Our focus is your success
Our focus is your success
Our focus is your success APIS | INTERMEDIATES | FINISHED DOSAGE FORMS | REGULATORY EXPERTISE | SCIENTIFIC PROFICIENCY LOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 3,3-TETRAMETHYLENEGLUTARIMIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROC FONAMIDE - SODIUM BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDINOL - BIS-(2 CHLOROETHYL)-AMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 6-A ISOTHIAZOLE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPYRIDINE - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 5-BROMOPHTHALID RATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDINOL - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPYRIDINE TARIMIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 5-BROMOPHTHALIDE - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-H NOL - BIS-(2 CHLOROETHYL)-AMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 6-AMINO-2-CHLOROPYRIDINE - 5-AMINO-2-NITROBENZOTRIFLUORIDE - 4-CHLO HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPYRIDINE - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - SODIUM BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHE About Flavine Flavine fine chemistry | 03 Since 1975, Flavine International has been linking advanced API manufacturers with markets and pharmaceutical companies. We are thriving to add value to the business of both suppliers and customers by locating and developing quality manufacturers and opening up new markets. Our team invests time and assets to assist with regulatory compliance of our manufacturing partners in order to ensure swift development of new products and on time deliveries on a long term basis. 2-CHLOROET ETHYLAMINE Our focus is your success NOPYRIDINE - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)HYDROCHLORIDE - 3,3-TETRA Notre engagement au service de votre succès IDE - 5-BRO- OPHTHALIDE - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-HYDROXYBENZOPHENONE - 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)-BENZENESULFONAMIDE - SODIUM TYRATE Nuestro enfoque está en vuestro éxito -AMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 6-AMINO-2-CHLOROPYRIDINE - 5-AMI- -2-NITROBENZOTRIFLUORIDE - 4-CHLORO-5-SULFAMOYLSALICYLIC ACID - 3-(1-PIPERAZINYL)-1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2- LO Il nostro obiettivo è il vostro successo NISIL - 4-(4-C - 3-(4-CHLORO Ihr Erfolg ist unser Ziel IUM BUTYRATE ETHYLENEGLUTARIMIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2- LOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 5-BROMOPHTHALIDE - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-HYDROXYBENZOPHENONE Flavines’ objective remains simple: to grow and be a reliable partner for both our customers and suppliers. Through our vast international team, its expertise and knowledge, we identify capable manufacturers and introduce them on the regulated market. Flavine has a clear strategic business orientation; our flexible structure allows us to meet customers’ requirements and at the same time manage on-demand product development. Being at the forefront is the core for our Finished Dosage Forms activity. We are always exploring novel technologies and market advantages that will provide a competitive edge and marketing differentiation to our customers. In managing our business, we put our best resources with experienced personnel. Innovation, excellence, and integrity are our focus to be at the forefront in serving the pharmaceutical industry. “Flavine’s fine chemistry is working for your success“ Flavine, providing expertise… Flavine fine chemistry | 05 Shaping the future… …through our global presence About Flavine …through a history of experience Munich Shanghai New Jersey 1975 Flavine International Inc. was established in the United States New Delhi 1999 Flavine Europe began EDQM qualifications for manufacturers 2006 Flavine Pharma was set up in New Delhi/ India 1976 2004 2010 Flavine Europe started its operations in Germany Flavine Shanghai was established Flavine celebrates its 35th anniversary ➤ International logistics and GMP compliant Warehousing ➤ 150 successful USFDA and EDQM inspections ➤ Holder of an Import License for pharmaceuticals and Wholesaler ➤ More than 140 APIs and Intermediates License for Finished Dosage Forms ➤ 30 manufacturing partners ➤ Over 100 finished Dosage Forms ➤ 50 employees, with more than 10 different nationalities About Flavine Flavine fine chemistry | 07 Adding Value 35 years of experience in locating and developing quality manufacturers. -(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPYRIDINE - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - N-(2- HLOROE We are your bridge to… TETRAMETHYLENEGLUTARIMIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HY- ROCHLORIDE - 5-BROMOPHTHALIDE - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-HYDROXYBENZOPHENONE - 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)- ENZENESULFONAMIDE - APIs BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDINOL - BIS-(2 CHLOROETHYL)-AMINE YDROCHLORIDE - 6-AMINO-2-CHLOROPYRIDINE - 5-AMINO-2-NITROBENZOTRIFL Finished Dosage Forms ACID 3-(1-PIPERAZINYL)-1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPY- IDINE - 3-(4 Intermediates RAMETHYLENEGLUTARIMIDE - ANHYDRIDE - SODIUM BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDINOL - 3,3-TE- N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE Strategically spread acrosss the globe, Flavine is able to serve customers worldwide. Providing expertise in the value chain of pharmaceuticals through global strategic sourcing of APIs, Intermediates and Finished Dosage Forms. Regulatory and Quality compliance, ensuring swift development of projects and on-time delivery. With extensive knowledge of EUGMP and USFDA regulatory requirements, we assist our manufacturing partners for successful inspections. Our well trained supply staff understands the intricacies resulting into an all-inclusive logistics up to your door. Flavine in North America Flavine North America 10 Reuten Drive, Closter, New Jersey 07624, USA Phone: [+1] 201-768-4190 Fax: [+1] 201-768-2854 flavine-northamerica@flavine.com Flavine in Europe Flavine Europe GmbH Grillparzer Str. 16 81675 Munich, Germany Phone: [+49] 89-939-967-0 Fax: [+49] 89-939-967-19 flavine-europe@flavine.com Flavine in China Flavine Shanghai Co., Ltd. Room 2401, Sino Life Tower No. 707 Zhangyang Rd., Pudong Shanghai 200120, China Phone: [+86] 21-389-208-30 Fax: [+86] 21-389-208-35 flavine-china@flavine.com Flavine in India Flavine Pharma F-148 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi- 76, India Phone: [+91] 99-5884-1212 flavine-india@flavine.com N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 4-AMINOPYRIDINE - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - N-(2-CHL DE - 5-BROMOPHTHALIDE - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-HYDROXYBENZOPHENONE - 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)-BENZENESULF 2-CHLOROPYRIDINE - 5-AMINO-2-NITROBENZOTRIFLUORIDE - 4-CHLORO-5-SULFAMOYLSALICYLIC ACID - 3-(1-PIPERAZINYL)-1,2-BENZI GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - SODIUM BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDINOL - 3,3-TETRAMETHYLENEGLUTARIMIDE - N - 4-CHLORO-3-SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID - 4-HYDROXYBENZOPHENONE - 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)-BENZENESULFONAMIDE - SODIUM BUTYR - 3-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-GLUTARIC ANHYDRIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE - 3,3-TETRAMETHYLENEGLUTA ROXYBENZOPHENONE - 4-(2-AMINOETHYL)-BENZENESULFONAMIDE - SODIUM BUTYRATE – ANISIL - 4-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4-PIPERIDIN 5-SULFAMOYLSALICYLIC ACID - 3-(1-PIPERAZINYL)-1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLE HYDROCHLORIDE - N-(2-CHLOROETHYL)-DIMETHYLAMINE H WWW.FLAVINE.COM