CLUTCHES Table of Contents Basic Clutch Information Guide to Clutch Identification and Catalog Use In our efforts to make this catalog as complete and as useful as possible, clutches are listed in three different sections. 1. Specifications Section (listed in ascending order by diameter) 2. Illustration or Photo Section (listed in our numeric order within by manufacturer) 3. Cross Reference Section (OEM service numbers and/or numbers stamped on the clutch are listed in the cross reference section in the back of this catalog) The clutch used on a particular truck depends on the type of compressor selected from an option list when the truck was first assembled. However, after miles of service, original parts most likely have been replaced. For whatever reason, a truck originally equipped with a reciprocating compressor may now be using a rotary type or possibly a single groove clutch has been replaced with a double groove. To assure your customer gets the right part the first time, it is important to identify the compressor the clutch is to be used on, and the characterisitics or specifications of the clutch. If possible, check for label or stamped numbers on the clutch body or the coil assembly to identify the clutch. If the clutch marking or lable is illegible, the following information will be needed: 1. Compressor Make and Model 2. Voltage - 12v or 24v 3. Diameter of Clutch Pulley 4. Number of Grooves; Width of Drive Belt 5. A-B Distance or Gauge Line CLUTCHES For your convenience, a “How to Measure” is shown in each clutch section to help in identification. Clutches are listed in alphabetical sequence by the name of the compressor manufacturer the clutch is to be installed on. CLUTCHES CCI (SEE T/CCI) ................................... 197 DENSO ................................................. 201 FORD .................................................... 203 SANDEN ............................................... 204 SELTEC/VALEO ................................... 211 TAMA HD (see Seltec/Valeo) T/CCI, YORK STYLE ............................ 197 Clutch Related Items Clutch Coils Denso ..................................................... 202 Sanden ................................................... 204 Seltec/Valeo ........................................... 211 Clutch Plate Removal Tools ......................... 520 Clutch Pulley/Pullers ..................................... 520 Connectors and Pigtails ................................ 493 Idler Pulleys and Eccentrics ......................... 424 196 © 2011 MEI Corporation T/CCI (York Style) — CLUTCHES Groove Width HOW TO MEASURE CLUTCH: T/CCI (YORK STYLE) m o IF PART NUMBER ON CLUTCH BEING REPLACED CANNOT BE READ, USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE REQUIRED CLUTCH PART NUMBER. Diameter 1. DETERMINE IF 12 OR 24 VOLT (Black Wire = 12V, Green Wire = 24V). 2. DETERMINE IF CLUTCH IS SINGLE, DOUBLE OR POLY GROOVE. E 3. MEASURE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PULLEY. A-B Distance 4. MEASURE WIDTH OF PULLEY GROOVE: a. Single and Double Groove = measure the width of pulley groove. b. Poly Groove = count the number of grooves. Belt Width (Rear) m o Diameter 5. MEASURE ACCURATELY THE A-B DISTANCE: a. Single and Double Groove = measure the distance from the compressor mounting hole on the side of the compressor to the middle of the rear belt groove on the pulley (the rear belt groove is closest to the compressor). b. Poly Groove = measure the distance from the compressor mounting hole on the side of the compressor to the middle of the first groove on the pulley. 6. DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF WIRES. E To convert millimeters to inches: divide mm by 25.4 To convert inches to mm: multiply inches by 25.4 A-B Distance CLUTCHES T/CCI (YORK STYLE) 12 volt unless noted Clutches are listed in ascending order by grooves, by diameter (O.D), by part number. No. of Grv’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 8 8 CLUTCH O.D. PART NO. 6" 5011 6" 5031 6" 5125 6" 5131 6-5/16" 5032 6-5/16" 5009 6-3/4" 5033 6-3/4" 5096 6-3/4" 5036 6-3/4" 5062 6-3/4" 5038 7-5/16" 5063 6" 5143 6" 5045 6" 5144 6" 5145 6" 5044 7" 5141 7" 5042 7" 5041 5.8" 5030 6" 5129 6" FF Style 5127 6" FF Style 5126 5.3" 5029 6-5/16" 5128 TECH TIP © 2011 MEI Corporation BELT GROOVE WIDTH 1st grv. 2nd grv. 1/2" — 1/2" — 1/2" — 1/2" — 5/8" — 1/2" — 1/2" — 1/2" — 5/8" — 5/8" — 5/8" — 3/4" — 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — MOUNTING DISTANCE FIRST SECOND 2-5/8" — 2-3/4" — 2-3/4" — 2-3/4" — 2 3/4" — 2-15/16" — 3-3/16" — 2-3/4" — 1-13/16" — 1-15/16" — 2-3/4" — 2" — 2-1/8" 2-3/4" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 1-11/16" 2-5/16" 2-1/8” Center Point 2-1/8” Center Point 2-3/8” Center Point 2-3/8” Center Point 1-5/8” 1-5/8” NOTE w/O.E. style diode & weatherpak conn. 2 wire coil 24 volt w/O.E. style diode & weatherpak conn. 2 wire plug, Metripak w/diode Std duty w/single row bearing. Heavy duty bearing. 24 volt Std duty w/single row bearing. 1 wire 2 wire plug Metripak 1 wire, Front Forward 2 wire w/diode, Front Forward 1 wire 2 wire plug Metripak w/diode T/CCI - 2 WIRE METRIPAK CONNECTORS w/DIODE DO NOT REVERSE Green wire = positive White wire = ground 197 CLUTCHES — T/CCI (York Style) Listed in ascending order by part number. ile Wh lies p 5009 Sup a s t L OE# 1406-70 ile Wh lies p 5011 Sup a s t L OE# 1436-90 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 5/16" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 15/16" Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 5/8" 5030 OE# 513352, MAN-03 Volt - 12V Dia.- 5.8" Grooves - Poly 6 Width-.14" 1 Wire A-B Dist.- 2 1/8" center IHC Plug CLUTCHES 1 Wire Plug 5029 OE# 515376, MAN-03 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5.3" Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" 1 Wire 1 Wire Plug A-B Dist.- 1 5/8" IHC Plug 5031 OE# 502409 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 3/4” 1 Wire Plug Weatherpak 5032 OE# 503879, 515528, MAN-06 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 5/16” Grooves - 1 1 Wire Width - 5/8" IHC Plug A-B Dist.- 2 3/4” 5033 OE# 502740 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 3/4" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 3 3/16" 5036 OE# 502731 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 3/4" Grooves - 1 Width - 5/8" 1 Wire Plug A-B Dist.- 1 13/16" 1 Wire Plug Groove Width Diameter A-B Distance 5038 OE# 502743 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 3/4" Grooves - 1 Width - 5/8" A-B Dist.- 2 3/4" 198 ile Wh lies p Sup a s t L 1 Wire Plug Belt Width 5041 OE# 332334, 502742, MAN-7A Volt - 12V Dia. - 7" Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" 1 Wire 5042 OE# 1411-51 Volt - 24V Dia. - 7" Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" 1 Wire A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" Plug Diameter A-B Distance © 2011 MEI Corporation T/CCI (York Style) — CLUTCHES Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 5045 OE# 1411-35 Volt - 24V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" 1 Wire 5096 OE# 1406-23, CH4.91G Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 3/4" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 3/4" 1 Wire Plug 5125 OE# 14533 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 3/4" ile Wh lies p p Su a s t L 5062 OE# 502733 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 3/4" Grooves - 1 Width - 5/8" A-B Dist.- 1 15/16" 5063 OE# 502400 Volt - 12V Dia. - 7 5/16" Grooves - 1 Width - 3/4" 1 Wire Plug A-B Dist.- 2" 1 Wire Plug CLUTCHES 5044 OE# 332639, MAE-6AR, MA-6A Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 2 1 Wire Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" FF Style 5126 OE# 14432 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - Poly 6 2 Wire Plug Width - .14" 2 Wire Plug Metripak A-B Dist.- 2 3/8" center w/diode FF Style 5127 OE# 14304 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" 1 Wire Plug Grooves - Poly 6 Weatherpak Width - .14" A-B Dist.- 2 3/8" center Groove Width Diameter A-B Distance Belt Width 5128 OE# 14372 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 5/16" Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" A-B Dist.- 1 5/8" © 2011 MEI Corporation 2 Wire Plug Metripak 5129 OE# 14565 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - Poly 6 Width - .14" 2 Wire Plug A-B Dist.- 2 1/8" center w/diode 5131 OE# 508888, MAM-13 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" 1 Wire A-B Dist.- 2 3/4" IHC Plug Diameter A-B Distance 199 CLUTCHES — T/CCI (York Style) Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 5141 OE# 511199, MAN-01 Volt - 12V Dia. - 7" 1 Wire Grooves - 2 IHC Plug Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" 5143 OE# 7925 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 2 1/8" / 2 3/4" 5144 OE# 501939, 024-21590 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" 1 Wire Plug Grooves - 2 Weatherpak 1 Wire Width - 1/2" IHC Plug A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" 5145 OE# 024-25238 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6" Grooves - 2 2 Wire Plug Metripak Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 1 11/16" / 2 5/16" CLUTCHES Groove Width Diameter A-B Distance Belt Width 5589 Clutch Measuring Tool Servicing Clutch • Clutch mounting bolts (4): use torque wrench 13 - 19 ft. lbs. • Center bolt: use torque wrench 20 - 25 ft. lbs. 200 5538 Tecumseh/York Style Compressor Shaft Key (10 per box) Diameter A-B Distance © 2011 MEI Corporation DENSO — CLUTCHES A-B Distance A-B Distance A-B Distance HOW TO MEASURE CLUTCH: DENSO Clutch Diameter A-B DISTANCE - Measure from the center of the nearest mounting hole on compressor to middle of groove (1st groove if Serpentine). Clutch Diameter 10PA15C / 10PA17C / 10S17C 6E171 CLUTCHES USED w/DENSO 10PA15C, 10PA17C COMPRESSORS Clutches are listed in ascending order by grooves, by diameter (O.D), by part number. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 Clutch O.D. Model 137mm 5.39” 146mm 5.75" 146mm 5.75" 146mm 5.75" 146mm 5.75" 146mm 5.75" 146mm 5.75" 152mm 6.0" 152mm 6.0" 124.5mm 4.9" 124.5mm 4.9" 136mm 5.35" 143mm 5.62” 145mm 5.70" 145mm 5.70" 10S17C 10PA17C 10PA17C 10PA17C 10PA17C 6E171 6E171 10PA15C 10PA17C 10PA15C 10PA17C 10PA17C 10S17C 10PA17C 10PA17C Part No. 5027G 5020 5019 5017 5018 5027K 5027S 5026 5021 5022 5025 5023A 5028G 5024 5023 A-B Dist 2.7” 1-3/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/16” 2-1/8” 1-7/8” 1-7/8” 2” 1-3/4” 1” 1-7/16” 12 1-7/16” 24 2.45” 1-7/16” 12 1-7/16” 24 Volt 24 12 12 24 12 12 12 24 12 12 — — 24 — — Repl. Coil Dust Cover — — — — — — — — — — 5669S 5669D — 5669S 5669S — 5669D 5669D 5669D 5669D — — — 5669D — — 5837 — 5832/5479 5831/5469 Fits Comp. 5844G 5836 5833 5834 5830 5845 (keyed) 5845 (splined) 5843G 5842G 5835 5848G Listed in ascending order by part number. NOTE: CLUTCHES SUPPLIED WITH COIL, W/O DUST COVER) RECESSED HUB 5018 10PA17C Volt - 12v Dia. - 146mm/5.75” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 2-1/8”/32.5mm 5019 10PA17C Volt - 12v Dia. - 146mm/5.75” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 1-5/8”/14mm RECESSED HUB 5020 10PA17C Volt - 12v Dia. - 146mm/5.75” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 1-3/8”/14mm USED ON COMPRESSORS: USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5834, TY6783 5830, RE64024 USED ON COMPRESSORS: 5833, TY6626, TY6765 5836, TY6784 5017 10PA17C Volt - 24v Dia. - 146mm/5.75” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 1-5/16”/14mm © 2011 MEI Corporation USED ON COMPRESSORS: 201 CLUTCHES No. of Grv’s CLUTCHES — DENSO Listed in ascending order by part number. NOTE: CLUTCHES SUPPLIED WITH COIL, W/O DUST COVER) 5021 10PA17C Volt - 12v Dia. - 152mm/6.0” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 1-3/4”/27mm 5022 10PA15C Volt - 12v Dia. - 124.5mm/4.90” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 1.0”/18.26mm 5023 10PA17C Volt - 24v Dia. - 145mm/5.70” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 1-7/16”/29mm 5023A 10PA17C Volt - 24v Dia. - 136mm/5.35” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 1-7/16”/29mm USED ON COMPRESSORS: USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5835, AL78779 USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5831, 5469, AT168543 USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5842G, AT215510 5024 10PA17C Volt - 12v Dia. - 145mm/5.70” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 1-7/16”/29mm 5025 10PA17C Volt - 12v OE# RE52508 Dia. - 124.5mm/4.90” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 1-7/16”/29mm 5026 10PA15C Volt - 24v Dia. - 152mm/6.0” Grooves -1 (belt 5/8”) A-B Dist. - 2.0"/50.8mm 5027G 10S17C Volt - 24 Dia. - 137mm / 5.39” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 2.7” / 68.5mm CLUTCHES 5837 USED ON COMPRESSOR: USED ON COMPRESSOR: USED ON COMPRESSOR: USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5832, 5479 TY6764, RE52454 5843G 5844G 5669D 10PA17C Replacement Dust Cover, Deep Dish Type 7/8” thick, for 1 groove. 5027K KEYED / OE Style 5027S SPLINED / Aftermarket Style 6E171 Volt - 12v Dia. - 146mm /5.75” Grooves - 1 A-B Dist. - 1-7/8” 5028G 10S17C Volt - 24 Dia. - 143mm / 5.62” Grooves - 8 A-B Dist. - 2.45” / 62.2mm USED ON COMPRESSOR: USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5845 5848G 202 5023C Denso Clutch Coil, 24 volt 10PA15C /10PA17C 5669S 10PA17C Replacement Dust Cover, Shallow Type 5/16” thick, for 8 groove. © 2011 MEI Corporation FORD — CLUTCHES A-B HOW TO MEASURE CLUTCH: FORD IF PART NUMBER ON CLUTCH BEING REPLACED CANNOT BE READ, USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE REQUIRED CLUTCH PART NUMBER. 1. DETERMINE IF 12 OR 24 VOLT. 2. DETERMINE IF CLUTCH IS SINGLE, DOUBLE OR MULTI-GROOVE. Diameter 3. MEASURE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PULLEY. 4. MEASURE WIDTH OF PULLEY GROOVE. 5. MEASURE ACCURATELY THE A-B DISTANCE. To convert millimeters to inches: divide mm by 25.4 To convert inches to mm: multiply inches by 25.4 Groove No. of Grv’s 1 1 6 6 6 7 8 CLUTCH O.D. PART NO. BELT GROOVE WIDTH 1st grv. MOUNTING DISTANCE FIRST NOTE 5-7/8" 5-15/16" 4-7/8" 5" 5-5/8" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 5074 5075 5072 5080 5081 5082 5102 7/16" 7/16" 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” 7/8" 1-3/8" Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine - FS6 (1) FS6 (2) FS6 FS10, Unidamp, 21 Spline FS10, Unidamp, 21 Spline FS10, Unidamp, 21 Spline Ford E-Series, Scroll, Diesel belt belt belt belt CLUTCHES CLUTCHES USED w/FORD FS6 / FS10 (FX15) / SCROLL COMPRESSORS (12 volt unless noted) (1) CAN USE ON 2 GR. APPL. IF ONLY USING INSIDE GROOVE (2) CAN USE ON 2 GR. APPL. IF ONLY USING OUTSIDE GROOVE 5072 FS6 OE# 1413-99 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4 7/8" Grooves - Poly 6 Width - 1/8" 5074 FS6 (1) OE# 1413-89, E8DZ-2987A Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 7/8" Grooves - 1 Width - 7/16" A-B Dist.- 7/8" 5075 FS6 (2) OE# 1413-88 Volt - 12V Grooves - 1 A-B Dist.- 1 3/8" Dia. - 5 15/16" Width - 7/16" 5080 FS10, 21 Spline Shaft OE# 1416-17 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5" Grooves - Poly 6 Width - 1/8" A-B Dist. 3/4" Compressor Shaft Key 5081 FS10, FX15, 21 Spline Shaft OE# 02-0421 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 5/8" Grooves -Poly 6 Width - 1/6" A-B Dist. 3/4" © 2011 MEI Corporation 5082 FS10, FX15, 21 Spline Shaft OE# 02-0426 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4 1/2" Grooves - Poly 7 Width - 1/8" A-B Dist. 7/8" 5102 OE# YB591, YB627, YB3064 Ford Scroll E-Series, Diesel Dia. - 4 1/2" Grooves - 8 Width - 1/8" 5539 FORD - Compressor Shaft Key (10 per box) 203 CLUTCHES — SANDEN Gauge Line (A-B) Distance HOW TO MEASURE CLUTCH: SANDEN IF PART NUMBER ON CLUTCH BEING REPLACED CANNOT BE READ, USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE REQUIRED CLUTCH PART NUMBER. Diameter Groove Width 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DETERMINE IF 12 OR 24 VOLT. DETERMINE IF CLUTCH IS SINGLE, DOUBLE OR MULTI-GROOVE. MEASURE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PULLEY. MEASURE WIDTH OF PULLEY GROOVE. MEASURE ACCURATELY THE A-B DISTANCE. To convert millimeters to inches: divide mm by 25.4 To convert inches to mm: multiply inches by 25.4 CLUTCHES SANDEN SD7H15 - CLUTCH HUB IDENTIFICATION Holes Not Threaded Holes Threaded Key Shaft Armature Plate • Keyed shaft can be identified by the threaded holes in the armature plate spanner. Plate has wobble notch. Spline Shaft Armature Plate • Splined shaft can be identified by holes (not threaded) in the armature plate spanner. Plate has flat cut-out. (used only on some SD7H15 models) SANDEN CLUTCH COILS DESCRIPTION PART# SD5H14 replacement 24V coil, 1 wire ................... 5611 SD7 replacement 2 wire12V coil (no diode) .......... 5612 SD7H15 replacement 24V coil, 1 wire ................... 5614 7H Series, 12V sealed type coil, O.E. CAT ........... 5617 7H Series, 24V sealed type coil, O.E. CAT ........... 5618 5537 SANDEN/SANKYO Compressor Shaft Key (10 per box) 204 5612 5614 5611 5545 CLUTCH SNAP RING KIT - 7H15 © 2011 MEI Corporation SANDEN — CLUTCHES No. of Grv’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 CLUTCH O.D. PART NO. 122 mm 4-3/4" 5148 122 mm 4-3/4" 5061 138 mm 5-7/16" 5135 138 mm 5-7/16" 50400 138 mm 5-7/16" 50417 152 mm 6" 5134 158 mm 6-1/4" 5059 158 mm 6-1/4" 5133 158 mm 6-1/4" 5119 158 mm 6-1/4" 50415 169 mm 6-7/8" 5121 125 mm 4.9" 5163 125 mm 4.9" 5138 125 mm 4.9" 5138S 125 mm 4.9" 5066 125 mm 4.9" 5132 132 mm 5-1/4" 5123 132 mm 5-1/4" 5139 132 mm 5-1/4" 5167 132 mm 5-1/4" 5116 132 mm 5-1/4" 5057 132 mm 5-1/4" 5064 132 mm 5-1/4" 5058 132 mm 5-1/4" 5058A 152 mm 6" 5057D 119 mm 4.6" 5065 119 mm 4.6" 50416 125 mm 4.9" 5164 125 mm 4.9" 5164S 125 mm 4.9" 5168 119 mm 4.6" 5067 119 mm 4.6" 5060 119 mm 4.6" 5149 119 mm 4.6" 50418 130 mm 5.1" 50419 119 mm 4.6" 5174 119 mm 4.6" 5137 119 mm 4.6" 5137S 119 mm 4.6" 5176 125 mm 4.9" 5122 125 mm 4.9" 5068 130 mm 5.1" 5165 130 mm 5.1" 5175 130 mm 5.1" 50420 132 mm 5-1/4" 5169 132 mm 5-1/4" 5179 132 mm 5-1/4" 5120 135 mm 5.3" 5177 140 mm 5.5" 5178S 125 mm 4.9" 5069 125 mm 4.9" 5180 125 mm 4.9" 50412S 125 mm 4.9" 50413 125 mm 4.9" 5173S 126 mm 4.96" 5173 126 mm 4.96" 50412 126 mm 4.96" 50414 126 mm 4.96" 50414S TECH TIP © 2011 MEI Corporation MODEL SD5 SD5 SD5 FLX7 SHD SD7H15SHD SD7H15SHD SD5 SD7 SD7H15SHD FLX SD7H15 SD7 SD7H15 SD7H15 SUPRHD SD7 SD7 SD5 SD7 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD5 SD7 SD5 SD7H15 SD7H15SHD SD7H15 SD7 SD7H15 SUPRHD SD7H15 709/7H15 SD5 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SUPRHD SD7H15 SD7 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15 SD7H15SHD SD7H15SHD SD7H15 SUPRHD SD5 FLX7 FLX7 - BELT GROOVE WIDTH 1st grv. 2nd grv. 1/2" OH (overhang) 1/2" OH (overhang) 1var. grv — 1/2" — 1/2" — 1/2" — 1var. grv — 1var. grv — 1var. grv — 1var. grv — 1/2" — 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 6 Grooves — 7 Grooves — 7 Grooves — 7 Grooves — 7 Grooves — 7 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 8 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 10 Grooves — 12 Grooves — 12 Grooves — NOTE 2 wire; Ford TPS Conn., grey,12v, keyed 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 24 volt, 1 wire, key shaft FLX Sealed HD, 12 volt, 4875-9932 2 wire, Sealed HD, 12 volt 24 volt, SD 4640, 8109, 2 wire, key,Dust Cvr 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 24 volt, 1 wire; Cat O.E., key shaft, Dust Cvr 24 volt, 1 wire+ground, key shaft 2 wire, Ford TPS Conn., 12 volt, key shaft 2 wire w/diode, spline shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12v Therm.Fuse 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 24 volt, 1 wire, key shaft 2 wire; Ford TPS Conn., 12 volt, key shaft 2 wire, Ford TPS Conn., 12 volt, key shaft 2 wire, spline shaft, 12 volt 2 wire, key shaft, 12 volt 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 24 volt, 1 wire, key shaft 24 volt w/harness adaptor, 1 wire 2 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft Sanden #4653, 2 wire, Ford Motorhome 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12v Therm.Fuse 2 wire w/diode, spline shaft, 12 volt 1 wire w/diode, 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 2 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 12 volt, spline shaft, fits #5700/#5710 12 volt, spline shaft, fits #5701 2 wire, Ford TPS Conn., 12v, spline shaft 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12v Therm.Fuse 2 wire w/diode, spline shaft, 12 volt 2 wire, Ford TPS Conn., 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 2 wire, key shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, 12 volt, spline shaft 1 wire, spline shaft, 12 volt 1 wire, spline shaft, 12 volt 2 wire, 12 volt, key shaft, Dust Cvr 24 volt, 2 wire, key shaft, Dust Cvr 2 wire w/diode, key shaft, 12 volt 2 wire w/diode, spline shaft, 12v Therm.Fuse 1 wire, 12 volt, key shaft 1 wire w/jumper, 12 volt, 4872-9930 2 wire MP, 12 volt, Super-HD, 4369-9931 1 wire w/jumper, 24 volt, 4309-6010 2 wire MP, 12 volt, Super-HD, 4369-9931 2 wire MP w/diode, 12v, fits SD4018,SD4407 2 wire MP w/diode, 12 volt 2 wire MP, 12 volt, 4541-9931 2 wire MP, 12 volt, Super-HD, 4370-9931 SANDEN - 2 WIRE METRIPAK CONNECTORS w/DIODE DO NOT REVERSE: Black wire = ground Black and White wire = positive 205 CLUTCHES CLUTCHES USED w/SANDEN COMPRESSORS (SUPPLIED WITH COIL) CLUTCHES — SANDEN Listed in ascending order by part number. 5057 OE# 509285 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 508/510/5H14 5057D SD7H15SHD Sealed Heavy Duty w/dust cover plate (dust cover not included) Volt - 12V Dia. - 152mm 2 Wire Grooves - 2 Fits Model Width - 1/2" SD7H15SHD Shaft - keyed 5058 OE# 6514-6210 Volt - 24V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 508/510/5H14 5058A OE# 4435-9931 Volt - 24V (w/harness adaptor) Dia. - 132mm Grooves -2 Shaft - keyed 5059 OE# 6521-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 1/4"/158mm Grooves - 1VG Width - 7/8" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 508/510/5H14 5060 OE# 6520-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - Poly 7 Width - .14 A-B Dist.- 46.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 508/510/5H14 5061 OE# 61190-4409, 8545-6310 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4 3/4"/122mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" OH A-B Dist.- 43.15mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 508/510/5H14 5064 OE# 6511-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 Heavy Duty Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 709/7H15 5065 OE# 6524-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - Poly 6 Width - .14" A-B Dist.- 62.55mm Shaft - keyed 5066 OE# 6511-6110 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9"/125mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Shaft - keyed 5067 OE# 6512-6210 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - Poly 7 1 Wire w/diode Width - .14" Heavy Duty A-B Dist.- 46.55mm Fits Model Shaft - keyed 709/7H15 5068 OE# 6522-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 8 Width - .14" A-B Dist.- 46.00mm Shaft - keyed CLUTCHES 1 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 206 Fits Model 709/7H15 Fits Model 709/7H15 Fits Model 7H15 © 2011 MEI Corporation SANDEN — CLUTCHES Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 5120 OE# 4726-9931 Volt - 24V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" A-B Dist.- 34.00mm Shaft - keyed CAT OE Plug USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model SD4726 709/7H15 5121 OE# 6506-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 7/8”/169mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 38.55mm Ford OE Plug Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model 709/7H15 SD4602 5122 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" Shaft - keyed Ford OE Plug USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model SD7804 709/7H15 5123 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed Ford OE Plug USED ON COMPRESSOR : Fits Model SD5730 508/510/5H14 5132 SD7H15 Volt - 24V Dia. - 4.9"/125mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" 1 Wire w/ground Shaft - keyed Fits Model SD7 CLUTCHES 5069 OE# 6518-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9"/125mm Grooves - Poly 10 Width - .14" Fits Model A-B Dist.- 50.79mm 508/510/5H14 Shaft - keyed 5119 5116 OE# 4604-6880 OE# 6594-6010 SD7H15SHD Volt - 12V Sealed Heavy Duty Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Volt - 24V Grooves - 2 Dia. - 6 1/4”/158mm CAT OE Plug Width - 1/2" 2 Wire Metripak Grooves - 1VG Fits Model A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Fits Model Width - 1/2" 709/7H15 Shaft - keyed 709/7H15 Shaft - keyed 5133 SD7HD Volt - 12V Dia. - 6 1/4”/158mm Grooves - 1 vg. Shaft - keyed © 2011 MEI Corporation 5134 OE# 4640-9931 Sealed Heavy Duty Volt - 24V Dia. - 6”/152mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed 1 Wire 709/7H15 5135 SD5 Volt - 24V Dia. - 5 7/16"/138mm 2 Wire Grooves - 1 vg. USED ON COMPRESSOR: 1 Wire SD7H15SHD Shaft - keyed SD4640, SD8109 Fits Model SD5 5137 OE# 4734-6880; 4424-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" Shaft - keyed 2 Wire Metripak Fits Model 709/7H15 207 CLUTCHES — SANDEN Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 5138 OE# 6593-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 2 2 Wire Metripak Width - 1/2" Fits Model A-B Dist.- 39.55mm 709/7H15 Shaft - keyed 5148 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4 3/4"/122mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" OH Shaft - keyed Ford OE Plug USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model SD9594 508/510/5H14 5149 OE# 4618-9931 Kodiak / Topkick Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - 7 Shaft - keyed 2 Wire Metripak Fits Model SD7H15 5163 OE# 4740-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves -2 Width - 1/2" Shaft - splined 5164S Super Heavy Duty SUPRHD type clutch Volt - 12V (w/therm. fuse) Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 6 Width - .14” 2 Wire Shaft - keyed Metripak 5165 OE# 4700-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5.1”/130mm Grooves - 8 Width - .14” Shaft - keyed 2 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 5167 OE# 4777-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 2 Wire/Spline Width - 1/2" Fits Model Shaft - splined 7H15 5139 OE# 6504-6010 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Ford OE Plug Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model 709/7H15 SD4603 5164 OE# 4424-9931, 4756-9931, 4793-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 6 2 Wire Width - .14” Fits Model Shaft - keyed 7H15 CLUTCHES 5137S Super Heavy Duty SUPRHD type clutch Volt - 12V (w/therm. fuse) Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - Poly 8 Width - .14" 2 Wire Shaft - keyed Metripak 5138S Super Heavy Duty SUPRHD type clutch Volt - 12V (w/therm. fuse) Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" 2 Wire A-B Dist.- 39.55mm Metripak Shaft - keyed 208 2 Wire Fits Model 7H15 5168 OE# 4756-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.9”/125mm Grooves - 6 Width - .14” Shaft - splined 2 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 © 2011 MEI Corporation SANDEN — CLUTCHES Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 5169 OE# 4781-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Grooves - 8 Width - .14” Shaft - splined 5175 OE# 4733-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5.1”/130mm Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined 5176 OE# 4776-9931 Volt - 12V 2 Wire Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Fits Model Grooves - 8 SD7H15 Shaft - splined 2 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 CLUTCHES 1 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 5174 OE# 4767-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 4.6"/119mm Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined Ford OE Plug USED ON COMPRESSOR: Fits Model 5322 SD7H15 5178S OE# 4802-9931 Super Heavy Duty SUPRHD type clutch Volt - 12V (w/therm. fuse) 2 Wire Dia. - 5 1/2"/140mm 2 Wire Fits Model Grooves - 8 Metripak SD7H15 Shaft - splined 5177 OE# 4885-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 5.3”/135mm Grooves - 8 Shaft - keyed 50401 OE# 4877-9932 Volt - 24V Dia. - 138mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed 50402 OE# 4896-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed Fits Model FLX SD7H15 USED ON COMPRESSOR : USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5293 5380 © 2011 MEI Corporation 2 Wire Metripak 7H15HD 5179 SD7H15SHD Sealed Heavy Duty Volt - 12V 2 Wire Dia. - 5 1/4"/132mm Fits Model Grooves - 8 SD7H15SHD Shaft - keyed 50403 OE# 4704-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 132mm Grooves - 2 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5320 Ford Plug 2 Wire SD7H15 50400 OE# 4875-9932 Sealed_HD Clutch Volt - 12V Dia. - 138mm Grooves - 1 Width - 1/2" Shaft - keyed Fits Model FLX SD7H15 USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5292 50410 OE# 4768-9933 Volt - 12V Dia. - 152mm Grooves - 8 Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR : 5303 1 Wire Fits Model 7H15HD 209 CLUTCHES — SANDEN Listed in ascending order by part number (continued). 50412 OE# Volt - 12 Dia. - 126mm Grooves - 10 Shaft - keyed 50411 OE# 4872-9930 Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm Grooves - 10 Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: USED ON COMPRESSOR: SD4018; SD4407 2 Wire Metripak w/diode 50413 OE# 4309-6010 Volt - 24V Dia. - 125mm Grooves - 10 Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: SD4369; SD4384; SD4412; SD4804 2 Wire Metripak USED ON COMPRESSOR: SD4309 1 Wire w/jumper CLUTCHES 5289 1 Wire w/jumper 50412S OE# 4369-9931 Super_HD Clutch Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm Grooves - 10 Shaft - keyed 50414S OE# 4370-9931 Super_HD Clutch Volt - 12V Dia. - 126mm Grooves - 12 Shaft - keyed 50414 OE# 4541-9931 Volt - 12V Dia. - 126mm Grooves - 12 Shaft - keyed USED ON COMPRESSOR: SD4541; SD4675 USED ON COMPRESSOR: 2 Wire Metripak 50417 SD7H15SHD Sealed Heavy Duty w/dust cover plate (dust cover not included) Volt - 12V Dia. - 138mm 2 Wire Grooves - 1 Fits Model SD7H15SHD Width - 1/2” 210 5402 SD4088; SD4378 50418 OE# 4796-9930 Volt - 12V Dia. -119mm Grooves - 7 Shaft - splined USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5700, 5710 2 Wire Metripak 2 Wire Fits Model SD7H15 50415 OE# 4870-9930 Volt - 24V Dia. - 158mm 1 Wire w/ground Grooves - 1 vg. Fits Model Shaft - keyed FLX SD7H15 50419 OE# 4754-9930 Volt - 12V Dia. - 130mm Grooves - 7 Shaft - splined USED ON COMPRESSOR: 5701 50416 Comp# SD4653 Volt - 12V 1 Wire Dia. - 119mm Fits Model SD7 Grooves - 6 50420 OE# 4781-9931 Volt - 12V 2 Wire Dia. - 130mm 1 Wire w/ground Fits Model Grooves - 8 Fits Model SD7H15 Shaft - splined SD7H15 © 2011 MEI Corporation SELTEC / VALEO — CLUTCHES Gauge Line A-B Distance HOW TO MEASURE CLUTCH: SELTEC / VALEO IF PART NUMBER ON CLUTCH BEING REPLACED CANNOT BE READ, USE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE REQUIRED CLUTCH PART NUMBER. Diameter 1. DETERMINE IF 12 OR 24 VOLT. 2. DETERMINE IF CLUTCH IS SINGLE, DOUBLE OR MULTI-GROOVE. 3. MEASURE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PULLEY. 3 EYE CLUTCH 3-EYE CLUTCH (NEW STYLE) SELTEC introduced a new clutch design which is called "3 Eye." It is designed for both clockwise or counter clockwise rotation. Due to the isolated mount design, it provides softer engagement and smoother operation and has the capability to absorb vibration. Service is easier on the 3 Eye clutch due to a new designed armature plate that can be easily removed. All SELTEC / VALEO compressors will be able to use this newer style clutch. It is dimensionally compatible with the current style so there is no change in overall compressor length or gauge line. This is a running change, therefore there will be no compressor part number change with the 3 Eye clutch. NOTE: TM31 clutches are 5 Eye. SPRING LEAF CLUTCH (OLD STYLE) SELTEC CLUTCH COILS DESCRIPTION PART# COIL - TM15/16 (exc. OH), 1 wire, 12v ................. 5615 COIL - TM15/16 (exc. OH), 1 wire, 24v ................. 5616 COIL - TM31, 2 wire, 12v ....................................... 5619-12 COIL - TM31, 1 wire, 24v ....................................... 5619-24 1 wire 2 wire CLUTCHES - used with SELTEC / VALEO compressors (supplied with coil) (Listed in ascending order by groove/diameter. Note: All clutches have spline shaft.) No. of Grv’s 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 CLUTCH O.D. 125 mm 4.9" 158 mm 6-1/4" 159 mm 6-1/4" 125 mm 4.9" 125 mm 4.9" 132 mm 5-1/4" 132 mm 5-1/4" 132 mm 5-1/4" 132 mm 5-1/4" 145mm 5.7” 145mm 5.7” 152 mm 6" 152 mm 6" 119 mm 4.6" 119 mm 4.6" 119 mm 4.6" 141mm 5.5” 141mm 5.5” 152 mm 6" 127 mm 5" - © 2011 MEI Corporation PART NO. 5056 5199 5054 5050 50203 5055 5077 5076 5198 5104 5105 5078 5035 5053 5051 5106B 5106 50204 5079 5107 5108 50200 5109 50201 CLUTCH STYLE 3 eye 3 eye 3 eye Leaf Spring Leaf Spring Leaf Spring 3 eye 3 eye 3 eye 5 eye 5 eye 3 eye 3 eye 5 eye - GROOVE 1 OH 1 var. grv 1 var. grv 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 A-Grv (1/2") B-Grv (5/8") Serpentine belt Serpentine belt 49mm gauge line 51mm gauge line 51mm gauge line Serpentine belt Serpentine belt Serpentine belt Serpentine belt Serpentine belt Serpentine belt NOTE 12Volt, 1 grv Overhang,TM15/16 comp. 24 Volt, TM15/16, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM15/16 comp. 12 Volt, TM15/16, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM15/16, 2 wire 12 Volt, TM 15/16, 1 wire 24 Volt, TM15/16 comp. 12 Volt, TM15/16 comp. 12 Volt, TM15/16 comp. w/diode 12 Volt, TM21 comp 2 wire bullet 24 Volt, TM21 comp 2 wire bullet 12 Volt, TM31HD, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM31HD, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM15/16, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM15/16 comp. 12 Volt, TM21 comp, 2 wire 12 Volt, TM21 comp 2 wire bullet 24 Volt, TM21 comp 2 wire bullet 12 Volt, TM31HD, 1 wire 12 Volt, TM21 comp, 2 wire 12 Volt, TM31 comp 24 Volt, TM31 comp 12 Volt, TM31 comp 24 Volt, TM31 comp 211 CLUTCHES Groove Width 4. MEASURE OF PULLEY GROOVE.divide mm by 25.4 To convert WIDTH millimeters to inches: 5.To MEASURE ACCURATELY THE A-B DISTANCE. convert inches to mm: multiply inches by 25.4 CLUTCHES — SELTEC / VALEO Listed in ascending order by part number. 5050 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm, 4.9” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.60mm 5051 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 119mm, 4.6” Grooves - Poly 8 Shaft - splined Width - .14 A-B Dist.- 34.09mm 5053 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 119mm, 4.6” Grooves - Poly 6 Shaft - splined Width - .14 A-B Dist.- 34.09mm 5054 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 159mm, 6-1/4” Grooves - 1 Shaft - splined Width - Variable A-B Dist.- 39.60mm 5055 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 132mm, 5-1/4” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.60mm 5056 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm, 4.9” Grooves - 1 OH Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 61.50mm 5076 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 132mm, 5-14” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist.- 39.60mm 5077 TM 15/16 Volt - 24V Dia. - 132mm, 5-1/4” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist. - 39.60mm 5078 TM-31 only Volt - 12V Dia. - 152mm, 6” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 1/2" A-B Dist. - 78mm 5079 TM-31 only Volt - 12V Dia. - 152mm, 6” Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined Width - .14 A-B Dist. - 66.5mm 5104 TM 21 Volt - 12V Dia. - 145mm, 5.7” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined CLUTCHES 5035 TM-31 only Volt - 12V Dia. - 152mm, 6” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Width - 5/8” 212 © 2011 MEI Corporation SELTEC / VALEO — CLUTCHES 5106 TM 21 Volt - 12V Dia. - 141mm, 5.5” Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined A-B Dist.- 51mm 5106B TM 21 Volt - 12V Dia. - 119mm, 4.6” Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined A-B Dist.- 49mm 5107 TM 21 Volt - 12V Dia. - 127mm, 5” Grooves - 10 Shaft - splined 5108 TM 31 Volt - 12V Dia. Grooves - 10 Shaft - splined 5109 TM 31 Volt - 12V Dia. Grooves - 12 Shaft - splined 5198 TM 15/16 Volt - 12V Dia. - 132mm, 5-1/4” Grooves - 2 Weatherpak Shaft - splined w/diode 3 eye type 5199 TM 15/16 Volt - 24V Dia. - 158mm, 6-1/4” Grooves - 1 VG Shaft - splined 3 eye type 50201 TM 31 Volt - 24V Grooves - 12 Shaft - splined 50203 Volt - 12V Dia. - 125mm, 4.9” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined Leaf Spring Type 50204 TM 21 Volt - 24V Dia. - 141mm, 5.5” Grooves - 8 Shaft - splined A-B Dist.- 51mm CLUTCHES 5105 TM 21 Volt - 24V Dia. - 145mm, 5.7” Grooves - 2 Shaft - splined 50200 TM 31 Volt - 24V Grooves - 10 Shaft - splined © 2011 MEI Corporation 213
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