Prospectus 2013/14 - Basingstoke College of Technology


Prospectus 2013/14 - Basingstoke College of Technology
Open Days
8 October 2012
10 November 2012
Welcome to BCoT
22 Animal Management
How to Apply
26 November 2012
8Why a careerfocussed
24 Architecture and
Civil Engineering
2 February 2013
9 What’s the difference
between NVQs,
Certificates, Diplomas
and Apprenticeships?
11 March 2013
18 May 2013
71 Hospitality and
75 Interior Systems
26 Art and Design
77 Media
29 Automotive
81 Nails
83 Painting and
33 Beauty
85 Uniformed Public
10 Can I go to Uni?
41 Carpentry
12 Why BCoT?
43 Childcare
14 Brilliant Facilities
45 Computing
16 Choosing your course
47 Construction
17 How do I become an
91 Sport and Public
50 BCoT Directions
94 Travel and Tourism
52 Electrical and
95 Progression Courses
18 Choosing your path
87 Science (Forensics)
89 Sound and Music
102Information for
55 Engineering
104 Fees and
Financial Help
60 Fashion Retail
62 Hair and Beauty
68 Health and
Social Care
106 The A-Z of
College Life
110 Index
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Welcome to BCoT
“My aim is for you
to be successful,
and by choosing
BCoT, you will be.”
I am delighted to welcome you to Basingstoke College
of Technology. My aim is for you to be successful, and by
choosing BCoT, you will be. The progress of our learners
ranks us in the top 10% of colleges nationally, and our
students rate us above national benchmarks for their
overall satisfaction with the College. We are an amazing
launch pad for progression to university as well as
employment, so make the most of your future and
opt to study with us.
We offer courses from entry level right up to university
level qualifications; the challenge is deciding which of
our many options is right for you. Don’t worry though,
our One Stop Shop team are here to help you explore your
ideas, and our application process is designed to make
sure that you can investigate all of your options before
settling on a final choice.
Our learners are at the heart of what we do and I make
a point of getting to know them. I have an open door
policy which means any student can drop in and tell me
about what they think of the College and what’s important
to them. This is the reason I can give you the assurance
that our College does amazing things for your future –
it’s what our students say about BCoT, and after all they
are the experts.
I look forward to welcoming you in September.
Anthony Bravo
Principal and Chief Executive
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Welcome to BCoT
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How to apply
Week commencing
1 July (dates TBC)
Join BCoT and give your
career a head start.
Come and
see us
Submit your
4 September 2013
Come for
interview and
get your offer
your offer
Complete your
Just give us a shout at any
time – we are here to help!
Visit us on an Open Day or
Evening to meet our students
and staff and experience
first-hand what BCoT could
do for your future.
Either on paper (in the
prospectus), or online
though our website.
We will invite you to meet
our tutors in person for an
informal interview. Where
possible we will make you an
offer of a place on the day –
the level depends upon your
grades and references.
Our Summer School is unique
in providing an interactive
launch to studying at BCoT
for everyone who starts a
new course in September.
Running for 3 days in
July it is organised by our
departments and enables you
to make new friends and get
to know your teachers and
the campus ready for the new
term. You will also receive an
enrolment pack, telling you
everything you need to know
about starting your course.
Once you’ve got your results
we will invite you in to
complete the final stages of
your enrolment. If your results
are different to what you had
expected, we can adjust the
level of your course up or
down to suit you perfectly.
You start college just a few
days later.
Download our
app, or follow us
on Facebook and
Twitter to keep in
touch with all our
For more information call
The One Stop Shop on
01256 306484
or visit
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How to apply
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Why a career-focussed
What’s the difference
between NVQ’s, Certificates,
Diplomas and Apprenticeships?
Many people are unfamiliar with the benefits that are
associated with career-focussed qualifications such as
NVQ’s, Certificates, Diplomas and Apprenticeships, despite
the fact that some of these qualifications have been in
existence for over 25 years!
NVQ’s, Certificates and Diplomas are standalone
qualifications, whereas an Apprenticeship is made up
of a framework of qualifications, which includes an NVQ.
They are available at a range of levels from entry through
to Level 4 (degree level). The level you study depends on
what qualifications and experience you already have.
The standalone qualifications have different names
because they are run by different awarding bodies such
as City & Guilds. These awarding bodies run programmes
of equivalent level with different titles. Referring to the
level listed in the course section later on will help to make
comparisons simple.
By studying a career-focussed qualification you will develop
skills in the areas that you are passionate about, which will
really grow your confidence and make your course enjoyable.
Fundamentally these qualifications are based around
applying learning to real-life situations. You are able to see
the relevance of the skills you are developing as you learn
them, and are practiced at understanding the context of how
you will use them in the real world.
Apprenticeships allow you to merge paid work with study.
As an apprentice you are employed, meaning that you will
typically spend one day a week in College and the rest of
your time working for the company. Apprentices receive a
salary, qualifications and substantial work experience at the
same time. You will gain an NVQ as part of your Apprenticeship.
Employers and businesses like career-focussed qualifications
because the people who study them have direction and know
how to apply their skills. As a graduate of one of these courses
you will have demonstrated your commitment to a career and
be ready to hit the ground running from your first day.
Apprenticeship providers can help you to find an employer
and guide you through the whole process. To find out more
about Apprenticeships with BCoT see page 17.
Being industry focussed doesn’t mean that these courses are
not demanding. Career-focussed qualifications stretch you
to learn theoretical and practical skills together, and they are
available at all levels. Because of the applied nature of the
skills that you will learn, some courses need to be studied
from base level.
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Can I go to Uni?
UCAS Points
BTEC’s Level 3 Diplomas can lead to university,
just like A Levels!
How does it work?
Universities use UCAS points as a way of describing their
entry requirements. This points system exists as a way of
showing the equivalency between different qualifications.
Level 3 BTEC programmes are graded by Pass, Merit or
Distinction and provide you with three separate grades.
These grades are equivalent to A Levels and earn UCAS
points as seen here.
The entry requirements for a university level course range by
institution and by subject of study. The highest total points
any applicant can achieve is 420, but courses are available
at all levels through to 120 points. It’s worth noting that an
entry requirement of 420 points would be extremely rare,
and the majority of university courses specify a points total
significantly below this.
BTEC Level 3 Extended
A Level
A* A*A*
A* A A
“I have gained a
place at university,
thanks to my
course at BCoT.
I am so pleased.”
Some qualifications do not have a formal UCAS points tariff
allocated to them, but are accepted by many universities as
an alternative route to entry.
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Can I go to Uni?
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Why BCoT?
Happy students
Our students score us 5 points above
the national benchmark for their
satisfaction with the College overall.
Maybe it’s due to the fact that 96% of
staff are industry trained, or that we
deliver our teaching in a way which they
have requested, or perhaps it’s down to
our nationally recognised Student Union
or excellent facilities. All we know is they
are happy, and that you will be too.
The 5:1 model:
• M
akes it simpler to do your College
work. By concentrating on one unit
at a time you can get really involved in
what you are learning.
• Allows you to measure your progress
– as every 6 weeks you will have
completed a unit.
• Avoids lots of deadlines at the end
of the year – you complete your
assessments as you go along.
• Makes it easy to understand what you
will be studying when – which puts
you in control of your learning.
course structure
• Makes you more successful – you
Our students have told us that they enjoy
have the opportunity to go back and
working on one module at a time rather
raise your grades in any unit you have
than having to deal with competing
already completed and passed.
deadlines for multiple subjects all at
once. They like to immerse themselves
in the topic, and see their progress
as they complete one module in full
before moving on to the next. That’s
why we structure our teaching in bite
size chunks, each of which is 6 weeks
long. These 6 week blocks are made
up of 5 weeks of teaching, learning and
of our students go
assessment, followed by one week of
into employment,
review and development. This 6th week
Apprenticeships or
is known as RaD week (review and
further training
development). The official name for this
structure of learning is the 5:1 model.
Pass rate on all full
time courses
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Pass rate in BTECs
Influential Student Union
Every Student Union (SU) is run for
students by students. The difference is
that ours is vibrant, nationally recognised
and listened to by the College’s senior
BTEC Level 1
• T
he SU arrange social events,
activities and charity fundraisers.
Previous events have included trips
to Alton Towers, London, Paris and
Germany, an opportunity to grill an
MP, and an End of Year Party. They
also support a range of clubs and
societies ranging from BCoT Aware
(LGBT) to sports clubs and the
film club.
BTEC Level 2
BTEC Level 3
• W
e were shortlisted for Provider of
the Year at the 2012 Learner Voice
Awards whilst President David Hurst
has gained recognition by winning
the Schools and Education Award at
Basingstoke’s A Place to be Proud of
Awards 2012.
Pass rate in NVQs
NVQs Level 1
• W
e have a student exec team who
use a learner parliament and course
rep system to feed students’ views
into their meetings with top level
staff. They have achieved things such
as changing the price of food in the
refectory to gaining funding for better
chill-out spaces in the College.
NVQs Level 2
NVQs Level 3
As a BCoT student you’ll automatically
be a member of the Student Union which
is affiliated to the NUS – meaning you
can get an NUS card and those allimportant discounts!
Why BCoT?
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Brilliant Facilities
A £3 million investment programme
in the buildings and facilities of BCoT
was completed in 2012 including an
overhaul of the STEM subjects (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths).
We are recognised as a Centre of
Excellence for Technology in the region
and our extensive links with industry
are firmly established.
Further works are being completed
including the certainty of a brand new
lecture theatre and student enquiry
focussed One Stop Shop.
The Restaurant at BCoT
Fully refurbished in 2012, our training
restaurant provides a base for students
to showcase their catering and front
of house skills to the general public.
Serving up the best of local food, this
facility offers you the opportunity to
experience fine dining and international
dishes without leaving the building.
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Recording studio,
Mac and ICT Suites
You can take advantage of the latest
in standard technology in the music
industry by working on Apple iMacs with
Logic Software in our ICT suites. The
suites offer a self-contained recording
studio meaning you can write, produce,
record and mix tracks to a professional
Salon Evolve
We have a professional salon onsite
which is the training ground for our
Hair and Beauty students. Trained to
the highest industry standards these
students provide relaxing and pampering
treatments at competitive prices.
Apprenticeships team
Our onsite Apprenticeships agency,
Apprentices for Business is highly
experienced at helping you to find a job
and has extensive links with employers
in over 25 fields. Endorsed by the
National Apprenticeship Service they
will help you to select the right course,
and to find suitable employment in
the area and location of your choice.
Apprenticeships for Business act as the
liaison between you and the employer;
they offer everything from help with
interviews to the point of contact about
your pay.
Enterprise Passport
This passport is a way of helping BCoT
students stand out to employers and
universities. It celebrates all those
additional activities that you will
undertake at College that form part of a
work-ready package. There are lots of
interesting activities in the programme,
such as volunteering, producing a great
CV and undertaking work experience
and citizenship activities.
Passport award winners are recognised
for their achievement, and higher level
winners are presented with their award
at a special awards lunch. Enterprise
Passports are available at Bronze, Silver,
Gold or Platinum levels and are built up
in sequence, starting with Bronze.
Treatments include:
Hair – Styling and conditioning,
colouring, perming, barbering.
Beauty – Massage, facial and body
therapy, depilation treatments, hand and
foot treatments, nail technology, eye
and make-up treatments and tanning
Basingstoke College of Technology
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Brilliant Facilities
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Choosing your Course
It’s easy to feel a bit lost when thinking
about your future – after all there’s so
much choice. Don’t worry if you don’t
know what you want to do when you
finish school – most young people aren’t
sure. Instead think about the things that
you already know about yourself.
You know what you like
(or don’t like)
Think about the subjects that you enjoy
studying at the moment, or the things
in life outside of school that you love.
List these, along with anything you really
want to avoid.
You know what you
are good at
Stick to the things you are good at and
enjoy – by opting for these you will do
better than if you pick something you’re
not so enthusiastic about.
Listen to your gut
Be creative, and think about all of
your options. It’s not about choosing
a college, it’s not about your mates,
and it’s not about the adults in your life.
It’s about figuring out what makes you
tick, and what’s going to make you feel
happy and successful.
Think about what you
want to spend the next
few years doing
Do you want to be in a job, or doing more
study? Maybe you want to combine the
both and undertake an Apprenticeship.
Do you want hands-on applied learning,
or do you prefer to be more theoretical?
By figuring out the answer to these
questions you can start to narrow down
your options.
Use our Careers Coach
If you want to find out what job a course
may lead to, how much you might
get paid or even what vacancies are
available locally, head to our website.
You’ll find a great new interactive tool
called Careers Coach, which allows you
to find out all of these details so that you
can make an informed decision.
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Think about jobs
Do you have a particular career in mind,
or know someone with a job that sounds
great? Do some research to find out the
courses and qualifications you need to
succeed in that career.
See for yourself
We know you’ll get advice, maybe from
the careers adviser at school, maybe
from your family or maybe our own
advice and guidance team here at BCoT.
However there’s nothing like visiting
places to get a feel for what they are
really like, and if you feel like you would
fit in.
How do I become
an apprentice?
You will need GCSE’s in English and
Maths, but the exact entry requirements
are dependent on the specific
Apprenticeship. If you don’t have the
right grades we can support you on a
pre Apprenticeships programme to get
you up to speed.
Our Apprenticeships agency can help
you search vacancies available locally
and guide you in making an application
and preparing for interview.
Once you have successfully gained
employment, they will help you manage
your Apprenticeship, by forming a link
between your employer and your course
to help you track your success. They
will ensure all elements are meeting
nationally recognised standards and
providing you with a great qualification.
Choosing your Course
Page 17
Choosing your Path
No GCSEs or
G grades
grades E-F
grades D-E
grades A-C
Pre-entry and Entry
level courses
Directions courses
Level 1
Level 2
BTEC Diplomas
Level 3
BTEC Extended
These courses give you a
good foundation and let you
try out what you’re interested
in. They also help with
building your independence.
They provide great
opportunity to improve your
Maths and English skills.
This is a great starting point
to learn new career-focussed
skills and improve your
functional skills in English
and Maths along the way.
They also provide the perfect
grounding to prepare you for
an Apprenticeship.
Here you are really starting
to gain the skills employers
want. Building on your basic
knowledge you will improve
your skills and technical
ability. You can also upgrade
your English and Maths
Allows you to move onto a
Level 1 programme or into
As part of the programme you
will be able to undertake work
experience and work towards
a BCoT enterprise passport.
As part of the programme
you will participate in work
experience and can work
towards a BCoT Enterprise
Allows you to move onto
a Level 2 programme,
into employment or an
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Basingstoke College of Technology
Allows you to move onto
a Level 3 programme,
into employment or an
These courses are equivalent
to three A Levels and provide
advanced level skills and
application, combining
practical and theoretical
knowledge. They are ideal
for those wanting to go
onto higher level courses,
university or employment.
As part of the programme
you will participate in work
experience and you can
also work towards a BCoT
Enterprise Passport.
“The tutors gave me
motivation when I
needed it.”
Maths and English
No matter what career you
are aiming for – employers
are looking for a solid level
of Maths and English.
So whether you need to
work out measurements
in your Plumbing course,
or complete forms and
paperwork in your Animal
Management course –
basic Maths and English
are essential.
At BCoT we compel all
students to hold, or be
working towards, a Level
2 standard in Maths and
English. You can even
retake your GCSEs to gain
a minimum grade C if you
need to. You will be given
all the support you need to
build your knowledge and
skills at a pace that’s right
for you.
Allows you the opportunity to
move into higher education –
this could be at university or
at BCoT.
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Choosing your Path
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Choose your course:
Search by your existing qualifications or by subject area
GCSE Grade E and below
GCSE Grade D
or other Level 1
GCSE Grade A-C
or other Level 2
Animal Management 22 Land-Based Studies C&G L1
23 Animal Care BTEC L2
23 Animal Management BTEC L3
Art and Design
26 Art and Design BTEC L1
27 Art and Design (including 28 Art and Design and Fashion
Fashion) BTEC L2 and Clothing BTEC L3
Automotive Technologies
30 Vehicle Systems C&G L1
31 Vehicle Maintenance
31 Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair C&G L2 and Repair C&G L3
32 Vehicle Maintenance
32 Vehicle Maintenance
(Motorsport) BTEC L2 (Motorsport) BTEC L3
33 Introduction to
34 Beauty Consultancy C&G L2
36 Beauty Therapy C&G L3
Beauty and Nails C&G L1
35 Beauty Therapy C&G L2
36 Beauty Therapy Massage C&G L3
37 Beauty Therapy BTEC L3
38 Business Administration OCR L2
40Business BTEC L3
39Business BTEC L2
41 Wood Occupations CSkills L1
42 Carpentry and Joinery C&G L2
45 Information Technology BTEC L2
46 Information Technology BTEC L3
47 Entry to Employment
49Bricklaying CSkills L2
48Bricklaying CSkills L1
41 Children’s Care, Learning and 44 Children’s Care, Learning and
Development BTEC L2
Development BTEC L3
Electrical and Plumbing
52 Access to Building Services
53 Access to Building Services C&G L2
C&G L1
54Electrical C&G L2
54Plumbing C&G L2
55Engineering NVQ L1
56 Engineering (Electronic) 58 Engineering BTEC L3
56 Engineering (Mechanical) NVQ L2
56 Engineering (Telecommunications)
58Engineering NVQ L2
Fashion Retail
60 Fashion Retail ABC L2 61 Fashion Retail ABC L3
Hair and Beauty
62 Hairdressing and 65 Women’s Hairdressing C&G L2
65 Women’s Hairdressing C&G L3
Beauty Therapy C&G L1
66Barbering C&G L2
66Barbering C&G L3
63 Hairdressing and Barbering
67 Hair and Media Make-Up C&G L2
67 Hair and Media Make-Up C&G L3
C&G L1
Health and Social Care
66 Health and Social Care
65 Health and Social Care BTEC L2
65 Health and Social Care BTEC L3
66 Health and Social Care BTEC L1
Hospitality and Catering
71 Hospitality Introduction
72 Professional Cookery C&G L2
73 Professional Cookery C&G L3
72 Intro to Professional Cookery
74 Hospitality BTEC L3
C&G L1
74 Food and Beverage Service Supervision BTEC L3
Interior Systems
75 Interior Systems CSkills L1
76 Interior Systems CSkills L2
76 Fitting Kitchens and Bathrooms CSkills L2
77 Introduction to Creative
78 Creative Media Production
79 Creative Media Production BTEC L3
Technologies Edexcel BTEC L2
80 Broadcast Journalism – Media
78 Creative Technologies Edexcel L1
Techniques C&G L3
81 Nail Technology Enhancement 82 Nail Technology Enhancement
C&G L2 C&G L3
Painting and Decorating
83 Painting and Decorating CSkills L1 84 Painting and Decorating CSkills L2 84 Painting and Decorating CSkills L3
Uniformed Public Services
85 Uniformed Public Services BTEC L2 86 Uniformed Public Services BTEC L3
Science (Forensics)
87 Applied Science BTEC L2
88 Forensic Science BTEC L3
Sound and Music
89Music BTEC L2
90 Music Technology BTEC L3
90 Production Arts: Live Music
and Event Management BTEC L3
Sport and Public Services
91 Sport and Public Services
92Sport BTEC L2
92 Football Academy BTEC L3
NCFE/Edexcel L1
92 Sport and Fitness Academy BTEC L3
Travel and Tourism
94 Travel and Tourism with Air Cabin
Crew and Aviation BTEC L3
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Choose your course
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Animal Management
Animal Care
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: HF21
Basingstoke College of Technology
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science) or a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Animal Care at Merit level or above. Mature students
are welcome. All learners must provide evidence of
valid tetanus immunisation.
Method of assessment
Higher Education – a degree or HND in areas
such as veterinary nursing, animal management,
zoology, animal behaviour, biological sciences or
animal welfare.
Employment – enter the working world equipped with
the knowledge you have learned and try your hand
in a variety of settings involving animal management
and care.
01256 306484
Further study (a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in
Animal Management), employment within kennels
or cattery, pet shop, animal welfare organisation or
animal collections.
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Page 22
Student Satisfaction
Further study (typically a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Animal Care) or employment.
This two year course is designed to give you the
skills and knowledge to begin a career in animal
management. You will study a range of units
including Animal Behaviour, Animal Biology, Animal
Health and Nursing. There is also the option to take
units in Farm Livestock, Wildlife Care and Species
Conservation and Exotics. In addition, you will gain
practical skills in animal handling and husbandry
including kennel, cattery and pet store management.
You will have the opportunity to go on a range of trips
such as Marwell Zoo to support your learning. Work
experience forms an intrinsic part of this course.
Higher Education
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: HF22
Student Satisfaction
Continuous assessment and specialist projects.
Animal Management
Continuous assessment and specialist projects.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and specialist projects
including farm visits for larger animals.
Gold Standard
4 GCSEs at grade E and above. Previous work
experience with animals and pets would be an
advantage. All learners must provide evidence of
valid tetanus immunisation.
Method of assessment
Entry Requirements
Minimum 4 GSCE grades D and above (including
English and Maths and preferably Science) or
completion of the Animal Care option of Directions.
Previous work experience with animals and pets
would be an advantage. All learners must provide
evidence of valid tetanus immunisation.
Into Work/Education
This one year course provides you with a solid
foundation to move onto a Level 2 Diploma. You
will find out about caring and handling animals. You
will learn and work in our on-site Animal House to
get real experience of working with animals. The
opportunity to go on trips is also included in this
Entry Requirements
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: HF19
Student Satisfaction
Land-Based Studies
This one year course is designed to give you
the basic skills needed to care for animals and
provide you with some knowledge of the animal
care industry. You will gain practical experience in
BCoT’s own Animal House in caring and handling
the animals. You will have the opportunity to work
with a large variety of animals at farms and the
Living Rainforest. To complete the course you
will need to complete at least 120 hours of work
Pass Rate
Our Animal Management
courses are housed in
our new Technology
Centre, providing state
of the art facilities for
our learners, including
an ‘aquatics’ classroom,
a new laboratory and
a new computer room.
The Animal House hosts
a range of animals, from
rabbits and guineapigs to piranhas and
tarantulas. Students
partake in many field
trips to aide their
research, including visits
to farms, zoos and the
Living Rainforest.
Animal Management
Page 23
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Our Construction
department hosts a
number of workshops
that are specifically
equipped to develop
each of the practical
skills you will need on
the course. We have even
bought a dilapidated
Victorian house close to
BCoT for our students
to renovate as part of
their course, providing
them with real life project
Construction and
the Built Environment
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF43
This course looks at a variety of job areas in
construction industries including: architects,
architectural technologists and town planning
technicians, building and civil engineering
technicians, chartered surveyors (not quantity
surveyors), civil engineers, draughtspersons,
estimators, valuers and assessors, quantity
surveyors and green deal advisors.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSEs grade D and above (including
Maths, English and Science).
Method of assessment
Continually assessed throughout the course.
New Course
Continuation of study onto Level 3 Extended
Diploma course or employment within the sector.
Construction and
the Built Environment
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: AF37
A career in construction can be exciting and well
paid. This course looks at a variety of careers
including civil engineering, project management,
architecture, building surveying, planning,
estimating, quantity surveying and building
control. However you won’t need to make your
career decision until the end of the course. You will
also have the opportunity to work on our Victorian
renovation project in May Street, providing you
with additional skills not found on modern building
sites. You will also have work experience to
support your practical skills development.
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science).
Method of assessment
Continuous evaluation and practical projects
and tests.
Higher Education – Study for a degree or HND,
or alternatively study a HNC/HND on a part-time
basis while you work.
New Course
Employment or Apprenticeship – Apply your
skills to the construction industry, in a variety of
careers including architecture, surveying and civil
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Architecture and Civil Engineering
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Art and Design
“Since joining BCoT,
I have never looked back”
Art and Design
BTEC Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: FF33
Art and Design
(including Fashion)
The Level 1 Diploma provides a preliminary
qualification in Art and Design. The course offers
the opportunity to choose from a wide range of
different subjects within art and design, including
drawing, painting, printmaking, 3D design and
mixed media. There are timetabled sessions
designed to enhance skills in English and Maths;
separate certificates will be issued on successful
completion of the programme.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade E and above including English.
Method of assessment
Your work will be assessed throughout the
course by both practical and written assignments
and presentations.
The course is a recognised route onto a Level 2
course, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
Our Art and Design
department has an
excellent reputation for
the quality and standard
of it’s courses. We have
programmes at every
level and you will have
the chance to explore the
fashion and clothing route
as well as the art and
design route. We have an
annual fashion show and
exhibition for our students
to showcase their work,
which will take place in
June 2013.
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: FF25
Michelle Swain
Art and Design - BTEC
Level 2 Diploma
“I had always thought about going to college,
but never really knew what I wanted to study,
and being classed as a ‘mature student’ scared
me. The staff at BCoT were really welcoming
and gave me some great advice and all the
information I needed.
Since joining BCoT, I have never looked back,
and feel so enthusiastic about learning new and
exciting things. The lecturers are so inspiring
and helpful; being around people who share
the same passions as me has given me the
motivation to succeed.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D and above (including English
and preferably Maths or successful completion
of a Level 1 course such as Creative Media). You
must also have a good portfolio and demonstrate
enthusiasm at interview.
Method of assessment
Your work will be assessed throughout the course
and will include project work.
Most students progress to our Level 3 programme
and then Art College, Pre-Degree Foundation or
University. However, others take what they have
learned into employment.
New Course
Over the last year at college, my confidence
has grown and the course has opened up new
opportunities for me. Receiving recognition for
my hard work has really given me a boost and
I’ve decided to continue onto the Level 3 here at
The Level 2 Diploma will provide you with a broad
range of 2D and 3D topics throughout the year
including general drawing, research skills and
art history. You will also have the opportunity to
develop your talents in painting, printmaking,
textiles and fashion, graphic design, photography,
computer aided design, ceramics, sculpture and
3D design. Your final major project will allow you
to explore more specialist areas such as fine
art, textiles and fashion, 3D and graphics. Work
experience, live projects and educational visits
are offered throughout and you will be given the
opportunity to upgrade your English and Maths
GCSEs while improving your understanding
through Functional Skills.
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Art and Design
Page 27
Art and Design
• Art and Design
• Fashion and Clothing
We will help you identify your creative direction
and specialism in the first year when you can
sample graphics, photography, fashion, textiles,
3D design, computer design, painting, drawing
and printmaking. During the second year you will
develop your knowledge and specialist skills within
your chosen field and create a successful portfolio
of work in preparation for interviews for university,
art college or employment. Educational visits and
visiting speakers will give you an insight into current
working practices. Work experience, live projects
and educational visits are offered throughout and
you will be given the opportunity to upgrade your
English and Maths GCSEs while improving your
understanding through Functional Skills.
Higher Education – study at degree level, an FdA
or a HND in an art and design related subject such
as the BA (Hons) Textiles for Fashion at BCoT,
which is accredited by the University of Winchester.
Employment – your knowledge and understanding
of the art and design industry will allow you to
explore a variety of options, such as photography,
computer aided design, interior design and
NOTE: With this course you will study at pre-degree
level and be able to apply directly to university with
your personal portfolio.
This exciting course is ideal for talented students
who want to explore and develop their creative
skills further. We offer two main pathways:
Continuous evaluation through assignments,
projects and case studies.
Higher Education
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: FF29
Method of assessment
Pass Rate
Art and Design and
Fashion and Clothing
Automotive Technologies
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C or above (including an Art
related subject along with English and Maths and
preferably Science) or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Art and Design, or Creative Media Production at
Merit level or above; enthusiasm for the subject
supported by a portfolio of work showing your
creative ability. Your portfolio of work will be
considered in place of 1 GCSE.
The Automotive
department has recently
been refurbished,
creating state of the
art facilities at industry
standard. We also run
a very successful 2CV
racing team which
competes on the national
circuit. Students have
recently attended races at
Snetterton (24 hour race),
Silverstone and Mallory
Park. They act not only
as pit crew but a select
few are fully trained and
accredited to drive and
race the 2CV vehicles.
Vehicle Systems, Body
Paint and Maintenance
City & Guilds Entry Level Diploma –
1 Year
Course Code: DF11
This is a one year course designed to provide
you with the basic knowledge to pursue a career
in the automotive industry. You will also work on
developing your English and Maths skills, giving
you a strong foundation for a Level 1 programme.
You will have the opportunity to work at your own
pace to enhance your learning.
Entry Requirements
GCSE grades F-G or no formal qualifications.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and end of course tests.
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Gold Standard
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Page 28
Student Satisfaction
Further study, typically the City & Guilds Level 1
Diploma in Vehicle Systems.
Automotive Technologies
Page 29
Automotive Technologies
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
The Vyne
Entry Requirements
Vehicle Maintenance and
Repair – Level 3 Diploma
“I’ve always had a passion for cars and have
been able to develop my knowledge and work
my way up to Level 3 at BCoT. I learnt all the
basics first and then the detail – Level 3 brings
everything together including the diagnostics
I’ve loved my time at BCoT and think that being
taught in a real live garage is a great experience.
I’ve found Level 3 much more of a challenge but
I think the high standard of teaching has really
helped me to succeed.
We also have a race team and we went to
Silverstone for a racing day which was an
incredible experience. It was great to be
involved in the day. I would love to be a master
technician and dream of working for a big brand
like Ferrari or Porsche.”
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including Maths
and preferably English or the City & Guilds Level 1
Diploma in Vehicle Systems and Functional Skills
at the appropriate level.
Method of assessment
Level 2 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
and Functional Skills at the appropriate level.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and online tests.
Employment or an Apprenticeship within the sector.
Entry Requirements
Further study, typically the Level 2 Diploma in
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, employment
at junior level within the motor industry or an
This course is designed to build on the knowledge
of the Level 2 Diploma. You will study the diagnosis
and rectification of faults in engine, electrical,
chassis and transmission systems. You will have
the opportunity to undertake work experience
which is an essential part of the programme.
Into Work/Education
Peter Jones
Continuous assessment and end of unit
online tests.
Further study, typically the Level 3 Diploma in
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, employment
or an Apprenticeship.
Continuous assessment and end of unit
online tests.
Method of assessment
This one year course is designed to provide you
with the skills and knowledge in basic vehicle
maintenance and repair. You will be studying a
variety of units including routine maintenance, the
removal and replacement of engines, electrical,
chassis and transmission units. Work experience
is an essential component of this course.
Into Work/Education
Minimum 4 GCSEs grade E and above including
Maths and English or the Entry Level Diploma
in Vehicle Systems and Functional Skills at an
appropriate level.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: DF13
Student Satisfaction
Entry Requirements
Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair
This one year progression award is highly regarded
by employers and the automotive industry. The
course has a large amount of practical work to
increase your employability in the automotive trade.
You will cover a wide range of subjects including:
motor vehicle technology, welding and fabrication
and bench fitting. You will continue to develop
your functional skills in Maths and English towards
Level 2 standard.
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: DF14
Student Satisfaction
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: DF12
Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair
Pass Rate
“Being taught in a real
live garage is a great
Vehicle Systems
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Automotive Technologies
Page 31
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including Maths and
preferably English and Science) or Level 1 Diploma
in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, and Functional
Skills at an appropriate level.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and specialised projects
including participating in or supporting the 2CV
racing team.
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths
and preferably Science) or successful completion
of BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Vehicle Technology
(Motorsport) and Level 2 Functional Skills.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and specialised projects
including participating in or supporting the 2CV
racing team.
Higher Education – progress onto a HND or a
degree in areas such as Automotive Engineering.
Higher Education
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Employment – explore your options and work fulltime in the motor trade industry, vehicle service
and repair. Alternatively choose an Apprenticeship
within the motor vehicle trade and develop your
skills further whilst you earn.
New Course
Further study, typically a BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Vehicle Technology (Motorsport),
employment or an Apprenticeship within the
automotive trade.
Entry Requirements
Student Satisfaction
This specialist course is for students who want
to have a career in motorsport. You will study at an
advanced level and examine the latest aspects of
motor vehicle technologies. You will learn about
engine management systems, transmission
systems and the application of vehicle science and
mathematics, and many more systems. Working in
BCoT’s own garage will also support your learning
and development.
We also hold an annual
Hair and Beauty
Competition at The Anvil
in Basingstoke which is a
great chance for students
to showcase their skills
and creativity. Join us at
this year’s competition
which will be on Monday
25 March 2013.
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Introduction to
Beauty and Nails
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate
– 1 Year
Course Code: NF69
This course will give you a basic qualification in the
beauty and nails sector. You will cover a number of
topics including skin and hand care, nail art, makeup and themed face painting.
Entry Requirements
GCSEs grade F-G or no formal qualifications.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed with some
external assessment and testing through written
and practical assignments/tests.
This course is a recognised route into a full-time
Level 1 course such as the City & Guilds Level 1
Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy.
This is a one year course designed to give you
the basic knowledge in maintenance and repair.
You will develop a responsible and cooperative
approach to work either on your own or with
a team. You will be able to undertake work
experience in a local business to give you real
industry experience. You will work in our onsite garage to put the skills you have learnt into
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course code: DF15
Our experienced industry
trained staff make BCoT
the ideal place to prepare
you for an exciting career
in Beauty Therapy. You
will train in our in-house
salon, Evolve, which
is open to the public,
giving you professional
experience as you
develop your skills. We
have strong links with
local businesses to
provide excellent work
experience opportunities.
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course code: DF16
Vehicle Technology
Into Work/Education
Vehicle Technology
Pass Rate
Automotive Technologies
Page 33
Beauty Therapy
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF57
The course covers a wide range of subjects. You
will be studying units which include facials, waxing,
manicures and pedicures as well as looking at how
to consult and advise clients.
This course will help you build a career in the retail
sector of the industry on a consultancy level. You
will focus on client care and how to create an image
based on a theme. You will also look into male and
female facial skin care and learn how to instruct and
apply make-up.
Entry Requirements
Successful completion of a Level 1 course in a
related subject with tutor recommendation and a
good attendance report or 4 GCSEs at Grade D or
above (including English and preferably Maths).
Entry Requirements
Minimum 4 GCSE grades D and above (including
English and preferably Maths) or progression
from a Level 1 Hair and Beauty course with tutor
recommendation and a good attendance report.
Sinead Murphy
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed with some
external assessment and testing through written
and practical assignments/tests.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed with some
external assessment and testing through written
and practical assignments/tests.
This course is a recognised route into a Level 3
course, employment or an Apprenticeship.
Pass Rate
Beauty Therapy - BTEC
Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma
This course is a recognised route into a full-time
Level 3 course, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
“When I visited BCoT, I instantly felt at home
due to the nice laid back atmosphere. Everyone
is really friendly and the tutors are great! They
were interested in what I wanted and helped
find the right course for me.
We also offer a Level 1
course in Hairdressing and
Beauty Therapy, see page
62 for more information.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
Leaving school, I didn’t want to carry on down
the academic route and I was interested in
Beauty. The course is so varied, there is loads to
learn and so many possible career paths. I found
some treatments difficult to grasp but the tutors
have been supportive in helping me progress.
We help each other in class too, by modelling for
one another – practice makes perfect!
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
The Salon at BCoT is the best bit – being
able to do treatments on real clients is so
invaluable. Not only has this given me
experience and confidence, but I’ve also
learnt to believe in myself.“
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF79
“I instantly felt at home
due to the nice laid back
Into Work/Education
Beauty Consultancy
Page 35
Beauty Therapy
Beauty Therapy
Beauty Therapy Massage
This course allows you to study at an advanced
level. Your course will include study in areas such
as body massage, epilation, eyelash extensions
and electrotherapy treatments as well as looking
at anatomy and physiology.
This advanced level course includes topics such
as body massage, Indian head massage, stone
therapy, aromatherapy and financial effectiveness.
Level 2 in Beauty Therapy with tutor
recommendation, successful completion of work
placement and a good attendance report.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments/tests to
demonstrate competence.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments/tests to
demonstrate competence.
This exciting course will equip you with a range
of specialist skills including facial and body
treatments, epilation, stone therapy, aromatherapy
and electrotherapy. You will also study anatomy and
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science).
Method of assessment
Research assignments based on the topic studied;
practical assessment at the end of each unit and
the presentation of a portfolio.
Higher Education – a foundation degree or HND in
Beauty Therapy.
Employment – within the beauty therapy and
holistic industry, whether for an employer or for your
own business.
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Further study, such as our City & Guilds Level
4 Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management,
employment in the industry or an Apprenticeship.
Pass Rate
Higher Education
Into Work/Education
Student Satisfaction
You will be equipped with all the skills to begin
working within the industry, as a salon or beauty
parlour manager or Senior Therapist or consider
an Apprenticeship.
Pass Rate
Successful completion of a Level 2 course in a
related area with tutor recommendation including
good attendance and completion of work
Page 36
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary and
Diploma – 2 Years
Course Code: NF75
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Entry Requirements
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF62
Student Satisfaction
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF63
Beauty Therapy
Beauty Therapy
Page 37
OCR Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: CF48
This course will prepare you for a range of key
administrative functions. As part of the course
you will cover diary systems, teamwork, mail merge
and how to deal with business presentations.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above or a Level 2
qualification at Merit level or above.
New Course
Business - BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
01256 306484
“A lot of my friends went to other colleges but
I decided that BCoT had the better course for
me. I originally wanted to do Hair or Hospitality
but when I visited the College, I spoke to the
Business tutor and it sounded like a really good,
varied course. It made sense to do it!
I was really shy when I started college but my
confidence has grown, I’ve come out of my shell
and now I speak to everyone in my class. The
tutors are really supportive and have helped
me to improve and develop my skills. My time
management is a lot better now too, as I’ve had
to divide my time between assignments.
My next step is to stay at BCoT and do an
HND for two years. I didn’t know I could do a
university level course at College, but it means
I can stay at home and at BCoT for a while
longer! I’ve seen the rewards of my hard work
over the past two years and if I could do it
again, I would!”
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English,
Maths and preferably Science).
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through a variety of
assignments. These can include real world
specialist business projects and initiatives.
Further study on our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Business or employment at a junior level
in a business setting.
The Hurst
Gold Standard
This BTEC Diploma gives you the opportunity to
develop skills, techniques and personal qualities
essential for performance in working life and
the business world. You will learn by completing
assignments that are based on realistic workplace
situations. The main areas you will study are:
business activities, business enterprise, finance,
online business, business start-up and sales and
customer service. To enhance your learning, you
will have the opportunity to visit a range of business
organisations e.g. Cadbury World and the Bank of
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: JF41
Into Work/Education
Further study, typically a Level 3 Diploma in
Administration or employment as a personal
assistant or an administrator which are highly
valued roles.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Basingstoke College of Technology
Maria Abbott
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
Page 38
Continuous assessment with some exams in text
Student Satisfaction
Method of assessment
We are proud of the
successes of our
students, many of whom
have gone on to begin
great careers. Our team
is utterly committed to
providing you with the
best possible start to your
future career.
“The tutors are really
supportive and have
helped me to improve
and develop my skills”
Business Administration
Pass Rate
Our department has
developed an excellent
reputation for offering
programmes of the
highest quality. We
have been consistent in
developing students of
amazing skill and quality
due to the outstanding
teaching from our highly
qualified staff.
Page 39
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through a variety of
business-focused assignments based on real world
problems and concepts.
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science). A real interest in running
your own business is essential.
Method of assessment
This course is designed to cover basic knowledge
in carpentry and joinery. In addition to the theory
you will have a full programme of elementary
practical tasks completed in the carpentry
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade E and above in Maths and
English or completion of Entry to Construction,
Functional Skills and a strong recommendation
from your tutor.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and theory
tests in our industry standard workshops.
Further full-time study on Level 2 Diploma in
Carpentry or progression into employment or an
Continuous assessment through a variety
of business-focused assignments based on real
world problems and concepts.
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science) or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Business at Merit level or above.
Entry Requirements
CSkills Level 1 Diploma – 1 year
Course Code: AF08
Entry Requirements
This is a new and exciting one year course and
is equivalent to three AS Levels. It gives you the
opportunity to plan, set up and run your own
business through a structured programme of
learning. You will learn about business finance,
how to set up a supply chain, how to communicate
with customers, monitor the performance of the
business, write a business plan and plan for future
expansion. Throughout the course as well as taught
lessons you will receive coaching from an expert in
enterprise so that you have the opportunity to work
closely with a business, interact with employers
and gain experience dealing with real business
issues. You will also be given support in developing
your own business ideas in our enterprise business
Wood Occupations
The Diploma provides you with the knowledge,
understanding and skills to enter a career in
business or progress to higher education. Over
18 units you will get a broad understanding of
business concepts which range from Marketing,
Human Resources, Information Technology and
Finance to Managing a Business Project or Event.
You will also study business enterprise and take
part in the Young Enterprise activities. Not only
will you develop practical business skills but an
in depth knowledge of how businesses and the
economy work. You will have the opportunity to
go on a range of business related visits e.g. The
Bank of England, and also complete AS/A Level
Economics. This course is the equivalent to three A
Levels and includes: formal lectures, factory visits,
specialist speakers, problem solving exercises and
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Enterprise
and Entrepreneurship – 1 Year
Course Code: JF56
Our Construction
department hosts a
number of workshops
and classrooms that are
specifically equipped
to develop each of the
practical skills you need
on the course. You will
be taught by qualified
experts with industry
experience and be able to
gain real life experience
by working on a project
such as May Street, which
is a dilapidated house
bought by BCoT for our
students to renovate.
Student Satisfaction
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: JF32
Pass Rate
Higher Education – further your education by
studying a HND in Business at BCoT, or a degree in
Business Studies or other related subjects such as
Accountancy at university.
New Course
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business,
a degree or HND or employment.
Higher Education
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment – you will be equipped with the skills
to work in a variety of business related areas such
as accounting, marketing, banking, retail and
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Page 41
Entry Requirements
Completion of the CSkills Level 1 Diploma in Wood
Occupations with Functional Skills in English and
Maths and a strong recommendation by the course
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and theory
tests. You will have the opportunity to undertake
work experience.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further full-time study on the Level 3 Diploma in
Carpentry or progression into employment or an
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: PF26
This one year course is designed to introduce you
to working in the childcare industry, where high
standards of caring and the ability to demonstrate
your skills are needed to comply with regulations.
The units you will study include: Keeping Children
Safe, Communication with Adults and Children
and Supporting Children’s Learning. You will be
expected to undertake work experience as part
of this course.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D including English or the
Foundation Learning Tier (Distinction) and
completion of appropriate literacy and numeracy.
You will be required to have a CRB check to
undertake this course. You may still gain a place on
the programme if you don’t receive full clearance in
your CRB check.
Method of Assessment
Continuous assessment and specialist projects
based on real life scenarios.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
Further study such as our Level 3 Extended Diploma
in Children’s Care, Learning and Development,
Apprenticeship or employment working with children.
This course will develop the skills learnt on the
Level 1 course whilst introducing topics such as
carcassing and first and second fix. You will work
in a simulated real work environment under the
guidance of industry experienced tutors.
Children’s Care, Learning
and Development
CSkills Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF24
Our Childcare
programmes are very
hands-on and practical,
and some offer work
placements at local
schools or nurseries
giving invaluable work
experience. Your course
will provide you with the
skills and knowledge to
progress in your career
or into Higher Education.
We also provide a First
Aid qualification as
part of your study.
Into Work/Education
Carpentry and Joinery
Pass Rate
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Page 43
“I liked that there were so
many opportunities for
work placements”
The course is assessed through creative projects,
written assignments, time spent and tasks
undertaken in vocational work placements as well
as an exam on child development.
Higher Education – a degree or HNC/HND in
areas such as teacher training for employment in
education, private homes or playgroup/nurseries.
Note that GCSE grades in C or above in English,
Maths and Science are required for teacher training.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment – within a range of industries such as
hospital play workers; nannies, paediatric teaching
and social worker.
Children’s Care, Learning
and Development - BTEC
Level 3 Extended Diploma
“When I did work experience with children back
in Year 10, I knew I wanted a career in childcare.
BCoT offered the right course for me and I liked
that there were so many opportunities for work
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English
and Maths) or successful completion of a Level 1
course such as Creative Media.
Method of assessment
Assignments, projects and case studies.
Further study, such as our a BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Information Technology or Creative
Media Production; employment in IT or media
related work, or an Advanced Creative and Media
Before I started my course I wasn’t sure what age
group I would like to work with, but following all
my work placements, I’ve been able to see what
age I enjoy working with the most. My favourite
placement was with the babies at Alphabet City,
which helped me to realise that I want to work
with pre-school children.
Besides the work placements, another great part
about my course is the fact that there are no
exams! The assignments are well spaced across
the year and the tutors are always there to point
you in the right direction if you get stuck.
I’m so glad I came to BCoT; it’s set me up for my
future in childcare.”
Page 44
Entry Requirements
Method of assessment
4 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science). You will be required to
have a CRB clearance check. You may still gain
a place on the programme if you don’t receive full
clearance in your CRB check.
Joanna Donald
Into Work/Education
Entry Requirements
This course will develop your use of information
technologies for employment. You will develop
your skills and knowledge of software in developing
applications, website design, computer systems
and networking. The course is designed to widen
your knowledge and skills to prepare you for
employment or further studies at Level 3. Work
experience and educational visits are offered and
you can also upgrade your English and Maths
GCSEs while improving your understanding
through Functional Skills.
This is an exciting new course that is designed to
give you the combination of work experience and
the academic skills to take you either to university,
employment or an Apprenticeship in the childcare
industry. The course offers a wide range of child
care and educational subjects supporting students
who wish to work in early years, primary education
or health care services.
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: CF39
Student Satisfaction
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: PF13
Information Technology
Pass Rate
Children’s Play, Learning
and Development
The computing
department has
undergone recent
refurbishment and
now features over 100
dual core PCs, industry
standard software,
as well as dedicated
Cisco Networking and
Microsoft Specialist
environments. During
your studies you will
have access to a large
variety of software
resources, ranging from
design packages such
as Macromedia (Adobe)
Flash, to DreamWeaver
and programming
Basingstoke College of Technology
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Our Construction
department provides the
opportunity to use the
modern facilities available
both in our workshops
and classrooms,
whilst being taught by
qualified experts with
industry experience.
You will work on real
live projects such as
May Street: a dilapidated
house purchased by the
College, which students
are renovating during
their construction and
interior skills lessons.
It gives them a fantastic
opportunity to develop
their skills and get real
life experience of a job
in construction.
Method of assessment
Assignments, projects and case studies. You will
be continually assessed and have the opportunity
to undertake work experience.
3 GCSEs at grade F-G to include Maths
and English.
Method of assessment
Continuous evaluation in theory and practical tasks
by written assignments and tests.
Further study in chosen trade area at Level 1
or an Apprenticeship.
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and
Maths and preferably Science) or the Information
Technology BTEC Level 2 Diploma at Merit level
or above.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
If you are unsure which career path you want to
follow in construction, this course is for you. Many
tradesmen and tradeswomen are expected to have
a knowledge of a range of different skills used in the
construction industry. You will have the opportunity
to try several of the areas before deciding which
one to follow.
Into Work/Education
You will study a wide variety of subjects including
computer systems, business information
systems and communications technology.
In addition you will have the opportunity
to study units in specialist areas including
computer networking, website development
and applications software development.
You will also have the chance to extend your
qualification through studying Comptia Strata,
Comptia A and networking. Educational visits
and visiting speakers from industry will give
you an insight into current working practices.
You will also be able to participate in seminars
relevant to the commercial use of IT systems
in running theme park businesses. Work
experience and educational visits are offered
and you will be given the option to upgrade your
English and Maths GCSEs while improving your
understanding through Functional Skills.
Ascentis Introductory Certificate –
1 Year
Course Code: AF29
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: CF43
Entry to Employment in
the Construction Industry
Pass Rate
Information Technology
Student Satisfaction
Higher Education – continue your study by
undertaking our HND in Computing, or consider
a degree in software engineering, information
systems or network support.
Higher Education
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment – you could work in IT support or web
design, both of which are an integral part of all
industries through the public and private sector.
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“It’s given me a good
grounding across all
areas of construction”
CSkills Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF09
This course is designed as an introductory
qualification that will prepare you for a career
in brickwork. You will learn about building
methods, damp courses, block and brick laying
and setting out.
CSkills Level 2 Diploma – 1 year
Course Code: AF23
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
The Clere
Construction and the Built
Environment - BTEC Level
3 Extended Diploma
“I always knew I wanted to go into
Construction and BCoT seemed like it had
everything – the course I wanted, friendly
staff and great facilities. I didn’t know where I
wanted to specialise but my course has helped
me to find out what I enjoy and what I’m good
at. It’s given me a good grounding across all
areas of construction so the decision on where
to specialise can be made later.
Completion of Level 1 Diploma in Bricklaying, a
strong recommendation from your tutor and a good
attendance record.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and theory tests as well
as practical experience in the workshops.
This course is a recognised route into a full-time
Level 3 course such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study, typically the Level 2 Diploma in
Bricklaying, employment or an Apprenticeship.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
Entry Requirements
Into Work/Education
Continuous assessment and theory tests.
Chris Butler
Method of assessment
This course will develop the skills learnt on the
Level 1 course whilst introducing topics such
as groundworks and working platforms.
Student Satisfaction
Minimum of 4 GCSEs grades E and above
(including English and preferably Maths or Science)
and a good school reference or completion of Entry
to Construction, Functional Skills and a strong
recommendation from your tutor.
Pass Rate
Entry Requirements
The course is split into manageable units
and the tutors help you wherever they can.
They are friendly, and are so knowledgeable
about Construction as they have all had lots of
industry experience. As the course covers so
much, it doesn’t limit you – you can go where
you want with it. My next step is to go
to university and study architecture.“
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BCoT Directions
Directions courses
at BCoT mark a new
beginning for many
students, allowing you to
make a fresh start as you
set off on the pathway to
your future career.
Maybe education has
been a challenge and you
may come to BCoT not
knowing which route to
take next. If you do not
have any qualifications,
but a good school report
indicates you wish to
come to college and gain
the skills you need to
progress, you will receive
a warm welcome.
BCoT Directions –
Work Life Skills
BCoT Directions – Access
to Vocational Studies
This course is suitable for you if you have mild/
moderate learning difficulties. It will support you to
develop the confidence in becoming independent
or gaining the skills you need to get a job, including
building skills in English, Maths and IT. You will
also have the opportunity to attend a range of
workshops to gain experience in subject areas
such as: Construction, Music Technology, Hair and
Beauty, Engineering and Catering. You will also
learn key skills such as time management, team
working, problem solving and communication.
This Entry level course is for you if you are aspiring
to a Level 1 course. It’s ideal if you are undecided
about a path or career and did not obtain the GCSE
grades for your chosen course. Maybe you want to
learn some new skills which will help you to take the
next step onto a full-time vocational programme or
into employment.
Entry Level 2/3 – 1 Year
Course Code: VF03
Entry requirements
There are no formal entry requirements, however
all students will need to undertake a successful
interview and provide a good reference. Personal
qualities such as motivation, enthusiasm and
willingness to learn are key.
You may progress to Directions – Access to
Vocational Studies or go into work or supported
Entry Level 3 – 1 Year
Course Code: VF03
You will study qualifications in Personal and Social
Development, English, Maths, IT and two vocational
options of your choice (e.g. Construction, Music
Technology, Hair and Beauty, Engineering and
Catering). You will be challenged and supported
to achieve and will be encouraged to take part in
work experience and enrichment activities when
Entry requirements
There are no formal entry requirements, however
all students will need to undertake a successful
interview and provide a good reference. Personal
qualities such as motivation, enthusiasm and
willingness to learn are key.
Methods of assessment
Ongoing assessment in a variety of ways including
portfolio work, projects, assignments and practical
Into Work/Education
Opportunity to progress to a Level 1 course
or employment.
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BCoT Directions
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Electrical and Plumbing
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Basingstoke College of Technology
Access to Building Services
Access to Building Services
This course is designed to give you a preliminary
qualification in both plumbing and electrical trades.
You will also begin to study topics covering air
conditioning, heating and ventilation.
If you wish to have a career in the plumbing or
electrical trades then this is the course for you.
During the course you will also look at heating,
ventilation and air conditioning systems. You will be
presented with real world scenarios in our extensive
workshops with expert teaching from industry
standard tutors. You will improve your functional
skills in English and Maths to Level 2 standard.
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF39
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF40
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSE grades E and above (including
English and preferably Maths). Or completion of
Entry to Construction, Functional Skills and a strong
recommendation from your tutor.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSE grades D and above (including
English and preferably Maths).
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and
theory tests.
A full-time Level 2 course such as our City & Guilds
Level 2 Diploma in Access to Building Services,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
Method of assessment
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
01256 306484
Continuous assessment with practical and
theory tests.
A full-time Level 3 course such as our BTEC Level
3 Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built
Environment, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
New Course
Our Electrical and
Plumbing department
provides opportunity
to use the modern
facilities available both
in our workshops and
classrooms, whilst being
taught by qualified
experts with industry
experience. You will
work on real live projects
such as May Street.
This is a dilapidated
house purchased by the
College, which students
are renovating during
their construction and
interior skills lessons.
It gives them a fantastic
opportunity to develop
their skills and get real
life experience of a
construction job.
Electrical and Plumbing
Page 53
Entry Requirements
Level 1 or 2 Diploma in Access to Building Services
and tutor recommendation.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and
online tests.
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Opportunity to complete a Level 3 course
such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
in Construction and the Built Environment,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 year
Course Code: AF44
This course will give you the basic knowledge
and skills to carry out works in the electrical trade
by studying units including Health and Safety,
Scientific Principles and Hand Skills. It will also
allow you to transfer to an Apprenticeship.
Entry Requirements
Level 1 or 2 Diploma in Access to Building Services
and tutor recommendation.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and
online tests.
NVQ Level 1 Performing Engineering
Operations – 1 Year
Course Code: EF33
This is a practical course that gives you a basic
qualification in the field of mechanical or electronic
engineering at a hands-on level. You will gain skills
in the use of lathes, milling machines, electronic
circuit assembly, routine electronic servicing and
using computer aided design systems.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSE grades E and above
(including Maths and preferably English).
Method of assessment
A series of practical assessments and a portfolio
of evidence.
Further study, typically the NVQ Level 2 in
Engineering at BCoT, employment or an
This course will give you the basic knowledge
and skills to carry out works in the electrical trade
by studying units including Health and Safety,
Scientific Principles and Hand Skills. It will also
allow you to transfer to an Apprenticeship.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF45
Studying your course
in our new Technology
Centre under the
direction of our well
qualified, industry skilled
staff is one of the best
ways of launching your
career. A recent £3
million refurbishment
of the Engineering and
Automotive Technologies
practical workshops
provides state of
the art facilities and
equipment for you to
use. The department
has an outstanding
relationship with local
engineering employers,
allowing us to make
our courses up to date
and industry-focussed.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Electrical and Plumbing
Into Work/Education
Opportunity to complete a Level 3 course
such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
in Construction and the Built Environment,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
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Method of assessment
Practically based with the production of a portfolio
of evidence.
Further study, typically onto a BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma in Engineering, employment
or an Apprenticeship.
Minimum 4 GCSE grades D and above (including
Maths and preferably English) or an Engineering
Level 1 with Functional Skills at the appropriate
Method of assessment
A series of practical assessments and a portfolio
of evidence.
Matthew Waghorn
Test Valley
Further study, typically in Engineering at Level 3,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
Engineering - City & Guilds
2800 Level 3
“When I was still at school, I did an Automotive
Young Apprenticeship through BCoT for two
years and then completed that here full time
after finishing school. When I first started,
I knew quickly that Engineering was what
I wanted to do. I came back to further my
training in the subject, completing two more
courses before this one.
I find my course really varied, I like the drawing
and materials as well as the practical side of
things. I’ve learnt that you need to be organised
to complete tasks effectively and quickly and
that if you put the work in you get a great
outcome; it’s really rewarding.
The staff at BCoT are really helpful, the
resources available are great and the workshop
is fully equipped. I’m glad I continued to study
at BCoT – I’ve learnt lots about all the different
aspects of Engineering and it’s really set me up
for my future.“
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BTEC Level 2 Diploma in ICT Systems
for Telecommunications Engineers –
1 Year
Course Code: EF38
This one year course is designed to provide you
with a basic understanding of IT and computer
systems which will help you to gain your first
job in the exciting world of telecommunication
engineering. Optional units include Mobile
Communications Technology, Telecommunications
Technology and Home Entertainment Systems.
During the programme you will develop skills in
working with others, problem solving and have
the confidence to work independently. Work
experience is an essential part of the programme.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including Maths
and English) or successful completion of a Level 1
programme in a related area including Functional
Skills English and Maths Level 1.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment of practical skills and
written assignments.
Further study, typically a BTEC Level 3 in IT or
Engineering, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including Maths
and preferably English) or successful completion
of an Engineering Level 1 and successful
completion of Functional Skills.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
This is a practical course which prepares you for
employment or an Apprenticeship within the field
of mechanical engineering at a hands-on level. You
will gain skills in the use of lathes, milling machines
and using computer aided design systems.
If you want a career within an electronics
or computer related industry, this course will
equip you with skills in electronic circuit building,
micro-processors, computer maintenance
and fault finding. You will also use a variety of
software applications and have the opportunity
to experience a range of associated practical
NVQ Level 2 Performing Engineering
Operations – 1 Year
Course Code: EF32
Into Work/Education
NVQ Level 2 Performing Engineering
Operations – 1 Year
Course Code: EF35
“The staff at BCoT are
really helpful, the
resources available are
great and the workshop
is fully equipped.”
Pass Rate
Page 57
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: EF31
You will gain a broad understanding of topics
from mechanical manufacturing and electronic
engineering. Topics covered will include
engineering processes, manufacturing technology,
electronics, drawing, marking out and computer
aided design. Attendance at a work placement is
a compulsory component of this programme.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including Maths
and English) or the NVQ Level 2 in Engineering and
successful completion of Functional Skills at an
appropriate level.
Method of assessment
Assignments plus practical activities, projects
and case studies.
Further study such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Engineering, employment or an
ESOL (English for Speakers
of Other Languages)
This advanced level course will take you into the
world of mechanical and electronic engineering,
engineering and computer aided design with
the support of mathematics and science units.
Modern manufacturing techniques are covered in
our newly refurbished Centre of Excellence using
the latest equipment and software.
This is an exciting course for you if you are a
non-native speaker of English. You will practice
speaking, listening, reading and writing and gain
a nationally recognised Skills for Life qualification.
You will also develop your Maths skills at a suitable
level. These skills will help lead you to your chosen
pathway. Strong personal support will be provided.
You will have the opportunity to visit places of
cultural interest and take part in college social
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: EF29
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C, (including English and Maths
and preferably Science) or BTEC Level 2 Diploma
in Engineering at Merit level or above and
Functional Skills at Level 2 in English and Maths.
Method of assessment
Assignments, presentations, projects and
course work.
(English for Speakers of Other
Course Code: HF99
ESOL Support
If you are studying on one of our full time courses
and English is an additional language for you then
you may be offered an opportunity to attend an
ESOL class to help improve your language skills.
Higher Education – typically a BEng or BSc degree,
or a foundation degree at BCoT in Engineering
accredited by the University of Brighton.
Employment – take the experience you have
learned into the world of Engineering, be it
mechanical or electrical, and apply it to career
paths such as product design for manufacturing.
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Fashion Retail
ABC Level 2 Diploma in Fashion
Retail – 1 Year
Course Code: JF21
4 GCSEs at grade D (including English) with
an enthusiasm for working in fashion retail or
a design portfolio.
ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion
Retail – 1 year
Course Code: JF26
Harry Hamson
Method of assessment
Ballard, Dorset
Fashion Retail - ABC Level 2
Internal and external assessment including real
displays and creating concepts for themed events.
Further study on to our Level 3 Diploma in Fashion
Retail, employment within a fashion retail store,
or visual merchandising.
“My time at BCoT has helped me to decide
where I want to go with my career. I was always
interested in retail and the course has shown
me the areas I’m most passionate about – I’d
love to go into buying. I’ve really enjoyed
learning about how the world of retail works
and seeing things from a different point of view.
We visited the Birmingham Clothes Show,
which was a fantastic experience. The other
great thing is that there are no exams – it’s all
assignment based. I had loads of support from
my tutors - they were really helpful and all have
experience in the fashion retail industry, so they
know what they are talking about.
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science), an interest in working
in the fashion retail sector or Level 2 Diploma at
Merit level or above. A portfolio of work will be
considered in place of 1 GCSE.
Method of assessment
Internal and external assessment including real
displays and themed exhibition projects.
You can progress on to a Level 4 course at The
Fashion Retail Academy in London. Or go in to
management training schemes for high street
retailers such as John Lewis or Debenhams.
Pass Rate
I’d like to go travelling and see the world after
BCoT but also may have the opportunity to
do an internship at Harrods in their Visual
Merchandising department!“
This exciting course focusses on the study of
fashion retail. You will be able to design retail
displays and create them in BCoT’s retail training
and learning centre. During the year you will
explore the fashion retail marketplace, investigate
market research and recognise product branding.
You will look at management and communication
skills, store operations, marketing, buying and
visual merchandising. To support your learning,
trips to fashion shows and the latest fashion retail
environments are on offer. There is the opportunity
to continue your studies into a second year and
achieve a BTEC Level 3 90-Credit Diploma in
Business (Retail Pathway).
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Entry Requirements
Fashion Retail
This full time course will introduce you to the
exciting world of fashion retail. Over one year
you will be involved in projects based on visual
merchandising, fashion history, trend forecasting,
personal styling and customer service. You will
have the opportunity to go on trips to fashion
exhibitions and London shopping environments.
All areas of study will be linked to work place
scenarios and part time work in the fashion retail
industry is encouraged.
New Course
All elements of work
are linked to real work
situations thanks to our
industry trained tutors.
“My time at BCoT has
helped me to decide
where I want to go with
my career.”
Fashion Retail
Into Work/Education
A course in Fashion Retail
gives you the opportunity
to explore many aspects
of retail such as visual
merchandising, human
resources, marketing,
design, trend forecasting
and retail management.
At BCoT you will be
encouraged to develop
your creative and
commercial skills.
Fashion Retail
Page 61
Hair and Beauty
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF68
This is a one year course designed to give you
a preliminary qualification in hairdressing or beauty
therapy and includes some integration with the
Level 2 students to aid your progression and
Method of assessment
The course is assessed through practical
assessments, the completion of assignments and
multiple choice online tests.
Barbering - Level 2 Diploma
“My mates told me about BCoT so I thought I
would have a look. I liked the idea of learning a
trade - providing something that everyone needs.
Barbering seemed like a good option because
everyone needs a regular haircut and you can
have private clients away from a salon too! When I
started I knew nothing about hair. I’ve learnt loads
and also got my English and Maths qualifications
here as I didn’t pass them at school.
Entry Requirements
GCSE grades F-G or no formal qualifications.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments. There will be
no final examination.
This course is a recognised route into a related
Level 1 course such as the City & Guilds Level
1 Certificate in Hairdressing and Bardering,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
The tutors are great, they are always there to
coach and provide everything we need. I’ve really
enjoyed working in the salon Evolve, gaining real
life experience and seeing what it would really be
like to work as a barber. One day I’d like to run my
own business.”
This course will give you a recognised qualification
in the hair and barbering sector, providing the
knowledge and skills you will need to progress
to a Level 1 qualification. During the course your
studies will include shampooing and conditioning
and plaiting.
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
This course is a recognised route into a Level 2
course such as the City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
in Beauty Therapy or the City & Guilds Level 2
Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing, employment
or an Apprenticeship.
Brighton Hill
City & Guilds Entry Level Certificate –
1 Year
Course Code: NF50
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Jordan Marvelley
Hairdressing and Barbering
Introduction to the Hair and
Barbering Sector
Into Work/Education
Minimum of 4 GCSEs grades E and above
(including English and preferably Maths) or
completion of the appropriate entry level course
plus tutor recommendation and good attendance.
Student Satisfaction
Entry Requirements
Student Satisfaction
We have an annual
Hair and Beauty
Competition at the Anvil
which is a great chance
to see students showcase
their skills and creativity.
This year’s competition
will be on Monday 25
March 2013.
“The tutors are great,
they are always there
to coach and provide
everything we need”
Hairdressing and
Beauty Therapy
Pass Rate
Over the years, BCoT
has established itself as
a leader in the training
of hairdressers, barbers
and beauty therapists in
North Hampshire. Our
industry trained staff and
fully equipped salons
enable us to prepare
you for the challenges
of these exciting
professions. You will be
given realistic training in
our public Salon, Evolve,
whilst being supported
by your tutors as you
develop your skills.
Hair and Beauty
Page 63
Hair and Beauty
Hairdressing and Barbering
Women’s Hairdressing
(Combined Hair Types)
City & Guilds Level 1 VRQ Certificate –
1 Year
Course Code: NF70
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF71
This course is designed to give you a preliminary
qualification in hairdressing and barbering,
providing the knowledge, skills and understanding
required to progress to a Level 2 qualification. You
will study theory and practical units where you will
learn a variety of skills including shampooing, hair
plaiting, scalp massage, shaving, styling, colouring
and cutting.
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Hairdressing or Level 2 Diploma in Hair and
Beauty with tutor recommendation and a good
attendance report. Or 4 GCSEs at Grade D or above
(including English and preferably Maths).
Method of assessment
The course is assessed through practical assessments,
the completion of assignments and multiple choice
online tests.
New Course
Level 3 Diploma in Hairdressing or Barbering,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
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Level 3 Diploma in Hairdressing or Barbering,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Women’s Hairdressing
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF66
This course is designed to give students a
nationally recognised qualification in Level 3
Hairdressing. Through this programme you will
learn how to give consultation support to other
colleagues, monitor and maintain health and safety
in the salon, whilst developing your skills in cutting
and colour to create a variety of looks.
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Diploma in Hairdressing or Barbering with
tutor recommendation and a good attendance
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments/tests to
demonstrate competence.
This course is a recognised route into employment
or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study on to a related Level 2 course in
Hairdressing or Barbering, employment in the
industry as an assistant: or an Apprenticeship.
This one year course will provide you with the skills to
progress onto a Level 3 in Hairdressing or Barbering.
You will cover a wide range of units including
shampooing and conditioning, client consultation,
cutting and colouring women’s hair and hairdressing
design skills.
The course is assessed through practical
assessments, the completion of assignments and
multiple choice online tests.
The course is assessed through practical
assessments, the completion of assignments
and multiple choice online tests.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF47
Into Work/Education
Method of assessment
Method of assessment
Women’s Hairdressing
4 GCSEs at grade E and above (including English).
NVQ Level 1 in Hairdressing or Barbering or 4
GCSEs at Grade D or above (including English and
preferably Maths).
Student Satisfaction
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
Pass Rate
The course is based on an attendance of one year
but the flexible progression to the qualification
allows a quicker completion if you are a motivated
student. Integration with the Level 2 students for
some of the programme gives an ideal learning and
assessment opportunity.
This one year course will provide you with the
skills to progress onto a Level 3 in Women’s
Hairdressing. You will cover a wide range of units
including styling and finishing African hair types,
client consultation, cutting and colouring women’s
hair and hairdressing design skills.
Hair and Beauty
Page 65
Hair and Beauty
Method of assessment
The course is assessed through practical
assessments, the completion of assignments and
multiple choice online tests.
Level 2 in Hairdressing/Barbering plus one
functional skill or 4 GCSEs at grade C or above
with tutor recommendation and a good attendance
report. Candidates will also need to have a work
placement agreed.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments/tests to
demonstrate competence.
Higher Education – study a Level 4 Diploma or
Award at BCoT and progress towards salon
management or a degree.
Employment – within the industry or progress onto
an Apprenticeship.
Entry Requirements
Minimum 4 GCSE grades D and above (including
English and preferably Maths) or the Level 1 in Hair
and/or Beauty Therapy with a good attendance
record and tutor recommendation.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed with some
external assessment and testing through written
and practical assignments/tests.
This course is a recognised route into a Level 3
course such as the City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma
in Hair and Media Make-Up, employment or an
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Hair and Media Make-up, Beauty
Therapy, Hairdressing or Nail Services with tutor
recommendation, successful completion of work
placement and a good attendance report.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments/tests to
demonstrate competence.
This course is a recognised route into a foundation
degree, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Level 3 Diploma in Barbering, employment or an
Entry Requirements
This course will give you a nationally recognised
qualification in make-up, providing the knowledge,
skills and understanding required to gain
employment within the industry. You will be looking
at face and body art techniques, skin camouflage
and airbrush make-up whilst developing the skills
learnt on the Level 2 course.
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF61
4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including English
and preferably Maths), Level 1 Hairdressing or
Beauty with tutor recommendation or previous
This exciting course will train you in the art of
photographic make-up and styling and dressing
hair. You will also receive instruction in body art
design and skin tanning techniques.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF58
Entry Requirements
This course is designed to give students a
nationally recognised qualification in Level 3
Barbering. Through this course you will learn how
to give consultation support to other colleagues,
monitor and maintain health and safety in the salon
whilst developing your skills in cutting, including
facial hair and colour to create a variety of looks.
Hair and Media Make-Up
Into Work/Education
This course will enable you to build a career in
men’s hairdressing. You will cover a wide range of
units including styling, client consultation, cutting
and colouring men’s hair, cutting facial hair and
scalp massage services.
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma –
1 Year
Course Code: NF80
Hair and Media Make-up
Pass Rate
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma –
4 months to 1 Year
Course Code: NF53
New Course
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Hair and Beauty
Page 67
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
(including Early Years)
This is a one year course that supports learners
in deciding their career pathway in care. Students
spend three days a week in College and one day
a week on work placement. The units cover both
child and adult care and may lead onto Level 2
courses in Health and Social Care or Children’s
Care, Learning and Development.
This qualification is designed to help you
understand the skills and knowledge needed
to work in the early years/health and social care
sector. You will study a variety of units including:
Creative Activities for Children, the Role of the Carer
at Mealtimes and Creative and Leisure Activities
for Adults in Health and Social Care. The course
involves a lot of practical work helping you to
develop your employability and communication
skills, teamwork, time management and creativity.
Units covered include: Meeting Health Care Needs,
Providing Creative, Leisure and Learning Activities
as well as developing communication skills and
investigating job opportunities.
Entry Requirements
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
Method of assessment
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
01256 306484
The course is a recognised route into a Level 2
course such as the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Health
and Social Care, employment or an Apprenticeship.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Assessment is undertaken throughout the year
through creative projects, written assignments
and time spent in vocational work placements.
Into Work/Education
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
In to further training in childcare and education.
3 GCSEs at grade F or above, (including English).
It is a requirement of the course for all learners
to have a successful CRB check to enable them
to undertake the work placement.
Entry Requirements
Student Satisfaction
GCSEs at grade F-G or no formal qualifications.
You will be required to have immunisation of
Hepatitis B and a CRB clearance check. You may
still gain a place on this course even if you don’t
receive full clearance in your CRB check.
Assignments, projects, short tests and practical
Basingstoke College of Technology
BTEC Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: PF25
Foundation Learning Tier – 1 Year
Course Code: TBC
Method of assessment
Page 68
Health and Social Care
Pass Rate
Our health and social
care courses are very
hands-on and practical.
They are designed to
provide you with the
skills and knowledge to
progress in your career
or move on to higher
education. You will also
get the added benefit
of achieving a First Aid
qualification as part of
your course.
Health and Social Care
Page 69
This is a one year course designed to help you
develop a knowledge and understanding of the
health and social care sector. You will study a range
of units including Practical Care, Communication
and Hygiene and Safety. You will also select from
a variety of optional units including health care for
children, older service users, disabilities, first aid,
nutrition and creative activities. Work experience is
a vital part of this course.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English
and Maths).
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through assignments,
projects and case studies.
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science) or a Merit in the BTEC
Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care with the
completion of Key Skills.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and specialist practical
and theoretical projects.
Higher Education – a degree or HND in areas such
as pre-registration nurse training or initial teacher
Employment – within a range of health settings
including: nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy,
community and hospital work or an Apprenticeship
in the health care industry.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study on our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Health and Social Care or employment
in to a supervised position in early years or elderly
residential care.
This course is designed to give you a combination
of work experience and academic skills. You will
study a range of units including Sociology, Care
Practice, Health Promotion, Psychology, the
Legislative Framework, Equality and Rights. You
will undertake a wide range of work experience in
the local community to support and enhance your
learning. There are a wide range of careers you
could consider after this course.
Student Satisfaction
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: PF24
Our department has
been consistent in
developing students of
amazing skill and quality
for many years. As a
Hospitality student at
BCoT you will be trained
by industry experts in
the fully refurbished
Restaurant and training
kitchens. These industry
standard environments
provide a base for you to
showcase your catering
and front of house skills
to the general public.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
Entry Certificate in Introduction to
the Hospitality Industry
Course Code: OF14
This course has been designed to give you a
good foundation to progress on to a Level 1
qualification. You will learn how to produce superb
food in our training kitchens in this largely practical
qualification. You will learn food and drink service
skills in our widely acclaimed restaurant and also
develop your customer service skills.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSEs at grade G or above.
Method of assessment
You will undertake a range of assignments. You will
have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in
our training restaurant and our college refectory.
Further study on our City & Guilds Level 1 VRQ
Diploma, employment or an Apprenticeship.
Pass Rate
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Page 70
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: PF23
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
Hospitality and Catering
Into Work/Education
Health and Social Care
Hospitality and Catering
Page 71
Hospitality and Catering
Entry Requirements
Further study such as our Level 3 course in
Professional Cookery, employment within the
hospitality industry or an Apprenticeship.
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study on our City & Guilds Level 2 VRQ
Diploma, employment or an Apprenticeship.
You will undertake a range of assignments to
demonstrate your skills. There will also be two
major practical assessments. You will be assessed
in our training restaurant providing you with real
world experience.
Method of assessment
You will undertake a range of assignments to
demonstrate your skills and there will also be two
major practical assessments. You will be assessed
in our training restaurant in a real world environment
and in the College refectory.
Into Work/Education
Method of assessment
A Level 1 in Hospitality and Catering or accredited
prior learning with a skills test.
Student Satisfaction
3 GCSEs at grade F or above.
Ryan Down
Wyvern College
Diploma in Professional
Cookery Level 3 City &
Guilds VRQ Diploma
“From a young age, cooking was my passion.
It gave me structure and helped me to grow up
and mature. I decided I needed to get as many
qualifications as possible with a view to eventually
become a chef and own a restaurant one day.
I remember my first day on the course – I was so
excited to get hands on with the catering and gain
my qualification. I’ve learnt so much, with the help
of the tutors like Ian Pitt, who uses his experience
in the industry to make the course as interesting
and fun as it can be. They are really passionate
about cookery, and have helped me with the theory
side of things when I have struggled.
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: OF16
This course is designed to equip you with the
advanced skills necessary to work in a professional
kitchen. You will be expected to prepare food to
a high standard and run the kitchen for a dinner
service in a professional manner including the
supervision of a team and development of dishes.
You will have the opportunity to go on trips to
support your learning and development.
Entry Requirements
A Level 2 Diploma in Professional Cookery and
successful interview/assessment. Students will
normally be over 17 at the start of the course and
have completed 2 years of study in the department.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through practical and
theoretical application. You will be assessed in
our training restaurant providing a real-world
Further study (typically the HND in Culinary Arts);
employment in Michelin star restaurants or an
Pass Rate
The course has been tough but extremely
rewarding. I’m hoping to gain full time employment
as a chef after BCoT and believe my course has
given me the platform to do so.”
Diploma in
Professional Cookery
Page 72
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Entry Requirements
This course will build on your skills and knowledge
from the Level 1 Diploma and will prepare you
to work in professional kitchens. Working in our
restaurant will give you ideal and appropriate work
experience to support your future chosen career.
You will build on your knowledge of frying, baking,
grilling, poaching, steaming and griddling. You will
further your cooking and preparation skills with
interesting and exciting dishes including meats,
fish, sauces, soups, vegetables, salads, pastries,
and hot and cold desserts. You will have the
opportunity to go on trips to support your learning
and development.
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: OF12
Into Work/Education
This exciting course provides you with the first
step to work in the hospitality or catering industry.
You will gain knowledge and understanding in
important skills such as frying, baking, grilling,
poaching, steaming and griddling. You will learn
how to prepare and cook lots of interesting
and exciting dishes whilst working in our very
successful restaurant. The course also focusses
on food safety, hygiene and nutrition in the kitchen
and the importance of teamwork. You will get
the opportunity to visit trade shows, exhibitions
and the Good Food Show. You will also achieve a
qualification in Food Service.
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: OF02
“I’m hoping to gain full
time employment as
a chef after BCoT and
believe my course has
given me the platform
to do so.”
Diploma in
Professional Cookery
Student Satisfaction
Introduction to
Professional Cookery
Hospitality and Catering
Page 73
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment in our real world training
Higher Education - a degree or HND
in a related course.
Page 74
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment in the real world
environment of our training restaurant.
This course is a recognised route into employment
e.g. junior hotel manager, restaurant manager, event
organiser or a management training scheme or
Entry Requirements
MInimum of 4 GCSE grades E and above (including
English) and preferably Maths. Or completion of
Entry to Construction, Functional Skills and a strong
recommendation from your tutor.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and theory
A full-time course such as our CSkills Level 2
Diploma in Interior Systems, employment or an
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment - within the industry in the UK or
overseas or on a management training scheme.
A Food Service qualification at Level 2 or relevant
industry experience. Students will normally be over
17 at the start of the course and have completed 2
years of study in the department.
Many organisations wish to make better use of
their internal space, both in offices and factories,
to allow them to be more flexible. Interior Systems
professional usually undertake the installations
to make this possible. This course is designed to
give you basic knowledge in a wide ranging area
including suspended ceilings, partitions and
plaster finishes. In addition to the theory you will
undertake a full programme of elementary
practical tasks in the interior systems workshop.
This area is in high demand and students have
excellent employment rates.
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science).
Entry Requirements
CSkills Level 1
Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF32
Entry Requirements
This one year course allows you to specialise in
advanced food service techniques, such as carving
and preparing food at the table. You will develop
your supervisory and team leadership skills through
a wide variety of activities including overseeing
events in our widely acclaimed restaurant. You will
have the opportunity to go on trips to support your
learning and development. You will also achieve a
Level 2 qualification.
Interior Systems
Into Work/Education
This is a business management course for the
hospitality and catering industry. You will study
a variety of business related topics including
marketing, human resources and finance as well
as acquiring practical skills through working in our
professional kitchen and restaurant. You will also
plan and manage a large scale event, these major
projects will incorporate a number of the units
including: Event Management, Food and Beverage
Operations, European and Contemporary Cuisine,
Human Resource Management, Finance and
Marketing. You will have the opportunity to go on
trips to support your learning and development.
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: OF17
You’ll have the
opportunity to use the
modern facilities available
both in our workshops
and classrooms. You will
be taught by qualified
experts with industry
experience and be able
to work on real live
projects such as May
Street. This dilapidated
house was bought by the
College for students to
renovate, giving you the
opportunity to develop
your skills and get real
life experience of a job
in construction.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: OF15
Food and Beverage
Service Supervision with
Event Planning
New Course
Interior Systems
Student Satisfaction
Hospitality and Catering
Interior Systems
Page 75
Interior Systems
CSkills Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF33
This course will develop the skills learnt on the
Level 1 course including finishing and installation
techniques. You will have also have an opportunity
to undertake work experience in this area which is
in high demand.
Entry Requirements
Completion of the CSkills Level 1 Diploma in
Interior Skills with Functional Skills and a strong
recommendation by the course tutor.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment with practical and theory
Fitting Kitchens
and Bathrooms
CSkills Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF41
This course is designed to expand on the content of
the Level 1 Access to Building Services course. You
will learn by a series of extended practical exercises
and receive the relevant instruction, guidance
and encouragement to practice and develop
the necessary skills. Units covered will include:
Building Methods and Construction Technology,
Installing Basic Plumbing, Installing Fitted Furniture
and Preparing and Fitting Kitchen and Bedroom
Entry Requirements
City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma in Access to Building
Method of Assessment
Continuous assessment with some external
assessment and testing through written and
practical assignments and tests.
Whether you aspire to
work in the film industry
or create your own
animation, our media
courses provide the
ideal stepping stone
for your career choice.
You will be trained
using industry standard
software, by industry
experienced staff and
resources available to
you include a dark room
for photography, graphic
tablets for drawing and a
Mac suite.
Introduction to Creative
Edexcel Entry Level – 1 Year
Course Code: CF28
This new course gives students an introduction to
the world of creative technologies including: Media,
Music, Information Technology and Art and Design.
You will develop skills in IT, Internet Applications,
Digital Photography, Animation, 3D design and
Mixed Media.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSEs at grade G or above and a subject
requiring English and a successful interview.
Method of assessment
Ongoing assessment by both written and practical
Further study on our Edexcel Level 1 Diploma in
Creative Media.
A full-time Level 3 course such as our BTEC
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Construction and
the Built Environment, or into employment or an
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
New Course
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
A full-time Level 3 course such as our BTEC Level
3 Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built
Environment, employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
Interior Systems
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Page 77
Pass Rate
Further study on our BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Creative Media Production, Level 2 Diploma in IT
or another Level 2 course.
Further study such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Creative Media Production or an
Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Applications.
Into Work/Education
Continuous assessment by both written and
practical assignments.
Continuous assessment with written and practical
assignments. You will undertake work experience to
improve your practical skills and knowledge.
Method of assessment
Method of assessment
Student Satisfaction
4 GCSEs at grade E or above (including English and
preferably Maths and Science) and a strong interest
in design and media. Or successful completion
of the Introduction to Creative Technologies
programme and tutor recommendation.
4 GCSEs at grade D and above (including English
and Maths) or a Level 1 Diploma in Creative Media.
Pass Rate
Entry Requirements
Creative Media Production
Entry Requirements
David Hurst
Test Valley
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
This amazing course will allow you to choose
from two pathways. The Media route looks at
advertisement production, music video production,
photography and production management. You’ll
learn how to understand the creative media sector
and carry out media research. The Games pathway
covers 2D and 3D animation, flash computer games
and computer game design.
Creative Media Production
- BTEC Level 3 Extended
Entry Requirements
“I knew I wanted to study Games Development,
and BCoT offered the perfect course for me. I’m
finding it really interesting as I learn more and
more about the games industry and computers
– there’s so much work that goes into it.
Method of assessment
The qualification has shown me the many
opportunities in the industry and has helped
me decide which path to take. It covers a wide
range of subjects from sound to concept art
and graphics. Working with the Macs is great,
even though I found it a little difficult at first.
The tutors held quick training sessions on this,
which was really helpful.
Higher education – continue studying the course
at degree level or study a HNC in Creative Media
Production part-time at BCoT. Alternatively, choose
to study an advanced Apprenticeship in Creative
and Digital Applications.
You’ve got to be dedicated and passionate
about the course to do it, but it is great fun and
the tutors are amazing! I’ve developed so much
as a person in just one year at BCoT.“
Page 78
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Year
Course Code: CF36
5 GCSEs grade A-C (to include English and Maths
and preferably Science) or a Level 2 course at Merit
level or above.
Continuous assessment with written and practical
Employment – work within a variety of settings
within media and journalism, or a career in
advertising or marketing.
This exciting course will introduce you to the world
of video and animation. You will look at digital
graphics as well as photography techniques and
have the opportunity to work on a live project.
This course offers study in a wide range of creative
subjects; these include both 2D and 3D Art and
Design, Photography, Website Design, Video
Production and Music Technology. We encourage
you to be creative and experiment during your
course and you will produce work for an end of year
Into Work/Education
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: CF32
Edexcel Level 1 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: CF29
“I’ve developed so much
as a person in just one
year at BCoT”
Student Satisfaction
Creative Media Production
Pass Rate
Creative Technologies
Page 79
Method of assessment
The course is continually assessed by practical
and written assignments and tests.
New Course
Further study such as university or employment
within journalism and related industries.
Page 80
Basingstoke College of Technology
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including English
and preferably Maths). Or successful completion
of a Level 1 course in a related subject with tutor
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed with some
external assessment and testing through written
and practical assignments/tests.
Progress on to a Level 3 course such as our City
& Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Nail Enhancement,
employment or an Apprenticeship.
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English and Maths
and preferably Science).
This course covers a wide range of subjects and
will give you skills in areas such as manicures,
pedicures, nail extensions, nail art and information
about working in the nail industry.
Entry Requirements
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF56
Into Work/Education
This course is designed to give students a nationally
recognised qualification in Broadcast Journalism
with Level 3 City & Guilds Diploma in Media
Techniques. The course will develop your skills and
knowledge to help you gain employment within
Broadcast Journalism and to support the skills
needed within the industry. This course includes
the following units: Media Industries: Organisation,
Regulation and Practice, Researching, Recording
and Presenting Information, Radio Journalism
Techniques, TV Journalism Techniques, Radio
Studio Production, Freelance Employment
Techniques, Web Journalism Techniques, Essential
Court Structure and Processes and Understanding
Broadcast Audiences.
Nail Technology
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: CF51
The salons at BCoT offer
an excellent working
environment in which you
can train whilst working
with real life clients. We
have strong links with
local businesses to provide
excellent work experience
opportunities. We have an
annual Hair and Beauty
Competition at the Anvil
which is a great chance
to see students showcase
their skills and creativity.
This year’s competition
will be on Monday 25
March 2013.
Student Satisfaction
Broadcast Journalism –
Media Techniques
Pass Rate
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
01256 306484
Page 81
Painting and Decorating
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment by practical and written
assignments and tests.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study, such as our City & Guilds Level
4 Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management,
employment in the industry or an Apprenticeship. .
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
Page 82
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Entry Requirements
Minimum 4 GCSE grades E and above (including
English and preferably Maths), and a good school
reference or completion of Entry to Construction,
Functional Skills and a strong recommendation
from your tutor.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment and some tests/
Further study such as our CSkills Level 2 Diploma
in Painting and Decorating, employment, or an
Nail Services or Beauty Therapy Level 2 course
with tutor recommendation and a good attendance
This course will help you develop the basic skills
you will need to join the industry as a painting and
decorating apprentice. Your studies will include:
preparation, paint systems with brush and roller,
wall papering, plus the use of working platforms.
You will continue to work towards Level 2 in English
and Maths.
Entry Requirements
CSkills Level 1 Diploma – 1 year
Course Code: AF13
Into Work/Education
This advanced course includes units in Client Care,
Promotion and Sales, Nail Art, Nail Enhancement
and the use of Airbrushes. Please note that this is
an academic course.
Painting and Decorating
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: NF60
Within Painting and
Decorating you’ll
have the opportunity
to use the modern
facilities available both
in our workshops and
classrooms, whilst being
taught by qualified
experts with industry
experience. You will be
able to work on real life
projects such as May
Street, a dilapidated
house bought by
BCoT for student to
renovate, giving you the
opportunity to develop
your skills and get real
life experience. You will
also have the opportunity
to work on projects in the
community; for example
students have recently
decorated retirement
homes in the local area.
Student Satisfaction
Nail Enhancement
Pass Rate
Painting and Decorating
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Painting and Decorating
Uniformed Public Services
Painting and Decorating
Painting and Decorating
This course continues to develop the skills you
learnt on the Level 1 and begins to look at specialist
finishes. You will work in simulated real work
environment in our bespoke workshops and will be
trained by industry standard staff. This programme
gives you the entry level skills that employers want
and also prepares you for progression.
This one-year course is designed to give you a
higher qualification in painting and decorating and
to help you develop a specialism within the trade.
During the course you will also look at producing
specialist decorative finishes, learn how to carry
out specialist architectural feature work and how
to apply water-borne paint systems using air-less
Employment or an Apprenticeship.
New Course
Pass Rate
Into Work/Education
Further study such as our CSkills Level 3 Diploma
in Painting and Decorating, employment or an
Continuous assessment and some tests/
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English).
If you don’t have the grades for this course,
consider our Sport and Active Leisure course
which leads onto this programme.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through a variety of written
and practical assignments. You will also have the
chance to undertake some work experience.
Further study such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Public Services or Sport or employment.
Apprenticeships are
available in this subject.
As an apprentice you can earn as
you learn and gain practical skills
from the workplace. Apprenticeships
offer a structured programme that
takes you through the skills you need
to do a job well.
Method of assessment
Entry Requirements
Continuous assessment and some tests/
Completion of the CSkills Level 2 Diploma in
Painting and Decorating, Functional Skills and a
strong recommendation from you tutor.
This course provides you with a foundation of
the necessary skills and knowledge needed for a
possible career in the uniformed services. You will
study a range of units including: Public Service
Skills, Physical Fitness, the work of a variety of
uniformed services and practice physical and
mental entry tests. You will have the opportunity to
visit: RAF Odiham, Hampshire Police, Basingstoke
Fire Station, Royal Navy Visibility team, Royal
Marines, a New Forest Expedition, Activities
Centres and go on an outdoor activity residential.
Into Work/Education
Method of assessment
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: JF40
Completion of the Level 1 Diploma in Painting
and Decorating, Functional Skills and a strong
recommendation from you tutor.
Uniformed Public Services
Student Satisfaction
Entry Requirements
CSkills Level 3 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF31
Pass Rate
CSkills Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: AF25
As a Public Services
student at BCoT, you can
expect your course to be
very hands-on, giving
you an insight into the
industry. The courses
are varied, covering
lots of aspects of the
Police, Ambulance and
Army to name a few.
You will take part in a
range of activities and
have the opportunity
to visit places such as
RAF Odiham, Hampshire
Police and Basingstoke
Fire Station.
For more information contact
BCoT’s Apprenticeships team on
01256 306237 or
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Uniformed Public Service
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Science (Forensics)
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science) or a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Public Services at Merit level or above.
Method of assessment
We also offer a Level 1
course in Sport and Public
Services, see page 91 for
more information.
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: HF25
This course includes a range of units including
Biological Systems, Forensic Science,
Environmental Science and Chemical Detection.
There is a large element of practical work on the
programme, allowing you to put into practice what
you have learnt. You will have the opportunity to go
on trips to support your learning.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including two of
either Science, Maths or English). Mature students
are welcomed and will be considered on an
individual basis.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment including specialist
Forensic Science BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
or employment in a related area.
Pass Rate
Continuous assessment through a variety of
exciting written and practical assignments. You
will also have the chance to undertake work
Higher Education – a foundation degree, HND, or
an honours degree in Uniformed Public Services or
another relevant area.
This course has been specifically designed to
enhance employment in the public services, or
provide a base for a range of subjects in higher
education. You will study a wide range of units
including: Law and the Legal System, Fitness
Testing and Training, Citizenship and Diversity,
Human Behaviour, Major Incidents and Leadership
and Teamwork. You will have the opportunity to
visit: RAF Odiham, Hampshire Police, Basingstoke
Fire Station, Royal Navy Visibility team, Royal
Marines, a New Forest Expedition, Activities
Centres and go on an outdoor activity residential.
Applied Science
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: JF35
The Science department
has a range of fantastic
new facilities, housed
in our newly renovated
Technology Centre. One
of the highlights of our
Forensic Science courses
is the week long mock
crime scene investigation
where you will carry out
a full inquiry, analysing
evidence and even
attending court.
Into Work/Education
Uniformed Public Services
Student Satisfaction
Uniformed Public Services
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment – put your skills to the test by working
within the armed forces, emergency services,
security services and public sector organisations in
a variety of different settings.
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Science (Forensics)
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Sound and Music
Our Sound and Music
department has state of
the art facilities including
a Mac suite and a
recording studio, so you
will have the opportunity
to record and mix your
own work. Our tutors
are industry trained, so
you are taught by people
who continue to have
professional experience
in the music business.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: HF24
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths
and preferably Science) or Applied Science BTEC
Level 2 Diploma at Merit level or above. Mature
students are welcomed and will be considered on
an individual basis.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed through
assignments, projects and case studies.
Higher Education – continue studying up to
university level through a degree or HND in forensic
science, biological science, crime scene science,
forensic psychology or criminology.
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Employment – apply your knowledge and
understanding of Forensic Science to the industry,
working in a related area, a laboratory or as a
science technician.
Mel Bale
Fort Hill
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English
and Maths) or the Edexcel Level 1 Diploma in
Creative Media.
Method of assessment
Assignments and practical tasks plus a major
Forensic Science - BTEC
Level 3 Extended Diploma
Further study such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Music Technology or employment.
“I started a course in Sport at BCoT but really
liked the Science side of things, so I decided
to change to Forensic Science. I’m so glad I
swapped over as it has made me realise what
I want to do in the future - I’d like to be a
toxicologist or a pathologist.
The course is really varied; I really enjoy the
practical side. We had the chance to take part
in a mock crime scene and go to a magistrate’s
court which was a really good experience.
Everyone at the college is very friendly and the
tutors are so approachable – I’ve found that
if you need help, all you have to do is ask! My
time at BCoT has improved my confidence and
taught me that if you put the effort in then you
get the rewards you want.”
Page 88
This course is aimed at those seeking a career
as a sound engineer or technician within radio,
theatre or music related industries. The topics
covered include sound systems, sequencing,
digital sound and the sound industry. You will have
the opportunity to work with professional sound
engineers in the BCoT sound studio and take part
in activities both in College and off-site. You will
develop music performance skills as well as DJ
mixing and project based work experience.
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: EF24
Pass Rate
If the possibility of helping criminal investigations
through the detailed scientific examination
of forensic evidence excites you then this
course is for you. You will study a variety of
units including: Forensic Psychology, Fire and
Accident Investigation, Crime Scene Science and
Perceptions of Science. The course will help you to
develop a responsible and cooperative approach
to working on your own and in groups, and uses
practical activities, presentations and involvement
with local business wherever possible. Visits and
external speakers also form an important part of the
Forensic Science
Into Work/Education
Science (Forensics)
Basingstoke College of Technology
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Sound and Music
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Sound and Music
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science) or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Music or Creative Media Production at Merit level
or above.
Method of assessment
Assignments and practical tasks, plus final major
project. You will have the opportunity to undertake
work experience as part of your course to develop
practical skills.
Page 90
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science).
Method of assessment
The course is continually assessed by practical and
written assignments and tests.
This is a one year course designed to give you a
recognised qualification in the field of sport and
public services. During the year you will explore
a variety of units including: Organising Events,
Physical Activities for Children, Investigating Rights
and Responsibilities, Planning your own Fitness
Programme, Risks and Hazards in Sport, Active
Leisure and Adventurous Activities. You will also
investigate employment opportunities in the
uniformed services and have the opportunity to go
on trips to support your learning.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSE grades E (including English
and preferably Maths) and a strong reference or
successful interview.
Method of assessment
The course is continuously assessed by both
practical and written assignments. You will also
have the chance to gain practical experience in our
on-site gym.
Higher Education – continue in education by
studying our HNC in Music Technology or Creative
Media Production or progress to a degree at
Employment – take what you have learned and
apply it within music and related industries, building
on your knowledge and abilities and developing
them further.
This course is a recognised route into a BTEC Level
2 Diploma in Sport or Public Services.
New Course
Into Work/Education
Pass Rate
Student Satisfaction
Further study such as our HNC in Music, university
or employment within music and related industries.
Entry Requirements
NCFE/Edexcel Level 1 Diploma –
1 Year
Course Code: JF30
Entry Requirements
This course will provide you with a nationally
recognised qualification to work in the field of
festivals, gigs and live performances. Your learning
will be project based with local agencies and focus
around putting theory into practice.
You will cover the following units, Production
Management for Live Performance, Marketing for
the Performing Arts Legal Aspects in Performing
and Production Arts Live Sound for the Stage,
Stage Sound Design, Stage Sound Operations,
Stage Management, Performing Arts, Events
Management, Arts in the Community, Production
Art Workshop, and Performing Arts Business
Sport and Public Services
This exciting course looks at aspects of
performance, midi, sound equipment, recording,
studio management and production and includes
the following units: Creating and Marketing a
Music Product, Music Sequencing, The Sound
and Music Industry, Audio Engineering, Computer
Music Systems, Acoustics, Multimedia, Live Sound,
Sound Creation and Manipulation and Sound
Recording Techniques. You will have access to
our sound studio complete with modern recording
and mixing equipment, sound-proof booth, multitrack recording facility and DJ facilities. MIDI and
computer technology is embedded within the
course using modern software such as Logic.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: CF52
Our Sport and Public
Services courses are very
hands-on and practical,
designed to provide
you with the skills and
knowledge required to
progress in your career
or into Higher Education.
We have our own on-site
gym, CORE Fitness,
and have links with
sporting clubs around
the local area.
Student Satisfaction
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: EF27
Production Arts: Live Music
and Event Management
Pass Rate
Music Technology
Sport and Public Services
Basingstoke College of Technology
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Sport and Public Services
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Sport and Public Services
4 GCSEs at grade D or above, (including English)
or successful completion of the Level 1 Diploma
in Sport and Active Leisure.
Method of assessment
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science) or a BTEC Level 2 Diploma
in Sport at Merit level or above plus successfully
passing a football trials selection.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through a variety of
written and practical assignments. You will have
the opportunity to continue to play football and
participate in competition to a high level.
Pass Rate
Higher Education (degree or HND), employment
within the industry or role in the professional
football arena.
Into Work/Education
Student Satisfaction
Pass Rate
This dynamic course gives you a wide range
of knowledge and skills, balancing specialist
academic study with practical work. This course
provides a good foundation for a career or study
at university. Units studied include Biomechanics,
Sports Psychology, Fitness Testing, Sports
Mssage, Exercise Physiology, Sports Injuries,
Anatomy, Nutrition and Practical Sport. You will
have the opportunity to visit a range of destinations
e.g. Olympic Games site, Chelsea Football
Stadium, Dummer Golf Club, Active Life Centre
and Winchester, Portsmouth and Bournemouth
Emma Burton
Entry Requirements
Continuous assessment through a variety of written
and practical assignments. You will gain valuable
practical experience in our on-site gym.
Further study such as our BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Sport or employment in a sports centre
or other leisure facility.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: JF45
St Edmonds Girls School
Entry Requirements
Sport and Fitness Academy
- BTEC Level 3 Extended
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science) or a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Sport at Merit level or above.
Method of assessment
“I always knew I wanted to study sport; it was
one of my passions from a young age and I was
always involved in sports throughout school.
College is completely different to school –
apart from the fact that boys go here (I went to
a girls’ school), it’s more relaxed and there are
no exams for my course!
Continuous assessment through a variety of written
and practical assignments. You will also have the
opportunity to gain valuable work experience and
practical application in our on-site gym.
Higher Education – continue within education by
progressing on to a HNC in Sport at BCoT or a
related degree course such as Sport Science.
On the course there are opportunities to try all
different sports and there’s also the theory side
of things. The tutors are great – they’re always
there to talk to if you need help.
Employment – take what you have learned and the
skills you have developed into a relevant industry,
working as a personal trainer, fitness instructor or
train to become a PE teacher.
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Pass Rate
My time at BCoT has taught me a lot about
myself and I have become more confident. I’ve
also learnt that there’s the opportunity to go
abroad to become a sports coach, so my plan
after BCoT is to go to Thailand to do just that!”
Entry Requirements
This exciting course combines theory and
practical application perfectly to provide you
with a qualification that can take you to university
or employment within the industry. You will
undertake daily football training and by pursuing
opportunities to play at various levels of semiprofessional football, you will gain a valuable insight
into the industry. You will study a variety of units
including: Physical Education, Sports Coaching,
Sports Development, Sports Injuries and Training
and Fitness. This course has links with various local
semi-professional clubs.
Sport and Fitness Academy
This is a one year course designed to develop your
sporting talents and gain an insight into working
in the sports industry. You will not only develop
your practical and coaching skills but look at how
the body works as well as health, safety and injury
issues. You will have the opportunity to visit a range
of sporting facilities e.g. Chelsea Football Stadium,
Dummer Golf Club, Active Life Centre and gain
valuable work experience.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: JF37
Into Work/Education
BTEC Level 2 Diploma – 1 Year
Course Code: JF39
Football Academy
Student Satisfaction
“My time at BCoT has
taught me a lot about
myself and I have
become more confident”
Sport and Public Services
Page 93
Travel and Tourism
Travel and Tourism with
Air Cabin Crew and Aviation
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma –
2 Years
Course Code: JF34
This course is suitable for you if you have a passion
for travel and a need to learn about different
countries. The travel industry is big business and
this course is designed to give you a thorough
understanding of the range of employment
opportunities available. You will study long haul
destinations, the cruise industry, working as a
holiday rep, exploring airlines and airports, handling
air passengers, special interest tourism, resort
operations, retail travel and visitor attractions. You
will also have the opportunity to undertake a range
of specialist qualifications including Air Cabin Crew
and Aviation Operations on the Ground. A range of
visits to relevant attractions are an important part of
the course.
Entry Requirements
5 GCSEs grade A-C (including English, Maths and
preferably Science) or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in a
related subject at Merit level or above.
Method of assessment
Continuous assessment through a variety of
assignments. You will have the opportunity to
undertake work experience and gain practical
This intensive and popular route into art college
and university is highly regarded. It provides a
recognised foundation in core subjects such as
communication, Drawing, Art and Design History
and Visual Studies with the opportunity to develop
specialist skills in Fine Art, Graphic Design, Fashion
and Textiles, 3D Design, Sculpture, Ceramics,
Glass, Computer Art and Photography. Visits to
galleries and museums form an integral part of
this course. Personal reflection and expression
will form the fundamental basis for much of your
work. The course starts with an exciting weeklong field trip to Cornwall. Educational visits
and visiting speakers from industry will give you
an insight into current working practices. Work
experience and educational visits to galleries
and museums are offered throughout. You will be
given the opportunity to upgrade your English and
Maths GCSEs while improving your understanding
through Functional Skills.
Entry Requirements
2 A Levels or 1 A Level plus 3 GCSEs at grade C or
above. You must show enthusiasm for the subject
supported by a portfolio of work demonstrating
your creative ability.
Method of assessment
Continuous evaluation including projects, practical
activities and presentations.
Into Work/Education
Higher Education such as a degree, FdA or
HND in an art and design related subject. Higher
Apprenticeships are also available.
Into Work/Education
Employment – use your skills and knowledge by
working within the travel and tourism or aviation
industry or through an Apprenticeship.
Pre-degree Foundation – 1 Year
Course Code: FF03
Student Satisfaction
Higher Education – further your understanding
of the industry by studying Travel and Tourism at
degree level, available at many universities.
Student Satisfaction
Our progression courses
allow you to move on
to higher and university
level qualifications whilst
continuing to study
with us.
Art and Design
Pass Rate
At BCoT, we are proud
to offer you real choice
at every level of study.
By providing the highest
standards in teaching
and preparing you to
be work ready, you
have a wide scope of
opportunity when it
comes to progression.
Pass Rate
Our Travel and Tourism
lecturers have industry
backgrounds and, as a
result, are able to draw
on their own experiences
and make use of contacts
out in the field. The
course offers trips to
airports like Heathrow
and Gatwick and also the
opportunity to go on a
residential trip to Rome.
Progression Courses
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Progression Courses
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Progression Courses
Higher National Diploma – 2 Years
Course Code: JF14
This course gives you the opportunity to gain
knowledge, understanding and the appreciation
of the complexities of the business world. You
will develop transferable skills needed to meet
the changing circumstances of business practice
and environment. Modules include: Business
Environment, Business Strategy, Managing
Financial Resources, Project Management, The
English Legal System, Marketing, Organisations
and Behaviour and Employability skills. The course
also includes visits to local and national business
fairs, Winchester Crown Court and areas of student
Entry Requirements
240 UCAS points /MMM or equivalent and GCSE
English and Maths at Grade C or above, or relevant
industry experience and a successful interview with
the course leader. Applicants through this route
may be asked to undertake a short piece of written
Method of assessment
Students are assessed through written reports,
essays, presentations and the observation of work
based scenarios.
Once you have completed this course you can
move directly into employment or on to a one year
top up Degree at a university offering a compatible
Cost: As an alternative to university, higher
education fees are payable for this course.
Hair and Beauty
City & Guilds Level 4 Diploma – 1 Year
Course code: NF85
The course can help you establish and run your own
Hairdressing or Beauty business or give you the
expert knowledge to be a manager. You will gain the
skills to manage staff and resources and learn how
to develop and promote your business. You will also
build your technical skills and the skills needed if
you are hoping to take up a role in assessment and
internal quality assurance. Modules include: Quality
Management of Client Care in the Hair and Beauty
Sector, Public Relations in the hair and beauty
sector, Management of Health, Safety and Security
in the Salon and Advanced Epilation Techniques.
Educational visits are offered on a voluntary basis.
You will need to arrange work experience if you are
not currently working in the industry.
Entry Requirements
Students need to be over the age of 18, hold GCSE
English and Maths at Grade C or above or relevant
industry experience and undertake successful
interview with the course leader. Applicants through
this route may be asked to undertake a short piece
of written work.
Method of assessment
Your progress will be assessed through
assignments, practical tasks, case studies, projects
and presentations.
Upon completing the course you are ideally
qualified to go in to salon management, or progress
to a Foundation or Honours degree.
Cost: University Level fees may apply to this course.
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Access to Higher Education Diploma –
1 Year
Course Code: PF17
This course is designed for students over 19 who
wish to follow a career in Nursing. It will provide
skills needed for learning about human biology
and health studies, which are essential for a
nursing career. Although it is a full-time course
you only need to attend college three-and-a-half
days a week. Units will include: Human Biology,
Health Studies, Psychology, Sociology, and
Communication Studies.
The lesson style is relaxed and informal with an
emphasis on student participation. You will be
involved in discussions, seminars, individual and
group research. There will be video and practical
sessions and you will be expected to prepare
assignments for which guidance will be given on
each task you undertake.
Entry Requirements
Students need to be over 19 to study this course.
There are no formal qualifications although
students who have already gained Maths, Science
and English GCSE at grade C usually cope more
easily with the course. Acceptance will be based on
an interview involving a short written task.
Method of assessment
Assessment is by continuous coursework and short
Education courses, for example BA Degrees,
Foundation Degrees and Higher National Diplomas,
within a wide range of health care disciplines. In
order to progress into health-related professions at
higher education level you will need to ensure that
you have the required work experience to support
the course.
Progression Courses
Page 97
Progression Courses
Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering
Foundation Degree – 2 Years
Course Code: EF37
This course is validated by the University of
Brighton. You will learn the skills needed to
become a mechanical or manufacturing engineer.
If you have a good level of engineering vocational
knowledge and/or experience and would like to
develop yourself further, this course is for you.
Modules include: Mechatronic Principles, Project
Management, Manufacturing Processes, Computer
Aided Design and Composite Material Technology.
A number of educational visits will be organised to
our partner universities, and work experience will
be required as part of the course.
Entry Requirements
“My course has been
a success for me
personally due to my
inspirational teacher”
You must be over the age of 19 and have achieved
240 UCAS points including strong unit grades in
Further Maths and Further Mechanical/Electrical
principles or relevant industry experience and
a successful interview with the course leader.
Applicants through this route may be asked to
undertake a short piece of written work.
Method of assessment
The course is assessed continually, through
coursework, projects and tests.
“This course has gained
me a place at university
so the course has done
exactly what it is set out
to do. I am so pleased”
Primary Education
Access to Higher Education Diploma –
1 Year
Course Code: PF19
This course has been designed specifically for mature
students who have some vocational experience but
do not have the relevant qualifications for entry to
higher education. The course will provide you with
the necessary skills and knowledge to progress on to
university to pursue a career in primary education.
Units will include: Professional Studies, School
Experience, Planning for Teaching, Literacy, Science
for Teachers, History and Geography and Reviewing
and planning for Future Study and Work.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must be over the age of 19 and undertake
a successful interview.
Method of assessment
Assessment is by continuous coursework and short
The majority of students progress into higher
education courses, for example to study for a BA
in Primary Education, which can lead to Qualified
Teacher Status (QTS).
Many students choose to top up their course, for
example onto BSc Degrees within Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering, whilst others use
their skills to gain promotion within their current
engineering employment.
Cost: As an alternative to university, higher
education fees are payable for this course.
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Progression Courses
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Progression Courses
Katy Cruickshank
Fort Hill
Entry Requirements
BA Textiles for Fashion
“After completing a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in
Art and Design with the Fashion and Clothing
route, I decided I would like to study Textiles at
degree level. A lot of people go off to University
to complete a degree but I decided to stay at
home and do my degree here at BCoT. It means
I can stay at home, be close to my family and
friends and of course save some money!
The course covers a variety of techniques,
giving us the freedom to experiment with
different things and see what we’re good at and
enjoy. I’ve learnt a lot of new skills and a great
deal about myself. I can now keep calm and
have a laugh as well as recognise my strengths
and development needs.
After completing this course you will be able to
work in any of the following: Fashion Design, buying
for fashion, Retail Management freelance design,
Styling, PR, Pattern Cutting, Costume Design,
Trend Forecasting.
The BA (Hons) Textiles for Fashion degree focusses
on developing textile design skills within the three
specialist areas of print, weave and knit. If you are
excited by colour, texture and embellishment of
fabrics and wish to develop your creative fashion
ideas should consider applying for this course.
Students will be supported to develop their visual
research, technical skills and business studies.
During the course your critical and aesthetic
judgement will be developed through the exchange
of ideas with staff and students. There are many
opportunities to exhibit course work and to develop
professional presentation skills. The programme
includes visits to London, Paris, Italy and there are
exhibitions in association with the University of
Continuous assessment. Reviews and assessments
take place throughout the programme. You will
be encouraged to provide feedback at one-toone tutorials and at group critiques. Summative
and formative assessments are regarded as an
important aspect of the learning process. On
graduating, you will have an extensive portfolio of
visual course work as well as a collection of fashion
outfits which reflect your interests and abilities.
BA (Hons) – 3 Years
Course Code: FF15
Method of assessment
Student Satisfaction
Textiles for Fashion
Pass Rate
“The course covers a
variety of techniques,
giving us the freedom to
experiment with different
things and see what we’re
good at and enjoy”
Students must be at least 18 years of age and
possess either:
- Foundation Diploma
- National Diploma
- Advanced GNVQ/AVCE
- UCAS 240 points
- ESOL requirements IELTS score of 6
- GCSE English grade C or above
- A level qualifications alone will be considered with
an appropriate portfolio of work or experience in the
fashion industry.
For further details on entry requirements please
contact the College.
The tutors at BCoT have been fantastic –
they may have 101 other things to do but if
you need help, they’re there for you. Juliet is
amazing; it would be great if there were 100
of her! There’s a sense of community in my
group at BCoT; we’re like a little family. There
is the opportunity for a lot of 1 to 1 sessions
with the tutors too which is really valuable. I
can’t imagine that I would have had the same
luxuries at university.”
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Progression Courses
Page 101
Information for Parents
Information for Parents and Careers Advisers
“BCoT is an excellent
organisation and I
would recommend
this College to
anyone that needs
a good start in life”
At BCoT we offer young people real choice – we have a wide
range of subject options to select from and courses at all
levels with clear pathways and progression opportunities for
them at the end. All routes lead to somewhere.
We have excellent guidance and support for students to
help them keep on track and be successful and we provide a
safe, caring and supportive environment for young people to
develop their personal and social skills.
For more information, application forms and interactive taster
days for year 10 students from local schools please contact
Tom and the Schools Liaison Team on 01256 306392.
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01256 306484
Information for Parents
Page 103
Fees and Financial Help
Course Fees
Other course costs
If you’re aged between 16-18 you won’t need to pay
any tuition or registration fees whilst you study with us.
There may be some equipment for your course as explained
on the next page.
Some courses require you to have specialised personal
equipment such as protective clothing, tools or a specific
uniform to study them. Where this is the case you will be
advised of the costs at enrolment. The equipment remains
your property, and will continue to be of use to you as you
continue in your career. To find out more details please visit
our website.
If you’re aged 19 or over at the start of your course, then
you may need to pay tuition, exam and/or registration fees.
If you are in receipt of certain benefits such as Job Seekers
Allowance or Employment Support Allowance some of these
fees may be waived. There may be some equipment for your
course as explained on the next page.
Financial Help
If you are unable to pay any of the fees/contributions outlined
above you may be eligible to receive financial assistance
from the BCoT Learner Support Fund. Advice and application
forms are available from the One Stop Shop.
If you are aged 24 or over and studying a course recognised
by the Skills Funding Agency at Level 3 or above, you may be
able to get a loan to cover the full cost of the course. The loans
aren’t means tested and range from £300 upwards. Other
charges for SFA Funded Further Education programmes will
be outlined at enrolment if necessary.
We have a small fund available to help towards child care
costs that you may incur. The demand is high so if you are
interested please register your interest as soon as possible by
contacting our One Stop Shop on 01256 306484.
If you are a parent under 20 as at 1 September you may be
eligible for the Government’s Care To Learn scheme which
provides up to £160 per week towards registered childcare.
For more information search online for care to learn.
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01256 306484
Fees and Financial Help
Page 105
The A-Z of College Life
College isn’t just about study, there
are so many things that will make a
difference to your time with us – see our
A to Z for a helpful guide.
If you want to study at BCoT, but live a long way away,
The Further Education Residential Bursary Scheme
may help you cover the costs of accommodation.
For more information go to
help or call 0800 121 8989.
If you are interested in an Apprenticeship, or have
questions about how Apprenticeships work, our
experienced Apprenticeships team are on
hand to offer help. See page 17 for more information.
Boodle is our virtual learning environment. An online
hub accessible to all BCoT students and staff.
Chill Out
Chill out between classes in our friendly relaxed break
out areas where you can meet with friends, surf the
net, play pool or table tennis and listen to music. We
also have our own on-site gym, CORE Fitness, if you
want to work on your fitness during the College day.
Clubs and interest groups allow you to make new
friends, settle into student life and get more involved
with your College: Opportunities available include:
Fair-trade, Film club, Volunteering, Boxing/Football,
Women’s Group and the International Group.
Code of Conduct
We believe it is essential to work in partnership with
you to provide you with the best experience and create
an atmosphere of mutual respect. Not only do we ask
you to respect the College’s codes of conduct – we
recognise the importance of respecting your needs
and expectations as well.
As a BCoT student you have a right to:
• Enjoy and achieve
• Make a positive contribution
• Be healthy
Bursaries are available if you are experiencing financial
• Feel safe and stay safe
difficulties that may prevent you from pursuing a
• Achieve economic and social well-being
college course. The details of what is available will
depend upon your age.
You can expect from us:
• Teachers who are committed to your learning
For more information on the eligibility criteria and
• Courses that are interesting, well planned and
gaining an application form please contact our One
Stop Shop at BCoT on 01256 306484.
• Interesting lessons that stimulate learning
• To have your work marked promptly and returned
Careers Advice
within 10 working days
Careers Advice – please see the Job shop.
• To be supported with any difficulties that you may
To have a fun and lively summer school and
induction programme with regular on-going advice
Childcare is available on site from The College Nursery
and progress tracking
which was graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in July
Careers guidance, employment support, welfare
2012. The Nursery has three large, airy rooms divided
support, financial guidance and support with
between babies, toddlers and children, with space for
personal matters
quiet time and creative activities. There are also two
Good classrooms, IT facilities and resources to
areas for outside play. For information about help with
support your learning
childcare costs please see financial help on page 105.
• The right to have your voice and opinion heard
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– through student representation, the learner
parliament and the Student Union
• An environment where equality and diversity are
valued and actively promoted
• The right to fairness and equality in the way you
are treated
• To take part in and enjoy student life through
activities and events outside of core learning
• The opportunity for personal development and
improved employability skills
Equality and Diversity
What we expect from you:
• Commitment to your course and making the most of
your learning and development opportunities
• Good attendance and punctuality (with good reason
for any absence)
• Completing your work on time and to the best of
your ability
• Good behaviour and respect to others
• Taking care of our college environment for your own
benefit and the benefit of others
• Using the College services to help you succeed
Fees please see page 104.
Counselling Services are available on site if you have
a problem or are simply in need of someone to talk
things through with. The service is free of charge and
given in strict confidence.
Disabled Go
Disabled Go can provide you with more information
about the accessibility of our site. Please search for
‘disabledgo’ online for more details.
Disability support
Disability support – please see Learning Support on
page 108.
Enterprise and Employability
Enterprise and Employability are really important to
us, as developing these skills will help you gain a great
job or a place at Uni. You can expand these skills by
working towards an Enterprise Passport at Bronze,
Silver, Gold and Platinum level.
Equality and Diversity are embraced at BCoT and
we are committed to challenging discrimination
to provide a welcoming environment for all of our
students, staff and visitors. We have Equality and
Diversity “champions” in every department who meet
regularly to guide and review the College’s actions
with relation to supporting this initiative.
Food is a big part of College life and our Refectory and
Coffee Shop serve freshly cooked, reasonably priced
meals thought the day. All of our food is fair trade too,
so you can feel great about what you are eating!
Green Deal
Green Deal is our way of developing our environmental
credentials by increasing our commitment to
sustainable technologies.
ID Cards
ID Cards are worn by all of our students and staff, on
a coloured lanyard which indicates their department.
The College is a secure site; you will need your ID
Cards to get access around the building.
Individual Learning Plans
Individual Learning Plans are part of your course and
will help you and your tutors know exactly where you
are with your programme.
The Job Shop
The Job Shop provides impartial careers advice and
help if you are looking for work. They can help you
to write your CV, develop your interview skills and
help you to seek work experience. They have a wellstocked careers library and access to a number of
careers and higher education software programmes
The A-Z of College Life
Page 107
The A-Z of College Life
Learner Mentors
One Stop Shop
Learner Mentors will work with you to help you to
The One Stop Shop offers information on welfare,
achieve your potential. Working, where necessary, with travel, courses and how to enrol.
other professionals, they can help you break down
barriers that may be blocking your path to success.
Learner Parliament is the way that our students share
and debate their views so that they can be fed back to
the Student Union Executive as the Learner Voice.
Parking is available on site if you are a student who
lives more than 4 miles away. A student parking permit
is free, and entitles you to pay the tariff in the College’s
pay and display car park on a daily/weekly basis.To
apply for a permit please contact the One Stop Shop.
Learning Support
Peer Mentors
Learner Parliament
Learning Support is available for students with
learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Support is
provided by Specialist Tutors and Learning Coaches.
We provide support in the classroom and also in
separate timetabled sessions. The learning support
team will assess all students when they join the
College – which will ensure you get all the help you
Learning Resources Centre
Learning Resources Centre provides up to date
facilities including: Computers with Windows Internet
Access and CD writers, Introductory Subject guides,
a Reference Section, Periodicals and Magazines
covering all College courses, Videos and DVDs, Inter
Library loans, Photocopying, scanning and laminating
Our Nurse is based on site and is available for medical
consultations as well as being able to give advice on
many topics ranging from quitting smoking to sexual
health. She also co-ordinates the First Aid team at
Peer Mentors are a number of our second year
students who have volunteered to introduce and
support new students to the College and student life.
Staged Achievement Model is part of BTEC Extended
Diplomas (Level 3). While you work towards the overall
achievement of the BTEC Extended Diploma – you
will gain two staged qualifications along the way.
We will enrol you on each stage of the programme
separately and at the end of the programme you will
have achieved the full extended Diploma. This staged
approach will help you remain on track and see your
progress over the two years
Stages TimelineQualification
Stage 1 Year 1 Level 3 90 Credit Diploma
Stage 2 Year 2 Level 3 Extended Diploma
Summer School
The Principal’s Award is for students who are
nominated for their special effort, a positive attitude,
mature behaviour and excellent attendance. The
Award is presented at a special lunch and awards
ceremony with the Principal in recognition of their
efforts, attitude and achievement.
Summer School is our unique way to provide an
interactive launch to studying at BCoT for everyone
who starts a new course in September. Running for
3 days in July it is organised by your department and
enables you to make new friends and get to know the
campus and your teachers ready for the new term.
You will also receive an enrolment pack, telling you
everything you need to know about starting your
course in September.
Student Ambassadors
The Principal’s Award
Reports on your progress and performance will be
provided to your parents or guardians if you are a
full time student under the age of 18. If you reach 18
during your course we will continue to do this unless
you specifically ask us not to.
Safeguarding is an area that we take very seriously.
We provide a safe learning and working environment,
ensuring that staff and students and visitors feel
safe and know how to keep themselves safe.
The College Nursery was graded ‘Outstanding’ by
Ofsted in July 2012. See Childcare on page 106 for
more information.
Page 108
Staged Achievement Model
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Student Ambassadors are students who represent the
College sharing their experiences about student life.
The Ambassadors help out at events such as open
days and make new friends. It’s good fun and looks
great on their CV!
Learning Support is available for students with
learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Support is
provided by Specialist Tutors and Learning Coaches.
We provide support in the classroom and also in
separate timetabled sessions. The learning support
team will assess all students when they join the
College – which will ensure you get all the help you
Travel passes are available on an annual basis for
students who travel by bus and train. Please see
page 112 for details of how to find us
Trips are a highlight of college life; recently our
students visited London, Paris, Germany and Alton
Towers. You may have the opportunity to go on trips
relating to your course, such as fashion shows for
Art and Design, farms for Animal Management and
Silverstone for Automotive Technologies. You will be
asked to cover the costs of these but if you are aged
16-18 you will not be excluded from any visit which is
essential to the course if you cannot afford it.
University is the destination for many of our Level 3
students and we have strong links with many of our
local providers, including compact arrangements. We
also run a number of university level courses in house,
such as our BA (Hons) in Textiles for Fashion.
We aspire to be:
• Passionate – about providing education and training
that brings opportunities and transforms lives
• High Performing – anything less than 100% success
leaves room for improvement
• Innovative – by focussing on the promotion of
sustainability and enterprise as we move forward
• Respectful – we value every person as an individual
and embrace diversity in our community
• Inclusive – we provide opportunities for all and we
welcome people of all abilities and backgrounds.
The A-Z of College Life
Page 109
106 Accommodation
23 Animal Care – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
23 Animal Management – BTEC Level 3 Extended
22 Animal Management – Land-Based Studies
Diploma – City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma
17 Apprenticeships
25 Architecture and Civil Engineering – Construction
and the Built Environment BTEC Level 2
25 Architecture and Civil Engineering – Construction
and the Built Environment BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
26 Art and Design – BTEC Level 1 Diploma
27 Art and Design – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
28 Art and Design – BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
95 Art and Design – Pre-degree Foundation
66 Barbering – City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
66 Barbering – City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma
51 BCoT Directions – Access to Vocational Studies Entry Level 3
51 BCoT Directions – Work Life Skills - Entry Level
33 Beauty and Nails (Introduction) – City & Guilds
Entry Level Certificate
34 Beauty Consultancy – City & Guilds Level 2
35 Beauty Therapy – City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
36 Beauty Therapy – City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma
36 Beauty Therapy Massage – City & Guilds Level 3
37 Beauty Therapy – BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary and
106 Boodle
48 Bricklaying – CSkills Level 1 Diploma
49 Bricklaying – CSkills Level 2 Diploma
106 Bursaries
40 Business – BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Enterprise
and Entrepreneurship
39 Business – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
40 Business – BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
96 Business – Higher National Diploma
38 Business Administration – OCR Level 2 Diploma
Careers Advice
42 Carpentry and Joinery – CSkills Level 2 Diploma
41 Carpentry Wood Occupations – CSkills Level 1
106 Childcare
43 Children’s Care, Learning and Development –
BTEC Level 2 Diploma
44 Children’s Play, Learning and Development BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
106 Chill out
16 Choosing your course
106 Clubs and Interest Groups
106 Codes of conduct
108 College Nurse
Page 110
Construction – Entry to Employment in the
Construction Industry - Ascentis Introductory
Contact Details
Cookery – Diploma in Professional Cookery Level
2 City & Guilds Diploma
Cookery – Diploma in Professional Cookery Level
3 City & Guilds Diploma
Cookery – Introduction to Professional Cookery
City & Guilds Diploma
Counselling Service
Course Fees
Creative Technologies – Edexcel Level 1 Diploma
Creative Media Production – BTEC Level 2
Creative Media Production – BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
Creative Technologies – Introduction –
Edexcel Entry Level
Disability Support
Electrical City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
Electrical and Plumbing – Access to Building
Services - City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma
Electrical and Plumbing– Access to Building
Services - City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
Engineering (Electronic) — NVQ Level 2
Performing Engineering Operations
Engineering – BTEC Level 2 Diploma in ICT
Systems for Telecommunications Engineers
Engineering – BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
Engineering – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
Engineering – NVQ Level 1 Performing
Engineering Operations
Engineering (Mechanical) – NVQ Level 2
Performing Engineering Operations
Enterprise and Employability
Enterprise Passport
Equality and Diversity
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
ESOL Support
Fashion and Clothing – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Fashion Retail – ABC Level 2 Diploma in Fashion
Fashion Retail – ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion
Fees – Tuition Fees and other charges for Funded
FE programmes
Fees for students aged 19+
Financial Help
Fitting Kitchens and Bathrooms –
CSkills Level 2 Diploma
Food and Beverage Service Supervision –
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma
Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Football Academy – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Forensic Science – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Forensics – Applied Science - BTEC Level 2
Green Deal
Hair and Barbering Sector (Introduction) – City &
Guilds Entry Level Certificate
Hair and Beauty Management – City & Guilds
Level 4 Diploma
Hair and Media Make-up – City & Guilds Level 2
Hair and Media Make-up – City & Guilds Level 3
Hairdressing and Barbering – City & Guilds Level 1
VRQ Certificate
Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy – City & Guilds
Level 1 Diploma
Health – Access to Higher Education Diploma
Health and Social Care – BTEC Level 1 Diploma
Health and Social Care – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
Health and Social Care – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Health and Social Care (including Early Years) –
Foundation Learning Tier
Hospitality – BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
Hospitality – Entry Certificate in Introduction to the
Hospitality Industry
How to Apply
ID Cards
Individual Learning
Information for Parents and Careers Advisers
Information Technology – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
Information Technology – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Interior Systems – CSkills Level 1 Diploma
Interior Systems – CSkills Level 2 Diploma
Broadcast Journalism: Media Techniques – City &
Guilds Level 3 Diploma
Learner Mentors
Learner Parliament
Learning Resources Centre
Learning Support
Maps – Campus location
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering –
Foundation Degree
Music – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
Music: Live Music and Event Management – Level
3 Extended Diploma in Production Arts
Music Technology – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Nail Enhancement – City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma
Nail Technology Enhancement – City & Guilds
Level 2 Diploma
One Stop Shop
Open Days
Painting and Decorating – CSkills Level 1 Diploma
Painting and Decorating – CSkills Level 2 Diploma
Painting and Decorating – CSkills Level 3 Diploma
Peer Mentors
Plumbing - City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
Primary Education – Access to Higher
Education Diploma
Principal’s Award
Building for your future – Qualification Table
Reports on your progress
Restaurant at BCoT
Salon Evolve
Sport – BTEC Level 2 Diploma
Sport and Public Services – NCFE/Edexcel Level
1 Diploma
Sport and Fitness Academy – BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
Student Ambassadors
Student Life
Student Union
Summer School
Support for Students
Textiles for Fashion – BA (Hons)
The College Nursery
Travel and Tourism with Air Cabin Crew and
Aviation Studies – BTEC Level 3 Extended
Uniformed Public Services – BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
Uniformed Public Services – BTEC Level 2
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair – City & Guilds
Level 3 Diploma
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair – City & Guilds
Level 2 Diploma
Vehicle Systems – City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma
Vehicle Systems, Body Paint and Maintenance–
City & Guilds Entry Level Diploma
Vehicle Technology (Motorsport) – BTEC Level 2
Vehicle Technology (Motorsport) – BTEC Level 3
Extended Diploma
Welcome to BCoT
Women’s Hairdressing – City & Guilds Level 2
Women’s Hairdressing – City & Guilds Level 3
Women’s Hairdressing (Combined Hair Types) –
City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma
Wood Occupations – CSkills Level 1 Diploma
Page 111
Getting Here
“I look forward to
welcoming you
in September.”
Anthony Bravo
Principal and Chief Executive
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Basingstoke College of Technology
01256 306484
Basingstoke College of Technology
Worting Road
Hampshire RG21 8TN
01256 354141