June 2011 - Amazon Web Services


June 2011 - Amazon Web Services
F O U N D E D 19 1 7
JUNE 2011
by William Manwarren
AGR Board of Directors for 6 years. During that
t is a great honor to announce that #889
time, he also served as a Director (4 years) and
Raphael (Ray) Traen has been selected as the
Chairman (2 years) on the AGR House Resource
2011 Lambda Man-of-the-Year. Ray was
Trust Committee. He was selected as a "Lambda
initiated into Lambda in 1963 and he has achieved a
Brother of the Century".
very notable career in Agriculture.
Ray has held many industry positions and has
After graduation, Ray started as a Vo-Ag
received numerous industry awards. He was
Instructor and as a Football Coach at the Beardsley,
President of the SD Fertilizer & Ag Chemical
MN Public Schools.
Association and Director and Executive Board
Member for the Ag Retailers Association. He served
Ray then worked 27 years all within the same
on the MACA Task Force on establishing mini bulk
organization with several names, which were:
standards. He received the ARA's Distinguished
Geigy, Ciba Geigy, Novartis, and Syngenta. He
and Lifetime Acheivement Award and as a member
retired in 2001 as Vice President of Sales and
of ACPA, he received ACPA's Distinguished
Distribution which he held for 14 years. While in
Service Award.
this position, he managed $1 billion in sales and
340 people. Syngenta was
Ray and his family now
the dominant manufacreside at Moneta, Virginia.
turer of Crop Protection
The current living recipiProducts in the United
ents of previous Man-ofLAMBDA’S
States under Ray's directhe-Year Awards are:
tion. I had the opportuLeland Sundet '84, Donald
nity to work with Ray as a
Swanson '87, Jack Morris '88, Elden Lamprecht '95, John Houle '97,
customer and saw the tremendous respect the industry had for Ray.
Dale Sauer '98, Neil Fruechte '99, Harley Hanke '01, Albert (Stub)
He has also been very involved with Alpha Gamma Rho. Ray has Nelson '02, Laverne Schugel '03, Dallas Bohnsack '05, Sander
been on National AGR Committees such as "Women in Agriculture" Ludeman '06, Neil Durhman '07, Stuart Immer '08, John Campe '09,
and the "Brotherhood Program". He then served on the National
William Manwarren '10.
Why Two Lambda
by Neil Fruechte #796
Probably one of the current questions you
may have is: Why does Lambda have to have
two organizations when we had only one up
until now? The answer is: We had to establish
a second organization, which is the Lambda
Alumni Corporation, in order to comply with
the current IRS rules and regulations.
The new Lambda Alumni Corporation is
organized as a 501(c)(7) organization that is
exempt from income taxes, however, contributions to the Lambda Alumni Corporation are
not tax deductible for the donor. This is the
section under which alumni groups for
college fraternities and sororities are
typically organized. During the last of
March, 2011, we received the official letter
from the IRS granting tax exempt status for
the new Lambda Alumni Corporation.
The Lambda Alumni Corporation will now
own and manage the Chapter House in order
to be consistent with IRS regulations for
501(c)(3) organizations which is the designation for the Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation. Plans have been made to transfer
ownership of the current Chapter House from
the Educational Foundation to the Lambda
Alumni Corporation this Spring. Other activities of our alumni, such as Founder's Day,
will be done through the Lambda Alumni
The Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation will contiue as a 501(c)(3) organization. This is the "Top Dog" of the 501(c)
organizations as it applies to tax issues, and
the IRS Regulations are very specific as to the
permitted activities. The Educational
Foundation is permitted to make grants to
fund scholarships as well as for the construction and operation expenses for the qualified
educational space in the Chapter House.
To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated
exclusively for exempt purposes. It is
important to follow the IRS Regulations
to protect the current status of the Lambda
Chapter Educational Foundation.
One might think that the whole Chapter
House's purpose is educational in nature, but
that is not how the IRS looks at it. Using the
IRS rules, our architect has calculated, and our
legal counsel has reviewed, that 45% of the
current House is elgible as qualified space.
Qualified space is what is used for "religious,
educational, charitable" purposes as stated in
the Regulations. This does not include space
for living quarters, bathrooms, and food service areas.
Continued on page 2
Why Two Lambda Organizations
Continued from page 1
Contributions to the Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation continue to be tax deductible for the donor. This is the benefit we receive by
following the IRS rules for a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions for
our building project that are made to the Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation will be disbursed to the Lambda Alumni Corporation in the
form of educational grants for construction and related operating
expenses over several years. We expect that to happen over about 8
years as long as the education space calculation in the new facility is
about the same as it is for the current Chapter House.
When the Lambda Alumni Corporation papers were filed December
2010, temporary Boards for both organizations were appointed and
were ratified by the membership at the 2011 Founder's Day business
All members previously serving on the Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation Board were named to the Lambda Alumni Corporation
Board. That included 9 Alumni and 2 Collegiates for a total of 11
All of the Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation Board members
resigned their positions except Brothers Manwarren, Wolf, and Immer
who were serving as the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. In addition, Brothers John Campe, Neil Durhman, Elden Lamprecht, and
Mark Vaupel were newly appointed for a total of 7 Foundation
Based on the advice from our legal counsel, it was important that the
two Boards be separate and that only a minority of the Lambda
Chapter Educational Foundation Directors also serve on the Lambda
Alumni Corporation Board.
Lambda Capital Campaign Theme
that AGR has had in the lives of so many Brothers. Nearly 1500
during this time period have called 2060 Carter Avenue their college
home and have gone on to successful careers in many professions and
have been involved in numerous community activities.
Second, those same seventy years have taken a toll on the Chapter
House. So today we must now take steps to ensure the future of
Lambda Chapter by doing a total remodel/rebuild effort to make the
Chapter House a safe, attractive, and functional house for future
Brothers. To win those Spittoon battles took the efforts of everyone,
from those on the field and those cheering support from the sidelines.
This campaign also needs the involvement and commitment of every
Brother to be successful!"
When we ask for your help, please carefully consider how you can
be a part of Lambda's future.
by Neil Fruechte #796
Our Capital Campaign theme is "Lambda: Proud Past - Promising
Future 'To Make Better Men' " and using a graphic design of the
Green Spittoon.
Why the Green Spittoon? I quote Brother Sandy Ludeman, a member of our Capital Campaign Board:
"For over seventy years, the "battles" over the Green Spittoon
between AGR Lambda and its St. Paul Campus rivals have been an
important part of campus life at the U of M. Our "Proud Past Promising Future 'To Make Better Men' " capital campaign is intended to do two things. First, to celebrate the proud legacy and history
94th Founders Day at TCF Bank Stadium
by #1142 Keith Wolf
The 94th Founder’s Day for Lambda Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho
Fraternity convened in the DQ Club Room at the TCF Bank Stadium on
Saturday, April 2, 2011. Approximately 150 attendees took part in the
festivities which included the business meeting, stadium tours, social and
evening banquet in the spacious and elegant club room.
During the business meeting, Tom Potter, # 1267, and Aaron Wolhowe,
# 1654 were elected and Andrew Voxland # 1229 was reelected to serve
three year terms on the Lambda Alumni Corporation board of directors.
Brothers Potter and Wolhowe replaced retiring board members John
Priebe, # 1404 and Nathan Rosha, # 1428.
In addition, Neil Fruechte, #796 provided an explanation for the newly
formed Lambda Alumni Corporation and an update on the fundraising
initiative to renovate the chapter house at 2060 Carter Avenue.
A highlight of the social hour was a continuous slide show of nearly
100 Lambda pictures from every decade since the 1950’s. Brother
Nathan Rosha, # 1428, was instrumental in assembling the slide show
which featured pictures from Lambda traditions including Minnesota
Royal, Homecoming, Founders Day, and Pink Rose. Thanks Nate!
Darrin Rosha, # 1322 served as master of ceremonies during the
evening’s banquet. Brother Rosha introduced The Roll Call of Honor, a
new tradition which consisted of the reading of the names and PIN numbers of members that have passed within the past year.
The invocation was delivered by collegiate brother Jacob Achen
#1700. Bruce Froyum, # 1283 and Dave Schafer, # 841 recognized the
25 and 50 year initiates, respectively.
The highlights of the evening were the recognition of Elden
Lamprecht, # 953, recipient of the MW Knoblauch award and Ray
Traen, # 889 as Lambda’s 2011 Man of the Year. Brother Lamprecht
was recognized by Brother Andrew Voxland, # 1229. Brother Traen was
introduced by Bill Manwarren, # 944, the 2010 Man of the Year. Ray
was accompanied by his family. He dedicated his Lambda book and
presented a copy to his mother. Ray’s brother Tom, # 1134 is also a
Lambda brother.
Brothers viewing the Gopher Football practice
at the TCF Stadium during a break of the
Founder's Day meeting.
“Save the date” for Lambda’s 95th Founders Day, which is tentatively
scheduled for Mar 31, 2012.
by Karl Butenhoff #1694
Although the weather
would suggest otherwise,
it is that time of year
again when the brothers
at Lambda are winding
down and finishing up
their studies for the
spring semester. And
Karl Butenhoff what an eventful semester it has been!
ous contributions, because without your
support we couldn’t be the chapter that we
are today.
On May 1st, the Brothers represented
Lambda extraordinarily well as we took
home several prestigious awards at the
University of Minnesota Greek awards
night. The most exciting award was the
Chapter of Excellence award in which
we beat out close to 40 other fraternities
and sororities to be given this honor.
Being the most well rounded, successful
Greek organization on campus does not
come without the help of all the brothers, so I would like to thank everyone
who has worked hard for this honor.
following week we brought the Spittoon
home after again defeating the men up the
street 11-6 in the big game. The bats were
a little cooler, but we still managed to pull
out an easy victory. We are already excited for fall, where we hope to continue our
winning streak in football and keep the
Spittoon where it belongs.
Founders’ Day was well attended again
this year with 30 of the active brothers at
the annual event. With the venue again at
TCF Bank Stadium to entertain both the
alumni and undergraduates, there was
nothing but great times. It is always nice
to exchange stories both new and old,
about the joys of brothers’ undergraduate
days and seeing how far they have come
Since I last wrote, we crowned two new
lovely sweethearts, Erica and Tj, at the
finale of our annual sweetheart week. It
has been wonderful getting to know them
throughout the semester and having them
support us in numerous different activities
on campus. We also raised over $1000 in
our pork feed to help support the Verd
Anez family.
AGR again had a strong presence at the
95th annual MN Royal Competition where
we participated and won many events
throughout the week. Newly Initiated
brother Dustin Lopez was crowned this
year’s MN Royal King. We all enjoyed
the competition amongst the St. Paul campus organizations and look to yet another
strong showing next year and hopefully
the bragging rights of overall champion!
Lambda hosted a Blood Drive in conjunction with the American Red Cross in
early April. With the help of the community and the active brothers, we received
over 50 donors during the day. We well
surpassed our goal, and helped save
numerous lives in the process.
Scholarship day was held on March
19th, and we had a great turnout with
around 20 applicants able to come down
to the house and interview that day. As
always, there was a great deal of highly
qualified candidates, making the selection
process difficult, but rewarding. It is
always wonderful to see all the bright
minds that plan on pursuing agriculture in
one way or another. After all the interviews were wrapped up, we took the guys
up to the gym to play some dodgeball and
get to know each other a little better. I
would like to extend a sincere thank you
to all of you alumni who have made these
scholarships available through your gener-
Kyle Hoen, Karl Butenhoff & Elden Lamprecht
We were also given the Outstanding
Membership Development award. It is
great to be recognized for all the work
we put into developing better men here
at Lambda. Brother Kyle Hoen, a
graduating senior in Mechanical
Engineering, was awarded with the
high honor of Greek Man of the Year,
and Brother Elden Lamprecht was honored as the Outstanding Chapter
Advisor of the Year. Congratulations to
all the Lambda Brothers!
Softball has been extra exciting the past
few weeks as we made it all the way to
the intramural Greek championship game
where we defeated Farmhouse 21-3 to
earn the title of Greek league champions.
The bats were tremendous and the defense
spectacular as we finished the game in
four innings due to the mercy rule! The
in their professional career. A commonality that I’ve heard time and time again
from the alumni is “I couldn’t imagine
where I would be if I hadn’t joined Alpha
Gamma Rho”.
Thirteen brothers will be graduating
from Lambda this week, and I would like
to wish them all the best of luck in their
future endeavors. We hope to see all alumni young and old back on campus next fall
as we prepare for the football games at
our recently reacquired tailgating spot!
Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
Brother Noble Ruler Butenhoff
Lambda Alumni Corporation Board Report
by #944 William Manwarren Board President
Founder's Day 2011 - A Geat Success
Founder's Day 2011 was held April 2, 2011 at the TCF Bank
Stadium. It furnished a great opportunity for socializing, networking, meeting time, and recognizing Brothers through the
years. Thank you to Keith Wolf and his committee for a fun
Founder's Day event. Read Keith's article to see all that happened at this year's event.
Reorganization of Alumni Boards
Under the direction of the Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation's attorney, a new Lambda Alumni Corporation has
been established. This new Corporation is in addition to the
existing Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation. (See
Brother Neil Fruechte's report for the complete details)
Following are the original Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation responsibilities that have been transferred to the
Lambda Alumni Corporation:
1). To manage the Chapter House facility
2). To collect the rent from the Collegiate Chapter
3). To work with the Collegiate Officers for the betterment
of the Fraternity.
The first Directors appointed to the Lambda Alumni
Corporation were the previous Directors of the Lambda Chapter
Educational Foundation Board. They are: William Manwarren
- President, Andrew Voxland - Vice President, Stuart Immer Secretary, Todd Christopherson - Asst. Secretary, Keith Wolf Treasurer, John Priebe, Jr. - Asst. Treasurer, Gary Anderson,
Nathan Rosha, Jason Ward and Collegiate Directors:
Christopher Love and Andrew Otto.
Since January, 2011, the current Collegiate Directors are
Brothers Jacob Achen and Mitchell Rosenfeld.
A motion for approval and ratification of this slate of Directors
for the new Lambda Alumni Corporation was made and passed
at the 2011 Founder's Day business meeting.
A second Board of Directors were appointed to oversee the reorganized Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation. This new
Board will consist of seven Directors. The purpose of this
Board is to approve expenditures that meet IRS guidelines for a
501(c)(3) organization. Following are the seven who were
appointed prior to the Founder's Day annual meeting. They are:
John Campe, Neil Durhman, Stuart Immer, Elden Lamprecht,
William Manwarren, Mark Vaupel, Keith Wolf.
A motion was passed to approve this slate of Directors for the
newly re-organized Lambda Chapter Eductional Foundation at
the 2011 Founder's Day business meeting.
These have been very busy and historic times for Lambda.
I appreciate all the effort and support from the many Brothers
who have played a key role in these changes, especially Brother
Neil Fruechte for leading the charge.
Housing Update
Many Brothers have asked me about the Lambda Housing
Proposal. Here is a brief summary to date.
This housing process was started 5 years ago. A committee
was formed to summarize the present Chapter House needs.
Then a Blue Ribbon Committe was organized under the direction of Brother #687 Albert (Stub) Nelson with Co-Chair
Brothers #1191 Michael Collins and #778 John Houle. The
members of this committee toured Bailey Hall on the St. Paul
Campus and other housing locations on and near both campuses
to gain a better understanding of what the competition furnishes.
Brother #953 Elden Lamprecht then organized a tour of
Greek Houses that had recently gone through remodeling,
rebuilding, and fund drives so as to educated the Committee on
the do's and don'ts of the process. This tour was an excellent
experience as the Lambda Brothers saw the results and heard
what other AGR Chapters did right and what they had done
At the end of the tour, a group consisting of 5 Lambda Alumni
and 7 Lambda Collegiates met to update the recommendations
originated from the initial Committee's report.
Next, at the direction of the Lambda Chapter Educational
Foundation Board of Directors, Brother #1456 Paul Selberg
designed five housing proposals. They were presented at the
October 2009 Blue Ribbon Committee meeting that consisted of
35 Alumni and Collegiate Brothers. The Blue Ribbon
Committee then recommended that the Lambda Chapter
Educational Foundation Board proceed with a total renovation
of the present Chapter House at 2060 Carter Ave.
Next, there was a unanimous vote of the Lambda Chapter
Educational Foundation Board of Directors to accept the Blue
Ribbon Committee's recommendation. Pennington & Company
was then hired to do a feasibility study.
In addition, the Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation
Board participated in a House Mother presentation last year.
After hearing the merits of the program, the Board recognized
the value of having an adult living in the Chapter House. While
no decision has yet been made, it is prudent to include an adult
living facility in the proposed Chapter House renovation
There's an excellent track record for success among AGR
Chapters that do have an adult living in the Chapter House who
is available for advice and counsel to Collegiate members. It's
really a decision that is primarily driven by the men living in the
Chapter House now, and not by Brothers who lived in the
Chapter House 20, 30, or 40 years ago. Times are different
now! Managing and living in the Chapter House is part of the
College experience.
The Chapter House plan proposal contiues to evolve. In 2010,
a committee of Collegiate members reviewed and made slight
changes to the floor plan proposal. The Capital Campaign
Committee then reviewed these changes and made some minor
changes again before approving the floor plan.
There could be more revisions to the proposal after we see
how much has been pledged and remodeling priorities are determined. If you have interest in being involved, be sure to let a
member of the Capital Campaign Committee know so we can
include you.
The Capital Campaign Committee will be calling many of you
in the near future to help fill out the roster of Era and Class
Leaders as we gear up for the launch of the Capital Campaign.
2011 M. W. Knoblauch Distinguished
Service Award
During his 30 years as Chapter Advisor, Elden has attended over 500
Chapter meetings and has traveled over 30,000 miles accompanying
Chapter Officers to Leadership Seminars. While at the National
Convention and Leadership Seminar, Elden has made a point to take the
delegates on side tours while at these conventions.
Elden has also previously been recognized as Lambda Man of the Year
in 1995 and Lambda Brother of the century in 2004.
In 2008 he organized the Sayre Project – Chapter House Replacement
tour and meeting at Lawrence, KS, Kansas City,
MO, Colombia, MO and Iowa State. This Sayre
Project set the ground work for the design concepts
for Lambda’s proposed new Chapter House.
Elden has consistently strived to Make Better
Men of the collegiate members of Lambda.
Congratulations, Elden for all the time, work
and expense you have devoted to Lambda over the
past 30 years as Chapter Advisor. Your efforts are
quite a remarkable accomplishment
and much appreciated.
Lambda join me in recognizing your 2011 M.W.
Knoblauch Distinguished Service Award recipient;
Brother Elden Lamprecht # 953
The M. W. Knoblauch Distinguished Service Award was established at
the 1967, 50th Anniversary Founder’s Day. This special recognition was
established in honor of the retirement of Lambda founder, Mr. M.W.
“Knobby” Knoblauch from the Alumni Corporation Board of Directors.
The M.W. Knoblauch
Distinguished Service Award
carries the names of individuals who contributed substantial
capital in the form of expertise, time, and energy to the
Lambda Chapter. The plaque
currently carries the names of
individuals who were responsible for some of the following
significant outcomes:
achievement of tax exempt
status for the Educational
Foundation, major fund raising efforts for the 1980 chapter house remodeling, establishing a property management
contract, tax rate abatement,
high school senior scholarships, and the reorganizing of
the Board of Directors to a
participatory body. The award
#1229 Andrew Voxland presenting the M.W. Knoblauch
is made periodically and only
Award to recipient #953 Elden Lamprecht
after substantial service was
Brother Elden Lamprecht was recognized at the 2010 National
AGR Convention for 30 continuous years of service as Lambda’s
Chapter Advisor.
Latest Lambda Initiate
Lambda Initiate
Michael Laskowski
Home town is Duluth.
He's a Freshman
majoring in Applied
Plant Science.
25 Year
#1297 Monte Bany, #1300 Daniel
Gullickson, #1310 Peter Rupprecht,
#1307 David Lewer, and
#1302 David Shimota
50 Year
Front Left-Right
#849 David Huser, #841 Daniel Schafer,
#859 Bruce Dushack
Back Left-Right
#854 David Sand, #848 Dean Holasek,
#850 Ronald Pick, #866 Loren Wasson,
#860 Jerry Hawton
#775 Dallas Bohnsack
Retired U of M Regent
We want to extend our congratulations to Brother Dallas
Bohnsack for a job well done during his service as a Regent on
the U of M Board of Regents. Dallas served on the Board for
two full terms and is now retired after his completion of his second term this Spring. We, at Lambda, are proud of his selfless
work he was able to accomplish as a
Regent and also appreciate the fact a
Lambda member was able to hold this
prestigious position.
Dallas wrote a testimonial for the
AGR web-site. We would like to share
with you this excellent testimonial for
your reading. Here is what Dallas said:
"After graduating from High School
#775 Dallas Bohnsack in 1956, I was looking forward to a
career in the wide field of agriculture,
so the University was the only choice for me. The focus of my
studies was Production Agriculture, but the University also
offered courses in many other fields in which I was interested,
such as music, literature, and the arts.
During my years at the "U", I had the opportunity to become a
member of Alpha Gamma Rho, pledging the Lambda Chapter on
the St. Paul Campus in March of 1957. This fraternity was of
particular interest to me because of its commitment to agriculture, but what I experience was much more than that. I had the
opportunity to interact with a wide range of people, extremely
important to someone who grew up on a family farm, and I
developed leadership skills by taking on responsibilities both
within the Fraternity and on Campus. In the Fraternity, all residents were responsible for the successful operation of the
Chapter House. On Campus, I became a member of the
marching band and was elected to the Board of Publications,
a faculty-student group overseeing the Minnesota Daily and
the Gopher Yearbook.
Lambda Recruitment Report
by #1705 Kirby Schmidt, VNR Recruitment
Greetings Brothers,
Lambda chapter seeks growth not only in membership but in
support from our alumni brothers to aid recruitment efforts as
we move into the summer months.
I am Kirby Schmidt, a current sophomore from Marshall,
Minnesota studying Animal Science and Agricultural Education,
Leadership & Communication. As the newly elected VNR
Recruitment, I want to share with you the current state of
Lambda membership and what are my own goals for planting
the seed of brotherhood through Alpha Gamma Rho, into the
minds of younger men attending the University of Minnesota.
Twenty collegiate men will be returning to campus and living
in the AGR house this. As the 2011 VNR Recruitment, I am setting high goals and expectations that will be matched with
dynamic strategies and a fresh attitude to take on this challenge
of recruitment. This past spring six brothers attended the
Recruitment School and the results have been a more active and
engaged recruitment program. Scholarship Day was held on
March 19 2010. Thirty young men interviewed for our scholarships, enjoyed socializing with our current members and concluded the day with dodge ball at the gym. It was a successful
and fun day! I am proud to announce that Michael Laskowski,
from Duluth and Grant Hopke from St. Cloud have chosen to
join Lambda. We are most excited to share about our brotherhood with our potential members and incoming freshman.
In 1960, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from
the College of Agriculture. After graduation, I learned that many
of the leadership and social skills gained during my involvement
with Alpha Gamma Rho were valuable in my professional career.
I have owned and operated a family farm near New Prague, MN
and have served as a Commissioner of Scott County, as Clerk of
Helena Township, and as a Director of the New Prague Chamber
of Commerce.
My experiences as a student and as a member of Alpha Gamma
Rho led me to seek a seat on the University's Board of Regents.
I have completed my second and final term, representing
Minnesota's Second Congressional District. By serving as a
Regent, I feel that I am able to give something back to an institution that prepared me to be an engaged citizen of my community,
state, and nation. These are exciting times to be a Regent. The
University is being transformed through strategic planning, and
initiatives are being implemented that will push the University
toward its goal to be a Top 3 research university.
Alpha Gamma Rho is both a professional and a social organization. On the professional side, you meet and are rubbing
shoulders with some of the most important people in the areas of
food and agriculture. Socially, you meet people who become
lifelong friends. A true test of the importance of this organization is that now, 54 years since I pledged, many of my friends
are fellow members of Alpha Gamma Rho. If I counted the
lasting friendships I developed through AGR, it would be an
extensive list.
In the years since completing my college career, I have practiced many of the lessons learned through AGR. The Fraternity
has enriched my life, expanded my horizons, and has given me
the confidence that I could be whatever I wanted to be. As
many members of Lambda will say, my decisions to attend the
University of Minnesota and to join AGR Lambda were two of
the best decisions of my life. The training I received at the
University and through AGR gave me the opportunity to 'be on
the field rather than in the stands watching the game'."
The Lambda Alumni Corporation Board has created a budget for
2011 Recruitment to help with efforts to create new ways to
engage potential members over the summer as well as in the
Brothers, this is my call to you for help to grow membership
at Lambda. While I can only share two years of experience with
the young men attending this University, you as Alumni brothers
have a lifetime of experiences, rewards and brotherhood at
Alpha Gamma Rho. I urge you to assist me and our collegiate
chapter so we may reach our goal of initiating 30 men into
Lambda chapter and welcome them to our brotherhood. The
future of agriculture is strengthened through this. Recruitment
Adviser Mike Miron has been supportive of my efforts, and I
ask that you do as well.
If you know of a potential member in your area please send
them my way:
Fraternally, Kirby Schmidt #1705 Call me at (507)530-6611,
or send an e-mail to schm2807@umn.edu. Thank You.
Retiring Lambda Alumni
Corporation Board Directors
Lambda Alumni Corporation Board of
John Priebe, Jr. #1404 has been active
Directors starting in December 2010.
on the Finance & Operations Committee.
John has helped with the six month audits
This year two Directors are retiring from
the Lambda Alumni Corporation Board.
They have both been involved in the
Nathan Rosha #1428 has served on the
Facilities Committee and the Founder's
Day Committee. Nate has a new job with
new Board structuring this last December
a schedule that makes attending board
as well as other duties.
meetings very difficult. Thanks, Nate for
Both of the retiring Directors were elected in 2008 and have served 3 years on the
during the Happy Hour at Founder's Day.
continue to play a key role in the current
Lambda fund-raising campaign.
Thanks, Nathan and John for your
Andy Kryzer: From Lewiston will still be
by #1706 Craig Betcher around next year as he starts his first year of vet
VNR Alumni Relations
finish his Animal Science Dairy Production
Executive Board Committee and will
service on the two Lambda Alumni
Board and were members of the new
Mitch Rosenfeld: From Arlington plans to
a member of the Capital Campaign
putting together the slide show shown
Lambda Chapter Educational Foundation
Graduating Senior Plans
of the Treasurer's books. John is also
getting a job here in the Twin Cities.
Chris Love: From Jackson will be finishing
school in order to pursue a degree in Large
up his last semester of his Agriculture
Animal Medicine.
Education degree as well as to complete his
Phillip Wree: Will be going back to
second minor.
degree this fall and then go into Dairy Nutrition
Germany after he says all his goodbyes; he
field with the company Form-A-Feed.
plans on finishing grad school and starting his
Production major is going to return to the fami-
master’s thesis with KMS.
ly dairy farm in Rochester to work with his dad
Michael Donnelly: An Agriculture Education
major from Farmington is headed off to
Timothy Graner: A Finance major from
Wisconsin as a public relations writer with
Oronoco will be working for Hormel in Austin
Charleston|Orwig; this is where he did his
in the finance department as an accountant.
internship last summer so he knows the ropes
Robert Westman: An Animal Science Dairy
Production major from Howard Lake will be
Kevin Borst: An Animal Science Dairy
and uncle.
Matt Boerboom: An Applied Economics
major is going to return to Marshall to work
on his family’s hog farm.
Josh Miller: An Animal Science Beef
Jesse Hietke: An Animal Science Dairy
working for Genex as a tech specialist, relief
Production major from Plato is returning home
Production major from Mora will be studying
breeder, mating, sale of semen and products,
to farm with his brother and work part time for
abroad in Italy right after the semester is fin-
and other projects throughout central, east, and
area framers. In addition to this he plans on
south east Minnesota. He later plans to get cer-
starting a feed lot as well as a herd of beef
tified as an embryo transferor.
Kyle Hoen: The Mechanical Engineer
from Cologne is off to San Diego, California.
Scott Helgeson: A Dairy Production major
Jason Ertl: An Agriculture Education major
He will be a field service representative with
from Rose Creek is getting married this sum-
from Rosemount will be living here in St. Paul
Solar Turbines.
mer to the girl of his dreams, and plans on
pursuing a career in the agricultural field.
Lambda Alumni Special Recognition
— James S. Wettestad —
James graduated in June, 1969 with a BA Degree in Agricultural Business Administration. He is
now living at Ankeny, IA. He is employed at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory at
Ames, IA as a Supply Technician. On August 3, 2010, at the 62nd USDA Secretary's Annual
Honor Awards ceremony at Riverdale, MD, James was awarded the Animal, Plant, Health
Inspection Services (APHIS) Administrator's Award for his actions in assisting an injured co-worker who was involved in a flash burn from an electical panel. The award comments were: With
compassion and a level-headed approach, James aided an employee who was severely burned at
work. His actions, both before and after the arrival of paramedics, demonstrated his exemplary
skill as a trained EMT-Paramedic.
Lambda Death
#1708 Christopher Judd - CFANS Senator
It is with a heavy heart that we are sad to
announce the following names of the Lambda
Brothers whom we became aware of passing
away since the March, 2011 Crescent was
#602 Robert A. Howard
The first time I heard about this opening, I did not think about it for awhile. As time got
closer for the application due date, I reconsidered ad thought to throw my name in the election.
I did the usual campaigning to the other Greek houses, organizations and classes associated
with College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Sciences.
My main concerns were about budget cuts and monitoring tuition levels and develop a strong
communication from CFANS to the
student government.
Then the election came and I patiently waited for the results and when they came in I was
thrilled that I won. Now as the CFANS Senator my responsibilities is to attend the University
Senate forums, CFANS Student board meetings, and Minnesota Student Association forums.
This will keep me busy and gain experience on how
government works and be able to use these skills in the future.
#663 Roger A. Asplin
Following are address, phone number, and e-mail changes of Lambda Brothers since the last issue of the Crescent was
prepared and sent out. Reflect these changes in your current Directory.
#636 Randall W. Fischer
539 Ladyslipper Ln.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
#1226 Larry A. Pedelty
#875 David W. Zeise
53278 313th St.
PO Box 295
Deer Creek, MN 56527
#1322 Darrin Rosha
#877 Elmer C. Dahms
#1355 Kyle R. Flom
#915 James E. Sinn
4 Cedar Pl.
Trimont, MN 56176-1282
#1446 Nicholas G. Lilleberg
#941 Clifford D. Vrieze
#1467 Leon J. Duchene
#860 Jerry D. Hawton
#995 Wayne E. Knewtson
Cell: 952-412-4261
#1605 Jonathan M. Schefers
#862 Jerry L. Oltman
#1041 Alan D. Kluis
#865 Leland D. Torgerson
#1122 Wayne C. Bollum
#874 Ronald D. Sommers
Cell: 612-240-5013
#1176 Glenn R. Anderson
#758 Arthur J. Jindra
#804 Kenneth J. Anderson
#849 David L. Huser
#859 Bruce H. Dushack
#1654 Aaron K. Wolhowe
#1678 Matthew A. Pearson
215 North 7th St.
Osage, IA 50461
Cell: 320-221-1086
Please let Stuart Immer,
Lambda Alumni Secretary,
at stuartimmer@izoom.net
know if you have an address,
phone number, or e-mail
address change.
Brother Richard Mills #792: graduated in
Brother Gary Anderson #1249: currently
Robinson Worldwide until 2006. C.H.
1961 from the University of Minnesota. He is
resides in Eagan with his wife and Anne and
Robinson is a fortune 500, $6 billion company
a great business man seeing that he runs three
their two daughters Jordan and Ryan. He has
and North America’s largest 3rd party logistics
companies. The first of these companies being
been employed by CHS Inc. in Inver Grove
company with over 20,000 customers.
his insurance agency, the second being his con-
Heights for 21 years working in the Grain
Through this company he served as a salesman
struction company, and the third being a large
Marketing division of the company. His
in Florida, and as a general manager in New
land and livestock operation in South Dakota
advice to younger brothers is to pay attention,
York and Ohio. Today brother Quast is the
which is handled by local managers. He and
get on board, and enjoy the ride. We thank
Executive Director at Healthnet Foundation.
his wife Jean live in Edina however they stay
brother Anderson for all his contributions to
He resides in Chagrin Falls, Ohio with his wife
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico during the winter.
the Alumni Board.
Barbara and their three children Alexandria,
He and his wife enjoy traveling around the US,
Europe, and Africa. They have two children
and two grandchildren that live in Orange
Braeden, and Harrison.
Brother David Wilkowske #1188 had
worked 20 different jobs by the time he gradu-
Brother Joey Errington #1395 earned his
ated in 1982 with degrees in Horticulture and
degree in Agriculture Education in 1993. He
Business. These 20 jobs include a lot of variety
currently serves as an officer of the United
Brother Robert Krcil #840: graduated in
ranging from paperboy, to truck driver, to land-
States Army. He has received two bronze
1962 with a degree in Ag Ed. Right after
scaper, and to an animal attendant at the
medals and a purple heart. He has been sta-
college he served 10 years as the Franklin
University of Minnesota. He served as the
tioned in Fort Stewart, GA, Fort Riley, KS,
school district agriculture teacher. From 1972-
VNR House Manager from 1980-1981. After
and Baumholder, Germany. He has served in
County, California.
78 and again from 1993-2006 he taught Farm
Business Management at Ridgewater College.
During his break there he farmed and sold
Dickey-John equipment to grain elevators in
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Now retired he
does part time crop adjusting with Wells Fargo.
He and his wife Joyce enjoy spending time
with their 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren, as
well as traveling and staying at the cabin.
college he was a finance specialist at the
Minnesota Army National Guard. He also ran
a small self-employed landscape business at
the same time. From 1984-1994 he held positions as a telemarketer, did odd end jobs with
landscaping, and some sales and managerial
positions. From 1995-present he hopped
around from job to job and city to city. He
Bosnia and spent 26 months in Iraq. He is currently a Military Science instructor at St. Johns
University and St. Cloud State University. He
lives in St. Joseph, MN with his wife Alison
and their three kids Brooke, William, and
Rebecca. We thank brother Errington for his
bravery and service.
wrote a book to describe his life. It is called the
“The Chronic Job Hopper: My Ongoing Battle
Brother John Priebe #1404 graduated in
with Attention Deficit Disorder 1969-2005.” It
1993 with a degree in Agriculture Industries
Brother Lynn Lagerstedt #853: after gradu-
briefly goes into explaining why he has
and Marketing. He worked at John Deere
ating he began his career as a vocational and
worked over 67 jobs in 46 years. He recently
Company for 10 years serving MN, ND, SD,
agricultural teacher. He taught at Adams,
moved back to Minnesota pursuing a book-
and IL area. Today he works at Principal
Southland, and Elkton districts as well as Farm
keeping job. Brother Wilkowske is still self-
Financial Group since 2002 when he started.
Management. He and his wife Carol have two
employed as a landscaper and as a webmaster.
He buys and sells agreements and does fund-
children and 5 grandchildren. In 1976 he
We wish him luck with his ongoing battle and
ing and designs loans. He is part of the local
began a crop consulting business which he
congratulate him for accomplishing the writing
MDRT, and Rotary clubs. He received the
continues to operate. His son David an AGR
of his book.
Presidents Circle Award in 2006 from the
from River Falls is the precision agriculture
specialist, and his daughter Jaymie is the
business manager.
Principal Financial Group. Brother Priebe and
Brother Greg Quast #1202 graduated in
1983 with a degree in Agriculture Business.
After graduation he went to work for C.H.
his wife Michele farm in Waseca, MN and
have two sons Ben and Zach.
Brother Dale Hecht #1468 earned his Animal
Brother Benjamin Pamp #1538 graduated in
Brother David Brakke #1577 earned his
and Plant Systems degree in 1998. He is the
2002 with a degree in Animal Production
degree in Professional Journalism in 2005. He
vice president of risk management at
Systems. He currently works at Land O Lakes
worked two years at KAAL- TV in Austin,
Parthenon Risk Partners. He also runs 2H
as a dairy nutrition consultant and technical
MN. Now he is a photojournalist with an NBC
Cattle Company. He is a member of the
services manager. He has been there since get-
affiliate WWBT- TV in Richmond, Virginia.
American and International Charolais
ting his PhD at South Dakota State University.
He and his wife Sarah currently reside out
Association, and is a MN/WI Charolais
He is a member of the American Dairy
there. Brother Brakke describe that there is lit-
Association Director. “AGR helped me devel-
Science Association, the American Society of
tle farming where he is located and that the
op professionally and socially. Being active in
Animal Science, and the American Registry of
weather is always perfect, and he enjoys being
the Greek system provides you with profes-
Professional Animal Scientists. Honors he has
surrounded by trees in a secluded area. We
sional opportunities and the tools for you to
received are: the John Brandt Memorial
wish him a long fulfilling career in photojour-
succeed in your business.” Brother Hecht and
Graduate Scholar, the Invited Young Scholar at
his wife Jill farm near Grove City, MN and
2008 ADSA Midwest, and the Gamma Sigma
have one child so far.
Delta Award for graduates, an honor society of
agriculture. Brother Pamp currently resides in
Sioux Falls, SD.
Stuart Immer, Alumni Secretary, 26271 120th St. N.W., Zimmerman, MN, 55398
Initiation Number:________________Year Graduated:________________ Major________________________
Career Jobs:_______________________________________________________________________________
Organization Memberships and Office Titles:____________________________________________________
Special Awards and Recognition:______________________________________________________________
Family Information:_________________________________________________________________________
Personal Comments:_________________________________________________________________________
Alpha Gamma Rho Lambda
Chapter Educational Foundation
26271 120th Street
Zimmerman, MN 55398
Twin Cities
Permit No. 1791
What’s in the Crescent - Check inside!
Ray Traen
25 & 50 Year Initiates
M.W. Knoblauch
CFANS Senator
Chis Judd
Senior Plans
Retiring Directors