Porting IEEE 802.15.4 Model from INET framework to MiXiM
Porting IEEE 802.15.4 Model from INET framework to MiXiM
Computer and Communication Systems Lehrstuhl für Technische Informatik Alexandra Jäger Porting IEEE 802.15.4 Model from INET framework to MiXiM framework Bachelor Thesis 16. Mai 2013 Please cite as: Alexandra Jäger, “Porting IEEE 802.15.4 Model from INET framework to MiXiM framework,” Bachelor Thesis (Bachelorarbeit), University of Innsbruck, Institute of Computer Science, May 2013. University of Innsbruck Institute of Computer Science Computer and Communication Systems Technikerstr. 21a · 6020 Innsbruck · Austria http://ccs.uibk.ac.at/ Porting IEEE 802.15.4 Model from INET framework to MiXiM framework Bachelor Thesis vorgelegt von Alexandra Jäger geb. am 15. Dezember 1990 in Bludenz angefertigt am Lehrstuhl für Technische Informatik Computer and Communication Systems Institut für Informatik Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Betreuer: Abgabe der Arbeit: Noorsalwati Nordin Christoph Sommer 16. Mai 2013 Erklärung Ich versichere, dass ich die Arbeit ohne fremde Hilfe und ohne Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Quellen angefertigt habe und dass die Arbeit in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch keiner anderen Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegen hat und von dieser als Teil einer Prüfungsleistung angenommen wurde. Alle Ausführungen, die wörtlich oder sinngemäß übernommen wurden, sind als solche gekennzeichnet. Declaration I declare that the work is entirely my own and was produced with no assistance from third parties. I certify that the work has not been submitted in the same or any similar form for assessment to any other examining body and all references, direct and indirect, are indicated as such and have been cited accordingly. (Alexandra Jäger) Innsbruck, 16. Mai 2013 Abstract A significant accomplishment in advancing the importance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in industrial applications has been the introduction of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, since it provides guidelines after which to model the functionality of devices operating in Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN). To study the standard, a simulation model using the simulation framework OMNeT++ and the INET framework has been implemented. Since the standard only defines the physical and MAC layer, it is important to model these layers as exactly as possible, but the INET framework offers only limited support for the lower layers of wireless protocols. Therefore this thesis describes the process of replacing the INET framework with the MiXiM framework, which offers a detailed model of the physical layer and channel. The first step has been to analyze the exact differences of the frameworks, then to replace functions where possible and reimplement them where not, always using as much of MiXiM’s functionality as possible. This was followed by the verification of the ported model, comparing it with the original version. The results show that the migration has been successful. This makes it possible to conduct new, more complex simulations especially to study the physical layer in more detail. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 iii 21:12:09 Kurzfassung Eine beachtliche Leistung zur Förderung der Bedeutung von WSN in industriellen Anwendungen war die Einführung des IEEE 802.15.4-Standards, da er Richtlinien einführt, nach denen die Funktionalität von Geräten für LR-WPAN modelliert werden kann. Um den Standard untersuchen zu können wurde ein Simulationsmodell mit dem Simulations-Framework OMNeT++ und dem INET-Framework implementiert. Da der Standard nur die physikalische and die MAC Schicht spezifiziert ist es wichtig, diese so genau wie möglich zu modellieren. Das INET Framework bietet aber nur eingeschränkte Unterstützung für den unteren Schichten von kabellosen Protokollen. Deshalb beschreibt diese Arbeit den Prozess der Ablösung des INET-Frameworks durch das MiXiM Framework, welches ein detaillierteres Modell der physikalischen Schicht und des physikalischen Kanals bietet. Der erste Schritt bestand darin, die genauen Unterschiede der Frameworks zu analysieren, dann Funktionen soweit möglich zu ersetzen und die fehlenden Funktionen eigenhändig zu implementieren, immer mit dem Ziel, soviel von MiXiMs Funktionalität wie möglich zu nutzen. Darauf folgte die Überprüfung des portierten Modells durch Vergleichen von Simulationsresultaten mit der originalen Version. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Portierung erfolgreich war. Dies ermöglicht es, neue und komplexere Simulationen durchführen, um vor allem die physikalische Schicht genauer zu untersuchen. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 iv 21:12:09 Contents Abstract iii Kurzfassung iv 1 Introduction 1 2 Fundamentals 3 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 OMNeT++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 INET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 MiXiM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.5 Existing IEEE 802.15.4 model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 Porting the Model 15 3.1 Theoretical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.2 System Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2.1 PHY Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2.2 MAC Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.2.3 Higher layers and Utility files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Analysis 24 4.1 Simulation Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.1.1 3 Node scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.1.2 21 Node scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.2 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.2.1 Verification of the migration to OMNeT++ 4.2.2 . . . . . . 29 4.2.2 Verification of the migration to MiXiM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5 Conclusion 39 Bibliography 45 thesis.tex 2013-05-16 v 21:12:09 Chapter 1 Introduction Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) are only one large-scale example for how networks influence and enrich our everyday life [1]. Especially industrial environments start to depend more and more on wireless technology, in particular Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), for monitoring and controlling their systems [2]. An important step in establishing the use of WSN in industrial environments has been the introduction of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The protocol is intended for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN), defining its objectives to be low latency, energy efficiency and low device cost [3], which are all qualities that the industry demands [4]. The standard focuses on the physical and MAC layer, leaving the definition of upper layers open for protocols building upon the standard. An example for such a protocol is ZigBee, which defines the network and application layer as well as security measures [5]. To study the IEEE 802.15.4 standard further, Feng Chen and Falko Dressler have developed a simulation model using the popular simulation platform OMNeT++ [6]. OMNeT++ has been chosen for a number of reasons. Although network simulators like JiST and ns-3 surpass OMNeT++ in terms of simulation time, they lack graphical support [7]. OMNeT++, however, offers a powerful Eclipse-based IDE, complete with a graphical interface for debugging and running simulations as well as acceptable simulation time. Various useful frameworks exist to enhance OMNeT++’s functionality and offer support for specific protocols, two of the most important being INET and MiXiM. According to [8], using a simulation instead of conducting a real-world experiment has many advantages. Firstly, it is an inexpensive way to be able to test various device types, a variable number of devices and parameter combinations. In this case, basically all that is needed is a computer and OMNeT++, which is free for academic use. Secondly, in real life it is almost impossible to generate the exact same conditions for multiple experiments, whereas in a simulation it is fairly easy. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 1 21:12:09 1 Introduction 2 The goal of my bachelor thesis is to port the already existing IEEE 802.15.4 model, which has been developed on OMNeT++ version 3.x and uses the INET framework, to OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 and using MiXiM framework instead of INET. MiXiM has been chosen to replace INET because it offers greater support for wireless protocols as well as a - for my project - more useful approach to the physical layer. The effects that occur on the physical channel during the transmission of packages (e.g.: path loss, shadowing effects) can be simulated more accurately. This thesis is structured as follows. As a starting point in my project I began to familiarize myself with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, OMNeT++, INET and MiXiM as well as the existing model. The first step which actually involved working with the original model was the task of porting it to OMNeT++ version 4.2.2., followed by the verification of the migration. For the verification I executed several simulations and compared them to simulation results gathered using the original model. Afterwards, I replaced and enhanced all functionality that was taken from INET by using functions provided by MiXiM, and implemented missing but necessary functions myself. As a last step I verified the project anew, once more conducting simulations and comparing the results with data derived from the original version. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 Chapter 2 Fundamentals In this chapter I will give a brief overview of all technology and knowledge employed in my thesis. The first section is an introduction to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The next section is about the simulation framework OMNeT++, followed by a summary of both frameworks developed for OMNeT++ that I am using in my project, INET and MiXiM. The last section consists of an overview of the existing IEEE 802.15.4 model developed in OMNeT++ by Feng Chen and Falko Dressler. 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 The IEEE 802.15.4 standard describes a transmission protocol for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs), defining the physical (PHY) and MAC layer. Higher layers are not defined in the standard. It was created for devices that have limited or no battery power, operate in the Personal Operating Space (POS) of 10m, and are moving, stationary or portable. The main development goals have been low battery consumption, inexpensive hardware, low complexity and low data-rate [9]. Two topologies are supported: star topology and peer-to-peer topology. In the star topology, devices communicate using a single central controller, termed PAN coordinator, as an intermediary. In peer-to-peer networks every device can communicate with any other, given that they are within communication range. Nevertheless, a peer-to-peer network still has a PAN coordinator. Devices of both topologies have unique 64-bit extended addresses as well as short 16-bit addresses, which are allocated by the Personal Area Network (PAN) coordinator on association. Both address types can be used to identify a device in a network. For every PAN a unique identifier is chosen to allow communication using short addresses. Typically a PAN coordinator is mains powered, whereas devices rely thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 4 on batteries. An IEEE 802.15.4 networks consists of two different device types: the FullFunction Device (FFD) and the Reduced-Function Device (RFD). Whereas a FFD can act as a PAN coordinator, a RFD is intended for very simple applications that do not have the need to transmit large amounts of data. Furthermore, a RFD can only be associated with one FFD at a time. To form a network, two or more devices need to use the same channel, and one of them has to act as a PAN coordinator. Each LR-WPAN device contains at least one complete physical layer, including a the Radio Frequency (RF) transceiver. It serves as an interface between the MAC sublayer and the radio channel, as depicted in figure 2.1. Every PHY offers two services [9]: PHY data service Controls transmission and reception of PHY Protocol Data Units (PPDU). The PHY data service is accessed through the PHY data service access point (PD-SAP). PHY management service Provides management functions such as activate/deactivate radio transceiver. Also maintains a database of objects associated with the PHY. The PHY management service is accessed through the PHY layer management entity - service access point (PLME-SAP). The MAC sublayer offers two services [9]: MAC data service Controls transmission and reception of MAC protocol data units (MPDU) using the PHY data service. The MAC data service is accessed through the MAC common part sublayer - service access point (MCPS-SAP). MAC management service Provides management functions such as beacon management, Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) management or association/disassociation. The MAC management service is accessed through the MAC sublayer management entity - service access point (MLME-SAP). Figure 2.1 illustrates how the MAC layer communicates with the other layers. One of the main features of the standard is the optional use of the superframe structure. The coordinator defines the superframe format. Bounded by network beacons, it consists of 16 equal time slots. The beacon transmission starts at the first slot of the superframe. The duration between two beacons is determined by the beacon order (BO) parameter. Beacons are used for synchronization, identification of a PAN and description of the superframe structure. If beacons are active, the network is in the so-called beacon-enabled mode. A superframe can have two phases: an active and an inactive portion (see figure 2.2). The length of the active portion is determined by the superframe order (SO) parameter. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 5 Upper layers MLME SAP MCPS SAP MAC PLME SAP PD SAP PHY Physical Medium Figure 2.1 – LR-WPAN device architecture. Adhering to the ISO-OSI model, the device is split into layers which only communicate over well defined interfaces. Source: [9] Beacon frame Inactive Period Active Period time Figure 2.2 – Possible superframe structure. A superframe consists of an active portion (CAP) and an optional inactive portion (CFP), bounded by beacons. Source: [9] This enables the coordinator to enter a low power mode during the inactive portion. The active phase can further be divided into two periods: the Contention Access Period (CAP) and the Contention-free Period (CFP), see figure 2.3. A device wishing to communicate in the CAP has to use slotted CSMA-CA to compete for its time. Backoff periods are synchronized with the start of a beacon transmission and the PAN coordinator. A device wishing to send data searches for the boundary of the next backoff period. Then it waits for a random number of backoff periods. Transmission begins on the boundary of the next backoff period, if the channel is found to be idle. If the channel is busy, the device waits for Beacon frame CAP CFP GTS 1 16 Slot index time Figure 2.3 – A superframe with no inactive portion but 4 allocated GTS slots. Source: [9] thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 6 another random number of backoff periods then tries again. The CFP is formed by GTS, which are allocated by the PAN coordinator for applications requiring a specific bandwidth or low latency. There can be up to seven GTS, and a GTS is permitted to fill more than one slot period. Nevertheless, an adequate portion of the CAP must remain to allow for contention-based traffic. The use of a superframe structure is optional. In non-beacon-enabled PANs unslotted CSMA-CA is used for data and MAC command frames. In the IEEE 802.15.4 standard the concept of primitives is used to describe the services offered from a layer to its higher- or sublayer [9]. How the service is provided is not designated by the primitive. By describing the service primitives and its parameters, a service is specified. There are four generic types of primitives: Request A service should be initiated. Indication Indicates an internal event. Response Completes a process requested by an indication primitive. Confirm Transmits the result of previous service requests. The concept is shown in figure 2.4. 2.2 OMNeT++ ”OMNeT++ (...) is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework which also includes an integrated development and graphical runtime environment.” [10] It was designed to be as generic as possible, therefore enabling developers and researchers to make use of OMNeT++1 in various domains, such as queueing networks, wireless and ad-hoc network simulations and 1 http://www.omnetpp.org/ Figure 2.4 – Service primitives. This is a very general principle; a request from one layer to another yields an indication in the recipient, which typically prompts a response that is sent to the origin of the request using a confirm primitive. Source: [9] thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.2 OMNeT++ 7 peer-to-peer networks. Domain specific functionality is added by independently developed frameworks. It offers a powerful Eclipse-based IDE, a graphical simulation runtime environment and a graphical debugger interface. For executing simulation batches, a simple command line interface is provided. Concepts are modeled as model components, termed modules. An active module is called simple module, and is implemented in C++. Several modules can be grouped into so called compound modules, with no limitation on the number of hierarchy levels [10]. Simple modules usually represent protocols like UDP or single network layers, whereas compound ones represent entities like hosts or routers. Communication takes place through message passing. Simple modules typically exchange messages using gates. It is possible for modules to have parameters. They are mainly used to configure simple modules and define the model topology. Double, integer, boolean, string and XML element tree are valid parameter types. Default values, measurement units and other attributes may be assigned to them. To pass stochastic data to modules, OMNeT++ has introduced the concept of volatile parameters. Labeled with the volatile keyword, a parameter will be re-evaluated each time their value is read. [10] OMNeT++ developed its own language for describing the component model: the Network Description (NED) language [10]. Typically, the NED language is used in the following three scenarios: Simple module declarations Describes the module’s interface: used gates and parameters are defined here. Compound module definitions Describes the module’s external interface: used gates and parameters are defined here. Furthermore, the module’s submodules and how they communicate with each other is outlined. Network definitions Describes special compound modules: they can act as selfcontained simulation models. The NED language makes it possible to add metadata annotations to most language items like connections, submodules or parameters. Typical uses are the storage of graphical attributes like position or icon of an element or the specification of measurement units. Various frameworks are available for OMNeT++ to add domain specific functionality. Two are of special interest to for the scope of this thesis: INET The INET framework is an open-source project and offers models for mainly wired protocols (TCP, UDP, etc.) [10]. A more detailed description of the INET framework can be found in section 2.3. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.2 OMNeT++ 8 MiXiM MiXiM offers models for wireless networks, mobile and fixed. It was formed merging several frameworks supporting mobile and wireless simulations. [11] I will discuss MiXiM in more depth in section 2.4. OMNeT++ uses the make command to build simulation models. A makefile can be created automatically using OMNeT++ tool opp_makemake. It is possible to influence the makefile creation by providing a makefrag file. If such a makefrag file exists and opp_makemake is run, the complete file is textually included in the makefile. OMNeT++ created a special simple language to facilitate describing messages [10]. A sample message description: message Ieee802154AppPkt { string sourceName; // name of the source node string destName; // name of the destination node simtime_t creationTime; // creation time of the packet } opp_makemake uses the tool opp_msgc to translate such message files into C++ code, offering standard functions like attribute accessors or a duplicate function. Special files, termed ini-files, are used to configure simulations. Ini-files specify the NED file which is used for the network and make it possible to define simulation options (e.g. a time limit, output file names). Furthermore, it is possible to supply values for model parameters for which no default value was specified or in case that the default value is not suitable for the simulation at hand. Multiple named configurations can be contained in one ini-file, to alleviate running simulations with different basic networks, options and parameters in the same project. It is also possible to define parameter studies employing iteration variables using the syntax $maxNumHops=5..10,20,30. Simulation runs are generated for each parameter study. If more than one iteration variable is used, a constraint can be added to filter out unsuitable combinations. Example of an ini-file: [General] network = src.wpan.networks.Ieee802154StarNet sim-time-limit = 1000s [Config c1] network = src.wpan.networks.Ieee802154StarNet **.coreDebug = false **.numHosts = 21 thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.2 OMNeT++ 9 [Config c2] network = src.wpan.networks.Ieee802154P2P **.coreDebug = true **.numHosts = ${1,2,3,4,5..10} There are multiple ways to run simulations in OMNeT++. The first one is using the graphical runtime environment. This is especially useful to understand how a certain simulation works or to check whether it works correctly. It is possible to pause the simulation execution, enabling the user to explore the module output of every object of the simulation at any time [12]. However, using the graphical environment is not feasible for running simulation batches. Therefore, OMNeT++ offers the program opp_runall, which makes it possible to specify the configuration that should be used and the number of runs that should be executed. The objective of most simulations is to gather and analyze statistical data. In OMNeT++, this data is written to result files can have one of three types: scalar A single number. vector A timestamped series of values. statistics Records consisting of various statistical properties like minimum, maximum, mean, variance, etc. Scarlars and statistics are recorded by collecting values in class variables and writing them to textual, line-oriented scalar files in the finalization phase using record calls. Vectors use output vector objects, which are written to vector files. Using OMNeT++’s integrated result analysis tool, a set of result files can be specified to make their data browsable. It can be represented in tables, charts or various other ways [10]. For processing result data on the command line, OMNeT++ offers the tool scavetool. It is used to filter the simulation data and produce output files of various data formats like vec, csv, octave or matlab. These can be used by other programs to plot and analyze the data. 2.3 INET The INET framework2 is one of the more widely used network simulation packages built upon OMNeT++. The project is open-source and offers models for various common wired protocols like UDP, TCP or IPv4 [12]. INET uses the same modeling concept as OMNeT++: protocols are represented by simple modules, interfaces 2 http://inet.omnetpp.org/ thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.3 INET 10 are described using the NED-language and the implementation is done using C++. Compound modules model network devices such as hosts or routers; communication takes place via message passing. INET, as it is now, has emerged from combining various functionality into one comprehensive framework. INET’s predecessor has been the IPSuite, developed at the University of Karlsruhe3 . After a period of it being unmaintained, Andras Varga took over the development and rewrote and extended significant parts, creating the name INET. Support for wireless and mobile protocols has been derived from the Mobility Framework. 2.4 MiXiM MiXiM4 (mixed simulator) is an open-source network communication simulation package for OMNeT++. Focusing on wireless and mobile simulations, it offers extensive support for simulating the physical channel [11] as well as many common protocols. In my project I will use MiXiM version 2.3. MiXiM has been created combining and extending several already existing frameworks. Support for mobility and connectivity has been taken from the Mobility Framework (MF). The models for radio propagation have been integrated from the Channel Simulator (ChSim). Furthermore, the Mobility Framework, the MAC Simulator and the Positif framework have provided the protocols that have been used to build MiXiM’s protocol library. Among other things, MiXiM has added full 3D support, models for simulating real world objects (e.g. walls, houses) that influence radio wave propagation and mobility of nodes as well as introduced more MAC protocols [11]. One of these protocols is the IEEE 802.15.4. However, only the non-beacon-enabled mode is offered. Basically MiXiM can be split into two groups: the basic framework and protocol specific modules [11]. Modules that constitute the basic framework will be used in almost every simulation. Some of the most important are: World The world utility module manages global simulation parameters. Examples for such parameters are the dimensions of the space the simulation takes place in (playground), or whether the playground is to be handled as a torus. Object Manager The ObjectManager module is responsible for keeping track of all the obstacles placed on the playground and offers methods to the rest of the simulation. 3 4 http://inet.omnetpp.org/doc/INET/neddoc/index.html http://mixim.sourceforge.net/ thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.4 MiXiM 11 Connection Manager The ConnectionManager module manages connections between nodes. For this purpose it saves and periodically updates the position of all nodes on the playground. Nodes are connected as long as they are within the maximal interference distance of each other. The maximal interference distance between two nodes is defined as the distance in which the first node’s transmission can still interfere with the other node’s reception of messages. Obstacles between nodes can also influence the maximal interference distance. Therefore, ConnectionManager can query object positions from the ObjectManager and use them in its computation. Nodes in MiXiM have a specific structure. All node functionality is divided into layers as specified in the IP model [11]. Therefore, a typical node has an application layer, a network layer, a MAC layer and a physical layer, whereby the MAC and physical layer are usually grouped into a NIC (Network Interface Card) module. A special feature of MiXiM is that between each layer two pairs of OMNeT++ gates are used for communication: the first one for data message passing, and the second one is used to pass control messages. Moreover, a node module generally contains up to four modules used to simulate other aspects than the direct functionality. The three most important are: Mobility This module is responsible for the movement of the node. This includes handling a node moving out of the playground’s borders and collision handling. ARP This module represents the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and is used to transform network addresses into MAC addresses. Battery The battery module is responsible for simulating energy consumption in a node. MiXiM has introduced the concept of Signals to simulate real signals, transmitted over a physical channel. A signal has three mandatory attributes: transmission power, bit rate and attenuation. It is created at the sender’s MAC layer, where the attributes transmission power and bit rate are set. The attenuation attribute is set at the receivers physical layer, after the defined AnalogueModels have been applied. MiXiM’s physical layer module consists of five parts [13]: AnalogueModel AnalogueModels simulate effects that can attenuate the signal. It is possible to use multiple AnalogueModels in a simulation. A very basic one is the RadioStateAnalogueModel, which simulates the effect the state of the radio has on a signal. If the radio state is anything other than RECEIVE, the attenuation factor will be 100%, whereas no attenuation is occurring if the radio state is RECEIVE. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.4 MiXiM 12 ChannelInfo ChannelInfo stores all airframes that are currently being detected on the channel. As soon as a new reception starts, the airframe is given to ChannelInfo to be kept in a list of active frames. Once the reception is complete, the frame’s status will be changed to inactive. It will be removed as soon as it is not interfering with any other active airframe anymore. Decider The Decider checks the received data and categorizes it either as data or noise. Radio The Radio simulates the transceiver, complete with optional switch times needed to switch from one state (RECEIVE, TRANSMIT, SLEEP) to another. The switch times can be set manually. If they are greater than zero, a control message will be sent to the MAC layer as soon as the switching is finished. BasePhyLayer The BasePhyLayer interacts with all parts mentioned above to be able to offer basic physical layer functionality: transmit/receive messages, detect collisions and calculate bit errors. In figure 2.5 the physical layer is shown as a class-graph. Energy consumption functionality has been derived from [14] and behaves the following way: for every radio state change, the energy spent in the state before is computed by multiplying the time since the last radio switch with the last known current and then subtracted from the available capacity. During the radio state switch the current for the next update of the energy levels is set. Although the INET framework is the main OMNeT++ framework, for my project <<interface>> MacToPhyInterface BasePhyLayer send/recv <<interface>> DeciderToPhyInterface 1 * Decider 1 1 1 ChannelInfo Radio AnalogueModel logs Radio-state creates PHY processes ConstMapping * Mapping 3 bitrate,-TX-power,-RX-power attenuation * 1 AirFrame Signal signal-function Figure 2.5 – A class graph of MiXiM’s physical layer. Source: [13] thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.4 MiXiM 13 MiXiM is better suited. There are various reasons for that. On the one hand, IEEE 802.15.4 specifies the physical and MAC layer of a wireless protocol. Compared to INET, MiXiM offers more extensive support for the lower layers of wireless protocols. An example is the in MiXiM already offered IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer implementation of the non-beacon-enabled mode. Furthermore, using MiXiM it is possible to model the physical layer more detailed. The principle of AnalogueModels together with the Signal class provides a simple, comprehensive and flexible way to simulate attenuation effects of the physical channel on a physical signal. A variety of predefined AnalogueModels are already offered. To name a few, models for LogNormalShadowing, JakesFading and a SimplePathlossModel are included in MiXiM version 2.3. Last but not least, the possibility to simulate non-zero radio switch times is another reason for favoring MiXiM over INET. Using this feature, the radio transceiver can be modeled more extensively. 2.5 Existing IEEE 802.15.4 model The existing IEEE 802.15.4 model has been developed by Feng Chen and Falko Dressler, using the OMNeT++ simulation environment and the INET framework. The two main modules are the PHY and the MAC module, as described in the standard. This model is the starting point of my thesis. The PHY module has been created according to the standard, offering capability to send/receive messages, detect collisions and perform clear channel assessment (CCA). INET’s class RadioState simulates the radio, offering the radio states RECV, IDLE, TRANSMIT and SLEEP. Functions to set a new radio state, change the channel as well as set the bitrate are available. Furthermore, INET’s module NotificationBoard is used to notify the MAC layer of changes to the radio state or channel. When a message from the upper layer is received, it is determined whether it is data to be sent or a primitive containing a request by checking the message’s kind. In the case of a data message, it is sent to the channel and a timer starts to indicate when the transmission is over so that a confirm primitive can be returned to the MAC layer. If it is a primitive, the corresponding task will be performed and a confirm primitive will be returned to the MAC layer. When a message is received from the channel, the physical layer checks whether the signal’s received power is above the sensitivity threshold. If that is the case, the message is again checked to determine bit errors or collisions. Afterwards the message is handed to the MAC layer. The MAC module is the main part of the IEEE 802.15.4 simulation model and contains all functions necessary to use the beacon-enabled as well as the nonbeacon-enabled mode. In the standard, three data transfer modes are defined [9]: thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 2.5 Existing IEEE 802.15.4 model 14 Direct The PAN coordinator always sends a node’s pending data as soon as it is able to. Indirect Either the PAN coordinator includes a list of pending messages in its beacon and the device notifies the coordinator that it is ready to receive, or the device itself asks the coordinator whether data is awaiting transmission. GTS In GTS transmission mode, every node that wants to transmit or receive has to allocate slots in the CFP using the PAN coordinator. If a transmit GTS has been allocated, pending data will be sent to the coordinator without delay. If a receive GTS has been allocated, the radio state will be switched to RECEIVE and a possible data transmission will be awaited. In this implementation of the model, only direct and GTS transmissions are implemented. However, support for duplicate checking, sending and receiving ACK’s and filtering of frames is offered. Furthermore, slotted (beacon-enabled) as well as unslotted (non-beacon-enabled) CSMA-CA is implemented. Functions for beacon transmission and reception are offered as well, although the association process has been simplified. Some other related functionality, like channel scans and the disassociation process, has not been modeled. Energy consumption is monitored by keeping track of the total time the radio spends in each state and calculating the energy amount at the end of the simulation. Lastly, a simple traffic generator as well as an application and network layer implementing a very simple version of the star topology are offered. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 Chapter 3 Porting the Model This chapter is dedicated both to the migration of the existing IEEE 802.15.4 model from OMNeT++ version 3.x to version 4.2.2 and from INET to MiXiM framework. In comparison to the INET framework, MiXiM offers models for the physical layer and channel that are more suitable for my project. As these are two of the most important factors in wireless transmissions, it is reasonable to replace INET with MiXiM to achieve a better approximation of reality. This chapter is structured as follows. The first part consists of the theoretical approach I’ve applied to port the project. The second part describes how the system was ported, including implementation details. 3.1 Theoretical Approach As a first step I examined the code of the project to identify which classes in the original project use which INET references, moreover determining what functionality these offer. Using this data I explored the MiXiM framework, searching for classes and modules that offer similar functionality. This results of this process are summarized in table 3.1. Basically all of INET’s functionality is available in MiXiM, with the exception of a passive queue model and the radio state IDLE. Since MiXiM is currently in the process of being integrated in INET, some classes and modules are exactly the same. All other classes I examined closely to determine what differentiates them from those offered in INET. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 15 21:12:09 3.1 Theoretical Approach INET class RadioState 16 MiXiM equivalent MiximRadio NotificationBoard NotificationBoard NotifierConsts NotifierConsts INotifiable INotifiable Energy SimpleBattery BasicMobility MobilityBase IChannelControl ChannelControl BaseConnectionManager ConnectionManager ChannelAccess ConnectionManagerAccess IRadioModel IReceptionModel RadioStateAnalogueModel Airframe_m MiximAirFrame ModuleAccess FindModule<T> BasicBattery BaseBattery Functionality Stores current radio state as well as related parameters such as channel number. Notifies members that have subscribed to a module of changes (e.g.: radio state, node failure) within the module. Interface that has to be implemented to be able to subscribe to another module. Stores the node’s current energy level and offers means to simulate energy consumption. Base class for all mobility modules, offers random placement. Controls the channel, keeps track of neighbors as well as the interference distance of a node. Basic physical layer class, offers functions for ChannelControl and ConnectionManager. Offers functions to calculate the received power of a transmission. Basic message class for airframes. Finds a pointer to the module with a given name and type, then returns it. Basic class for any battery module. Table 3.1 – INET functions in the original model, their MiXiM equivalents and their purpose. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 3.2 17 System Migration The very first task was to port the existing model from OMNeT++ version 3.x to version 4.2.2. OMNeT++ facilitates this by offering several automatic migration scripts that can be run on the existing simulation model. Migratened, migrateini, migratemsg and migratecpp change all NED, ini, msg and C++ files to be conform to the 4.x format. Because not everything can be migrated automatically, some manual post-processing is necessary. Due to the change in the project file structure to a package system not unlike the one employed in Java, all NED files in subdirectories now need package declarations and imports. Using the IDE this can be done automatically. Besides replacing INET functions with MiXiM functionality, my goal for the actual migration of the model was to make as much use of MiXiM as was feasible. Inheritance plays an important role in the new model. Therefore, the ported project is a lot tighter knit with MiXiM than the old model was with INET. The description of the system migration is split into PHY, MAC and higher layers. 3.2.1 PHY Layer The PHY layer implementation, MiximIeee802154Phy, inherits from MiXiM’s PhyLayerBattery. PhyLayerBattery itself inherits from PhyLayer, which again inherits from BasePhyLayer. Most of MiXiM’s physical layer functionality resides in BasePhyLayer. For this project, BasePhyLayer’s most important functions are getRadioState(), setRadioState() and handleAirFrame(), which replace the functions get/set radio state as well as handleLowerMsgStart/End in the original model. Set/getRadioState() are functions of the MacToPhyInterface, and therefore also available to the MAC layer using a pointer to the PHY layer module. Basically, the respective request is forwarded to the PHY layer’s radio, which is of type MiximRadio. MiximRadio simulates the radio as a state machine, offering the states RX (RECEIVE), TX (TRANSMIT), SLEEP and SWITCHING. The main differences to INET’s RadioState state machine is the additional state SWITCHING and the missing state IDLE. In MiXiM, the state will be set to SWITCHING and stay in it until the actual switching is over. This is needed to model non-zero radio switch times, which are also observable in reality. INET did not take this into account, and the original module only assumed a delay when switching to state RECEIVE. Furthermore, MiximRadio informs the RadioStateAnalogueModel of the changed state. This is necessary to compute the correct attenuation factor for incoming airframes. HandleAirFrame() is responsible for handling the complete airframe reception thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 18 process, from the first received bit until the frame can be removed from the list of current airframes kept in ChannelInfo. Typically an airframe passes through this function three times. At the first time the function handleAirFrameStartReceive is called. All specified AnalogueModels are applied to the Signal object contained in the airframe to determine the attenuation. If a Decider exists, the frame is then handed to the function handleAirFrameReceiving, where the specified decider processes the signal to determine whether the remaining signal is strong enough that the airframe can be received. At last, the function handleAirFrameEndReceive is called to signal the reception is over and to remove the frame from the list of current airframes in ChannelInfo, as well as clean up the AnalogueModels. BasePhyLayer’s handleUpperMessage() provides the same functionality as the function handleUpperMsg() in the original module. First of all the current radio state is checked. If the radio is not in state TX, an error message will be generated. Secondly, if there is already a message being sent, again an error message will be generated. Lastly, if everything is cleared and the message is ready to be transmitted, a timer is set to indicate when the transmission is over and the message is sent to the channel. Based on this, the original module’s function is replaced by BasePhyLayer’s handleUpperMessage(). PhyLayerBattery extends setRadioState() by adding means to simulate power consumption caused by different radio states. Different currents can be specified for the states RX, TX, SWITCHING and SLEEP. No additional code to simulate energy consumption needs to be added, as PhyLayerBattery takes care of that. Furthermore, it checks the host’s state before receiving or sending messages. If the state is not active (e.g. empty battery), the messages are dropped. MiximIeee802154Phy makes use of the NotificationBoard module contained in MiXiM version 2.3. A change notification is fired in initialize() as soon as radio channel and state are set, to inform the MAC layer of the initial values. In the following part of the chapter I will explain some implementation details. To be able to handle non-zero radio switch times, it was necessary to modify the primitive handler function handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request. In the original implementation the radio state was switched instantaneously. Therefore, a corresponding confirm primitive could be sent to the MAC layer without delay. The only exception was when switching to state RECEIVE. There, a timer was set to fire as soon as the switching was over, and handleSelfMsg then forwarded the primitive to the MAC layer. In the new implementation it is possible to use zero switch times as well as non-zero switch times. This was achieved by temporarily storing the returned value from function setRadioState(), which is defined as the time needed for switching the radio. If the returned value is equal zero, a confirm primitive is sent to the MAC layer without delay. Is it non-zero, we make use of MiXiM’s own radio switching timer, set in BasePhyLayer’s setRadioState() function. When the thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 19 timer is fired, it is caught in MiximIeee802154Phy’s handleSelfMsg() function and the corresponding primitive is then returned to the MAC layer. A diagram showing a schematic view of the function handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request can be found in figure 3.1. In the original project, two parameters are representing the current radio state. On the one hand there is the actual radio state, stored in the RadioState class. On the other hand, there is the variable phyRadioState in the physical layer. This variable is of type PHYenum, an enumeration used to represent various more detailed states of the radio. See table 3.2 for a list of all possible parameters and their meanings. If the function handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request receives a request with the PHYenum state phy_TX_ON or phy_RX_ON and all prerequisites have been satisfied, phyRadioState will be set to match the one demanded. However, the real radio state will not be changed just then, but when the transmission or reception starts, independently of the handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request. In my opinion there is no point in delaying the actual radio switch like that. It could even lead to errors. Therefore, in the ported model all radio switches take place inside the handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request function. 3.2.2 MAC Layer The original MAC layer implementation, Ieee802154Mac, is vastly different from anything MiXiM has to offer. Although MiXiM provides an IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer module, only the non-beacon enabled mode has been implemented. Considering that the beacon-enabled mode is a lot more complex and the used CSMA-CA mode is different, most of the original code has simply been taken and modified to fit the MiXiM structure. The MAC layer implementation, MiximIeee802154Mac, inherits from MiXiM’s CSMA802154. CSMA802154 itself inherits from csma, which again inherits from BaseMacLayer. This is done to make use of basic MAC functionality in MiXiM as well as of some IEEE 802.15.4 parameters available in MiXiM’s csma module that are necessary for both, beacon-enabled and non-beacon enabled mode. As mentioned earlier, MiXiM does not offer any queue modules or classes. However, the csma class implements a list of MAC packet pointers called macQueue and uses it as a makeshift queue. In the original model, an interface queue has been put between the network layer and the MAC layer, to cache packets coming from the upper layer before the MAC layer is ready to handle them. Using macQueue of class csma, I rebuilt the interface queue functionality as a part of the MAC layer. Further, MiXiM contains a simple class to normalize network layer and MAC layer addresses: the LAddress class. A network layer address corresponds to a thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 20 callptophandle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_requestFPHYenumpsetStatek yes return radiopalreadypinpthepprocesspofp switchingptopthepdesiredpstate? no yes radiopalreadypswitchingptop anotherpstate? stoppcurrentpswitch no ispradiopalreadypinpdesiredpstate? no yes tmpStatep=pphyRadioState setStatep=pphy_RX_ONporpphy_TRX_OFFp andpappacketpispcurrentlypbeingptransmitted? no yes tmpStatep=pphy_BUSY_TX newStatep=psetState setStatep=pphy_TX_ONporpphy_TRX_OFFp andpappacketpispcurrentlypbeingpreceived? no forcepallp receptionpandp transmissionp off return yes setStatep=pphy_FORCE_TRX_OFF? tmpStatep=pphy_BUSY_RX delayp=psetRadioStateFSLEEPk no newStatep=psetState ptmpStatep=pphy_SUCCESS yes tmpStatep=pphy_SUCCESS setStatep=pphy_RX_ON setStatep=pphy_TX_ON delayp=psetRadioStateFRXk phyRadioStatep=pphy_TRX_OFF setStatep=pphy_TRX_OFF delayp=psetRadioStateFTXk yes delayp>pB no phyRadioStatep=psetStatep else delayp=psetRadioStateFSLEEPk newState_turnaroundp=psetState waitpforptheptimerptopbepfiredpandp changepradiopstatepandpphyRadioState inphandleSelfMsgpfunction returnpprimitivepwithpcorrespondingpstatus returnpconfirmpprimitive withpstatusptmpStateptopMAC return Figure 3.1 – This figure shows a flow chart-like scheme of the modified function handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request available in the ported model. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration State phy_BUSY phy_BUSY_RX 21 Meaning The PHY is currently busy with some task The PHY is currently busy receiving a message phy_BUSY_TX The PHY is currently busy transmitting a message phy_FORCE_TRX_OFF Force the radio to switch to state SLEEP, regardless of ongoing transmissions or receptions The PHY is currently idle phy_IDLE phy_INVALID_PARAMETER phy_RX_ON The PHY has received an invalid parameter The PHY shall switch to state RECEIVE The PHY is in state RECEIVE phy_SUCCESS The physical layer operation was successful Set radio state to SLEEP phy_TRX_OFF phy_TX_ON The PHY shall switch to state TRANSMIT The PHY is in state TRANSMIT phy_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE An unsupported value has been passed to the PHY Usage Not used PHY to MAC: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm, this result is returned if the radio should switch to TRANSMIT or SLEEP during a message reception PHY to MAC: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm, this result is returned if the radio should switch to RECEIVE or SLEEP during a message transmission MAC to PHY: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request, force radio off Used in PHY to denote that no radio switch is pending / for CCA to confirm an idle channel PHY to MAC: PLME_SET_confirm, new channel is an invalid parameter MAC to PHY: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request, denotes that the channel should switch to state RECEIVE PHY to MAC: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm, switching to RECEIVE was successful From PHY to MAC, to denote a request was successful MAC to PHY: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request, switch to state SLEEP MAC to PHY: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request, denotes that the channel should switch to state TRANSMIT PHY to MAC: PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm, switching to TRANSMIT was successful Not used Table 3.2 – PHYenum attributes as defined in the file Ieee802154Enum.h in the original model. These states are used in PHY to describe the current radio state in more detail and to return information about the radio state to the MAC layer. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 22 L3Type address and is of type long. Similarly, a MAC layer address conforms to a L2Type address and is again of type long. For both address types, a broadcast and a NULL address are already specified in LAddress. In the original model, a string parameter has been used to determine a node’s address. As MiXiM’s approach is more realistic and supported throughout the whole framework, I converted all addresses to instances of class LAddress. A special case is the Address LAddress::L2Type(-2): it is used by the network layer to tell the MAC layer to send a message to its PAN coordinator. In the following part of the chapter I will explain some implementation specific details. To be able to use CSMA-CA it is necessary to conduct a CCA to determine whether the channel is idle or busy. In the original model a CCA was executed as follows: switch radio state to RECEIVE, send a primitive to the physical layer telling it to sense the channel and then return the result - either idle or busy - to the MAC layer. However, MiXiM offers a useful function for determining the state of the channel more easily. Using BasePhyLayer’s getChannelState() function it is possible to get the current state of the channel compressed in a ChannelState object. Using the isIdle() function on the ChannelState object yields a boolean indicating whether the channel is idle or not. In my model, the radio state is still switched to RECEIVE first of all, but instead of sending a primitive to the physical layer MiXiM’s getChannelState().IsIdle() function is used to get the result. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard specifies various MAC frames of a specific format. The most important are: Beacon frame, the Data frame and the ACK frame. To ensure compatability with all handleMessage-related MiXiM functions I changed the message specification to inherit from MacPkt, MiXiM’s basic MAC packet. MacPkt’s structure is simple: it offers two LAddress::L2Type attributes, one for the destination address and one for the source address. Furthermore, an attribute for the sequence number is included. Using this basic message facilitates the migration from string destination addresses to MiXiM’s LAddress class addresses. In the original model the transmission of a message can be simplified to the following process: use PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request to set the radio to state RECEIVE, wait for the confirmation message and then send the packet to the physical layer which in turn sends the message to the channel. This is true for all frames but the Beacon frame. Contrary to all other transmissions, the process for sending the beacon does not wait for the confirmation of the changed radio state but is sent to the physical layer instantaneously. This works fine if the radio switch times to TRANSMIT are zero, but fails otherwise. Since I was planning to make it possible to use realistic radio switch times in the ported model I had to solve this differently. For this, I introduced the MAC parameter maxRadioSwitchTime. It is set in the initialization phase and is given a value that is slightly bigger than the biggest declared radio switch time. For the beacon transmission, the thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 3.2 System Migration 23 parameter is used to give the physical layer enough time to switch to TRANSMIT by using OMNeT++’s function sendDelayed(), which sends a message to the specified gate delayed by, in this case, maxRadioSwitchTime. Furthermore, maxRadioSwitchTime is also used in the startBcnRxTimer() function, which starts a timer to set the radio state to RECEIVE before the next beacon arrives. In this function, the wait time is shortened by maxRadioSwitchTime to ensure that the radio had enough time to switch states. Last but not least, the parameter is also used in GTS to compute the duration of a GTS spot including possible radio switch times. 3.2.3 Higher layers and Utility files As application layer I chose MiXiM’s SensorApplLayer, which offers almost everything that is needed: a function for exponentially generating and sending messages to the network layer and functionality for keeping track of useful statistics like latency times. The module MiximIeee802154StarApp inherits from it and only changes the functionality for sending messages so that it can be chosen whether a node generates packets or not. The network layer, MiximIeee802154StarRouting, inherits basic functionality from BaseNetwLayer. It overrides the functions handleUpperMsg and handleLowerMsg to realize routing in a star network. This means that every packet has to be sent to its coordinator first before it can be sent to its destination. Furthermore, if the PAN coordinator receives a packet that was not addressed to it, it has to be forwarded to its real destination. Some files have been taken from the original model and have been barely modified at all. These files are: MiximIeee802154Const Defines IEEE 802.15.4 constants MiximIeee802154Def Offers some parameter typedefs MiximIeee802154Enum Offers all for IEEE 802.15.4 needed enumerations MiximIeee802154Field Defines IEEE 802.15.4 message fields MiximIeee802154MacPhyPrimitives This message file describes the structure of a MAC to PHY primitive MiximIeee802154Link Used to check for duplicate message receptions thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 Chapter 4 Analysis In this chapter I will verify my migration to the new OMNeT++ version as well as to MiXiM framework. All simulation setups have been taken from [4]. In this paper, the original authors of the existing IEEE 802.15.4 model, Feng Chen and Falko Dressler, present simulation results that have been gathered using their IEEE 802.15.4 model. This chapter is structured as follows. In the first part I will explain the basic simulation setup: common parameters, used measures and the stop condition. Furthermore the simulation scenarios, a 3 node and a 21 node scenario, will be described. The second part consists of a short explanation on how I will verify my results followed by the actual verification. 4.1 Simulation Setup According to [4], star topology is more robust and has better latency when compared to mesh networks. Furthermore, because of its adjustable duty cycle, the beacon-enabled mode is more energy efficient compared to the non-beacon enabled mode [4]. Since these are qualities that are demanded by the industry, an IEEE 802.15.4 star network using the beacon-enabled mode has been employed by [4] to conduct the simulations. Commonly used parameters of the original model and the new simulation model using MiXiM are shown in table 4.1 and 4.2. Missing parameters correspond either to the default values as declared in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [9] or are dependent on the simulation scenario and will be explained in the corresponding section. In [4] four performance measures are specified, one energy related and three end-to-end measures: 5 http://mixim.sourceforge.net/doc/MiXiM/doc/neddoc/index.html?p=org.mixim.modules.nic.Nic802154_TI_CC2420.html thesis.tex 2013-05-16 24 21:12:09 4.1 Simulation Setup 25 Parameters for Battery module Radio power in SEND 17 mA Radio power in RECEIVE 9.6 mA Radio power in SLEEP 0.06 mA Radio power in IDLE 1.38 mA Parameters for PHY module Channel number, bitrate 11, 250 kb/s Transmitter power 1 mW Transmission range 172 m Carrier sense sensitivity -85 dBm Parameters for MAC and IFQ module Synchronization mode Beacon-enabled Topology type Star IFQ size (buffer) 1 Parameters for Traffic module Traffic type Exponential Payload size 1 byte Table 4.1 – Common module parameters used in original IEEE 802.15.4 simulation model. Source: [4] Mean energy consumption per per payload byte The mean energy consumption in µAh/s. It is computed by summing up the whole network’s energy consumption for transmitting data packets and dividing it by the number of payload bytes received at the sink. Mean end-to-end packet loss rate The mean packet loss rate in % of the whole network. This is computed by taking the sum of all lost packets, either dropped at the MAC queue due to overflow or failed packet transmissions due to too many retries, and dividing it by all packets that have been generated in source nodes. Mean end-to-end delay The mean time between a packet’s generation and its reception at the sink node. Measured in s. Mean end-to-end goodput The ratio of payload bytes received at the sink to the total simulation time. Measured in bytes/s. In accordance to [4], every simulation scenario is repeated five times with different random number generator seeds to guarantee independent runs. Since the necessary simulation time for every simulation is dependent on the parameter combination and varies greatly, the number of data packets received at the sink has been taken as stop condition. At least 5000 packets must have been received at the sink to stop a run. The results plotted on the graphs correspond to the thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.1 Simulation Setup 26 Parameters for Battery module Radio power in SEND Radio power in RECEIVE Radio power in SLEEP Parameters for PHY module Channel number, bitrate Transmitter power Transmission range Carrier sense sensitivity Time switching from radio state SLEEP to TRANSMIT Time switching from radio state SLEEP to RECEIVE Time switching from radio state TRANSMIT to RECEIVE Time switching from radio state RECEIVE to TRANSMIT Time switching from radio state TRANSMIT to SLEEP Time switching from radio state RECEIVE to SLEEP Parameters for MAC module Synchronization mode Topology type MAC queue size Parameters for Traffic module Traffic type Payload size 17 mA 9.6 mA 0.06 mA 11, 250 kb/s 1 mW 172 m -85 dBm 0.001792 s 0.001792 s 0.000192 s 0.000192 s 0.0 s 0.0 s Beacon-enabled Star 1 Exponential 1 byte Table 4.2 – Common module parameters used in the new simulation model using MiXiM framework, based on [4]. Contrary to the original model’s parameters, MiXiM’s radio has no radio state IDLE and therefore does not need to define the consumed energy while being in this state. However, since MiXiM supports the use of radio switch times, these have been declared in the PHY module. The values have been taken from MiXiM’s Nic802154_TI_CC2420.ned. 5 mean values derived from the above mentioned runs and have been plotted depicting the confidence interval if the results have not been constant. 4.1.1 3 Node scenario The 3 node scenario is the first of two simulation scenarios that I will discuss. It conforms to the one described in [4]. The network consist of three nodes arranged in a row, the PAN coordinator between the other two nodes. Its topology is shown in figure 4.1. The distance between the two outer nodes is chosen so that they are outside of each others interference distance. By choosing the value of SO to be BO-1, a constant duty cycle of 50% can be achieved. The device on the left side, the source, possesses an exponential traffic source that generates and sends packets in a certain interval to the device on the right side, the sink. Four intervals have been chosen for this scenario: 0.01s, 0.1s, 1s thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.1 Simulation Setup 27 Figure 4.1 – The topology of the 3 node simulation scenario. The three nodes are placed in a row with the PAN coordinator in the middle. and 10s. These values correspond to the interDepartureTime parameter in the ini-file of the original version and to the trafficParam in the ported version. For each of these intervals, various combinations of BO and SO have been chosen. Because the underlying network is of the star topology type, packets have to be routed over the PAN coordinator to be able to reach their goal. As data transfer mode the direct one with acknowledgments has been chosen. 4.1.2 21 Node scenario The 21 node scenario, which correlates to the first 21 node scenario in [4], is the second simulation scenario that I will discuss. The network consists of 21 nodes, arranged symmetrically around the PAN coordinator so that every node is placed 30 meters apart from all its neighbors (diagonal neighbors not included). The topology is shown in figure 4.2. A schematic view has been chosen rather than the actual output of OMNeT++’s graphical simulation environment because the node placement can be observed better this way. Since the transmission range of every node equals 172m (see tables 4.1 and 4.2) this means that all nodes are within each others interference distance. All nodes other than the PAN coordinator are equipped with exponential traffic sources, transmitting packets at various intervals to the PAN coordinator. These intervals are: 0.01s, 0.017s, 0.032s, 0.056s, 0.1s, 0.178s, 0.316s, 0.562s, 1s, 1.778s, 3.162s, 5.623s, 10s, 17.783s, 31.623s, 56.234s and 100s. As in the 3 node scenario, these values correspond to the interDepartureTime parameter in the ini-file of the original version and to the trafficParam in the ported version. Contrary to the 3 node scenario however the BO and SO combinations are chosen such that SO is always thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.1 Simulation Setup 28 device 30m 30m 30m 30m PAN Coord playground 300x300 Figure 4.2 – A schematic view of the 21 node topology. 20 nodes are arranged symmetrically around the PAN coordinator, each 30 meters apart from its neighbors. 0 and BO iterates through the values 1,3,5 and 7. This leads to a constant active time (about 0.015s) and variable inactive times. As data transfer mode the direct one with acknowledgments has been chosen. According to [4], the 21 node scenario models a typical situation of industrial control applications. 4.2 Verification My first approach to verify my simulation data has been to compare them to the results attained in [4], since the simulation setup and all scenarios have been derived from this paper. However, during the conduction of my own simulations and comparing the outcomes to the original results I noticed some unexplainable differences. Furthermore, while exploring the original model available to me, I perceived a few deviations compared with the one described in the paper. For example, [4] declares that all data transfer modes (direct, indirect and GTS) have been implemented, whereas in the original IEEE 802.15.4 model available to me the indirect transfer mode has not been modeled. Taking these facts into account, I concluded that the project I ported has not been the exact same one that has been used to conduct the experiments described in [4]. Therefore, to attain data to which I can compare my results to, I used the original model, programmed in OMNeT++ version 3.x, and simulated the same scenarios as those used in the ported model. In figure 4.3 the difference in simulation results between the thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 29 paper and the original version is shown based on the goodput graph. To facilitate detecting these differences when comparing the results the axes dimensions of every plot have been chosen to be as close to those in the paper as possible. 4.2.1 Verification of the migration to OMNeT++ 4.2.2 At first I verified the migration of the original model to OMNeT++ version 4.2.2. The procedure of the migration is described in section 3.2. As explained in section 4.2, I will compare the new graphs with the ones I obtained by conducting the same simulations using the original model. Only the 3 node scenario will be considered, since it is sufficient to be able to prove that the migration was successful. The resulting graphs and their equivalent of the original model are shown in figures 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7. I will start with examining the graphs depicting the mean energy consumption (see figure 4.4). It is easy to assert that the graphs are basically identical. The next pair of graphs (figure 4.5) show the mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the original model as well as in the migrated one. Again, the graphs are essentially equal. The same behavior can be observed in the last two graph pairs, depicting the mean end-to-end delay (figure 4.6) and the mean end-to-end goodput (figure 4.7). The explanation is simple: when porting from OMNeT++ version 3.x to 4.2.2, the functionality of the IEE 802.15.4 model remains unchanged since OMNeT++ only provides the basic framework. All changed framework functionality that influences my project is restored by using the provided migration scripts. 4.2.2 Verification of the migration to MiXiM I verified the migrated model using MiXiM framework in two steps. Firstly, I will consider the data obtained by using the 3 node scenario described in section 4.1.1. Secondly, a more complex scenario using 21 nodes as described in section 4.1.2 has been simulated to test the migrated implementation in a more demanding environment. In the verification’s second step, I will use the 21 node scenario and compare the data of the original model to that of the migrated model. The results will be presented in this chapter. 3 Node scenario - The graphs in figures 4.8 to 4.11 compare the original model’s 3 node scenario simulation results to the ones obtained by using the ported model. Since there are some light discrepancies, the confidence intervals of the data have been printed also. The probability used for these intervals is 95%. In figure 4.8 the graphs depicting the mean energy consumption per payload byte are shown. It is easy to observe that the energy consumption in the new model is higher than in the original one. This behavior can be explained by considering thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 30 (a) The mean goodput graph of the 3 node scenario, taken from the paper. Source: [4] 10000 Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) ● 1000 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 100 ● ● ● ● ● (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 10 1 0.1 0.01 (1,0) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (b) The mean goodput graph plotted with the results gathered from simulating the 3 node scenario anew using the original IEEE 802.15.4 model. Figure 4.3 – Comparison between the simulation paper’s goodput graph (4.3a) and the new graph created by simulating the 3 node scenario using the original model (4.3b). The results of the simulation paper (see [4]) are about 50 times bigger than the ones I obtained using the original model. Therefore I conclude that the model I ported is not the same as the one used in the paper. As a result I will verify the ported model using my own simulations with the original model. For a general description of the 3 node scenario and a more detailed exploration of the results see section 4.1.1. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 31 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 ● ● 0.001 ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 0.0001 Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) 100 ● 10 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 1 0.1 0.01 ● ● ● ● ● (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 0.001 0.0001 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the (b) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the original model using OMNeT++ version 3.x. ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2. Figure 4.4 – Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs in both the original model (4.4a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.4b). The graphs are identical. 1.0 1.0 Mean end−to−end packet lossrate 0.8 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● 0.9 0.7 ● 0.6 ● ● ● ● ● 0.5 ● 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Mean end−to−end packet lossrate ● 0.9 0.8 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 0.7 ● 0.6 ● ● ● (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 0.5 ● 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) (1,0) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (3,2) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the original (b) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the ported model using OMNeT++ version 3.x. model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2. Figure 4.5 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end packet loss rate graphs in both the original model (4.5a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.5b). It is simple to observe that the graphs are essentially equal. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 32 100 100 10 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● Mean end−to−end delay (s) Mean end−to−end delay (s) ● 1 0.1 10 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 1 0.1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● 0.01 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) 0.01 (11,10) (13,12) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) Combinations of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end delay in the original model using (b) Mean end-to-end delay in the ported model using OMNeT++ version 3.x. OMNeT++ version 4.2.2. Figure 4.6 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs in both the original model (4.6a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.6b). It is simple to observe that the graphs show basically the same results. 10000 10000 1000 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 0.1 0.01 Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) ● 1000 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 100 ● ● ● ● ● (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 10 1 0.1 0.01 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) (1,0) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end goodput in the original model us- (b) Mean end-to-end goodput in the ported model using ing OMNeT++ version 3.x. OMNeT++ version 4.2.2. Figure 4.7 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs in both the original model (4.7a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.7b). The graphs are essentially identical. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 33 that MiXiM does not implement the radio state IDLE. The functionality to model the battery is actually quite similar in both projects (see sections 2.3 and 2.4). Every radio state has an energy expenditure assigned to it. The overall energy consumption is then computed by multiplying the time spent in a radio state with its energy consumption. In the MiXiM model the radio state stays in either TRANSMIT or RECEIVE after the actual transaction has been completed, whereas in the original one it switches to idle. The radio state IDLE has a low energy expenditure assigned to it (see 4.1), only 1.38 mA. The states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE, however, are consuming more energy (see 4.2). Since the time spent in IDLE in the original model is being spent either in TRANSMIT or RECEIVE in the MiXiM model, the overall energy consumption is higher. In figure 4.9 the graphs depicting the mean end-to-end packet loss rate are shown. Packet loss occurs if upper packets are dropped by the IFQueue module (in the original model) or the MAC queue (in the ported model) and if the maximum number of retries is exceeded [4]. By comparing the graphs, it is possible to determine that they are essentially equal. The explanation is simple: although the mechanism had to be changed to accommodate the missing interface queue module, the queueing functionality is still untouched. Further, the ported model did not change the mechanism for dealing with lost acknowledgments and packet retries. The packet loss related functionality is therefore essentially unchanged. 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 ● ● 0.001 ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 0.0001 Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) 100 10 1 0.1 ● ● ● ● ● (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 0.01 ● 0.001 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 0.0001 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) (1,0) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the (b) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the model using INET framework. MiXiM model. Figure 4.8 – Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs in both the original model (4.8a) and the ported model using MiXiM (4.8b). It is shown that the energy consumption of the MiXiM model is higher. This is caused by spending more time in the energy expensive states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE than the original model, which switches to the inexpensive state IDLE after having completed a transmission or reception. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 34 1.0 1.0 Mean end−to−end packet lossrate 0.8 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● 0.9 0.7 ● 0.6 ● ● ● ● ● 0.5 ● 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Mean end−to−end packet lossrate ● 0.9 0.8 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 0.7 ● 0.6 0.5 ● ● ● (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● ● 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) (1,0) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (3,2) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate of the model using (b) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate of the model using INET framework. MiXiM framework. Figure 4.9 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end packet loss graphs in both the original model (4.9a) and the ported model using MiXiM (4.9b). It is trivial to observe that the graphs are basically identical. This can be explained by comparing the packet loss related functionality in both the original model and the ported one. Since this functionality is essentially unchanged, it is reasonable for the packet loss rate to be equal. Figure 4.10 shows the graphs depicting the mean end-to-end delay. The graphs are essentially identical. Generally, the time needed to transmit one packet from source to sink increases because of the added non-zero radio switch times. However, these times are quite small (see 4.2). Almost no retransmission of data is necessary, due to absence of another node generating traffic, keeping the number of necessary radio switches at its minimum. Therefore the additional delay is too small to be observable in these graphs. In figure 4.11 the graphs depicting the mean end-to-end goodput are shown. Conforming to the verification results before, the graphs are almost identical. As with the graphs depicting the mean end-to-end delay, the additional delay caused by the radio switch times is unobservable. Since the comparison of simulation data between the original model and the ported one did not yield any significant differences, the first part of the verification has been completed successfully. 21 Node scenario with fixed SO - The graphs in figures 4.12 to 4.15 compare the original model’s 21 node scenario with fixed SO simulation results to the ones obtained by using the ported model. Since there are some light discrepancies, the confidence intervals of the data have been printed also. The probability used for these intervals is again 95%. The first two graphs show the mean energy consumption in both the original (figure 4.12a) as well as the ported version (figure 4.12b). It is trivial to observe thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 35 100 100 10 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● Mean end−to−end delay (s) Mean end−to−end delay (s) ● 1 0.1 10 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 1 0.1 ● ● ● ● ● ● (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● 0.01 ● ● ● ● ● (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) ● ● 0.01 (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end delay in the model using INET (b) Mean end-to-end delay in the model using MiXiM framework. framework. Figure 4.10 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs of both the original model (4.10a) and the MiXiM model (4.10b). The graphs show the same results. Although the MiXiM model has slightly bigger transmission times due to its non-zero radio switch times, the additional delay is too small to be observable in these graphs. 10000 10000 1000 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s ● 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 0.1 0.01 Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) ● 1000 0.01s 0.1s 1s 10s 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 0.1 0.01 (1,0) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) (1,0) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (3,2) (5,4) (7,6) (9,8) (11,10) (13,12) Combination of BO and SO (BO,SO) (a) Mean end-to-end goodput in the model using INET (b) Mean end-to-end goodput in the ported model using framework. MiXiM framework. Figure 4.11 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs of both the original model (4.11a) and the MiXiM model (4.11b). The graphs are basically equal due to the very small radio switch times. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 36 that the MiXiM model has a higher energy consumption than the original one. As already explained in the comparison of the simulation results gathered from the 3 node scenario, this behavior originates from the missing radio state IDLE in the ported model. The greater drop of the curves can be attributed to unproportionally higher energy consumption in states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE compared to state IDLE combined with the greater number of nodes compared to the 3 node scenario. There is one value that deviates from the norm in the curve of BO=7. This can be attributed to the additional delay caused by non-zero radio switch times and the long inactive period caused by BO=7, prolonging the necessary simulation time. This effect is also visible in the goodput graph in figure 4.15b. The next pair of graphs describe the mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the original (figure 4.13a) as well as the ported model (figure 4.13b). Comparing these two graphs, it is simple to observe that they are essentially equal. The reason for this is the unchanged packet loss related functionality as described in the verification of the ported model using the 3 node scenario packet loss rate graph. In the next two graphs the mean end-to-end delay is depicted in the original model (figure 4.14a) as well as the ported one (figure 4.14b). The comparison between them yields the observation that the delays in the ported model are smaller in the beginning and their drop is less steep, but the curves end at the same values as in the original model. This behavior is caused by the faster CCA mechanism as described in section 3.2.2. Since it is likely to detect something 1000 10 ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● ● 0.01 ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.1 ● 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.1 ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 10 ● ● ● 1 SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) 100 ● 0.1 Mean energy consumption per byte (µAh/byte) 1000 on the channel in a network consisting of 20 constantly transmitting nodes, 1 10 100 0.01 Mean interarrival time (s) 0.1 1 10 100 Mean interarrival time (s) (a) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the (b) Mean energy consumption per payload byte in the original model using INET framework. ported model using MiXiM framework. Figure 4.12 – Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs of both the original model (4.12a) and the MiXiM model (4.12b). The energy consumption of the ported model is higher. This can be attributed to the missing radio state IDLE and the higher energy consumption in states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 1 37 1 4.2 Verification ● ● ● ● ● 0.8 0.6 ● 0.4 0.6 0.4 ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 0.2 0.8 ● ● 0.2 Mean End−to−end packets lossrate ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 Mean End−to−end packets lossrate ● ● ● ● 0.01 ● 0.1 ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● ● 10 ● ● 0 0 ● 100 0.01 ● 0.1 Mean interarrival time (s) ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● ● 10 ● 100 Mean interarrival time (s) (a) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the original (b) Mean end-to-end packet loss rate in the migrated model using INET framework. model using MiXiM framework. Figure 4.13 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end plr graphs of both the original model (4.13a) and the MiXiM model (4.13b). The graphs are equal. This behavior stems from the unchanged packet loss related functionality of the ported model. the probability for having to perform multiple CCAs to send one packet is high. Therefore, the delays in the model with the faster CCA mechanism decrease significantly. In the last pair of graphs the mean end-to-end goodput of both the ported (figure 4.15b) as well as the original one (figure 4.15a) is shown. It is easy 100 1 ● ● ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 ● ● 10 ● 1 ● Mean end−to−end delay (s) ● 0.1 SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 10 ● 0.1 Mean end−to−end delay (s) 100 to observe that only the values before the respective peak of each curve in the ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.01 0.1 ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● 10 ● ● ● 0.01 0.01 ● 100 ● 0.01 Mean interarrival time (s) 0.1 ● ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● 10 ● ● 100 Mean interarrival time (s) (a) Mean end-to-end delay in the original model using (b) Mean end-to-end delay in the ported model using INET framework. MiXiM. Figure 4.14 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs of both the original model (4.14a) and the MiXiM model (4.14b). The ported model displays smaller staring delays and a less steep drop. This is caused by the faster CCA mechanism. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 4.2 Verification 38 ported model differs from those in the original model. This is can be explained with the bigger simulation time caused by the non-zero radio switch times. The effect is only seen in the areas before the peak because of the higher number of collisions due to heavy traffic resulting in a higher number of retransmissions [4] prolonging the necessary simulation time. There is one value that deviates from the norm in the curve of BO=7, as the necessary simulation time gets especially long due to the heavy traffic load, the non-zero radio switch times and the long inactive period. This effect can also be seen in the energy graph in figure 4.12b. Concluding the verification, there are differences in energy consumption, endto-end delays and goodput results between the original model and the ported one. However, these originate from MiXiM’s own functionality or the way the migration has been done and can be explained in every case. Therefore, since no significant abberations have been found, the model is considered to be ported 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● SO=0 BO=1 SO=0 BO=3 SO=0 BO=5 SO=0 BO=7 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.01 0.1 ● 0.01 Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) ● ● ● 10 ● 1 ● 0.1 ● Mean end−to−end goodput (bytes/s) 100 successfully. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 Mean interarrival time (s) 0.1 1 10 100 Mean interarrival time (s) (a) Mean end-to-end goodput in the original model us- (b) Mean end-to-end goodput in the ported model using ing INET framework. MiXiM framework. Figure 4.15 – Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs of both the original model (4.15a) and the MiXiM model (4.15b). The ported model displays the same behavior as the original model after its peak has been reached. Before, the starting values are smaller and the climb is steeper. This can be attributed to the increased simulation time needed to simulate non-zero radio switch times. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 Chapter 5 Conclusion In this paper the migration of the original IEEE 802.15.4 model implemented by Feng Chen and Falko Dressler using the OMNeT++ simulation framework and the INET framework to a more up-to-date version of OMNeT++ and the MiXiM framework has been described. Since the standard only defines the physical and MAC layer it is important to model these layers are as exact as possible, but the INET framework provides only limited support for the lower layers of wireless protocols. Therefore the MiXiM framework has been chosen to replace INET, since it offers more detailed models of the physical layer and channel. A theoretical analysis of the differences between these frameworks was followed by the actual migration, using as much from MiXiM’s functionality as sensible. The ported model has been verified by conducting simulations, gathering the results and plotting them in graphs. By comparing theses graphs with the results of simulations carried out by the original model, the model has been verified. The verification has shown that there are differences between the ported and the original model, which stem from MiXiM’s enhanced functionality, for example in the area of non-zero radio state switch time. The biggest difference can be identified in the energy consumption, caused by the reduction from four radio states to three, omitting the state IDLE. Using the ported model, more complex simulations concentrating on the physical and MAC layer will be conducted to further study the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Furthermore, as some functionality defined in the standard is not yet implemented, the model will be extended to offer full IEEE 802.15.4 support. These two factors will help to construct a more complete picture of the standard’s behavior and thus make it even more attractive for industry applications. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 39 21:12:09 List of Acronyms WSN Wireless Sensor Networks NED Network Description LR-WPAN Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks WLAN Wireless Local Area Networks POS Personal Operating Space FFD Full-Function Device RFD Reduced-Function Device PAN Personal Area Network RF Radio Frequency PPDU PHY Protocol Data Units PD-SAP PHY data - service access point PLME-SAP PHY layer management entity - service access point MPDU MAC protocol data units MLME-SAP MAC sublayer management entity - service access point MCPS-SAP MAC common part sublayer - service access point CAP Contention Access Period CFP Contention-free Period GTS Guaranteed Time Slots SO superframe order BO beacon order CCA clear channel assessment thesis.tex 2013-05-16 40 21:12:09 List of Figures 2.1 LR-WPAN device architecture. Adhering to the ISO-OSI model, the device is split into layers which only communicate over well defined interfaces. Source: [9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Possible superframe structure. A superframe consists of an active portion (CAP) and an optional inactive portion (CFP), bounded by beacons. Source: [9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 A superframe with no inactive portion but 4 allocated GTS slots. Source: [9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.4 Service primitives. This is a very general principle; a request from one layer to another yields an indication in the recipient, which typically prompts a response that is sent to the origin of the request using a confirm primitive. Source: [9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.5 A class graph of MiXiM’s physical layer. Source: [13] . . . . . . . . 12 3.1 This figure shows a flow chart-like scheme of the modified function handle_PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request available in the ported model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.1 The topology of the 3 node simulation scenario. The three nodes are placed in a row with the PAN coordinator in the middle. . . . . 27 4.2 A schematic view of the 21 node topology. 20 nodes are arranged symmetrically around the PAN coordinator, each 30 meters apart from its neighbors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 thesis.tex 2013-05-16 41 21:12:09 List of Figures 42 4.3 Comparison between the simulation paper’s goodput graph (4.3a) and the new graph created by simulating the 3 node scenario using the original model (4.3b). The results of the simulation paper (see [4]) are about 50 times bigger than the ones I obtained using the original model. Therefore I conclude that the model I ported is not the same as the one used in the paper. As a result I will verify the ported model using my own simulations with the original model. For a general description of the 3 node scenario and a more detailed exploration of the results see section 4.1.1. . 30 4.4 Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs in both the original model (4.4a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.4b). The graphs are identical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.5 Comparison of the mean end-to-end packet loss rate graphs in both the original model (4.5a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.5b). It is simple to observe that the graphs are essentially equal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.6 Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs in both the original model (4.6a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.6b). It is simple to observe that the graphs show basically the same results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.7 Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs in both the original model (4.7a) and the ported model using OMNeT++ version 4.2.2 (4.7b). The graphs are essentially identical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.8 Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs in both the original model (4.8a) and the ported model using MiXiM (4.8b). It is shown that the energy consumption of the MiXiM model is higher. This is caused by spending more time in the energy expensive states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE than the original model, which switches to the inexpensive state IDLE after having completed a transmission or reception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.9 Comparison of the mean end-to-end packet loss graphs in both the original model (4.9a) and the ported model using MiXiM (4.9b). It is trivial to observe that the graphs are basically identical. This can be explained by comparing the packet loss related functionality in both the original model and the ported one. Since this functionality is essentially unchanged, it is reasonable for the packet loss rate to be equal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.10 Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs of both the original model (4.10a) and the MiXiM model (4.10b). The graphs show the same results. Although the MiXiM model has slightly bigger transmission times due to its non-zero radio switch times, the additional delay is too small to be observable in these graphs. . . . . . 35 4.11 Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs of both the original model (4.11a) and the MiXiM model (4.11b). The graphs are basically equal due to the very small radio switch times. thesis.tex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2013-05-16 21:12:09 List of Figures 43 4.12 Comparison of the mean energy consumption graphs of both the original model (4.12a) and the MiXiM model (4.12b). The energy consumption of the ported model is higher. This can be attributed to the missing radio state IDLE and the higher energy consumption in states TRANSMIT and RECEIVE. . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.13 Comparison of the mean end-to-end plr graphs of both the original model (4.13a) and the MiXiM model (4.13b). The graphs are equal. This behavior stems from the unchanged packet loss related functionality of the ported model. . . . . . . . 37 4.14 Comparison of the mean end-to-end delay graphs of both the original model (4.14a) and the MiXiM model (4.14b). The ported model displays smaller staring delays and a less steep drop. This is caused by the faster CCA mechanism. . . . . . . . . 37 4.15 Comparison of the mean end-to-end goodput graphs of both the original model (4.15a) and the MiXiM model (4.15b). The ported model displays the same behavior as the original model after its peak has been reached. Before, the starting values are smaller and the climb is steeper. This can be attributed to the increased simulation time needed to simulate non-zero radio switch times. thesis.tex 2013-05-16 21:12:09 . . . . . . . . . 38 List of Tables 3.1 INET functions in the original model, their MiXiM equivalents and their purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2 PHYenum attributes as defined in the file Ieee802154Enum.h in the original model. These states are used in PHY to describe the current radio state in more detail and to return information about the radio state to the MAC layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.1 Common module parameters used in original IEEE 802.15.4 simulation model. Source: [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.2 Common module parameters used in the new simulation model using MiXiM framework, based on [4]. Contrary to the original model’s parameters, MiXiM’s radio has no radio state IDLE and therefore does not need to define the consumed energy while being in this state. However, since MiXiM supports the use of radio switch times, these have been declared in the PHY module. The values have been taken from MiXiM’s Nic802154_TI_CC2420.ned. 6 . . . 26 thesis.tex 2013-05-16 44 21:12:09 Bibliography [1] K. Shuaib, M. Boulmalf, F. Sallabi, and A. Lakas, “Co-existence of Zigbee and WLAN, a performance study,” in Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2006. WTS’06. 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