Inside: 17th Annual Chapter Meeting 2014 Golden Jubilees A Friar
Inside: 17th Annual Chapter Meeting 2014 Golden Jubilees A Friar
Summer 2014 Volume 46, No. 2 News from the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Inside: 17th Annual Chapter Meeting 2014 Golden Jubilees A Friar Reflects on Rome Fr. Paul Wattson, SA, Servant of God Glad Tidings with Fr. Bob by Fr. Bob Warren, SA A G LA D T I D I N G S little boy and his brother went to visit their grandma. As the little boy said his night prayers, he was shouting at the top of his voice, “Please God, send me a bicycle, send me a tool chest,” and all that. His brother said, “Not so loud, for crying out loud, God isn’t deaf.” The little boy replied, “Yes, I know, but grandma is.” So why did I tell you this amusing little story? Well, the friars have just held their 17th General Chapter, a time when elected delegates from all over the world came together to choose new leadership and plan the future of our community. To be frank, we need your prayers. You don’t have to shout at God like the boy in the story, but I ask you to please include the friars in your prayers. Ask that God will guide us and show us His will for the future. I know it is not a mere coincidence that as the friars began their 17th Chapter meeting, word arrived that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops would consider helping to open the Cause for sainthood for Fr. Paul Wattson. Our founder, Fr. Paul, now named a Servant of God, lived his life as an apostle of Christian unity and charity; he formed our past and informs our future. And so we face the future with confidence as we recall the words of scripture, “Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” Matt. 21:22 And that is Glad Tidings. Pray with Fr. Bob– COME, SEE, REFLECT, LEARN, REJOICE “There is nothing more beautiful for a man than to be called to the priesthood, he said… called to follow Jesus, to be with Him, to bring Jesus to others, to bring them His Word and His forgiveness.” –Pope Francis I If you are a single Catholic man between the ages of 18 & 40 considering a call to religious life and service to the Church as a brother or priest, we welcome you to visit with us at our home at Graymoor. On the weekend of October 3-5, 2014, we invite you to Graymoor in Garrison, NY, 50 miles north of New York City in the Hudson Valley across the river from West Point. For more information, call the Vocation Director, (800) 338-2620, ext 2126 or email Become a Friar 2 Cover photo: Hollis Barnhart Servant of God, Apostle of Charity D Fr. Paul had a very charitable heart. In one sermon, he offered these thoughts about God’s love for everyone who loves Him. His words still apply and make us ask, “What would happen if Christians could see the face of Christ on everyone they meet?” Fr. Paul reminds us, “The breadth of the love of Christ is illustrated by those outstretched arms on Calvary’s tree…Between those outstretched arms is the capacity of love to embrace them all. It is not the very intellectual, the very cultured people, nor the people who are highly educated which he loves most, but He loves the peasant, he loves the unlettered, He loves the ignorant. His arms outstretched in charity are for everyone that responds to that love. Therefore, no matter what the station of life, or what the race represented by the individual, he can look up with the fullest confidence upon that figure on the Cross and say of him, “He loves me very much, and, if I had been the only being in the world that had gone astray, he would have been willing to go through all that suffering for me, and for me only.” From a sermon of Fr. Paul Wattson delivered on Sept. 20, 1925, found in the Atonement Sisters’ archives. FAT HE R PA UL O F G R AY M O O R uring the 17th General Chapter Meeting of the Friars (see page 4) word arrived that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops would consider giving the green light to Timothy Cardinal Dolan of the New York Archdiocese so he can begin the formal Vatican process of the cause for sainthood of Fr. Paul Wattson. “Our Society’s founder, Father Paul Wattson, now called a Servant of God, guided us throughout the Chapter as did the spirit of St. Francis,” said Fr. Brian Terry, SA, newly elected Minister General. “Delegates came away with a renewed sense of their role in the Church, their work of Christian unity and in the spiritual lives of our fraternity…Servant of God, Fr. Paul of Graymoor, pray for us.” Father Paul Wattson took possession of Graymoor on June 14, 1900, the feast of Corpus Christi. He climbed through the wild to the summit carrying a heavy, rough cross, which he had fashioned out of a tall cedar tree from the foot of the mountain. This cross is still on the grounds for pilgrims to see and pray before. Rev. Lewis T. Wattson, (Fr. Paul) 1863-1940 “Fr. Paul, Servant of God”, apostle of Christian unity and charity, co-founder of the Society of the Atonement. 3 1 7 th G E NE R AL C HA P T E R 17th General Chapter Meeting & Council Election 4 F ollowing the tradition begun with St. Francis of Assisi, every five years Atonement Friars dispersed throughout the world to come together at a General Chapter to elect administration and to set the course for their future. “I set before you life or death. Choose life… (Dt. 30:19)” was the theme of this meeting of thirty-one delegates who prayed and reflected on their heritage and made decisions to lead them into the future, wherever God calls. Delegates reconfirmed commitments to the heart of evangelization, faith, charity and spiritual renewal. completed his second five-year term, read a letter from Bishop Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the Secretariat of State for the Holy See. “His Holiness is confident that the present Chapter, inspired by Moses’ admonition to “choose life”, will provide sure guidance to the friars in their daily efforts to reappropriate the fervor of their first love and to express it in a radical embrace of the evangelical counsels in the spirit of St. Francis and his first followers.” The Holy Father encouraged each of the friars to be a living witness to the joy of the Gospel and a messenger of reconciliation and peace. They will seek vocations and develop strategies for forming friars for the future. They will work toward creating quality of community living, and to cultivate leadership at all levels of the fraternity. The friars also reaffirmed that Fr. Paul Wattson’s “Union-that-NothingBe-Lost” principles,—to waste nothing, to use all their time, talent, substance, and opportunity for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity—will guide the fulfillment of their mission to reconciliation, healing and peace. On June 17, 2014, the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement elected Rev. Brian A. Terry, SA, to serve as Minister General at their General Chapter meeting. Elected to the General Council were Rev. James Loughran, SA, Vicar General and First Councilor; Rev. Bernard Palka, SA, 2nd Councilor, Rev. Dan Callahan, SA, 3rd Councilor, Rev. Charles Sharon, SA, 4th Councilor. The Minister General and Councilors serve a five year term and serve as the Board of Directors for the friars worldwide. The newly elected Minister General and Councilors bring many years of pastoral, ecumenical and social ministries to their new roles. At the Chapter’s retreat day, Minister General, The Very Rev. James Puglisi, SA, who Elected Vicar General & First Councilor, Fr. James Loughran, SA, is currently Director of the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII), a ministry of the friars located in New York City, NY, and editor of its monthly journal, Ecumenical Trends. Fr. Bernard Palka, SA, 2nd Councilor, a Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) and former President and CEO of St. Christopher’s Inn, has been Chaplain for the Connecticut Department of Corrections serving four facilities since 2012. Rev. Daniel Callahan, SA, 3rd Councilor, an MHA Credentialed Healthcare Administrator, with expertise in Mission Integration, is currently serving as Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Rev. Charles Sharon, SA, 4th General Councilor, most recently served as Secretary General and 3rd General Councilor. Since 2006, he has been Associate Treasurer for the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement and has served as Personnel Director for the last 10 years. He is General Council liaison for the health care committee at Graymoor. To read the full biographies of the new Council members visit our website: Minister General-Elect Rev. Brian F. Terry, SA, celebrates a post-election Mass 1 7 th G E N E R A L C HA P T E R Fr. Brian Terry has been Novice Director in Assisi for the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement since 2005. A native of Washington, DC, he professed his final vows in 1994, and was ordained a priest in 1997. He had earned his B.A. in Psychology and Theater from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and began his theological studies at Pontificia Università Gregoriana. At the Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, he completed his license and doctorate in Sacramental Theology with an interdisciplinary study on the psychology and theology of dialogue in the Rite of Penance. In addition to his present work with friars in formation, he is an invited professor of Ecumenism at the Angelicum, Rome. He began his ministerial life as a Youth Minister at St. Luke’s Parish, McLean, Virginia, before entering the Order. New Council: (Left to Right) Rev. Charles Sharon, SA, 4th Councilor, Rev. Dan Callahan, SA, 3rd Councilor, Rev. Brian Terry, SA, Minister General-elect, Rev. James Loughran, SA, Vicar General and 1st Councilor, and Rev. Bernard Palka, SA, 2nd Councilor. All photos this section: Brother John O’Hara, SA 5 A Friar Reflects on Rome by Brother Gregory Lucrezia, SA A FR I AR R E FL E CT S After being in Rome almost five years and seeing the beatification of John Paul II, the resignation of Pope Benedict, the election of Pope Francis, his installation and now the canonization of Pope John Paul II and John XXIII, I feel that my time in Rome has been rewarded. Living in New York State almost my whole life, the opportunity to be part of history here in Rome is truly a blessing. 6 While I was sitting with many other priests and religious waiting for the ceremony to begin, I remembered in prayer all of our benefactors who make it possible for a friar like me to live in Rome and have a chance to be part of our Church’s history. Sharing my thoughts about this event is my way of letting you, in some way, be a part of what has taken place. When Pope Francis canonized these two new Saints, he added two Popes who influenced our lifetime. There are many Saints, but most of them we know by reading about them. Pope John XXXIII and On the eve of the Second Vatican Council on January 30, 1963, Atonement Friars were received in audience by Pope John XXIII. Left to right: Br. Alfonsus (Angelo) Spitalieri, SA; Br. Denis Sennett, SA; Fr. Raphael Grande, SA; Pope John XXIII; Cardinal Gregory Peter Agagianian, SA; Fr. Germanus (Peter) Tomaino, SA; Fr. Salvator Butler, SA; Fr. Celestine Leahy, SA Being part Polish and being able to witness both the beatification and canonization of John Paul II is something to cherish. John XXIII was pope during my Novitiate, and I have fond memories of his brief pontificate and his calling together the Second Vatican Council. Being in the crowd of over 800,000 people on Sunday and mingling with many of them before and after the Canonization made me realize that there is still a great love for the Church and devotion to her saints. Because of our Minister General, Fr. James Puglisi, I was able to get seated quite close to Pope Francis. Unfortunately, TV cameras were blocking part of my view but I was there, in person, and to me that was important. I am not sure if any other Friars were in St. Peter’s Square, but I was, and the memories of the day will last for a long time. Very Rev. James Puglisi, SA, Director of Centro Pro Unione, Rome, with Cardinal Edward Cassidy, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, greeted Pope John Paul II, as part of an ecumenical delegation in May, 2000. ©2000, Servizio Fotografico de “L’O.R.” Vatican City. Pope John Paul II lived in our time, and many of us saw Johannes Paulus as he walked among us. Let us treasure this day and ask these two new saints to intercede with almighty God for us and our families. May God bless you! Brother Gregory Lucrezia, SA, currently is Procurator General to the Holy See at the Convento Sant’Onofrio in Rome, where he is Guardian/Administrator. He professed his vows to the Atonement Friars in 1963, and trained to become a nurse, serving at St. Paul’s Friary Infirmary and at St. Christopher’s Inn. Sant’ Onofrio is the official church of the papal Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. Since 1945, the church has been under the care of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. 2014 Golden Jubilee T he Franciscan Friars of the Atonement held a Golden Jubilee Celebration on June 28, 2014, for seven friars who marked their 50 year milestones since they first entered the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Newly elected Minister General, Rev. Brian Terry, SA, celebrated Mass, and friends and family shared a lunch in honor of the friars. Rev. Ken Cienik, SA Brockton, Massachusetts. He has served as director of the Graymoor Retreat Center in Garrison and as the guardian of Chapel of Our Savior in Brockton. Rev. Francis Eldridge, SA Originally from Elizabeth, NJ, Fr. Eldridge has served as Pastor at St. Odilia’s Parish in South Los Angeles, California, since 2002. In 2012, he received the Franciscan Federation Peacemaker Award for being a passionate Franciscan who serves the poor and marginalized. JUB I LE E Rev. William Linakis, SA Born in Sharpsburg, PA, Fr. Cienik currently serves Born in Flushing, NY, Fr. Linakis currently serves in as Parochial Vicar at Christ the Redeemer Church, health care ministry at the George Pearson Centre Sterling, VA. He was a military chaplain from in Vancouver, British Columbia, 1986 until he retired where he delivers canine as a Commander in therapy with a puppy named the Chaplain Corps of Levi. He has served in prison the United States Navy ministries in California and Reserve in 2010. He Vancouver, BC. served US troops in Iraq during Operation Very Rev. Desert Storm in 1991 James F. Puglisi, SA and Operation Iraqi Born in Amsterdam, NY. Fr. Freedom in 2003. Puglisi was elected Minister In 2006, he was General by the Friars in 2004, awarded a meritorious Left to right: Fr. Patrick Cogan, SA, Fr. Ken Cienik, SA, and re-elected in 2009 to a service medal from the Fr. Brian Terry, SA, Fr. James Puglisi, SA, Fr. Francis second term that ends in midPresident. Eldridge, SA were joined by family and friends to celebrate jubilee. (Photo: Br. John O’Hara, SA) 2014. He is Director of Centro Rev. Pat Cogan, SA Pro Unione, an ecumenical Fr. Cogan, originally from Buffalo, research and action center in Rome, NY, currently serves as Pastor Italy, and professor of ecumenism, at Christ the Redeemer Church, sacraments and ecclesiology at the Sterling, VA. He was associate Pontifical Atheneum, San Anselmo, professor and professor of Canon Rome, the Pontifical University Law at St. Paul University in of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Ottawa, Ontario. He served as Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Executive Coordinator of the Venice. Canon Law Society from 1992 to Very Rev. Art Johnson, SA 1999, a consultor on the Board A native of East Lansdowne, PA, of Governors from 2001 to 2003, Fr. Johnson passed away in March and a member of the Convention 2014 at the age of 63. He served Planning Committee from 2007 as Minister General of the Friars to 2011. He is the editor of Canon from 1999-2004. From 2005 to Law Digest XIII and XIV. In 2012, 2013, he served as Parochial Vicar The Canon Law Society honored Fr. for Christ the Redeemer Parish in Patrick with its distinguished Role Sterling, Virginia. Fr. Johnson was of Law award for his contributions to the field. a member of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse in New York State Rev. Gerald DiGiralamo, SA and a Board Member of St. Christopher’s Inn at Born in Astoria, NY, Fr. DiGiralamo currently serves Graymoor. the sacramental ministry at Chapel of Our Savior, 7 Graymoor Spiritual Life Center For the solitude you need to relax and pray OUR MINISTRIES Graymoor Spiritual Life Center 8 invites you to walk, picnic, reflect, meditate, make a pilgrimage, attend retreats and renew your spirit. Enjoy the sweeping vistas of Graymoor, walk the labyrinth, pray and enjoy our Franciscan hospitality in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York State. We will happily schedule group retreats for your parish or organization and invite individuals to come to the Holy Mountain to restore connections to the deeper meaning of faith. There are year-round opportunities on a spaceavailable basis, known as Days of Grace — usually weekdays, but occasionally on weekends — to relax, reflect, read, and pray. Days of Grace are $75 per person, per day (includes three meals and overnight accommodations) and an advance registration is required. For our complete list of scheduled retreats, visit or call (845) 424-2111. St. Christopher’s Inn Christopher’s Inn transitional house, followed On Thursday, May 29th, the Friars, Staff, by the personal story of Kyle L. This graduate of Alumni and Benefactors of St. Christopher’s St. Christopher’s Inn lives in Florida and works Inn (SCI), a ministry of the Atonement Friars, in the field of addiction and recovery. He applies celebrated their 10th Annual Board of Directors what he learned at SCI to Dinner at Gotham Hall, an help others find their way architectural landmark in to a life free from addiction. New York City. More than The evening was capped by 230 guests joined Charles the presentation of awards H. Townsend, CEO of Condé to this year’s Honorees, John Nast, a past Honoree, and F. Flaherty, senior partner of Honorary event chair to Gibney, Anthony & Flaherty, celebrate the many lives LLP, and Joe Piscopo, actor, that have been saved and comedian and entertainer restored by the good work at who ended the night by the Inn, located at Graymoor, the “Holy Mountain” in Left to right: Mark Campione, CFO, Honoree Joe singing Frank Sinatra’s “New Piscopo, Marianne Taylor-Rhoades, COO, Fr. Bill York, New York.” Ken Rosato, Garrison, New York. Drobach, SA, CEO, and Honoree John F. Flaherty morning anchor for WABCat the 10th Annual St. Christopher’s Inn Board of Directors Dinner TV Channel 7 Eyewitness Supporters enjoyed a short News, New York, served as the Master of film highlighting the recently opened Brothers Ceremonies for the evening. Christopher House in White Plains, the first St. Bell Tower Notes Friars Name New Affiliates The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement recently have recognized several individuals on three continents as affiliate members, entitled to participate in all the spiritual benefits of the Congregation in life and death to be granted and accepted in all Friars’ Houses. Ms. Margarita Mari Takahashi was recognized for her devotion to the friars’ ministry and her humble example of Christian living by making her an affiliate member of their Religious congregation in Japan. The award was presented by Fr. James Puglisi, SA, Minister General. (L to R) Br. Ignatius Kobayashi, SA, Mrs. Mari Clare Takahashi, Ms. Margarita Mari Takahashi and Fr. Joseph Hiramatsu, SA (L to R) Br. Denis Burgelin, SA, Fr. Robert Mercer, SA, Very Rev. James Puglisi, SA, Rev. James Hurley and Fr. Michael Seed, SA Mrs. Valerie and Mr. Nicholas Mastronardi were also recognized by the Friars as Affiliate Members on June 6 at Graymoor in Garrison, NY, for their decades of support of the friars’ ministries, interest in their community and generosity for the poor. Atonement Friars’ Publication Honored Ecumenical Trends has earned Honorable Mention by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada in Best Essay category for publishing What Does God Desire? Toward a Deeper Ecumenism and Interfaith Partnership by William R. Burrows, PhD and Acknowledging Our Sins: A Protestant Confessional by Russell Huizing, PhD. “Iron Friar” Runs Again Mrs. Valerie Mastronardi receiving her decree of affiliation from Minister General, Very Rev. Rev. James Hurley was James Puglisi, SA. recognized in London, UK, for his dedication and ministry to the formation of Christian people in Great Britain with an ecumenical sensitivity akin to the Friars’ charism of ecumenism, for over fifty years and his loyal devotion to the vision of Fr. Paul of Graymoor’s humble example of priestly living. In August, Fr. Dan Callahan, SA, Pastor of St. Joan of Arc in Toronto, will compete in his 19th grueling 140.6 mile run, bike and swim challenge at Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. May they rest in peace. Very Rev. Art Johnson, SA, Age 63, Died March 26, 2014 Br. Stephen Hanley, SA, Age 86, Died April 11, 2014 Fr. Alban Carroll, SA, Age 89, Died June 12, 2014 Fr. Francis Bray (affiliate), Died June 20, 2014 9 M I S S I O N S UP P O R T Retirement Planning & Charity A charitable gift annuity helps you with two very important objectives. During your lifetime, the annuity provides you or a loved one with an immediate charitable income tax deduction for the gift portion of the annuity because part of each annuity payment you receive is tax free and you receive guaranteed fixed payments for the rest of your life. The rate of return depends upon your age at the time you fund the annuity and the amount you fund. Your financial advisor will be in the best position to talk about the options that are best for you and your family. There are three types of annuities: 1 2 3 SINGLE LIFE: provides you with fixed payments throughout your lifetime. TWO LIFE: provides you and a second beneficiary with fixed payments. A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contract between you and the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. You transfer cash or other assets, such as stocks, bonds or securities, to the Friars in exchange for guaranteed payments for the rest of your life. Three types of annuities can provide income during your retirement and help the Atonement Friars continue their ministries after your death. You may fund your annuity for as little as $5,000. Anyone age 55 and older is eligible for any type of annuity. Participants in the Charitable Gift Annuity also receive membership in The Father Paul Wattson Society, which honors benefactors of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement who have made a significant gift toward our mission of reconciliation and healing. For more information on funding a Charitable Gift Annuity to help the ministries of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, please call Margaret Coyle, Associate Director, Special Gifts at 1(800) 338-2620, ext. 2130. DEFERRED: gives you the option of putting off the receipt of fixed payments until a later date. Sample Rates 10 RATE 4.0% 4.7% AGE 65 55 5.8% 75 7.8% 85 Fifth Annual Sunset on the Hudson. On May 15, many supporters came to the Fifth Annual Sunset on the Hudson for an evening of delicious food and entertainment at Xaviers on the Hudson in Yonkers, NY. This popular event brings together benefactors, friars and staff at a beautiful waterfront venue to hear great music and participate in a Silent Auction to benefit the friars’ ministries around the world. They tasted outstanding hors d’oeuvres and dessert from the kitchen of acclaimed chef-owner Peter X. Kelly. The evening’s honorary chair was renowned author Mary Higgins Clark Conheeny. Kacey Morabito of Hudson Valley radio station WHUD, served as the master of ceremonies. 11 St. Anthony’s Corner St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ready to offer on behalf of those in need. Encouraged by this, I ask you to hear my prayers. Dear Fr. Bob, I was blessed to have the opportunity to visit Graymoor recently and see the “original St. Anthony’s corner” in St. Francis Chapel. It has been years since I had been there, and I wanted to make a special pilgrimage before I retire to Florida. When I was a very young girl, I had visited Graymoor with my family, and the place held such dear memories. One of my special memories was of a St. Anthony rosary my Mother purchased for me at the bookstore. One of your friars blessed it for me then took us to the Chapel so we could put our special intentions before the statue of St. Anthony. I prayed that beloved rosary for fifty years, but sadly I lost it about 10 years ago. Knowing I was coming back to Graymoor, I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find a suitable replacement. Imagine my joy when I entered the Graymoor bookstore last month and found a rosary nearly identical to the one my Mother purchased for me more than 60 years ago! I cannot express my happiness. I’m sure St. Anthony was involved in helping replace my lost rosary! I just wanted to tell you how blessed I feel to have come to your home and to have had the opportunity to pray in St. Anthony’s corner again. Graymoor is such a special place. God Bless you for sharing it with us. LK, age 72, Pittsburgh, PA If you would like to receive additional prayer cards, medals, or healing enrollment cards, please contact us. (888) 720-8247 ~ Go Mobile! Get a code reader: iPhone AppStore: get “Scan” Android Play Store: get “QR Droid” Events at Graymoor Thursday, September 4 Sponsor Appreciation Day Thursday, October 30 Benefactor Appreciation Day In the New York Area Friday, October 3 Sharing Hope Celebration Dinner The Pierre Hotel, NYC Benefactor Appreciation Days are held across the country. To find out when the Friars will be visiting your area, please call (845) 424-2137 Learn more about Father Paul Wattson, SA, Servant of God Fire in the Night: the Life and Legacy of Father Paul of Graymoor by Rev. Joseph Scerbo, S.A. Ph.D. Order your copy by phone (888) 720-8247 or order online at: $15+ shipping & handling GRAYMOOR CONTACTS: Office of Mission Support GEII Spiritual Life Center 888-720-8247 212-870-2330 845-424-2111 GRAYMOOR TODAY Book & Gift Center St. Christopher’s Inn Vocations 845-424-2100 845-335-1000 845-424-2126 Privacy Promise Statement: From time to time we make information about our lapsed or inactive donors available to other Catholic charities. If you do not wish your name shared, contact us and we will respect your wishes. If you no longer wish to receive requests for support from the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, please call 888-720-8247. Graymoor Today • P.O. Box 301 • Garrison, NY 10524-0301 • 800-338-2620 • Publisher: Friars of the Atonement Graymoor Today is a publication of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, a Roman Catholic religious community with social, ecumenical and pastoral ministries in the United States, Canada, England, Italy and Japan. Since 1898, they have worked for the reconciliation of men and women with God and each other as well as serving those in need.
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