May 12, 2016 - Town of Farragut
May 12, 2016 - Town of Farragut
@lf;rrägtït FARRAGUT BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN May 12,2016 BEER BOARD MEETING 6:00 PM BOARD OF MAYOR & ALDERMEN WORKSHOP Farragut Business Alliance 6:45 PM BOARD OF MAYOR & ALDERMEN MEETING Gancelled, No Business ltems DzuVE I FARRAGUT, TN 37934 I 865.966.7057 WWW.TOWNOFFARRAGUT.ORG It is the policy of the Town of Faragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability pursuant to Title VI of the civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 93-ll2 and l0l-336 in its hiring, employment practices and programs. To request accommodations due to disabilities, please call 865-966-7057 in advance of the meeting. I I4O8 MLTNICIPAL CENTER &lfa'rîag.rt FARRAGUT BEER BOARD May L2,2OL6 6:00 PM t. il. ilt. tv. V. vt. vil. vilt. Approval of Minutes A. April 28,20L6 Hearing to address Big Kahuna Wings, t2828 Kingston Pike, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances S 8-2OL et seq. Hearing to address Casual Pint, 143 Brooklawn Street, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances S 8-2Ot et seq. Hearing to address China Pearl, 115 Brooklawn Street, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances I 8-2Ot et seq. Hearing to address El Paraiso, 11110 Kingston Pike, Suite 140, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances 5 8-2OL et seq. Hearing to address Hana Sushi & Hibachi, LLL45 Kingston Pike, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances I 8-2OL et seq. Hearing to address Mind Yer P's and Clis, tz7L4Kingston Pike, Suite 104, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances S 8-201 et seq. Hearing to address Snappy Tomato, tL5O7 Kingston Pike, beer permit violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances S 8-201 et seq. 11408 Mr.rNrCIpAL CENTER DRIVE I FARRAGUT, TN 37934 | 865.966.1057 WV/W.TOWNOFFARRAGUT. ORG It is the policy of the Town of Farragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability pursuant to Title VI of the civil Rights Acf of 1964, Public Law 93-ll2 and 101-336 in its hiring, employment practices and programs. To request accommodations due to disabilities, please call 865-966-7057 in advance of the meeting. FARRAGUT BEER BOARD Minutes April 28,2016 Ron Pinchok, Chairman, called the beer board meeting to order at 6:55 PM Elected officials present were Mayor McGill, Aldermen Markli, Pinchok and Povlin; Alderman LaMarche was absent. Approval of Minutes Motion was made to approve the minutes of March 10,2016 as presented. Moved by Alderman Povlin, seconded by Alderman Markli; voting yes, Mayor McGill, Aldermen Markli, Pinchok and Povlin; Alderman LaMarche was absent; no nays; motion passed. Business Items Approval of a Class 2, On-Premise Other Beer Permit for: Kroger #686, 189 Brooklawn Street Motion was made to approve the Class 2, On-Premise Other Beer Permit for Kroger#686, 189 Brooklawn Street. Moved byAlderman Markli, seconded by Alderman Povlin; voting yes, Mayor McGill, Aldermen Markli, Pinchok and Povlin; Alderman LaMarche was absent; no nays; motion passed. Crossfit Farragut, 10863 Kingston Pike Motion was made to approve the Class 2, On-Premise Other Beer Permit for Crossfit Farragut, 10863 Kingston Pike. Moved byAlderman Povlin, seconded by Alderman Markli; voting yes, Mayor McGill, Aldermen Markli, Pinchok and Povlin; Alderman LaMarche was absent; no nays; motion passed. Approval of a Class 5, Off-Prem¡se Beer Permit for: The Fresh Market #21,11535 Kingston Pike Motion was made to approve the Class 5, Off-Premise Beer Permit for: The Fresh Market #21 , 11535 Kingston Pike. Moved by Alderman Povlin, seconded by Alderman Markli; voting yes, Mayor McGill, Aldermen Markli, Pinchok and Povlin; Alderman LaMarche was absent; no nays; motion passed Beer Board meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM Ron Pinchok, Chairman Allison Myers, Town Recorder AGENDA NUMBER 1[. MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, SUBJECT: Hearing Town Recorder to address Big Kahuna Wings violation(s) of Town of Farragut Gode of Ordinances g 8-201et seq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address Big Kahuna Wings, 12828 Kingston Pike violation(s) of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriff's Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of Farragut on April 2L, 20t6. During the operation, an employee of Big Kahuna Wings sold alcohol to a minor A copy of the Knox County Citation is attached. The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-22I, has the power to revoke or suspend Big Kahuna Wings beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval PROPOSED MOTION: 7. Motion to find Big Kahuna Wings suiltv OR not euilty of the violation of selling beer to a minor lf found guilty: 2. Motion to give a penalty of for violation for selling beer to a minor at Big Kahuna Wings. BOARD ACTION: MOTION BY VOTE/TOTAT YES NO ABSTAIN SECONDED BY MCGILT LAMARCHE MARKLI PINCHOK POVTIN TOWN OF FARRAGUT, TENNESSEE BDDR BOARD, v MAÎT BEDLER ) ) ) ) ) ) NOTICE OF HEARING TO: BIG KÁ.HUNA \ilINGS c/o Matt Beeler 12828 Kingston Pike Farragut, TN 37934 You ate hereby commanded to appear before the Town of Farragut, Tennessee Beer Board on Tlrrrrsday, May 12,2Aß at 6:00 P,M. at the Town of Farragut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut, Tennessee. At that place and time, Code of Ordinançes $ 8-20 I et a hearing will take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Farragut seq. Specifically, on or about A pril 20 and 2l , 2016 an employee of your business was cited for selling alcohol to a minor in violation of Tenn, Code Ann, g 57-4-203(b) and Farragut Cocle $ 8-220(6). A copy of the citation evidencing this violation is attached as Exhibit ¡\ to this Notice. The Town of Fzuragut, Tonnessee Beer Board shall at that time review the facts of this matter and determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate under the citcumstances including, but not lirnited, tevocation ol suspension of your beer pernit, Permit No. 0287, as provided by Town of Farragut Codc of Ordinances ç S-223 andlor levying a civil penaþ as provided by Town of Falragut Code of Ordinances g 8-224. This 28tr'day of April, 2016, M, Hale, Esq. Attorney, Town of Førragut Iftamsr Rayson LLP P.O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (86s) s2s-s134 Ap F 2t'6 r. 2t. 1 l No.5238 P, ;5ilAtu1 STATE OF T.C.A. CITATION O KNOX No.KCo- L20404 \t Ù'lt\\'ú ORDINANCE CITATION THÉ UflOEßI¡IO¡{EO EEWG OIJLY SrcRN UPON 1 IIIS OAJH OEFO¡IES ncE t. B /) Gvss Erc Elves flxo æoE 711'tz DHVER L¡OETTBE NUMSEA I t ¿o8Þ PLAC€ 28 LËASEO IIAME Clc,us¡en DID UNLAWFULLY OPERATE/PARK A MOTOR VEHICLE: l l.FoRESAlD IllD ÍHEN ¡\No THEnE I o trSPEEDING I A ÐHEoKLEss cor¡t¡llfHE FOLLOwINC OFFEiISE: MPH IN LIMIT QzoNE trPAcING O RADAR OTRAFFIC CONTFOL DEVICE DRtvtNc t¡ tMpRopËR pAssrNG trFoLLowrNc roo cLosELY O PASSINS scHool Bus trEQUIPMENT VIOI.ATION . ÍIJIOTORCYCLE Q EQUIPI'IC¡¡T VIOLATION - AUTOMOBITE BCHILD RESTRAINT OW|NDOW TINT I PARKING trVIOL{NON OÉ NOISE OHDINANCE l¡ EHANDICAPPED - C) ORDINANCE: N A u .J de N þa î R P2 R A I I 4o ?o ,r. E YHE UNDERSIGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HE/SHE HAS JUST AND REASONABLE GFOUNDS TO BELIEVE AND OOES SELIEVE, THAT THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEREIN SEl FORTH, CONTRARY fO THE LAW núT tns ãl I ,o"o, .4u, / "o /Q rw, yogåi HAVINO BEEN DULY SWORN, I DO HEREBY ATÍEST THAT THÉ A6OVE IS A TRUE AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE OR]GINAL CITATIONI AND THATTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED TI.IERËIN IS TRUE AND CORHECT TO THE BEST OÉ MY KNOWLEDGE. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBEO BEFORE ME THIS JUDGgCLEBK S¡GNATURE OF OFFICER 1 IN TIIE 2 GENERAL SESS]ONS COURT OF KNOX COUNW, KNOXVILLE, TN JUVÊNIIE COURT ON- KNOX çOUNTY ORDINANCE CITATION I UNDERSTAND THE AEOVE ÇITATION, ANDTHAT MY SIGNATURE IS NOTAN ADMISSION OF GUILT. VIOLATOR'S 20-- DAYOF THE ' DAYOF- 20 TIME STATE OF TENNESSEE T-C.A. CITATION F tLUfi E TO App€An N COUny ON THE oArE ASSIGNEo Io t - _ THIS CtfATtON Oñ ¡rT poLtc€ stAnoN FoR BOOK|¡,{Ê aND pßOCESsta{O vtlll fiÉs¡Jlf lN YOIJñ AñflEGT FOq a SEp FATE cÊtMtNj{L oFFENSE $rHrCH lS f uNrr¡HAELE 9Y A JAIL SENTEI{CE oF uP ro srx (É) ÈroNrHg AN0/O8  ¡6ô F|NE. I UilDËñgfANO THÊ àBOVE NONCE, ÀNO 'tFÁT Hy stcNAn ÊÉ t9 ÀloT All ¡tillssþf{ OF ôUILÍ. AGENDA NUMBER:ffi MEETING DATE Mav t2,2Ot6 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder SUBJECT: Hearing to address Casual Pint violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item isto address Casual Pint, 143 Brooklawn Street, violation(s)of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriff's Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of FarragutonApril 20,20L6. Duringtheoperation,anemployeeof theCasual Pintsoldalcoholtotwo(2) minors. A copy of the Knox County Citations are attached. The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-22I, has the power to revoke or suspend the Casual Pint's beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty'as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval. PROPOSED MOTION: 1,. Motion to find the Casual Pint euilty OR not lf found guilty: 2. Motion to give a penalty of suiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor. for violation for selling beer to a minor at the Casual Pint. BOARD ACTION: MOTION BY VOTE/TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN SECONDED BY: MC6rrL TAMARCHE MARKLI PINCHOK POVTIN TOWN OX' f,'ARRAGUT, TEN¡IESSEE BDDR BOARD, v BARBARA O'BRIEN ) ) ) ) ) ) NOTICE ON'HEARING TO¡ THE CASUALPINT c/o Barbara O'Brien 143 Brooklawn Street Farragut, TN 37934 You are horeby commanded to appear before the Town of Farragnt, Tennessee Beer Board on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 6:00 P,M. at the Town of Fanagut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut, Tennessee, At that place and time, a hearing will take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Fatragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq. Specifically, on or about A,pril 20 and2l,2016 an employee of your' business was cited for selling alcohol to a minor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann. $ 57-4-203(b) and Faragut Code $ 8-220(6). A oopy of the sitation evidencing this violation is attaohed as Exhibit A to this Notice. The Town of Faruagut, Tennessee Beer Board shall at that time review the facts ofthis matter and determine what penalty, if zury, is appropriato under the circumstances includirrg, but not limited, revocation or suspension of your beer pelmit, Pelmit No. 0038, as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances ç 8-223 and/or levying a civil penaþ as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinanoes 8-224. This 28tr' clay of April, 2016. -lu6z,.--)L' i$** Thomas M. Hale, Esq. Attorney, Town of Fawagut I(ramer Rayson LLP P.O, Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (86s) s25-5134 $ Ap,, ?3, 2016 l':16414 gl srare or O r¡¡ox $ T.C.A. CITATION U N0,5237 P. No. B Kco- 1,20401 \UDüP NANCE CITATION ll{E uNo€FsfGrGD s€lNG DULY Slt OâX UPON tü€ OAIH DEF06E8; rN ss^T Qrlo Elves Q¡e STåIE OTYNEô l¡tttE LEASED Ec¡¡nrea OID UNTAWFULTY OPEHAIÊ/PARK A MOTORVÉHICLE: E¡2.1 stl{x)L ^FoREs^ro DforHEfl A¡IDTHEñÉ COMMTTTHE FOILOWNO OFFCNSE; I o OSPEEDING LIMIT OZONE trp^CtNc _ O RADAB OTFAFFIC CONTROL DEVTCE E FOLLOWINGTOO CLOSÉLY tr PASSING SCHOOL BUS A -l trEoulPMENTVlol-ATloN - MoroHcYcLE O EaulpMENTVloLATtoN -AUToMoBtLE ElcHtLD REsrnAtNT Owtr.¡oowrr¡¡r OHANDICAPPED PARKING OVIOLATION OF NOISE ORDINANCE I R: o' I N T]HECKLESS MPH IN DRIVING tr IMPROPER PASSINA T.O.A, ORDINANCE: eÍ N¡ A R R A T I V E FUHTTIER TI.IAT IIE/SHE HAS JUST ANO REASONABLE GROUNDSTO BELIEVE AND DOES BELIEVE, THAT THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEREIN SET FORTH, CONTRARY TO THE LAW. TI-IE o F F I c Ê. R I ,",. edú ooror(){}o, f zo lb ¡wr naTþi^ HAVING BEEN DULY SWOHN, I DO HEREgY ATTEST THAT THE AEOVE ¡S A TRUE AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL CITATION, AND THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS TFUE AND COSFECTTO THE EEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SWORNfO BEFORE ME THIS D,{Y OF- 20 - OFFICER c0r,,R r INTHE I'}GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF KNOX COUNTY, KNOXVILLE, TN 2E JUVENILE COURT ON KNOX COUNTY ORDINANCE CITATION THE - aO- ÍIME- STATE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A. CIÍATION I UNDERSÍAND THE AEOVE CITI{TION, ANO THAT MY SICNATURE IS NOTAN AOMISSION OF GUILT - VIOLATOR'S SIGNATURE DAYOF-- F^ILUFE TO APPEAA I!¡ COUñf ON THË OÂYE A8SÍC¡NED TO THIS CIÎATION OP AT AFPñOFf,ÍATE POLIoÉ st¡'nON FOn EOOKINA ltND Pf,OCESSIIIG WLL ÊË€ULT lN YoUF AFRETI FOR A SEPARATE CRIHI}IAL OFFSNSE WHIçH fS PUNIS}IAEL€ 6Y A J¡IL 3ËT¡T€I.ICE OÉ UP TO SIX (6I MONTHS AND/OR A ¡50 FINE, f UNDERSTAND THË ATOVE NOTICE' ^NO T|{ 1 úY SrCN.qruRE ls flOf $' ADrllSS|OT{ OF GU|LT. Ap r, 28 2{t:6 11 ; l6Al\{ tr STNTE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A. CITATION D KNOX COUNTY ORDINANCE CITATION No. KCo- 120402 . AFFIDAVIT GOM IHE UNOEFSIOI{Êo EErilG rxrly €woflN r-porir Hrs ô 'fH O€POEËS; Elv¡s O¡p SÍATE üTilED 7 Elves O¡p I¡U¡I'ER MT¡E c¡ OID UNLAWFULLY OPEFATE/PARK A MOTOR VEHICLE: Añ,ORÉSAIO DID THEI{ ANOTHER€ COIIM]T fII€ FOTLOWIHO OFFÉ¡I8E: SPEED I o DSPEEDING LIMIT QZONE BPACING MPH IN O HADAR trTRAFFfC CONTROL DEV]CE trHECKLESS DRIVINO E¡ IMPROPEH PASSING E FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY tr PASSING SCHOOL BUS A OEOUIFMENT VIOLAT]ON - MOTOHCYCLE O EQUIPMENTVIOI.ATION. AUTOMOBILE EIOHILD RESTFAINT QWNOOWI¡IT L T - OVloLATIoN OF NoIsE oRDINANoE I () N ORDINANCE: T.C.A. l" N A FI R A T t¿¡v L TI.IE UNDERSIGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HSSHE HAS JUST AND REASONAELE GROUNDS TO BELIÉVE AND DOES BELIEVE, THATTHE PERSON NAMED ABOVÉ COMMI TEOTHE OFFENSE HEREIN SET FORTH, CONTNARYTOTHE LAW THIS /þ "o DAY ÕF Qnm ,,*E 15 fq4T þÉr',r HAVINO BEEN DULY SWORN, I DO HEREBY ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUÉ AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE OBÍGINAL CITATION, CONIAINED THERE1N IS TRUE ANO CORRECT TO THE BESÍ OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ANDTHATTHE SWOHNTO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF- 20 INTHE 2A qENERAL $ESS|QNS OOURT OF KNOX COUNTY, KNOXVTLLE. TN JUVENILÉ COURÎ THE KNOX COUNTY ORDINANCÉ CITATION ON- I UNDEHSTAND THE ABOVE CITATION, AND THAT MY SIGNATURE IS NOT AN ADMISSÍON OF VIOLATOR'S DAYOF----_ 2O-TIME- STATE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A. CITAÎION FAILUBE TO APP6^F IN COTJñT ON THE D^TE A68I€NEO TO IHIg CIÎATION OR AT APPROPHI^IE POUCE STATIO¡¡ ÉOâ 8æKIÍ{O AND PFÍ)CESSING W¡LL CESULT INYOUR ÁRREgr FOE SEp nATÊ CñIÀ{INAL OFFENSE ÌYH'çH rS PUN|S¡|AoLÉ EY JA|L SENIET|OÉ ^ NOIICE, ANO oF uP fo stx ^(6t MoNYHS AN0/Ofi ¡t0 PINE. I UNDERSY^NO THE AÊOVÊ OFôUIIT. rHAr MY SlOl,¡^'t\'ÊE lg twÏår{ lDrl¡sstor¡ ^ AGENDA NUMBERL MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder SUBJECT: Hearing to address Ghina Pearl violation(s) of Town of Farragut Gode of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address China Pearl, 115 Brooklawn Street violation(s)of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriff's Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of Farragut on April 2I,20L6. During the operation, an employee of China Pearl sold alcohol to a minor. A copy of the Knox County Citation is attached. The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-22I, has the power to revoke or suspend China Pearl's beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval PROPOSED MOTION: !. Motion to find China Pearl guiltv OR not suiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor lf found guilty: 2. Motion to give a penalty of for violation for selling beer to a minor at China Pearl. BOARD ACTION: MOTION BY VOTE/TOTAt YES NO ABSTAIN SECONDED MCGttt TAMARCHE MARKLI PINCHOK POVUN TO\ryN Of,' f,'ARRAGUT, TENNESSEtr BDER BOARD, v. ) ) ) ) ) MEI LIEN WANG ) NOTICE OF'IIEARING TO: CHIN.A,PEARL c/o Mei Lien Wang or Manager 115 Brooktawn Street f,'arragut, TN 37934 You are hereby commanded to appear before the Town of Fanagut, Tennessee Beer Board on Tlrursday, May 12,2016 at ó;00 P,M, at the Town of Farragut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut, Tennessee At that place and titne, a hearing will take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq. Specifically, on oraboutAprit 20 and2l,2016 an employee of your business was citod for selling alcohol to a minor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann, $ 57-4-203(b) and Fat'ragut Code $ S-220(6>. A copy of the citation evidencing this violation Noticc, Thc Town of Faragut, ís attached as Exhibit A to this Tennessee Beer Boald shall at that time review the facts of this matter and detennine what penalty, if any, is appropriate under the circumstances including, but not lirnited, revocation or suspension of your beer permit, Permit No. 0286, as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Otdinances ç 8-223 and/or levying a civil penalty as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances g 8-224. This 28tr'day of April, 2016 )t,. {4(*Thomas M. Hale, Esq, ,4ttorney, Town of Farragut I(ramet Rayson LLP P,O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (86s) s2s-s134 ,{p¡, 2û, 2t)i5l i237 P. ] No.KCo- L20406 11 :i5Atul []o, 1D D STATE tr KNOX T.C.A.CITATION OBDINANCE CITATION COM D It DAVIT lltÉ uNoEß$oNED 4zlttr gEtNG DUty stþRN upr(}t HtS O IH DEFOEES; I}l ü,ro gT lcT fE t) TZAO tr otvltEo I EIÊED flrcs Orc æo(x)E TAl s7q0/ ttüto vltryw l-rlrl cl.^ssrrYPE ucEalSE t RI\'Eñ LtCEilSEJ{r,itAEÀ fc cxflñ fE l^l F, N^ME DID UNLAWFULLY OPERATEiPARK A MOTOR VÊHIC[E: , EI2.L RES. v AfONESA¡O DIO YHEN ANO THEFE COT¡Hll SPEED I o trSPEEDING MPHIN DRIVING tr IMPffOPER PASSING L trRECKLESS A ElEeutpMENJvroLATfoN - MoroRcYcLE T l, EHANDICAPFED PARKING O o N tr IhÊ ËOtLOì{INO OFFENSE; I¡ZONE trPACING ORADAR qÍRAFFICCONTROLDEVICË trFOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY O PASSING SOHOOL BUS eQurp¡vre¡¡TvroLATtoN - AUToMoBtLE ocHtLD RESTRATNT Elwl¡¡oowl¡¡r -LIMITNOISE OHDINANCE oE C,A, ORDINANCE: /' âtt N A I ¿¿rt R R A T I V E ¿Ll ^ THE UNDERSIGÑEO FURTHER STÀTÉS ÍHAT HAS JUST ANO HEASONABLE GROUNOS TO BELIEVE AND DOES BELIEVE, THAÎTHE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTEDTHE OFFENSE HEREIN SET FORTI{, CONTRARY THE ,rr, 3lú DAYOF HAVINq BEEN DULY SWORN, I DO HERÉBY ATTESTTHATTHE ABOVÉ IS A TRUE AND COMPLETE COPY OFTHE ORIGINAL CITATION, AND THAT THE INFORMATION CONTA]NED THEFEIN IS TRUE AND CORBECT fO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBÉD AEFORE ME THIS SIGNATURE OF OFFICER INTHE f,l 2A DAY OF JUDGE/CLERK qENEHAL SESSIONS COURÎOF KNOX COUNW, KNOXVILLE,TN JUVENILE COUBT rruox couNTY oRDtNANcE crrATroN I UNDEFSTAND THE ABOVE IS NOT AN AOMISSION OF GUILT MYSIGNATUHE $TATE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A. CIÏATION To THts otf^ftoN on FFOCESSINO W¡TL REgUtT INìOUñ ^T ^ssroNED AññE8T FOR ASçPAFATE CFIâ'INÂL OFFENgE WHTOH IE PUNIOHAELÊ FYå JåIL SENTENCÉ oF uP TO StX (61 HoHflts^NoronA ¡s{r FINË, I u NDESSTAND THE ASOVE NOÍICE, ANO THAT MV SIGN¡ÛURE IS NOT OF ^N ^OT{I8sION VIOLAÏOR'S EULÏ AGENDA NUMBER V MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder SUBJECT: Hearing to address El Paraiso violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address El Paraiso, L1"L10 Kingston Pike, Suite L10 violation(s) of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriffs Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of FarragutonApril 21,2OL6. Duringtheoperation,anemployeeof of the Knox County Citation is attached. El Paraisosoldalcoholtoaminor. Acopy The Farragut Beer Board, persection 8-22L, hasthe powerto revoke orsuspend El Paraiso's beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days t.he revocation or suspension shall begin e¡eht (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval. PROPOSED MOTION: L. Motion to find El Paraiso suiltv OR not euiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor lf found guilty: 2. Motion to give a penalty of for violation for selling beer to a minor at El Paraiso. BOARD ACTION MOTION BY VOTE/TOTAL YES NO ABSTA¡N SECONDED BY: MCGITL LAMARCHE MARKII PINCHOK POVLIN TOWN OF' f,'ARRAGUT, TENNESSEE BEER BOARD, v. DÄVID BLANCO ) ) ) ) ) ) NOTICE OT HEARIIIG TO: ELPARAISO c/o David Blanco or Manager 11110 Kingston Pike Suite 140 f,'arragut, TN 37934 Yon are hereby commanded to appear before the Town of Farragut, Tennessee Beet Board on Thut'sday, May 12,2016 at 6:00 P,M. at the Town of Faragut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Falragut, Tennessee At that place and time, a hearing will take place to addrçss your violation(s) of Town of Fan'agut Code of Orclillances $ 8-201 er seq. Specifically, on ol about April 20 and21,2016 anemployee of your br¡siness was cited for selling aloohol to a minor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann. g 57-4-203(b) and Farragut Code $ 8-22A(q. A oopy of the citation evidencing this violation is attached as Exhibit A to this Notice, Thc Town of Farragut, Tcnncssee Beer Board shall at that time reyiow the facts of this matter and deteuníne what penalty, if any, is appropriate under the circumstances including, but not lirnited, revocstion or suspension ofyoul beer permit, Permit No. 0046, as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinattces ü 8-223 and/or levying a civil penalty as provided by Town of Fan'agut Code of Ordinances g 8-224. This 28tr'day of April,20l6. lti.7L¿'. )t. . Thomas M. Hale, Esq. AÍtorney, Town of Farragut Klamer Rayson LLP P,O, Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (865) 52s-s r34 AL T. 2t;'611:154tu1 LJ, OF þO sr*, KNOX [lo. lo6) T.C.A. CITATION NANCE CITATION UNDERSTGNEO B€tttc ¡XrLy st+OnN Upoll HIS q rH orp(x¡És: F vr TN I ^DOnES¡t ú.t t. fN A K^o T o 4 KCo- L20407 I o P, \u COMPLAINT. tltE No. 5237 DH¡VER UCE|¡|SE r¡ r [[e qls{yTYPÊ ]{.i tõËñ Ero 31qt> rcl IpNwrrE oY Yi. l ¡IIAIE IJCE¡{SE flv* O,ro SOCIAL SEdJRIfY NUXCER ãPOODE Etr|Þln F NUT,IEçR * E orvnÉo t{ tEt:¡EO ÀtÉ Ocen¡¡¡n DID UNTAWFULLY OPEFATÛPARK A MOÍOR VÊHIOLE: I OCAI uPgn¡gfREEftHt{¡H$t sßl Y F Mt,a Cffy,oour.Ty E[ñD Ew AFORES tD OIOÌ{El| AÀofHEf,E COr¡MtTIHE FOLLqwtNc oFFENSE: I t A T I SPEED IN l) ESPEEDING LIMIT AZONE trPACING MPH O IMPROPER r (! N Q RADAR EITFAFFICCONTFOL DEVICE E RECKLESS DRIVING PASSING E¡ FOLLOWING fOO CLOSELY E¡ PASSING SCHOOL BUS EESUIPMENTVIOU|{flON.MOTORCYCTE trEOUIPMÉNTVIOLAÍION-AUTOMOBILE trCHILDRESTRAINT OWNDOWTINT oHANotcAppEo pABKrNc E¡vror¡TroN oF NotsE oRotNANiE T.C^4, ORDINANCE +o -ìi e-çrn N R ¿,ð. F +h¿ a¡h. 5 An.â A I I IA Ict V 1îoorn a.*'/Ae E THE UNDERSIGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HF/SHE JUST AND REASONABLE GHOUNDS TO BELTEVE AND DOES EELIEVÉ, THAT THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEREIN SEf FORTH, CONTRARY TO THE I.AW. HAVING BEEN DULY SWORN, I DO HEREBY ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL O¡TATION, AND THAT TnE tNFoHMATtoN coNTAtNED THeReru ls rnûE AND coHHEcr ro rHE sEsr oF My KNowLEDcE. SWORN TO AND SUBSCHIBED BEFORE ME THIS SIGNATURE OF OFF]CER 1 fN ÏI-IE COURT {þuRT JUOGE/CLERK OF KNOX COUNTY KNOXVTLLE, TN ON THE VIOIÁTOR'S THATMY ( _- DAY OF- 20- TIME SÍATE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A, CITATION KNOX GOUNTY ORDìNANCE CITATION I UNDERSTANDTHE ABOVE CITAT]ON, IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF GUILT. 20 OAYOF - TO AppEAR ttt couFr otl fHE oAfÉ AcstoNED To ïHlo ctT^ltoN off Ar POLIC€ STANON ÉOñ EæKINO ANO PßOCESSINC WIl- FESUIT IN YOUH ARREET FOR A SEPAFATE oñllálllAl OFFENSE WHICH l9 PUNlStl^Et€ BY A J IL SEtúlEltlcE oF up 1o srx (6t nONrr{S ANorOfi A ¡50 FIN€. I UN OEßSlrlNO THE ,tEollE NOTICE, ANO lltaf uv Slol{AÌuñE 18 NtrAN AÐl¡l$gK)rl oF GulLT. - 2/-/þ AGENDA NUMBER VI MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, SUBJECT: Hearing Town Recorder to address Hana Sushi & Hibachi violation(s) of Town of Farragut Gode of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address Hana Sushi & Hibachi, LLt45 Kingston Pike violation(s) of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriff's Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of Farragut on April 2L, 2016. During the operation, an employee of Hanna Sushi & Hibachi sold alcohol to minor. A copy of the Knox County Citation is attached. a The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-22L, has the power to revoke or suspend Hana Sushi & Hibachi's beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. W¡th respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to paythe civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval PROPOSED MOTION: L. Motion to find Hana Sushi & Hibachi suiltv OR not suiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor lf found guilty: 2. Motion to give a penalty of for violation for selling beer to a minor at Hana Sushi & Hibachi. BOARD ACTION: MOTION VOTE/TOTAt YES NO AESTAIN SECONDED BY: MCGITL TAMARCHE MARKLI PINCHOK POVTIN TQWN OF FARRÀGUT} TEIYNESSEE BEtrR BOARD, v. ) ) ) ) ) ) CHIH-YUN CHEN NOTICE OF'HEARING TO; ITANA SUSHI & HIBACHI c/o Chln-Yun Chen or Manager 11145 KÍngston Pike tr'arragut, TN 37934 You are hereby commanded to appear before the Town of Falragut, Tennessee Beer Boald on Tlrursday, May 12,2016 at 6:00 P.M, at the Town of Famagut Town Hall located at I1408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut, Tennessee. At that place and time, a hearing will take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Farragut Cocie of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq. Speaifically, on or about April 20 and 21, 2016 an employee of your' busiuess was cited for selling alcohol to a minor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann. $ 57-a-203(b) and Farmgut Code $ 8-220(6). A copy of the eitation evidenoing this violation is attached as Exhibit A to this Notice. T[re Town of Farragul Tenuessee Beer Board shall at that tilne rcview the facts of this rnattel and determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate under the circumstances including, but not lirnited, revocatiou or suspension of your beer pormit, Permit No. 005 1, as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinanoes $ 8-223 and/ot' levying a civil penalty as provided by Town of Fan'agut Code of Ordinances g 8-224. This 28ll' day of April,20l6. (-; I wc,*-\'t ' ç\oêu* Thomas M. Hale, Esq. Attovney, Town of Farragut Kratner Rayson LLP P.O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (865) 52s-s 134 ,4p r. 23, 2{li5 1 I : 1í4tu1 No,5237 P, 6 smre ESSEE T,C.A. CITATION rruox ORDINANCE CITATION O [(tÛ431 COMPLAINT - rHE UNoEAsnflED 6En{ô O{,LYS}VORN No. t(oî/ 5 KCo- L20409 gp6¡ ¡¡6 gt¡¡i ote09€6; ì, I o E'o t Elna Eho NUM¡ER ¿PCЀ A T o F o Orll{ED IUM€ r..EAgEO DID UNTAWFULLY OPEFAÍE/PARK A MOTOR VEHICLE: úm{ I OCALE y,rat sÍl.l aInErpHKrHwAY E2'r ctrY/colJf{ïY 9L AFOFES^ID OtO rHÉfl AND ÌHERE COüMr rHE FOLLowlilo oFFEflEEi I o SPEED trSpEEDtNc DRtvtNc MpHtN _LtMtT PAssrNG UzoNE trPAclNG OHADAB TTRAFFICCONTROLDËVICE OFoLLoWNGToo CLoSELY tr PASSINO SCHooL BUg E tMpRoPER trREcKLESS q . A T CHILD RESTRIAINT O WINOOW TINT AUTOMOBILE EAUIPMENT VIOLATION O EOUIPMENT VIOLATION - MOTORCYCLE T OF NOISE ORDINANCE PARKING I I o ORDINANCE: N lÕ N A I I R R A T I Lo 2o: V E /l/-a,;n THAT HE/SHE HAS JUSTAND REASONABLÉ GROUNDSTO BETIEVE ANO OOES BELIEVE' THE THATTHE PEBSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEBEIN SET FORTH, CONTRAHYTO THE I.AW. THIS dÈ DAYOF ilr Lollo,*,eßzi;i, NO. ORIG]NAL CITATION. HAVING BEÉN DULY SWORN, I DO HEREBY ATTESTTHATTHE ABOVE IS ATRUE AND COMPLETE COPY OFTHE AND THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN S TÊUE AND CORFECT TO TI'IE EEST OF MY KNOWLEOGE. f SWOnru 20-- DAY OF tO ¡t¡D SUBSCRIBEO BEFORE METHIS JUDGÚCLÊRK SIGNATUBE OF OFFICER sEssroNs couRl oF KNOX CouNü KNoXVILLE, TN IN THE 2 OOURT ON- KNOX COUNTY ORDINANCE CITATION I UNDEESTANO THE ABQVE CITATION. AND IS NOT AN AOMISSION OF GUILT. vlol-AToR's ÍHAT MY SIGNATUBE \Uø'q þoø, THE ' DAYOF- 20_ OF TENNESSËE T.C.A. CITATION ïtME _ AGENDA NUMBER VI MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder SUBJECT: Hearing S to address Mind Yer P's and Q's violation(s) of Town of Farragut Gode of Ordinances 8-20f etseq INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address Mind Yer P's and Qs,12744 Kingston Pike, Suite 104 violation(s) of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 58-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriffs Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of Farragut on April 2L, 20L6. During the operation, an employee of Mind Yer P's and C[s sold alcohol to minor. A copy of the Knox County Citation is attached. a The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-22L, has the power to revoke or suspend Mind Yer P's and C[s beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval PROPOSED MOTION: 7. Motion to find Mind Yer P's and Cs guiltv OR not euiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor. lf found guilty: 2,Motiontogiveapenaltyof-forviolationforsellingbeertoamínoratMindYerP,s and (s. BOARD ACTION: MOTION BY: VOTE/TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN SECONDED MCGttt TAMARCHE MARKTI PINCHOK POVLIN TOWN OF F'.ARRAGUT, TENNDSSEE BEIR BOARD, v. MARCI STILDS ) ) ) ) ) ) NOTICE OF'HEARING TO: MIND YERP's & Q's c/o Marci Stiles l2744King¡sfon Pike, Suite 104 Farragut, TN 37934 You at'e hereby commancled to appeal before the Town of Farragut, Tennessee Beer Board on Thrusday, May 72,2016 at 6:00 P.M. at the Town of Faruagut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut Tennessee. At that place and tirne, a hearing wilt take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq. Specifically, on or about Aptil 20 and27,2016 an cmployee of your business was cited fbr selling alcohol to a minor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann. $ 57-4-203(b) and Falragut Cocle $ 8-22A$\. A copy of the citation evidencing this violation is attached as Exhibit A to this Notice, The Town of Farragut, Teunessee Beer Board shall at that tirne review the facts of this matter and determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate under the oirournstances including, but not limitecl, revocation or suspension of your beer permit, Pelmit No. 0039, as provided by Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances 5 8-223 andlor levying a civ il penalty as provided by 'lown of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-224. Tlris 28tr'clay of April, 2016. I \\-- (-;LLe-.*tyt" ç\nC-Thomas M. Hale, Esq. ,4.ttorney, Town of Førragut Iü'amer Rayson LLP P,O, Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (86s) s2s-5134 Ap fi r, 23. 2'):6 11 STATE OFTE EI i\0,5237 P, 2 : 15Al/] v1 It(j .p T,C.A.CITATION KNOX CITATION No. KCo- L20405 tt-oo NT. T}{E ÚI{OEñSIOilED AE¡KI OUTY SV'OÈ{ UPOTI Hls O^TI{ ÞEFOSES: ËÆE W I O¡ro ctTy ST -f-N 14,.¿l*u,'llp -nJ o om{Eo tE ¡tÉo Elves El¡ro tt 3 Ê,(PInAITOTIDâTE 9t Hr{lt l TELePHONe iî't{b t*to ät ll^¡tE DID UNLAWFULLY OPERAIE/PARK A MOTOR VEHICLE: ÄFORESAIO DI D I o L T I trSPEEDING fi ET{ AND THERE COMMIT f H E FOLLOI{II{O OFFET{SE: trZONE QPACING ORADAR MPH¡N trTRAFFICCONTHOLDEVICE CLOSELY O PASSING SCHOOL BUS TRECKLESS DHIVING O IMPROPER PASSING CIcHtLD BEsrflAtNT qwtNDowTtNT o EeurpMENTvtolAnoN AuroMoBtLE MoroncycLE oEeutpMENTvtotÁTtoN. O FOLLOWING TOO BHANDICAPPED PARKING TIVIOI.ATION OF NOISE ORDINANCE -L]MIT o OHDINANCE: N d N A R H A T I I f t44 ,//e E IGNED FURTHER STATES THAT HqSHE HAS JUST AND REASONABLE GROUNDS TO BELIEVE AND DOES BELIEVE, THAT THE PEFSON NAMED AEOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEREIN SET FORTH, CONTRARY TO TI.IE I.AW TFIE AM n ,õT DAY OF THIS .¿, ,, / Ú ,,*, gfM I.IAVING BEEN DULY SWOBN, I DO HEFEBY ATTEST TTIAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE ANO COMPLETE COPY OF TI.IE OH¡GINAL CITATION, AND THATTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEHEIN ISTRUE AND COHRÉCTTO THE BSST AF MY KNOWLEDGE. SWORN TO AND SUBSORIEEO BÉFORE ME THIS 20_ DAYOF JUDGgCLEBK SIGNATUßE OF OFFICER GENEHAL SSSSIONS COUFTOF KNOX COUNTY KNOXVILLE, TN IN THE o JUVENILE COUHT ON B r¡lox couNTY oRDINANoE ctrATtoN I UNDERSTANDTHE ABOVE CIfATION, ANDTHAT MY SIGNATURE IS NOTAN ADMISSION OFGUILT. THE ' DAYOF- STAÍE OF TENNESSEE T.C.A. CITATION F^|LURE TO APPE^B rN C€U¡ff oN fH€ OÀTE Â$SICNEO TO lXlS CllAnoN oñ Af PROCESSIÍ{G WILL RESULï lÑ\otJR AFFROPfiIôTE PoucE ST TìOil FOA SOOI(NG AñBÊTT FOR A SEPARATE ONIMIilAI- OFFENSE W}IIC}I ^NOIS PUNISTüAELE f'Y A JAIL TE}IIENCE OF UP AIID/OF A T5O FINE- I UilOEN9TANO TIIE ABOYE XOTICE, AND AoMrssroñ oF GUflf fltE ^¡l VIOLATOR'S SIGNATURE åO-TIME- AGENDANUMBER VIII. MEETING DATE Mav 12,2OL6 REPORT TO THE BEER BOARD PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder SUBJECT: Hearing 201 et seq to address Snappy Tomato violation(s) of Town of Farragut Code of Ordinances $ 8- INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this agenda item is to address Snappy Tomato, LL5O7 Kingston Pike violation(s) of the Town of Farragut Code of Ordinance 98-201 et seq. DISCUSSION: The Knox County Sheriff's Department performed a beer sting on various businesses within the Town of Farragut on April 2L,20L6. During the operation, an employee of Snappy Tomato sold alcohol to a minor. A copy of the Knox County Citation is attached. The Farragut Beer Board, per section 8-221, has the power to revoke or suspend Snappy Tomato's beer permit or per section 8-223, can offer a civil penalty as an alternative to revocation or suspension. With respect to such permittee, the beer board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed 52,500 for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors. The permit holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civil penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid within that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the civil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. RECOMMENDATION BY: Allison Myers, Town Recorder, for approval. PROPOSED MOTION: t. Motion to find Snappy Tomato guiltv OR not euiltv of the violation of selling beer to a minor. lf found guilty: 2.Motiontogiveapenaltyof-forviolationforsellingbeertoaminoratSnappy Tomato. BOARD ACTION MOTION BY: VOTE/TOTAt YES NO AESTAIN SECONDED MCGrrr TAMARCHE MARKTI PINCHOK POVTIN TOWN OF FARRAGUT, TENNESSEE BEER BOARD, ) ) ) ) ) ) v SIMONKROSS NOTICE OFHEARING TO: SNAPPY TOMATO c/o Simon Kross 11507 KÍngston Pihe Farragut, TN 37934 You are hereby cornmanded to appear before the Town of Farragul, Tennassee Beer Board on Tlrr.usday, May 12,2016 at 6:00 P,M. at the Town of Faragut Town Hall located at I 1408 Munioipal Center Drive, Farragut, Tennessee. At that place ancl time, a hearing will take place to address your violation(s) of Town of Faragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-201 et seq. Specifically, on or about April20 and2l,2016 an employee of your bnsiness was cited fol selling alcohol to a rninor in violation of Tenn. Code Ann, $ 57-4-203(b) and Farragut Code $ 8-220(6'). A copy of the citation evidencing this violation is attached as Exhibit A to this Notice. The Town of Farragut, Tennessee Beer Boald shall determitre what penalty, if at that time review the facts of this rnattel'and any, is appropriate undel the sircumstances inoluding, but not limited, levocation or suspension of your beer permit, Permit No. 0294, as provided by Town of Fatragut Code of Ordinances $ 8-223 andlor levying a civil penaþ as provided by Town of Falragut Code of Ofdinances g 8-224, This 28tr'day of Aplil, 2016. -fivaoo.'Yt', , þf ,id.¿ Thomas M. Hale, Esq. Altorney, Town of Farcagut Kramer Rayson LLP P.O. Box 629 Knoxville, TN 37901 (86s) s2s-s134 t b Ap r, 28, 20ì5 11:lóAM SÏATE OF T.C,A. CITATION KNOX COU (!M?:ftÑl CITATION COMPLAINT- IT IHE lrlrOCRSlOllEO BElllO Dt LY sl{oRfl uPoN Hls o ft No.KCo- L20408 I}Ef< sEs¡ il¡tTH r r I w HTI o BELT? Drc L Eves Drc A T o r{rJt{þËâ F fEÍñ.dy¡*erfi é4 r.E 5ËO F H I c Ecrnnrrn DID UNTAWFULLY OPERATE/PAFK A MOTON VËHICLE: t F UFOf{ SIAEET'TIIG}IWAY LOr--At F ¡t tltt, I n.t AFoREsAlo DlDlHEr{ ^Io I (_) MPHIN OSPEEDING DHIVING tr IMPROPER PASSING clllccLttw THERE CO[{l{lT'tHE FOLLOWII{q OFFEtlsÉ: OZONE OPACING ORADAR trTFAFFICCONTROLDEVICE Q FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY tr PASSING SCHOOL BUS A trEQUIPMENTVIOIjTION - MOTORCYCLE O CQUIPUC¡¡TVIOLATION " AUTOMOBILE OCHILO RESTRAINT trWNOOWTINT ï trHANDICAPPED NOISE ORDINANCE t- E¡ RECKLESS -LIMIT I o N e FUBTHÉB THAÍ HSSHE HAS JUST AND REASONABLE OFOUNDS fO BELIEVÉ AND DOES BELIEVE, THAT THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE HEREIN SET FOFTH, CONTRARYTOTHE LAW. THE Ørtb trAM ,*r* å/* ,o/L-r*re llz Y!u onY HAV¡NG BEEN DULY SWOFN, I DO HEFEBY ATTÉST THAT THE ABOVE IS A THUE AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL CITATION. AND THAT THE IN FORMAÍION CONTAINqD THEREIN IS THUE AND CORRECT TO THE EEST OF MY KNOWLÉDGÉ. SWOBN TO AND SUBSCRIBEO BEFORE MET}IIS S]ANATUBE OFOFFICEH JUDGSCLEFK GENEBAL SESSIONS INTHE OF KNOX COUNTY KNOXVILLE. TN JUVENITE COURT ON- KNOX COUNTY ORDINANCE CITATION UNDERSTANDTHE ABOVE C|TAT|ON, AND IS NOT AN AOMISSION OF GUILT. I MY SIGNATUHE OAYOF--__- THE aO.-TIME- STATE OF TENNESSEE T.C,A. ÇITATION F l.uFE T9 /rppE¡n rN couRT on¡ fHE o TE AssfOilEO fq lHtS ctrArloN oR ^T lppRopnnTE prolrcE sTArroN Foñ EooKlNû Aflö PftocÊ8gtNo tYtrl HEgl/LY 0t \1cuñ f FOñA SEFÀñ^ÏE CñIMINAL OFFEN6EWHICH IÊ PUNIsHABTE 8Y ÂJAIL SENTENCÊ oF ^f,REST UP fo €lX (6¡ ÍTIONTHB AND/OR A 330 FINE. I UNDqHçrAn¡o THE AEOVE NOTICE, ANO lrlAr ttY 6tot{ VIOLATOR'S SIGNATURÉ 20--- DAY OF TURE l8 ¡tOT Å¡t ADitISStON oF Gutlr z/- l.tut¿u10 Farragut, I N uodeoÌurdtnances CHAPTER 2. - BEER FOOTNOTE(S): -- (2) -- Editor's note-Ord. No. 14-05,5 1, adopted May 22,2014, amended the Code by repealing former Ch.2, and enacting a new chapter as set out herein. Former Ch. 2 pertained to similar content, -8-225, and deríved from Ord. No. 11-24, adopted November 15,2011. SS 8-201 Sec. 8-201. - Beer board establ¡shed. There is hereby established a beer board to be composed of the board of mayor and aldermen. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1, 5-22-2014) Sec.8-202. - Meetings of the beer board. All meetings of the beer board shall be open to the public. The beer board shall hold regufar meetings upon the second and fourth Thursday of each month when there ís business to come before the beer board. A special meeting may be called by the chairman, provided reasonable notice thereof to each member. The board may adjourn a meeting at any time to another tíme and place. (Ord. No. 14-05, g 'l,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-203. - Record of beer board proceedings to be kept. The recorder shall make a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the beer board. The record shall be a public record and shall contain at least the following: The date of each meeting; the names of the board members present and absenÇ the names of the members introducing and seconding motions and resolutions, etc., before the board; a copy of each such motion or resolution presented; the vote of each member thereon; and the provisions of each beer permit issued by the board. (Ord. No. 14-O5,5 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-204. - Requirements for beer board quorum and action. The attendance of at least a majority of the members of the beer boar:d shall be required to constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. Matters before the. board shall be decided by a majority of the members present if a quorum is constituted. Any member present but not voting shall be deemed to have cast a "nay" vote. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-20141 Sec. 8-205. - Powers and duties of the beer board. The beer board shall have the power and it is hereby directed to regulate the selling, storing for sale, distribut¡ng for sale, and manufacturing of beer within this municipality in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-206. - Definitions. https:Í raryltÍilarragutlcodes/code-of-ordinances?nodeld=COOR-T|T8AlBE-CH2BE '1112 515/2016 Farragut, TN CodeofOrdinances 1. 2. Applicant shall mean the person on whose behalf an application for beer permit is filed. Adequote public notice shall consist of publication, where possible, of notice of a meeting or hearing scheduled by the beer board, either regular or special, in a newspaper of general circulation within the corporate limits of the Town of Farragut. 3. Adult entertainment consists of businesses which either directly or indirectly provide sex-related products and services. 4. 5. Adult mqterials shall consist of any media material with explicit sexual content available to the public. Beer means beer, ale or other malt beverages, or any other beverages having an alcoholic content of not more than five (5) percent by weight, except wine as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-3- 101; provided, however, that no more than forty-nine (49) percent of the overall alcoholic content of such beverage may be derived from the addition of flavors and other nonbeverage ingredients containing alcohol. Tennessee Code Annotated S 57-5-101 . 6. Beer boord or board means that administrative body organized and empowered under the authority ofTennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-106. 7. Church means a building or property where a congregation regularly meets at least one (1) day per week for religious worship. 8. Certified clerk shall mean a clerk who has successfully satísfied the training requirements contained in this part, or who has received certification from a responsible vendor training program. 9. Clerk shall mean any person working in a capability to sell beer directly to consumers for off-premise consumption. 10. 11 . Commission shall mean the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commíssion. Responsible vendor means a person, corporation or other entity that has been issued a permit to sell beer for off-premise consumption and has received certification by the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission under the "Tennessee Responsible Vendor Act of 2006," Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-601 et seq. 12. Responsible Vendor Troining Program shall mean a training program related to the responsible sale of beer for off-premise consumption which has met all the statutory and regulatory requirements set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated g 57-5-601 et seq. 13. 14. 1 5. Permit means any permit issued pursuant to this article. Permittee means any person to whom any permit has been issued pursuant to this article. Person shall mean any private individual, partnershíp, joint venture, corporation, and any other business entity or association. 16. Premise shall mean the property owned, leased, or controlled by the permittee and so connected with the beer business in which the permittee'is engaged as to form a component or integral part of it, including, but not limited to, the building and the parking areas surrounding it. Premise includes all decks, patios and other well-defined outdoor serving and consumÍng areas that are contiguous to the exterior of the building in which the business is located and that are operated by the business identified in the permit. A permit shall be valid for all decks, patios and other well-defined outdoor serving areas that are contiguous to the exteríor of the building in which the business is located, that are operated by the business and only for a business operating under the name identified in the permit. 17. Restqurant shall mean a business establishment whose primary business is the sale of prepared food to be consumed on the premise. 412 l-arragut, I N Çode of urcltnances 1 8. of Storoge shall mean the storing or possessing of beer or other alcoholic beverages for the purpose resale by the permit holder. 19. The pronouns he him and hrs shall refer to persons of the female as well as the male gender, as applicable. 20. IABC shall mean the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission. (Ord. No. 14-05, S 1, 5-22-2014') Sec. 8-207. - Permit required for engaging in beer business. (1) Permit shall be unlawful for any person to sell, store for sale, distribute for sale, or manufacture beer without first making application to and obtaining a permit from the beer board. Each applicant must be a person of good moral character and must certitr/ that he has read and is familiar with the provisions of this chapter. Five (5) types of permits may be issued by the beer board. (a) Class 1 on-premises permit shall be issued for the consumption of beer only on the premises of a resta u ra nt (b) Class 2 on-premises, other permit. Other establishments making application for a permit to sell beer for consumption on the premíses, which do not qualify, or do not wish to apply for, a class 1 on-premises permit, but which otherwise meet all qther regulations and restrictíons in this chapter, shall apply for a class 2 on-premises permit. (c) Class 3 on-premises hotel/motel, permits for operation as a hotel or motel. (d) Class 4 on-premise tavern, where beer is sold for consumption at a tavern. Tavern shall mean a business establishment whose primary business is or is to be the sale of beer to be consumed on the premises. There shall not be more than a total of three (3) taverns located within the corporate limits of the Town of Farragut. (e) Class 5 off-premises permit. (f) Class 6, special occasion beer permit. The special occasion beer permit request shall be made on such form as the board shall prescribe and/or furnish and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred dolf ars ($100.00). (1 ) The beer board is authorized to issue a special occasion beer permit to bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations for special events. (2) The special occasion beer permit shall not be issued for longer than one (1) forty-eight-hour period, unless otherwise specified by the beer board, subject to the limitations on the hours, imposed by law. (3) The application for the special occasion beer permit shall state whether the applicant ís a charitable or nonprofit organízation, include documents showing evidence of the type of organization, and state the location of the premise upon which alcoholic beverages shall be served and the purpose for the request of the license. (4) For purposes of this sectio n, bona fide chqritqble or nonprofit orgonization means any corporation or other legal entity which has been recognized as exempt from federal taxes under section 501(c) of the lnternal Revenue Code. (5) No charitable or nonprofit organization possessing a special occasion beer permit shall purchase, for sale or distribution, beer from any source other than a licensee as provided pursuant to state law. (6) https://vvww2.municodê.com/libraryltr,lfarragullcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=COOR_TITSALBE_CH2BE 3t12 51512016 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances Failure of the special occasion permittee to abide by the cond¡tions of the permit and all laws of the State of Tennessee and the Town of Farragut will result in a denial of a special occasion beer permit for the sale of beer for a period of two (2) years. Permits shall at all times be subject to all ot the limitatíons and restrictions provided under this Code and the laws of the State of Tennessee. (2) Permits shall be issued to the owner of the business, whether a person, firrn, corporation, joint stock company; syndicate, or association. (3) The applicant or a representative must appear in person before the board and subject himself to examination upon any and all questions appertaining to his qualifícations under this ehapter and amendments thereto. lf the applicant fails to appear before the board the permit request will be postponed until the next regularly scheduled beer board meeting. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-208. - Application fees and privilege tax. (1) Application fee.The application shall be made on such form as the board shall prescribe and/or furnish, and pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-104(a), shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), or such larger amount as may be authorized by the laws of the State of Tennessee. (2) Privilege føx. There is hereby imposed on the business of selling, distributing, storing or manufacturing beer a privilege tax of one hundred dollars ($100.00), or such larger amount as may be authorized by the laws of the State of Tennessee. Any person, firm, corporation, joint stock company, syndicate or association engaged in the sale, distribution, storage or manufacture of beer shall remit the tax each successiveJanuary 1 to the Town of Farragut, Tennessee. At the time a new permit is issued to any business subject to this tax, the permit holder shall be required to pay the privilege tax on a prorated basis for each month or portion thereof remaining untíl the next tax payment date. (Ord, No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) State law reference- Tennessee Code Annotated S 57-5-104(b). Sec. 8-209. - Public consumption of alcoholic beverages prohibited. None of the beverages regulated by this chapter shall be consumed upon any public street, public market not governed by an on-premise permit, alley, boulevard, brídge, nor upon the grounds of any cemetery or public school. (Ord. No. 14-05, 51,5-22-20'14) Sec. 8-210. - Police record check. The town recorder shall submit all applications to the Knox County Sherriff's Office for a records check prior to time of the beer board meeting at which the application will be considered. (Ord. No. 14-05, 51,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-211. - Application-Requirements and conditions. Each applicant for a beer permit shall be required to complete a formal, written application in a form approved by the beer board. Each applicant must explicitly and affirmatively state all of the following: https:/Á 4t12 5t5t2016 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances 1. The owner or owners of such premise. 2. Name of applicant's business and whether the applicant is a person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or associat¡on. 3. Location of premise of the business by street address and tax map and parcel. Telephone number at the location. 4. lf beer will be sold at two (2) or more restaurants or other businesses, within the same building as provided by Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-103(aX4), a description of all such businesses. 6. Any fírm, corporation, joint stock company, syndicate, partnership, limited liability company or association having at least a five (5) percent ownership in the applicant must provide the names of all owners, stockholders, partners, and members, together with the addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers and Federal Tax lD numbers of such individuals. lf an owner, stockholder, partner or member of the applicant is also a legal entity other than a person. The same information for its owners is required. 7 ldentity and address, telephone number, and email address of a representative to receive annual tax notices and other communication from the town. 8 Whether any person, firm, corporation, joint stock companies, syndicate or associations having at least a five-percent ownership interest ín the applicant or any person employed in the distribution or sale of beer has been convicted of any violation of the laws against possession, sale, manufacture, or transportation of beer or other alcoholic beverages or any crime ínvolving moral turpitude within the past ten (10) years. 9 Whether the applicant is seeking a permit which would allow the sale of beer for on-premise consumption of beer or for off-premise consumption or both types of consumptíon. 10. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the property where the applicant's business will be located and a copy of the lease governing the applicant's possession of the premises. 5. 11 The application shall authorize a police records check and shall waive any right the applicant may have to privacy concerning arrests reflecting on the moral character of the applicant. 12 That the applicant will not engage in the sale of such beverages except at the place or places for which the beer board has issued a permit or permits to such applicant. 13. That no sales of such beverages will be made except in accordance with the permit granted. 14. The application shall be submitted to the town recorder at least fifteen (15) days prior to the beer board meetíng at which it is to be considered. 15 Applications shatl at all times be kept on file by the town recorder and shall be open to inspection of the general public within the limits of federal, state and local law, and any person, firm, corporation or association knowingly making any false statement in the application shall forfeit his permit or right to a permit and shall not be eligible to receive any permit for a period of one (1) year thereafter 16 No applicant for a beer permit for on-premise consumption shall be issued a permit unless the town recorder has obtained approval of the premise from the building inspector and fire marshal, and a background report from the Knox County Sheriff's Office recommending approval. 17. Any other information as may be deemed material and requested by the beer board and/or town staff. (Ord. No. 1 4-05, 5 1, 5-22-201 4) https:ÍÍarragr-rtlcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=COOR_TITSALBE_CH28E 5t12 51512016 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances Sec.8-212. - Reserved. Sec. 8-213. - Beer perm¡ts shall be restríct¡ve. All beer permits shall be restrictive as to the type of beer business authorized under them. Separate permits shall be requíred for selling at retail, storíng, distributing, and manufacturing. Beer permits for retail sale of beer may be further restricted so as to authorize sales only for either off-premise or onpremise consumption. lt shall be unlawful for any beer permit holder to engage in any Çpe or phase of the beer business not expressly authorized by his permit. lt shall likewise be unlawful for holder of a permit not to comply with any and all express restrictions or conditíons in the permit. Where an owner operates two (2) or mo!"e restaurants or other businesses u¡ithín the same building, the owner may, in the owner's díscretion, operate some or all such businesses pursuant to the same permit. (Ord. No. 14-05, S 1,5-22-2014]' State law reference- Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-301(a) provides that neither beer permit holders nor persons employed by them may have been "convicted of any violation of the laws against possession, sale, manufacture and transportation of intoxicatÍng lÍquor or any crime involving moral turpitude" within the previous ten years. Under Tennessee Code Annotated S 57-5-301(b), violations are punishable under state law as a Class A misdemeanor. Under Tennessee Code Annotated 5 16-1 8-302, town courts may only enforce local ordinances that mirror, substantially duplicate or incorporate by reference Class C misdemeanors. Town courts are thus prohibited from enforcing ordinances making violations of Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-301 (a) a local offense. Sec. 8-214. - Permits not transferable; permitted locations for consumption. (1) The beer permit is only for the owner to whom the permit is issued and cannot be transferred to another owner. lf the owner is a corporation, a change in ownership shall occur when control of at least fifty (50) percent of the stock of the corporation is transferred to a new owner. (2) The beer permit is only for a singf e location, except as provided in section 8-213, and transferred to another locatíon. A permit shall be valid for all decks, patios and other outdoor serving areas that are contiguous to the exterior of the building in which the business is located and that are operated by the business. (3) Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, when a permittee applies for a new permit based solely upon a change of the name under which the business operates with no change whatsoever in the ownership of the business or the location of its operation, upon completion of the appropriate application form and payment of any required fees, the town recorder shall be authorized to íssue the new permit without further review by the beer board. (Ord. No. 14-05,5 1 ,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-215. - Display of permit. The permit required by this chapter shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premise. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-216. - lnterference with public health, safety, and morals prohibited. https:iÁ 6/12 Farragut, I N Cocle ol Ordinances No permit authorizing the sale of beer will be issued when, as determined in the discretion of the board, such business would cause congestion of traffic or would interfere with schools, residences, churches, or other places of public gathering, or would otherwise interfere with the public health, safety, and morals. ln no event wíll a permít be issued authorizing the manufacture or storage of beer, or the sale of beer within three hundred forty (340) feet of any school or church. The distances shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point on the building from which the beer will be manufactured, stored or sold to the nearest point on the building of the school or church. No permit shall be suspended, revoked or denied on the basis of proximity of the establishment to a school or church if a valid permít had been issued to any business on that same location, unless beer ís not sold, distributed or manufactured at that location during any continuous six-month period. ln no event will a permit of any type required by this chapter be issued for use in conjunction with an establishment in which there is permitted: (1) Any female to appear or remain on the premise so costumed or dressed that one (1) or both breasts are wholly or substantially exposed to public view. "Wholly or substantially exposed to public view," as it pertains to such exposure shall mean the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering of any portion of the breast below the top of the nipple. (2) Any person to appear or remain upon the premise so costumed or dressed that the pubic hair, anus, or genitals are exposed to public view. (Ord. No. 14-05, g 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-217. - lssuance of permits to persons convicted of certain crimes prohibited. No beer permit shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of a crime related to the possession, sale, manufacture, or transportation of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs, or any crime involving moral turpitude within the past ten (10)years. (Ord. No. 14-05, S 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-218. - Classes of consumption permits. Permits issued by the beer board shall consist of five (5) classes: 1 Class 1 on-premises permit. A class 1 on-premises permit shall be issued for the consumption of beer only on the premises. To quali! for a class 1 on-premises permit, an establishment must, in additíon to meeting the other regulations and restrictions in this chapter: a. Be a restaurant or an eating place regulated, monitored and rated by the State of Tennessee; and b. c. Provide adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment on the premise; and The establishment for which a permit for on-premise consumption is sought must sell food prepared for on-premise consumption as a normal, regular and integral part of its everyday activities and such food is available for purchase duríng the same hours that beer is sold for on-premise consumption; and d. 7112 51512016 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances Be able to seat a minimum of fifteen (15) people, including children, in booths and at tables, in addition to any other seatíng it may have; and e. f. 2. Have all required seating in the interíor of the building under a permanent roof; and To satisfu the requlrement that it sell food for on-premise consumption as a normal, regular and integral part of its business, the on-premise permit holder must generate a minimum of sixty (60) percent of the gross revenues of the establishment from food sales. Reporting procedures for establishments holding an on-premise permit are herewith established. Reporting forms shall be provided to establishments holding an on-premise permit and shall detailfood sale and alcoholic beverage sale percentages on an annual basis and shall be due on or before June 30. The permit hoider wiii submit copies of aii saies tax returns and iiquor by the drink returns, with appropriate documentation. These returns shall be subject to audit by the town. Reporting year shall beJanuary 1 through December 31 of the previous year. The town recorder shall keep a record of such compliance and noti¡/ the beer board of an establishment which fails to meet the sixty (60) percent ratio. Class 2 on-premises permit, other. Other establishments making application for a permít to sell beer for consumptíon on the premises, which do not qualifi7, or do not wish to apply for, a class 1 on-premises permit, but which otherwise meet all other regulations and restrictions in this chapter, shall apply for a class 2 on-premises permit. To qualify for a class 2 on-premises permit, an establishment must, in addition to meeting the other regulations and restrictions in this chapter: a. g¡-premise permit holder must generate a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent of the gross revenues of the establishment from sales other than alcoholic beverages. Reporting procedures for establishments holding an on-premise permit are herewith established. Reporting forms shall be provided to establishments holding an on-premise permit and shall detail sales and alcoholic beverage sale percentages on an annual basis and shall be due on or beforeJune 30. The permit holder will submit copies of all sales tax returns with appropriate documentatíon. These returns shall be subject to audit by the town. Reporting year shall be January 1 through December 31 of the previous year. The town recorder shall keep a record of such compliance and notify the beer board of an establíshment which fails to meet the ninety-five (95) percent ratio. 3. Class 3 on-premises hotel/motel permits for operation as a hotel or motel. lf a hotel or motel otherwise meets the requirements of thís code and the laws of the State of Tennessee for either on-premise consumption permit or for an off-premise consumption permit, it ís eligible to hold two (2) separate permits. All on-premise consumption permits for hotels/motels are subject to the following additional conditions: a. b. The hotel/motel that holds the permit must have fifty (50) or more guest rooms; c. The permit holder may only sell beer at the front desk for the establíshment, or through retail convenience shop that is within the hotel/motel building and that ís regularly maintained as such by the motel/motel; and d. The total receipts of the hotel/motel resulting from the sale of beer and other alcoholic beverages may not exceed forty (40) percent of the total revenues received by the permit The permit holder may only sell beer to guests of the hotel/motel, but only for consumption within the guest room assigned to the guest; a holder hotel/motel.þrdinances?nodeld=COOR-T|T8ALBE-CH2BE 8112 5lbl2g16 4. l-arragut, TN Code of Ord¡nances for consumption at a tavern. Tavern shall mean a primary business establishment whose business is or is to be the sale of beer to be consumed on premises. There shall not be more the than a total of three (3) taverns located within the corporate limits of the Town of Farragut. To qualify for a class 4 on-premises permit, an establishment must, in addition to meeting the other regulations and restrictions in thís chapter: a. Be housed in building space and/or tenant space that does not exceed three thousand (3,000) gross square feet. Class 4 on-premise tavern where beer is sold b. c. d. 5. Not make or âllow the sale of beer between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Sundays, and between 12:00 a.m. and 1 0:00 a.m. on all other days of the week. ln no event will a permit be issued authorizing the manufacture or storage of beer, or the sale of beer within three hundred forty (340) feet of any school or church. The distances shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point on the building from which the beer will be manufactured, stored or sold to the nearest point on the buílding of the school or church. No permit shall be suspended, revoked or denied on the basís of proximity of the establishment to a school or church if a valid permit had been issued to any business on that same location, unless beer is not sold, d¡stríbuted or manufactured at that location during any cont¡nuous six-month period. Provide throughout with an approved, supervised autonìatic fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA_1 3. Class 5 off-premises permit. A retailer's "off-premise permit" shall be issued to any person engaged in the sale of beer where the beer is not io be consumed by the purchaser or his guest upon or near the premise of the seller. 6. Class 6 special occasion beer permit. The special occasion beer permit request shall be made on such form as the board shall prescribe and/or furnish and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of one hundred dollars ($1 00.00). a. The beer board ís authorized to issue a special occasion beer permit to bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations for special events. b. The special occasion beer permit shall not be issued for longer than one (1) forty-eight-hour period, unless otherwise specified by the beer board, subject to the limitations on the hours, imposed by law. c. The application for the special occasion beer permit shall state whether the applicant is a charitable or nonprofit organization, include documents showing evidence of the type of organization, and state the location of the premise upon which alcoholic beverages shall be served and the purpose for the request of the license. d. For purposes of this section: 1. Bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization means any corporation or other legal as exempt from federal taxes under section 501(c) of .';| il.ii:îli:î:'.nä::n'"0 e. No charitable or nonprofit organization possessing a special occasion beer permit shall purchase, for sale or distribution, beer from any source other than a licensee as provided pursuant to state law.|TSALBE_CH2BE 9112 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances 5t5t2016 f. Failure of the spec¡al occasion permittee to abide by the conditions of the permit and all laws of the State of Tennessee and the Town of Farragut will result in a denial of a special occasion beer permit for the sale of beer for a period of two (2) years. (Ord. No. 14-05, g "1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-219. - Prohibited conduct or activities by beer permit holders, employees and persons engaged in the sale of beer. The following acts or conduct on licensed premised are deemed contrary to public policy, safety, health and morals and it shall be unlawful for any beer permit holder, employee or person engaged in the saie of beer to: (1) Employ any person convicted of a crime related to the possession, sale, manufacture, or transportation of intoxicating liquor, or any crime involving moral turpitude within the past ten (1 0) years. (2) Employ any minor under eighteen (18) years of age in the sale, storage, distribution or manufacture of beer. (3) Make or allow the sale of beer between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays, and between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 â;ffl. or'l all other days of the week. (4) Allow any loud, unusual, or obnoxious noises to emanate from the premise of the beer permit holder. (s) Allow any person under twenty-one (21) years of age to loiter ín or about the place of business of the beer permit holder. (6) Make or allow the sale of beer to a minor under twenty-on e (21) years of age. (7) Operate or permit any employee or any other person to operate any gambling device or game of chance whatsoever. (8) Bring, cause or allow to be brought onto the premises of any permittee any prohibited drugs under the provisions and within the meaning of the Tennessee Code Annotated. to provide and maintain separate sanitary toilet facilities for men and women or fail to comply with any state, county or local health laws and regulatíon. (10) Exhibit any motion pictures for which a fee for entrance to the theater is charged. (1 1) Allow the sale of beer in any establishment where adult entertainment occurs or adult materials, novelty or other adult items are sold or stored. (12) Employ, use or allow any person in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages or malt beverages in or upon the licensed premises while such person is unclothed or in such attire, costume or clothíng as to expose to view any portion of the female breast below the top of the areola or of any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocks, vulva or genitals. (13) Employ, use or allow the services of any hostess or other person to mingle with the patrons while such hostess or other person is unclothed or in such attire, costume or clothing as (e) Fail described in subsection t(12)1. (14) Encourage or permit any person ton the licensed premises to touch, caress or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus or genitals of any other person. (1s) Permit any employee or person to wear or use any device or covering, exposed to view, which simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair or any portion thereof. https:úÍlcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=COOR_TITBALBE_CH2BE 10t12 Farragut, TN Code of Ordinances (16) Allow any person on the licensed premises under the guise of entertainment to perform acts or simulated acts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation or any other sexual acts prohibited by law; engage in the actual or simulated touching, caressing, orfondling of the breasts, buttocks, anus orgenitals; engage in the actual orsimulated displaying of the pubic hair, anus, buttocks, vulva, genitals, or breasts below the top of the areola of any person; wear or use any device or covering exposed to public view which simulates the human breasts, genitals, anus, pubic hair, or any portion thereof. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1, 5-22-2014) Sec. 8-220. - lssuance. After all inspectíons have been made and the applicant for a beer permít has met all requirements of this article, afterall necessaryfees and charges have been paid bythe applicant, and afterthe beer board has determined the applicant has complied with all other requirements contained in this article, the board shall approve the application. Within a reasonable time following final approval of the application, a beer permit shall be issued to the applicant. The permittee shall retain such beer permit for as long as he shall wish to do business at the premise for which it was issued; provided that such permit is not revoked or susþended by the board. (Ord. No. 14-05, g 1,5-22-2014') Sec.8-221. - Revocation or suspension of beer permits. The beer board shall have the power to revoke or suspend any beer permit issued under the provisions of this chapter when the holder thereof is guilty of making a false statement or misrepresentation in his applicatíon for failing to take actions required by this chapter or of violating any of the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the provisions of section 3-220. However, no beer permit shall be revoked or suspended until a public hearing is held by the board after reasonable notice to all the known parties in interest. Revocation or suspension proceedings may be initiated by the town administrator or member of the beer board. Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-608, the beer board shall not revoke or suspend the permit of a "responsible vendor" qualified under the requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated S 57-5606 for a clerk's illegal sale of beer to a minor if the clerk is properly certified and has attended annual meetings since the clerk's original certification, unless the vendor's status as a certified responsible vendor has been revoked by the alcoholic beverage commission. lf the responsible vendor's certification has been revoked, the vendor shall be punished by the beer board as if the vendor were not certified as a responsible vendor. "Clerk" means any person working in a capacity to sell beer directly to consumers for off-premise consumption. Under Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-608, the alcoholic beverage commission shall revoke a vendor's status as a responsible vendor upon notification by the beer board that the board has made a final determination that the vendor has sold beer to a minor for the second time in a consecutive twelve-month period. The revocation shall be for three (3)years. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) Sec.8-222. - Fire and building inspection. No beer permit of any type shall be issued unless and until the premise to which such permit is applicable have been inspected and have passed the minimum fire and building codes adopted by the town. https:/ 11t12 51512016 Farragut, TN Codeof Ordinances The beer board shall have the power to revoke any beer permít issued under the provisions of this chapter when the premise are found to be in violation of the minimum fire and life safety codes and building codes. No beer permit shall be revoked until a public hearing is held by the beer board after reasonable notice to all the known parties in interest. Revocation proceedings may be initiated by the town administrator, or a member of the beer board. (Ord. No. 1 4-O5, 5 1, 5-22-201 4) Sec. 8-223. - Civil penalty in lieu A. B. C. of revocation or suspension. Responsible vendor. The beer board shall not, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated S 57-5-608, revoke or suspenci the permit of a responsibíe vencior for a cierk's iiiegai saie of beer to a minor, if the vendor and the clerk making the sale have complied with the requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-606 as a responsible vendor under that part, but may impose upon the responsible vendor a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors or for any violation of this article or state law. Permanent revocation of beer permits issued to responsible vendors may only be applied when a responsible vendor permittee commits at least two (2) violations within a twelve-month period and then only after the state alcoholic beverage commission revokes the permittee's status as a responsible vendor. Non-responsible vendor. The prohibition of subsection (A) concerning the revocation or suspension of the vendor's permit shall not apply to any vendor who is not a responsible vendor under the Responsible Vendor Act, Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-601 et seq., or to a participat¡ng vendor, if the vendor or clerk making a sale to a minor fails to comply with the requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated 5 57-5-606. With respect to such permittee, the beer: board may, at the time it imposes a revocation or suspension, offer the permittee the alternative of paying a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) for each offense of making or permitting to be made any sales to minors, or a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for any other offense. lf a civil penalty is offered as an alternative to revocation or suspension, the holder shall have seven (7) days within which to pay the civíl penalty before the revocation or suspension shall be imposed. lf the civil penalty is not received within seven (7) days the revocation or suspension shall begin eight (8) days after the beer board hearing. lf the civil penalty is paid withín that time, the revocation or suspension shall be deemed withdrawn. Payment of the cívil penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension by a permit holder shall be an admission by the holder of the violation so charged and shall be paid to the exclusion of any other penalty that the town may impose. (Ord. No. 14-05, S 1,5-22-2014) Sec. 8-224. - Violations. Any violation of this chapter shall constitute a civil offense and shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a penalty under the general penalty provision of this code. Each day a violation shall be allowed to continue shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. No. 14-05, 5 1,5-22-2014) https:/fuvww2.municode.comlibraryllnlfarragutlcodes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=COOR_TITSALBE_CH2BE 12t12 AGENDA NUMBER ti ,ìl ,l \{orkshop MEETING DATE Mav 12,2016 , ì\ PREPARED BY: Allison Myers, Town RecorderÆreasurer SUBJECT: Farragut Business Alliance Workshop Materials will be available at the workshop.