Annual Report


Annual Report
Human and Institutional Development
Foreword from the Director
Introduction to HID Forum
Highlights of the past year
Organisational Change through Accompaniment
Training and Capacity Building
Research and Documentation
Support to other Organizations / Consulting
Financial information of the year 2010-11
Compliance Report - Credibility Alliance Norms
List of Tables
Table 1. Details of HID Fellowships
Table 2. Capacity Building of HIDF Staff
Table 3. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2011
Table 4. Income & Expenditure Account for period of 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011
Table 5. Governance : Details of Governing Body Members 2010 - 11
List Of Figures
Fig. 1. HID Forum’s Constituency
Fig. 2. HID Forum’s Constituency and Strategies
Fig. 3. Percentage of expenses - Programme Interventions
Foreword from the Director
I am glad to present the Annual Report of Human and Institutional Development Forum for the year 2010-11.
We believe that HID contributes critically to the strengthening of internal democracy at the organizational as well as at the
societal levels. The capacity building programme on strengthening organizational governance and our efforts to build a
resource pool for facilitating people centered advocacy represent that spectrum. HIDF would continue to focus efforts to
further strengthen these initiatives. While our support to organizational change processes is taking roots, HIDF is slowly
gearing towards scaling up of interventions.
Our work with Azim Premji Foundation provided an unique opportunity to deepen our understanding on critical institutional
building challenges of the education system. We are looking forward to initiate such efforts in different sectors.
Organizationally, we crossed a milestone after moving in to our own space. We would like to acknowledge the foresight of
founders and support provided by everyone. We are especially thankful to Janvikas and MISEREOR, without their support this
dream would have been difficult to realize. We do hope that the vibrancy of the new place will further energize our
engagement with our constituency.
Finally I would like to acknowledge all the love and support we received from partner organizations, resource persons,
associates, fellows and all other stake holders.
Thanks to all of you.
Haritha Sarma
Executive Director
HID Forum, Bangalore
The three domains in which HID Forum
works in
Introduction to HID Forum
Established in 2000, Human and Institutiona l
Development Forum is a capacity building organization
located in Bengaluru. HIDF works with individuals,
groups, organizations and networks associated with the
development sector across India towards enhancing
their efficiency and effectiveness. In doing so, we aim to
contribute towards building a just and democratic
The Primary Tasks of HID Forum
Developing and strengthening HID capacities in
individuals and organisations in their complex role
of empowering disadvantaged communities.
l Promoting the relevance of HID in development
l Exploring the conceptual and methodological base of
HID based on experiences and by appropriating
best practices from the environment
l Providing
organizational change support through
This domain of work involves working with organizations in
identifying change needs and strengthening their effectiveness.
The focus of this work will be predominantly organizations
involved in grass root level action.
Building people's competencies towards enhancing
efficiency and effectiveness of social change work.
This domain is about creating learning opportunities for people
to gain and enhance relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to
perform their roles more effectively. This in turn enables
individuals to locate the change needs and facilitate change
processes at self and organizational levels. Hence individuals
become sources of and resources for change. HIDF networks
with other support organizations in offering competencybuilding programmes.
Research and knowledge building
This enables us to explore themes and methodologies related to
institution building processes (such as leadership, gender
mainstreaming, methodologies in organizational change
facilitation and management) in different contexts. This
informs our work and helps develop a knowledge base on
HID Forum works with individuals and organisations involved in building a just, gender sensitive and democratic society.
Fig 1. HID Forum’s Constituency
Development workers,
OD practitioners,
Organisational leaders, and
Citizen leaders
CBOs / Federations,
Networks and alliances,
Academic institutions,
Trade unions of the unorganized
sector workers,
· CSR Organizations,
· GNGOs / Government Departments
(e.g. Education Dept)
· Bilateral & multilateral organizations
Fig 1: HID Forum’s Constituency and Strategies
Change and
Building People’s
Individuals and
involved in building a
just, gender
sensitive and
democratic society
Networking with
Other Support
Research and
Highlights of the past year
l Many of our programmatic interventions touched upon the area
of NGO governance. Communicating the importance of
focusing on governance, that governance is a critical institutionbuilding issue and supporting organisations in looking at and
strengthening governance has come to be part of HIDF's
l Through our CLM- resource person building programme, we
have begun to successfully convey the need for people centered
advocacy. There has been a great response to the programme
from participants and it has created resource persons who
enable people-centered decision making processes at village
and Gram Sabha levels. This programme has a great potential to
emerge as important programmatic intervention of HIDF.
l The work of an individual supported through our fellowship
programme has evolved into the formation of an active network
with a mandate to support and advocate proper implementation
of SCP.
l The 4th GRC offered by HID Forum had an enhanced response
with over 30 individuals participating.
l The third Organisational Change Facilitation programme offered
was a revised version incorporating changes that emerged from
its review.
l HIDF continued to be involved in the strengthening of GRAKOOS,
an emerging union of farmer labourers in Karnataka, increasing
our understanding of the agricultural sector and
l The HID Fellowship programme while building competencies
to identify and anchor change processes has also boosted a
strong sense of leadership among participants.
Support to
Organisational Change Through Accompaniment
This domain of our work involves working with organizations
in identifying change needs and enhancing their
effectiveness. These planned processes of change are
facilitated through the approach of accompaniment.
Accompaniment is participatory, involving HID Forum and the
client organisation working in partnership towards achieving
the desired change. It involves dialogue, designing
interventions, giving support in implementation and providing
feed back towards addressing the development needs of the
During the last year, HIDF accompanied 10 different organisations
through processes of change. Some of the notable ones are:
QUEST Alliance, Bengaluru
Our engagement with this NGO which works towards improving the
quality of education through the medium of effective educational
technologies, began in 2008 with HID Forum incubating the
organisation, providing support in building its vision, strategies,
and programmes. In the last year, it mainly involved providing
support in strengthening QUEST Alliance's financial management
and administrative system. Through our support and providing of
recommendations, QUEST Alliance has reviewed and revised its
existing policies and procedures.
Samara and Sadhane, Bengaluru
Samara and Sadhane are community organisations working on
issues related to sexuality minority communities and female sex
workers in various parts of Karnataka. The need for OD
interventions in these two organisations was initially suggested by
Sangama. Sangama is a sexuality minorities' human rights
organization working for individuals oppressed due to their sexual
preference. While the OD process with Samara was put on hold on
request of the organisation, through our engagement, Sadhane
was able to develop a new documentation or information
maintenance system and gained some tips on proposal writing. The
OD process with Sadhane is ongoing with a series of interventions
CIVIDEP, Bengaluru
Our work with CIVIDEP, Bengaluru an organisation that works with
workers of garment, information and communication /electronics
industry which began in 2009 and involved facilitating a strategic
planning process came to a mutually decided close in 2010; the
organisation had other issues of higher priority to look into. An
important outcome of our intervention to the extent that it
happened was that issues related with authority and leadership
which had been subcutaneous for perhaps a considerable time was
able to surface.
CREA, Delhi
HIDF supported CREA Delhi, a feminist human rights organization
in developing a monitoring and evaluation system/framework for
one of its initiatives to work on building community based
leadership (IBTIDA). The M & E framework was developed with
complete partnership of the member of IBTIDA and it appears to be
being applied rather effectively by them in their work. Using the
framework, the impact of CREA's capacity building programmes
can be seen at the organisation and community levels. The
accompaniment process came to an end in 2010.
GRAKOOS, Karnataka
HIDF has been partnering with GRAKOOS, a state level union of
unorganized workers in rural areas in strengthening itself. Our
accompaniment has resulted in the union's core group members
gaining various perspectives of importance and relevance to their
role such as democratic set up in India, conflicts, Jamindari system,
labour rights, social security, education, culture, industrial
revolution and NREGA etc. At the organisational level, GRAKOOS
has been able to clarify its goals and objectives, structure and OD
needs for further strengthening.
CCN, Vishakapatnam
Community Coordination Network is an organization working for
the empowerment of tribal people in the Andhra, Orissa border
areas. HIDF had undertaken an OD need assessment study the
previous year. As a continuation a vision building and strategizing
workshop was facilitated during 13th to 15th April 2010.The
learning process was based on AI methodology.
Ashadeep, Assam
HIDF is providing institutional building support to Ashadeep for the
past one year. Ashadeep is an organization working from Guwahati
specially focusing on psychosocial rehabilitation of persons with
mental illness. For HIDF, the interaction with Ashadeep started with
a participatory organizational analysis conducted in April 2010. The
purpose of the visit was “towards exploring and drawing attention
of Ashadeep to the areas organizationally that are going well and
those areas that require some change for the better, for the path
Ashadeep has now decided to focus towards future.” The report
made many recommendations to strengthen Ashadeep's strategy,
human resources management & development and different
Azim Premji Foundation, Karnataka
Azim Premji Foundation (APF) is a not-for-profit organization,
operational since 2001, with a vision to “Significantly contribute to
achieve quality universal education that facilitates a just, equitable
and sustainable society”. APF has launched a pilot Institutional
Capacity Development (ICD) project in Mandya district. It
approached HID Forum to “support the institutional capacity
building processes to be implemented by the Mandya ICD Team in
the field of primary education.” The envisaged role of HIDF is to
1. Provide support to the ICD team in designing and planning the
ICD initiatives, and
2. Provide inputs to build the competencies of the team in
institutional development.
HIDF facilitated workshops on building OD perspectives, carried out
a competency assessment process, and evolved a training manual
on visioning, role clarity and alignment.
Dalit Bahujana Chaluvali, Karnataka
Dalit Bahujana Chaluvali is a Bengaluru based Dalit group working
for the collectivization and political action of Dalits. HIDF facilitated
a two day workshop on vision building and strategizing for DBC.
ANT (Action Northeast Trust), Assam
ANT is an organisation working in lower Assam, in a Bododominated area for past 10 years. The organisation is headed by
husband and wife team, Jennifer Liang and Dr. Sunil Kaul. ANT has
done impressive work in the areas of community health,
organizing women, creating a weavers group ( a separate
organisation now), working on health (the model has been
innovated and later up-scaled as ASHA Volunteers by the central
government), opening a store in Indiranagar, Bengaluru for
promotion of North East Culture in South India.
In continuation to an ongoing strategic planning process, ANT
requested HIDF to collaborate with the existing OD consultant in
designing and facilitating a three day strategic planning exercise in
Guwahati. During this period, a board colloquium was held to look
at strengthening of ANT's governance and to decide broad strategic
directions that the organization would be taking.
Thamate, Karnataka
The head of Thamate was supported by HID Forum through a
fellowship, to explore gaps in the implementation of the Special
Component Plan. Thamate is an organisation that works for Dalits in
Tumkur District. Following the study, HID Forum supported
Thamate in conducting a series of awareness programmes on the
existence of the Special Component Plan to its beneficiaries. The
findings of his research study were also shared during these
programmes. In addition, HID Forum provided support in designing
and printing posters and handbills on the SC Plan which are
distributed at these programmes. The posters will be displayed at
SHG Meeting places, GP Offices and other relevant places.
Training and Capacity Building
Training and capacity building is about strengthening individuals'
capacities in their roles as change agents in organisational and
institutional settings. While training is a part of accompaniment
processes, HIDF also designs, organizes and facilitates open
learning events on themes relevant to HID.
In the last year, HIDF continued to offer several of its programmes
such as the GRC, OCF programme and HID Fellowship programme.
The trend of the previous year, of predominantly designing and
offering multi modular programmes continued. New entrants into
our list of capacity building programmes offered include two
programmes on the theme of governance and a programme to build
leadership among staff of Dalit organisations.
Multi-modular programmes
Community Learning Movement - Resource Person
Building Programme
Adapted from the Community Learning Movement Programme that
has been initiated and supported by NCAS, HID Forum designed
and offered a programme to develop a resource pool of individuals
who would take CLM and people centered advocacy forward in
other areas of the state. 25 participants from 13 different
organisations in Karnataka participated in the first programme that
spanned a year and comprised six modules.
As a result of these programmes, several small shifts happened
such as getting job cards for NREGA, accessing the right to
information act and in the mobilization of agricultural laborers.
Another outcome of this programme is a hand book being
developed for training trainers in initiating the Community Learning
Movement centered on village level advocacy.
HID Fellowship Programme
Aimed to develop HID competencies in individuals so that they may
become internal resources to their organisations, the HID
Fellowship programme was offered. This 4 modular programme is
the outcome of an action research on the HID needs of fellowship
programmes, where 5 different fellowship programmes offered by
organisations across the country were studied. 14 individuals from
9 organisations participated in the programme which was being
offered for the second time. It has been observed that along with
gaining competencies to identify and handle change processes,
several participants have also made progressive shifts in levels of
personal authority and leadership.
Organisational Change Facilitation Programme
The OCF programme commenced in November 2010, following
various revisions in structure, methodology and design, after a
review and impact assessment of the programme done earlier. This
4-modular programme has been developed to address the need for
professional facilitators of change in the development sector. It
builds competencies in individuals to handle change processes in
organisations using approaches drawn from organisational theory,
behavioral science and development studies. The programme
which is being offered this year is ongoing and is the third in the
series of OCF programmes that have been offered since 2006. 12
individuals from development sector are participating.
Governance Programme
Ensuring good governance is one of the critical issues for civil
society organisations. HIDF collaborated with Centre for
Governance Studies, Ahmedabad and ECONET Pune in
conceptualising, designing and offering a 3-modular programme on
NGO Governance. The programme is an attempt to promote the
importance of developing good governance practices in NGOs and
ensuring this by grooming individuals into governance officers. The
collaboration has helped share and collate good governance
practices from experiences of the three collaborating organisations.
12 individuals from 12 different organisations participated in the
Open learning events
Workshop on Governance for Dalit activists and
organizations of Karnataka
The idea to offer a workshop on governance and legal compliance
for Dalit organisations emerged from the findings of an action
research on the HID needs of Dalit organisations in Karnataka
conducted by one of HIDF's fellowship holders. On looking at the
HID needs of Dalit organisations in Karnataka, it was found that
NGO governance was one of the top listed organisational aspects
that needed attention.
The workshop was held on December 18 and 19, 2010 at SCM
house, Bengaluru. 20 individuals working in different organisations
across Karnataka, participated. During the course of the workshop,
participants gained an understanding on the need for good
governance practices and an awareness on the legal compliances
required to form and run organisations. Participants also discussed
major issues Dalits are facing today. The workshop was expressed
as being useful and informative by all participants.
Group Relations Conference
A group relations conference on the theme managing differences
in individuals, groups and organisations, took place from March 3
to 8, 2011 at CEO centre Bengaluru. This was the fourth GRC
offered by HID Forum. 32 individuals from the development and
corporate sectors, both national and international, participated.
The conference was directed by Rosemary Viswanath and staff
comprised of Haritha Sarma, Anuradha Prasad, Gouranga
Chattopadhyay, Zahid Gangjee, Ilana Litvin, Joan Roma and Vartika
Jaini (administrator).
Workshop on Dalit Leadership
A workshop on Dalit leadership was conducted from March 14 to
16, 2011 at Janapada Loka, Ramanagara. While the programme
was intended for heads and second-in- line leaders of organisations
working for Dalit issues, from among the 19 individuals who finally
participated, most were community organizers who had joined
their organisations recently. The workshop focused on individual
and organisational development and aimed at developing the
following among its participants- leadership in the complex of
changing society; leadership skills at the individual level; an
understanding of leadership at the individual level.
The workshop helped participants gain awareness on leadership
and personal authority, and in identifying leadership qualities
within themselves. There was a deeper understanding gained on
Dalit issues
Workshop on using ZOPP Methodology for Effective
Project Cycle Management
HIDF organised an open learning event on using ZOPP as a
methodology for effective project cycle management at
Ahmedabad between February 22 and 24, 2011. 20 individuals
from various development organisations such as Sahjeevan, KMVS,
Janvikas, HID Forum, SAATHI, Drishti and K-Link participated. A
few of the participants were independent consultants. The
workshop was facilitated by Mr. Gagan Sethi with the assistance of
Mr. Mohan Krishna of Centre for Governance Studies.
During the course of the workshop, participants gained an
understanding of the sequential and systematic steps involved in a
very stakeholder-centric approach to the management of projects,
drawing from several existing models. The workshop also provided
an opportunity for participants to experience the role of moderator.
Discussion on authority and leadership
HID Forum, in collaboration with ISABS, organised an interactive
session on leadership and exercise of personal authority on March
10, 2011 at Ashirvad, Bengaluru. Around 20 individuals associates
of ISABS and HID Forum, participated. The event was facilitated by
Dr. Gouranga Chattopadhyay, a close associate of HIDF, known for
his immense involvement in GRCs in India and other behaviour
science- related work.
Fellowship Support
Through our fellowship support, we have been able to provide
committed individuals in the development sector foot holds to move
ahead in their journeys towards reaching the goals they have set for
themselves or their organisations. On the parallel, the fellowship
period has given them opportunities to learn about HID and its
relevance in their work.
Tasks taken up under the fellowship have broadly fallen into
conducting action research studies and creating different forms of
organizations to mobilize people towards strengthening community
level action.
In the last year, HIDF supported 10 individuals, from various parts of Karnataka.
Table 1. Details of HID fellowships
Topic of Fellowship
Ms. Pushpa
Ms. Geetha G
Jul 09- Sept 10
l Building a federation
K.V. Chandrashekar
Oct 09- Sept 10
l Exploring HID/OD
of Dalit/Muslim
Women in Davangere
needs of Dalit
organisations in
Outcome of Fellowship
Current Status
l A federation of around 1000
l The Fellowship came to an end
members has been built. The
federation is providing women
in the community to deal with
social issues in an organized
manner. There have been
many instances of women
from the community gaining a
sense of authority and have
exhibited qualities of
in September 2010. Pushpa
continues to work towards
building the federation with
the support of Geetha through
her organisation Meera Mahila
l A representative profile of the
l The Fellowship came to an end
HID/OD needs of Dalit
organisations in Karnataka.
l Improved skills of research
and analysis
l Improved skills at facilitation
l Identified and used by HIDF
as a resource person for its
training programmes
in September 2010.
l He is currently working on a 3
year project supported by
Dalit Foundation.
l He continues to associate with
HID Forum by providing
support as a resource person
for it's CLM RPB programme.
He is involved in the designing
and facilitation of a leadership
programme for representatives
of organisations working with
Dalits and minorities. This idea
to offer this programme has
emerged as a result of his
study on the HID needs of Dalit
organisations in Karnataka
Narkis Banu
Hamsun Begum
Oct 09- Sept 10
Ms. Haseena Yaligar
Ms. Farzana Kademani
Oct 09- Sept 10
l Documenting case-
studies of the
interventions of the
Muslim women's
Jamaat in social
justice related issues
in Pudukottai TN
l 25 case studies developed
l Improved skills in
conceptualizing from life
experiences and capturing
the efficacy of a new model
for social transformation
l Conducting a study of
l Improved perspectives on the
socio-economic status
of marginalized
communities in
Ranebennur and
helping form CBOs as
an intervention.
status of marginalised
communities in the selected
l Improved skills in mobilizing
women for self help and
social transformation
l Narkis and Hamsun continue
to work with
l Haseena
has discontinued
receiving fellowship support
l Farzana continues work with
the SHGs she has helped form
and continues to mobilize
women into more SHGs
Mr. Veeresh
Mr. Mohan Nayak
Oct 09- Sept 10
Mr. Obalesh
Oct 09- Sept 10
l Understanding the socio-
l Development needs of the
economic status of the
Lambada community in
20 of their Tandas in
Narayanpet Taluk and
l Mobilising youth to form
and strengthen CBOs for
the socio-economic and
cultural development of
the Lambada tribals
Lambada Community in the
selected location identified.
l Improved skills in mobilizing
youth towards addressing
community development
issues among the fellowship
l Around 120 Lambada youth
mobilized into 10 groups.
l Conducting a sample
l Information on the budget
study on the
implementation of the
Special Component Plan
in three districts of
Karnataka to look for
gaps and arrive at
solutions and working
towards multistakeholder
accountability towards
the SCP's effective
implementation and
allocations under the special
component plan, how much is
actually being distributed and
the gaps in the
implementation of the SCP
l Increased awareness on the
SCP in among development
organisations and the
formation of a forum to
discuss the shortcomings in
its implementation
l Formation of a task group to
ensure the proper
implementation of SCP
l Improved research,
mobilization and facilitation
skills in the fellowship holder
l The
fellowship holders
continue to work with
Lambada youth.
l The fellowship holder, through
his organisation Thamate,
continues to explore the gaps
in the implementation of the
SCP in various districts of
Karnataka and works on
strengthening the forum and
task or activism group
Research and Documentation
Broadly, our research and documentation help us in developing
knowledge on HID themes and building perspectives. The
contributions and outcomes of the research and documentation
that HID Forum has undertaken or supported, have been
manifold. At the organisational level, they have provided us
with ideas for capacity building programmes and supported us
in monitoring our accompaniment work. At the sectoral level,
they have contributed to building knowledge on and
demystifying HID, and contributed to ongoing debates or action
on development issues of current importance.
During the last year, the following were done under
this domain of our work:
l HIDF has taken up a review and documentation of its CLM-RPB
programme. Six cases on how learnings from the programme
were implemented at the field level, by participants are being
documented. It shall be ensured that the participants, whose
experiences shall be developed into the cases, represent a cross
section of social, cultural and economic contexts. Apart from
generating insights about the areas for improvement for the
programme, this exercise will create learning material for the
next programme and most importantly cases for wider
dissemination of the programme in the country.
l HIDF continued to develop the website
which was officially launched in March 2010. The viewership of
the website has been gradually increasing with more and more
people coming to learn of its existence. The aim of the website is
to serve as a virtual resource of perspectives, methodologies,
contacts and events on HID in the development sector.
Support to other Organisations/Consulting
HIDF provides support to organisations in the development
sector on different HID needs. This helps us in keeping
ourselves updated with emerging issues in the sector and
broadening our network of contacts.
HIDF supported the following organisations in the past year.
Jana Jagruthi Samithi
HID forum supported JJS in offering a programme on leadership and
Dalit rights on December 29 and 30, 2010. 26 individuals, leaders of
women's groups and field workers from 20 hamlets located in two
mandals of Chittoor formed the participant group. JJS is a nonprofit
grass root level organization working for Tribal and Dalit rights since
1993 in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh.
National Development Foundation
HIDF designed and facilitated a workshop on project cycle
management for the programme staff of the National Development
Foundation, from the centres of its southern province. Twenty
individuals participated in the workshop held on July 2 and 3, 2010
during which they gained an understanding on
l development and different approaches to development
l project cycle management and its application
l guidelines for project proposal writing
Table 2.
Learning Event/Programme
Attended by
l Programme on NGO Governance
l Mod 1 - Aug 2010
l Mod 2 - Oct 25-30, 2010
l Mod 3 - Jan 2011
l Organisational Change Facilitation Programme
l Mod 1 - Nov 15-19,2010
l Mod 2 - Feb 1-6, 2011
l Mod 3 - Apr 4-9, 2011
l Ashly Tom
l Vanya Joseph
l ISABS Basics Lab
l May 12-17, 2011
l Ashly Tom
l Workshop on using ZOPP Methodology for
l Feb 22 - 24, 2011
l Mar 10, 2011
l Haritha Sarma
l Ashly Tom
l Vanya Joseph
Effective Project Cycle Management
l Discussion on authority and leadership
HID Forum Staff
Ms. AshlyTom joined HID Forum as Programme Executive on September 23, 2010.
Mr. Mohammed Rafi joined HID Forum as trainee Programme Executive on February 4, 2011.
Ms. Nirmala Krishna resigned from her post of Programme Executive on July 29, 2010.
Mr. Sreejith Sreekandan resigned from his post of Administrative Secretary on March 11, 2011.
l Sreejith Sreekandan
Ashly Tom
Haritha Sarma
Mohammed Rafi
Vanya Joseph
OF THE YEAR 2010 - 11
31 MARCH 2011
Table 3. Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2011
l Capital Fund
Fixed Assets
l Other Funds
l Loans
l Current Liabilities
Current Assets,
Loans &
Table 4. Income & Expenditure Account For The Period Ended 31-3-2011
Capital Costs
Specific Funds (Grants)
Programme costs
Interest & Other Income
Institutional coast
Excess of Expenditure over
Income for the year
transferred to Fund A/c
Fig 2. Percentage of Expenses - Programme Interventions
Audited by:
M/s. A.R. Rao & Rajan Chartered
186/A, 1st Floor, Near Nataraj Theatre,
Venkataranga Iyengar Street,
Seshadripuram, Bangalore 560 020
Ph: 91-80-23461983, 23565243
l HID Forum is registered as a Society with The Registrar of
Societies, Bengaluru - Registration No. 326/02-03
l MoA available on request
l HID Forum is registered under Section 12A of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 - registration No. DIT (E)/12A/Vol. I/H-379/02-03,
l HIDF is recognized under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act,
1961, DIT(E)/BLR/80G®/167/AAATH2780G/W-1/2007-08 for
the period from 01.04.2007 – 31.03.2010
l HID Forum has been allotted Permanent Account No.
AAATH2780G by Income Tax Dept
l HID Forum has been allotted Tax Deduction Account No.
BLRH017870 by Income-Tax Officer, TDS, Bengaluru
l HID Forum is registered under section 6 (1) (a) of the Foreign
Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 – FCRA No.094421188
dated. 21.09.2005
Visitors are welcome to the addresses given on the “contact us” link
on our
Name & Address of main Bankers:
IDBI Bank Ltd.,
IDBI House, 58 Mission Road
Bengaluru – 560 027
Ph: 080 22279576-79, Fax: 080 22276364
l Developing and strengthening HID capacities in individuals
and organisations in their complex role of empowering
disadvantaged communities.
l Promoting the relevance of HID in development organisations
l Exploring the conceptual and methodological base of HID
based on experiences and by appropriating best practices
from the environment.
We have co-created HIDF as a world class learning institution. We
proactively locate, train nurture and empower people and
organisations to actualize their potentials in self, community and
We provide space for learning, sharing, and experimenting in a way
that the best tools and technology are made available to the
constituency at least possible costs.
We have made the forum an exciting place to be associated with.
There is passion for excellence and a culture of mutual appreciation
with minimal hierarchy and a tremendous sense of ownership.
Position in Gov. Body
Area of Competency
A 104, Thirthbhoomi Apts, Chinaibaug
Law Garden Ahmedabad-380006
Governance and Organisational
Mrs. Sushma Iyengar Member
Plot No.48, Shivam Park, Behind Yaksha
Mandir, Old Madhapur, Kutch District
Women's Development and
Corporate Social responsibility
Mr. Aroon Joshi
50,Pratmesh Park, Baner Balewadi
Road, Baner, Pune -411045
Human Resource
Mrs. Jyothi Raj
Booshakti Kendra, Nelahal Post,
Dalit empowerment
Dr. V. Rukmini Rao
12-13-440, Street #1 Tarnaka,
Women's Development
Dr. Anuradha Prasad
302, Bldg No.6, Shanti Park Apts,
Jayanagar 9th Block, B'lore-560069
Organisational Development
and gender mainstreaming
Ddr. H S Vijaya Kumar Member
Prof., Department of Agri, Business
Management University of Dharwad-580005
Dr. Rita Noronha
Director, Research and Publication Unit Post
Graduate Division-Dep. Of Social Work, School
of Social Work, Roshini Nilaya, Bangalore-575
Research, Documentation,
Social work curriculam
Mr. Haritha Sarma
Member Secretary
1421 1st Main Road, Girinagara 2nd Phase,
Bangalore-560080 Nilaya, Bangalore-575 002
Organisational Development
and gender mainstreaming
Mr. Gagan Sethi
l The HID Forum Board met 2 times in the fiscal year 2010 -11
on dates7.8.2010 & 12.3.2011
l Minutes of the Board Meeting are documented and circulated.
l A Board Rotation Policy exists and is practiced
l The Board approves programmes, budgets, annual activity
reports and audited financial statements. The Board ensures
the organisation's compliance with laws and regulations.
Accountability and Transparency
l No remuneration, sitting fees or any other form of
compensation has been paid since inception of the
Foundation, to any Board member.
l The following reimbursements have been made to Board
l Gagan Sethi – Rs. 10,713/l Rukmini Rao – Rs. 2,127/l Anuradha Prasad – Rs. 802/l Aroon Joshi – Rs.1,025/l Jyothi Raj – Rs.1800/l No other reimbursements have been made to any other Board
l Total cost of national Air travel by all during the year:
Rs. 3,28,832/- (including reimbursed to Board members as
l Total cost of international travel by all staff during the year: Nil
Staff Details (as at March 31, 2011)
Paid full
Paid Part
Distribution of staff according to salary levels
(as at March 31, 2010)
Slab of gross salary (In Rs.)
plus benefits paid to staff
5,000 – 10,000
10,000 – 25,000
25,000 – 50,000
50,000 – 1,00,000
1,00,000 >
Thank You
We take this opportunity to thank all our friends and well-wishers who have guided, supported and encouraged us in our
work. In particular, we acknowledge the invaluable support we received from Janvikas, our Governing Body members and
our auditors M/s. A.R. Rao & Rajan.
We thank the many resource persons who shared their knowledge and skills and joined us in taking forward the mission of
human and institutional development. Also, to our funding partners Katholische Zentralstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe e.V.,
Germany and Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai, individual and institutional donors, our grateful thanks for the continued support
in our work.
HID Forum
# 21/4, 'Prakriya'
2nd Cross, 1st A Main
Atmananda Colony
Sultan Palya, R.T. Nagar Post
Bengaluru – 560 032
Tel: 080 23659596 / 9980566741
HID Forum
# 21/4, 'Prakriya'
2nd Cross, 1st A Main
Atmananda Colony, Sultan Palya
R.T. Nagar Post, Bengaluru – 560 032
Tel: 080 23659596 / 9980566741