What are you doing this June 19 – 22???
What are you doing this June 19 – 22???
ISSN 1553-0191 Journal of the International Betta Congress November / December 2007 Volume 41 No. 3 What are you doing this June 19 – 22??? INTERNATIONAL BETTA CONGRESS Contact information for all IBC Board Members and Committee Chairs is provided here. Email addresses are provided as well; however, please remember that not everybody checks their email every day, and that in an electronic format sometimes messages go astray. Same with physical mail. If in doubt that your message or letter has reached somebody, please call or try to contact another Board Member. The IBC believes that all members are important and so is what you have to say. Code of ethics of The International Betta Congress (Revised 07/15/2006) IBC members welcome everyone who is interested in betta, whether new at owning and/or raising betta or an old pro who has raised thousands. The IBC feels there is room for all betta enthusiasts, young or old, new or experienced, individuals, families, team or commercial breeder. The IBC is a club of individuals, families, teams, and commercial breeders who support the keeping, breeding, and or the showing of betta bred by members, the research into the genetics of the betta and support of the preservation of the wild species through the Species Maintenance Program. It is the policy of the IBC that members who sell trade or give betta to other must represent the description of the betta in a proper manner so as to assure that the buyers, consumers or recipients are not misled. An intentional misrepresentation would be a violation of the IBC policy and Code of Ethics. Moreover, it is the policy of the IBC, that when bettas are entered in a show, all such betta should be raised and bred by the entrant or exhibitor unless clearly stated otherwise. Failure to comply with this policy would be contrary to the IBC Code of the Ethics. The IBC does not participate in the fighting of fish. The International Betta Congress expects all members to conduct transactions with all parties in a responsible, fair and ethical manner in all business dealing concerning the purchase and sale of betta stock and supplies. While we hope that all disputes be amicably resolved among the parties, the Congress, however, is not an enforcement agency for the transaction of betta stock and/or supplies nor can the IBC mediate disputes involving members or any individuals over said transactions. The IBC believes that if all members abide by these simple guidelines we will have a happy, fun and stimulating club. .Executive Board President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Judging Board Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Rich Christman Mark Denaro Steve Van Camp Jack Tobin Connie Emery Jim Sonnier Sheila Davis Melissa Migota president@ibcbettas.org vp@ibcbettas.org secretary@ibcbettas.org treasurer@ibcbettas.org jbchair@ibcbettas.org ebmember1@ibcbettas.org ebmember2@ibcbettas.org ebmember3@ibcbettas.org 300 Bleeker St, Gloverville, NY 12078 5084 Winfield Ct, Bensalem, PA 19020 923 Wadsworth St, Syracuse, NY 13208 5829 Saul St., Philadelphia, PA 19149 3831 N. Old Dixie Hwy Bunnell, FL 32110 108 Thomas Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70607 5534 E Holly Grove Road., Thomasville, NC, 27360 146 Willow Drive, Freedom, PA 15042 (518) 316-0999 (N/A) (315) 454-4792 (215) 533-0654 (386) 437-3519 (337) 303-0070 (336) 476-0724 (724) 869-5638 3831 N. Old Dixie Hwy Bunnell, FL 32110 147A Sunset Road, W hiting, NJ 08759 5907 NE 102nd Ave, #9, Vancouver, WA 98662 2444 Provence Circle, Weston, FL 33327 241 Metro Blvd., Anderson, IN 46016 Rue du Commerce 59, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland 300 Bleeker St, Gloverville, NY 12078 (386) 437-3519 (732)-350-4122 (360) 885-2804 (954) 217-1433 (765) 891-0211 (N/A) 108 Thomas Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70607 (337) 303-0070 255 Station Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 147A Sunset Road, Whiting, NJ 08759 5829 Saul St., Philadelphia, PA 19149 5829 Saul St., Philadelphia, PA 19149 12296 Woodstone Terrace, Jacksonville, FL 32225 5829 Saul St., Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215) 536-1906 (732)-350-4122 (215) 533-0654 (215) 533-0654 (904) 226-3055 (215) 533-0654 255 Station Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 255 Station Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 923 Wadsworth St., Syracuse, NY 13208 6917 NW 11th Ct., R.R. #2, Ankeny, IA 50021 5829 Saul St., Philadelphia, PA 19149 PO Box 666 Isle of Palms, SC 2945 146 Willow Drive, Freedom, PA 15042 5378 N. Green Bay Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209 72 Creamery Rd., Durham, CT 06422 146 Willow Drive, Freedom, PA 15042 123 Sooner Road Shawnee, OK 74804 146 Willow Drive, Freedom, PA 15042 (215) 536-1906 (215) 536-1906 (315) 454-4792 (515) 289-1212 (215) 533-0654 (N/A) (724) 869-5638 (414) 228-8384 (860) 349-2311 (724) 869-5638 (405) 273-8710 (724) 869-5638 Judging Board Chairman/Show Dates Vice Chairman Registrar Judge Training Standards Judges Cert. Connie Emery JD Ewtuch David Spector Joe Becerra Daniel Young Claire Pavia jbchair@ibcbettas.org jbvp@ibcbettas.org registrar@ibcbettas.org judgetraining@ibcbettas.org standards@ibcbettas.org judgecertificate@ibcbettas.org Executive Board Rich Christman ejliaison@ibcbettas.org (518) 316-0999 Committee Chairs Archives Awards Betta Pals Chapters Constitution Convention Finance FLARE! Editor Internet Membership Nomenclature Nominations Parliamentarian Programs Publications Research & Grants Sales Species Maint. Technical Asst. Ways & Means Webmaster Jim Sonnier Stuart Scott (Scotty) J D Ewtuch Jack Tobin Jack Tobin Wayne McLain Jack Tobin Linda Scott archives@ibcbettas.org awards@ibcbettas.org bettapals@ibcbettas.org chapters@ibcbettas.org constitution@ibcbettas.org convention@ibcbettas.org treasurer@ibcbettas.org flareeditor@ibcbettas.org Stuart Scott (Scotty) Steve Van Camp Gene A. Lucas Jack Tobin Donna Pine Melissa Migota Bunny Lorbiecki Leo Buss Melissa Migota Gerald Griffin Melissa Migota internet@ibcbettas.org membership@ibcbettas.org nomenclature@ibcbettas.org nominations@ibcbettas.org parliamentarian@ibcbettas.org programs@ibcbettas.org (No email available) research@ibcbettas.org sales@ibcbettas.org smp@ibcbettas.org talibrary@ibcbettas.org Joe Becerra waysmeans@ibcbettas.org 2444 Provence Circle, Weston, FL 33327 Andrea Edwards webmaster@ibcbettas.org 240 Stallion Run, Lexington, KY 40511 International Betta Congress Website: http://www.ibcbettas.org Better Bettas, IBC members-only Mailing List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BetterBettas Betta Event, IBC-sponsored open Mailing List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bettaevent (954) 217-1433 (859) 492-7691 In This Issue November / December 2007 Volume 41 No. 3 FLARE! is the official bimonthly publication of the International Betta Congress (IBC), a non-profit organization. The views and opinions contained within are not necessarily those of the editors and/or the officers and members of the IBC. . News, Updates and Show Information International Betta Congress .................................................... inside front cover President’s Message........................................................................................ 2 Editor’s Message ............................................................................................. 2 Judging Board News........................................................................................ 3 IBC Judges................................................................................................... 3-5 New Judging Board Ruling............................................................................... 5 Chapters and Contact Information .................................................................... 6 Chapter Chatter ............................................................................................... 7 Membership Renewal ...................................................................................... 8 Welcome New Members .................................................................................. 8 IBC Show News – Dates ................................................................................ 9 IBC Show Announcements ...................................................................... 9 - 10 Area 6 Class List and Entry Form ........................................................... 11 - 12 IBC Show Results ................................................................................. 13 - 21 IBC Programs................................................................................................ 26 IBC Sales ...................................................................................................... 27 IBC Show Entry Form .................................................................................... 28 IBC Classes 2007 – 2008 Show Year.......................................inside back cover Articles and Columns Hermanus Haryanto’s Photo Gallery..........................................................20, 22 My First Show – Laila Snead.......................................................................... 21 Breeding Your First Mouthbreeders - Andrew Smith................................. 23 - 25 Photo Credits Myron Tay (Betterbettas) ................................................................. Front Cover Auvergne Betta Club - Xavier Laine............................................................... 14 First Coast Bettas – Stuart & Linda Scott and Ani Pahlawanian ........... 17, 18, 25 FLARE! Staff Editor: Linda Scott lscott255@yahoo.com Proofing & Uploads: ‘Scotty’ Scott Submission Guidelines Articles: Articles are preferred in electronic submission using MS Word. Please do not use Headers and Footers. The Font should be Ariel – Size 9, Pictures need to be in JPEG format. Send all electronic versions of articles to or lscott255@yahoo.com flareeditor@ibcbettas.org . Committee & Chapter Reports: News is always welcome and a way to get to know our membership. Pictures are always welcomed. Since we are an International organization and many members are not able to attend convention, pictures are away of getting to know you! Stock Shop Ads: Ads will only be accepted from IBC Members. Ads should not exceed 100 words. Show Information: All Show Chairs are responsible for submitting Show Information and show results. Show Ads should not exceed ½ page in length. A “fill-in-the-blanks” form is available from the FLARE! Editor! IBC Dues All Electronic Membership - Includes electronic color FLARE! - You will be invited to join the IBC Members-Only BetterBettas Mail List in order to access the color FLARE! and IBC Documents. $20 Individual $22 Family1 $14 Junior (under 16 - all areas) 005 Paper FLARE! Membership1 - Includes black & white mailed paper issue of FLARE! $35 Individual (North America only) $37 Family1(North America only) $40 Individual (all other areas) $42 Family1 (all other areas) $29 Junior (under 16 - all areas) The FLARE! Editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. While the submitter retains ownership, the IBC reserves the right to use all submissions for future publications in any medium. Associate Rates: Includes fish hobby organizations and commercial entities. Above dues apply. Premium Rates: Applies to anyone, regardless of country; the extra dues in these next 3 categories help to offset IBC operating expenses. Please be sure to specify either paper or electronic FLARE. $40 - Patron $50 - Supporting $60 - Sustaining Next deadline…… January 15, 2008 Lifetime Rate: Available to individuals and families only $500 - one time fee Payments by check must be made in US funds only. Canadian checks, please add $3.75 collection fee. This does not apply to money orders. 1 Family: refers to family members living at the same residence President’s Message I can't believe it's been 6 months since the last IBC convention. The first half of the current show season is over and it looks like we have a great points race for the top 20. We have been seeing pretty good numbers of fish entered in the shows, but there is room for improvement. We are still only getting entries from less then 50 IBC members in the shows so I'm hoping we will see a few more members getting involved in the show circuit. There is nothing like having a fish you have raised take a place in a show. It makes all the hard work seem worth it. The spring show season is pretty full so everyone should have plenty of chances to enter a few fish in a show or two. As the show circuit in Area 1 stops for the winter the show circuit in Area 6 is going strong with more shows this season then every before. The IBC continues to become even more International with new chapters starting around the world. The latest additions include a new chapter in Singapore and the first IBC chapter in Spain. That brings the total to 18 chapters outside of Area 1 and 28 Area 1 chapters. The IBC is becoming truly International in both membership and on the show circuit. The future looks bright for the IBC , but we could really use more members becoming active on all levels of the IBC. The last few elections we have only had a few more people running for offices then we had positions available. We also seem to be recycling the same people in different positions each year. We have 3 members at Large and 3 judging board positions up for election so please start thinking about what positions you might be willing to run for or thinking about who you think would make a good addition to the IBC Leadership. The IBC is only as strong as the people willing to help keep it strong. I hope everyone has a safe , healthy and Happy Holiday season Rich Christman “Lead By Example, Follow By Choice” Editor’s Message Linda & ‘Scotty’ Scott Hi Everyone, Sorry this FLARE! is a bit late! You know the saying “Life comes at you fast!”! That has been our lifestyle this past fall starting with my 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer in early October, our Florida vacation that started in Jacksonville at the First Coast Betta Show, sprucing my Mom’s house up to get it ready to sell, moving her into her long awaited apartment in a retirement facility, work and now the holidays! The 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer was an awesome event. Thank-you, to all of you who supported me! We’ve already signed up for next year!! The First Coast Betta Show at the start of our vacation was great! It was so good to spend time with the Florida crowd! It’s always fun, so make sure you set aside June 19 – 22, 2008 to attend the convention in Jacksonville. The second half of the fall show season has been equally busy, so there are lots of results for you to study! FLARE! is a little thin this month, Joe Walker needed to resign form the “Betta Perspective” column, so if any of you are interested in picking this up, let me know! Articles have been non-existent, so you may notice some repeats from the TA library. If you’re still getting FLARE! in black & white, you really are missing some beautiful fish. Even if you don’t have a computer, it’s worth a trip to your local library set up an e-mail account and be able to read FLARE! on-line. Maybe you can even find a Chapter member who will print it for you! Finally…Remember… pictures!! FLARE! needs your articles & Thanks….. Linda FLARE! 2 Judging Board News Howard & Connie Emery Wow, by the time FLARE! is distributed we will have completed the Fall show season. It is great to see new breeders entering the show circuit as well as seeing some breeders from the past entering as well. We still have two International Show dates available in Area 1 and several for Area 2 and 6. Contact me if your club is in need of a show date. The Judging Board recently passed a ruling pertaining to walkin entry guidelines for the benching out process to be enforced by all Show hosts. This ruling will be incorporated into the standards with the next re-write of Chapter 2, and is located on Page 5. This procedure is used in varying degrees by the different hosts but as it was never written down in “Black and White”, we recently realized it needed to be specifically addressed in order to help show hosts organize their show breakdowns and benching out process. Please make certain these procedures are implemented. Host clubs and members are to abide by this specific procedure. In reviewing some of the issues with show entries, we also need to remind all entrants that fish are not to be shipped to shows in colored water. Please make certain you use the specified bag size per the standards. Entrants who are entering in the New Breeder class and exhibiting in the Regular class with a team entry need to fill out a separate entry form for each Division. The new format for the registrar’s results uses the entrant’s name to tabulate points, therefore when a team entry is entered under the entrant’s name and the remark column is used for specifying a team entrant the results will be copied incorrectly to the format. All show chairs should take note to make a separate entrant using the team name such as: Smith/Jones rather than entering it under the regular Jones entrant. All entrants should remember that entries requiring a label should be noted in the Label/remark column on the entry form. Entrants MUST mark the bag with the fish entry number that corresponds with the entry form fish number. All paperwork must be sent in a sealed plastic bag. It is very difficult to read entry forms that have gotten wet. Please review the new Chapter 2 for the updated rules for entering shows. Have a great holiday and go Breed Better Bettas!! Connie Emery, JB Chair IBC Certified Judges Area 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FLARE! Name Amy Becerra Joe Becerra Leo Buss Rich Christman Lawrence Colston Joe Cooper Bob Dozier Connie Emery J. D. Ewtuch Raul Fernandez Damian Garcia Peter Goettner Carolyn Hanlon Jeff Hiller Alan Hobron Siegbert Illig Gary Kilgore Gilbert Limhengco Gene Lucas Wayne McLain Judy Muller Ken Muller, II State/ Country Florida Florida Connecticut New York Arkansas California Virginia Florida New Jersey Florida Hawaii Michigan Ohio Kansas Florida Pennsylvania Texas California Iowa Florida Virginia Virginia Certification Date 10/7/2003 6/20/2003 6/20/2003 6/20/2002 6/1/1984 6/25/2005 Last Show Judged 10/20/2007 10/20/2007 9/29/2007 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 8/11/2007 4/21/2007 6/22/2007 9/29/2007 6/25/2005 10/29/2005 10/13/2006 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 10/20/2007 9/29/2007 3/12/2005 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 10/29/2006 4/21/2007 4/9/2005 Must Judge By 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2009 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2008 7/1/2009 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2008 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2009 7/1/2008 3 IBC Certified Judges 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ernest Perez Jim Sonnier David Spector Dan Young Linda Olson Robert Plenge Phil Dorr Kurt Bihlmayer Claire Pavia Rajiv Masillamoni Thomas Lim Dr. Hsu Li Chieh Derrick Kuah Edwin Lim Vincent Mah Philip Ngo Wong Wei Yong Myron Tay Eugene Ng Diana Yang Teo Puay Kiat Lyon Goh Kelson Say Dennis Tan Peter Chan Indrata Wangsaputra Joty Atmadjaja Hermanus Haryanto Jesda Attavichitchanyarak Suporn Khumhom Jodi Lea-Matheson Todd Knight Arkansas Louisiana Washington Indiana Colorado New York Georgia Illinois Switzerland Switzerland Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Thailand Thailand Austraila Australia 6/20/2002 6/10/2006 5/5/2007 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 6/25/2005 6/22/2007 5/25/2005 6/22/2007 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 5/25/2005 10/15/2005 3/24/2007 9/15/2007 6/22/2007 6/10/2006 5/19/2007 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 6/22/2007 5/19/2007 8/25/2007 8/25/2007 5/27/2007 5/27/2007 9/16/2006 8/25/2007 8/25/2007 8/25/2007 5/27/2007 8/25/2007 8/25/2007 9/16/2006 5/27/2007 7/1/2009 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2010 7/1/2009 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2010 7/1/2008 7/1/2010 7/1/2008 7/1/2009 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2008 7/1/2011 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2009 7/1/2010 7/1/2008 IBC Apprentice Judges Area 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name Sheila Davis Victorea Earnest Carol Miller Jamie Woods Dick Houston Ruth Masciarelli Walden Nida Frank Siracusa Jillian Flaherty Rich Creighton Melissa Beard State /Country North Carolina Washington Canada New York Georgia Georgia Texas New Jersey Pennsylvania Connecticut Florida Area 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name Dean Stainbrook Coleen Timmons Nathaniel Emers Laila Snead Bob Hargis Jim Carter Kendra Watson Jack Schendowich Larissa Williams Eryn Rosenbaum Christy Tanner State /Country Washington Ohio New Jersey Pennsylvania Indiana Wisconsin Georgia Florida California California California FLARE! 4 IBC Apprentice Judges Area 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Name State /Country Tony Palmer Vincent Jaquet Jean-Michel Jeannerat Markus Gutzeit Xavier Laine Mok Jia Yong Mark Toh Nelson Chan Wee Pern Mohammad Shalan Modh Salleh Jonathan Goh Jiaen Widy Kiswanto Leong Chang Yuan Robin Wong Chi Wah David Je Adi Suranta Ginting Yeow Ming Yuen England Switzerland Switzerland Germany France Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Malaysia Area Name 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Mohd Dzulhardy B.Mohd Adanan Simon Liew Ho Siew Thean Ralph Tan Angel Ampil Gary Ching Celso Sy Gutierrez Tiu Eric Shim Wei Teck Martinus Johan Mosi David Poh Bun Chuan Bryan Kua Bin Tiong Wisnu Gandara Yono Wijaya Ardihandiyani Leonard Gunawan State /Country Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Phillipines Phillipines Phillipines Phillipines Phillipines Brunei JUDGING BOARD RULING #10-10-2007 Effective immediately the following procedures for all IBC shows will be implemented: Bagging of all walk-in entries at the end of a show must be physically verified for accuracy by the show chair or designated show committee members. The process will be the same as used for mail-in entries. Specifically, before bagging fish, show committee members will verify that the consecutive numbers on each container gathered correctly matches the entry form (or continuous log) for the respective entrant. Entrants will not bag their entries until they have been verified with the designated show committee member. When bagging is complete, show committee members will verify the total number of fish is correct for the respective entrant box. Host clubs will have the right to inspect all boxes carried out of the showroom. FLARE! 5 International Betta Congress Chapters and Contact Information Contact Jack Tobin for any changes: chapters@ibcbettas.org Area District 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 6 Internet Chapter 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 FLARE! Chapter Pacific Northwest Betta Society California Betta Society Las Vegas Betta Society Arizona BettaH.E.A.D.'s Rocky Mountain Betta Society Van Port Betta Fanciers The Betta Habari Socity Club Texas Area Betta Society Texas Betta Society Upper Midwest Betta Association Southern Betta Society Midwest Betta Club Milwaukee Betta Association Great Lakes Betta Society Central New York Betta Club Betta Buffs of Pittsburgh Phila. Area Betta Society Mid-Atlantic Organized Betta Breeders Garden State Betta Association Connecticut Betta Club Carolina's Betta Breeders Society Rocket City Bettas Georgia Betta Breeders Assoc. Gulf Coast Betta Society First Coast Bettas of Florida BETTAS of SOUTH FLORIDA South West Florida Bettas Betta Breeders Canada North American Betta Society European Halfmoon Betta Breeders Swiss Betta Club Great Britain Betta Association United Kingdom Betta Association Spain Betta Breeders China Betta Club Asian Betta Alliance (ABA) Betta Australis Indo Betta Splendens Betta Kaki's (Malaysia) Betta Society of Malaysia The Betta Club of the Philippines Betta Club (Singapore) Betta Bite (Singapore) The Thailand Betta Club SingaBettas Betta Club of Indonesia Contact Person Victorea Earnest Judy Latham Rob Panerio Mark Milliken Linda Olson David Spector Richard Smart Gary Kilgore Wally Nida Sue MacMillian Peter Dunn Dan Young Yohan Fernando Maggie DeLauder Carlos Pereyra Melissa Migota Paul Cipriano Jr. Bob Dozier J.D. Ewtuch Doug Kneissl Sheila Davis Steve Hagewood Kristi Porter Jim Williams Connie Emery Joe Becerra Claude Crass Kim Wareing Jim Chaussee Marion Schultheiss Caire Pavia Sharon Simmons Dougall Stewart Henry Saenz Solans Dick Chen Emerson Sy Jodi-Lea Matheson Joty Atmadjaja Ho Siew Thean Pank Jit Sin Angel Ampil Dr. Li Chieh Hsu Mark Toh Col. Jesda Attavichit Mervyn Chen Qin Yao Hermanus Haryanto E-mail Address victoreae@yahoo.com jlatham@netgate.net rob@ibcwest.com mark.milliken@gmail.com linda_9555@msn.com bettaguy@pcez.com seertexasbettas@sbcglobal.net TABSIBC@aol.com wcnida@earthlink.net SueMac@paisleydals.com dunnbetta@cox.net bigbettadan@aim.com wildbetta@aol.com mdelauder@twmi.rr.com cnybc@hotmail.com smigota@access995.com paulcip@comcast.net rdozier22191@comcast.net acipenser5@aol.com ctbettaclub@sbcglobal.net smdavis63@northstate.net bamabettas@yahoo.com hans3114@bellsouth.net jimbetta@bellsouth.net cjnemery@bellsouth.net studboyjoe@aol.com crassjent@earthlink.net forever_littleone@rogers.com jchaussee@yahoo.com m.schultheiss@arcor.de clairepavia@hispeed.ch bettababe@ntlworld.com dougall@ukdiscus.com henrysaenz@hotmail. com dickchen@163.net emersonsy@yahoo.com fishchick@internode.on.net joty_atmadjaja@yahoo.com info@bettakakis.com pjsalpha@gmail.com fishyguy@pacific.net.ph president@bettaclub.org.sg mark@bettabite.com jesda_attavichit@yahoo.com singabettas@ yahoo.com. sg hermanus_haryanto@ yahoo.com 6 Chapters Report The IBC has some new chapters, but have also lost some old chapters. I will again remind members of chapters that if your contact person leaves the IBC, someone in the chapter needs to step up and take over as contact person. It’s disappointing for our new members to try and get in touch with someone in the IBC for information and no one is at the other end of the email. Members who have been in the IBC for years probably forget all the questions they had when they first joined the IBC. The fact that they are still members could be because they got answers to their questions. Being the contact person doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours each week to handle the job. If you feel that you don’t know enough about bettas or the IBC you can get help from other members, including the Chapters Chair, the E-Board and the J-Board. Lets try and remember what it was like being the new kid on the block and help those that today are the new kids on the block. Make them feel that they are part of the IBC. Jack Tobin, Chapters Chairperson Welcome New Chapters!! SingaBettas Betta Club of Indonesia Spain Betta Breeders Look for Contact information on page 6! Meet the Auvergne Betta Club ! The Auvergne Betta Club (ABC) is a new club founded by breeders in the Auvergne region of central France, hence the name « Central Betta Show » for our show hosted in Riom. The ABC is a sub-group of Aqua’Riom 63, an all-fish aquarium club. Our main goal is to share knowledge and information about Betta splendens. Our club members also exchange breeder fish, and can buy equipement at the club. We’re also developing a car sharing system to go to other shows in France or other European countries. We plan to host a show each year in the town of Riom with international participation, where magnificent Bettas FLARE! from every corner of France, Europe or Asia can be admired. The Central Betta Show is the first show in France to be IBC sanctionned, the second in Europe after Switzerland. In this show, we want to combine the seriouseness of IBC judging with the fun-loving attitude of our club. The show welcomes beginners and experienced breeders alike, as well as anyone who is fascinated by the beauty of Bettas. Editor’s note: See the results of the show on page 13 and pictures on page 14! Alexandre & Xavier 7 Is Your Membership Renewal Due?? Around the first of each month the Membership Committee sends out, via snail mail, renewal reminder post cards to remind you that your membership will expire at the end of that specific month. For those who receive FLARE! by mail, you have an additional reminder since the expiration date is printed on your mailing label. Beginning in December, the Membership Committee will post the names of those people who are scheduled for renewal during each month. In this way both the electronic and paper memberships will receive a minimum of 2 notices. Remember that everyone has 60 days to renew. If your dues are not received by the end of the 60 day grace period, your name will be removed from the active list. This is especially important for our Certified Judges whose memberships must remain up-todate. If you are not sure when your membership expires, you can always check out the most recent membership list in the Files Section of BetterBettas. IBC Membership Committee Sally Who??? Recently there have been some questions about Sally…. Who is this anonymous person?? What does she do?? And why is she contacting me??? Many of you know her, but for those of you who don’t………. Here’s the rest of the story from Sally herself………….. To clear up the confusion ... I am Sally and the wife of Steve Van Camp who is the Membership Chairperson. I maintain the IBC membership database, so if you have any corrections to your postal mail or email address you can forward the changes by simply writing to membership@ibcbetta s.org. I will now slowly retreat back to my anonymity……… Sally Welcome New Members!! Jose Carlos Flores Malpica Nicole Martin Henry Cesar Saenz Solans Bryan Galvin Ivan Garcia Mentro Becky Millinger Roxanna Sanchez Brett Smock Lori Green Soon Hai Ho Dustin Hodges Giavanna Moneer Raul Calero Oliver Julien Onyszko Ivan Paloscia Judy Paris Penny Clark Esmeralda Coves Alegre Reyes Immanuel Daniel Indarta Sussangkarn, Susan, Chakraporn Kawporn Jeremy Keddie Alvin Surya Suwito Ann Marie Towell Patrick Pont & Daniella Vereeken Hendra Wahju Dirgantara Danielle Cox Frederic Denis Michael Drake Emilio Jose Elena Cheng Kee Neoh Wang Li Shaochun Lu Yia Ly Juan Alvarez Justin, Jordan, Rachel Anger Luke Antonelli Blanca Azucena Garcia Gual Colegio B.V. Maria Lloyd Barnhart Remy Bothereau Laura Burrows Rika Permatasari Nicolas Pou Oliver Antonio Rodriguez Iglesias Cynthia Ross Carol Ross James Walsh Madyson Ward Pete Ward Richard Weber Garry Wulyardhi FLARE! 8 IBC Show Dates 2007- 2008 Date Club 12/13-16/07 Betta Club Singapore Type Show Chair Location Area 6- International tba Singapore 03/22/08 4/4-6/2008 MOBB Area 1-International Brooke Lubben Virginia 04/19/08 MBC Area 1-International tba Indianapolis, IN 4/2427/2008 Thailand Betta Club Area 6- International Jesda Attavichit jesda_attavichit@yahoo.com Bangkok, Thailand PABS Area 1-International Clay Crawford Lancaster, PA 05/03/08 05/17/08 05/31/08 Bettahabari Area 1-International Richard Smart betta_whisper@yahoo.com tba 6/19-22/08 First Coast Bettas of Florida IBC ANNUAL CONVENTION & SHOW Wayne McLain/Connie Emery waybec48@comcast.net Jacksonville, FL There are still a few Show Dates to choose from! Please make sure you check with the Connie Emery to reserve your date soon!! Show Chairs – Please remember to use the official IBC Results Form and send your results to Connie Emery – J-Board Chair, David Spector - Registrar, Andrea Edwards – Web Master, and Linda Scott – FLARE! Editor 7th National Betta Competition 13th to 16th December 2007 Bukit Timah Plaza SHOW VENUE: Bukit Timah Plaza, Singapore SHOW DATES: 13th to 16th December 2007 SHOW INFORMATION: Please visit our website at www.bettaclub.org.sg ENTRY FORM: Look out for our new entry forms TBA soon! Pre-registration is required. Spaces are limited and all entries will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Payment must accompany entry to confirm the entry. Closing date for entries : 30 November 2007 Late entries and on-site entries will not be entertained. AWARDS: Grand Champion:S$500 + IBC Area 6 Friendship Cup Division Champion:S$100 First and Second of each class: Trophy Winners in the Regular Classes (Division A) will be awarded points towards Area 6 Year End Awards (Breeder and Exhibitor) For further information, please contact: Dr Hsu Li Chieh drhsu2@gmail.com or Edwin Lim edwinpesky@yahoo.com This is an IBC Sanctioned International Show. Entries will be judged by IBC certified judges in accordance to IBC Show Standards. FLARE! 9 HOLD THESE DATES!!! - June 19 – 22, 2008 FIRST COAST BETTAS OF FLORIDA PRESENTS THE 2008 IBC CONVENTION BETTA CHALLENGE, “THE HEAT IS ON” • • • • • • • • • HOTEL: HOLIDAY INN AIRPORT, JACKSONVILLE, FL INTERNET ACCESS - www.hijacksonville.com PHONE: 1-800-HOLIDAY OR 1-800-465-4329 AIRPORT: JACKSONVILLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ROOM RATES: $89.00 PER NIGHT (plus taxes) (3 days before and after) PARKING FREE FREE SHUTTLE FROM AND TO AIRPORT FULL CONVENTION PACKAGE INCLUDES: o 3 BREAKFASTS o 2 DINNERS (includes Awards Banquet) o PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION/HOSPITALITY ROOM o ALL WORKSHOPS, (including Judging Seminars) o CONVENTION T-SHIRT o FCB CLUB PIN o IBC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING (members only) o OPEN EXECUTIVE & JUDGING BOARD MEETINGS o CONVENTION AUCTION o ALL OTHER RELATED CONVENTION ACTIVITIES SPECIAL PET DIVISION SHOW (for children to 18 years old) PACKAGE PRICING FULL PACKAGE ____________ $145.00 each MEALS ONLY ____________$ 115.00 each BANQUET ONLY ____________$ 50.00 each WORKSHOPS ONLY _________$ 50.00 each HOSPITALITY ROOM_________$ 25.00 each CLASS SPONSORSHIPS______$ 20.00 PER CLASS ROOM RATES WILL APPLY FOR 3 DAYS BEFORE AND AFTER CONVENTION PACKAGE PRICING WILL INCREASE $10 AFTER MAY 1, 2008 Keep watching FLARE! for more Details!! FLARE! 10 Area 6 Show Classes 1) Compulsory Classes Group A classes must be offered at any IBC Sanctioned Area 6 International Show Only Group A class winners will accumulate points towards Area 6 year end awards 2) Optional Classes Group B classes will be optional Each host club can choose to include any number of Group B classes in their show Group B classes will not be eligible for end of yr points or awards 3) Year End Awards Year end Award for Grand Champion – Breeder; and Grand Champion - Exhibitor Division Champions for Divisions A, B, C and D Points would be awarded in the same way as current Area 1 points. 4) Eligibility to Show To participate in an IBC Area 6 International Show, exhibitors must be a member of an Area 6 chapter. Exhibitors from other IBC International Areas who wish to participate will have to be full (standard or electronic) IBC members 5) New Breeders Exhibitors who wish to participate in Division D do not have to be members of Area 6 chapters or the IBC. Such exhibitors can only continue to show in Division D for a maximum of 2 years Division D Champions have to show in Group A in the next year. 6) Additional Classes Additional classes may be added at the discretion of the host club (eg more classes for Traditional Plakat) Additional classes will not be eligible for year end points and awards. Group A : Regular Classes Division A : Halfmoon A1 Red STM (dark and light body) A2 Black STM A3 Red/Black DTM A4 Dark Iridescent STM A5 Dark Iridescent DTM A6 Clear/Yellow/Orange STM A7 Pastel/Opaque STM A8 Light Solid DTM A9 Bicolor/Patterned STM A10 Bicolor/Patterned DTM A11 Metallic Light-bodied STM/DTM A12 Metallic Dark-bodied STM/DTM A13 AOC STM A14 AOC DTM Division C : Show Plakat SHOW/SYMMETRICAL C1 Red STM Plakat C2 Black STM Plakat C3 Blue STM Plakat C4 Steel STM Plakat C5 Green/Turquoise STM Plakat C6 Clear/Yellow/Orange STM Plakat C7 Pastel/Opaque STM Plakat C8 Bicolor/Butterfly STM Plakat C9 Marble/Grizzled/Multicolor STM Plakat C10 Metallic Light-bodied STM Plakat C11 Metallic Dark-bodied STM Plakat C12 AOC STM Plakat C13 Symmetrical Plakat Division B : Crowntail B1 Red CTM B2 Black CTM B3 Dark Iridescent CTM B4 Light Solid Color CTM B5 Bicolor/Patterned CTM B6 Metallic Light-bodied CTM B7 Metallic Dark-bodied CTM B8 AOC CTM Group B : Optional Classes Division D : New Breeders NB1 Singletail Male NB2 Doubletail Male NB3 Crowntail Male NB4 Plakat Male NB5 Singletail Female NB6 Doubletail Female Division E : Wild Type Bettas E1 Wild Small Bubble Nesters Pair E2 Wild Small Mouth Brooders Pair E3 Wild Large Bubble Nesters /Mouth Brooders Pair Division F : Female Classes F1 Solid Color HM/Plakat Female F2 AOC HM/Plakat Female F3 Solid Color CT Female F4 AOC CT Female Division G : Temporary Classes G1 Traditional Plakat G2 Giant Plakat Division H : Breeder Development H1 New Colors and Form/Finnage H2 Matched Pairs Division H : Betta Art I1 Photography I2 Illustration I3 Crafts NB : AOC = Any Other Color - emphasis will be on form/finnage Class H2 = New Variations in both form/finnage and color FLARE! 11 IBC Show Entry Form – Area 6 only!! Name: Phone: IBC Form 3-E 7/06 Date: Address: Postal Code: IBC member? Host Club Member? Country: Yes/No Membership No: Yes/No email: If you send more than 25 fish please add another form. This is page _____ of _____ ENTRANT FILLS OUT THIS PART: Fish # CLASS Auction MIN. Bid HOST FILLS OUT THIS PART: Self bred? Label/Remarks C# Entry # Award Sold Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Special Instructions: If you need help in determining the correct class for your entry, MONEY ENCLOSED BY ENTRANT write "HELP" in the class column. Allow one line per fish (two lines for pairs, three lines for trios). For Single Entries: STATEMENT: I agree to abide by all show rules of the IBC, and For Group Entries: agree that the IBC, the Host Club, and the show site assume no $ $ TOTAL: $ MONEY RETURNED BY HOST Sales proceeds Less commission $ TOTAL: $ responsibility for entries or condition of entries, although they will do everything possible to protect the fish. I DO NOT agree to allow my entries to be moved. $ SIGNED: ________________________________ 12 FLARE! Auvergne Betta Club Show Type Date Judges Apprentices District - Area 2 October 6th, 2007 Claire Pavia JM. Jeannerat, V. Jaquet, X. Laine Group A: Regular Classes Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Total Entries In Class Dark Solid Color Non-Iridescent Males Jean-Michel JEANNERAT Dark Solid Color Iridescent Males Van Chanh THAN Dark Solid Color females Jean-Michel JEANNERAT Light Solid Color Females Leuam CAM Patterned Males Van Chanh THAN Females Duen PHEN Breeders Division Color & Form Variations Jean-Michel JEANNERAT Short-Finned Traditional Plakat Jean-Michel JANNERAT Non-symetrical Plakat Duen PHEN Symetrical Plakat Duen PHEN Fringed Finned Crowntail male Alexandre DAVIAU Crowntail female Albert BACCAM Best of Show Name & Class Winner BOS Male Duen PHEN BOS Female Duen PHEN RBOS Male Alexandre DAVIAU RBOS Female Albert BACCAM New Breeder Classes Male Female New Breeder Best of Show BOS Male BOS Female Show Information Name 1st Place Sandrine GUERRIEIRO Erika RUBIN Leuam CAM Christian MERMOD Van Chanh THAN Van Chanh THAN Van Chanh THAN Jean-Michel JEANNERAT Leuam CAM Duen PHEN Van Chanh THAN Duen PHEN Van Chanh THAN Leuam CAM Albert BACCAM Jean-Michel JANNERAT Leuam CAM Duen PHEN Jean-Michel JEANNERAT Leuam CAM Leuam CAM Leuam CAM Leuam CAM Duen PHEN Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Sandrine GUERRIEIRO Erika RUBIN Sandrine GUERRIEIRO Fabienne MAILLARD Number of Entrants Number of Entries Total Entries In Class Name & Class of Winner Sandrine GUERRIEIRO Erika RUBIN Show Totals Number of Fish 152 Check out the pictures on the next page!! FLARE! 13 L O O K W H O C A M E T O T H E S H O W ! FLARE! 14 First Coast Bettas Show Type Date Judges International - Area 1 October 19, 20 & 21, 2007 Joseph Becerra, Amy Becerra, Allan Hobron Apprentice Judges Melissa Beard, Douglas Colson, Dick Houston, Ruth Masciarelli, Jack Schendowich, Kendra Watson Group A: Regular Classes Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Total Entries In Class Division A: Dark Solid Color Non-Iridescent A1 Red STM A2 Black STM A3 Red/Black DTM A4 Red STF A5 Black STF A6 Red/Black DTF Jack Schendowich Jay Jaetzold Jack Schendowich Leo Buss Jay Jaetzold Jack Schendowich Ani Pahlawaian Jack Schendowich Connie Emery Jay Jaetzold Jennifer Lapello Connie Emery Jack Schendowich Best of Division A Female Connie Emery Reserve BOD A Male Reserve BOD A Female Jack Schendowich - A1 Division B: Dark Solid Color Iridescent Leo Buss - A4 Jack Schendowich - A1 Jack Schendowich - A6 B1 Blue STM B2 Steel STM B3 Green/Turquoise STM B4 Dark Iridescent DTM B5 Blue STF B6 Steel STF B7 Green/Turquoise STF B8 Dark Iridescent DTF Dan Young Jennifer Viveiros Jennifer Viveiros Dan Young Ani Pahlawaian Jack Schendowich Eryn Rosenbaum Jennifer Viveiros Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Dan Young Jack Schendowich Ani Pahlawaian Rosenbaum/Casey Jack Schendowich Jay Jaetzold Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jennifer Lapello 5 3 4 3 4 8 8 Jack Schendowich Best of Division B Female Jack Schendowich Reserve BOD B Male Dan Young Reserve BOD B Female 3 Ani Pahlawaian - B5 Name 1st Place Dan Young - B1 Name 2nd Place Eryn Rosenbaum - B7 Name 3rd Place Jennifer Viveiros Jack Schendowich Lissette Molina Nathaniel Emers Jack Schendowich Jennifer Viveiros Best of Division C Female Jennifer Viveiros Lissette Molina Jack Schendowich Reserve BOD C Male Reserve BOD C Female Best of Division A Male Best of Division B Male Jennifer Viveiros - B2 Division C: Light Solid Color C1 Clear/Yellow/Orange STM C2 Pastel STM C5 Clear/Yellow/Orange STF C6 Pastel STF C7 Opaque STF C8 Light Solid DTF Best of Division C Male Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place 2 Name 3rd Place Jennifer Viveiros - C1 Division D: Bicolor D1 Dark Bicolor STM D3 Dark/Light Bicolor DTM D4 Dark Bicolor STF D5 Light Bicolor STF D6 Dark/Light Bicolor DTF Best of Division D Male Jack Schendowich - C7 Name 1st Place Jennifer Viveiros - C1 Name 2nd Place Lissette Molina - C5 Name 3rd Place Lissette Molina Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jennifer Lapello Jack Schendowich Best of Division D Female Lissette Molina Lissette Molina Jack Schendowich Lissette Molina Lissette Molina Lissette Molina Reserve BOD D Male Reserve BOD D Female Lissette Molina - D1 Jack Schendowich - D4 Lissette Molina - D1 Jack Schendowich - D4 FLARE! 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 1 2 1 2 18 1 6 5 1 15 First Coast Bettas - continued Division E: Patterned E1 Butterfly STM E2 Multicolor STM E3 Marble STM E5 Patterned DTM E6 Butterfly/Multicolor/Grizzle STF E7 Marble STF E8 Patterned DTF Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jennifer Viveiros Jack Schendowich Jennifer Viveiros Lissette Molina Eryn Rosenbaum Jay Jaetzold Jack Schendowich Lissette Molina Jay Jaetzold Jack Schendowich Jennifer Lapello Lissette Molina Jennifer Lapello Eryn Rosenbaum Best of Division E Male Jack Schendowich Best of Division E Female Jack Schendowich Reserve BOD E Male Jennifer Lapello Reserve BOD E Female Jennifer Viveiros - E3 Lissette Molina - E7 Jack Schendowich - E5 Lissette Molina- E7 Division F: Wild Type Bettas PAIRS ONLY *Note: For pairs total the number of entries in each class, not number of fish. (Not Eligible for BOS) F1 Small Bubblenesters* F2 Small Mouthbrooders* Best of Division F Pair Ani Pahlawaian - F1 Division G: Breeders Division G1 Color & Form Variations G2 Form & Finnage G3 Pairs* Best of Division G Name 1st Place Ani Pahlawaian Dick Houston Reserve BOD F Pair Dick Houston - F2 Name 1st Place Ani Pahlawaian Jennifer Viveiros Leo Buss Reserve BOD G Jack Schendowich - G2 Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Ani Pahlawaian Dick Houston Name 2nd Place Connie Emery Jack Schendowich Spector Family Total Entries In Class 5 3 3 1 6 14 3 Name 3rd Place Cassin Stacey Dick Houston 4 4 Name 3rd Place Dan Young Lissette Molina Leo Buss 6 11 8 Jennifer Viveiros - G2 Division H: Short-Finned H1 Plakats - Traditional form Connie Emery H2 Show Plakat-Solid Dark & Light Iridescent Connie Emery Jack Schendowich Leo Buss 10 H3 Show Plakat-Solid Dark & Light Non-Iridescent Leo Buss Leo Buss Jack Schendowich 5 H4 Show Plakat-Dark Metallic / AOC / Pattern H5 Symmetrical Plakat Best of Division H Jennifer Viveiros Dan Young Reserve BOD H Jennifer Viveiros Leo Buss Jack Schendowich 7 3 Jennifer Viveiros- H4 Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place 1 Jennifer Viveiros - H4 Division J: Fringed Finned J1 Crowntail Solid Color STM/DTM J2 Crowntail AOC STM/DTM J3 Crowntail Solid Color STF/DTF J4 Crowntail AOC STF/DTF Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jennifer Lapello Jennifer Viveiros Jennifer Viveiros Jack Schendowich Jack Schendowich Jennifer Lapello Best of Division J Male Best of Division J Female Reserve BOD J Male Jennifer Lapello Reserve BOD J Female Jack Schendowich - J1 Division K: Metallic K2 Metallic Dark-bodied STF/DTF K3 Metallic Light-bodied STM/DTM K4 Metallic Light-bodied STF/DTF Jennifer Lapello - J4 Name 1st Place Jennifer Viveiros - J1 Name 2nd Place Jack Schendowich - J3 Name 3rd Place Jennifer Viveiros Al Haskell Al Haskell Jennifer Viveiros Al Haskell Kendra Watson Best of Division K Male Best of Division K Female Reserve BOD K Male Eryn Rosenbaum Jack Schendowich Al Haskell Reserve BOD K Female Al Haskell - K3 Jennifer Viveiros - K2 Al Haskell - K3 Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place 4 3 1 4 10 4 5 Al Haskell - K4 16 FLARE! First Coast Bettas - continued Best of Show BOS Male BOS Female RBOS Male RBOS Female Division I: Optional Classes (Not Eligible for BOS.) I1 Photography I2 Illustration I3 Crafts Group B: New Breeder Classes Name & Class Winner Jennifer Viveiros - B2 Ani Pahlawaian - B5 Jennifer Viveiros - H4 Jennifer Lapello - J4 (Not counted as Regular Entries) Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Ani Pahlawaian Ruth Masciarelli Ani Pahlawaian Angela Casey Ani Pahlawaian Ani Pahlawaian Name 1st Place NB-1 Singletail Male NB-4 Plakat Male NB-5 Singletail Female NB-6 Doubletail Female Laila Snead Angela Casey Angela Casey New Breeder Best of Show BOS Male BOS Female RBOS Male RBOS Female Name & Class of Winner Name 3rd Place Ani Pahlawaian Total Entries In Class 3 2 2 Name 2nd Place Angela Casey Angela Casey Angela Casey Name 3rd Place Angela Casey Angela Casey Angela Casey Total Entries In Class 10 15 16 Laila Snead - NB1 Angela Casey - NB5 Angela Casey - NB1 Angela Casey - NB5 Show Information Regular Classes Optional Classes New Breeder Classes Show Totals Number of Entrants Number of Entries Number of Fish 20 3 2 25 212 7 41 260 228 0 41 269 First Coast Bettas - Pictures Ruth Mascarelli labeling her auction fish FLARE! A close-up of Ruth’s Auction Fish!! 17 Amy & Joe add a bit of ‘spice’ to the Friday Night Judging Seminar Friday Night Judging Seminar Lino, Jack, Joe & Amy talking & relaxing Connie & Melissa checking the entries Kendra, Dick and Joe during judging Wayne and Jack at the auction FLARE! New members Rick & Sandy Dot & Dick Huston, Ruth and Kendra at the auction 18 Asian Betta Alliance Show Type Date Judges International - Area 6 October 25 - 28, 2007 Jesda Attavichit (Head Judge), Hermanus Haryanto (Indonesia) and Edwin Lim (Singapore) Group A: Regular Classes Division A: Halfmoon A1 Red STM A2 Black STM A3 Red/Black DTM A4 Dark Iridescent STM A5 Dark Iridescent DTM A6 Clear/Yellow/Orange STM A7 Pastel/Opaque STM A8 Light Solid DTM A9 Bicolor/Patterned STM A10 Bicolor/Patterned DTM A11 Metallic Light-bodied STM/DTM A12 Metallic Dark-bodied STM/DTM A13 AOC STM A14 AOC DTM Best of Division A Division B: Crowntail B1 B2 B3 B4 Red CTM Black CTM Dark Iridescent CTM Light Solid Color CTM B5 Bicolor/Patterned CTM B6 Metallic Light-bodied CTM B7 Metallic Dark-bodied CTM B8 AOC CTM Best of Division B Division C: Plakat Show/Symmetrical C1 Red STM Plakat C2 Black STM Plakat C3 Blue STM Plakat C4 Steel STM Plakat C5 Green/Turquoise STM Plakat C7 Pastel/Opaque STM Plakat C8 Bicolor/Butterfly STM Plakat C9 Marble/Grizzled/Multicolor STM Plakat C10 Metallic Light-bodied STM Plakat C11 Metallic Dark-bodied STM Plakat C12 AOC STM Plakat C13 Symmetrical Plakat Best of Division C FLARE! Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Total Entries In Class Eric Tiu Morris Gabriel Tae Betta, Thailand Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Eric Tiu Brian Kuah, Singapore Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Eric Tiu Kyle Guatno Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Walet F.C., Indonesia Eric Tiu Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Morris Gabriel Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Interfish/Afredo Tumacder Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Celso Sy Gutierrez Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Interfish/Afredo Tumacder Eric Tiu Morris Gabriel Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Interfish/Afredo Tumacder Eric Tiu 7 5 7 8 3 9 3 8 13 4 Walet F.C., Indonesia 8 Celso Sy Gutierrez 3 Interfish/Afredo Tumacder 12 Polsin, Thailand 4 Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Ralph Tan David Poh, Singapore Celso Sy Gutierrez Sincere James, Thailand Celso Sy Gutierrez Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Bayani Estanislao Celso Sy Gutierrez David Poh, Singapore Eric Tiu Celso Sy Gutierrez Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Ralph Tan Dexter Pat Litonjua Celso Sy Gutierrez Eric Tiu Widy Kiswanto, Singapore Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Total Entries In Class Eric Tiu David Poh, Singapore Celso Sy Gutierrez Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Walet F.C., Indonesia Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Alvin Francis Zapanta Kyle Guatno Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Ho Siew Thean, Malaysia Eric Tiu Interfish/Brian Santos Morris Gabriel Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder David Poh, Singapore David Poh, Singapore Interfish/Brian Santos nil Celso Sy Gutierrez nil Celso Sy Gutierrez 11 10 6 3 4 3 14 Interfish/Brian Santos Walet F.C., Indonesia Nelson Chan, Singapore 8 Polsin, Thailand Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder 8 Interfish/Brian Santos Eric Tiu Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Eric Tiu Sincere James, Thailand Widy Kiswanto, Singapore Celso Sy Gutierrez Morris Gabriel Celso Sy Gutierrez Eric Tiu Morris Gabriel A4 Interfish/Pichet, Thailand Eric Tiu Celso Sy Gutierrez Bayani Estanislao B8 Bayani Estanislao Celso Sy Gutierrez C3 Celso Sy Gutierrez Celso Sy Gutierrez Total Entries In Class 10 7 12 6 13 3 3 18 9 20 7 19 Asian Betta Alliance - continued Group B : Optional Classes Division D: New Breeders NB1 NB2 NB3 NB4 NB5 NB6 Best Singletail Male Doubletail Male Crowntail Male Plakat Male Singletail female Doubletail female of Division D Name 1st Place Name 3rd Place Kyle Guatno nil Vincent Abeng David Sy Kyle Guatno nil Kyle Guatno nil Bayani Estanislao David Sy David Sy nil Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Name 3rd Place Eric Tiu Eric Tiu Kyle Guatno Celso Sy Gutierrez Bayani Estanislao Emerson Sy David Sy Celso Sy Gutierrez NB1 Kyle Guatno Division F: Female Classes F1 Solid Color HM/Plakat Female F2 AOC HM/Plakat Female F3 Solid Color CT Female Name 2nd Place Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder F4 AOC CT Female Best of Division F Walet F.C., Indonesia Matinus Johan-mosi, Indonesia F1 Eric Tiu Best of Show Name & Class Winner BOS Male (Grand Champion) RBOS A4 Interfish/Pichet, Thailand C3 Celso Sy Gutierrez Show Information Regular Classes Optional Classes Show Totals Total Entries In Class 4 1 5 10 15 1 Total Entries In Class Interfish/Alfredo Tumacder Ralph Tan Interfish/Afredo Tumacder Interfish/Afredo Tumacder Eric Tiu Ralph Tan Matinus Johan-mosi 3 Number of Entrants Number of Entries Number of Fish 28 269 56 325 269 56 325 6 6 5 Playful Pairs compliments of Hermanus Haryanto. See many more on page 22. FLARE! 20 Betta Kaki's Malaysia Betta Competition 2007 Show Type Date Judges Apprentice Judges: Group B: New Breeder Classes NB-1 Singletail Male District Show - Area 6 November 10, 2007 Dennis Tan Ho Siew Thean (Malaysia), Emerson Sy (Philippines) Name 1st Place Name 2nd Place Total Entries In Class Name 3rd Place Seng Pui Mun (Malaysia) Andrew Tan Kee Jin (Singapore) Asian Betta Alliance (Philippines) Charles JR. (Singapore) Andrew Tan Kee Jin (Singapore) Jimmy (Singapore) Andrew Tan Kee Jin (Singapore) Asian Betta Alliance (Philippines) NB-4 Plakat Male NB-5 Singletail Female Jimmy (Singapore) Charles JR. (Singapore) Nelson (Singapore) Seng Pui Mun (Malaysia) Seng Pui Mun (Malaysia) Seng Pui Mun (Malaysia) NB-6 Doubletail Female Charles JR. (Singapore) Seng Pui Mun (Malaysia) Wee Hoe Phek (Malaysia) New Breeder Best of Show Name & Class of Winner Grand Champion NB3 Crowntail Male : Asian Betta Alliance (Philippines) N of Entrants Number of Entries NB-2 Doubletail Male NB-3 Crowntail Male Show Information New Breeder Classes Toh JR. (Singapore) 19 19 Number of Fish 94 My First Show By Laila Snead I think I went a little crazy right before my first show. In fact, I am certain I did. I was not expecting to have to show any fish until September, when I happened to look on the show schedule, and see that there was going to be a show in TWO SHORT WEEKS! What, wait!! I logged on to the Better Betta list and saw the announcement there. I am not even going to go into what happened next, it is irrelevant. I had to prep my fish for this show. The first thing I did was put my show able fish in isolation, the better to deport my dear. Most of my guys were rather small, though I thought, well. I can get them that 1/8th an inch they need to qualify. It wasn’t even an issue of the females.. It was the males. Oh, I was Joe Cool. Until the morning I was going to send my fish to the other side of the country… I woke in the middle of the night. I just knew all of my fish were two small and would be disqualified. And then I knew my fish would turn up missing. And I just knew my fish would die on me. (It had happened before, long story, and not at all interesting). For the next couple hours I tried to measure my fish, I just knew that if I could be sure that they qualified, that I would not have to worry about anything else.. It would all fall right into line. It was my plakat males that concerned me. They were the ones I knew were going to DQ, Die or Disappear. The three dreaded D’s. And of course no fish worthy of his salt is going to float there in the water, and allow you to measure them. Then I conceived if the best way to measure them. Grabbing my brine shrimp net, I would scoop up a male, and using a measuring stick, measure him. If he was 1 ½ inch, he was good to show, and if not, well, back on the rack he went. I did this, winnowing through my males, and then I gave my size qualifiers the hard eye. Yes, I should have done it before, but I guess that if I pretended the show was not going to happen, it would go away or something. After measuring 20 plakat males, I had 9 I think it was, that made the first cut. Then here I am looking, looking. His tail is too rounded, he doesn’t have enough dorsal. Then it was 7 in the morning, my kids were here, and I said the heck with it, and bagged up all the fish. They would place, or they would not. It is funny, for hours I had been frantic, wild thoughts screaming through my head. But as soon as I thought that a calm washed over me. That was it, it was over. Things were out of my hands, and in the hands of the judges. That was when I knew I could do this showing thing. I gave the box one last pat, as I walked past it, while cleaning up the remainder of the mess I made packing. I was ready… Epilogue: The irony of all I went through is highlighted by the fact that none of the plakat males I agonized over even placed. However, two of my long finned boys took second and third. That second place male also took BOS NB Male at the First Coast October Show… So it wasn’t the fluke I thought it to be. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v600/BettaBelle/Almond/IM G_5956.jpg FLARE! 21 Hermanus Haryanto’s Gallery!! Dennis Tan, Hermanus & Martin Fries 16 days old Fries 16 days old Hermanus, Atison & Jesda Hermanus’ children with Friendship Cup Big Mouth Feeding Macs Lucky Macs 01 Lucky Macs 02 Lucky Macs 03 Lucky Macs 04 Macs Male 4 inches Female Macstx Macs Tank Setup FLARE! 22 The Following Article has been reprinted from the Technical Assistance Library which is available from IBC Programs – The original date of this article is April/May 2000. Breeding Your First Mouthbreeders Andrew Smith – Anabantoid Association of Great Britain I am often asked about the best fish for this and best fish for that and the most popular question relates to breeding Anabantoids. As many of you will know in the IBC, you can basically split the Anabantoids into three groups when referring to breeding them. The bubblenesters, those that construct a nest of mucus coated bubbles, spawn and place the eggs in the nest where the fry hatch out and free swim in a few days. These are usually patriarchal carers, but sometimes the female plays a part in the defense of the nest, eggs and young. The free spawners. These fish include the large Ctenopomas and Kissing Gourami. This group spawns often at night by frantically embracing for a few seconds and expelling many hundred floating eggs. The eggs are left at the water surface and prone to be eaten. None of the free spawners display any parental care. The mouthbrooders. Finally, this group of fishes takes the spawn into their mouths and incubates it there for a period of time (variable from species to species) and release free swimming young. Many species of Betta do this (patriarchal) as well as the chocolate gouramis of the genus Sphaerichthys (in this group some are matriarchal and other are patriarchal), and the Chameleon Gourami Ctenops nobilis. As species of Betta become more and more available in the hobby both in Europe and the USA, if you have some, there may be an occasion where looking into the tank would surprise you, if a male was skulking in the plants with his mouth fully distended. In a community tank, the male may well hang onto his eggs and release fry, some of them may even survive, but this article is aimed at getting the best results out of any spawning. The Mouthbrooding Bettas For the purposes of this piece I shall focus on the Betta species that mouthbrood rather than include the chocolate gouramis or chameleon Gourami, as these are the species that one is most likely to have success with (and it would be of more interest to most readers of FLARE after all). Most initial reactions to the word Betta is to think of the Siamese Fighting fish and it’s nest of sparkling bubbles, ballet like courtship and spawning embrace, and the doughty defense of the nest by the male. Consider bow if the male was in an environment where his nest would not stay together because the water flowed. This would seem the reason why the fish took the eggs into the mouth and incubated them there. FLARE! The incubation period is usually between 12-24 days. The fry are then released, and have a head start on their bubblenesting cousins. The bubblenester fry are basically helpless for the first couple of weeks. Firstly they hang tail downward in the froth of the nest for 2-5 days, then free swim. At this time they are reliant on finding copious amounts of tiny living food for their first nutrition. Mouthbrooding species are released when they are already ‘street wise’. Looking at the fry when they are released small fish, with finnage, although small. Upon their release they immediately look for cover, and from their hunt for food. They have no need for such a small diet and can start to hunt for much coarser foods. This is of great advantage to the fishkeeper. If the process of getting young, small fry up to a size where they can take course foods is eliminated, then so much the better. It does away with the need for infusoria in most cases (I know from contacts in the USA that some of you feed shrimp as first food in any event). It is worth noting at this point, that the young are released from the parent and then left alone. Unlike many Cichlids, the parents do not take the young back into their mouth, only as food, so be aware of this later. Species to Look For An easy fish to spawn may well exist, and indeed many of the mouthbrooding Bettas will readily spawn given the correct conditions. There are many hurdles to overcome before you can consider a breeding project a success though. Even then, a species may be easy for you to spawn, but for the next person it remains a problem. So I don’t think that there is a really easy mouthbrooder to breed, until the first brood is released, there is likely to be more frustration than elation, in the early going. So, as with the bubblenesters, you would like a fish that will spawn quite readily, and that will not produce more young than you can handle comfortably. Another advantage with the mouthbrooders, is the fact that the fish do not need to lay hundreds of eggs, producing hundreds of fry to give to a few a select chance of survival. Mouthbrooding is a more advanced method of breeding so less eggs are laid, producing less fry, but those that are produced are more robust. Table 1 shows a few of the many species of mouthbrooders. In addition to this there is a group of very colorful species, that cannot really be described as suitable for anyone starting out with mouthbrooders for the first time. They are members of the Betta foerschi group, which have different requirements to the above, much more acidic and soft water for example. 23 Water Composition and Quality Many of the species of bubblenesters, especially the small wine red species of the Betta coccina group, need soft, very acidic water conditions in which to thrive. This isn’t the case of many mouthbrooders. Once again this would be a relief for those of us, like me, who live in a hard tap water area. It is much easier to maintain water quality if you need not relay totally on rainfall. There is a correlation between water quality and welfare, and water quality and successful breeding. Many of the species will live relatively long lives in softer acidic water, (and some wild caught fish are actually found there) but do not seem so keen to spawn unless the pH is higher and the water a little harder. So to keep a happy medium, my recipe is two-thirds rainwater, to one-third tap water. This comes out at roughly pH 6.5-7 and somewhere in the region of 10 DGH. This may seem a little vague, but in the past I’ve found it not to be as critical as with some fish. Water temperature, is another aspect that varies in the fish’s natural habitat. Consider the fluctuating temperatures of a stream with its source on higher ground. Also flowing water would be naturally cooler. Your tank should reflect this also. Keeping the temperature at 70-74F is fine for general maintenance, higher values are unnecessary. Once again, different to the bubblenesters, a steady flow is also beneficial to them. You can use a power filter, internal or external, but the air operated sponge filters are ideal for the breeding tank, as are the filters that hang on the outside of the tank that are prominent in the USA (we don’t have them here yet). Choosing Breeders and Conditioning Once you have decided what species you would like to breed, try to get four to six young fish and grow them on. Most (and I stress Most) of the mouthbrooders are not as aggressive or as territorial as their bubblenesting cousins, and will integrate into your various community tanks. Indeed with species like Betta dimidiata, there is almost a communal spirit within the numbers. This way you can watch the fish grow and decide their potential for breeding from there. Be aware that some of these species will live in excess of ten years, size may well come into play. The best way to find an obvious compatible pair is to let them sort it out for themselves. You will find that two fish will pair off, flare, circle and generally their behavioral pattern alters. Sexing the fish in adults is usually quite easy, the males have larger, more powerful heads and jaws (yes the males have bigger mouths!), and the females are fuller in the belly which in many species is a more creamy color. Finnage in some species such as B. dimidiata, size as in Betta pugnax types and coloration like in some strains of Betta unimaculata are other clues. Females in many species show a broad creamy stripe in between two darker brown stripes running longitudinally along both sides of the body when in spawning dress. Some males display iridescence as well. FLARE! These fish will eat just about anything and usually lots of it, flake food, dry, freeze-dried or frozen food and live stuff as well. Betta unimaculata are almost like a cross between mischievous schoolchildren and circus clowns in their behavior. It is a temptation to always feed the scroungers every time you pass the tank, but be aware that they are also like torpedoes. Their caudal fin is the size of a teaspoon and a hand held over the water surface will see them leap out of the water like trained dolphins to take what you have in your hand. You can feed medium to large bettas on earthworms dug up from the garden or from a fishing tackle shop. If you have three B. unimaculata in a tank and throw ten worms in, I guarantee that they will all squabble over the same one. Spawning Tanks and Spawning As with most breeding projects, the spawning tank need not be an aesthetic masterpiece. All you need is one large enough for the species you are going to spawn, and also adequate for the resultant fry. Décor need only consist of a couple of flowerpots or caves made of slate and bogwood and I like to put a large tangle of Java Moss in for the fry. Traditionally species that spawn near or on the base of the tank like to spawn on a smooth surface, so if you are one for gravel in your tanks than place a couple of slate pieces in the gravel. The female initiates spawning. She swims across the back of the male, and to and fro in front of him. He responds usually like he is uninterested, but soon both fish make their way into the spawning cave or onto the spawning site. Unlike the bubblenesters it is the female who does any defense of the territory. Several spawning embraces take place before any eggs are laid, a sort of trial run. The male forms a ‘U’ shape into which the female fits. The spawning proper commences when the fish’s embrace is more purposeful, and the male wraps himself completely around the female, forming an ‘O’ shape. Some species spawn exclusively on the base of the tank/slate, others rise in the water, it varies. The eggs are not released all over the place and allowed to drop loosely in the mouthbrooders. The male’s anal fin forms a type of trough where they are kept until the embrace is broken. The male stays still while the female picks out the eggs with her mouth (exceptions like B. unimaculata where the male turns over and picks the eggs up himself). She and the male then exchange the eggs, but not immediately. She spits them out and tries to grab them before the male can. The reason for this rather bizarre ritual is not clear, but the spawning phase will not recommence until she has given all of the eggs to the male. This whole process lasts several hours and at all times the female is guarding the site and the male against other fish and intruders. Once the spawning is over, she still guards him. He will look, basically, dreadful. His mouth and buccal cavity will be seriously distended, and he will several chewing motions to roll the eggs around. Air is taken at the water surface in one large gulp. For the next days he will incubate the eggs 24 and not take any food. He usually hides amongst the Java Moss or in the caves with his fins clamped and takes on a very drab coloration. The female eventually loses interest and drifts off. She takes food again, and once in the old routine, will be ready to spawn again within a week or so. Potential Problems The fact that the female is ready to spawn again is a problem for you and the male. He may only be halfway through incubating the eggs and she is round him again ready to spawn. There are many ways to combat this, but all have disadvantages. Remove her. This is fraught with stress on both her and the male and he might eat the eggs. Remove him. See above. In fact just about every outcome could result in the male eating the eggs. Even walking around the tank on eggshells, covering half of it with a towel, not looking in it, looking in it, banging your elbow on it, not lighting it, lighting and so on could see him consuming his charge. A small pygmy light on 24 hrs a day seems to reduce the likelihood of the male eating the eggs but this is by no means foolproof. This is where the frustration outweighs the elation. I have had a pair of fish spawn regularly for four years, and only recently did I get the first release of young, which died within 36 hours. In March I did get a hatch that are growing on now, but patience is definitely part of what you need, as much as nice conditions. You will know when the fry are ready to be released. The male has been missing for a while but now he is quite prominent. He swims repeatedly back and forth making sneezing motions. The fry are released a few at a time and shoot away into the moss. Once all of the fry are released, the male stays still again. He could have carried anything from 10 to a few hundred eggs and fry for a period of weeks without food. He does not take food immediately, and when he does, he will not ordinarily eat the young. Don’t put him back with the female, for reasons given earlier. Wait for at least a week when he has got his strength back again. Feed the young Brine shrimp, microworm or powdered fry food for the first few days, then grindal worm. One sure way to get them to grow quickly is to put a ball of live Tubifex in the tank and leave it. The young tear off bits as they can, and combining this with changing the water regularly will really see them grow quickly. Table 1 Small Bettas Medium Bettas Large Bettas B. picta B. edithae B. enisae B. pugnax (group) e.g. B. pulchra B. dimidiata B. alarensis (group) B. waseri (group) B. unimaculata More Pictures From FCB Show October 2007 FLARE! 25 IBC Programs Programs are for sale only no rentals. All programs are on DVD or VHS except #14 which is on CD- ROM All DVD’s are $4.95 Postage and Handling $2.50. All Videos are $4.95 Postage and Handling $4.00. Send orders to: Melissa Migota, 146 Willow Dr., Freedom, Pa. 15042 Any questions, email Melissa at smigota@access995.com or phone 724-869-5638. Paypal is available at membership@ibcbettas.org please contact Melissa before sending to PayPal #1 IBSC Convention & Show 1999 in Switzerland with Rajiv Masillamoni -20 minutes #2 Convention 2002 Seminar - Pigments with Barb Hammond – 30 Minute #3 Convention 2002 Seminar - Fruit Flies with Dr. Leo Buss – 40 minutes #4 Convention 2002 Seminar - Wild Types with Dr. Gene Lucas – 60 minutes #5 Convention 2002 Seminar - Bettas and More with Dr. Gene Lucas – 50 minutes #6 Convention 2002 Seminar - Building Chapters and Hosting Shows with Ken and Judy Muller – 60 minutes #7 Convention 2005 Seminar - Bagging and Sending Fish to a Show with Don Evans – 42 minutes #8 Convention 2003 Seminar - Species Maintenance Program with Ralph Tran – 40 minutes #9 Convention 2003 Seminar - Drip Systems with Rich Christman, Don Evans, Phil Lafferty – 50 minutes #10 CBS Program - Betta Genics and Judging Commentary with Dr. gene Lucas – 50minutes #11 CBS Program - Wild Bettas with Yohan Fernando – 50 minutes #12 CBS Program - Keeping Your Fish Healthy with Dennis Lee – 30minutes #13 CBS Program - Betta Nutrition with Jim Atchison – 45 minutes #14 Historical Halfmoon Betta Clip with Rajiv Masillamoni, Jeff Wilson, and Laurent Chenot CD-rom (to watch this movie you must install the div-x program included on the CD-rom) – 51 minutes #15 Convention 2004 Seminar - Breeding Better Halfmoons with Dan Young – 30 minutes #16 Convention 2004 Seminar - The Logic of Life and the Intro to Genics with Dr. Leo Buss – 69 minutes #17 Convention 2004 Seminar - Asian Betta Breeders and Bettas with Dr. Gene Lucas – 43 minutes #18 Convention 2005 Seminar - Metallic Geno with Dr. Leo Buss – 42 minutes #19 Convention 2005 Seminar - Intro to Ocean Nutrition Atisons Betta Products –48 minutes #20 Convention 2005 Seminar - Double Blacks with Connie Emery – 32 minutes #21 Convention 2005 Seminar - SMP Slide Show – 33 minutes #22 Convention 2005 Seminar - JB #1 with Ernie Perez and Dan Young – 65 minutes #23 Convention 2005 Seminar - JB #2 with Ernie Perez and Dan Young – 60 minutes #24 Betta Club Singapore 6th National Betta Competition – 43 minutes Dave Ford’s famous movie of his spawning bettas and his lemon meringue butterflies is for sale only. All profits go to the Dr. Gene Lucas fund. It is available on VHS or DVD. The cost is $19.95 plus $3.85 postage Technical Assistance Library Prices Complete Set of TA CD - $49.95 – Members ---- $79.95 – Non-Members --------- Complete Set of TA on paper - $137.00 TA available on-line - $0.15 per page with a minimum of 30 pages. TA available by mail – first 30 pages $0.30 per page; over 30 pages - $0.15 per page Complete set of Gene A. Lucas Articles - $19.95 Payment accepted thru papal at – BettaCongress@yahoo.com -------------Send orders to Smigota@yahoo.com It Pays to Advertise in FLARE! Size Full page 2/3 page (outside back cover) ½ page ¼ page Dimensions 1 Issue 3 Consecutive Issues 7.5” W x 9.25” H $125.00 $95.00 per issue 7.5” W x 6.0” H $125.00 $95.00 per issue 7.5” W x 4.5” H $75.00 $60.00 per issue 3.5” W x 4.5” H $50.00 $35.00 per issue FLARE! reserves the right to refuse any advertising that is found to be inappropriate for publication. Interested? Contact Linda Scott FLARE! Editor at flareeditor@ibcbettas.org FLARE! 26 IBC SALES Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Food - 75g *** NEW *** Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Pro - 15g Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Pro - 75g Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Starter - 12g Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Spa - 125 ml Ocean Nutrition Community Flake Food - 1.2oz *** NEW *** Ocean Nutrition Brine Shrimp Plus Flake Food - 2.5oz. *** NEW *** Ocean Nutrition Spirulina Flake Food - 1.0oz. Brine Shrimp Eggs 80% hatch - 1 lb. Can Vita Chem - 4oz. Bottle Plastic Bags 2 Mil. (4"x12") - 100 ct. Plastic Bags 2 Mil, (4"x14") - 100ct 35 Hr. Heat Packs - each $2.75 $2.50 $4.25 $4.25 $3.50 $3.50 $4.25 $2.75 $30.00 $7.00 $4.25 $4.75 $1.25 / 500g $25.00 / 500ml $13.00 / / / / / 2 Cans 16oz. Bottle 1000 ct. 1000 ct. 10 Pack $55.00 $22.00 $35.00 $40.00 $10.00 / 10 Pack $26.00 $8.95 $9.95 $6.99 Book: The Betta Handbook by Dr. Robert Goldstein soft cover FLARE! On CD Complete Set Volume 31 July/August 1997 thru Volume 40 May/June 2007 Plus $2.00 postage & handling fee for each FLARE! On CD Individual Years specify year when ordering Plus $2.00 postage and handling fee for each Flashlight with Red IBC Logo Travel Mug with Red IBC Logo Mouse Pads 2 Pads with 9 different pictures on each Permanent Black Marker with IBC Logo Pen with IBC Logo Blue Ink Red Pen White Logo Blue Bumper Sticker with IBC Logo $10.95 60 hr. Heat Packs - each $3.00 Book: Bettas a complete Introduction by Walt Maurus soft cover Book: Siamese Fighting Fish by Dr. Gene Lucas soft cover reissued by TFH Book: Bettas by Dr. Robert Goldstein soft cover $9.95 $2.95 $12.00 $2.00 $4.00 each $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 Red Static Sticker with IBC Logo T-Shirts M-L-XL $15.00 * XXL $17.00 * XXXL $20.00 see color below T-Shirt Royal, Black or Navy with Red and White IBC Logo $1.00 T-Shirt White with Royal and Red IBC Logo T-Shirt Light Pink with Fushia and Black IBC Logo Straits Aquarium Poster 21" x 28" - Shipping additional $5.25 Large Beautiful Betta Poster (21” X 28”) - Plus $5.25 additional postage The pictures are by Jack Lewin and Mark Ibara. The fish were from Wray Tsuzaki, Curtis Low, Shipping Boxes! 7 X 7 X 6 with 1/2" Foam - (Package of 15 boxes) 7 X 7 X 6 with 3/4" Foam - (Package of 15 boxes) 12 X 9 X 6 with 1/2" Foam - (Package of 8 boxes) 12 X 9 X 6 with 3/4" Foam - (Package of 5 boxes) 15 X 11 X 7 with 1/2" Foam - (Package of 5 boxes) 15 X 11 X 7 with 3/4" Foam - (Package of 5 boxes) 10 X 12 X 12 with 1/2" Foam - (Package of 15 boxes) 10 X 12 X 12 with 3/4"Foam - (Package of 8 boxes) Shipping for Boxes per package $8.50 directly form distributor $6.95 $7.00 $33.75 $38.25 $25.00 $17.50 $19.80 $21.45 $64.35 $47.60 Send all orders to: Steve & Melissa Migota - 146 Willow Drive - Freedom, PA 15042 Phone: (724) 869-5638 E-mail: Smigota@yahoo.com Make all checks payable to the IBC - US funds only please No checks on Cn Canadian or Foreign orders US money order only Members postage $7.95 to all US orders Foreign customers must pay all postage costs. Paypal available at bettacongress@yahoo.com contact Melissa smigota@yahoo.com first FLARE! 27 FLARE! 28 IBC Classes 2007-2008 Show Year GROUP A: REGULAR CLASSES Division A: Dark Solid Color NonIridescent Division E: Patterned I - Males A1 – Re d STM A2 - Black STM A3 - Red/Black DTM II - Females A4 - Red STF A5 - Black STF A6 - Red/Black DTF I - Males Division B: Dark Solid Color Iridescent E7 - Marble STF E8 - Patterned DTF E1 - Butterfly STM E2 - Multicolor STM E3 - Marble STM E4 - Grizzle STM E5 - Patterned DTM II - Females E6 - Butterfly/Multicolor/Grizzle STF I - Males B1 - Blue STM B2 - Steel STM B3 - Green/Turquoise STM B4 - Dark Iridescent DTM II - Females Division F*: Wild Type Bettas B5 - Blue STF B6 - Steel STF B7 - Green/Turquoise STF B8 - Dark Iridescent DTF Division G: Breeders Division Division C: Light Solid Color G3 - Pairs I - Males C1 - Clear/Yellow/Orange STM C2 - Pastel STM Division H: Asymmetrical Plakat C3 - Opaque STM C4 - Light Solid DTM II - Females PAIRS ONLY *(not eligible for BOS) F1 - Small Bubblenesters F2 - Small Mouthbrooders F3 - Large Bubblenesters/Mouthbrooders I - SINGLE ENTRIES G1 - Color and Form Variations G2 - Form & Finnage H1 - Plakat - Traditional Form H2 - Show Plakat-Solid Dark & Light Iridescent H3 - Show Plakat-Solid Dark & Light NonIridescent H4 - Show Plakat-Dark Metallic/AOC/Pattern H5 - Symmetrical Plakat C5 - Clear/Yellow/Orange STF C6 - Pastel STF C7 - Opaque STF C8 - Light Solid DTF Division I*: Optional Classes Division D: Bicolor I3 - Crafts I - Males D1 - Dark Bicolor STM D2 - Light Bicolor STM D3 - Dark/Light Bicolor DTM II - Females Division J: Fringed finned D4 - Dark Bicolor STF D5 - Light Bicolor STF D6 - Dark/Light Bicolor DTF Division K: Metallic NB-1 Singletail Male NB-2 Doubletail Male NB-3 Crowntail Male *(not eligible for BOS) I1 - Photography I2 - Illustration J1 - Crowntail Solid Color STM/DTM J2 - Crowntail AOC STM/DTM J3 - Crowntail Solid Color STF/DTF J4 - Crowntail AOC STF/DTF K1 - Metallic Dark-bodied STM/DTM K2 - Metallic Dark-bodied STF/DTF K3 - Metallic Light-bodied STM/DTM K4 - Metallic Light-bodied STF/DTF GROUP B: NEW BREEDER CLASSES NB-4 Plakat Male NB-5 Singletail Female NB-6 Doubletail Female Label goes here! Stamp here New Online Network Launched for Aquarium and Aquaculture Hobbyists Finvillage.com was recently launched to offer aquarium and aquaculture hobbyists a unique opportunity for social and business networking. Members of the Website can connect with similar-minded individuals plus enjoy a onestop source for information, resources, trading, auctions and more. Alexandria, Va. October 31, 2007 – Thanks to Finvillage.com, fish enthusiasts now have a unique place to expand their resources, meet likeminded individuals and make money. Finvillage.com is an innovative social and business network for aquarium and aquaculture hobbyists, as well as entrepreneurs, fish clubs, and conservation and animal rescue groups. “Finvillage.com connects hobbyists, entrepreneurs and would-be aquaculture farmers with a single source for information, shopping and interaction,” said Jinen Viswakula, the Website’s community manager. “Hobbyists can make similar-minded friends, expand their hobby/fish collection, find resources, learn from others and make money from their endeavors. Entrepreneurs can use the Website as a sales platform to better reach their target market.” About FinVillage.com Finvillage.com is designed to be a one-stop shop for aquarium and aquaculture hobbyists and entrepreneurs worldwide. Its creator, Jinen Viswakula, is an aquarium and fish enthusiast with 20 years of fish keeping and breeding experience. Viswakula—a banker by trade—is based in Alexandria, Va. Finvillage.com is a privately-held business that operates entirely online. Contact: Jinen Viswakula, Community Manager 571-332-6819 / admin@finvillage.net www.Finvillage.com Is this your last issue?? Check the date on the label. FLARE! November / December 2007 International Betta Congress Steve Van Camp, Membership Chair 923 Wadsworth Street Syracuse, NY 13208 USA To learn more about online social and business networking opportunities for aquarium and aquaculture hobbyists, visit www.Finvillage.com.
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