Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association
Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association
August/September 2014 Bulletin YOUR PRIMARY VOICE ON LAKE ISSUES With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations www.lakegastonassoc.com info@lakegastonassoc.com (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA Al Hartley, Safety Wally Sayko Carol Warfel HALIFAX COUNTY, NC MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA Joyce Lindenmuth Bill Lindenmuth, Environment Al Potter, President NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC Clarence Drumgoole, Nomination, Lake Clean-Up Vernon Garner Linda Hedgepeth WARREN COUNTY, NC Don Carson Bill Heflin, Vice President, Marketing & Membership Tony Moran, Secretary Ron Skow, Government Relations President’s Corner I joined the Lake Gaston Association to have a voice on matters effecting my investment on the lake and to insure I was aware of what was going on around the lake. Both objectives have been met. The LGA tries to be an organization which is involved in many aspects of life on and around the lake, sends representatives to monitor the county governments at their monthly Commissioners/Supervisors meetings, provides members for safety, environmental and water management organizations or committees and is a voice representing our members. We have approximately 1500 members, households and businesses, which gives us stature and standing. Our new membership chairman, Bill Heflin, thinks we should represent more to become a louder voice in our mission of being the voice of the lake. The membership committee has developed a plan to increase our membership. The plan involves our current members. We would like you to become our primary recruiting taskforce. New members are all around us, your next door neighbor, your fishing buddy, your fellow church member, etc. There is estimated to be 8500 lake properties and many others interested in the lake we can target for membership. Being good capitalists, we realize there must be an incentive for us to act. Profit or individual gain is not a bad thing. When was the last time you turned down the sale price and demanded to pay the full sticker? For every new member you recruit, you will receive a five dollar credit to your next membership. The new member will also receive a five dollar credit for the first year's membership. You, the current member, can recruit five new members and your membership is paid. The new member can join for $20 as opposed to $25. The LGA gets a new member. We all win. If Bill can use this program to double our membership, we intend to double his directors pay! He currently receives $0, two times 0 will raise his pay to $0, he wins too. The LGA is your voice on the lake. The LGA is here to keep you informed. The LGA sponsors community activities like the annual aquatic vegetation survey, lake clean-up, political candidate forums and many more. The LGA participates as your representative on state and local committees. The LGA tries to make this a better environment in which to live and invest. The LGA would improve with a larger membership. Al Potter Page 2 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 News from the Government Relations Committee The Government Relations Committee continued to support the membership on issues pertaining to local, state and federal government activities. Information on the fire departments which support the area around Lake Gaston was posted to the LGA web site. And a copy is included in this Bulletin on page 3. County budgets have been approved for FY2014-2015. The information below is our annual posting of the total budget, the ad valorem tax rate and the hydrilla contribution for each county. County Halifax Northampton Warren Brunswick Mecklenburg Total Budget (1) $37.1M $25.4M $30.5M $39.3M $91.3M Tax Rate per $100 (2) $.68 $.92 $.66 $.47 $.40 Hydrilla Funding $ 50K $ 75K $116K $ 75K $116K (1) Note that Virginia counties are funded differently than North Carolina counties, which results in higher budget totals, but lower ad valorem tax rates. (2) 4 counties maintained the same ad valorem tax rate, whereas Mecklenburg went from $.38 to $.40 Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at GovernmentRelations@LakeGastonAssoc.com. News from Marketing and Membership It’s August and the rollout for our new Sponsorship Program is less than a month away! We’ve been talking about this at our monthly meetings and during the Marketing and Membership meetings, and we hope we have covered most of the details by now. Our program is copied from the television ads where folks are getting a discount for bringing new customers in. We plan to give a $5 discount to every new member who is sponsored by an existing member. On top of that, we will give a $5 discount to the sponsoring member for every new member he or she signs up! Y’all can have free memberships if you sign up just 5 of your friends! The discounts will apply to the 2015 dues. The most important detail is having the new member list a sponsoring member on his application. Without that piece of information, we do not know that the new member is due a discount, or who should get credit for helping us enroll another member. The application form has been modified to include this information and is here in this newsletter. We are stirring things up now because September 1st is the earliest new members can sign up for 2015 (getting 16 months for their annual membership if they come in on that date). Folks, nobody cares as much about this organization as y’all do. I really hope that each of you will be a spokesman for the LGA and recruit as many of your friends and neighbors as possible. In addition, if you would like me (Bill Heflin) to come speak to your group, I’d be delighted! I have heard that there are about 8,000 – 10,000 homes/lots around the lake. With 1,500 members or so right now, we have a huge opportunity to reach out to our friends and invite them into our community. Monthly Marketing & Membership Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. You don’t have to be a Marketing guru, just someone who wants to help and has about 5-10 hours a month to spare. Contact them at MarketingMembership@LakeGastonAssoc.com August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 3 Fire Departments serving Lake Gaston Communities The table provided below is intended to assist LGA members with information about local fire departments’ insurance ratings, which are important when an insurance company determines the cost of insurance for a homeowner. Fire departments are inspected periodically to ensure they are maintaining the requisite qualifications for their rating. When fire departments improve on those qualifications they can request additional inspections in an attempt to get their rating increased. A rating of 10 is the lowest score. Most rural fire departments have a rating of 9, because it is very difficult for rural areas, which primarily use volunteers, to qualify for a better rating. The insurance ratings may change periodically, so the LGA will attempt to keep the table up to date. Any member who learns of a change is urged to notify the LGA. County Fire Department Halifax Littleton Littleton Rural Roanoke-Wildwood (F60) Roanoke-Wildwood (F61) Churchill Five Forks Ebony Lake Gaston Littleton Longbridge Roanoke-Wildwood Ebony Gasburg Lake Gaston Palmer Springs Northampton Warren Brunswick Mecklenburg Insurance Rating 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 6 7 6 9 9 9 9 A few fire departments are listed more than once, because those fire departments provide services across county lines. If your property is more than 1,000 feet from a working fire hydrant, then the insurance rating will be considered a 9. Tax rates for North Carolina counties can be found on the annual tax bill sent to all property owners. In Virginia, funding for fire departments is provided through state and county funds, so a tax rate is not established by each county. August 6, 2014 - LGA monthly meeting 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church (1 mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge on Hwy 903) Guest Speaker: Dr. Brett Hartis, Aquatics Extension and Research Associate, Department of Crop Science, North Carolina State University, will talk about this year’s Lake Gaston Aquatic Vegetation Survey and how this year's publicly funded weed treatment is progressing. Q&A to follow. Also: Got a lake-related issue or concern that the LGA should be working on? There will be time allotted on the agenda to present those concerns to the LGA Board. And, catch up with what the Committees are working on. The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so gather up your neighbors and come join the LGA for an informative meeting. For more information contact info@lakegastonassoc.com or call (252) 586-6577 or toll free 1-888-586-6577. Make a date to join us on August 6 Page 4 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Volunteers needed for 2014 Lake Gaston Aquatic Plant Survey Lake Gaston is well into the “summer swing” with most of its residents and vacationers spending time enjoying the lake. While to most around the Lake, summer means swimming, boating, cookouts and more, hydrilla treatment on Lake Gaston is also well underway. You might be wondering how exactly that treatment sites are determined on a year to year basis, especially when hydrilla rears its menacing head in your area. One extremely important aspect of selecting treatment sites comes from data collected during the Lake Gaston Association’s Annual Aquatic Plant Survey. Determining where hydrilla calls home, as well as where other important native species exist in the Lake helps decision makers determine where treatments will most likely be needed in the upcoming year. This year, The Lake Gaston Association will be teaming up again with Dr. Brett Hartis of the North Carolina State University’s Aquatic Weed Management Program to survey the entire Lake. “Survey coverage of the entire lake is one of the most vital decision making tools available to us each year” says Hartis. “If an area is not surveyed, then that vital information is not available for consideration in treatment for the following year. This is why we need the help of Lake Gaston residents to ensure that their area is covered, and those who need hydrilla treatment can be considered.” Training dates: Dr. Hartis will be conducting survey training for volunteers on August 1 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Community Center at the intersection of River Road and Hwy 46 & August 8 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Morningstar Marina. See how you can get involved in mapping your shoreline and aiding in management decisions across the Lake. Very little to no experience is necessary to take part in the annual survey. You also don’t even need a boat as we can pair you with someone who has a means of transportation. Not a lake resident? That’s OK too! We are looking for school groups, church groups, or anyone willing to volunteer their time. Besides, how can you beat a day on beautiful Lake Gaston while also providing such useful information? For more information on the survey and how you can get involved, contact Dr. Hartis at bmhartis@ncsu.edu or call (919)-515-5648. We look forward to you joining us in 2014! . 30th Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival August 29 - August 30, 2014 Downtown Littleton, NC (No admission charge) Friday night 7-10 p.m. street dance “Steve Owens & the Summertime Band” Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. live entertainment, arts & crafts, vendors, carnival rides, food vendors, Stray Cats Rod & Custom Show, etc. etc., & lots & lots to eat Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival is organized by the Littleton Lions Club and money raised will go to local organizations, and Lions service projects Don’t forget to stop by and visit the LGA Booth on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Coal ash update It has been reported that Duke Energy has completed and the EPA has approved the coal ash cleanup. They say they removed 2,500 tons of coal ash from the Dan River of the approximately 40,000 tons spilled. The report shows no excessive levels of any coal ash related pollutant present in the water. August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 5 Annual E.coli testing underway We are starting to get results from the 2014 E.coli testing. This year we ordered and distributed 200 test kits which will be used for monthly testing of approximately fifty locations around the lake. An increase from 2013’s 24 locations. We selected sites less by science and more by locations available to the testers. No surprises or excessive E.coli reported. We are continuing with tests monthly through September and will report results later. Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at Environment@LakeGastonAssoc.com LGA Monthly Committee Meetings: Committee Public Safety Government Relations Environment Marketing & Membership Lake Clean-Up Meeting Day 2nd Friday 3rd Monday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Thursday Last Wednesday Time 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am Location Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC Barricade of Boats – Get the Best View of the Event on August 9 To help protect the participants in The Crossing, Eaton's Ferry Bridge will be closed to all water traffic, and security vessels from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, NC Wildlife, the Warren County Sheriff, and the Coast Guard will be there to enforce this closing. Additionally, a barricade of boats from the public are welcome to line up near the swim lane buoys to protect the participants. Anyone interested in being a part of the 'barricade' should just come out and be in position on the west side of the bridge behind the line of buoys, with your boat anchored, prior to 8:30 a.m. The barricade boats will have a bird’s eye view of the event – as well as being a part of the protection for the participants. An anchor is a MUST – you cannot idle your motors near the swim lane! We do not want any boat waves or engine exhaust to impact the swimmers. Barricade boats must be in position prior to the bridge closing at 8:30 a.m., and The Crossing event kicks off at 9:00am is usually over by 11:30 a.m. Weed Control questions … Do the property owners in your subdivision have questions about weed control? If so, you may want to consider inviting Wally Sayko to your next HOA meeting. Wally is the Public Affairs Officer on the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council and he is available to make a presentation to your members and answer their questions. Contact him at wasay43@yahoo.com. Page 6 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 4th annual Lake Clean-up collected a lot of shoreline debris Thank you to all of you who participated in this year’s 4th Annual Take Pride in Lake Gaston Lake Clean-up event on Saturday, May 31st. The survey feedback conveyed that it was a worth while event, although the surveys indicated that it was still too early for a number of members to participate because they hadn’t opened their lake house. We have not met since the clean-up event, we usually take a break while the feedback surveys are coming in. Our first meeting on July 30 occurred after the August/September 2014 Bulletin went to press but the agenda had us reviewing what worked and what didn’t work for the 2014 cleanup, and to review changes that could be made for the 5th clean-up event in 2015. More details in our October/November Bulletin. Lake Clean-up is not just a one day event, we encourage year round vigilance to make our area safe and pleasant to look at. We didn’t get as many photos sent in this year. It’s not too late to send them in to the email address below. A special thanks goes to Waste Industries for donating the dumpsters at our three marinas and for disposing of the considerable trash collected. Of course we can’t forget the marinas themselves, Holly Grove, Washburn’s and Morningstar, for allowing us to place our dumpsters on their sites. We also wish to thank the Lake Gaston Striper Club for collecting trash from several of our islands and the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 93 for being on the water in case of emergency. We also had great support from the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council and the FABS. Thanks also to the prison litter crews who did an excellent job of cleaning up our main lake highways in Warren and Northampton Counties. Last but certainly not least, we wish to thank the many volunteers who staffed our three dumpster sites throughout the day and our Clean-Up Committee volunteers who planned and carried out the event. Thank you to all our participants. Monthly Lake Cleanup Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at LakeCleanup@LakeGastonAssoc.com. A few good men and women needed! The Nominating committee is happy to announce our Officers for 2014-2015: Al Potter, president; Bill Heflin, vice president; Tony Moran, secretary; and Jack Saunders, treasurer. The LGA currently has 13 directors, and we are now in need of twelve more directors to give us five directors for each county because in June three directors came off the Board having completed their terms. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. How do you know if being an LGA director is for you? First step - try us. Get involved in a couple of our committees. Choose from Environment, Government Relations, Lake Clean-Up, Public Safety or Marketing & Membership. Check the meeting grid in the Bulletin for when they meet. All LGA directors are asked to serve on two committees because that’s where all the work is done. Directors are currently needed in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton and Warren counties. Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, Nominating@LakeGastonAssoc.com . August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 7 From the Desk of the Executive Director July is an anniversary month for me - I can’t believe it’s been 9 years since becoming the LGA’s executive director on July 1st 2005. My work has varied over the years but one thing has remained constant is getting information out to our members and press announcements in the area newspapers. As I’ve been with the LGA for a while, I can know of activities the LGA has taken part in that doesn’t occur that often. Take for example your property revaluation (NC term) or reassessment (VA) by the five counties. The last Revaluation Forum we held was almost 8 years ago at the Littleton Community Center where we brought together the County Tax Assessors to explain the property revaluation process, and how to appeal the new value if you thought it was excessive. Generally the first the property owner would know that their property had been revalued would have been the notice that arrived in the mail advising them of the new value. How much they would have to pay in property tax would come after July 1st when the new FY budget and tax rate per $100 had been determined. We had heard that both Halifax and Northampton were in the process of revaluating their properties, so I telephoned the three NC county Tax Assessors to understand where they were in the process. Halifax and Northampton will be finishing up this year and revaluation figures will be effective in 2015, i.e. this year’s bills will have the same values as last year. How much in taxes you pay will depend on whether the tax rate per $100 changed from last year. See the tax rates for the counties on page 2. However, Mecklenburg’s reassessment was effective in 2014, that caught me by surprise, and also that their property is now reassessed every 2 years. The reassessment notices went out in April, the appeal process gave the month of May for property owners to react, and at the time we were pulling the Bulletin together during the middle of July, those that missed the May deadline could still make an appeal to the Board of Adjustments. So … my initial intention of calling the Tax Assessors of Halifax and Northampton counties was to see if we needed to conduct Revaluation Forums this year, as you’ve read above it we won’t be until 2015. That did beg the question, what about the other three counties. Here is what I found out – bear in mind that the last Forum we did the counties were on a 8 year cycle. Halifax last revalued eight years ago, the Halifax Commissioners have already voted that subsequent revaluations will be conducted every four years. Northampton had already changed to every four years. Warren County is still on every eight years and revaluations will be in 2017. Brunswick is now every six years, next reassessment will be 2018. Mecklenburg every two years, 2014 is a reassessment year. I have already handed over the information I gleaned to Ron Skow the Government Relations chair because Forums fall under his committee. And I’ve given Ron how we conducted the last Forum back in January 6, 2007 so we’ve got a starting point. While the Forums are to help our members, we always invite the public too. The big difference between the last revaluations (if you are on an eight year cycle) and now, in 2006? the property boom had peaked and there were some large increases in the revaluation amount over the previous eight years. As you know property values have declined since, and those of us on an eight year cycle should see a drop in the revaluation amount (right?), while those on the four & two year cycles should have a value that doesn’t vary that much. I live in Halifax County so I guess I’ll have to wait until 2015 to find out. Moira LGA welcomes 2 new businesses Lake Gaston Fitness & Lake Gaston Realty Membership Goal: 1,650 Current Members: 1,523 (Households: 1,425 / Businesses: 98) Page 8 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2014 Training Dates August 16, & September 20 America's Boating Safety Course is an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth as well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina. Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating Course. Phase 6 begins 1 July 2014. All PWC Operators regardless of age, and Motor Boat Operators 45 years of age or younger operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater, must meet these requirements by 1 July 2014. North Carolina Law New North Carolina law requires that all PWC and Motor Boat Operators who were born after 1 January 1988 have proof of taking a Boating Course, if they are operating a vessel with an 10 HP engine or greater. The fee for the course is $30. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Courses are taught at the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, 1/4 mile west of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from 8:30am to 5:00pm, with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. It is a busy day - but rewarding. Remember – preregistration and prepayment are required. For more information on these classes, or to register, please contact the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce, 2475 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850. Phone (252) 586 -5711. Email: info@lakegastonchamber.com. On-line courses & Classroom by NC Wildlife & VADGIF: For North Carolina Boating Safety course options go to www.ncwildlife.org/Apps/BoatingSafety/CourseSearch.asp For Virginia Boating Safety course options go to www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/education/requirement/stepsto-requirement.asp U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Children's Course Give your children the extra information they need to be safe on the water. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 93 is providing classes for the youngsters 6 to 10 years of age. There will be lots of fun and games while they are learning how to be safe. Classes will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon (class one) or 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (class two) on August 23rd at the USCG Flotilla 93 building at 252 River Road, Henrico Hurry and sign up before classes fill up. Cost $10.00 per child Register at the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce in advance (Address – 2357 Eaton’s Ferry Road) Registration: Call the Chamber at (252) 586-5711 Questions: call Joee Hoxter at (434) 636-4151 Free Vessel Safety Check. Flotilla 93 will perform a free Vessel Safety Check on your boat at your home. The boat can be in the boat lift or on a trailer and does not need to be running. To receive a free safety check, call Janet Houston (252) 586-3687 or Tom Van Petten at (252) 586- 5853. Flotilla 9-3 will also provide a Vessel Examiner at your Home Owners Association Meeting to inspect boats after your business meeting. Call Janet Houston or Tom Van Petten. In addition Flotilla 93 will conduct vessel safety checks 10 AM to 3 PM at Morning Star Marina on the following dates: Aug 30, and Sep 27. August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 9 News from the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council is partnering with N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to raise awareness of life jacket safety. The NCWRC will be painting this message on public boat ramps in the state. The LGWSC is making these signs available, free of charge, to the public for display in their neighborhoods and private boat ramps. Contact the following LGWSC members to obtain your sign: The following LGWSC volunteers can be contacted to order these signs: Southwest Quadrant, Linda Hedgepeth - 5379290; Southeast Quadrant, Emily Thomas - 5861357; Northwest Quadrant, Jim Nold – 586-7112; Northeast Quadrant, Helen Moran 586-6045. For general questions contact Susie Deschenes - 586-3144. The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council (LGWSC) is continuing to emphasize PWC safety awareness. Although last year was fatality free, there still are reported accidents involving PWCs. The LGWSC has placed the signs below around the lake during the 2013 boating season and will continue to make these signs available to property owners who would like to put them at the entrance to their subdivisions or at their private boat ramps. The signs are available at the Water Safety Trailer locations and also by contacting Susie Deschenes at stugaville@embarqmail.com. Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s Safety Trailer Schedule: Date Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 30 Event Outdoor World The Crossing Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival Location Watersview Area Littleton Page 10 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 10th Annual The Crossing – August 9, 2014 one mile open water course parallel to Eaton Ferry Bridge 8 a.m. registration 9 a.m. launch at Morningstar Marina Swim, Float, Paddle, Walk or “Waver” across Lake Gaston Hwy 903 traffic will be one lane from 8:45 a.m. till last walker finishes (9:30’ish) Fish Spawning Season continues thru June 15 A reminder that we are still in Fish Spawning Seasonmust thru June 15 where the waterby level Lake Gaston Note: participants 13 years old or under be accompanied an ofadult could reach 201 ft. Lake&users conscious of the adverse effect their boating wakes could have on lakefront Register pay should on-line:behttp://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-crossing-2014-tickets-10864139935?aff=es2&rank=0 properties. It is recommended that no wake speeds be maintained when operating anywhere near the shoreline to keep from washing out bulkheads or causing additional shoreline erosion. Registration forms can be obtained at: http://osail.org/images/2014OSail_Lake_Crossing_Registration_Form.pdf Although North Carolina law requires no wake speed when operating within 100 feet of a dock, boathouse, shoreline or swimmers and Virginia requires the same within 50 feet, it is suggested that these Registration fee: expanded $25 per under person August 6 distances be voluntarily theseprior high to water conditions. mail to: 363 NC 27832 It is also recommended that O’Sail boaters be P.O. alert toBox floating logsGaston, and other debris on the lake that may have washed off the shoreline during highmust water be conditions. received by August 6, 5 p.m. register in person: August 6,7,8 noon to 5pm at the POINTE register day of event: fee day of event is $30 Registration forms can also be obtained from the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce For more information go to www.osail.org, or send email to osail@live.com The Crossing 2014 needs volunteers! If you would like to volunteer, please complete the form at the following link: http://www.osail.org/downloads/The-Crossing-Volunteer-Form-2014.pdf Form must be completed and turned in before August 1, 2014. We need help in the following areas: Registration, Finish Line T-Shirt Distribution, Event Set-up and Break Down, and Security. Any help is appreciated! All Volunteers must attend a training meeting Thursday, August 7th at 7 p.m. at The Pointe. At this meeting, Job Training and T-Shirts will be distributed. Attendance at this meeting is required. See you there and thank you from all of O'Sail! August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 11 Calendar notes … Aug 2 – Come Hike the Dam Site Loop, 2 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Aug 6 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Aug 6 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 Aug 9 – The Crossing, 9 a.m. Eaton Ferry Bridge, Lake Gaston, (252) 586-5711 Aug 9 – Second Saturday Hike, 9 a.m., Roanoke Rapids Canal Museum & Trail (252) 537-2769 Aug 12 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Aug 14 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Aug 16 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boater Safety Course, 8:30 – 5 p.m. 252 River Rd (252) 586-5711 Aug 16 – Butterflies, 2 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Aug 16,17*,22,23,24* – “Sound of Music,” 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m., Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 Aug 22 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Aug 22,23,24*,27,28 – “John & Jen” musical, 8 p.m.,*2:30 p.m., Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Aug 23 – Children’s Safe on the Water Classes, 10–noon & 1-3p.m., 252 River Rd (252) 586-5711 Aug 27 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 Aug 29,30– Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival, Downtown Littleton, (252) 676-1428 Aug 30 – John 3:16 Yard Sale, 8 – 5 p.m., Littleton stop light, intersection of Hwy 903 & 158 (252) 586-1800 Aug 30 – Hunters in the Night (Owls), 7:30 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Sept 3 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Sept 3 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 Sept 5,6,12,13,14* – “Charlotte’s Web” 8 p.m. *2:30 p.m., Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Sept 6 – Yard Sale, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Roanoke-Wildwood VFD, 790 Lizard Creek Rd. (252) 586-5737 Sept 9 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Sept 11 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Sept 13 – John 3:16 Golf Tournament, Chockoyotte Country Club, Roanoke Rapids (252) 586-1800 Sept 13 - Annual Rotor Head Rally Helicopter Fly-in, 9-4 p.m., 95th Squadron air field, Gaston, (434) 577- 9133 Sept 19 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Sept 20 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boater Safety Course, 8:30 – 5 p.m. 252 River Rd (252) 586-5711 Sept 20 – 2014 Ducky Derby, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., River Falls Park, Weldon (252) 519-2613 Sept 20 – Evening of Bluegrass Music, 8 p.m. Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 Sept 27 – South Hill Wine Festival, noon – 5 p.m., Centennial Park (434) 447-4547 Sept 27 – Enjoy Medoc’s Night Skies, 7:30 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Oct 4 – Halifax Co. Harvest Day, 9 – 5 p.m., 4H Complex, Hwy 903 Halifax (252) 583-5161 Oct 4 – Seafood Festival, 1 -5 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Club, 139 Stanley Rd, Henrico (252) 535-5308 Oct 4,5*,10,11,12* – “Arsenic & Old Lace, 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m., Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 www.lakegastonchamber.com www.warren-chamber.org www.northamptonchamber.org www.visithalifax.com www.southhillchamber.com www.brunswickchamber.com Medoc Mountain State Park website (Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link) Page 12 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 13 Page 14 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 15 Page 16 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued… Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 17 Page 18 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 19 Page 20 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm August/September 2014 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 21 Page 22 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN August/September 2014 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm