Summer Newsletter 2014
Summer Newsletter 2014
Inside This Issue: Through My Eyes..................Pg. 2 Staff Kudos............................Pg. 4 The Messenger......................Pg. 4 ISL Wish List..........................Pg. 5 Cargiver’s Corner..................Pg. 6 Vol. 1 Issue 2 OUR JOURNEY “Friendly” Donation An agency Facebook contact makes it possible for people to attend camp I n April of 2014 CDD launched a Facebook page so we could connect with others to let them know what we were doing to advocate, support and care for the people living with us. We also wanted to let others know of the needs of the people in our program so that we could accept donations on their behalf. Though our Facebook “friend” connections, Lee and Michele Mergy and family from Old Lyme, CT reached out to us and asked how they could help. At the time they contacted us, we were preparing camp applications for some of the people we support. Camp is a costly activity and many people were struggling to come up with the funds to attend. Lee and Michele stated they wanted everyone who had the desire to attend camp to be able to do so. The Mergys did not want money to be the reason for people not enjoying something they have sent their own children to. With their generous support, 40 people were able to attend camp this summer. Their donation is the largest donation CDD has ever received and it went directly to helping the people we support participate in something they look forward to each year. Paul Templeton paints the face of a camp counselor while Nikki Ersery looks on. People supported from all of the homes were able to interact and attend camp this year. Daniel Richardson edges out another person while he runs a race at Heartland Camp. The individuals particpated in various activities while they attended camp in July. Lee is a Senior Managing Director at Galt and Company. He holds a Master’s in Public and Private Management from the Yale School of Management. Lee’s strategic thinking led him to think about the next step in what someone needs when going to camp. He asked if he could buy 50 backpacks and fill them with hygiene products for people to use while at camp. We humbly took Lee up on his offer and offered to match his backpack donation with another 50 so that all the people receiving services from CDD could have one. Lee would not hear of it and he ended up purchasing 150 backpacks with CDD’s logo. Lee and Michele’s children, Caius and Claudia, filled the bags with hygiene products for those going to camp and then they mailed all of the backpacks to us. Those backpacks can be seen all around CDD and we even have extras for new people coming into services. Recently, we set up a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for our first agency-wide picnic. The picnic will be for all the people we support, our employees and story continued on page 2 Through My Eyes My name is Nicole and I live at Kinbrook Apartments and have been for eight years. Before coming to CDD, I lived with my grandmother. My Support Coordinator told me about CDD and what a great place it was. I decided I wanted to try it out and have some independence. Some things I love about CDD are the exciting trips and outings provided to us. We go to Royals and Chiefs games and musicals at Starlight theatre. Every year we go to the Universoul Circus and the Rennaissance Festival. We go on picnics and to Worlds of Fun. We even went on a family vacation to Branson this year. CDD helps me to be more independent by having staff to help teach me life skills. Staff and I go grocery shopping and cook delicious and wholesome meals in my own apartment. I love having my own apartment at CDD. I also have a job I love working at Southeast Enterprises. I have recently trained to be the lead in my area. I was chosen because I knew a lot about other jobs in my area. My supervisor knew I wanted to move up and it makes me feel good that she trusts me with more responsibilities. My position teaches me to be responisble and independent. I love being a part of the CDD family; they let me live my life the way I want and help me to see my full potential. Nicole cooks dinner in her apartment. “Friendly” Donation continued Donation allows people supported to attend camp our Board of Directors. Historically, we have held three separate events, but decided we would try something different this year and hold one event. The Mergy family has gone above and beyond with directly helping people, so we did not anticipate another donation from them. Yet, within an hour of setting up the Go Fund Me Page, the Mergy family made another generous donation. the reader or to the Mergy family, how grateful and humbled we are for their support. Thank you Lee and Michele, you all are amazing. Their donations have gone directly to helping the people receiving services. We have 104 people in our program who have benefited from their kindness. Now, not only are the individuals receiving assistance, the agency is receiving help with offsetting the expenses for an event that many, many more people will participate in. We cannot begin to express, to you Pg. 2 Lee, Michele and their children, Claudia and Caius made sizeable donations to allow people to attend camp and help offset funds for the first agency-wide picnic. Steven Devero hangs out with Jody when she stopped by during the week of camp. From the desk of the Executive Director Sarah Mudd “Dance With the One Who Brung Ya’” One night I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, with my thoughts keeping me awake. I have been told by someone that my articles “From the Executive Director” are not very Executive Director-ish. The person went on to say my articles are not about the business, but are human interest pieces. I am not the most polished person in the world, I can be a little crass, and at times too direct, but I am doing what I am supposed be doing. I could tell you about the business inside the business. I could explain to you an Income/Expense Statement, show you a Balance Sheet, and I have enough audits for you to read that would put you to sleep nightly for 40 years. I could also tell you that CDD has purchased five vehicles in the last few months or that we are remodeling a particular home. But, truly those things are not what keep me at CDD. As I laid there, I pondered the newsletter article issue and this is what I’ve concluded: the people are my business and the reason why I am here. They are the reason I stay passionate about my job. I want nothing but the best for them and for the staff members who care for them. If I can reach one staff member to provide a gentler, more compassionate way of caring for someone, I’ve done my job. When I lay out the expectation that all people are valued and important, I am doing my job. When I’ve embraced someone we support with a heartfelt hug, I have done and I am doing my job. When I visit the homes it is not being informed that a particular piece of furniture needs replaced, or a computer needs fixed that motivates me. The reason I am here, why I have stayed here, is to hear someone say, “Sarah, I had a good day today,” or hearing a man 15 years older than me say, “Mama (me), your son (him) loves you,” and probably my favorite part is getting that daily phone call from a person whom I began working with in 1991 who calls to tell me, “Sar-e, you’re my dynamite girl.” I decided that in order for you to understand what we want, what we expect, and what we are really doing, I have to stay true to myself and continue doing what brought me here, to this Executive Directorship, in the first place. It is the people. So as I laid in bed that night, I was able to go to sleep, content with the fact that I can let go of what others think I should be and be who I am. Upcoming CDD Events September September 6 CDD Picnic September 24 Movie night Nurse’s Corner • Flu season is around the corner! Schedule your flu shot! • Traditional flu vaccine is made to protect against three different flu viruses • Everyone six months and older should get a flu vaccine each year • It takes about two weeks after a vaccination for your body to develop an immune response • The flu vaccine is safe, it does not cause the flu, this is a myth. • Even if you don’t have a regular doctor or nurse, you can get a flu vaccine somewhere else, like a health department, pharmacy, urgent care clinic, and often your school, college health center or work. Pg. 3 Staff Kudos Victor Cabral is the Lead Direct Support Professional at Summit Apartments and provides direction for the other staff members who work there. The staff members welcome his guidance and everyone appreciates his hard work to make the lives of the people living at Summit better. Victor always goes above and beyond the call of duty by supporting individuals with passion, care and intuition. He knows what people need physically and emotionally and serves as a mentor, especially for the men who live at Summit. Victor never hesitates to jump in when he’s needed. Each year, Victor helps people attend the Real Choices, Real Voices Conference in Tan-Tar-A at the Lake of the Ozarks. The conference gives people who have developmental disabilities tools they need to advocate for their needs and wishes themselves. Victor enjoys taking the individuals and guiding them to the educational sessions that will best fit their needs. The things that are learned by Victor and the individuals attending the conference are carried back to Summit to educate those who were unable to attend. One thing that Victor loves to do while at Tan-Tar-A is to prepare a special dinner for everyone to eat on the deck of the condo overlooking the lake. Victor also does an outstanding job training new staff members coming to Summit. Victor assists them with learning about the people living at Summit, understanding the medical issues of each person. He also shows the new staff how to document in our webbased system and provides endless other training, as well as ongoing supports The Messenger As I near the end of my time at CDD, I sit and look back on all the changes that have occurred since I began my journey. I can think of no better place to reflect on things than my favorite spot to work— a red couch that can be found on Spruce Avenue. I have spent many hours on this couch surrounded by Case Record Books typing away on my laptop, often squeezed between two or three people I support as they share stories about their day or ask me to look up cowboys and various types of airplanes. It is a great place to be. As I sit here and reminisce about my early days at CDD, I remember thinking what am I getting into? My co-workers filled my first weeks with stories that should have had me running for the hills. When I followed my trusty GPS down to Spruce Avenue and later out to 140th Street in Grandview, who would have thought I would meet people in Pg. 4 to staff who have been with CDD for a while. Victor is an asset to Summit and there are not enough words to describe all Victor assists Barrie with the wonderful things his things on the porch at that he does Summit. each and every day. CDD is lucky to have him as part of our team. By: Bernadette Richardson, former Developmental Disability Professional and newly hired eitas Support Coordinator those two places who would make such an impact on my life? Throughout my time at CDD, my GPS and I have traveled to many places. I made it to Brooklyn Avenue, up to 6th Street, out to Highgrove Road and down the Paseo, meeting people and making memories as I went. I will never forget the morning conversations on the patio at Summit, singing and dancing with the individuals at Lafayette, talking about boyfriends with the ladies at Kinbrook, laughing at the shenanigans from the men at Birch House and meeting others who were always ready to share life lessons with me. Alas, the time has come for me to move on to my next adventure and leave the comfort of this couch. I have been blessed to work with a group of people who are always striving to help others. The faces of CDD may have changed over time, but the mission has remained the same—to support persons with disabilities in achieving their fullest potential. I think we do that well. Bernadette, second from left, visits with Nicole, Marilyn and Brenda during Staff Appreciation Day. She helped coordinate the event to thank staff for all their hard work. ISL WISH LIST We recently helped a young man move into his first apartment. He had never lived on his own, as he came from a foster care situation. Thanks to the help of our donor fund, we were able to help him get some nice things for his apartment. The look on his face when he walked into his own apartment for the first time was priceless! We also helped another person move from an apartment with a roommate to one by himself. Unfortunately, his roommate had most of the household items, so he did not have much in his new place. Once again, thanks to our donor fund, we were able to help him buy basic necessities for his new home. The staff and people supported by CDD sincerely appreciate the people who have given to our donor fund. Thanks to you, we were able to help two people who would not have had the resources to make their living situations into homes. If you would like to help support people as they move into their own homes, please consider donating to our donor fund. Any help is appreciated. Included in this newsletter is an envelope for you to mail your donation to us, or you can go to our website and donate from there. We are also looking for some of the following items: • New towels • Utensils (forks, knives and spoons) • Plates, cups, bowls • Cooking utensils • Pots and pans • Pot holders • Gently used furniture (couches, desks, tables and chairs) • TVs • Gift cards Please give us a call at (816) 531-0045 and we can arrange to pick up any large items of furniture you may wish to donate. Thanks again for all the past support! CDD frequently has openings in our apartments, group homes and individualized homes in various areas of the community. If you or someone you know is interested in being supported by our agency, please contact us. CDD is a private, not-for-profit organization. We are designated as tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3). All donations to CDD are tax-deductible. We have a restricted account for donors to assist the residents with financial needs, travel and recreation. If you wish to contribute, please send your check or money order to: CDD Donor Account 1010 W 39th Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Log on to our Web site at to check us out. Additional information about the agency will be made available upon request. Pg. 5 Center for Developmentally Disabled 1010 W 39th St. Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: 816-531-0045 Fax: 816-756-5612 Website: E-mail: Caregiver’s Corner Tips and recipes for the caregiver to promote a healthy lifestyle. Have you eaten your vegetables today? Green leafy vegetables should be a part of everyone’s daily diet. They provide fiber which helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, keeping your blood sugar stable and preventing diabetes. Darker greens are rich in calcium which makes for strong teeth and bones and contributes to muscle function. Potassium in green leafy vegetables further protects against osteoporosis and lowers blood pressure. depression and improve mood. Greens are also an excellent source of folate, which reduces your risk of heart disease and even memory loss. And because folate contributes to the production of serotonin, which may help ward off A standard smoothie recipe might include the following (change amount according to how big of a smoothie you are making): An easy way to incorporate greens into your diet is blending them in a smoothie. Combined with yogurt, fruit and other ingredients, most people don’t even taste the vegetables. Dust off your blender and give it a try! No time in the morning? Make it in the evening and keep in the fridge overnight. It can be part of a healthy breakfast or a snack during the day. • 1/2- 3/4 c. of liquid (milk, juice or • water) • 1-2 c. greens (spinach, kale etc) • 1/2-1 banana depending on size of smoothie • 1/2c.-1 c. of other fruit and/or veggies depending on size of smoothie Don’t forget to put the lid on the blender. Push: mix, whip or stir to get desired smoothness. Some of our favorite combinations at CDD are: Nicke: Milk, spinach, banana and peanut butter Kelsey: Mixed berries, banana and greek/ plain yogurt, ice Sarah: Spinach, strawberries, blueberries, banana, orange juice and water Jenny: Kale, strawberries, peaches and blueberries and water
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