EXAMPLE REPORT V-STATS™ Sleep Study / Split Night
EXAMPLE REPORT V-STATS™ Sleep Study / Split Night
EXAMPLE REPORT V-STATS™ Sleep Study / Split Night Patient: Treatment: Pronounced Cheyne Stokes Breathing Non-invasive ventilation, Split Night Treatment: Analysis Period (AP) 1: no oxygen; AP 2: 2l oxygen; AP 3: 1l oxygen Data provided by Dr. Zahn, Sleep Lab Zürcher Höhenklinik, Switzerland TM A short and full version of the report automatically generated by V-STATS following pages. is provided on the The following dossier shows the same “Example Report 02 Sleep Study / Split Night” incorporated in V-STATS™ with different report print versions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Factory default Summary Full Report “one-page” Summary Full Report “one page” Summary Partial Report Full Report (without event list) (2 pages) (1 page) (1 page) (x pages, depending on settings) 1) The factory default Summary Report version (2 pages) consist of the - summary page of the statistical analysis for SpO2, PCO2, and PR with Distribution of different SpO2, PCO2 and PR events as a function of time and Operator Events - the measurement curve. - font size: 7 Example Hospital Example Departement Dr. John Example Example Address Example Email / Phone / Webpage Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Height : 176 cm Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg : 25 kg/m² BMI :M Sex Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Summary Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement SpO2 distribution [%] SpO2 Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time <88% Time <88% [%] Events < 88%, duration > 5min. 68 % (23:40:01) 99 % (02:43:16) 92 % 93 % 1:21,57 hrs 16 0 Event type Desaturations Below 85% Above 100% Index [n/hour] 49 33 0 PCO2 (Drift corrected) Baseline (occur.) Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time >55.0mmHg Time > 55.0mmHg [%] Events > 55.0mmHg, duration > 5 min. 45.6 mmHg (21:28:25) 42.0 mmHg (22:21:51) 63.0 mmHg (03:24:51) 48.0 mmHg 47.0 mmHg 8,21 min 2 1 Event type Fall >1.0mmHg/min Rise >1.0mmHg/min Below 30.0mmHg Above 45.0mmHg < baseline-7.0mmHg > baseline+7.0mmHg Index [n/hour] 12 12 0 7 0 2 PR Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Standard deviation (1SD) 47 bpm (03:22:53) 84 bpm (21:26:50) 60 bpm 60 bpm 4 bpm Event type Rise Below 50bpm Above 120bpm Index [n/hour] 8 1 0 01:30:00 0% 01:12:00 10-06-2010 21:55:59 10-07-2010 01:47:31 3% 7% 12% 49% 28% 00:54:00 00:36:00 Events 409 279 0 00:18:00 Avg. event duration 20 sec 10 sec 0 sec 00:00:00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PCO2 distribution [mmHg] 01:30:00 8% 01:12:00 69% 21% 2% 0% 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 Events 99 99 0 57 0 14 Avg. event duration 30 sec 29 sec 0 sec 7,25 min 0 sec 3,27 min 00:00:00 40 45 50 55 60 65 PR distribution [bpm] 01:20:00 47% 01:04:00 49% 3% 00:48:00 Events 70 6 0 00:32:00 Avg. event duration 26 sec 12 sec 0 sec 00:16:00 00:00:00 50 Operator Events: a. b. 0% E0 No oxygen (nativ) E1 2l O2/min c. 10-07-2010 03:48:41 60 70 80 E2 1l O2/min V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 1/2 2/2 Patient Displayed time range: 12 hrs : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Height : 176 cm Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg : 25 kg/m² BMI :M Sex Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] 66 Drift corrected 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement start : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement end Measurement duration : 08:39:09 : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Interval : 08:39:03 Analysis Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% Analyzed Duration SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement AP1 AP2 AP3 a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. 48.0 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec 39 100 94.2 88.3 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 82.5 76.7 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 58.3 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 22:00:00 00:00:00 02:00:00 04:00:00 06:00:00 08:00:00 2) The “one page” version of the Full Report consists of - the summary page of the statistical analysis for SpO2, PCO2, and PR with the distribution of different SpO2, PCO2 and PR events as a function of time the measurement curve of the selected Analysis Period in compacted version marked with a bar. font size: 7 Example Hospital Example Departement Dr. John Example Example Address Example Email / Phone / Webpage Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Height : 176 cm Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg : 25 kg/m² BMI :M Sex Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Summary Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement SpO2 distribution [%] SpO2 Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time <88% Time <88% [%] Events < 88%, duration > 5min. 68 % (23:40:01) 99 % (02:43:16) 92 % 93 % 1:21,57 hrs 16 0 Event type Desaturations Below 85% Above 100% Index [n/hour] 49 33 0 PCO2 (Drift corrected) Baseline (occur.) Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time >55.0mmHg Time > 55.0mmHg [%] Events > 55.0mmHg, duration > 5 min. 45.6 mmHg (21:28:25) 42.0 mmHg (22:21:51) 63.0 mmHg (03:24:51) 48.0 mmHg 47.0 mmHg 8,21 min 2 1 Event type Fall >1.0mmHg/min Rise >1.0mmHg/min Below 30.0mmHg Above 45.0mmHg < baseline-7.0mmHg > baseline+7.0mmHg Index [n/hour] 12 12 0 7 0 2 PR Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Standard deviation (1SD) 47 bpm (03:22:53) 84 bpm (21:26:50) 60 bpm 60 bpm 4 bpm Event type Rise Below 50bpm Above 120bpm Index [n/hour] 8 1 0 01:30:00 0% 01:12:00 PCO2 [mmHg] 66 61.5 Drift corrected 57.0 3% 7% 12% 49% 28% 00:54:00 00:36:00 Events 409 279 0 00:18:00 Avg. event duration 20 sec 10 sec 0 sec 00:00:00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PCO2 distribution [mmHg] 01:30:00 8% 01:12:00 69% 21% 2% 0% 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 Events 99 99 0 57 0 14 Avg. event duration 30 sec 29 sec 0 sec 7,25 min 0 sec 3,27 min 00:00:00 40 45 50 55 60 65 PR distribution [bpm] 01:20:00 47% 01:04:00 10-06-2010 21:55:59 10-07-2010 01:47:31 49% 3% 00:48:00 Events 70 6 0 00:32:00 Avg. event duration 26 sec 12 sec 0 sec 00:16:00 00:00:00 50 Operator Events: a. b. 0% E0 No oxygen (nativ) E1 2l O2/min c. 10-07-2010 03:48:41 60 70 80 E2 1l O2/min AP1 AP2 AP3 a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. 52.5 48.0 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] 43.5 39 100 94.2 88.3 82.5 76.7 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 70.8 65 87 79.8 72.7 65.5 58.3 Range: auto Grid: auto 51.2 44 22:00:00 00:00:00 02:00:00 04:00:00 06:00:00 08:00:00 Displayed time range: 12 hrs V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 1/2 3) The Partial Report “one page” version of only one Analysis Period consists of - - the summary page of the statistical analysis for SpO2, PCO2, and PR only for the selected Analysis Period (in this Example AP 1 – no oxygen) with the distribution of different SpO2, PCO2 and PR events as a function of time (again only for the selected Evaluation Episode) and Operator Events the measurement curve of the selected Analysis Period in compacted version marked with a bar. font size: 7 Example Hospital Example Departement Dr. John Example Example Address Example Email / Phone / Webpage Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Height : 176 cm Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg : 25 kg/m² BMI :M Sex Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Summary Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:55:59 - 01:47:31 (03:51:32) Analysis Duration : 03:51:32 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 99% PCO2 97% PR 99% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 AP 1: No oxygen (nativ) SpO2 distribution [%] SpO2 Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time <88% Time <88% [%] Events < 88%, duration > 5min. 68 % (23:40:01) 97 % (01:46:15) 89 % 91 % 1:16,26 hrs 33 0 Event type Desaturations Below 85% Above 100% Index [n/hour] 73 70 0 PCO2 (Drift corrected) Baseline (occur.) Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time >55.0mmHg Time > 55.0mmHg [%] Events > 55.0mmHg, duration > 5 min. 45.6 mmHg (21:28:25) 42.0 mmHg (22:21:51) 49.5 mmHg (22:45:17) 45.8 mmHg 46.0 mmHg 0 sec 0 1 Event type Fall >1.0mmHg/min Rise >1.0mmHg/min Below 30.0mmHg Above 45.0mmHg < baseline-7.0mmHg > baseline+7.0mmHg Index [n/hour] 19 15 0 13 0 0 PR Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Standard deviation (1SD) 51 bpm (00:52:16) 84 bpm (00:00:39) 61 bpm 61 bpm 4 bpm Event type Rise Below 50bpm Above 120bpm Index [n/hour] 11 0 0 00:40:00 0% 00:32:00 1% PCO2 [mmHg] 66 61.5 Drift corrected 57.0 14% 21% 47% 10% 00:24:00 00:16:00 Events 281 267 0 00:08:00 Avg. event duration 23 sec 10 sec 0 sec 00:00:00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PCO2 distribution [mmHg] 01:10:00 18% 00:56:00 82% 0% 0% 0% 00:42:00 00:28:00 00:14:00 Events 71 55 0 49 0 0 Avg. event duration 21 sec 19 sec 0 sec 3,13 min 0 sec 0 sec 00:00:00 40 45 50 55 60 65 PR distribution [bpm] 00:30:00 33% 00:24:00 10-06-2010 21:55:59 10-07-2010 01:47:31 66% 2% 00:18:00 Events 42 0 0 00:12:00 Avg. event duration 23 sec 0 sec 0 sec 00:06:00 00:00:00 50 Operator Events: a. b. 7% E0 No oxygen (nativ) E1 2l O2/min c. 10-07-2010 03:48:41 60 70 80 E2 1l O2/min AP1 AP2 a. b. a. b. a. b. 52.5 48.0 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] 43.5 39 100 94.2 88.3 82.5 76.7 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 70.8 65 87 79.8 72.7 65.5 58.3 Range: auto Grid: auto 51.2 44 22:00:00 22:30:00 23:00:00 23:30:00 00:00:00 00:30:00 01:00:00 01:30:00 Displayed time range: 4 hrs V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 1/1 4) The full version of the report consists of the - summary page of the statistical analysis for SpO2, PCO2, and PR - detailed analysis for SpO2 - detailed analysis for PCO2 - detailed analysis for PR - Distribution of different SpO2 events as a function of time - Distribution of different PCO2 events as a function of time (2 pages) - Distribution of different PR events as a function of time - List of events (not printed in this example) - Comment - Applied analysis criteria - Measurement curve (in this example 30 minutes per page) - font size: 8 Example Hospital Example Departement Dr. John Example Example Address Example Email / Phone / Webpage Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Summary Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement SpO2 distribution [%] SpO2 Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time <88% Time <88% [%] Events < 88%, duration > 5min. 68 % (23:40:01) 99 % (02:43:16) 92 % 93 % 1:21,57 hrs 16 0 Event type Desaturations Below 85% Above 100% Index [n/hour] 49 33 0 PCO2 (Drift corrected) Baseline (occur.) Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Time >55.0mmHg Time > 55.0mmHg [%] Events > 55.0mmHg, duration > 5 min. 45.6 mmHg (21:28:25) 42.0 mmHg (22:21:51) 63.0 mmHg (03:24:51) 48.0 mmHg 47.0 mmHg 8,21 min 2 1 Event type Fall >1.0mmHg/min Rise >1.0mmHg/min Below 30.0mmHg Above 45.0mmHg < baseline-7.0mmHg > baseline+7.0mmHg Index [n/hour] 12 12 0 7 0 2 PR Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Standard deviation (1SD) 47 bpm (03:22:53) 84 bpm (21:26:50) 60 bpm 60 bpm 4 bpm Event type Rise Below 50bpm Above 120bpm Index [n/hour] 8 1 0 01:30:00 0% 01:12:00 0% 3% 7% 12% 49% 28% 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 Events 409 279 0 Avg. event duration 20 sec 10 sec 0 sec 00:00:00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PCO2 distribution [mmHg] 01:30:00 8% 01:12:00 69% 21% 2% 0% 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 00:00:00 Events 99 99 0 57 0 14 Avg. event duration 30 sec 29 sec 0 sec 7,25 min 0 sec 3,27 min 40 45 50 55 60 65 PR distribution [bpm] 01:20:00 47% 01:04:00 49% 3% 00:48:00 00:32:00 Operator Events: a. b. 10-06-2010 21:55:59 10-07-2010 01:47:31 E0 No oxygen (nativ) E1 2l O2/min Events 70 6 0 c. Avg. event duration 26 sec 12 sec 0 sec 10-07-2010 03:48:41 00:16:00 00:00:00 50 60 70 80 E2 1l O2/min V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 1 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH SpO2 analysis Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement SpO2 distribution [%] 01:30:00 0% 0% 3% 7% 12% 49% 28% 01:12:00 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 00:00:00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 SpO2 - General results Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median 68 % (23:40:01) 99 % (02:43:16) 92 % 93 % Time <88% Time <88% [%] Events < 88%, duration > 5min. Events < 88% 1:21,57 hrs 16 0 309 SpO2 Range [%] Duration %-Duration %-Integrated 98 - 100 15 sec 0 100 96 - 97 55,31 min 11 100 94 - 95 2:56,49 hrs 35 89 92 - 93 1:48,18 hrs 22 54 90 - 91 50,28 min 10 32 88 - 89 30,16 min 6 22 86 - 87 20,41 min 4 16 84 - 85 16,35 min 3 12 82 - 83 14,22 min 3 9 80 - 81 12,01 min 2 6 78 - 79 9,57 min 2 4 76 - 77 5,04 min 1 2 74 - 75 2,06 min 0 1 72 - 73 49 sec 0 0 70 - 71 15 sec 0 0 0 - 69 7 sec 0 0 SpO2 - Event analysis Desaturation analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Desaturations 409 49 sec (00:29:18) 20 sec 2:18,28 hrs 16,30 min 49 Threshold analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Total index [n/hour] Below 85% 279 20 sec (01:24:09) 10 sec 47,42 min 5,41 min 33 33 Above 100% 0 0 sec ( - ) 0 sec 0 sec 0 sec 0 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 2 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 analysis Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% DRI: 1 Full Measurement PCO2 distribution [mmHg] (Drift corrected) 01:30:00 8% 69% 21% 2% 0% 01:12:00 00:54:00 00:36:00 00:18:00 00:00:00 40 45 50 55 PCO2 - General results 60 65 (Drift corrected) Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Baseline (occur.) Max. above baseline (occur.) 42.0 mmHg (22:21:51) 63.0 mmHg (03:24:51) 48.0 mmHg 47.0 mmHg 45.6 mmHg (21:28:25) 17.4 mmHg (03:24:51) Time >55.0mmHg Time > 55.0mmHg [%] Events > 55.0mmHg, duration > 5 min. 8,21 min 2 1 PCO2 - Event analysis %-Duration %-Integrated PCO2 Range [mmHg] Duration 100 0% 0 sec 90.0 - 200.0 100 0% 0 sec 85.0 - 89.9 100 0% 0 sec 80.0 - 84.9 100 0% 0 sec 75.0 - 79.9 100 0% 0 sec 70.0 - 74.9 100 0% 0 sec 65.0 - 69.9 100 0% 1,16 min 60.0 - 64.9 100 2% 7,23 min 55.0 - 59.9 98 1:34,37 hrs 19% 50.0 - 54.9 79 5:20,38 hrs 66% 45.0 - 49.9 13 1:03,56 hrs 13% 40.0 - 44.9 0 0% 0 sec 35.0 - 39.9 0 0% 0 sec 30.0 - 34.9 0 0% 0 sec 25.0 - 29.9 0 0% 0 sec 0.0 - 24.9 (Drift corrected) Dynamic analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Total index [n/hour] Fall >1.0mmHg/min 99 5,14 min (03:47:01) 30 sec 50,53 min 6,15 min 12 24 Rise >1.0mmHg/min 99 6,49 min (05:43:47) 29 sec 49,17 min 6,04 min 12 Threshold analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Total index [n/hour] Below 30.0mmHg 0 0 sec ( - ) 0 sec 0 sec 0 sec 0 7 Above 45.0mmHg 57 2:23,34 hrs (01:47:18) 7,25 min 7:02,31 hrs 51,57 min 7 Baseline analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Total index [n/hour] < baseline-7.0mmHg 0 0 sec ( - ) 0 sec 0 sec 0 sec 0 2 > baseline+7.0mmHg 14 19,05 min (03:19:50) 3,27 min 48,30 min 5,58 min 2 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 3 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PR analysis Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement PR distribution [bpm] 01:20:00 47% 49% 3% 01:04:00 00:48:00 00:32:00 00:16:00 00:00:00 50 60 70 80 PR - General results Minimum (occur.) Maximum (occur.) Mean Median Standard deviation (1SD) 47 bpm (03:22:53) 84 bpm (21:26:50) 60 bpm 60 bpm 4 bpm PR - Event analysis Dynamic analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Rise 70 59 sec (03:11:05) 26 sec 30,57 min 3,41 min 8 Threshold analysis Events Longest event (occur.) Avg. event duration Time in events Time in events/hour Index [n/hour] Total index [n/hour] Below 50bpm 6 25 sec (03:22:49) 12 sec 1,12 min 9 sec 1 1 Above 120bpm 0 0 sec ( - ) 0 sec 0 sec 0 sec 0 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 4 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Operator Events Full Measurement Date/Time # (MM-DD-YYYY) Type a. 10-06-2010 21:55:59 b. 10-07-2010 01:47:31 c. 10-07-2010 03:48:41 Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% DRI: 1 Description (max. 30 Char) New Analysis Period E0 E1 E2 No oxygen (nativ) 2l O2/min 1l O2/min X X X V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 5 / 29 Patient Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH SpO2 event distribution Full Measurement SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Desaturations 9% 38 9% 38 9% 37 8% 35 9% 37 8% 35 8% 35 7% 32 6% 27 5% 24 4% 19 5% 3% 16 3% 16 2% 10 1% 8 0% 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs Threshold analysis: SpO2 Below 85% 13% 38 13% 37 12% 35 12% 35 11% 33 12% 34 11% 33 10% 7% 21 5% 4% 12 0% 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs Threshold analysis: SpO2 Above 100% 10% 5% 0.5 1 1.5 2 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 6 / 29 Patient Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 event distribution (Drift corrected) Full Measurement DRI: 1 Dynamic analysis: PCO2 Fall >1.0mmHg/min 13% 13 7% 7 10% 5% 13% 13 9% 9 6% 6 8% 8 7% 7 8% 8 2% 2 0.5 6% 6 5% 5 1% 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7% 7 7% 7 7% 7 4.5 5 5.5 6 4% 4 4% 4 6.5 7 2% 2 7.5 3% 3 1% 1 8 8.5 9 2% 2 2% 2 2% 2 hrs Dynamic analysis: PCO2 Rise >1.0mmHg/min 11% 11 10% 7% 7 7% 7 5% 5 9% 9 5% 5 5% 4% 4 5% 5 7% 7 7% 7 4% 4 1% 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs Threshold analysis: PCO2 Below 30.0mmHg 10% 5% 0.5 1 1.5 2 Threshold analysis: PCO2 Above 45.0mmHg 21% 12 15% 9 20% 15% 10% 6 14% 8 14% 8 8% 5 10% 8% 5 1% 1 5% 0.5 1 1% 1 1.5 2 3% 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs 9 hrs Baseline analysis: PCO2 < baseline-7.0mmHg 10% 5% 0.5 1 1.5 2 Baseline analysis: PCO2 > baseline+7.0mmHg 42% 6 40% 21% 3 30% 14% 2 20% 21% 3 10% 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 7 / 29 Patient Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PR event distribution Full Measurement SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Dynamic analysis: Rise 17% 12 14% 10 15% 10% 5% 8% 6 5% 4 4% 3 5% 4 8% 6 1 5% 4 2% 2 1% 1 1.5 2 7% 5 5% 4 1% 1 0.5 8% 6 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 1% 1 6 6.5 7 1% 1 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs Threshold analysis: PR Below 50bpm 50% 3 50% 40% 33% 2 30% 16% 1 20% 10% 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 hrs Threshold analysis: PR Above 120bpm 10% 5% 0.5 1 1.5 2 V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 8 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Comment Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% Full Measurement DRI: 1 here you have the possibility to add up to one page of Comments: measurement with new Ear Clip ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 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V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 9 / 29 Patient : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH Applied analysis criteria SpO2 DRI: 1 Full Measurement Analysis Interval: Full Measurement Exclude SDM events: High Ambient Light SpO2 Signal Quality SpO2 Low signal Calibration recommended PCO2 Slow No No No No No Fixed threshold: Marker: Off Upper threshold: Lower threshold: Low artifact threshold: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 100 % 85 % 50 % 2 sec -1 sec Dynamic: Marker: On Desaturation: Recovery: Follow-up event: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 4% 30 % 2% 2 sec 240 sec Upper threshold: Lower threshold: Low artifact threshold: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 45.0 mmHg 30.0 mmHg 20.0 mmHg 10 sec -1 sec PCO2 Fixed threshold: Marker: Off PR Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% Deviation from baseline (45.6 mmHg) > baseline + Marker: Off < baseline Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 7.0 mmHg 7.0 mmHg 10 sec -1 sec Dynamic: Marker: On Fall: Rise: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 1.0 mmHg 1.0 mmHg 5 sec 240 sec Fixed threshold: Marker: Off Upper threshold: Lower threshold: Low artifact threshold: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 120 bpm 50 bpm 30 bpm 2 sec -1 sec Dynamic: Marker: On Rise: Duration minimum: Duration maximum: 8 bpm 5 sec 60 sec V-STATS™ developed for SenTec AG by Dr. Fenyves und Gut Deutschland GmbH / Hotline: +49 7471 93740 / SenTec AG, Ringstrasse 39, 4106 Therwil, Switzerland, www.sentec.ch 10 / 29 11 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement AP1 PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 66 a. 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 49.9 48.6 48.0 47.2 INV Art RI FA RI Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec RI Art RI 45.0 RI RI FA Art INV 42.1 39 100 a. 97 95 94.2 94 94 94 93 93 93 94 93 95 94 94 94 91 91 91 91 92 91 93 92 93 92 88.3 89 89 89 88 87 89 88 85 87 89 88 89 93 86 84 82.5 93 94 93 94 93 94 94 93 94 92 94 93 92 92 89 88 86 85 93 91 90 91 91 87 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 RI 44.5 43.5 84 87 86 83 87 86 84 84 83 81 82 83 85 84 83 80 81 79 76.7 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 84 a. 80 79.8 79 75 72.7 73 Mean: 60 77 77 74 74 7272 7272 70 70 70 74 73 73 73 73 71 67 68 68 68 72 71 71 7070 70 65.5 71 70 69 67 68 68 69 70 71 72 71 69 67 70 68 70 69 66 68 65 63 67 68 65 64 67 64 61 58.3 RI RI 63 66 62 66 61 67 66 62 62 66 66 63 63 66 62 63 66 67 66 63 62 RI 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 21:30:00 21:35:00 21:40:00 21:45:00 21:50:00 21:55:00 66 63 12 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 49.0 48.5 48.6 48.0 48.0 47.0 46.8 RI 46.5 FA 48.2 48.0 45.9 FA 48.7 48.4 48.2 47.1 RI 46.3 FA 46.4 46.1 RI 46.1 FA FA RI FA RI FA 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 42.0 39 100 94.2 92 93 93 93 92 93 92 93 93 94 93 93 92 93 92 93 93 92 94 93 92 93 92 92 91 92 92 93 92 93 94 93 88.3 94 94 94 93 94 94 87 85 82.5 83 81 80 83 83 81 80 82 83 81 82 80 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 82 83 83 83 83 83 80 79 76.7 77 D D 67 67 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 80 81 79 D D D D D D D D 78 77 76 D D D D D D D 78 78 78 78 D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 58.3 68 66 66 66 63 61 62 62 61 60 64 61 60 64 61 66 65 64 63 62 60 68 67 60 67 6565 65 65 65 63 64 64 64 64 65 64 64 64 63 64 63 65 65 64 63 63 61 61 61 61 60 60 61 61 60 60 60 59 60 61 61 59 59 59 60 60 61 66 61 62 62 59 RI 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 22:00:00 22:05:00 22:10:00 22:15:00 22:20:00 65 64 22:25:00 62 62 13 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 61.5 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 47.7 48.0 FA 43.5 SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 Full Measurement 66 Baseline 45.6 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 45.1 RI Art INV RI 43.6 45.7 RI 44.6 48.9 46.9 46.7 46.4 46.3 46.1 FA RI 46.3 46.1RI 46.1 46.1RI RI 44.6 49.5 48.7 48.7 48.4 48.5 48.1 48.2 48.2 48.3 48.4 47.9 48.1 47.5 RI Art RI FA RI FA FA FA RI 46.4 FA 42.7 39 100 94 94.2 94 94 94 95 94 95 94 93 94 94 94 94 94 93 94 93 94 95 94 94 94 94 95 94 94 93 94 93 95 94 94 95 94 94 95 94 91 88.3 86 84 82.5 80 79 78 76.7 D D 80 78 D D 81 81 76 D 84 83 78 78 79 78 79 79 79 79 80 79 79 79 D D 80 78 75 75 D D D D D 80 77 75 D 80 D D D D D D D 63 63 D D D D D D D D D 75 D D 77 75 D D D 78 76 D D 61 61 76 D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 70 68 Mean: 60 65.5 66 66 66 65 64 64 62 62 58.3 60 60 61 60 RI 62 63 63 65 64 62 61 61 61 59 59 RI 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 58 57 55 62 61 62 62 62 57 58 58 59 57 58 61 62 60 59 58 58 60 61 61 61 61 61 59 57 5757 RI 61 58 57 55 58 56 53 44 22:30:00 22:35:00 22:40:00 22:45:00 22:50:00 62 58 57 57 57 55 54 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 61 59 22:55:00 54 RI 14 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.3 48.0 47.3 FA FA FA RI FA 47.2 RI 45.3 FA FA FA FA FA RI RI 45.1 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 RI FA FA 45.4 FA RI FA RI 45.1 39 100 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 94.2 93 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 95 95 94 95 95 95 88.3 82.5 76.7 76 D D 77 D 78 78 80 79 78 76 76 D D D D D 75 D D D 76 D 76 74 D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 46.9 77 77 D D D 73 76 76 76 D D D 61 61 77 76 75 74 D D D 73 D 74 D 78 76 76 D D D 60 60 60 D 79 77 76 D D 59 59 77 77 D D D 79 78 D D 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 60 61 61 61 63 62 61 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 60 59 61 57 57 57 57 55 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 57 62 60 61 58 56 RI 56 56 55 56 55 56 56 56 61 60 61 58 58 58.3 57 60 57 60 61 60 56 57 55 54 54 55 54 54 55 55 54 RI 52 56 55 55 53 RI 55 52 44 23:00:00 23:05:00 23:10:00 61 60 23:15:00 23:20:00 23:25:00 RI 52 15 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 61.5 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 47.5 46.6 RI FA RI Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 RI FA 44.8 43.5 SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec 47.2 FA 45.7 FA RI 46.5 46.2 46.2 Art FA FA RI RI FA RI FA 44.7 44.4 43.4 RI RI FA 39 100 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 96 94 94.2 96 95 94 96 96 95 94 94 95 94 95 94 95 95 95 95 94 95 96 95 94 95 94 95 94 88.3 84 82.5 80 79 76.7 76 77 77 D D D 76 D 76 76 D D D 74D D 79 D D 78 79 77 D 76 D D 76 D 74D D 75 D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] Full Measurement 66 Baseline 45.6 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 75 74D D D D 71 69 68 65 87 D D 72 72 75 D D 73 D D 72 72 D D 74D 74D D D 72 70 69 70 79 79.8 72.7 65 65.5 60 59 58.3 51.2 61 60 61 56 55 Range: auto Grid: auto 67 67 Mean: 60 56 56 53 61 62 61 60 57 RI RI 59 57 55 55 63 60 60 60 56 57 RI 63 63 6161 59 64 63 61 67 62 62 62 66 65 62 62 65 64 64 61 62 65 65 64 61 61 65 61 64 62 65 62 64 62 66 65 65 61 64 61 64 64 62 60 61 58 RI 52 44 23:30:00 23:35:00 23:40:00 23:45:00 23:50:00 23:55:00 62 65 16 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 61.5 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 46.9 FA FA FA RI 46.7 RI FA 44.8 43.5 SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Full Measurement 66 Baseline 45.6 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 FA RI 44.9 RI FA FA FA RI RI RI 44.8 39 100 95 95 95 95 95 94 94.2 95 95 94 96 95 93 94 93 95 94 94 95 94 94 95 94 93 95 93 94 93 95 94 94 95 94 95 93 93 92 91 88.3 87 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 85 82.5 79 79 76.7 76 74D D 72 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] D 75 D 77 76 D 77 75 D 71 65 87 D D 72 72 D D 76 75 D D D D 73 74 D 74 D D 76 76 D D 74 D 79 80 79 78 78 79 75 D 74 D D D D D D D 73 D D D D D D D D 78 75 74 71 66 66 62 66 62 66 63 63 67 66 64 62 67 66 63 63 58.3 RI 72 71 69 68 63 66 66 67 67 67 65 64 62 63 63 61 62 RI 68 65 66 63 64 64 RI 67 65 64 67 66 63 64 72 71 69 68 67 66 64 64 71 70 69 66 66 73 72 63 66 64 RI 67 68 71 69 68 64 INV RI RI 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto D 78 84 72.7 65.5 85 76 79.8 Mean: 60 85 83 44 00:00:00 00:05:00 00:10:00 00:15:00 00:20:00 00:25:00 72 72 68 69 17 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 61.5 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 46.6 FA FA FA FA RI44.7 FA FA 43.5 SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec 43.0 44.3 RI FA 42.4 45.2 44.7 RI FA FA 45.3 45.9 45.0 FA RI FA RI 44.7 RI FA RI 43.6 43.3 42.9 42.6 42.2 42.3 45.6 45.4 44.4 42.3 FA 42.9 42.3 39 100 95 94 94 94.2 93 92 91 95 94 93 95 94 95 96 95 96 96 95 96 96 95 95 96 95 95 94 93 95 95 95 96 95 94 94 93 91 90 88 88.3 87 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 Full Measurement 66 Baseline 45.6 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 86 85 82.5 82 83 82 80 80 81 81 80 78 76.7 D D D D D D D 81 82 81 78 D D D 78 D D D D D 83 82 78 78 D D D 81 81 81 D D D D D 81 80 79 78 77 83 82 D D D D D D 81 80 D D D 78 78 D D D 79 79 D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 71 70 Mean: 60 65.5 68 67 65 69 67 68 68 65 67 64 64 58.3 67 65 64 68 67 66 64 66 64 63 62 63 64 63 64 60 59 60 60 57 RI 59 58 RI 60 58 RI 55RI 64 63 63 64 63 63 62 64 64 63 63 62 63 63 62 59 57 59 58 RI 59 57 58 58 56 RI 53 59 58 59 56 57 RI 53 RI 52 RI 58 59 59 57 RI 54 51 44 00:30:00 00:35:00 63 62 61 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 64 00:40:00 00:45:00 00:50:00 00:55:00 58 18 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 FA Art 45.1 RI FA RI FA RI RI FA 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 45.1 43.6 39 100 94.2 RI FA FA RI FA 45.2 45.1 44.8 RI 43.3 INV FA 44.2 43.8 39.9 95 94 95 96 95 94 93 94 95 94 95 95 96 95 96 95 96 96 95 94 96 95 95 95 94 93 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 93 93 91 91 88.3 87 87 84 82.5 79 79 D D 76.7 77 D D D 78 79 79 D D 79 78 80 79 80 79 78 78 78 D D D 76 D D D D D D D D 79 77 D D 78 D 81 79 78 D 82 81 80 D D 82 82 82 80 80 80 78 D D D D D D D INV D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 66 65.5 63 60 58.3 66 65 64 60 58 RI RI 51.2 52 Range: auto Grid: auto 63 59 59 59 63 63 63 63 62 63 62 63 62 62 58 58 58 57 RI RI 52 52 56 RI 61 58 57 56 55 53 56 RI 53 63 62 62 62 62 60 60 56 RI 64 63 61 60 61 62 61 63 59 59 59 59 58 57 RI 56 54 52 56 56 56 56 RI 51 RI 56 55 RI 55 55 54INV INV 51 01:05:00 01:10:00 01:15:00 01:20:00 RI INV 55 51 44 01:00:00 62 61 01:25:00 19 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement AP2 PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 66 b. 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 46.8 45.6 FA FA FA FA FA 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 FA FA RI 43.9 RI RI 95 95 95 95 94 94.2 95 95 95 RI 45.2 b. 97 95 RI 43.2 39 100 95 94 94 91 88.3 94 93 92 95 94 93 93 94 94 96 95 94 91 90 92 91 89 97 96 92 93 96 93 93 96 97 97 97 96 94 94 95 92 88 86 86 84 82.5 81 76.7 78 79 D 79 D D 78 77 D 81 80 D D 78 78 D D 77 D D D 81 80 79 DD 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] FA D 73 D 73 D 79 78 77 D D 77 76 D D D D D D D D INV 65 87 D D b. 82 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65 65.5 61 62 61 62 61 60 60 61 61 60 60 62 58.3 65 65 64 63 61 62 57 56 56 51.2 56 INV 56 54 55 56 56 64 64 64 66 65 61 61 60 60 60 65 64 63 61 59 60 6060 61 58 56 56 RI 63 62 63 63 59 56 Range: auto Grid: auto 64 INV 56 60 58 59 59 59 60 6060 58 57 57 57 56 53 54 44 01:30:00 01:35:00 01:40:00 01:45:00 01:50:00 01:55:00 20 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 RI FA RI RI RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 97 94.2 95 97 98 97 95 95 94 97 97 95 94 97 96 95 96 96 96 94 96 96 9494 94 94 96 94 96 96 96 9494 94 97 96 97 96 96 95 94 94 93 94 94 94 88.3 82.5 76.7 INV 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65 65.5 61 58.3 62 62 61 60 58 56 62 60 60 59 58 56 57 58 58 59 57 58 56 59 59 57 57 57 60 60 57 57 60 58 60 61 61 59 58 58 63 62 61 61 61 60 60 58 56 56 57 57 58 61 60 59 58 61 57 INV 54 54 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 61 44 02:00:00 02:05:00 02:10:00 02:15:00 02:20:00 02:25:00 21 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 52.5 52.1 50.6 52.2 50.6 50.4 48.0 RI RI FA FA FA FA FA RI RI RI RI FA 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 96 94.2 94 96 94 98 97 96 95 95 94 94 93 98 94 97 95 94 99 97 96 94 96 94 96 96 94 97 96 94 95 94 97 97 95 95 97 97 95 94 91 88.3 82.5 76.7 INV D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 69 Mean: 60 65.5 65 64 6161 62 58.3 59 59 59 59 61 62 62 60 59 58 61 58 58 6464 63 60 58 65 58 60 57 61 59 57 57 57 60 58 58 61 57 60 61 59 59 58 55 INV 62 61 61 58 55 59 59 57 INV RI 58 RI 57 62 57 57 57 62 62 60 60 59 59 59 58 56 57 60 60 58 56 59 57 61 58 60 57 59 57 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 02:30:00 02:35:00 02:40:00 02:45:00 02:50:00 02:55:00 60 57 22 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected Baseline 45.6 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 63.0 61.5 56.6 57.0 55.7 54.3 53.9 52.5 52.2 48.0 FA RI RI RI FA FA FA RI RI RI FA Art RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec 39 100 96 96 95 95 94 94.2 93 91 91 92 92 94 92 94 92 96 95 92 91 88.3 97 97 96 95 91 95 91 95 92 95 90 91 89 87 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 90 89 84 82.5 85 86 76.7 D D D D D D D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 69 Mean: 60 66 65.5 63 61 60 60 60 58 58.3 57 56 57 58 58 58 58 62 61 59 59 58 58 59 59 57 56 54 54 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 60 60 60 5757 57 57 58 61 58 58 60 57 59 58 RI 54 63 62 60 57 58 56 59 61 60 58 55 59 58 55 RI 54 54 61 58 58 RI RI 55 59 RI RI 52 49 48 47 44 03:00:00 03:05:00 03:10:00 03:15:00 03:20:00 03:25:00 23 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement AP3 PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 66 c. 61.5 59.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 RI FA FA FA FA RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 c. 97 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 96 95 97 97 95 95 95 94 94.2 93 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 91 88.3 91 90 89 88 91 91 D D 92 82.5 76.7 D D D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 c. 79.8 75 73 72.7 70 Mean: 60 65 65 65.5 62 60 58.3 59 57 61 61 57 58 56 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 72 RI 54 60 59 58 59 58 58 59 58 RI 54 55 55 56 59 57 55 56 58 56 56 59 55 69 66 67 62 61 61 61 65 59 58 58 56 54 56 60 59 67 69 66 63 60 57 55 68 71 69 58 56 RI 57 RI 54 RI RI 44 03:30:00 03:35:00 03:40:00 03:45:00 03:50:00 03:55:00 65 24 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.9 48.8 47.7 48.0 47.1 RI FA FA FA RI 46.1 INV FA 47.7 46.1 RI 46.0 RI Art INV 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec 39 100 95 94.2 94 95 92 91 91 96 95 91 96 91 97 96 91 92 96 96 95 96 96 96 96 92 88.3 89 90 89 90 96 95 96 91 89 90 89 95 91 95 91 96 95 96 96 95 92 92 91 89 87 Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 96 88 88 D D 90 90 89 92 92 91 91 93 93 90 90 92 92 82.5 76.7 D D D D D D D D D D D D INV D D D D INV D INV Art INV INV INV 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 69 Mean: 60 68 66 65.5 64 58.3 70 68 65 66 64 64 64 62 64 64 61 61 62 62 59 61 59 58 59 58 56 53 51.2 54 54 59 59 58 57 58 RI Range: auto Grid: auto 60 55 54 54 54 58 58 58 58 55 INV 54 55 54 52 53 54 53 57 56 55 INV 54INV INV 52 INV 52 56 53 56 52 55 55 53 44 04:00:00 04:05:00 04:10:00 04:15:00 04:20:00 04:25:00 INV 53 25 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 INV INV RI 45.5 RI RI RI RI RI RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 97 94.2 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 96 97 96 96 95 94 95 96 95 96 94 91 91 88.3 90 91 91 91 D D D 92 91 91 D D 92 91 92 92 92 D D D 92 92 92 92 91 92 91 92 92 D D 92 91 91 91 91 91 D D D D 82.5 76.7 INV INV D D D D D D D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 73 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 62 61 59 58.3 INV 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 57 56 52 54 54 55 58 57 56 INV 5353 57 54 INV 54 58 57 52 50 58 58 56 55 53 51 55 RI 54 52 60 58 57 58 58 56 53 53 RI 57 57 56 54 53 53 55 53 57 54 58 54 58 57 55 55 58 54 RI 54 59 57 55 59 58 56 58 56 57 55 49 49 04:35:00 04:40:00 RI 54 52 44 04:30:00 58 04:45:00 04:50:00 04:55:00 26 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 50.2 48.0 48.0 RI FA FA RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 97 96 97 96 96 96 95 97 96 95 95 95 95 95 94 94.2 91 88.3 90 90 D D 90 90 D D 91 91 91 91 D D D D 95 90 90 90 90 D D D D 94 91 95 94 92 90 90 94 91 95 94 91 94 92 91 94 92 94 92 95 92 88 82.5 76.7 D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 62 61 60 58.3 58 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 58 54 61 55 54 62 RI 56 62 60 60 57 55 55 63 62 57 58 58 56 60 60 57 58 61 61 61 58 58 58 59 63 62 61 60 60 58 58 63 59 58 59 62 64 63 61 61 61 59 59 5959 59 61 59 60 59 59 62 59 62 62 60 63 62 60 60 64 63 60 59 64 64 60 63 64 64 64 61 61 59 50 44 05:00:00 05:05:00 05:10:00 05:15:00 05:20:00 05:25:00 61 61 61 27 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 53.5 49.7 50.8 48.9 48.0 47.4 46.8 FA FA FA RI RI 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 96 96 96 94 94.2 92 94 92 92 92 97 96 96 94 93 92 90 88.3 91 97 97 97 96 95 97 96 97 96 97 95 94 93 89 89 89 88 95 93 92 91 90 97 96 91 90 88 91 91 D D 92 88 85 82.5 76.7 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 70 68 Mean: 60 65.5 63 63 64 63 65 64 63 66 64 64 64 63 58.3 61 60 61 61 61 61 58 61 61 59 60 62 63 63 63 63 63 61 60 60 60 57 55 RI 54RI 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 62 63 62 59 58 60 60 58 RI 63 60 56 56 60 59 60 60 61 61 60 54 53 RI 54 61 58 57 57 55 60 RI 55 50 47 44 05:30:00 05:35:00 05:40:00 05:45:00 05:50:00 05:55:00 62 60 58 28 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 30 min Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected Baseline 45.6 SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement 66 61.5 57.0 54.4 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 RI RI FA INV 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 95 95 95 95 95 95 94.2 93 92 93 93 93 88.3 82.5 76.7 INV 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65 65.5 61 58.3 58 61 61 62 61 60 60 59 57 56 63 61 58 56 INV 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 06:00:00 06:05:00 06:10:00 06:15:00 06:20:00 06:25:00 29 / 29 Patient Displayed time range: 12 hrs : Example 02, Sleep Study / Split Night Date of birth : 08-23-1933 Height : 176 cm Pat. number : Pronounced Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Weight : 77 kg Sex :M BMI : 25 kg/m² Sleeb Lab, Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald, CH PCO2 [mmHg] Drift corrected 66 Measurement start : 10-06-2010, 21:26:49 Measurement end : 10-07-2010, 06:05:58 Measurement duration : 08:39:09 Analysis Interval : 21:26:50 - 06:05:53 (08:39:03) Analysis Duration : 08:39:03 Analyzed Duration : SpO2 97% PCO2 94% PR 97% SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec; DRI: 1 Full Measurement AP1 AP2 AP3 a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. 61.5 Baseline 45.6 57.0 Mean: 48.0 Time >55.0mmHg: 8,21 min 52.5 48.0 43.5 Range: auto Grid: auto SpO2 [%] SpO2 averaging: 4 sec / 4 sec DRI: 1 sec Mean: 92 Time <88%: 1:21,57 hrs Desat/h 49 39 100 94.2 88.3 82.5 76.7 70.8 Range: auto Grid: auto PR [bpm] 65 87 79.8 72.7 Mean: 60 65.5 58.3 51.2 Range: auto Grid: auto 44 22:00:00 00:00:00 02:00:00 04:00:00 06:00:00 08:00:00
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