Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association
Bulletin - Lake Gaston Association
October/November 2012 Bulletin YOUR PRIMARY VOICE ON LAKE ISSUES With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations www.lakegastonassoc.com info@lakegastonassoc.com (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA John Cataldo Al Hartley, Safety Wally Sayko HALIFAX COUNTY, NC MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA Al Potter, President NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC Clarence Drumgoole Vernon Garner Linda Hedgepeth Doug Hughes, Past President, Environment, Jack Saunders, Treasurer, Planning & Development WARREN COUNTY, NC Laura Kolb Tony Moran, Secretary Ron Skow, Government Relations President’s Corner I moved to Lake Gaston in 2008. My wife and I chose this area for its clean air, clean and abundant water, rural atmosphere, and numerous recreational opportunities. We did not come here for the symphony, museums, high taxes, or urban high-rise apartments. We have not been disappointed. This area has great water related activities. People fish, boat, swim, etc. We have nearby hiking, camping, biking, hunting and other outdoor recreational activities. We do not have congestion, traffic jams, or crowds. That is my reason, what is yours? If your reason for being here isn’t close, you are probably at the wrong place. If you want to walk to the store, choose different night clubs each evening, know 2 of your 2,000 neighbors, you are probably in the wrong place. If you expect a policeman on each corner to help prevent theft and killings, you are probably in the wrong place. If you want or need medical facilities to be within 5 minutes, you are probably in the wrong place. Now that those two people identified themselves as being out of place and stopped reading to call their real estate agent and move, we can talk. The LGA is here to preserve and protect what you want this area to be. This is a great neighborhood. It will continue to be a great neighborhood if we work to keep it so. The LGA is your spokesman and focal point to preserve the area. We don’t want to close and isolate the lake nor do we want to make it another Baltimore. We want intelligent growth and reasonable regulation. We want to maintain water and air quality. We want to live and enjoy the environment. Join us, be involved, protect and defend our community. Help the LGA continue to be the lake lobbying organization and the spokesman for lake residents. Al Potter Page 2 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Environment Committee up date The Environment Committee has had a busy year so far and our work continues. As you will read in a separate article in this Bulletin, our Annual Fall Aquatic Plant Survey is well underway and should be completed by the end of October. We hope to duplicate last year’s effort by surveying all 405 miles of Lake Gaston’s shoreline. If you haven’t signed up to do an area yet, there is still time. Contact Bruce Johnson by email at blmsjohnson@earthlink.net or by phone at (252) 535-7878 to join in the fun. Thanks to the dedication and follow up of Committee Member Ron George, we have stemmed the runoff problem in Poplar Creek caused by a tobacco farmer. With state intervention, a natural barrier between the farm and the creek has been planted and the farmer has been convinced to plant soybeans instead of tobacco going forward. Likewise, thanks to Committee Member George Kimble, the runoff issue caused by the Motocross Track on Hwy. 903 has been solved with the closing of the track and the re-growth of a natural plant barrier along the creek’s edge. As always, the Committee solicits member input on other such issues that we may not be aware of. Contact us at environment@lakegastonassoc.com with those issues. During our most recent LGA member survey conducted earlier this year, you told us that your number one and number three concerns were water quality and weed control respectively. Both are Lake Environment Committee issues. While for the most part, Lake Gaston is one of the cleanest lakes in the state, we share your concern that it is subject to pollution from a variety of sources. One concern of the Committee is that with the number of septic systems surrounding our lake, and especially our coves and creeks, seepage may be an issue that is not well documented. We plan to purchase a number of ecoli test kits early next year that will be made available to residents to test the water in their coves and creeks. We will also provide training on how to use the kits and report the results. We also suggest that property owners regularly have their septic systems checked and pumped out. Every three years is recommended. As for weed control, our efforts to support the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council are well documented. We will continue to support re-vegetation efforts and complete our annual aquatic plant survey. In addition, we will continue to emphasize the value of our lake properties to our county governments and the need to preserve that value through contributions to weed control funding. Weed control is always a priority topic during our Annual Five-County Forum and in our annual budget consideration letters to each of the Boards. Members are encouraged to support this effort by corresponding with their Commissioners/Supervisors and expressing their support for full funding. As fall rapidly approaches, there is one last area where members can help both our water quality and weed control efforts. While Mother Nature will doubtless put a quantity of leaves in our lake and its coves, property owners are asked not to supplement her efforts by blowing their leaves and grass clippings into the lake. First, when this debris eventually rots, it will become sediment and could eventually fill in a shallow cove. Second, the nutrients in the debris help to feed aquatic plants, especially hydrilla and the algae Lyngbya. This black slimy and smelly algae is a skin irritant and is becoming an increasing problem in our lake. To date there is no identified treatment. Additionally, as you make plans to do your fall fertilizing, we suggest you omit your waterfront lawns that don’t have natural barriers to prevent runoff, or use an all natural fertilizer. This will also help keep unwanted nutrients out of the water. Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at Environment@LakeGastonAssoc.com Government Relations Update The committee is closely following the Virginia uranium mining issue and is working on the recent proliferation of signs in Warren County through the Planning Board and the Citizens Advisory Council. The Committee is also analyzing the results of the 2012 LGA Survey to determine priorities for the coming year. Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at GovernmentRelations@LakeGastonAssoc.com. Attention Ferncliff, Laura Woods, & Timbuctu members Your 2013 dues will be coming to us via your Home Owner Association Treasurer You will not be receiving renewal notices from us. October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 3 2013 Membership Drives are underway Our 2013 Membership drive started on September 1 with our first two new members signing up at the LittletonLake Gaston Festival at the LGA booth. We also had one current member who renewed for 2013 that day. During early September our mass mailing went out to property owners on Lake Gaston in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton & Warren counties inviting them to join the LGA. By the time you read the October/November 2012 Bulletin, your neighbors who are not LGA members should have received our letter asking them to join. Please help us by encouraging them to join and letting them know why you support us by being a member. Thank you. A similar membership drive is underway to bring in new businesses to the LGA where members of our Marketing & Membership Committee visit local Lake Gaston businesses and ask them to join us. New Household members & Businesses joining the LGA from September 1st onwards, get the rest of this year through the following year. Our membership year runs from January 1st thru December 31st; renewal notices are sent out during the beginning of October; reminder notices the first week of January; and members whose dues are still outstanding do not receive their February/March Bulletin until they renew. In February those members still outstanding are called by LGA directors to ascertain if they really didn’t want to renew, and that’s O.K., but in the majority of cases our members forgot & welcomed the reminder; or there had been a death; they were moving; or phone was not in service. In the past several years we have had a 10 per cent loss of members each year. This October we will be mailing 1,315 renewal notices to Households & Businesses. We send them out in October to avoid the busy upcoming holiday season. We are generally down to the last four hundred when the reminders go out in January. If you have some spare time on your hands and you would like to join the Marketing & Membership Committee we would love to have you. Sit in on one of Committee meetings and get an idea of what we are working on. You can do that with any of the LGA committees. Look at the Committee grid for meeting days and times. “Try before you decide.” Come support us at the 16th Annual Taste of Brunswick Festival on Saturday, October 13, at the Southside Virginia Community College, Christanna Campus, Alberta, VA 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the LGA booth will be the place to be! Monthly Marketing & Membership Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. You don’t have to be a Marketing guru, just someone who wants to help and has about 5-10 hours a month to spare. Contact them at MarketingMembership@LakeGastonAssoc.com October 3, 2012 - LGA monthly meeting 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church (1 mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge on Hwy 903) Guest Speaker: John Campbell, Chairman of the Board for WasteZero, Inc. Topic: WasteZero has been partnering with municipalities for over 20 years, delivering the most effective waste reduction programs in the United States. WasteZero Trash Metering™ programs save money, increase recycling, and reduce waste being sent to landfills … more than 44% annually. Today more than 850 communities have diverted more than 3 million tons of waste and saved $200 million in costs with WasteZero solutions. WasteZero has recently moved its corporate headquarters to Raleigh, NC and has offices in Chicago, Cambridge, MA and South Carolina. Mr. Campbell has a home on Lake Gaston in Littleton, NC. Also: Got a lake-related issue or concern that the LGA should be working on? There will be time allotted on the agenda to present those concerns to the LGA Board. And, catch up with what the Committees are working on. The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so gather up your neighbors and come join the LGA for an informative meeting. For more information contact info@lakegastonassoc.com or call (252) 586-6577 or toll free 1-888-586-6577. Make a date to join us on October 3 . Page 4 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Volunteer Survey is underway – more volunteers needed Our Volunteer Aquatic Plant Survey is well underway and we hope to cover the entire lake shoreline (405 miles) again this year. However, there are still several areas to be surveyed that haven’t been spoken for yet. These include the area from Eaton Ferry Bridge east along the north shore to Lizard Creek, and most areas from the Bridge west along both the north and south shorelines. If you have some time to spend on the water, we could use your help, particularly in those areas. Contact Bruce Johnson by email at blmsjohnson@earthlink.net or (252) 535-7878. Bruce will provide individual training for volunteers and has all the equipment you will need to complete the work. One or two leisurely afternoons is about all you will need to complete an area. If you are a new volunteer, you will also receive an Aquatic Weeds Pocket Identification Guide, a $15 value. The Guide has pictures and descriptions of all the plants you will find in Lake Gaston. We intend to finish the survey by the end of October. Some interesting notes from the survey so far: Our earliest documented Lake Gaston non-native invasive plant – Brazilian Elodea – is alive and well especially west of the I-85 Bridge. Bruce reports “It completely covers the littoral zone, and is so thick that turtles “haul out” on it to sun themselves and hydrilla “struggles” to find the “light of day”. Remember several years ago Dominion drew down the lake to treat Brazilian Elodea and it was significantly reduced but was rapidly replaced by Hydrilla. Some Elodea can still be found in other parts of the lake so keep an eye out for it on your rake samples. So far, Lyngbya has been documented in several areas including 14 rake samples in Poe Creek. See the Environment Update in this Bulletin for more on this nasty plant. It appears that hydrilla returned with a vengeance this year in areas publicly treated with Fluridone last year. More evidence that consecutive year treatments are needed to reduce the tuber banks and stall re-growth. If you see a bright red plant growing along the banks, it is Cardinal Flower. This is a great time to be out on the lake. The weather is pleasant and interference from other boaters is minimal. Wildlife is abundant, including Osprey, Bald Eagles, Otters and an occasional family of deer. Take a camera along with your survey gear and snap some pictures. Neighborhood Watch – Looking out for your neighbors Another busy year at the lake just about over. Caution! Those who might wish to do us harm are still around, and criminals will still be criminals even in the winter. Now that the week-enders are making fewer trips is a good time for HOAs to tighten up their watch procedures and make special efforts to insure that all homes avoid that abandoned look. Notice I said “all”. In our recent 2012 Opinion Survey, the results to the question “Does your sub-division or community have a Neighborhood Watch Program?” 60% said their sub-division or community did not have a Neighborhood Watch Program and 61% said they were not aware that the LGA will provide Neighborhood Watch training. This is to be an area of emphasis for the Public Safety Committee in the coming months. Some proactive suggestions for you to consider for your neighborhood. Just as one house in a neighborhood with a broken window can make the whole area look run down, so can one house with an overgrown yard or phonebooks stacked on the front porch, make a subdivision look ripe for picking for burglars. So, get your HOA board together, divide up the empty houses. Make sure that every empty house has someone looking out for it. Inform the owners who their “angel” is and hopefully they will form a relationship. Putting some lights on timers and parking a car (even an old one) in the driveway is good practice. The “angels” should check the outside (all sides) frequently, and pick up things that would give the impression that the owners are away. This is not hard. I look after three homes. I give them an e-mail after storms, letting them know of any damage, or that there was no damage. When there is somebody at the house that I don’t recognize, I walk over and say hello. If they don’t introduce themselves, I politely ask them who they are. I have not had to call the sheriff yet, but would do so if I was not satisfied that the visitors were legit. These things are all little things that may not prevent the next burglary in your subdivision. But, then again it just might. Want to look into starting a Neighborhood Watch program? Need help selling the idea to your neighbors? Email us at the address below, or contact the office at (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577 and we will help you get started. The Public Safety Committee meets the second Friday at 8:30 AM at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill. The public is invited to attend. Contact them at safety@lakegastonassoc.com October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 5 Third Annual Lake Clean-up Event scheduled for June 1, 2013 Mark your calendars and plan now to be at the lake and participate in the LGA’s Third Annual “Take Pride in Lake Gaston” lake wide Lake Clean-up Day on Saturday, June 1, 2013. After a busy Memorial Day holiday weekend, we expect that there will be plenty of trash to collect from our Lake Gaston shorelines. We will need everyone’s help in getting the lake ready for the remainder of the summer season. Your Lake Clean-Up Committee is in the planning stages now to make this the largest event ever and we need your help. Encourage your subdivision leadership to participate by signing up to clean up your area shoreline and roads. Last year we had 32 subdivisions sign up, and we would like to expand that number to cover more of the lake next year. If you are not in a subdivision, gather your neighbors together and plan to clean up your area shorelines and roads. We would also like to encourage lake organizations to be involved. Islands where folks congregate and bridge/tunnel areas in particular are areas that an organization could sign up to clean up. Let us know your plans to participate as soon as possible, and we encourage you to be part of the planning process and provide your suggestions and ideas by email at lakecleanup@lakegastonassoc.com or come join us at our monthly planning meetings. Monthly Lake Cleanup Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at LakeCleanup@LakeGastonAssoc.com. From the desk of the Executive Director I sound like a broken record when I start my article with woes of how the time is going by so fast. I know I can’t do anything about it, but can you believe holiday preparations are around the corner? I do love the fall season at Lake Gaston. I’m told that with the rain we’ve had this year, it will make the foliage really colorful – get those cameras out. Imagine fall sunsets on the lake with a beautiful backdrop of autumn leaves. Can’t wait. In September I did assume chairmanship of the Marketing & Membership Committee. I’ve always been on that committee because I do manage the membership database, the mechanics of the membership drives, the renewal process, and the new member welcome letters. Generally we would have a LGA director as chair but after Bill LaMonte moved to South Carolina, Doug Hughes assumed the chair in the interim, and until we have another LGA director to step in, it made sense for me to chair the committee in the meantime. Of our total membership of 1,499, renewal notices will be going to 1,315 households and businesses at the beginning of October for their 2013 dues. The renewal notices will be going out by U.S. mail. Not all our members have email. You may ask why we don’t email renewal notices to those that do, it’s a good question. As you know, each renewal notice contains information from the member’s database record which is unique to that member. The information is an opportunity to let us know of changes to their membership record. The form is returned with payment & any changes noted thereon. The form and check go for data entry and the membership record is updated. We are mindful to keep our member’s database information confidential to us. The process we use is working for us. The generation of the renewal notices is an effortless Word mail merge with the database records, one document results with all the renewal notices in it that is emailed to C-Line Graphics for printing & mailing in window envelopes. In future years we may be able to electronically send our renewal notices, that possibility we do need to investigate. Our concerns are keeping the data secure; maintaining the confidentiality of the email addresses; maintaining the process of data entry; not causing our members extra work by making it easier for us; whatever software is needed to generate individual electronic renewal notices needs to work with our Access database & has to be less than our current costs for paper, printing & postage. Happy Thanksgiving!! If you are traveling, please be safe. . Moira LGA NEEDS YOU! Your Lake Gaston Association is in need of directors. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. Directors are currently needed in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, and Warren counties. Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, Nominating@LakeGastonAssoc.com . Page 6 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 A message from the LGA Nominating Committee Congratulations! Al Potter for being elected President of the LGA. We look forward to working with him in the coming days and years. The Nominating Committee is currently looking for individuals to fill several positions and the position of VicePresident is open. The work of the LGA is carried out by a 25-member volunteer Board of Directors. We currently have no Director to represent Halifax County. Warren County has 3 Directors, Northampton 5, Brunswick County, VA 3 and Mecklenburg, VA 1. We are reaching out to the membership to fill these positions. I became a member of the LGA through an invitation. Being involved in the community and wanting what is best, caused me to attend county government meetings. If we are to maintain what we have within our community, we must become involved. One voice does make a difference. What does it take to be a Director? (8-10 hrs. per month), I will not use the word easy, but I will say, dedication, determination and a made up mind that I want to make my community the best, safest place to live. You are welcome to sit in on any of our committee meetings and decide what is best for you. Join us the first (1) Wednesday of each month, (Lake Gaston Baptist Church, (across from Subway), to see what is being done and what can be done. If you would like more information you can contact Clarence M. Drumgoole, Chair of the Nominating Committee at (252) 533-2929 or email, Nominating@LakeGastonAssoc.com . LGA & John 3:16 Center's 2012 Toy Drive The Lake Gaston Association will again join The John 3:16 Center in their Annual Toy Collection Drive in support of their Christmas Outreach program to provide gifts for approximately 160 local children. Collection boxes will be placed in several businesses around the area, Lake Area ... Healing Kneads (Stanley Rd, Henrico): Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer (River Rd); Ace Hardware Store Lake Gaston (Elams Rd); BB&T (Food Lion shopping center); Subway Lake Gaston (across from Lake Gaston Baptist Church); The Pointe (Morningstar Marina); Betty Lou’s Hair Salon (Gasburg); Littleton .... W.C. Billy Jones Memorial Library (Town Center complex Hwy 158); & BB&T. The Toy Drive will conclude at our December 5 LGA monthly meeting at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church where toy collection boxes will be available between 9:30 a.m. and noon. Wrapping will begin at the Center December 17th21st.The Center asks that all gifts be new and unwrapped. They do not distribute any toy weapons of any kind. Gender-neutral gifts are always good: puzzles (under 500 pieces), books, board games, coloring books, baby's toys, etc. They have had children registered from 1 month old to 16 years old. Every child gets a book, so appropriate books for different age levels (books boys may enjoy are often hardest to find) will be appreciated. Balls, dolls (ethnically diverse), art supplies, craft/model kits, small handheld electronic games, toy cars and trucks, watches or inexpensive jewelry for older children, etc. also are typical of the types of gifts given in the past. John 3:16 recommends that we limit the cost of any gifts to under $15 & that most of the items listed can be found for $10 or less. If you would like to send a tax deductible donation instead, please make checks payable to The John 3:16 Center, Memo: Christmas Toy Drive and mail to The John 3:16 Center, P.O. Box 1541, Littleton, NC 27850. These donations help with the cost of purchasing clothing for each child. Your help in bringing a smile to a child’s face Christmas morning will be sincerely appreciated. For more information, call the LGA Office at (252) 586-6577, or The John 3:16 Center at (252) 586-1800. Wanted Gift Wrappers No experience necessary – on the job training! Join the LGA directors and the many volunteers who will be wrapping Christmas presents at The John 3:16 Center from December 17th thru 21st between 10am and 6pm or until all gifts are wrapped. At 407 East End Rd, Littleton, NC 27850 (next to Hagwoods Car Wash) Call (252) 586-1800 for more information & to sign up for a time convenient to you October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 7 2013 Budget of estimated expenses for review by LGA members The proposed budget for FY 2013 (below) is for our members’ review. If you have any comments please send them to treasurer@lakegastonassoc.com , or mail them to LGA, P.O. Box 656, Littleton, NC 27850, to be received by October 31. The Board of Directors will vote to approve or not at the monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 7. The approved budget will be included in the December/January 2013 Bulletin. A report on the FY 2012 closeout and Performance of FY 2012 to January 1, 2013 will be given at the January 2, monthly meeting. Draft LGA 2013 Budget Plan Income 2011 Carry Forward 2012 Carry Forward 2012 Dues 2013 Dues Clothing/Hat sales Transfer from Prepaid Dues Total 2012 Income Total 2013 Income 2012 Plan 2012 Actual (Proj) 3500 3095.13 9,000 10,042 10 27,000 39,510 21.00 27,848 41,006 2013 Plan 3,500 9,000 20 27,000 39,520 Expenses Admin Annual Meeting Chambers of Commerce Directors' Retreat Nominating Activity President Venues Vice President Website Maintenance Total Administration 300 250 300 0 200 800 50 300 2,200 110 230 0 0 444 830 0 339 1,953 200 250 300 0 300 800 50 350 2,250 Environmental LEMs Training and Gear Travel and Forums Weeds Symposia & Forums Revegetation Support Water Testing Kits Total Environmental 300 300 200 0 0 800 150 106.73 409 0 0 666 200 300 400 300 250 1,450 Executive Director Bulletins Database Maintenance Office Space Rent Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Internet Total 14,000 6,000 800 1,200 700 400 1,400 24,500 14,000 4,675 800 1,200 700 275 1,350 23,000 14,000 5,500 800 1,200 700 400 1,400 24,000 Government Relations 5 County Forum Lobbyist Registration Political Forums Total Government Relations 500 50 750 1,300 563 50 400 1,013 575 50 500 1,125 (Continued on page 8) Page 8 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Draft LGA 2013 Budget Plan 2012 Plan 2012 Actual (Proj) 2013 Plan Lake Cleanup Acknowledgements Publicity Food and Beverages Total Lake Cleanup 400 500 0 900 0 400 0 400 400 500 400 1,300 Marketing and Membership Advertising Giveaways Brochures Membership Applications New Member Drive Membership Certificates Recognition Certificates Renewal Letters Billboards (was signs) Yard Signs Total M&M 1,450 350 0 400 4,200 0 100 800 1,400 0 8,700 1,410 619 0 0 4,000 0 0 800 1,000 0 7,829 1,450 100 400 0 4,000 100 0 800 840 200 7,890 Safety EM Forum Breakfast Mtgs VA and NC Safe Boating Alliances Neighborhood Watch Materials Total Safety 200 250 115 565 0 0 0 0 200 350 115 665 Treasurer Bank Charges and Fees IRS Form 990 and 1099 Prep Postage Software Total Treasurer 35 350 0 110 495 35 350 0 107 492 100 385 45 125 655 Total Expenses 39,460 35,353 39,335 Overall Total 50 5,653 185 (LGA membership year is January 1 – December 31) 1,315 membership renewal notices for 2013 will be mailed the beginning of October to beat the holiday mail Thank you for being valued members and We hope you will continue your LGA membership October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 9 Calendar notes … Oct 3 - LGA monthly meeting, 9:30 - noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Oct 3 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-2396 Oct 5,6,7*,13,14* – “Dixie Swim Club”, 8 pm, *2:30 p.m. Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 Oct 6 – Halifax Co. Harvest Days, 9-5 p.m. Halifax County 4-H Rural Life Center (252) 583-5161 Oct 6 – 27th Seafood Festival, 1 – 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, 139 Stanley Rd. (252) 586-4722 Oct 9 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Oct 11 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Oct 11 – Chris Young in Concert, 8 p.m. The Royal Palace Theater, Roanoke Rapids (252) 536-5577 Oct 12 – Lorrie Morgan, 8 p.m. The Royal Palace Theater, Roanoke Rapids (252) 536-5577 Oct 13 – Taste of Brunswick Festival, 10 – 5 p.m. SVCC, Alberta VA (434) 848-3154 Oct 19 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Oct 19,20,21*,26,27 - “Little Shop of Horrors,” 8 p.m. *2:30 pm Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Oct 27 – Fall for the Arts, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Lake Gaston homes www.osail.org Oct 27 – Clarence Carter & Percy Sledge in Concert, 8 p.m. The Royal Palace Theater, Roanoke Rapids (252) 536-5577 Oct 31 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 Nov 2,3 - “Little Shop of Horrors,” 8 p.m. *2:30 pm Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Nov 7 - LGA monthly meeting, 9:30 - noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Nov 7 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-2396 Nov 8 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Nov 13 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Nov 16 – Marty Stuart in Concert, 8 p.m. The Royal Palace Theater, Roanoke Rapids (252) 536-5577 Nov 17 – Legacy Motown Show, 8 p.m. The Royal Palace Theater, Roanoke Rapids (252) 536-5577 Nov 22 - Happy Thanksgiving! Dec 6,7,8*,13,14,16,21,22 – “A Christmas Carol,” 8 p.m.*2:30 pm Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Dec 15 – “Lakeland Singers Christmas Concert.” 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 www.lakegastonchamber.com www.warren-chamber.org www.northamptonchamber.org www.visithalifax.com www.southhillchamber.com www.brunswickchamber.com Medoc Mountain State Park website (Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link) LGA Monthly Committee Meetings: Committee Public Safety Marketing & Membership Government Relations Environment Lake Clean Up Meeting Day 2nd Friday 3rd Thursday 3rd Monday 3rd Wednesday Last Wednesday Time 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am Location Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC Page 10 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 11 Page 12 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued… Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued… Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 13 Page 14 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued… Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued..... Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 15 Page 16 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 17 Page 18 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 19 Page 20 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm October/November 2012 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Page 21 Page 22 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN October/November 2012 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm