special awards - Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club
special awards - Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPONSOR TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 HISTORY 5 2014 MEETING DATES 6 BONUS BUCKS 9 CLUB OFFICERS 11 SKI - PARK SUNDAYS 12 PAST PRESIDENTS 13 SPECIAL AWARDS 14 AWARD WINNING MEMBERS 16 SPECIAL AWARDS 17 BY-LAWS 18 MEETING PROTOCOLS 26 2014 SANCTIONED TOURNAMENTS 27 2014 ‘WEARS’ YOUR GEAR PHOTO CONTEST 30 2014 MEMBERS LIST 33 2014 LAKE RENTAL PROTOCOL 49 LAKE RENTAL DATES 50 COURSE SETUP 52 2 SPONSORS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bakes 1 Pacific Nautiques 4 Totem Lake Physical Therapy 7 Bonney’s Pro Am 8 Seattle Water Sports 10 Rehabilitation Options of Issaquah 15 Radar Skis 21 East Side Services 23 Gary Estes 25 Wileys Centerfold Real Property Associates – Notary 32 Studio 3 Signs 43 S & P Designs 45 Connelly 46 Grandpa’s RV Productions 47 Adrenaline Watersports 48 Sturtevant’s 51 Whit’s Mobile Marine 53 Seattle Boat Co. 54 Elliot Tire and Service 56 Custom By Design 58 Grazie Restraunts 60 Mastercraft Inside Front Cover U District Smiles Inside Back Cover HO Skis Back Cover 3 4 The Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club A Retrospective.. Lake Sammamish water skiers had been active long before the club was formed in 1959 by twenty- seven charter members. Back then breakfast on the lake, parties, moonlight skiing and water ski show practice took precedence over skiing a course and tournament competition. For thrills there was kite flying, bare footing, the Sammamish Slough water ski races and ski marathons. Meetings were held at member's homes every week during the summer, eventually the business meetings moved to Gateway Grove, now know as Idylwood Park. Since its inception LSWSC members have been instrumental in the evolution of local waterskiing. In 1956, founding members John and Margaret Medley put in the first slalom course at the north end of the lake near the site of the present day slalom course. After a summer of battling angry fisherman and having the slalom (beach) balls stolen, the course was abandoned. Three years later the club successfully petitioned the state engineers for a slalom course and jump. This slalom course with its quartered inner tube buoys stayed intact. In 1964 club members gave boating safety and water ski safety demonstrations at Seward Park and helped to improve and revise waterskiing laws for King County. Club members have also helped shape water skiing and the water sports industry globally. Industry pioneers and world class competitors such as Jeff Jobe, Wally Burr, Herb O'Brien, Ed Le Cocq (Torque), Roger Teeter (E P), Greg Horn (Connelly) are all past members of the LSWSC. Famed mountain climber Jim Whittacker , the first American to summit Mt. Everest, was also a member of our club. As interest in competitive skiing grew so did the number of tournaments and it became necessary to try to alleviate the conflicts of dates. The Northwest Water Ski Federation was formed with the first presidents being members of the club. In 1961, the ski club was requested to co-sponsor the Seafair tournament on Greenlake with Greater Seattle Inc. This association was continued for over twenty years. Also that year, the club held their first sanctioned tournament on Lake Sammamish and due to the extremely rough water, it was the last. The club sponsored the 1961 and 1967 Western Regional and the 1972 Nationals on Greenlake and the 1974 Regional on O'Brien Lake. Over the years many of our competitive skiers achieved state, regional and national recognition and were credited with setting new records in slalom, tricks, and jumping. In 1997 and 1998 we were named Western Region Club of the Year by USA Water ski. We have since grown to over 150 members, from beginners to seasoned competitors, making ours the largest club in the Northwest and one of the largest in the 11 states that comprise the Western region. LSWSC frequently holds several tournaments throughout the year, both sanctioned and unsanctioned, and offers members the opportunity to ski on private owner-operated lakes, as well as public waters around Washington. 5 2014 Membership Meetings DATE LOCATION May 13th Bake’s Marine - Issaquah June 10th Sturtevant’s - Bellevue July 8th Membership Meeting - Ski Swap August 12th Wiley’s - Seattle September 9 MasterCraft Northwest - Redmond Holiday Party and Auction **All meetings start at 6:30pm and refreshments are provided** 6 7 8 Bonus Buck Values EVENT BUCKS ATTEND A MEETING 500 WEAR A NAME TAG 500 WEAR AN ITEM WITH CLUB LOGO 500 Max 2 items SIGN UP NEW MEMBER 2000 2000 to sponsor, 2000 to new member BOAT OWNER TAKING 3RD PARTY SKIING FOR FIRST TIME 500 500 to boat owner, 500 to skier RECEIPT FROM CLUB SPONSOR 500 OBTAIN A NEW CLUB SPONSOR (OR GET ONE BACK ON BOARD) 5000 BRING AN ITEM TO AUCTION (AT LEAST $5 OF VALUE) 1000 COMPETE IN ANY TOURNAMENT 500 TWO HOURS WORKING AT CLUB TOURNAMENT (PLEASE WEAR LSWSC SHIRT) 500 OBTAIN AWSA CERTIFICATION 1000 ANSWER TRIVIA QUESTION 500 9 10 2014 Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club Officers PRESIDENT / Historian VICE PRESIDENT Rodney Thornley Randy Walston rtstar@comcast.net waterskeer@comcast.net TREASURER SECRETARY Dave Ricketts Ben Taves CustombyDesign@comcast.net bentaves@pickatime.com LAKE RENTAL CHAIR SPONSORSHIP CHAIR Rick Kearns Bill Bonney rskearns@comcast.net wlbonney@gmail.com MEMBERSHIP CHAIR COMMUNICATIONS Steve Tidwell Sean O’Connor stidball@clearwire.net sean_oconnor@comcast.net HANDBOOK WEB MASTER Mike Goodwin Greg Eckert mikesgood1972@gmail.com eckertgw@gmail.com TOURNAMENT CHAIRS PAST PRESIDENT Bill Bonney Jina Yotty Rodney Thornley jina.yotty@comcast.net 11 The Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club has rented Ski Park Lake (a tournament ski site) for the members to use on a first come basis from April until December. Purchased time is Sundays from 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Cost is $50.00 per person / Sunday. Visit the member’s only section of our web site to see schedule possibilities. Email Dave at CustombyDesign@Comcast.net to confirm the openings and get on the schedule. USAski insurance and gas money additional. 12 PAST PRESIDENTS YEAR 2013 2012 2011 2010 2006-2009 2003-2005 2000-2002 1994-1999 1993 1992 1989-1991 1984-1988 1982-1983 1981 1980 1979 1978 1976 1975 1974 1973 1971-1972 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 NAME JINA YOTTY JINA YOTTY & GREG LANGLAIS KIA ROBERTS-THANE CLINT MERRIMAN KIA ROBERTS-THANE DARLENE SONDERGAARD RANDY WALSTON RODNEY THORNLEY BRUCE HECHT AARON CULLEY BRUCE HECHT RICK STOCKS MARC EVANGER JOHN BOHLING MARC EVANGER DON HANSON CHERLY BLACK JIM ARIES MIKE MCKELHEER PAUL SMITH HERB O'BRIEN WENDAL BLACK MIKE MEDLEY STAN ERSKINE LARRY LIVINGSTON RICK GALER DEAN SPRINKLE JOHN MEDLEY HERB O'BRIEN STAN ERSKINE LARRY LIVINGSTON SWAN PERSON 13 SPECIAL AWARDS PRESIDENT’S AWARD 2013 Lori Avaiusini 2012 Sam & Lori Avaiusini 2011 Tom Thane 2010 Mike Mcqueen 2009 Greg Eckert 2008 Jina Yotty 2007 Rodney“Star” Thornley 2006 Rick Kearns 2005 Gary Sondergard 2004 Randy Walston 2003 Kia Roberts-Thane 1999 Darlene & Garry Sondergaard 1998 Kathy Jzyk GARY POTTER MEMORIAL AWARD 2013 Bill Bonney 2012 Bob Kolstad 2011 Rick Kearns 2010 Kia Roberts-Thane 2009 Ken & Vicki Ward 2008 Randy Walston 2007 Jean Baskett 2006 Rob Scholl 2005 Richard Doan 2004 Bill Bonney 14 Rehabilitation Options of Issaquah (ROI) is a multispecialty rehabilitation clinic. ROI is the only place you will need to go to recover from an injury, an accident, or chronic disabling condition. ROI specializes in coordinated care of muscular injuries, spine disorders, neurological injuries, migraine headaches, neck pain and lower back pain. ROI’s unique team approach coordinates your care around your goals and needs. Our staff has a wide range of skills for diagnosis and treatment, and is centered around the recovery of the function you desire, whether it be return to work, return to athletic competition, or management of a chronic painful condition. We offer the best trained physicians, physical therapists, massage therapists, psychotherapists, athletic and conditioning specialist, nutrition counseling and acupuncture. Our Services Acupuncture Fitness Evaluation Massage Nutrition therapy and Dietary Counseling Personal Training & Functional Fitness Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Psychotherapy Special Tests & Treatment Procedures Rehabilitation Options of Issaquah Highmark Medical Center 1740 NW Maple Street, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA. 98027 425 394-1200 15 2013 AWARD WINNING MEMBERS Steve Tidwell 2013 OUTSTANDING MEMBER Sergy Lyubchik 2013 NEW MEMBER OF THE YEAR Bill Bonney 2013 GARY POTTER MEMORIAL AWARD Lori Avaiusini 2013 PRESIDENT’S AWARD 16 SPECIAL AWARDS OUTSTANDING MEMBER(S) 2013 Steve Tidwell 2012 Sam & Lori Avaiusini 2011 Kent & Kirsti Smith 2010 Michael Hayes 2009 Joellen Cruze 2008 Garry Sondergaard/Ginger Edwards-Buetow 2007 Clint Merriman / Bob Kolstad 2006 Sean O’Connor / Sue & Alan Pickrell 2005 Janette Cline & Pete Layshock 2004 Ginger Edwards 2003 Matt Bodick 2002 Joellen Vahrenwald 2001 Karen Knudsen 2000 Garry & Darlene Sondergaard 1999 Randy Walston 1998 Kevin Eilson 1997 Kathy Jzyk 1996 Bob Dechaineau / Ed Nordby 1995 Rebecca Mckinney 1994 Rodney Thornley NEW MEMBER(S) OF THE YEAR 2013 Sergy Lyubchik 2012 Rob Johnson 2011 George & Rita Lenes 2010 Sam And Lori Avaiusini 2009 Hardy Kramer 2008 Michael Hayes 2007 Jina Yotty / Maria Downey 2006 Mike & Candi Mcqueen 2005 Sean & Kelley O’Connor 2004 Rick Kearns 2003 Amy Enloe 2002 Paul & Janette 17 ---BY-LAWS OF THE LAKE SAMMAMISH WATER SKI CLUB. INC. A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION PURPOSE: Water Safety - Competition - Social Activity A. GENERAL I. PLACE OF BUSINESS The principle place of business of the corporation shall be in the region of Lake Sammamish. II:REGULAR MEETINGS Meetings shall be called by the President or majority of the Executive Board. Members will be notified either written or orally one week in advance of such meetings. III EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President, Vice Presi-dent or by any three Executive Board members at such place as may be designated by the callers of the meeting. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE B - OFFICERS. EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS The four officers of the corporation shall be: President, Vice President Secretary Treasurer Il. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Election of Officers shall be conducted at the regular meeting in September of each year. Candidates for corporation officer may be nominated at any time by the general membership and will be presented at the regular meeting in September, at which time additional candidate nominations may be made from the floor. NO member may be nominated or elected unless they are personally present at the election meeting except where written communication has been received by the current officers explaining such absence. Nominations and balloting shall be completed for each officer before proceeding to another in the following sequence: 1) President; 2) Vice President; 3) Secretary; 4) Treasurer. 18 Voting shall occur by written ballot with those receiving the highest total votes cast being elected. In case of a tie vote, there shall be a run-off between those tied. The election shall be conducted, supervised, and ballots counted by a presidential appointed committee. III: EXECUTIVE BOARD A The officers, past president, and the Chairpersons will com-prise the Executive Board. ARTICLE C - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Order Roberts Rules of Order shall apply with regard to the duties of all officers. II PRESIDENTT The president will preside at all regular and special meetings. The President may, prior to the first Executive Board Meeting, appoint the following standing committee chair-persons. The president in addition may also appoint other special chairs a. Membership. b. Lake Rental c. Social Committee d. Sponsorship e. Communications f. Handbook III. VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President will assist the President in all matters, and in the absence of the President, conduct all regular and special meetings. IV. TREASURER The Treasurer shall submit an itemized report concerning the finances of the corporation at the Executive Board meeting, or whenever called upon to do so. All disbursements under one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be authorized by the President and shall be paid by check, signed by the Treasurer. All disbursement over seven one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be authorized by the Executive Board and shall be paid by check, signed by the Treasurer. V. SECRETARY The Secretary will record minutes of all regular and special meetings and assist the President and Vice President in all corporation matters. The Secretary shall also keep files of all matters pertaining to the Corporation including all meeting minute files. 19 Vl. CHAIRPERSONS The duties of the Chairpersons include, but are not necessarily limited to: a. Membership Chair—The Membership Chair shall act on all applications for membership to the corporation; maintaining the membership list and providing updates for each meeting; establishing, maintaining and monitoring a club information dissemination system. b. Lake Rental Chair—-The Lake Rental Chair shall coordinate all lake rentals, and ensure policies are established and followed regarding lake rental events. c. Social Chair—The Social Chair shall make recommendations regarding location of regular meetings and social activities, and arrange such activities as directed by the membership. d. Sponsorship Chair—The Sponsorship Chair shall cultivate and maintain relationships with corporate sponsors, record and track sponsorship information and donated funds on an annual basis, arrange speakers for general meetings, and other duties as assigned. e. Communications Chair—The Communications Chair shall assist the Secretary to care for all corporation correspondence and notices to the corporation members, and shall coordinate publishing the club newsletter. f. Handbook Chair--The Handbook Chair shall compile and arrange the annual skier’s handbook for printing and publication each year. VII. COMMITTEES Each Chairperson appointed by the President shall be subject to the ap-proval by a majority of the Executive Board. Each appointed chairperson may, there upon, select their own committee. Vlll. TERM OF OFFICE All Officers, and the Chairpersons shall hold office for a term of one year, or until their successors have been elected. Any Officer or any Member of the Executive Board may, at any time, be removed from office by a majority vote of the entire board. Such removed member shall have the privilege of presenting their defense at the next regular meeting, at which time such removal must be approved by a majority of those members present. All past officers shall have their dues waived the following year after serving there term. 20 21 D – MEMBERSHIP CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP There shall be 4 classes of membership. Note: current year as used in this article shall be from January 1st to December 31st. a. Regular Member i. Any person may become a regular member after complying with the requirements of paragraph (D) (ll & lll) of this section, and meeting all other requirements of the corporation. ii. A junior member may become a regular member after complying with the requirements of paragraph (b) (m) of this section, and meeting all other requirements of the corporation. his applications, and be approved by a majority of the Membership committee. b. Junior Member A person who has not reached the a of 17prior to June 1st of the current year, and can satisfactorily meet all other requirements of the corporation. ii Shall not have the power to vote or be eligible to hold any office or chairpersonship. iii A junior member may become a regular member if they: have reached the age of 17 years by June 1st of the current year; remained a member of good standing for one year after the date of his/her application; and be approved by the Membership Chair c. Honorary Member These honorary titles are created as a compliment to those on whom they are conferred, and generally carry with them the right to attend meetings and to speak, but not to propose motions, to vote, or to preside. All Past Presidents shall become honorary members and be exempt from paying membership dues for the next year immediately following their most recent term of office. A Past President shall not be subject to the limitations set forth in the above subpart (c) (i). d. Corporate Member i. Any corporation that wishes to make a minimum two-hundred dollar ($200.00) donation will receive one (1) Corporate Membership. ii. Corporate Members may participate in the LSWSC outings, social functions, and private lake rentals for that membership year. Corporate Members may submit proposals. at any time to sponsor any LSWSC function. One (1) full page, black and white advertisement in the LSWSC Members Handbook shall be included with each Corporate Membership. A link to their company website posted on the LSWSC website. Corporate Members shall have the power to vote 22 23 II: APPLICATION Any person applying for membership In The Lake Sammamish Water Ski Club, Inc. must complete an application form In its entirety and fulfill all the requirements. Ill: MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERSHIP A member shall remain an active member so long as the following conditions are met; members shall not be delinquent in dues. Failing to meet the above requirement, said member shall become a delinquent member not eligible to the privileges of the corporation and be so notified. IV. FEES Each application for membership shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Annual Dues: Individual Members $50.00 Family Membership $75.00 Initial dues for the first year must accompany application. (Exception: Junior Members outside of a Family Membership shall be subject to $25.00 annual membership fee until age seventeen (17). and shall be sponsored by a Regular Member of the club. V. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS After one weeks’ notification of the proposed changes in writing/e-mail to the membership, proposed changes of these bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership in a general session where a majority is present. VI. SPECIAL FUNDS The corporation may establish and maintain a special fund for the purpose of acquiring certain properties. No single item of property shall exceed $1,000.00 in value. 24 25 LAKE SAMMAMISH WATER SKI CLUB Order of Business 1. Call the meeting to order 2. Read the minutes 3. Introduce Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Chairpersons 4. Acknowledge Guest 5. Ice breaker 6. Program 7. Treasurer report 8. Standing committee reports Competition/Safety/Judges Equipment Membership Show Social PR/Historian/Lake Rentals 9. Unfinished business 10. New business 1l. Next Meeting CLUB MODIFED ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER Parliamentarian & Proctor - will keep a speaker list Motion - made from the floor need second Amendment to a motion - add something to current motion need second Withdrawal motion - to remove your motion on the floor Division of assembly -calling for a ballot vote when a voice vote is too close to call Call for the question - needs a second request to vote immediately Motion to end debate - needs a second request to stop debate Motion to limit debate - used to set a time limit on debate Motion to defer or postpone - used to table a motion on the floor Point of order - priority (use two hands over head) question of proper procedures Point of information - priority (use two hands over head) if you do not understand a motion Motion to adjourn - needs second to end meeting 26 INT WATER SKI TOURNAMENT Stop1: Stop 2: Stop 3: Stop 4: Stop 5: Stop 6: April 26 June 7 June 8 Aug 1-3 Aug 23 Aug 24 Koppert Lake, Toledo Spring Classic Lake Tye, Monroe Lake Tye, Monroe Sun Basin Ski Ranch, Moses Lake Koppert Lake State Championship, Toledo Free Riders Ball Koppert Lake State Championship, Toledo Free Riders Ball 2014 AWSA WASHINGTON TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE Date Tournament Site Location May 24 – 25 June 14 June 15 June 21 June 21 - 22 June 28 June 29 July 3 July 5 - 6 Return to Broho Saturday Slalom Radar Open It’s the Water Rainier Lake Hoedown Hilltop Open 1 Hilltop Open 2 The Warman Late One 55th Peace Arch Open Broho Baseline Sun Basin Ski View Rainier Lake Hilltop Hilltop Warman Lake Ski Park Graham, WA Quincy/George Moses Lake Olympia, WA Yelm, WA Marysville, WA Marysville, WA Vancouver, WA Orting, WA July 11 - 13 July 12 - 13 July 16 - 17 July 19 - 20 July 23 - 26 Aug 2 –3 Aug 2 –3 Aug 7 Aug 9 CanAm Record 27th Annual Mint Lake Open Airtime Evening Plus Slalom Nautique Big Dog Tour Stop Western Regional Rainer Lake fun in the Sun Oregon State Championships Another Late One Saturday at Broho Borderline Mint Lake Ski Park Broho Laku Lake Rainier Lake Line-Off Lake Warman Lake Broho Blaine, WA Yacolt, WA Orting, WA Graham, WA. Windsor, CO. Yelm, WA. Banks, OR. Vancouver, WA. Graham, WA Aug 17 Aug 21 Aug 22 - 24 Lake Sammamish Team & Dream 2 Broho Ski Park First Chance Qualifier Ski Park Victoria BC Open Borderline Graham, WA Orting, WA Blaine, WA Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Cathy Pritchett Memorial Another Day at the Lake NW Waterski Championships Hilltop Open Record 1 Hilltop Open Record 2 Ski View Ski View Mint Lake Hilltop Hilltop Olympia, WA Olympia, WA Yacolt, WA Marysville, WA Marysville, WA Sept 12-14 Last Blast of Heat Tate Lake Basin City, WA Sept 20 The Warman Last One Warman Lake Vancouver. WA 23 24 29—Sept 1 30 31 27 28 29 2014 ‘Wears’ Your Gear? Purpose Generate Club MoJo Monthly contest Photo content: Photo must be of club gear being worn in a public place. (Club sponsored event locations don’t count. i.e. Lake rentals, club mtgs, etc.) Photo winner: Winning photo will be taken the farthest from home. (Submit as many photos as you like but no individual may win more than 2x) Photo submittal: Photos must be taken in month submitted and submitted by the last day of the month. Prize: The winning photo will be included in the next newsletter Winner will be awarded 500 club bucks at the Next Club Mtg Winner need not be present to win 2014 Season contest Photo content: Photo must be of club gear being worn in a public place. (Club sponsored event locations don’t count. i.e. Lake rentals, club mtgs, etc.) Photo winner: 2014 winning photo will be taken the farthest from home. Photo submittal: Photos must be taken any time during the year (2014) and submitted by Dec 31 (Previous monthly entries will be automatically entered in the 2014 Season contest) Prize: Winner will be announced at the Club Annual Holiday Party (assumes party is in January) 30 Bill and Kinsley wearing our gear in Arizona 2014! 31 Washington State Notary 24/7 Free for Club Members 206-409-5289 Rodney Thornley Since 1970 32 2014 Members Adrenaline Watersports 13433 Northeast 20th St Bellevue, WA 98005 www.adrenalinewatersports.com 425-746-9253 Avaiusini, Sam & Lori 4703 192nd Place SE Issaquah, WA 98027 sam.avaiusini@gmail.com 206-399-5715 lavaiusini@gmail.com Bakes Marine Paul Gregoire 6424 E. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE Issaquah, WA 98029 paul@bakesmarine.com 425-392-7599 Bonney, Bill & Kathy 3656 172nd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 ktbonney@gmail.com 425-885-5634 425-736-8520 wlbonney@gmail.com Brisbon, Douglas 22329 36th Ave SE Bothell, WA 98021 dwbinc@hotmail.com 206-498-4488 Claire, Joe & Chris 4920 - 32nd Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 joechris.clare@gmail.com 206-729-1487 Custom by Design Dave Ricketts www.custombydesign.biz 425-295-1960 Douglass, Darin 1867 Fredrickson Dr. Clarkston, WA 99403 darin.douglass@clearwaterpaper.com 509-552-1148 *Please report errors to the membership chair. 33 2014 Members Dwyer, Chuck 703 22nd Ave Clarkston WA 99403 drdwyer@cableone.net 509-552-9237 Downey, Maria Grazie Restaurant 408 287th Ave SE Fall City WA 98024 graziesouth@yahoo.com 206-228-9622 Eastside Services, Inc. 6003 221st Pl SE Issaquah WA 98027 www.eastsideservices.com 425-557-0199 Eckert, Greg & Lisa 1218 165th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98008 eckertgw@gmail.com 425-503-0506 Ellis, Ryan & Christine 724 203rd St SE Bothell WA 98012 ellis009@msn.com 206-550-8869 Evans, Eric 2472 173rd Pl. NE Redmond WA 98052 evanscge@gmail.com 435-289-8004 Gartrell, Michelle 331 NW 53rd St Seattle WA 98107 mgartrell77@hotmail.com 425-330-8145 Gary Estes Mobile Repair 280 NE Juniper St Issaquah WA 98027 garyestes@live.com 206-999-2320 425-557-0386 34 2014 Members Goodwin, Mike & Carly Studio 3 Signs 3916 NE 157th Pl. Lake Forest Park WA 98155 mike@studio3signs.com 206-484-7797 carlywatkins@hotmail.com Grazie Restaurant 16943 Southcenter Parkway Tukwila WA 98188 www.grazierestaurant.com 206-575-1606 Helm, Jim & Ann 25937 138th Ave SE Kent WA 98042 jrhelm47@aol.com 253-740-5601 HO Sports www.hosports.com Ibsen, Mark 535 3rd Ave N Edmonds WA 98020 isben.mark@gmail.com 425-387-0427 Jager, Rene 2940 259th PL SE Sammamish, WA rjager@bellsouth.net 954-914-3206 Johnson, Aaron 1433 Terrace Ct East Wenatchee ajohnsonswow@gmail.com 360-930-2011 Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robert 2625 Anacortes Ave NE Renton WA 98059 rojosdojo@gmail.com 425-442-1822 35 www.lakesammamishwaterskiclub.org 36 2014 Members Jones, EJ 5615 Pleasure Pt Ln Bellevue WA 98006 ej_jones@hotmail.com 425-243-7087 Jorissen/Robbins, Susan 2528 191st SE Bothell, WA 98012 susan_jorissen@hotmail.com Kalberer, Suzanne 6545 51st Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 suzannen@microsoft.com Kearns, Rick & Marie Sarah, Ryan 11020 220th Pl NE Redmond, WA 98053 rskearns@comcast.net 206-390-2146 Klinginsmith, AJ PO Box 111 Clarkston, WA 99403 ajatmikes@cableone.net 509-751-6011 Kolstad, Robert & Michelle 15431 260th Ave SE. Issaquah, WA 98027 fjcruiserbob@gmail.com 425-643-0370 Kramer, Hardy & Karen 11736 SE 256th Pl Kent, WA 98030 hardykramer@hotmail.com 253-852-1553 425-503-5021 253-653-6200 karen8589@gmail.com Kurz, Rick & Brenda 19732 NE 32nd Place Sammamish, WA 98074 rick.kurz@comcast.net 425-830-9804 37 2014 Members Langlais, Greg 8821 23rd Ave NE #2 Seattle, WA 98115 iamgregory@gmail.com 206-920-7286 Lehr, Eric 14325 SE 92nd St Newcastle, WA 98059 ericjlehr@gmail.com 425-802-7323 Lenes, George & Rita Stacey 26232 142nd Ave SE Kent, WA 98042 georgerita@comcast.net 253-630-2096 253-293-1825 Lundin, Richard 12006 57th Dr SE Snohomish WA 98296 rich@richlundin.com Lyubchik, Sergy 18110 125th Ave NE Apt #212 Bothell WA 98011 sergylyubchik@gmail.com MasterCraft Northwest/Seattle 2005 NW Poplar Way Issaquah WA 98027 www.mastercraftseattle.com 425-391-9353 rusty@watersportsds.com McReady, Frank 9912 61st Ave E Puyallup, WA98373 253-381-1626 Merriman, Clint Merriman, Clint 21245 SE 42nd Pl Issaquah WA 98075 clintm@comcast.net 425-829-6446 38 2014 Members Nichols, William 1515 37th Ave Seattle WA 98122 wnichols@u.washington.edu 206-726-9798 O'brien 7926 Bracken Place SE Snoqualmie, WA 98065 www.obrien.com 425-831-1058 PeteS@obrien.com O'Connor, Sean & Kelley Breanna, Makenna 3241 36th Ave Sw Seattle, WA 98126 sean_oconnor@comcast.net 206-850-8550 206-898-8514 Pelly, Cameron 3921 179th Ln SE Bellevue, WA 98008 cameron.pelly@alum.dartmouth.org Pacific Nautiques 318 West Valley Hwy North Pacific, WA 98047 www.pacificnautiques.com Pickrell, Alan & Sue 929 170th Pl. SE Bellevue, WA 98008 sue.pickrell@comcast.net info@pacificnautiques.com 425-941-2226 206-949-5005 alan.pickrell@comcast.net Radar Skis Chris Sullivan www.radarskis.com 425-369-6850 Real Property Associates - Notary Rodney Thornley 80041 14th Ave NE Seattle. WA 98105 rtstar@comcast.net 206-409-5289 *Please report errors to the membership chair. 39 2014 Members Rearden, Kevin 5103 46th Ave S Seattle, Wa 98118 skis2skis@yahoo.com 206-883-5754 Ricketts, Dave PO Box 93 Issaquah, WA 98027 custombydesign@comcast.net 425-295-1960 Seattle Boat Co. Christina Prober 3911 Lake Washington Blvd SE Bellevue, WA 98006 www.seattleboat.com 888-481-2754 cprober@seattleboat.com Seattle Water Sports Mark Lord 6820 NE 175th St Kenmore, WA 98028 888-481-2754 smith, Kent & Kirsti 10709 161st Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 kent.smith36@frontier.com 425-444-4487 Sondergaard, Garry & Darlene Paul 19812 Island Park Way E Lake Tapps, WA 98391 g@sondergaards.com water-skibug@hotmail.com 253-862-3633 425-503-2488 d@sondergaards.com Studio 3 Signs Mike Goodwin 1117 NW 54th St #3 Seattle, WA 98107 www.studio3signs.com 206-622-8204 40 2014 Members Sturtevants Al Quinn 1100 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004 www.sturtevants.com 425-454-6465 Taves, Ben 23028 NE 72nd Pl Redmond, WA 98053 bentaves@pickatime.com 425-466-1122 Templeton, Jay 15127 NE 24th Redmond, WA 98052 nzinus@live.com 425-205-8570 Thane, Tom & Kia Roberts 1709 172nd St SE Bothell, WA 98012 kiatom1@msn.com 206-200-7231 Thomas, Margo Audrey & Elise Kolda 520 96th Ave NE 520 96th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 margothomas444@gmail.com 425-444-4370 Thornley, Rodney 4744 9th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 rtstar@comcast.net 206-409-5289 206-634-0165 Tidball, Steve & Karen 15302 181st Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 stidball@clearwire.net 206-795-2477 *Please report errors to the membership chair. 41 2014 Members Totem Lake Physical Therapy Kirsten Olson 13127 121st Way NE Ste F Kirkland, WA 98034 www.retpgroup.com/totemlake 425-823-8631 kolson@retpt.com Walrath, Dennis 16109 84th St Ct E Sumner, WA 98390 djwalrath@comcast.net 253-376-5245 Walston, Randy 2830 234th Ave SE Sammamish. WA 98075 waterskeer@comcast.net 206-778-6336 Watkins, Carly 303 E. Pike St. #505 Seattle, Wa 98122 carlywatkins@hotmail.com 425-785-3133 Wery, Cisca Elly, Erica 4235 NE 92nd St Seattle, WA 98115 cisca@windermere.com 206-715-7187 206-523-5443 Whit's Mobile Marine Jeff Whiter www.whitsmobilemarine.com 206-491-2299 jeff@whitsmm.com Wiley's 1417 S Trenton St www.wileyski.com 206-762-1300 Yotty, Jina 1800 NE 40th St #E103 Renton, WA 98056 jyotty@hotmail.com 206-779-1766 42 43 LakeSammamishWaterSkiClub 44 45 46 47 48 2014 LAKE RENTAL PROTOCOL Reservations: Reservations: For those members with paid yearly dues, we will have two separate lottery drawings prior to the April meeting. We will have two rounds of lake rental sign ups at the April meeting and the order will be determined by the two lottery drawings. You may sign up for two lake rentals in each round. Cash or preferably check for the full amount is required at the time a reservation is made. After the April meeting reservations will be on a first come, first serve basis. Two day events will have 15-17 ski slots available. Two skiers can share a slot if pre-approved by the lake rental chair prior to the event. To sign up: The Lake Rental Chair manages the sign up process which occurs in person at the April membership meeting. Membership dues must be paid for the current year and you must be present to sign up. Annual dues can be paid along with Lake Rental sign ups. Checks are to be made out to LSWSC. Your name will not go on the list until all the above has been received. Dates offered are listed on the next page. Refunds: Reservations are NOT refundable. In the event you will not be able to attend your scheduled lake rental, you must contact the Lake Rental Chair. The Chairperson will then notify you of who is next on the waiting list for that event. It is your responsibility to contact that person directly, notify the Chairperson of the change, and collect the fee from your replacement. Again, it is up to the person canceling the reservation to contact the individuals on the waiting list and collect the fee. If you cancel and there is no waiting list for the event then you may find another club member to take your spot. If there is not a club member available then a non-member member may attend. If all efforts fail to fill your spot, your deposit will not be refunded. Site Protocol: A new ski rotation list will start each morning on a first come, first listed basis. Latecomers will be added to the bottom of the list and ski in rotation. Skiers may share a spot in the rotation by alternating each turn if preapproved by the lake rental chair in advance of the event. Boat owners/drivers: The Lake Rental Chair coordinates which boat owners/dealers will provide their boat for each given weekend. Drivers will be designated at the sole discretion of the owner/dealer. Please adhere to respective owners wishes regarding what is/is not allowed in their boat (ie; food, drinks, shoes). Crew: Please volunteer to time/spot/crew throughout the day, according to your experience level, so as to share responsibilities and maximize enjoyment for everyone. What to bring: Please bring whatever you need to be self-contained for the time of your visit as most sites are primitive camping. All lakes have outhouses and only some have electricity and running water. Some sites do not allow pets, so when signing up, be sure to check the site rules. 49 Garbage: There is no central refuse or garbage collection for the lakes, therefore as a club we are required to carry out all of our own garbage. We strive to leave these sites as good, or better than we found them to help ensure our continued access to these valuable facilities. Member in Charge (MIC): Someone, usually a club officer, will be named as MIC. If there is a problem, please try to work it out on your own. If you cannot work it out at the site, follow the MIC’s decision and when you get back, please notify the President and the Board will take appropriate action. Volunteers: A sponsor, dealer or club member towing the boat to an event will receive one free slot for the entirety of the event. In addition, club members bringing their boat will receive $150 for using their boat for that event. ** It is our privilege to rent these facilities. Please be courteous and friendly with the lake owners, their guests, or caretakers. We always want to be invited back!** 2014 Lake Rental Date: Location: May 31 - June 1 Tate June 21-22 Koreis July 19-20 Koreis August 23-24 Havvaski 50 51 Course Dimensions PARTS OF THE COURSE NAME COLOR 55 meter buoys green, or yellow buoys Entrance/Exit buoys "gates" orange or red buoys Boat Guide buoys yellow buoys Turn buoys orange or red buoys Novice buoys green buoys MEASUREMENT CHART Description Dimension Total Length 849' 8 7/8" Starting Gate to Ball 1 88' 7" Ball 1 to Ball 2 Gates 134' 6 1/8" Center of Entrance Gate to Ball 1 96' 3 3/8" Ball 2 to Ball 3 Diagonal 154' 2 3/4" Entrance Gate, Center of Course to Ball 4 4" 1 1/4" Center Line of Course to Turn Ball 37' 8 3/4" Center Line of Course to Boat Gates 3' 9 1/4" 55 Meter Buoys 180' 5 3/8" Range 847' 7 38" - 851' 10 3/8" 88' 1 5/8" - 89' 1/4" 133' 10 1/8" - 135' 2 1/4" 95' 9 5/8" - 96' 9 1/8" 153" 5 3/8" - 155' 1/8" 3' 10 3/4" - 4' 3 3/4" 37' 4 1/4" - 38' 1 3/8" 3' 4 3/4" - 4' 1 3/4" 179' 6 1/2" - 181' 4 1/4" Course Timing MPH 36 34 32 Full Course MPH 16.08 16.95 17.93 30 28 26 52 Full Course 19.03 20.27 21.68 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60