Blowthrough Carb How-To pictured here loict
Blowthrough Carb How-To pictured here loict
Page 1 of Blowthrough Carb How-To .F*i** *,n# mrf#itl+,:rtm [-tprfm**r* #l{}3dr{}3, { t*:xfr *#d*#, tq$#ps tsxfi i* nn*ticmfrmn$ fn a"*'* t* flh* imft *f l f,he r?#t/d F#H {3$l"mn:tin A : X tlt not tttlvite gilen r{s$rrrsfs rrrr r/lir unt' rsspsr"lirlifi'flr cr liahitity.fbr propcrg duntq;r or iarlidtr' hnrm it$lixtetl. lstt si/e" $o ynu want to buiid a bl*wthrough *etup, but hev* no idea hnw t* setrrp th* carb? Well, just fallow the in$tril{:ticng anrj che,ck oirt lh* rcforence pics ancl you will he well sfl ycr*r way Please read the eatire article hefare nnoctifuing ynur carhuretor ** yo* have m full r"rnd*rstanding of what rieerje to be d*ns. Rem*rnber, if you nrodify your carb as per the following instr*cti*rns, ii will be sel ltP fur: hierr*through, hut rr*f funed for blnuvthrough^ That parf is t tp t* yott Fir*t, you'll need a carb. For this article. wetll he using a Hcllev 4t $ff Series 750 daubl* pulnpef, pictured here loict Alithe fnllowing rrrocJificatrons willworlq on any dor,hriei ptrnlper, tegardless of stEe iranr 6CIfi-S5fi. TheV rrv-ill al*o wsrk on *r"ry liolley cione, like th<: Flarry firani "*lm'.ru" $Brie$rtul r)r ilernonrrd carhuistors" *tust lie*fru,s& wfi'rffi usi*E a l-k:lleV dnesn't mean ntf"rgr cari:s vueinl.{ vrnrk. i-lnllny's ate just the most popular and eeisiest tb rnnriify fnur barr*i, nnd part* ere very easl; to acqttire" $peaking ef parts, here is a list uf part$, ae w*ll as t*nln, that you wlll need to mcriifv your *arhuretnr: Ipi4 T'**i*; H5*rt*: t$]#r"f.* lruitil"fr '* ffi?"#: up:tE*nmfi the tools and parts tagether, disassemblv of the carhuret*r r:an heEin. Kenp all cld gaskets fcr comparison with ihe new oneg from the kit. Each kit will have gaskets thr a few different rn6dels, nnd some *f th*rm ar* viftually identi*al til the Llntrffined eye. First, make *ure ihe *arh i* #mpty Now that r,rue have altr of fuel" Please, u$e c$rnmo* sen$s hei* p**ple: f,arburstors anef their:parts *':ay he **verc*d *r *mtltrai*d with fr.lel. Make sure you wcrk sn ysl:r carh away from heat, sparks or cpf,n flame 'rhat alsc t'ii*ans ns smakingl ilf;nasnernbly Firsl, remcv* ttrs inlei fitti*g *n *a*h htrn- IArrrnrr hencr nrl Rf,ihrinnfinn r-"n?rl /hl nrxrthrl I h*v';!" htrnl Then, r*rrr*rvm the fmi;n Sl'!S" s*is',rr$ h*lding *a*h x.'t 114/?flflq Page 2 of 7 Blowthrough Carb How-To t ccel.e{' cover in',QY' howl d{l , 'a#?'Phillirs, rci the sPring e tr s t s ft s5:in d the, Plast frj r:ed) i': .: inal as a reference. Repeat this for each bowl' f{ mes the metering - btocks. You will pr:o $I,,: I ., : , ', , .t ,.,, ,i ', ,:i nirwaY,:. hrttn; . : ': , ' 11 r: /1Aryfi*q Bl Page 3 of 7 ugh Carb How-To su1 'higfr,* g r lT k tt Yau.dol not t the gaske!' ing $:: t : llled, Just file'theralsed area dnwn ab-olt':l116l!,," : : ,' ,',' ,. . ' :, : n s 0 ehY *or,ming this rlloclification lvill req ,. lepend on how rnt*Ch ,. s rnodi a lune rn ruvn aria {2 L' + Li .. i rnt*la nr v rr I. n l.v(l'v, vr in I U t, I ime malntain ut ha va6u . ar !/e -. , .' ', ' :. , ,, ', .. hloek*o; as,itcanhecomeuncoveredUulingtrard'a*qeleatton. .:: arrrnn J..lurt.3 ill main e g : il t rlite. ll o u ra elflo un etiing up to compensate. lf you remove the PV you : 3-'10'iet siaee higher than'thatl hffn. l/ixnxnx/ h rlttr ciArl Rfahricafinn c,nrn /hlowfhnr html ' 1r/14/20a9 ughC H,owTo fmf$.. [$ im, dmulht, ||,.*.*" .r1q fl"itru$l i ffifi" :,' , 'r. i l :, ':' ,,. .a .,. , , :: , ' : . , ,r l*ing e ... tVeCIhannsl, G i tlq-gS ' ,,nnu ii , f*{ T t [!ltl!it",{ $ r (:fltr , if y rre ' ' : l . :,' Sl, it 'i.* e ni 'Firs 'liofes,, of tl .' :, *,bail, ;*nd a smallwasher I :1 h ... .: ,. . ., or.l*qt ..'.:.. :. I, .., ' ,: . . .1 gfA hri n n f i nn c(-rrm /hl ntnrfh r.l r' I ht# I wr4:n0a9 Bloffi oug.h, C. Page 5 of 7 arb,How-To hole (or a ,place a srnall pi*ce af atuminurll heet, approximately T/16' x 3lr$'1; unde r:neath the )vsrlt the,epoxy,frorn rJripping through' Mix up yoilr a remove it o n At, )r db n€ xy,set up Yh ro, ....l.....]..',Resgsetnhly.. ,, fince.aliihe,*arhure,torsfirts,have hoen sleaned, irlspested, and rnodified ne-assembly can begin T lit ,Pa -'on',.,,. ,$ uld udfo t r l,: ri I ;' :'' , he new ones. You should alsr: have all ynur tools; olaee the gaskef l,tT::l: ::r : e ynu h *SY waY.lf iL, throttle , :,.r::n'l efore installing the'jeto into'th* econdary bioch, cf,$ ry,to rY IVUr tht dif r,^r nr$x t ' t I ,..]...'.'to,1qranEewiththegqpgettingbigger.astheF.VR;*! your engine rnaKes at )w rnuch vacuum ,-"....:tr:. , :. -. .y ldle Y{fu v\rlll ur engine has at idle For exarnple' you have I ln Hg ber is stannped on the diaphragm side of the valve darv meterinq black, plurg lt wlth a power valve plug, r.ber 26-36, four: if you have a four-corner idie carh) small round , .,, h++r-- //.rnxrtx, 1r crr n ets, re n ir{q ".ff iloiJ q:'l Rfqtvir.qfintr ,ma) {-J-rrn /hlolxrfhnr htrn I 7l/r4z0a9 B Page 6 of 7 Carb How-To : and the hing uP- ," . ,.,, ' : I:"i ,'l l L-^l-+n- | /-- rftr. 1--r+- .-j.:r{-t Q-f-l^oir-o*in-} /r/\,-.' /lrltrrrrfhrrr h+rrrl 11/r4l2aa9 Car-b Page 7 af 7 How-To < T should 010- rr Jr on tlru srl the nn thP uvrl .:urrtrv h ri .fl t,: I rq nees-The, , ,,, ,, , ,,: , :: i' : t: . .,.1 re'you . '.:'.. *il htln: fr"lr . ap#,5 r.rnrl ., ?'wxf #mr: h h bl ,for r.ln in on out ng &Il ' d fanniliari*e'yrr,urs€lf wrtlr,'y.ourcalburetcf, {he'eselsi'' : : **r?C, o[.]t i"lle . basicbl etoabi rc ls 1 !g lrl: _i:: : ,: .:. lYo hnr n PlaY e of blowrnq out the accelerator purrnp draphragm' the secondary bowl ' v 0 a h tf yAU, y#$.f,/r -hansarl Sfabrication,',corn/blowt .htrnl ,,- .,. :r tA tUng it, { H ##"J J-f nrrg.u'rr,'f #F m&if*"e+#*y t, #${tl lIl142A;A9
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