Negociaciones de etnicidad en los andes bolivianos: Ayllus versus
Negociaciones de etnicidad en los andes bolivianos: Ayllus versus
Carmen Ibáñez Negociaciones de etnicidad en los andes bolivianos: Ayllus versus Sindicatos KLA Working Paper Series Herausgegeben vom Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika Published by the Research Network for Latin America Publicados por la Red de Investigación sobre América Latina Publicados pela Rede de Pesquisa sobre América Latina Working Paper, No. 16, 2016 Universities participating in the Research Network Copyright for this edition: Carmen Ibáñez Editing and Production: Aileen Böckmann The KLA Working Paper Series serves to disseminate first results of research projects in order to encourage the exchange of ideas and academic debate. Inclusion of a paper in the KLA Working Paper Series does not constitute publication and should not limit publication in any other venue. Copyright remains with the author. All working papers are available free of charge on our website How to cite this paper: Ibáñez, Carmen, 2016: “Negociaciones de etnicidad en los andes bolivianos: Ayllu versus Sindicato”, KLA Working Paper Series No. 16; Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika - Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging; URL:áñez.pdf. Imprint Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika Ethnicity, Citizenship, Belonging Godesbergerstr. 10 50968 Köln Germany E-Mail: Tel: + 49 0221 470 5480 Homepage: ISSN: 2199-0298 The Research Network for Latin America cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this Working Paper; the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Research Network. Ayllu Marka Suyu