancy • David
Clark • Don & Carol Clark • Allan Clark • Art & Eileen Clark • Charles & Joyce Clark • Ione & Myron Clark • James & Charlotte Clark • Harold Clark • Grace
Clausen • Charles Clausen • Loren Close • John Coates • Maxwell Cobb • Al Cobbs • Rodney & Jean Coenen • Donald Coffey • Matthew & Nancy Coffey •
Sydney Cohen • Robert Cohen • Donald Cohill • Abraham Cohn • Timothy Collentine • Vincent & Florence Colletti • James Collins • David & Annabelle Collins •
Hazel Conger • Valerie Conley • Johnston Connelly II & Terri Connelly Cronk • Richard & Patricia Conner • Ed Connolly • Kathryn Connor • David & Jean Conover
• Kenneth Cooley • Calvin & Mildred Cooper • Arlo & Nancy Coplan • Marian Mae Corby • Karen Cornelius & David McLimans • Lloyd & Virginia Cornue • Charles
Cornwell • Joe & Barbara Corry • Donald Costello • Janet Courtney • Beverly Crane & Michael Patrick • Jay & Gwen Cravens • Wendy Crews • Barbara Croisant
• Jane Croke • Scott Crom • Martha Cuddeback • Ralph & Joan Cullen • Jeanne & John Cumming • Gordon & Vera Cunningham • Bruce & Gene Curler • Sarah
Curning • Helena & Tony Curtain • Carol Cutsforth • Cynthia Cutter & Fox Creek Exchange • Lynda Cutts & Bill Hansen • Geneva Cyncor • David Czoschke •
Howard Czoschke • Clarence Dabbs • Michael & Judith D’Acquisto • Daniel & Marjorie Daggett • Karen Dahlke • Tom Daines • Rose Daitsman • Grace & Thomas
Dale • Edward Daley • Norbert Dall • Dorothy & Louis Dalpaos • Aivars Dambekaln • Keith Damrow • Sue Dane • David & Lola Daniels • James Danky & CI
Schelshorn • Edgar & Mary Dantzler • Alexander Darrow • Arlene Dashner • Elizabeth & Edward Daub • Philip Daub • Nancy Davenport • Daniel David • Richard
Davies • Leslie & Kay Davis • Janet Davis • Frederick Davis • Larry & Pat Day • Julio & Bonnie de Arteaga • Gene De Foliart • Mrs Roman De Grave • Raymond
& Diana De Hahn • Lydia & George De Jong • Barbara De Long • Ann & Robert De Mars • David De Rosier • Robert & Marina De Wet • Don Deal • Steve
Deatherage • Leon & Rochelle Deaton • Helen DeBardeleben • Robert Decker • Neil DeClerk • Albert Dede • Charlie Dee • Roy & Joyce Deering • Esther Dehn
• Monica Deignan & Steven Gustafson • Rose Marie Del Frate • John Delamater • Anne Deleo & Patrick Curley • Cletus & Loretta Delvaux • Dolores Demanche
• Ruth Demers • William Demichen • Mirabel & Roy Deming • Tim & Susan Deneen • James & Virginia Denk • Ross DePaola • Mary Derse • Norma Desprez •
Eva Dessereau • George & Patricia Detampel • Francis Dettloff • Richard & Patty Deuel • Thomas & Jane Devine • Jewel Dhuru • Carla & Michael Di Iorio •
Peggy & Sam Dickman • Mary Lou Diehl • Richard Diemer • Bob Diggelman • Lee & Amelia Dinsmore • Sue & John Dirk • Maria Dittman • June & Walter Divan
• Tom Dixon • Mary Doan • Elda & Arnold Dobberfuhl • Joseph Dobrzynski • Virginia Dodson • Ann Doege • Ted & Marion Doehling • Mary Doering • Jeanette
Dohr • Lou Anna Domann • Roberta Domer • Evelyn & Oscar Dommer • Arthur Domsky • Isabel Donahue • Dolores Donlon • Thomas & Judith Donnelly • William
Donnelly • Robert Donner • Jerald Donohue • Glenn Donovan & Edie Ehlert • Michael & Jean Donovan • Patrick Dooley • Marcus Doolittle • Arlene Dopkins •
Mary Jane Dorava • Robert Dorr • Hildegard Dorrer • Richard Dorsey • Donald Dorszynski • Robert & Nancy Dott • Craig Douthitt • Joyce Doviak • Richard &
Janice Doxtator • Donna & Michael Drake • Linda Drea • Gordon & Sharon Drees • Melvin & Marianne Dreikosen • Gertrude Dressel • Hubert Dretzka • Russell
Dreva • Leland Dreyer • John Driessen • Francis & Mary Diane Dropsho • Sabine Droste & Steve OíNeill • Richard Druckrey • Dale Druckrey • Eugene Drzycimski
• Doris & Dick Dubielzig • Pat & Max Ducey • Robert Duchek • Ron Duchrow • Tom Duesterhoeft • John & Susan Duffin • Richard DuMonthier • Dorothy Dunne
• Mary & William Dunwiddie • Donald Duoss • Adrian & Mary Dupuis • Duane Dupuy • Owen Durigan • Martin & Margaret Duris • Swanhild Durst • Margarita
2005 CUB Members and Contributors (Continued)
Dusek • Henri & Kathy Dutilly • James Dvorsky • Raymond & Lucille Dykas • Harvey Dym • Joe Dziengel • Elmer Dziubek • Richard Eager • Leonard P Eager
Jr • Daniel Eater • Leslie & Aileen Eaton • Lyle & Louise Eberhart • Florence Ebert • Mildred Ebert • R Jean Eck • Julie Eckenwalder • Ivan & Shirley Eckholm •
Elmer & Harriet Eckland • Curt Eckstein • Thomas & Shirley Eckstein • Elsie Eddy • Bacia Edelman • Connie & Doug Edens • Phillip Edmonds • Jim Edmondson
• Nancy Edward • Gerald & Joyce Egle • Lloyd Egre • Bruce Ehlke • Mary Ehm • Glen Ehnert • Elizabeth Ehrke • Francine Ehrman • Linda & Tim Eisele • Millard
Eisler • Robert & Marvel Elbe • Gerhard & Peggy Ellerkamp • Jessie & AA Elsen • Dean Emanuel • Ralph Enderby • Carole Engel • William H Engel • Gerald &
Joyce Engel • Arlene Engelhardt • Marcia & Paul Engen • Ronald Engerman • Stanley & Barbara Englander • Beth English • James Engmann & Connie Wenzel
• Julie Byrnes Enslow • Miles & Amy Epstein • Steven Erceg • Jean Erdman • Lester & Rosalie Erdmann • Kate Erickson • Betty & Don Ermatinger • Gordon
Esselman • Jan Etnier • Ellen & Thomas Etten • Ervin Euler • Lola Evans & Berniece Harper • Louis Eversoll • Richard Ewald • Donald Ewart • Marianne Ewig
• Evelyn Eyster • Donald & Carrie Ezzell • Eileen Faber • David & Evelyn Fahrbach • Barb Failing • John Fairfield • Edward Falek • Kenneth Fall • Michael &
Deborah Fallon • Denlinger Drumm Family • Donald Fandrey • Marcus & Constance Fang • Greg Fanning • Linda Farr & John Fehler • Tod & Lynette Fassbender
• Mary Fay • Clemens Federer • Gerald Federighe • Mary Federle • Paul & Geraldine Fehlhaber • Grace Fehn • Frank Feil Jr • Alan Feingold • Steven & Kathleen
Feldhausen • Jerome Feldman • Violet Feldmann • Francis & Sherry Fell • Joyce Felstehausen • Herman Felstehausen • Robert Fenchel & Mary Vernon • Ruth
Ann Fennell • John & Marilyn Fenske • Don Ferber • Thomas & Helen Ferderbar • John Feren • Michael & Ellen Ferentz • Jim & Lynn Fering • Lawrence Ferk •
Jay Ferm • David Ferrie • Steve Fest • Kristin & Robert Fewel • Vivian & Allen Fichtner • Maria & Dale Fiebelkorn • Paul & Sue Fieber • Roger Field • Alvin Fiez
• Edward & Sara Filemyr • Peter Filipiak • Patricia Finder-Stone • Joseph Fink • Robert Finnegan • Lillian Fischer • Marjorie & Ronald Fischer • Susan Fischer •
Cheryl Fishbeck • Barbara & Leslie Fishel • James & Barbara Fisher • Mrs Ellen Fisher • Cliff Fisher • Norma Fisher • Arthur & Dixie Fitzner • Marian & Arnold
Flagg • Paul Flagg • Gerald Flakas • Dan Flaten • Marshall Flax • Harry & Margaret Fleddermann • Tom Fleming • William Flemming • Robert & Mary Lynne
Floryance • Kaj Foget • Elizabeth Foley • Jean & Robert Forbess • Michol Ford • Mark Foreman • Rose Marie & Donald Forrest • Steven & Ruth Fortney • Mabel
Fossum • Denise & David Foster • Jeanette Foster • Steven & Gloria Foster • Melvin & Dorothy Fowler • Judith Fowler • Germaine Fox • Joseph & Mary Fox •
James Fox • Marilyn Fralich • Dorothy France • Marie & Fred Frank • Gerry & James Frank • Donald Franke • Suzie Franklin • Julie & John Franz • Richard
Franz • Steven & Linda Franz • Alice Frasheski • Anita & Lee Fredrichs • Louise & Richard Freeding • Fred Freeman • Gloria Freeman • Mary Clare Freeman •
Paul & Eileen Freshley • Kevin Freson • Laverne Freyer • Leslie & Roger Frick • Harriet Fricke • Richard Friedenfels • Gary & Bonnie Friedman • Jacki & Milt
Friend • Esther Fries • Adeline Frisque • Rosemary Fritchen • Mary Ann Fritsch • Ralph Fritsch • Susie Marie Fritz Jablonic • Janet Froelich • Carol Froistad • Erik
Froode • Beverly Fruth • Robert & Carol Frykenberg • Margot Fuchs • William Fucik • William & Karen Fudge • Glenn & Janis Fuerst • Glenn Fuguitt • William
Fuller • Robert & Kathryn Fulton • Joel Gaalswyk • Arthur & Leor Gaffney • Joseph & Elizabeth Gagnon • Joseph Gale • Joseph Gale • Howard Gallup • Akira
Gamblin • Eldora Gangstad • Zoe Ganos • Robert Garber • Francisca Garcia • Vivian Garde • Lorraine Gardner • Donald Gardner • Doris Gardner • Theo & John
Garman • Martin Garment • Gerald & Darlene Garrigan • R K Garrison • Maureen Garry • Edwin & Henrietta Garski • Milton & Dolores Gartzke • Jana & Gene
Gasiorkiewicz • Laura Gassen • Chandra Gates • Sherry & Earl Gates • Vi & Robert Gauger • Jim Gavaert • Stephen Gaza • William Geary • David Gebauer &
Patricia Lafferty • Jim Gebhard • Bonnie Gebhart • H Bayard Gee • Paul & Patricia Geenen • Beth Gehred • Edward & Doris Gehweiler • Donnell & Sheila Geib
• Steve Genthe • Mr H C Gentry • James Genz • Ed Gerbitz • David Germain • Cliff Germain • Virginia Gernant • Gary & Margaret Getzin • Roy Gibbs • Mark
Giese • Rosemary Giesfeldt • Neil & Janet Mae Giffey • Robert Gilbert • Marilyn Gill • Bernice Gillingham • Ernest Gillmore • Jerry Ginner • Ronald Ginsbach •
Ruth & George Ginther • Myrtle Gintoft • Eugene & Mary Giordano • Larry Girga • Anne Glasner • Barbara & Bradley Glass • Edward & Evelyn Glatkowski •
Howard Gleisner • Betty Glisch • Roger & Marcia Glocke • Edward Glynn • Thomas Glyzewski • Agnes & Kenneth Gobeli • Jack & Doris Godden • Peter & Elaine
Godfrey • Michelle Godwin • John Goeden • Glenn Goelz • Karen Goelzer-McKaig • Paul Goemans • Herbert Goettsch • Charles & Patricia Gohs • Lawrence &
Mary Gold • Iris & Alan Goldberg • Mary & Martin Golden • Sylvia Goldman • Renee Goldman • Carol Goldstein • Hyman Gollman • John Golmant • Dave &
Nancy Goltz • Mark Gonring • Laura Ward Good & James Good • Burton Goodman • Donna Goodrich • Shirley Gorder • Richard Gordon • Ruth Goren • Harriet
Gorski • Audrey & Simon Gorwitz • Dorothy Gosting • Edwin & Helen Gostomski • Donald Gostomski • Roger & Marilyn Gottschalk • William Gough • William &
Mary Jo Gould • Raymond Grace • Lois Graczykowski • Thomas Grade • Jane Graff • Helen Graham • Charles & Marcy Graham • James & Donna Grahn •
Marilyn Grainger • Donald Grall • James & Barbara Gran • Sybil Grandeck & Michael Jedrzejewski • Robert & Jennifer Grandi • Jerry Grant • D Robert & Gertrude
Grant • William & Pauline Gratz • Bob & Alison Greaves • Anthony & Loris Greco • Frank Green • Timothy Greene • Dianne Greenley • Don Greidanus • Jeanne
Gries • Terry Griffel • Eleanor Griffith • Teresa & Michael Grimm • Dorothea Grimm • Mary Grimmer • Jerome Grisham • Betty & David Gritt • Jeri & Tom Grogg
• Theo & Alvina Gromacki • Victoria Groser • William Gross • R P Grosse • Gerald & Myrna Grossman • Howard & Arlene Groth • William & Janet Grotjan •
Jerome & Marion Groulik • Francis Groves • Giles Grows • Jeanne Gruber • Beverly Gruber • Robert & Diane Grueneberg • Kathy & Lee Gruenewald • Jacqueline
& Charles Gruenke • Albert & Gloria Gruer • Carol Grundy • Charles & Jessie Grunow • Gerald & Laura Gruszewski • H. Lynn Gudie • Gerald & Nancy Guenther
• John & Lucille Guilbault • Catherine Guilfoyle • David Gundersen & Amie Goldman • Janet & Phillip Gural • Kenneth & Carole Guran • Jeffrey Gurriell • Duane
& Genevieve Guth • Estelle Haack • Cindi & John Haag • Francis & Marlene Haas • Helen & Ted Haasch • David Haase • Nancy Habeger • Anne Habel • Ethel
Haberkorn • Glen & Eileen Haberman • John & Anne Hackl • Ken & Joan Haen • Marguerite Hafner • Lavergne Hageman • Leslie & Edith Hagensick • Robert
& Carolyn Haglund • Janice & David Hahn • Ronald Hahn • Jon Hain • James Haire • Dennis & Shirley Haldemann • Terrence & Marie Halfen • Arthur Hall •
Arthur & Pauline Hall • Joan Hall • Linda Hall • Pinckney & Susan Hall • Arneita Halle • Peggy & Steven Halsey • Bob Halstead • Mary Ann Halvorson • Robert
Ham • Shirley Hamaishi • Arthur & Cynthia Hamann • Glenn & Mary Ann Hamilton • John Hamilton • Patricia Hamilton • Gurdon Hamilton • Raymond Hamm •
Scott Hancock & Mary Ann Brenan • Floyd & Mary Hanley • Tracy Hannemann • Elizabeth Hansen • Thomas Hansen • Sandra Hansen • Alice & Richard Hansen
• Edward & Agnes Hansen • Michael & Mary Hansen • Grace Hansen • Rick Hanson • Hope Hanson • Judith & John Hanson • Adella & Gilbert Hanson • Charlotte
& David Hanson • Margaret & Michael Harloff • Mary Harnden • John Harriman • Rita Harrington • Richard Harris • James & Ann Harris • Ian Harris & Sara Ann
Spence • John Harris • Russell & Lois Harrison • Dr Kathryn Harrod • Harold & Pam Harsch • Thomas & Laurie Hartjes • Rudolph Hartlaub • Francine Hartman
• Barbara Hartnett • Paul & Ursula Hartwig • Richard & Joan Haske • John & Myrna Hassi • Orville Haszel • Dale & Ruth Hatfield • Evelyn Haueter • Marianne
Hauser • Carol & Robert Hauser • Paul & Grace Hauser • Debra Havinga • Leland Haworth • Wayne & Harriet Hay • James & Janice Hayden • Jeffrey Hayes •
Margaret Hayes • Ann Jo Hayner • Susan Haynes • Thomas & Carol Haynes • Barbara Hebert • Joseph Heck • Edward Heckendorf • Arthur Heckendorf • Cheryl
Hedgecock • Gayle & Virginia Heggie • Robert & Carroll Heideman • Ann Heidkamp • Dolores & Robert Heiland • Stanley & Jean Heiligenthal • Walter & Katharina
Heim • William Heimerl Jr. • Joseph & April Heindl • James & Lynn Heindl • Richard & Joan Heineman • Richard & Kristine Heinrich • Clark & Kris Heinzelman
• Bill Heinzelman • John & Joyce Heisdorf • Margret & Theodore Heise • Ellen Helgren • Lorraine Hellenbrand • B R Hellerstein • R David Helling & Bonnie Birk
• Joseph Helm • Carol Helm • Glen & Debra Helmbrecht • Steve Helmers • Jane & Robert Helminiak • Arleen Hemke • Jacqueline & Gerald Henderleiter • Helen
& Daniel Henderson • Miriam Hendrickson • David Henige & Janice Behn • Donald Henkel • Nancy Hennessy • Nancy Hennessy • David Henning • Linda &
Gerald Hepp • Warren Herbrand • John & Lynn Herbst • Henry & Ruth Herling • Betty Herman • James Herman • Kris Herman • Jost & Elizabeth Hermand •
Philip Herrbold • Violet Herricks • Ruth Hersko • Eileen Hesseling & James Pietrusz • Dennis Hessner • William Hester • Judith Hestoft • William & Catherine
Heuer • Ann Heywood • Bill & Edith Hibbard • Helen Hift • Mary & Richard Higgs • Harry Hill • Nathan & Ruth Hilrich • Elizabeth Himpsel • Joseph & Ruth Hind
• Jean & Harry Hindson • Bill Hirsch • Tom Hirsch • Virginia Hirsch • Peter & Suzanne Hirt • Rebecca Hitchens • Harold Hoak • Bernadine Hoeft • Janet Sayre
Hoeft • Robert & Shirley Hoegger • Anne Hoerburger • Paul Hoff • Sandra & Stuart Hoffman • Chester Hoffman • Max Hofman • Phil Hofman • Lorell & Irene
Hofmaster • Rita & Ernest Hohlstein • Wayne & Sherry Hohn • Geraldine Holewinski • Tim & Linda Hollihan • Marian Holm • Paula & Andrew Holman • Michael
& Reva Holmes • Robert Holmes • Nancy Holmlund • Bohumil & Ruth Holub • Robert Holzhauer • Kenneth Holzhueter • Kay Hong • Francis Honish • Joyce
Hopfensperger • Frances & Steve Hopkins • Beverly Hoppe • Bernard & Doris Horn • Roger & Sharon Horton • Naomi Horwitz • Alma Houfe • John Houlihan •
Daniel Houlihan • Patrick Hourigan • Mary Houseman • Kate Houston • Ruth & James Howard • Mike & Judy Howden • Don Howlett & Lisa Stone • Thomas
Hrdina • Robert Huben • Charlotte Hubert • Francis & Marguerite Huberty • Gary & Sally Hubley • Nada Hudson • George & Lila Hudson • Donald Huenefeld •
Marieta Huff • John Hughes • David & Ruth Hulbert • Cornelius & Anna Hulstein • David & Marcella Hundt • Bob Hunt • Merry Hunter • William Hurrle • Gerald
& Barbara Hussin • Myron I Hustad • Otis Hutchens • Linda Huttenburg • Lillian Hutzler • Charlotte & John Ihde • Douglas & Bonnie Ilhardt • Carmen Ilseman •
David Ingalsbe • Marjorie Inscore • Daniel Ireland • Ruth Irvin • Mike Irwin & Bio-Logic Farms • Richard Ivens • Rachel Iverson • Sally Iwen • Ray Jablonski •
George Jacklin • Olga Jackson • Cheryl Jackson • William & Katie Jackson • Fred & Rosann Jacobi • Ronald & Helen Jacobs • Kenneth & Carol Jacobs • Tammy
Jacobs • Joanne Jacobson • Lynn Jacoby • William & Barbara Jacoby • Heinz & Rosemarie Jaenchen • Robert & Mary Jagodinsky • Gloria Jahnke • James &
Darlene Jakusz • Veronica Janecek • Norma Janecky • Robert & Shirley Janke • Mark Janowiak • Donna Janquart • Laurence & Rosella Janquart • Richard G
Jansen • Frank & Viola Janus • Barbara & Edward Janusiak • Vytautas & Palmira Janusonis • Jean Jarmusz • John Jaroch • Marcey Jaskulski • Glenn Jasperse
• Geraldine Jay • Mark Jeffries • Christine Jenk • Lucy Jennett • Teresa & Paul Jennings • Geraldine & Robert Lee Jennings • Calvin Jensema • Thomas Jensen
• Dean Jensen • James & Linda Jensen • Wayne & Phebe Jenson • Edward Jepsen • William & Jane Jeruc • Stephen & Margaret Jesmok • Joe & Gloria Jilek
• Joyce & Garland Jinkins • Bernie Johns • Jerome & Beatrice Johnson • L A Johnson • Merry Noel & Daniel Johnson • Nancy Johnson • Marjorie Johnson •
2005 CUB Members and Contributors (Continued)
Carol & Forrest Johnson • Harold Johnson • Leila Johnson • Richard & Cynthia Johnson • Alex Johnson & Julia White • Arthur Johnson • Beverly & Bruce Johnson
• Douglas Johnson • Kathleen Johnson • Margel & Douglas Johnson • Rosemary Johnson • Terry Johnson • Thomas Johnson • Vicki & Wayne Johnson • Leonard
& Patricia Johnson • Donald L Johnson • Gary & Lynn Johnson • Geraldine Johnson • Robert & Louise Johnson • Glenn & Priscilla Johnson • David & Edna
Johnson • Paulette Johnson • James & Joan Johnston • Robert Jome • Thomas Jones • Victoria Jones • James & Joan Jones • Michael & Bonnie Jones • David
& Marian Jones • James Jordan • Leslie A Jorgensen • Willard Jost • Wayne & Vivian Joubert • Robert Jovanovich • Philip Jrolf • Maxine Juckem • Raymond
Julga • Robert Jung • Theresa Jungert • Rachael Justesen • Barbara & Stephen Kaainoa • John & Margaret Kading • Annie & Bud Kadlec • Joan & Robert
Kaeiser • Andrew Kaftan • Marlene & Allan Kagen • Blanche Kahn • Fayth & Robert Kail • James Kailas • Maggie Kailin • Marjorie Kaiser • Melvin & Laverne
Kaiser • Donald & Barbara Kaiser • John Kalcik • John Kalkirtz • Juta Kalnins • James Kalscheur • John & Katherine Kaltenberg • Dolores Kamm • Judy Kampe
• R J Kamps • Howard & Lucetta Kanetzke • Al & Dolores Kanner • Hiroshi & Arlene Kanno • Lois Kaplan • Alvin & Judith Kaplan • Marion & Beverly Karch •
Steve & Lynn Karges • Sabrina Karl & Brian Beutter • Stanley & Dorothy Karls • Charlotte & Ronald Karnatz • Patricia Karnes • Germaine Karnopp • Doris Karp
• Suzanne Karrmann • Edith Karsten • Robert & Mary Ann Kascht • Pauline Kasper • James Kasum • Jerome & Judy Kasza • Eloise & John Kath • Shirley Jane
Kaub • Arlene & Edward Kaufman • Richard Kaufman • Joann Kauth • James Kavanagh • Susan Kavulich • Marjorie & Robert Kaye • Gloria & Norman Kaz •
Leo Kazaniwskyj • Betty & James Keane • Timothy & Pamela Kebbekus • Paul Keber • Janet Keck • Kaaron & Rogers Keene • Alice Kehoe • Jesse Kehres •
David Keiser • Patricia Kell • Mareda & Robert Kellner • Katherine Kelly • Jack Kelly • Susan Kelly-Kohlman • Marcia Kelnhofer • Betty Kemp • Arlys & Lee Kempf
• Catherine Kennedy & Frank Barone • Doris Kennedy • Bradley Kennedy • Dr Joseph & Joan Kepecs • Eugene & Theresa Kerkenbush • Fred & Karen Kersten
• Robert Keune • Leonard & Alberta Kick • Jean Kidwell • Mary Lou Kiehl • Marilyn Kieliszewski • Bill & Martha Kilgour • Gary Killian • Richard & Sarah Kimball
• Karen Kimla • Frank Kinateder • Janice & David King • Michael & Juliet Kinjerski • Ted & Jan Kinnaman • Francis & Estelle Kinnard • John & Jean Kinsman •
Robert Kipka • Douglas & Kathryn Kirk • Susan Kirkbride • Le Verne & Jean Kirking • Edythe Kirschling • William & Bernadette Kissinger • Judy & Larry Kivlin •
Marian Klapperich • Edward & Kathryn Kleckner • Judith Klehr • Mary Klehr & Allen Cross • Elizabeth Klein • Thomas Klein • David Kleindl • Leonard & Marcia
Kleinerman • Daniel Kleinman • Jane Kleinschmidt • Walter & Dorothy Klepp • Ruth & Henry Kleppek • Julia Kleppin • Peter & Paula Klima • Marguerite & Ramon
Klingbeil • Norris & Maxine Klingensmith • Diane Klinger • Jeffrey Klinger • Rowland & Helen Klink • Margaret Klipstein • Donald & Carol Klockow • Louise Klopp
• Jack & Joanne Kloppenburg • Daniel Klos • Jay Kloss • Earl & Rosemarie Klossner • Rose Marie Klotz • Waldemar Kmentt • Edward Kmiotek • Kellogg & Lucille
Knapp • Edwin Knauf • Frank Knauss • Mark & Mary Kneepkens • Lorna & Harry Kniaz • Diane Knight • Ellen Knipp • Ruth Knoll • Norman Knox • Marvin Knuth
• Judy Knutson • Beverly Knutson • William Koch • Raymond Koch • Diane Kocher • Len & Lou Kocinski • Gus & Patricia Kocos • Kristin Koeffler • Robert Koehl
• Dorothy Koehler • Kristine Koenen • Mary Koenes • Mary Koenig • Noah Koerner • Sidney Kohlenberg • Dorothy Kohlhagen • Tom & Linda Kolb • Norma Kolthoff
• James & Marianne Koltz • Ron Kolz • James Komarec • Elaine Koncz • Jim Koneazny • Ron Konkol • Dorothy Konkol • L V Kopp • Elizabeth & Herman Kopplin
• Kenneth & Edith Korb • Royce & Alma Kortbein • Oma Kortsch • John Kosmatka • Douglas & Susan Kowalski • Len Kowalski • Gloria Kowbel • Kevin Kox •
Michael & Beverly Kozelka • Clarence Kozlowski • Angeline Kraemer • Lucien Krahn • Nate & Elly Kraines • Barbara & Roland Kraiss • Gary Krajnik • Darrell &
Margaret Kramer • Eugene & Suzanne Krasno • David Kratt • Kay Krause • Robert Krause • Mae Krawczyk • Robert Kreber • Margaret Kreger • Larry & Evelyn
Kreidler • Chuck Kreimendhal • Shari Krejcarek • Jane Kremer • Donald & Catherine Kreul • Thomas Kriofsky • Bernard & Judith Kristal • Donald & Mary Lynn
Krohn • Fran Kruck • Milton & Mildred Krueger • Wayne Krueger • Lawrence & Thomas Krueger • Robert R. Kruger • Dee & John Krugler • Fred & Liisa Krumsieg
• Gerda Krupp • Daniel Krupp • Joseph & Jean Krushas • Genevieve Krych • Francis Kubisiak • Anthony Kuchan • Betty Kuckenbecker • Frank Kuehl • Carol &
Ralph Kuepper • Armond & Ione Kueter • Jane Kufahl • Charles & Mary Kugel • Mabel Kuharski • Arvin & Dorothy Kuhn • Fred Kuhn • Joyce & Neil Kumbier •
George & Sonja Kung • Kathy Kuntz & Henry Huemmer • John & Arlene Kurer • Ernest Kurszewski • Thomas Kurth • M F Kurth • Daniel Kurtycz • Vernon Kussow
• Paul & Atsuko Kusuda • David Kuter & Hilda Weeks Kuter • Patricia Kwiatkowski • Mary Laan • Bill & Helen Labadie • Jeffrey LaBudda • Martha Lacey • Allie
Lachine • Bruce Ladron • Adam LaFave • Mary LaGrange • James & Karen Lahann • Eugene & Maria Natalie Lambert • Steven Lambert • Donald Lambrecht •
Joel & Patricia Lamke • Larry & Rosella Lamont • Barbara & Dale Landis • Clarence & Grace Landry • Howard & Judith Landsman • James Landsverk • Lawrence
Landwehr • Robert & Ruth Lang • Jerry & Diane Lang • Warren & Marion Lang • Oscar Lange • Hyacinth Lange • William & Joanne Lange • Thomas Langkammer
• Jay Larkey • Barbara & George Larsen • Warren Larson • Larry & Judith Larson • Charles Larson • Harvey & Mary Larson • Karen & John Larson • Lawrence
Larson • Norbert Larson • Larry & Jennie Lynn Larson • Carl & Colleen Lassiter • Art & Catherine Lastofka • Robert Laudonio • Robert Laufenberg • Paul & Lois
Lauritzen • Fred & Steffie Lautenschlager • Estella & Charles Lauter • Charles Lauters • Robert & Jane Lawrence • Joan & Clarence Lawrence • Marion Lawson
• Roger Lawyer • Nancy & Vince Lazzaroni • Susan Le Feber • Edward Melvin Le Vine • Christopher Leadley & Ellen Hing • Scott Lee • Marcellus Lee • David
& Darlene Lee • Terrance Lee • Peter Lee • Kenneth & Maxine Leenhouts • Lynn & John Lees • Alex & Kathryn Lefeber • Ralph Lehmann • Willi Lehner • Dan
Leider • Milton Leidner • Herman Leis • Owen Leisch • Carl Lekan • Roger & Inez Lemnus • Robert Lenhart • Richard & Anita Lenz • Harriet Leone • Basil Lepak
• Donald Lescohier • John Lesinski • Tadeuz Lesinski • Ronald Lesjak • Bradley & Theresa Leskinen • Eugene & Angeline LeTendre • Donn Leussler • Mary
Leverson • Frieda & Burton Levine • Leonard Levine • Richard & Diane Levis • Phil & Elizabeth Lewis • Nonald Lewis • Beverly Lewis • Joseph Libnoch • Denis
& Kathryn Lichter • Susan & Lyle Lidholm • Anne Liebenthal • Tibi Light • Lyle & Marian Lilly • Lorraine Lindblom • Ernest & Jane Lindgren • Bruce Lindgren •
Carole & George Line • Howard & Phyllis Linebaugh • Ronald Lingard • David & Judith Linser • David Linton • Jeanne & Henry Lipke • Judith Lippold • Gordon
Lipsky • Frank Liska • Adele Liszewski • Sandra Locher • Mary Lodes • Lynn Lodl • Howard & Marlene Loeb • Jakob & Tamar Loewenberg • Mary Loftus • Brian
Logan & Treehouse Builders • Betty Jane & Herbert Loke • Cecelia M Loken • Ron Lokken • Raymond & Dolores Lokken • Allan & Vickie Long • Oscar Looser
• Donna & Ronald Loppnow • Vilja Lorenzsonn • Marie Loring • Linda Loser • Dorothy Loucks • Doris & Jack Love • Dennis & Theresa Lowder • Truman Lowe
• Carol Lowey • Lance Lubach • Sharon Lubkeman & Andrew Welhouse • The Reverend Cecelia Lucas • Bryce & Maxine Luchterhand • Barbara Luczak • Pauline
Ludwig • Bruce Luecke • Glen & Lynn Luetschwager • James & Debra Luetzow • Clarence & Della Lukes • Richard & Nancy Luko • Mariel Lund • Susan Lundsten
• Doris Lutgen • Christine Luther-Matel • Eleanor Lutz • Frank Lutz • Raymond & Barbara Lutz • Louise & Thomas Lutz • Claire Lutzen • Richard & Mary Lux •
Paul & Mary Lydolph • Richard Lyles • Norman Lynch • Barry Lynn • Chris Mac Crindle • Stewart Macaulay • Moreau & Marilyn MacCaughey • Patricia Mace •
Steve & Sue Macejkovic • Thomas Machnik • Marian Maciej-Hunter • Bruce & Katherine MacIntyre • Kevin Mackey • Sally Mackie • Lisa MacKinnon & Eric
Rambo • Edward Mackus • James & Nancy Maddocks • George & Ivy Maechtle • John Maedke • Jeff Maertz • Bernice Maertz • Jackie Maggiore • Robert &
Margaret Magill • Mike & Jan Mahaffey • John & Sharon Maier • Ellen Majewski • Dorothy & Henry Malchow • Mildred Malinski • Mary Malnar • Julius & Annie
Malone • Jason Maloney & Cindy Dillenschneider • Sharon Maloney • Allen & Lorayn Malsack • Josephine Manchester • Rosemary & Paul Mandli • Claire
Mangasarian • Joan Maniaci • Alan Manson • Joseph Manson • June Mansur • David Manthey • John & Helen Manz • Rita Maples • Mary Maraniss • Jeraldine
Marchant • Mary Marcinkowski • Bruce & Ruth Maresch • Grant & Lois Margwarth • Bruce & Ruth Marion • Ronald Marks • William Markusen • Karen Maroda •
Lucille & Marvin Marquardt • Leslie & Sigrid Marquardt • Roy Marsden • Avis & L. William Marsh • Marion Marsh • Victoria Marshall • Terry Marshall • Louis Marten
• William & Barbara Marten • William & Loretta Martens • Edward Martens • Walter Martin • Ada Martin • Diane & Paul Martin • Mary Jane Martin • Karen &
Steven Martinson • Donald Mashuda • George Mathisen • Tracy & John Matthews • Eugene Mattson • Evelyn Matyasz-Fischer • Norman Matzek • Wayne &
Gayle Mauer • James Mauthe • Mary & Terry Maves • Vera Mayer • Robert & Linda Mayo • Arthur & June Ann Maze • David Mazurek • Donald Mc Farland •
Daniel McAdams • Jann & Bill McBride • Michael McCabe • Rosemary McCarthy • Joan McCarthy • Mike & Diane McCarty • Neil & Patricia McCarty • Don
McCloskey • Jon & Bonnie McCluskey • Brent & Deborah McCown • Denise McCulley • Earl McCullough • Robert & Helen McDermid • Thomas McDermott, Sr
• Eleanor McDowell • Kathy McElroy • Aaron McGee • Patrick McGillis • Paul McHalsky • Breck & Laurie McHenry • Lori McIlhone • Katharine McIntosh • Rev.
Brandan McKeough • Sandra McKitrick • Kilbourne & Mary Jo McKittrick • Virgil & Charlene McKittrick • Howard McLain • James McLeer • Donna McLeod •
Patrick McMahon • Robert & Katherine McMillan • Dennis & Nancy McMillen • Marie Claude & Blake McNulty • Kathleen McQuade • Jackie Meagher • James
& Sharon Medved • Anil Mehta • Robert Meier • Dorothy Meilenner • Fred & Barbara Meinholz • William & Marcella Meisenheimer • Anton & Carol Meister • Chris
& Mary Meixner • Susan Melcher • Jean Melchert • John & Linda Melski • Muhammad & Nakako Memon • Richard & Rita Menet • Marvin & Francis Mengeling
• John Menger • Donald & Marcia Meracle • Richard & Karen Merklein • Laurissa & Glenn Mertins • John Mesching • Francis Messa • Ronald Messmann • Ralph
& Florence Metzger • Mary & George Metzger • Claire & Alfred Meyer • Roberta Meyer • Gloria Meyer • Jeanette R Meyer • Marion Meyer • Robert & Barbara
Meyer • Lorraine Meyer • Thomas Meyer • Charles & Dolores Meyerson • Sylvester & Mary Jane Michalkiewicz • Sophie Michalovitz • Dolores Michalska • Jan
Michalski • Ken Micheloni • Oskar & Gertrude Michels • Ronald Mickel • Fred & Judy Middleton • Elizabeth Middleton • John Miers • Ray & Bernice Miersch •
Rev John & Janice Miesel • Peter & Marilyn Miess • Edward & Rose Mietus • Harold & Elaine Milbrath • James Mileham • Samuel Milesky • Harv Millar • Mary
Miller • Howard & Leah Miller • Velma Miller • John & Patricia Miller • Jerome Miller • Paul Miller • Robert & Catherine Miller • Jane & Ronald Miller • Midge Miller
• Robert Miller • Ruth & Glenn Miller • Tony Miller • Herbert Miller • Marie Miller • Diane & Gale Miller • Gertrude Miller • Lawrence Miller • G Milliette • Warren &
Marjorie Milliman • Dean & Genevieve Millis • Judith Mills • Dorothy Minert • Thomas & Peggy Minor • Robert & Sherry Miracle • Kenneth Mischka • Peter Mischke
• Ted & Grace Mitchell • Mark & Brenda Mittelstadt • Lewis & Ruth Mittness • Florence Moe Olson • Roland Moede • Jeffrey Moehrke • Connie Molbeck • Jean
Moldenhauer • Craig Moldenhauer • Myrtle Molnar • Anthony & Charlotte Molter • Charles & Shirley Mooney • Susan & Douglas Moore • Nathalie Moore • Ellen
2005 CUB Members and Contributors (Continued)
Moore • Colleen Moore • Carol & Thomas Moran • Steven & Patrice Moratz • Charles Morgan • Hugh Morgan • Thomas & Kathleen Morgan • Thomas & Shelby
Moritz • Janet Morris • W James & Lorraine Morris • James Morrisey • Thomas Morse • Barbara Mortensen • Mary & James Moser • Ted & Linda Moskonas •
David Moss & Colleen Beaman • Carol Mothershead • Barbara Mottl • Gerald & Mary Mrochek • Edward Mudrak • Joe & Audrey Mueller • Fred Mueller • Ronald
& Kathleen Mueller • Alice & Gerald Mueller • Harold Mueller • Timothy Mueller • Ralph & Joan Muenchow • Sherwood & Lola Muenchow • Mary & Melvin
Mulhollon • Frank Mullen • Douglas Mullen • Polly Munn • Mary Lou Munts • Richard & Donna Murphy • David & Debbie Murphy • H Carol Murphy • James
Murphy • Dorothy Murphy • Audrey Murray • Chrystyna Mursky • Blanche Murtagh • Jerome Muschinske • Harry & Julia Mushall • Edmund Musholt • Gene &
Beatrice Musolf • Helen & Peter Muto • Marilyn Mutzenbauer • Raymond Myszka • Ralph Nabak • Robert Nabbefeld • Ralph & Joann Nadolinski • Bob & Lela
Naegele • Joan Naegeli • Richard Nagl & Lucille Ann Malay-Nagl • Anne Nahn • Alfred Namejunas • William Napiecinski • Raymond & Julie Nashold • Helen
Navarre • Katsumi Neeno • Ron & Patricia Nefstead • Robert & Nancy Nell • Jack Nelmark • Sylvina Nelson • Darrel Nelson • Rachel Nelson & Jan Slotnick •
Diane Nelson • John Nelson • Robert Nelson • Vera Nelson • J. E. Andrea Nembhard • Helen & Arthur Nenn • Ron & Francis Neperud • Mary & Rolfe Nervig •
Lyle & Pat Ness • David Nett • Allan & Aileen Nettleton • Caroline Neubauer • Sara Neubauer • Marvin & Mary Nevala • Ivy Nevala • Gillian & Dan Nevers •
William & Ione Newberry • Donna Newman • Fred Newmann & Carolyn Hegeler • Richard & Shirley Newsome • James Newton • Steven & Nancy Nichols • John
P Nicksic • Marilynn Niebler • Philip Nieft • Linda Nieft • Beth & Dale Nielsen • Lawrence & Mary Nielsen • Clayton & Irene Nielsen • James & Betty Nier • Edward
Niezgoda • Don Nighorn • Frank L Nikolay • Jim & Evelyn Nirschl • Wallace & Joanne Nissen • Bill Nohl • William & Lily Nolan • Helen Nordby • Stanley Nordeng
Jr • Adeline Norris • Dale Norris • John & Rhonda Norsetter • Roger & Gail Northway • Jeanne Novak • Norbert Novak • Ann Novinska • Louise & Don Novotny
• Dave Nowicki • Elam Nunnally • Chamomile & Benjamin Nusz • Jerome & Genevieve Nycz • Richard & Laverne Nyenhuis • Sandee Nytes • Robert OíKeane
• Roy Oathout • Ruth Oberbruner • Claire O’Brien • James O’Bryon • Jeffrey & Kathryn Ochsankehl • John O’Connell • Katharine Odell • Daniel & Christine
O’Donnell • Karen Oechler • Lucille & Lenhard Oelke • Lester & Maryalice Oerum • Rudolph & Eleanor Oest • Stephen & Margaret Ognacevic • Vivian & Warren
Ogren • Thomas & Mary O’Hearn • Edward & Elizabeth Oldenburg • Roger & Patricia Oldenburg • David Oliensis • Barbara Olive • Walter Ollech • J.C. & Olga
Olsen • Chuck & Pat Olsen • Charlotte Olsen • Julie Olsen & Tim Valdez • Michael Olsen • Scott Olsen & Michelle Reis Olsen • Verna Olson • Don & Sandy
Olson • Donna Olson • Marion Olson • Dwain & Joan Olson • Diane Omtvedt • Jean O’Neill • Sherman & Lucille Orvick • Edward & Shirley Osterberg • Mark &
Christine Osterberg • Thomas & Deborah Osting • Barbara Ostrowski • Katherine Otto • Gerald Ottone • George Ouimette • Sarah Overholt • Mark Overs • Helen
Owsianny • Lawrence & Mary Pable • T A Pace • Helen & Milton Padway • Lloyd & Margaret Page • Douglas Pahl • Ruth Pallamolla • Arthur & Marjorie Palleon
• Janice Palmer • John & Tana Palmer • Leonard Pampel • George & Kathleen Pandl • Ralph & Lois Pape • Earl & Sharon Pappenfuss • Geraldine Pari • Ethel
Parise • Earl Parkman • Edwin & Sandra Parpart • Harry Parrott • Robin Parsons Replogle • Ervin & Irene Parzych • Arthur Patch • Al & Jan Patchin • David
Patek • Sue Patrick • Doug & Jennie Patrykus • C P & Mary Paul • Robert Paul • Justus & Barbara Paul • Howard Paulsen • Harold & Hollace Paulsen • Virginia
& Rodney Paulsen • Ralph & Judith Paulson • Belden Paulson • Arline Paunack • Veronica Pauze • Lorraine Pavelcik • Curt Pawlisch • Eileen & Patrick Payne
• Rev. Charles Payson • Joseph & LaVera Pech • Roger Peck • Milton & Vivian Peckarsky • Beryl & Roy Pedersen • David & Rae Pedersen • Gerald & Amy
Pedersen • Beverly & Larry Pederson • Bonnie Pedraza • Renee Peelen • Mary Peerenboom • Jeanne Marie Peffer • Anne Raiche Peirick • Jerome & Victoria
Pelkowski • Charles Pelky • Julius Pellegrini • Dave & Tamara Pellett • Dennis & Rebecca Pelzek • Phyllis Pelzer • Terry Penniston • Harold Pentler • Grace
Peppard • Rueben Peppler • Robert Pergande • Anthony Perme • Archie & Katherine Perry • Roland Perschon • Louise Petering • Nancy & Raymond Peters •
Mark Peters • James Petersen • Lucille Petersen • Dick & Joan Petersen • Dorothy Peterson • Harriet Peterson • Mariam & Milton Peterson • Edward & Grace
Peterson • Robert & Joyce Peterson • Theodore & Ava Marie Peterson • Don Peterson • Jim & Carole Peterson • Edna Peterson • Sandra Peterson • Ursula
Peterson • LaVerne Peterson • Ted Petrakis • Robert & Colleen Petranek • John Petranyi • Laurie Pevnick • Kathleen Pfeiffer • L R Pfeiffer • Joel & Mary Pfeiffer
• B C & Jane Phelps • Lynn Phillipps • John Phillips • Ward Phillips • Patricia & Thomas Pibal • Davin Pickell • Beverly & Vern Pieper • Kenneth Pierce • Janice
Pierce & Philip Groth • Arthur & Dorothy Pierce • Betty Piirto • Evelyn & Leo Piller • David & Sharon Pingel • Paul & Ellie Pinkert • Hulbert Pinkerton • Dennis
Pinkowski • Robert Pionke • Stevan Pirocanac • James Place • Gene Ploetz • Shirley Pluim • Joan & Rick Plumley • Karl Pnazek • Carla Poast • Mary & Sidney
Podell • Victor Podlaski • Catherine Podolin • Rudolph & Lillian Poeske • William Poisl Jr • Thomas Poker • Dave Poklinkoski • Susan & Harry Pokorny • Gail
Pollak • Ellen & Stan Pollan • Barbara Pollard • John Pollock • John Poorman • Bernice Popelka • Irene Popko • Jim & Judy Popp • Mary Poretti • Elaine Possin
• Joan Potente • Lynette Potter • Dorothy & William Povkovich • Marilynne & John Povlich • Stephen Powers • Brian Powers • Kent & Kristin Powley • Josie
Pradella • Frank & Marion Pragalz • Jeannine Prager • E Pramenko • Sylvia Pratt • Maurine Prawdzik • Karen & Patrick Prendergast • Harold Preuschl • Daniel
Prevenas • Christine Prevetti • Patty Prime • Jane Pritchard • Jan Pritzl • James Pritzlaff • Walter Probert • Ed Prochazka • Barbara Proeber • Charles Pruett &
Edna Paske • Pamela Prusow • Gerald & Lillian Ptaschinski • Beryl & Kathe Pullen • Don Pulver • Gilbert Pulvermacher • Walter Punko • Alice & Jalam Punwar
• George Pupeter • Frank & Lilian Putra • Robert Quade • Jean Quay • William Quella • Louise & Charles Quigley • Jim & Carolyn Rabata • Ralph Rabin • Richard
& Mary Radell • Bob Rader • Thomas Radke • Mary Ann & Steven Radowski • Richard & Darlene Rafferty • Stanley Rahlf • LeRoy & Joanne Rahn • Sara &
Michael Ramaker • Jane Ramig • Bob & Marguerite Ramlow • Steve Rankin • Patricia Rankin Koch • Nancy & Robert Raphoon • Ann Rae & Bernard Raskin •
Katherine Rasmussen • Larry & Suzanne Rather • Esther Rathert • Michael Lee Ratsch • Elaine Rattunde • Rita & Thomas Rausch • Dorothy Rebholz • Jon &
Mary Reddin • Lillian Redding • Marcella Rediske • Lawrence Redlin • Dennis Redovich • Thomas Regan • John & June Reichertz • Richard & Donna Reinardy
• Susan Reineck • Chauncey & Enanda Reinertson • Robert & Louise Reinhardt • Donald & Barbara Reinicker • Anthony & Jean Reis • Doris & Karl Reisel •
Emerich & Mary Reisenbuechler • Gary Reitzner • Charles & Margaret Renk • S Jane Weiss & S Yvonne Renner • Dante & Esther Renzoni • Alan Repp • Ray
Reser & Laurie Low • Jean & William Restock • Julia Revane • Ronald & Carla Reynolds • Stan & Arlene Ribich • Delores Ricchio • Lowell Rice • Patricia &
Robert Rich • Floyd & Hazel Richardson • Robert Richgels • David & Marjorie Richmond • John & Jackie Richter • Carol & John Richter • Wayne Rick • Patricia
Rickert • David & Dawn Rieckmann • Dorothy Riedl • Don & Donna Riess • Michael & Margaret Rifken • Joan Riley • Jeannette Rilling • Pilar Maria Rincon •
Robert & Joan Ringstad • James Riordan • Paul Ripple • Ruth Rishel • Fred Risser • Harold Rivard • Paul & Joann Rivas • Lucia Ann Rizzo • Clifford & Mary
Roach • Jean Roamer • Maurice Robare • Don Robbins • Ruth Nell Robbins • Constance & Richard Robers • Al & Arlene Roberts • Doris Roberts • Dolores
Roberts • Leigh & Ellen Roberts • Diane Roberts & George Dreckman • Elizabeth Roberts • Shirley Robertson • Delores Robillard • William & Joan Rock • Harold
Rock • Marion Rockwell • Paul & Marlene Rodenkirch • Sharon & Gilbert Roderick • Wendy Rodman • Amos Roe • Jane Roeber • Russell & Kathleen Roecker
• Kevin Roels • Bill & Carol Rogacheski • Ruth Ann & Richard Rogahn • Robert & Kathryn Rogalinski • Wallace Rogers • Joan Rohan • Donald & Lois Rohleder
• Elsie Rohrbach • Dagny Rohrberg • David & Diane Roidt • Andrea Rolich • Harold & Rebecca Roller • William Romanski • Mary Joan & William Rose • Quentin
& Cathleen Rose • Harold & Linda Rose • Joann Roseler • Milton & Miriam Rosenberg • Marian Rosenberger • Elaine Rosenblatt • Gary Rosenshield • Mike &
Mary Rosenthal • Thomas & Louise Rosner • Cindy Rosner • Gerald & Carolyn Rosprim • Frank Rossetto • Diana Rossetto • Isabel Rossey • Al Roster • Verlyn
& Linda Roth • Roland & Beth Rothman • David Rothwell • Arlene & Hershel Rotter • Merton Rotter • Charles Roubal • Kendall & Mary Rouse • Jane Rowe •
William Rowe • Grace Rowin • Steven & Judith Rubert • Dolores Rudolph • Keith & Judy Ruelle • Marlin & Mary Ruetz • Ronald & Doris Rulien • Charles & Jean
Rumsey • Harland Rusch • Linda & Jeff Russell • Erwin & Joan Russell • Nancy & David Russell • William & Alice Russell • Lucille Rutkowski • Marlene Rutta •
Claire & Frank Ryan • Colleen Ryan • Patricia Ryan & Randall Daut • Kathy Ryder-Welter & John Welter • Justin Rzutkiewicz • Morris & Barbara Sable • Maribeth
Sadie • Judith Sadowsky • Jan Saecker • Veronica Saeman • Kayvon & Patricia Safavi • Mick Sagrillo • Arla Sahagian • Chester & Eugenia Sakwinski • Betty
Salamun • Jerome & Patricia Salentine • Bernard Saley • Ray Salm • Helen Saloutos • Mary Ann & Neal Salter • Cynthia Salvador • Don Salzbrun • Bernard &
Carol Sammer • Barry & Kathy Sanders • Donna Sanders • Charles Sanders • Jerome Sankey • William & Judith Sankey • Randy Sannes • Bruce Sargent •
Donald Sass • Marvin & Donna Saugstad • Bruce Sauter • George Savage & Donna Silver • Mary Savignac • Ruth & Frank Sawejka • Viola & Benjamin Sayas
• Leslie & Elke Saylor • Vincent Scallon • Amy Scarr & Judy Howard • Sophie Schaarschmidt • Paul Schacht • Alice & Robert Schacht • Fredrick Schaefer • Janet
& Jerome Schaefer • James Schaefer • Joanne & Don Schalch • David Schall • LaVerne & Rose Schaller • Don Schambureck • Agnes Schanen • Norman &
Mary Jane Schardt • Betty & Louis Scharfenberger • Mary & Steven Schatz • Irene Scheiber • Hazel & Ted Scheidegger • Harriet Schendlinger • August Schepker
• Bill & Evelyn Scherer • Elena Scherman • Glenn & Marge Schiebel • Stanley & Harriet Schirmer • Brian & Jody Schlaefer • Paul & Deanna Schliesmann •
Edward & Mary Schlumpf • Richard Schmid • Patricia Schmidt • Floyd Schmidt • Edward Schmidt • Margaret J Schmidt • Gladys & Arthur Schmidt • Leo G
Schmidt • Levaine & Robert Schmitt • Ray Schmitt • Bernard & Margaret Schmitt • Joseph Schmitz • John & Carol Schmuhl • Anna Schneider • Bob & Denise
Schneider • Joyce Schneider • Maurita Schnoor • Henry Schnuell • Frank & Wendy Schober • Thomas Schoen & Jeanine • Bernice & Loyd Schoen • Dolly
Schoenberg • Christopher Schoenherr • Mary Jo & Gregory Schoepke • Bob & Marilyn Scholl Jr • Carl Scholz • Dan & Jeanette Schossow • Francis & Sally
Schrag • Beverly Schram • Robert & Susan Schramm • Dennis & Claudia Schreiner • Robert Schrimpf • Selma Schroeder • Barbara Schroeder • Carl & Charlotte
Schroeder • John & Charlotte Schroeder • Leroy Schroeder • Paul Schuettler • Laura Schuh • Charles & Bonnie Schuknecht • Eric & Jane Schulenburg • Harris
& Jean Schultz • Kathleen & Brian Schultz • Mrs. Beverly Schultz • William & MacKay Schultz • John Schultz • Paul Schultz • Robert Schultz • Kathleen & Jeffrey
Schultz • Margaret Schultz • Waldemar Schultz • Norman Schultz • Mae Schulz • Mr & Mrs Frederic Schulz • Taj & Rebecca Schumacher • Clarence Schunck •
Margaret Schunck • Delbert Schuster • William & Ellen Schuster • Preston Schutt • Leonard Schutta • Ronald & Vicki Schuyler • Yvonne Schwalbach • Terry &
Ruth Schwalenberg • Timothy Schwaller • Marie Schwanengel • Norman & Pearl Schwanz • Herman & Goldie Schwarz • Sally & Robert Schwarz • Marian
2005 CUB Members and Contributors (Continued)
Schwehr • Alan Schwoegler • Lyle & Phyllis Sconzert • Frances Scott • John & Joy Scott • David & Mona Scott • Ronald Scott • Charles & Anne Scott • Ralph &
Esther Scott • Lisa Scott Ptacek • Rozanne Screven • Arthur Searls • Nyle & Lois Seidel • Roland Seidel • Arno Seidemann • Curtis & Shirley Seidl • John Seidl
• Erna & Juergen Seifert • Joanna Seifert • Mark Seiler • Hazel Sejba • Anthony & Lilian Selestow Jr • Doris Senn • Melvin Sensenbrenner • James Servais •
Betty & Ken Settecase • Helga & Tom Seversen • Janice Seybold • Sandra Seymour • Paschal & Jeannette Shaffer • Mark Shahan & Laura Brown • Madeline
& Howard Shambaugh • George Shands • Marilyn & Russell Shannon • Elaine Shapiro • Robert Shaw • John Shea • Geraldine Shelhamer • John P Shelley •
Mary & Tim Shepardson • Jim Shepherd • Patricia Sherd • Edith & Giles Sheridan • Norm Sheridan • Berton Sherman • Ralph & Irene Sherman • Ray & Lendoris
Sherman • Doris & Ralph Sherman • Daryl K. Sherman • Rosann Sheski • Kathleen Shields • Ronald Shiffler • Judith Shine • Julie Shiner-Bazan • SJ Shireman
• Jerome & Kathleen Shoemaker • George Sholes • James Short • Robert Shotola • Stefan Shoup • Eugene & Barbara Shreves • Joan & Parker Shriver • Robert
Shropshire • James Shropshire • Anthony & Florence Shudy • Peter Shudy • Linda Shult • Sara Shutkin • Mary Lunana Siberz • Ben & Judy Sidran • Richard
Sieg • Judy & Bob Siegfried • Mildred S Sievers • Rose Mary & Richard Sikora • Philip & Phyllis Sillman • Robert & Edith Silverstein • Evelyn Simenowsky • Paul
Simenstad • Charles Simmons • Richard Simon • Archie Simonson • Vance Sinclair • Minord & Dorothy Sindberg • Dave & Kathaleen Singstock • Peter & Jeanette
Sink • Audrey Sinnott • Dee Sitzberger • Mary Siuta • Leon Siverling • Ronald Skarie • Paul Skidmore • Craig & Mary Ann Skold • Mary Lou Skowronski • John
Slaby • Dianne Slater • Marjorie Slaughter • Loren Sloan • Joe & Marlys Sloup • Catherine Small • Jo Smirl • Charles Smith • Patricia Smith • Donald Smith •
Jacqueline Smith • Marie Smith • Newell Smith • Barbara Smith • Beatrice Smith • David & Alyce Smith • Lorraine Smith • Robert Smith • Rose & Galen Smith •
Huron & Leticia Smith • Linda & Victor Smith • Clayton Smits • David Smythe • Jackie & Christine Snider • Christine & Anthony Snieg • Barbara Snow • Lyle
Sobczak • Robert Sobek • Peter Sobol • Dorothy & Warren Soeteber • Joyce & Albert Solochek • Alice Somers • Jonathan Somers • Kathryn Sommer • Jack
Sondergard • Elaine & Merlin Sonnentag • Nanci & Jack Sorensen • Rhodell & Roy Sorensen • James Sorensen • Magnus Sorensen • Paul Sotirin • Anna Sovish
• Lloyd & Kathy Spaeth • Gladys I Spallato • Steve Spanbauer • William Sparks • William Specht • Thomas Speckhard • June & Stan Spencer • Leslie SpencerHerrera • Jean & Marlin Spindler • Dolores & Joseph Spitz • Mike & Dru Spitzer • Elroy & Esther Spletter • Arthur & Clarice Spoerry • Christine & Jim Sponnick
• Dot Spransy • Charles & Winifred Spring • Don & Irene Spyhalski • James St Mary • Martin & Nancy Stabb • Leonhard & Erika Staerk • Helen & Robert Staffaroni
• Christine & Charles Stanfield • Joanne E. Stange • Rosemarie Stankus • Jane E Stannard • Francis Stanton • James & Shirley Stanton • Lloyd & Doris
Stapelmann • Alex & Bernice Staponkus • Robert Starstead • Roland & Nelda Starszak • Denise & David Statz • Joseph Stauber • Douglas Steege • Ruth Steffen
• David Steffenson • R W Steidemann • Leonard Stein • Fred Steinbrecher • Bruce Steiner • Wendell & Carolyn Steiner • Steve & Patricia Steinert • Robert
Steinike • Walter & Ethel Steinmetz • August Stellberg • J L Stellner • Walt & Donna Stenske • Robert & Margaret Stephenson • George & Eleanor Stepien • Jody
Steren • Wendy Sterne • David & Kathleen Stetter • Ronald & Carol Stevens • Jean Stevenson • Lillian Stigler • M Pamela & Robert Still • Gertrude Stillman •
Gerald & Marian Stillman • Joseph & Betty Stingl • Gaylen Stoa • Sally & Sherman Stock • Robert Stodola • Patrick Stoffel • Mary Stoke • John Paul Stoltenberg
• Evan & Arlene Stone • Troy Stone • Doug Stone • John Stone-Wilms & Barbara Wilms-Stone • Alvin & Margaret Stork • Jerome Storlie • Myrtle Stormoen •
Melvin Story • Charles Strancke • Lynette Strangstad • John Strasma • Anthony & Shirley Stratil • Georgene Stratman • Amber Stratz • John Straughn • Thomas
Straw • John Street • Jane Street • Martin & Linda Strelka • Wayne Stroessner • George Strother & Mary Benes • Sugurd Strottrup • Don & Natalie Strutz • John
& Bernice Stuart • John Stuchlik • Mary Ann Stueber • Michaela & Daryl Stuermer • Walter Stumpf • Robert & Patricia Sullivan • Michael & Melba Sullivan • Alberta
Sullivan • Tom Sullivan & Karen Nakasone • Olga Sullivan-LaCroix • David Sulman & Anne Altshuler • Alan Sundby • Richard & Joanne Sutherland • Cecil
Sutphen • Richard & Lucille Sutter • Lois Sutton • Bill Swanson • Charlene Swanson • Donald & Ellen Swanson • Mark & Shirley Swearingen • Shirley Swenson
• Ken Swift & Diane Coccari • Harley & Devona Swiggum • Marilyn & Thomas Swiontek • Cindy & Dennis Swodzinski • Charlotte Sykora • Mrs. Joan Szalacinski
• John & Lucille Szczepanik • Chester Szymczak • Janet & John Tadin • William & Phyllis Tadych • Max Taglin • Sandra Tait • Mari Taniguchi • Elizabeth & Michael
Tarnowski • James & JoAnne Taube • June Taube • Donald Taylor • Jack Teela • Catherine Terry • Ann Terwilliger • Lynn Tetzlaff • Rose Marie Thale • Doreen
M. Thatcher • Bernhardt & Sylvia Thede • Peter Theis • Thomas & Mary Ellen Thiede • Leroy & Marjorie Thielke • William Thomas • James & Toni Thomas •
Jane Thomas • John & Margaret Thomas • Leonard & Betty Thomas • Elizabeth Thompson • John Thompson • Linda Thompson • William Thompson • Jean &
Norman Thompson • Michael Thompson • Debra & Richard Thompson • Joanna Thompson • Duane & Marion Thomsen • Constance Threinen • Carol & Bruce
Thurber • Willard & Constance Thurlow • Laura Tiede & John Bailey • Leon & Patricia Tietyen • Thomas Tiffany • Harry Tiggemann • Helen & Lawrence Tilbury
• Rosemary Timian • Esther & Jahn Tinglum • Terry Tinkle • L R & Jeanne Tjensvold • Wayne & Susan Tlusty • Margaret Tobakos & Steve Watrous • Judith &
Robert Tobias • Catharine Todd • Rowland & Marian Todd • Raymond Toelle • Barbara Tolch • Dolores Tollefson • Carl & Janice Tomasek • Russ & Jane Tonelli
• Howard & Irene Torkkola • Jean Torrey-Canney • Ordean Torstenson • James & Blondell Toshner • Gary & Cheryl Towers • Roger & Mary Towle • Mary Trainor
• Larry & Esther Travis • Thomas & Andrea Trester • Ellen Trewartha • Norman & Loretta Tritz • Jim Trumpy • Margaret Tungseth • Jon & Diane Tuttle • Orlando
& Marion Tweet • Stephen Tyree • Albert Ujcich • Pierre Ullman • Marilyn Ulrich • Margaret & Conrad Umentum • Stephen Umhoefer • Barbara Unger • Edwin &
Janice Urban • Shirley Uribe • Frank & Fran Utzig • Florence Vacek • Joe & Veronica Valadez • Edith Valentine • Kathryn & Donald Valentino • Nancy Valentyn
• Keith & Lynne Valiquette • Dolores Vallee • Jerome & Jeanne Van Asten • Douglas & Mary Van Beek • Richard & Jeanette Van Engen • Thomas Van Ermen •
Janet & Bernard Van Lankvelt • Mrs. Helen N. Van Prooyen • Laura Van Slyke • Donald Vance • Jim Vandenberg • Ruth Vandervort • Duane Varley • Paul Vavra
• Richard & Audrey Velnetske • Darlene & George Venci • Robert & Rebecca Venn • Judith Vento • Alice & George Ventura • Susan Verbeten • Carl Verstegen
• Michael Vickerman & Pamela Weisen • Edward & Janice Vidruk • Howard Vieth • Vergene Viets • Marian Vieux • Mary Vilker • Michael & Rhonda Viney • Craig
Vivian • John Vlossak • Barbara Voelker • Victoria & John Voelker • James A & Betty Vogel • Ingolf Vogeler & Sharon Knopp • Geneva Vogt • Michael & Sarah
Jane Voichick • Norm Vojtech & Russ Reuter • Edmund Vojtik • William Volkmann • James Vollmer • Frances Vollrath • Verne & Laverne Vollrath • Paula
Volpiansky • Donald & Miriam Von Drasek • William Von Rohr • Lucille & Donald Von Rotz • Sprague Vonier • John Voorhees • Karen & Martin Voss • Vernon
Vradenburg • Carl Wade • Amarylis Wade • Fred Wade • Bill Wagner • Harold & Edna Wagner • Richard & Esther Wagner • Christopher Wagner • Karen Wagner
• Warren & Naoma Wagner • Paul Wagner & Cindy Schlosser • Andrea Wagoner & Roger Ruggeri • Ronald & Wendy Wahl • Michelle Waide • Irene Waisanen
• Charles & Gloria Waity • Gerda Wald • Ellen & Eric Waldmer • Helen Waldschmidt • Lorna Walk • Margaret & Richard Walker • Bob & Sue Wallen • Floyd &
Mary Wallo • Erika Wallow • Don & Anne Walsh • Marian & Joe Walsh • Frank Walsh • Gertrude Walstad • Wendy Walter • Wayne & Judy Walters • Jan Walters
• Ron & Karen Wampole • Sylvia & Gordon Wardius • Edith & Sylvester Warkoczewski • James Wasley • Pat Watson • Paul Watson • Shelley & Daniel Weber
• Ruth Weber • Eleanor Weber • Kathleen & Don Weber • Howard & Elaine Wegner • Barbara Wegner • Elaine Weidemann • Dorothy Weigle • Nathan Weigt •
Lorin & Dayla Weiler • Esther & Herman Weingrod • David & Theresa Weingrod • Gunter Weis • Ken & Barbara Weisen • Andrew Weisman Jr • Steven Weiss
• Teri Weiss • Gil Weiss • Susan & Len Weistrop • Jane & Daniel Welch • Robert Welch • Walter Wellenstein • Katherine Wenban • K J & C J Wendorf • Donald
Wendorff • Carole Wenerowicz • Nancy Wenten • Roger & Frances Wentz • James Werch • Dan Wergin • Caroline Werner • Betty Werner • Tom Werner • Gwen
& William Werner • Joan Werth • Diana & Frederic Wesbrook • L. Allen West • Lance & Beverly Westen • Harvey & Kathryn Wester • Calvin & Carol Wester •
Frederick Westfall • William & Hollis Westler • Ed Wetenkamp • Karin Whealon • Judith Whelan • Alvin Whitaker • Karin White • Richard & Janice White • Keith
& Betty White • Norman & Jean Whitford • William Whitford • Gary & Nancy Whitman • Beth Whittemore • Therese Wick • Kathleen Wickert • Charles Wickler •
Louis & Frances Widemshek • Leslie Wieberdink • Richard & Ruth Wieland • Roger & Maj Wiese • Ken Wiesner • Douglas & Doris Wight • Mary & Paul Wild •
John & Jill Wilke • Jane Will • Ernst Wille • Carol & David Williams • Thomas & Virginia Williams • Myrna Williamson • Marvin & Kathleen Wilson • John & Karen
Wilson • Pat & Bobbie Wilson • Lu Winckler • Merrick & Elizabeth Wing • Arlene Winkels • Hal & Shirley Winsborough • James Winston • Tom & Lois Wirkus •
Diane Wirth • Howard Wirtz • Bill Witt • Caroline Witucki • Clarence Woelffer • Eleanor Wolf • Larry Wollock • Edna Wolter • Robert & Barbara Wolter • Virginia
Wolters • Levi Wood • Diane Woodard & Jim Winter • Karen Woodbury • Patricia Woodka • Harold & Charlotte Woolf • Thomas Woppert • Charles Workman •
Helen Wright • Steve Wrixton • Ronald Wroblewski • Craig Wucivic • Eugene Wuest • Robert Wulfkuhle • Audrey Wuttke • Julie & Charles Wyant • Georgine
Wyatt • Bob & Kathy Wynveen • Les Yaeger • Louise Abrahams Yaffe • Mary Jo & Ross Yahnke • Brian Yandell & Sharon Lezberg • Phil & Lois Yanny • Joseph
& Elizabeth Yeray • Willard & Delores Yngsdal • Dan York • Suyeo & Marcella Yoshizumi • Fred Yoss • Daniel Yost • Lois Yost • John Young • Robert Young •
Dale Young • Joan M Young • Frances Young • Rebecca Young • James & Nancy Youngerman • John & Beth Yount • Gerry & Elizabeth Youretz • James
Yourkovich • Tricia Yu • Nancy Yugo • John & Gertrude Yunker • Nancy & William Zabriskie • Yvonne M Zaffiro • Raymond Zagorski • Robert Zahn • Arlene &
Jerome Zahn • Sharon Zahradka • Ruth Zandi • Carol Zanzig • Rudy & Martha Zarletti • William & Katherine Zauner • Katherine Zavada • Janice Zawacki •
Jonathan Zellmer • Dean amd Deborah Zemel • Mark & Annette Zenz • Robert & Joan Ziccarelli • David Ziech • Marion & Albert Ziegel • Nancy Ziegler • Joan
Ziegler • James & Ruth Ziehr • James Zietlow • Carolyn Zimmer • Daniel & Irene Zimmerman • Mara Zimmerman • Marjorie Zimmerman • Thomas Zingg • Jim
Zipperer • Anita Zipperer & Pat O’Hearn • Robert & Patricia Zipter • Dorothy Zorich • Richard & Joanne Zschetzsche • Roger Zuehl • Frank Zuern • Francis
Zurawski • Robert Zusy • Doris Zwickey”
10 •
Supporting Foundations
Carolyn Foundation
Energy Foundation
Garfield Foundation
Joyce Foundation
New York Community Trust
Supporting Businesses
and Organizations
About Place Consulting
Bottom Line Marketing & Public Relations
Citizens Energy Cooperative of Wisconsin
Clifford & Raihala S.C.
Cullen Weston Pines and Bach
Culligan Water Conditioning
Eau Claire Area Labor Council AFL-CIO
International Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers District Lodge #121
Kohner, Mann & Kailas, S.C.
Lake Michigan Wind and Sun Ltd.
Larry Thiele Consulting
Milwaukee District Council #48
Nutrition Services Company Inc.
PACE Local 7-0815
Phil Kerckhoff Fundraising Services
Plumbers Local 75
Rebecca A. Wienkes, CPA, LLC
Seventh Generation Energy Systems Inc.
Sisters of Saint Francis of the Holy Cross
United Auto Workers Milwaukee Metro Area
Retired Workers Council Local 438
United Steel Workers of America Local 1343
Villa Loretto Nursing Home
Wehrs Chevrolet Inc.
Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
Utility B
d •
• Ci
We make every effort to be accurate in our listing of supporters. We regret any errors or omissions.
lities • Saving

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