July - Glendale Quilt Guild
July - Glendale Quilt Guild
Newslet ter WWW.GLENDALEQUILTGUILD.ORG VOLUME XXV NO. 1 GLENDALE QUILT GUILD GENERAL MEETING: WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2004 Quilter’s Angst - If We Love it so Much, Why Dont We get More Done? Presented by Nancy Brenan Daniel www.nancybrenandaniel.com Who Is Nancy Brenan Daniel? “I’ve enjoyed quilt making all of my adult life. I love writing about, designing, and teaching hand quilting, applique, color and design, and rotary patchwork techniques. I learned to love quilts from my grandmother, Mary Talkington Ritzenthaler, who encouraged me to play with fabrics and quilts at a very young age. In turn I encouraged my mother Mary Brenan to complete two quilts of her own before she died in 2002. Mother left me a Bow Tie quilt to enjoy and hand quilt. I’ve been an art educator for more than 30 years -teaching art education, art history, design and of course -- quilt making! Although quilt making and design currently take up much of my time I continue to travel to teach and judge. Active in the quilt world for many years as a popular teacher and designer, I am also the author of more than 20 books on sewing crafts and quilt making. I am a regular contributor to quilting and crafts magazines. My quilt, “Orien- JULY 2004 tal Cool”, was the cover quilt for the AQS Quilt Art 1986 Engagement Calendar, and my Red and White Gretchen Quilt was chosen as the cover quilt for the 2002 Better Homes and Gardens Engagement Calendar. My Bears Paw & Flying Geese quilt was chosen for November in the 2003 BHGEC. Another favorite honor came when my “Flowers of Friendship Quilt” was invited to participate in the National Quilt Festival, Branson Mo, where it earned the Viewers’ Choice Award and became the cover quilt for their Engagement Calendar. I’m a member of the NQA, Inc. and a NQA Certified Teacher and Certified Quilt Judge. I am active in several local and national quilt guilds and I am a Charter Member of the American Quilter’s Society and a member of the Museum of the American Quilter’s Society. I’ve earned a BA and MA in Art History, and Art Education Degree for grades one through twelve. I also hold an Adult Education Certificate from the Maricopa Community College District. I’m the mother of three adults and grandmother of three. I continue to volunteer in my community and I’m also the companion to one ‘furkid’.” Wednesday, July 14th @ 8pm “Quilter’s Angst- If We Love it so Much Why Don’t We Get More Done” Ten creative steps toward starting and finishing your quilts. A short, but humorous discussion of the TRUE-lies quilters tell themselves to keep from entering shows---finishing projects. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings: Hello! I am sending my first greetings as President to each of you. I especially want to thank the members and guests who attended the June meeting. You most likely thought it would be just an installation of new officers and thanking outgoing Executive Board Members. Well, that did occur; and, we gave our thanks to the outgoing Board and especially to Judy Leonard for serving the Guild so well during the past two years. I trust that you were surprised and pleased, that in addition to doing the above at the meeting, there was an excellent presentation by Bobbie Moon, Glendale Quilt Guild Member and owner of New Moon Textiles, a Guild Affiliate. I would like to publicly thank Bobbie for her excellent program and the outstanding tips that she shared. We all enjoyed the wonderful Guatemalan textiles, patterns and notions. We are especially thankful to her for presenting such an interesting program on very short notice. So you see, 2 you never know what may happen at a Guild meeting! Stay tuned! As I indicated at the meeting, I would like to encourage a theme for the coming year of “Working Together.” This means sharing, and accomplishing goals for you and for the Guild. Please take the opportunity to share your skills and talents with others so that we will continue our outstanding programs, workshops and our outstanding Quilt Show. The 2005 Show is just around the corner. I encourage each of you to find a niche where you may provide leadership and assist with Guild activities. It is a lot more fun to be a part of the programs and activities than just to sit back and watch. So take the challenge and serve your Guild in some small way. Currently we are in need of chairs of the following Committees: Hospitality -- The person(s) who provide the set-up for the delicious food that you bring. Consider volunteering for this position. The Chair of the special Telephone Committee is open and the Chair of the standing com- mittee, Publicity, is also open. Although we have not used the Telephone Committee in the past two years, we should have someone serve in this capacity in the event that we need to reach Guild members between meetings. Please share your thoughts and ideas of ways that we may continue with our programs and activities and any improvements to areas which may need improvement. I am confident that the members of the Executive Board, Extended Board and the Special Committee chairs will be listening for your voice. We will have a special treat at the July meeting, the Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center will be providing the Guild with all of the meeting refreshments. So you can relax and not worry about what alpha letters are up! Enjoy quilting and share your projects so that others will be inspired by your work. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your President. Ruth MEETING NEWS FUTURE PROGRAMS & Workshops July 14, 2004 July 17, 2004 August 11, 2004 September 8, 2004 September 11, 2004 October 13, 2004 October 16, 2004 November 10, 2004 November 13, 2004 Nancy Brenan Daniel “Quilter’s Angst” Nancy Brenan Daniel Workshop Annual Potluck Nancy Chong “Hawaiian Quilting” Nancy Chong Workshop Sharon Schamber “Remembering Our Grandmas: Traditions orf Old Techniques” Sharon Schamber Workshop Barbara Barber Lecture Barbara Barber Workshop To sign up for a workshop, please call Mary Beth Kile at: 818.790.4402 GENERAL MEETING JULY 14, 7:00PM GLENDALE CENTRAL LIBRARY SPEAKER: NANCY BRENAN DANIEL July 16, 2004: Loving Hands. 1-5PM at Q is for Quilts, 620 S. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank. July 26, 2004: 2005 Quilt Show Committee: Glendale Central Library. 7:00PM. Interested in working on next year’s show? Come to the meeting! Call Marilyn Green if you have questions at: 818.846.8842. Hospitality Special thanks to The Burbank Hilton Aug. 5, 2004: GQG Board Meeting location TBD. Please call Ruth Berkey 626.355.6035 if you wish to attend. for providing refreshments to our July meeting! 3 COMMITTEES Quilt Show 2005 The first meeting of the 2005 Quilt Show Committee was held on May 27, 2004 in the Library. We are all excited and ready to have another great quilt show in the theme of “Island Holiday”. I would like to thank the wonderful ladies that have worked so far on the opportunity quilt. Mary Ann Andrews, Ko Nakamura, and Marava Packey completed the applique process which was started by Chung Pring who lives in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Chung, who specializes in Hawaiian quilting, chose the pattern and material, and put the design together for use in the traditional red and white colors. The quilt has been basted by Kirsten Reed and Ruth Berkey. The hand quilters in the guild have all volunteered to participate in making the most beautiful red and white Hawaiian quilt yet. We should sell lots of tickets by show time. There are still some Committee chairperson positions open. Please read the list below and contact myself, Ruth Berkey, Judy Leonard, Kirsten Reed, or Rasa Read to become a part of the planning process for the 2005 Show. Any new members that would like to help - I welcome you all. Remember that you will be tutored by the Committee members and will have lots of support. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Banquet Chairman Set-up and Take-down Teacher Packets Volunteers Putting together information and printing the Programs, and Opportunity Quilt Chairman. I would also like to have a decorator for the Convention Center. I would love to decorate in an “island theme”. We want our guests to feel like they walked into a fun, tropical setting. The next meeting is Monday, July 26, 2004 at 7:00 pm in the Glendale Library. Marilyn Green 2005 Quilt Show Chairperson 4 WORKSHOP WORKSHOP “SLICE ‘EM & DICE ‘EM DISAPPEARING NINE-PATCH!” with NANCY BRENAN DANIEL DATE: July 17th TIME: 9:00AM - 4:00PM LOCATION: SIERRA MADRE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 170 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Take a simple Nine-Patch Block, or a few, slice ‘em up in a special way and make anything-but-ordinary quilt blocks and quilts. It’s a great way to use up all those awful scraps or those wonderful treasured fabrics. Choose one of several smashing variations for your quilt. You’ll have time to try two or three variations during the class...then you’ll decide which to use for your quilt. For BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED quilters. New designs and concepts are constantly being added! SUPPLIES Of course they can bring more fabric -- or other tools...but should be able to do well with these. SLICE ‘EM AND DICE ‘EM DISAPPEARING NINE-PATCH BLOCKS Basic sewing kit Sewing machine with 1/4 inch seam allowance. Rotary tools: cutter with new blade; mat; 6” X 12” plastic ruler (best for classroom) & 6” X 24” if room is large and there is table space. Slice ‘em Quilts are SUPER Scrap Quilts -- fat quarters rule! Fabric: Precut strips -- all 3.5 “X 22” 15 black 15 muslin or other lights 15 assorted mediums or brights 2 each of 10 squares, cut 5” X 5” -- Brighter fabrics work great here! 4 print or solid fat quarters One 1/2 yard piece of an overall coordinating or unifying fabric. If you can’t make a choice --black or muslin will work. You’ll choose any border or backing fabrics after the workshop. Feel free to e-mail me: qultfrfn@aol.com and visit the website for some snapshots... http://www.nancybrenandaniel.com/ 5 MEMBERSHIP NEW MEMBERS Bonnie Gill May 9 Joanne Johnson Sep 27 Steve Hatfield May 31 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Judi Olmstead Martie Sandell Alice A. Smith Kristine E. Vazquez Alice W. Hsu Jane H. Lai Charlotte Crawford Carol Andrews Gloria Flores Mary Pat Connolly Marlyene Schwartz Patricia E. Doody Kelly A. Nassiri Kay Zahm 7/1 7/1 7/3 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/7 7/9 7/10 7/12 7/12 7/13 7/13 7/14 Melissa M. Feeney Renay A. Gregg Mary Lyn Pitassi Masako G. Smith Kim K. Kelly Eleanor Sturman Patricia M. Foti Michelle Willumsen Doris C. Binaco Georgia A. Morton Ginny Anderson Timothy J. Mosman Christine Munoz Roberta Christiansen 7/16 7/18 7/18 7/18 7/19 7/23 7/25 7/25 7/28 7/28 7/29 7/29 7/30 7/31 Our condolences go out to friends and family of Lynn Russello. Lynn passed away on June 1st at the age of 74. She was often in attendance at our Guild Meetings and was also active with Designing Ladies. She will be missed! dues are due! Please remember to bring in your completed membership renewal form to the July 14th meeting. The membership year begins on July 1st. Dues are delinquent as of August 30th. 6 7 MEETING REPORTS 2005 Board Members: Mary Beth Kyle, Victoria Crayne, Nancy Helpinstill, Loretta Bradley, Nicole Osborne, and Nancy Foote CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 3, 2004; 2:00 PM: Pine Needles Quilt Guild Wall Quilt Auction. Quilts on display from 10-2 PM. Steinman Building parking lot, Wrightwood. For info please call: 760.249.5251. July 11-15, 2004: Camp Watch-a-Patcher sponsored by the Orange County Quilt Guild at Concordia University, Irvine. www.orangecountyquiltersguild.com July 17, 2004: SCCQG Meeting hosted by Schoolhouse Quilters of Rosemead. Topic: Meet the Teachers SHOW AND TELL Timothy Mosman, one of our Guild members, brought in this beautiful Hawaiian quilt to share. He and his wife picked this up on their recent trip to Hawaii. Judy Leonard shows off the red and white quilt at our June General Meeting August 7-8, 2004: Quilt Daze V (Quilt Show). Yorba Linda Community Center, Yorba Linda. Admission: $5; 10-4 PM Sat & Sun. Contact: Julie Astle 714.777.2096; or ylquiltdaze@aol.com August 20-22, 2004: Fabulous Fiber Fest; Santa Monica. Classes, market and fashion shows. www.thefiberfest.com Sept. 10-11, 2004: LA County Guild Quilt Show. Lakewood Country Club, 3101 E. Carson. Contact: 562.422.2084 Sept. 10-11, 2004: Quilting in the Valley; by Valley Quiltmakers Guild and San Fernando Valley Quilt Assodciation; Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys. Fri. 10-7 PM; Sat. 9-4 PM. 8 LAST PAGE Tips Needle System: Most European sewing machines use an “H” system. Needle Size - Available in sizes 60-120. Smaller sizes have finer points for lightweight and delicate fabric and larger sizes have larger points for heavy, dense fabrics. Sergers use sized 70-90 only. Very Light Fabric, size 60-70 (chiffon, organza, organdy, viole, batists, tulle, georgette); Light, Size 70-80 (crepe de chine, broadcloth, jersey, hankerchief linen); Medium, size 80-90 (corduroy, medium denim, coatings) Medium Heavy, size 90-100 (heavy denim, heavy coatings, burlap, fleece, brocade) Very Heavy, size 110-120 (canvas, upholstery, ticking) For machine needles, remember this: The higher the number, the larger the needle (and eye). By the way, it goes opposite of this for hand sewing needles. (Yes, it is confusing!) In general, always select the smallest needle that will accommodate your properly chosen thread and form a good stitch. GENERAL GUILD INFORMATION VOLUME XXV NO. 1 www.glendalequiltguild.org Glendale Quilt Guild, Inc., is a non-profit corporation. The purpose is to contribute to the knowledge of and to promote the appreciation of fine quilts, quiltmaking, and collecting; to gain knowledge of quilt techniques, patterns, history, and quiltmakers through educational meetings, travel and friendship. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Glendale Central Library Auditorium, 222 East Harvard St. Glendale, CA. Social time: 6:30-7:00pm. Meeting begins at 7:00pm. Guest fees $5 per meeting. Membership dues are payable July 1 and are delinquent at the end of the August General Meeting. Active members, $20; Seniors (62+ yrs.), $15; Affiliates, $25; Newsletter Only $20. The Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Glendale Quilt Guild. Members are invited to submit items of interest for publication by submitting them at the General Meeting or by e-mailing to Susan Vite: smvite@aol.com. SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS THE FIFTH DAY AFTER THE GENERAL MEETING. 9 MEETING: WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2004 7:00 PM GLENDALE CENTRAL LIBRARY 222 E. HARVARD BLVD, GLENDALE REFRESHMENTS: PROVIDED BY THE BURBANK HILTON DATED MATERIAL P.O.BOX 5366, Glendale, CA 91221-5366 AFFILIATES New Loc A QUILTER’S DREAM atio n! 150 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Susan Prescott 626.744.2779 www.aquiltersdream.com THE CALICO HOUSE 4825-D Valley View Ave. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Janice & Jane 714.993.3091 FAX: 714.993.2316 THE FABRIC PATCH 5436-D Arrow Highway Montclair, CA 91763 909.985.9000 FAX: 909.985.9163 www.thefabricpatch.com COZY COTTAGE FABRICS A TO Z DESIGNS 13882 Montecito Dr. Victorville, CA 92392 Ann Leatz 760.243.4536 AZABU-YA 3767 Overland Ave. #102 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Mariko Gooden 310.845.9111 www.azabu-ya.com BEARLY STITCHIN’ 3720 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Chris Basham 626.796.2118 FAX: 626.796.3866 www.bearlytstitchin.com 620 S. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91502 Julie Zastrow 818.567.0267 www.QisforQuilts.com CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS EMMA BLOOMFIELD’S 1407 W. Kenneth Rd. Glendale, CA 91201 Mary Whitney 818.545.0332 FAX: 818.545.0520 EMMALINE’S 1413 W. Kenneth Rd. Glendale, CA 91201 818.547.5747 P.O. Box 40365 Pasadena, CA 91114-7365 626.296.6663 Q IS FOR QUILTS 740 N. Brea Blvd. Brea, CA 92821 Kris Giannetti 714.529.2999 1111 S. Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92264 Monica Gonzales 760.327.2587 FAX: 760.322.2319 NEW MOON TEXTILES Bobbie Moon STARS & SCRAPS QUILT SHOP 2175 Sampson #121 Corona, CA 92879 909.737.3959 starsandscraps@aol.com THE QUILT EMPORIUM 4918 Topanga Cyn Blvd. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Linda Potsic 818.704.8238 www.quiltemporium.com TURKEYRED LEAH’S FABRIC GALLERY QUILT 'N' THINGS 1321 E. Katella Ave. Orange, CA 92867 Leah Pariser 714.639.3245 FAX: 714.639..2213 2411 Honolulu Ave. Montrose, CA 91020 Darly Dulion 818.957.2287 darly@quiltnthings.com www.quiltnthings.com MAYHALL'S SEWING & VACUUM CENTER 2252 Honolulu Ave. Montrose, CA 91020 818.249.2466 11816 Shosone Ave. Granada Hills, CA 91344 818.366.8637