Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association


Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association
August/September 2012
With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue
resolution with the responsible organizations
www.lakegastonassoc.com info@lakegastonassoc.com
(252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577
John Cataldo
Al Hartley,
Wally Sayko
Al Potter, President
Clarence Drumgoole
Linda Hedgepeth
Doug Hughes,
Past President,
Marketing & Membership
Jack Saunders,
Planning &
Laura Kolb
Tony Moran,
Ron Skow,
President’s Corner
At the July 11th monthly meeting, the Lake Gaston
Association Board voted for their slate of officers for
2012-2013. We are getting extremely thin in available
directors and volunteers to carry out the duties and
obligations of our organization.
I am Al Potter, your newly elected president. Last
year I was vice president, that position is currently
vacant. The current directors are dedicated and diligent,
but shorthanded. We can use your help, come out and
join us.
Our mission is to identify lake issues affecting our
members and pursue resolution with the responsible
organizations. We represent you and your interests in
our community and on the lake. We have taken a stance
against uranium mining in our watershed, we watch and
monitor lake use, and we hold an annual lake cleanup,
talk to and monitor our county elected governments,
participate in water safety organizations and monitor and
assist the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council. Our
organization is involved and engaged for you.
The LGA is here for you. If you have a concern or
an idea to make our organization and community better,
let us know. We have no legal authority but we are a
unified voice on lake and community matters.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve our
organization and community.
Al Potter
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August/September 2012
Environment Committee supports Re-vegetation Project
Members of the Environment Committee, along with representatives from NC Wildlife Resources Commission,
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Brunswick County and many other volunteers spent Tuesday and
Wednesday, July 17 and 18, supporting a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Re-vegetation Project in the flats area of Lake
Gaston. Financing of the project was provided by the Corps and the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council.
Volunteers gathered at Granite Hall Shores subdivision where the hard work of assembling several wire
exclosures took place that were then transported to the flats, secured with rebar, and planted with 125 native aquatic plants
that were grown by the prisoners at Caledonia prison. Plant species included Wild Celery, Illinois pondweed, American
pondweed, Bur-reed, Spatterdock and Watershield.
The Project is a key initiative in support of the overall Lake Gaston Weed Management Plan that works toward
the reduction of noxious weeds in the lake but establishes native plants to replace them and maintain a healthy and clean
ecological environment. The work is hard but the results should benefit the lake for years to come.
Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry
Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at Environment@LakeGastonAssoc.com
LGA Director Ron Skow,
right and his grandson
Mathew Smith cut cage tops
from a roll of fencing during
a major re-vegetation
project in the flats area of
Lake Gaston on Tuesday,
July 17. Several crews cut
160 tops that were later
installed on the cages.
Mary Cermid stands beside two
stacks of cage tops that were cut
and placed on cages in the flats.
Mary, 23, is a student at the
University of North Texas and
was making her first trip to Lake
Gaston in support of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers
re-vegetation project.
August/September 2012
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Volunteer Survey planning underway
Last fall, for the first time ever, volunteers conducted an aquatic plant survey of the entire Lake Gaston shoreline.
The Survey provided vital information to weed management folks concerning the results of the 2011 treatment as well as
providing key information on native plants in the lake.
Once again this year, the LGA is looking for volunteers to support its aquatic plant survey of Lake Gaston that is
expected to begin in early September. Our goal again this year is to survey the entire shoreline of the lake. To accomplish
this, we will again need volunteers from every area of the lake.
The LGA, through a grant to the Friends of Lake Gaston Associations from O’SAIL, was able to purchase new
equipment that will allow us to have more volunteer surveyors on the lake at one time and speed up the entire process.
If you have completed the survey before, we would like to encourage you to participate again this year. If you
have not previously participated, we would like you to join our effort this year. The work is not hard, and only requires
that participants spend some time on the water, throw a rake (provided) every 200 feet along the shoreline at about a 10
foot depth level, and record the results of what plants they find on a hand held computer, also provided.
Refresher training for those who have previously participated, and training for new volunteers will be provided
and is being planned for the first or second week in August. Once the sessions are set, we will notify everyone through
email and on our web site at www.lakegastonassoc.com.
A free comprehensive guide to aquatic plants will be provided to new volunteers courtesy of the LGA. In the
meantime, if you have questions, contact Bruce Johnson at blmsjohnson@earthlink.net or Wally Sayko at
Lake Clean-up Event feedback results in changes
In our last Bulletin and through email, we asked our members to tell us whether or not they participated in our
Second Annual Event on May 5, if not why not, and in either case if they thought this event was worthwhile.
The response was overwhelmingly in support of continuing the event next year, both among those who did
participate and also those who didn’t. However, among those who didn’t participate, the primary reason listed was that
they don’t begin coming to the lake until Memorial Day weekend.
As a result of that feedback, the Lake Clean-Up Committee decided to set the 2013 event for Saturday, June 1.
This will not only encourage greater participation but will also enable the lake to be cleaned up after a major holiday
weekend in preparation for the remainder of the boating season. Mark your calendars now and plan on being a part of this
major LGA event.
Monthly Lake Cleanup Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton
Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake.. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at LakeCleanup@LakeGastonAssoc.com.
Public Safety Committee update
The Committee continues its area law enforcement survey this summer. In addition, the Committee is
reviewing results of the 2012 LGA Survey to establish priorities for future activities. The Committee also
continues to promote the establishment of Neighborhood Watch organizations and is available to help you get
one started.
Monthly Public Safety Committee meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the
Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at Safety@LakeGastonAssoc.com
Lake Clean-Up Day
Saturday, June 1, 2013
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August/September 2012
2012 Survey Results
History – We began surveying our members every three years several years ago, usually in the fall. The survey helps us
understand how we are doing supporting our members and to set priorities for the Board and Committees on issues and
concerns of our members. This year, it was suggested that we should complete the survey earlier, in order to present
preliminary results at our Annual Meeting and to get a head start on working on priorities. We provided this overview at
our Annual meeting on June 9.
Prize Drawings – Each year we have offered incentives to complete the survey by randomly drawing three cash prizes
from participants. This year, we upped the amounts to $100, $50, and $25. I am happy to announce that our winners this
year were:
a. Peggy Howard - $100 – A member since May 2004 and a resident of Indian Rock Subdivision
b. Stan and Emily Elmore - $50 – Members since April 2004 and residents of Moratuck Manor
c. Jack Gravins - $25 – A member since February 2003 and a resident of Timberline Shores
Unfortunately, none of the winners were available to receive their checks in person. Our first two winners were mailed
their checks. Jack Gravins & Stan and Emily Elmore donated their winnings back to the LGA.
Survey Results – Here are a few key facts that were gleaned from the Survey. The Committees will review the results
more in depth over the next few months and use them to set direction and priorities in the coming year. Complete survey
results are available on our web site at http://www.lakegastonassoc.com/SURVEY/12_QuestionaireResults.htm.
a. We made the survey available to over 1,500 members through mail and email. We received 260 responses, for
a response rate of about 17 percent. We also encouraged non-members to complete the survey, and 6 percent
of those completing the survey were non-members.
b. Of the respondents, 74% own a house at the lake, with a split of 51% part time and 45% full time residents.
c. Head of household’s age ranges were primarily 56-65 – 36% and over 66 48%.
d. Overall LGA effectiveness was rated good – 53% to excellent 35%.
e. In the areas of Communications, Community Safety, Government, Water Quality and Water Safety the
majority of rankings fell in the good to excellent categories. While over half ranked us good to excellent in
weed control – 68% - Fair and poor rankings totaled 24%. A total of 88% of respondents said they contracted
for private treatment, either personally or through their HOA.
f. Tourism and Public Access – While 60% said that promoting Lake Gaston as a tourism destination would
benefit the area, 67% said they were not in favor of adding public access areas at the lake which are
considered vital by most tourism experts.
g. Neighborhood Watch – 60% said their sub-division or community did not have a Neighborhood Watch
Program and 61% said they were not aware that the LGA will provide Neighborhood Watch training. This is
one area that will need more emphasis in future efforts.
h. Priority of issues: 15% ranked Lake Water Quality as their #1 concern, while another 15% ranked taxes at
number one, with weed control at 14% and emergency services at 10%.
i. Other topics of concern included cell phone service, wave erosion, assisted living development, advertisement
signs, loud music from the water, more lake coverage by Wildlife Officers, and of course uranium mining.
There were many comments and recommendations that will provide excellent guidance and direction for our future
28th Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival
August 31 - September 1, 2012
Downtown Littleton, NC
(No admission charge)
Friday night 7-10 p.m. street dance “The Castaways”
Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. live entertainment, arts & crafts, vendors, carnival rides, food vendors, Stray Cats
Rod & Custom Show, etc. etc., & lots & lots to eat
Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival is organized by the Littleton Lions Club
and money raised will go to local organizations, and Lions service projects
August/September 2012
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August 1, 2012 - LGA monthly meeting
9:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church (1 mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge on Hwy 903)
Guest Speaker: Peter Pommerenk, Baker Study Project Manager for the Virginia Beach Public Works Department
Topic: Peter will present the results of Phase Two of the Virginia Beach Uranium Mining Study.
Also: Got a lake-related issue or concern that the LGA should be working on? There will be time allotted on the agenda to
present those concerns to the LGA Board. And, catch up with what the Committees are working on.
The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so gather up your neighbors and come join
the LGA for an informative meeting. For more information contact info@lakegastonassoc.com or call (252) 586-6577 or
toll free 1-888-586-6577.
Make a date to join us on August 1
From the desk of the Executive Director
We’re now into the second half of 2012, can you believe it!, and it just seems yesterday that we had all the hoopla
of July 4th’s celebrations in and around the lake. I ended up in the Littleton July 4th parade on the 7th as Betsy Ross, sitting
in the rumble seat of a restored 1934 Ford Coupe, seemingly to embroider stars on the flag I was holding. Boy was it hot
in my sturdy cotton colonial costume, wig, cap and apron.
By this time of the year at the LGA I’m focusing on next year’s membership drive and renewals. I’m responsible
for the mechanics of making it happen. C-Line Graphics who handles our membership printing, is already aware of our
printing and mailing schedule for those two work efforts.
In the meantime, first up is the new member solicitation letter that we will be sending to property owners that are
on Lake Gaston inviting them to join us. In preparing for that mailing I will be deleting all those new members who have
joined from last September’s membership drive. Our LGA members will not receive a solicitation letter because we know
you are already a member. The only exception would be if you own multiple properties, in multiple counties around the
lake. I check for duplication within a county, but not across counties. When that happens, I delete those duplicate
properties from my data source.
If we are in September when you are reading my column then the 2013 Membership Drive is underway. Anybody
joining in September at our yearly rates will get the rest of 2012 and all of 2013. Any of your neighbors who are not
currently a LGA member, it doesn’t matter whether they are full or part time, will have received a solicitation letter from
us to their mailing address. If the opportunity presents itself, it would help us greatly, if you would talk up the LGA with
your neighbor and share with them why you enjoy being a member of the LGA. Thank you.
Our yearend membership goal is 1,650. We are currently at 1,476. Just 174 to go.
Looking ahead to October, our renewal letters for 2013 dues will go out that first week. Currently we have 1,316
members that will be receiving renewal notices. I don’t know what I would do without modern technology – the mail
merge feature – that allows me to point and click, to produce those individual letters. I then have one document containing
all those letters that I email to C-Line for printing & mailing.
The Lake Gaston Association is now in its 23rd year and we do appreciate that you are a member.
Your Lake Gaston Association is in need of directors. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to
preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. Directors are
currently needed in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton and Warren counties. If you are interested,
please email Nominating@LakeGastonAssoc.com or call the office at (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577.
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August/September 2012
Government Relations Committee
The committee is closely following the Virginia uranium issue and is working on the recent proliferation of signs
in Warren County through the Planning Board and the Citizens Advisory Council.
The committee is also analyzing the results of the 2012 LGA Survey to determine Government Relations
priorities for the coming year.
Fiscal year 2012-2013 budgets have been approved and financial data is available for each of the five counties.
The table below summarizes the tax rates for real estate and the contributions for hydrilla treatment in Lake Gaston.
Members are reminded that there is a reason why tax rates for the Virginia counties appear low compared to the North
Carolina counties. This is due to the fact that Virginia counties have a higher personal property tax rate (Brunswick Co.
$3.60/$100 & Mecklenburg $3.26/$100) and some of that money is redistributed back to the counties, which allows for a
lower real estate (ad valorem) tax rate.
Ad Valorem
Tax Rate
Per $100
Tax Rate
$ 29,315
Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at GovernmentRelations@LakeGastonAssoc.com.
Marketing and Membership Update
On the Marketing side of the house, our next big event will be the Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival on Saturday,
September 1 where we will have a booth manned by LGA volunteers to provide information on the LGA’s mission and
function to attendees. This is a fantastic all day event packed with craft vendors, entertainment, an antique auto show,
rides for the kids, and plenty of great food.
Stop by the LGA booth and say hello and don’t forget to bring your friends and neighbors. We will have several
displays and free key chain “floaties” as long as they last.
The LGA will also be a hole sponsor for the Lake Gaston Chamber Annual Golf Tournament to be held on
Wednesday, August 8 as well as the Lake Gaston Lions Seafood Festival on Saturday, October 6.
On the Membership side of the house, we currently have our half price membership in effect for new members $12.50 for households and $25 for businesses 7/1 thru 12/31/2012 – that will give folks an opportunity to see what we are
all about. Help us spread the word to your non-member friends and neighbors and don’t forget to tell them why you are a
member. They can take advantage of this offer through our web site at www.lakegastonassoc.com or by calling our office
at (252) 586-6577 to obtain an application.
Monthly Marketing & Membership Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at
the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. You don’t have to be a Marketing guru, just someone
who wants to help and has about 5-10 hours a month to spare.
Contact them at MarketingMembership@LakeGastonAssoc.com
August/September 2012
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Lake Gaston Water Safety Council
Safety Trailer Schedule
Did you know … the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council has a Safety Trailer that is used to promote
safety in all water related programs and activities on Lake Gaston and to provide free information to the public
related to current Federal, North Carolina and Virginia regulations and laws; and to identify how and where
citizens can complete courses in safe vessel operation required by state law. Check out their trailer at …
August 4
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
August 11
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
September 1 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sept 22-23 tentative plans
Safety Day
The Crossing
Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival
US Nat’l Wakeboard Event
Outdoor World, Littleton
Lizard Creek
US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2012 Training Dates
August 18, & September 15
America's Boating Course is an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth as
well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a
PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina.
Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating
Course. Phase 4 begins July 2012. All PWC Operators regardless of age, and Motor Boat Operators 30 years of age or
younger operating a vessel with an 10 HP engine or greater, must meet these requirements by 1 July 2012.
North Carolina Law effective 1 May of 2010 requires that all PWC and Motor Boat Operators under age 26 will
have proof of taking a Boating Course, if they are operating a vessel with an 10 HP engine or greater.
The fee for the course is $30. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Courses are taught at the USCG
Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, 1/4 mile west of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from
8:30am to 5:00pm, with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. It is a busy
day - but rewarding. Remember – preregistration and prepayment are required.
For more information on these classes, or to register, please contact the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce,
2357 Eaton Ferry Road (now in building next to Subway), Littleton, NC 27850. Phone (252) 586 -5711. Email:
On-line courses & Classroom by NC Wildlife & VADGIF:
For North Carolina Boating Safety course options go to www.ncwildlife.org/Apps/BoatingSafety/CourseSearch.asp
For Virginia Boating Safety course options go to www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/education/requirement/steps-torequirement.asp
Did you know?
The W.C. “Billy” Jones, Jr. Memorial Library in Littleton offers library services to both full time and week-end
members. The library not only provides you the opportunity to check out books but to use the computers, wi-fi, and fax
services too. During the summer months there is an increase at the Library from lake area readers.
The library is located at the New Towne Center, 127 W. South Main St., Littleton, NC 27850 (Hwy 158), about
200 yards west of the light in Littleton. If you are coming in from the lake on Hwy 903 South, turn right at the light.
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
For more information call (252) 586-3608
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August/September 2012
8th Annual The Crossing – August 11, 2012
one mile open water course parallel to Eaton Ferry Bridge
8 a.m. registration 9 a.m. launch
at Morningstar Marina
Swim or
Paddle or Float on any non-motorized vessel
also a one mile walk across the bridge
Hwy 903 traffic will be one lane from 8:45 a.m. till last walker finishes (9:30’ish)
Registration forms can be obtained at: www.osail.org
Note: participants 13 years old or under must be accompanied by an adult
Registration fee: $20 per person prior to August 8
mail to: O’Sail P.O. Box 363 Gaston, NC 27832 or
deliver: August 8, 9 &10 at The Pointe Restaurant 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.
$25 per person on August 11
for more information go to www.osail.org, or send email to osail@live.com
Barricade of Boats - Volunteers needed on August 11
To protect the participants in The Crossing, Eaton's Ferry Bridge will be closed to all water traffic, and security
vessels from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, NC Wildlife, the Warren County Sheriff, and the Coast Guard will be there to
enforce this closing.
A barricade of boats from the public will be lined up next to the buoys to protect the participants, and give
assistance to anyone unable to make it across the lake. Anyone interested in being a part of the 'barricade' can contact Jane
Teasley - (434) 636-3729 or janek@buggs.net. Or, just come out and be in position on the west side of the bridge behind
the row of buoys buy 8:15 a.m.
The barricade boats will have a bird’s eye view of the event – as well as being a part of the protection for the
participants. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is asking anyone who has a 'boat' to contact Jane. An anchor is a MUST. The
dams will be shut down for the duration of the event - so it is important that the boats NOT drift into the swim lane. Note:
there will still be a current…..so an anchor is necessary.
Barricade boats must be in position at 8:00 a.m., the bridge will be shut down at 8:30 a.m., and The Crossing
event is usually over by 11:30 a.m.
If you own a jet ski and are strong enough to pull a swimmer out of the water you can volunteer to patrol the
swimmers lane, and assist swimmers that may need help. In order to volunteer for this important task you must contact
Jane Teasley - (434) 636-3729 or janek@buggs.net prior to the crossing.
Election Poll Workers Needed for Brunswick County Elections
The Brunswick County Electoral Board is looking for volunteer Poll Workers for the November 2012 election.
The day begins at 6 a.m. when the Poll Station opens until it closes at 7 p.m.
In anticipation of a large turn out, as in 2008, the board would like to staff most locations with a minimum of four
(4) poll workers. This allows for breaks to be taken for the long hours. The duties will vary based upon how the precinct
is staffed. There are not any requirements or test that must be passed to participate.
If you are interested contact: Wally Sayko via email: wasay43@yahoo.com or phone: (434) 636-5393.
August/September 2012
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Aug & Sept County Commissioners/Supervisors meeting schedule
1st Monday –
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
August 6 & September 3 is Labor Day (alternate dates)
Halifax Co. Board of Commissioners (Sept. 4th)
Northampton Co. Board of Commissioners (Sept. 5th)
Warren Co. Board of Commissioners (Sept. 4th)
1st Tuesday – August 7 & September 4
6:00 p.m.
Warren Co. Planning Board
2nd Monday – August 13 & September 10
9:30 a.m.
Mecklenburg Board of Supervisors
2nd Tuesday – August 14 & September 11
7:30 p.m.
Brunswick Planning Board
2nd Wednesday – August 8 & September 11
6:00 p.m.
Northampton Co. Planning Board
3rd Monday – August 20 & September 17
1:00 p.m.
Northampton Co. Board of Commissioners
Warren Co. Board of Adjustments (as needed)
3rd Tuesday –September 17 (evening meetings are not every month)
5:30 p.m.
Halifax Co. Board of Commissioners
3rd Wednesday – August 15 & September 19
7:30 p.m.
Brunswick Co. Board of Supervisors
7:00 p.m.
Halifax Co. Planning Board
4th Wednesday –
7:00 p.m.
Brunswick Co. Board of Zoning Appeals (as needed)
Last Tuesday –
Mecklenburg Board of Zoning (as needed)
Last Thursday
Mecklenburg Co. Planning Commission (as needed)
We aim to get our members with email a copy of the County Commissioners/Supervisors meeting agendas for the
dates above. We also aim to attendee those meetings and email attendee reports to our members in their particular county.
Regarding the Planning Board/Adjustments/Zoning meetings, we generally receive notices if there are lake related items
on the agenda in which case we email them to our members in that county.
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August/September 2012
Calendar notes …
Aug 1 - LGA monthly meeting, 9:30 - noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577
Aug 1 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-2396
Aug 3,4,10,11,12* - “Ree-Haw” 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m., Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124
Aug 14 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091
Aug 8 – Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament, 12 p.m., Gasburg, VA (252 586-5711)
Aug 9 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228
Aug 11 – The Crossing, 9 a.m. Eaton Ferry Bridge, Lake Gaston, (252) 586-5711
Aug 11 – Pro Big Air Contest, 3 p.m. (autographs) 4 p.m. competition Eaton Ferry Bridge (252) 586-4757
Aug 18 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Class, 8:30 – 5 p.m., Henrico (252 586-5711
Aug 18 – Art Plunge & Craft Show, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Morningstar Marina, Lake Gaston, (252) 586-6497
Aug 26 – “Rock Around the Clock,” 2:30 p.m., Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170
Aug 29 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705
Aug 31 – Picnic in the Park, 7-10 p.m., Parker Park, South Hill (434) 447-4547
Aug 31 – “The Castaways,” 7-10 p.m. Downtown Littleton (252) 586-5959
Sept 1 – Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Downtown Littleton, (252) 596-5959
Sept 5 - LGA monthly meeting, 9:30 - noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577
Sept 5 –Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-2396
Sept 11 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091
Sept 13 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228
Sept 15 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Class, 8:30 – 5 p.m., Henrico (252 586-5711
Sept 15 – “Amazing Race on the Ave, 5K, teams of 2” 9 a.m. Roanoke Ave, Roanoke Rapids (252) 537-5639
Sept 7,8,14,15,21,22,23* - “Footloose,” 8 p.m. *2:30 p.m., Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124
Sept 21 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268
Sept 22-23 – USA Amateur Wakeboard Nat. Championships, 8 a.m., Lizard Creek (252) 586-4757
Sept 22 – Duck Derby, 10a.m. – 3 p.m., River Falls Park, Weldon. (252) 537- 3513
Sept 22 - Larnell Starkey & The Spiritual Seven Gospel Singers, 8 p.m. Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170
www.lakegastonchamber.com www.warren-chamber.org
Medoc Mountain State Park website
(Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link)
LGA Monthly Committee Meetings:
Public Safety
Marketing & Membership
Government Relations
Lake Clean Up
Meeting Day
2nd Friday
3rd Thursday
3rd Monday
3rd Wednesday
Last Wednesday
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC
August/September 2012
Business Members
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
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August/September 2012
Business Members Continued…
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued…
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
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August/September 2012
Business Members Continued…
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued.....
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
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Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
August/September 2012
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
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August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
Page 19
Page 20
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm
Page 21
Page 22
August/September 2012
Business Members Continued …
Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm