No. 34 - Thursday, 2 June 2016 (pages 1921
No. 34 - Thursday, 2 June 2016 (pages 1921
No. 34 1921 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such ADELAIDE, THURSDAY, 2 JUNE 2016 CONTENTS Page Acts Assented To ..................................................................... 1922 Appointments, Resignations, Etc. ............................................ 1922 Associations Incorporation Act 1985—Notice ........................ 1923 Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000—Notice .................. 1923 Corporations and District Councils—Notices .......................... 2026 Environment Protection Act 1993—Notices ........................... 1927 Fisheries Management Act 2007—Notice ............................... 1923 Housing Improvement Act 1940—Notices.............................. 1930 Land Acquisition Act 1969—Notices ...................................... 1924 Libraries Board of South Australia—Notice............................ 1931 Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notice........................................ 1936 Local Government (Financial Management Regulations) 2011—Notice....................................................................... 1925 Mining Act 1971—Notice ....................................................... 1925 Motor Vehicle Registration Forms .......................................... 1939 Motor Vehicles Act 1959—Notices......................................... 1980 Page National Electricity Law—Notice ........................................... 1925 Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994—Notice ................... 1925 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000—Notice ............ 1998 Plant Health Act 2009—Notices ................................... 1925, 1999 Proclamations .......................................................................... 2000 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates .................. 2039 REGULATIONS Development Act 1993 (No. 39 of 2016)............................. 2003 Legal Practitioners Act 1981 (No. 40 of 2016) .................... 2005 Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 (No. 41 of 2016) ............................................................... 2007 Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1996 (No.42 of 2016) ................................................................ 2012 Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (No. 43 of 2016) ......................... 2019 Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notice .................... 1926 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES Notices for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette should be emailed to Content should be sent as Word format attachment(s). Covering emails should include the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. Closing time for lodgement is 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the regular Thursday publication. Gazette enquiries to: Phone 8207 1045. The Government Gazette is available online at: 1922 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy directs it to be notified for general information that she has in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Council and House of Assembly in Parliament assembled, viz.: No. 22 of 2016—Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Act 2016. An Act to amend the Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2001. No. 23 of 2016—Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2016. An Act to amend the Health Care Act 2008. No. 24 of 2016—Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities) Act 2016. An Act to amend the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 and the Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939. No. 25 of 2016—Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2016. An Act to amend the Legal Services Commission Act 1977. No. 26 of 2016—Supply Act 2016. An Act for the appropriation of money from the Consolidated Account for the financial year ending on 30 June 2017. By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier DPC06/0875 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the History Trust of South Australia, pursuant to the provisions of the History Trust of South Australia Act 1981: Member: (from 2 June 2016 until 1 June 2017) Chloë Catienne Fox Joost Den Hartog By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier ASACAB007-11 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal, pursuant to the provisions of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010: Deputy President: (from 1 July 2016 until 30 June 2017) David Cyril Gurry Peter Yelverton Wilson By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier HEAC-2016-00039 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Aboriginal Lands Trust, pursuant to the provisions of the Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 2013: Member: (from 2 June 2016 until 1 June 2019) Jennifer Johncock By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier MAAR16/CS003 2 June 2016 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Council for the Care of Children, pursuant to the provisions of the Children’s Protection Act 1993: Member: (from 17 July 2016 until 16 July 2018) Simon Andrew Schrapel Phillip Thomas Slee Barbara Jane Chapman Jesse Frick Chair: (from 17 July 2016 until 16 July 2018) Simon Andrew Schrapel By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier MECD16/040 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Gina Nardone as a sessional Conciliation Officer of the South Australian Employment Tribunal for a term of one year commencing on 15 June 2016 and expiring on 14 June 2017, pursuant to the provisions of the South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014. By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier MIR0019/16CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 2 June 2016 HER Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint, by Notice in the Government Gazette the people listed in the Notice as Justices of the Peace for South Australia, upon the terms and conditions set out in the Notice, pursuant to Section 4 of the Justices of the Peace Act 2005: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA Pursuant to Section 4 of the Justices of the Peace Act 2005 I, the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council, hereby appoint the people listed as Justices of the Peace for South Australia for a period of ten years commencing from 2 June 2016 and expiring on 1 June 2026, it being a condition of appointment that the Justices of the Peace must take the oaths required of a Justice under the Oaths Act 1936, and return the oaths form to the Justice of the Peace Services within 3 months of the date of appointment. Katherine Baldock Robert Desmond Clifford Warwick Adam Conway Mark Alexander Curran Lynne Catherine Giles Angley Ryan Da Gu Craig Robert Hill Gurmeet Singh Kang Adele Klara Lausberg Samantha Ellen Hyland Olsson Kimberley Mia Parker Fiona Penman Robbins Partington Kelly Robson Johnny Nazzaro Russo Frederika Anne Silc Stephen Russ Wake Joshua Richard Weidenbach By command, TOM KOUTSANTONIS, for Acting Premier JP16/007CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1985 ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 42 (2) Dissolution of Association WHEREAS the Corporate Affairs Commission (‘the Commission’), pursuant to Section 42 (1) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (‘the Act’) is of the opinion that the undertaking or operations of Aboriginal Sobriety Group Incorporated (‘the Association’) being an incorporated association under the Act, are being carried on, or would more appropriately be carried on by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Commonwealth) and whereas the Commission was on 15 April 2016, requested by the Association to transfer its undertaking to the Aboriginal Sobriety Group Indigenous Corporation (Indigenous Corporation Number 8376), the Commission, pursuant to Section 42 (2) of the Act does hereby order that on 19 May 2016, the Association will be dissolved, the property of the Association becomes the property of Aboriginal Sobriety Group Indigenous Corporation and the rights and liabilities of the Association become the rights and liabilities of Aboriginal Sobriety Group Indigenous Corporation. Given under the seal of the Commission at Adelaide, 18 May 2016. R. ALOI, A Delegate of the Corporate Affairs Commission AUTHORISED BETTING OPERATIONS ACT 2000 GR NOTICE NO. 3 OF 2016 Approved Contingencies (Marree Picnic Races—Galloping) Notice 2016 INDEPENDENT GAMBLING AUTHORITY, by this notice, approves contingencies relating to races within or outside Australia (other than races held by licensed racing clubs): 1. Citation, authorising provisions, etc. (1) This notice may be cited as the Approved Contingencies (Marree Picnic Races—Galloping) Notice 2016. (2) This notice is authorised by Section 4 of the Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000. 2. Approval (1) The contingencies listed in the table are approved in respect of fixed odds betting by licensed bookmakers. (2) This approval is subject to the provisions of the Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000, the Bookmakers Licensing Rules 2000, any other rules made under Section 62 of the Act, and the conditions to which a licence or permit are subject. (3) This approval of contingencies may be amended or revoked by further notice. 3. Definitions In this Notice— ‘Event’— (a) means a race on the flat for horses where each animal is ridden by a person; and (b) includes, in relation to an event mentioned in paragraph (a) for which there were more accepters than places, a division of that event offering the same prize as the event; ‘place’ means the contingency that a specified Entrant will place either first or second (or, if applicable, third or fourth) in a specified Event (including where different odds are offered by a bookmaker for first place vis-a-vis any of second or, if applicable, third or fourth place); ‘race’, with respect to horses, includes— (a) a race conducted by a licensed racing club; and (b) a race at a picnic race meeting or a gymkhana; ‘win’ means the contingency that a specified Entrant will place first in, or win, a specified Event. 1923 TABLE Picnic race meeting conducted by or on behalf of the Marree Picnic Race Club at the Marree racecourse on 11 June 2016 and such later date to which the meeting may be adjourned No. Description of Event Prizes Approved Contingencies 1. Open race over 400 metres for horses. First—$600 Second—$300 Third—$100 Win, place or derivative 2. Open race over 800 metres for horses. First—$600 Second—$300 Third—$100 Win, place or derivative 3. Open race over 1 000 metres for horses. First—$1 200 and bracelet Second—$600 Third—$300 Win, place or derivative 4. Open race over 1 600 metres for horses. First—$2 000 Win, place or and cup derivative Second—$1 100 Third—$700 Fourth—$300 5. Open race over 1 200 metres for horses. First—$800 Second—$400 Third—$200 Win, place or derivative Dated 30 May 2016. R. C. J. CHAPPELL, Delegate of the Independent Gambling Authority FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 115 TAKE notice that pursuant to Section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, Mark Rilstone of Lands End Pro Charters, 12 Flinders Drive, Cape Jervis, S.A. 5204 (the ‘exemption holder’), or a person acting as his agent, are exempt from Sections 52 and 70 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, but only insofar as the exemption holder may undertake the activities specified in Schedule 1 (the ‘exempted activity’), subject to the conditions set out in Schedule 2, from 27 May 2016 until 31 December 2016 inclusive, unless varied or revoked earlier. SCHEDULE 1 Collection of non-attached seagrass and marine algae from the water column within the harbour at Cape Jervis, South Australia using a modified prawn trawl net not greater than 5 m wide and 8 m long and disposal of the collected material to a site 1.5 km offshore from Cape Jervis. SCHEDULE 2 1. The exempted activity must be conducted using the charter vessel ‘Katsumi’. 2. The collection of marine algae and seaweed as part of the exempted activity is only to be undertaken in the waters within the harbour at Cape Jervis at or near position latitude 35°36′21.36″S, longitude 138°05′37.18″E. The disposal of the collected seaweed must be conducted at least 1.5 km off shore from Cape Jervis. 3. Any protected species incidentally taken while undertaking the exempted activity must be immediately returned carefully to the water. 4. The exemption holder must not conduct any other fishing activity including recreational fishing whilst undertaking the exempted activity. 5. All species caught during the exempt activity must be returned to the water as soon as practical. 6. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice. 7. Two hours before undertaking the exempted activity, the exemption holder or a person acting as an agent must contact PIRSA Fishwatch on 1800 065 522 at least 2 hours prior to conducting the exempted activity and answer a series of questions about the exempted activity. 1924 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 8. While engaged in the exempted activity, the exemption holder or agent must be in possession of a copy of this notice. Such notice must be produced to a Fisheries Officer immediately upon request. Exemption number ME9902861. 9. The exemption holder must provide a summary of the total amount of seaweed relocated to the Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy, (G.P.O. Box 1625, Adelaide, S.A. 5001) upon completion, including any interactions with threatened, endangered and protected species. 10. This notice does not purport to override the provisions or operation of any other Act. Dated 27 May 2016. S. SLOAN, Director Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 8 in Deposited Plan No. 24232, comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5347, Folio 862. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam G.P.O. Box 1533 Adelaide S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 30 May 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03624/01 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 9 in Deposited Plan No. 24232, comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5710, Folio 799. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. 2 June 2016 Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam G.P.O. Box 1533 Adelaide S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 30 May 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03623/01 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 10 in Deposited Plan No. 24232, comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5710, Folio 801. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam G.P.O. Box 1533 Adelaide S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 30 May 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03622/01 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 11 in Deposited Plan No. 24232, comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5710, Folio 800. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1925 Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam G.P.O. Box 1533 Adelaide S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 31 May 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2015/16484/01 NATIONAL ELECTRICITY LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Electricity Law as follows: Under s 107, the time for making the draft determination on the Demand Response Mechanism and ancillary services unbundling (Ref. ERC0186) proposal has been extended to 28 July 2016. Documents referred to above are available on the AEMC’s website and are available for inspection at the AEMC’s office. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800 2 June 2016 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 122, in Deposited Plan No. 3420 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 6002, Folio 35. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Hanna Samuels G.P.O. Box 1533 Adelaide S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7032 Dated 31 May 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2015/16464/01 MINING ACT 1971 NATIVE TITLE (SOUTH AUSTRALIA) ACT 1994 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 35 A (1) of the Mining Act 1971 and Part 5 of the Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994, that an application for an extractive minerals lease over the undermentioned mineral claim has been received: Applicant: Growden Excavations Pty Ltd. Claim Number: 4396. Location: Allotment Piece 92, Out of Hundreds (Port Augusta), Corunna Station area, approx. 50 km north-west of Whyalla). Area: 48.43 hectares approximately. Purpose: Construction Materials (Granite and Quartzite). Reference: T03015. Details of the proposal may be inspected at the Department of State Development, Mineral Resources Division, Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. An electronic copy of the proposal can be found on the Department of State Development website: http://minerals.state Written submissions in relation to this application are invited to be received at the Department of State Development, Mining Regulation, (Attention: Business Support Officer), G.P.O. Box 320, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, by no later than 16 June 2016. The delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy is required to have regard to these submissions in determining whether to grant or refuse the application and, if so, the terms and conditions on which it should be granted. When you make a written submission, that submission becomes a public record. Your submission will be provided to the applicant and may be made available for public inspection unless confidentiality is requested. M. SPIKIN, Acting Mining Registrar LOCAL GOVERNMENT (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS) 2011 EXEMPTION FROM THE REQUIREMENT FOR A REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY TO ESTABLISH AN AUDIT COMMITTEE— FLEURIEU REGIONAL WASTE AUTHORITY Notice of Exemption by the Minister for Local Government PURSUANT to Regulation 18 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011, I, Geoffrey Graeme Brock, Minister for Local Government, grant the Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority an exemption from the requirement to establish an audit committee until 30 June 2021. GEOFF BROCK, Minister for Local Government PLANT HEALTH ACT 2009 DECLARATION OF PEST Notice by the Minister PURSUANT to Section 4 of the Plant Health Act 2009, I, Leon Bignell MP, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, amend the notice of 29 January 2015 to add the following to the list of declared pests: Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium). Dated 24 May 2016. LEON BIGNELL, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 1926 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991: SECTION 24 NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF ROAD PROCESS ORDER Rundle Road and East Terrace, City of Adelaide BY Road Process Order made on 12 May 2016, the Development Assessment Commission ordered that: 1. Portion of allotment 10 in Deposited Plan 74256, City of Adelaide more particularly delineated and numbered ‘1’ in Preliminary Plan 15/0026 is to be opened. Forming the realignment of East Terrace. 2. Portion of the public road known as East Terrace situated between Grenfell Street and Pirie Street, City of Adelaide and more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ in Preliminary Plan 15/0026 is to be closed. 3. Portion of the public road known as Rundle Road, City of Adelaide situated between the allotment comprising pieces 2* and 4* in Deposited Plan 111680 and existing below the ground surface level and more particularly delineated and lettered ‘B’ in Preliminary Plan 15/0026 is to be closed. 4. The whole of the land subject to closure be transferred in accordance with the following schedule: (i) The road to be closed in order 2 is to vest in the Crown in accordance with the following schedule. (ii) Allotment 21 in Deposited Plan 112873 under the care and control of the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and dedicated for Public Transport Infrastructure Purposes. (iii) Allotment 22 in Deposited Plan 112873 Vest in the Crown under the care and control of the Corporation of the City of Adelaide and dedicated for Parkland Purposes. (iv) The road to be closed in order 3 being allotment 26 in Deposited Plan 112873 is to vest in the Crown under the care and control of the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and dedicated for Public Transport Infrastructure Purposes. On 24 May 2016 that order was confirmed by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, conditionally upon the deposit by the Registrar-General of Deposited Plan 112873 being the authority for the new boundaries. Pursuant to Section 24 (5) of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, NOTICE of the order referred to above and its confirmation is hereby given. Dated 2 June 2016. K. A. NISBET, Acting Surveyor-General 2 June 2016 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1927 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1993 Approval of Category B Containers I, ANDREA KAYE WOODS, Team Leader, Container Deposit Legislation and Delegate of the Environment Protection Authority (‘the Authority’), pursuant to Section 68 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA) (‘the Act’) hereby: Approval of Category B Containers: Approve as Category B Containers, subject to the conditions in Subclauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 below, each of the classes of containers identified by reference to the following matters described in the first 4 Columns of Schedule 1 of this Notice which are sold in South Australia: (a) the product which each class of containers shall contain; (b) the size of the containers; (c) the type of containers; and (d) the name of the holders of these approvals. (1) That containers of the class to which the approval relates must bear the refund marking specified by the Authority for containers of that class. The Authority specifies the following refund markings for Category B containers: (i) ‘10c refund at collection depots when sold in S.A.’, or (ii) ‘10c refund at S.A./N.T. collection depots in State/Territory of purchase’. (2) The holder of the approval must have in place an effective and appropriate waste management arrangement in relation to containers of that class. For the purpose of this approval notice the company named in Column 5 of Schedule 1 of this Notice is the nominated super collector. (3) In the case of an approval in relation to Category B containers that the waste management arrangement must require the holder of the approval to provide specified super collectors with a declaration in the form determined by the Authority in relation to each sale of such containers by the holder of the approval as soon as practicable after the sale. (4) The holder of these approvals must ensure that if a sticker bearing the refund marking has been approved, and is applied to the container, then the sticker must not be placed on any portion of the opening mechanism or in any other place that would require complete or partial removal of the sticker before the contents may be consumed. SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Name Container Size (mL) Container Type Approval Holder Collection Arrangements 4 Pines Brewing Company American Amber Ale 4 Pines Keller Door Double Cascadian Dark Ale 4 Pines Keller Door Imperial IPA 330 Glass 500 Glass 500 Glass CVBC Extra Stout 330 Glass CVBC Pale Ale 330 Glass CVBC Red Ale 330 Glass CVBC Session Ale 330 Glass Cascade Classic & Sparkling Soda Water Cascade Crisp & Refreshing Tonic Water Cascade Sharp & Authentic Ginger Beer Cascade Sharp & Refined Spiced Pear & Bitters Cascade Sharp & Refreshing Dry Ginger Ale Cascade Sharp & Succulent Raspberry Mint & Ginger Coca Cola Coca Cola Zero Coca Cola Vanilla Diet Coca Cola Fanta Orange Flavour Glaceau Fruitdrop Water Cranberry Lime Glaceau Fruitdrop Water Pomegranate Pear Glaceau Fruitdrop Water Pomegranate Pear Glaceau Fruitdrop Water Raspberry Apple Glaceau Fruitdrop Water Raspberry Apple Kirks Surprises Summer Sorbet Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Lift Hard Hitting Lemon Sprite 850 850 850 850 850 850 250 250 250 250 250 500 1 200 500 500 1 200 1 250 600 390 375 330 250 450 200 2 000 1 250 250 250 Marine Stores Ltd PET PET PET PET 4 Pines Brewing Company Wholesale Pty Ltd 4 Pines Brewing Company Wholesale Pty Ltd 4 Pines Brewing Company Wholesale Pty Ltd Clare Valley Brewing Company Pty Ltd Clare Valley Brewing Company Pty Ltd Clare Valley Brewing Company Pty Ltd Clare Valley Brewing Company Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd PET PET Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET PET Can—Aluminium Glass PET PET Can—Aluminium PET PET Can—Aluminium PET Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Coca Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 1928 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Name Container Size (mL) Container Type Approval Holder Collection Arrangements Bundaberg Lazy Bear Dry Lime Bundaberg UP Rum & Cola Captain Morgan & Cola Crown Royal Blended Canadian Whisky with Dry Crown Royal Blended Canadian Whisky with Dry Gordons London Dry Gin Elderflower Pimms Sparkling Cup Lemonade Ginger Ale Pimms Sparkling Lemonade Ginger Ale Emma & Toms Extreme Fruit Smoothie C Emma & Toms Fruit Infused Water Cucumber Emma & Toms Fruit Infused Water Lemon Emma & Toms Fruit Smoothie Green Power Emma & Toms Fruit Smoothie Karma Rama Emma & Toms Fruit Smoothie Radical Action Emma & Toms Life Juice Coconut Water Emma & Toms Pressed Carrot Top Cloudy Apple Carrot & Ginger Juice Emma & Toms Pressed Cloudy Apple Emma & Toms Quencher Lemon Emma & Toms Quencher Orange Emma & Toms Quencher Raspberry Emma & Toms Squeezed Straight OJ Jts Banana Flavoured Coconut Milk Kirin Megumi Malt Fiction IPA Mornington Continuous Daryl Imperial IPA 330 330 330 330 Glass Can—Aluminium Glass Glass Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 330 Can—Aluminium Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling 330 750 330 350 600 Glass Glass Glass PET PET Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 600 350 350 350 PET PET PET PET Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 350 350 PET PET Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 350 450 450 450 350 330 330 375 330 PET PET PET PET PET LPB—Aseptic Glass Can—Aluminium Can—Aluminium Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Marine Stores Ltd Flagcan Distributors Statewide Recycling Mornington IPA 330 Can—Aluminium Mornington Imperial Amber 330 Glass Mornington Imperial IPA 330 Can—Aluminium Mornington Imperial Stout 330 Glass Mornington Lager 330 Can—Aluminium Mornington Pale 330 Can—Aluminium Mornington Rust Bucket 330 Can—Aluminium Mornington Why So Cereal 330 Can—Aluminium Nippys Iced Espresso Flavoured Milk Double Shot Applelation Apple Cider Applelation Apple Cider Frantelle Lightly Sparkling Spring Water Frantelle Lightly Sparkling Spring Water Lime Schweppes Mix & Serve Cosmo Schweppes Mix & Serve Dark & Stormy Schweppes Mix & Serve Margarita Schweppes Mix & Serve Mojito Schweppes Natural Grapefruit Infused Mineral Water Schweppes Traditionals Brown Cream Soda Solo Brew Brewed Lemon With Ginger Solo Brew Brewed Lemon With Lime Solo Brew Lemon Crazy Bastard Amber Ale 500 LPB—Aseptic Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Emma & Tom Foods Pty Ltd Epicure Holding Pty Ltd Lion Pty Ltd Malt Fiction Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Mornington Peninsula Brewery Pty Ltd Nippys Fruit Juices Pty Ltd 330 500 500 500 Glass Glass PET PET Patrick Of Coonawarra Pty Ltd Patrick Of Coonawarra Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 750 750 750 750 1 250 Glass Glass Glass Glass PET Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling 600 330 330 330 330 PET Glass Glass Glass Glass Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Crazy Bastard Aussie Pale Ale 330 Glass Lav Beer Nektar Beer Sarajevsko Beer Sarajevsko Beer Sarajevsko Beer Two Birds Taco Beer Three Oaks Cider Co Crushed Apple Watsacowie Brewing Co Amber Ale 400 330 500 330 500 330 275 330 Glass Glass Can—Aluminium Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd Simon Lang Wines Pty Limited Simon Lang Wines Pty Limited Tamaras Trade Tamaras Trade Tamaras Trade Tamaras Trade Tamaras Trade Two Birds Brewing Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Watsacowie Brewing Company Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Statewide Recycling Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Statewide Recycling Marine Stores Ltd 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1929 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Name Container Size (mL) Container Type Approval Holder Collection Arrangements Watsacowie Brewing Co Hefeweizen 330 Glass Watsacowie Brewing Co Summer Ale 330 Glass Watsacowie Brewing Company Watsacowie Brewing Company Marine Stores Ltd Marine Stores Ltd ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1993 Variation to Existing Approval of Collection Depot I, ANDREA KAYE WOODS, Delegate of the Environment Protection Authority (‘the Authority’), pursuant to Section 69 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 (SA) (‘the Act’) hereby: (i) Variation to Existing Approval of Collection Depot: Vary the approval of the collection depot listed at Schedule 1 of this Notice, that was granted under the Act prior to the date of this Notice and impose the conditions of this approval to be as follows: Approval of Collection Depot: The collection depot identified by reference to the following matters is approved: (a) the name of the collection depot described in Column 1 of Schedule 1 of this Notice; (b) the name of the company identified in Column 2 of Schedule 1 of this Notice; (c) the name of the proprietor of the depot identified in Column 3 of Schedule 1 of this Notice; and (d) the location of the depot described in Columns 4-7 of Schedule 1 of this Notice. The collection depot listed at Schedule 1 of this Notice is approved in relation to all classes of containers, which were approved under the Act, at or subsequent to the date of this Notice, as Category B Containers. (ii) Conditions of Approval: Impose the following conditions on the approval: (1) If the Approval Holder’s name or postal address (or both) changes, then the Approval Holder must inform the Authority in writing, within 28 days of the change occurring. (2) If the collection depot is sold to another party, the Approval Holder must inform the Authority in writing, within 28 days of settlement. (3) The Approval Holder who wishes to cease operation of the depot shall notify the Authority in writing no less than 14 days from the date of closing. (4) The Approval Holder, or a person acting on his or her behalf, must not pay a refund on, or seek reimbursement for, containers that the Approval Holder, or the person acting on his or her behalf, knows were not purchased in South Australia. (5) The Approval Holder must ensure that prominent signage is displayed, detailing the offence and the penalties under Section 69 the Act, for presenting interstate containers for refund. SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Depot Name Company/Trading Name Proprietors Depot Location Street Depot Location Suburb Certificate of Title No. Volume/Folio No. Collection Area Manickhill Pty Ltd Michael Caines Bowhill n/a Regional BowHill General Store Lot 50 Chucka Bend Road 1930 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 WHEREAS by notice published in the Government Gazette on the dates mentioned in the following table, the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate did declare the houses described in the said table to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940, the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate in the exercise of the powers conferred by the said Part, does hereby fix as the maximum rental per week which shall be payable subject to Section 55 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995, in respect of each house described in the following table the amount shown in the said table opposite the description of such house and this notice shall come into force on the date of this publication in the Gazette. Address of House 78 Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights, S.A. 5109 Lot 801, How Road, Aldinga, S.A. 5173 Unit 1/26 Anzac Highway, Everard Park, S.A. 5035 13 Warner Road, Salisbury Downs, S.A. 5108 Allotment, Section, etc. Allotment 5, Filed Plan 100314, Hundred of Yatala Allotment 801, Filed Plan 164624, Hundred of Willunga Allotment 7, Deposited Plan 2463, Hundred of Adelaide Allotment 41, Deposited Plan 6573, Hundred of Yatala Dated at Adelaide, 2 June 2016. Certificate of Title Volume Folio Maximum rental Date and page of per week Government Gazette in payable in which notice declaring respect of each house to be substandard house published $ 5171 536 11.2.2016, Page 445 190.00 5785 399 7.4.2016, Page 1123 137.00 5751 644 7.4.2016, Page 1123 80.00 5622 399 24.3.2016, Page 1021 164.00 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing S.A. (Delegate S.A.H.T.) HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 WHEREAS by notice published in the Government Gazette on the dates mentioned in the following table, the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate did declare the houses described in the following table to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940, and whereas the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate is satisfied that each of the houses described hereunder has ceased to be substandard, notice is hereby given that, in exercise of the powers conferred by the said Part, the South Australian Housing Trust does hereby revoke the said declaration in respect of each house. Address of House Allotment, Section, etc. 305 Main South Road, Morphett Vale, S.A. 5162 Allotment 178, Deposited Plan 6583, Hundred of Noarlunga 81 Shannon Street, Birdwood, S.A. 5234 Allotment 14, Deposited Plan 13920, Hundred of Talunga 23/68 Military Road, Tennyson, S.A. 5022 Unit 23, Strata Plan 2754, Hundred of Yatala 74 Macedonia Street, Osborne, S.A. 5017 Allotment 251, Deposited Plan 81791, Hundred of Port Adelaide 143 Murray Road, Port Noarlunga, S.A. 5167 Allotment 1123, Deposited Plan 4942, Hundred of Noarlunga 14 Mary Street, Pennington, S.A. 5013 Allotment 71, Deposited Plan 2679, Hundred of Yatala 1 Lyon Street, Rosewater, S.A. 5013 Allotment 44, Deposited Plan 474, Hundred of Yatala 23 Sunnyside Avenue, Maslin Beach, S.A. 5170 Allotment 235, Deposited Plan 6353, Hundred of Willunga 3/4 Ellis Street, Gawler East, S.A. 5118 Allotment 41, Deposited Plan 3481, (also known as 30 Bright Terrace) Hundred of Barossa Dated at Adelaide, 2 June 2016. Date and page of Government Gazette in Certificate of Title which notice declaring Volume Folio house to be substandard published 5400 385 30.9.1999, Page 1348 5740 880 7.4.2016, Page 1123 5035 250 14.1.2016, Page 52 6042 50 17.12.2015, Page 5296 5313 805 11.9.2008, Page 4259 5730 609 11.7.2013, Page 3010 5362 706 21.1.1971, Page 253 5316 775 7.4.2016, Page 1123 5401 315 7.4.2016, Page 1123 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing S.A. (Delegate S.A.H.T.) HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate in the exercise of the powers conferred by the Housing Improvement Act 1940, does hereby declare the houses described in the table hereunder to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940. Address of House Allotment, Section, etc. 188 Norton Summit Road, Teringie, S.A. 5072 17 Mulgundawah Road, Murray Bridge, S.A. 5253 Allotment 59, Filed Plan 130313, Hundred of Adelaide Allotment 23, Deposited Plan 4201, Hundred of Mobilong Room 19, 1 North Terrace, Hackney, S.A. 5069 11 Berrin Road, Morphett Vale, S.A. 5162 20 Griffiths Drive, Moana, S.A. 5169 Allotment 17, Filed Plan 136268, Hundred of Adelaide Allotment 515, Deposited Plan 6691, Hundred of Noarlunga Allotment 195, Deposited Plan 3752, Hundred of Willunga Dated at Adelaide, 2 June 2016. Certificate of Title Volume Folio 5891 2168 5659 5376 5232 4185 5715 903 101 367 910 132 804 639 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing S.A. (Delegate S.A.H.T.) 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1931 LIBRARIES BOARD OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Fees and Charges Schedule 2016-2017 Description of Activity (* Denotes GST included where applicable) PHOTOCOPYING Resource Card Black & White A4 self operated standard quality (rechargeable card) A3 self operated standard quality (rechargeable card) A4 staff operated A3 staff operated A4 B&W best quality (uses colour process) A3 B&W best quality (uses colour process) Transparency A4 B&W best quality (uses colour process) staff operated Photocopying of large Maps Colour A4 self operated standard quality (rechargeable card) A3 self operated standard quality (rechargeable card) A4 colour best quality A3 colour best quality Transparency A4 colour best quality LAMINATING, MOUNTING AND BINDING Laminating Up to A5 Up to A4 Up to A3 Up to A2 Binding A4 Bindomatic or A4 Coil (includes cover) A4 Binding—Unibind (steel spine) FAX Send local first page Send STD first page Send overseas first page Send local subsequent pages Send STD subsequent pages Send overseas subsequent pages Receive up to 10 pages Receive additional pages FACILITIES HIRE REPRODUCTION FEES Reproduction Fees from Pictorial or Printed Collections and from films or videos in the Collections All categories (detailed below:) —all categories includes use in book or magazine, documentary film or video, display in public use building, post graduate thesis, commercial print, TV news or current affairs programs. —non-listed uses to be determined by the Director or delegate. COPIES ONTO MEDIA Audio CDs copied from the digital sound collection * (CD to CD) Audio Cassette Tape Copies *(cassette to CD only) Other audio formats to CD Audio CDs copied from the digital sound collection *(CD to MP3) Audio Cassette Tape Copies *(60 min cassette to MP3 only) Other audio formats to MP3 Digital file (BWF) to MP3 first hour (files already existing from same OH interview) Digital file (BWF) to MP3 each subsequent hour (files already existing from same OH interview) DVD copies of film and video Betacam SP to DVD Previous Charge 2015-16 New Charge 2016-17 Last changed 1.00 1.00 1/7/2000 0.15 0.30 0.30 0.60 2.00 4.00 2.00 Negotiated 0.15 0.30 0.30 0.60 2.00 4.00 n/a Negotiated 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/1997 1/7/1997 1/7/2004 1/7/1997 0.75 1.50 2.00 4.00 4.00 0.75 1.50 2.00 4.00 n/a 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 1/7/1999 1/7/1999 1/7/1999 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 1/7/2007 1/7/1997 1/7/1997 1/7/1997 3.50 4.50 3.50 4.50 1/7/1998 1/7/2011 2.00 4.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 0.20 2.00 4.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 0.20 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 1/2/1994 Negotiated Negotiated 1/7/2004 Free Free 1/7/2001 38.00 80.00 POA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 39.00 80.00 POA 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2009 28.00 28.00 1/7/2013 6.00 70.00 7.00 71.00 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1932 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Description of Activity Previous Charge New Charge (* Denotes GST included where applicable) 2015-16 2016-17 38.00 39.00 1/7/2013 Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated 1/7/2000 1/7/2000 MICROGRAPHIC 35mm B&W microfilm positive * 35mm B&W microfilm duplicate negative * 96.00 93.00 98.00 95.00 1/7/2014 1/7/2015 REFORMATTING Labour rate per hour * 62.00 63.00 1/7/2014 24.00 48.00 92.00 180.00 213.00 245.00 300.00 311.00 25.00 49.00 94.00 184.00 217.00 250.00 305.00 316.00 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 38.00 45.00 54.00 48.00 81.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 39.00 45.00 55.00 49.00 82.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 1/7/2015 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 80.00 256.00 340.00 82.00 261.00 347.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 37.00 32.00 39.00 38.00 33.00 40.00 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 64.00 49.00 67.00 65.00 50.00 69.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2014 1/7/2014 98.00 77.00 106.00 101.00 80.00 108.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2014 175.00 134.00 195.00 208.00 179.00 139.00 198.00 217.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2014 243.00 417.00 518.00 254.00 434.00 533.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 1/7/2015 62.00 63.00 1/7/2014 COPIES ONTO MEDIA continued DVD copies of film and video DVD to DVD Retrieval of withdrawn items from offsite (Netley) —per first retrieval (up to 5 items per location) —per successive items retrieved DIGITAL IMAGING Digital Image Per Scan * up to 50Mb Digital Image Per Scan * up to 100Mb Digital Image Per Scan * up to 150Mb Digital Image Per Scan * up to 200Mb Digital Image Per Scan * up to 500Mb—original material A3 size or smaller Digital Image Per Scan * up to 1Gb—original material A3 size or smaller Digital Image Per Scan * up to 1.5Gb—original material A3 size or smaller Digital Image Per Scan * up to 2Gb—original material A3 size or smaller LARGE FORMAT SCANS—Roller scanner A2 A1 A0 Digital photo of objects less than 60cm x 60cm * Digital photo of objects equal to or larger than 60cm x 60cm * Burn to DVD—first file Burn to DVD—per additional large file Access of image via web server * LARGE FORMAT SCANS—Flatbed scanner A2 A1 A0 LARGE FORMAT PRINTING A3 Photo rag paper Photo pearl paper Canvas A2 Photo rag paper Photo pearl paper Canvas A1 Photo rag paper Photo pearl paper Canvas A0 Photo rag paper Photo pearl paper Canvas Printing larger than A0 cost/m² PHOTOTEX PRINTS (one price - scan and print cost included) Images to be chosen from existing portfolio A1 A0 Printing larger than A0 cost/m² (maximum width 60inch/1524mm) Last changed 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1933 Description of Activity Previous Charge New Charge (* Denotes GST included where applicable) 2015-16 2016-17 COMPUTER RELATED SERVICES Labour rate per hour A4 B&W print self operated A3 B&W print (file sent for printing) A3 Colour print self operated A4 Colour print self operated A4 B&W print (file sent for printing) A3 B&W print (file sent for printing) A4 colour print (file sent for printing) A3 colour print (file sent for printing) A4 B&W print (from customer disk) A3 B&W print (from customer disk) A2 B&W print (from customer disk) A4 colour print (from customer disk) A3 colour print (from customer disk) A2 colour print (from customer disk) B&W Photo quality archival paper—up to A4 size print B&W Photo quality archival paper—up to A3 size print Colour Photo quality archival paper—up to A4 size print Colour Photo quality archival paper—up to A3 size print Digital Image per Scan (from Copy Centre) * Burn to CD-ROM (from Copy Centre) * Burn to DVD—first file (from Copy Centre) Burn to DVD—per additional large file (from Copy Centre) Access of Image via web server * 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.50 0.40 0.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 8.00 3.50 4.00 11.00 18.00 21.00 22.00 25.00 24.00 12.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.50 0.40 0.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 8.00 3.50 4.00 11.00 18.00 21.00 22.00 25.00 24.00 12.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2011 1/7/2004 1/7/2004 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2014 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 MICROFILM READER PRINTER A4 microfiche / film self operated—ScanPro equipment A3 microfiche / film self operated—ScanPro equipment A4 microfiche / film staff operated A3 microfiche / film staff operated A2 microfiche / film staff operated A4 microfiche / film staff operated—enhanced image A3 microfiche / film staff operated—enhanced image A2 microfiche / film staff operated—enhanced image Scan and save microfilm image Burn to CD-ROM (from Copy Centre) * Access of Image via web server * 0.20 0.30 2.50 3.80 10.00 18.00 19.00 22.00 11.00 12.00 6.00 0.20 0.30 2.50 3.80 10.00 18.00 19.00 22.00 11.00 12.00 6.00 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 OVERHEAD SCANNER A4 B&W overhead scan A3 B&W overhead scan A2 B&W overhead scan A4 B&W overhead scan—enhanced image A3 B&W overhead scan—enhanced image A2 B&W overhead scan—enhanced image Scan and save overhead image Access of Image via web server * Burn to CD-ROM (from Copy Centre) * 5.50 6.50 10.00 18.00 19.00 22.00 11.00 6.00 12.00 5.50 6.50 10.00 18.00 19.00 22.00 11.00 6.00 12.00 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 6.00 7.00 11.00 8.00 9.00 13.00 6.00 7.00 11.00 8.00 9.00 13.00 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 18.00 18.00 1/7/2011 21.00 21.00 1/7/2011 30.00 30.00 1/7/2015 22.00 22.00 1/7/2011 REPRODUCTION FROM HIGH RESOLUTION DIGITAL IMAGES Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Black & White—up to A4 Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Black & White—up to A3 Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Black & White—up to A2 Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Colour—up to A4 Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Colour—up to A3 Digital Image printed on ordinary paper—Colour—up to A2 Digital Image printed to B&W photo quality paper archival paper— up to A4 size print Digital Image printed to B&W photo quality paper archival paper— up to A3 size print Digital Image printed to B&W photo quality paper archival paper— up to A2 size print Digital Image printed to colour photo quality paper archival paper— up to A4 size print Last changed 1934 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Description of Activity Previous Charge New Charge (* Denotes GST included where applicable) 2015-16 2016-17 25.00 25.00 1/7/2011 40.00 16.00 6.00 12.00 40.00 16.00 6.00 12.00 1/7/2015 1/7/2008 1/7/2009 1/7/2009 Add 50% Add 100% Add 50% Add 100% 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 3.30 6.60 3.30 3.30 6.60 3.30 1/7/1991 1/7/1991 1/7/1991 0.30 0.60 5.00 0.30 0.60 5.00 1/7/2003 1/7/2004 1/7/1997 10.00 10.00 1/7/2001 Printing from Public Workstations A4 Computer printout (staff operated) 0.50 0.50 1/7/2000 Special loans overdue fines PER DAY 2.00 2.00 1/7/1989 Charges to public for items from other libraries Interlibrary photocopying per article (up to 50 pages) Core—4 working days * Rush—24 Hours Mon to Fri * Express—2 working hours Mon to Fri * 16.50 33.00 49.50 16.50 33.00 49.50 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 Interlibrary photocopying each additional 50 pages * 4.00 4.00 1/7/2011 16.50 33.00 49.50 16.50 33.00 49.50 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 cost recovery cost recovery cost recovery cost recovery 1/7/2005 1/7/2005 16.50 33.00 49.50 16.50 33.00 49.50 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 REPRODUCTION FROM HIGH RESOLUTION DIGITAL IMAGES continued Digital Image printed to colour photo quality paper archival paper— up to A3 size print Digital Image printed to colour photo quality paper archival paper— up to A2 size print Image downloaded and saved Access of Image via web server * Burn to CD-ROM (from Copy Centre) * NOTES —Copy Centre orders will only be held for a period of 3 months from the date of completion. —All Photographic and Print from Computer items: labour charges apply to all customised work. —Digital Images (previously Photographic Images): Priority Service—3 working days maximum Express Service—1 working day maximum (subject to availability) DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICE Faxing- Inter-Library Charges Interlibrary local per 10 pages (or Part) * Interlibrary STD up to 10 pages * Interlibrary STD per additional 10 pages * S.A. Public Libraries no charge for FAXES Document Delivery from State Library Collections (for Public) Photocopying A4 (staff operated) Photocopying A3 (staff operated) Priority copying (staff operated) within 5 working hours Monday to Friday Express copying (staff operated) within 2 working hours Monday to Friday subject to staff availability Interlibrary Loans to Australian Libraries Core—4 working days * Rush—24 Hours Mon to Fri * Express—2 working hours Mon to Fri * Interlibrary Loans—from Overseas Libraries Interlibrary Copies—from Overseas Libraries Charges to libraries for items from State Library Collections Interlibrary photocopying per article (up to 50 pages) Core—5 working days * Rush—AM/PM Mon to Fri * Express—2 working hours Mon to Fri * Last changed 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1935 Description of Activity Previous Charge New Charge (* Denotes GST included where applicable) 2015-16 2016-17 4.00 0.30 4.00 0.30 1/7/2011 1/7/1997 16.50 33.00 49.50 cost recovery 16.50 33.00 49.50 cost recovery 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2011 1/7/2005 free free cost recovery 1/7/2000 2/7/1986 Interlibrary photocopying each additional 50 pages * Photocopying A4 & A3 for Public Libraries—PLASA levy (staff operated) * Maximum of $5.00 per request Interlibrary Loans to Australian Libraries Core—4 working days * Rush—24 Hours Mon to Fri * Express—2 working hours Mon to Fri * Interlibrary Loans to Overseas Libraries Online Database Searches (by staff) including Newstext Basic Searches Full-text Records cost recovery Last changed SPECIAL TOURS by arrangement Behind The Scenes—Tariff per person Adults Concession 15.00 12.50 15.00 12.50 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 Hidden Treasures—Tariff per person Adults Concession 15.00 12.50 15.00 12.50 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 Tourism Industry Tour packages—Designer Tours at the State Library Platinum pass tour—adult (no concession) Gold pass tour—adult (no concession) Silver Special tour—adult (no concession) 20.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 1/7/2010 1/7/2010 1/7/2010 SPECIAL SEMINARS (Family & Oral History) & SHORT COURSES Tariff per PERSON per session Hosted by State Library of South Australia Concession Card Holder Concession Card Holder Concession Card Holder Other Seminars, short courses and training sessions Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated Negotiated 1/7/1991 1/7/1994 1/7/1994 1/7/1994 1/7/1996 cost recovery cost recovery 1/7/2008 COLLECTION PHOTOGRAPHY Staff time for supervising external photography requests Negotiated Negotiated 1/7/2005 CONSULTANCIES Consultancies undertaken by the State Library negotiated on a case by case basis Negotiated Negotiated 1/7/1995 4.50 5.00 1/7/2011 EXTERNAL EXHIBITION LOANS Administration fee POSTAGE, HANDLING AND INVOICING Postage and handling Charged on a cost recovery basis and is dependent upon the service and quantities requested Invoicing Charge (per invoice) —To be applied to State Library product sales under $150 —Does not apply to State Library fees levied —Publications may be liable for an invoicing charge Note: In accordance with a GST Ruling received from the Australian Taxation Office, any supply made by the State Library, being a gift deductible entity, will be GST free where the revenue received recovers less than 75% of the cost of the service provided. Fees for services that include GST are denoted by an asterisk (*) next to the charge. 1936 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 South Australia Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2016 under section 131(1a) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2016. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on 11 December 2016. 3—Interpretation (1) In this notice— principal notice means the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2015 published in the Gazette on 5.1.15, as in force from time to time. (2) Clause 3 of the principal notice applies to this notice as if it were the principal notice. 4—Consumption etc of liquor prohibited in dry areas (1) Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the Schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule. (2) The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the Schedule. (3) The prohibition does not extend to private land in the area described in the Schedule. (4) Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to— (a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if— (i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and (ii) the container has not been opened; or (b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or (c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Schedule—Lobethal Area 1 1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition 7 pm on each day to 7 am on the following day, from 7 pm on 11 December 2016 to 7am on 30 December 2016. 3—Description of area The area in and adjacent to Lobethal bounded as follows: commencing at the point at which the western boundary of Mill Road meets the north-western boundary of the Adelaide to Lobethal Road, then generally northerly along that boundary of Mill Road and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the point at which it is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the northern boundary of Pioneer Avenue, then easterly along that prolongation and boundary of Pioneer Avenue to the point at which it meets the north-western boundary of Main Street, then generally north-easterly and easterly along that boundary of Main Street and the northern boundary of the Lobethal to Mount Torrens Road to the point at which that northern boundary is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the eastern boundary of Frick Street, then southerly along that prolongation and boundary of Frick Street to the point at which it is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the southern boundary of Kumnick Street, then westerly along that prolongation and boundary of Kumnick Street to the eastern boundary of Ridge Road, then southerly and south-westerly along that boundary of Ridge Road to the point at which it meets the northern boundary of the Lobethal to Woodside Road, then in a straight line by the shortest route to the point at which the eastern boundary of Golf Links Road meets the southern boundary of the Lobethal to Woodside Road, then generally south-westerly along that boundary of Golf Links Road to the point at which it is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the southern boundary of the sewage pond in Lot 200 of DP 71985, then westerly along that prolongation to the eastern boundary of Lot 200, then generally north-easterly along that eastern boundary to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 200, then north-westerly along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 200 and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary across Jeffery Street to the north-western boundary of Jeffery Street, then north-easterly along that boundary of Jeffery Street to the southern boundary of the Lobethal to Woodside Road, then westerly along that boundary of the Lobethal to Woodside Road to the south-eastern boundary of the Adelaide to Lobethal Road, then south-westerly along that boundary of the Adelaide to Lobethal Road to the point at which it is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the western boundary of Mill Road, then northerly along that prolongation to the point of commencement. 1937 1938 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 RO Lobethal Area 1 0 Made by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner On 27 May 2016 + 100 200 IS:) DIY Area 300 metres 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Government of South Australia 1939 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - MOTOR VEHICLES ACT APPLICATION FOR POLICE PERMIT Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure www sa gov au - ABN 92 366 288 13S 1, ..... . of ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... .......... (Type of Vehicle) hereby apply for a 42 day permit to drive my:-.... (Make of Vehicle) (Engine Number) TO BE COMPLETED IN THE CASE OF A NEW REGISTRATION WHERE PERMISSION TO DRIVE A VEHICLE WITHOUT NUMBER PLATES AND LABEL (HEAVY VEHICLES ONLY) IS REQUIRED I declare that:I purchased t he vehicle from .. *The vehicle is NEW *The vehicle was last registered under No. on ........ / ...... / ... ·croos out statement which doos not apply The vehicle has not been previously registered in my name in Sout h Australia. An application in t he proper form for the registration of the vehicle and this application will be sent to the Reg istrar of Motor Vehicles by me or on my behalf, for the registration for a period of . ........ months commencing ......... ../. (1) Registration Fee of ------------------------ S. ........• (2) Stamp Duty in respect of vehicle value- .••• S. ........• (3) Stamp Duty in respect of C.T.P. insuronce-. S. ........• (4) Insurance Premium------------------------ S. .....• ... ../. ... .........,together with the: If Number Plates are required please inc lude the Postage, Packag ing and Handling Fee (5) Emergency Services Levy __________________ S. (6) Lifetime Support Fund ........• ------------------ $ (7) Administration Fee------------------------ S. (8) Number Plate Fee------------------------- S. ........• No. (9) Postage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ ............................. • .............. Total .•. _________________ ________ ___________ $ ............................. • .............. Please phone the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. Insurance premium class requ ired ... .................................. This fonn is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Date Signature..... .................... FORWARDED TO THE REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES I am sat isfied that this application meets the requirements of Section 16 of the Motor Vehicles Act and I certify t hat a permit has been issued for 42 days, commenci ng ..........a.m./p.m. on............/. Place of Issue. ... ../. ......... and expiring on ........../............./. ... Signature of Police Officer.. .. ... Rank and Serial Number. FOLD AND DETACH HERE: Portion Below Perforated Une is the Applicant's Authority to Drive. T INSTRUCTIONS This permit authorises the use of the vehicle described hereunder :·:~:~~:------- ~------------- .. ..... ~ ~. THIS PERMIT MUST BE DISPLAYED AT ALL TIMES AS DESCRIBED BELOW ,// VEHICLE DETACH ALONG THE VERTI CAL PERFORATIONS ENSURING THE CENTRAL D ISC IS LEFT INTACT. To affix - dampen along the vert ical edges and attach t o either the front or rear left hand side fixed w indow or as near as practicable to t he left hand side of the front or rear w indscreen. It shou ld be placed in a position that w ill g ive minimum impairment to t he driver's vision. .. , ' ' To affix - display in t he transparent disc holder provided by you. SEE OVERLEAF ~ / Number Day 0 Expires Month I I '0 ' ' ' " ~~-~PO-=:PERMIT··..\ \ , Year -------------Body Typo Vehicle Make Plato No. SUbject to Section 16 of the Motor Vehicles Act CYCLE OR TRAILER DETACH THE CIRCULAR PERFORATION TO REMOVE THE CENTRAL D ISC SECTION. . ;;~\ " ....... ·-·- .... .... ......... -·· _.~" " ; .·/ IT IS AN OFFENCE TO DRIVE THE VEHICLE BEYOND THE EXPIRY DATE SHOWN ABOVE 1940 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE T ~ ,........ ,. ,."'.. ...... ------- . -. .. .... :' 1.1..1 ....I . ............ // c.,;) ' •,,,\ / This permit authorises the use of the vehicle described overleaf. ::::t: 1.1..1 > , < ' a: IT IS AN OFFENCE TO DRIVE THE VEHICLE BEYOND THE EXPIRY DATE SHOWN ON THIS PERMIT 0 u.. 1.1..1 ' ' ..\ '•,, ....................... __, ___ ,.. __ ,......... ........... .... . -' t DETACH ALONG THIS LINE FOR A MOTOR CYCLE OR TRAILER a: 1.1..1 ::::t: ::::t: c.,;) ~ 1.1..1 Q .... 2 June 2016 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Government of South Australia 1941 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - MOTOR VEHICLES ACT APPLICATION FOR POLICE PERMIT Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure www sa gov au • ABN 92 366 283 135 1,. of hereby apply for a 42 day permit to drive my:(Make of Vehicle) (fype of Vehicle) (Engine Number) POLICE COPY I declare that:· I purchased t he vehicle from ' The vehicle is NEW ' The vehicle was last registered under No. 'Cross oul statementwhicl• doecs not apply The vehicle has not been previously registered in my name in South Australia. An application in the proper form for on ....... /. ...... /... ... the registration of the vehicle and this application w ill be sent to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles by me or on my behalf, for the registration for a period of .............................. months commencing ............/.........../. .............. together w ith the: (1) Registration Fee of ........................ $. (2) Stamp Duty in respect of vehicle value. .... $. If Number Plates are (3) Stamp Duty in respect of C.T.P. insurance.. $. required please include (4) Insurance Premium ........................ $. the Postage, Packaging and Handling Fee (5) Emergency Services Levy.................. $. (6) Lifetime Support Fund .................. $ ............................. • .............. (7) Administration Fee ........................ $. (8) Number Plate Fee ......................... $............................. • .............. No. (9) Postage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ ............................. • .............. Total ....................................... $. Please phone the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. Insurance premium class required ......................................................................... This fonn is an applicat ion for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Date Signature FORWARDED TO THE REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES I am satisfied that this application meets the requirements of Section 16 of the Motor Vehicles Act and I certify that a permit has been issued for 42 days, commencing .................... a.m./p.m. on ........... ../............ .1........... and expiring on .........../............../......... Place of Issue ...... Signature of Police Officer. .......... Rank and Serial Number. NOTES COPY ONLY Number Day Plato No. I Expires Month Veh1cle Mako I Year Body Type SubjeC1 to Section 16 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1942 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 ABN 92 366 288 135 Telephone enquiries 13 I 0 84 Government of South Austr&lia. O~p.llt1:mc!nt of Plllnning, Transport Jnd lo:hM1tUCtur~ PERMIT TO DRIVE AN UNREGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLE Please phone the South Austrnlwn Compulsory Tltird Pany Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. ClientiLicence No: Client Name: Address: Pern1it Number: Issue Pem1it Admin Fee: CTP Ins Prem (excl. GST): GST on CTP Ins Prem: Lifetime Support Levy: Total (incl. GST): Conditions of Use • The permit is current from on until MIDNIGHT of • The driver of the vehicle must hold a current Driver's Licence with the appropriate class. The permit does not relieve the owner or driver from compliance with the Road Traffic Act 1961 concerning equipment, size, mass and safety of the vehicle. • The permit must be displayed in accordance with the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010. If the vehicle has been defected, the permit is subject to the tenns of the Vehicle Defect Notice. • The vehicle must not be used for hire, reward, to carry a load, or for commercial purposes under the permit. • The journey must commence in South Australia for the permit to be valid. Where a permit is issued for interstate travel, it is advisable to check with the interstate authority to ensure the permit issued in South Australia is valid for the nominated journey. • The top portion of the penn it is a TAX INVOICE for GST purposes when full payment is made. To find out whether you are eligible to claim the GST component of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance premium you should consult your accountant or financial advisor. Penalties Penalties apply for the contravention of any term, condition or restriction endorsed on the permit. Displaying vour permit Detach the permit along the dotted line and affix to either the front or rear windscreen as near as practicable to the left hand side of the vehicle or to the left hand side front or rear vent window. It should be placed in a position that will give minimum impairment to the driver's vision. PERMIT TO DRIVE AN UNREGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLE Issued Pursuant to Section 16 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 ~ Government of South Australia t,.(~..,l ~ Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Permit Details Permit Number: VlN I Chassis: Engine Number: Make: Body Type: CTP Insurer: Plate Number: Plate State: Commencement Time: Commencement Date: Expi1y Date: Reason for Use: Premium Class: Journey Details From: To: Via: Where insufficient details about your journey arc given. it is assumed that the shortest pra,ticablc route will be taken. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1943 ~ Government of South Australia V-:..~~ ~ Department oi Plannmg. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Transport and Infrastructure . . PLEASE READ THE FOL LOWING INST RUCTION S If you do not understand any question on this application ask a Customer Service Officer for assistance. • You must be 18 years of age to apply for Registration and Insurance of a Heavy Vehicle (GVM > 4.5 tonnes) or 16 years of age for any other vehicle. Evidence of identity may be required when presenting this form . • No personal information will be disclosed except as is required or authorised by Jaw. • This form is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. • You may be entitled to pay less or no stamp duty, or to receive a concession. Ask a Customer Service Officer. • Cheques should be made payable to 'DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE' and marked 'NOT NEGOTIABLE'. ABO UT THE O WNER Client Number (if known) Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS Gender If the vehicle is t o be registered in joint names, one person will be recorded as the 'Registered Operator'. Surname/Body Corporate Name Given Names Drivers Ucence Number Date of Birth Drivers Ucence Number Date of Birth I Other (Joint) Names I I IF THE APPLICANT IS A BODY CORPORATE, please provide your A.C.N. (not an A.B.N.) Residential lhomel/Business Address Your A.C.N. I Suburb/Town Postcode Suburb/Town Post code I Your daytime phone number (only if convenient) Postal Address if different to the above address Number and Street M F X I Evidence m ust be produced IThis is the address that will be recorded on the Reaisterl Number and Street M F X ( Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?• Prefer not to say NO D YES O •This information will be used for road safety statistical analysis only and will not be disclosed to any other authorities. ) 0 INPUT TAX C REDIT ENTITLEM ENT You must answer t he q uestion below in nelation to any entitlement to claim back the GST component of the CTP insurance premium. Under the Commonwealth GST Law•, this is known as an "Input Tax Credit" (lTC). Guidance on how to respond to that question is provided below. However, if you ane unsune you should consult your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office about your particular c ircumstances. Step 1 Is the vehicle used for business Oncluding Government and non-profit Step2 Step3 The "No lTC Entitlement" fee is only available where the vehicle is NOT used for any purpose that entitles the owner to an lTC. organisations) purposes? If Yes - continue with Step 2, If No - answer NO to the question below and pay the lower "No lTC Entitlement" total fee ~f offered) for the selected period. Is the Registered ONner of this vehicle registered (or required to be registered) for GST? If Yes - continue with Step 3, If No - answer NO to the question below and pay the lower "No lTC Entitlement" total fee ~f offered) for the selected period. Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle entitled to claim an lTC in relation to the CTP insurance premium? If Yes - answer YES to the question below and pay the What happ en s if I p ay t he incorrect p remium? It is your responsibilrty to pay t he correct premium. If you are or become aware that a greater premium is payable, you must notify the in surer in writ ing. A failure to do so m ay incur a penalty. This penalty is in addition to any premium d ifferential payable. If you breach any term of the Policy of Insurance, Sect ion 124A (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 alkms the insurer, b y action in a court, to recover from you a portion of the money paid or any costs incurred by the insurer in respect of a liability incurred by you. If you pay the incorrect premium or the vehicle is used for a purpose other than that stated in your application, you may be liable to recovery action if a claim is paid on your policy. higher "lTC Entitled" total fee Of offered) for the selected period. If No - answer NO to the question below and pay the lower eGST Law means the Commonwealth legislation: A New Tax System (Goods and "No lTC Entitlement• total fee [~offered) for the selected period. Services Tax) Act 1999. questions, you must answer YES and pay the 'fTC Entitled' fee (If offered). If~ have answered YES to all 3 I Will the vehicle be used for any purpose t hat entitles you t o any Input Tax Credit for t he GST included in your CTP Premium? Yes/ No REGISTRAT ION DETAILS Please indicate by ticking appropriate box if VEHICLE D If the vehicle has been registered before, please quote the State or Country I I If you require a Plate other than a 'General Issue' Plate please quote the plate type or slogan From whom did you acquire the vehicle? c=J (if same owner write 'same owner') Period of registration required Heavy vehicles (3, 6, 9 or 12 months) Light veflicle5 (3 or 12 months) Months D TRAILER I What was the last Plat e Number?! I Plate Number allocated to vehicle I I MOTOR BIKE D I Office use only I I When did you acquire the vehicle? I I or Approved CEO I I Is the vehicle to be used seasonally? I YesO I I No D INSURANC E DETAILS PLEASE REFER TO THE 'COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE PREMIUM SCHEDULE' WHEN ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Where in South Australia will the vehicle be garaged, kept or operated? Is this in 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 1 ' 0 or What is the Premium Class Number for t he vehicle?! (Refer to Premium Schedule) I 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 2'? I D I (Refer to Premium Schedule) Will the vehicle be used for hire, fare or reward? Yes / No I I This is the TOTAL market value, including cost of factory fitted accessories before taking away any trade-in allowance or special discount. The value does not include interest charges. " PENALTIES APPLY FOR UNDER·DECLARATION OF VALUE" 1/We declare that the value of the vehic le is: I MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER EXEMPTION I hold a Second-hand Motor Vehicle Dealers Licence No.I I and am in the business of selling motor vehicles. The vehicle is being VEHIC LE VA LUE 1$ registered for the purpose of resale o r demonstration. Sicmature of Motor Vehicle Dealer....................... ................................ .................................... REGISTRATION POSTAL ADDRESS (only complete this section if your registration renewals are to be sent to an address different to the postal address) Suburb/Town Postcode INumber and Street I PLEASE SIGN HERE: It i s a n offe nce puni shab le b y imprisonment t o m a ke a f a lse or m is leading stat e m e nt. I declare that the particulars shown on this application and any accompanying documenVs are true and correct. Signature of Applicant. ........................................................................................................ ....... Lodge at any Serv1ce SA Cust omer Serv1ce Centre Telephone Enquiries: 1310 84 Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001 Date............ J ........ ../............ ABN 92 366 288135 I PLEASE TURN OVER I 1944 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 ABOUT THE VEHICLE: Is an identification plate• fitted? Yes D Is the Vehicle fitted with a Speed Limiting Device? No D Yes D No D a Certain information requested below can be answered from details shown on the identification plate• (refer to the appropriate dentification plate• diagram). If the year of manufacture is 1989 or later, a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) must be stated. If the year of rrenufacture is prior to 1989 a chassis number/frame number should be stated. VIN (17 characters) or Chassis Number (Up to 20 characters) I Is the vehicle new? Yes Q I Was the vehicle previously wrecked or written off? No D Month/Year of Manufacture I Yes O Bas1c Colour (eg red, blue, geen etc ) No D Is the vehicle modified from its original design, an individually constructed vehicle, or an imported used vehicle? Complet e the appropriate section below Vehicle []J. ...~-ai:I.!Jil!,...~ u.; I I Motorbike LJ -:-:- No D Trailer li'l5a. -~ -l""lij'"-tf'll• Make of Motorbike c'qp Yes D L' I Make of Trailer I I Body Type I ~----1 Body Type To register a Special Purpose Vehide you INill be required to comple te a separate appltcatk>n (MR1-"' I ~----1 Engine Number Make of Vehicle I I Body Type lc_________________jl Engine Number __jl c__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) Engine Capacity I __JI L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Odometer Reading kg Manufacturer's recommended Gross Trailer Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) L__l_ _ _ _I L__l_ _ _____jl I Model Engine Capacity c.c. l I Odometer Reading __l ll~_l~ APPROVAL No. 10124 CATEGORY LC BETA MOTORS PTY LTD DELTA ZS 350 I 11186 Number of cylinders or rotary? VIN EAG257004G0004167 AFFIXEDWITHTHE APPROVAI.OFTHE Answer the following questions from details shown on the identification plate' or vehicle plate. Model of Trailer Aggregate Trailer Mass Identification Plate' Approval Number (Only applicable to trailers with an ATM over 4500kg) Answer the following question if the trailer was manufactured in 19B9 or later and has an ATM not greater than 4.5 tonnes. AUSTRAI.IAN MOTOR VEHICLE CERTIFICATION BOARD Is a Vehicle Plate Fitted? IL________~====~IL~============~ Seating Capacity I. I. ~~=======~~ Type of Fuel Is the vehicle left hand drive (LHD) ? Yes 0 No Q I AN EXAMPLE OF A VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATE' (On vehicles manufactured since May 1971 , this is usually under the bonnet at the rear of the engine compartment). It looks like this: r- Approval Number Manufacturer's recommended Gross Vehicle Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) kg Manufacturer's recommended Gross Combination Mass ~ Vehic le Cat ego ry Code Name Appearing on Approval APPROVAL No. 10023 BETA MOTORS PTY LTD DELTA 230 GL - - - ---h I GVM r --+ 11/86 SEATS 5 VIN EAG162201G0015002 +- I Number of Tyres I Date of Manufacture L....-- Date o f ~pliance Make/Model Vehicle Identification Num ber Vee 0 AN EXAMPlE Of A VEHIClE PlATE (FOR TRAILERS WITH AN ATM NOT GREATER THAN 4500 KGj Manufacturer's recommended tyresize MANUFACTURER Model Tyre load rating Dat e of M anufacture Tyre cokt inflation pressure kPa The tyres fitted t o this vehicle shaJI have a speed category not less than ' L' (120kmlh) Speed rating A ggregate Trailer Mass VIN CATEGORY MA AFFIXED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE AUSTRAUAN MOTOR VEHICLE CERTIACATION BOARD Number of Axles I Number of Tyres L _ _ __ _ _ _ Model I kg Rows of W heels AN EXAMPLE OF A MOTORBIKE IDENTIFICATION PLATE' (On motorbikes nnanufctured since 1 October 1977, the identification plate' is usually fitted on the steering head pipe). It looks like this: Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) I This trailer was manufactured to ~ with the Motor Vehicles Standards Act 1989 AN EXAMPlE OFA IOEHT1FICATIO+I PlATE' FOR TRAILEIIS HAVING AN ATM GREATER THAN 4500 KG MA<EIMODEL I I DELTA Zs-350 DATE ~ ATM ~ TONNE VINI 68834001563245670 I APPROVAL No.I 9200 I THIS TRAILER WAS MANUFACTUREDBY I EPSILON TRAILERIS P1Y LTD I TOCOMPLY WITH THE MOTORVEHICLESTANDARDS ACT1989 COMPUANCEMARKAPPROVAl. NUMBERIS 9998 cs II 9997 FB I I 9998 ss I 1 rUAPPROVAL oF 1H1s PIAJ 1s AFFiXEDwrrH Of Imported) THE ADMINISTRATOR MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS •• IMPO RTANT: A Ve hic le Supple m entary Det a ils Form (MRSO) m ust be complet ed for vehicles with an unladen mass, GVM o r GT M g r eat er than 4500k g. • Previously known as compliance plate I 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Government of South Australia APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION & COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure . .. .. ... 1945 PLEASE REA D THE FOLLOW ING INSTRUCTIONS This is an application for Cooditional Registration of a Special Purpose Vehide, Restricted Primary Producer Vehide or Restricted Miscellaneous Vehicle. A different application is req.~ired for Historic, Left Hand Drive and Emergency Response Vehicles. For further information on Conditional Registration, please visit registration . You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for registration and insurance of a Heavy Vehicle (GVM > 4.5 t oones) or 16 years for other vehicles. Proof of identity and address may be required when presenting this f orm . Cheques should be made payable to Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and mal1<ed 'Not Negotiable' . This form is an appUcation for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. A photograph or brochure of the vehide IS required with this application . No personal information will be disclosed except as is required or authotised by law. 1. ABOUT THE OW NER Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS If the vehicle is to be regstered in joint names, one person will be recorded as the 'Registered Owner'. Sum anc;o 80dy C«ponato Name ICi(ltknownl oent Numbot Grven Nano Onvor'$ Uco11C9 Numblir Oatic:48lnll Onvor'$ Uco~ Numbw OateCif Birth I Ottu,c (Jon!) Namn I If the applicant is a Body Corporate please state your AC.N. (not an A.B.N.). Evidence of Body Corporate and busine&S premises must be produced . (New Body Corporate Client Applications) Gender' I F X M F X I I rC N I I Your daytime pnonc rn.mbGr (only 1t eonvononl) I M Your omaJI Oddross (cnl( 11 conven<enQ RESIDENTIAL (Home) or BUSINESS (Premises) ADDRESS (This is the address that will be recorded on the Register) SubiSbiTCMT'I IAddoS> l'ootGOdo I I POSTAL ADDRESS Qf different to the above address) SubiSbiTCMT'I IAddoS> l'ootGOdo I I REGISTRATION POSTAL ADDRESS (Only complete this section if your registrotion renewals are to be sent to an address different to the postal address above) SubiSbiTCMT'I IAddoS> l'ootGOdo I I 2. ABOUT THE VEHICLE ~ ~I N (17 Characters} or Chassis Number (up to 20 characters} I MONTH/YEAR . o f Manufactwe I MAKE of Vehicle . (Manufacturer} I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IBODYTYPE .• (e.g. Tractor, Crane etc} I I I 3. REGISTRATION DETAILS I Has the vehicle previously been registered? Plate Number allocated to vehicle (Office Use OnM I Yes I No II If Yes, what was the last plate number? If No, from whom d id you acquire the vehicle? When did you acquire the vehicle? Date Lodge at any Serv ice SA c ustomer service centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533,Adelaide SA5001 I I Are you currently the registered owner of this vehicle? ABN 92 366 288 135 Yes I No 1946 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 4. INPUT TAX CREDIT ENTITLEMENT You must answer the question below in relation to any entitlement to claim back the GST component of tile CTP insurance premium. Under the COmmonwealt/J GST Law•, this is known as an "Input Tax Credit" OTC). Guidance on hoot to respond to that question is provided below. However, if you are unsure you should consult your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office about your particular circumstances. St&p 1 Is lho YIS>hrclo uood lor bUSI..,..jnclu<ing Govomn..,nt md non·p.,fit Too "l>b lTC Enbllomenf' loo 1$ ooly <Mllia>lo Whoi'O lho Y~S>hck> IS HOT uood lor ll"f purposo organisalion:sj purposes? If Yes - OOOIIltOlVIIlh$loJp2. If tv~swer NO to tho cp.10$1ion below and ~ lho lower "l>biTCEnbtt>menf' t:>tal 1oo Q l otte~ l<>r h> selected peii(J(l. Step 2 Is ~"" R9g~ed Owner of tt>is velicl9 registered~~ req.Jired 10 be regiStered) lor GST? If Yes - conlilu& with S~p 3. If NO to tho q.>&sl"n beloward l:>af lho lower "l>biTCEnbtllmenf' t:>talloo (ll ottef!XO l<>rd>e selected per rod. St&p 3 Is lhoR9QISlered Ovmorof thr> vet.cls> oobllod t:>cla!man ITC rn relation 10 U>e CTP ilsuranoe prernun? If Yes - <t>SVAJr YfS 10 lho quesbon bokm md pay lho hgher "lTC Entilkxt" 101<11 foo QfoflerOO) for lho scllctod period. If answer NO to tho (l.)&slk>n bot:>v1 ard ~ lho lower "l>b lTC Enbtllment" btal ~ole (lfoflerOO) l<>r lhoscllctod pecicxl. If you llaVOalSv.eredYES toall3(1.)&slion, you rnustanswe< YES and~ d>e "lTC Entilled" too 01 oflored). LPon ~nt of ""f "ffC Enblled" ~ole or standard too Vlho"' altemabw io>es aro not oflef!XI, a Tax lrovoioo will artoo-atic<lly bo provi<lld wid> your Ceotirrcate of Roois~alioo. No - No-,.,.,..,, No- d~atenntles theovmer lOan lTC. What h11QP.!!ll! if I AAY the incorrect premium? ~"'correct premium. If you ae or bocorm mvae dlltl a greater prernum IS p.aya>le, you lllUSt oobty the nooter 1n wnbng. A lalk.lre b do so may 1ncur a penaJty. It is your raSj)OI>sibilay to pa; TI1is ~ty is in i.d;lilia1to 1.11y peemium dilktenlia pll}lable. If you breach any te<rnof d16Polcyollnsurtrrce.Seelioo t24A(2)ofU>e MolorVel>ic!<lsAct 1959 <llaws lho instrGr, by action il ~ cout, to rocover liom you a porlioo of lho mooey p<id or ""f coots if'oCl.rrred by lho insurer in respoct of a li<Dlity ilctnod by )'Olr. If you pay u.., i>OOnect prerriurn 01 the vel>icle is uood lor a purpoee od>er than that staled in )'Ol" appication, )'Oll n-ay bo 1.'\IJio to rec""")' action if a clam is p.'id oo )'Olr poiGy. La•• • GST Act1999. rrew>$ tt.l Ccmmcmwal!h leglslallcn: A Ne.• Tax Sysrem {Good• «~d ServiCes Tax) Will the vehicle be used f or any purpose that entitles you to MY Input Tax Credit for the GST included in yOU' CTP insurMce premium? YES I NO 5. ENTITLEM ENT TO CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION UNDER SECTION 25 OF THE MOTOR VEHIC LES ACT, 1959 Please select the type of condrtional registration that you are applying for, and complete the corresponding entitlement q uestions. D SPECIAL PUBPQSE VEHICLE I YES I Was the vehicle built primarily f or a purpose other than the carnage of goods or passengers on the road networ1<? NO I COMPLETE SECTIONS 6-11 D Bl'liiBICII'Q PBIMABY PBQQ!JCI'Bli lli'I:IICLI'- lli'IWI'I'~ EABM IILQCKli (you must hold a Primary ProduC<ll"s Concession) I I wish to drive the vehicle on roads adjacent to sections number(s) 1 In the hundred(s) of I I The vehicle must be owned by a primary producer; and be used in connection with the wor1<ing of 2 or more separate parcels of land that are wot1<ed in conjunction with each other by that primary producer. The maximum cistance between two parcels of land is I kms I A map/sketch of the area in which the vehicle is to be used must be provided in Section 12 of this form or attached to the application. The sketch should show section numbers, hundreds and roads. The route is to be indicated by a dotted line and the distances to be travelled clearly shown. COMPLETE SECTION 6 then 8-12 D Bl'liiBICII'Q MlliCt;LLA ~t;Q!Jli ll!;I:IICLt; A Condrtional Registration may be issued to a vehicle (but not a Special Purpose Vehicle) that is specrtically constructed for use in a restricted area, and rt would be unreasonable to require full registration (e.g. golf buggy, 4 wheel motor bike, light utility vehicle). Give an explanation of the use of the vehicle and details of where the vehicle will be used: Approximate distance for whicl) the vehicle will be used on the road network for each journey is I kms I A map/sket ch of the area in which the vehicle is to be used must be attached to this application . The sketch should show section numbers, hundreds and roads. The route is to be indicated by a dotted line and the distances to be travelled clearly shown. COMPLETE SECTIONS 6-12 6. INTENDED USE Please indicate the intended use of the vehicle (please tick one only) Agriculture/Primary Prod uction Launch and Retrieve D D Go~ Course D Worksile Road Maintenance/Construction D GeneraVOther D D 7. ASSESSMENT OF OPERATING C ONDITIONS This section only applies to Special Purpose Vehicles and Restricted Miscellaneous Vehicles. TYRES: What is the l yre or track type? (please tick) Pneumatic D Is the vehicle Left Hand Drive? Sol id Rubber D Rubber Track D Steel Track D I YES 1 NO I Will the vehicle be driven on the road network? I YES 1 NO I Steel Drum Are brakes filled? D I YES I NO I 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1947 8. INSURANCE DETAILS Pleasa refar to the 'Compulsory Third Party Insurance PriiiTlium Schedule' when answering the following questions. Where in South Australia will the vehicle be garaged, kept cr operated? SuburbfTovm 0 'Insurance Rating District 1' Is this in ' Insurance Rating District 2' Postcode 0 What is the Premium Class? 9. REGISTRATION DETAILS I I Period of registration req uired in months I (Must bo '" multtplos of 3 months and <4> to a max1mum ot 36 montl>S. If vehicle is to bo registered on a seasonal basis, orly s~ct 3, 6 or 9 months.) Carta in information requested below can be answared from deta ils shown on the idenfificat ion•lrnanufacturar's plate. I YES I Is an iden@cation plate• fitted to the vehicle? nevi? NO Its the vehicle to be use seasonally? I YES I NO I ts the vehicle • PfOVIOUsly known as COI'Jl)ll<llCG plato I I I I Basic Colour (e.g. red, blue) Operating Mass Seating Capacity I I Kgs Manuf acturers GVMIGTM I Kgs Number of Front Axles II I II II Number of Front Tyres I I YES I NO Rear Axle Load Sha1ing I YES I NO I I Height of Vehicle m II Number of Rear Axles I I II Length of Vehicle he rear vision mirrors fitted? (J>k>a$0 tiCk) VEHICLE CHASSIS I BODY: he mudguards fitted to the front and rear wheels? (please tick) I Front I I m Rear Axle Spacing I YES I NO II I I Width of Vehicle m I (iX¢ 11)(1ng M lrT(:t$} I Is a warning device frtted (horn)? I Right Rear II II II Left If not will part of the body function as a mudguard? I I I YES I NO I YES I NO LIGHTING: Which of the following light s are fitted to the vehicle? (please tick) 0 Rear Clearance Light s 0 Tail Light 0 ALL. J,.I~!:II~ LI~IEQ OR. .. BRAKES: Are brakes fitted to all road wheels? Headlights Side Marker Light s Flashing Yellow Light I YES I NO 0 0 0 Rear Reflectors Indicators (Left and Right) 0 Stop Light s 0 0 0 Front Clearance Lights I 10. PLEASE SIGN HERE It is an offence punishable by il1lJrisonrnent to make a false or misleading statement. I declare t hat the information in t his application is correct and I am or the above-named organisation is entnted to condnional registration under Section 25 of t he Motor Vehicles Act, 1959. I further declare that the vehic le will not be used outside the conditions set by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. Signature of Registared Owner I Operator I I m m II I Number of Rear Tyres I I I llnt emal II I I Front Axle Spacing Does the GVM of the vehicle exceed axle limits? m Kgs I I II I I I Fuel Type Comb1n&1lon Mas.!) I Front Axle Load Sharing Wheelbase II I Manufacturers GCM YES I NO I I Model (Gr O$$ l is the Vehicle Speed Limited? I I No. of Cylinders (Gross Vehtele Mass) NO I IEngine Number I II I I YES I Date I I I 1948 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 11.1MPORTANT - CHECKLIST For Restricted Primary Producer and Restricted Miscellaneous Vehicles. • A rough sketch of the area in which the vehicle is to be used must be presented with this application. This is irrespective of whether a sketch has been provided previously for another vehicle. The sketch shood show section nlJ:l'lbers, hundreds and roads. • The rOlrte is to be indicated by a dotted line and the distances t o be travelled clearly shown. Complete Section 12. For Special Purpose Vehicles. • A photo or illustration of vehicle must be presented w~h this application. 12. MAP FOR RESTRICTED PRIMARY PRODUCER APPROVAL- OFFICE USE ONLY Name of Approving Officer I I I II Vehicle Permit s Approval Number ~"-••dl Date Approved I I os2 l Vehicle standards Approval Number oroeq~>•Odl 1 I 1 10M3 I I STAMP OF SERVICE SA CENTRE 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1949 MR80'''6 ~ Government of South Australia V.~~ Depart ment of Planning, ~ Transport and Infrastructure Application for Renewal of Registration and Compul sory Third Party Bodily Insurance Telephone enquiries 13 10 84 wwwU~govau ASN 92 366 268 135 Pay your registration 7 days a week EzyRerr '::J ;!ezyreg oreal/ Your Details Refer to payment options on the back of this form. Use this barcode to pay via smartphone app 1300 361 021 1950 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Heavy vehicles Registration labels are issued to heavy vehicles only. If your vehide registration has been reneo.ved by mail, phone or intemet. your new label will be mailed to you and you can drive your vehicle up to 30 days without your new label. If your vehicle regislration has been rel'leW>!d at Australia Post, your new label will be mailed to you and the II!Ceipt must be displayed on or in the vehicle until midnight of the pe<mlt expiry elate or until the new label Is affixed to the vehicle, whichever Is eartler. Expired registJation labels must not be displayed on the vehicle. Light vehicles Registration labels are not issued to light vehicles. Your Registration Details Certificate is enclosed with this registration renewal notice. If your vehk;le registration has beEn renewed at Australia Post. the receipt must be displayed on or In the vehicle until midnight of the pe<mlt expiry elate or until the regislration information 5 publicly available on EzyReg, whichever is earlier. Ensure your details are correct You must advise the department within14 days of Payment options: changing your address, buying or selling a vehicle. Penalties may apply for failure to do so. Direct Debit Sign up for din;act debit at \o\' Internet payments VISA and Mastercard: payments can be made online at Smartphone: Download t he EzyReg app for iPhone or Android and use your device to scan the barcode on the front of this form Telephone payments VISA and Mastercard: payments can be made by calling 1300 361 021 Mai l Post t his form and a cheque marked not negotiable and made payable to th e D4>partmMt of Planning, 11'ansport and tllfrastrvcture to GPO SOX 1533 Adelaide SA 5001. Customer Service Centres Visit a St>rvlc4> SA CMtre to pay by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastel'(ard. Payment may display as SA Govt Payments Service SA o n your bank statement . For Service SA centre locations. visit o r call13 10 84. Austra lia Post Pay in person at any Post Office by cash. cheque, credit card (Visa or Mastel'(ard only) or money order. Payment can only be accepted at Australia Post if there is no change to any of the details show n on this form and payment is on or before the current expiry date. Compu lsory Th ird Party Insurance Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance provides compensation to people inju red in motor vehicle crashes, where the crash is the fault of another person. A driver more t han 25% at fault in a crash resulting in a bodily injury may be required to pay an excess. Other costs may apply where there is a breach of the Pol icy of Insurance. Please phone the South Australian Com~lsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury He line on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road ace· ent resulting in personal injUiy. Determining your premium class and rating district The insurance rating district is based on the address where the vehicle is garaged, kept or operated . The insurance premium class is determined by reference t o tlie description o n the enclosed 'CTP Insurance Premium Schedule' that best fits your vehicle. Input Tax Credit (ITO entitlement is any entitlement to cla im back the GST component of the Compulso.y Thi rd Party(CTP) premium. You must choose the premium you pay on the basis of your lTC entitlement. Notify change of address at sa .gov.a ulezyreg or call 13 10 84 or visit a Service SA centre. If your vehicle is reg istered under two or more owner's name~ only one name can be recorded as the registered operator. This information can be upda ted at no cost. Concessions If applying for a concession for the first time, a To change your address we w ill need your d river's separate concession application form will need to licence number, date of birth and previous and new be completed. This form and further information address detai ls. is available at nsportlfees or a To notify change of name you must attend a SMtke Service SA Centre or call 13 1084. SA Centre to provide proof of identity and evidence By dai ming a pensioner concession for this vehicle of the name change. you are giving consent for verification of your concessio n status with CentrelinkJDepartment Paying after the expiry date of Veteran's Affairs. If the concession details are If payment is received within 90 days of the expiry date the new expiry date will not be adjusted unless confirmed, a reduced fee may apply. Please note that concessions are not transferred automatically requested and a n additional fee paid. w hen a vehicle is sold and a new application must Please note you r registration does not commence be made fora new vehicle. until payment is received, and you w ill be liable fo r any infringements received prior to the date of If you are no longer entitled to a concession, payment contact a Service SA Centre or call13 10 84 t o update your details. If payment is received more than 90 days after the expiry date, an additional fee will be payable and a Penalties new expiry date w ill be allocated. Penalties apply for failing to comply with If this vehide is not registered within 90 days of the registration and n umber p late laws, for example expiry date, you will be required to surrender your driving un registered or obscuring a number plate. number plates or possibly pay a fi ne Surcharge and rounding of fees A surcharge is included for renewal period of less than 12 months. Fees are rounded to the nearest dolla r. If the registered owner of this vehicle is entitled to claim any amount of the GST in the premium as an Input Tax Cred it (lTC) then you must choose the lTC entitled total fee(if offered). If the registered owner of this vehicle is not to claim any amou nt of the GST in the premium as an Input Tax Credit (lTC) then you may choose the no lTC entitlement total fee (if offered). en~ tled If you are in any doubt as to w hether you can claim an input tax credit for the GST you should consult you r accountant or fi na ncial advisor. Generally, to be able to claim a GST credit, the vehicle owner would be registered for GSTwith the Australian Taxation Office (or be required to be registered for GSD and would be using the vehicle for business purposes, which includes vehicles owned by charities and government Further information can a lso be obtained by contacting the Australian Taxation Office. If you breach any term of the Pol icy of Insurance, section 124A (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 allows th e insurer, by action in a court, to recover from you a portion of the money paid or any costs incurred by the insurer in respect of a liability incurred by you. If you pay t h e incorrect premium or the vehicle is used for a p urpose other than that stated in you r applicatio n, you may be liable to recovery action if a cla im is paid on your policy. This form is an application for registration and Compulsory lhird Party (CTP) hsurante lllder the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Forfurther i1formation read the Compulsory TI1ird Party Insurance premium schedule (MR85) provided w ith this renewal notice. TI1is schedule i.s also available by visiting or a Service SA Customer Servke centre. What happens if I pay the incorrect premium? It is your responsibility to pay the correct premium. If you are o r become aware that a_~reater premium is payable, you must notify the insurer in writing. A failu re to do so may incur a penalty. This penalty is in addition to any premium d ifferential payable. Important Information Payments by credit card The gove1nment is committed to ensUting Joint ownership a high level of secUtity where a payment is received via the wtcrnet or by telephone. Credit card deta1ls are encrypted t o mm1m1se the posSibility of mformat1on bemg mtercepted. Encryption turns the clctillls mto an untntclliglblc strmg of characters ;mel symbols and makes 1t virw<>ily impo$$iblc to decipher. For added se<urJty, the department docs not rctam any <redJt c.:.1rd dct.:.11ls on Its d.:.1tab.:1SA'!. tzrl~eg Your On-line Service Centre • R~ JIOUI' vehide • Order m~mber phtes • MUe 11 vr;hide checJ< •Cakula~~ • C1lange your address 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ~ Government of South AUSII'alla ~""~ ~ 1951 APPLICATION TO RENEW REGISTRATION AND COM PULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM Please write clearty In BLOCK LETTERS 1. ABOUT THE OWNER • • • • Answer all questions and supply details where asked. If you have any questions please ask a Customer Service Officer for assistance. Evidence of Identity Is required when presenting this form. Refer to Evidence of Identity brochure (MR583) for more Information. No personal info rmatio n will be disclosed exce pt as is requ ired or aut horised by law. SURNAME I BOOY COOPOAATE NAME IHOME I BUSlNESS ADDRESS I POSTAL ADDRESS different Ill above) (If CUENT/ UCENCENUMBER GIVEN NAMES IPOSTOOOE SUBURB/TOWN SUBURB I TOWN 2. ABOUT THE VEHICLE I MAKE I IBOOYlYPE PLATE NUMBER • Registration period required (heavy vehicle 3, 6, 9 or 12 months, light vehicle 3 or 12 months) months or Common Expiry Date (If one has been allocated to the vehicle) I • Will the vehicle be used for any purposes that entitles you to any Input Tax Credit for the GST included in your CTP premium? (See tYVfll' tor -Sianee In answering the e.boVe question) Yes/No • New Insurance Premium Class (If applicable) Important Information - Turn Over :=============: • Concession (If applicable) e.g. Pensioner, Pr1mal)' Producer Important Information -1\Jrn OVer '---=-----==----1 • Is the vehicle to be registered seasonally? Yes 0 No 0 May be lodged at any Service SA Customer Service Centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001 May also be renewed on-line v ia ABN 92 366 288 135 1952 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR RENEWING THE REGISTRATION ON YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE SEASONAL REGISTRATION • A vehicle registered seasonally can expire more than 90 days and less than one year without incurring a higher Administtation Fee. PREMIUM CLASS • If one or more of the below apply, the Insurance Premlt.m Class may be affected. CHANGE OF ADDRESS • If you hava changed your Resldentlal (HomeYBuslnass Address, Postal Address or Garaging Address, a separate notlftcatlon MUST be completed. CONCESSION • Payment of this renewal will constitute consent to release your personal information for the purpose of verifying your concession status with Centrefink/ Departmant of Veteran's Affairs. If you are not entitled to a concession, contact a Service SA Centre to update your delails before renewing your registration. • If you are applying for a concession on the registration for the first tiTle, a separete application must be oompleted. • ALTERATION TO CONSTRUCTION • If any of the vehicle details have been changed, e.g. engine nt.mber, a separata notification is required. INPUT TAX CREDIT ENTITLEMENT You rn.Jst answer the question on the front of the form in relation to m y entiUement to claim back the GST component of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance prerrium. Under the Commonwealth GST Law', this i s known as an 'Input Tax Credit' QTC). Guidance on how t o respond to that q uestion is is provided below. however you are unsure you should consult your accountant n or the Aust rnfian T axation Office about your particular circumstances. St ep 1 /s this vehicle used tor busmess Oncluding Goo1ernment end non-profit orgenisetions) puiposes? If Yes- continue w ith St ep 2 , If No - answer NO t o t he question on the front of the form and poy the low er ' No lTC Entitlement' total fee ~f offered) for the selected period. St ep 2 /s the RegisteriKf Owner of this veh1cle registeriKf (or reqwiKf to be registered) for GST? If Yes -continue w ith Step 3, If No- answer NO to the question on the front of the form and pay t he lower ' No lTC Ent~lement' total fee~~ offered) for the selected period. St ep 3 /~the Registered Owner of this vehicle entitled to claim an lTC in relstion to the CTP insurence premium? If Yes- an5w er YES to the questi on on the front of tllefotm and pay the higher ' lTC EntiUed' total fee Qf offered) for the selected period. If No - answer NO to the q uestion on 1he front of 1he form ond pay t he lower ' No lTC Entitlement' total fee ~f offered) for the select ed period. If you have answered YES to all 3 questions. you must answer YES on the front of the form and pay the 'ffC Entitled' fee (rf offered). Upon payment of ooy 'lTC Enti'Jed' fee, or standard fee where alternative fees are not oHered. a Tax Invoice w l11 81Jtomstic81/y be provided with your CertifiC8te of Reg1Stf81ion. The 'No lTC Entitlemoot' too IS only Sl alsble where the veh1cle IS NOT used tor fllY puipose whJCh entitles the owner to an lTC. Wha t happens ff I pay the incorrect premium 7 It is yom rospons.bibty to pay lho c ouocl proniw)l If you atG or bec01no awaro lhat a grea:tu- pra rium is. r>ayablo. you m u st no tify lho irw.urer in w nlir-.g A fadu ro to do 'SO rnay a penalty Tili'S penally is tn addihon t o a:1y J'lfEIIT1Um diffetEf)l ial payoole ff you brooch my te~m of the Polley of lnsurmCG. Section 1?4A (Z) of the MotorVetucJ(JS Act 1959 allows the rnsurer. by actron rn a court. to recov er trom y ou a portion of the mon~ pad or any costs incurrAd by the 1nsu rar tn respect of a lra>thty tncurrod by you. H y ou pay tho encorToct prCO'lum or tho v ohtelo rs U$Od tor a purposo oth« than that statod 1n your appltca.tton, yoo may bo ltablo to rocov01y actton ''a claun ts p81d on your policy 'GST Law moan. tho Comna•wooiU• Iogislooon. A Now Tax Syslom (Goods a •d Sorvic"" Tox)kt 1999. Thts forl'l l is an apphca1ion for rogistrahon arld C OI'n!>uls.ory lllnd Party (CTJ=? lrlstn e)"lce under lhe Molor Vehicl&s Act 1959 For further inforrna.tion and as.s.stanoa m detem'in1ng th& appropnate prernn,tm . please refer to the C'..ompt.Jisory Thtrd Party lnsurme<> prEmium '-' (M RS5) provtded at my S...V.CG SA Customer SeMce C"A:Ifltres. Thts schedule is ~so available by VIS.ittng WW\v S..:'\ gov au 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1953 MR47 03116 Govern ment of South A ustra lia INTERSTATE ROAD TRANSPORT ACT, 1985 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRAliON AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department of Planning, Transpor1 and Infrastructure ASN92 366288 13S Yo ur Det ails Pfe.-se phone the South AU$1.r.llian Comp ulsory Third Party lnsur.;m c.e Personal In jury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the e>Jent of a 103d a<<iden\ H!Sulting in personal iojUiy. Will the vehicle be used for any purpose that entitles you to any input tax credit (lTC) for the GST included in your CTP premium? ncr'"'" ·vc'"'"''' "'Yroor 'h'n!!wn(w"'"''d""'"gv~<rrc<" "" v.cwd:of uuyfomr NO No Fntlf1Nt)IY1t Tirk J>C'riod of fi'fJI\"tt.1 t ion t l'qwr<'rl rrr ] rrr ftwtlC'mf'nt ] i OR ~ YES /J(k penod of re<J!Stl'«tJon requtred Refer to Paymen t options on t he back of this form. ___, Customer Service: Visit a Sfarvice SA Cen tre. Telephon~ enqutnt-S 1310 84 Postal address S..r1r~ SA, GPO Box 1533 Adei31Cie SA 5001 www sa gOlf au 1954 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Conditions of this application 1. During the period t he vehicle is registered under the Interstate Road Transport Act 1985, the vehicle w ill not be used withi n the State except for the purpose of trade, commerce or i ntercourse among the States; 2 . on a ny occasion the vehicle is operat ed for theca rriage o f goods or passengers o n a journey wholly within the St ate o f South A ustralia, the vehicle will be. registered in accorda nee w it h provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Payment options: Cust om er Service Centres V isit a Service SA Centre t o pay by cash, cheque, money order. EFTPOS, Visa or MasterCard. En sure your details a re correct Paying after the expiry date You must noti fy t he department wit hin 14 days If payment i s received wit hin 90 days of the expiry dat e t he new expi l)' date will not be adj usted unless requested and an additional fee paid. of changing your address, buying o r selling a veh ide. Pen alties may apply for failure to do so. Payment may display as Service SA on your bank statement. To find you r nearest Service SA Centre visit o r call 13 10 84 For added security, the department does not retain any credit card details on its database. Noti fy change of address at, call 13 10 84 or visit a 5ervice SA Centre. To change your address w e w ill n eed your driver' s l icence number, date of b irth and previous and na-v address details To notify change of name you must attend a Servi ce SA Centre to provide proof of identity Mail Post t his form and a cheque marked not negotiable and made payable to ~partment of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure to t he pasta I address printed o n the front of this form. Your label w ill be returned to you by post. and evidence of t he name change. Driving without a registration labe l If your vehicle is registered by mail, your new label will be post ed to you. You can drive your vehicle unti l you receive and affix t h e n ew label, or for a period o f no longer than 30 days. Expired registration labels must not be d isplayed on a If a payment is received more than 90 days after the expiry dat e, an addit io nal fee w ill be payabl e and a new expi ry date w i II be allocated. Jo int o wnership If your vehicle is registered under two or more owners· names, only one nam e can be recorded as the registered operator. This inf ormat ion can be updated at anytime at no cost. Concessions Vehicles regist ered u nder t he Interstate Road Transport Act 1985 are llJll entitled t o a registration concession. However if you have a query about concessions you may be entitled to please go to \ and type in concessions. vehicle. Compu lsory Third Party Insurance If the registered owner of this vehicle is entitled to p rem ium'? Input Tax Credit (lTC) then you must choose the lTC entitled tota l fee (if of fered). It is your responsibil ity to pay the correct premium. Compulsory Th ird Party (CTP) insu rance provides compensation to people injured in motor vehicle crash es, where t he crash is t he fault of another person . A driver more than 2S o/o at fault in a crash resufting in a bodily i nj ury may be required to pay an excess. Other costs may apply where t he re i s a breach of t he Pol icy of Insurance. For f urther inform ation phone the South A ustralian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Inj ury Helpline on 1300 137 331. Determining your premium class and rat ing district The insurance rating district is based on t he address w here t he vehicle is garaged, kept or operated. The insurance premi um class is det ermined by reference to the description on the enclosed 'CTP Insurance Premium Schedule' that best f its your vehicle. Inp ut Tax Credit (lTC) e ntitlement is any entitlement to clai m back t he GST component of t he Compulsory Third Party (CTP) premi um. You must choose the premium you pay on the basis of your lTC entitlement. What happens if I pay the incorre ct claim any amou nt of t he GST in t he premium as an If the registered owner of this vehicle is not entitled to d aim any amount of the GST in t he premium as a n Input Tax Credit (lTC) t hen you may choose the no lTC entit lement total fee (if offered). If you are in any doubt as to w hether you can claim an input tax credit for the GST you sho uld consult your accountant o r financial advisor. Generally, to be able to claim a GST credit t he vehicle owner would be registered for GST with the Austra !ian Taxation Office (or be required to be registered forGST)and would be usi ng the vehicle for business purposes, which includes vehicles owned by chari ties and government Further information can a lso be obtained by contacting the Australian Taxation Office. If you are or become aware that a greater premium is payable, you must not ify t he insurer in writ ing. A fail ure to do so may i ncur a penalty. This penalty i s in addition to any premium differential payable. If you breach any t erm of the Policy of Insurance, section 124A (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 allows th e i nsurer. by action i n a court, to recover fro m you a portion of the money pa id o r any costs i ncu rred by t he i nsurer in respect of a l iability incurred by you. If you pay the incorrect premium or the vehicle is u sed for a pu rpose other than that stated in your application, you may be l iable to recovery action if a claim is paid on your pol icy. This f orm is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance un der the Motor V~hid~s A ct 1959. Forfurther informat ion read th e Compulsory Third Party Insurance premium schedule (MR85) provided with this ren ewal notice, This schedule is also available by visiting or a Service SA Custom e.r Service centre. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Government of South Australia 1955 APPLICATION TO REGISTER UNDER THE INTERSTATE ROAD TRANSPORT ACT, 1985 Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM • Hyou do not understand any questions on 1his application ask a Customer Service Officer f()( assistance. • This application is to be completed when applying to register a mot()( vehicle under 1he Interstate Road Ttansport Act 1985 ()( tr<nsfer 1he registration of a mot()( vehicle registered under 1he Interstate Road Transport Act 1985. • To register a mot()( vehicle you must also complete an Application f()( Registration and Coolpulsory Third P<rty Insurance (MR1), complete a Vehicle Supplementary Details (MRSO), provide a weigh note showing the tare weight. • Proof of identity and address may be required when presenting this form. • Cheques should be made payable to Department of Planning; Transport and lnfrastru::ture and marl<ed 'Not Negotiable'. • This form is an application f()( registration and Compulsory Third P<rty (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. • No personal information will be disclosed except as is required()( auth()(ised by law. 1. ABOUT THE APPLICANT SURNNviE I BODY CORPORATE NAME GIVEN NAMES CliENT I LICENCE NUMBER Oll<IER (If jointly owned) GIVEN NAMES CliENT I LICENCE NUMBER I~lOME I I BUSINESS ADDRESS SUBURB I TOWN POSTAL ADDRESS (•f different to above) SUBURB I TOWN I I YOUR DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER POSTCODE (Only ~ convoniont) POSTCOOE ( ) 2. ABOUT THE VEHICLE l rvtAKE I REGISTRATION PERIOD REQUIRED I BODY TYPE MONTI·!$ VIN NUMBER I PLATE NUMBER WILL TI<IE VEHICLE BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT ENTITLES YOU TO ANY INPUT TAX CREDIT FOR ll<IE GST INClUDED IN YOUR CTP INSURANCE PREM IUM? ItsTHIS VEHICLE TO BE REGISTERED SEASONALLY? YES 1 NO Lodge at any Service SA customer service centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA5001 ABN 92 366 288 135 YES I NO I I 1956 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 3. DECLARATION I h ereby affirm that: 1) during t he p eriod the vehi cl e regi stered under the lntemtate Road Transpo1t Act 1985. the vehi cle w ill not be used w ithin the St ate except for the purpose of trade, commerce or intercourse among the States; 2) on any occasion the vehicle i s operated fo r the carriage of goods or passengers on a journey w h olly w ith ing the Stat e of South Australia, the vehicl e w ill be registered in accordance w ith provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. Signature of Ap p licant .. ... .......... ...... ... ....... ... ..... .... ............... ... ........ .. ..... .... .... ... ... ..... ... .......... ...... ... ....... ... ..... . . . . Date ... ... ...... 1.......... I .......... {to b e s.gned p ersonally by the ow n er, oc· 1i a c ompany, by an aLithon sed d ealer by an authoused ott1cer) INPUT TAX CREDIT ENTITLEMENT You must answer the question on the front of the form in relation to any entitlement to cloim bock the GST component of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premium . Under the Commonweanh GST law', this is known as an ' Input Tax Cred~' (lTC). Guidance on how t o respond to t hat question is provided below, however ~you are unsure you should consult your accountant or the Austratian Taxation Office about your particular circumstances. Step1 Step2 Step3 Is this vehicle used f or business Qncluding Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle regi stered (or Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle enmled Government and non-profit organisations) purposes? requi red to be registered) for GST? to clrum an fTC in relation to the CTP insurance premium? If Yes- continue 1o\ith Step 2, If Yes - continue with Step 3, If Yes - answer YES to the question on t he front of If No - answer NO to the question on the front of t he If No - answer NO to the question on the front of the the form and pay the higher ' lTC Entitled' total fee Qf form and p ay the lower 'No lTC Entitlement' total fee form and p ay the lower 'No lTC EntiUement' tot al fee offered) for the selected period. Qf offered) for the selected period. Qf offered) for the selected period. If No - onswer NO to the question on the front of the form and pay the lower ' No lTC EntiUement' total fee Qf offered) for the selected period. If you />ave answered YES to all 3 questions, you must answer YES on the front of the form and pay the 'lTC Entitled' fee Qf offered). Upon payment of any 'lTC Entitl&d' fee, or standard fee where alternative fees ere rlOt offered, s Tax hwoice will automatically be provided with your Certificate of Registration. The 'No lTC Entitlement' fee is only available where the vehicle is NOT used for any purpose which entitles the owner to an fTC. What happens Ill pay the Incorrect premium? It is your responsibility to P<IY the carect premium. ~you ere or become aware that a greater premium is payable, you must notify the insurer in Writir"G. A failure to do so may incur a penalty. This pen&ny is in addition to any premium differential payable. If you breach any te<m of the Pclicy of lnsuance, Section 124A (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 7959 allONs the insU'e<, by actioo in a cout. to r80f1/er from yoo a portion of the money paid ex any costs incu-red by 1he insuer in respect of a liability inct.rred by yoo. pt.rpose other than that stated in yoor application, you may For further nonnation and aesietance in deterrririr"G the appropriate premil.m, please refer to the Compulsory Third Party IMwanee premio.rn schedule (MR85) provided at any Service SA Cuetomer Service Centlll8. be liable to recOJe<y acticn ~ a clrum is paid oo your policy. This schedule is aloo available by vioitirg ~ you pay the incorrect premium a the vehicle is used fa a 'GST La11 means lhe Cornronwedth legisldbn: A New Tax Sys!em (Goods and Setvices Tax) Act !999. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1957 illf1 65 04/16 1ft\ ~M~ ~ Government of South Australia Depart ment of Planni ng, Transport and Infrastructure ABN 92 366 288 135 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE FOR NEW VEHICLES REPORT BOOK 1958 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORISED PERSON 1. CHECKING PARTICULARS OF A NEW MOTOR VEHICLE All new motor vehicles must be physically checked to verify a vehicle's details, Vehicle Ident ification Number and engine number prior to a Report being completed. 1.1 Only an authorised person is permitted to check a new motor vehicle and complete a Report. The following details are to be verified: • • • • • Type and make of vehicle Month and year of manufacture Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Engine Number Identification Plate* 2. COMPLETION OF REPORT FOR A NEW MOTOR VEHICLE Once a new motor vehicle has been checked, the authorised person must record the following details on the 'Application for Registration and Third Party Insurance for a New Motor Vehicle': 2.1 particu lars checked in 1.1 , and 2.2. complete and sign t he Report. NOTE - REPORTS MUST NOT BE PRE-SIGNED If an application for registration is refused, (after the vehicle identification particulars have been re-checked by the authorised person) the vehicle may be required to undergo an Identity Inspection. • Previously known as compliance plat e 2 June 2016 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE I~~~~~:I ~E~~~R~~:~:~~~:~ Please Print Name in Full I-·~::=··:AT'1:,:.;:.·,;:::;;;~:.; I I ••• u - I Dated I SERIAL NUMBER I Heavy penalt ies apply for supplying false or misleading information. examined and accurately recorded the particulars of the vehicle described in this application, as required under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. ···············································-·s·ignature·ot-AuthOiisecfPerson 1959 I z I Was the vehicle previously wrecked or written off? Vehicle Motorbike z_z ~II-' ~J. r Will of Manufacture vesD NoD lt. I I I I Engine Capacity I I I c .c . I Odometer Reading Engine Number I Model Engine Capacity I c .c. I I I Mass.. (refer note nt bottom of page) I I I Number of cylinders or rotary? I I I I I Type of Fuel I I Is the vehicle left hand drive (LHD) ? Number of axles I I ~ bottom of page) I I I m z I -1 Manufacturer's recommended Gross Trailer Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) kg Rows of Wheels Number of Tyres I I I I Size and Ply (index) ofTyres Front I RA:lr I I Model of Trailer I I Identification Plate• Approval Number kg I f-- Answer the following question if the trailer was manufactured in 1989 or later and has an ATM not greater than 4.5 tonnes. Is a Vehicle Plate Fitted? I I Yes D No D ** IMPORTANT: A Vehicle Su~lementary Details Form (MRSO) must be completed for vehicles with an unladen mass, GVM or GTM greater than 500 kg. • Previously known as compliance plate ~ kg (Only apphcable to t railers w ith a A TM over 4500kg) Number of tyres 0 (") "' Answer the following questions from details shown on the identification plate' or vehicle plate. kg [ I (/) -1 I 2 m Aggregate Trailer Mass Seating Capacity Yes D kg Manufacturer's recommended Gross Vehicle Mass.. (refer note at bottom of page) I l I Manufacturer's recommended Gross Combination Mass•• (refer note at bottom of page) kg I I Model f-- I Odometer Reading I !=> I I I I "'z (eg red . blue, g een etc.) Mass.. (refer note at I I Body Type (") Body Type Engine Number I 0 Make of Trailer Body Type Make of Vehicle -1 . a Trailer ~ I reqwre a separate No D / Basic Colour Make of Motorbike .~ A Special Purpose Vehicle declaration. MorniVY~' I .-----(/) B Is the Vehicle fitted with a Speed Limiting Device? Yes D Yes D No D Certain information requested below can be answered from details shown on the Identification Plate• (refer to the appropriate identification plate• d iagram). Complete the appropriate section below II !< ABOUT THE VEHICLE: Is an identification plate• fitted? VIN (17 characters) 0 No D 1960 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ~ Governm~nt of South Aust ralia .. ~:..Y ~ ~ 2 June 2016 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE FOR NEW VEHICLES D£'partment of Pk1nn1ng. Transport and lnfrastructu~e .. .. ... PLEASE READ THE FOLLOW ING INSTRUCTIONS If you do not understand any question on this application ask a Customer Service Officer for assistance. You must be 18 years of age to apply for Registration and Insurance of a Heavy Vehicle (GVM > 4.5 tonnes) or 16 years of age for any other vehicle. Evidence o f identity may b e required when presenting this form . No personal information will be disclosed except as is required or authorised by Jaw. This form is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1gs9. You may be entitled to pay Jess or no stamp duty, or to receive a concession. Ask a Customer Service Officer • Cheques should be made payable to 'DEPARTM ENT OF PLANNING, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE' and marked 'NOT NEGOTIABLE'. Client Number (if known) ABOUT THE OWNER Please write clear1y in BLOCK LETTERS If the vehicle is to be registered in joint names, one person will be recorded as the 'Registered Operator'. Surname!Body Corporate Name Given Nam es Other (Joint) Names IF THE APPLICANT IS A BODY CORPORATE, please provide your A.C.N. (not an A.B.N .) I I Residential (hamel/Business Address Number and Street Gender Drivers Licence Number Date of Birth Drivers Ucence Number I I Date of Birth I I Your A.C.N. Evidence must be produced I I (This is the ad dress t hat will be recorded on the Reaisterl S uburb/Town Postcode Suburb/fawn Postcode Your daytime phone number (only if convenient) Postal Address Iii different to the above address) Number and Street M F M F ( ) INPUT TAX C REDIT ENTITLEMENT You must answer the question below in relat1on to any entitlement to claim back the GST component of the CTP insurance premium. Under Commonwealth GST Law ·, this is known as an "Input Tax Credit" (fTC). Guidance on how to respond to that question is provided below. However, ifyou are unsure you should consult your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office about your particular circumstances. The "No lTC Enbtlement" fee is only available where the vehicle is NOT used for Step 1 Is the vehtcle used for bus1ness ~ncluding Government and non-profit orgamsat10ns) purposes? any purpose that entitles the owner to an rTC. If Yes - contmue with Step 2, If No - anSNer NO to the question beiCM• and pay the tower "No lTC Entitlement" total fee (rt offered) for the selected periOd. If Yea - continue with Step 3 , What happens if I pay the incorrect premium? It is your responsibility to pay the correct premium. tf you are or become aware that a greater premium is payable, you must notify the Insurer In writ1ng. A failure to do so may 1ncur a penalty. Th1s penatty is m addition t o any premium differential If No - answer NO to the question below and pay the lower "No lTC Entitlement" total fee (rt offe<ed) for the selected periOd. Motor Vehicles Act 1959 aiiO'INs the insurer. by action in a court. to recover from Step2 Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle registered (or required to be regtstered) for GST? payable. If you b<e<~ch any te<m of the Policy of Insurance, section 124A (2) of the you a porbon of the money paid or any costs incurred by the insurer in respect of a liabHity incurred by you. ff you pay the incorrect premium or the vehicle is used for a purpose other than that stated 1n your application, you may be liable to recovery action 1f a clrum Is paid on your policy. Step3 Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle entitled to claim an lTC in relation to the CTP insurance premium? If Yes- answer YES to the question below and pay the higher "lTC Entitled" totel fee (if offered) for the selected period. If N o - answer NO to the question beiO'N and pay the tower "No lTC Entitlement" total fee (~ offe<ed) for the selected periOd. If you have answered YES to all 3 questions, you must answer YES and pay the 'ITC Entitled' "GST Law means the Commonwealth legislation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. fee pf offered). Will t he vehicle be used for any purpose that entitles you to any Input Tax Credit for the GST included in your CTP Premium? Yes I No Please indicate by ticking appropriate box if REGIS TRATION DETAILS If you require a Plate other t han a 'General issue' Plat please quote the p lat e type or slogan From whom did you acquire the vehicle? D 1/;~eh~~~;; ~ ~~~slnths, (if same owner wrtte 'same owner') Period of registration required 2 VEHICLE O I I Months or Approved CED I MOTOR BIKE TRAILER Plate Number allocated to vehicle 1 I 0 I I Office use only W hen did you acquire the vehicle? I Is t he vehicle to be used seasonally? I 0 Yes D I I I I NoD INSURANCE DETAILS PLEASE REFER TO THE 'COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE PREMIUM SCHEDULE' WHEN ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Where in South Australia will the vehicle be garag ed, kept or operated? Is this in 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 1' D or What is the Premium Class Number for t he vehicle~ l 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 2'? I (Refer to Prem1um Schedule} D I (Refer to Prem1um Schedule) Will the vehicle be used for hire, fare or reward? Yes I No I I VEHICLE VALUE This is the TOTAL market value, including cost of factory frtted accessories before taking away any trad e-in allowance or special discount. The value does not include interest cha~s. " PENALTIES APPLY FOR UNDER-DECLARATION OF VAL UE" 1/We declare that the value of the vehicle is: I MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER EXEMPTION I hold a Second-hand Motor Vehicle Dealers Licence No.I I and am in the business of selling motor vehicles. The vehicle is being registered for the purpose of resale or demonstration. Signature of Motor Veh icle Dealer........................................................................................... REGISTRATION POSTAL ADDRESS (only complete this sect ion if your registration renewals are to be sent to an address dinerent to the postal address) Suburbffown Po stcode Number and Street 1$ I I I PLEASE SIGN HERE: It is an offence ounish able bv imorisonment to make a false or m isleadina statement . I declare that the particulars shown on this application and any accompanying documenVs are true and correct. Signature of Applicant................................................................................................................ Date............./......... .1............ Lodge at any Servtce SA Centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001 ABN 92 366 288 135 I PLEAS E TURN OVER 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1961 Mn65EI 06/16 ~ Government of South Australia ~M~ ~ Department of Plan ning, Transport and Infrastructure ABN 92 366 288 135 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A NEW FARM TRACTOR OR SELF PROPELLED AGRICULTURAL MACHINE REPORT BOOK 1962 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORISED PERSON 1. CHECK PARTICULARS OF A NEW MOTOR VEHICLE All new motor vehicles must be physically checked to verify a vehicle's details, ie Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) if known or Chassis/Serial Number, and engine number, prior to a Report being completed. 1.1 Only an authorised person is permitted to check a new motor vehicle and complete a Report. The following details are to be verified: • Type and make of vehicle • Month and year of manufacture • If Vehicle Identification Number (VIN is known). If VIN is not known please quote any other Identification Number ie, Chassis or Serial Number • Engine Number "New Vehicle" means a motor vehicle that has not previously been registered under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1959 or the law of any other State or Territory or the Commonwealth 2. COMPLETION OF REPORT FOR A NEW MOTOR VEHICLE Once a new motor vehicle has been checked, the authorised person must record the following details on the 'Application for Registration of a New Farm Tractor or Self Propelled Agricultural Machine': 2.1 particulars checked in 1.1, and 2.2 complete and sign the Report. * NOTE - REPORTS MUST NOT BE PRE-SIGNED * 2 June 2016 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ~m""'nt af5outi1 Allslrollo APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A NEW FARM TRACTOR OR SELF PROPELLED AGRICULTURAL MACHINE Depanment of Planning, Transport and tnfTastruct\lre New Registration 1963 RM:W PLEASE REAO 11-iE FOLLOWING INS11'\UCTIONS • Tlis form is to be completed to register a new farm ~actor 0< a self propelled agrietjtLrlllmachne as a 'Special Ptrpose Vehicle' r1aCCO<dance wi~1 secliO<> 25 of the Motor Vehcles Act, I 959. The tractor or sEll prot><lled agnctjtual maclvn& must only be used tor agrctjtLWal pwposes. • You must be 18yeal's of ago to apply for Ae<Jistratioo Md l nS~Jance or a l·le.avy Vehicle (GVM > 4.51onnes) or 16years or age for <ny olhet vehiCle. • Evidence of rdentrty may be requred wh" ' pres<>>llng ths tam. • Choques should be made payable to 'The Dcpmtmcnt for Transport, Energy and lnfrastructu·e' and m<uked 'NOT NEGO'riABLE'. • Tlis form is an application for registration and Cornp<Jsory Tlird Party (CTP) tnsuance <llde< the MOiot Ve/lic/es Act 1959. • No personal information will be disclosed except as is rcqUmd or authorised by la'IN. • Registration as a 'Special Pupose Vehicle' does not exempt the vehcle from af'rj requirements of the Road Traffic Act, 1961. 1. ABOUT THE OWNER Please wr~e clearly in BLOCK LETIERS vehicle is to be r"!j9tered in joint name$, one person wil be recorded as the 'R"!jstered Operat()(. Su namci!Jody Corporate Namo Gr11enNames Client Number 01known) Gender ~ the D rivers Licence Nt.rnber OatoofBirth I Other (J<>tnt) Names Ot 1vers Ltcence N umber I D ate o t Birth I IF THE APPLICANT IS A BODY CORPORATE Please provide your A.C.N. (not an A.B.N.) I I Residential (homel/Business Address Number arld Street F X M F X YourA.C.N. Evidence must be produced I Postoode (This is the address that will be recorded on the Reoisterl Suburb/Town Postal Address Iii different to the above address\ N<Jnber and Street I M I Your daytime phone number (only nconvenient) Post code Stb urb!Town ( ) 2. INPUT TAX C REDIT ENTITLEMENT You must answer the question below in relation to any entitlement to claim back the GST component of the CTP insurance premium Under Commonwealth GST Law•. this is known as an "Input Tax Credit". Guidance on how to respond to that question is provided below. However. if you are unsure you should consult your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office about your patticular circumstances. ,,. " No lTC Entrtlen>e<>f' fee rs only avarl<lble where the vehtele ,. NOT used for Step/ Ls the veh1cle used for bus1ness (lllcludrng Government and non-proht organisations) purposes? any p~Jpose that entiUes the owner to an lTC. If Yes • cor1trnue wrth Step 2, If No -answer NO to the questior1 below and pay the lower What happens if I pay the incorrect premilm? "No lTC Entitlement" total teo (rf offered) for the selected period . tt is your responsibility to pay tho correct premium. tf you are or become aware Step2 Is the Regrstered Ovn1er ot U.s vehrcle regrstered (or requ11ed to be regrstered) tor CST? that a greater premium is payable, you must notify the insurer in writing. A failure If Yes ~ conl.inue wilh Step 3, If No · answer NO to the quesbon below and pay the lowe< to do so may rncur a penalty. 1111S penalty 1s rn a<khbon to any premtun dlfterentral payable. If you breach any term of the Policy of Insurance, section 124A (2) of the "No ITCEntitlernent" total fee (If offered) for the selected period . Nbto1 Vellk:lesAct 1959 allows the insLJer, by action in a court. to recover from you a portion of the money paid or any costs inct.rred by tho insurer in respect of Step3 ls the Registered Owner of this vehicle entitled to claim an lTC in relation to tho CTP n\Surance premeum? If Yes - answer YES to the questior1 below and pay the highct "lTC Entitled" total fcc (If offered) for tho setoetod period. If No - answet NO to the quesbon below and pay the lower "No lTC Entitlement" total fco (If offered) for the selected poriod. It yO<r have answered YES to all 3 quesbons, you must answer YES and pay the 'fTC EntrUed ' fee (If offered). Upon payment of any 'lTC Entitled' fee or standard fee where alternative fees are net oHcrcd, a Tax hw<>tco Villi automatrcally bo prOVIded wrth your Cortrtrcato of Regrstratrm. a habllrty u"lCwred by you. H you pay the mconect prem1um or the vehcle 1s used for a purpooo other than that stat0d rn you- appltcattOI), you may bo It able to recovery action if a claim is paid or) your policy. ·osTLaw m eans tho Commonwealth legislation: A New Tax System {Goods and Servt<XJS T""' ACI1999. Will the vehicle be used lor any purpose that entitles ycxt to any Input Tax Credit lor the GST included in your CTP insurance premium? Yes/No 3. REGISTRATION DETAILS Plat e Number allocated to vehide From whom did you acquire t he vehicle? I I IOffice Use Only I When did you acquire the vehicle? Period of registration required in m onths (MUSt In m1.11• I I ot3mOfllMJM up to a ma.xrnum of 36 MOmns.lfv(ll'f(:lt $o~Wttot>treg1Stn<ron astUOf"Q1 CQ$1'- OfVVSCIIt<t3. &,Of'$m0ltl"r$) I I I Is t he vehicle to be used seasonally? YesO I I NoD 4. INSURANCE DETAILS If the vehicle is used lor any purpose that entitles you to claim any Input Tax Credit, t he premium class applicable to farm tract ors and self propelled agricultural machines is 381or 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 1' and 881or ' INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 2' I Where in South Australia will the vehicle be garaged, kept or operated? 1 Is t his in 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 1' What is the Premium Class? I or D 'INSURANCE RATING DISTRICT 2'? I D (Rete< to C1P rnsllrance premrum scl1edute) 5. ENTITLEMENT TO CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION AS A SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE Is the vehicle specifically constructed to carry goods or passengers on the road network? YesO NoD 6 . REGISTRATION POSTAL ADDRESS (only complete this section if your registration renewals are to be sent to an address different to the post al address) Numbel' and Street Suburb/Town Postcode I I 7. PLEASE SIGN HE RE: It is an offence punishabl e by imprisonment to make a fal se or misleading statement. I declare that the part iculars shown on this application are true and correct and the vehicle will not be used outside the conditions. if any, t hat may be prescribed I Signature of Applicant ........ ....... .......... ........ ....... .......... ........ .................. .......... ................ Lo dge thi s f o r m at any Service SA Cust omer Service Centre Date .. ..... .... ./. ....... ./........ I PLEASE TURN OVER Telephone Enquiries: 13 1084 ABN92 366 288135 1964 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 8. AUTHORISED PERSONS REPORT I IDENTIFICATION No. ......................... 1······ ········· · · · · · · ···· · · · · · · · ··· · ; ,; ; ,;~·; ;,~;· ;:;~·~ ~-F~ii· ········· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ···· ······· · l 1 I J 9. ABOUT THE VEHICLE: Is a SERIAL NUM BER O HOI I D declare that I have physically compliance plate f itted? I Heavy penalties apply for examined and accurately recorded the ~rticulars of the vehicle described in this application, as required under the Motor Vehicles Act 959. l · · · · · · · ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · · s; ;~;·i,; ; ·~;·i\; ;;;.;;:~·i ; ,:;,; ~· · · ·· · · · ·· · · · ·......................... 2 June 2016 supplying false or misleading information. Oated .............J•......• ./............. 1 Yes O No D Certai n information requested below can be answered from details shown on the Compliance Plate. (If fitted) B If Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is known. please quote below. If VIN not known, please quote any other identificat ion on number ie.chassis serial number (If any). VIN (17 characters) o f Manufacture OR CHASSIS Number Basic Colour (up to 20 characters) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (eg reO blue, green etc.) I I GENERAL 1. Make of Vehicle (Name of Manufacturer) 1.1. Is a warning device (hom) fitted? Yes 1.2. Is an internal rear vision mirror fitted? Yes 1.3. Is a right hand side mirror fitted? Yes Body Type (eg tractor, header etc) I NoD D NoD 1.4. Is a left hand side rear vision mirror fitted? Yes D NoD 1.5. What is the overall width of the vehicle? I I 1.6. What is the overall height of the vehicle measured from a level surface? I 1 metres 1. 7. What is the wheel base? I I I Engine capacity I I Model Number (if known) I I Operating Mass I metres 2.2. How many road lyres are fitted to the vehicle? I I 2.3. lyre or Track type (Pneumatic, solid rubber or tiack?) Front I Front I IBack I Iaack I No. of C~linders I I Seating Capaci ty B I I I I Front ( Back I VEHICLE CHASSIS/BODY 3. 3.1. Are mudguards fitted to the front wheels? Yes D No D 3.2. Are mudguards fitted to the rear wheels? Yes D NoD 3.3. If roodguards not fitted, will part of t he body function as a mudguard? Yes D No D 4.1. Are brakes fitted? Yes D NoD 4 .2 . Are brakes fitted to all road wheels? Yes D NoD BRAKES 4. kgs I I metres AXLES AND TYRES 2 .1. How many axles are fitted to the vehicle? 2.4. What is the tyre size designation and ply designation? Engine Nurroer NoD D D 2. I I ·~·""- 11. ASSESSMENT OF OPERATING CONDITIONS 10. VEHICLE DESCRIPTION I I 5. LIGHTING 5 .1 Are the following lights fitted? a. headlights (whrte) Yes D NoD b. rear reflectors (reflect red) Yes D NoD c. front clearance tights (white ()( amber) Yes D NoD Is the vehicle left hand drive (LHD)? d. rear clearance lights (red) Yes D NoD Yes O e. side marker lights (amber to front, red to rear) Yes D No D LHD Permt Expiry Date f . stop lights (red) Yes D NoD g. rear lights (red) I I What non standard equipment Qf any) has been added to the vehicle Qe front end loader)? Yes D No D h. flashing yellow ight Yes D No D Type of Fuel No D i. direction indica!()( lights I OFFICE USE ONLY MASSI I I I I 1 cONolrloNcooe l s Pv l I I I I I I I II I C()(Opleteandtickappropriatesegment IPsvl I I I I Back I I Front II IIT sv I I 1 I I I 11osv I I I II I II 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ®. TEMPORARY CONFIGURATION CERTIFICATE a Gov-ernm•nt of 5out h Au,ttell• D<Par.m<n! forA>MnQ. Tf~~tnfff~Str'~JQ~ Telephone Enquiries 13 10 84 W\1/ ABN 92 366 288135 Please phone the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. Telephone Enquiries 1310 84 ABN 92 366 288 135 SOUTH AUSTRALIA MOTOR VEHICLES ACT TEMPORARY CONFIGURATION CERTIFICATE THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE CARRIED IN THE VEHICLE WHILE CURRENT Go.,.rnl'holn1 of South Austtl lll THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE UPON SALE OF VEHICLE 1965 1966 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Audit No. TEMPORARY CONFIGURATION CERTIFICATE Where an owner wishes to change to a higher fee configuration for a short period of time only, a Temporary Configuration Certificate may be issued to cover thai period. A Temporary Configuration Certificate may only be issued until the registration expiry dale. If changing to a higher configuration. a minimum 90 day balance is payable. The Temporary Configuration Certificate is not transferable with the transfer of registration. There is no refund applicable to a temporary configuration cover. Temporary configuration may be surrendered to allow a registration cancellation or another temporary cover to be issued, by returning the certificate to any Customer Service Centre. The Certificate of Temporary Configuration must be carried by the driver or in the vehicle whilst being used at the new configuration. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ~ Government of South Australia ~"f!b; ~ APPLICATION FOR AN UNREGISTERED VEHICLE PERMIT Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure PERMITS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A SHORT DURATION AND FOR SPECIFIC JOURNEYS ~Evidence ol idertily and address may be re(Jlired when presenting lhis form. Office Use Only- Proof of I. D. • A Penn~ may be issued subjeelto the vehicle being roadworthy. lithe vehicle has been declared a statutory wr~e-oll, a permit cannot be issued. • No personal inlonnation will be disclosed except as is required or authorised by law. II 1. ABOUT THE APPLICANT Surname or Body Corporate Name 1967 Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS Given Names Residential/Postal Address Date of Birth I - Suburb/Town Client/Licence Number I Post code Your daytime phone number - {ooy if convffiient) J ( 2. ABOUT THE VEHICLE: Is an identification plate fitted? YesU NoU Will the vehicle be used for any purpose that entiUes you to any Input Tax Credit for the GST included in your CTP insurance premium? (see over for assistance in answering this question) YeaO NoD I Certain information req uested below can be answered from details shown on the identification plate. If the year of manufacture is 1989 or later, a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) must be stated. If the year of manufacture is prior to 1989 a c hassis number/frame number should be stated. VIN (17 characters) Month/Year ~ or Chassis Number of Manufacture t I I I I I I I I I I I I I (Up to 20 characters) Was the vehicle Colour Yes Is the vehicle new? NoD NoD previously written off? Yes D D [ I 0 0 0 Yes l is the veh icle defected? Is the veh icle left hand drive? Yes If a motorbike, (excluding side cars), does it have more than 2 wheels? Yes LJ No No No 0 0 0 I Jr.,oo,. If the answer is 'Yes' to either of the above questions, an approval must be obtained from Vehicle Standards, OPTI, Regency Park. IPlate Number t ll~ gine Number l 3. REASON FOR PERMIT •N.B. The Registrar of Motor Vehicles has discretion to refuse the issue of a permit or may apply any conditions deemed necessary. Please give the reason you require the permit by ticking the appropriate box below. [:::} II· Mechanical Repairs I· Limited Number of Short Journeys 11· Car C lub Rally Procession 0 0 0 + Vehicle Inspection QD/RVV) 0 + Relocate Vehic le 0 I .I (please provide details) (please state the name of Club/Organisation) + 4. JOURNEY DETAILS Please provide details of the route to be taken. Tow a vehic le 0- I I I From I l i To I I l Via I L--- 5. PERIOD REQUIRED Permit requi red from ....... ... ......... ... ... ..... on ..... ....... ... ../ .... ........ ./. .... ..... .. m idnight on .... .. .. ... . ./ ... .... .. .. .. ./ .... . 6. DECLARATION .-:::1 THIS APPLICATION IS A REQUEST FOR COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE ~~;;:~~:P~~::i~!.~~~s· ~-~~-~~--~-~.~~~~- ~~~·l·i·~~~~~-~-·~r~·t·r~-~-~-~~. ~~~r~-~~-.~~.~-·~~.r::.o~:~.·-~~-~~~~.i~~-~.~.~ ~~-~·... . I .. POLICE USE ONLY Approved by ........................................ ................. P.C. L J Permit Number May be lodged at any Service SA Customer Service Centre Fo r further information telephone: 13 10 84 ABN 92 366 288 135 J 1968 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Conditions of Use • The permit is current from the commencement time and date until M IDNIGHT of the expiry date nominated. • The driver of the vehicle must hold a current Driver's Licence with the appropriate class. • The permit does not relieve the owner or driver from compliance with the Road Traffic Act 1961 concerning equipment size, mass and safety of the vehicle. • The permit must be displayed in accordance with the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010. • If the vehicle has been defected, the permit is subject to the terms of the Vehicle Defect Notice. • The vehicle must not be used for hire, reward, to carry a load, or for commercial purposes under the permit. • The journey must commence in South Australia for the permit to be valid. Where a permit is issued for interstate travel, it is advisable to check with the interstate authority to ensure the permit issued in South Australia is valid for the nominated journey. • The top portion of the permit is a TAX INVOICE for GST purposes when full payment is made. To find out whether you are eligible to c laim the GST component of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premium you should consult your accountant or financial advisor. Penalties • Penalties apply for the contravention of any term, condition or restriction endorsed on the permit. Input Tax Credit Entitlement You must answer the question on the front of the form in relation to any entitlement to claim back the GST component of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premium. Under the Commonwealth GST Law*, this is known as an 'Input Tax Credit' (lTC). Guidance on how to respond to that question is provided below, however if you are unsure you should consult your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office about your particular circumstances. Step 1 Is this vehicle used for business (including Government and non-profit organisations) purposes? If Yes- continue with Step 2, If No - answer NO to the question on the front of the form and pay the lower 'No lTC Entitlement' total fee (if offered) for the selected period. Step 2 Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle registered (or required to be registered) for GST? If Yes- continue with Step 3, If No - answer NO to the question on the front of the form and pay the lower 'No lTC Entitlement' total fee (if offered} for the selected period. Step 3 Is the Registered Owner of this vehicle entitled to claim an lTC in relation to the CTP insurance premium? If Yes- answer YES to the question on the front of the form and pay the higher 'lTC Entitled' total fee ~f offered) for the selected period. If No - answer NO to the question on the front of the form and pay the lower 'No lTC Entitlement' total fee (if offered) for the selected period. If you have answered YES to all 3 questions, yw must answer YES on the front of the form and pay the 'ITI: FntifiArl' fAA (if nffArArl) 1/pnn ['IAYITIP.nt nf Any 'ITI: FntifiArl' fAA, nr sfAnriArrl fAA whArA AlfArnAfivA fAAS are not offered, a Tax Invoice will automatically be provided with your Certificate of Registration. What happens if I pay the incorrect premium? It is your responsibility to pay the correct premium. If you are or become aware that a greater premium is payable, you must notify the insurer in writing. A failure to do so may incur a penalty. This penalty is in addition to any premium differential payable. If you breach any term of the Policy of Insurance, Section 124A (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 allows the insurer, by action in a court, to recover from you a portion of the money paid or any costs incurred by the insurer in respect of a liability incurred by you. If you pay the incorrect premium or the vehicle is used for a purpose other than that stated in your application, you may be liable to recovery action if a claim is paid on your policy. *GST Law means the Commonwealth legislation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. This form is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. For further information and assistance in determining the appropriate premium, please refer to the Compulsory Third Party insurance premium schedule (MR85) provided at any Service SA Customer Service Centres. This schedule is also available by visiting 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ~ Government of South A ustralia APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE (e.~~ Department of Planning, ~ 1969 Transport and Infrastructure PL EASE READ THE FOL LOWING INSTRUCTIONS: • The Application For Approval For Issue Of Trade Plates must be lodged with this application unless one has been lodged within the last six (6) months. • If t his applicat ion is not for a ltd or Pty ltd Company, the full names of the proprietors are req uired. • Please write clearly in BLOCK LETTERS 1. ABOUT T HE A PPLI CANT: Client Number Driver's Licence No. Date of Birth Driver's Licence No. Date of Birth Qt convenient) Given Names Surname/Company Name Telephone Number Other Ooint) owners (If known) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Number and Street Suburb/Town Post Code POSTAL ADDRESS Number and Street Suburb/Town Post Code 2. ABOUT T HE BUSINESS: I Trading Name PTD Client Number TRADING ADDRESS Number and Street Suburb/Town Post Code 3. APPROVAL DETAILS: Have you lodged an Application For Approval For Issue Of Trade Plates within the last 6 months? Yes 0 No 0 4. T RADE PLATE(S) T O BE T RANSFERRED: Plate Number I Cu~~~~~~i~ ~ate... 1 Plate Number I Current Expiry Date Plate Number I Current Expiry Date ........ ./ ........ ./ .......... .. ...... ./ ........ ./ .......... Purchased From Date of Acquisition 5. COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE PREMIUM: Premium Class 12 (Metropolitan) 0 I Prem ium Class 62 (Country) 0 6. DECLARAT ION: 1/We declare that the particulars shown on this application and accompanying documents are t rue and correct and I/we are aware of t he purposes for which Trade Plates can be used (shown overleaQ. 1/We hereby apply for the Trade Plate(s) described herein to be transferred to me. Signature of Applicant. ....................................................................................... Date........../ ........../ .......... It is an offence punishable by imprisonment to make a false or misleading statement 7 . OFFIC E USE ONLY: Application Approved By ...... ............................................................................. May be lodged at any Service SA Customer Service Centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 ABN 92 366 288 135 Date........../ ..........! .......... 1970 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 PURPOSES FOR WHICH TRADE PLATES CAN BE USED IT IS AN OFFENCE TO USE A TRADE PLATE FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT LISTED ON THIS APPLICATION (a) delivery of a motor vehicle from premises of the manufacturer or distributor of the vehicle to business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; (b) delivery of a motor vehicle from premises of the manufacturer of the vehicle to a place for storage or to business premises of the distributor of the vehicle; (c) relocation of a motor vehicle(i) between different business premises of amotor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; or (ii) between business premises of dffferent motor vehicle dealers or auctioneers; (d) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a motor vehicle of the on-road performance of the vehicle(i) being a demonstration in respect of which the vendor of the vehicle does not receive any monetary consideration; and (ii) in the case of a commercial motor vehicle that is to carry a load during a demonstration, provided that(A) the demonstration consists of not more than 2 separate journeys by the same prospective purchaser and each journey is completed within 3 days; and (B) during the demonstration the vehicle is used only within the State; (e) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a bus of the on-road performance of the bus, being a demonstration-(i) in respect of which the vendor of the bus does not receive any monetary consideration; and (ii) during which no passengers other than the prospective purchaser and any person advising the prospective purchaser in relation to the purchase of the bus are carried in the bus; (f) on-road testing of a motor vehicle prior to delivery of the vehicle to a purchaser of the vehicle; (g) delivery of amotor vehicle sold by amotor vehi:le dealer or auctioneer to a place nominated by the purchaser of the vehice (whether within or outside the State); (h) in the case of a motor vehicle that(i) is sold by a motor vehicle dealer who is not authorised by a delegation under section 7 of the Act to register vehicles soldby the dealer; and (ii) is delivered to the purchaser on a day on which, or at a time of day at which, the office of the Registrar is closed for business, to enable the vehicle to be driven by the purchaser or a person authorised by the purchaser without registration for any purpose until the time at which the office of the Registrar closes for business on the next day on which it is open for business; (i) delivery of a motor vehicle to a workshop or other place for repair or servicing of the vehicle or the making of alterations or add~ions to the vehicle; (j) return of a motor vehicle from a workshop or other place at which the vehicle has been repaired or serviced or at which alta-ations or additions have been made to the vehicle; (k) delivery of a motor vehicle to a place for wrecking or disassembling; (I) on-road testing of a motor vehicle in the course of repairs or servicing or the making of anerations or additions to the vehicle; (m) in the case of a motor vehicle on loan by a motor vehicle repairer to the owner of a motor vehicle under repair-to enable the loan vehicle to be driven for any purpose by the owner of the vehicle under repair provided that(i) the repairer does not receive any separate monetary consideration in respect of the provision of the loan vehicle; and (ii) nthe loan vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle-the loan vehicleis not used to carry a load during the loan period except within the State; and (iii) nthe loan vehicle is not a special purpose vehicle(A) the repairer is licensed as a dealer under the Second-hand Vehide Dealers Act 1995; and (B) the loan vehicle is a second-hand vehicle that is being offered or exposed for saleby the repairer; and (C) a notice that complies with section 16 of theSecond-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 is attached to the loan vehicle; (n) delivery of a motor vehicle to the sne of a motor show or other similar event at which the vehicle is to be on display; (o) return of a motor vehicle from the site of a motor show or other similar event at which the vehicle has been on display; (p) demonstration of the on-road performance of a motor vehicle while the vehicle is on display at a motor show or other similar event; (q) delivery of a motor vehicle to a place for inspection or examination under the Act, the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law; (r) return of a motor vehicle from a place to which the vehicle has been taken for inspection or examination under the Act, the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law. In add~ ion, in relation to a commercial motor vehicle or trailer: (a) delivery to the site of a prescribed event of(i) an agricunural implement, agricunural machine or any other motor vehicle that is to be on display at that s~e during theprescribed event; and (ii) any equipment to be used for the purposes of, or in conjunction w~h, the display of the agricultural implement, agricultural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event; and (iii) any equipment, accessories or consumables for or associated w~h the agricunural implement, agricunural machine or other motor vehicle; (b) return from the site of a prescribed event of(i) an agricunural implement, agricunural machine or any other motor vehicle that has been on display at that site during the prescribed event; and (ii) any equipment used for the purposes of, or in conjunction with, the display of the agricunural implement, agricunural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event; and (iii) any equipment, accessories or consumables for or associated with the agricunural implement, agricunural machine or other motor vehicle. In addition, in relation to a trailer designed to carry a boat: (a) delivery of a boat from the premises of the manufacturer of the boat to a place for storage or to business premises of a deaer or distribtrtor of boats; (b) delivery of a boat from business premises of a distributor of boats to business premises of a dealer of boats; (c) delivery of a boat to or from waters for demonstration to a prospective purchaser of the boat of the pertormance of the boat on waters; (d) delivery of a boat sold by a dealer of boats to a place nominated by the purchaser of the boat (whether w~hin or oLrtside the State); (e) delivery of a boat to a workshop, boat yard or other place for repair or servicing of the boat or the making of atterationsor add~ions to the boat; (f) return of a boat from aworkshop, boat yard or other place at which the boat has been repaired or serviced or at which alter.~tions or additions have been made to the boat; (g) delivery of a boat to the site of a prescribed event at which the boat is to be on display; (h) return of a boat from the site of a prescribed event at which the boat has been on display. Note: prescribed event means(a) the annual Royal Adelaide Show; or (b) a country field day event; or (c) a boat or motor show; or (d) any other exhibition, fair or show. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1971 MR303 - ABN 92 366 288 135 of South Australia Government CERTIFICATE OF ISSUE OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PART¥ INSURANCE Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84 POSTAL DETAILS: TRADING AS DETAILS: OWNER DETAILS: Please phone the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. SOUTH AUSTRALIA MOTOR VEHICLES ACT CERTIFICATE OF ISSUE OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE IMPORTANT WARNING: The onus is on you to renew this Trade Plate prior to the expiry date displayed, if you wish to continue using the Trade Plate. OG/1 G 1972 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PURPOSES FOR WHICH TRADE PLATES CAN BE USED 2 June 2016 Au:lit No. T IT IS AN OFFENCE TO USE A TRADE PLATE FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT LISTED ON THIS APPLICATION (a) delivery of a motor vehide from premises of the mamrtacturer or distribtnor of the vehide to business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; (b) delivery of a motor vehide from rnetnises of the manufacturer of the vehicle to a place lor storage or to business premises of the distributor of the vehicle; (c) relocation of a motor vehicii)Q) beMeen different business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; or Qt) be~Neen business premises of different motor vehicle dealers or auctioneers; (d) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a motor vehicle of the on-road performance of thevehicleQ) being a demonstration in respect ol which thevendor of the vehicle does not receive any monetary consideration; and Qi) in the case of a commercial motor vehicle that is to carry a load during a demonstration. provided lhat(A) the demonstration consists of not more than 2 separate journeys by the same prospective purchaser and each journey is completed within 3 days; and (B) during the demonstration thevehicle is used only within the State; (e) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a bus of the on -road performance of the bus, being a demonslrationQ) in respect of which the vendor of the bus does not receive any monetary consideration; and Qi) during which no passengers other than the prospective purchaser and any person advising the proSl>ective t>urchaser in relation to the purchase of the bus are carried in the bus; (f) on-road testing of a motor vehicle prior to delivery of the vehicle to a purchaser of the vehicle; (g) delivery ol a motor vehide sold by a motor vehide dealer or auctioneer to a place nominated by the purchaser of the vehicle (whether within or outside the Slate); (h) in the case of a motor vehicle tllatQ) is sold by a motor vehicle dealer who is not authorised by a deiCQation under section 7 of the Act to rCQister vehicles sold by the dealer; and Qi) is delivered to the 11urchaser on a day on which, or at a lime of day at which, the office of the Registrar is closed for business, to enable the velncle to be driven by the purchaser or a person authorised by the purchaser without rCQistration for any purpose until the time at which the olfice of the Registrar closes for business on the next day on which it is OPen for business; (i) delivery of a motor vehide to a workshop or other place for repair or servicing of the vehicle or the making of alterations or additions to the vehicle; (j) return ol a motor vehicle from a workshop or other place at which the vehicle has been repaired or serviced or at which alterations or additions have been made to the vehicle; (k) delivery of a motor vehide to a place for wrecking or disassembling; (I) on-road testing of a motor vehicle in the course of repairs or servici ng or the making of alterations or additions to the vehicle; (m) in the case of a motor vehicle on loan by a motor vehicle repairer to the owner ol a motor vehicle under repair-to enable the loan vehicle to be driven lor any purpose by the owner olthe vehicle under re1>air provided thatQJ the repairer does not receive any separate monetary consideration in respect of the provision of the loan vehicle; and Qi) if the loan vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle-the loan vehicle is not used to carry a toad during the loan period except within the State; and Qii) if the loan vehicle is not a special purpose vehicle(A) the repairer is licensed as a dealer under the Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995; and (B) tile loan vehicle is a second-hand vehicle that is being offered or exposed for sale by the repairer; and (C) a notice that complies with section 16 of the Second-hand Vehicle Doalers Act 1995 is attached to the loan vehicle; (n) delivery of a motor vehide to the site of a motor show or other similar event at which the vehicle is to be on display; (o) return ol a motor vehicle from the site of a motor show or other si milar event at which the vehicle has been on display; (P) demonstration of the on-road performance of a motor vehicle while the vehicle is on display at a motor show or other similar event; (Q) delivery of a motor vchidc to a place lor inst>ection or examination under the Act. the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law; (r) return of a motor vehicle from a place to which the vehicle has been taken for inspection or examination under theAct, the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law. In addition, in relation to a commercial motor vehicle or trailer: (a) delivery to the site of a prescribed event ol(i) an agricult ural implement. agricultural machine or any other motor vehicle Ihal is to be on display at that site during the prescribed event; and (ii) any equipment to be used for the purposes of, or in conjunction with, the display of the agricultural implement, agricultural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event; and (iii) any equipment. accessories or consumabtes lor or associated willl lhe agricultural implement , agricultural machine or other motor vehicle; (b) return from the site of a prescribed event of(i) an agricultural implement, aQricullural machine or any other motor vehicle that has been on diSl>lay at that Site during the prescribed event; and (ii) any equipment used for the purposes of, or in conjunction with, the display ol the agricultural implement, agricultural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event: and (iii) any equipment. accessories or consumables for or associated with the agricultural implement, agricultural machine or other motor vehicle. In addition, in relation to a trailer designed to carry a boat (a) delivery of a boat from the premises of the mamrtacturer of the boat to a place lor storage or to business premises of a dealer or distributor ol boats; (b) delivery of a boat from business premises or a distributor of boats to business premises of a dealer of bOats; (c) deli v~ry of a boat to or from waters lor demonstration to a prospective purchaser ot the boat of the performance of the boat on waters; (d) delivery of a boat sold by a dealer of boats to a place nominated by the purchaser of the boat (whether within or outside the State); (e) delivery of a boat to a workshop, boat yard or other place for rE!IJair or servicing of the boal or the making of alterations or additions to the boat; (I) return ol a boat from a workshop, boat yard or other place at which the boat has been repaired or serviced or at which alterations or additions have been made to the boat; (g) delivery of a boat to the siteof a prescribed event at wlich the boat is to be on dsplay; (h) return of a boatlrom the site of a prescribed event at which the boat has been on display. Note: prsscribsd svsntmeans(a) the annual Royal Adelaide Show; or (b) a country field day event; or (c) a boat or motor show; or (d) any other exhibition, fair or show. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1973 MR303A 02/16 - ABN 92 366 288 135 Government of South Australia CERTIFICATE OF ISSUE OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department for fltanning, Telepho ne Enquiries: 13 10 84 Transport and Infrastructure POSTAL DETAILS: TRADING AS DETAILS: OWNER DETAILS: Please phone the South Australian Compulsory Third Party Insurance Personal Injury Helpline on 1300 137 331 in the event of a road accident resulting in personal injury. SOUTH AUSTRALIA MOTOR V EHI CLES ACT CERTIFICATE OF ISSUE OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE IMPORTANT WARNING: WHERE TO AFFIX THE LABEL Th e onus is on you to renew this Trad e Plate prior to the expiry date displayed, if you w ish to contin ue using the Trade Plate. The panel must stay with the label. HOW TO AFF IX THE LABEL This label must be displayed in a holder attached to the Trade Plate, so that both the Trade Plate number and label are clearly visible. Remove the old label, and clean the inside area of the holder. The holder must be made from transparent glass or other suitable material to clearly display and protect the label. LEAVE THE COLOURED PANEL ATIACHED TO THE LABEL AND AFFIX INSIDE THE HOLDER. CAREFULLY PEEL THE LABEL FROM THE BACK OF THIS FORM. IMPORTANT: This label is self adhesive do not immerse in water. Your NEW Trade Plate Label is affixed to the back of this form. 1974 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 PURPOSES FOR WHICH TRADE PLATES CAN BE USED IT IS AN OFFENCE TO USE A TRADE PLATE FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT LISTED ON THIS APPLICATION (a) delivery of a motor vehicle from premises of the manufacturer or distributor of the vehicle to business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; (b) delivery of a motor vehicle from premises of the manufacturer of the vehicle to a place for storage or to business premises of the distributor of the vehicle; (c) relocation of a motor vehicle(i) between different business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer, or (ii) between business premises of different motor vehicle dealers or auctioneers; (d) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a motor vehicle of the on· road performance of the vehicle(i) being a demonstration in respect of which the vendor of the vehicle does not receive any monetary consideration; and (ii) in the case of a commercial motor vehicle that is to carry a load during a demonstration, provided that(A) the demonstration consists of not morethan 2 separate journeys by the same prospective purchaser and each journey is completed within 3 days; and (B) during the demonstration the vehicle is used only within the State; (e) demonstration to a prospective purchaser of a bus of the on·road performance of the bus, being a demonstration(i) in respect of which the vendor of the bus does not receive any monetary consideration; and (ii) during which no passengers other than the prospective purchaser and any person advising the prospective purchaser in relation to the purchase of the bus are carried in the bus; (C) a notice that complies with section 16 of the Second-hand Vehide Dealers Act 1995 is attached to the loan vehicle; (n) delivery of a motor vehicle to the site of a motor show or other similar event at which the vehicle is to be on display; (o) return of a motor vehicle from the site of a motor show or other similar event at which the vehicle has been on display; (p) demonstration of the on·road performance of a motor vehicle while the vehicle is on display at a motor show or other similar event; (q) delivery of a motor vehicle to a place for inspection or examination under the Act, the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law; (r) return of a motor vehicle from a place to which the vehicle has been taken for inspection or examination under the Act. the Road Traffic Act 1961 or any other Act or law. (g) delivery of a motor vehicle sold by a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer to a place nominated by the purchaser of the vehicle (whether within or outsidethe State); (h) in the case of a motor vehicle that(i) is sold by a motor vehicle dealer who is not authorised by a delegation under section 7 of the Act to register vehicles sold by the dealer, and (ii) is delivered to the purchaser on a day on which, or at a time of day at which, the office of the Registrar is closed for business, to enable the vehicle to be driven by the purchaser or a person authorised by the purchaser without registration for any purpose until the time at which the office of the Registrar closes for business on the next day on which it is open for business; (i) delivery of a motor vehicle to a workshop or other place for repair or servicing of the vehicle or the making of atterations or additions to the vehicle; (j) return of a motor vehicle from a workshop or other place at which the vehicle has been repaired or serviced or at which alterations or additions have been made to the vehicle; (k) delivery of a motor vehicle to a place for wrecking or disassembling; (I) on·road testing of a motor vehicle in the course of repairs or servicing or the making of atterations or additions to the vehicle; (m) in the case of a motor vehicle on loan by a motor vehicle repairer to the owner of a motor vehicle under repair-to enable the loan vehicle to be driven for any purpose by the owner of the vehicle under repair provided that(i) the repairer does not receive any separate monetary consideration in respect of the provision of the loan vehicle; and (ii) if the loan vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle-the loan vehicle is not used to carry a load during the loan period except within the State; and (iii) if the loan vehicle is not a special purpose vehicle(A) the repairer is licensed as a dealer under the Second·hand Vehide Dealers Act 1995; and (B) the loan vehicle is a second·hand vehicle that is being offered or exposed for sale by the repairer, and has been on display at that site during the prescribed event; and (ii) any equipment used for the purposes of. or in conjunction with, the display of the agricultural implement. agricuttural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event; and (iii) any equipment, accessories or consumables for or associated with the agricuttural implement, agricuttural machine or other motor vehicle. In addition, in relation to a commercial motor vehicle or trailer: (a) delivery to the site of a prescribed event of(i) an agricuttural implement, agricultural machine or any other motor vehicle that is to be on display at that site during the prescribed event; and (ii) any equipment to be used for the purposes of, or in conjunction with, the display of the agricuttural implement, agricultural machine or other motor vehicle during the prescribed event; and (iii) any equipment. accessories or consumables for or associated with the agricultural implement, agricuttural machine or other motor vehicle; (b) return from the site of a prescribed event of- ... \0 . -oo·ioa!ftesting-ofa motor-venfclepriortodefiVIirY Of ftiiveliidet!ii puri:na5erol ftiivehicle;- .-·-· -(i)--an·a![rfcufturallrriplemenf. a!Jncu~ural macnlne oranfolner'mofoYvenicle mar ·---· In addition, in relation to a trailer designed to carry a boat: (a) delivery of a boat from the premises of the manufacturer of the boat to a place for storage or to business premises of a dealer or distributor of boats; (b) delivery of a boat from business premises of a distributor of boats to business premises of a dealer of boats; (c) delivery of a boat to or from waters for demonstration to a prospective purchaser of the boat of the performance of the boat on waters; (d) delivery of a boat sold by a dealer of boats to a place nominated by the purchaser of the boat (whether within or outside the State); (e) delivery of a boat to a workshop, boat yard or other place for repair or servicing of the boat or the making of alterations or additions to the boat; (f) return of a boat from a workshop, boat yard or other place at which the boat has been repaired or serviced or at which atterations or additions have been made to the boat; (g) delivery of a boat to the site of a prescribed event at which the boat is to be on display; (h) return of a boat from the site of a prescribed event at which the boat has been on display. Note: prescribed event means· (a) the annual Royal Adelaide Show; or (b) a country field day event; or (c) a boat or motor show; or (d) any other exhibition, fair or show. THE TRADE PLATE MUST BE SECURELY AITA CHED TO THE REAR O F THE VEHICLE AND MUST BE CLEARLY VISIBLE TO PERSONS BEHIN D OR AT RIGHT A NGLES TO THE VEHICLE. THE TRADE PLATE M UST BE KEPT CLEAN AND LEGIBLE AT ALL TIM ES. A TRADE PLATE MAY ONLY BE A FFIXED TO A CATEGORY OF VEHICLE LISTED ON THE T RADE PLATE LABEL, AND MAY ONLY BE USED IN A CCORDANCE W ITH THE A BOVE CONDITION S. PEEL HERE SLOWLY TO REMOVE THE LABEL . . . . . _j 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE IN AN EMERGENCY PHONE FIRE, POLICE, AMBULANCE POLICE ASSISTANCE 000 131 444 ACCID ENT TOW TRUCK 823 1 5555 (Metropolitan Area) illl !IIJ! COM PULSORY T HIRD PARTY INSURANCE PERSONAL INJURY HELP LINE 1300 137 331 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE 13 10 84 IT IS AN OFFENCE TO DRIVE AN UNREGISTERED VE HICLE OR DI SPLAY AN EXPIRED LABEL 1975 1976 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Government of South Australia 2 June 2016 APPLICATION FOR A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: • The Application For Approval For Issue of Trade Plates must be lodged with this application unless one has been lodged within the last six (6) months. • Where more than one plate is required, a separate application is necessary fo r each plate. • This form is an application for registration and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959. • If t his application is not for a ltd or Pty ltd Company, the full names of t he proprietors are required. 1. ABOUT TH E APPLICANT: Tele~hone (Please write clearly in BLOCK leiters) Surname/Company Name Number 1f convenient) Given Names Other (joint) owners Client Number 6fkrrovm) Drivers Licence Date of Birth Drivers Licence Date of Birth RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Number and Street Suburb/Town Post Code POSTAL ADDRESS Number and St reet Suburb/Town Post Code 2. ABOUT THE BUSINESS: Trading Name Client Number TRADING ADDRESS Number and Street Post Code Suburb/Town 3. APPROVAL DETAI LS: Have you lodged an Application For Approval For Issue of Trade Plates within t he last 6 mont hs? Yes 0 No 3 Years 0 4. PERIOD TRADE PLATE REQUIRED FOR: 0 1 Year 2 Years 0 5. COMPULSORY T HIRD PARTY INSURANCE PREMIUM: Premium Class 12 (Metropo litan) 0 Premium Class 62 6 . DECLARATION: .. PLEASE COMPLETE TH E FOLLOWING ON THE REVERSE OF TH IS APPLICATIONVehicle categories for which the Trade Plate is requ ired . Declaration. 7. OFFICE USE ONLY Application Approved By Plate Number May be lodged at any Ser vice SA Cu stomer Service Centre Telephone Enquiries: 13 10 84. Post to: Service SA, GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001 ABN 92 366 288 135 (Country) 0 0 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1977 PURPOSES FOR WHICH T RADE PLATES CAN BE USED IT IS AN OFFENCE TO USE A TRADE PLATE FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT LISTED ON THIS APPLICATION (a) delivery of a motor veticle from premises of the manufacturer or clstributor ol the vehicle to busi ness premises of a motor vehide dealer or auctioneer; QJ) delivery of a molor vetide from premises of the mamdacturer of Ihevehicleto aplace for storage or to business premises of the distributor of the veil de; (c) relocation of a motor vehicleQ) be~.veen differer~ business premises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer: or Qi) between business premises of different motor vehicle dealers or aucMnoors: (d) dermnstration to aproSpeCtive purchaser of amotor velicleof theor~ road perfonnaru ol the vehicleQ) being a demonstra~on in respect of which the verxlor of thevehicle does not receive any monetary consideration: and Qi) in the case of a commercial motor vehicle thalis to carry a load during a demonstration. provided thatV\) the demonstration consists of not morethan 2 separate journeys by the same prospective purclraser and each journey is compleled willin3 days; and (B) durtng the demonstration the vehicle is used on~f witlin the State; (e) demonstration to aprospectrJe purchaser of abus of the Oil-road performance of the bus. being ademonslrationQ) in respect of which the vendor of the bus does not receive any monetary conSideration: and Qi) during which no passengers other than the prospectrJe purclraser and any person advisir~ Iheprospective purchaser in relation to the purchase of II~ bus are carrtedinthe bus; ~) on-road testing of amotor veticte prior to delivel)l of the vehicle to apurchaser of the vehide: (g) <kliVcry of a motorvelicle sdd by anlOtorvelli::ledeal<r ora~onoortoa place rl:lninatoo by the purchaser of the vehicle ~.vhether w~tin or outside the State); (h) in the case of a motor vehicle thatQ) is sold by a n10torvelide dealer who is not authorised by adelegation un<l>r section 7 of the Actto regstervelldes sdd by thedeafer; and Qi) is delivered to the purchaser on a day on which, or at a time of day at wlich, the office of Ihe Ae(jslrar is dosed for business, lo enal~e thevehide to he driven by II~ purchaser or a pe1son authorised by the purchaser without regstration for any purpose until the time at wlich theoffice of the Registrar closes for business on lire rrext day on wlrich it is open tor busilress: Q) delivery ot a motor veticle to a workshop or other place tor repair or servicing of the vehicle or the rnaki ngof alterations or additions to tire vehicle; 0) return or a motor vehide from a workshOJl or otlrer place al which lire vehicle has been repaired or serviced or at wtich altera~ons or additions have been made to the vehide: (k) delivery ot a motor veticle to a place tor wrecking or dsassembling: Q) on-road lllsting of a motor vehiclein the course of repairs or servicing or the making of alterations or additions to the veil de; (m) in the case of a motor vehicle on loan l:lf a motor veticle repairer to the ovmer of a motor vehide under repair- to enable the loan vehicle to he drtven for any purpose by the owner of the veticle under repair provided thatQ) the repairer does not receive any separate monetary consideration in respect of the provision of Ihe loan velicle; and Qi) if lire loanvelide is acormnercial motor velide-tll'l loanveticte is not used to carry aload during theloan period except witlinlhe State; and Qii) if lhe toan vehicleis not a special purpose veticle(A) the repairer is licensed as a dealer under the Second·hand Vehicle Dealers Ac/1995: and (8) the loan vetide is a second-hand vehicle that is being offered or exposed for sale by the repairer: and (n) (0) (p) (Q) (r) (C) a no~ce that complies v.1th seWon 16 of the SecOfld·llillld Ve/Jicle !)eaters Act 1995is attached to the loan vehicle; delivery of a motor vehicle to the site of amotor show or othe1Similar event at wtich the vehicle is to be on display; return of a motor vellcle from the siteof amotor show or other similar event at wllch Ihe vehicle has been on display; demonslralion of l.he on·road performance of a motor vehicle while the velide is on display al a motor show or other similar event: delivery of a motor velide loa place for inspection or exami rration nnder Ihe Act. Ure Road f)aflic Ac/1961 or any other Act or law: return of amotorvetide from aplace towlich theveticle has been taken tor inspec~on or examirralion under theAcl, the Road Traffic Act 1961 or arlf other Act or taw. In addition, in relation to a commercial motor vehicle or trailer: (a) delivery to the site of aprescrthed event ofQ) an agricuttural implemenl agrtctltural machine or any otl~r motor vehicle that is to be on display al l hat site during the preStribed event; and Qi) any e<:ttipment to he used for the purposes of, or in oonjunclion v.1th, the display of the agricultural implement. agricultural mactine or other motor velicte during 111epre&:ribed event: and ~ii) any equipment. aocessoriesor consumal~es for or associated with II~ agricultural implement agrictltural machine or other motor vehicle: (b) return Irom the site of a prc&:rtbed event ofQ) an agricultural implement agrictllural machine or any olll'lr motor vehicle l.llal has boon on display at that site during the prescribed event; and Qi) any eqtiprnenlused for the purposes of, or in conjunction wilh, Ihe display or the agrictltural implement, agrtcultural machine or otl~r motor vehicle during the prescrtbed event; and Qii) any equipment, aocessortesor consumables for or associated with II~ aglictltural implement. agrtcrf tural machine or other motor vehicle. In addilion, in relation toa Irailer deSigned to carry a boa I: (a) delivery of a boat from the premises of the manufacture! of the boal toa place tor storage or to business premises of a dealer or distrtbutor of boats: (b) delivery of a boat from business premises of adistribtrtor of boats to business premises of a dealer of txlats: (c) delivery of a boat to or horn waters lor demonstral.ion to a prospective purchaser of the boat orthe performance of the boat on waters; (d) delivery of a boat sdd by adealer or llOals to a place nominated l1j tire purchaser of the boat (whether within or outside the State): (c) deliVery of aboat to aworkshop. boat yard or other place tor repair or servicing of the boat or the making of alterations or additions to the boat; (f) return of a boat from a woll<shop, boat yard or other place atwtich the boat has been retlllired or serviced or at which alteraijons or additions have been made to the boat; (g) delivery of aboat to tile siteof a prescribedeventatwllich the boat is to be on display; (h) retum of a boat from the site of a prescrtbed event at wtich the boat has been on display. Note: ptBscribed event means· (a) the annual Royal Adelaide Show; 01 (b) a counlry field day event: or (c) a boat or motor show: or (d) any olher exlibition. fair or show. A Trade Plate may only be used lor a purpose listed above lor th e vehicle category or categories nominated on this application. PlfASE NOMINATE THE VEHIClE CATEGORY OR CATEGORIES FOR WHICH THE TRADE PlATE IS REQU IRED : FEE CAIIOCI!Y caJE 0 A Heavy Vehicles Motor vehiCles or trailers that have a gross vehicle mass exceeding 4500 Kg. Excluding farm implements and farm machines and special purpose vehides. 0 B Ught Vehicles Motor vehiCles that have a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 4500 kg. Excluding motorcycles, trailers, farm implements and farm machines and special purpose vehicles. 0 c Motorcycles My motor·cycle. 0 D Trailers Trailers that have a gross trailer mass not exceeding 4500 kg. Excluding farm implements and farm machines and special purpose vehicles. 0 E1 Farm Implements and Fann Machines Self propelled farm machines and towed farm implements only. All Special Purpose Vehicles My vehicle not specifically designed for the carriage of passengers or goods. Including farm implements and farm machines. 0 E2 DECLARATION: 1/We hereby apply for a Trade Plate for the vehicle categories and purposes nominated above and declare that the particulars shown on this application and accompanying documents are true and correct. Signatl rre of Applicant.. ....................................................................... oate ........../........... .1. .......... It is an o ffenc;e punishable by impri:sonment to make a ftlls e o r mi :sl ~ ding statement 1978 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 MR321 02116 Government of South Australia APPLICATION FOR RE-ISSUE OF A TRADE PLATE AND COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Trading Details Please l)hone lhe SOOlh Ausualian CocnJ)Ul$0Cy Third Party lr~Jr ance PersonJI Intury l•lclpllne on l l OO 131331 m th~ tv4!fl t of a r03d a<cid~nt resulting in J)efSonal iojwy This form is an .appiK:uion f01 regis"lr-alion artd Compuls01y Third P.1rtv (CTP) ln.wrarK.c under the Motor Vt."''udC'sAct 1959. Owner Details Plate Details Will the plate be used for any purpose that entitles you to any input tax credit (lTC) for the GST included in your CTP premium? ne!e~U>CTPkNI!.U<PfHe/ll'""'"heJo:le<'fHIO><'<I NO No fT( rnutiC'ml'M Tick pe1iod of tegh.lhilivn tequued J i OR ~ YES fT( (ntit/C'ml'M /f(k peood of reqJstratJOfl feqwred DECLARATION lfiNe hereby apply for a Trade Plate for the vehicle categorie~ (pri nted above) and the purpo~~ nominated on the origina l Application for a Trade Plate and Third Party Insurance. lfiNe declare that the particulars shown on this app lication and accom panying documents are true and correct. Signature of Applicant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It is an offence punishable by imprisonment to make a false or misleading statement. Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Customer S..rvi"': Visit a Service SA Centre. Telephone 1310 84 wwwsa gov au A8N92 366 288 135 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1979 PURPOSES FOR WHICH TRADE PLATES CAN BE USED IT IS AN OFFENCE TO OBSCURE OR TO USE A TRADE PLATE FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT APPLIED FOR ON THIS APPLICATION (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) d~iwry of a motor vehicle from pren"ises of llle nmufacturer or distributor of the vehicle to business pren"ises of a motor vehicle dealer or auctioneer; d~ ivory of a motor velicle from pren"ises of llle marufactlrer ofthe vehicle to a place for storage or to business premi~s of llle distributor of llle vehicle; relocation of a motor vehicleQ) between different bu~ness pranises of a motor vehicle d~er or auc~oneer; or (ii) between bu~ness pranises of different motor vehicle dealers or auc~one;rs; demonstra~on toa prospectiveptEchaser of amotor whicleof 111e onofoad perforllmce of llle vehicleQ) being a demonstration in respect of whidl lhe wndor of lhevehicle does not receiveany monet&y oonsideration; and (ii) in lhe case of a canmercial motor vehicle lhat is to carry a load during a demonstration,provided lhat(A) lhe demonstration oonsists of not more lhan 2 sepa-ate journeys by the same prospectiveptEchaser md eadl joum~f is completed wilhin 3 days; md (B) during the demonstration lhe vehicle isused onlywilhin lhe State; demonstration to a prospectiVe purchaser of a bus of llle on-road perfor!lWlce of lhe bus. being a dilmonstratior>Q) in respect of which lllevendor of lllebus does not receiveanymonet&y con~deralion;and (f) (g) (h) (Q 0) (k) (Q (m) (iQ dtJ'ing w11idl no passangars olher lhan lhe prospectivepurchaser and any person adlising lhe prospective PtJ'chaser in relation to lhe PtJ'Chase of lhe bus are earned in llle bus; on-road testing of a motor vehicle prior to delivery of lhe vehide to a purchaser of lhe vehicle; d<IM!ry ofamollrwhide sold by amotor ~dede8ar or aJtloneer to aplaoe non"inated by llle purchaser of llle vehiCle (whelller willlin or outside llle State); in lhe case of a motor velidelhatQ) is sold by a motor vehicle dealer who is not aulllorised bya delegation lllder section 7 of llle Act to register velicles sold by 111e d~er; md Qi) isdelivered to lhe purchaser on a day on which. or at a time of day at which. ll1e officeof lhe Registrar is dosed for business. to enable lhevehicle to be driven by the purchaser or a pen;on autlullised by the purchaser wilhout registration for any purpose until lhe time at which the office of lhe Registrar closes for business on lhe nelrt day on which i I is open for business; d~ ivery of a motor vehicle to a workshop or other place for repar or servicing of lhe vehicle or the rM<ing of ~terations or additions to lhe vehicle; return of a motor vehicle from a workshop or other place at which lhe vehicle has been repaired cr serviced or at which altera~ons or additions have been made to lhe vehicle; d~ivery of a motor vehicle to a place for wrecldng or disasserrllling; onofoad testing of a motor velicle in the cotEse of repain; or servicing or lhe llllking of aterations or additions to lhevehicle: in lhe case of a motor vehide on 1031 bya motor vehicle repairer to lhe owner of a motor vehicle lllder repair-to enablethe loan vehicle to be driven for any purpose by lhe owner of lhe vehicle under repair provided that(i) lhe repairer does not receive any separatemonetlry consideration in respect of lhe provision of tl>l loan vehicle; and UO if 11e I031vehicle is a commerci.1 motorwhide-lllel031vehiele is notused tor:;xry a food <llring ll1e 1031 period except wilhil llle Sble; 31d Qii) ~ lhe loan whicle is nol a$pecial PtJ'POse vehicle(A) lllerepairer is ficensed asa dealer under thes~cooo-h<uJd Vehicl~ De;~ers Act 1995;and (B) the loan vehicle is a second-hand vehicle 1M! is being offered or eXIJosed for ~e by the repairer: and (n) (o) (P) (q) (~ (C) a notice that complies with section 16 of lhe Second-hafld Vehide 083/ers Act 1995 is attached to lhe loan vehide; deliveryof amotomhide to the site of a motor Show or other similar wentatw11ich lhe vehiclei$ to be on (~splay: return of a motor vehide from the sil6 of a motor showor olher simiw eventatwlich the vehiclehas been on display; demonstra~on of lhe on-road performance of a motor vehide while lhe vehicle is on display at a motor show or other similar event; delivery of a motor vehicleto a place for inspec~on or exan"ination lllder lha Ac~ lhe Rosd Traffic Acr 1931 or any olher Act or iaN; return of a motor vehide from a place to which lhe vehiclehas been takan for inspec~on or examination under lhe Act, lhe RoM TrafficAct 1961 or any other Act or law. In addition, in rflation to a commlrcial motor vehicle or trailer: (a) delivery to thesite of a prescribed event of(i) an agricultural implernenlagricultural machine or any olller motor velide lhat is to be on display at that site during lhe prescribed went and (ii) any equipment to be used for lhe purposes of, or in conjunction wilh, lhe display of lhe a~i culttJ'al implemen~ agricultural msdline or olher motor vehicle dtring lhe prescribed event and Qii) my eqtipment, accessolies or consun'dlles for or associated willl the aglictltuml implement, agrictlturalllllchine or olher motor vehicle; (b) return from the site of a presttibed event of(i) an agricultural implement. agricultural maChine or at1f olller motor whicte 1M! has been on display at thai $ite during lhe prescribed event md (ii) my equipment used for the purposes of. or in conjunction wilh, lhe display of lhe agrictltural implenlen~ agri culttral mscllne or olher motor vehicleduring lhe prescribed event and Qii) my eqlipmlnlaccessolies or consurrroles for or associated willllhe aglictltuml implement, agrictltural machineor other motor vehicle. In addition. in rtlation to a trailer designed to r:;xry a boat (a) delivery of a boat from the premises of lhe manufacturer of lhe boat to a place for storage or to business premsesof a dealer or distributor of boats; (b) del~ery of a boat from busiless premsesof a <lstributor of boats to business pren"ises of a dealer of boats; (c) delivery of a boat to or from waws fer demonstration to a prospective ptEchaser of the boat of the performance of the boat on water$; (d) delivery of a boat sold bya dealer of boats to a place nominated by lhepurchaser of the boat (whether within or outside the Slate); (e) delivery of a boat to a workshop,boat ~ d or olher place for repair or servicing of the boat or llle llllking of alterations or additions to the boat; (f) return of a boat from a worl<Shop,boat yard or olher place at which lhe boat has been repaired or serviced or at which alterations or addi~ons havebeen made to lhe boa~ (g) dfliveryofa boatto 111e site ofapresclibed eventat whidllheboatis to be on display; (h) return of a boat from the siteof a prescribed eventat w11ich the boat has been on display. Note: prescribed eventmesns(a) lhe annual Royal Adelaide Show; or (b) a country field day event or (c) a boat or motor show; or (d) any olher exhibition, fair or show. A Trade Plate may only be used for a purpose listed above for the vehicle category or categories nominated on the original Application for a Trade Plate and printed on the reverse of this application. FEE CATEGORY CODE Heavy Vehicles A Motor vehicles or trailers that have a gross vehkle mass exceeding 4500 kg. Including trailers, and excluding farm implements and farm machines and special purpose vehicles. Ught Vehldes B Motor vehicles that have a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 4500 kg. Excluding motorcycles, trailers, farm implements and farm machines and special purpose vehicles. Motortydes c Any motorcycle. Trailers D Trailen that havl! a gross traill!r mass not I!XCI!f!ding 4500 kg. Excluding farm impll!ments and farm machines and special purpose vehicles. Farm lmplemems and Farm Mactllnes E1 Self propelled farm machines and towed farm implements only. All Special Purpose Vehicles E2 Anyvehlde not specifically designed for the carriage of passengers or goods. Including fann Implements and farm machines. Dated 23 April 2016 STEPHEN MULLIGAN, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure 1980 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 South Australia Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016. 2—Commencement This notice will come into operation on the date of publication in this Gazette. 3—Approved motor bikes and motor trikes For the purposes of Schedules 2 and 3 of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 and the transitional provisions of the Motor Vehicles Variation Regulations 2005 (No. 233 of 2005), the motor bikes and motor trikes specified in Schedule 1 are approved. Schedule 1—Approved motor bikes and motor trikes 1—Motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not exceeding 260 ml All motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not exceeding 260 milliliters and a power to weight ratio not exceeding 150 kilowatts per tonne other than the following: Suzuki RGV250 Kawasaki KR250 (KR-1 and KR1s models) Honda NSR250 Yamaha TZR250 Aprilia RS250 2—Motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not less than 261 ml and not exceeding 660 ml The motor bikes and motor trikes listed in the table below: Make AJS ALDY APRILIA Model MODEL 18 MODEL 20 All models Moto 6.5 Mojito M35 PEGASO 650 PEGASO 650 PEGASO 650 PEGASO 650 I.E. PEGASO 650 I.E. Variant MODEL 18 MODEL 20 All models Moto 6.5 Mojito SR MAX 300 DUAL SPORTS OUTBACK Factory 650 OUTBACK DUAL SPORTS Year pre 1963 1955-61 Sep-13 1998-99 All 2012 1994-01 2000-01 2007-08 2001-02 2001-06 Capacity 497 498 under 125 649 50 278 652 652 660 652 652 2 June 2016 APRILIA (cont.) ASIAWING ATK BENELLI BETA BMW BOLWELL BOLLINI BSA THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE RS125/SBK SR 50R SR MT 50 SR MT 125 SCARABEO 200 SCARABEO 300 SCARABEO 400 SCARABEO 500 SPORTCITY300 STRADA 650 STRADA 650 LD450 SXV5.5 605 VELVET DUSK P25 P25 RR E3 RR E3 RR E3 RR450 RR450 RR E3 RR525 RR525 FUPA RR E3 FUPA E5 C650 C650 F650 F650CS F650CS F650GS F650GS F650ST F650 F650 G 450 X G650GS R45 R50 R60 R65 R65LS R69 LM25W All models A50 A65 A7 B40 RS125/SBK SR 50R SR MT 50 SR MT 125 SCARABEO 200 VRG SCARABEO 400 SCARABEO 500 SPORTCITY300 ROAD TRAIL ODES MCF450 SXV 550 605 VELVET DUSK GT600 RESTRICTED BN 600 RESTRICTED RR350 RR400 RR450 RR450 RR450 RR520 RR525 RR525 RR 2T 300 E5 00 C600 Sport C650 GT/Sport FUNDURO SCARVER SE ROAD DAKAR F650GS F650ST G650 GS G650 GS Seratao G 450 X Seratao R45 R50 R60 R65 R65LS R69 FIRENZE All models under 250 A50 A65 A7 B40 2013 All All All All 2009 2007 2007-08 2010-12 2006-08 2006-08 2011-13 2006-08 1995 2003-05 2014-15 2013-14 2011 2010-11 2010-11 2008 2000-07 2010-11 2008 2000-07 2012 2015 All All 1995-00 2002-05 2004-06 2000-08 2000-08 1998 2009-2016 2012-2016 2008-10 All All 1969 1967 1981-88 1982-86 1961 2009 All 1964-70 1966-69 1961 1969 1981 125 50 49 124 181 278 399 460 300 659 659 449 553 598 383 600 600 349 398 449 448 448 498 510 510 293 293 647 647 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 450 650 453 499 590 650 650 600 263 250 500 650 500 350 1982 BSA (cont.) BUELL BUG BULTACO CALIFORNIA SCOOTER CAGIVA CFMOTO COSSCK DAELIM DERBI DNEPR DUCATI THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE B44 B50 B50SS GOLDSTAR GOLD STAR LIGHTNING SPITFIRE MKIII THUNDERBOLT Blast SEE KYMCO ALPINA FRONTERA SHERPA All models under 250cc 360WR 410TE 610TEE 650 ALAZZURA 650 ELFANT CANYON 500 CANYON 600 RIVER 600 W16 600 CF 650 CF 650 CF 650 (400NK) 650 All Models Boulevard 50 GP1 250 MULHACEN RAMBLA K650 K650 MT9 400 MONSTER 400 SIE 400 SS JUNIOR 400SS 500SL 500 DESMO 600 MONSTER 600 MONSTER 600 S 600M 600SL 600SS 620 MONSTER LITE 620 MULTISTRADA LITE 659 Monster B44 B50 B50SS GOLDSTAR GOLD STAR LIGHTNING SPITFIRE MKIII THUNDERBOLT STREET FIGHTER 2 June 2016 1967-71 1971 1971 1962 1964 1967 1968 2002-07 440 495 498 500 654 650 499 491 ALPINA FRONTERA SHERPA 1974 1974 1974 350 360 350 All models under 250cc 2014 249 360WR 410TE 610TEE 650 ALAZZURA 650 ELFANT DUAL SPORTS DUAL SPORTS RIVER 600 W16 600 CF650NK-LAM CF650TK-LAM 400NK Ural All Models under 250 Boulevard 50 GP1 250 MULHACEN RA 300 K650 K650 DNEPR MT9 400 MONSTER 400 S I E monster 400 SS 400SS PANTAH 500 Sport Desmo 600 MONSTER DARK 600 SUPERSPORT 600M PANTAH 600SS M620 LITE 1998-02 1996 1998 1984-88 1985-88 1999-06 1996-98 1995-98 1995-97 2012-16 2013 2016 1974 All 1989-96 1992-95 1984 1978 1994-01 1998-01 1994-97 1994-01 1980-84 1994-98 2003-07 348 399 576 650 650 498 601 601 601 649 649 400 649 under 250 50 250 659 278 650 650 650 398 398 398 398 499 497 583 583 583 583 583 583 618 MTS620 24.5Kw 2005-07 618 All 659 Monster 659 2008 2010 1972 1967-74 1974 2002 2 June 2016 DUCATI (cont.) EAGLE WING ELSTAR SHIERAY ENFIELD (see also Royal Enfield) FANTIC FONZARELLI GAS-GAS GILERA HARLEY DAVIDSON THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE DM 350 DM 450 DM450 DM500 F3 F4 M4 M5 KA (Scrambler) Cino 125 Elegante 125 350 450 DM450 DM500 350 F3 400 F4 M620ie LITE Monster 659 00AA Sixty2 Cino 125 Elegante 125 XY400 1983 pre 85 pre 85 1972 1981-84 1986-1989 1986 2003-04 2011 2015-16 All All 350 448 450 498 349 400 620 659 399 125 125 WB400 & WB400c 2015-16 397 BULLET BULLET BULLET BULLET 350 BULLET 350 BULLET 350 BULLETT 500 BULLET 65 LIGHTNING MILITARY TAURAS TZ TZ 125 EC300 EC300 EC400 EC450 EC450 EC450 FS 400 FS 450 FS 500 FSE 400 FSE 450 PAMPERA PAMPERA PAMPERA SM400 SM450 TT300 FUOCO 500 NEXUS 500 CLASSIC DELUXE ELECTRA ROAD DELUXE SUPERSTAR CLASSIC 500 ROAD ROAD ROAD DIESEL EC300 Gas Gas EC30 125 SM SUPERMOTARD ENDURO FSE ENDURO FSE ENDURO FSE SUPERMOTARD FSR ENDURO FS40A FS45 FS50 400 450 320 TRAIL 400 TRAIL 450 SUPERMOTARD SUPERMOTARD EC300 FUOCO 500 NEXUS 500 1993-08 1993-08 2006-08 1988-01 1988-95 1993-01 1995 2003-04 2000-08 2002-08 2001 2011-12 2012 2014-15 2002 2001-02 2002-03 2003-05 2003-08 2006-08 2006 2006 2006 2002 2003-08 1998-02 2006-08 2007-08 2003-08 2003-08 1998-08 2007-13 2003-08 499 499 499 346 346 346 499 499 499 499 325 300 300 Electric 299 299 399 449 449 449 398 443 503 398 398 333 399 443 399 443 295 493 460 SS350 Sprint 69-1974 350 XGS SERIES Street 500 -XG500 16MY 2014-15 494 1984 HONDA THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 600V TRANSALP BROS C70 CB100 CB125e CB175 CB200 CB300 (FA) CB350 CB350F CB360 CB400 CB400F CB400N CB400T CB400 ABS CB450 CB500 FOUR CB500 TWIN CB500F CB500X CB550 CB650F CBR650F CB650 CBR125R CBR250R CBR500R CBX550 CX500 CJ360 CL450 CRF150 CRF250 CRF400R CRF450X CX500 DEAUVILLE CBR300R CBR300R Fortza 300 FJS400A FT500 FTS600D GB400 GB500 GL400 NF02 NSS300 NT400 NT650V 600V BROS DREAM CB100 CB125e CB 175 K1-K6 CB200 CB300FA CB350 CB350F CB360 CB400 CB400F CB400N CB400T CB400 ABS CB450 CB500-FOUR K,K1,K2 CB500T CB500FA/F CB500XA CB550 CB650FA-LTD-16ym CBR650FA-LTD-16ym CB650 CBR125RR CBR250RR CBR500RA CBX550F CX500 CJ360 CL450 150R/RB CRF 250 (L/X/F/M/R) versions CRF400R CRF450X CX500 NT650V CBR300R CBR300RA NSS300 Forza SW-T400 FT500 SILVERWING GB400 GB507 GL400 SH300 NSS300 NT400 DEAUVILLE 1988 1992 pre 1970 All All 1969-1974 All 2014-15 1969 1973 1973-74 1981-2013 1975-77 1981 1977 2008-2013 1967-75 1971-73 1974-78 2012-16 2013-16 1974-78 2015-2016 2015-2016 All 2004 1986-1996 2012-16 1982-85 1979 1976 1965-77 All 2013 2013 2005-09 1977-82 2002-06 2014-15 2014-15 All 2009 1984 2006-08 All 1987-91 1985 2009 2013 1989-92 2003-06 2 June 2016 583 399 305 100 125 175 200 286 348 325 360 395 408 395 408 399 450 498 498 471 471 544 649 649 650 124.7 249.6 471 572 500 356 444 149 249 399 449 495 647 286 286 279 399 498 582 399 498 396 279 279 400 647 2 June 2016 HONDA (cont.) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NTV650 NX650 PCX150 REVERE SH150i SL350 OBI RVF400 VFR400 Steed Today 50 VT400 VT400C VT500 VT600C VT600C VTR250 XBR500 XBR500SH XL350 XL500 XL600R XL600RMG XL600VH XL650V XL650 XL650 XR250 XR350 XR350R XR350R XR400 XR400 MOTARD XR400R XR500R XR600R XR650L XR650R HUNTER HUSABERG REVERE DOMINATOR PCX150 REVERE SH150i SL350 OBI RVF400 Otobai import model only XR650R steed Today VT 400 SHADOW VT500 VT600C SHADOW VLX Interceptor XBR500 XBR500 XL350 XL500 XL600R XL600RMG TRANSALP TRANSALP TRANSALP XL650 XR250R XR350 XR350R XR350R XR400 XR400M XR400R XR500R XR600R XR650L/ XR650R XR650R Kss and Mss (only) XR650R (Australian version DD350E-6C DD350E-6C DD350E-2 FE250 FE350 FE400 FE450 FE501E FE501 FE570 FE600E FE650E DAYTONA SPYDER BOBBER ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO only) 1985 1989-92 1988-00 153 1990 2005 1972 647 644 647 152.7 348 All 400 2002 All All 2009 1983-87 1993-00 1988-2008 1997-2013 1986-89 1986-89 1984-87 1979-84 1984-87 1986-88 1987-89 2002-08 2005 All All 1983 1983-84 1985-86 1996-08 1996-08 1996-08 1983-84 1985-00 2001-06 2004 398 50 398 399 491 583 583 249 499 499 339 498 589 591 583 647 647 250 1999-2001 649 2010-13 2010-13 2011-13 All All All 2008-14 1997-12 2012-14 2008-10 1997-00 2004-08 320 320 320 250 350 399 449 501 510 565 595 628 339 339 353 397 397 397 498 591 644 649 1986 HUSABERG (cont.) HUSQVARNA THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FE650E FS450E FS450 FS570 FS650C/E FS650E TE300 300WR 310TE 310TE 350TE 400SM 400TE 410TE 410TE 450SM/R/RR 450TC 450TE 450TE-IE 450TXC A6 SMR 449 A6 TE 449 A6 SMR 511 A6 TE 511 A6 SMR 511 A8 A8 510SM 510TC 510TE 510TE-IE 570TE 610SM TE610 AE430 SMS630 SMR449 SMR511 FE250 TE125 TE250/ R TE FE FE FE TE449 TE510 (A2) TE630 TR650 WR125 WR250 ENDURO ENDURO SUPERMOTARD SUPERMOTARD SUPERMOTARD SUPERMOTARD TE Series WR300 TE310 A3 TE310 A2 TE350 SUPERMOTARD ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO SUPERMOTARD MOTOCROSS ENDURO ENDURO TRAIL A600AB A600AATE449 A601AB A601AATE511 A602AB TR650 TERRA TR650 STRADA SUPERMOTARD MOTOCROSS ENDURO TE510IE 570TE(RP) SUPERMOTARD TE610(RP) dual sports ENDURO A401AB SMS630 SMR449 SMR511 FE Enduro TE125 ENDURO TE250 TE300 FE350 FE450 FE501 Enduro 2014 Enduro 2013 A401AA TE630 TR650 Terra ENDURO ENDURO 2000-04 2004 2008-10 2009-10 2004-08 2002-04 2010-14 2008-12 2009-13 2008-10 1995 2002-04 2000-01 1998-00 1994-97 2003-08 2001-08 2001-07 2007-08 2007-08 2010-12 2010-13 2010-12 2010-13 2012 2013 2013 2006-10 2004-07 1986-2008 2008 2000 2000-08 2000-on 1986-88 2010-on 2011 2012 All All 2010 2014-on 2014-on 2014-on 2014-on 2013 2006-2013 2010-on 2013 2 June 2016 644 449 449 565 628 644 293 298 303 298 349 400 400 400 415 449 449 449 449 449 450 450 478 478 478 652 652 501 501 510 510 577 577 577 430 600 449.6 447.5 511 125 250 298 350 449 501 449.6 477.5 600 652 124.82 249.3 2 June 2016 HUSQVARNA HYOSUNG INDIAN JAWA JONWAY KAWASAKI THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE WR260 WR300 WR360 WR400 WR430 GT 250 EFI GT250R EFI GT650 EFI GT650R EFI GV650C/S GV250 VELO 350 634 ROAD 638 ROAD MALIBU BR250E EN400 EN450 EN500 ER-5 ER-6NL ABS ER-650C ER-650C Ninja 250 EX300A (Ninja 300) ER300B EX400 Ninja 650 L model Ninja 650 Ninja 650 GPZ550 GT550 KL600 KL650 KLE500 KLR600 KLR650E KL650E KLX150 KLX250S KLX250SF KLX300R KLX400 KLX450R KLX650 KLX650R KZ400 KZ440 ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO GT 250EFI GT250R EFI GT650EFI Lams GT650R EFI Learner Lams model Aquila/EFI VELO 350 634 ROAD 638 ROAD MALIBU 320 Z250SL/Z250SL ABS Vulcan 450LTD Vulcan ER500 ER-6nl ABS learner ER-6nL ER-6nL ABS 250r EX300B Ninja/special ER300B (Z300 ABS) GPX 400R Ninja 650RL Ninja 650RL ABS Ninja 650L ABS GPZ550 Z550 KLR600 KLR650 DUAL SPORTS KL600 KL650E KLR650 KLX150E/KLX150 L KLX250S KLX250SF KLX300R KLX400 KLX450R KLX650 ENDURO KZ400 KZ440 1990-91 2010-13 1991-03 1984-88 1988 All All All All All All 1969 1974 1984-85 1985-86 2012 2014-16 1986 1985-87 1990-02 1999-06 2012-2016 2009 2009-11 1986-on 2012-16 2015 1987-94 2009 2009-11 2011-16 1981-90 1984-88 1984-87 1987-99 1992-08 1984-87 1987-2012 2013-16 All All 2013 1996-2004 2003 2007-16 1989-95 1993-2004 1974-84 1985 1987 260 293 349 396 430 249 249 647 647 647 249 500 350 343 343 320 249 400 454 500 498 649 649 649 249 296 296 399 649 649 649 553 553 564 651 498 564 651 651 249 249 292 400 449 651 651 398 443 1988 KAWASAKI (cont.) KTM THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE KZ500 KZ550 LE650D LE650D LTD440 LX400 S2 S3 KLE500 KLE650F EN650B W400 Z400B2 Z400D Z500 ZR550 ZZR400 ZZR400 2T-EXC 125 Duke 200 Duke 250 Duke 300 exc 390 Duke 125 EXC 200 EXC 250 EXC/F 300EXC 300EXC-E 300GS 350EXC-F 350EXC Special-R 360EXC 380EXC RC390 4T-EXC RACING 4T-EXC RACING 4T-EXC RACING 400EXC 400GS 400SC 400TE 450EXC 450EXC 450EXC 500EXC 500GS 510EXC 520EXC 525EXC 525EXC-R KZ500 KZ550 Versys 650L ABS Versys 650L ABS LTD440 LX400 Eliminator S2 S3 Versys 650L ABS Versys 650L ABS Vulcan S ABS/ABS L EJ400AE KZ400B2 KZ400D Z500 ZEPHYR ZZR400 ZZR400 300 EXC 125 exc 200 exc 250 EXC/F 300exc 390 Duke 125 EXC 200 EXC 250 EXC/F ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO RC390 350 EXC-F 450 EXC 500 EXC ENDURO ENDURO 400SC 400TE ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO 1979 1986 2010 2011-14 1982 1989 1972 1974 2013 2014-16 2014-16 2006-09 1979 1975 1980 1991-99 1991 1992 2012 All All All All All All All All 1984-2011 2007-08 1990-95 2011-on 2005-06 1996-98 2000 all 2012 2012 2012 2008-11 1993-99 1996-98 2001 2002-07 2005-11 2011-on 2011-on 1984-91 1999-02 2000-02 2002-05 2005-07 2 June 2016 497 547 649 649 443 398 346 400 649 649 649 399 398 398 498 553 399 399 293 125 193 250 300 390 125 193 249 293 293 280 347 350 360 368 390 350 449 510 393 400 400 400 448 449 449 510 553 510 510 510 510 2 June 2016 KTM (cont.) KYMCO LAMBRETTA LARO LAVERDA LIFAN LIFENG LONCIN MAGELLI MAICO MATCHLESS MCI MBK MONTESA MOTO GUZZI MOTO MORINI MUZ THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 530EXC 600 ENDURO 600 ENDURO INCAS 625SMC 640 4T -EGS 640 4T -EGS 660 SMC Freeride IS DUKE All model V2 All model DD350E-6C Cruiser250 SPT series V Retro 250 500 All model Regal Raptor LX 250-8 250 R SE 250S Enduro G12 G80 G80 All models FALCONE COTA 330 COTA 335 COTA 348T COTA 350 350 GT Falcone V35 V50 V50 V65 V65 3.5 ROAD 350 SPORT 500 CAMEL 500 SEI 500 STRADA BAGHIRA MASTIFF SKORPION SKORPION SKORPION SKORPION ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO 625SMC 640 LC4-EMY04 640 LC4-MY05 4T-EGS Freeride (MY12 on) 390 DUKE (C3) All models downtown 350i (V23010Lambretta Pro Street 350 cruiser 250 SPT350 retro250 500 All models CRUISER 350 LX 250-8 250 R SE 250S 500E G12 HARRIS G80 All models under 250 YAMAHA XT660R/X TRIAL TRIAL TRIAL TRIAL 350 GT Falcone V35 V50 Monza V65 Lario 3.5 ROAD 350 SPORT TRAIL 500 SEI 500 STRADA ENDURO SUPERMOTARD REPLICA SPORT TRAVELLER TOUR 1989 2008-11 1987-93 1989-90 2004 2004-05 2004-05 2004 2012 2013 2015-16 pre 2008 2011 2011 1979 2009-10 2011 all all all 1984-88 pre 1966 1988-90 pre 1963 all 2005-08 1985-86 1986-88 1984-87 1984-85 1992 1972 1977-90 1977-79 1980-85 1982-94 1984-89 1984-85 1974-85 1984-86 1984-85 1977-85 1999-02 1999-02 1998-02 1998-02 1998-02 1998-02 510 553 553 609 625 625 654 350 373 under 300 321 under 660 320 234 320 249 497 under 300 320 250 250 250 488 646 494 497 250 660 328 327 305 349 350 498 346 490 490 643 643 344 344 479 479 479 660 660 660 660 660 660 1990 MV AGUSTA NORTON OZ TRIKE PANTHER PEUGEOT PGO PIAGGIO QJ MOTORCYCLES RICKMAN RIYA ROYAL ENFIELD RS HONDA RUDGE WHITWORTH SACH SHERCO SUZUKI THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 350 650SS ES2 MANXMAN MODEL 50 MODEL 88 NAVIGATOR FUN 500 MODEL 100 MODEL 120 GEOPOLIS SATELIS SATELIS All models All Models 350 650SS ES2 b MODEL 50 DOMINATOR NAVIGATOR FUN 500 600 650 AEAA AEAA AFAA All models under 220 All models 1972-76 1961-68 pre 1963 1961 1933-63 pre 1966 1964 pre 2008 pre 1963 pre 1966 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 All 2010-15 349 650 490 650 348 497 350 500 598 645 399 399 493 220 under 350 BJ60 BJ60 All 600 P25 650 RY300T (RY) All models under 660 UMI CONTINENTAL UMI BULLET UMI BULLET XR400M BJ600 Triumph RY300T All models under 660 CONTINENTAL GT U3S BULLET 500 CKE MOTARD All 1964 2012-15 till 2014 2015 2015-16 2015-16 2005-08 600 649 288 650 Rudge pre 1961 650 All models S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 AN400 AN650 Burgman 650 Burgman 400ABS DR350 DR400 DR500 DR600R DR650 DR650SE DR-Z250 DR-Z400E DR-Z400S DR-Z400SM All models ENDURO ENDURO 250 ENDURO 450 ENDURO 510 ENDURO 300 BURGMAN BURGMAN Burgman 650 Burgman 400ABS All DR400 All DR600R All DR650SE DR-Z250 DR-Z400E DR-Z400S DR-Z400SM V-Strom 650 XT learner approved V Strom 1980-2013 2005-06 2010 2007-2010 2007-2010 2010 2008-14 2002-15 All All 1991-98 1999 1981-84 1985-90 1990-08 1997-14 All All 2005-14 2005-16 125 under 125 248 448 510 290 400 638 638 400 349 400 498 598 644 644 249 398 398 398 2014-15 645 2013-2014 645 DL650XAUE DL650AUE 535 346 499 397 2 June 2016 SUZUKI (cont.) SWM SYM TGB TM TORINO THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE SVF650 (Market name-Gladius) SV650-3 GN125 GZ/GN250 GN400 GR650 GS400 RMX450Z GS450 GS500 GS500E GS500F GS550 GSR400 GSX400 GSX400 GSX650F GT250 GT380 GT500 GT550 Intruder VL/LC 250 GW250/Z KATANA 550 LS650 LS650 PE400 RE5 SFV650U SP370 SV650S LAMS TU250X T500 TS400 XF650 AI All Models LN All Models 300E 3002T 400E 450E 450MX 4504T 530E 530MX 5304T All Models SVF650 U/UA SV650 UA GN125 Marauder GN400 All GS400 RMX450 All GS500 GS500E GS500F All GSR400 F E GSX650 /FU GT250 Hustler GT380 GT500 GT550 Intruder VL/LC 250 Inazuma 250 KATANA 550 Boulevard S40 SAVAGE PE400 ROTARY SFV650U ENDURO SV650SU LAMs gladdius TU250X T500 TS400 FREEWIND 01/AA and 01/AB All models under 400 GTS 300i Sport All models under 300 ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO 450MX ENDURO ENDURO 530MX ENDURO All models 2009-2014 2015-2016 All All 1980-81 1983-88 1976-82 2014-15 1981-89 2000-13 1976-99 2003-13 1977-82 2006-08 1981-2004 1981-84 2008-12 All 1973-78 1976-78 1973-78 All 2013-15 1981-83 2015 1986-89 1980-81 1974 2009-15 1978 2008/2013 All 1970-74 1976 1997-01 2015-16 2008-12 2015-16 2012 2000-08 2010 2002-03 2003-08 2008 2010 2003-08 2008 2010 2013 1991 645 645 125 250 400 651 400 449 450 487 492 487 549 398 398 398 656 250 380 500 550 249 248 550 652 652 400 500 645 370 645 249 500 400 644 600 400 278 300 294 297 400 449 449 450 528 528 528 under 250 1992 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE T100 T120 TR5 TR6 TR7 TRIBSA DNIEPNER K650 MT9 THRUXTON 21 DAYTONA 500 LAMs Street Triple 659 L67Ls7 TIGER BONNEVILLE TROPHY TROPHY TIGER TRIBSA DNIEPNER K650 MT9 THRUXTON VESPA All Models All models VOR 400 ENDURO 450 ENDURO 500 ENDURO 530 ENDURO VOR ENDURO VOR ENDURO XY400Y DT400 FZR 250 FZ6R FZ600 IT426 IT465 IT490 MT-03 MT 07 MTN320 MX400 RD350 RD400 RT2 RT350 SR185 SR250 SR400 SR500 SRX400 SRX600 SZR660 Tenere T MAX TT250R TT350 TT500 TT600 400 ENDURO 450 ENDURO 500 ENDURO 530 ENDURO 400SM 500SM XY400Y DT400 FZR 250 FZ6R FZ600 IT426 IT465 IT490 MT03 MT07 & MT07LAF MTN320-A MX400 RD350 RD400 RT2 RT350 SR185 SR251 SR400 SR500 SRX400 SRX600 SZR660 Tener Tmax 530 TT250R TT350 TT500 TT600 TRIUMPH 21 DAYTONA 500 Street triple URAL XINGYUE YAMAHA 2 June 2016 1963 1970 350 490 2014 659 pre-1970 1959-1974 1969 1961-73 1971 1960-70 1974 1967-74 1974 1965-67 until 1/09/2013 2000 2002 2001 2001 2000-01 2000-01 2008-09 1976-77 All All All 1987 1987 1983 2011-on 2015-2016 All 1976 to 1975 1976 1970 1972 All All All 1978-1981 1985-90 1996 1997 All All All 1986-01 1975 All 498 649 449 649 649 650 650 650 650 499 50-300 399 450 503 530 399 503 400 400 249 600 600 426 465 490 660 655 321 400 350 398 360 347 185 249 400 499 400 608 659 660 530 223 346 500 595 2 June 2016 YAMAHA (cont.) ZERO ZHEJIANG ZONGSHEN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE TT600E TT600R TTR230 TX650 Virago WR250R WR250F WR400F WR426F WR450F WR450F XC125 XJ550 XJ6 XJ6 XJR400 XJR400 XS250 XS400 XSR700 XP500 XP500 XS650 XT250 XT350 XT500 XT550 XT600 XT660R XT660X XT660Z T N R XTZ660 XV400 XV535 XVS400 XVS650A/custom XZ400 XZ550 YP400 YZF-R15 YZF R3 DS S HT300T ZS250GS TT600E TT600R TT-R230 TX650 XV250 WR250R WR250F WR400F Belgarda import ONLY WR450F WR450F (2GC) vity XJ550 XJ6FL/NL (25kW & 35kW) XJ6SL (25kW) ZJR400 4HM XS250 XS400 RM131 XP500 XP500 XS650 XT250 XT350 XT500 XT550 XT600 XT660R XT660X XT660Z XT660Z Tenere XV400 Virago XV535 Virago XVS400 Dragstar XVS650 custom and classic XZ400 XZ550 MAJESTY YZF-R15 YZF R3A Zero DS Zero S Base ZS250GS All All All 1976 All All All 1998-2000 2001 All All All 1981-82 All All 1999 2003 All All 2015-16 All All 1972-1984 All All All All All All All All All 1983 All years 2001-03 All years 1982 1982-83 All All All until 2015 until 2015 2015 All 1993 595 595 230 653 250 250 250 399 426 450 449 125 528 600 600 400 399 249 391 655 499 530 653 249 346 499 552 590 659 659 660 659 399 535 400 649 399 550 395 150 321 Electric Electric 275 250 1994 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Note: The following are approved: • All motorcycles built before December 1960 with an engine capacity not exceeding 660ml • All motorcycles with electric powered engines, with a power output not in excess of 25kw Schedule 2—Revocation The Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016 made on 31 March 2016 (Gazette No. 18, p.1048) is revoked. Tim Harker DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES 30 May 2016 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1995 South Australia Motor Vehicles (Conditional Registration—Recognition of Motor Vehicle Clubs) Notice 2016 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Conditional Registration—Recognition of Motor Vehicle Clubs) Notice 2013. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on the day on which it is made. 3—Interpretation In this notice— Act means the Motor Vehicles Act 1959; Code of Practice means the ‘Code of Practice for Historic Vehicles, Prescribed Left Hand Drive Vehicles and Street Rod Vehicles’ published by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure; Conditional Registration Scheme or Scheme means the scheme for conditional registration of historic, prescribed left hand drive and street rod motor vehicles under section 25 of the Act and regulations 15 and 16 of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010; Federation means the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs Inc; MR334 form means an ‘Approval for Conditional Registration of a Historic, Prescribed Left Hand Drive or Street Rod Vehicle MR334 Form’; Registrar means the Registrar of Motor Vehicles; Regulations means the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010. 4—Recognition of motor vehicles clubs The motor vehicle clubs specified in Schedule 1 are, subject to the conditions set out in clause 5, recognised for the purposes of regulation 16 of the Regulations. 5—Conditions of recognition A motor vehicle club specified in Schedule 1 must comply with the following conditions: (a) the club must maintain a constitution approved by the Registrar; 1996 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 (b) the club must nominate and have members authorised by the Registrar (authorised persons) to approve motor vehicles for registration under the Scheme; to inspect members’ vehicles; and to issue prescribed log books to club members for each of their vehicles to record vehicle use; (c) the club must obtain from each member before the end of each year a statutory declaration made by the member verifying the eligibility of their motor vehicle to be registered under section 25 of the Act for the Scheme and detailing any modifications made to the vehicle during that year; (d) the club’s authorised persons must undertake inspections of members’ motor vehicles and ensure that the vehicles are eligible, in keeping with the requirements in regulations 15 and 16 of the Regulations and the criteria set out in the Code of Practice, to be registered under section 25 of the Act− (i) on entry to the Conditional Registration Scheme; (ii) when requested to do so by the Registrar; (iii) when members’ annual statutory declarations disclose that their vehicles have been modified since the entry inspection and/or previous inspection; (iv) periodically at least once every 3 years; (e) the club’s authorised persons must validate a member’s log book annually and must not do so unless a member’s statutory declaration has been received for the purposes of paragraph (c) and the relevant vehicle inspection requirements of paragraph (d) have been met; (f) the club must cancel a member’s log book when a member resigns, must record all approved variations to a vehicle’s condition in a member’s log book for that vehicle, must ensure that a statutory declaration is provided when a member’s log book is lost or destroyed and must forward copies of log book return sheets to the Federation annually; (g) the club must create and maintain records detailing all its financial members, its authorised persons, all members’ motor vehicles for which a MR334 form has been issued, all motor vehicle inspections undertaken for the purposes of paragraph (d), all statutory declarations received and log books issued; (h) the club must keep records for a period of 5 years from the date of the document and these records include all duplicate MR334 forms, all records of motor vehicle inspections undertaken in accordance with paragraph (d), all statutory declarations provided by members for the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (f) , all log books issued by reference to their serial number, the member’s name and the vehicle for which it was issued, all copy exemption documents issued to members for their motor vehicles in accordance with section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 and to make all such records available for inspection or provide copies of the records at the request of the Registrar for audit purposes; (i) the club must ensure, as far as practicable, that all members comply with the Code of Practice and all members’ motor vehicles continue to meet the eligibility requirements set out in the Regulations and Code of Practice; 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1997 (j) the club, as far as practicable, must report to the Registrar or the Federation details of members and motor vehicles not complying with the conditions and criteria set out in the Code of Practice for the Scheme; (k) the club must provide to the Registrar, within 2 months after the end of the club’s financial year, an annual report detailing members from that financial year with vehicles registered under the Scheme who are no longer financial members of the club; (l) the club must notify the Registrar within 14 days on official club letterhead of resolution to cease operation as a club and must provide the club records specified in paragraph (h) to the Registrar within 7 days of its dissolution. Note— Under regulation 16(3)(c) of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010, the Registrar may, by notice in the Gazette, withdraw the recognition of a motor vehicle club if satisfied that the club has contravened or failed to comply with a condition applying to its recognition by the Registrar, or if there is other good cause to withdraw the recognition. Schedule 1—Recognised motor vehicle clubs Historic, Left Hand Drive and Street Rod motor vehicle club Lincoln Auto Club Incorporated Made by the Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles Dated 26 May 2016. 1998 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Surrender of Geothermal Retention Licences—GRLs 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 NOTICE is hereby given that I have accepted surrender of the abovementioned geothermal retention licences under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012: No of Licence GRL 20 GRL 21 GRL 22 GRL 23 GRL 24 Licensee Geodynamics Limited Origin Energy Geothermal Pty Ltd Locality Effective Date of Surrender Reference Cooper Basin 18.1.2016 27/2/550 Dated 24 May 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1999 PLANT HEALTH ACT 2009 DECLARATION OF QUARANTINE AREA Notice by the Minister PURSUANT to Section 8 of the Plant Health Act 2009, I Leon Bignell MP, declare the Property within the Section 330 in the Hundred of Menzies—CT Volume 5223, Folio 349, as marked in red on the attached map, as a Quarantine Area in respect of the pest, Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) (‘the Pest’); and, I hereby: (1) Prohibit the removal of any machinery, equipment, product or other material from the Quarantine Area without written approval of the Chief Inspector; (2) Require that the Infected Facility, as marked in blue on the attached map, and any machinery, equipment, product or other material within the Infected Facility be fumigated to eradicate the Pest in a manner determined by the Chief Inspector; (3) Require that the disposal of waste material from within the Quarantine Area be managed in accordance with a written plan approved by the Chief Inspector; (4) Prohibit the entry of any person into the Infected Facility without the written approval of the Chief Inspector; and (5) Require that a person must wear coveralls and boots while in the Infected Facility and that the said coveralls and boots must be kept in the Infected Facility. Dated 30 May 2016. LEON BIGNELL MP, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 2000 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 South Australia Tattooing Industry Control Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2016 1—Short title This proclamation may be cited as the Tattooing Industry Control Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2016. 2—Commencement of Act The Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 (No 44 of 2015) will come into operation on 1 July 2016. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 AGO0067/16CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2001 South Australia Administrative Arrangements (Committal of Tattooing Industry Control Act) Proclamation 2016 under section 5 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994 1—Short title This proclamation may be cited as the Administrative Arrangements (Committal of Tattooing Industry Control Act) Proclamation 2016. 2—Commencement This proclamation comes into operation on the day on which it is made. 3—Administration of Act committed to Attorney-General The administration of the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 is committed to the AttorneyGeneral. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 AGO0067/16CS 2002 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 South Australia Public Sector (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Consultation and Response Agency) Proclamation 2016 under sections 27 and 28 of the Public Sector Act 2009 1—Short title This proclamation may be cited as the Public Sector (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Consultation and Response Agency) Proclamation 2016. 2—Commencement This proclamation will come into operation on 1 July 2016. 3—Establishment of administrative unit and designation of responsible Minister (1) An attached office is established and assigned the title Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Consultation and Response Agency. (2) The office is attached to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. (3) The Premier is designated as the administrative unit's Minister with responsibility for the unit. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 DPC16/052CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE South Australia Development (City of Holdfast Bay) Variation Regulations 2016 under the Development Act 1993 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4 5 6 7 8 Variation of regulation 15—Application to relevant authority Variation of regulation 38—Determination of Commission as relevant authority Variation of regulation 107—Constitution of statutory committees Variation of Schedule 8—Referrals and concurrences Variation of Schedule 10—Decisions by Development Assessment Commission Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Development (City of Holdfast Bay) Variation Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4—Variation of regulation 15—Application to relevant authority Regulation 15(3)(d)(ii)—after subsubparagraph (A) insert: (AB) the City of Holdfast Bay; 2003 2004 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 5—Variation of regulation 38—Determination of Commission as relevant authority Regulation 38(4a)(b)—after subparagraph (i) insert: (ia) the City of Holdfast Bay; 6—Variation of regulation 107—Constitution of statutory committees Regulation 107(2a)(a)—delete "6" and substitute: 7 7—Variation of Schedule 8—Referrals and concurrences Schedule 8, clause 2, item 25—after paragraph (b) insert: or (c) any part of the area of the City of Holdfast Bay defined in the relevant Development Plan as District Centre Zone, Glenelg Policy Area 2 or Residential High Density Zone. 8—Variation of Schedule 10—Decisions by Development Assessment Commission Schedule 10, clause 4C(3)—after paragraph (b) insert: or (c) any part of the area of the City of Holdfast Bay defined in the relevant Development Plan as District Centre Zone, Glenelg Policy Area 2 or Residential High Density Zone. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 No 39 of 2016 PLN0009/16CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2005 South Australia Legal Practitioners (Fees) Variation Regulations 2016 under the Legal Practitioners Act 1981 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Legal Practitioners Regulations 2014 4 Substitution of Schedule 2 Schedule 2—Fees Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Legal Practitioners (Fees) Variation Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. Part 2—Variation of Legal Practitioners Regulations 2014 4—Substitution of Schedule 2 Schedule 2—delete the Schedule and substitute: Schedule 2—Fees 1 For the issue or renewal of a practising certificate (other than a volunteer practising certificate)— (a) for more than 6 months (b) for 6 months or less $410 fee $185 levy $241 fee $93 levy 2006 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 2 Fee for the issue or renewal of a volunteer practising certificate (see LPEAC rule 3B: category D practising certificate) $103 fee $47 levy 3 Fee to accompany written notice provided under section 23D of the Act $30 4 Fee to accompany written notice provided under Schedule 1 clause 4 $30 5 Fee to accompany written notice provided under Schedule 1 clause 5 $30 Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 No 40 of 2016 AGO0058/16CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2007 South Australia Tattooing Industry Control Regulations 2016 under the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Short title Commencement Interpretation Commissioner for Consumer Affairs may disqualify person from providing tattooing services Providers of tattooing services etc to provide certain information to Commissioner for Consumer Affairs Employees to provide certain information to Commissioner for Consumer Affairs Record keeping Exemptions 6 7 8 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Tattooing Industry Control Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation on the day on which the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 comes into operation. 3—Interpretation In these regulations— Act means the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015. 4—Commissioner for Consumer Affairs may disqualify person from providing tattooing services (1) For the purposes of section 8(1)(c) of the Act, the following offences are prescribed: (a) an offence against Part 3A of the Summary Offences Act 1953 (other than an offence against section 21C(1) or 21E of that Act); (b) a serious and organised crime offence (as defined in the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935); (c) an offence against the Controlled Substances Act 1984 involving a controlled drug, controlled precursor or controlled plant (other than an offence constituted of possessing a controlled drug, controlled precursor or controlled plant); (d) an indictable offence involving violence; (e) an offence against the Firearms Act 1977 (other than an offence against section 15C, 16, 21A, 21AB or 26 of that Act); 2008 (2) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 (f) an offence of attempting to commit, or assault with an attempt to commit, an offence prescribed by a preceding paragraph; (g) an offence against the law of another jurisdiction that would, if committed in this State, constitute an offence prescribed by a preceding paragraph. For the purposes of section 8(5)(c) of the Act, a disqualification notice given by the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs must contain a warning that— (a) it is an offence to contravene, or fail to comply with, a disqualification notice; and (b) such an offence is punishable by— (i) in the case of a natural person—a maximum term of imprisonment for 4 years; or (ii) in the case of a body corporate—a maximum fine of $250 000. 5—Providers of tattooing services etc to provide certain information to Commissioner for Consumer Affairs (1) For the purposes of section 13(3)(c)(iii)(C) of the Act, the following information is required to be included in a notice given by a person proposing to commence carrying on a business in the course of which tattooing services are provided: (a) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each person who is to be employed in the business to provide services other than tattooing services; (b) the full name, residential address and date of birth— (c) (i) if the business is to be carried on by a natural person—of each close associate of the person; or (ii) if the business is to be carried on by a body corporate— (A) of each close associate of the body corporate; and (B) of each close associate of each director of the body corporate; the telephone number and email address— (i) if the business is to be carried on by a natural person—of the person; or (ii) if the business is to be carried on by a body corporate—of each director of the body corporate; (d) if the business is to be carried on by a natural person—any business or trading name under which the person is to provide tattooing services; (e) a copy of the lease agreement (if any) for the premises where tattooing services are to be provided in the course of the business; (f) a statement as to whether any circumstances apply by virtue of which the person proposing to commence carrying on the business would be disqualified from providing tattooing services; (g) an address for service. 2 June 2016 (2) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2009 For the purposes of section 13(3)(c)(iii)(C) of the Act, the following information is required to be included in a notice given by a person who is carrying on a business in the course of which tattooing services are provided: (a) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each person who is employed in the business to provide services other than tattooing services; (b) the full name, residential address and date of birth— (c) (i) if the business is carried on by a natural person—of each close associate of the person; or (ii) if the business is carried on by a body corporate— (A) of each close associate of the body corporate; and (B) of each close associate of each director of the body corporate; the telephone number and email address— (i) if the business is carried on by a natural person—of the person; or (ii) if the business is carried on by a body corporate—of each director of the body corporate; (d) if the business is carried on by a natural person—any business or trading name under which the person provides tattooing services; (e) a copy of the lease agreement (if any) for the premises where tattooing services are provided in the course of the business; (f) a statement as to whether any circumstances apply by virtue of which the person carrying on the business would be disqualified from providing tattooing services; (g) an address for service; (h) in relation to any tattoo show, exhibition, festival, fair or convention that the person carrying on the business, and any person employed in the business, has participated at, or intends to participate at—the name of the show, exhibition, festival, fair or convention and the date on which it was, or is to be, held. 6—Employees to provide certain information to Commissioner for Consumer Affairs (1) For the purposes of section 14(2)(b) of the Act, the following information is required to be included in a notice given by a person who has commenced employment in the course of which he or she provides tattooing services: (a) the full name, residential address and date of birth of the person; (b) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each close associate of the person; (c) the name and address of the business employing the person; (d) a statement as to whether any circumstances apply by virtue of which the person would be disqualified from providing tattooing services. 2010 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 (2) A person required to give notice under section 14 of the Act must, within 14 days of any change in the information referred to in subregulation (1), notify the Commission for Consumer Affairs of the changed information. Maximum penalty: $10 000. (3) A notice under subregulation (2) must be given in a manner and form determined by the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs. 7—Record keeping For the purposes of section 16(1) of the Act, the records to be kept by a person carrying on a business in the course of which tattooing services are provided are— (a) a record of the full name, residential address and date of birth of each person employed in the business; and (b) in the case of a body corporate— (i) the name of the body corporate; and (ii) any business or trading name under which the body corporate provides tattooing services; and (iii) the registered address of the body corporate; and (iv) (c) (d) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each director of the body corporate; and the full name, residential address and date of birth— (i) if the business is being carried on by a natural person—of each close associate of the person; or (ii) if the business is being carried on by a body corporate— (A) of each close associate of the body corporate; and (B) of each close associate of each director of the body corporate; and in relation to any tattoo show, exhibition, festival, fair or convention that the person carrying on the business, and any person employed in the business, has participated at—the name of the show, exhibition, festival, fair or convention and the date on which it was held. 8—Exemptions (1) (2) A tattooing service is exempt from the provisions of the Act if— (a) it consists only of cosmetic tattooing; or (b) it consists of tattooing performed on a person in the course of medical treatment. In this regulation— cosmetic tattooing means the use of tattooing as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colours to the skin of the face, lips and eyelids. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2011 Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 No 41 of 2016 AGO0022/16CS 2012 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 South Australia Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Variation Regulations 2016 under the Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1996 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Regulations 2013 4 5 Variation of regulation 3—Interpretation Insertion of regulation 7A 7A 6 Further powers of Commissioner of Police to disqualify person from carrying on business as second-hand dealer Substitution of regulation 8 8 Notification by dealers, proposed dealers and former dealers (section 7 of Act) Schedule 1—Transitional provision 1 Dealers to give Commissioner of Police notice of certain information Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Variation Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation on the day on which the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 comes into operation. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2013 Part 2—Variation of Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Regulations 2013 4—Variation of regulation 3—Interpretation (1) Regulation 3—after the definition of Act insert: close associate—see subregulation (3); domestic partner means a person who is a domestic partner within the meaning of the Family Relationships Act 1975, whether declared as such under that Act or not; (2) Regulation 3—after its present contents as varied (now to be designated as subregulation (1)) insert: (2) For the purposes of these regulations, a reference to a parent, brother, sister or child of a person will be taken to include a reference to a step-parent, step-brother, step-sister or step-child (as the case requires) of the person. (3) For the purposes of these regulations, 2 persons are close associates if— (a) 1 is a spouse, domestic partner, parent, brother, sister or child of the other; or (b) they are members of the same household; or (c) they are in partnership; or (d) they are related bodies corporate (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth); or (e) 1 has a right to participate (otherwise than as a shareholder in a body corporate) in income or profits derived from a business conducted by the other; or (f) 1 is in a position to exercise control or significant influence over the conduct of the other. 5—Insertion of regulation 7A After regulation 7 insert: 7A—Further powers of Commissioner of Police to disqualify person from carrying on business as second-hand dealer For the purposes of section 6A(1)(c) of the Act, the following offences are prescribed: (a) an offence against Part 3A of the Summary Offences Act 1953 (other than an offence against section 21C(1) or 21E of that Act); (b) a serious and organised crime offence (as defined in the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935); 2014 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 (c) an offence against the Controlled Substances Act 1984 involving a controlled drug, controlled precursor or controlled plant (other than an offence constituted of possessing a controlled drug, controlled precursor or controlled plant); (d) an indictable offence involving violence; (e) an offence against the Firearms Act 1977 (other than an offence against section 15C, 16, 21A, 21AB or 26 of that Act); (f) an offence of attempting to commit, or assault with an attempt to commit, an offence prescribed by a preceding paragraph; (g) an offence against the law of another jurisdiction that would, if committed in this State, constitute an offence prescribed by a preceding paragraph. 6—Substitution of regulation 8 Regulation 8—delete the regulation and substitute: 8—Notification by dealers, proposed dealers and former dealers (section 7 of Act) (1) For the purposes of section 7(3)(a) of the Act, the following information is required to be contained in a notice under section 7(1) of the Act: (a) in the case of a natural person who is a proposed second-hand dealer— (i) (ii) (b) the full name, residential address, telephone number and email address— (A) of the person; and (B) if the business is to be carried on in partnership— of each partner; and the full name, residential address and date of birth of each close associate— (A) of the proposed dealer; and (B) if the business is to be carried on in partnership— of each partner; and in the case of a body corporate that is a proposed second-hand dealer— (i) the full name, residential address, telephone number and email address of each director of the body corporate; and (ii) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each close associate— 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (A) of the body corporate; and (B) of each director of the body corporate; and 2015 (iii) the address and telephone number of the registered corporate office of the body corporate; (2) (c) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each person who is to be employed in the proposed business; (d) the business or trading name (if any) under which the proposed business is to be carried on; (e) each address at which the proposed business is to be carried on; (f) each address at which records required to be kept under the Act are to be kept; (g) each address at which goods that are to be bought or received in the course of, or for the purposes of, the proposed business are to be kept; (h) a brief description of the nature of the proposed business, including a description of the types of goods that are proposed to be bought or received in the course of, or for the purposes of, the proposed business; (i) a statement as to whether or not any circumstance applies by virtue of which the person would be disqualified under section 6 of the Act from carrying on business as a second-hand dealer; (j) an address for service. For the purposes of section 7(4) of the Act, notice must be given to the Commissioner of Police as follows: (a) if there is any change in— (i) in the case of a natural person who is a second-hand dealer— (A) the name, residential address, telephone number or email address of the person; or (B) if the business of the second-hand dealer is carried out in partnership—the name, residential address, telephone number or email address of any partner; (C) the name or residential address of a close associate of the dealer; or (D) if the business of the second-hand dealer is carried out in partnership—the name or residential address of a close associate of a partner; or 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (ii) 2 June 2016 in the case of a body corporate that is a second-hand dealer— (A) the name, residential address, telephone number or email address of a director of the body corporate; or (B) the name or residential address of a close associate of the body corporate or of a director of the body corporate; or (C) the address or telephone number of the registered corporate office of the body corporate; or (iii) the business or trading name (if any) in which a second-hand dealer carries on business; or (iv) the address at which the business of the second-hand dealer is carried on; or (v) the address at which records required to be kept under the Act by a second-hand dealer or former second-hand dealer are kept; or (vi) the address at which goods bought or received in the course of, or for the purposes of, the business of a second-hand dealer are kept; or (vii) the address for service of the second-hand dealer, the second-hand dealer must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of the new name, address, telephone number or email address (as the case may be); (b) if— (i) a person ceases to be a close associate of the second-hand dealer; or (ii) in the case of a business of a second-hand dealer carried on in partnership—a person ceases to be a close associate of a partner; or (iii) in the case of a second-hand dealer that is a body corporate—a person ceases to be a close associate of the body corporate or of a director of the body corporate, the second-hand dealer must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of that fact; (c) if— (i) a person becomes a close associate of the second-hand dealer; or (ii) in the case of a business of a second-hand dealer that is carried on in partnership—a person becomes a close associate of a partner; or 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2017 (iii) in the case of a second-hand dealer that is a body corporate—a person becomes a close associate of the body corporate or of a director of the body corporate, the second-hand dealer must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of the close associate's full name, residential address and date of birth; (d) if a person enters into a partnership to carry on business as a second-hand dealer or ceases to be in such a partnership, the person must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of that fact, together with the names, residential addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of the members of the new or former partnership; (e) if a person becomes a director of a body corporate that is a second-hand dealer, the body corporate must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of the name, residential address, telephone number and email address of the new director; (f) if an event occurs by virtue of which a person is disqualified under section 6 of the Act from continuing to carry on business as a second-hand dealer, the person must immediately inform the Commissioner of the event; (g) if a person ceases to carry on business as a second-hand dealer— (i) the person must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of that fact; and (ii) unless the person is no longer required to keep records under the Act—the person must, within 14 days, give written notice to the Commissioner of the address for service of the former second-hand dealer. Schedule 1—Transitional provision 1—Dealers to give Commissioner of Police notice of certain information A person who, at the commencement of these regulations, is carrying on a business as a second-hand dealer must, within 1 month of that commencement, give the Commissioner of Police written notice containing the following information: (a) in the case of a natural person who is a second-hand dealer— (i) the telephone number and email address of the person; and (ii) the full name, residential address and date of birth of each close associate of the person; and (iii) if the business is carried on in partnership— (A) the telephone number and email address of each partner; and 2018 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (B) (b) 2 June 2016 the full name, residential address and date of birth of each close associate of each partner; in the case of a body corporate that is a dealer— (i) the telephone number and email address of each director of the body corporate; and (ii) the telephone number of the registered corporate office of the body corporate; and (iii) the full name, residential address and date of birth of— (i) each close associate of the body corporate; and (ii) each close associate of each director of the body corporate. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 No 42 of 2016 AGO0022/16CS 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2019 South Australia Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Variation Regulations 2016 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 4 Substitution of regulation 7 7 Registration fees for 2016/2017 financial year Part 3—Transitional provision 5 Transitional provision Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Variation Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. 2020 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 4—Substitution of regulation 7 Regulation 7—delete the regulation and substitute: 7—Registration fees for 2016/2017 financial year (1) The registration fee payable for registration under section 24 of the Act, for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2016, of a motor vehicle with an MRC of more than 4.5 tonnes is the sum of the relevant road use component set out in Table 1 below and the relevant regulatory component set out in Table 2 below. (2) If a motor vehicle falls within 2 or more categories of vehicle with an MRC of more than 4.5 tonnes, the registration fee payable for the registration of the vehicle is the higher or highest of the registration fees that could apply in relation to the vehicle. (3) A reference in the tables below to a semi-trailer includes a reference to a pole type trailer. Table 1—Registration fees (road use component) Division 1—Load carrying vehicles Vehicle type 2 axles 3 axles 4 axles 5 or more axles Truck (type 1) $418 $732 $732 $732 Truck (type 2) $731 $831 $830 $830 Short combination truck $731 $830 $1 723 $1 723 $9 052 $9 052 $9 776 $9 776 $12 513 $12 513 $12 513 $12 513 Short combination prime mover $732 $4 176 $4 489 $4 489 Multi-combination prime mover $10 591 $10 591 $11 651 $11 651 Tandem axle Tri-axle group group Quad-axle group and above Trucks Medium combination truck Long combination truck Prime Movers Division 2—Trailers Trailer type Fee per axle Single axle Pig trailer $622 $622 $623 $622 Dog trailer $622 $622 $623 $622 Semi-trailer $622 $790 $562 $421 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2021 B-double lead trailer, B-triple lead trailer or B-triple middle trailer $622 $790 $562 $421 Converter dolly or low loader dolly nil nil nil nil 2 axles 3 axles 4 or more axles $2 297 $2 297 $314 $314 Division 3—Buses Bus type Bus (type 1) $314 Bus (type 2) $314 Articulated bus Division 4—Special purpose vehicles Special purpose vehicle (type P) No charge Special purpose vehicle (type T) $305 Special purpose vehicle (type O) Calculated using the formula: $381 + (381 x number of axles over 2) Table 2—Registration fees (regulatory component) Division 1—Load carrying vehicles Vehicle type 2 axles 3 axles 4 axles 5 or more axles Truck (type 1) $202 $238 $254 $254 Truck (type 2) $264 $336 $359 $359 Short combination truck $296 $375 $359 $359 Medium combination truck $671 $671 $726 $726 Long combination truck $929 $929 $929 $929 Short combination prime mover $418 $418 $418 $418 Multi-combination prime mover $945 $945 $1 039 $1 039 Tandem axle Tri-axle group group Quad-axle group and above Trucks Prime Movers Division 2—Trailers Trailer type Fee per axle Single axle Pig trailer $55 $28 $18 $14 Dog trailer $55 $28 $18 $14 Semi-trailer $55 $28 $18 $14 B-double lead trailer, B-triple lead trailer or B-triple middle trailer $55 $28 $18 $14 2022 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Converter dolly or low loader dolly $55 2 June 2016 $28 $18 $14 2 axles 3 axles 4 or more axles $429 $429 $343 $343 Division 3—Buses Bus type Bus (type 1) $211 Bus (type 2) $346 Articulated bus Division 4—Special purpose vehicles Special purpose vehicle (type P) Special purpose vehicle (type T) Special purpose vehicle (type O) No charge $209 $209 Part 3—Transitional provision 5—Transitional provision (1) The fees prescribed in respect of the issue or renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle by the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008, as varied by these regulations, apply where the issue or renewal is to take effect on or after 1 July 2016. (2) Despite Part 2 of these regulations, the fees prescribed in respect of the issue or renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle by the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008, as in force immediately before the commencement of these regulations, continue to apply where the issue or renewal is to take effect before 1 July 2016. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 2 June 2016 No 43 of 2016 MTR/16/033 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2023 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ADVERTISEMENT RATES To apply from 1 July 2015 Agents, Ceasing to Act as .................................................... 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Notices by Colleges, Universities, Corporations and District Councils to be charged at $3.60 per line. Where the notice inserted varies significantly in length from that which is usually published a charge of $3.60 per column line will be applied in lieu of advertisement rates listed. South Australian Government publications are sold on the condition that they will not be reproduced without prior permission from the Government Printer. All the above prices include GST GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES Notices for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette should be emailed to Content should be sent as Word format attachment(s). Covering emails should include the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. Closing time for lodgement is 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the regular Thursday publication. Gazette enquiries to: Phone 8207 1045. The Government Gazette is available online at: 2024 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 MISCELLANEOUS LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PRICES AS FROM 1 JULY 2015 Acts, Bills, Rules, Parliamentary Papers and Regulations Pages Main Amends Pages Main Amends 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 81-96 97-112 113-128 129-144 145-160 161-176 177-192 193-208 209-224 225-240 241-257 258-272 273-288 289-304 305-320 321-336 337-352 353-368 369-384 385-400 401-416 417-432 433-448 449-464 465-480 481-496 3.20 4.10 5.45 6.85 7.95 9.30 10.60 11.80 13.20 14.60 15.80 17.20 18.60 19.60 20.90 22.50 23.80 24.90 26.25 27.75 28.75 30.25 31.00 32.75 34.25 35.50 37.00 38.00 39.00 39.50 42.00 1.50 2.55 3.85 5.30 6.60 7.70 9.05 10.50 11.70 13.00 14.30 15.60 17.10 18.10 19.40 20.50 21.70 23.60 24.50 26.00 27.25 28.50 30.00 31.00 32.50 33.50 35.25 36.75 37.50 38.75 39.50 497-512 513-528 529-544 545-560 561-576 577-592 593-608 609-624 625-640 641-656 657-672 673-688 689-704 705-720 721-736 737-752 753-768 769-784 785-800 801-816 817-832 833-848 849-864 865-880 881-896 897-912 913-928 929-944 945-960 961-976 977-992 43.00 44.25 45.75 47.25 48.25 50.00 51.00 52.50 53.50 55.00 56.00 57.50 58.50 60.00 61.50 62.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.50 69.00 70.50 72.00 73.50 74.00 75.50 76.00 77.50 78.50 82.00 83.00 42.00 42.75 44.25 45.75 47.25 47.75 49.25 51.00 52.00 53.50 54.00 56.00 56.50 58.00 59.00 60.50 61.50 64.00 65.00 65.50 67.50 69.00 70.00 72.00 72.50 74.00 75.50 76.00 77.00 78.00 78.50 Legislation—Acts, Regulations, etc.: Subscriptions: Acts ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 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NOTICES for inclusion in the South Australian Government Gazette should be emailed to: Please include the following information in the covering email: • The date the notice is to be published. • Whether a proof, quote or return email confirmation is required. • Contact details. • To whom the notice is charged if applicable. • A purchase order if required (chargeable notices). • Any other details that may impact on the publication of the notice. Attach: • Notices in Word format. • Maps and diagrams in pdf. • Notices that require sighting an official date and signature before publication in a pdf. If a pdf is not possible then fax the official file(s) to the Government Publishing Fax number listed below. Fax Transmission: (08) 8207 1040 Phone Enquiries: (08) 8207 1045 NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the regular Thursday Gazette. 2026 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Assignment of a Name for a New Road NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield at its meeting held on 14 July 2015, resolved pursuant to Section 219 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, that a certain new road located in the suburb of Blair Athol be assigned the street name, as detailed below: • The new road marked Allotment 201, in Deposited Plan 112695, be assigned the name Cedarwood Grove. A plan that delineates the new road that has been assigned a street name, together with a copy of the Council’s resolution are both available for inspection at the Council's principal office, 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide; Enfield Library Council Office, 1-9 Kensington Crescent, Enfield; and Greenacres Library Council Office, 2 Fosters Road, Greenacres, during their normal business hours. M. WITHERS, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF SALISBURY Review of Elector Representation NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Salisbury is undertaking a review to determine whether a change of arrangements are required in respect to elector representation so as to ensure that the electors of the area are being adequately and fairly represented. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 (7) of the Local Government Act 1999, notice is hereby given that Council has prepared a Representation Options Paper which examines the advantages and disadvantages of the various options available in regards to the composition and structure of Council, and the division of the Council area into wards. A copy of the Representation Options Paper is available on the Council's website at, or a copy can be inspected and/or purchased at the Council office, 12 James Street, Salisbury, S.A. 5108. Written submissions are invited from interested persons from Thursday, 2 June 2016, and should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 8, Salisbury S.A. 5108, or emailed to by close of business on Friday, 15 July 2016. Information regarding the elector representation review can be obtained by contacting Joy Rowett, Governance Coordinator, on telephone (08) 8406 8222. J. HARRY, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF SALISBURY ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Ryans Road Plantation, Parafield Gardens NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 10 of the Act, that Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close and retain for future disposal portion of Ryans Road Plantation, Parafield Gardens, extending west from the intersection of Salisbury Highway and Ryans Road and adjoining Allotment 125 in Deposited Plan 12705, Allotments 37 and 38 in Deposited Plan 21573 and Allotment 501 in Deposited Plan 56505. More particularly delineated and marked ‘A’ on Preliminary Plan No. 16/0016. A copy of the plan and statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at Council’s Operation Centre, 120 Cross Keys Road, Salisbury South, and the office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, during usual business hours. Any application for easement or objections to the Road Process must set out the full name, address and details of the submission with fully supported reasons. Any submissions must be made in writing within 28 days of the date of this notice to the Council, P.O. Box 8, Salisbury, S.A. 5108, and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. Where submissions are made, Council will give notification of a meeting to consider any representations. Dated 2 June 2016. J. HARRY, Chief Executive Officer 2 June 2016 CITY OF WHYALLA Casual Vacancy NOTICE is hereby given that at the meeting of Council held on 23 May 2016, the resignation of James Nelson Pollock was endorsed and from this validation, the casual vacancy for the City of Whyalla, pursuant to Section 54 (6) of the South Australian Local Government Act 1999 is gazetted. M. HISCOCK, Acting Chief Executive Officer KANGAROO ISLAND COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Opening and Closure—Kingscote and Wisanger NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Kangaroo Island Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to: (i) open as road portion of Allotment 1, in Deposited Plan 69789 and Allotment 1, in Deposited Plan 56506, more particularly delineated and numbered ‘1’ and ‘2’, respectively on Preliminary Plan No. 16/0010, forming a re-alignment of the adjoining Public Road. (ii) close portion of the unnamed Public Road adjoining allotment 1, in Deposited Plan 56506 and Section 370, Hundred of Menzies, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘B’ on Preliminary Plan No. 16/0010. Closed road ‘B’ is to be merged with Allotment 1 in Deposited Plan 56506. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the Kangaroo Island Council, Dauncey Street, Kingscote and the Adelaide office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council, Kangaroo Island Council, P.O. Box 121, Kingscote, S.A. 5223 within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. Dated 2 June 2016. A. BOARDMAN, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 1—Permits and Penalties A by-law to create a permit system for Council by-laws, to fix maximum and continuing penalties for offences, and to clarify the construction of Council by-laws. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Permits and Penalties By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 1 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Section 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The objects of this by-law are to provide for the good rule and government of the Council area, and for the convenience, comfort and safety of its inhabitants by: 3.1 creating a permit system for Council by-laws; 3.2 providing for the enforcement of breaches of Council by-laws and fixing penalties; and 3.3 clarifying the construction of Council by-laws. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 1—Permits and Penalties2 4.2 This By-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 2 3 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law applies throughout the Council area. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears; 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.3 person includes a natural person, a body corporate, an incorporated association or an unincorporated association. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Act. 7. Construction of By-laws Generally 7.1 Every by-law of the Council is subject to any Act of Parliament and Regulations made thereunder. 7.2 In any by-law of the Council, unless the contrary intention appears, permission means permission of the Council, (or such other person as the Council may authorise for that purpose), granted in writing prior to the act, event or activity to which it relates. PART 2—PERMITS AND PENALTIES 8. Permits 8.1 Where a by-law requires that permission be obtained, any person seeking the grant of permission must submit a written application to the Council in the form (if any) and accompanied by the fee (if any) prescribed by the Council. 8.2 The Council (or such other person as the Council may authorise for that purpose) may attach such conditions as it thinks fit to a grant of permission, and may vary or revoke such conditions or impose new conditions by notice in writing to the person granted permission. 8.3 A person granted permission must comply with every such condition. Failure to do so is an offence (to the extent it gives rise to a contravention of a by-law). 8.4 The Council (or such other person authorised by the Council) may suspend or revoke a grant of permission at any time by notice in writing to the person granted permission. 9. Offences and Penalties 9.1 A person who commits a breach of any by-law of the Council is guilty of an offence and may be liable to pay: 9.1.1 the maximum penalty, being the maximum penalty referred to in the Act that may be fixed for any breach of a by-law; or 9.1.2 subject to any resolution of the Council to the contrary, the expiation fee fixed by the Act for alleged offences against by-laws, being a fee equivalent to 25 per cent of the maximum penalty fixed for any breach of a by-law. 2027 9.2 A person who commits a breach of a by-law of the Council of a continuing nature is guilty of an offence and, in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, is liable to a further penalty for every day on which the offence continues, such penalty being the maximum amount referred to in the Act that may be fixed by a by-law for a breach of a By-law of a continuing nature. Note: The maximum penalty for a breach of a by-law is currently $750.00, and the maximum penalty for every day in which a breach of a continuing nature continues is currently $50.00—see Section 246 (3) (g) of the Act. Pursuant to Section 246 (5) of the Act expiation fees may be fixed for alleged offences against by-laws either by a by-law or by resolution of the Council. However, an expiation fee fixed by the Council cannot exceed 25 per cent of the maximum penalty for the offence to which it relates. This By-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 2—Moveable Signs A by-law to set standards for moveable signs on roads and to provide conditions for the placement of such signs for the purpose of protecting visual amenity and public safety. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Moveable Signs By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 2 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 226, 238, 239 and 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The object of this by-law is to set standards for moveable signs on roads: 3.1 to protect the comfort and safety of road users and members of the public; 3.2 to enhance the amenity of roads and surrounding parts of the Council area; 3.3 to prevent nuisances occurring on roads; 3.4 to prevent unreasonable interference with the use of a road; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 2—Moveable Signs.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 2028 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 This by-law applies throughout the Council area. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 authorised person means a person appointed as an authorised person pursuant to Section 260 of the Act; 6.3 banner means a slip of cloth, plastic or other material hung up or carried on a pole, fence or other structure; 6.4 business premises means premises from which a business is being conducted; 6.5 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.6 footpath area means: 6.6.1 that part of a road between the property boundary of the road and the edge of the carriageway on the same side as that boundary; or 6.6.2 a footway, lane or other place made or constructed for the use of pedestrians and not for the use of vehicles; 6.7 Local Government land has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.8 moveable sign has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.9 road has the same meaning as in the Act; and 6.10 vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—MOVEABLE SIGNS 7. Construction and Design A moveable sign must: 7.1 be of kind known as an ‘A’ frame or sandwich board sign, an ‘inverted “T” sign’, or a flat sign or, with the permission of the Council, a sign of some other kind; 7.2 be designed, constructed and maintained in good quality and condition so as not to present a hazard to any member of the public; 7.3 be of strong construction and sufficiently stable or securely fixed so as to keep its position in any weather conditions; 7.4 have no sharp or jagged edges or corners; 7.5 not be unsightly or offensive in appearance or content; 7.6 be constructed of timber, cloth, metal, plastic or plastic coated cardboard, or a mixture of such materials; 7.7 not rotate or contain flashing parts or lights or be illuminated internally; 7.8 not have balloons, flags, streamers or other things attached to it; 7.9 not exceed 900 mm in perpendicular height or have a base with any side exceeding 600 mm in length; 7.10 not have a display area exceeding 1 square metre in total, or, if the sign is two-sided, 1 square metre on each side; 7.11 in the case of an ‘A’ frame or sandwich board sign: 7.11.1 be hinged or joined at the top; 7.11.2 be of such construction that its sides are securely fixed or locked in position when erected; and 7.11.3 not have a base area in excess of 0.6 square metres; or 2 June 2016 7.12 in the case of an inverted ‘T’ sign, not contain struts or members that run between the display area and the base of the sign. 8. Placement A moveable sign must not be: 8.1 placed on any part of a road other than the footpath area; 8.2 placed on a footpath that is less than 1.8 metres wide; 8.3 placed on a designated parking area or within 1 metre of an entrance to any business or other premises; 8.4 placed on the sealed part of a footpath: 8.4.1 if there is an unsealed part on which the sign can be placed in accordance with this by-law; or 8.4.2 unless the sealed part is wide enough to contain the sign and leave a clear thoroughfare for pedestrians of a width of at least 1.2 metres; 8.5 placed so as to interfere with the reasonable movement of persons or vehicles using the footpath or road in the vicinity of where the moveable sign is placed; 8.6 placed closer than 0.4 metres to the edge of the carriageway of a road; 8.7 in the case of a flat sign, be in line with and against the property boundary of the road; 8.8 placed on a landscaped area; 8.9 placed within 6 metres of an intersection; 8.10 placed on a footpath area with a minimum height clearance from a structure above it of less than 2 metres; 8.11 placed on a median strip, traffic island, roundabout or any other traffic control device on a road; 8.12 placed other than adjacent to the business premises to which it relates; 8.13 tied, fixed or attached to, or placed closer than 2 metres from any other structure, object, tree, plant or thing (including another moveable sign); or 8.14 placed in such a position or in such circumstances that the safety of a user of the footpath area or road is at risk. 9. Banners A banner displayed on a road must: 9.1 be securely fixed at both ends to a pole, fence or other structure so that it does not hang loose or flap at either end; 9.2 not, without the Council’s permission, be attached to any building, structure, fence, vegetation or other item owned by the Council; 9.3 only advertise an event to which the public are invited; 9.4 not be displayed more than one month before and two days after the event it advertises; 9.5 not be displayed for a continuous period of more than one month and two days in any twelve month period; 9.6 not exceed 3 square metres in size. Note: A person must not erect or display a banner on a public road for a business purpose without a permit from the Council issued under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999. 10. Restrictions 10.1 The owner or operator of a business must not cause or allow more than one moveable sign for each business premises to be displayed on the footpath area of a road at any time. 10.2 A person must not, without the Council’s permission, display a moveable sign on or attached to or adjacent to a vehicle that is parked on Local Government land (including roads) primarily for the purpose of advertising or offering for sale a product (including the vehicle) or business to which the sign relates. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 10.3 A person must not cause or allow a moveable sign to be placed on a footpath area unless: 10.3.1 it only displays material which advertises a business being conducted on premises adjacent to the moveable sign or the goods and services available from that business; and 10.3.2 the business premises to which it relates is open to the public. 10.4 If in the opinion of the Council a footpath area is unsafe for a moveable sign to be displayed, the Council may, by resolution, prohibit or restrict the display of a moveable sign on such conditions as the Council thinks fit. 10.5 A moveable sign must not be displayed during the hours of darkness unless it is in a clearly lit area and is clearly visible. 11. Exemptions 11.1 Subclauses 8.10, 8.13, 8.14, 10.1 and 10.3 of this by-law do not apply to a moveable sign which: 11.1.1 advertises a garage sale taking place from residential premises provided that: (a) no more than four moveable signs per residential premises are displayed at any one time in relation to a garage sale taking place at that premises; (b) the moveable sign displays the address of the vendor; and (c) the moveable sign is displayed on the day the garage sale is taking place; or 11.1.2 is a directional sign to an event run by a community organisation or charitable body. 11.2 Subclauses 10.1 and 10.3. of this by-law do not apply to a flat sign which only contains a newspaper headline and the name of a newspaper or magazine. 11.3 A requirement of this by-law will not apply where the Council has granted permission for the moveable sign to be displayed contrary to that requirement. Note: This by-law does not apply to moveable signs placed and maintained on a road in accordance with Section 226 (3) of the Act, which includes any sign: • placed there pursuant to an authorisation under another Act; • designed to direct people to the open inspection of any land or building that is available for purchase or lease; • related to a State or Commonwealth election and is displayed during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; • related to an election held under this Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 and is displayed during the period commencing four (4) weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or • the sign is of a prescribed class. PART 3— ENFORCEMENT 12. Removal of Moveable Signs 12.1 A person must immediately comply with the order of an authorised person to remove a Moveable Sign made pursuant to Section 227 (1) of the Act. Note: Pursuant to Section 227 (1) of the Act, an authorised person may order the owner of a Moveable Sign to remove the sign from the road if: • the design, construction or positioning of a Moveable Sign does not comply with a requirement of this by-law; or • any other requirement of this by-law is not complied with; or • the Moveable Sign unreasonably restricts the use of the Road, or endangers the safety of other persons. 12.2 The owner of, or other person entitled to recover, a Moveable Sign removed by an authorised person 2029 pursuant to Section 227 (2) of the Act, may be required to pay to the Council any reasonable costs incurred by the Council in removing, storing, and/or disposing of the Moveable Sign before being entitled to recover the Moveable Sign. 12.3 The owner of, or other person responsible for, a Moveable Sign must remove or relocate the Moveable Sign at the request of an authorised person: 12.3.1 if, in the opinion of an authorised person, and not withstanding compliance with this by-law, there is any hazard or obstruction or there is likely to be a hazard or obstruction arising out of the location of the Moveable Sign; or 12.3.2 for the purpose of special events, parades, roadworks or in any other circumstances which, in the opinion of the authorised person, require relocation or removal of the Moveable Sign to protect public safety or to protect or enhance the amenity of a particular locality. 13. Liability of Vehicle Owners 13.1 For the purposes of this Clause 13, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 13.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 3—Local Government Land A by-law to manage and regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Local Government Land Bylaw 2016 and is By-law No. 3 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 238, 240 and 246 of the Act and Section 18A of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993. 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are to regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places: 3.1 to prevent and mitigate nuisances; 3.2 to prevent damage to Local Government land; 3.3 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of members of the public; 3.4 to enhance the amenity of the Council area; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 3—Local Government Land2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note1 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2030 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to Clauses 5.3 and 5.4 this by-law applies throughout the Council area. 5.3 Clauses 9.2, 9.19.2, 9.19.3, 9.19.5, 9.21.2, 9.30 and 10.9.2 of this by-law only apply in such parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 5.4 Clauses 9.4.2 and 9.9.2 of this by-law apply throughout the Council area except in such parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 animal or animals includes birds and insects but does not include a dog; 6.3 authorised person has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.4 camp includes setting up a camp, or causing a tent, caravan or motor home to remain on the land overnight, whether or not any person is in attendance or sleeps on the land; 6.5 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.6 effective control means a person exercising effective control of an animal either: 6.6.1 by means of a physical restraint; or 6.6.2 by command, the animal being in close proximity to the person and the person being able to see the animal at all times; 6.7 electoral matter has the same meaning as in the Electoral Act 1985, provided that such electoral matter is not capable of causing physical damage or injury to any person within its immediate vicinity; 6.8 emergency vehicle has the same meaning as in the Australian Road Rules and the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; 6.9 emergency worker has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; 6.10 funeral ceremony means a ceremony only (i.e. a memorial service) and does not include a burial; 6.11 kettle barbeque is a barbeque or other device used for cooking food that uses solid fuel including (but not limited to) wood, charcoal and heat beads. 6.12 liquor has the same meaning as in the Liquor Licensing Act 1997; 6.13 Livestock has the same meaning as in the Livestock Act 1997; 6.14 Local Government land means all land owned by the Council or under the Council’s care, control and management (except roads); 6.15 offensive includes threatening, abusive, insulting or annoying behaviour and offend has a complementary meaning; 6.16 open container means a container which: (a) after the contents of the container have been sealed at the time of manufacture: (i) being a bottle, it has had its cap, cork or top removed (whether or not it has since been replaced); 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 2 June 2016 (ii) being a can, it has been opened or punctured; (iii) being a cask, it has had its tap placed in a position to allow it to be used; (iv) being any other form of container, it has been opened, broken, punctured or manipulated in such a way as to allow access to its contents; or (v) is a flask, glass, mug or other container able to contain liquid. park means land reserved or delineated as a park or designated by the Council as a park; Public Place has the same meaning as in the Act; tobacco product has the same meaning as in the Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997; vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961; and wheeled Recreational Device has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, provides that an expression used in a by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—ACCESS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAND 7. Access Note: Pursuant to Section 238 (3) of the Act, if a Council makes a by-law about access to or use of a particular piece of Local Government land (under Section 238), the Council should erect a sign in a prominent position on, or in the immediate vicinity of, the land to which the by-law applies. The Council may: 7.1 close or regulate or restrict access to any part of Local Government land to the public for specified times and days; and 7.2 fix charges or fees payable for entry onto any part of Local Government land. 8. Closed Lands A person must not without permission, enter or remain on any Local Government land: 8.1 which has been closed or in respect of which access by the public is regulated or restricted in accordance with Clause 7.1; 8.2 where entry fees or charges are payable, without paying those fees or charges; or 8.3 where the land has been enclosed by fences and/or walls and gates that have been closed and locked. PART 3—USE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAND 9. Activities Requiring Permission Note: Pursuant to Section 238 (3) of the Act, if a Council makes a by-law about access to or use of a particular piece of Local Government land (under Section 238), the Council should erect a sign in a prominent position on, or in the immediate vicinity of, the land to which the by-law applies. A person must not without the permission of the Council, do any of the following on Local Government land. 9.1 Advertising Subject to Clause 14.2, display, paint or erect any sign or hoarding for the purpose of commercial advertising or any other purpose. 9.2 Alcohol Consume, carry or be in possession or in charge of any liquor on Local Government land comprising parks or reserves to which the Council has determined this paragraph applies. 9.3 Amplification Use an amplifier or other mechanical or electrical device for the purpose of amplifying sound or broadcasting announcements or advertisements. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 9.4 Animals 9.4.1 cause or allow an animal to stray onto, move over, graze or be left unattended; or 9.4.2 lead, herd, drive or exercise an animal, except where the Council has set aside a track or other area for use by or in connection with an animal of that kind, and provided that the animal or animals are under effective control. 9.5 Attachments Attach anything to a tree, plant, equipment, fence, post, structure or fixture on Local Government land. 9.6 Bees Place a hive of bees on such land, or allow it to remain thereon. 9.7 Buildings Use a building, or structure on Local Government land for a purpose other than its intended purpose. 9.8 Burials and Memorials and Cemeteries 9.8.1 Bury, inter or spread the ashes of any human or animal remains; 9.8.2 Erect any memorial; or 9.8.3 In an area comprising a cemetery, drive or propel any vehicle except on paths or roads constructed and set aside for that purpose and in compliance with any signs that have been erected. 9.9 Camping and Tents 9.9.1 Subject to Clause 9.9.2, erect a tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or similar material as a place of habitation; or 9.9.2 Camp or sleep overnight other than in an area to which the Council has, by resolution, designated for camping and in accordance with such time limits and other conditions determined by resolution of the Council (if any). 9.10 Canvassing Subject to Clause 14.2, convey any advertising, religious or other message to any bystander, passer-by or other. 9.11 Distribution Subject to Clause 14.2, place on a vehicle (without the consent of the owner of the vehicle), or give out or distribute any hand bill, book, notice, leaflet, or other printed matter to any bystander, passer-by or other person. 9.12 Donations Ask for or receive or indicate that he or she desires a donation of money or any other thing. 9.13 Encroachment Erect or place any fencing, posts or other structures or any other items in a manner so as to encroach onto the land. 9.14 Entertainment and Busking 9.14.1 Sing, busk or play a recording or use a musical instrument for the apparent purpose of either entertaining others or receiving money. 9.14.2 Conduct or hold a concert, festival, show, public gathering, circus, meeting, performance or any other similar activity. 9.15 Equipment Use an item of equipment, facilities or property belonging to the Council if that person is of or over the age indicated by a sign or notice as the age limit for using such equipment, facility or property. 9.16 Fires Subject to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, light any fire except: 9.16.1 in a place provided by the Council for that purpose; or 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 2031 9.16.2 in a portable barbeque, as long as the barbeque is used in an area that is clear of flammable material for a distance of at least four metres. Fireworks Discharge or ignite or otherwise use any fireworks. Flora and Fauna Subject to the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972: 9.18.1 damage, pick, disturb, interfere with or remove any plant or flower thereon; 9.18.2 cause or allow an animal to stand or walk on any flower bed or garden plot; 9.18.3 deposit, dig, damage, disturb, interfere with or remove any soil, stone, wood, clay, gravel, pebbles, timber, bark or any part of the land; 9.18.4 take, interfere with, tease, harm or disturb any animal, bird or marine creature or the eggs or young of any animal, bird or marine creature; 9.18.5 pick, collect, take, interfere with or disturb any fruit, nuts, berries or native seeds; 9.18.6 disturb, interfere with or damage any burrow, nest or habitat of any animal or bird; 9.18.7 use, possess or have control of any device for the purpose of killing or capturing any animal, bird or aquatic creature; or 9.18.8 burn any timber or dead wood. Games and Sport 9.19.1 Participate in, promote or organise any organised competition or sport as distinct from organised social play. 9.19.2 Play or practice any game which involves kicking, hitting or throwing a ball or other object on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies, which may cause or be likely to cause injury or discomfort to a person being on or in the vicinity of that land or detract from or be likely to detract from another person’s lawful use and enjoyment of that land. 9.19.3 Engage or participate in or conduct any organised group fitness activity or training on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies. 9.19.4 Play or practice the game of golf on Local Government land other than on a properly constructed golf course or practice fairway. 9.19.5 Play or practice any game or sport on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies except at the times determined by the Council and indicated on a sign on or in the vicinity of the land. Litter 9.20.1 Throw, cast, place, deposit or leave any rubbish, dirt or refuse of any kind whatsoever except in a garbage container provided for that purpose. 9.20.2 Deposit any soil, clay, stone, gravel, green waste or other putrescible waste or any other matter. Model Aircraft, Boats and Cars 9.21.1 Fly or operate a model or drone aircraft, boat or model or remote control car in a manner which may cause or be likely to cause injury or discomfort to a person being on or in the vicinity of the land, or detract from or be likely to detract from another person’s lawful use of and enjoyment of the land. 9.21.2 Fly or operate a model or drone aircraft, boat or model or remote control car on any Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies. 2032 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 9.22 Overhanging Articles or Displaying Personal Items Suspend or hang an article or object from a building, verandah, pergola, post or other structure on Local Government land where it might present a nuisance or danger to a person using the land or be of an unsightly nature. 9.23 Playing Area Use or occupy a playing area: 9.23.1 in such a manner as to damage or be likely to damage the surface of the playing area or infrastructure (above and under ground level); 9.23.2 in a manner contrary to the purpose for which the playing area was intended to be used or occupied; or 9.23.3 contrary to directions of the Council made by resolution and indicated on a sign displayed adjacent to the playing area. 9.24 Posting of Bills Post or allow or cause to be posted any bills, advertisements or other papers or items on a building or structure on Local Government land or in a public place. 9.25 Preaching Preach, harangue or solicit for religious or charitable purposes. 9.26 Rubbish and Rubbish Dumps 9.26.1 Interfere with, remove or take away any rubbish that has been discarded at any rubbish dump on Local Government land. 9.26.2 Remove, disperse or interfere with any rubbish (including bottles, newspapers, cans, containers or packaging) that has been discarded in a bin on any Local Government land, or placed on Local Government land for collection by the Council (or its agent). 9.27 Trading Sell, buy, offer or display anything for sale. 9.28 Vehicles 9.28.1 Drive or propel a vehicle except on any Local Government land constructed and set aside by the Council for that purpose; 9.28.2 Promote, organise or take part in a race, test or trial of any kind in which vehicles take part, except on an area properly constructed for that purpose; or 9.28.3 Repair, wash, paint, panel beat or carry out other work to a vehicle, except for running repairs in the case of a breakdown. 9.29 Weddings, Functions and Special Events 9.29.1 Hold, conduct or participate in a marriage ceremony, funeral or special event; 9.29.2 Erect a marquee, stage or structure for the purpose of holding or conducting a wedding, funeral or special event; or 9.29.3 Hold or conduct any filming where the filming is for a commercial purpose. 9.30 Wheeled Recreational Devices Subject to the Road Traffic Act 1961, ride a wheeled recreational device on Local Government land to which the Council has determined this clause applies. 10. Prohibited Activities A person must not do any of the following on Local Government land. 10.1 Animals 10.1.1 Cause or allow an animal to damage a flowerbed, garden plot, tree, lawn or like thing or place. 10.1.2 Lead, herd or exercise a horse in such manner as to cause a nuisance or endanger the safety of a person. 2 June 2016 10.2 Annoyance Do anything likely to annoy, offend or unreasonably interfere with any other person using that land or occupying nearby premises by making a noise or creating a disturbance. 10.3 Defacing Property Deface, paint, write, cut names, letters or make marks on or affix bills or advertisements to any tree, rock, gate, fence, building, sign or property of the Council. 10.4 Equipment Use any item of equipment, facilities or property belonging to the Council other than in the manner and for the purpose for which it was designed, constructed or intended to be used or in such manner as is likely to damage or destroy it. 10.5 Glass Wilfully break any glass, china or other brittle material. 10.6 Interference with Land Interfere with, alter or damage the land (including a building, structure or fixture located on the land) including: 10.6.1 altering the construction or arrangement of the land to permit or facilitate access from an adjacent property; 10.6.2 erecting or installing a structure in, on, across, under or over the land; 10.6.3 changing or interfering with the construction, arrangement or materials of the land; 10.6.4 planting a tree or other vegetation on the land, interfering with the vegetation on the land or removing vegetation from the land; or 10.6.5 otherwise use the land in a manner contrary to the purpose for which the land was designed to be used. 10.7 Interference with Permitted Use Interrupt, disrupt or interfere with any other person’s use of Local Government land which is permitted or for which permission has been granted. 10.8 Playing Games Play or practice a game: 10.8.1 which is likely to cause damage to the land or anything on it; or 10.8.2 in any area where a sign indicates that the game is prohibited. 10.9 Smoking Subject to the Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997, smoke, hold or otherwise have control over an ignited tobacco product: 10.9.1 in any building; or 10.9.2 on any land to which the Council has determined this subclause applies. 10.10 Solicitation Tout or solicit customers for the parking of vehicles or for any other purpose whatsoever. 10.11 Throwing Objects Throw, roll, project or discharge a stone, substance or other missile, excluding sport and recreational equipment designed to be used in that way. 10.12 Toilets In any public convenience on Local Government land: 10.12.1 urinate other than in a urinal or pan or defecate other than in a pan set apart for that purpose; 10.12.2 deposit anything in a pan, urinal or drain which is likely to cause a blockage; 10.12.3 use it for a purpose for which it was not designed or constructed; 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 10.12.4 enter a toilet that is set aside for use of the opposite sex except: (a) where a child under the age of eight years is accompanied by an adult parent or guardian of that sex; or (b) to provide assistance to a disabled person; or (c) in the case of a genuine emergency. 10.13 Waste 10.13.1 Deposit or leave thereon: (a) anything obnoxious or offensive; (b) any offal, dead animal, dung or filth; or (c) any mineral, mineral waste, industrial waste or bi-products. 10.13.2 Foul or pollute any waters situated thereon. 10.13.3 Deposit any rubbish other than in receptacles provided by the Council for that purpose. 10.13.4 Deposit in a receptacle any rubbish emanating from domestic or trade purposes, unless designated by a sign or signs. PART 4—ENFORCEMENT 11. Directions 11.1 A person on Local Government land must comply with a reasonable direction from an authorised person relating to: 11.1.1 that person’s use of the land; 11.1.2 that person’s conduct and behaviour on the land; 11.1.3 that person’s safety on the land; or 11.1.4 the safety and enjoyment of other persons on the land. 11.2 A person who, in the opinion of an authorised person, is likely to commit or has committed, a breach of this bylaw must immediately comply with a direction of an authorised person to leave that part of Local Government land. 12. Orders If a person fails to comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. Note: Section 262 (1) of the Act states: (1) If a person (the offender) engages in conduct that is a contravention of this Act or a by-law under this Act, an authorised person may order the offender: (a) if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and (b) whether or not the conduct is still continuing—to take specified action to remedy the contravention. Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 262 also provide that it is an offence to fail to comply with an order and that if a person does not comply, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out. For example, an authorised person may order a person to: • cease smoking on Local Government land; • remove an object or structure encroaching on Local Government land; or • dismantle and remove a structure erected on Local Government land without permission. 13. Removal of Animals and Objects 13.1 An authorised person may remove an animal or object that is on Local Government land in breach of a by-law if no person is in charge of, or apparently in charge of, the animal or object. 2033 PART 5—MISCELLANEOUS 14. Exemptions 14.1 The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a police officer, emergency worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course and within the scope of that person’s normal duties, or to a contractor while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. 14.2 The restrictions in Clauses 9.1, 9.10 and 9.11 this by-law do not apply to electoral matter authorised by a candidate and which is: 14.2.1 related to a Commonwealth or State election and occurs during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; or 14.2.2 related to an election under the Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 and occurs during the period commencing four weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or 14.2.3 related to, and occurs during the course of and for the purpose of a referendum. 15. Liability of Vehicle Owners 15.1 For the purposes of this Clause 15, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 15.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 4—Roads A by-law to manage, control and regulate certain activities on roads in the Council’s area. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Roads By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 4 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 239 and 246 of the Act and Regulation 28 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013. 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are to manage, control and regulate the prescribed uses of roads in the Council’s area: 3.1 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of road users and members of the public; 3.2 to prevent damage to buildings and structures on roads; 3.3 to prevent certain nuisances occurring on roads; and 3.4 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 4—Roads2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2034 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to Clauses 5.3, this by-law applies throughout the Council’s area. 5.3 Clauses 7.3.2 and 7.4.2 of this by-law apply throughout the Council area except in such parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 animal includes birds, insects and poultry but does not include a dog or a cat; 6.3 authorised person has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.4 camp includes: 6.4.1 setting up a camp, tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or other similar material on a road; or 6.4.2 subject to the Road Traffic Act 1961, causing a caravan or motor home to remain on a road overnight, whether or not any person is in attendance or sleeps on the road or intends to stay overnight; 6.5 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.6 effective control means a person exercising effective control of an animal either: 6.6.1 by means of a physical restraint; or 6.6.2 by command, the animal being in close proximity to the person, and the person being able to see the animal at all times; 6.7 electoral matter has the same meaning as in the Electoral Act 1995, provided that such electoral matter is not capable of causing physical damage or injury to a person within its immediate vicinity; 6.8 emergency worker has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; 6.9 moveable sign has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.10 road has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.11 vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—USE OF ROADS 7. Activities Requiring Permission A person must not do any of the following activities on a road without the permission of the Council: 7.1 Advertising Display or cause to be displayed any sign for the purpose of advertising goods or services, other than a moveable sign that is displayed in accordance with the Council’s Moveable Signs By-law. 7.2 Amplification Use an amplifier or other device whether mechanical or electrical for the purpose of broadcasting sound or magnifying sound including the broadcasting of announcements or advertisements. 2 June 2016 7.3 Animals 7.3.1 Cause or allow an animal to stray onto, move over, or graze or be left unattended on any road. 7.3.2 Lead, herd or exercise an animal on a road, except where the Council has set aside a track or other area for use by or in connection with an animal of that kind, and provided the animal or animals are under effective control. 7.4 Camping and Tents 7.4.1 Erect a tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or other similar material. 7.4.2 Camp or sleep overnight except on a road designated by the Council by resolution for this purpose and in accordance with any conditions determined by the Council and displayed on any signage on or near the road. 7.5 Donations Ask for or receive or do anything to indicate that the person desires a donation of money. 7.6 Obstructions Erect, install or place or cause to be erected, installed or placed any structure, object or material of any kind so as to obstruct a road, footway, water-channel, or watercourse in a road. 7.7 Posting and Distribution of Bills Subject to Clause 11.2: 7.7.1 place on a vehicle (without the consent of the owner of the vehicle), give out or distribute any hand bill, book, notice, leaflet or other printed matter to any person; or 7.7.2 post or allow or cause to be posted any bills, advertisements, or other papers or items on a building or structure on a road. 7.8 Preaching Preach, harangue, solicit or canvass for religious or charitable purposes. 7.9 Public Exhibitions and Displays 7.9.1 Sing, busk, play a recording or use a music instrument, or perform similar activities; 7.9.2 Conduct or hold a concert, festival, show, circus, performance or a similar activity; or 7.9.3 Erect a stage or structure for the purpose of conducting or holding a concert, festival, show, circus, performance or a similar activity. 7.9.4 Cause any public exhibitions or displays. 7.10 Soliciting Ask for or receive or indicate a desire for a donation of money or any other thing. 7.11 Vehicles Repair, wash, paint, panel beat or perform other work of a similar nature to a vehicle, except for running repairs in the case of a vehicle breakdown. Note: Moveable signs on roads are regulated by Sections 226 and 227 of the Act and the Council's Moveable Signs By-law. PART 3—ENFORCEMENT 8. Directions A person who, in the opinion of an authorised person is committing or has committed a breach of this by-law, must immediately comply with a direction of an authorised person to leave that part of the road. 9. Orders If a person does not comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Note: Section 262 (1) of the Act states: (1) If a person (the offender) engages in conduct that is a contravention of this Act or a by-law under this Act, an authorised person may order the offender: (a) if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and (b) whether or not the conduct is still continuing to take specified action to remedy the contravention. Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 262 also provide that it is an offence to fail to comply with an order and that if a person does not comply, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out. For example, an authorised person may order a person to: • cease busking on a road; • remove an object or structure blocking a footpath; • remove bills posted on a structure on a road; or • dismantle and remove a tent from a road. 10. Removal of Animals and Objects 10.1 An authorised person may remove an animal or object that is on a road in breach of a by-law if no person is in charge, or apparently in charge, of the animal or object. PART 4—MISCELLANEOUS 11. Exemptions 11.1 The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a police officer, emergency worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course and within the scope of that person's normal duties, or to a contractor while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. 11.2 The restrictions in Clause 7.7 of this by-law do not apply to electoral matter authorised by a candidate and which is: 11.2.1 related to a Commonwealth or State election and occurs during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; or 11.2.2 related to an election under the Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 and occurs during the period commencing four weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or 11.2.3 related to, and occurs during the course of and for the purpose of a referendum. 12. Liability of Vehicle Owners 12.1 For the purposes of this Clause 12, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 12.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 5—Dogs By-law A by-law to limit the number of dogs kept on premises and for the management and control of dogs in the Council area. 2035 PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Dog By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 5 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Section 90 of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and Sections 238 and 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The objects of this by-law are to control and manage dogs in the Council area: 3.1 to reduce the incidence of environmental nuisance caused by dogs; 3.2 to promote responsible dog ownership; 3.3 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of members of the public; and 3.4 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 5—Dogs2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to Clause 5.3, this by-law applies throughout the Council area. 5.3 Clauses 9 and 10 of this by-law only apply in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 approved kennel establishment means a building, structure or area approved by a relevant authority, pursuant to the Development Act 1993, for the keeping of dogs on a temporary or permanent basis; 6.3 assistance dog means a dog trained and used for the purpose of assisting a person who is wholly or partially disabled; 6.4 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.5 dog (except for in Clause 7.1) has the same meaning as in the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995; 6.6 effective control means a person exercising effective control of a dog either: 6.6.1 by means of a physical restraint; or 6.6.2 by command, the dog being in close proximity to the person and the person being able to see the dog at all times; 6.7 keep includes the provision of food or shelter; 6.8 park has the same meaning as in the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995; 6.9 premises includes land, whether used or occupied for domestic or non-domestic purposes; 2036 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 6.10 Township has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.11 working dog means a dog primarily used for the purposes of herding stock; 6.12 for the purposes of Clause 9 of the by-law, a dog is under effective control by means of a leash if the dog is secured to a leash that does not exceed 2 metres in length and: 6.12.1 the leash is either tethered securely to a fixed object; or 6.12.2 held by a person capable of controlling the dog and preventing it from being a nuisance or a danger to other persons. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-laws was made. PART 2—LIMITS ON DOG NUMBERS 7. Limits on Dog Numbers in Private Premises 7.1. Subject to Clauses 7.2, and 7.4 a person must not, without the Council’s permission, keep or cause, suffer or permit to be kept: 7.1.1 more than two dogs (other than working dogs) on any premises in the Townships of Orroroo Carrieton, Pekina, Eurelia, Morchard, Yatina and Johnburgh; or 7.1.2 more than two working dogs on any premises in a Township; or 7.1.3 more than three dogs (other than working dogs) on any premises outside a Township. 7.2 For the purposes of Clause 7.1, ‘dog’ means a dog that is three (3) months of age or older, or a dog that has lost its juvenile teeth. 7.3 Clause 7.1 does not apply to: 7.3.1 approved kennel establishments operating in accordance with all required approvals and consents; or 7.3.2 any business involving dogs provided that the business is registered in accordance with the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and operating in accordance with all required approvals and consents. 7.4 The Council may require that premises which are the subject of an application for permission to keep additional dogs must be inspected by an authorised person for the purpose of assessing the suitability of the premises for housing dogs. 7.5 No dog is to be kept on any premises where, in the opinion of an authorised person, there is no secure or appropriate area where a dog may be effectively confined. PART 3—DOG CONTROLS 8. Dog Exercise Areas 8.1 Subject to Clauses 9 and 10 of this by-law, a person may enter a park in the Council area for the purpose of exercising a dog under his or her effective control. Note: If a person is exercising a dog in a park as permitted under this clause and the dog is not under effective control, this gives rise to a dog wandering at large offence under Section 43 (1) of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995, for which the owner of or person responsible for the dog may be liable. 9. Dog on Leash Areas A person must not allow a dog under that person’s control, charge or authority (except an assistance dog that is required to remain off-lead in order to fulfil its functions) to be or remain on Local Government land or in a public place to which the Council has determined this clause applies unless the dog is under effective control by means of a leash. 2 June 2016 10. Dog Prohibited Areas A person must not allow a dog under that person’s control, charge or authority (except an assistance dog) to enter or remain on any Local Government land or public place to which the Council has determined this clause applies. 11. Dog Faeces No person is to allow a dog under that person’s control, charge or authority to be in a public place or on Local Government land unless that person has in their possession a bag or other suitable container for the collection and lawful disposal of any faeces that the dog may deposit (for the purpose of complying with their obligation under Section 45A (6) of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995). PART 4—ENFORCEMENT 12. Orders 12.1 If a person engages in conduct that is in contravention of this by-law, an authorised person may order that person: 12.1.1 if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and 12.1.2 whether or not the conduct is still continuing—to take specified action to remedy the contravention. 12.2 A person must comply with an order under this clause. 12.3 If a person does not comply with an order, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out, and the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action so taken from the person to whom the order was directed. 12.4 However, an authorised person may not use force against a person under this section. Note: For example, an authorised person may order a person to: • cease keeping more than the permitted number of dogs on that person’s premises; or • remove a dog from a dog prohibited area. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016 by an absolute majority of the members for the time being, constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 6—Cats A by-law to limit the number of cats kept on premises and for the management and control of cats in the Council area. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Cats By-law 2016 and is Bylaw No. 6 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Section 90 of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and Section 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The objects of this by-law are to control and manage cats in the Council area: 3.1 to promote responsible cat ownership; 3.2 to reduce the incidence of public and environmental nuisance caused by cats; 3.3 to protect the comfort and safety of members of the public; and 3.4 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law No. 6—Cats2 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation 4 months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears; 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 cat (except for in Clause 9) means an animal of the species felis catus which is three months of age or has lost its juvenile canine teeth; 6.3 Council means District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.4 identified cat means a cat identified as follows; 6.4.1 by having a collar around its neck where the collar, or a tag securely attached to the collar, is marked with the current address or telephone number of the owner or other person entitled to possession of the cat; or 6.4.2 by means of a microchip implanted in its body containing information that may be used to obtain the current address or telephone number of the owner or other person entitled to possession of the cat. 6.5 keep includes the provision of food or shelter; 6.6 nuisance means: 6.6.1 unreasonably interfering with the peace, comfort or convenience of a person, including but not limited to a cat(s) displaying aggressive nature or creating unpleasant noise or odour; 6.6.2 injurious to a person’s real or personal property; 6.6.3 obnoxious, offensive or hazardous to health; or 6.6.4 wandering onto land without the consent of the owner or occupier of the land. 6.7 premises includes land whether used or occupied for domestic or non-domestic purposes and any part thereof. 6.8 Township has the same meaning as in the Act. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law is made. PART 2—CAT CONTROLS 7. Limits on Cat Numbers 7.1 Subject to Clause 7.2, a person must not, without the Council's permission, keep or cause, suffer or permit to be kept, more than two cats on any premises within the Townships of Orroroo, Carrieton, Pekina, Eurelia, Morchard, Yatina and Johnburgh. 7.2 Clause 7.1 does not apply to premises comprising a business involving the keeping of cats provided that the business is operating in accordance with all required approvals and consents. 8. Cats to be Identified 8.1 Subject to Clause 8.2, a person must not, without the Council's permission, keep or cause, suffer or permit to be kept a cat on any premises that is not an identified cat. 2037 8.2 Clause 8.1 does not apply to premises comprising a business involving the keeping of cats provided that the business is operating in accordance with all required approvals and consents. 9. Cats not to be a Nuisance 9.1 An owner or occupier of premises is guilty of an offence if a cat (or cats) kept or allowed to remain on the premises causes a nuisance. 9.2 For the purpose of this clause cat means an animal of the species felis catus. PART 4—ENFORCEMENT 10. Orders 10.1 If a person engages in conduct that is a contravention of this by-law, an authorised person may order that person: 10.1.1 if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and 10.1.2 whether or not the conduct is still continuing— to take specified action to remedy the contravention. 10.2 A person must comply with an order under this clause. 10.3 If a person does not comply with an order, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out, and the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action so taken from the person to whom the order was directed. 10.4 However, an authorised person may not use force against a person under this section. Note: For example, an authorised person may order a person to: • cease keeping more than the permitted number of cats on that person’s premises; or • take the necessary steps to mitigate a nuisance caused by cats. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ORROROO CARRIETON BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-law No. 7—Waste Management A by-law to manage and provide for the efficient removal of domestic waste and recyclables from premises in the Council’s area. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Waste Management By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 7 of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 238, 239 and 246 of the Local Government Act 1999, and Regulation 28 (b) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013. 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are: 3.1 to prevent damage to Council property and land; 3.2 to define the requirements for the use of Council’s domestic kerbside waste collection service; 3.3 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of members of the public; 3.4 to enhance the amenity of the Council area; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024. 2038 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Note: Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 This by-law applies throughout the Council’s area. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 Council means the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton; 6.3 Container includes a Green Organics Container, Domestic Waste Container or Recyclables Container; 6.4 Green Organics means any clean organic matter consisting of lawn clippings, plants, vegetables, leaves, prunings, food scraps or other materials for which permission has been given by the Council; 6.5 Hard Waste means any internal and/or external domestic items such as (but not limited to) fridges, and mattresses but excludes any Domestic Waste; 6.6 Domestic Waste means any kind of domestic and kitchen waste generated from residences including, but not limited to, broken crockery, clothing, material, broken and cooking glass items, hoses, polystyrene, ropes, and soft plastics, but excludes building materials, effluent, liquids, metal, rocks, soil, lead acid batteries, wood and any toxic waste; 6.7 Domestic Waste Container means a container for the disposal of Domestic Waste that is approved by the Council; 6.8 Premises means premises, excluding vacant land, to which the Council’s Waste collection services is made available; 6.9 Recyclables means newspapers, magazines, clean paper and cardboard, clean plastic containers of a type specified by the Council, clean tins and cans, clean glass and clean milk and juice containers and other materials for which permission has been given by the Council; 6.10 Recyclables Container means a container for the disposal of Recyclables that is approved by the Council; 6.11 Road has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1999; 6.12 Waste means Domestic Waste, Recyclables and Green Organics; and 6.13 Waste Containers means Domestic Waste Containers and Recyclables Containers. 7. Provide Containers 7.1 An occupier of premises must keep on his or her premises a Domestic Waste Container and a Recyclables Container. 7.2 For the purposes of Clause 7.1, the Council will provide to each premises one Domestic Waste Container and one Recyclables Container. 7.3 If additional bins are required at a premises, or replacement bins are required, the occupier of the premises is to apply to the Council for such additional bins. Note: 1. The supply of additional bins will result in an Annual Service Charge being applied to the assessment for the premises. 8. Management of Waste Collection Services An occupier of premises must: 8.1 Domestic Waste 8.1.1 ensure that the Domestic Waste Container kept on the premises is approved by the Council; and 8.1.2 not place, cause, suffer or permit any waste other than Domestic Waste to be in a Domestic Waste Container; 2 June 2016 8.2 Recyclables 8.2.1 ensure that the Recyclables Container kept on his or her premises is approved by the Council; and 8.2.2 not place, cause, suffer or permit waste other than Recyclables to be in a Recyclables Container; 8.3 Keep Container Clean cause each Waste Container kept on the premises to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, maintained in good order and repair and kept watertight at all times; 8.4 Sealing of Container cause each container to be continuously and securely covered or sealed except when waste is being deposited in or removed from the container; 8.5 Damage ensure that each Waste Container thereon is maintained, repaired or replaced (as necessary) so that it is not damaged or worn to the extent that: 8.5.1 it is not robust or watertight; or 8.5.2 it is unable to be moved on its wheels (if any) efficiently; or 8.5.3 the lid does not seal on the container when closed; or 8.5.4 its efficiency or use is otherwise impaired; 8.6 Collection Services 8.6.1 facilitate the collection and removal of waste from the premises by ensuring all Waste Containers thereon that contain waste for collection are placed on the road for collection by the Council, its agents or contractors: (a) on the day appointed by the Council for the collection of waste from those premises or the night before (and not before these times); and (b) in a position: (i) adjacent to the kerb (not on the carriageway) so that the front of the bin faces the road; and (ii) not under the overhanging branches of any trees; and (iii) as may otherwise be approved or directed by the Council and, wherever practicable, notified to the occupier in writing; and 8.6.2 remove all Waste Containers from the road on the same day as the collection of waste has occurred; 8.7 Waste not place any Waste Container on the road for collection by the Council, its agents or contractors unless the Waste Container contains only the type of waste that is permitted to be disposed of in that Waste Container; 8.8 Hard Waste not place any Hard Waste on the road for collection by the Council, its agents or contractors other than in accordance with any directions issued by the Council and notified to the occupier in writing. 9. Interference with Waste/Hard Waste A person must not, without the Council’s permission, remove, disburse or interfere with any waste, or Hard Waste that has been placed on a road or in a Waste Container on a road for the apparent purpose of collection by the Council, its agents or contractors. PART 2—ENFORCEMENT 10. Orders If a person fails to comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. 2 June 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 11. Exemptions The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a police officer, emergency worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course of and within the scope of that person's normal duties, or to a contractor while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton held on 25 May 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer RENMARK PARINGA COUNCIL Car Parking Fund NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister for Planning has approved the establishment of a Carparking Fund by the Renmark Paringa Council, pursuant to Section 50 A of the Development Act 1993. Details of the Fund are as follows: Name of the Fund: Renmark Paringa Council Carparking Fund. Designated Area: The Carparking Fund applies to the following designated areas of the Renmark Paringa Council Development Plan: • District Business Zone as described in Zone Maps RePa/16, Re/Pa/17 and Re/Pa/19 in the Renmark Paringa Council Development Plan, consolidated 21 February 2013; • District Centre Zone as described in Zone Map Re/Pa/17 in the Renmark Paringa Council Development Plan, consolidated 21 February 2013; and • Local Centre Zone as described in Zone Map Re/Pa/17 in the Renmark Paringa Council Development Plan, consolidated 21 February 2013. Contribution Rates: The Council has determined that the contribution rate per car parking space will be: District Business Zone—$400 District Centre Zone—$400 Local Centre Zone—$400 T. SIVIOUR, Chief Executive Officer 2039 WATTLE RANGE COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Closure—Public Road, Maaoupe NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Wattle Range Council hereby gives notice of its intent to implement a Road Process Order to close portion of the Public Road and merge with the adjoining Section 320, Hundred of Killanoola, shown delineated as ‘A’ respectively on Preliminary Plan No. 16/0011. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the office of the Council, George Street, Millicent and the Adelaide office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours or can be viewed on Council’s website: Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council, P.O. Box 27, Millicent, S.A. 5280 within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. Dated 2 June 2016. B. GOWER, Chief Executive Officer IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons: Bartlett, Angela Sara, late of 4 Dynasty Court, Greenwith, support administrator, who died on 28 November 2011. Beagley, Graham Richard, late of 2 Norman Street, Woodville, of no occupation, who died on 20 October 2015. Brideoake, Yvonne Sabina, late of 67 Bacon Street, Hindmarsh, retired stenographer, who died on 12 January 2016. Eyles, Geoffrey Raymond, late of 53 Austral Terrace, Morphettville, retired public servant, who died on 28 January 2016. Fisher, Filia, late of 7 St Lukes Place, Adelaide, home duties, who died on 4 April 2015. Jolly, Donald, late of 14-20 King William Road, Wayville, retired physicist, who died on 11 January 2016. Magnussen, Barry Eugene, late of Hospital Road, Port Augusta, of no occupation, who died on 25 October 2015. Pedder, Betty Shirley, late of 48 Butterick Street, Port Pirie South, home duties, who died on 4 February 2016. Roberts, Brett Lee, late of 52 Penno Parade South, Blackwood, registered nurse, who died on 28 October 2015. Thompson, Ashley David, late of 38 Cumberland Road, Port Clinton, of no occupation, who died on 11 October 2015. Valentine, Judith Anne, late of 29 Austral Terrace, Morphettville, retired hotel proprietor, who died on 11 December 2015. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 and the Family Relationships Act 1975 that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the office of Public Trustee at G.P.O. Box 1338, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before the 1 July 2016 otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estate; and notice is also hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver same to the Public Trustee. Dated 2 June 2016. D. A. CONTALA, Public Trustee 2040 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2 June 2016 ATTENTION CUSTOMERS requiring a proof of their notice for inclusion in the Government Gazette, please note that the onus is on you to inform Government Publishing SA of any subsequent corrections. For any corrections to your notice please phone 8207 1045 or Email before 4 p.m. on Wednesday. If we do not receive any communication by 10 a.m. on Thursday (day of publication) we will presume the notice is correct and will print it as it is. Remember—the onus is on you to inform us of any corrections necessary to your notice. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (electronically, fax or hard copy) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone: 8207 1045 Fax: 8207 1040 Email: Printed and published by authority every Thursday by P. McMAHON, Government Printer, South Australia Price: $7.00, plus postage; to subscribers, $353.00 per annum. (The above prices are inclusive of GST)