Collaborative Logistics in the Forest Industry Mikael
Collaborative Logistics in the Forest Industry Mikael
CollaborativeLogistics intheForestIndustry MikaelRönnqvist Université Laval,Québec,Canada SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, August 19-21, Uppsala, Sweden Outline • Collaboration ‐ basis • Collaboration forms & industry cases – Collaboration by horizontal integration – Collaboration by standardization • Challenges / open questions • Concluding remarks Presentation based on joint work together with many organisations, companies and colleagues. COLLABORATIONBASICS Definitionofcollaboration “An intentional cooperative action between two or more entities that exchange or share resources, with the goal of making decisions or realizing activities that will generate shared advantages or losses. “ J.F. Audy, N. Lehoux, S. D’Amours, M. Rönnqvist, A Framework for an Efficient Implementation of Logistics Collaborations, Int. Transactions of Operations Research, Vol 19, 633-657, 2012. COLLABORATIONTHROUGH VERTICALINTEGRATION Example with one integrated company: J. Troncoso, S. D'Amours, P. Flisberg, M. Rönnqvist, A. Weintraub, A mixed integer programming model to evaluate integrating strategies in the forest value chain - A case study in the Chilean forest industry, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol 45, 937-949, 2015. Example with vendor managed inventory (VMI): D. Carlsson, P. Flisberg, M. Rönnqvist, Using robust optimization for distribution and inventory planning for a large pulp producer, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 44, 214-225, 2014. COLLABORATIONTHROUGH HORIZONTALINTEGRATION Potentialincollaboration withtwo companies sharing supply anddemand Simple approach Norra Sala Hallstavik Heby Östra Västerås Västra Backhaulage tour Norra Hallstavik Heby Sala Östra Västerås Västra Casestudy • 8 participating companies in southern Sweden • 898 supply areas • 101 industries • 39 assortments, 12 assortment groups M. Frisk, M. Göthe-Lundgren, K. Jörnsten and M. Rönnqvist, Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 205, 448-458, 2010. Volume/ month Proportion (%) 77,361 8,76 Company 2 301,660 34,16 Company 3 94,769 10,73 Company 4 44,509 5,04 Company 5 232,103 26,29 Company 6 89,318 10,12 Company 7 36,786 4,17 Company 8 6,446 0,73 Company Company 1 Total 882,952 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Optimizationmodel • • • • • # supply points: 4842 # demand points: 310 # constraints: 5,053 # variables (direct flows): 240,000 # variables (backhaul flows): > 400 million – (240,000 + 125,00 through column generation) opt1: direct flows (individual) opt2: backhaul flows (individual) Company Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7 Company 8 All Total Saving (%) opt3: direct flows (collaboration) opt4: backhaul flows (collaboration) Real 3,894 15,757 4,828 2,103 10,704 opt 1 3,778 14,859 4,742 2,067 10,340 opt 2 3,640 14,684 4,703 2,043 10,153 5,084 1,934 0,333 4,959 1,884 0,333 4,826 1,877 0,332 44,637 0,00 42,963 3,75 42,257 5,33 opt 3 opt 4 39,253 39,253 12,06 38,315 38,315 14,16 Costallocationbasedonvolume Company Company 1 Individual 3,778 Volume 3,439 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6 Company 7 Company 8 Sum 14,859 4,742 2,067 10,340 4,959 1,884 0,333 42,963 13,411 4,213 1,979 10,318 3,971 1,635 0,287 39,253 % 9,0 9,7 11,2 4,3 0,2 19,9 13,2 14,0 Gametheoryapproach– Basics coalition S : a subset of participants N (or players) grand coalition S N : all participants c(S) : cost for the transportation for S Efficient allocation : y j c(N) jN Individual rational : y j c( j) Core : y jS j c(S), SN Models Volume based allocation : y j w j c( N ) w j is equal to participant j' s share of the total volume Shapley value : y j y S N : jS j S 1 N S c(S ) c(S j) N VolumevsShapleyvalue Company Company 1 Volume 3,439 Company 2 % 9,0 Shapley 3,586 % 5,1 13,411 9,7 13,528 9,0 Company 3 4,213 11,2 4,102 13,5 Company 4 1,979 4,3 1,889 8,6 Company 5 10,318 0,2 9,747 5,7 Company 6 3,971 19,9 4,503 9,2 Company 7 1,635 13,2 1,587 15,8 Company 8 0,287 14,0 0,310 6,9 Sum 39,253 39,253 Stable No Yes Model– EqualProfitMethod c i yi y 1 i . Stable allocation c i yi . c i c i yj yi Relative difference between tw o participan ts : c i c j Minimize difference i.e. Relative saving : min f s.t. yj yi f c i c j y j c ( S ), S N y j c( N ) jS jN EPM Company Volume Shapley EPM Company 1 9,0 5,1 6,7 Company 2 9,7 9,0 8,8 Company 3 11,2 13,5 8,8 Company 4 4,3 8,6 8,8 Company 5 0,2 5,7 8,8 Company 6 19,9 9,2 8,8 Company 7 13,2 15,8 8,8 Company 8 14,0 6,9 8,8 Morepracticalconsiderations – – – – – – Three companies agreed to continue collaboration No sharing of sensitive information No financial transactions Higher (minimum) responsibility for own mills Cost sharing included directly in the OR model Long term relations to motivate same profit proportion – Design process of coalitions • Business model • Leadership • M. Guajardo and M. Rönnqvist, Operations Research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240,147–159, 2015. • J.F. Audy, N. Lehoux, S. D’Amours, M. Rönnqvist, A Framework for an Efficient Implementation of Logistics Collaborations, Int. Transactions of Operations Research, Vol 19, 633-657, 2012. • J.-F. Audy, S. D’Amours and M. Rönnqvist, An empirical study on coalition formation and cost/savings allocation, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 136, 13–27, 2012. M. Guajardo, K. Jörnsten, M. Rönnqvist, Constructive and blocking power in collaborative transportation, OR Spectrum, published online Costallocationmethodsin transportation,VRP,TSPandinventory • 55 scientific articles (most since 2010) • 40 different cost allocation methods based on game theory – – – – – Ad hoc methods: 31 Shapley values: 23 Proportional : 18 Nucleoulus: 12 Dual: 8 • Savings reported: 5‐40% • Number of companies: 2‐50 (most 2‐5) M. Guajardo, M. Rönnqvist, A review on cost allocation methods in collaborative transportation, International Transactions in Operational Research, to appear Forest biomass - COUNTRY-WIDE STUDY All yearly forest fuel transport operations in Sweden: 58,000 harvest sites 647 heating plants and terminals 200,000 transports 6.1 million ton of biomass Many companies involved (28+1) P. Flisberg, M. Frisk, M. Rönnqvist, M. Guajardo, Potential savings and cost allocations for forest fuel transportation in Sweden: A country-wide study, Energy, Vol. 85, 353-365, 2015. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RESULTS ~12% (6%) savings by collaboration. RESULTS ~22% savings by adding all aspects together, representing 140 million SEK COLLABORATIONTHROUGH STANDARDIZATION CALIBRATEDROUTEFINDER Europe (standard): Max 18 m Max 40 ton Sweden: Max 25 m Max 64 ton Film1 Driving time Stress Safety Hilliness Fairness Curvature Maintenace Distance Fuel consumption shortest path fastest path Distance (km) 84.3 85.8 105.6 total resistance (points) 2094 2407 1492 Time (min) 74.7 72.6 87.1 Curviness (points) 161 190 55 Hilliness (points) 74 36 3 Width 3‐3.5m (km) 8 19 0 Gravel road (km) 20 33 9 RC 0 (km) 0 0 0 RC 1 1 0 3 RC 2 0 2 4 RC 3 0 0 67 RC 4 9 19 14 RC 5 18 13 0 RC 6 44 24 6 RC 7 3 5 9 RC 8 3 14 0 RC 9 7 8 1 ‐ 73 million m3 ‐ 2 million loads ‐ 200,000 new landings annually ‐ 440,000 unique routes annually ‐ 800 mills/terminals ‐ 2,000 logging trucks ‐ 5,000 truck drivers ‐ Value 600 million euros • SDC is the logistic hub in Swedish forestry • Responsible for SNVDB – the forest National road database • Daily update of national road database • CRF ‐ in operation since 2009 • 4 full time staff at SDC for management • 3 webservers (3,000 calls per day) 2000 500 Contract Payment Transportassignment Transportdistanceandroute Invoicedistanceandpayload Invoicebase Deviation reports Swedish road network 542 000 km roads • 102 000 km government • 56 000 km local communities • 384 000 km private GIS network • 4.43 million arcs • 2.20 million nodes Road features (No. attributes) • • • • • • • • • • • Functional road class (10) Maximum speed (13) Road width (16) Bearing class (4) Terrain class (3) Road owner (3) Timber route (2) Passing route (2) Length (1) Ferry line (1) Surface type (2) Road features (No. attributes) • • • • • • • • • • • Functional road class (10) Maximum speed (13) Road width (16) Bearing class (4) Terrain class (3) Road owner (3) Timber route (2) Passing route (2) Length (1) Ferry line (1) Surface type (2) • Curvature (30) • Hilliness (20) Geometry coordinates (x,y,z) Key‐routes 1500 best practice routes agreed between forest and transport companies Translation process Road feature (No. attributes) Objectives • Fairness • Distance • Driving time • Safety • Fuel consum. • Work environ. • Maintenance • Stress • Curvature • Hilliness 107 weights ? Key routes • Functional road class (10) • Maximum speed (13) • Road width (16) • Bearing class (4) • Terrain class (3) • Road owner (3) • Timber route (2) • Passing route (2) • Length (1) • Ferry line (1) • Surface type (2) • Curvature (30) • Hilliness (20) Solution method Select initial weights and Generate initial minimum cost (MC) routes Solve MIP or LP problem new weights 1500 key routes and previous weights [MIP] max z ci yi lij xij iI s.t. iI jJ i a ik wk bijk wk M ij (1 yi ), i, j b ijk wk bimk wk M ijm (1 xij ) M ijm yi , i, j , m k K k K k K kK yi xij 1, i L P jJ i wk wl , Generate new MC routes and constraints Convergence criteria stop k s, l. t . wk wk , wk , k yi , xij 0,1 , i, j ( w zi, m in z i I a b ijk w k K k K ik k wl, w k w k z ij 0 , • • • • k w a k K k ik zi, w k z i ) / li i i, j k ,l , w k , k i, j 0.1 second for each MC route 3 minutes for each MIP Average 10‐15 iterations Average 3600 new MC routes. Film2 Generated routes related to normalized key routes 1,3 1,2 1,1 1 0,9 shortest path 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0 500 1000 sorted key routes 1500 Generated routes related to normalized key routes 1,3 1,2 1,1 1 0,9 shortest path 0,8 fastest path 0,7 0,6 0,5 0 500 1000 sorted key routes 1500 Generated routes related to normalized key routes 1,3 1,2 1,1 1 0,9 shortest path 0,8 fastest path 0,7 2009 setting 0,6 0,5 0 500 1000 sorted key routes 1500 Generated routes related to normalized key routes 1,3 1,2 1,1 1 0,9 shortest path 0,8 fastest path 0,7 2009 setting 0,6 2015 setting 0,5 0 500 1000 sorted key routes 1500 CRF – Development over time 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CRF– Development overtime 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Qualitative analysis of CRF routes 1500 Key‐routes Average dist. (km) Key‐routes 87.4 CRF 86.8 Shortest path 80.7 Fastest path 83.2 Quality (points) 10,198 9,983 (2.1% difference) 15,431 (‐51% loss) 12,930 (‐21% loss) 2 million trp CRF Shortest path Fastest path Quality (points) 9,926 17,408 (‐75% loss) 13,616 (‐37% loss) Average dist. (km) 88.3 81.3 84.3 CHALLENGES Relatedopenproblemsfor collaborationand/orcoordination OPEN PROBLEM 5 (Operational harvesting) How can we use pricing as a coordination mechanism for forest operations? OPEN PROBLEM 6 (Transportation and routing) How can we model and propose efficient sharing principles for practical collaboration in transportation? OPEN PROBLEM 10 (Tactical planning) How can we develop methodology to coordinate and synchronize a set of stakeholders with individual agendas? OPEN PROBLEM 24 (Value chain management) How can we design the coordination mechanisms needed to integrate and synchronize the units within the forest value chain? TAKEAWAYMESSAGE Takeawaymessages • Very large potential for savings in logistic collaboration • Many game theoretic models developed for collaboration and analysis • Many obstacle to overcome before practical use – Trust, information sharing, decision support systems, standard, sharing mechanisms – Be aware of peoples personal motivation to participate • Educational tools to understand problem and solution concepts for managers, planners / students • Interesting future challenges for OR analysts CollaborativeLogistics MikaelRönnqvist Université Laval,Québec,Canada Questions? SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resour August 19-21, Uppsala, Sweden