québec, canada - Classic Escapes Maintenance


québec, canada - Classic Escapes Maintenance
58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377
T: (718) 280-5000; (800) 627-1244
F: (718) 204-4726
W: www.classicescapes.com
Nature & Cultural Journeys
for the Discerning Traveler
JULY 22 TO 31, 2016
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Bienvenue dans la province de Québec! This experience encompasses Québec Province’s French charm and beauty, as
well as its fine wildlife preserves and unparalleled nature parks. The province is the most unique in all of Canada, having
developed a distinct, bilingual culture, as a result of centuries of influence from both the French and British. Travels
through this beautiful region begin in Québec City, the only fortified city north of Mexico. The St. Lawrence River, with
its diverse ecosystem and many bird species, provides the route for a large portion of the journey. The Gaspésie
Peninsula, extending into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, provides an unforgettable experience with its forests, mountains and
seacoast. Observe an incredible variety of animals, birds and marine life up-close in their own habitat – beavers, seals,
cormorants, ospreys, whales, and even possibly bears. Come; experience the warm hospitality, gastronomic delights, and
beauty of this endearing region of our neighbor to the north.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Upon arrival at the Québec City International
Airport, greet your tour guide and driver and
transfer to the Hotel Clarendon, your home for
the evening. Located in the historic part of
Quebec City it is the oldest continuously
operating hotel in the city. This seven-story Art
Nouveau building with an Art Deco façade,
furnishes 143 rooms with free Wi-Fi, cable TV
and coffeemakers. Dinner and a welcome
presentation await you.
Overnight at HOTEL CLARENDON. (D)
Québec City is perched high above Cap Diamont, overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Once an outpost for fur traders, the
city now has a dynamic port and is home to the Provincial Parliament. Québec City played roles during the
Revolutionary War, when American Revolutionaries attempted to “liberate the city”, and World War II, hosting two
different conferences, including one where a large portion of the battle plans for D-Day were drawn. The Old Town is a
designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and this morning, spend time walking its streets and learning local history.
Visit important sights including le Chateau Frontenac, a hotel built for the Canadian Pacific Railway in the late 19 th
century, le Plaines d’Abraham, site of the Battle of the
Plains of Abraham in 1759, and le Petit Champlain, the
oldest commercial district in North America.
Downstream from Québec City is the Charlevoix region,
your destination this afternoon. Along the banks of the St.
Lawrence River, you’ll stop at Cap Tourmente, a wildlife
reserve. Wander along the trails to observe the different
species of birds the reserve hosts. Year round, the reserve
is home to numerous birds and mammals including the
Wood Duck, Blue Jay, red fox, American porcupine and
white tailed deer, and hosts the migration of the
Canadian Geese during the spring and fall.
Your destination for the evening is La Malbaie, a small
town set on the edge of the magnificent St. Lawrence
River. Tourism has seen significant growth in this corner
of the Charlevoix region, known as the birthplace of resort vacationing in Canada and which boasts a return to
romanticism. Check into your home for the night, Manoir Charlevoix, hundred-year-old steeped in history inn, perched
on a headland of the region, offering spectacular views of the St. Laurence River. The rooms are simple but comfortable
with a small seating area and private bathroom. Free Wi-Fi is accessible in all guest rooms.
Overnight at the MANOIR CHARLEVOIX. (B) http://www.manoircharlevoix.com/
Travel time and distance: 93 miles, 2 hours
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
This morning travel east to the oldest French settlement
in North America and the longest continuously
inhabited settlement in Canada. Tadoussac occupies a
privileged position at the maritime crossroads of the
Saguenay fjord and the majestic St. Lawrence River,
with sand dunes and a small lake in the heart of the
village. Named after the native word “tatouskak,”
meaning breasts and referring to two rounded hills by
the fjord, the village is home to only 900 residents
Walk along the board and enjoy the views of the pier
and the St. Lawrence. The sand dunes are definitely one
of the most beautiful places that you need to visit while
in Tadoussac. The original village, which has since
disappeared, was first established in this sector. Agriculture led to deforestation and erosion led to desertification. The
dunes, is an exceptional site to relax and contemplate the majestic
St. Lawrence River.
Your afternoon is at leisure. Take a walking tour and learn more
about the history of the fur trading post, which dates back to the
late 1500’s. You may want to visit the eye-catching chapel, the
oldest wooden church in North America. It was built in 1747 and
now is a small museum
Your stay for the next two evenings will be at the vintage Hotel
Tadoussac. Invoking memories of an earlier time, the hotel
features white-washed walls, a red roof, and amazing views of the
St. Lawrence River and Tadoussac Bay. The hotel prides itself on
capturing the history, character and soul of the region, providing intimate accommodations and regional cuisine.
Overnight at HOTEL TADOUSSAC. (B,D) http://www.hoteltadoussac.com/en/
Travel time and distance: 87 miles, 2 hours
The first stop this morning is the CIMM, a unique exhibit
where you can learn and have fun at the same time. Dive
into the fascinating and mysterious world of the whales of
the St. Lawrence. A naturalist from the Group for Research
and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) will help
you better appreciate your encounters with these
legendary animals by sharing with you information
acquired through their various research programs. If you
want to learn more about the whales that visit the
Tadoussac area, visit the projection room at CIMM where
documentary films are presented on a regular basis. Don't
miss the exhibit, the skeleton collection and marine
mammal reproduction!
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Enjoy lunch before boarding a Zodiac for a two hour whale watching expedition where the Saguenay Fjord and the St.
Lawrence River meet. This is a unique opportunity to view some of the thirteen species of whales, mink and seals that
inhabit the area. If you’re fortunate, you may spot the pod of beluga whales that call the fjord home.
Overnight at HOTEL TADOUSSAC (B,L)
Your ferry crosses the St. Lawrence River to reach the
Gaspé Peninsula and Gaspésie National Park today.
En route you get to visit the Jardin des Metis, also
known in English as the Reford Gardens, an Englishstyle garden located at Grand-Métis. Elsie Reford,
created these gardens between 1926 and 1958. Visitors
can admire the splendors of some 3,000 species and
varieties of native and exotic plants displayed in the
fifteen gardens.
Located within the park are two mountain ranges, the
Chic-Chocs and the McGerringles, granting visitors
extraordinary mountain access. Here you can find the
second highest mountain peak in Canada, Mount
Jacques Cartier, as well as the only woodland caribou south of the St. Lawrence River.
During your stay, there will be many opportunities for hikes to look for wildlife and birds. Enjoy an hour-long walk
around the Lac aux Americain, at the base of Mont Albert, part of the Chic-Choc Mountain Range. The walk includes a
panoramic view of the lake and with any luck, a
chance to view moose, white-tailed deer, and eagles
in their natural habitat.
Gaspésie National Park is the perfect location to
enjoy a full day embracing the wild outdoors by
foot. Start the morning by ascending Mont Ernest
Ménard followed by the Pic du Brûlé. Between the
two mountains, hike 6-7 hours over the course of the
day, before returning to the hotel for the evening.
There are additional paths for those who wish to
spend more time hiking in the area.
The next two nights, enjoy Gîte Mont Albert, a four
star hotel located in the mountains within Gaspésie
National Park, known for its hospitality and
restaurant, focusing on regional cuisine. The staff at
the hotel has a love and passion for their area; you may find their excitement infectious. As each room is set at an angle,
you will be able to appreciate the view of Mont Albert. Recent renovations to the rooms have brought about rustic
furniture, keeping with the distinctive nature of this oasis in the mountains. Each night, enjoy dinner at the hotel before
making yourself comfortable in front of one of many fireplaces to relax.
Overnights at GITE MONT ALBERT (B,L,D Daily) http://www.sepaq.com/pq/gma/index.dot?language_id=1
Travel time and distance: 218 miles, 4 ½ hours (by bus), 1-2 hours by ferry (depending on schedule)
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Find yourself immersed in the beautiful bays and lighthouses on the panoramic ride to Percé. Stop at the Emploramer, a
marine museum and science center, which contributes to the quality and preservation of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. From
Beluga whales to the ecosystem of the St. Lawrence River, take opportunity to explore the center’s exhibits before
continuing on.
Located at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula is Percé.
You arrive at sunset, providing a breathtaking first
view of Roche Percé, the famous rock formation in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Mi’kmaq people
originally inhabited the town before becoming a spot
for passing ships to stop on their way to Québec. A
permanent settlement was established in the 19th
century as natives from Ireland, France and Jersey
arrived to fish. Old remnants of the Charles Robin
[Fishing] Company remain today, though Percé has
veered away from the fishing industry and developed
more into a destination for visitors.
Check into your seaside hotel, the Hotel Le Mirage,
with stunning views of Roche Percé and Bonaventure
Island. The hotel’s dining room offers additional
views of the sea and surrounding landscape, serving an unforgettable feast for all the senses.
Overnight at HOTEL LE MIRAGE. (OR SIMILAR) (B,L,D) http://www.hotellemirageperce.com/home.html
Travel time and distance: 174 miles, 4 hours
Travel by boat to Bonaventure Island, three miles
southeast of Percé. Along the way, pass by Roche
Percé. This rock formation is known for its
archway, caused by the erosion of the rock by the
sea. Upon arrival on Bonaventure Island, enjoy a
light hike, visiting numerous viewpoints.
Originally an early fishing port, the island b
ecame a migratory bird sanctuary in 1919 and
now boasts 293 species and over 280,000 birds.
The highlight of the trek is the colony of Gannet,
numbering over 100,000. Learn more about the
birds and their migration, as well as more about
the history of the island before a picnic lunch on
the banks of the St. Lawrence Gulf. Return to
Percé and enjoy free time to take in the village’s
local craft shops and boutiques.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Forillon National Park, where the Appalachian
Mountains meet the Atlantic Ocean, was the sight of
first landfall by early French Settlers and is where
you’ll spend the day today. The craggy coastline has
not changed much since Jacques Cartier laid eyes on it
in 1534. Today the park, the first in Quebec Province, is
a sanctuary, home to forests and land mammals, sea
cliffs and marine wildlife. Observe gannets and osprey
as they fish along the coast line, as well as seals,
porpoises and whales feeding close to shore.
Should you choose to partake in an optional whalewatching cruise, you may observe up to seven different
types of whales and other marine species that migrate
to this area including blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, minke whale, pilot whale, white-sided dolphins and
harbor porpoises. For those who prefer to stay on dry
land, visit a museum dedicated to the cod fishers who
lived in the area before the park was established.
Later, an easy walk provides another chance to view
marine and forest birds, as well as black bears and foxes.
Before returning to Percé, observe beavers in their
natural habitat and learn more about their behaviors.
Overnight at HOTEL LE MIRAGE. (OR SIMILAR) (B, L, D)
Travel time and distance: 124 miles, 3 hours roundtrip
After breakfast, transfer to Gaspé for your flight home. (B)
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Transfer along one of the world of one of the most beautiful bays in the world, the Baie-des-Chaleurs to the Historical Site
of Banc-de-Pêche-de-Paspébiac. During your visit, you will have the chance to realize how important fishing has been to
the region for the past two centuries. This historical site groups together 11 buildings representing an exceptional
architectural value. Two centuries ago the Robin family established its fishing facilities here and later the LeBoutillier
family came at Papebiac creating the two largest Jersey companies to export dry salted cod throughout the world. You
will stop for lunch in Bonaventure, a town on the Gaspé Peninsula, located on Baie des Chaleurs near the mouth of the
Bonaventure River.
After lunch get back on the road
again to join a guide tour of
Miguasha National Park. The
park is located on the southern
coast of the Gaspé Peninsula and
is considered to be the world's
most outstanding illustration of
the Devonian Period known as
the “Age of Fishes”. –“Dating
from 370 million years ago, the
Upper Devonian Escuminac
Formation represented here contains
five of the six fossil fish groups
associated with this period. Its significance stems from the discovery there of the highest number and best-preserved fossil specimens of
the lobe-finned fishes that gave rise to the first four-legged, air-breathing terrestrial vertebrates – the tetrapods.”
At the end of the day, transfer to Matapédia and after dinner board the overnight train that will depart at 9:49 pm.
Retire to your cabin or head upstairs to take advantage of the train’s panoramic window, taking in the scenery and, once
the sun sets for the day, the stars and the moon.
Overnight aboard TRAIN. (B,L,D)
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Upon arrival at the train station in Montreal, meet your
guide for a walking tour of Montreal. View the city from
above by climbing Mont Royal. Make your way towards
Old Montreal, with its distinct European feel, and view
the Basilique Notre-Dame, Vieux Palais de Justice and
Vieux Port. Other highlights of the city include Jean
Talon, one of the oldest public markets in Montreal, and
the Olympic Park, from the 1976 Summer Olympic
Spend your last day in Montreal doing whatever you
please. Perhaps a visit to one of the art museums in town, shopping for Canadian Inuit sculptures, or enjoying the flowers
at the Jardin Botanique, Montreal’s Botanical Garden. The Archaeological
Museum features an unusual underground exhibition covering six
centuries of the history of Montreal. Renting a bike provides an additional
opportunity to explore more of what this cosmopolitan city has to offer
(keep an eye out for Bixi, the town’s bike share program).
In addition to wonderful sights, Montreal is also known for a lively food
scene. Visit Schwartz’s, the city’s oldest deli, known for its smoked meat
sandwiches. St. Viatuer is a Montreal Bagel spot. Boiled in honey water
and cooked in a wood fire oven, these bagels rival those in New York City.
Quebec Province is home to micro-breweries and Bieres et Compagnie
features a section of their beer list devoted solely to local brews. Other
local specialties include poutine (French Fries with brown gravy and cheese curds), Shish Touk (marinated chicken served
in a pita with pickled vegetables and hummus), and couscous, as Montreal attracts a large number of French-speaking
immigrants from Arab countries.
Spend the last two evenings at the Delta Montreal Hotel. Centrally located in the Le Quartier des Spectacles, the Delta
provides comfortable accommodations and easy access to all the major sights in the city.
Overnights at DELTA MONTREAL HOTEL (B) https://www.deltahotels.com/Hotels/Delta-Montreal
After breakfast, transfer to the Montreal airport for your flight home.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
 Participants should also be able to stand and / or walk moderate distances at an easy pace for up to a few hours at a
time when visiting towns or other sites. Some, if not most, of this walking may be on uneven ground or uphill, often
at higher elevations and altitudes that many people are not used to.
In general, this trip requires:
 Flexibility and good humor – unexpected changes and/or glitches will occur
 A spirit of adventure and curiosity
 Interest in and willingness to appreciate a destination with a modest infrastructure and a bending definition of
comfort. That being said, some locations are nestled in absolute luxury where pampering is the norm.
Air Schedules
Choosing the best possible air arrangements for our travelers is always a challenge. We work with many airlines that offer
the best level of service, routings and value for our programs. While there may indeed be more direct routings available
with another airline, the cost of these flights may not be within the budget that allows us to give you the best value
possible. If you prefer to purchase your own international air, please feel free to choose the “land only” rate for this
program. The start and end cities for this program are Québec City and Gaspé. The extension ends in Montreal.
Upon registration, you must provide your full legal name as it appears on your passport. In the event an airline ticket is issued with
incorrect information you have provided, you will be responsible for charges associated with reissuing the ticket.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
Superior accommodations throughout as indicated or similar.
All meals included from dinner on day 1 to breakfast on day 8.
Services of an experienced Canadian driver/guide, as well as local guides joining the group as specified.
Airport transfers.
Transportation in a 15-passenger Ford minibus with a maximum of 10 passengers per bus.
An escort from the University of the Pacific with minimum of 15 travelers on the main program and with minimum
of 10 travelers on the extension.
All park and admission fees.
All applicable hotel taxes and gratuities for baggage handling.
Complimentary baggage tags.
Roundtrip airfare from home city.
Meals other than those specified and all beverages.
Excess baggage charges levied by airlines.
Gratuities to driver/guide and other conveyance attendants.
Laundry and other items of a personal nature.
Personal and baggage insurance.
Cost for anything not specifically mentioned in the listing above.
Please Note That The Itinerary Sequence Is Correct At The Time Of Writing,
But Is Subject To Change.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
DATES: JULY 22 TO 31, 2016
$3,495 PER CHILD
$3,695 PER CHILD
$1,195 PER CHILD
$1,295 PER CHILD
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
HOW TO BOOK: Fill out and sign the enclosed reservation form and send it, along with the relevant deposit as shown below,
to: Classic escapes Inc. 58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside NY, 11377. Upon receipt of your signed reservation form and deposit, we
will, subject to availability, reserve your spot on the tour. You may consider your booking confirmed when you receive a
confirmation notice and invoice from us.
DEPOSIT: A deposit of $750 per person for the main trip and $250 for the extension must be submitted at the time of booking.
Deposits may be paid by check or charged to American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover.
FINAL PAYMENT: Final payment is due 75 days before departure – May 8, 2016 - you will receive a final invoice. Final payment is
payable by check or money order ONLY.
RATES: Rates are based on the minimum number of guests outlined in this document, plus airfare costs, currency exchange rates
and other factors and are subject to change. Though it is rare for Classic Escapes to make a price adjustment after promotion of an
itinerary, we do reserve the right to assess a surcharge if the minimum is not met, or if increases are forced upon us by airlines or
other partners or because of changes in currency exchange rates.
NOT INCLUDED: Cost of passport; excess baggage charges levied by airlines; laundry and other items of a personal nature;
optional travel insurance policy; cost for anything not specifically included in listing above.
SINGLE SUPPLEMENT: The quoted rate is valid for the first two single rooms booked and on a first-come, first-served basis. If
more than two single rooms are needed, an additional supplement will apply. Single accommodations are not guaranteed, but will
be provided at additional cost if available (see reservation form for cost.) The single room supplement pays for privacy, not better
accommodations. For passengers who are traveling alone and wish to share a room with another tour member, we will do our best
to provide a roommate. However, if this is not possible, you will be required to pay the single room supplement prior to your
departure from the USA.
GRATUITIES AND TAXES: Gratuities for baggage handling, service charges and taxes imposed by hotels, and entrance fees to all
points of interest as outlined in the itinerary are included. Tips to drivers and naturalist are NOT included.
TRAVEL INSURANCE: We recommend travel insurance. Travel insurance can provide financial reimbursement should the
unexpected occur.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations are only effective on receipt of written notification. The following per person fees are
applicable on this tour:
 Up to 75 days prior to departure, $250 handling fee.
 74-60 days prior to departure, deposit is forfeited
 60-45 days prior to departure, less 50% of tour cost.
 Less than 45 days prior to departure, 100% of tour cost.
These cancellation fees are also in addition to any fees imposed by airlines.
CHANGE FEES: Once you reserve your tour, changes are possible subject to availability of air or land space at the time of request.
Should there be any change fees imposed by airlines or ground operators, or additional costs incurred due to availability of any
space, this cost will be invoiced to you.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: We would be happy to make additional travel plans for you, including specially arranged pre- or
post-tour extensions different than those that may be offered in conjunction with this tour. A service charge of $150 per person
(over and above the cost of the services required) will be assessed.
PASSPORT & VISAS: The onus is upon the guest to ensure that passports and visas are valid for the countries visited and for
the applicable time period, as outlined by the U.S. Department of State (travel.state.gov) or by the passport holder’s country.
Classic Escapes, their staff and their agents cannot be held liable for any visas, etc. not held by the guests, nor for the cost of
obtaining visas.
PRE-DEPARTURE INFORMATION: Upon receipt of your registration and deposit, we will send a pre-departure packet to you.
This packet contains all the information you need to prepare for your tour, including the complete itinerary, packing checklist,
required documents, etc.
FINAL DOCUMENTS: Final documents and tickets will be sent to you approximately two weeks prior to departure, provided all
monies have been paid in full.
ACCOMMODATIONS: You will marvel at the wonderful accommodations provided throughout your tour. All rooms have
private bathroom facilities and air conditioning and/or fans. All rates are based on double occupancy. Most rooms are twinbedded, but king-size beds are occasionally available and should be requested in advance. Accommodations listed in this itinerary
are correct at time of writing, but on rare occasions may be substituted for a different property of comparable quality.
MEALS: All meals as specified in the itinerary. Please notify us if you have special dietary needs or requests, and we will do our
best to accommodate.
BAGGAGE: On average, international flights from the USA allow checked luggage, not exceeding 50 pounds each, for an
additional fee; however we always recommend that you check your airline’s policy just before departure, as luggage limitations are
always subject to change. Despite this weight allowance, we always suggest guests travel light.
RESPONSIBIITIES: Neither Classic Escapes (the Company) nor any person or agent acting for, through or on behalf of the
Company shall be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever and without restricting the
generality of the aforegoing shall particularly not be responsible for loss or damage arising from any errors or omissions
contained in its brochure or other literature, loss or damage caused by delays, sickness, theft, injury or death. In addition the
Company shall have the right at any time at its discretion to cancel any trip or the remainder thereof or make any alteration in
route, accommodation, price or other details and, in the event of any trip being rendered impossible, illegal or inadvisable by
weather, strike, war, government or interference or any other cause whatsoever, the extra expenses incurred as a result thereof
shall be the responsibility of the passenger. The Company may at its discretion and without liability or cost to itself at any time
cancel or terminate the guest’s booking and in particular without limiting the generality of the aforegoing it shall be entitled to
do so in the event of the illness or the illegal or incompatible behavior of the guest, who shall in such circumstances not be
entitled to any refund. The person making any booking will, by the making of such booking, warrant that he or she has
authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the other person included in such a booking and in the event of the failure of any
or all of the other persons so included to make payment, the person making the booking shall by his/her signature thereof
assume personal liability for the total price of all bookings made by him/her.
PHOTOGRAPHY: The Company reserves the right without further notice to make use of any photograph or film taken on the
tour by our photographers without payment or permission. We guarantee that no photographs of a compromising nature will
be used.
Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change
CHANGES TO SCHEDULES: Although every effort is made to adhere to schedules it should be borne in mind that the
Company reserves the right and in fact is obliged to occasionally change routes and hotels as dictated by changing conditions.
REFUNDS: While the Company uses its best endeavors to ensure that all anticipated accommodation is available as planned,
there shall be no claim of any nature whatsoever against the Company for a refund either in the whole or part, if any
accommodation or excursion is unavailable and a reasonable alternative is not found. If the guest is unable to use any service
provided in the itinerary, then there are no refunds due.
AIRLINE CLAUSE: The airlines concerned are not to be held liable for any act, omission or event during the time the
passengers are not on board their planes or conveyance. The passengers’ tickets in use by the airline or by other carriers
concerned when issued shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the purchaser of these tickets and/or
DELAYS: We cannot be held liable for any delays or additional costs incurred as a result of airlines not running to schedule. If
one of our guides is unable to take a trip due to illness, etc. we reserve the right to substitute with another guide. This agreement
is made subject to and shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the country in which the trip takes place.
Classic Escapes act merely as an agent for the operating companies. To the best of our knowledge the itinerary is correct at the
time of printing. We cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or changes that may occur after printing.
CONSENT: The payment of the deposit OR any other partial payment for a reservation on a trip constitutes consent by all
guests covered by that payment to all provisions of the conditions and general information contained in this brochure whether
the guest has signed the booking form or not. The terms, under which you agree to take this trip, cannot be changed or amended
except in writing signed by an authorized director of the Company.
INSURANCE: It is a condition of booking that the sole responsibility lies with the guest to ensure that they carry the correct
comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover themselves, as well as any dependents /traveling companions for the
duration of their trip. Classic Escapes, including their representatives, employees and agents will take no responsibility for any
costs, losses incurred or suffered by the guest, or guest’s dependents or traveling companions.
Please visit the website to obtain enrollment form – http://www.travelguard.com/classicescapes/. For any questions you may
have on insurance, contact Travel Guar d at 1-866-385-4839.
Dear Traveler,
In an effort to help protect our planet, Classic Escapes has begun the transition of becoming paperless. We need your help
getting there!
Did you know?
Recycling one ton of paper saves 20 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space, 60 pounds of air pollutants,
and saves enough energy to power the average home for six months…
Please indicate in the chart below whether or not you prefer to receive paperless correspondence from us – all you need to
do is put a check under the “green” symbol for yes or a check under the “NO” for no.
Simply fax or email your responses to reservations@classicescapes.com!
You Will Receive The Following Items For Your Program:
Welcome Letter
Preliminary Materials – prelude packet and invoice
Reminder Invoice with balance due
Paid-in-Full Invoice
Final Documents
Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Trip Tour Code: 16NAL0722/ UOP
Together we can make the world a better place!
Thank you for your support,
16NAL0722/ UOP
Enclosed is my deposit for $ ______________ ($750 per person, plus $250 for the extension) to hold __________ place(s) on the Wildlife Adventure Tour of
Québec departing on July 22, 2016. Cost is $4,295 per person, double occupancy, $3,495 per child between the age of 6-11 and $3,695 per child between the
ages 12-16, land only.
Final payment due date is May 8, 2016.
Please make check payable to CLASSIC ESCAPES and mail to 58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377 OR
Charge deposit to:  MasterCard  Visa  American Express  Discover
(Credit Card Authorization form needs to be completed and returned to Classic Escapes via mail or fax to 718-204-4726)
Deposits can be made by credit card; however, all final payments are required to be made by check or money order only.
A copy of your passport must accompany this form to confirm reservation. Upon receipt of your signed reservation form, passport copy and deposit we
will, subject to availability, reserve your spot on the tour. Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the return of your trip and have two
consecutive blank pages in the visa section.
1) NAME (As appears on passport):  Mr.  Mrs.  Ms.
Passport No.
Green Card No.
Date of Birth (M/D/Y)
Expiration Date
2) NAME (As appears on passport):  Mr.  Mrs.  Ms.
Passport No.
Green Card No.
Date of Birth (M/D/Y)
Expiration Date
NAME FOR NAME BADGE IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 1) _______________________________________ 2)
CITY: _____________________________________________________________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP:
) __________________________ OFFICE: (
) ___________________________ MOBILE: (
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________FAX: (
I certify that I have not recently been treated for, nor am I aware of any physical or other condition or liability that would create a hazard to myself
or the other members of this tour.
The two of us above are sharing a room and, where possible, would like a room with:  ONE  TWO Beds (Make one selection only)
I am sharing with ______________________________________________________________________________ (form sent separately)
I need assistance in securing a roommate. I understand if University of the Pacific or the tour operator cannot locate one for me by final payment
date, I agree to pay the additional single. I prefer to share with:  Smoker  Non-smoker
I desire single accommodations, if available, and will pay the single supplement additional cost of:
 $1,295 for the main trip
 $ 395 for the Montreal post extension
I/We wish to participate in the optional extension(s) to Montreal at an additional per person cost of:
 $1,395 per person
 $1,195 per child between the ages of 6-11
 $1,295 per child between the ages 12-16
All rates quoted are based on tariffs and value of foreign currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar in effect as of April 20, 2015, and are subject to change. Cancellation
penalties are applicable as outlined on Conditions of Travel. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU OBTAIN TRAVEL INSURANCE. RESERVATIONS
SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________________
SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________________
58-25 Queens Blvd.
Woodside, NY 11377
(We recommend that you keep a copy of your selections as noted above for your future reference)
JULY 22-31, 2016
Please Note: If you wish to charge your deposit to Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover, this authorization
form MUST be completed and returned to us along with your reservation form before we can process your application.
I authorize (Classic Escapes Inc.) to charge my VISA/MASTERCARD listed below:
Name appearing on credit card
Card number
Expiration date
Card Verification Number*
Card Type
Billing address of credit card
Amount of transaction
Invoice #
Services rendered/Items purchased
Phone number
*How To Locate Your Card Verification Number:
(Visa, MasterCard : Locate the credit card number on the back of the card above the signature box. Enter the 3 digit
number which follows the credit card number.
I understand that all rates quoted on this tour I’m making a payment on are based on tariffs and value of foreign currencies in relation to
the U.S. dollar in effect as of April 20, 2015, and are subject to change Cancellations are only effective on receipt of written notification.
The following per person fees are applicable on this tour:
Up to 75 days prior to departure, $250 per person handling fee.
74-60 days prior to departure, deposit is forfeited
60-45 days prior to departure, less 50% of tour cost.
Less than 45 days prior to departure, 100% of tour cost.
PLEASE NOTE: At times, our bank requires photocopy of credit card (both sides) and driver’s license or document
showing signature of cardholder, in order to process the charge. While it is not required at this time that you include these
materials with your deposit, if our bank requests it, we will contact you for these copies.