Quarterly Activities Report - Dec 2009


Quarterly Activities Report - Dec 2009
ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
HIGHLIGHTS CAMBODIA (Gold & Base Metals) o Aggressive exploration programmes commenced for 2009‐2010 field season, including: ƒ 4,000 geochemical samples ƒ 8,500m of trenching ƒ 3,000m of RC drilling (1 rig on‐site) ƒ 4,000m diamond core drilling (3 rigs on‐site) o Drilling operations commenced on Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Snoul EL o Drilling operations commenced on Kratie South JV (JOGMEC funding) Preak Khlong EL o Soil sampling program completed on Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Snoul EL o Soil sampling program commenced on Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Phnum Khnach EL o Soil sampling program commenced on Kratie South JV (JOGMEC funding) tenements ‐ Preak Khlong EL and O’Kthung EL o Kratie North and South JV (JOGMEC funding) tenements renewed for further two years o Drilling and trenching results are expected to flow from the first quarter of 2010 AUSTRALIA • Bulong Gold Project, W.A. (SAU 100%) o New high grade intersection of 15m @ 9.55g/t gold at Cannon prospect o Includes very high grade zone of 20.26 g/t gold over 3m o Results confirm potential indicated by 66m at 2.9 g/t gold from previous nearby drilling o Drilling has extended mineralisation strike length by at least 100m in a SW direction o Follow‐up drilling planned to commence next month o Recent results confirm potential for large, high grade gold systems at Bulong • Challenger Area Gold JV Project, S.A (SAU 51%, DOM 49%) o Southern Gold earned 51% interest in gold JV with Dominion Mining Ltd (ASX:DOM) o Dominion commits to 49% funding of Challenger Area Gold JV o Resource estimate Golf Bore – report expected soon o 7,000 metres drilling committed for June quarter 2010 with Dominion Mining • $6.5 million cash on hand at 31 December 2009 to actively progress gold exploration Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Cambodia: Gold and Base Metals (Snoul, Romdul, Srae Pok, Phnum Khnach ELs ‐ 100%) (Phnum Khtong, Preak Khlong, O’Khtung ELs ‐ 100%, JOGMEC earning to 51%) Southern Gold Limited commenced exploration activities for the 2009‐2010 field season on its Cambodian gold and base metals tenements during the December quarter. Initial exploration has focused on the drill ready prospects of Snoul and Kratie South Project (two adjoining blocks, Preak Khlong and O’Kthung, located approximately 10km south of Oz Mineral’s (ASX:OZL) Okvau Project). These field operations herald the start of an aggressive exploration program scheduled over coming months by Southern Gold for its Cambodian Projects. The 2009‐2010 field season activities include collecting 4,000 geochemical samples, completing 8,500m of trenching, 3,000m of Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling and 4,000m of diamond core drilling. Sampling, drilling and trenching activities are expected to continue until at least May 2010. Exploration on the joint venture tenements is fully funded by the Japanese Government‐backed JOGMEC, pursuant to a Joint Venture agreement. JOGMEC can fully fund exploration activity to a total of US$4.5 million over 3 years to earn a 51% interest in three tenements – Phnum Khtong (Kratie North Project), and two adjoining blocks, Preak Khlong and O’Kthung (Kratie South Project). No assay results are to hand for the completed drilling, although visual inspection of the core has identified several zones of alteration and quartz veining which is generally a good indicator of gold mineralisation. Drilling, trenching and soil assay results are expected to flow from early in the first quarter of 2010 Kratie North and South JV (JOGMEC) tenements were renewed for a further two years during the quarter. Snoul and Phnum Khnach ELs, Cambodia Anchor Prospect (Snoul EL, SAU 100%) Extensive drilling and trenching has been planned for the Anchor Prospect for the 2009‐2010 field season with the aim of delineating the previously identified mineralisation and identifying new gold and base metal anomalies which would be prioritised for trenching and/or drill testing. Southern Gold plans to complete 24 diamond drillholes for a total of 2,000m and 2,300m of trenching at the Anchor Prospect during the 2009‐2010 field season (Figure 1). An additional of 500m of diamond core drilling and 1,200m of trenching has been allocated for infill drilling and trenching during the later stages of the 2009‐2010 field season within the Snoul tenement. Diamond drilling commenced on the Anchor Prospect in December 2009 and five diamond core drillholes, for a total of 449m, has been completed during the Quarter (Figure 1). Trenching of the Anchor Prospect is expected to commence early in the March quarter. Soil sampling commenced on Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Snoul and Phnum Khnach tenements in October 2009, with the aim of delineating previously identified mineralisation (e.g. Anchor Prospect) and identifying new gold and base metal anomalies which would be prioritised for trenching and/or drill testing. During the December quarter all of a planned 965 soil samples on the Snoul tenement were collected and the first 417 samples of a planned 1,122 soils were collected on the Phnum Khnach tenement. No assay results are to hand for the soil sampling. Soils sampling will be completed on the Phnum Khnach tenement commencing in February. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Figure 1. Significant gold RC drill and trench intersections, proposed and completed 2009‐2010 drillhole and trench locations overlain on gold in soil contours Anchor Prospect, Snoul tenement (SAU 100%) Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Anchor Prospect: Background The Anchor Prospect is located within Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Snoul tenement and previous exploration activities have included soil sampling, trenching and RC drilling (early 2009). Significant gold mineralisation was identified from these first trenching and RC drilling and programs at the Anchor Prospect (Figure 1). Several prominent gold intersections were outlined from the RC drilling program including; 8m @ 5.9g/t (which included 4m @ 8.8g/t gold) and 4m @ 5.8g/t. High levels of other metals were associated with the gold mineralisation including 8m @ 26.6g/t silver, 0.4% copper and 0.2% zinc (Table 1, Figure 1). Significant gold intersections from trenching includes; 8m @ 1.5g/t and 8m @ 2.83g/t (Figure 1). Gold mineralisation at the Anchor Prospect is associated with a series of northwest striking sulphide‐rich veining and alteration within an interpreted 10km x 10km cluster of dioritic intrusives. Southern Gold believes this 10km x 10km area within the Snoul tenement is prospective for intrusive related, epithermal gold vein and polymetallic skarn systems. The mineralised veins trenched and drilled at the Anchor Prospect cover only 1% of this area, on the southwest corner of one of these four interpreted intrusives. Table 1 Significant RC drilling gold intersections above 1g/t gold (Au) Anchor Prospect Drillhole
Interval Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
Cu (%)
Zn (%)
Kratie North Project, Cambodia (Phnum Khtong EEL, SAU 100% ‐ JOGMEC earning 51%) During the December 2009 quarter, the Kratie North Project (JOGMEC JV) Phnum Khtong tenement was successfully renewed for a further period of two years. Exploration on the joint venture tenements is fully funded by the Japanese Government‐backed JOGMEC, pursuant to a Joint Venture agreement. JOGMEC can fully fund exploration activity to a total of US$4.5 million over 3 years to earn a 51% interest in three tenements – Phnum Khtong (Kratie North Project), and two adjoining blocks, Preak Khlong and O’Kthung (Kratie South Project). Oh Tron Prospect Extensive drilling and trenching has been planned for the Oh Tron Prospect for the 2009‐2010 field season. Southern Gold plans to complete 18 RC drillholes for a total of 1,500m and 500m of trenching at the Oh Tron Prospect during the 2009‐2010 field season (Figure 2). RC drilling and trenching of the Oh Tron Prospect commenced in January. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Oh Tron Prospect: Background The Oh Tron Prospect is located within Southern Gold’s Phnum Khtong tenement (JOGMEC JV) and previous exploration activities have included soil sampling, trenching and RC drilling (early 2009). Significant gold mineralisation was identified from these trenching and RC drilling and programs at the Oh Tron Prospect (Figure 2). Significant gold intersections from eight of thirteen trenches completed at Oh Tron includes; 20m @ 0.74 g/t and 12m @ 1.57 g/t (Table 2, Figure 2). The Oh Tron prospect is a large 3km x 1km area of anomalous gold, silver and lead in soil sampling around the margin of diorite intrusive. Alteration is widespread and observed in all trenches, which is possibly suggestive of a large hydrothermal system associated with base metal and gold mineralisation. Table 2. Significant trenching gold intersections (1g/t gold cut‐off) Oh Tron Prospect Trench
Interval Au (g/t)
Figure 2. Significant gold trench intersections and proposed 2009‐2010 drillhole and trench locations overlain on gold in soil contours Oh Tron Prospect, Phnum Khtong tenement (SAU 100%, JOGMEC JV) Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Kratie South Project, Cambodia (Preak Khlong and O’Kthung EELs, SAU 100% ‐ JOGMEC earning 51%) Exploration on the joint venture tenements is fully funded by the Japanese Government‐backed JOGMEC, pursuant to a Joint Venture agreement. JOGMEC can fully fund exploration activity to a total of US$4.5 million over 3 years to earn a 51% interest in three tenements – Phnum Khtong (Kratie North Project), and two adjoining blocks, Preak Khlong and O’Kthung (Kratie South Project). During the December 2009 quarter, the Kratie South Project (JOGMEC JV) Preak Khlong and O’Kthung tenements were successfully renewed for a further period of two years. Preak Khlong NW Prospect Southern Gold plans to complete 16 core and RC drillholes for a total of 1,360m at the Preak Khlong NW Prospect during the 2009‐2010 field season (Figure 3). RC drilling commenced on the Preak Khlong NW Prospect in December 2009 and seven RC drillholes, for a total of 534m, were completed during the quarter (Figure 3). No assay results are to hand for the completed drilling, although visual inspection of the RC rock chips has identified several zones of alteration and quartz veining which is generally a good indicator of gold mineralisation. Soil sampling commenced on Southern Gold’s 100%‐owned Preak Khlong and O’Kthung tenements in November 2009, with the aim of identifying new gold and base metal anomalies which would be prioritised for trenching and/or drill testing. During the Quarter 951 of a planned 1391 soil samples on the Preak Khlong and O’Kthung tenements were collected. No assay results are to hand for the soil sampling. Soils sampling will be completed on the Preak Khlong and O’Kthung tenements during the March Quarter. Background The Preak Khlong NW Prospect is located within Southern Gold’s Preak Khlong tenement (JOGMEC JV) and previous exploration activities have included soil sampling and trenching (early 2009). Significant gold mineralisation was identified from the trenching program at the Preak Khlong Prospect (Figure 3). Significant gold intersections from trenching includes; 2m @ 1.24g/t and 2m @ 2.44g/t (Table 3, Figure 3). At Preak Khlong NW a 100m wide alteration zone hosts a consistent gold mineralized corridor with a thickness of 10m to 30m. Laminated and brecciated quartz‐pyrite (+/‐gold) veins were identified in the trenches. Table 3. Significant trenching gold intersections (1g/t gold cut‐off) Preak Khlong NW Prospect Trench
Interval Au (g/t)
Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Figure 3. Significant trench intersections and proposed 2009‐2010 drillhole and trench locations overlain on gold in soil contours Preak Khlong NW Prospect, Preak Khlong tenement (SAU 100%, JOGMEC JV) Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Bulong South Gold and Nickel Sulphide Project, W.A. (Eight tenements ‐ SAU 100%, Three tenements SAU earning 51%) Exploration Activity Results of Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling during the quarter delineated and extended thick high grade gold mineralisation on Cannon Prospect on the Bulong South Project, 30km east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. These drill results confirm and increase the potential for large, high grade gold systems at Bulong. Recent drill results include 66m@ 2.9g/t gold from 36m, and include shallow, high grade intervals of 21m @ 4.5g/t from 36m in hole BNRC057. Hole BNRC058 intersected gold near surface with an interval of 45m@ 0.9g/t gold from 13m. Additional new mineralisation was also identified in an extension to hole BNRC047 of 43m @ 3.4g/t gold from 99 to 142m. High grade assay results received for one of the three holes drilled in December 2009 at Cannon, and partial results from a second hole, include 15m @ 9.55 g/t gold from 138m (including 3m @ 20.26g/t gold from 139m) and 8m @ 2.7g/t gold from 56m. Drillhole BSRC078 intersected high grade gold of 15m @ 9.55 g/t gold from 138m, a further 100m southwest along strike from the nearest prior intersection (BSRC010 43m @ 3.4g/t gold – a hole drilled in the tenement boundary area). A higher grade zone of 3m @ 20.26g/t gold from 139m in BSR078 significantly increases the grade of the lower lode at the Cannon prospect. The Cannon – George’s Reward gold zone is now more than 100m in strike length and is open to the southwest and at depth (Figures 4, 5 and 6). A program of 105 auger soil samples was collected over a 900m by 350m area surrounding the Cannon Prospect during December. Results are expected first week of February. The auger soil sampling program is now being expanded in detail over the Cannon‐Homerton‐Pinner gold trend (Figure 7). Additional progress results from Cannon Prospect and nearby prospects at Bulong South are expected shortly. Follow‐up drilling is planned to commence in February. Table 4. Summary of best drilling results at Cannon Prospect Hole Drill hole Intersections Number Easting North TD From To Interval
Grade* (GDA) (GDA) (m) (m) (m)
(m) (g/t gold) BSRC078 381630 6590155 200 2.21 122 124
2 9.55 138 153
15 Including 139 141
20.26 3 BSRC077 381670 6590160 160 56 64 8 2.7 awaiting assay 72 116
44 Previous best results listed below (at tenement boundary) BNRC010 381682 6590210 162 99 142
43 3.4 BNRC055 381770 6590213 109 32 74 42 2.7 BNRC057 381720 6590209 138 36 102
66 2.9 Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
gram.metres (g/t x m) Page 8 of 14
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December Quarter 2009
Figure 4. Cannon Prospect (SAU) / Georges Reward (NMI) –– Cross Section 6590210N Figure 5.Gold mineralisation intersected by Southern Gold’s drilling at Cannon Prospect – Cross‐section 6590160N Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Figure 6. Plan view of recent drilling at Cannon Prospect with gold mineralisation (lodes) projected to surface. BNRC057 66m @ 2.9 g/t
BNRC010 43m @ 3.4 g/t
BNRC055 42m @ 2.7 g/t
BNRC078 15m@ 9.55g/t
Figure 7. Cannon, Pinner, Homerton and Monument Prospects and significant drill intersections (SAU 100%) Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Challenger Area Gold Project, S.A. (Eight tenements – SAU 51%, DOM 49%) (Four Tenements – SAU 100%) Southern Gold moved to a 51% interest in the JV’s Challenger Area gold exploration project during the quarter, after spending the required A$2 million to earn the majority holding, with Dominion reverting to a 49% stake. Dominion Mining Ltd (Dominion ASX:DOM) has subsequently notified Southern Gold that it will commence its co‐
funding obligations to maintain a 49% stake in their gold joint venture. The decision will see the two companies commit to at least 7,000 metres of drilling in the June quarter of 2010 across the exploration footprint held by the joint venture around Dominion’s producing Challenger gold mine. Southern Gold, as manager and majority partner of the Joint Venture, is currently prioritising and assessing more than 50 gold anomalies within its 5,000km2 exploration footprint surrounding the million ounce Challenger Gold Mine, to bring these targets to drill ready status for its planned 2010 drilling program. Golf Bore Prospect – Resource Report A report of a JORC compliant resource estimate at Golf Bore is expected in the next few weeks from the Company’s Consultants. Regional and Prospect Geochemistry Southern Gold’s Phase 2 calcrete sampling were conducted on 10 prospects (Irria, Chariot, Brickies West, Brickies Central, Brickies East, Turkey Flat, Nemesis, Coopers Tank, Javelin and Storm) in the central and southern areas of the tenement holdings during the Quarter The prospects are located on four JV tenements (EL3554, EL3270, EL3300 and EL4014) and EL4161 which is 100% owned by SAU. A total of 1426 samples were collected and submitted for analysis for gold and multi‐elements. In addition to these, 62 reconnaissance samples were collected in November from numerous prospects and anomalies). The majority of these were collected as confirmation sampling of existing anomalies and consisted of calcrete, soil, rock chip or lag samples depending on which media was present. Nemesis Prospect (SAU 100%) A large 1km long x 400m wide gold‐in‐calcrete anomaly was identified at the Company’s wholly‐owned Nemesis Prospect 12 km north of the producing Challenger gold mine within Southern Gold’s 100% owned tenement, EL 4161. The Nemesis Prospect was identified after Southern Gold returned to the site of a promising 2006 sampling program with a more detailed 400 metre by 400 metre sampling grid that yielded a peak result of 43 parts per billion (ppb) gold within a 10ppb anomaly. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Infill sampling to a 200 metre by 200 metre spacing was conducted to constrain the extent of the high order anomaly. Minor drainage channels and paths in the prospect area severely influence the calcrete anomalism with a 7ppb result adjacent the 43ppb peak (Figure 8). Reconnaissance surface sampling conducted early in November from selected locations proximal to the calcrete anomaly at Nemesis identified blue quartz lag in this area. A peak result of 811ppb gold (0.8g/t gold) was recorded. This is indicative that highly anomalous gold is present at shallow depths and that basement is close to surface. First pass RAB drilling is planned for the 100%‐owned Nemesis prospect in the March quarter 2010. Results from the nearby Turkey Flat Prospect sampling were variable with greater than 10ppb gold in calcrete anomalies infilled to a 200m by 200m grid. Several, spatially separate results greater than 10ppb were returned. Further evaluation of these results is required to normalise the calcrete results with the calcareous and non calcareous soil results. Figure 8. Nemesis Prospect (100% SAU) and Turkey Flat Prospect (JV) north of the Challenger Mine, S.A Other Prospects Peak results returned were 21ppb for Javelin and several 10ppb results from the two Irria anomalies. Javelin remains a high order target considering that there is surface geochemical anomalism and previous, first pass RAB drilling intercepted greater that 0.5g/t in garnet gneiss basement. Results from the Chariot anomalies were encouraging. Various gold in calcrete anomalies greater than 10ppb were infilled to a 200 metre by 200 metre grid and returned a peak result of 22 ppb gold. Several other results greater than 15ppb were returned. One anomaly to the west of the previously drilled area of the prospect is ready for RAB drilling in the March quarter of 2010. Results from the 200m by 200m infill sampling of Coopers Tank anomalies revealed several, spatially separate results greater than 10ppb. Further evaluation of these results is required. Infill sampling from Brickies West generally is of the same tenor as the initial anomalism. However, a majority of the samples collected were calcareous soil and require further examination and analysis to normalise the infill data to the original calcrete data. Peak result returned was 10ppb. The broad area is all relatively anomalous and requires further investigation by drilling traverses and other geochemical techniques. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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ASX Code – SAU
December Quarter 2009
Roxby Geothermal Project, S.A (22 GELs ‐ SAU 100%) The Roxby Geothermal Project (RGP) is one of the largest, high temperature, geothermal land holdings in an area strategically located to straddle the existing 275Kv and 132Kv power lines that connect the Olympic Dam and Prominent Hill mines to the national power grid hub at Port Augusta in South Australia (Figure 9). Importantly, the existing transmission network has spare capacity and is also expected to expand substantially in the future as the proposed Olympic Dam expansion alone is forecast to consume close to half of the State’s baseload power supply. Temperatures of close to 200°C have been modelled at a depth of 4,500m on the Project as part of the 260,000 PJ Inferred Geothermal Resource estimate within GEL302 (refer full report to ASX 2/6/2009). During the quarter, Southern Gold collected new downhole temperature data from existing deep mineral drillholes and commenced conductivity measurements on core from 4 deep wells (max depth 877m). This data will be utilised in heat flow modeling and assess potential for expanding the geothermal resources on the RGP. In addition, Southern Gold has completed detailed planning for two deep geothermal wells, reservoir engineering and to confirm “proof‐of‐concept” geothermal fluid flow testing program on GEL 302 of its Roxby Geothermal Project. Southern Gold received notification during the quarter from the Federal Government's Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism that the Company’s application to the current round of Federal Government's Geothermal Drilling Program (GDP) for the Roxby Geothermal Project in South Australia was not successful. Subject to a range of parameters, preliminary economic modelling of the Roxby Geothermal Project demonstrates a potentially highly attractive baseload renewable energy development project with favourable power generation costs compared to other forms of renewable energy. Figure 9 .Location of Inferred Geothermal Resource of 260,000PJ on GEL 302.The RGP covers 10,000km2 of hot rocks and high voltage power lines linking Olympic Dam and Prominent Hill to South Australia’s power infrastructure hub at Port Augusta. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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December Quarter 2009
Corporate Southern Gold completed a number of financing transactions during the Quarter to strengthen the Company’s cash position of $6.5 million at 31 December 2009. $2.5 million was achieved through the sale of Southern Gold’s shares in listed Southern Uranium (SNU). In addition, $5 million was raised though a two‐tranche placement completed in December 2009. 40,000,000 new shares were issued to sophisticated and institutional investors at $0.125 per share. Southern Gold now has the cash to aggressively build the value of the Company’s assets. As a result, over 15,000 meters of drilling is planned on our Australian and Cambodian gold projects in 2010. For further information, contact: Stephen Biggins Managing Director Southern Gold Limited Telephone: 61 8 8368 8888 47 Tynte Street Facsimile: 61 8 8368 8899 North Adelaide SA 5006 Email: info@southerngold.com.au This report and further information are available on Southern Gold Limited’s website at: www.southerngold.com.au The information in this report has been compiled by Stephen Biggins (BSc(Hons)Geol, MBA) as a full‐time employee of Southern Gold and who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is bound by and follows the Institute’s codes and recommended practices. As a Competent Person, he has a minimum of 5 years relevant experience in the style of mineralisation and types of activities being reported and has given written consent to the above report in the form and context in which it appears. *
This Geothermal Resource estimate is based on a number of assumptions. Refer to SAU’s detailed ASX statement dated 2 June 2009 for more information. The sections of this statement that refer to Geothermal Resource estimation have been prepared by Dr Graeme Beardsmore, an employee of HDRPL. Dr Beardsmore was assisted by other employees within Hot Dry Rocks Pty Ltd but takes sole responsibility and is accountable for the report as a Competent Person as defined by the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Geothermal Resources and Geothermal Reserves (2008 Edition). Dr Beardsmore is a member of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists and abides by the Code of Ethics of that organization. Dr Beardsmore consents to the public release of this Statement in the form and context in which it appears. Quarterly Report for the period ending 31 December 2009
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