The Body Shop Core value 1


The Body Shop Core value 1
by Martin Ryan
A case study in
per le
Lingue comunitarie
ethical marketing
The Body Shop
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From the moment of its foundation by Anita Roddick, The
Body Shop has always
stressed the importance of
ethical behaviour in every aspect of marketing its products. This emphasis has given
the company a distinctive
image and made it a pioneer
in the world of business.
Company profile
A Pioneer of Business
Company values
page 2
page 4
Core value 2
Our Planet
page 6
Core value 1
Support Community
page 3
page 5
Core value 3
Activate Self-Esteem
Core value 4
Oppose Animal Testing
page 7
Core value 5
Defend Human Rights
page 8
A Pioneer of Business
Three branches
of The Body
Shop in China,
the United
States and
The Body Shop International is a
global manufacturer and retailer of
naturally inspired, ethically produced
beauty and cosmetics products. Anita
Roddick opened the very first The
Body Shop store in 1976 in Brighton,
on the south coast of England.
There are now over 2,500 stores in
over 60 countries with a range of
over 1,200 products, including new
markets in India, Pakistan, Namibia,
Poland, Slovakia and Egypt. As well
as selling products through their
stores, the company also has e-commerce websites for online shopping
1. Read the information and fill in the
in the UK , the USA , Canada, Australia, Korea and Japan.
The Body Shop owns Soapworks, a
soap factory based in Glasgow, Scotland, which represents the only manufacturing facility in the Company.
Otherwise all other product manufacturing is outsourced.
The firm has its own charity, The
Body Shop Foundation. Launched in
1990, The Foundation gives financial
support to organisations working to
achieve progress in the areas of human
and civil rights, environmental and
animal protection.
founder of the company
present owner
age of company
original store
2. Answer the questions.
1. Do you know any Body Shop stores
in Italy?
2. What kind of products do these
shops sell?
3. Have you ever visited The Body
total number of stores
presence in the world
purpose of charity
reason for firm’s distinctive image
The Body Shop became part of the
L’Oréal Group in 2006. L’Oréal is
listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.
However The Body Shop operates
as a distinct entity, with its own
Board and Executive Committee,
within the L’Oréal Group.
From the moment of its foundation
by Anita Roddick the company has
always stressed the importance of
ethical behaviour in every aspect of
marketing its products. This emphasis
has given The Body Shop a distinctive image and made it a pioneer in
the world of business.
The Body Shop
Anita Roddick
Anita Roddick
in front of her
first shop.
Anita Roddick
shows Princess
Diana some of
the ingredients
of Body Shop
cosmetics in
Born Anita Perilli in Littlehampton, near
London; family had left Naples just before
World War 2; mother had a cafe where
Anita worked
After leaving school does a variety of jobs and travels the world,
including the Pacific islands, Australia, Africa
Marries Gordon Roddick; they run a restaurant and small
hotel; they have two daughters
Finds inspiration after visiting a shop in San Francisco
called “The Body Shop”, selling natural soaps and lotions
Opens her own Body Shop in Brighton; only 15 products,
invented using ingredients she had seen on her travels
Body Shop becomes instantly popular and grows rapidly,
50% per year; opens new branches in England
Body Shop becomes a public company, listed on London
Stock Exchange; using franchises, company spreads all
over Britain and then abroad
late 1980s
Begins a series of social and environmental campaigns;
creates an alliance with Greenpeace to save the whale;
Body Shop stores sponsor local charities and community
Body Shop continues its expansion around the world;
Anita becomes a controversial critic of business practices
and, in particular, the cosmetics industry; important
campaigns in favour of fair trade (“Trade not aid”) and
women’s rights
Retires as head of company; honoured by the Queen,
Anita becomes Dame Anita Roddick
Body Shop sold to L’Oréal for £652 million
Anita dies; she had contracted hepatitis C following
a blood transfusion in 1971; Prime Minister calls her “one
of the country’s true pioneers”
3. Use the information in the table to prepare “A short history of The Body Shop”.
Company values
“The business of business should
not just be about money, it should be
about responsibility.
It should be about public good,
not private greed
Some of the
causes that
The Body Shop
has supported.
Anita Roddick believed that businesses have the power to do good. When she founded
The Body Shop, she drew up a mission statement so that the new business would have a
powerful sense of its own identity and the direction it should follow.
Mission Statement of
The Body Shop
Our reason for being is to:
– 1_______________ our business to social and environmental change.
– 2_______________ the financial and human needs of our employees, customers, franchisees, suppliers
and shareholders.
– 3_______________ that our business is ecologically sustainable meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the future.
– 4_______________ to local, national and international communities in which we trade by adopting a code
of conduct which ensures care, honesty, fairness and respect.
– 5_______________ for the protection of the environment, to defend human rights, and against animal
testing within the cosmetics industry.
In order to make sure that the business continues to live by this Mission Statement, The Body
Shop has created five core values. These values act as a practical guide to decision making at
all levels of the company, helping to ensure that profits are made with principles.
Core value 1
Community Trade
Core value 2
Our Planet
Core value 3
Core value 4
Animal Testing
Core value 5
Human Rights
4. Read the Mission Statement and choose the correct verb to fill in each space (1-5).
Balance • Campaign • Contribute • Dedicate • Ensure
5. Answer the questions.
1. Why did Anita Roddick write a mission statement for her new company?
2. What is the purpose of the company’s five core values?
3. What kind of policies do you think each of the five core values would inspire the company to follow?
The Body Shop
Core value 1
Support Community Trade
India, women
collecting tea
The Body Shop is committed to
using responsibly sourced ingredients
wherever possible, and working with
the communities and people who
supply these goods.
The company asks all their suppliers
to sign the Code of Conduct based
on their Ethical Trade Programme,
developed to improve conditions for
all workers in the supply chain and
to defend their human rights. This
code is strictly enforced and monitored to ensure standards are met regarding child labour, discrimination,
and employee pay, hours and working conditions.
In 1987, The Body Shop launched
Community Fair Trade. This was one
of the first examples in the world of
fair trade. Community Fair Trade has
numerous benefits for the company,
its customers and its suppliers. Building up long term trading relationships, the company does more than
give a fair price. It offers suppliers,
especially poor farmers in Third
World countries, a predictable and
regular income for their family and
the security and confidence to develop their businesses. In turn The
Body Shop has access to some of nature’s finest ingredients, which are
grown by expert local farmers. Other
products are made using old-established techniques, helping to preserve
a traditional way of life.
Community Fair Trade allows suppliers to build better futures for themselves and their communities.
The programme benefits over 25,000
people in 22 countries worldwide.
6. Read the information and match the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending.
1. The Body Shop supports the rights of people working to
produce their goods by...
2. The Body Shop guarantees a fair price for the products it
buys by...
3. The Body Shop gives poor farmers the confidence to
develop their business by...
4. The Body Shop is able to buy the best ingredients for its
products by...
5. The Body Shop helps to preserve traditional ways of life
첸 building up long term relationships with expert local
b. 첸 buying products which are made using oldestablished techniques.
c. 첸 obliging all suppliers to sign a code of conduct
guaranteeing working conditions.
d. 첸 providing them with a regular predictable income.
e. 첸 setting up and following the Community Fair Trade
Core value 2
Protect Our Planet
The Body Shop is active in the battle
against climate change. The firm is
constantly looking for new ways to
improve business practices and reduce its carbon footprint. Body Shop
stores are attempting to improve
their energy efficiency, through new
lighting and store signs with reduced
energy use. The firm has introduced
energy-awareness training for all
store staff, has reduced air travel and
is converting all company cars to
lower-emission models.
The company chooses sources of renewable energy wherever possible
to run its offices, warehouses and
stores around the world. In the UK
alone, 65 per cent of stores are on
renewable energy contracts.
The Body Shop is conscious that
every product we use has consequences for the planet, from the soap
and shampoo that flows out of the
bathroom to the packaging we throw
The Body Shop chooses raw materials carefully and only uses ingredients known to be non-toxic. The
company also ensures that the ingredients it uses are biodegradable and
capable of decomposing rapidly
under natural conditions.
To reduce waste, the firm is introducing plastic bottles made from 100
per cent recycled material. All carrier
bags have been replaced with recyclable paper bags. The Community
Fair Trade Bag for Life is made from
100 per cent organically grown cotton.
The Body Shop aims to use the minimum amount of packaging materials
for products. The weight and volume
of packaging relative to its contents
is measured, and the pack-to-content
ratio never exceeds 0.2 grams of
packaging per gram of product.
7. Read Core Values 2-4 and find examples of specific actions The Body Shop is taking to...
1. save energy
2. reduce carbon emissions
3. encourage the use of renewable energy sources
4. avoid polluting or damaging the environment
5. reduce waste
6. make their customers feel good about themselves
7. make their staff feel good about themselves
8. improve the condition of animals
The Body Shop
Core value 3
Activate Self-Esteem
Company policy on employment
• To promote diversity in our employment practices
through global equal opportunities standards.
• To enable personal development for our employees
through volunteering, training and personal development
We encourage our employees to learn new skills. By
funding a range of training courses, events and health
treatments, we aim to increase our staff’s sense of
We also have a policy of offering a minimum of three
paid volunteering days a year. Our staff work with
charities such as The Aldingbourne Trust, helping
people with learning difficulties, and Children on the
Edge, which supports the rights of children across
the globe.
The Body Shop works
to encourage self-esteem both
among its customers and
the staff who work for the
Company policy on marketing and
The Body Shop believes that each individual is unique
and beautiful, regardless of age, skin colour, size
and background. Our naturally inspired make-up,
skin and body care products enhance individual
beauty. We will offer products providing particular
benefits to certain age groups or skin types, but will
never play on our customers’ insecurities in order to
sell products.
• Our marketing messages celebrate individuality,
health and well-being, not perfection and stereotypical
• We will not sell our products based on negative
images of age or glorification of youth.
• We do not use models who are very young or thin.
Core value 4
Oppose Animal Testing
The Body Shop has always believed
passionately that animals should not
be used for cosmetic testing. The
company has never tested its products on animals and has always insisted that all their suppliers should
not test their ingredients on animals
for cosmetic purposes.
The firm has twice won the Good
Business Award from the RSPCA
(Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals) for its commit-
ment to animal welfare.
The Body Shop campaigns for increased research into alternatives to
animal testing. The parent company
L’Oréal has made a significant contribution in this area and has pioneered the research and development
of EpiSkin – artificially grown human
skin for use in skin irritancy tests –
and this revolutionary approach to
testing is now used by The Body
Shop wherever possible.
The Body Shop
Core value 5
Defend Human Rights
The Body Shop has led campaigns
on many issues concerning human
Since 1994 they have raised funds
and global awareness concerning domestic violence. Millions of pounds
have been donated to support and
protect abused women and children.
One successful example was an organised street march and petition in
Seoul, Korea, which was followed
by a government commitment to increase spending on shelters for domestic-violence victims.
Since 1993 they have campaigned
and raised awareness of issues and
taboos surrounding HIV and AIDS.
This includes the Staying Alive Foundation, a project which aims to educate at-risk communities on safe sex,
HIV and living with AIDS.
Other campaigns support the fight
against human trafficking. The current Stop The Trafficking of Children
and Young People campaign is raising
awareness and funds, and offers support for victims, or those at risk.
Human Rights Principles
The Body Shop is committed to being an ethical retailer, which
works actively to address human rights issues in our own operations,
our trading relationship as well as the communities and societies in
which we operate. As a global business, we respect local, cultural
and political differences, but will always insist that our business
activities adhere to basic human rights.
We will assess all our business activities to determine where we
have direct or indirect impacts, ensure compliance with human rights
legislation and work to have a positive impact on our stakeholders
and on society at large.
Examples of our principles in action:
• We evaluate each of our direct product suppliers and ensure that
high-risk factories are independently inspected and assisted in improving standards.
• We have worked with the UN to create awareness of violence
against children.
• We have worked with plantation owners to ensure basic labour
standards and protection of women.
• We study human rights implications for all new markets.
For more info visit
Check the following websites for examples.
(search “The world’s most ethical companies”)
8. Answer the questions.
1. What specific human rights campaigns has the Body
Shop been actively involved in?
2. What other things does the company do to defend
human rights?
Direzione editoriale lingue straniere Adriana Massari
Redazione Samantha Papaianni
Progetto grafico e impaginazione Enrica Bologni
Ricerca iconografica Eleonora Calamita
Referenze iconografiche
Archivio Principato, The Body Shop Company
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8 Working in business
9. Find an example of another company which emphasizes
ethical standards in its marketing and business practices in
general. Prepare a similar case study indicating what the
company does.
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