Manual -
Manual -
READ THIS FIRST Model M1112 ***IMPORTANT UPDATE*** Applies to Models Mfd. Since 12/14 and Owner's Manual Revised 03/12 Phone #: (360) 734-3482 • Tech Support: • Web: We made the following changes to this machine since the manual was printed: • • Spindle ON/OFF switch has been changed from a rotary switch to a micro switch. Spindle ON/OFF switch wiring has been revised. Aside from the information contained in this update, all other content in the owner's manual is applicable and MUST be read and understood for your own safety. IMPORTANT: Keep this update with the owner's manual for future reference. If you have any further questions, contact our Technical Support. New Spindle ON/OFF Switch 4909 4915 4921 4908 4912 4917 4913 4922 4916 4923 Revised Spindle ON/OFF Switch Wiring 4907V2 4910 4911 4914 4920 4918V2 4924 4919V2 REF PART # DESCRIPTION 4907V2 4918V2 4919V2 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 XM11124907V2 XM11124918V2 XM11124919V2 XM11124920 XM11124921 XM11124922 XM11124923 XM11124924 FEED ROD V2.12.14 CONNECTION BRACKET V2.12.14 SPINDLE ON/OFF SWITCH V2.12.14 CAP SCREW M4-.7 X 6 CAP SCREW M6-1 X 8 SPINDLE SWITCH ARM SPINDLE SWITCH BOX BUTTON HD CAP SCR M4-.7 X 45 Spindle Rotation Switch NC C 4 NO 5 7 NO 6 C NC To Electrical Cabinet Page 51 COPYRIGHT © JUNE, 2016 BY WOODSTOCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. #18261WK WARNING: NO PORTION OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF WOODSTOCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Printed in China BD9:AB&&&'&'M(+ <JCHB>I=>C<A6I=: DLC:GHB6CJ6A ;DGBD9:AHB6CJ;68IJG:9H>C8:)$%- E]dcZ/ (+%,()"()-'Dca^cZIZX]c^XVaHjeedgi/iZX]"hjeedgi5h]de[dm#W^o 8DENG><=ICDK:B7:G'%%,7NLDD9HID8@>CI:GC6I>DC6A!>C8#!G:K>H:9B6G8=!'%&'HI &%%.&8G L6GC>C</CDEDGI>DCD;I=>HB6CJ6AB6N7:G:EGD9J8:9>C6CNH=6E:DG;DGBL>I=DJI I=:LG>II:C6EEGDK6AD;LDD9HID8@>CI:GC6I>DC6A!>C8# Eg^ciZY^c8]^cV K_`jdXelXcgifm`[\jZi`k`ZXcjX]\kp`ejkilZk`fejfek_\gifg\ij\klg# fg\iXk`fe#dX`ek\eXeZ\#Xe[j\im`Z\f]k_`jdXZ_`e\&kffc%JXm\k_`j [fZld\ek#i\]\ikf`kf]k\e#Xe[lj\`kkf`ejkilZkfk_\ifg\iXkfij% =X`cli\kfi\X[#le[\ijkXe[Xe[]fccfnk_\`ejkilZk`fej`ek_`jdXelXc dXpi\jlck`e]`i\fij\i`fljg\ijfeXc`ealipÇ`eZcl[`e^XdglkXk`fe# \c\ZkifZlk`fe#fi[\Xk_% K_\fne\if]k_`jdXZ_`e\&kffc`jjfc\cpi\jgfej`Yc\]fi`kjjX]\lj\% K_`ji\jgfej`Y`c`kp`eZcl[\jYlk`jefkc`d`k\[kfgifg\i`ejkXccXk`fe`e XjX]\\em`ifed\ek#g\ijfee\ckiX`e`e^Xe[ljX^\Xlk_fi`qXk`fe# gifg\i`ejg\Zk`feXe[dX`ek\eXeZ\#dXelXcXmX`cXY`c`kpXe[Zfdgi\$ _\ej`fe#Xggc`ZXk`fef]jX]\kp[\m`Z\j#Zlkk`e^&jXe[`e^&^i`e[`e^kffc `ek\^i`kp#Xe[k_\ljX^\f]g\ijfeXcgifk\Zk`m\\hl`gd\ek% K_\dXel]XZkli\in`ccefkY\_\c[c`XYc\]fi`ealipfigifg\ikp [XdX^\]ifde\^c`^\eZ\#`dgifg\ikiX`e`e^#dXZ_`e\df[`]`ZXk`fejfi d`jlj\% Jfd\[ljkZi\Xk\[Ypgfn\ijXe[`e^#jXn`e^#^i`e[`e^#[i`cc`e^#Xe[ fk_\iZfejkilZk`feXZk`m`k`\jZfekX`ejZ_\d`ZXcjbefnekfk_\JkXk\f] :Xc`]fie`XkfZXlj\ZXeZ\i#Y`ik_[\]\Zkjfifk_\ii\gif[lZk`m\_Xid% Jfd\\oXdgc\jf]k_\j\Z_\d`ZXcjXi\1 C\X[]ifdc\X[$YXj\[gX`ekj% :ipjkXcc`e\j`c`ZX]ifdYi`Zbj#Z\d\ekXe[fk_\idXjfeipgif[lZkj% 8ij\e`ZXe[Z_ifd`ld]ifdZ_\d`ZXccp$ki\Xk\[cldY\i% Pflii`jb]ifdk_\j\\ogfjli\jmXi`\j#[\g\e[`e^fe_fnf]k\epfl [fk_`jkpg\f]nfib%Kfi\[lZ\pfli\ogfjli\kfk_\j\Z_\d`ZXcj1 Nfib`eXn\ccm\ek`cXk\[Xi\X#Xe[nfibn`k_Xggifm\[jX]\kp\hl`g$ d\ek#jlZ_Xjk_fj\[ljkdXjbjk_XkXi\jg\Z`Xccp[\j`^e\[kf]`ck\i flkd`ZifjZfg`ZgXik`Zc\j% @EKIF;L:K@FE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%) Woodstock Technical Support .................. 2 Controls and Features ........................... 6 N8II8EKP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /( D8@EK<E8E:< J<IM@:< G8IKJ LJ<K?<HL@:B>L@;<G8><C89<CJKFJ<8I:?FLK@E=FID8K@FE=8JK FG<I8K@FEJ FG<I8K@FEJ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )( General .......................................... 21 Spindle Speeds .................................. 21 Mounting Chuck or Faceplate ................ 22 Swapping Jaws .................................. 25 Four-Jaw Chuck ................................ 26 Faceplate ........................................ 27 Centers........................................... 28 Spindle Spider .................................. 28 Steady Rest ...................................... 29 Follow Rest ...................................... 29 Feed Direction Lever .......................... 30 Feed Rod Lever ................................. 30 Gearbox Levers ................................. 31 Feed Rate Chart ................................ 31 Carriage/Cross Feed Lever ................... 32 Half-Nut Lever and Inch Threading.......... 32 Change Gears & Metric Threading ........... 33 Carriage Handwheels .......................... 35 Tool Post & Holder ............................. 35 Tailstock ......................................... 36 Cutting Shallow Tapers with Tailstock ...... 37 Drilling with Tailstock ......................... 37 Gap Piece Removal............................. 38 Model M1112 Lathe Accessories .............. 39 G8IKJ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,0 Headstock Gearing and Control Panel ..... 60 Quick Change Gearbox ........................ 62 Apron Assembly ................................. 64 Saddle and Cross Feed ........................ 66 Compound Rest ................................. 68 Tailstock Assembly ............................. 69 Bed and Motor Parts ........................... 70 Cabinet Parts ................................... 71 Spindle Switch Control Rod Assembly ....... 73 Coolant System and Lamp .................... 74 Lathe Accessories .............................. 75 Main Electrical Box ............................ 76 Follow Rest and Steady Rest ................. 77 Label Placement ............................... 78 J<KLG J<KLG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (* Inventory ........................................ 13 Uncrating and Lifting .......................... 14 Cleaning Machine............................... 15 Machine Placement ............................ 15 Mounting to Shop Floor........................ 16 Power Connection .............................. 16 Test Run & Break-In ............................ 17 Tailstock ......................................... 19 <C<:KI@:8C <C<:KI@:8C%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (( Circuit Requirements .......................... 11 Grounding Requirements ...................... 12 Extension Cords ................................ 12 J<IM@:<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +* Troubleshooting................................. 43 Troubleshooting................................. 44 Gibs ............................................... 45 Half-Nut Adjustment ........................... 46 Adjusting/Replacing V-Belts .................. 47 Spindle Bearing Preload ....................... 48 M1112 Main Electrical Box Wiring Diagram 51 Headstock Shifters and Change Gears ...... 58 J8=<KP J8=<KP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. Standard Safety Instructions ................... 7 Additional Safety Instructions for Lathes .... 9 Avoiding Potential Injuries .................... 10 D8@EK<E8E:<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +' General Maintenance .......................... 40 General Cleaning ............................... 40 General Lubrication............................ 40 Coolant System ................................. 42 @EKIF;L:K@FE KXYc\f]:fek\ekj @EKIF;L:K@FE D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ @EKIF;L:K@FE Nff[jkfZbK\Z_e`ZXcJlggfik Your new E:AB8AJ® Model M1112 Lathe has been specially designed to provide many years of troublefree service. Close attention to detail, ruggedly built parts and a rigid quality control program assure safe and reliable operation. Woodstock International, Inc. is committed to customer satisfaction. Our intent with this manual is to include the basic information for safety, set up, operation, maintenance, and service of this product. We stand behind our machines! In the event that questions arise about your machine, please contact Woodstock International Technical Support at (360) 734-3482 or send e-mail to: k\Z_$jlggfik7j_fg]fo% Y`q. Our knowledgeable staff will help you troubleshoot problems and process warranty claims. If you need the latest edition of this manual, you can download it from _kkg1&&nnn%j_fg]fo%Y`q. If you have comments about this manual, please contact us at: Nff[jkfZb@ek\ieXk`feXc#@eZ% 8kke1K\Z_e`ZXc;fZld\ekXk`feDXeX^\i G%F%9fo)*'0 9\cc`e^_Xd#N80/)). <dX`c1dXelXcj7nff[jkfZb`ek%Zfd -2- 02'(/0 6+23)2; *8160,7+/$7+(:,7+67$1' " #$ %%'*+ ;"< '=+*+ >? @" @ K%% <$ %%KX >? @ " " @ < %* <$ K*' >? @ " " @ Z ** <$ ' ["Z\]"^ K_ %K$` ^]^@"]` 'z [ {+{Z|" [_ K_ ]}] ~ Z^^]+{]>? ~z%' >? >;@@ " "}] $"[" $ _ K_ z^ z ='Z @? %K$` ~]^" [">" " >[_ " " <]" "< -3- @EKIF;L:K@FE D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ @EKIF;L:K@FE D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ [{|" [@" % [{|"@" = [{|" + [{|" = ^]^>` '+ @^]>" | +* @ "" >" | * @">" | %+* ! 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Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. EFK@:< This symbol is used to alert the user to useful information about proper operation of the equipment, and/or a situation that may cause damage to the machinery. JkXe[Xi[JX]\kp@ejkilZk`fej (% K_fifl^_cpi\X[k_\@ejkilZk`feDXelXcY\]fi\fg\iXk`e^pflidXZ_`e\%Learn the applications, limitations and potential hazards of this machine. Keep the manual in a safe and convenient place for future reference. )% B\\gnfibXi\XZc\XeXe[n\ccc`^_k\[%Clutter and inadequate lighting invite potential hazards. *% >ifle[Xcckffcj%If a machine is equipped with a three-prong plug, it must be plugged into a three-hole grounded electrical receptacle or grounded extension cord. If using an adapter to aid in accommodating a two-hole receptacle, ground using a screw to a known ground. +% N\Xi\p\gifk\Zk`feXkXcck`d\j%Use safety goggles with side shields or safety goggles that meet the appropriate standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ,% 8mf`[[Xe^\iflj\em`ifed\ekj%Do not operate this machine in wet or open flame environments. Airborne dust particles could cause an explosion and severe fire hazard. -% <ejli\Xcc^lXi[jXi\j\Zli\cp`egcXZ\and in working condition. .% DXb\jli\jn`kZ_`j`ek_\F==gfj`k`febefore connecting power to machine. /% B\\gnfibXi\XZc\Xe#free of clutter, grease, etc. 0% B\\gZ_`c[i\eXe[m`j`kfijXnXp%Visitors must be kept at a safe distance while operating unit. ('% :_`c[giff]pflinfibj_fgwith padlocks, master switches or by removing starter keys. ((% JkfgXe[[`jZfee\Zkk_\dXZ_`e\n_\eZc\Xe`e^#X[aljk`e^fij\im`Z`e^% -7- J8=<KP I<8;D8EL8C9<=FI<FG<I8K@E>D8:?@E<% =8@CLI<KF=FCCFN@EJKIL:K@FEJ9<CFNN@CC I<JLCK@EG<IJFE8C@EALIP% D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ ()% ;fefk]fiZ\kffc%The machine will do a safer and better job at the rate for which it was designed. J8=<KP (*% Lj\Zfii\Zkkffc%Do not force machine or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. (+%N\Xigifg\iXggXi\c%Do not wear loose clothing, neck ties, gloves, jewelry, and secure long hair away from moving parts. (,% I\dfm\Z_lZbb\pj#iX^j#Xe[kffcj%Before turning the machine on, make it a habit to check that all chuck keys and wrenches have been removed. (-% B\\ggifg\i]ffk`e^Xe[YXcXeZ\ at all times. (.% CfZbk_\dfY`c\YXj\]ifddfm`e^Y\]fi\]\\[`e^k_\nfibg`\Z\`ekfk_\dXZ_`e\. (/% ;fefkc\Xm\dXZ_`e\leXkk\e[\[%Wait until it comes to a complete stop before leaving the area. (0% G\i]fiddXZ_`e\dX`ek\eXeZ\Xe[ZXi\%Follow lubrication and accessory attachment instructions in the manual. )'% B\\gdXZ_`e\XnXp]ifdfg\e]cXd\%Operating machines near pilot lights or open flames creates a high risk if dust is dispersed in the area. Dust particles and an ignition source may cause an explosion. Do not operate the machine in high-risk areas, including but not limited to, those mentioned above. )(% @]XkXepk`d\pflXi\\og\i`\eZ`e^ difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Then contact our technical support or ask a qualified expert how the operation should be performed. ))% 9\XnXi\k_XkZ\ikX`edXk\i`XcjdXpZXlj\XeXcc\i^`Zi\XZk`fe`eg\fgc\Xe[Xe`dXcj, especially when exposed to fine dust. Make sure you know what type of material dust you will be exposed to and the possibility of an allergic reaction. )*%?XY`kjÇ^ff[Xe[YX[ÇXi\_Xi[kfYi\Xb%Develop good habits in your shop and safety will become second-nature to you. -8- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ 8[[`k`feXcJX]\kp@ejkilZk`fej]fiCXk_\j LJ<k_`jXe[fk_\idXZ_`e\ipn`k_ZXlk`fe Xe[ i\jg\Zk% 8cnXpj Zfej`[\i jX]\kp ]`ijk# Xj `k Xggc`\j kf pfli `e[`m`[lXc nfib`e^ Zfe[`k`fej%Efc`jkf]jX]\kp^l`[\c`e\jZXe Y\ Zfdgc\k\Ç\m\ip j_fg \em`ifed\ek `j [`]]\i\ek%=X`cli\kf]fccfn^l`[\c`e\jZflc[ i\jlck `e j\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip# [XdX^\ kf\hl`gd\ekfigffinfibi\jlckj% (% 8MF@;@E>@EALIP1Read and understand this manual before operating this machine. )% J8=<:C<8E@E>1 Do not clear chips by hand. Use a brush to avoid lacerations, and never clear chips while the lathe is turning, or entanglement may occur. *% LJ@E>:FII<:KKFFC@E>1Always select the right tool bit for the job, and make sure cutting edges are sharp. Dull or incorrect bits can break and become a projectile causing severe injury. +% LJ@E>:?L:BB<P:FII<:KCP1Never walk away from the lathe with the key in the chuck. An accidental start can throw the chuck key with great velocity causing severe injury. ,% J<:LI@E>8NFIBG@<:<1Make sure workpiece is properly held in chuck before starting lathe. A workpiece thrown from the chuck will cause severe injury. -% :?L:BJ8=<KP1 Get assistance when installing large chucks. Large lathe chucks are very heavy and awkward to hold and may cause injury from dropping or lifting incorrectly, so protect your hands and the precision ground ways. Always use a chuck cradle or piece of plywood over the bed and ways to prevent accidental damage. .% NFIBG@<:<JLGGFIK1Support a long workpiece if it extends from the headstock so it will not wobble violently when the lathe is turned on. A workpiece that extends more than 2.5 times its diameter must be supported by a center or steady rest or it may be thrown from the lathe. /% 8MF@;@E>JK8IKLG@EALI@<J1 Make sure workpiece, cutting tool, and tool post have adequate clearance before starting lathe. Check chuck clearance and saddle clearance before starting the lathe. Make sure spindle RPM is set correctly for part diameter before starting the lathe. Large parts can be ejected from the chuck if the chuck speed is set too high. 0% 8MF@;@E>FM<ICF8;J1 Always use the appropriate feed and speed rates. Otherwise you may break tooling or eject a workpiece causing severe injury. ('%8MF@;@E><EK8E>C<D<EK@EALI@<J1 Never attempt to slow or stop the lathe chuck by hand, and tie back long hair, ponytails, loose clothing, and sleeves so they do not dangle. ((%D8@EK8@E@E>8J8=<NFIBGC8:<1 Never leave lathe unattended while it is running, or coworkers or passers by may be injured severely. (). GI<M<EK@E>C8K?<:I8J?<J1 Disengage the automatic feed levers after completing a job. -9- J8=<KP I<8;Xe[le[\ijkXe[k_`j \ek`i\ `ejkilZk`fe dXelXc Y\]fi\lj`e^k_`jdXZ_`e\% J\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli `] jX]\kp Xe[ fg\iXk`feXc`e]fidXk`fe`j efk le[\ijkff[ Xe[ ]fc$ cfn\[% ;F EFK i`jb pfli jX]\kpYpefki\X[`e^ D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ J8=<KP 8mf`[`e^Gfk\ek`Xc@eali`\j =`^li\1.Always protect the bed ways, and unplug the lathe when retooling the lathe. =`^li\3. Always wear face and eye protection when using lathes. =`^li\2.Never walk away from the lathe with the chuck key inserted in the chuck. =`^li\4% Never use hands to stop or slow the chuck when shutting down the lathe. =`^li\5.Never wear loose clothing or gloves when working with the lathe. -10- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ <C<:KI@:8C :`iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj This machine must be connected to the correct size and type of power supply circuit, or fire or electrical damage may occur. Read through this section to determine if an adequate power supply circuit is available. If a correct circuit is not available, a qualified electrician MUST install one before you can connect the machine to power. =lcc$CfX[:lii\ekIXk`e^ The full-load current rating is the amperage a machine draws at 100% of the rated output power. On machines with multiple motors, this is the amperage drawn by the largest motor or sum of all motors and electrical devices that might operate at one time during normal operations. =lcc$CfX[:lii\ekIXk`e^Xk))'M%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ()8dgj :`iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj]fi))'M This machine is prewired to operate on a 220V power supply circuit that has a verified ground and meets the following requirements: :`iZl`kKpg\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%))'M&)+'M#-'?q#J`e^c\$G_Xj\ :`iZl`kJ`q\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (,8dgj Gcl^&I\Z\gkXZc\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E<D8-$(, :fi[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ÈJÉ$Kpg\#*$N`i\#(+8N>#*''M8: -11- @eZfii\Zkcp n`i`e^ fi ^ifle[`e^ k_`j dXZ_`e\ZXeZXlj\\c\ZkifZlk`fe#]`i\# fidXZ_`e\[XdX^\%Kfi\[lZ\k_`ji`jb# fecpXe\c\Zki`Z`XefihlXc`]`\[j\im`Z\ g\ijfee\c j_flc[ [f Xep i\hl`i\[ \c\Zki`ZXcnfibfek_`jdXZ_`e\% EFK@:< K_\ Z`iZl`k i\hl`i\d\ekj c`jk\[ `e k_`j dXelXc Xggcp kf X [\[`ZXk\[ Z`iZl`kÇ n_\i\fecpfe\dXZ_`e\n`ccY\ilee`e^ Xk X k`d\% @] k_`j dXZ_`e\ n`cc Y\ Zfee\Zk\[ kf X j_Xi\[ Z`iZl`k n_\i\ dlck`gc\ dXZ_`e\j n`cc Y\ ilee`e^ Xk k_\ jXd\ k`d\# Zfejlck X hlXc`]`\[ \c\Zki`Z`Xekf\ejli\k_Xkk_\Z`iZl`k`j gifg\icpj`q\[]fijX]\fg\iXk`fe% <C<:KI@:8C A power supply circuit includes all electrical equipment between the breaker box or fuse panel in the building and the machine. The power supply circuit used for this machine must be sized to safely handle the fullload current drawn from the machine for an extended period of time. (If this machine is connected to a circuit protected by fuses, use a time delay fuse marked D.) K_\ dXZ_`e\ dljk Y\ gifg\icp j\k lg Y\]fi\ `k `j jX]\ kf fg\iXk\% ;F EFK Zfee\Zk k_`j dXZ_`e\ kf k_\ gfn\i jfliZ\ lek`c `ejkilZk\[ kf [f cXk\i `e k_`jdXelXc% D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ >ifle[`e^I\hl`i\d\ekj <C<:KI@:8C This machine MUST be grounded. In the event of certain types of malfunctions or breakdowns, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to travel—in order to reduce the risk of electric shock. Improper connection of the equipment-grounding wire will increase the risk of electric shock. The wire with green insulation (with/without yellow stripes) is the equipmentgrounding wire. If repair or replacement of the power cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipmentgrounding wire to a live (current carrying) terminal. Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel if you do not understand these grounding requirements, or if you are in doubt about whether the tool is properly grounded. If you ever notice that a cord or plug is damaged or worn, disconnect it from power, and immediately replace it with a new one. =fi))'M:fee\Zk`fe The power cord and plug specified under "Circuit Requirements for 220V" on the previous page has an equipment-grounding wire and a grounding prong. The plug must only be inserted into a matching receptacle (outlet) that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances (see figure to the right). 220V GROUNDED 6-15 RECEPTACLE Current Carrying Prongs 6-15 PLUG <ok\ej`fe:fi[j Grounding Prong We do not recommend using an extension cord with this machine. Extension cords cause voltage drop, which may damage electrical components and shorten motor life. Voltage drop increases with longer extension cords and the gauge smaller gauge sizes (higher gauge numbers indicate smaller sizes). =`^li\6% NEMA 6-15 plug & receptacle. Any extension cord used with this machine must contain a ground wire, match the required plug and receptacle, and meet the following requirements: D`e`dld>Xl^\J`q\Xk))'M%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (+8N> DXo`dldC\e^k_J_fik\i`j9\kk\i %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,']k% -12- DO NOT modify the provided plug or use an adapter if the plug will not fit your receptacle. Instead, have a qualified electrician install the proper receptacle on a power supply circuit that meets the requirements for this machine. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ J<KLG @em\ekfip DX`e:fdgfe\ekj=`^li\7 Hkp 8% 6" Three-Jaw Chuck w/Jaws .............................1 9% Steady Rest .................................................1 :% Follow Rest .................................................1 ;% Quick Change Tool Post ...................................1 <% Cabinet Base: —Cabinets (Left & Right) .................................2 —Front Panel ...............................................1 —Front Panel Brackets ....................................2 -13- A B C D E J<KLG 8ZZ\jjfip:fdgfe\ekj=`^li\8) =% 8" Four-Jaw Universal Chuck ............................1 >% 10" Faceplate...............................................1 ?% Oil Bottle ...................................................1 @% Tool Box .....................................................1 A% Three-Jaw Chuck Jaws ...................................3 B% Tailstock Wrench...........................................1 C% 3- and 4-Jaw Chuck Wrenches.......................1 EA D% Square Socket T-Wrench ..................................1 E% Quick Change Tool Holder ................................1 F% Change Gears ..............................................1 —Gear 27-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 26-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 35-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 40-Tooth (Installed) ..............................2 —Gear 45-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 50-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 60-Tooth ............................................1 —Gear 86/91-Tooth (Installed) ..........................1 G% Hex Wrench Set 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 mm ..............1 EA H% Wrenches 9/11, 10/12, 12/14, 17/19mm .........1 EA I% Handwheel Handles .......................................2 J% Dead Center Spindle Sleeve .............................1 K% Arbor B16 to MT#3 ........................................1 L% Standard Dead Center MT#3 .............................1 M% Carbide Tipped Dead Center MT#3 .....................1 N% Live Center MT#3 ..........................................1 O% #2 Phillips & Standard Screwdrivers ................1 EA P% Drill Chuck B16 1.5-13mm ...............................1 Q% Drill Chuck Key .............................................1 88% Spider Screws ..............................................4 99% Camlock Stud Kit ..........................................1 ::% Cabinet Base Fasteners: —Hex Bolts M12-1.75 x 40 ................................6 —Flat Washers 12mm .....................................6 —Phillips Head Screws M6-1 x 10 ..................... 12 —Hex Nuts M6-1............................................4 —Flat Washers 6mm ..................................... 12 If any parts are missing, find the part number in the back of this manual and contact Woodstock International, Inc. at (360) 7343482 or at =`^li\7% Main contents. H G F I K L BB M O J U N S V P Q W R Y X CC Z AA =`^li\8% Packaged components. T D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ LeZiXk`e^Xe[C`]k`e^ The Model M1112 lathe has been carefully crated. If you notice the lathe has been damaged, contact your authorized E:AB8AJ dealer immediately. J<KLG Kfc`]kXe[dfm\k_\cXk_\#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Wrap two lifting straps around the bedway pedestals and route them behind the feed rod, control rod, and the lead screw, as shown in =`^li\ 9. )% Move the apron toward the right to help balance the load, as shown in =`^li\ 9. *% Position the chip pan on top of the base assembly so that the six lathe mounting holes align with top holes of the cabinets. +% Un-bolt the lathe from the pallet. ,% Slowly raise the lathe from the pallet, and move it over the cabinet base to your prepared location. -% Position the lathe so that the six M12-1.75 x 40 hex bolts and flat washers can be inserted through the chip pan and partially threaded, but not fully tightened, into the mounting holes of the cabinets (see =`^li\10). .% Shim between the lathe and cabinet base as required to make the ways level at all four corner locations as indicated with a machinist's level. /% Fully tighten the six hex bolts to secure the lathe to the cabinet base. 0% K_\Df[\cD((()n\`^_jXggifo`dXk\cp (+'' cYj% Pfl n`cc e\\[ gfn\i c`]k`e^ \hl`gd\ek Xe[ Xjj`jkXeZ\ kf i\dfm\ k_`j dXZ_`e\ ]ifd k_\ ZiXk\ Xe[ gfj`$ k`fe `k% @ejg\Zk Xcc c`]k`e^ \hl`gd\ek Xe[ dXb\ jli\ k_Xk Xcc `j `e g\i]\Zk nfib`e^fi[\iXe[`jiXk\[]fik_\cfX[ Y\]fi\Xkk\dgk`e^kfc`]kXe[dfm\k_`j cXk_\%@^efi`e^k_`jnXie`e^dXpc\X[kf j\i`fljg\ijfeXc`ealipfi[\Xk_% For best results, recheck the ways in 24 hours to make sure the ways are still level and have not twisted, and re-shim as required. ('% Install the backsplash with four M6-1 x 10 Phillips head screws and flat washers. =`^li\9% Lifting strap locations. EFK@:< @] X cXk_\ `j efk c\m\c# k_\ nXpj ZXe kn`jk flk f] Xc`^ed\ek# Xe[ Zlkk`e^ fg\iXk`fej dXp Y\ X]]\Zk\[% DXb\jli\k_Xkpflic\m\c`jX_`^_$hlXc`kpdXZ_`e`jkj c\m\c# Xe[ k_Xk Xcc d\Xjli`e^ jli]XZ\j Xi\ g\i]\Zkcp Zc\Xe%I\Z_\Zbk_\cXk_\nXpj`eX]\nn\\bjkfdXb\ jli\k_\]cffi_Xjefkj\kkc\[%I\$j_`dXji\hl`i\[% =`^li\10% Lathe mounting hex bolts. -14- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :c\Xe`e^DXZ_`e\ The ways and other unpainted parts of your lathe are coated with a waxy grease that protects them from corrosion during shipment. Clean this grease off with a solvent cleaner or citrus-based degreaser. DO NOT use chlorine-based solvents such as brake parts cleaner, lacquer thinner, or acetone—if you happen to splash some onto a painted surface, you will ruin the finish. DXZ_`e\GcXZ\d\ek =cffiCfX[1 Your lathe is a heavy load distributed in a small footprint, so you must reinforce the floor if required. The floor MUST be level, or the lathe frame and ways may twist and distort over time. Nfib`e^:c\XiXeZ\j1 Consider existing and anticipated needs, service panel access, length of rods to be loaded into the lathe, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your lathe (see =`^li\11 for dimensions). C`^_k`e^1 Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate shadow and prevent eye strain. <c\Zki`ZXc1 Outlets must be located near each machine, so power cords are clear of high-traffic areas. D8B<pflij_fgÈZ_`c[jX]\%É <ejli\ k_Xk pfli nfibgcXZ\ `j`eXZZ\jj`Yc\kfpfle^jk\ij Yp Zcfj`e^ Xe[ cfZb`e^ Xcc \ekiXeZ\j n_\e pfl Xi\ XnXp%E<M<IXccfnlekiX`e\[ m`j`kfij `e pfli j_fg n_\e Xjj\dYc`e^# X[aljk`e^ fi fg\iXk`e^\hl`gd\ek% /' ))'M Jlggcp B\\g Nfibg`\Z\ CfX[`e^8i\X LefYjkilZk\[ :_`gKiXp CXk_\ -' *- )+ =`^li\11% Minimum wall clearances. -15- J<KLG 8CN8PJ nfib `e n\cc$ m\ek`cXk\[ Xi\Xj ]Xi ]ifd gfjj`Yc\ `^e`k`fe jfliZ\j n_\elj`e^jfcm\ekjkfZc\Xe dXZ_`e\ip% DXep jfcm\ekj Xi\ kfo`Z n_\e `e_Xc\[ fi `e^\jk\[% Lj\ ZXi\ n_\e [`jgfj`e^ f] nXjk\ iX^j Xe[ kfn\cj kf Y\ jli\ k_\p ;F EFK Zi\Xk\ ]`i\ fi \em`ifed\ekXc _XqXi[j% E<M<I lj\ ^Xjfc`e\ fi g\kifc\ld$YXj\[ jfcm\ekj kfZc\XepflicXk_\% D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Dflek`e^kfJ_fg=cffi Although not required, we recommend that you mount your new machine to the floor. Because this is an optional step and floor materials may vary, floor mounting hardware is not included. Generally, you can either bolt your machine to the floor or mount it on machine mounts. Both options are described below. Whichever option you choose it will be necessary to use a precision level to level your machine. EFK@:< 8eZ_fi jkl[j Xi\ jkife^\i Xe[ dfi\ g\idXe\ek Xck\ieXk`m\j kf cX^ j_`\c[ XeZ_fij2_fn\m\i#k_\pn`ccjk`Zbflkf] k_\ ]cffi# n_`Z_ dXp ZXlj\ X ki`gg`e^ _XqXi[ `] pfl [\Z`[\ kf dfm\ pfli dXZ_`e\XkXcXk\igf`ek% 9fck`e^kf:feZi\k\=cffij J<KLG Anchor studs, lag screw and anchor (=`^li\12) are two popular methods for anchoring an object to a concrete floor. We suggest you research the many options and methods for mounting your machine and choose the one that best fits your specific application. Anchor Stud Gfn\i:fee\Zk`fe Lag Screw and Anchor Before the machine can be connected to the power source, an electrical circuit, power cord, plug, and receptacle must be prepared per the <C<:KI@:8C section in this manual, and all previous setup instructions in the manual must be complete to ensure that the machine has been assembled and installed properly. =`^li\12% Typical fasteners for mounting to concrete floors. KfZfee\Zkk_\gfn\iZfi[#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Make sure the power cord is NOT connected to power. )% Open the electrical cabinet and identify the C and Eterminals, and the grounding plate (G<) at the bottom left of the cabinet (see =`^li\13). *% +% ,% 9\]fi\ Zfee\Zk`e^ k_\ dXZ_`e\ kf gfn\i# XcnXpj dXb\ jli\ k_\ i\j\k Ylkkfe fe k_\ Zfekifc gXe\c `j glj_\[ `ekfXmf`[le\og\Zk\[jkXik$lgj% Attach insulated crimp-on wire terminals to the wires of the power cord. Securely connect the incoming ground to the G< terminal and the two incoming hot leads to the C and Eterminals. L N U1 U2 L N U1 U2 Ground PE PE PE Close and secure the electrical cabinet. To Work Light To Power Source =`^li\13% Locations of power cord connections inside the electrical cabinet. -16- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ K\jkIle9i\Xb$@e The purpose of the test run and break-in is to make sure the lathe and safety features operate correctly, and that the lathe can enter service quickly without bearing damage if heavy work loads are immediately anticipated. KfY\^`ek_\k\jkileYi\Xb$`egifZ\[li\#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1 (% Make sure the lathe is lubricated and the headstock oil level is full. Refer toClYi`ZXk`fe on GX^\+'. )% Make sure the chuck is correctly secured to the spindle. Refer to Dflek`e^:_lZbXe[=XZ\gcXk\ on GX^\)) for details. Disengage the half-nut lever and the feed lever (=`^li\14). +% Connect power to the machine. E<M<I j_`]k cXk_\ ^\Xij n_\e cXk_\ `j fg\iXk`e^# Xe[ dXb\ jli\ Yfk_ k_\ _Xc]$elk c\m\i Xe[ k_\ ]\\[ c\m\i Xi\ [`j\e^X^\[Y\]fi\pfljkXikk_\cXk_\ Fk_\in`j\k_\cXk_\n`cc]\\[k_\Xgife `ekf k_\ Z_lZb fi kX`cjkfZb ZXlj`e^ j\m\i\cXk_\[XdX^\% Feed Lever is Horizontal (Disengaged) Half-nut Lever is Pulled Up (Disengaged) J<KLG *% EFK@:< EFK@:< DXb\ jli\ Xcc gfn\i ]\\[ c\m\ij Xe[ [`Xcj Xi\ [`j\e^X^\[ Y\]fi\ jkXik`e^ k_\ cXk_\ K_fifl^_cp ]Xd`c`Xi`q\ pflij\c] n`k_ Xcc k_\ Zfekifcj Xe[ k_\`i ]leZk`fejY\]fi\lj`e^Xepgfn\i]\\[ ,% Rotate the red stop/RESET button (=`^li\15) clockwise so it pops out. -% Make sure the spindle rotation ON/OFF lever is in the central or neutral position (=`^li\14). .% Move the speed levers to 9 and ; so the spindle will rotate at 70 RPM (=`^li\15). Spindle Rotation ON/OFF Lever =`^li\14% Apron controls. Speed Levers =`^li\15%Headstock controls. -17- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ /% Push the POWER START button, then move the spindle rotation ON/OFF lever (=`^li\14) down until the chuck turns. The top of the chuck should turn toward you. ('% Return the spindle rotation ON/OFF lever to STOP, reset the emergency stop button, restart the lathe, and let the lathe run for a minimum of 10 minutes in both directions. — If you hear squealing or grinding noises, turn the lathe F== immediately and correct any problem before further operation. ((% Turn the lathe F==, and move the speed levers to : and ; so the spindle will rotate at 200 RPM. Run the lathe in both directions for 10 minutes. — If the problem is not readily apparent, refer to KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ on GX^\+*. 0% Push the emergency stop button. J<KLG — If the lathe does not stop, turn the lathe F== with the spindle rotation ON/OFF lever, and disconnect the lathe from power. Refer to KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ on GX^\+* for correction. -18- ()% Repeat Jk\g0 for the remaining RPM ranges, progressively increasing in RPM. When these steps are complete, the lathe is broken in. (*% Drain and refill the lubricant in the headstock with Mobil DTE Light or ISO 32 an equivalent. Refer toClYi`ZXk`fe on GX^\+' for steps and apron oil change interval. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ KX`cjkfZb The tailstock alignment was set at the factory with the headstock. However, we recommend that you take the time to ensure that the tailstock is aligned to your own desired tolerances. KfXc`^ek_\kX`cjkfZb#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Center drill a 6'' long piece of bar stock on both ends. Set it aside for use in Jk\g+. )% Make a dead center by turning a shoulder to make a shank. Flip the piece over in the chuck and turn a 60° point (s\\=`^li\16)%As long as it remains in the chuck, the point of your center will be accurate to the spindle axis. =`^li\16%Finished dead center. *% Place the live center in your tailstock. +% Attach a lathe dog to the bar stock from Jk\g( and mount it between the centers(as shown in =`^li\ 17). ,% Turn approximately 0.010" off the diameter. -% Mount a dial indicator so that the plunger is on the tailstock barrel (=`^li\18). .% Measure the stock with a micrometer. If the stock is wider at the tailstock end, the tailstock needs to be moved toward the cutter the amount of the taper (=`^li\18). J<KLG Efk\1B\\g`ed`e[k_Xkk_\gf`ekn`cc_Xm\kfY\ i\]`e`j_\[n_\e\m\i`k`ji\dfm\[Xe[i\klie\[kf k_\Z_lZb% =`^li\(.% Bar stock mounted on centers. Add`^c\Ydlc[gdbVWdkZ# — If the stock is thinner at the tailstock end, the tailstock needs to be moved away from the operator by half the amount of the taper (=`^li\ 19). BdkZiV^ahidX`idlVgY back d[aVi]Z]Va[i]Z Vbdjcid[iVeZg =`^li\(/% Adjusting for headstock end taper. -19- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ /% Loosen the tailstock lock lever and adjust the tailstock offset by half the taper by turning the adjustment set screw (=`^li\20).Turn another 0.010'' off of the stock and check for taper. Repeat as necessary until the desired amount of accuracy is achieved. EFK@:< ;F EFK ]fi^\k kf cfZb k_\ kX`cjkfZb kf k_\ nXpj X]k\i\XZ_X[aljkd\ek% BdkZiV^ahidX`idlVgY frontd[aVi]Z]Va[i]Z Vbdjcid[iVeZg Add`^c\Ydlc[gdbVWdkZ# =`^li\(0% Adjusting for tailstock end taper. J<KLG Adjustment Screw On Both Sides =`^li\20%Tailstock left adjustment location. -20- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ FG<I8K@FEJ >\e\iXc EFK@:< :fdgc\k\ k_\ K\jk Ile Xe[ 9i\Xb$@e gifZ\[li\ fe GX^\ (. Y\]fi\ lj`e^ k_`j cXk_\ ]fi Xep Zlkk`e^ fi k_i\X[`e^ fg\iXk`fej2 fk_\in`j\# ^\Xi Yfo [XdX^\ dXpfZZli% The Model M1112 will perform many types of operations that are beyond the scope of this manual. Many of these operations can be dangerous or deadly if performed incorrectly. 8cnXpjn\XijX]\kp^f^^c\jn_\efg\i$ Xk`e^k_`jcXk_\%=X`cli\kfZfdgcpdXp i\jlck`eXj\i`flj\p\`ealipi\jlck`e^ `eYc`e[e\jj% The instructions in this section are written with the understanding that the operator has the necessary knowledge and skills to operate this machine. @]XkXep k`d\pflXi\\og\i`\eZ`e^[`]]`Zlck`\jg\i]fid`e^Xep fg\iXk`fe#jkfglj`e^k_\dXZ_`e\ FG<I8K@FEJ If you are an inexperienced operator, we strongly recommend that you read books, trade articles, or seek training from an experienced lathe operator before performing any unfamiliar operations. 8Yfm\Xcc#pfli jX]\kpj_flc[Zfd\]`ijk Jg`e[c\Jg\\[j The spindle speed or RPM is controlled by the speed control levers (=`^li\21).Use the chart in =`^li\22 to find the best spindle speed required for your task. The chart to the right shows the various combinations of knob positions for achieving a desired speed. <oXdgc\1 To select a spindle speed of 270 RPM, move the alpha lever until the indicator arrow points to 8. Move the numeric lever so it points to ;(=`^li\21). =`^li\21%Spindle control levers. HE>C9A:HE::9 J\Zli\cp ZcXdg pfli nfibg`\Z\ Xe[ i\dfm\ k_\ Z_lZb b\p K_ifne fYa\Zkj ]ifdXcXk_\ZXeZXlj\j\i`flj`ealipfi [\Xk_kfk_\fg\iXkfiXe[kfYpjkXe[\ij dXep]\\kXnXp% ; ;; ;;; =`^li\22%Speed chart. -21- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Dflek`e^:_lZbfi =XZ\gcXk\ The Model M1112 is shipped with the 3-jaw chuck installed. This is a scroll-type chuck, meaning that all three jaws move in unison when adjusted. The 4-jaw chuck, on the other hand, features independent jaws. This chuck is used for square or unevenly-shaped stock. If either chuck cannot hold your workpiece, the castiron faceplate has slots for T-bolts that hold standard or custom clamping hardware. With the correct clamping hardware, this faceplate will hold non-cylindrical parts such as castings. The chucks and faceplate have a D-5 Camlock mount. Please note that there are lines stamped into the cam and on the chuck body ( =`^li\24). A chuck key is used to turn the locking cams. G@E:? ?8Q8I; Gifk\Zk pfli _Xe[j Xe[ gi\Z`j`fe ^ifle[ Y\[nXpj n`k_ gcpnff[ n_\e i\dfm`e^ cXk_\ Z_lZb K_\ _\Xmp n\`^_k f] X ]Xcc$ `e^ Z_lZb ZXe ZXlj\ j\i`flj `ealip% Kfi\dfm\k_\\o`jk`e^Z_lZb#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 FG<I8K@FEJ (% DISCONNECT LATHE FROM POWER! )% Place a piece of plywood across the lathe ways and position it just under the chuck. The board should be at least 8" wide and 10" long. *% Turn a cam with the chuck key until the cam line aligns with the spindle line mark shown in =`^li\24% +% Turn the other cams in the same way. Make sure to support the chuck with one hand as you align the last cam. The chuck may come off at this point, so be ready to support its weight. =`^li\23.Simple chuck cradle made of scrap lumber. ,% Remove the chuck key. — If the chuck is still tight on the spindle, tap the back of the chuck with a rubber or wood mallet while supporting the bottom of the chuck with a chuck cradle. — If the chuck does not immediately come off, rotate the spindle approximately 60˚ and tap again. Make sure all the marks on the cams and spindle are in proper alignment. Spindle Line Cam Line V's =`^li\24%Cam lines aligned to spindle line. -22- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Kf`ejkXccXZ_lZb#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% DISCONNECT LATHE FROM POWER! Camlock Stud )% Place a piece of plywood across the lathe bed, wipe clean the spindle nose taper (=`^li\25) and the mating surface on the chuck with a rag. *% If stamped with chuck and spindle timing marks (=`^li\26), align the marks and the camlock studs in the back of the chuck with the holes on the spindle face, and slide the chuck onto the spindle. +% While supporting the weight of the chuck, turn one cam with the chuck key until the cam line is between the two V's on the spindle. Do not tighten at this time. ,% Rotate the spindle and repeat Jk\g+ on the opposite cam. -% Rotate the spindle and repeat Jk\g+ on the rest of the cams in an alternating manner. Spindle Nose Taper =`^li\25%Installing and removing the chuck. Cam .% When all cams are snug, return to the first cam and tighten the cam completely. Repeat this step with the rest of the cams. =`^li\26%Tightening the camlocks when the chuck is in time with the spindle. -23- FG<I8K@FEJ Timing Marks D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ KfcfX[Xnfibg`\Z\#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% With the chuck key, open the jaws so the workpiece lays flat against the chuck face and jaw step or fits in the through hole. For jaw and work holding options, see=`^li\27. )% Slowly turn the workpiece, and turn the chuck wrench until the jaws make contact with the workpiece. *% Turn the chuck by hand to make sure you have even contact with all three jaws and the workpiece is not off center. 8aVbe^c\dcVcDjih^YZ9^VbZiZg 8aVbe^c\^cVc>ch^YZ9^VbZiZg • If the workpiece is off center, loosen the jaws and adjust the workpiece. FG<I8K@FEJ • If the workpiece is seated correctly, tighten the jaws. J\Zli\cp ZcXdg pfli nfibg`\Z\ Xe[ i\dfm\ k_\ Z_lZb b\p K_ifne fYa\Zkj ]ifdXcXk_\ZXeZXlj\j\i`flj`ealipfi [\Xk_kfk_\fg\iXkfiXe[kfYpjkXe[\ij dXep]\\kXnXp% @] k_\ nfibg`\Z\ gifkil[\j dfi\ k_Xe )%, k`d\j `kj fne[`Xd\k\i#jlggfik`kn`k_XZ\ek\i#Xe[gfjj`Ycp Xjk\X[pi\jk%Fk_\in`j\k_\nfibg`\Z\ZXe[\]c\Zkfi Zfd\flkf]k_\Z_lZb#ZXlj`e^`ealip% -24- =`^li\27% Loading a workpiece. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ JnXgg`e^AXnj The three-jaw scroll chuck has removable hardened steel jaws (=`^li\28). The outside of the jaws are used to hold the workpiece from the outer diameter. Numbered from 1–3, the jaws must be used in the matching numbered jaw guides, see (=`^li\ 29). Efk\1 K_\Z_lZbe\\[efkY\i\dfm\[]ifdk_\jg`e[c\kf jnXgk_\aXnj% KfjnXgXj\kf]aXnj#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% DISCONNECT LATHE FROM POWER! Place a piece of wood over the ways to protect them from potential damage. *. Turn the chuck key counterclockwise and back the jaws out. +. Clean the jaw mating surfaces and apply a film of white lithium grease to the mating surfaces. ,. Set the old jaws aside in a safe place free of moisture and abrasives. -% Rotate the chuck key clockwise until you see the tip of the scroll-gear lead thread just begin to enter jaw guide #1 (see =`^li\30). .% Insert jaw #1 into jaw guide #1 and hold the jaw against the scroll gear. /% Rotate the chuck key clockwise one turn to engage the tip of the scroll-gear lead thread into the jaw. Pull on the jaw now and it should be locked into the jaw guide. 0. Repeat the steps on the remaining jaws. =`^li\28% Chuck and jaw selection. Jaw Guide #1 Jaw Numbers =`^li\29% Jaw guide number. • If installed correctly, all three jaws will converge together at the center of the chuck. • If the jaws do not come together, repeat this procedure until they do. Lead Thread =`^li\30% Lead thread on scroll gear. -25- FG<I8K@FEJ ). D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ =fli$AXn:_lZb Four-jaw chucks feature hardened steel jaws that are adjusted independently. Each jaw can be removed from the chuck body and reversed. Independent jaw adjustment and reversal allows for a wide range of work holding versatility. To install the four-jaw chuck, refer to the Dflek`e^ :_lZbfi=XZ\gcXk\ procedures on GX^\)). FG<I8K@FEJ KfcfX[Xnfibg`\Z\`ek_\]fli$aXnZ_lZb#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1 (% Using the chuck key, open each jaw so the workpiece will lay flat against the chuck face. )% Support the workpiece. *% Position and lock the tailstock, then turn the tailstock quill so the dead center makes contact or is close to the center point of your workpiece (see =`^li\32). +% Turn each jaw until it just makes contact with the workpiece. ,% In an opposing pattern, tighten each jaw in small increments. After you have adjusted the first jaw, continue tightening the opposing jaw. Check the dead center alignment frequently to make sure you have not wandered off your index point due to applying too much pressure to a single jaw. -% After the workpiece is held in place, back the tailstock away and rotate the chuck by hand. The center point will move up and down when the chuck is rotated if the workpiece is out of center. G@E:? ?8Q8I; Gifk\Zk pfli _Xe[j Xe[ gi\Z`j`fe ^ifle[ Y\[nXpj n`k_ gcpnff[ n_\e i\dfm`e^ cXk_\ Z_lZb K_\ _\Xmp n\`^_k f] X ]Xcc$ `e^ Z_lZb ZXe ZXlj\ j\i`flj `ealip% =`^li\31%Simple chuck cradle made of scrap lumber. J\Zli\cp ZcXdg pfli nfibg`\Z\ Xe[ i\dfm\ k_\ Z_lZb b\p K_ifne fYa\Zkj ]ifdXcXk_\ZXeZXlj\j\i`flj`ealipfi [\Xk_kfk_\fg\iXkfiXe[kfYpjkXe[\ij dXep]\\kXnXp% =`^li\32% Clamping workpiece. -26- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ .% Make fine adjustments by slightly loosening one jaw and tightening the opposing jaw until the workpiece is precisely aligned. /% Use a dial indicator to fine-tune your adjustments (see=`^li\33), and use a lower RPM when machining heavy eccentric workpieces. GIFA<:K@C<?8Q8I;Lj\Xcfn\iIGDn_\edXZ_`e`e^ _\Xmp\ZZ\eki`Znfibg`\Z\j%Fk_\in`j\#k_\nfibg`\Z\ ZXeY\\a\Zk\[Ypk_\Z_lZbXe[ZXlj\j\i`flj`ealip% =`^li\33% Centering workpiece. =XZ\gcXk\ The faceplate can be used to turn non-cylindrical parts or for off-center turning by clamping the workpiece to the faceplate. To install the faceplate, refer to the Dflek`e^:_lZbfi =XZ\gcXk\ procedures on GX^\)) to mount the faceplate. KfcfX[Xnfibg`\Z\#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 Support the workpiece on the faceplate with a minimum of three independent clamping devices (see =`^li\34). Failure to follow this step may lead to deadly injury to yourself or bystanders. Take into account rotation and the cutting forces applied to the workpiece when clamping to the faceplate. DXb\ jli\pfliZcXdg`e^Xggc`ZXk`fen`ccefk]X`c Efk\1 ;\g\e[`e^fek_\nfibg`\Z\#jfd\X[[`k`feXc jlggfikfiZflek\i$YXcXeZ\dXpY\e\\[\[% )% Slide the tailstock to the workpiece. *% Lock the tailstock and then turn the tailstock quill so the dead center makes contact with the center point of your workpiece. +% Lock the tailstock quill when sufficient pressure is applied to hold the workpiece in place. Efk\1 Lj\Xcfn\iIGDn_\edXZ_`e`e^_\Xmp \ZZ\eki`Znfibg`\Z\j% ,% Clamp the workpiece securely and counter-balance as needed. -27- =`^li\34% Faceplate with properly clamped workpiece in four locations. Lj\ X d`e`dld f] k_i\\ `e[\g\e[\ek ZcXdg`e^[\m`Z\jn_\eklie`e^\ZZ\eki`Z nfibg`\Z\j%=X`cli\kfgifm`[\X[\hlXk\ ZcXdg`e^n`ccZXlj\nfibg`\Z\kf\a\Zk# n_`Z_dXpZXlj\j\i`flj`ealipfi[\Xk_% FG<I8K@FEJ (. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :\ek\ij A tailstock center supports stock that is too long to be supported by the chuck alone. The tailstock barrel and live center have an MT#3 taper. Included with this lathe is an MT#3 to MT#5 spindle sleeve. If you need to install a center in the spindle when using the faceplate, you can do so by using this adapter sleeve. Before installing any center or arbor, make sure that the mating surfaces are perfectly clean. These parts will last longer and remain accurate if properly maintained. If oil is present on the mating surfaces, the tapers will not interlock. To install the center, insert the end of the center into the tailstock bore until it seats. Once the workpiece is installed, the force of a mounted workpiece will fully seat the taper. =`^li\35%Live center installed in tailstock. FG<I8K@FEJ When using a live center, the tailstock barrel should protrude about 1⁄2" and not more than 3" (see =`^li\*,). To remove the live center, back the tailstock barrel all the way into the tailstock casting. The live center will pop out. Be sure to catch it when it comes out to avoid damaging the tip. Jg`e[c\Jg`[\i I\dfm\k_\jg`[\ijZi\njn_\eefk`elj\%8cnXpj [`jZfee\Zkk_\cXk_\]ifdgfn\in_\e`ejkXcc`e^# i\dfm`e^#fiX[aljk`e^k_\jg`[\ijZi\nj%@^efi`e^ k_`jnXie`e^ZXec\X[kfg\ijfeXc`ealipfidXZ_`e\ [XdX^\% Your lathe is equipped with a set of spindle support bolts known as the "spider" (=`^li\*-). Use the spider when a long workpiece has the potential to wobble or vibrate when it extends through the outboard side of the lathe. =`^li\36%Spider. The tips of the spider screws have brass wear pads that hold the workpiece without causing indents in the finish. When installed, make sure to always use the jam nuts to lock each spider screw in position. Merely tightening the spider screws against the workpiece and leaving the jam nuts loose is not safe. The spiders screws may loosen up during lathe operation and crash into the lathe end cover. -28- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Jk\X[pI\jk The steady rest supports long, small diameter stock that otherwise could not be turned because of deflection. The steady rest fingers are fitted with bearings that maintain consistent non-wearing support throughout the cut. The steady rest can also be used in place of the tailstock to allow for cutting tool access at the end of your workpiece. Kflj\k_\jk\X[pi\jk#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% )% *% Secure the steady rest to the bedway from below with the locking plate, then snug the mounting bolt (=`^li\37). Adjust the fingers until the bearings make contact and support the workpiece. Do not over-tighten the fingers or they will cause deflection in the workpiece. Mounting Bolt =`^li\37%Steady rest in place. Oil the finger bearings and the rolling surfaces while in use to assist in friction-free support. =fccfnI\jk FG<I8K@FEJ The follow rest is normally used with small diameter stock to prevent the workpiece from “springing” under pressure from the turning tool. The follow rest fingers are fitted with bearings that maintain consistent non-wearing support throughout the cut. Kflj\k_\]fccfni\jk#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Secure the follow rest to the saddle with the two cap screws (=`^li\38). )% Adjust the fingers until the bearings make contact and support the workpiece. Do not over-tighten the fingers as to cause deflection in the workpiece. *% Lubricate the finger bearings and the rolling surfaces while in use to assist in low friction support. -29- Mounting Cap Screws =`^li\38% Follow rest secured to saddle. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ =\\[;`i\Zk`feC\m\i EFK@:< E<M<I Xkk\dgk kf j_`]k X c\m\i n_`c\ k_\ cXk_\ `j ilee`e^8e[n_\ej_`]k`e^Xc\m\i#E<M<I]fiZ\`k%@] k_\c\m\in`ccefk\e^X^\#ifkXk\k_\Z_lZbYp_Xe[ n_`c\ b\\g`e^ c`^_k gi\jjli\ fe k_\ c\m\i% 8j k_\ Z_lZb ifkXk\j `k Xc`^ej k_\ ^\Xij Xe[ k_\ c\m\i n`cc \e^X^\% Your lathe can cut left or right while feeding or threading, and it can cut across both ways for facing operations. This feed direction is controlled by the feed direction lever shown in =`^li\39. =`^li\39%Feed direction lever. When the selection lever is positioned as depicted in =`^li\39, the carriage will move to the right along the bed or the cross feed will travel away from the operator. The cross feed and longitudinal feed selection is controlled on the apron. FG<I8K@FEJ To reverse the direction of the feeding or threading operation, stop the lathe, move the feed direction lever completely to the right or left. When the lever is positioned in the middle, no gear ratio is selected, and the gear train feeding the apron is in neutral. =\\[If[C\m\i The feed rod can be selected by moving the lever to the left as in =`^li\40%Use this position for all feed operations. When the lever is positioned straight up, no drive mechanism is selected and the gear train feeding the apron is in neutral. When the lever is moved to the right, no gear ratio is selected, and the gear train feeding the apron is in neutral. =`^li\40%Feed rod lever. -30- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ >\XiYfoC\m\ij EFK@:< E<M<I Xkk\dgk kf j_`]k X c\m\i n_`c\ k_\ cXk_\ `j ilee`e^8e[n_\ej_`]k`e^Xc\m\i#E<M<I]fiZ\`k%@] k_\c\m\in`ccefk\e^X^\#ifkXk\k_\Z_lZbYp_Xe[ n_`c\ b\\g`e^ c`^_k gi\jjli\ fe k_\ c\m\i% 8j k_\ Z_lZb ifkXk\j `k Xc`^ej k_\ ^\Xij Xe[ k_\ c\m\i n`cc \e^X^\% The two levers (=`^li\41)at the bottom of the headstock change the feed rate or the number of threads cut perinch.The left-hand lever engages in alpha positions 8, 9, :, ;, and <; and the right-hand lever engages in numeric positions (#)#*#+#,#-#.# and /. =`^li\41%Quick change gearbox. Use the feed rate chart shown in =`^li\42 to position the quick change gearbox levers. =\\[IXk\:_Xik FG<I8K@FEJ The far left column in the feed rate chart (=`^li\42) shows which change gears must be installed so the chart will be applicable. =fi\oXdgc\: Using the metric chart to make a 0.158mm per revolution longitudinal cut, refer to the row that has this symbol: . Then put the left-hand lever in the : position, and the right-hand lever in the + position. To perform a facing cut, use the chart but refer to the row that has this the same way symbol: . Efk\1 N_\e\`k_\if]k_\knfj\c\Zkfic\m\ijXi\c\]k`e k_\[fnegfj`k`fe#k_\[i`m\kiX`e`j[`j\e^X^\[Xe[`j`e e\lkiXc% =`^li\ 42%Feed rate chart. This symbol indicates longitudinal feed. This symbol indicates cross feed rates. -31- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :Xii`X^\&:ifjj=\\[ C\m\i Longitudinal and cross slide powered motions are controlled by the carriage/cross feed lever. The lever pivots through two stops that require moving the lever left and right as well as up and down. Moving this lever upward activates the automatic longitudinal feed. Moving the lever downward activates the cross slide (=`^li\43). ?Xc]$ElkC\m\iXe[@eZ_ K_i\X[`e^ The half-nut lever clamps and releases the half-nut, which clamps around the leadscrew (=`^li\44). The lever is only engaged while cutting threads. FG<I8K@FEJ Efk\1@]k_\Xgife]\\[c\m\i`j\e^X^\[#k_\_Xc]$elk c\m\i`jYcfZb\[]ifdlj\2Xe[`]k_\_Xc]$elkc\m\i`j \e^X^\[k_\Xgifec\m\i`jYcfZb\[]ifdlj\%@]Yfk_ c\m\ijXi\\e^X^\[Xkk_\jXd\k`d\Xgife[XdX^\n`cc fZZli% After the carriage has been returned, the thread dial tells you when to re-engage the half-nut and resume threading (=`^li\44). When the cap screw is loosened, the thread dial housing pivots so its gear can be engaged or disengaged from the lead screw. When engaged, the dial will turn when the lead screw and spindle are turning. When the half-nut lever is engaged, the dial stops turning. By carefully engaging the half-nut as the appropriate line or number passes by the indicator mark, a thread can be re-entered for its next pass of the cutter without wiping out the previous cut. =`^li\43%Carriage/cross feed lever in neutral position. Half-nut Lever Dial Cap Screw =`^li\44%Threading dial and half-nut lever. The thread dial chart shown in =`^li\45 indicates when to use the thread dial if inch threads are to be cut. If an inch thread is divisible by 8, then you don't need not use the thread dial. If cutting metric threads, you cannot use the thread dial. =`^li\45%Thread dial chart. -32- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ While other thread pitches may be achieved, the Model M1112 is designed so that gear changes are not needed for cutting inch threads. However, you will have to move the feed direction lever to the direction of thread you want to cut, and then move the feed rod lever to the right. To get the needed threads in inches, you will then use the standard thread chart (=`^li\46) to determine which positions to move the quick change levers. <oXdgc\1 If the desired threads are 11 threads per inch (=`^li\46), move the quick change gearbox levers to positions 9 and ,. As the thread dial chart shows, engage the half-nut when the thread dial reads ( or *and begin your first cut. When the cut is complete, disengage the half-nut and manually return the carriage to the beginning of the cut. Watch the dial. When the ( or the * on the dial comes around to the indicator mark, engage the half-nut. Begin your second pass. Repeat this process until the desired depth of cut is achieved. F 86-Teeth 91-Teeth G =`^li\47%Change gear locations. FG<I8K@FEJ :_Xe^\>\XijD\ki`Z K_i\X[`e^ =`^li\46%Standard thread chart. This lathe can cut 29 different metric threads, but gear changes are required to cut all of the listed metric threads. These gear changes take place on the left hand end of the machine (=`^li\47). The chart is divided into 3 main columns, starting from the left: Gear diagram, Combination of Gears and m/m Per Pitch. Kflj\k_\Z_Xik#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Find the desired pitch in the chart (=`^li\48). )% Below the m/m Per Pitch label are numbers. Find the corresponding number above the desired pitch and change the right hand quick change lever to that position. Efk\1 K_\_fc\jfek_\hl`ZbZ_Xe^\^\XiYfoXi\ c\kk\i[Xe[eldY\i\[]ifdc\]kkfi`^_k% *% To the left of the desired pitch is a small column with a letter. This letter indicates placement of the left hand quick change lever. Move the lever to the corresponding location. -33- =`^li\48. Metric thread chart. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ +% In the “Combination of Gears” column (=`^li\49) are 3 small columns. The numbers below = and > represent the number of gear teeth on a change gear. Find the required change gears that have the corresponding number of teeth as stated in the chart to the left of the desired pitch. ,% Open the gear and belt cover. -% Loosen the 17mm arm-support hex nut and rotate the bracket so the middle gear moves away from gear = (=`^li\49). .% Loosen the 17mm gear-support hex nut and slide the middle gear away from gear >. /% Use a 3mm hex wrench and remove the cap screw and remove change gear =. 0% Use a 5mm hex wrench to loosen the set screw in the hub of gear >, and pull the gear off of the shaft. FG<I8K@FEJ ('% Replace change gears = and > with the gears that will produce your desired metric thread pitch and tighten the fasteners to hold the gears on the shafts. ((% Slide the appropriate middle gear against gear > until they mesh with (0.002" to 0.004" backlash) and tighten the cap screw. ()% Rotate the appropriate middle gear against gear = until they mesh with (0.002" to 0.004" backlash) and tighten the cap screw. <oXdgc\1 If the desired metric pitch is 1.25mm, move the quick change levers to positions ( and :. The "Combination of Gears" column shows that the = position change gear needs 50 teeth and the > position change gear needs 60 teeth (=`^li\49). A diagram on the left side of the chart shows that the 50 tooth change gear meshes with the 91 tooth middle gear and the 60 tooth change gear meshes with the 86 tooth middle gear. Remember, you cannot use the thread dial for the metric threads. You must keep the half-nut lever engaged throughout the whole threading process until the threads are complete. -34- ,dd ?\o JfZb\k (.dd >\Xi$Jlggfik ?\oElk (.dd 8id$Jlggfik ?\oElk *dd ?\o JfZb\k =`^li\49. Metric thread chart and change gear placement. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :Xii`X^\?Xe[n_\\cj :Xii`X^\?Xe[n_\\c The carriage handwheel (=`^li\50) moves the carriage left or right along the bed. This manual control is necessary when setting up the machine for turning or when manual movement is desired during turning operations. Compound Slide Handwheel Cross Slide Handwheel :ifjjJc`[\?Xe[n_\\c The cross slide handwheel moves the cross slide toward and away from the work. Turning the dial clockwise moves the slide toward the workpiece. The graduated dial can be adjusted by holding the handwheel with one hand and turning the dial with the other. Carriage Handwheel =`^li\50%Handwheel locations. :fdgfle[Jc`[\?Xe[n_\\c The compound slide handwheel (=`^li\50) controls the position of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece. This slide is adjustable to any angle. The graduated dial is adjustable using the same method as the dial on the cross slide. Angle adjustment is locked by hex nuts on the base of the top slide. FG<I8K@FEJ KffcGfjk?fc[\i =`^li\51 shows the quick change tool post and holder. Cutting tools can be secured and removed by tightening or loosening the clamping screws in the top of the holder. A threaded stud is mounted in the top of the holder and has a knurled thumb wheel. Rotating the thumb wheel allows for adjustment of the tool holder so the cutting tool can be centered. The handle on the tool post can be rotated to lock and unlock the tool holder onto the dovetail ways. The tool post may be rotated by loosening the nut at the top of the tool post. =`^li\51%Quick change tool post and holder. -35- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ KX`cjkfZb The tailstock (=`^li\52) serves many functions. The primary use is for holding centers and drill chucks. The barrel has a Morse taper #3 bore and is imprinted with graduations in millimeters and inches. Tailstock Handwheel KX`cjkfZb?Xe[n_\\c Turning the handwheel advances or retracts the barrel in the tailstock. The graduated dial on the handwheel is adjustable. 9Xii\cCfZbC\m\i Side Lock Lever This lever locks the tailstock barrel in place. =`^li\52% Tailstock controls. J`[\CfZbC\m\iKfihl\K`^_k\e`e^ This removable lever locks the tailstock in place on the lathe bed. The socket that it fits into will accept a 1⁄2" drive torque wrench. FG<I8K@FEJ Barrel Lock Lever For repeating very accurate vertical alignment positioning time after time, remove the side lock lever (=`^li\52), and use an inch-pound torque wrench fitted with a 3⁄8" to 1⁄2" drive adapter to lock the tailstock into position. You can use a foot-pound torque wrench but DO NOT exceed 40 lbs/ft of torque or you may damage the ways and the tailstock. When tightening the tailstock down to the maximum torque of 40 lbs/ft, the center point will be drawn down approximately 0.006". Always verify the exact draw down position on your tailstock center point. -36- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :lkk`e^J_XccfnKXg\ij n`k_KX`cjkfZb The tailstock can be offset to cut a shallow taper on a shaft or barrel. Offset Adjustment Kfj\klgk_\kX`cjkfZbkfZlkkXg\ij#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Lock the tailstock in position. )% Alternately loosen and tighten the left and right offset adjustment screws until the desired offset is indicated on the scale (=`^li\53). *% Retighten the lock screw. Efk\1 Kfi\kliek_\kX`cjkfZbYXZbkfk_\fi`^`eXc gfj`k`fe#i\g\Xkk_\gifZ\jjlek`ck_\Z\ek\i\[ gfj`k`fe`j`e[`ZXk\[fek_\jZXc\% Scale =`^li\53% Right offset adjustment. ;i`cc`e^n`k_KX`cjkfZb Kf`ejkXccXkXg\i\[[i`ccZ_lZb#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 With the tailstock locked, unlock the quill lock lever. )% Turn the quill feed handle clockwise to extend the quill about one inch, and insert a tapered drill arbor or a tapered drill shank into the quill until the taper is firmly seated. *% Advance the tailstock to the workpiece, lock the tailstock position, and use the handwheel to feed the drill bit into the rotating workpiece. +% To remove the chuck arbor or drill bit, turn the quill feed handwheel until the chuck is pushed out from the tailstock. -37- FG<I8K@FEJ (% D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ >XgG`\Z\I\dfmXc The Model M1112 comes equipped with a gap piece below the spindle that can be removed for turning large diameter parts or when using a large diameter faceplate. Kfi\dfm\k_\^Xgg`\Z\#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% DISCONNECT THE LATHE FROM POWER! )% Using a 14mm open wrench, remove the two index pins by turning the hex nuts (see =`^li\ 54) clockwise to draw the pins out of the gap piece. *% Using an 8mm hex wrench in an alternating pattern, remove the five cap screws (=`^li\ 54) that hold the gap piece in place. +% Tap the outside of the gap piece with a dead blow hammer or wooden mallet to loosen, and with the help of an assistant, remove the gap piece. EFK@:< K_\^Xgg`\Z\`j`ejkXcc\[#k_\e ^ifle[Xkk_\]XZkfip]figi\Z`j\]`k Xe[Xc`^ed\ek[li`e^cXk_\Xjj\dYcp% =XZkfij[li`e^k_\i\dX`e`e^Xjj\dYcp XggcpX[[`k`feXc]fiZ\jkfk_\^Xg2 k_\i\]fi\#i\gcXZ`e^k_\^Xgkfk_\ fi`^`eXcgfj`k`fe`jm\ip[`]]`ZlckXe[ jfd\k`d\j`dgfjj`Yc\% Index Pin & Hex Nut Cap Screw Gap Piece Kfi\`ejkXcck_\^Xgg`\Z\#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 FG<I8K@FEJ (% Clean all mating surfaces completely and inspect and remove any burrs. ALL MATING SURFACES MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAN! )% Apply a thin film of light machine oil to all freshly cleaned surfaces. *% Carefully place the gap piece in position, and use blocks of wood and clamps to get mating surfaces back into alignment. +% Remove the hex nuts from the index pins, and tap the pins back into place so they seat completely and hold the gap piece in alignment. ,% Reinstall the cap screws and lightly snug in place. -% Tighten the appropriate cap screws in an alternating pattern to regain the gap piece alignment. .% Install the index pin hex nuts so they are snug but do not draw the index pins out again. -38- =`^li\54% Lathe gap piece. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Df[\cD((()CXk_\8ZZ\jjfi`\j The following lathe accessories may be available through your local Woodstock International Inc. Dealer. If you do not have a dealer in your area, these products are also available through online dealers. Please call or e-mail Woodstock International Inc. Customer Service to get a current listing of dealers at: (360) 734-3482 or at The Df[\cD('--J_fg=fo?\Xmp$[lkpKi`gc\9\Xi`e^C`m\:\ek\i% This Triple Bearing Live Center is hardened to a 61-65 Rockwell rating, and has a unique head driving mechanism that eliminates dust, chips and coolant from entering the internal workings. Made with high quality precision bearings, this MT#3 Live Center has an accuracy of 0.0003". The Df[\cD('--J_fg=fo9lccEfj\Ifcc`e^:\ek\iis constructed for large, hollow workpieces like pipes, tubing and other material that would “swallow” a regular live center. This MT#3 Bull-Nose Center is designed for heavy-duty use. Although primarily designed for metal lathes, our rolling centers also work well on wood lathes. Don’t worry about dust getting in the bearings—they’re sealed! TheDf[\cD('-/J_fg=foC`m\:\ek\iJ\k% A super blend of quality and convenience, this MT#3 Live Center Set offers seven interchangeable tips. High-quality needle bearings prolong tool life and special tool steel body and tips are precision ground. Supplied in wooden box. The J_fg=fo-$?\X[Belic`e^Kffcj%These versatile Knurling Tools feature robust construction, self centering capability and lock knob. Comes supplied with fine, medium and coarse knurls for forming diamond patterns. DF;<C J@Q< D('0+ D('0, 5 ⁄16" x 3⁄4" x 5" 1 ⁄2" x 11⁄8" x 61⁄2" Belic 5 3 ⁄8" x 5⁄16" x 7⁄32" ⁄4" x 3⁄8" x 1⁄4" -39- FG<I8K@FEJ TheDf[\cD('.,J_fg=fo)'$gZ%:XiY`[\K`gg\[Kffc9`kJ\k. An exceptional value for 1⁄2" shank carbide lathe tool bits! Twenty piece sets offer tremendous savings over bits sold individually. Includes ten C-2 grade bits and ten C-6 grade bits for cutting steel and alloys. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ D8@EK<E8E:< >\e\iXcDX`ek\eXeZ\ Before every use, check for loose mounting bolts, chuck mounting, safety feature operation, worn or damaged electrical cords, and any other condition that could hamper the safe operation of this machine. >\e\iXc:c\Xe`e^ Take the time to wipe down and oil your lathe after use. Do not leave metal chips and cutting fluid on the ways. We recommend using a good quality way oil. >\e\iXcClYi`ZXk`fe =`^li\55%Saddle, compound, and crossslide lubrication. JX[[c\ Apply lubrication to the saddle (=`^li\,,) through the two ball fittings on the top face of the saddle and one near the saddle handwheel. Make sure the apron oil level is 3⁄4 full as seen in the through the sight glass. Change the oil for the first time after one month of operation, and then at six month intervals. We recommend using Mobil Vactra 2 Oil or an ISO 68 equivalent. The apron reservoir holds 1 pint of oil. Headstock Drain Plug Oil Port :ifjj$Jc`[\Xe[:fdgfle[Jc`[\ D8@EK<E8E:< The ball oilers on the slides (=`^li\,,) should be oiled the same as the saddle. =`^li\56%Headstock lubrication. ?\X[jkfZb The oil in the headstock should be changed immediately after break-in. Then every six months, depending on usage. Change the headstock and apron oil more frequently if extreme machine use is common. We recommend using Mobil DTE Light or an ISO 32 equivalent. The headstock reservoir holds 3 1⁄2 quarts of oil. Oil Ports Hl`Zb:_Xe^\>\XiYfo Lubrication for the gearbox (=`^li\,.) is provided through two oil points labeled "Oil Nipple." Add a squirt or two of oil after every three-to-four hours of use. =`^li\57%Quick change gearbox lubrication. -40- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Jc`[\jXe[NXpj Wipe the ways with a clean rag and apply oil before and after each use. Apply oil to the bedways and other bare metal parts to also protect the lathe from rust and pitting. Lead Screw Feed Rod Ball Oilers C\X[JZi\nXe[=\\[If[ Be sure to clean and lubricate the leadscrew, feed rod and switch control rod (=`^li\,/). The lead screw and feed rod have a bearing on the tailstock end support that will require one to two squirts of oil before every use. Switch Control Rod KX`cjkfZb The tailstock (=`^li\,0) is fitted with two ball oilers. Apply oil each week or after every five uses (depending on the frequency of operation). Be sure to clean the tailstock slide and lift the tailstock and squirt a few drops of oil on the ways. Remove the tailstock once a month and wipe the bottom thoroughly and reinstall, if using water-based cutting fluid, do this daily. =`^li\58%Lead screw, feed rod and switch rod lubrication. =`^li\59%Tailstock lubrication. D8@EK<E8E:< -41- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :ffcXekJpjk\d KfdX`ekX`ek_\ZffcXekjpjk\d#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% DISCONNECT THE LATHE FROM POWER! )% Remove the drain plug from the tank, drain the coolant out, and discard properly as hazardous waste. Drain Tube Pump *% Pull the clear plastic drain tube from the tank and let it hang free (=`^li\60). +% Using a magnet, remove metal chips from the tank. ,% Using a rag, remove remaining material from the tank. -% Refill the tank with new coolant, and insert the clear plastic drain tube back into the tank. Tank Drain Plug =`^li\60%Coolant pump and reservoir. 9@FCF>@:8CXe[GF@JFE ?8Q8I; D8@EK<E8E:< K_\i\j\imf`ifek_`jdXZ_`e\`j[\j`^e\[kfjkfi\ ZffcXek%;li`e^jkfiX^\ZffcXekZXe^ifn[Xe^\iflj d`ZifY\jfiZfcc\Zkkfo`Z_\Xmpd\kXcj#dXb`e^k_\ ZffcXekXY`fcf^`ZXcXe[gf`jfe_XqXi[% Kfgi\m\ek`e]\Zk`fejXe[gf`jfe`e^#lj\k_\Zfii\Zk g\ijfeXcgifk\Zk`fe\hl`gd\ekn_\e_Xe[c`e^Zffc$ XekXe[Z_Xe^\`kf]k\e% Kfgifg\icp[`jgfj\f]kfo`ZZffcXek#]fccfn]\[\iXc# jkXk\#Xe[]cl`[dXel]XZkli\igifZ\[li\j% -42- EFK@:< =X`cli\kf]fccfnclYi`ZXk`fe^l`[\c`e\j n`cc c\X[ kf iXg`[ [\k\i`fiXk`fe f] cXk_\Zfdgfe\ekj% D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ J<IM@:< KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section to fix your machine if a problem develops. If you need replacement parts or you are unsure of your repair skills, then feel free to call our Technical Support at (360) 734-3482. Dfkfi>\XiYfo Jpdgkfd Gfjj`Yc\:Xlj\ Motor will not start. 1. Main power panel switch is F==. 2. Emergency switch is pushed in. 3. Circuit breaker or fuse has tripped. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Gfjj`Yc\Jfclk`fe 1. Turn the main power panel switch FE. 2. Rotate emergency switch so it pops out. 3. Seek an electrician to troubleshoot and repair the shop power supply. 4. Test circuit, replace wires and connections as No voltage or open connection. required. 5. Replace capacitor. Capacitor is at fault. 6. Replace switch. Motor direction switch is at fault. Power switch or magnetic contactor is at 7. Replace power switch or magnetic contactor. fault. 8. Replace motor. Motor is at fault. 1. Inspect cord or plug for damaged insulation and shorted wires. 2. Inspect all connections on motor for loose or 2. Short circuit in motor or loose connections. shorted terminals or worn insulation. 3. Incorrect fuses or circuit breakers in power 3. Install correct fuses or circuit breakers. supply. Fuses or circuit breakers trip open. 1. Short circuit in line cord or plug. Machine is loud belt slips when cutting. Overheats or bogs down in the cut. 1. Excessive depth of cut. 2. RPM or feed rate wrong for operation. Gear change levers will not shift into position. 5. Belt is at fault. 1. Decrease depth of cut. 2. Refer to RPM feed rate chart for appropriate rates. 3. Sharpen or replace cutters. 4. Remove grease or oil on belt or pulleys/tighten belt tensioner against low range belt. 5. Replace belt. 1. Gears not aligned in headstock. 1. Rotate spindle by hand until gear falls into place. 3. Dull cutters. 4. Belt is slipping. Loud, repeti- 1. Pulley set screws or keys are missing or 1. Inspect keys and set screws. Replace or tighten if loose. necessary. tious noise com2. Tighten fan or shim cover, or replace items. ing from machine 2. Motor fan is hitting the cover. at or near the motor. -43- J<IM@:< Continued on next page D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ Fg\iXk`feXe[NfibI\jlckj Jpdgkfd Gfjj`Yc\:Xlj\ Gfjj`Yc\Jfclk`fe Entire machine 1. Workpiece is unbalanced. vibrates excessively upon start- 2. Worn or broken gear present. up and while run- 3. Chuck or faceplate has become unbalanced. ning. 4. Spindle bearings at fault. Cutting tool or machine components vibrate excessively during cutting. 1. Reinstall workpiece so it is as centered with the spindle bore as possible. 2. Inspect gears and replace if necessary. 3. Rebalance chuck or faceplate; contact a local machine shop for help. 4. Tighten or replace spindle bearings. 1. Check for debris, clean, and retighten. 1. Tool holder not tight enough. 2. Cutting tool sticks too far out of tool holder; 2. Reinstall cutting tool so no more than 1⁄3 of the lack of support. total length is sticking out of tool holder. 3. Gibs are out of adjustment. 3. Tighten gib screws at affected component. 4. Dull cutting tool. 4. Replace or re sharpen cutting tool. 5. Incorrect spindle speed or feed rate. 5. Use the recommended spindle speed. Can't remove 1. Quill had not retracted all the way back into 1. Turn the quill handwheel until it forces taper out of quill. tapered tool from the tailstock. tailstock quill. 2. Debris was not removed from taper before 2. Always make sure that taper surfaces are clean. inserting into quill. 1. Tighten gib screw(s). Cross slide, com- 1. Gibs are out of adjustment. 2. Tighten handwheel fasteners. pound rest, or 2. Handwheel is loose. carriage feed has 3. Lead screw mechanism worn or out of adjust- 3. Tighten any loose fasteners on lead screw mechanism. ment. sloppy operation. Cross slide, com- 1. Gibs are loaded up with shavings or grime. pound rest, or carriage feed 2. Gib screws are too tight. handwheel is 3. Backlash setting too tight (cross slide only). hard to move. 4. Bedways are dry. 1. Remove gibs, clean ways/dovetails, lubricate, and readjust gibs. 2. Loosen gib screw(s) slightly, and lubricate bedways. 3. Slightly loosen backlash setting by loosening the locking screw and adjusting the spanner ring at the end of the handle. 4. Lubricate bedways and handles. 1. Adjust for appropriate RPM and feed rate. 2. Sharpen tooling or select a better tool for the intended operation. 3. Tighten gibs. 4. Lower the tool position. Bad surface fin- 1. Wrong RPM or feed rate. ish. 2. Dull tooling or poor tool selection. 3. Too much play in gibs. 4. Tool too high. J<IM@:< Inaccurate turn- 1. Headstock and tailstock are not properly 1. Realign the tailstock to the headstock spindle bore aligned with each other. center line. ing results from one end of the workpiece to the other. Chuck jaws won't 1. Chips lodged in the jaws. move or don't move easily. 1. Remove jaws, clean and lubricate chuck threads, and replace jaws. Carriage won't 1. Gears are not all engaged or broken. feed, or hard to 2. Gibs are too tight. move. 3. Loose screw on the feed handle. 4. Lead screw shear pin has sheared. 1. Adjust gear positions or replace. 2. Loosen gib screw(s) slightly. 3. Tighten. 4. Correct for cause of shear pin breakage, and replace shear pin. Tailstock quill will not feed out of tailstock. 1. Turn lever counterclockwise. 1. Quill lock lever is tightened down. -44- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ >`Yj EFK@:< N_\e X[aljk`e^ ^`Yj# b\\g `e d`e[ k_Xk k_\ ^fXc f] ^`YX[aljkd\ek`jkfi\dfm\lee\Z\jjXipjcfgg`e\jj ]ifd k_\ jc`[\ dfm\d\ek n`k_flk ZXlj`e^ k_\d kf Y`e[% Cffj\ ^`Yj dXp ZXlj\ gffi ]`e`j_\j fe k_\ nfibg`\Z\% Fm\i$k`^_k\e`e^ dXp ZXlj\ gi\dXkli\ n\Xi% There are three areas with gib adjustments on the Model M1112: the cross-slide gib, the compound slide gib, and the saddle gib. Set Screw =`^li\61%Adjusting the cross-slide gib. :ifjjJc`[\>`Y The gib on the cross-slide (=`^li\-() is adjusted by the two screws located at each end. To adjust, loosen the set screw located along the edge of the cross-slide. This set screw is provided for locking the slide for certain operations. After making the adjustments detailed below, tighten the set screw until it just touches the gib. Set Screw The gib is wedge shaped and by loosening the screw closest to the operator and then tightening the opposite screw, the slide will become looser. Conversely, loosening the screw farthest away from the operator and tightening the closer screw will tighten the gib. Do not over tighten. Move the cross slide and adjust the gib until you feel a slight drag. =`^li\62%Adjusting the compound rest gib. :fdgfle[>`Y The compound gib (=`^li\-)) is adjusted by the same method as the gibs on the cross-slide, except the screw closest to the operator (when the compound slide is aligned with the cross slide) must be loosened and the screw farthest from the operator tightened to make the gib tighter. J<IM@:< -45- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ JX[[c\>`YXe[JX[[c\CfZb The saddle is supplied with a square head bolt (=`^li\ -*)on the front right hand side of the slide. This bolt locks the saddle in place for increased rigidity when making face cuts. Before making adjustments to the saddle gib, make sure that this bolt is loose by turning it counterclockwise. Saddle Lock Bolt It is important that this gib stay properly adjusted. A loose gib will cause finish problems in a workpiece. A gib adjusted too tightly will cause premature half-nut wear. The gib for the saddle is located on the bottom of the back edge of the slide (=`^li\-*). The tension on this gib is maintained by four set screws with jam nuts. By loosening the jam nuts and tightening the set screws, the gib will tighten. Loosening the set screws will loosen the gib. The gib strip is properly adjusted when a slight drag is felt while moving the apron. Do not over-tighten. =`^li\63%Saddle lock bolt and saddle gib screws. It is important the four set screws are tightened evenly. When tightening the jam nuts, hold the set screw in position with a hex wrench. ?Xc]$Elk8[aljkd\ek If the half-nut threads do not fully mesh with the leadscrew, the quality of the workpiece threads may suffer. If the half-nut clamps the leadscrew too tightly, rapid half-nut wear and a non-release or delayed half-nut release condition could occur, which can cause chuck and carriage crash. It is far better to have a half-nut that clamps slightly loose rather than having it clamp too tight. Thread Dial Swung Out of Way Thread Dial Pivot Cap Screw Lead Screw Half-Nut J<IM@:< KfX[aljkk_\_Xc]$elk#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% Engage the half-nut lever, loosen the thread dial cap screw, and rotate the dial out of the way (=`^li\ 64). )% Loosen the lock nuts, and while rocking the carriage handwheel back and forth slightly, tighten the adjustment screws until snug to seat the gibs. *% Back out each screw 1⁄4 turn and tighten the lock nuts. +% Verify the half-nut lever easily clamps and un clamps on the lead screw without binding. I<D<D9<I, threading cuts that are too deep or have a feed rate that is too fast may prevent or delay half-nut lever disengagement and cause a carriage crash. -46- Half-Nut Adjustment Screws and Lock Nuts =`^li\64%Half-nut gib adjustment location. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ 8[aljk`e^&I\gcXZ`e^ M$9\ckj Kfi\gcXZ\fiX[aljkk_\M$Y\ckj#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% DISCONNECT LATHE FROM POWER! )% Open the change gear access door. *% Loosen four motor mount bolts (=`^li\65) and replace the belts as a matched set if required. +% With one hand, push and hold the motor in the downward position so the belts are tight. ,% While holding the motor down and keeping the belts tight, tighten the motor mount bolts. -% Close the access door and lock it shut. Motor Mount Bolts =`^li\65%Motor mount and belt tension adjustment. J<IM@:< -47- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Jg`e[c\9\Xi`e^Gi\cfX[ This lathe is shipped from the factory with the spindle bearing preload adjusted. If the spindle ever develops a bit of end-play and the workpiece finish suffers, you can adjust the bearing preload to remove the end-play and improve the workpiece finish. Adjusting the bearing preload requires using a spanner wrench or a punch and hammer. You can either purchase the spanner wrench at a tool store or fabricate one, using the diagram shown below in =`^li\66. Fabricate from CRS or HRS Bar Stock 19 ⁄16 "R ad iu s 12" Fabricate Pin to 7⁄32"D x 1⁄4"L and Then Weld. =`^li\66%Spanner wrench diagram. KfX[aljkk_\gi\cfX[#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% )% DISCONNECT THE LATHE FROM POWER! *% Remove the chuck, shift the spindle to neutral, then remove the outboard spindle cover (=`^li\67). +% Place the chuck key in the cam-lock socket and keep the spindle from rotating. ,% Using a spanner wrench or hammer-and-punch, loosen the outer spanner lock nut (=`^li\68) by turning it counterclockwise, then remove it. -% J<IM@:< Run the lathe for 20 minutes on high speed to bring the headstock to a normal temperature. Loosen the inner spanner nut one turn. Outboard Spindle Cover =`^li\67%Outboard spindle cover. Outboard Spindle Nut Note: PfldXp_Xm\kfkXgfek_\flkYfXi[jg`e[c\ klY\Xj\ogcX`e\[`eJk\g.kf_\cglecfX[k_\ jg`e[c\Xe[Yi\Xbk_\jgXee\ielkcffj\% -48- =`^li\68%Loosening outboard spindle nut. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ .% Place a wooden block over the outboard end of the spindle, hit it soundly with a small sledge or heavy dead blow hammer. Your goal is to slide the spindle forward just enough to introduce spindle end-play that you can feel by hand. /% Place a dial indicator on the cross slide and move the carriage toward the headstock until the contact point of the indicator touches the spindle face (=`^li\69). 0% Move the carriage an additional 0.100" toward the headstock. ('% Insert the chuck key into a cam socket and prevent the spindle from turning. Tighten the inner spanner nut until you see the motion of the needle in the dial indicator just barely stop moving (=`^li\70). During the spanner nut tightening process, rock the spindle back and forth slightly with the chuck key to make sure the spindle tapered roller bearings seat properly in the tapered bearing races. =`^li\69%Dial indicator set up. When the dial indicator needle stops moving, there will not be any spindle end-play nor bearing preload. It is essential that you find this point without tightening the spanner nut too much and inadvertently preloading the spindle bearings. Since it can take great effort to turn the inner spanner nut, you may find it difficult to know if you have gone past the zero end-play point or not. You may find it easiest to have someone watch the dial for you while you tighten the inner spanner nut. If you think you may have gone past the zero endplay point, take the time to unload the bearings as described earlier, then re-tighten the inner spanner nut until you know you have reached the correct setting. =`^li\70%Adjusting spindle bearings. 0.16" Travel ((% To set the preload, tighten the spanner nut an additional 0.16" along its circumference. See =`^li\ 71 for the example of this measurement. -49- =`^li\71%Final spanner nut rotation. J<IM@:< When you are confident that you have adjusted the inner spanner nut until zero spindle end-play and preload exists, you now must move the spanner inward an additional 0.001" to set the preload. D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ ()% Without causing the inner spanner nut to tighten any further, install and tighten the outer spanner nut against the inner nut. Do not overtighten the outer spanner nut because additional preload can force the bearings even tighter against the races in the headstock and cause the headstock to compress, crack, or cause bearing failure. (*% Position the gasket correctly, and re-install the outboard spindle cover. )% Install the chuck and tighten the jaws. +% Connect the lathe to power and turn the lathe spindle FE. ,% Let the lathe run for 20 minutes. -% Turn the spindle F==, disconnect lathe from power, and check the temperature of the spindle. — If the spindle nose is hotter than you can comfortably keep your hand on, the preload is too tight and you must repeat bearing preload adjustment procedure. J<IM@:< Make sure all safety precautions have been taken and set up steps are complete to make the lathe fully operational. Set the spindle speed to its highest setting. — If the spindle nose is slightly warm to the touch, you have correct bearing preload. KfZfe]`idk_Xkk_\Y\Xi`e^jXi\Zfii\Zkcp gi\cfX[\[#[fk_\j\jk\gj1 (% *% -50- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ D((()DX`e<c\Zki`ZXc 9foN`i`e^;`X^iXd BV^c:aZXig^XVa7dm 7` 7` E C :FCFIB<P 7!2.).' !##)$%.4!, ).*529(!:!2$ $ISCONNECTPOWER SUPPLYBEFORE ADJUSTMENTSSETUP ORMAINTENANCE 7` )+ )* )) )( )' (C( (('M *C) - (* *( *) ** ( ' < (( 0, (('M )K( +K) C E ( ' 0. EF )8 K: '%- E: , 0/ 0- / -K* *C) ,C* AIJ+$'0&),[ N?@K< Nk >I<<E >e I<; I[ 9CL< 9c 9IFNE 9i EF )K( +K) E: (* -K* C E C 0, Pc G@EB Gb KLIHLF@J< JKFG I<J<K 0. P<CCFN CK&9CL< =I) 0- >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< () Ck&9c Kh Pc&>e C G< 7` Li Li C I\cXp * JKFG I<J<K 0/ *' =I( 8 KiXej]fid\i AIJ+$'0&),[ '%, (( )8 (C( ,C* I\cXp C 8 ), E C E '%+ C ( )- 9b 7` GY )'$)(4(('M )'$))4))'M )'$)*4)*'M )'$)+4)+'M )'$),4*/'M )'$)-4+''M 9C8:B 7` 7` C ' 7` C Li . E 7` 7` 7` Li 7` 7` 7` ' C E C - *C) (C( ,C* )(E: *C) (C( ,C* >J:($(/'( :fekXZkfi :fekXZkfi BD( (('M )K( +K) -K* ))E: L) Q( Q) (' 7` 7` 7` C E )(E: (*EF -K* L) Q( Q) ))E: **EF (*EF +*EF :fekXZkfi (+EF )+EF C( E( )*EF (('M *+EF (+EF ++EF 8) (( +*EF )+M :fekXZkfi **EF ,8 B8' )+EF *+EF ++EF GY ,8 / )+M 8) 8) (' 0 ) AQ:*+'[ B8( (('M +K) 8) 0 )*EF AQ:*+'[ BD) )K( ) ' 8( 8( >J:($(/'( (('M Li ' 8( 8( GY Li () * (( , GY N\ GY G< 7` 7` 7` 7` 7` 7` 7` 7` C E L( L) Q( Q) C( E( C E L( L) Q( Q) C( 7` 7a 7` GY 7g 7a 7` GY GY GY GY GY GY GY ( ) * , - . (* Li (( ' E( (( ' 7a GY If >ifle[ N\ G< N\ G< Power Supply Page 57 ) * + , - . (* E` Ai$7a 7` 7a 7g GY 7a Li N\ To Work Lamp Page 57 ( GY To Spindle Motor Page 54 -51- To Pump Motor Page 56 To Control Panel Page 53 J<IM@:< G< To Spindle ON/OFF Switch Page 55 D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Motor Thermal Overload Relay Control System 2A, 110V Fuse Pump Thermal Overload Relay System Transformer Pump Contactor KM1 Motor Direction A Contactor Work Lamp 5A 24V Fuse KM2 Motor Direction B Contactor J<IM@:< Motor Inch/Jog Contactor Figure 72. Electrical box wiring. Ground Block 24-Post Junction Block 12-Post Junction Block -52- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Emergency Stop Button Power Button Pump Switch Inch/Jog Button Power Lamp Figure 73. Control panel wiring. :FEKIFCG8E<C I[ I[ ) ) + I[ ) ) <D<I><E:P JKFG9LKKFE O) @E:?&AF> GFN<I 9LKKFE (* GLDG JN@K:? - , GFN<I C8DG O( 9LKKFE ' * ' ( Pc&>e Ck&9c 9b I[ Gb Nk 9c Kh 9i 9c G< :FCFIB<P >ifle[ -53- 9C8:B 9b P<CCFN Pc N?@K< Nk G@EB Gb I<; I[ CK&9CL< 9CL< 9c KLIHLF@J< Kh 9IFNE 9i >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< Pc&>e Ck&9c J<IM@:< To Main Electrical Box Page 51 @EKIF;L:K@FE D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Figure 74. Spindle motor wiring. To Main Electrical Box Page 51 JG@E;C<DFKFI Ile :XgXZ`kfi )'D=; +,'M8: >ifle[ G< :FCFIB<P 9b I[ Pc I[ 9C8:B 9b N?@K< Nk I<; I[ 9CL< 9c 9IFNE 9i P<CCFN Pc Pc&>e 9b 9b L( I[ I[ L) I[ Pc 9c I[ Q) 9i >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< Q( I[ JkXik :XgXZ`kfi (,'D=; )-,M8: I[ Pc I[ 9b -54- Pc&>e D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Figure 75. Spindle ON/OFF switch (Left side view). Figure 76. Spindle ON/OFF switch (Right side view). JG@E;C<FE&F==JN@K:? . :FCFIB<P - , ( - =ifek M`\n ) >ifle[ To Main Electrical Box Page 51 9i 9i 9b I[ 9c , 9C8:B 9b I<; I[ 9CL< 9c 9IFNE 9i >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< Pc&>e 9b Pc&>e G< * + I\Xi M`\n J<IM@:< + -55- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ Figure 77. Pump wiring. GLDGDFKFI >e I[ I[ :FCFIB<P >e >ifle[ G< E( C( 9b 9c G8IKJ Pc&>e I[ 9C8:B 9b >I<<E >e I<; I[ 9CL< 9c >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< I[ JkXik :XgXZ`kfi )D=; +,'M8: To Main Electrical Box Page 51 -56- Pc&>e D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ NFIBC8DG Figure 78. Work lamp wiring. To Main Electrical Box Page 51 ' 9c :FCFIB<P Nk I[ ( I[ GCL>N@I@E> 9C8:B 9b N?@K< Nk I<; I[ 9CL< 9c >I<<E N&P<CCFN JKI@G< >ifle[ Pc&>e Gcl^efk`eZcl[\[ To Main Electrical Box Page 51 Pc&>e 9c > ?fk ))' M8: 9b ?fk -$(,Gcl^ 8ji\Zfdd\e[\[ G8IKJ -57- ('+, G8IKJ ('+- ('+. -58(''/ (',) ('() ('(* ('(' ('(, ('(( (''* (''/ (''- (''. ('', (''0 (',* ('+) (',( ('+* ('++ ('(+ ('(' ('(0 ('(0$( ('+/ ('+0 (',' ('+( (''+ ('(- ('(. ('(/ ('') (''( (''' ('0' ('/. 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SHAFT GEAR24T WORMGEAR KEY5X5X45 ROLLPIN5X24 GEAR14T KNOB GEARSHAFT10T LEVER ROLLPIN5X24 STEELBALL6MM COMPRESSIONSPRING SETSCREWM6-1X8 CAPSCREWM6-1X45 BOSS 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2451-1 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2461 2463 2464 2465 2465-1 2466 2467 2468 XPW03M XPSB29M XM11122436 XM11122437 XPSS17M XM11122439 XM11122440 XM11122441 XPRP32M XM11122443 XPSS19M XM11122445 XM11122447 XPSB127M XPSB28M XM11122450 XPSB49M XM11122451-1 XM11122452 XM11122453 XPN01M XPSS11M XM11122456 XM11122457 XPSS12M XM11122459 XM11122461 XM11122463 XPSS02M XM11122465 XM11122465-1 XM11122466 XM11122467 XPSB61M FLATWASHER6MM CAPSCREWM6-1X40 SHAFT SAFETYSHIFTER SETSCREWM8-1.25X6 COMPRESSIONSPRING STEELBALL6MM BOSS ROLLPIN6X40 DOG SETSCREWM8-1.25X30 LEVER SHAFT CAPSCREWM6-1X65 CAPSCREWM6-1X15 GEAR CAPSCREWM6-1X60 SPACER HOUSING THREADDIAL HEXNUTM6-1 SETSCREWM6-1X16 HALFNUT HALFNUTHOUSING SETSCREWM6-1X25 GIB SHAFT GEAR25T SETSCREWM6-1X6 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FLAT HD SCR M8-1.25 X 25 WIPER PHLP HD SCR M5-.8 X 14 SLIDE PLATE 2523 2524 2525 2526 2528 2529 2530 2531 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 XM11122523 XM11122524 XPB19M XM11122526 XM11122528 XM11122529 XM11122530 XM11122531 XM11122533 XM11122534 XP8102 XM11122536 XPSB06M XM11122539 XM11122540 XPSS20M XM11122542 XPSTB003M XM11122544 SLIDE PLATE SLIDE PLATE HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 24 WIPER HANDLE HUB HUB SCREW SPANNER NUT INDICATOR PLATE INDICATOR PLATE SCREW THRUST BEARING 8102 BRACKET CAP SCREW M6-1 X 25 LEAD SCREW GEAR 13T SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 8 SCALE HUB STEEL BALL 6MM COMPRESSION SPRING 6 X 16MM G8IKJ -67- D((()()o*->lejd`k_`e^CXk_\D]^%J`eZ\+&'/ :fdgfle[I\jk )-+' )-+( )-'* )-'( )-') )-'+ )-'- )-', )-'. )-() )-'0 )-'/ )-)( )-)' )-(. )-(' )-(( )-(/ )-(0 )-(* )-(+ )-(, )-(- )-+) :fdgfle[I\jkGXikj PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 XM11122601 XM11122602 XM11122603 XPN02M XM11122605 XM11122606 XM11122607 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