Spring edition.pages - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB
Spring edition.pages - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB
Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 Publication of the SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB serving California and Nevada Our NEW LOOK Check out our updated website southlaketahoeyachtclub.com. Some items of note: • We will update the dredging progress on the Home page each time our Commodore checks with the TKPOA and the Marina. • The Calendar of Activities is both on the Home page as well as the Activities 2015 page for quick and easy access. Spring came early and quickly From the Commodore Dredging News I spoke with both the TKPOA and the Marina o n We d n e s d a y, A p r i l 2 9 r e g a r d i n g t h e • We’ve added a Did You Know...? section just dredging. TKPOA stated the dredging is for fun! Check out the fun little snippets of proceeding as planned and the West Channel information! should be open as projected on May 22 or possibly sooner. • Pictures for 2015 are being posted. Feel free to email photos to me and I will post them. The Marina stated that the pipes and curtains Send to SLTYCwebmaster@gmail.com • SLTYC is now connected through other social media: Facebook - Search “South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club” and “like” us Twitter - Search “@SLTYC” and “follow” us Instagram - Search “@southlaketahoeyachtclub” and “follow” us • I would like to post some fun historical photos of our club going back to its origins in the 50s. As you run across some of these pictures please email them to me and I will get them posted as well. Please include what you know such as names, locations and dates. Send to: SLTYCwebmaster@gmail.com Catherine Kornegay will be in place in the East Channel by the end of the week and projected completion is June 1st - June 10th. Check out the video showing the West Channel dredging. The YouTube video is located on our website, southlaketahoeyachtclub.com I will update this information as I know more. Kevin Kornegay, Commodore SLTYCcommodore@gmail.com Page one Heave Ho… VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT This is just a quick note to update you all on some of the happenings with the club. VIKINGSHOLM TOUR/LUNCH June 13 (Sat) The Vikingsholm tour is coming up June 13th. We plan on walking and boating to Emerald Bay. If you are looking to carpool / “boatpool” / “kayak-pool”…..please send me a note so we can arrange for transportation. We may even have a ski-doo to shuttle from boat to dock! What fun will that be!! BBQ/Luau – June 27 (Sat) LOCATION CHANGED TO CLUBHOUSE Our annual BBQ/Luau is going to be held at our new clubhouse at the Tahoe Keys Marina. See you there from 12-3 (or later). Watch for an e-blast with the specifics! Hawaiian attire suggested! SPRING EDITION, 2015 TGIF’s We love our TGIF’s. We have an opening on June 12th and June 19th to start off our season. If any members would like to host a party at your home….let me know…we supply everything (tables/chairs/silverware)….members bring the food ….and you can relax and enjoy the party! We want to continue the tradition of members hosting TGIF’s as well as having a mix of TGIF’s at our new clubhouse. Watch your email for e-blasts of the latest happenings. Where’s the Burgee! What is “Where’s the Burgee” you ask? Make sure you keep your burgee handy by your side. Take pictures of your group holding the Burgee with a caption of where you have traveled (by land or sea). Pictures will be posted to our website and other social media. We have our first group picture with our Burgee at “Opening Day on the Bay.” Such a stunning group! Shipmate of the Month We want to acknowledge members of our club b y p r e s e n t i n g ce r t i f i c a te s to m e m b e r s throughout the boating season who have contributed above and beyond to make our club that much more special. Does anyone have any software to help prepare a certificate template? Also, I am looking for volunteers to be on the “Shipmate Committee”? EXTENDED FAMILY WEEKEND July 23 (Thurs) thru July 26 (Sun) It’s getting time to firm up some of the activities planned for this fun event. If you would like to help plan the activities, please let me know. I have posted an outline of activities, but these are subject to change since I want to please all family members (I Let me know. know…hard to do…but if you have input….it makes it easier to not miss the mark!). See you all soon! Please email me to let me know how many of your family you are hoping to show off to our club members! This would help so much i n t h e p l a n n i n g o f “a g e appropriate” Jana Plummer, Vice Commodore activities. SLTYCvicecommodore@gmail.com Page two Updated May 1, 2015 Schedule of Events 2015 SLTYC TENTATIVE SCHEDULE **Note that some times are tentative and other events are UNDER CONSTRUCTION…..details to follow….. Date Mar 19 Day Thursday Activity Board of Director’s Meeting Time 5:30pm CRUISE CAPTAIN(S) Kornegay home Mar 21 Saturday 5:00pm Carol Gerard/ Barbara Marsden Apr 9 Thursday Quarterly Membership Meeting at The Flight Deck at Lake Tahoe Airport Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse Apr 26 Sunday 10:00am Linda / Gary Gordon May 14 Thursday Opening Day on The Bay-San Francisco on Hornblower Cruise Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse June 6 Saturday 12:00-3:00 Carol / John Gerard June 11 Thursday Membership Drive and Lunch at The Cantina Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse June 12 Friday TGIF 5:30pm Open June 13 Saturday am Open June 19 Friday Vikingsholm Tour and Lunch Boat In (wear shorts!) or Hike Down TGIF 5:00pm Paul / Jean Jenkins (Tentative) June 21 June 27 July 3 July 4 July 9 Sunday Saturday Friday Saturday Thursday HAPPY FATHER’S DAY - no event BBQ at Clubhouse TGIF or 4th of July Party Board of Director’s Meeting July 10 Friday July 17 (PICYA) 5:30pm Family Time Linda / Gary Gordon Open Open Clubhouse 11:00 Open Friday Westshore Café Lunch Boat In or Drive In TGIF 5:00 Marty / Leslie De Tarr July 18 Saturday General Membership Meeting 5:00 Social 6:00 Potluck and Meeting Clubhouse July 20 Monday 5:0010:00pm Pierre Boyer / Cathy Stuart EXTENDED July 23 July 24 July 25 FAMILY Thursday Friday Saturday 5:30 5:00 Day Event Jana Plummer Open TBD July 26 Sunday TBD TBD July 31 Friday Broadway at the Beach at Sand Harbor WEEKEND GET-TOGETHER Music on the Beach TGIF Baldwin Beach Boat in or Drive in Sugar Pine Point or Maritime Museum Tour and Lunch TGIF 5:00 John / Carol Gerard Aug 7 Friday TGIF 5:00 Evan / Candi Williams 12:00 Page three Aug 10 Monday Bread and Broth Adopt a Day 4:00-5:30 Carol Gerard Grace Hall of St Theresa Church 1041 Lyons Ave South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Aug 13 Thursday Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse TBA Safari Rose 4:30 Open Aug 15 SATURDAY TGI "Saturday" 5:00 Tina Miranda Aug 21 Friday TGIF 5:00 Aug 28 Friday TGIF 5:00 Jerry / Joy Sezgen (Tentative) Pierre Boyer / Cathy Stuart Sep 10 Thursday Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse TBA TBA TBA Carol / John Schoenfeld Oct 8 Thursday Wine Tour of the Fair Play region – http://fairplaywine.com Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse Nov 12 Thursday Board of Director’s Meeting 5:30pm Clubhouse Dec TBA TBA TBA General Membership MeetingChristmas Dinner and Party Change of Watch STILL IN THE WORKS / Open Suggestions TBD July thru Aug Jun thru Aug Quarterly Membership Meeting(s) Fall, December Thursdays - Music on the Beach Lakeshore Beach Party/Jazz Kayak/Canoe Trips - watch for eBlasts Golf with an Adult Beverage Cork 'n More Fundraiser Beach Clean Up Lake Tour by Boat Sugar Pine Park Tour Shakespeare Festival July Shakespeare Ranch Summer Shindig “Keep Memory Alive” at Glenbrook (P/Y July 18, 19) Maritime Museum Tour , Homewood Mystery Tour RV'ing off the Lake ?? Bridgeport Area Cruise Anyone interested in an offseason cruise? Caribbean / 3 day Party Cruise / Alaska in 2016 Dates PICYA Activities Activities around the Lake: July 24-25 South Tahoe Wooden Boat Classic, Tahoe Keys Marina Aug 7-8 Concours d'Elegance – Homewood Marina July Sugar Pine Point State Park, Living History Day Event Page four Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 Page five Heave Ho… SUMMER EDITION, 2015 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Membership Renewal The SLTYC Membership renewal for the Cruise year 2015 through May 31, 2016 is underway and we are looking forward to receiving your $200 renewal check and completed renewal form by May 31, 2015. Even if your information has not changed, please complete and submit the Renewal form when you send in your check. The new Cruise Year Membership Renewal form is included in this edition of the Heave Ho. To those of you who have already sent in your renewal checks and forms, thank you very much. As I have received the renewal checks and forms, I have been sending out your new membership cards and if you haven’t received them, please contact me at SLTYCmembership@gmail.com. After June 30th, the updated roster list will be distributed. Membership Drive The SLTYC is always looking for new members to share our interest in boating on beautiful Lake Tahoe and to make new friends through our common interests. Our Membership drive at the Cantina is a great way to add more members. So please join us, invite friends and neighbors, catch up with fellow members and “meet & greet” prospective new club members. You just might be making a new friend for life! Carol Gerard, Membership Director SLTYCmembership@gmail.com From the PORT CAPTAIN Our Clubhouse Decorating Committee held a meeting Friday, April 23rd and sorted and stored all our goodies that we previously had in our rented storage locker. No w we a r e g o i n g to m e e t w i t h t h e Windjammer Decorating Committee and decide where and which framed pictures of sailboats and yachts will adorn our clubhouse walls. Both clubs have burgees which we have to organize and use for decoration. We will be working on this during May and June. If you would like to help, call John Johnck 530.541.0335 John Johnck, Port Captain SLTYCportcaptain@gmail.com Page six SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB 2015 through 5-31-2016 CRUISE YEAR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL ***CRUISE YEAR DUES ARE $200.00*** Please make checks payable to SLTYC and return this form* and payment to: *This form may also be emailed to SLTYCmembership@gmail.com with check sent separately. South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club P.O. Box 17213 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 Dues are payable on or before May 31, 2015 and are delinquent if not paid by June 30, 2015. We encourage members to send in renewal form and dues as soon as possible. The membership cards will list the new Cruise Year as 2015 through 5-31-2016. The new cards will be mailed. Please provide the following information so we can update the Directory. Name ___________________________Email _________________________ Cell # (___)____________ Name ___________________________Email _________________________ Cell # (___)____________ Tahoe Residence _____________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone Number (_____)____________________________________ Other Residence ____________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone Number (_____)____________________________________ Where do you reside the most? Tahoe Residence ________ Other Residence _________ All mail will be sent to the Residence checked above. If you prefer a different mailing address please note it below: Mailing Address/P.O. Box _______________________________________________________________ Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Boat Name __________________________________________________ Power __________ Sail __________ Make ____________________________ Model ____________________ Length___________ Year __________ I am between boats at this time__________ Amount enclosed __________ and Check # __________ or Check is being sent separately___________ Thank You! Carol Gerard, Director of Membership SLTYCmembership@gmail.com 02/16/15 Page seven SPRING EDITION, 2015 PICYA REPORT OPENING DAY ON THE BAY 2015 Nothing is as beautiful as a sunny and clear day in San Francisco! That is how it was on April 26 when 23 of us, representing SLTYC, set sail aboard the Hornblower San Francisco Spirit to enjoy the festivities of Opening Day on San Francisco Bay sponsored by PICYA Those attending were Kevin & Catherine Kornegay, Carra Johnck, Tina Miranda, Carol & John Gerard, Marty & Leslie DeTarr, Carol & John Schoenfeld, Ernie & Annie Jones & Jana Plummer, Mike Middleton, Mimi Taylor & Casey McDonough and their 4 boys and Linda & Gary Gordon. On boarding the boat at 9:30 am, we were provided with a delicious continental breakfast. As we left the dock headed north toward Tiburon we made our way to the open air areas of the boat to enjoy the view and observe the “Blessing of the Fleet” in front of the Corinthian Yacht Club. Our ride continued to the area by St. Frances Yacht Club for the parade. The San Francisco Fireboat led the parade with the backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge. As we ate a lovely lunch we enjoyed a cruise around the Bay. By 3:00 our day was complete and we headed home after having a wonderful time. Gary & Linda Gordon Page eight Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 2015 OFFICERS and BOARD OF DIRECTORS Commodore Kevin Kornegay 650 400-1360 SLTYCcommodore@gmail.com Vice Commodore Jana Plummer 661 645-9511 jplummer99@gmail.com Rear Commodore Marty DeTarr 530 318-3327 martydetarr@gmail.com Treasurer Open Secretary Catherine Kornegay 650 400-1354 Queen Neptune Barbara Marsden 530 545-1438 Director of Membership Carol Gerard 530 542-2876 carolsgerard@aol.com Director of Communications Linda Gordon 916 474-4221 garland77@gmail.com Director of Publications Sharon Schultz 530 544-2806 sharonlschultz@charter.net Director of Ships Store Carra Johnck 530 541-0335 carra.attahoe2160@yahoo.com Port Captain John Johnck 415 601-3875 SLTYCsecretary@gmail.com bmhburg@yahoo.com john@johnck.com 2015 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Activities Jana Plummer 661 645-9511 jplummer99@gmail.com Advertising Boating Safety Historian Hospitality Officers/Directors PICYA Delegates Kevin Kornegay, Gary Gordon, Linda Gordon (same as above) Publicity Tina Miranda 530 600-1808 tmmiranda23@gmail.com Programs Marty DeTarr 530 318-3327 martydetarr@gmail.com Sunshine Ruth Goshorn 530 544-8193 ruthannemarv@charter.net Website/Facebook Catherine Kornegay 650400-135 STYCwebmaster@gmail.com Page nine Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 SLTYC Member Benefits!! SHIPS STORE The Ships Store will open for business at our first Clubhouse BBQ event on June 27th. We will be able to sell some items off the rack and take your orders for others. We look forward to assisting you to find the right shirts, blouses, jackets, and caps with your nice looking logo. Carra Johnck 530.541.0335 SLTYCshipsstore@gmail.com Even If you can’t launch your boat, you can enjoy Spring. Thanks, Candi and Evan SLTYC COOKBOOK YES, there will be a second edition of our SLTYC COOKBOOK! Our committee will be organizing very soon for this summer project. We will be working on-line and at the Club House. Be sure and let me know (if you haven’t), and you want to participate…can’t wait until we start making samples! YUM! Sharon Schultz, sharonlschultz@charter.net CALSTAR Critical Care in Motion As a member of the South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club you receive a discount when joining CALSTAR emergency ser vices. When applying for membership, list South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club as the Organization/ Group. While CALSTAR hopes you never need to fly with CALSTAR, there are financial ramifications for air ambulance transport. CALSTAR offers an affordable solution for your air ambulance transportation needs through their Membership Program. For an annual fee of $35 for SLTYC one-year family subscription ($45 per individual or $50 per family for non-SLTYC members) a CALSTAR membership guarantees that you'll be covered for the cost of air medical services provided by CALSTAR. It is a costeffective especially for residents and frequent t r a v e l e r s o f r e m o te a r e a s . Fo r m o r e information go to: http://www.calstar.org/ BOAT U.S. Our club is a Boat U.S. Cooperating Group, which entitles our members to a Boat U.S. membership at half price, $12.50 instead of the $25 annual rate. There are many benefits to membership in Boat U.S. including Boat Insurance and Vessel Assist. Our Cooperating Group number is GA82747Y. Contact www.BOATUS.com Page ten Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 Advertisers and Sponsors You will find links to our sponsors’ websites at www.SouthLakeTahoeYachtClub.com Please visit our sponsoring businesses and let them know you appreciate them! Page eleven Heave Ho… SPRING EDITION, 2015 Honey’s Hand Knitted Hugs S H A R O N L S C H U LT Z A K A “GR A N D M A H O N E Y ” South Lake Tahoe, Ca 15% MAY BIRTHDAY SALE! WWW.ETSY.com/shop/Handknittedhugs S H A R O N L S C H U LT Z @ C H A RT E R . N E T – 29’ 2002 Crownline. FOR SALE Full galley, twin V-8s, 10’-4” Beam which makes it super stable in rough water. Double bed in rear, king in front, full head and shower. Must see to appreciate, approx. 320 hours. This boat was originally spec’d, built and geared for this elevation. Lots of extras, Overall length 32’. 65K. DHM triple axel trailer included. Jeff and Karen Williams 530 545-1402 Page twelve Heave Ho! SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB SPRING EDITION, 2015 “Let’s Have Fun” at the SLTYC Annual Membership Drive on June 6th at the Cantina Bar and Grill! More information enclosed. VIKINGSHOLM TOUR/LUNCH June 13 (Sat) ALSO, STAY TUNED for updates on our New Club House and upcoming activities to be scheduled there. This season is going to be AMAZING! HEAVE HO is Published by SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB Organized in 1958 Serving Members of LAKE TAHOE in both California and Nevada Boat Ownership is not a requirement of membership SOUTH LAKE TAHOE YACHT CLUB PO Box 17213 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 www.SouthLakeTahoeYachtClub.com