From X-ray structure to successful calf therapy
From X-ray structure to successful calf therapy
BKIs for Cryptosporidiosis: From X-ray Structure to Cattle Therapy Wesley C. Van Voorhis MD PhD Professor and Division Head Allergy and Infectious Diseases Division Adjunct Professor of Global Health and Microbiology Director, CERID University of Washington Cryptosporidiosis: Human Clinical – Protozoan Parasite • Lives inside plasma membrane, yet outside cytoplasm of gut epithelial cells – Prolonged diarrhea (3-14 days) in immunocompetent individuals • Outbreaks :poor water filtration; Milwaukee 400K – Deadly diarrhea in HIV infection if CD4 counts not boosted by anti-retroviral therapy – Second-most common pathogen in severe diarrhea of children of 6-18 months old in resource-poor environments • Associated with mortality & growth failure – Only one drug licensed for Crypto: nitazoxanide • Only 33% efficacy in malnourished children • No efficacy in HIV infected persons Calcium-dependent protein kinases CDPKs: kinases of plants and apicomplexan parasites Calcium-activated serine/threonine protein kinase Toxoplasma gondii CDPK1 required for motility and cell entry and exit; likely also Cryptosporidium spp. CDPK1 Activity dependent on Ca2+ Major structural rearrangement CAD ends up on opposite surface of kinase domain Active site now accessible to protein & peptide substrates Exploit the small gatekeeper structural difference: Develop specific & potent bumped kinase inhibitors Gly “Gatekeeper” residue CDPK1 ATPbinding site: Large (accessible) hydrophobic sub-pocket Binds bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs) ATPbinding pocket Bumped kinase inhibitor Eric Larson Exploit the small gatekeeper structural difference: Develop specific & potent bumped kinase inhibitors Typical Mammalian Protein Kinase ATP-binding site: Bulky “Gatekeeper” residue Does not bind bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs) ATPbinding pocket Small (inaccessible) hydrophobic sub-pocket CLASH ! Bumped kinase inhibitor Eric Larson Medicinal Chemistry & SBDD • Made 600 BKIs to date • Optimize: – Potency R1 R2 • Activity against Parasites’ CDPK (SBDD) pyrazolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine (PP) Dusty Maly • Activity against Parasite replication in vitro – Safety • Lack activity against mammalian kinases (specificity) • Lack activity against mammalian cell lines (toxicity) • Lack rodent toxicity (whole animal dosing) – ADME R2 N N NH2 R1 O NH2 O N • Orally Absorbed 5-aminopyrazole-4-carboxamide (AC) • Distributed to CNS Erkang Fan • Low Metabolism & Excretion for high exposure In mammalian cell culture (RT-PCR) 1294 Cryptosporidium Quantity 1294 inhibits C. parvum proliferation in vitro 1294 Exp 1 1294 Exp 2 Alejandro Castellanos-Gonzalez and Clinton White (UTMB) A novel Calcium Dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitor as a lead compound for treating CONFIDENTIAL Cryptosporidiosis. Castellanos-Gonzalez A, et al. . J Infect Dis. 2013; 208 (8): 1342-1348. 1294 inhibits C. parvum and promotes intestinal healing in immunocompromised mouse model • • • • • SCID/beige mouse model Infect with 1 X 10 6 C. parvum oocysts (Iowa strain) by oral gavage Four days after infection, begin 10 day therapy with 1294 @ 100mg/kg 1x/day or vehicle alone Monitor stool output of oocysts for 33 days Histology/TUNEL assay of intestine at 33 days Mean Stool Parasites: Mean Stool Parasites: Mice (7) Control Mice (7) given vehicle only on d4-13 after infection treated with 1294 (100mg/kg po 1x/d) on d4-13 after infection Outcome of Intestinal Villi 1294 Treated Vehicle Alone Uninfected Controls Alejandro Castellanos-Gonzalez and Clinton White (UTMB) A novel Calcium Dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitor as a lead compound for treating Cryptosporidiosis. Castellanos-Gonzalez A, et al. . J Infect Dis. 2013; 208 (8): 1342-1348. Newborn Calf – Cryptosporidium challenge Study Mike Riggs: Univ of Arizona • Newborn calves • Susceptible to C. parvum infection • Can develop severe diarrhea like humans • Infection with 5 x 107 Oocysts/calf on day 0 • Diarrhea in both groups at onset of dosing • Start treatment on day 2 • 1294 @ 5mg/kg every 12 hrs for 5 days 1294 Efficacy of 1294 5mg/kg PO q12hr (2x daily): Daily Oocyst Numbers Shed Average Total Oocysts per Day +/- SD 4.50E+08 4.00E+08 3.50E+08 Control treated * * 3.00E+08 * 2.50E+08 2.00E+08 * * 1.50E+08 * 1.00E+08 * Newborn CalfC. parvum challenge model 5.00E+07 0.00E+00 3 4 5 6 Days PI 7 8 9 10 Rx with 1294 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge • After 24hrs of therapy (d3 PI), oocyst excretion was significantly reduced in calves treated with 1294 Efficacy of 1294 5mg/kg PO q12hr (2x daily): Daily Clinical Evaluation Scores Treated 17.0 Total Clinical Evaluation Score Mean ± SEM * 15.0 14.0 Control * 16.0 * * * * * 13.0 * 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 Newborn CalfC. parvum challenge model 7.0 6.0 5.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rx with 1294 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge Day Post Infection • After 24hrs of therapy (D3 PI), calves were significantly more well when given 1294 Efficacy of 1294 5mg/kg PO q12hr (2x daily) vs C. parvum Diarrhea: Total Fecal Volume (ml) 18000.0 Fecal vol (ml) Days 3 - 10 PI 16000.0 * Control Treated 14000.0 12000.0 10000.0 8000.0 6000.0 Newborn CalfC. parvum challenge model 4000.0 2000.0 * Significantly different p=<0.05 0.0 • Calves had significantly less diarrhea when given with 1294, as is evident in this graph comparing fecal volume Efficacy of 1294 5mg/kg PO q12hr (2x daily) vs C. parvum Diarrhea: Fecal Consistency Score 4.50 * * * * Treated * 4.00 Control * Fecal Score ± sem 3.50 * Newborn CalfC. parvum challenge model 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 Rx with 1294 1.00 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge 3 4 5 Days PI 6 7 8 9 10 * Significantly different p=<0.05 • By the second day of therapy, d4 PI, the fecal consistency score was significantly improved in the 6 1294 treated calves vs. the 6 control calves, and virtually normal by 5 days after therapy Summary of Newborn Calf C. parvum challenge Rx w/ 1294 • Twice daily Rx (5mg/kg Q12h) • Significantly reduced C.p. oocyst excretion on and after the first day of therapy – Led to outstanding clinical outcomes, measureable by 24hrs after therapy starts • Reduced diarrhea, improved fecal consistency scores • Reduced stool volumes • Better overall clinical scores – Stool levels 0.45 µM – Plasma levels 0.2 – 0.7 µM • Efficacy BKI 1294 Properties – 2 nM IC50 CpCDPK1 enzyme & <100 nM EC50 C. parvum growth in vitro – Proof of concept: effective treatment of newborn and SCID/bg rodent models of C. parvum & two calf studies of C. parvum challenge – Normalization of intestinal villi in SCID/bg rodent model after 1294 Rx • Safety – – – – No activity: human kinases and off-target liabilities No activity 40 µM against 4 human cell lines No toxicity in rodents hERG activity: IC50 300nM • PK/ADME – Oral Bioavailability: ~90% – Fecal levels measureable and >10X EC50 Crypto – 24 hrs >EC50 Crypto: 100 mg/kg oral dose 1294 Alternative BKI Compounds • 1517: with alternative AC scaffold to 1294 – 1.4 nM CDPK1 IC50, 50-100 nM Crypto cell EC50 – Oral absorption excellent • 10µM peak with 10mg/kg dose, AUC 2450µM-min • Rat oral bioavailability: 78% • Mouse stool levels 0.45µM: 25mpk x 1 – Clean safety profile in vitro & rodents • Single and multiple doses, up to 300 mg/kg • No AMES or micronucleus signal • No hERG, no off target liabilities Mean stool C. parvum oocysts Immunocompromised SCID/Bg Mouse C. parvum Challenge Model: 1517 20mg/kg po AM & 40 mg/kg po PM or Vehicle control 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1517 Rx: d4-13 Vehicle alone 1517 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Day after infection (mice treated d 5-14) N =7 each group • 1517 also effective in newborn mouse – C. parvum challenge model: 25mg/kg bid Newborn Calf – Cryptosporidium challenge Study Mike Riggs: Univ of Arizona • Infection with 5 x 107 Oocysts/calf on day 0 • Start treatment on day 2 • 1517 @ 10mg/kg every 12 hrs for 10 doses • Doubled dose 1517 compared with 1294 given 1517 has more rapid clearance • Diarrhea at onset of dosing Comparative Fecal volume: 1517 treated and control Newborn Calves challenged with C. parvum Mean Fecal Volume (ml) +/- SD Efficacy of BKI 1517 vs C. parvum Diarrhea: Average Daily Fecal Volume 5000 * 4500 * control 1517 Treated 1517 4000 * 3500 Rx with 1517 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 3 4 5 6 Day PI 7 8 9 10 * Significantly different p=<0.05 • Significantly less fecal volume in 1517-treated calves compared with control calves on days 4, 5, & 6 post infection demonstrates clinical benefit of 1517 Comparative Fecal Consistency: 1517 treated and control Newborn Calves challenged with C. parvum Fecal Consistency 4.50 4.00 Fecal Score ± sd 3.50 * 3.00 Treated 2.50 * * 2.00 Control * 1.50 * Rx with 1517 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge 1.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days Post Infection 8 9 10 * Significantly different p=<0.05 • Significantly lower fecal consistency score observed in the 1517-treated calves comparted with control calves on days 4 8 post infection demonstrates decreased diarrhea with 1517 therapy Weight loss: 1517 treated and control Newborn Calves challenged with C. parvum Percent Weight Loss – Group Means 0.0 -1.0 % Weight Gain -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -7.0 Control Group Treated 1517 • Reduced weight loss in 1517-treated calves suggests 1517treated calves will have superior growth than control calves 1517 Treated and Control Newborn Calves Challenged with C. parvum Efficacy of 1517 vs C. parvum: Daily Oocyst Numbers Shed 1.80E+10 Average Total Oocysts per Day +/- SD 1.60E+10 control 1.40E+10 treated 1.20E+10 1.00E+10 8.00E+09 6.00E+09 4.00E+09 Rx with PTT-148 began on day 2 after C.p. challenge 2.00E+09 0.00E+00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days PI • Significantly less C. parvum oocysts shed on Days 3-5 Summary of Calf – C. p. challenge and Rx with 1517 • Diarrhea was significantly reduced and fecal volumes normalized by d2 after Rx with 1517 compared with controls – Controls: diarrhea until d7 after Rx, elevated fecal volume until d6 after Rx • Multiple Clinical outcomes were significantly better after Rx with 1517 compared with controls – Better urine output, fever, weight gain, overall clinical scores • C. p. Oocyst output significantly reduced on d1 after therapy • Simultaneous PK: – Stool values 1.2 µM – Plasma peak values variable, mean 3.5 µM -5 µM over course of expt PK-PD: What’s Needed for Effective Crypto Diarrhea Therapy? • Don’t really understand PK/ADME necessary for anti-Crypto efficacy • Experiments suggest 1553 is less efficacious in mouse Cryptosporidium model compared with 1294 & 1517 despite better 1553 plasma levels. • Preliminary data in calves suggest slower clinical response of 1553. • What about stool levels and levels in enterocytes? – May be critical determinants to treat cryptosporidium – Mouse Stool levels of 1517 and 1553 similar (25 mg/kg dose PO: 0.5uM in stool) Neonatal Mouse C. p. infection Results: Poor Correlation of Stool levels, Plasma Exposure (AUC), & C.p. activity • Neonatal mice infected with C. parvum x 2 days, then begin q12 hr dosing with 25mg/kg BKIs, measure % reduction in total GI tract by immunostaining • Stool levels measured after 25 mg/kg oral dose • AUC (plasma exposure) measured after 10 mg/kg oral dose 16000 14000 6 12000 5 10000 4 AUC STOOL CONCENTRATION (UM) 7 3 8000 6000 2 4000 1 2000 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 % C PARVUM INHIBITION 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % C parvum Inhibition No clear correlation of C. parvum efficacy with Cmax or Plasma Protein (not shown) CDPK1 Inhibitors Sumiti Vinayak & Boris Striepen UGA C D P K in h ib it o r s ; T K - K O ; P 1 0 ; G a in s e t t in g = 1 5 0 Luciferase-tagged (TK KO) C. parvum in δ-IFN-KO mice 400000 300000 C o n tro l (v e h ic le tre a te d ) 1 2 6 6 ( -v e c o n tr o l) 1 2 9 4 ( + v e c o n tr o l) 100000 Insol. cmpd, ↓ syst. dist, ? stool 1 5 5 0 Mod sol, ↑ syst. dist, ↓ stool 1 6 0 8 ↑ soluble, ↑ syst. dist., ↑ stool 1534 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 4 R e la tiv e lu m in e s c e n c e u n its 200000 D a y s p .i Treat with 60mpk/d x 5 days, begin treating on day 3, luciferase = C. parvum Ongoing Studies: BKIs for Crypto • Calf Cryptosporidium Challenge studies: – 1517: Working towards <3d Rx (TPP) and dose finding in calf model – 1553: Beginning to study in calf model but initial expts underdosed and a delayed effect was seen • Further Tox Studies: 1517 and 1553 – Safety Index in mice: therapeutic levels vs. toxic systemic levels – Acute CV tox studies in rats and non-GLP rat studies • Backup molecules: – Active in neonatal mouse C.p. & δ-KO Cp mouse models – 1608: 1517-like (AC) compound with less systemic exposure – 1534: 1553-like (PP) compound with much less systemic exposure Future Studies: BKIs for Crypto • Late pre-clinical studies – Metabolite identification – API Chemistry – GLP package • Safety (rodents/dogs) • PK/ADME (dogs) – Formulation – GMP manufacture • Clinical studies – Phase I/IIa in human challenge – Pediatric safety package – Phase IIb/III in target population Lynn Barrett Kayode Ojo Ryan Choi Thanks to: Steve N Hewitt Kasey Rivas Dusty Maly Erkang Fan Not Shown Matt Hulverson Nina Isoheranan A. Clinton White Mike Riggs Jenni Zambriski Marilyn Parsons Stone Doggett Matthias Lendner Andrew Hemphill Luis Ortega Mora Dale Kempf Geno de Hostos Robert Choi Boris Striepen Sumiti Vinayak And their groups Ethan Merritt Wim Hol
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