September 2015 - Falkirk Council


September 2015 - Falkirk Council
Series 3 | Issue 10 | September 2015
Ineos to Invest in
new Headquarters
In the latest in a series
of investments into its
petrochemical complex,
totalling £450m, INEOS has
recently been awarded planning
permission for a purposebuilt business headquarters
and office accommodation to
be located alongside Inchyra
Road, Grangemouth. These
investments, which include
ongoing work to construct
Europe’s largest ethane terminal
to import vital feedstocks and
due to complete by end summer
2016, will regenerate the
manufacturing site and secure
its future for the next 15 years.
The new office accommodation has been
designed by one of Scotland’s leading
architectural practices, Michael Laird
Architects, and will provide high quality
modern office accommodation. It is
an integral element of the site renewal
programme, bringing together, under
one roof, the various Ineos teams that
are currently spread across more than 15
largely out of date and inefficient buildings.
John McNally, CEO Ineos Olefins and
Polymers UK says, “Our current and
ongoing investment into UK and Scottish
petrochemical manufacture is one of
the most significant of recent times and
demonstrates INEOS’ commitment to
the Grangemouth site, its employees and
to the local economy. The business is
embarking on a number of synchronised
projects and activities aimed at
regenerating the Grangemouth site. There
are many facets to this transformation
which, when completed, will position the
Grangemouth site amongst the ‘Premier
League’ of our peers, protecting the long
term viability of the manufacturing site and
the direct and indirect jobs that depend on
our continuing presence.”
Demolition work is already underway
at the Grangemouth site and this has
cleared space for the new building that
will be constructed within the existing site
Frank Rourke, Ineos’ Business
Development Manager, says, “The removal
of redundant assets will pave the way
for future new investments and is a
clear indication of the business’ drive to
regenerate the site and of our longer term
strategy for the Grangemouth site. We are
working in partnership with agencies and
organisations including Scottish Enterprise,
Scottish Government, Forth Valley College
and Falkirk Council to maximise the
potential of the Grangemouth site as the
location of choice for inward investment
and co-location opportunities.”
Regeneration work
well underway
Work is well underway on the first phase
of the new town centre. Clark Contracts
Ltd, the Phase 1 contractor has confirmed
that works are on target which will see
the basic building structure in place by
October this year. Progress on the Phase
2 site is being made following a marketing
exercise recently completed. Talks will
continue with County Properties (Northern)
Limited, a privately owned investment
and development company to review
their proposals to build a 23,500sqft
single storey retail unit, car parking and
further retail space on Stirling Street. The
revisions will be presented back to the
Council once finalised by the developer.
A number of local ideas for Denny and
Districts were generated by local people for
the community to take on, develop and run
with through a process called the Denny
Design Charrette. This work was supported
through the Scottish Goverments
Charrette Mainstreaming Programme and
Falkirk Council to bring a set of facilitated
workshops, walks and discussions for the
local Denny and District community and
stakeholders. This has culminated in project
ideas and useful toolkits to drive collective
further testing, trialling and development
of a business case for Phase 3 of the
New circular bridge of
ambition for Falkirk Gateway
With the goal of increasing
connectivity between sites in the
eastern Gateway, Falkirk Council
are undertaking a feasibility
study to determine the potential
for a circular pedestrian and
cyclist crossing over the
Westfield Roundabout.
Funding bids are being prepared to
help create an ambitious circular
bridge to connect the four sides of the
roundabout. It will provide an impressive
and visually appealing crossing that will
act as a gateway to the Falkirk area and
development sites at the Gateway.
The bridge, part of the Falkirk TIF initiative,
will elevate pedestrians and cyclists above
vehicles, allowing orientation, increasing
regeneration project. Project ideas were
fed back to the community at a meeting
held on 21 August. Meanwhile Icecream
Architecture are currently looking at a
number of art project ideas generated by
local people during the Charrette and hope
to share out a £10k fund made available
by Foundation Scotland. These ideas are
currently with Icecream Architecture who
will assess the submissions and make
recommendations to the community
panel for funding approval. The Denny
Regeneration Project Office will remain
open during the regeneration project –
Every Tuesday 10-1pm
safety and sending out a clear message on
the importance of sustainable travel in the
Connected by the bridge, the Gateway
will offer new sites for development. A
masterplan is in preparation which will
present platforms for smart, low-carbon,
energy efficient developments. A high
standard of design will be maintained
to reflect proximity to the Helix, the
Community Stadium and the site’s
connections to the new Forth Valley
College campus, and Falkirk Town
Centre. The site will present mixed use
opportunities in business, retail, tourism,
education, innovation and residential
Falkirk /
energy project
Falkirk Council is working closely with Partners
from Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government
and Scottish Futures Trust to progress a project
looking at the opportunities in Falkirk to deliver low
cost, low carbon energy to home and businesses.
Consultation with local businesses has highlighted
energy costs as key risk to growth and investment.
Two key drivers for this project are the reduction of energy
costs to high energy users in the Grangemouth industrial
complex and reduction of fuel-cost burden on residents. In
both cases, the solution is being sought from renewable lowcarbon technologies and district heat networks.
Falkirk Council and Scottish Enterprise have procured MACE
Group to deliver a business case and an options appraisal on the
opportunities and challenges of district heat networks, ESCo’s
and the various supply and off-take options.
The project partners are exploring options to reduce energy
costs for Grangemouth businesses – the two key drivers can be
broken down to the six stated aims:
• enhance the competitiveness of businesses located at the site
• secure continued employment
• create new jobs
• improve energy security
• improve environmental protection
• enhance the area’s international reputation
There are number of projects under consideration using
varied technologies including generation from renewable and
conventional sources, reclamation of heat from industrial or
natural processes. The district heating solution may take the
form of a single overall network or smaller distributed networks
clustered around individual generation sites.
The initial scope area of the project covers businesses within
the industrial complex extending to commercial premises and
employment land sites west of the M9 surrounding Falkirk
Stadium and the new Forth Valley College premises and all
residential housing in Grangemouth.
The potential formation of an ESCo with Falkirk Council
involvement will attempt to ensure that all potential
cooperative benefits are achieved from the projects which
proceed and that a level of the benefits accruing from this
activity are used to support community-based projects, address
fuel poverty and introduce a greater degree of sustainability
into local communities.
Falkirk Council
update on
Plans for a proposed new Falkirk Council headquarters
are moving forward with the go-ahead given at a recent
Council meeting, in a long term bid to save money.
Falkirk Council has agreed with NHS Forth Valley to buy
the former Wellbank Clinic to allow development for the
new HQ. Rents on two properties currently used by Falkirk
Council will continue at present until the new HQ is ready.
The savings from these private leases will help to meet the
cost of the new building.
When constructed, the new building will produce a more
cost effective and energy efficient replacement for the
old Municipal Buildings. It will provide accommodation
for over 500 staff and councillors, with 280 staff being
brought in to the town centre. Benefits in reducing
cost and assisting more modern ways of working are
anticipated. It will rationalise the use of office space,
with four buildings being merged into one, using half the
floorspace and reducing carbon emissions by c80%.
The Council also examined options for a replacement
for Falkirk Town Hall, the HQ project will provide a cost
saving to invest within this. Sites in the town centre and
at the Falkirk Gateway were considered and it was agreed
to examine an option to co-locate at the Middlefield site
of the new £80m Forth Valley College Campus with an
anticipated financial contribution of £4m.
The new office HQ should be completed by spring 2017
and be fully operational by summer 2017
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Falkirk to
in Britain’s
biggest town
Falkirk is one of 10 UK towns that will take part
in one of Britain’s biggest regeneration challenges
to help create a new wave of responsible
young entrepreneurs, lower unemployment and
simultaneously boost local regeneration.
TestTown 2015 will see 10 towns
from every corner of the UK host an
enterprise challenge in town centre
spaces between July and November,
with each town challenge tailored to
local economic needs. Finalists from
each town will then come together to
compete in a national final with the
winning business awarded the title of
‘UK Towns Entrepreneur of the Year’ and
a £10K Investment.
Falkirk’s TestTown activity will see a
challenge competition. Each of the
shortlisted business entrepreneurs
will benefit from bespoke training
from leading experts before launching
their venture to the public. They will
have a wonderful opportunity to run
their business in a unit within Falkirk’s
main shopping centre – The Howgate.
Each business will also benefit from
social media expert –
think you’ve got what it takes?
highlighting their individual USP’s, a
suite of photographs and a large number
of social media followers. Business
Gateway support will also be available
for each business.
TestTown has become the UK and
Ireland’s biggest accelerator programme
for young entrepreneurs with fresh ideas
for rejuvenating the country’s town
centres. In the last two years, TestTown
has helped inject £200k into startups, supported 150 entrepreneurs and
helped get 45 new local businesses off
the ground.
Jim Metcalfe, TestTown Programme
Leader at the Carnegie UK Trust, said:
“Conditions are still tough for town
economies across the country, and youth
unemployment is becoming a systemic
challenge. TestTown is all about helping
people to harness entrepreneurial flare
at the local level. It also provides an
opportunity to connect town centre
entrepreneurs with the challenges
facing the high street, making them real
partners and contributors to improving
local communities. We are looking
forward to monitoring the results of
this year’s programme and wish Falkirk
the very best of luck with their event.
We hope that as well as helping local
town centres think about innovative
ways to boost local trading, we can
also encourage our entrepreneurs
of tomorrow to make that bold step
towards becoming their own boss.”
Ahead of the challenge getting
underway in July, towns throughout the
country applied to demonstrate how
they could benefit from being involved
in TestTown. Each town has received
£3,000 to run their skills development
More information on Test Town and
applying to take part in an event can be
found at:
Prime new
locations in
Falkirk for 2015
A strong year of commercial
property investment and interest
in Falkirk demonstrates clear
signs of continued recovery for
the area.
In the last year, all 117 units in one of the
Council’s flagship developments, Central
Business Park, have become fully occupied
and major firms from wide ranging sectors
including Food and Drink, Travel, Customer
Services and the Third sector are now
based at the 35 acre park, which also
includes a hub for Small to Medium sized
the opportunities available to support
expansion and relocation.
Four new industrial units are currently
being developed at Abbotsford Business
Park, following a £1.3 million investment
from Falkirk Council. The speculative units
range in size from 2,500 sq ft to 5,000
sq ft and will be available from December
2015. The 18 acre site has the capacity to
meet demand for more industrial units of
this size in the Falkirk area.
Falkirk Council’s integrated and flexible
approach to business support has been a
major factor in enabling such a wide variety
of companies to settle at Central Business
Park, with departments across the local
authority working together to provide sites
or industrial units fit for today’s market.
As a result, Falkirk is now home to leading
names such as global bus manufacturer
Alexander Dennis, travel giant Thomas
Cook, Scottish butcher Malcolm Allan,
confectioner Mrs Tilly’s and supported
employment organisation Haven.
Formerly a British Aluminium works,
Abbotsford Business Park is owned
by Scottish Enterprise and has been
developed in a joint partnership with
Falkirk Council to create a successful
business park that attracts commercial
and industrial tenants and investors to the
local area. Its close proximity to the M9
and the national motorway network make
it a very attractive location whilst proposed
external infrastructure improvements
affecting three roundabouts, initiated
through funding from the local authorities
Tax Incremental Finance scheme, will
reduce potential developer contributions
payable through section 75 agreements.
With Central Park full, focus is now turning
to the other commercial sites offering land
and industrial facilities in the area, with
a healthy number of live enquiries about
Another Scottish Enterprise owned
development, Glenbervie Business Park,
currently has over 50 acres of prime land
remaining, split across four sites; a 30.64
acre single user site and three other
smaller plots measure at 3.13 acres, 5.82
acres and 10.57. The current Development
Plan stipulates Classes 4, 5 and 6 within all
of the sites.
Falkirk Council’s current commercial and
industrial property portfolio provides
accommodation for nearly 500 businesses
throughout the area and is approximately
95 percent let.
Councillor Dennis Goldie, Falkirk Council’s
spokesperson on Economic Development
said: “Our property strategy is generating
significant sums through the portfolio
management plan, which allows us to
reinvest in new or existing properties to
offer facilities that businesses need.
“With our expanding property portfolio
we’re always looking at market
requirements to attract new commercial
tenants and businesses and we have an
expert team that can help with expansion
or relocation.”
For further information on available sites
please visit www.abbotsfordbusinesspark. or contact Colliers International on
0131 240 7500.
businesses across the Falkirk area, we
contribute to Scotland’s economic
Our free support available includes:
Business Gateway in Falkirk offers
businesses practical help and guidance.
Whether you’re starting up or growing a
business, we provide access to publiclyfunded business support services.
By supporting new and developing
•Workshops and events
•Expert advice
•Access to Scottish Enterprise
•Web audits
Funding provides business
with pipeline to grow
Securing funding to install specialist software will help a
Bonnybridge company, which has seen staff numbers increase by
20% in just over a year, tender for more work.
Smart Utilities Scotland, which installs, repairs, replaces and
maintains underground utility apparatus and networks throughout
Central Scotland, was awarded a £2,445 grant from the Scottish
Digital Voucher Scheme in April.
The funds will part finance the purchase of project and financial
management software that will significantly reduce time spent on
job planning and accounts.
This is the second grant the company has secured with the help
of Business Gateway Falkirk. Last year the enterprise, which was
set up in November 2013 by Robbie Smart and Matthew McInally,
received a discretionary £3k grant from Falkirk Council to buy a
CCTV inspection camera.
Company secretary, Vicky Smart, said: “The support we’ve had
from Business Gateway has been fantastic. Our adviser not only
gave us access to a specialist who worked with us to identify
the most appropriate software for our business, she helped
us apply for the Digital Voucher. The new software will put a
stop to duplication of work by handling 99% of our paperwork
automatically. It will revolutionise how we work, and allow us to
spend more time growing the business.”
Councillor Dennis Goldie, Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for
Economic Development, said: “Smart Utilities is a Falkirk startup success story, having grown tremendously in its first year of
operation. This award highlights that the Digital Voucher Scheme
isn’t just for website development, it can be invested in software
that will improve the day-to-day running of a business.”
For more information visit
•Social media training
•Aftercare support
•Links with professional organisations
The following case studies highlight
how Business Gateway has supported
a number of businesses within the local
area, for more information how Business
Gateway Falkirk can support your business
please call 01324 808 441.
business looks to
build on its success
With almost 100 staff, £7 million turnover, a portfolio of high
profile clients and a host of awards to its name, there is no doubt
Grangemouth based Edinmore Contracts Ltd is now firmly
established as a leader in its field.
Founded in 2006 by building surveyor, Clarke Faichnie, and
supported by Business Gateway, Edinmore (www.edinmoreltd. offers an all trades building reinstatement service to the
Insurance and Loss Adjusting industry.
“Whether it’s fire, flood or storm damage, Edinmore has built a
reputation as the ‘go to’ company for building reinstatement,” said
Client Relations Director, Kevan Peaty. “Not only is the team highly
qualified but our investment in the latest equipment, including a
state-of-the-art property drying system, keeps us a step ahead of
the competition.
“Although the business is doing well, we understood that we
would benefit from some additional specialist support to help
us grow. Through Business Gateway Falkirk we received funding
from Scottish Enterprise which helped us to achieve ISO 14001
accreditation. Not only has this allowed us to focus on our
environmental footprint and CO2 emissions but it has also given us
a strong USP when speaking to potential new clients.
“Our Business Gateway adviser is also helping us work towards
OHSAS 18001 accreditation and her continuing support with
marketing and procurement will be critical as we look to tender for
commercial and public sector contracts in the months ahead.”
For more information visit
Placing second
provides local
entrepreneur with
winning business idea
Bababoo was set up by Sarah Tashnizi last September to sell luxury
handcrafted and award-winning ethical baby products. But just
two months later she was ready to give it all up due to poor sales,
only entering Business Gateway’s ‘Heat’ competition as a last
Trade visit opens
new doors for
Denny renewables
Taking second place in the pitching event turned the company’s
fortunes around, providing Sarah with access to expert advice, and
saw her take on five sales consultants who have already helped
increase monthly sales by 46%.
She said: “I previously lived in Orkney where I ran a very successful
Facebook ‘store’ and I just presumed that my business would do
extremely well when I set up in Falkirk. I quickly found out that
wasn’t the case because, people want to buy the best for their
babies from sources that they know and trust, whether that’s
directly from friends and family or through recommendations, and
no one knew who I was.”
After gaining expert advice from Business Gateway Falkirk, Sarah
updated her business plan and set up an e-commerce website. She
then began a social media search for consultants who would sell
Bababoo products directly to their friends & family.
Councillor Dennis Goldie, Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for
Economic Development said: “ Sarah had a great business idea but
needed expert help to translate her aims into a workable model.
Now with Business Gateway’s support she is learning how to
manage her team of home-workers and has been signposted to
potential funding streams.”
Sarah said: “ None of the achievements of the past six months
would have been possible without the help of my Business
Gateway adviser, who has believed in me right from the start, and
the Business Gateway ‘Heat’ competition. I am so grateful for all
the doors the organisation has opened for me.”
For more information on Bababoo visit
L to R: Rufus Logan (Director Building Research Establishment
Scotland), Conrad Wong (Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building
Council), Maurizio Zaglio (European Business Development Manager
at SUNAMP), Thomas Vaughan (MD GS Renewable) and Paul
Darnbrough (Director EnviroCentre)
GS Renewable could soon see its innovative Passivhaus
prototype built in the Far East thanks to a trade trip organised
by Scottish Development International (SDI).
The company, whose sales division is based in Denny, was
one of a number of Scottish businesses invited to be part of
the ‘Smart City, Smart Solutions – International Low Carbon
Mission to Hong Kong’ delegation.
During the trip, Managing Director Thomas Vaughan met with
business leaders to talk about the firm’s expertise in ‘green’
energy systems, and highlighted the firm’s ground-breaking
Passivhaus prototype.
The ultra-efficient dwelling, which has been developed with
the assistance of a £40k Scottish Enterprise Innovation Grant
secured with help from Business Gateway Falkirk, requires
little energy for space heating or cooling, and is one of the first
‘carbon negative’ buildings to be designed.
Now plans to potentially erect the building in the Hong Kong’s
innovation park and in a technology park in Beijing are on the
Ian Young, Business Development Director, GS Renewables,
said: “Getting to where we are now has taken a lot of hard
work and investment. The SDI trip has confirmed to us that we
are on the right track. Its assistance, plus the support we’ve
had from Scottish Enterprise, alongside the determination of
our Business Gateway adviser has helped us to get to where
we are.”
Councillor Dennis Goldie, Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for
Economic Development, said: “Being invited on the SDI trip
has raised the company’s profile in a key market that could
result in significant growth. With Business Gateway’s help the
firm has refined its marketing and business and management
structure and is currently working with its adviser to enhance
point of sales and social media presence.”
For more information visit:
Local employers
given the best tools
for the job
A new employer toolkit promises to give small local businesses
across the Falkirk Council area the best start in helping them to
find new staff to help their business grow.
‘Falkirk First Steps’ is a free guide that takes new and first time
employers through the various stages involved in employing
staff and gives them the confidence to do it successfully.
The guide looks at areas such as recruitment procedures; the
costs involved of recruiting; good practice from industry and
business; case studies from current employers; forms and
other resources.
Copies of the A4 guide will be available online from . A number of printed
copies are also available from the Employer Engagement Team
Tel 0800 028 0363 or email .
Councillor Dennis Goldie, spokesperson for Economic
Development said: “This is Falkirk Council’s first free guide for
small businesses that is designed to help them to take on new
employees and help their business grow.
“It covers the main areas for consideration by any potential
employer as well as handy proformas that can be used
throughout the recruitment process.
“It is just one of a number of many ways we offer support to
new and existing businesses locally.”
“The guide has been produced after research has shown that
there was a need for this type of support and knowledge and
this guide is the product of this hard work.”
For more information on how Falkirk Council can help local
businesses contact Business Gateway on 01324 590660 or
The guide has been produced by Falkirk Council with support
from European Regional Development Fund.
Support for your
Business to Recruit a
Young Person
A range of financial support is available to local businesses who
want to recruit young people. Falkirk Council’s Employment
and Training Unit, in partnership with Scottish Government, are
delivering Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive (SERI)
to help unemployed young people who are facing significant
challenges. The aim is to encourage employers to recruit young
people aged 16-29 into sustainable employment, including Modern
Businesses can access
the fund as follows:
•Where a Young Person aged 16-24 enters a Modern
Apprenticeship with a small/micro business of less than 50
•Where a Young Person aged 16-29 with Additional Support
Needs enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any
size of employer (excluding Public Sector).
•Where a Young Person aged 16-24 with Barriers to Employment,
enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any size of
employer (excluding Public Sector).
The incentive is available to use as a contribution to the additional
costs of recruiting and sustaining a young person in employment
for up to 52 weeks. It could be utilised in a number of ways
including additional supervisory costs, training, initial travel to
work costs or wages. No single use is prescribed.
If you wish to apply for funding or find out more, call Falkirk
Councils Employment and Training Unit on 0800 028 0363 or
email and ask to speak with a member of the
Employer Engagement team.
Business Gateway Falkirk
01324 808266
join My Future’s in Falkirk
group on
Daytrippers in the loop as tourism
bus numbers pass 20,000
A new tourism bus service, launched to help
visitors and locals make the connection
between the area’s attractions and other road
and rail services over the summer season,
has already attracted over 20,000 passengers
since it was introduced in April.
The distinctive pink bus, named The
Loop, provides an hourly service
and is funded by Transport Scotland
and operated by local bus operator
First Midland Bluebird. It takes in
The Falkirk Wheel, Falkirk High and
Grahamston Stations, Falkirk Town
Centre, Falkirk Stadium, Callander
Park and The Kelpies, with dedicated
bus stop signs featuring VisitFalkirk
branding to help signpost visitors to
the route.
The launch of The Loop supports
a major drive from Falkirk Council,
Falkirk Community Trust, Falkirk
Delivers, VisitFalkirk, The Helix
and Scottish Canals to continue
promoting Falkirk as one of
Scotland’s most exciting tourist
destinations. The service aims
to increase accessibility to major
attractions whilst encouraging as
many visitors as possible to use
public transport.
Like all other bus routes in the area,
travel on The Loop is free for those
aged over 60 with a valid Scottish
Government issued concessionary
travel pass and for children under 5
years old. For others, an all-day ticket
for the ‘hop on, hop off’ service costs
only £5 with a £12 family ticket for
four, and tickets bought for other
local First Midland Bluebird services
can be used on The Loop too.
Councillor Dr Craig Martin said:
“Passenger numbers for The Loop
are very encouraging and we’ve had
positive feedback from the public
about the service, which shows that
it is benefitting the area, creating
better connections to improve the
visitor experience and supporting
local attractions.”
A travel itinerary for The Loop
is available to download on the website to help
sightseers make the most of their
The Falkirk Area
Tourism Partnership
Falkirk Council have been
working closely with
the Tourism Businesses
within the Falkirk area and
many of the businesses
have been involved in the
development of the Falkirk
Area Tourism Strategy.
The key targets identified within the
Strategy for the Falkirk area are:
•To develop a Falkirk Tourism Partnership
to take ownership of, to review and to
implement the strategy.
As a result Falkirk Council co-ordinated an
initial meeting with a number of Falkirk area
tourism businesses and heard from David
Smythe the Chair of Perthshire Tourism
Partnership as to the benefits of an Area
Tourism Partnership.
•It was agreed that Falkirk Council
establish a Tourism Business Forum
which will meet every 3 to 4 months.
•It was also agreed that Falkirk Council
would look for an industry chair and a
small group of businesses which Falkirk
Council can use as a sounding board to
take the Partnership model forward.
•Any businesses considering volunteering
to contact Tracey Martin in the first
If you would like to be involved in the
Falkirk Area Tourism Partnership please
contact Tracey Martin on 01324 590967
This was followed by an excellent
discussion facilitated by Caroline
Warburton of the Scottish Tourism Alliance
•To increase visitor expenditure in the
Falkirk area by 20% over the next five
years to 2020
•To increase overnight visitor
accommodation (serviced bedrooms and
self catering units) in the Falkirk area by
20% over the next five years to 2020.
The Kelpie
Maquettes on Tour
The Kelpie Maquettes have
had a busy summer touring
around the country visiting
major events.
The 10ft touring sculptures of the iconic
landmarks have been helping to spread
the word of the Falkirk area at top
events including The Grand National at
Aintree, the West End Festival in Glasgow,
Edinburgh International Airport, Glasgow
Queen Street train station and the world
renowned Edinburgh Festival.
But while most of us start to wind down
after the summer, the Maquettes are
planning to keep just as busy; with trips
to the Blair Horse Trails and European
Eventing Championship in Blair Atholl,
Edinburgh University and Linlithgow
Book Festival all planned before the
year is out.
Falkirk’s tourism
Campsite glamps
boom sparks premier it up with luxury
inn expansion
safari tents
Falkirk’s rising position as a major tourist
destination has helped spark further investment
and growth from Britain’s biggest hotel chain,
Premier Inn, which has announced expansion and
refurbishment across its estate based in the area.
The leading hospitality business has started building a total of 66
new bedrooms in addition to major refurbishment work on existing
accommodation across its four hotels – Falkirk Central Premier
Inn (Rosebank Beefeater), Falkirk East Premier Inn (Cadgers Brae
Brewers Fayre), Falkirk North Premier Inn (Kincardine Way Brewers
Fayre) and Falkirk Larbert Premier Inn.
Expected to roll out in the coming months, the expansion is a result
of the company’s investment plan, which identifies areas that are
prospering and are benefitting from investment.
David Christmas, Project and Programme Manager for Premier
Inn, said: “Our Falkirk Premier Inns have been a great success. With
more and more people wanting to visit our hotels, we are adding
an additional 66 bedrooms across our Falkirk portfolio.
“Falkirk is an excellent location for our guests and we are confident
that our new extensions will contribute positively to the existing
vibrant tourism industry – attracting new visitors to the area and
delivering new investment and jobs.”
Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for Culture, Leisure and Tourism,
Councillor Adrian Mahoney said: “Further expansion and
commitment from Premier Inn demonstrates the confidence
from the private sector in the area’s potential and its position as a
thriving and attractive place to invest.
“Through the Council’s infrastructure programme we have placed
massive and long-term commitment to create opportunities
for investment with a strategy that ensures our land can be
developed in partnership with investors. As the area continues to
experience growth in visitor numbers there are obvious investment
opportunities for firms in the leisure sector.”
Award-winning local business, Carr’s Hill caravan
park has expanded into the luxury holiday market
on the back of the growth in ‘glamping’, with the
introduction of bespoke safari tents.
Husband and wife team Grant and Gillian Turnbull have been
receiving free advisory support from Business Gateway Falkirk
that helped them incorporate the high-end camping market into
the development of their rural estate and existing site.
Since launching five years ago, the site has already earned
prestigious Caravan Club Certificated Location status and, last
year, also gained a UK-wide accolade at the Caravan Club CL
awards held at Westminster. Carr’s Hill now offers two new,
two-bedroom safari tents fitted out to the highest specification
to offer all the comforts of home but with the excitement of the
great outdoors.
Grant Turnbull said: “Carr’s Hill has been attracting tourists from
throughout the UK and Europe and even as far afield as Australia
and New Zealand. Recently we have seen more people using our
pitches for longer breaks, so we wanted to expand to provide
something completely unique and that would really attract
people to Falkirk as a holiday destination.
“The support we have received through Business Gateway Falkirk
has been instrumental in helping us develop our strategy for the
Caroline Brown from Business Gateway Falkirk said: “Carr’s Hill
is testament to the exciting and flourishing businesses we have
in the area, and the support that we can provide to help them
prosper and grow. It’s great to see this latest development to
their site and we are confident the bespoke tents will be valuable
in attracting new visitors to the area.”
For more information go to
For more information go to
at a glance
falkirk council
services for
Business Gateway
01324 808266
Business Continuity
01324 501002
Business Property
01324 504999
Development Services
01324 504950
Eco Stars Fleet
Recognition Scheme
01324 506070
Employment and Training Unit
01324 504400
New Economic Strategy
for the Falkirk area
Work is well underway developing a new economic strategy
for the Falkirk area.
The existing economic strategy, ‘My Future’s in Falkirk’, was initially produced
in 2002 and refreshed in 2011. This document has led development of a
number of significant projects from the upgrading of the area’s school stock to
the delivery of Helix Park and the Kelpies.
A new strategy is required to assess progress against the goals of 2002 and
2011 and to take account of the changing landscape and recent developments
within Falkirk and the wider global economy. At the 2014 Falkirk Business
Panel Conference, the plans to produce a new economic strategy for the
Falkirk area were announced.
This new strategy will build on the feedback to Falkirk Council through Falkirk
Business Panel events and a series of on-going consultations taking place
throughout 2015 with the local business community.
In November there will be a full online consultation where you can review the
proposals and make your own contribution. If you would like to provide your
feedback on issues facing the area and make sure you have your say please
contact Matthew Farrell on 01324 590988
Enterprise & Education
01324 501975
Health Unit
• Food Safety • Health & Safety
• Trading Standards
01324 504982
Growth & Investment Unit
01324 590960
01324 501239
Non Domestic Rates
01324 506966
01324 590788
Trade Waste Team
01324 504422
Internet of Things
An opportunity has arisen for UK local authorities to lead an innovative
industrial focused sensor based demonstrator project which must deliver
economic, environmental and community benefits.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is to invest up to £10
million in a single collaborative R&D project to demonstrate the capability of
the Internet of Things (IoT) in a city region.
The aim of this demonstrator is to show how the large-scale deployment of IoT
– where everyday objects are connected to a network in order to share their
data – can benefit citizens by offering environmental improvements, economic
opportunities, and more efficient and effective delivery of services such as
transport, healthcare and energy.
It is anticipated that only one project of mainly industrial research will be
funded. Local authorities, public bodies, third sector organisations and
academic institutions could receive up to 100% of their eligible project costs
(up to a max of 30% of total project costs), small businesses 70%, mediumsized businesses 60% and large businesses 50%. The maximum grant
available is £10 million; the project is expected to run for up to two years with
an application deadline of 30th September 2015. There after qualifying bids
will undergo a rigorous assessment process.
The proposed project bid builds upon the current pilot project, is unique,
addressing an un-met need, has scalability, mitigates risk, reduces financial
and CSR costs, and importantly, with development has the potential for worldwide commercial application.
Business boost
for Falkirk
Buy With Confidence
Unfair competition from rogue traders is a growing issue for
businesses and Buy with Confidence will allow Trading Standards
to point people in the direction of a large pool of legitimate traders.
The Buy with Confidence scheme is run by Falkirk Council’s Trading
Standards team and has been setup to provide people with a
database of reliable local traders and businesses. Businesses that
join can enhance their reputation and credibility whilst giving
consumers peace of mind.
The scheme is open to all businesses and will bring together
builders, plumbers, gardeners, electricians, painters, joiners,
roofers and many other traders working within the local area. All
will be thoroughly vetted and checked by Falkirk Council ‘s Trading
Standards before being accepted onto the scheme. This includes
checking a company’s financial and complaint history and in some
cases disclosure checks. Positive references from previous satisfied
customers are also required.
All members are placed on a national database where consumers
can review and rate traders they use, meaning good work will earn
the business a good reputation. The scheme will support reliable
local businesses as well as promoting them to consumers who have
never used them before. Copies of the local database will be made
available to those who do not have internet access.
There is a fee of £30 to join and after becoming a member
businesses will be given promotional Buy with Confidence
materials. They will also be able to display the scheme’s logo to
show they are Trading Standards approved.
Even after being accepted onto the scheme businesses will be
monitored by Trading Standards to ensure they adhere to the law
and the code of conduct to treat consumers fairly.
Contact the Trading Standards team for more information
Business owners throughout the Falkirk area are being urged to
take advantage of Business Gateway’s fully funded workshop
With a host of seminars on topics ranging from marketing and
social media to exporting and taking on employees, new and
existing entrepreneurs in Falkirk can learn new skills and pick up
invaluable knowledge and information.
Designed to address the challenges faced by local businesses, the
latest workshop programme encourages networking and arms the
business community with the tools needed to be a success.
Carron Smith, Business Gateway, said: “Our fully funded workshops
add real value to any business whether it’s a start-up or growing
enterprise. Focusing on the issues that matter, our events can
benefit businesses of all sizes at all stages of development.
“Research shows that businesses that have engaged with Business
Gateway have a significantly better chance of surviving beyond
three years than the national average and we believe that our
workshops contribute to this.”
The programme of events, takes place in the The Falkirk Stadium,
3rd Floor, Falkirk. To book a place on a workshop at no cost to your
business and to find out more about how Business Gateway can
help your enterprise visit or 01324
Training for
New dates for the trailblazing Guide to
Successful Retailing courses have just been
announced. Aimed to specifically meet the
needs of small and medium-sized business
owners the course provides retail businesses
with the skills, knowledge and tools needed
to grow a successful retail business and
network with other businesses just like theirs.
The courses provide existing businesses with
the opportunity to assess current business
practices, to identify development areas or
provide the new retailer with invaluable tips
to get their business off the ground. Starting
on 21 October, the courses run at the Falkirk
Stadium every Wednesday evening at 6-8.30pm
for 6 weeks. To book your place email: Jacquie.
New Larbert
facility opens
to provide
opportunities for
disabled people
Falkirks Award
Winning Companies
Congratulations to the following businesses who
have picked up national awards and made major
achievement over the last few months – fantastic
news and great for raising the profile of the area
in national arenas
Mr John Swinney MSP, Deputy First
Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance,
Constitution and Economy recently
opened the new 53,000 sq ft facility
of award-winning social firm Haven
Enterprises in Larbert. This will enable
the company to sustain employment and
create new job opportunities for disabled
and disadvantaged people in Scotland.
Haven has recently undergone
considerable growth, doubling its
workforce which now stands at 250
people, 220 of whom are disabled or
The new facility in Larbert, developed in
partnership with Falkirk Council and The
Scottish Government will provide the
headquarters for three supported business
that Haven Enterprises currently operates:
• Haven PTS Limited, which designs
and manufactures a range of personal
protective equipment (PPE), safety
clothing, work wear and uniforms.
• Redrock provides a full suite of secure
document scanning and document
management services to public and
private sector clients, storing data securely
in the cloud and turning paper files
and high volume ‘back files’ into fully
searchable online records.
• The Sign Factory was established as a
supported business by Falkirk Council to
provide employment for disabled people.
It offers a complete range of signage from
vehicle graphics and engraving through
to traffic signs and screen printing, with
bespoke design services available to
For more info about Haven go to
Sisters Boutique in Falkirk won the Best
Individual Womenswear Buyer at the Pure
London’s 2015 Buyers Power List Awards
event. Lauren Ferguson from Sisters
fought off stiff competition from buyers
from Harvey Nichols, Next, Selfridges and
many more.
Lauren commented “ I’ve been buying
women’s fashions for 19 years and must be
quite good at it as the industry awarded me
with the huge acolade of Best Individual
Womenswear Buyer at the PURE Power
Buyers Awards in Olympia, London on
Monday 3 August 2015. The event was well
attended by buyers and brands and what
has made it extra special for me is all the
awards are Peer nominated so once you
are shortlisted you then had to nominate
who you think deserved to win. To win this
is huge for me as being a retailer in a town
like Falkirk right now is anything but easy.”
Belgica Furniture based in Bo’ness have
won Scotland’s Favourite Furniture/
Soft Furnishing Company for 2015 in the
inaugural Scottish Home Improvement
Awards. Belgica beat off stiff competition
from other stores such as Charlotte James
Edinburgh, Imaginex Furniture & Interiors
& The Store Interiors.
The Milk Barn Icecream Parlour received
great coverage as they were used as the
base to launch Visit Scotland’s new Ice
Cream trails and they also came third in the
recent WOW Food and Drink awards under
the sweet tooth category.
Mrs Tilly’s in Central Business Park, Larbert
secured a huge investment package which
will create 16 jobs as part of a push to
increase its export market. The investment
will see new machinery being brought in
which will make the production process
five per cent more efficient.
BYD, the world’s largest maker of pure
electric buses – and Alexander Dennis
Limited (ADL), Europe’s fastest growing
bus and coach builder – have formed a
powerful new alliance and confirmed a £19
million deal that will see the introduction
of London’s first large-scale, zero-emission,
single deck bus fleet. This will also be the
single largest fleet of full size electric buses
in Europe.
Sheraton Grand Hotel,
Friday 6th November 2015
Explore Export is designed to help
you make your international business
ambitions a reality. At the event you will
have the opportunity to:
•Book a one-to-one session with experts
from Scottish Enterprise, UKTI and UK
Export Finance
•Attend our seminars and hear from other
business leaders about their exporting
experiences and talk to our GlobalScots
•Talk to specialists in your sector and our
partner organisations in our exhibition area
•Network with likeminded business people
For more info go to
Digital Tourism
EICC, Edinburgh
Fri 20th November
Digital Tourism Scotland (DTS) &
Edinburgh Tourism Action Group (ETAG)
would like to invite you to a one day Digital
Tourism conference where we will explore
how digital tourism products and services
can help tourism businesses attract more
visitors to Scotland and enhance the
visitors’ overall experience.
Come along to the event and you will
also hear about the new and exciting DTS
programme aimed and developing the
digital skills and capabilities of tourism
businesses across Scotland.
To find out more or book your place now
go to
Meet The Buyer
Carnegie Conference
Centre, Dunfermline, Fife
Thursday 12th November
from 9.30am to 1pm
A seminar programme will allow
businesses to hear from suppliers on
opportunities in their supply chains and
how to access them.
Representatives of BAM Construction,
who are engaged in the construction of
the new schools as part of Building Fife’s
Future programme, will be at the event as
well as representatives from Ministry of
Defence Procurement Division, Scottish
Government Procurement, Scotland Excel
and many more.
Visit the SDP website
Falkirk Area
Wednesday 25th November,
The Helix Visitor Centre
Falkirk Council
The first in a series of networking events
planned for tourism businesses throughout
the Falkirk area.
Tourism Scotland
Conference 2015
Tuesday 1st December
2015, Assembly Rooms,
Building on the success of the 2014
Conference, 2015 will deliver a
collaborative, thought provoking and
highly interactive day for meetings and
events professionals in Scotland.
The programme will challenge everyone
to think differently about the business
tourism product in Scotland
For more info go to
International Low
Carbon Heat &
Water Conference
and Showcase
23rd February 2016,
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
This is an unmissable opportunity to
see and hear from companies with the
latest solutions for Low Carbon Heating &
Cooling and Water & Wastewater.
This event will allow local tourism
businesses to come in and view the Helix
Visitor Centre and hear from Ben Mardall
the Helix Ops Manager about the facility
and the future plans for the site.
This free one day event will enable more
than 500 delegates to connect and
explore opportunities & how to realise
them, to discuss challenges and learn
about innovative solutions, all within an
international context.
To book your place email
For more info
Plus remember business gateway falkirk deliver a whole
range of free courses and workshops to help your business
For more information go to bgateway.Com/falkirk
Transport and Storage Industry
Total Turnover
Number of Professional, Scientific
and Technical Businesses
From Scottish Annual Business Survey 2013
New Businesses
North Lanarkshire
West Lothian
Perth & Kinross
5 years
North Lanarkshire
West Lothian
Perth & Kinross
From Office of National Statistics
1 year
Employment Rate
Business Survival Rate
Ages 16-64 Oct 2013 – Sept 2014
started in the Falkirk Area
From Scottish Annual Business Survey 2013
Falkirk in Numbers
Increase in Visitors
From Visit Scotland
Total Tourism
at Visitor Information Centre in Falkirk
From DREAM Tourism Report