
As the industry’s leading
source of Pizzeria Business
Information, Pizza Today &
International Pizza Expo look
to accomplish two
primary goals:
• To increase the success rate of independent and
multi-unit pizzerias over and above any other type
of foodservice operation.
• To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of
pizzeria industry suppliers’ marketing & advertising
budgets through the use of Pizza Today, Pizza Expo
and our other related services.
Those have been our primary
goals for the last 32 years and
they’ll continue to be for at least
another 32 years!
What’s New in the Pizzeria Business?
This really is a cool industry. The past few years have
brought all kinds of changes. Everywhere you look,
the industry is taking on a new personality. Pizza and
pizzerias are definitely … hip.
• Fast Casual is coming on strong. Using successful
models like Chipotle and Subway, new pizzerias are
being designed to deliver high quality individualized
pizzas to the customer in the time it takes to walk
down the line, specify your toppings, order a drink,
maybe a cookie and pay for it.
• Mobile Pizzerias whether they’re driven or
dragged, these are becoming the rage for both
“weekend pizzaiolos” looking to build a new business,
and for those established “brick & mortar” operators
looking to expand their reach, increase their revenue
and build their brand.
• Regional Styles New Haven, St. Louis, Detroit,
Chicago, Philadelphia, California and of course, New
York-style pizzas are FINALLY being offered through
out the country! Specializing in one or more styles
of pie is setting pizzerias apart from their immediate
• Coal & Wood-fired Artisan Pizzerias are far more
popular and easier to find than they were even a couple of years ago. Pizza Today’s Hot 100 Independent
pizzerias in the country reflect this growing trend.
These pizzerias offer a new dining experience as well
as a new taste and appearance to pizza.
• Online Ordering is rapidly growing in popularity.
New apps and custom websites are being developed
and offered to the industry every month. Right now,
50% of Domino’s business is e-commerce generated.
• Gluten Free Menus are definitely here to stay!
While most pizzerias refer to their menu as “Gluten
Friendly,” this grass roots trend is posing both challenges and opportunities for today’s pizzerias and is
showing no signs of slowing down in the near future.
Pizzeria Operators need your help & advice!
The average pizzeria operator is a self-taught entrepreneur.
They’re capable of baking an excellent pizza, but many struggle to find
a profit because they don’t understand the business.
Pizza Today’s 2014 Independent Reader Survey with 1,554 respondents,
conducted by Butterflies & Castles (Tenafly, NJ) has focused our editorial
on the critical needs of today’s operators.
1. Recipes, Food Prep & Safety having come from outside the industry, most operators began with little if any culinary experience. Recipes
are extremely important. Whether the pizzeria be a dine-in, carryout
& delivery, mobile, fast casual, coal & wood-fired or a combination of
them all, the recipes, amount of food prep and methods of food safety
vary from one type of pizzeria to the next.
2. Customer service is as important as delicious pizza is to the success
of a pizzeria, so is the dining experience. Whether it’s to simplify the
ordering process, decrease the wait-time or to accommodate the needs
of a family on their night out … a positive dining experience is all about
customer service.
3. Marketing is what it takes to fill a restaurant with paying customers
day after day … and it’s changing all the time. Remember door-hangers?
4. Business Managemen while appearing simple, specialized financial
reports, selecting suppliers, proper site location and how and when to
open the next location can make or break a pizzeria’s success.
5. Employee Management in a pizzeria is different. Scheduling? Cross
training? Manager’s responsibilities and compensation? How does an
owner work ON the business and not IN it? These continue to be some
of the most frequently asked questions.
This research has also confirmed:
• 81.1% of Pizza Today’s subscribers read 4 out of
4 issues
• Pizza Today reaches more than 128,000 pizzeria
personnel every month with 3.21 readers per
• Pizza Today subscribers average more than 55
minutes of readership per issue. 20 minutes
more than the average trade magazine!
• 52% of Pizza Today’s subscribers also read
“the other industry publication”.
Amongst those that read
both magazines
• 57.7% believe Pizza Today does a better job
covering MARKETING
• 70.1% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 68.6% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 74.4% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 80.8% believe Pizza Today does a better job
covering RECIPES
• 69.3% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 62.5% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 63% believe Pizza Today does a better job
• 78.6% believe Pizza Today has better
• 76.9% believe Pizza Today is EASIER TO READ
• 78% believe Pizza Today is more USEFUL
• 72.8% believe Pizza Today is more ACCURATE
• 74.2% believe Pizza Today has more INTEGRITY
Current 2015 Industry Estimates:
Total U.S. Pizzerias
• Estimated sales: approaching $45 billion
• Estimated total units: 70-80,000
Total Independent (Single & Multi-Unit Pizzerias)
• Estimated total units: 33,000
• Estimated annual revenue: $19 billion
• Estimated average sales per unit: $575,000
Top 100 Pizzeria Chains (2015)
• Estimated $39.4 billion worldwide: $26.6 billion U.S. sales
• Estimated 50,623 units worldwide: 34,424 U.S. units
• Average U.S. unit sales: $773,000 per year.
What do the most successful
pizzerias look like?
The 2015 Hot 100 Independent Pizzeria Companies:
• Generate $595 million in revenue with 340 pizzerias
• 35% have opened a new location in the last 12 months
• Average $1.75 million per unit … Annual sales range
from $26 million with 9 units to $2.1 million from 2 units.
• 20 new independents have joined the group for 2015
of which several are wood or coal-fired. All are baking
artisan-style pizza.
2015 Hot 100 Independents By the Numbers:
• The highest grossing single-unit pizzeria is
Piece Brewery & Pizzeria in Chicago.
• Ohio has the most Hot 100 pizzerias,
followed by California.
• 35% opened a new location in the last 12 months
• 57% offer delivery
• 94% offer carryout
• 92% offer dine-in with an average seating
capacity of 142
• 46% offer online ordering
• 96% use a POS system
• 25% plan on buying a new POS system
• 83% serve alcohol. Of those 63% serve
beer & wine only
• The average Hot 100 pizzeria has been in
business for 25 years.
• The average Hot 100 pizzeria has 3 units
• 81% offer catering
What’s on the Top 100 Independents’ Menu?
• 52% sell pizza by the slice
• 34% offer Take & Bake
• 16% have buffets
• 91% serve appetizers
• 68% serve pasta
• 81% serve sandwiches
• 97% serve salads
• 97% serve vegetarians items
• 77% offer gluten-free items
Pizza Today… the pizzeria
magazine your customers read
Pizza Today has
won 27 TABBIE
Awards in the
last 6 years!
More than
any other
in the world!
2015 was another award-winning year for Pizza Today! Winning
an additional 8 awards from Trade, Association and Business
Publication International (TABPI). The 12th Annual TABBIE
awards recognized excellence in business-to-business publications around the globe. In 2015, Pizza Today won more editorial
awards than any one of the other 500 magazines entered in the
2015 (8 Awards)
1. Best Use of Social Media
– Gold Award
2. Best Feature Design – Silver
3. Best Regular Column – Silver
4. Best Focus/Profile Article – Bronze
5. Best Single Issue – 9th place
6. Best Front Cover Photography
– Honorable Mention
7. Best Front Cover Special Issue
– Honorable Mention
8. Best Department
– Honorable Mention
2014 (5 Awards)
1. Best Use of Social Media
– Silver Award
2. Best Regular Column – Gold Award
3. Best Opening Page or Spread
– Honorable Mention
4. Best Feature Article
– Honorable Mention
5. Best Department: Social Media
– Honorable Mention
2013 (6 awards)
1. Best Single Issue – Top 25 Issues
2. Best Use of Social Media
– Gold Award
3. Best Regular Column
– Bronze Award
4. Best Cover – Bronze Award
5. Best Opening Page or Spread
–Honorable Mention
6. Best Feature design
– Honorable Mention
2012 (3 Awards)
1. Best Single Issue – Top 25 Issues
2. Best Front Cover, Special Issue
– Gold Award
3. Best Focus/Profile Article
– Bronze Award
2011 (4 awards)
1. Best Single Issue – Top 25 Issues
2. Best Editors Column – Bronze Award
3. Best Focus/Profile Article
– Bronze Award
4. Best Opening Page or Spread
– Honorable Mention
2010 (our first!)
1. Best Single Issue – Top 25 Issues
Circulation is only as good as its Editorial
When describing circulation, the best analogy I
can make is this: when you see a line entering a
restaurant, you can rest assured that the food is
good enough to wait for.
Pizza Today’s circulation is the same. If the pizzeria
operator takes the time to REQUEST to receive the
magazine, the magazine is worth their time to read.
Based on the latest circulation auditing statements,
more pizzeria operators have requested to receive
Pizza Today in the last 12 months than all the other
pizzeria publications in the world combined.
Pizza Today’s Critical Circulation Statistics:
1. Total Average Monthly Circulation is 40,010
2. 84.2% is REQUEST circulation in last 24 months.
• 27.2 percentage points higher than the next closest competitor.
• 33,704 vs. 22,846
3. 27,486 pizzeria operators have requested to receive
Pizza Today in the last 12 months.
• 14,459 MORE than the next closest competitor.
4. Pizza Today’s Business Directory circulation is limited
to only 6,234 (15.6% of the total circulation).
• Our closest competitor’s circulation has reached
12,187 (30.4% of their total circulation)
Pizza Today’s 2016 Editorial Calendar
January: The Artisan Movement
The most successful pizzerias today
are taking advantage of the consumers’ desire for artisan products.
Regardless of the style(s) of pizza
they’re selling, they are using the
best ingredients and equipment to
produce these special products and
getting better prices as a result!
Reservations due: 11/25
Material due: 12/4
February: Pre-Show Issue
This year’s “pilgrimage” of 8,000 pizzeria professionals to International
Pizza Expo 2016 will be the largest in
our 33-year history. This issue is used
to determine which of the seminars
to attend and which suppliers to
visit. Simply stated, this is a planning
issue and your company should be a
part of the plan.
** Exhibiting at International Pizza
Expo? Become a Preferred Supplier
by promoting you exhibit in both
the February & March issues! Stand
out from your competitors and have
your company contact info listed
under appropriate product and
services categories and your booth
highlighted on the show-floor map!
Reservations due: 12/30
Material due: 1/8
March: Pizza Expo 2016 Issue
Whether your company is fortunate
enough to have reserved a booth in
this SOLD OUT event or not, this is
the chance to promote yourself to
the Movers & Shakers of our industry
and to those who intend to be. This
issue is an extremely important reference tool used throughout the year.
** Exhibiting at International Pizza
Expo? Become a Preferred Supplier
by promoting you exhibit in both
the February & March issues! Stand
out from your competitors and have
your company contact info listed
under appropriate product and
services categories and your booth
highlighted on the show-floor map!
Reservations due: 1/28
Material due: 2/4
April: Dough isn’t just Dough
Anymore / These days, with operators introducing new styles to their
product line one pizza dough just
won’t do it! Today we have operators
baking everything from gluten-free
to Neapolitan pizza and Detroit to
NY Style all in the same pizzeria.
Each of these styles requires its own
specific dough with different flour
and production techniques. This
issue will stretch the operators imagination and show them how they
can do it all under the same roof!
Reservations due: 2/26
Material due: 3/4
Pizza Today’s editorial is guided by two primary requirements: Whether the editorial is a
full feature or a small product release, our editorial MUST provide an OPPORTUNITY or a
SOLUTION for our pizzeria operators. Otherwise, it doesn’t belong in the magazine.
May: Fast Casual / Research
Update / Here’s a trend that’s been
on everyone’s radar for several years
now. Is it an independent or a chain
concept? Does it matter? Will it last?
We’ll take the time to explain exactly
what Fast Casual is …and how it’s
changing the face of the industry!
Reservations due: 3/29
Material due: 4/5
June: How-To Guide
August: Indy of the Year
With the average pizzeria’s annual
revenue approaching $600,000, this
is one issue the operators take very
seriously. How can the Independent
Pizzeria of the Year generate millions
in revenue from one or two units?
We’ll interview this year’s winner and
tell your customers all about it!
Reservations due: 6/23
Material due: 6/30
September:: The Marketing
Far more than half of all pizzeria
owners never worked in a restaurant
prior to opening their first store. That
inexperience brings with it problems and situations the operator
never dreamed of, much less the
knowledge of “how-to” certain tasks
and production methods. This issue
will provide a step-by-step guide of
how to overcome many of the most
common challenges in a pizzeria.
Issue / Looking for that one issue
with a high-level of readership?
Marketing is the #1 topic amongst
today’s pizzeria operators. This
issue will discuss all kinds of related
topics. Social media, local charities
and fund-raisers, craft beer tasting
and pairings will be just a few of the
many techniques used to increase
revenue on any given night.
Reservations due: 4/29
Material due: 5/6
Reservations due: 8/1
Material due: 8/8
July: Management Manual
October:: Hot 100 Indies
The second most-requested topic
from today’s pizzeria operators is
“Employee Management”. From
scheduling and training to compensation and cross training, this issue
will explain common practices of
the most successful operators in the
country. This valuable “guide” will be
amongst the most coveted issues of
the year.
Successful pizzerias and how they
get there is what Pizza Today is all
about. This issue lists 100 of the most
successful pizzerias we can find in
the country. This issue looks at who
they are and what their businesses
look like. Slices? Take out and delivery? Gluten free? POS? Beverages?
This issue provides a clear picture
of who these pizzerias are and the
types of operations they run.
Reservations due: 5/31
Material due: 6/7
Reservations due: 8/29
Material due: 9/6
November: Top 100 Pizzeria
Companies / Who are they? Where
are they? How many units do they
have? What’s their annual revenue?
How does their ranking compare
to last year? This is the issue that
answers those questions. This is the
issue ALL the chains want to read!
Reservations due: 9/28
Material due: 10/5
December: Menu Development /
Recipe Guide
This issue is specifically designed to
help pizzerias develop a successful
menu for every season. We’ve asked
some of the best pizzaiolos in the
world to contribute recipes within
reach of the average operators. The
ingredients will include those commonly found in every pizzeria or can
be easily sourced. Categorized by
the season, these recipes will include
appetizers, salads, pasta, desserts
and of course pizza.
Reservations due: 10/27
Material due: 11/3
Pizza Today Display Ad Rates 2016
1X 3X 6X12X
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 1” Deep................................205............. 190...........180.............170
Full Page..................... 8,750...........8,350...........8,250.......... 8,140
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 2” Deep................................375............. 360...........350.............300
2/3 page...................... 7,440...........7,210...........7,090.......... 6,990
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 3” Deep................................555............. 510...........470.............430
½ page........................ 6,320...........6,140...........6,070.......... 5,950
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 4” Deep................................730............. 690...........675.............610
1/3 page...................... 5,370...........5,220...........5,160.......... 5,050
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 5” Deep ...............................910............. 870...........830.............760
¼ page........................ 4,570...........4,440...........4,390.......... 4,300
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 6” Deep.............................1,025.......... 1,000...........940.............850
Cover 4...................... 11,600.........11,290......... 11,170.........10,940
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 7 Deep..............................1,195.......... 1,155........ 1,090.............985
Covers 2 & 3............... 11,370.........11,020......... 10,900.......... 10,60
1 Column 2 ¼” wide x 8” Deep.............................1,360.......... 1,300........ 1,245..........1,135
Display Rates Are Agency Commissionable
2 Column 4 5/8” wide x 2” Deep..............................730............. 700...........675.............610
2 Column 4 5/8” wide x 3” Deep ..........................1,025............. 975...........940.............850
2 Column 4 5/8” wide x 4” Deep...........................1,360.......... 1,290........ 1,260..........1,030
One Listing....................................... 635..............285.......... 1,525........ 3,040
1X 3X 6X12X
1/3 Page............................................................1,700.......... 1,635........ 1,590..........1,430
½ Page..............................................................2,650.......... 2,400........ 2,290..........2,165
Two Listings (each) ........................... 570..............270.......... 1,390........ 2,775
Three Listings (each)......................... 515..............250.......... 1,240........ 2,490
Marketplace Rates Are Non-Commissionable
Four Listings (each)........................... 485..............230.......... 1,175........ 2,340
Five Listings (each)........................... 445..............220.......... 1,070........ 2,130
Six Listings (each) ............................ 395..............190............. 925........ 1,860
Y/P Rates Are Non-Commissionable
Ad Sizes & NAPO
Magazine Trim Size: 7.875” X 10.8125”
Full Bleed Page ....................................................8.125” X 11.0625”
(Keep live matter centered per page 7” X 10”)
Full Bleed Spread ................................................... 16” X 11.0625”
(Keep live matter centered per page 15” X 10”)
Bleed Gutter (non-bleed spread)............................... 15” X 10”
Full Page ................................................................................... 7” X 10”
2/3 Page ........................................................................... 4.625” X 10”
1/2 Page Horizontal Bleed....................................... 8.125” X 5.5”
1/2 Page Horizontal........................................................7” X 4.875”
1/2 Page Vertical............................................................ 3.375” X 10”
1/2 Page Island ............................................................ 4.625” X 7.5”
1/3 Page Horizontal................................................4.625” X 4.875”
1/3 Page Vertical...............................................................2.25” X 10”
1/4 Page Vertical.......................................................3.375” X 4.875”
PDF-x1a Preparation Guidelines:
q Make sure all ads are built correctly to specs and scaled
at 100%
q Make sure there are no missing fonts
q Make sure all of your images are linked
q CMYK embedded images only. NO RGB IMAGES! (Hint:
Convert your images to CMYK in PhotoShop before you
place them in your layout program)
q Verfiy that all images are hi-res (Images will fail preflight
at 150 dpi or less)
q Maximum ink density should be 300 percent or LESS on
all images
q NO Pantone Colors (Convert to process)
q NO Spot Colors (Convert to process)
q Please make sure your crop marks are ON for partial ads
q If using InDesign, go to preferences, and under “Appearance of black”, both Options for black should be set to
display & output blacks “Accurately”
q For further help, Google “Create PDF-x1a”
Emerald Expo Ad Portal
Note: Please make sure advertisements are created as PDF’s
and have been approved and
preflighted with 0 errors before submitting to SendMyAd
1. Open your browser (Safari/
Firefox) and go to:
2. Enter your Username and
Password to login
3. Click on “Send My Ad’ in the
actions list on the left
4. Select the Publication you
want to send your ad to
5. After you have selected your
publication, you must fill out
all needed information before
you can upload your advertisement. Then hit “Choose
6. Select the advertisement in
PDF format that you want
to upload. Click “Browse”. After
you have the file selected,
hit “Upload”.
7. After your file has processed
and there are no errors or
warnings for your advertisement, click on “Approve Ad”.
8. Your advertisement has
now been approved and
sent to SendMyAd. You may
download your Receipt for
Corporate Membership Fee … $1200/yr.
The following benefits are designed exclusively for NAPO Corporate Members. It
allows direct communication of your company’s special offerings to pizzeria operators throughout the year.
Promote your corporate marketing programs
• Your company’s logo will appear for 12 months on the NAPO landing page.
• Your company’s logo and message will appear on Solutions and Opportunities
q Promoting a new product-line? Post it!
q Offering a discount for a limited period of time? Post it.
q A value of $220 per month/ $2640 per year.
• NAPO will also be promoted every week through our Quick Tips & Recipes newsletters.
q Your banner ad will run for one month each quarter.
q The Quick Tips e-newsletter with over 12,500 - 100% personally requested copies
emailed 4 times a month (With an open rate of approx. 23%) will continue to carry
your banner-ad for one month quarterly.
q Quick Tips is a weekly e-newsletter offering expert advice on pizzeria operations,
management, recipes, menu development, marketing, branding and training.
q A value of $225 per month/ $900 per year.
• We will post your product release to our online Product Showcase.
• Printed product release in Pizza Today.
• Your company name, phone number and web address in NAPO’s printed ad each
month in Pizza Today.
NAPO is the best deal with a value package of $3540 for just $1200 per year.
Contact Stacie Dennison at sdennison@pizzatoday.com or 502-736-9508
to become a corporate member.
Digital Marketing
PizzaToday.com is where to begin!!
Quick Tips is the industry’s only 100%
Requested Weekly E-Newsletter.
With proven recipes and “quick-to-read” solutions
and opportunities, used by some of the most successful operators in the business, we’ve generated an outstanding following to this newsletter
delivered every Wednesday afternoon.
• Average weekly request-circulation of 12,515
• Average “Open-Rate” of 24%
Call us with your Digital Marketing Goals today!
We’ve got the right plan for you.
Whether you’re looking to build your brand’s awareness or
generate qualified sales leads, Pizza Today has developed
a website that’s as professional and informative as the
magazine itself! More pizzeria professionals visit PizzaToday.com than any other site in the business.
From April 2015 to September 2015 PT.com averaged:
• 38,150 Pizzeria Professionals visiting 48,965 times per month
• 28.5% more Pizzeria Professionals than 12 months ago.
• 23.5% of the professionals return multiple times per month!
Whatever size budget you’ve committed to this media,
Pizza Today has a plan to maximize your efforts.
• Sponsorships, Full Site & Category Specific
• Banners, Rich & Expandable
• Video Sponsorships, Existing or Corporate
Let’s Get Social: Over 19,000
followers across social media platforms
INTERNATIONAL PIZZA EXPO 2016 the largest pizzeria event on the planet!
If you’re looking to build your brand and market
share in the pizzeria segment, add International
Pizza Expo to your plan. With ten consecutive
sold-out show floors, Pizza Expo remains unchallenged as the industry’s premier event and ranks
amongst the Top 200 trade shows in the country.
Last year’s event was close in size to 6 football
fields and drew more than 7,500 qualified independent, chain and franchise pizzeria operators.
This year, we fully expect a larger crowd and
another sold-out show floor.
Maximize your opportunity to reach thousands
of qualified buyers. And with an exhibitor retention rate of over 85%, don’t delay; reserve your
slice of the exhibit floor today!
Call Bobbie MacIntosh at 800-489-8324
x515 or 502-736-9515
*Pete Lachapelle
908 South 8th Street
Suite 200
Louisville, KY 40203
Fax: 502-736-9511
Display & Webvertising
Advertising Sales
Brent Auman
Associate Publisher
Fax: 815-395-0002
Jerry Moschella
Associate Publisher
Fax: 407-737-7706
Yellow Page, Marketplace,
Web and NAPO Sales
Stacie Dennison
Sales Director
Fax: 502-736-9518
International Pizza Expo
Booth & Sponsorship Sales
Bobbie MacIntosh
Booth Sales Director
800-489-8324 (Ext. 515)
Fax: 502-736-9502
Pizza Today Headquarters
908 South 8th Street
Suite 200
Louisville, KY 40207
Fax: 502-736-9501