AboutLife Number 3


AboutLife Number 3
Number Three 2013
CanCare, Inc. provides
one-on-one, emotional
support for cancer patients
and their families.
Announcing the
21st Annual CanCare Golf Classic
ather your clubs and head to
the course - it’s time to tee off
for CanCare at Houston’s most
exciting golf tournament! This first-class
event kicks off with a banquet on Sunday,
October 6, featuring live and silent
auctions. Then, enjoy a day of golf on
Monday, October 7, with dynamic “party
holes,” featuring live music, delicious food
and drinks, at various theme-inspired,
tented areas throughout the course.
CanCare is pleased to announce Karen
and Wade Jones as this year’s tournament
co-chairs. They are dedicated CanCare
supporters and longtime Golf Classic
participants, donors and enthusiasts.
Wade and Karen are delighted to lead
this important event and anticipate
“an exciting, fresh, fun and financially
prosperous occasion” to support the
good work of CanCare. They believe in
giving back to the community through
philanthropic events that are both spirited
and successful.
“The Golf
Classic is
the ideal
to spread
awareness of
CanCare’s fine
services and
Karen and Wade Jones, 2013
Golf Co-Chairs
for this
organization in
the community,” shared Wade.
This long-standing event benefits cancer
patients and their families by helping to
fund CanCare’s free one-on-one support
services, hospital visitation programs and
volunteer training programs throughout
the year. The tournament sells out each
year, so reserve your playing spot now to
avoid missing out on the fun.
Golf Classic Banquet and
Sunday, Oct. 6 and Monday, Oct. 7
Sunday night cocktail reception with silent
auction, dinner program and spectacular
live auction; then Monday play in a
“shamble” format (select the best drive
and play individual’s ball from that point)
with a shotgun start. Contact Rachel
Dickerson at 713.461.0028 to reserve your
Volunteers Needed
for Party Holes
Interested in having fun while helping a
good cause? It’s so much fun, it doesn’t
feel like work. Contact Emily Prus at
emily.prus@att.net or 281.558.6502.
Become a Sponsor
Opportunities are available at every level
and participation is encouraged! Contact
Rachel Dickerson at racheld@cancare.org
or 713.461.0028
A message from CanCare President,
Nancy Tucker
nce again the Friends of CanCare hosted an incredibly
successful National Cancer Survivors Day Luncheon.
They stayed focused on our mission of the day, which
is to provide an opportunity for cancer survivors in the Houston
area to celebrate their survivorship, to gain strength from each
other and to acknowledge the survivorship of over 11 million
cancer survivors in the U.S.
On behalf of CanCare, I thank the countless number of people
who made this event possible. CanCare’s past success and future
challenges could not be met without the dedicated contributions
of many people.
At the beginning of the summer, we had a change in the
leadership at CanCare. Rick Hollar, Chairman of the CanCare
Board of Directors stepped down after completing his term of
service. Rick did an exceptional job guiding our board as CanCare
strengthened and broadened our services throughout Houston
and beyond. I want to thank Rick for his servant leadership and
his immense contributions and extraordinary commitment to
Bill Hall took over as Chairman of the Board on July 1. Bill is a
survivor of colon cancer since 2003, a trained CanCare volunteer
and a Lifetime Member of our Board of Directors. I look forward
to working
with Bill as
focuses on
our mission
and goal of
Hope to
patients and
their families
our unique
CanCare is CanCare President, Nancy Tucker and Chairman of the
Board, Bill Hall
blessed with
visionary leaders in all areas of our ministry, and I am confident
that our spirited movement will continue to thrive and flourish, as
we continue to make a difference for thousands of people who are
courageously battling a diagnosis of cancer.
Local Students Supporting CanCare
his spring two student groups supported CanCare through
fundraising activities. Epiphany of the Lord’s 5th grade
Catechism class raised over $700 through a Super Bowl
Sunday bake sale. Holy Spirit Episcopal School’s 4th grade raised
over $1,000 through the sale of wristbands. Both student groups
had teachers who had been diagnosed with cancer, and this
knowledge created a desire to help.
The students were able to raise awareness for cancer
survivorship in their schools and learn about the cancer experience.
Through efforts like this, many people fighting cancer can discover
the power of hope in their experience.
Holy Spirit Episcopal School
“Sometimes people just lose hope when they
are diagnosed with cancer, so CanCare puts
the hope back in ‘em.”
Epiphany of the Lord
ww w. ca n ca re . o rg
(Brady, Holy Spirit Student)
Young Friends of CanCare Know
How to Throw a Crawfish Boil!
ver 350 people gathered for the
9th Annual Young Friends of
CanCare Crawfish Boil on April
20 at Jackson’s Watering Hole. All proceeds
benefit CanCare, its message of hope and
its mission to improve the quality of life
for cancer patients and their families. The
live music of Southern Reverb entertained
attendees as they enjoyed a rousing wine
live auction, a huge silent auction, beer
and all-you-can-eat crawfish. Thank you
to Silver Eagle Distributors, BoyarMiller,
CBRE, Cindy and Buz Jochetz and
Whitney Bank for sponsoring this event.
We are so grateful to all the amazing
donors, 002 Houston Magazine and the
Young Friends of CanCare Board for
making this a record-breaking year!
Young Friends Board Members
Crawfish - Anne Louise Conway, Taylor Edwards, Chad Lyons
Trey Miller
checking out the
auction (awesome
crawfish pants!)
Crawfish - Austin Drake, Brooke Drake, Tommy Thompson
Patricia Little
at Little and her husband, Mike, are
both cancer survivors and CanCare
volunteers. They have been married
for more than 50 years and have been
blessed with three children and eight
grandchildren. “I enjoy people, reading
and being able to attend grandchildren’s
activities. Since my husband’s retirement
at the beginning of this year, I enjoy
spending more time with him and doing
things we both enjoy. We hope to do more
traveling in the near future,” shared Pat.
Pat worked in customer relations until
she retired in 1992 when Eastern Airlines
ceased operations. She was diagnosed
with early stage breast cancer in February
of 2011 and underwent a lumpectomy
and radiation. “I learned about CanCare
from our deacon at church and I went
to the introductory meeting to see if that
was something I could get involved with.
I wanted to have a means of giving back
for all of the support my husband and I
received when we were diagnosed,” Pat said.
“There are so many questions in your
mind that are not always answered from
the professionals. A volunteer from
CanCare who has been through it as a
survivor or caretaker is able to address or
just listen to your concerns.”
Pat shared, “My faith in God and belief
in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord
gave me the courage and strength to face
cancer when my husband was diagnosed
7 years ago with colon cancer, and again
when I was diagnosed five years later.
The prayer, support and love we both
received from our family, friends and faith
community kept our spirits and strength
uplifted during difficult times of sickness
or emotions.”
As both a survivor herself and a
caregiver to her husband during his
cancer, Pat has a unique ability to provide
support to both survivors and caregivers.
She reported that most of her one-onone support has
been provided
to other women
whose husbands
are experiencing
cancer. “I have
enjoyed the
interaction with
women from
different parts
of the country
and different age
groups, learning
how to listen and
empathize with
the fears, concerns
and exhaustion
that many of them Pat Little
experience in caring for their loved ones. I
am especially grateful for the training we
received from CanCare and the continuing
education meetings we have that keep
us informed of all that is available to
survivors. It also gives the opportunity to
meet regularly with other volunteers from
the area to express concerns or ask for
prayers,” said Pat.
Pat, along with others from the Atlantabased team, recently held a fundraiser
concert to benefit CanCare. “In Harmony
for Cancer” featured The Dan Baraszu
Trio, and vocalist, Lara Coyle.
Welcome CanCare’s 61st Class of Volunteers
e are pleased to introduce
CanCare’s 61st trained
class of cancer survivors
and caregivers ready to support anyone
facing a cancer diagnosis. Included in
this group are volunteers of Anal, Brain,
Breast, Endometrial, Leukemia, Lung,
Lymphoma, Melanoma, Skin, and
Throat cancer. We give special thanks
to Memorial Drive United Methodist
Church and Dr. Charles B. Simmons
ww w. ca n ca re . o rg
as our host, plus Sheri Keyes, Leonard
Donaldson, Michael Wiesenthal, Dr.
June training class 61
Janet Macheledt, Rachel Birney, and
Sherea Cary for their help. CanCare’s 19th Annual
Survivors Day Celebration
anCare celebrated its 19th Annual
National Cancer Survivors Day
Luncheon on May 30 at The
Westin Galleria. A huge thanks to our
event co-chairs, Emily Prus and Renee
Renfroe, and all of our committee
members who worked so hard to make the
event a special celebration.
Honorees at the luncheon included
Bank of Texas with Kim Trimble, Leonard
Donaldson, and Janet and Bill Hall.
Co-chairs Emily Prus and Renee Renfroe
Special thanks to emcee of the event,
KHOU sports anchor, Bob Allen; and to
Rabbi Adrienne Scott from Congregation
Beth Israel for giving the invocation and
The Rev. Dr. Tommy Thompson, Executive
Vice President and Chief Operating
Officer at CanCare, Inc. for performing
the Candle Lighting Ceremony and
Illustrating the importance of “why we
do, what we do” here at CanCare, CanCare
volunteer Troy Utz shared his heartfelt,
raw, and emotional story of battling tongue Bob Allen, Paul Azinger, Nancy Tucker
cancer and becoming a CanCare volunteer.
Diagnosed in 2008, Troy was matched
with a CanCare volunteer and became a
volunteer himself in 2010. He captivated
the audience with his candid and touching
story of survival and received a rousing
standing ovation when finished.
Paul Azinger, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
cancer survivor and professional golfer,
delivered an honest, humorous and
sentimental keynote address. Paul candidly
shared his story of survivorship, expressing
Louise Sweet, Carol Neal, Carol Deason
his passion for life and the importance of
never giving up hope to survive.
Bill and Janet Hall, Kim Trimble, Leondard Donaldson
Troy Utz and Paul Azinger
Kenneth and Carmen Kulik
Brenda Cooper, Ken Jacobs, Kimberly Pleasant
Debbie Heckeroth and Donna Lewis
CanCare Support Volunteer
Training in Atlanta
Weekend of August 23-25
Tour of The Methodist Hospital
Research Institute
Wednesday, September 4
21st Annual Golf Classic
Sunday, October 6
21st Annual Golf Classic
Monday, October 7
CanCare Support Volunteer
October 13, 16, 20
Annual Interfaith Clergy
Wednesday, November 6
CanCare Holiday Open House
Tuesday, December 3
Note from a CanCare Client
You are a GOD send!!!! Our
IT guy at work volunte ered
for CanCare while his wife did
a fellowship at MDA. He
happen ed to come in yesterd ay
and I told him about what I
had found out and he told me
all about CanCare. God is always
working and it is AWESO ME!
I look so forward to hearing from
Thank you so much for your
ww w. ca n ca re . o rg
Welcome to CanCare’s
Newest Community
Congregation Emanu El
We are proud to welcome Congregation
Emanu El as our 100th congregational
partner. Located in the Rice Village
community, this Reform synagogue,
affiliated with the Union Reform Judaism,
has been serving its community since 1944.
“Do justly,
love mercy, walk
humbly with
God” and “Ye
shall be a light unto the nations” reflect the
dual commitment of Emanu El: to teach its
members the values by which to live their
lives with spiritual meaning through service,
and to provide them a place to bring those
values to life through service to the Jewish
people and all humanity.
For Emanu El, which has grown in sixty
years from 190 families to approximately
2000 families, their past is both an
important statement about who they have
been and a challenge for what they hope
always to be: a vital, vibrant synagogue,
dedicated to the survival of Judaism and
doing their part to make the world a little
better because we are here.
The Methodist Cancer Center at
West Houston
The Methodist Cancer Center at West
Houston is dedicated to providing the most
advanced options in the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of cancer through a
collaborative approach that incorporates
world-renowned cancer physicians and
researchers and the most innovative
technologies available.
The Center specializes in advanced
radiation treatments, achieving maximum
results with minimal damage to normal
tissue and partners with board-certified
physicians to offer access to outpatient
chemotherapy, pain management, hormone
treatment, innovative pharmaceutical
treatments, surgery and reconstruction.
“Our approach at Methodist is
individualized for each patient and
comprehensive, identifying the best
combination of therapy and support to
ensure an optimal outcome,” says Kim
Collins, Director, Methodist Cancer Center
at West Houston. “Our collaboration with
CanCare enables us to more fully address
our patient’s emotional and psychosocial
needs and inspire them to think about what
is ahead, after treatment. The collaboration
is thriving, our volunteers are knowledgeable
and dedicated and their interactions with
our patients bring an essential element to our
care program.”
Millennium Oncology
With more than 80 years of combined
experience, the physicians at Millennium
Oncology have witnessed significant
technological advances in the efficacy of
cancer treatment options. As we unravel
more and more cancer mysteries everyday,
the words “conquer,” “survival,” and “cure”
have become a reality for so many of our
patients and staff. The medical staff of
Millennium Oncology includes eleven
physicians certified with the American
Board of Internal Medicine, Oncology
and Hematology. They are members of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology,
American Medical Association, American
Society of Hematology, Texas Medical
Association and the Harris County Medical
We care for each of our patients as the
unique individuals they are. Our foundation
for this care is the strong patient and doctor
partnership, based on integrity, compassion
and a quest for excellence. “We welcome our
partnership with CanCare to help enhance
the care and experience our patients receive,”
shared Alicia Grabert. BOA RD S P O T LI G HT:
Titus Harris III
itus Harris has been involved
with CanCare since 2006 and is
currently active on CanCare’s Board
of Directors. He is Managing Director with
U.S. Capital Advisors, handling investment
assets for high-net worth individuals and
In 2006, Titus lost his father to stage
4 lung cancer after a seven month battle.
Titus became aware of CanCare through
his golfing buddies at Lakeside Country
Club, home of CanCare’s Golf Classic
Banquet and Tournament. He decided
to look into the organization and saw
something he liked. “In my opinion, there
is nothing more comforting to a recently
diagnosed cancer patient than being able to
make a personal connection with someone
who has had the same type of cancer that
you are battling, and surviving it,” he
shared. Titus was a table captain in 2013
for CanCare’s fundraising breakfast and is
Chairman of the Financial Development
Over the years, Titus has served on
several other committees and is an integral
part of CanCare’s support. He knows
that CanCare “has touched the lives of
thousands of cancer patients and their
families, providing them with information,
comfort and hope.”
Titus is married to Sylvia, and they have
a 12 year-old daughter, Kate. They attend
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Titus is an
avid golfer and likes outdoor activities.
Titus Harris III
Thanks to Absolutely! Magazine
and The Marque for the launch party
honoring Nancy Tucker
Warren Bright,
Beverly Bright,
Nancy Tucker,
Shelaghmichael C.
Bobby and Carol Surles
The International Association
of Business Communicators,
Houston Chapter, announced
that Fred J. Korge is the first
recipient of its Legacy Award.
Fred is a pioneer in corporate
communications, corporate
identity programs, branding
and annual reports.
CanCare Volunteer - Anita Bullers,
CanCare Client - Phyllis Nawrot
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T H E M I S S I O N O F C A N C A R E : To i m p r o v e t h e q u a l i t y o f l i f e f o r c a n c e r p a t i e n t s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s .
Please remember these people in your prayers:
All of our CanCare clients, Julian Barr, Bonnie Beachy, Karen Bodmer,
Family of Heidy Bowser, Catherine Najvar Burnham, Charlotte Burns,
Family of Enid Butler, Paula Canik, Gloria Carr, Fran Cardwell, Bob Evans,
Dixie Evans, Pam Fanning, Mavis Feldman, Family of Beth Fish, Lynn Fortier,
Karen Gentry, Curt Hammock, Cindy Johnson, Beverly Jones, Jennifer Kiser,
Family of Liza Kutner, Linda McKenna, Frank Mohler, Marshall Pearlstein,
Jan Peine, Marcia Powell, Doris Praino, Sharon Queen, Family of Ann Russ,
Ellie Snapp, Hilde and George Stapleton, Alan Steiner,
Dianne and James Stewart, Chris Tinsley, Thomas Whitworth, Pat Wilson
We thank Phillips 66 for their 2013 pledge
of printing to CanCare, Inc. This generous
donation enables us to share CanCare’s
message of Hope through this publication,
About Life. We appreciate the continued
support of Phillips 66 and its employees.
CanCare Staff
Nancy Tucker, President and CEO
Tommy Thompson, COO and EVP
Kim Akel, Director of Program Services
Nicole Dixon, Director of Communications
Mark Downs, Director of Congregational and
Corporate Relations
Debbie Edmondson, Business Manager
Rachel Dickerson, Special Events and
Communications Coordinator
Pat Weatherspoon-Hall, Volunteer and Client
Services Coordinator
Anne McCluan, Assistant to the President
Pamela Shepherd, Communications and
Community Partnerships Assistant
Editor: Nicole Dixon, nicoled@cancare.org. Graphic design production:
FBK Design. Contributing writers: Kim Akel, Nicole Dixon, Mark Downs,
Rachel Dickerson, Anne McCluan, Pam Shepherd, Nancy Tucker. Contributing
photographers: Kevin McGowan, Michael Sieger, Tommy Thompson. About Life is
published quarterly by CanCare, Inc., a volunteer ministry for and by cancer patients
and survivors and their families.
CanCare is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization located at 9575 Katy Freeway,
Suite 428, Houston, Texas 77024. Phone: 713.461.0028 or 1.888.461.0028 Fax:
713.461.0704, www.cancare.org.
CanCare Board of Directors
William W. Hall, Jr., Chair
and Lifetime Director
Shelaghmichael C. Brown,
Hal B. Sharp, AIA, LEED
AP, Secretary
William E. Junell, Jr., Legal
Patricia Hogan-Korge, M.A.,
Lifetime Director
F. Max Schuette, Lifetime
Warren E. Bright
Tim D. Conklin
Bernard M. Fields
Michael S. Gallagher
Titus H. Harris III
Kerry McKay
John D. Miner
Jack B. Moore
Bill A. Odle
John C. Pavlas
David L. Solomon
Sonya R. Villamagna
Dixie L. Ward
Jeffrey A. Zinn
CanCare Medical Advisory
Robert A. Behar, M.D.
Garth A. Beinart, M.D.,
E. Brian Butler, M.D.
Luis H. Camacho, M.D.,
Luis T. Campos, M.D.
Jorge G. Darcourt, M.D.
Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D.
Bonnie S. Glisson, M.D.
Daniel E. Lehane, M.D.
Janet E. Macheledt, M.D.,
M.S., M.P.H.
Rick Q. Ngo, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Lois M. Ramondetta, M.D.
Manoj A. Reddy, M.D.
Michael D. Westmoreland,
Pharm.D., BCOP
CanCare Board of
Darlene Alexander
Dianne Gautier Anderson
Marcia Barham
Gloria Barnes
Philip David Belanger
Rachel G. Birney
Marty R. Buck
Charlotte Y. Burns
Bitsy Cleveland
Florida Cornelius-Cooper
Ruth M. Davies
Nancy D. Devlin
Rabbi Gideon Estes
Donna Q. Fong
Connie Marie Fowler
Frances S. Franklin
Jill Gentsch
Rabbi Dan M. Gordon
Carol J. Greene
Cindy Grillo
David Harris
Paula I. Hawkins
Schottsie Hill
Trixie Jobe
David Johnson
Elizabeth Kabat
Leah Katz
Walter Kronzer
Cindi D. Kuykendall
Gary P. Lamb
Larry Latimer
Sheila Maio
Jim Mayer
Nancy B. Morgan
The Rev. Mr. David L.
John W. Overton
Michael L. Parker
John C. Pavlas
Sharlene Pruett
Emily Prus
Louise F. Renfro
Sherry C. Ritcheson
Virginia Rogers
Betsy Schauer
Roger Schuelke
Russell K. Schulze II
The Rev. Mrs. Lillie Seals
Joann Seuser
Eleanor H. Sommer
Herbert Sommer
Thomas S. Weimer
Michael I. Wiesenthal
Hope Wilmarth
Samuel Windham
Friends of CanCare Board of
Dixie Ward, President
Beth Black
Cynthia Bryant
Suzi Haveman
Pat Hogan-Korge
Ann Johns
Nan McCreary
Gretchen Odum
Emily Prus
Nancy Radecki
Fran Story
Carol Surles
Melanie Turzillo
Bonnie Whitten
Friends of CanCare Advisory
Kerry McKay, Chair
Edie Adams
Ginger Blanton
Jason Cain
Mary Chavanne-Martin
Jennifer Cunningham
Marilyn Drane
Damien Garza
Jessica Wilt-Garza
Kathy Garza
Lynn Adams Hancock
Alicia Jansen
Dwight Keys
Renee Renfroe
Doug Reuschel
Suzanne Thomas Fleckman
Jennifer Tweeton
Michael D. Westmoreland,
Pharm.D., BCOP
Nancy Wilfong
Young Friends of CanCare
Board of Directors
Sonya Villamagna, Chair
Kendall Buckalew
Catherine Najvar Burnham
Anne Louise Conway
Brittani Cryer
Nicholas Dickerson
Lindsay Scovil Dove
Philip Dunlap
Danielle Durocher
Amy Edwards
Taylor Edwards
Ashley Forgason
Megan Horvath
William Jochetz
Chris Lewis
Chad Lyons
Sergio Marazita
Rosie Murphy
Matt Neal
Claire Nelson
Paul Penland
Rebecca Putterman
Whitney Rape
Michael Sieger
Molly Vitela
Mary Catherine White