pocket guide - Marché du Film
pocket guide - Marché du Film
POCKET GUIDE 2016_ FILMS & SCREENINGS Director Rina B. TSOU Arnie Screening Time— May 17 14:15 Espace Miramar - press/industry/general audience May 17 19:45 Espace Miramar - press/industry/general audience May 19 18:30 Théâtre Allexandre III - general audience The Road To Mandalay Director Midi Z Sales— Flash Forward Entertainment Kai KO, Ke-xi WU Forêt Debussy Director KUO Cheng-chui GWEI Lun-mei, LU Yi-ching Sales— Ablaze Image Ltd. / Palais 01 26.02 info@ablazeimage.com SOMMAIRE CONTENTS LES SALLES DE PROJECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. a-2 SCREENING ROOMS HORAIRES DES PROJECTIONS SCREENING TIMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REPRISE DE LA SÉLÉCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL SELECTION RERUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. a-4 p. a-43 et a-47 FILMS EN PROJECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. a-49 FILMS WITH SCREENINGS a-1 LES SALLES DE PROJECTION SCREENING ROOMS En 2016, le Marché du Film met à la disposition de ses participants 35 salles de projection. In 2016, the Marché du Film has 35 screening rooms at the disposal of its participants. PALAIS DES FESTIVALS CINEMA “LES ARCADES” Niveau 3 / Level 3 77 rue Félix-Faure • Arcades 1 (246 fauteuils / seats) • Arcades 2 (128 fauteuils / seats) • Arcades 3 (77 fauteuils / seats) • Palais B (38 fauteuils / seats) • Palais C (43 fauteuils / seats) • Palais D (43 fauteuils / seats) • Palais E (38 fauteuils / seats) • Palais F (34 fauteuils / seats) • Palais G (40 fauteuils / seats) • Palais H (50 fauteuils / seats) Niveau 4 / Level 4 • Palais I (73 fauteuils / seats) • Palais J (73 fauteuils / seats) • Palais K (147 fauteuils / seats) Hôtel Gray d’Albion, 1er étage / 1st floor 38 rue des Serbes • Gray 1 (81 fauteuils / seats) • Gray 2 (45 fauteuils / seats) • Gray 3 (40 fauteuils / seats) • Gray 4 (32 fauteuils / seats) • Gray 5 (19 fauteuils / seats) DOC CORNER CINEMA “OLYMPIA” Riviera H8 (15 fauteuils / seats) Vidéothèque / video library 5bis rue d’Antibes • Olympia 1 (320 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 2 (252 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 3 (72 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 4 (72 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 5 (114 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 6 (68 fauteuils /seats) • Olympia 7 (82 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 8 (127 fauteuils / seats) • Olympia 9 (79 fauteuils / seats) RIVIERA Niveau 0 / Level 0 • Riviera 1 (63 fauteuils / seats) • Riviera 2 (63 fauteuils / seats) Niveau 1 / Level 1 • Lerins 1 (63 fauteuils / seats) • Lerins 2 (63 fauteuils / seats) • Lerins 3 (63 fauteuils / seats) • Lerins 4 (63 fauteuils / seats) NEXT Village International Pantiero-side Cinema VR (30 fauteuils / seats) a-2 CINEMA “GRAY D’ALBION” Dolby Atmos dans le monde 1600+ écrans Dolby Atmos installés ou en cours 400+ films annoncés en Dolby Atmos 100+ studios de mixage pour Dolby Atmos DÉCOUVREZ LES PRODUCTIONS FRANÇAISES EN DOLBY ATMOS DOLBY.COM/ATMOS HORAIRES DES PROJECTIONS SCREENING TIMES LE POCKET GUIDE 2016 A ÉTÉ PUBLIÉ AVEC DES INFORMATIONS REÇUES JUSQU'AU 29/04/2016 THE POCKET GUIDE 2016 HAS BEEN EDITED WITH INFORMATION RECEIVED UP UNTIL 29/04/2016 Toutes les projections du Marché sont accessibles sur présentation du badge Marché du Film ou invitation délivrée par le Service Projections. Les projections dans les salles Lumière, Debussy, Buñuel, Salle du Soixantième, Théâtre Croisette et Miramar sont accessibles sur présentation du badge Marché ou Festival. Access to Marché du Film screenings is upon presentation of the Marché badge or an invitation given by the Marché Screening Department. Access to screenings taking place in Lumière, Debussy, Buñuel, Salle du Soixantième, Théâtre Croisette and Miramar is upon presentation of either a Marché or Festival badge. SUNDAY 15 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only 8 LUMIÈRE TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 9 10 11 12 13 11:30 (145’) CO 11:15 (105’) CR DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 1 068 seats PALAIS D 43 seats 38 seats 09:30 (94’) KIKI Sara Jordenö FILMS BOUTIQUE 11:30 (91’) LILY LANE Bence Fliegauf FILMS BOUTIQUE 10:00 (103’) QR 12:00 (109’) MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS priority only 09:15 (119’) CR THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE AUTHOR: THE JT LEROY STORY Jeff Feuerzeig DOGWOOF 11:30 (65’) CC BERNADETTE LAFONT, AND GOD CREATED THE F Esther Hoffenberg DOC & FILM INT’L 34 seats 12:00 (90’) THE CHOSEN Antonio Chavarrías FILMAX INT’L 09:30 (105’) PALAIS F DESPERATE SUNFLOWERS SHOCHIKU BEHEMOTH Zhao Liang UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (92’) WE DON’T BELONG HERE Peer Pederson PREMIERE ENT. 10:00 (103’) PALAIS G 40 seats THE CONFESSIONS Roberto Andò TRUE COLOURS 12:00 (103’) THE DREAM OF WATER Farhad Mehranfar FARABI CINEMA 20 21 19:30 (125’) CO FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 22 23 24 22:30 (116’) HC THE NICE GUYS Shane Black BLOOM 19:45 (106’) HC CHOUF Karim Dridi DOC & FILM INT’L 16:30 (105’) CR BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 22:00 (100’) CR DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 16:00 (118’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 13:30 (99’) THE BODYGUARD Sammo Hung EDKO FILMS 15:30 (114’) TAMARA Elia K. Schneider WIDE 14:00 (89’) 16:00 (93’) SC WHO’S YOUR DADDY Sylvain Descloux BAC FILMS 13:30 (88’) TRANSIT HAVANA Daniel Abma RISE AND SHINE 14:00 (83’) MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 15:30 (92’) CR THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen invite only LES FILMS DU LOSANGE COME ALONG Igor Sterk SLOVENIAN FILM FUND 13:30 (106’) LOST SOLACE Chris Scheuerman JINGA FILMS 14:00 (95’) MY BROTHER, KHOSRO Ehsan Biglari FARABI CINEMA 16:00 (90’) KOMBISSIRI René Letzgus STAR PRODUCTION 15:30 (87’) 17:30 (86’) WELCOME HOME Philippe De Pierpont BE FOR FILMS 18:00 (120’) NIGHT’S TIGHTROPE Yukiko Mishima TOEI COMPANY 17:30 (100’) DOUBLE Catrinel Danaiata ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE 16:00 (86’) BUNKER 77 Takuji Masuda SUBMARINE ENT. TITRES EN BLEU BLUE TITLE Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché Film screened for the first time at a market press Presse autorisée / Press allowed invite only Sur invitation seulement / By invitation only priority only Badges prioritaires seulement / Priority badges only 20:00 (82’) LES SAUTEURS Estephan Wagner WIDE HOUSE 18:00 (90’) SHADOW WORLD Johan Grimonprez WIDE HOUSE 17:30 (105’) 20:00 (110’) ANTBOY 3 THE SHEPHERD Ask Hasselbalch Jonathan Cenzual Burley ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION WIDE ACCÈS AUX PROJECTIONS SCREENING ACCESS a-4 19 THE BFG Steven Spielberg MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT 14:00 (100’) CR THE TRANSFIGURATION Michael O’shea PROTAGONIST PICTURES 09:45 (124’) PALAIS E 18 17:30 (120’) HC TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 11:00 (97’) CR 280 seats 43 seats 14:30 (162’) CO AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Chan-Wook Park CJ E&M BAZIN 17 AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold PROTAGONIST PICTURES DEBUSSY PALAIS C 16 15:30 (158’) CO FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 432 seats 38 seats 15 08:30 (125’) CO SALLE DU 60e PALAIS B 14 TRAPPED ABROAD 2 Erdenebileg G DIGITAL CONTENT 18:00 (108’) DISTRACTION BABIES Tetsuya Mariko SHOCHIKU 20:30 (97’) CHOLAI Arun Roy KR MOVIES SÉLECTION SELECTION CO HC CC CR QR SC Compétition Officielle / Official Competition Hors Compétition / Out of Competition Cannes Classics Un Certain Regard Quinzaine des Réalisateurs / ODirectors Fortnight Semaine de la Critique NEXT DISRUPTIVE MODELS NEW AUDIENCES SHAPING TOMORROW’S CINEMA SHOWROOM & CONFERENCES MORE INFORMATION ON WWW.MARCHEDUFILM.COM/EN/NEXT + Bronx (Paris) www.bronx.fr Village International, Pantiero-side INNOVATION PAVILION 201 VISIONARY VIRTUAL REALITY VISIT US 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 9 KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE Robert Greene DOGWOOF 09:30 (112’) NALEDI: A BABY ELEPHANT’S TALE Ben Bowie CONTENT MEDIA TOHO CO. 11:30 (90’) OTHER ANGLE PICTURES TOHO PROMO REEL 12:00 (50’) LOVETRUE Alma Har’el DOGWOOF 11:30 (82’) PROMO REEL OTHER ANGLE 10:00 (110’) 13 A NOBLE INTENTION Joram Lürsen DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL 12 11:30 (110’) ELECTRIC ENTERTAINMENT TELL ME HOW I DIE 11 10:00 (108’) 10 THE FOUNDERS Carrie Schrader KALEIDOSCOPE 13:30 (89’) TICKLED David Farrier MAGNOLIA 16:00 (92’) RAMMSTEIN PARIS Jonas Akerlund NFP MARKETING 15:30 (98’) THE MORNING AFTER Shanra J. Kehl PRINC FILMS 16:00 (79’) TANK 432 (AKA BELLY OF THE BULLDOG) Nick Gillespie KALEIDOSCOPE 15:30 (88’) 16:00 (78’) S IS FOR STANLEY Alex Infascelli RAI TRADE 15:30 (97’) 16:00 (110’) 17 GLEASON Clay Tweel THE EXCHANGE 16 SOLO Laura Morante TRUE COLOURS UNITED STATES OF LOVE Tomasz Wasilewski NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 14:00 (104’) KID WITNESS Kevin Kaufman BLEIBERG ENT. 13:30 (100’) ARIANNA Carlo Lavagna RAI TRADE 14:00 (84’) IN MY FATHERS GARDEN Ben Sombogaart DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL 13:30 (110’) 14:00 (91’) 15 WE NEED TO TALK David Serrano FILM FACTORY CARNABY INT’L BEAUTIFUL DEVILS 13:30 (98’) 14 THE PLAY THE EYES OF MY MOTHER Nicolas Pesce MAGNOLIA 17:30 (77’) 18:00 (95’) HIMITSU THE TOP SECRET SHOCHIKU 20:00 (149’) CAFÉ SOCIETY Woody Allen FILMNATION 21 22 23:00 (96’) HC 24 CAFÉ SOCIETY Woody Allen FILMNATION 23 WEDNESDAY 11 20 19:15 (96’) HC FEMALE FIGHT CLUB / FFC Miguel Ferrer CINEVILLE INT’L TIKKUN Avishai Sivan BLEIBERG ENT. 17:30 (120’) END OF A GUN Keoni Waxman THE EXCHANGE 18:00 (90’) THE LEGEND OF BEN HALL Matthew Holmes ODIN’S EYE 17:30 (135’) KIDS IN LOVE Chris Foggin CARNABY INT’L 18:00 (85’) 17:30 (102’) ONE KISS Ivan Cotroneo TRUE COLOURS 18:00 (85’) 19 C STREET Peter James Iengo L.A. CONNECTIONS RAI TRADE 17:30 (118’) 18 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-6 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 8 9 10 CITY 40 Samira Goetschel CINEPHIL 09:30 (73’) 11 DIVISION 19 S.a. Halewood SPOTLIGHT PICTURES 10:00 (100’) BASMATI BLUES Dan Baron AMBI DISTRIBUTION 09:45 (120’) 12 LEGENDARY AD Leonardo Corbucci LEGENDARY SERIES 11:30 (93’) 13 GOOD LUCK SAM Farid Bentoumi FILMS DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (90’) SPANISH AFFAIR 2 Emilio Martinez-lazaro FILM FACTORY 12:00 (107’) 14 THE SETTLERS Shimon Dotan CINEPHIL 15 CONTENTS PANDA PROMO REEL 14:00 (20’) in a loop 14:00 (97’) BEING CHARLIE Rob Reiner BOB’S YOUR UNCLE ANOTHER EVIL D. Mell Carson RAVEN BANNER 14:00 (90’) STRATTON Simon West GFM FILMS 14:00 (86’) 13:30 (110’) ALDABRA: ONCE UPON AN ISLAND Steve Lichtag VISION FILMS 11:30 (73’) ATTACK OF THE KILLER DONUTS CARDINAL XD 12:00 (87’) CHINA SUNNY MEDIA press ONE AGAINST ALL 12:00 (110’) KINOLOGY PRIVATE SCREENING 16 17 BEYOND THE LANDSCAPE OF JAPAN Maki Indo AUGMENT5 INC. 15:30 (110’) THE SUMMER OF ALL MY PARENTS Diastème FILMS DISTRIBUTION 15:30 (97’) THE SNOW QUEEN 3: FIRE AND ICE Alexey Tsitsilin WIZART ANIMATION 16:00 (40’) DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST Julie Dash COHEN MEDIA GROUP 15:30 (112’) 18 IN CALIFORNIA Charles Redon THE OPEN REEL 17:30 (78’) 17:30 (97’) VIRTUAL REVOLUTION Guy-Roger Duvert EAGLE FILM USA * 19 RUMBOS Manuela Burlo Moreno FILM FACTORY 18:00 (96’) THIS BEAUTIFUL FANTASTIC Simon Aboud AMBI DISTRIBUTION 17:30 (130’) 20 FROG KINGDOM: SUB-ZERO MISSION Fei Peng GOLDEN NETWORK 17:30 (87’) MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS Johnny O’reilly MONTECRISTO 18:00 (101’) KINOLOGY 18:00 (110’) SOLA MEDIA PROMO SCREENING SOLA MEDIA 16:00 (100’) 15:30 (80’) CLAIRE IN MOTION Annie Howell VISIT FILMS SHOWBOX / MEDIAPLEX SHOWBOX PROMO 16:00 (110’) WE ARE FAMILY Gabriel Julien-laferriere TF1 INT’L 16:00 (98’) 21 22 * RIVIERA 1 23 24 URFIN AND HIS WOODEN SOLDIERS Vladimir Toropchin WIZART ANIMATION 17:00 (50’) 77 seats ARCADES 3 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 9 GAUMONT 11 GAUMONT GAUMONT PROMO REELS BRING THE SUN HOME Giovanni Pellegrini GALLOPING FILMS 10:00 (68’) 10 09:00 (36’) 09:45 (36’) GAUMONT PROMO REELS 8 13 15 17:00 (45’) 16:00 (45’) AS YOU ARE Miles Joris-peyrafitte ALMA CINEMA 13:30 (105’) TF1 INT’L PRIVATE SCREENING TF1 INTL 14:00 (81’) ODD JOB Pascal Chaumeil GAUMONT 13:30 (100’) GAUMONT PROMO REELS GAUMONT 16:00 (36’) x 2 EXIT 14 Joe Salcedo CARDINAL XD 16:00 (87’) 15:30 (87’) GIBBY Phil Gorn VMI WORLDWIDE LIFE RISKING ROMANCE Joy Song UNITED PICTURES invite only 14:00 (110’) 13:30 (93’) 16:00 (100’) MY NEW SASSY GIRL Gun-Shik Joh MIROVISION INC. BITTER HARVEST George Mendeluk SPOTLIGHT PICTURES 15:30 (102’) 18 19 17:30 (127’) DEATH IN SARAJEVO Danis Tanovic THE MATCH FACTORY 20:30 (8’) 20:45 (102’) 20:00 (87’) SEE YOU IN VALHALLA Jarret Tarnol CARDINAL XD 22 PROMO THE ODYSSEY KIKI, LOVE TO LOVE Paco León WILD BUNCH WILD BUNCH priority only priority only 18:30 (84’) FOG IN AUGUST Kai Wessel STUDIOCANAL 17:30 (90’) TRADED Timothy Woodward, Jr. VMI WORLDWIDE 18:00 (101’) KILL ME PLEASE Anita Rocha Da Silveira MPM FILM 21 23 24 WEDNESDAY 11 20 THE WEAVING OF A DREAM: JOHNNIE TO’S VIS Ferris Lin MEDIA ASIA GROUP 17 16 THE WEAVING OF A DREAM: JOHNNIE TO’S VIS Ferris Lin MEDIA ASIA GROUP 14 DON’T KILL IT Mike Mendez ARCHSTONE SHOWDOWN IN MANILA Marc Dacascos LIGHTNING ENT. 12:00 (88’) #HORROR Tara Subkoff SPOTLIGHT PICTURES 11:30 (101’) DELI MAN Erik Anjou GALLOPING FILMS 12:00 (92’) 12 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 8 9 COME AND FIND ME Zack Whedon GOLDCREST FILMS 14:00 (100’) LADY BLOODFIGHT Chris Nahon VOLTAGE PICTURES 16:00 (100’) PROMOS 10 11 IRREPLACEABLE Thomas Lilti LE PACTE 10:00 (102’) IMPERIUM Daniel Ragussis GREEN-LIGHT INT’L 10:00 (105’) 12 13 CREATURE DESIGNERS: THE FRANKENSTEIN COM Alexandre Poncet LE PACTE 11:30 (104’) 12:00 (101’) I.T. John Moore VOLTAGE PICTURES DON’T KNOCK TWICE Caradog James CONTENT MEDIA 11:30 (104’) 14 LITTLE MEN Ira Sachs MONGREL INT’L 14:00 (95’) 15 SWISS ARMY MEN Daniel Scheinert BLOOM PYROMANIAC Erik Skjoldbjaerg TRUSTNORDISK invite only 14:00 (97’) 13:30 (85’) SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS Philippa Lowthorpe HANWAY FILMS 12:00 (98’) 16 LOVESONG So Yong Kim MONGREL INT’L 15:30 (85’) YOUTH IN OREGON Joel David Moore CONTENT MEDIA 15:30 (100’) THE CLIFF Helena Taberna WTFILMS 15:30 (99’) 15:30 (91’) 17 THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY Andrew Rossi ELLE DRIVER WILD BUNCH priority only 18 IMPERIUM Daniel Ragussis GREEN-LIGHT INT’L 17:30 (105’) 19 18:00 (120’) THE DAY WILL COME Jesper W. Nielsen TRUSTNORDISK invite only MY HINDU FRIEND Hector Babenco HANWAY FILMS 17:30 (114’) HOPE Erik De Bruyn DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL 17:30 (90’) VICKY Denis Imbert GAUMONT 18:00 (88’) I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER Billy O’brien INDEPENDENT 18:00 (105’) THERE ARE MONSTERS Bryan Bertino EMBANKMENT FILMS invite only 10:00 (110’) 20 SND GROUPE M6 PROMO SCREENING SND / M6 priority only 18:00 (50’) in a loop TF1 INT’L 11:30 (109’) PROMO SCREENING TF1 INTL 10:00 (110’) 21 22 23 24 DOC CORNER MAY 11-22 9AM-6:30PM EXPERTS CONSULTING MARKET SCREENINGS MORE INFORMATION ON WWW.MARCHEDUFILM.COM/EN/DOCCORNER + Bronx (Paris) www.bronx.fr RIVIERA - STAND H8 DOC MEETS PRESENTATIONS LET’S TALK DOCS EXHIBITORS VIDEO LIBRARY THE ONE-STOP VENUE FOR DOCS DOCUMENTARIES DOCUMENT TARIES A FEATURE FEA ATURE T FILMS - MARKET MARKET SCREENINGS G LORY TAMARA A film by Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov A film by Kirill Serebrennikov A film by Elia K. Schneider A film by Ricardo Velarde A film by Shoja Azari A film by Tjebbo Penning A film by Jonas Rothlaender A film by Alex Anwandter A film by Kelly Daniela Norris and TW Pittman A film by Jihane Chouaib A film by Petr Vaclav A film by Chloé Leriche WE’LL BE A LRIGH T A film by Claire Simon A film by Alexander Kuznetsov A film by Moritz Siebert and Estephan Wagner Co-directed by Abou Bakar Sidibé A film by Mete Gümürhan A film by Johan Grimonprez A film by Christy Garland MARKET MARKET SCREENINGS LOÏC MAGNERON PRESIDENT + 33 6 60 43 96 86 lm@widemanagement.com lm@widemanagement.com ANAÏS CLANET GEN. GEN. MANAGER MANAGER + 33 6 83 22 18 06 ac@widehouse.org ac@widehouse.org BOO BOOTH TH RIVIER RIVIERA A G2 FREDERIC GENTE T INTL SALES + 33 6 84 26 06 73 fg@widemanagement.com fg@widemanagement.com DIANE FERRANDEZ INTL SALES + 33 7 61 57 96 86 df@widemanagement.com df@widemanagement.com 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 64 SIX-FOUR Zeze Takahisa TBS 10:00 (224’) SAM Nicholas Brooks VISION FILMS 09:30 (103’) I AM YOUR FATHER Marcos Cabotá CINEMA REPUBLIC 10:00 (82’) FOREVER Jaco Smit PRINC FILMS 09:30 (101’) 13 ONE FATAL WEEKEND Peter Nicholson MULTIVISIONNAIRE 11:30 (93’) 14:00 (89’) 16:00 (108’) DISTRACTION BABIES Tetsuya Mariko SHOCHIKU FIGHT VALLEY Rob Hawk BREAKING GLASS 15:30 (85’) OFFICIAL SELECTION Jacques Richard LES FILMS ELEMENTAIRES CANOLA Chang MIROVISION INC. invite only BLOSSOMING INTO A FAMILY 18:00 (126’) A DOUBLE LIFE Yoshiyuki Kishi KADOKAWA ROSE & ROY Adolfo Doring NEW WORLD CINEMAS 17:30 (97’) 18:00 (77’) GOLD VIEW 17:30 (125’) 18:00 (86’) 19 CHICKEN Joe Stephenson MIROVISION INC. 17:30 (118’) THE PLAY Menna Kamel RAI TRADE 18 MR FROG WE’LL BE ALRIGHT Anna Van Der Heide Alexander Kuznetsov ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION WIDE HOUSE 16:00 (86’) THE EXILE Arturo Ruiz CINEMA REPUBLIC 15:30 (87’) 16:00 (77’) 17 CHASING NIAGARA Rush Sturges RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE 15:30 (99’) THE BODYGUARD Sammo Hung EDKO FILMS 15:30 (174’) CO 16 SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS Serban Georgescu ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE 14:00 (60’) WE ARE NEVER ALONE Petr Vaclav WIDE 13:30 (103’) 14:00 (90’) BEYOND THE GATES Jackson Stewart JINGA FILMS 13:30 (91’) LILY LANE Bence Fliegauf FILMS BOUTIQUE 14:00 (90’) CR 15 PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE 14 13:15 (116’) ALIVE AND KICKING Susan Glatzer MAGNOLIA 12:00 (89’) NAKOM Kelly Daniela Norris WIDE 11:30 (90’) WEINER Elyse Steinberg DOGWOOF 12:00 (96’) 11:30 (97’) PERFECT STRANGERS Paolo Genovese TRUE COLOURS CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 11:00 (97’) CR CAFÉ SOCIETY Woody Allen FILMNATION 11:00 (96’) HC 11:00 (100’) HC 12 MONEY MONSTER Jodie Foster 11 RICHARD LINKLATER: DREAM IS DESTINY Louis Black DOGWOOF 10:00 (93’) MONOLITH Ivan Silvestrini TRUE COLOURS 10 09:30 (83’) STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH 08:30 (100’) CO 9 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-12 20:30 (110’) 22:00 (90’) CR 22:30 (100’) CO STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH 23 PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE 22 VALLEY INN Kim Swing - Chris Spencer MEDALLION 20:00 (86’) EL ORIGEN DEL CIELO David Belmar THE OPEN REEL 19:45 (97’) CR CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 19:45 (135’) HC THE LAST RESORT Thanos Anastopoulos WIDE HOUSE 19:30 (100’) HC 21 24 THURSDAY 12 MONEY MONSTER Jodie Foster 20 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-13 8 10:00 (12’) 10 11 12 13 TSUKIJI WONDERLAND Endo Naotaro SHOCHIKU 11:30 (110’) 09:30 (97’) THE PEARL Jessica Dimmock CINEPHIL FATIMA Philippe Faucon PYRAMIDE INT’L 11:30 (79’) 14 15 LOBANOVSKYI FOREVER Anton Azarov DAS BOOT PROD. 13:30 (93’) 13:15 (120’) 14:00 (86’) WELCOME HOME Philippe De Pierpont BE FOR FILMS CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP LINE-UP CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP 13:30 (100’) 14:00 (84’) EL REY DEL ONCE Daniel Burman FILMSHARKS INT’L LE MANS 3D – RACING IS EVERYTHING James Erskine KALEIDOSCOPE 13:30 (90’) SAND STORM Elite Zexer BETA CINEMA 14:00 (87’) 6.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE Nae Caranfil PREMIUM FILMS invite only 13:30 (112’) SHEEP AND WOLVES Maxim Volkov WIZART ANIMATION 14:00 (80’) BEFORE THE FALL Ian White CALIFORNIA PICTURES 13:30 (98’) CROMO Lucia Puenzo PYRAMIDE INT’L THE LAND Steven Caple Jr. FILM CONSTELLATION 12:00 (104’) 11:30 (89’) MORRIS FROM AMERICA Chad Hartigan VISIT FILMS CALIFORNIA Marina Person FILMS BOUTIQUE 12:00 (90’) FROM NOWHERE Matthew Newton VISIT FILMS 09:30 (89’) FILMS DISTRIBUTION PROMO REEL FILMS DISTRIBUTION 10:00 (36’) in a loop THEY CALL ME JEEG Gabriele Mainetti RAI TRADE 09:15 (118’) THE LAND OF THE ENLIGHTENED Pieter-Jan De Pue FILMS BOUTIQUE 10:00 (87’) DANCE FROG KINGDOM: TO DEATH SUB-ZERO MISSION Andrey Volgin Fei Peng PLANETA INFORM GOLDEN NETWORK ONE STEP Jaihong Juhn FINECUT 10:30 (50’) 11:30 (87’) LOST IN THE PACIFIC Vincent Zhou DARCLIGHT FILMS 10:00 (90’) 12:00 (100’) 11:30 (98’) ROBERT DOISNEAU: THROUGH THE LENS Jan Vazak JOUR2FETE 12:00 (80’) BETWEEN SEA AND LAND Carlos Del Castillo GLOBAL SCREEN USS INDIANAPOLIS: MEN OF COURAGE Mario Van Peebles HANNIBAL CLASSICS invite only 09:30 (130’) BASMATI BLUES Dan Baron AMBI DISTRIBUTION 09:15 (120’) THE CHOSEN Antonio Chavarrías FILMAX INT’L priority only 09:45 (124’) THE ICEBREAKER Nikolay Khomeriki PLANETA INFORM 9 11:30 (94’) BLACKWAY BOBBY Daniel Alfredson Ron Scalpello ELECTRIC ENTERTAINMENT KALEIDOSCOPE 09:30 (90’) 16 HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Ziga Virc CAT & DOCS 15:30 (88’) 15:30 (90’) MISS IMPOSSIBLE Emilie Deleuze DOC & FILM INT’L KIKI Sara Jordenö FILMS BOUTIQUE 15:30 (94’) 16:00 (85’) 17 18 19 DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS Juan Mejia Botero CINEPHIL 17:30 (73’) 17:30 (120’) THE CREW Nikolay Lebedev CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP 18:00 (115’) AGNUS DEI Anne Fontaine FILMS DISTRIBUTION PALI ROAD Jonathan Lim ARCLIGHT FILMS 17:30 (95’) 18:00 (97’) TIGER, BLOOD IN MOUTH Hernán Belón FILM FACTORY 17:30 (98’) 21 UN NUOVO GIORNO Stefano Calvagna POKER ENT. 20:30 (109’) 22 A QUIET PASSION Terence Davies DOUBLE DUTCH INT’L 20:30 (125’) HIGANJIMA (ORIGINAL TITLE) Takeshi Watanabe SHOCHIKU 20:00 (100’) 20 FINECUT PRIVATE SCREENING FINECUT THE WAITING Kasra Farahani FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT HAVENHURST Andrew C. Erin CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP SUGAR MOUNTAIN Richard Gray FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT 15:30 (104’) FINECUT FINECUT PROMO REEL 17:30 (97’) VIRTUAL REVOLUTION Guy-Roger Duvert EAGLE FILM USA SATISFACTION 1720 Henrik Ruben Genz PICTURE TREE INT’L 18:00 (98’) MINA’S OPTION Kamal Tabrizi FARABI CINEMA 17:30 (100’) 16:00 16:40 17:20 (35’) 18:00 (160’) DON’T KILL IT Mike Mendez ARCHSTONE 16:00 (93’) WE CAN BE HEROES Sophie Reine MK2 priority only 16:00 (98’) CYANIDE Behrouz Shoaibi FARABI CINEMA 15:30 (90’) 23 24 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 11 12:00 (110’) MAQUINARIA PANAMERICANA Joaquin Del Paso LUXBOX 11:30 (86’) THE BEAUTIFUL DAYS OF ARANJUEZ Wim Wenders ALFAMA FILMS invite only 09:30 (90’) DEVENKY FILMS SLASH Clay Liford REEL SUSPECTS 12:00 (101’) 14:00 (86’) STRATTON Simon West GFM FILMS 15:30 (94’) OPEN AT NIGHT Edouard Baer LE PACTE CTRL ALT DELETE James B. Cox TAYLOR & DODGE 16:00 (88’) MY MOTHER’S WOUND Ozen Aciktan MONTECRISTO MANHATTAN UNDYING Babak Payami BLEIBERG ENT. 16:00 (89’) 15:30 (82’) 15:15 (120’) THE INDIAN POSTMAN 14:00 (96’) ALBA Ana Cristina Barragán IMCINE 13:30 (90’) ELIMINATORS James Nunn VOLTAGE PICTURES 14:00 (95’) TAKE ME HOME Kongkiat Khomsiri M PICTURES CO. 13:30 (91’) THE CONFESSIONS Roberto Andò TRUE COLOURS 18:00 (116’) BEING 17 André Téchiné ELLE DRIVER 17:30 (89’) HEARTSTRINGS Michel Boujenah GAUMONT DO RE MI FA Chris Zarb DRAGONFLY FILMS 18:00 (140’) 17:30 (104’) WE ARE PREGNANT Juana Macías OUTSIDER PICTURES MY GRANDMOTHER FANNY KAPLAN FOUNDATION “MOLODIST” 18:00 (105’) 17:30 (90’) 18:00 (90’) 20:30 (109’) 22:30 (76’) 22:30 (97’) SC 24 ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 23 THE VISITORS: BASTILLE DAY THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS Jean-Marie Poiré Sébastien Laudenbach GAUMONT ACID 20:00 (76’) THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS Sébastien Laudenbach ACID GOD’S OWN PEOPLE Shankhajeet Dey ELEEANORA IMAGES 20:30 (80’) 20:00 (110’) 22 BEYOND THE LANDSCAPE OF JAPAN Maki Indo AUGMENT5 INC. THE PERFECT WEAPON Titus Paar VMI WORLDWIDE 20:00 (92’) 20:00 (142’) CC HOWARDS END James Ivory COHEN MEDIA GROUP 20:00 (98’) SC 21 THURSDAY 12 IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES 19:00 (134’) QR 20 FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 19 BLOOD ROAD Nicholas Schrunk RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE invite only PET Carles Torrens WTFILMS 16:45 (137’) CC 17:00 (97’) SC 18 ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 17 VALMONT Milos Forman PATHE INT’L MY FIRST HIGHWAY Kevin Meul PREMIUM FILMS invite only 14:45 (94’) CC LADY KILLER / LOVER-BOY Jean Grémillon TF1 INT’L 14:30 (98’) SC 16 IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES 15 14:00 (103’) A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA Bertrand Tavernier GAUMONT 11:30 (199’) CC REDISTRIBUTORS Adrian Tanner PRINC FILMS 12:00 (87’) MYSTIC GAME Artyom Aksenenko RED SEA MEDIA 11:30 (90’) THE LAST FIVE DAYS OF A DIRECTOR Yao Zhang BEIJING PISCES CULTURE 10:00 (98’) KID WITNESS Kevin Kaufman BLEIBERG ENT. 09:30 (100’) 14 MASCULIN FÉMININ Jean-Luc Godard TAMASA DISTRIBUTION 12:30 (120’) CC 11:30 (97’) SC 12:15 (72’) QR SOUTH AFRICA FACTORY 13 ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 12 THE NEST OF THE TURTLEDOVE TOMORROW WHEN THE Taras Tkachenko WAR BEGAN - TV SERIES INSIGHTMEDIA ANNAPURNA INT’L 10:00 (110’) CIEN AÑOS DE PERDÓN Daniel Calparsoro FILM FACTORY 09:30 (96’) IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES 08:30 (98’) SC FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 08:45 (134’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-14 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-15 8 9 12:00 (101’) APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX 12:00 (96’) CR 10 11 KING OF HEARTS Philippe De Broca COHEN MEDIA GROUP 09:30 (102’) 12 13 THE TICKET SAINT AMOUR Ido Fluk Gustave Kervern THE SOLUTION ENT. GROUP LE PACTE 10:00 (100’) THE MASTER CLEANSE Bobby Miller XYZ FILMS 09:30 (100’) THE PATRIARCH Lee Tamahori WILD BUNCH press 09:30 (103’) PATHÉ INTERNATIONAL PROMO REEL PATHE INT’L invite only 10:00 (90’) TRUSTNORDISK invite only TRUSTNORDISK PROMO REEL 16:00 (83’) FRANCE Raymond Depardon WILD BUNCH press 14 13:30 (100’) TORO Kike Maíllo FILM FACTORY SND GROUPE M6 PROMO SCREENING SND / M6 priority only 15 13:30 (50’) in a loop 14:00 (90’) FRIENDS FOREVER A PIG’S TALE Tony Loeser STUDIOCANAL COME AND FIND ME Zack Whedon GOLDCREST FILMS 14:00 (109’) LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Whitt Stillman PROTAGONIST PICTURES 13:30 (94’) 16 15:30 (94’) FINDING ALTAMIRA Hugh Hudson MYRIAD PICTURES 15:30 (105’) 17 LETTERS FROM WAR Ivo M. Ferreira THE MATCH FACTORY ANTS ON A SHRIMP Maurice Dekkers FORTISSIMO FILMS 15:30 (88’) 16:00 (82’) LET’S BE EVIL Martin Owen MPI MEDIA GROUP 18 19 18:00 (105’) WHITE ISLAND Benjamin Turner INDEPENDENT 17:30 (105’) LIFE AT THESE SPEEDS Leif Tilden CONTENT MEDIA WRONG ELEMENTS Jonathan Littell LE PACTE 17:30 (133’) HC TRAIN TO BUSAN Sang-Ho Yeon CONTENTS PANDA 18:00 (118’) HC MOTHER Kadri Kõusaar FILM SALES COMPANY 17:30 (89’) PRIVATE SCREENINGS EUROPA CORP 1 EUROPACORP 16:00 (34’) FIRST BORN Nirpal Bhogal METRODOME INTERNATIONAL 15:30 (90’) INTO THE FOREST Gilles Marchand WILD BUNCH priority only 21:30 (100’) CO STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH 20 21 20:30 (143’) 22 HUMAN Yann Arthus-bertrand GOODPLANET FOUNDATION THE EYES OF MY MOTHER Nicolas Pesce MAGNOLIA ROCCO Thierry Demaizière WILD BUNCH priority only 20:30 (107’) 20:30 (110’) A NOBLE INTENTION Joram Lürsen DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL 20:00 (77’) 18:00 (100’) THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA Bill Purple CONTENT MEDIA 14:00 (105’) 18:00 (125’) 17:30 (110’) EXTORTION Phil Volken 13 FILMS invite only 10:00 (90’) THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS Colm Mccarthy ALTITUDE FILM invite only 15:30 (106’) VOICE FROM THE STONE Eric D. Howell 13 FILMS invite only TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D James Cameron STUDIOCANAL 12:00 (107’) 11:30 (90’) OZZY Alberto Rodriguez SC FILMS TIGER RAID Simon Dixon BANKSIDE FILMS 10:00 (90’) HAPPY FAMILY PROMO (3D) Holger Tappe TIMELESS FILMS 09:30 in a loop 23 24 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE 11:15 (119’) CR STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH 11:30 (100’) CO 11:30 (100’) CO I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH 12 BENCH CINEMA Mohammad Rahmanian FARABI CINEMA 11:45 (117’) BURDEN Richard Dewey DOGWOOF 11:30 (90’) THE MISSING PAPER Renzo Martinelli INTRAMOVIES 12:00 (106’) RADIO DREAMS Babak Jalali REEL SUSPECTS 11:30 (91’) 16:15 (90’) CR MAMMAL Rebecca Daly PICTURE TREE INT’L 16:00 (99’) SADAKO VS. KAYAKO Koji Shiraishi KADOKAWA 15:30 (98’) WHILE THE WOMEN ARE SLEEPING Wayne Wang TOEI COMPANY 16:00 (103’) 15:15 (120’) AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Rodrigo Grande LATIDO BIRTHDAY WISHES Yasuhiro Yoshida KADOKAWA 18:00 (123’) A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET 17:30 (112’) SC THE LAST RESORT Thanos Anastopoulos WIDE HOUSE 18:00 (135’) 17:30 (109’) WHO’S YOUR DADDY Sylvain Descloux BAC FILMS 18:00 (89’) THE MASTER Haofeng Xu GOLDEN NETWORK PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE 16:30 (119’) CR 21 TOKYO SUNRISE Ryutaro Nakagawa TOKYO NEW CINEMA 20:30 (83’) HOW TO BREAK UP WITH MY CAT Sung-Kyu Cho MIROVISION INC. 20:00 (102’) 22:15 (108’) CR 23 THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH 21:30 (100’) CO 22 23:45 (118’) HC TRAIN TO BUSAN Sang-Ho Yeon CONTENTS PANDA 24 FRIDAY 13 I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE MEDALLION 20:00 (88’) 19:30 (100’) HC 20 MONEY MONSTER Jodie Foster 18:30 (122’) CO 19 MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 17:30 (77’) HC 18 EXIL Rithy Panh FILMS DISTRIBUTION THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE 17 KEEPER OF DARKNESS Nick Cheung EDKO FILMS 16 15:30 (110’) THE WINDMILL MASSACRE Nick Jongerius KALEIDOSCOPE 14:00 (85’) 13:30 (114’) TAMARA Elia K. Schneider WIDE 14:00 (76’) CHEER UP Christy Garland WIDE HOUSE 13:30 (83’) PAT & MAT Marek Benes ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION DOGS NIGHT Ignacio Sesma LUPERCAL COMMUNICATION 12:00 (85’) 13:30 (109’) AWAY David Blair 7&7 13:00 (80’) CR 14:00 (108’) CR THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH 13:45 (174’) CO SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER 14:00 (122’) CO 15 MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 14 THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS Andrea Testa FILMS BOUTIQUE 13 WORLDS APART Christopher Papakaliatis 13 FILMS invite only 11:30 (110’) CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 11:00 (97’) CR 11 GHASHANG & FARANG Vahid Mousaian FARABI CINEMA 10:00 (90’) FORCE OF DESTINY Paul Cox GALLOPING FILMS 09:30 (92’) MAURIZIO CATTELAN: BE RIGHT BACK Maura Axelrod DOGWOOF invite only 09:30 (95’) CROMO Lucia Puenzo PYRAMIDE INT’L 09:45 (120’) BEFORE THE STREETS Chloé Leriche WIDE 10 09:30 (97’) MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 08:30 (122’) CO 9 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-16 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-17 8 9 10 11 12 SHOCHIKU 13 TSUKIJI WONDERLAND 11:30 (110’) NOTES ON BLINDNESS Peter Middleton CINEPHIL 09:30 (87’) 11:30 (90’) RARA Pepa San Martin LATIDO BETWEEN FENCES Avi Mograbi DOC & FILM INT’L 09:30 (84’) OUR LOVERS Miguel Ángel Lamata FILMAX INT’L 12:00 (80’) 11:30 (90’) BAD GIRL Fin Edquist ARCLIGHT FILMS 12:00 (85’) 14 13:30 (77’) HC 15 EXIL Rithy Panh FILMS DISTRIBUTION KOKORO Vanja D’alcantarra DOC & FILM INT’L 14:00 (92’) 13:30 (94’) A GOOD WIFE Mirjana Karanovic FILMS BOUTIQUE 14:00 (92’) 13:30 (86’) ALWAYS SHINE Sophia Takal VISIT FILMS THE DRAGON SPELL (AKA NICKY TANNER) Vladimir Mikhailov SOLA MEDIA 14:00 (100’) 16 GOD’S OWN PEOPLE Shankhajeet Dey ELEEANORA IMAGES 15:30 (80’) TWISTING FATE Christophe Lioud BE FOR FILMS 15:30 (107’) 17 20:00 (110’) DR.DILARA Tamer Garip SWEET ORANGE PROD. 18 17:30 (83’) STRIKE A POSE Ester Gould CINEPHIL CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 17:30 (97’) CR 18:00 (96’) 19 RUMBOS Manuela Burlo Moreno FILM FACTORY TOMCAT Klaus Händl FILMS DISTRIBUTION 17:30 (114’) 18:00 (90’) IT HAD TO BE YOU Sasha Gordon TRICOAST WORLDWIDE 17:30 (115’) CENTER OF MY WORLD Jakob M. Erwa M-APPEAL priority only THE HERITAGE OF LOVE Yuriy Vassiliev MONTECRISTO 18:00 (86’) 18:00 (90’) BLOOD ROAD Nicholas Schrunk RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE invite only 17:30 (140’) CC HOWARDS END James Ivory COHEN MEDIA GROUP priority only 20 19:45 (102’) 21 24 WEEKS Anne Zohra Berrached BETA CINEMA 22 FINECUT PRIVATE SCREENING 2 FINECUT 20:00 (115’) 20:30 (130’) 23 USS INDIANAPOLIS: MEN OF COURAGE Mario Van Peebles HANNIBAL CLASSICS invite only 20:00 (96’) JUNCTION 48 Udi Aloni THE MATCH FACTORY AMERICAN WRESTLER: THE WIZARD Alex Ranarivelo RADIANT FILMS 18:00 (116’) 17:30 (120’) MOOR Jamshed Mahmood Raza ADLER AND ASSOCIATES I MARRIED A DUMBASS Taratuto Juan FILMSHARKS INT’L 16:00 (100’) CMG ANIMATION PROMOREEL CINEMA MANAGEMEN GROUP 15:30 (36’) x 2 15:30 (103’) DELUSION Danny Pang ARCLIGHT FILMS 16:00 (110’) 16:00 (93’) FUKUSHIMA, MON AMOUR Doris Doerrie THE MATCH FACTORY OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE Ramzy Bedia GAUMONT 14:00 (83’) 13:30 (90’) WELCOME TO NORWAY Rune Denstad Langlo BETA CINEMA 14:00 (98’) 15:30 (95’) LONDON RAMPAGE Greg Burridge CALIFORNIA PICTURES THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND THE CHINESE LIVES Sébastien Betbeder OF ULI SIGG ACID AUTLOOK FILMSALES 13:30 (92’) THE RIFT Dejan Zecevic JINGA FILMS THE POSSESSION EXPERIMENT THIS IS HEL Scott B. Hansen Katia Priwieziencew CINEMA MANAGEMENT EASTWEST GROUP 11:30 (100’) 4 KINGS Theresa Von Eltz GLOBAL SCREEN DON’T KILL IT Mike Mendez ARCHSTONE 12:00 (93’) ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 12:00 (97’) SC LIVE AND BREATHE IT Claire Patronik UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (52’) PETER AND THE FARM Tony Stone MAGNOLIA 12:00 (91’) 11:30 (93’) BORIS WITHOUT BEATRICE Denis Côté FILMS BOUTIQUE CREATIVE CONTROL Benjamin Dickinson COPRODUCTION OFFICE 10:00 (97’) AGNUS DEI Anne Fontaine FILMS DISTRIBUTION 09:15 (115’) MALGRÉ LA NUIT Philippe Grandrieux FILMS BOUTIQUE 09:15 (155’) TOO HARD TO HANDLE Laura Lackmann BETA CINEMA 09:30 (109’) MISBEHAVIOR Tae-Yong Kim FINECUT 10:00 (81’) 09:30 (92’) CR THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen LES FILMS DU LOSANGE invite only CHOSEN Jasmin Dizdar PREMIERE ENT. 09:30 (101’) 24 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 ARES Jean Patrick Benes GAUMONT priority only 09:30 (85’) QUEEN OF THURSDAYS Orlando Rojas HABANERO 10:00 (79’) THE MORNING AFTER Shanra J. Kehl PRINC FILMS 09:30 (79’) DARK SHOW Olivier Parthonnaud DARK SHOW 10:00 (80’) 11:30 (105’) HEAVEN WILL WAIT Marie-Castille Mention-schaar GAUMONT priority only LAPUTA Jakub Šmíd SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL 12:00 (93’) 15 AFTER LOVE Joachim Lafosse LE PACTE 14:00 (98’) QR BLIND SUN Joyce Nashawati REEL SUSPECTS 14:00 (88’) 13:30 (105’) BACK IN THE DAY Paul Borghese BLEIBERG ENT. 14:00 (110’) THE BANKSY JOB Dylan Harvey METRO INT’L 13:30 (79’) 16:00 (111’) 20:00 (90’) 21:00 (90’) CC WINTER’S DREAM Joey Curtis SC FILMS 18:00 (110’) 18:00 (90’) TIE THE KNOT Shuja Paul STARLIGHT GLOBAL FILMS TELE UP RICE SOLDIERS 17:30 (120’) 20:30 (98’) UP FOR LOVE Laurent Tirard GAUMONT ISOLA Fabianny Deschamps ACID 20:00 (93’) 20:00 (90’) GENESIS Michael Mccarthy KILLGORE FILMS THE FINAL BARRIER Jasmin Durakovic ARTDELUXE 20:00 (84’) ISOLA Fabianny Deschamps ACID 22:30 (93’) 22:00 (101’) SC 23 DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 22 24 FRIDAY 13 A TIME TO DIE Arturo Ripstein ALAMEDA FILMS THE CIRCLES OF THE VICIOUS CONSPIRACY Philippe Vallois Aram Rappaport FILMS DU TOUCAN VMI WORLDWIDE 18:00 (109’) 17:30 (120’) THE POWER Paul Hills MOVIEHOUSE #THE JEWS Yvan Attal OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 47 METERS DOWN Johannes Roberts ALTITUDE FILM invite only 15:30 (87’) 16:00 (87’) MONEY Martin Rosete RED SEA MEDIA INTERROGATION Stephen Reynolds VOLTAGE PICTURES 15:30 (87’) NY84 Cyril Morin MEDIA IN SYNC 16:00 (80’) 15:30 (83’) MERCI PATRON ! François Ruffin JOUR2FETE 19:00 (91’) CC 20:00 (98’) QR 21 AFTER LOVE Joachim Lafosse LE PACTE 20 FARREBIQUE Georges Rouquier LES DOCUMENTS CINÉMATOGRAPHIQUES 19 FEMALE FIGHT CLUB / FFC Miguel Ferrer CINEVILLE INT’L 18:00 (95’) 17:15 (84’) CC HOSPITAL Frederick Wiseman DOC & FILM INT’L 16:30 (101’) SC 17:00 (106’) QR 18 NERUDA Pablo Larrain FUNNY BALLOONS 17 DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 15:30 (74’) CC 16 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH D MOMOTARO, UMI VILMOS ZSIGMON NO SHINPEI Pierre Filmon Mitsuyo Seo TAMASA DISTRIBUTION 13:30 (80’) CC 14 A PETTY BOURGEOIS DREAM AS YOU ARE Mazen Khaled Miles Joris-peyrafitte FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA ALMA CINEMA 11:30 (103’) FROM A HOUSE ON WILLOW STREET Alastair Orr THE EXCHANGE 12:00 (90’) BREAK THE SILENCE SHORT FILM PROGRAM PREMIUM FILMS 11:30 (58’) 11:00 (113’) CC 11:45 (101’) SC 12:30 (98’) QR AFTER LOVE Joachim Lafosse LE PACTE 13 DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 12 THE LAST CHANCE Leopold Lindtberg CINÉMATHÈQUE SUISSE / SWISS FILM ARCHIVE 11 TIGER, BLOOD IN MOUTH Hernán Belón FILM FACTORY 09:30 (97’) IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES 08:30 (98’) SC ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 08:30 (97’) SC NERUDA Pablo Larrain FUNNY BALLOONS 08:45 (106’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-18 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-19 8 9 10 DESTINY Zhang Wei FORTISSIMO FILMS 09:30 (97’) 11 IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES priority only 10:00 (98’) SC FOOL MOON Grégoire Leprince-ringuet ALFAMA FILMS 09:30 (109’) HC STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH press 12 TORO Kike Maíllo FILM FACTORY 11:30 (100’) 11:30 (96’) ADULT LIFE SKILLS Rachel Tunnard INDEPENDENT 12:00 (75’) 13 MAGNUS Benjamin Ree TRUSTNORDISK THE OUTSIDER Christophe Barratier LE PACTE WILD BUNCH priority only PROMOS 12:00 (100’) UNDER THE SHADOW Babak Anvari XYZ FILMS 11:30 (100’) 11:15 (117’) 10:00 (100’) CO A KID Philippe Lioret LE PACTE 09:30 (98’) MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 09:30 (93’) SC 14 YOUTH IN OREGON Joel David Moore CONTENT MEDIA 13:30 (100’) 15 16 15:30 (107’) 17 18 19 WE GO ON Jesse Holland METRODOME INTERNATIONAL 17:30 (89’) 17:34 (90’) TERROR 5 Sebastian Rotstein BLOOD WINDOW FIVE Igor Gotesman STUDIOCANAL 18:00 (102’) THE LEGEND OF BEN HALL Matthew Holmes ODIN’S EYE 18:00 (135’) 17:30 (174’) CO EUROPACORP SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER * 20:30 (110’) 20 21 DAMASCUS COVER Dan Berk CARNABY INT’L 20:30 (98’) 22 * OLYMPIA 6 23 24 TRUE CONNECTION Nicolás Cuño BLOOD WINDOW 17:30 (4’) 21:30 (100’) CO I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH LAURENT AND SAFI Anton Vassil B-MOL PRODUCTIONS PRIVATE SCREENINGS - EUROPA CORP 2 18:00 (108’) IN THE FOREST OF SIBERIA Safy Nebbou OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 17:30 (100’) THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA Bill Purple CONTENT MEDIA 16:00 (105’) VINCENT-N-ROXXY Gary Michael Schultz FORTITUDE INT’L MONGREL INT’L MOSTLY SUNNY 15:30 (90’) 13:30 (96’) THE AFRICAN DOCTOR Aissa Maiga OTHER ANGLE PICTURES BLOOD FATHER Jean-François Richet WILD BUNCH priority only 15:30 (88’) HC TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D James Cameron STUDIOCANAL 16:00 (60’) IMPERIUM Daniel Ragussis GREEN-LIGHT INT’L 16:00 (105’) 15:30 (105’) WALK WITH ME Lisa Ohlin TRUSTNORDISK invite only ROCK DOG Ash Brannon TIMELESS FILMS 16:00 (90’) 16:00 (90’) DETOUR Chris Smith BANKSIDE FILMS 15:30 (82’) D’UNE PIERRE DEUX COUPS Fejria Deliba LOCO FILMS THE FIRST, THE LAST Bouli Lanners WILD BUNCH press 13:30 (98’) 14:00 (101’) I.T. John Moore VOLTAGE PICTURES DANCER Steven Cantor WEST END FILMS 14:00 (95’) 13:30 (97’) FANNY’S JOURNEY Lola Doillon INDIE SALES THERE ARE MONSTERS Bryan Bertino EMBANKMENT FILMS invite only 14:00 (110’) THE NEW LIFE OF PAUL SNEIJDER Thomas Vincent SND / M6 priority only 13:30 (109’) 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 10 THE SLEEPER BY THE RIVER Manuel Sanchez QUIZAS 09:30 (140’) NEERJA Madhvani Ram FOX STAR INDIA 09:30 (105’) AWAY David Blair 7&7 10:00 (109’) LOVETRUE Alma Har’el DOGWOOF 09:30 (82’) RAI TRADE 13 MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 12:00 (122’) CO 11:45 (120’) HC THE BFG Steven Spielberg MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT 12 12:00 (103’) DAUGHTER Reza Mirkarimi DREAMLAB 11:30 (90’) NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEB Kyle Rankin JINGA FILMS 12:00 (96’) 14:00 (80’) CULT OF THE VAMPIRE Andrew Mackenzie 1066 PICTURES 13:30 (90’) 18:00 (102’) LIVING LOST Jon Bessire NEW WORLD CINEMAS 17:30 (115’) ALIBIS FOR HAPPINESS Takanori Jinnai TOEI COMPANY GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 Harold Cronk PURE FLIX ENT. 17:30 (120’) THE HERO CHI YOU Jian Zhao CALIFORNIA PICTURES 16:00 (100’) 15:30 (98’) SAMUEL STREET Aliakbar Campwala ARC PICTURES 16:00 (80’) RAVING IRAN Susanne Regina Meuers RISE AND SHINE 15:30 (84’) KITCHENS OF GRATITUDE Vikas Khanna SMILE FILMS 18:00 (45’) 19:00 (45’) 17:30 (116’) 20:30 (129’) 22:15 (118’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 22:00 (118’) HC TRAIN TO BUSAN Sang-Ho Yeon CONTENTS PANDA 22:00 (145’) CO 23 AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Chan-Wook Park CJ E&M 22 THE MAGNIFISENT NINE Yoshihiro Nakamura SHOCHIKU UARGH! Maria Lodovica Marini LAMACA GIOCONDA 21 24 SATURDAY 14 20:00 (86’) 19:15 (133’) HC WRONG ELEMENTS Jonathan Littell LE PACTE 19:00 (120’) HC 20 THE BFG Steven Spielberg MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT 19 PROOF OF INNOCENCE Jong-Kwan Kwon CONTENTS PANDA 17:00 (119’) CR HAROLD & LILLIAN A HOLLYWOOD LOVE STOR Daniel Raim WIDE HOUSE 16:00 (95’) GORAN Nevio Marasovic WIDE 15:30 (86’) 18 THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE 16:30 (97’) CR 17 THE TRANSFIGURATION Michael O’shea PROTAGONIST PICTURES A HOUSE ON THE 41 STREET AMERICAN SHARIA Hamid Reza Ghorbani Omar Regan FARABI CINEMA HALALYWOOD 14:00 (94’) KOBLIC Sebastián Borensztein FILMSHARKS INT’L PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE priority only 13:30 (90’) CR A FLOWER AFLAME Hiroshi Ando TOEI COMPANY 14:00 (95’) THROUGH THE SHADOW Walter Lima Jr JINGA FILMS 14:00 (118’) CR I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH 15:00 (162’) CO 16 TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 15 14:30 (100’) CO HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 14 13:30 (113’) CIEN AÑOS DE PERDÓN Daniel Calparsoro FILM FACTORY NIGHLIFE Damjan Kozole SLOVENIAN FILM FUND 11:30 (93’) RESET Thierry Demaizière UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION 12:00 (110’) LIFE, ANIMATED Roger Ross Williams DOGWOOF 11:30 (92’) THE TRANSFIGURATION Michael O’shea PROTAGONIST PICTURES 11:30 (97’) CR PRIVATE SCREENING RAI 10:00 (110’) THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH 11 10:00 (108’) CR AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Chan-Wook Park CJ E&M 08:30 (145’) CO 9 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-22 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-23 09:30 (40’) 8 9 10 11 LEGACY OF SOMA - AONORAN Hidenori Inoue VILLAGE INC. 09:30 (138’) THE UNSEEN Geoff Redknap GOONWORKS FILMS 09:30 (104’) TADMOR Monika Borgmann DOC & FILM INT’L 10:00 (90’) VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION invite only 09:30 (102’) CR MARIE & THE MISFITS Sebastien Betbeder ALPHA VIOLET 10:30 (50’) 13:30 (54’) 12 13 14 15 WAS SHAKESPEARE ENGLISH? CHIERI AND CHERRY Alicia Maksimova Makoto Nakamura SIRENA GLOBAL PROD. GAGA COMMUNICATIONS 11:30 (97’) AT YOUR DOORSTEP Eduard Cortés LATIDO 13:30 (93’) GAME THERAPY Ryan Travis ELLIPSIS MEDIA 14:00 (97’) 13:30 (104’) EVERYTHING’S UNDER CONTROL Werner Boote DOC & FILM INT’L LITTLE MOUNTAIN BOY Xavier Koller ARRI WORLDSALES THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS Sébastien Laudenbach PYRAMIDE INT’L ACID 12:00 (75’) 11:30 (83’) THE PEOPLE GARDEN Nadia Litz SCYTHIA FILMS INC. CMG ANIMATION PROMOREEL CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP SUNTAN Argyris Papadimitropoulos VISIT FILMS 13:30 (104’) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Casey Tebo ARCLIGHT FILMS 14:00 (90’) 14:00 (98’) GALLOPING MIND Wim Vandekeybus BE FOR FILMS 17:30 (115’) 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 TREASURES Lawrence Russo VISION ENTERTAINMENT 22:00 (92’) 22 MONSIEUR CHOCOLAT Roschdy Zem GAUMONT 20:30 (119’) MEDALLION THE ALGERIAN 20:00 (99’) DROPPING THE S BOMB Christina July Kim SELAH PICTURES 20:00 (77’) CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP LINE-UP CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP 18:00 (100’) LAW & DISORDER: THE INSANITY DEFENSE Sylvie Bolioli POLARIS PROD. 15:30 (102’) THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN Gaston Duprat LATIDO 16:00 (110’) PHANTOM DETECTIVE Sung-Hee Jo CJ E&M 15:30 (85’) 18:00 (128’) QR ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE EXIL Rithy Panh FILMS DISTRIBUTION 17:30 (77’) HC HIMITSU THE TOP SECRET Keishi Otomo SHOCHIKU 18:00 (149’) 18:00 (90’) WELCOME TO NORWAY Rune Denstad Langlo BETA CINEMA RAJYA SABHA TELEVISION FAREWELL MY INDIAN SOLDIER 17:30 (71’) HAVENHURST Andrew C. Erin CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP 16:00 (93’) ENCLOSURE Patrick Rea FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT 15:30 (80’) CLAIRE IN MOTION Annie Howell VISIT FILMS CHECK POINT Thomas J Churchill VISION FILMS 16:00 (101’) CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 16:00 (97’) CR 15:30 (84’) EL REY DEL ONCE Daniel Burman FILMSHARKS INT’L 16:00 (112’) CAINA Stefano Amatucci FILMEXPORT GROUP 17:30 (90’) 6.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE Nae Caranfil PREMIUM FILMS invite only THE GREEN FAIRY Dan Frank UPWARD RISING 15:30 (93’) 15:15 (117’) WE CAN BE HEROES Sophie Reine MK2 priority only 14:00 (97’) PERFECT STRANGERS Paolo Genovese TRUE COLOURS 12:00 (36’) 12:45 (36’) 14:00 (93’) THE MASTER Haofeng Xu GOLDEN NETWORK 11:30 (109’) STRUGGLE FOR LIFE Antonin Peretjatko BE FOR FILMS 12:00 (99’) ARES Jean Patrick Benes GAUMONT priority only 12:00 (85’) URFIN AND HIS WOODEN SOLDIERS Vladimir Toropchin WIZART ANIMATION 10:00 (104’) THE SNOW QUEEN 3: FIRE AND ICE Alexey Tsitsilin WIZART ANIMATION 12:00 (105’) SC TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU priority only 13:30 (77’) MIDORI-THE CAMELLIA GIRL THE EYES OF MY MOTHER Torico Torico Nicolas Pesce LUPERCAL MAGNOLIA COMMUNICATION 11:30 (100’) DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 10:00 (101’) SC SOLITAIRE Sophie Boutros FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA 09:30 (90’) 24 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 OZZY Alberto Rodriguez SC FILMS 10:00 (90’) I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH press 09:30 (100’) CO 14:15 (103’) SC 15 APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX 12:00 (96’) CR 11:30 (108’) CR THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH press 12:00 (80’) CRUSH THE SKULL Viet Nguyen BREAKING GLASS 15:30 (95’) QR DOG EAT DOG Paul Schrader ARCLIGHT FILMS 16 16:00 (82’) DON’T CALL ME SON Anna Muylaert LOCO FILMS 15:30 (98’) 16:00 (109’) ANNA Charles Olivier Michaud SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS Philippa Lowthorpe HANWAY FILMS OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE Ramzy Bedia GAUMONT 14:00 (83’) 14:00 (105’) DAYLIGHT’S END William Kaufman TAYLOR & DODGE MY MOTHER’S WOUND Ozen Aciktan MONTECRISTO MANTO’S WORLD Rahat Kazmi RAHAT KAZMI FILMS 16:00 (92’) KEN SAN Yuichi Hibi ELEVEN ARTS 15:30 (100’) 13:30 (94’) 15:15 (120’) 13:30 (98’) 16:00 (100’) HC CES MESSIEURS DAMES / BELLES DAMES, VILA 17:00 (95’) SC 16:45 (120’) CC 19 18:00 (116’) QR LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 18 RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH 17 18:00 (118’) TOMORROW Mélanie Laurent ELLE DRIVER TIKKUN Avishai Sivan BLEIBERG ENT. 18:00 (120’) 17:30 (90’) HEAVY WATER Michael Oblowitz RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE invite only 17:30 (122’) HETMAN Valeriy Yambursky FOUNDATION “MOLODIST” LAST DAYS OF LOUIS XIV Albert Serra CAPRICCI FILMS priority only 14:15 (58’) 15:15 (57’) CC DECALOGUE 5 DECALOGUE 6 Krzysztof Kieslowski TELEWIZJA POLSKA HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON Alessandro Comodin THE MATCH FACTORY ROAD TO ISTANBUL Rachid Bouchareb ELLE DRIVER 14 CONSIDERING LOVE AND OTHER MAGIC Dave Schultz ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION DEATH BY DEATH Xavier Seron STRAY DOGS 12:15 (90’) 11:30 (90’) CALIFORNIA Marina Person FILMS BOUTIQUE THE WINTER Emiliano Torres CITÉ FILMS 12:00 (93’) SOLARIS Andrei Tarkovski MOSFILM CINEMA CONCERN 11:30 (95’) SC RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH 12:00 (128’) QR 13 ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE 12 11:00 (157’) CC 11 CHRISTMAS EVE Mitch Davis BLEIBERG ENT. 10:00 (94’) ELIMINATORS James Nunn VOLTAGE PICTURES 09:30 (95’) FOREVER Jaco Smit PRINC FILMS 09:30 (101’) HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON Alessandro Comodin THE MATCH FACTORY 08:30 (103’) SC DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 08:30 (101’) SC LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 08:45 (116’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-24 20:00 (84’) SWAGGER Olivier Babinet ACID 20:00 (87’) BABYSITTER Mc G CARDINAL XD 20:00 (78’) 22:00 (95’) CC 24 BRIGHT LIGHTS: STARRING CARRIE FISCHER A Fisher Stevens 22:15 (95’) SC RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH 23 SWAGGER Olivier Babinet ACID 22:30 (84’) 22:30 (106’) QR NERUDA Pablo Larrain FUNNY BALLOONS GARO THE ANIMATION THE MOVIE - DIVINE FL Yuichiro Hayashi TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME 19:30 (102’) CC HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON Alessandro Comodin THE MATCH FACTORY 21:00 (128’) QR 22 ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE 21 SATURDAY 14 19:45 (103’) SC 20 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-25 8 9 10 UNDER THE SHADOW Babak Anvari XYZ FILMS 09:30 (100’) 11 FRIENDS FOREVER A PIG’S TALE Tony Loeser STUDIOCANAL 10:00 (90’) THE YOUNG ONE Julien Samani ALFAMA FILMS 09:30 (84’) ROOMMATES WANTED François Desagnat SND / M6 09:30 (92’) THE DAY WILL COME Jesper W. Nielsen TRUSTNORDISK invite only 09:45 (120’) LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 09:45 (116’) QR NERUDA Pablo Larrain FUNNY BALLOONS 10:00 (106’) QR WILD SOCCER BUNCH THE LEGEND LIVES! Joachim Masannek GLOBAL SCREEN 09:30 (100’) 12 13 FILMS DISTRIBUTION PROMO REEL FILMS DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (36’) in a loop 15:30 (100’) INTO THE FOREST Gilles Marchand WILD BUNCH priority only 15:30 (93’) THE CHILDREN OF CHANCE Malik Chibane OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 16:00 (81’) PRIVATE SCREENING TF1 INTL TF1 INT’L BY WAY OF HELENA Kieran Darcy- Smith WEST END FILMS 16:00 (110’) THE TICKET Ido Fluk THE SOLUTION ENT. GROUP 15:30 (100’) 15:30 (94’) OPEN AT NIGHT Edouard Baer LE PACTE 14 THE SILENCE Gajendra Ahire SMR PRODUCTIONS 13:30 (91’) 15 EUROPACORP 18:00 (104’) DON’T KNOCK TWICE Caradog James CONTENT MEDIA 17:49 (86’) CHAMELEON Jorge Riquelme Serrano BLOOD WINDOW 18:00 (96’) ADULT LIFE SKILLS Rachel Tunnard INDEPENDENT 16 17 18 17:30 (93’) * KIDS IN LOVE Chris Foggin CARNABY INT’L 20:00 (85’) DOLORES Michael Rösel MEDIA LUNA 19:30 (90’) 19 20 20:00 (93’) 21 WE ARE X Stephen Kijak MONGREL INT’L WE GO ON Jesse Holland METRODOME INTERNATIONAL 18:00 (89’) I’M OFF THEN: LOSING AND FINDING MYSELF Julia Von Heinz GLOBAL SCREEN 17:30 (90’) THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS THE GREASY STRANGLER Colm Mccarthy Jim Hosking ALTITUDE FILM PROTAGONIST PICTURES invite only 15:30 (105’) PRIVATE SCREENINGS - EUROPA CORP 1 14:00 (34’) 13:30 (92’) DETOUR Chris Smith BANKSIDE FILMS 14:00 (90’) 14:00 (105’) WHITE ISLAND Benjamin Turner INDEPENDENT XYZ FILMS XYZ PROMO 14:00 (60’) ROSALIE BLUM Julien Rappeneau SND / M6 VOICE FROM THE STONE Eric D. Howell 13 FILMS invite only 12:00 (106’) 11:30 (92’) STALIN’S COUCH Fanny Ardant ALFAMA FILMS 12:00 (97’) DESTINY Zhang Wei FORTISSIMO FILMS COME AND FIND ME Zack Whedon GOLDCREST FILMS 12:00 (109’) HIGHWAY TO HELLAS Aron Lehmann ARRI WORLDSALES 11:30 (89’) 22 * OLYMPIA 6 23 THE HOLE Raúl Terriquez BLOOD WINDOW 17:30 (19’) 21:30 (145’) CO AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Park Chan-Wook CJ E&M 24 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 10 DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 11:15 (105’) CR THE CONFESSIONS Roberto Andò TRUE COLOURS 10:00 (103’) SHOCHIKU 12:00 (103’) THE DREAM OF WATER Farhad Mehranfar FARABI CINEMA WE DON’T BELONG HERE Peer Pederson PREMIERE ENT. 11:30 (92’) 12:00 (90’) BEHEMOTH Zhao Liang UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (65’) CC BERNADETTE LAFONT, AND GOD CREATED THE F Esther Hoffenberg DOC & FILM INT’L AUTHOR: THE JT LEROY STORY Jeff Feuerzeig DOGWOOF 12:00 (109’) 11:30 (91’) LILY LANE Bence Fliegauf FILMS BOUTIQUE THE TRANSFIGURATION Michael O’shea PROTAGONIST PICTURES DESPERATE SUNFLOWERS 09:30 (105’) THE CHOSEN Antonio Chavarrías FILMAX INT’L 09:45 (124’) THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE 09:15 (119’) CR MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS priority only 13 AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Chan-Wook Park CJ E&M 11:30 (145’) CO 12 11:00 (97’) CR 11 10:00 (103’) QR KIKI Sara Jordenö FILMS BOUTIQUE 09:30 (94’) FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 08:30 (125’) CO 9 MY BROTHER, KHOSRO Ehsan Biglari FARABI CINEMA 14:00 (95’) LOST SOLACE Chris Scheuerman JINGA FILMS 13:30 (106’) 14:00 (83’) 16:00 (118’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 16:00 (86’) BUNKER 77 Takuji Masuda SUBMARINE ENT. 18:00 (108’) DISTRACTION BABIES Tetsuya Mariko SHOCHIKU 17:30 (105’) 18:00 (90’) SHADOW WORLD Johan Grimonprez WIDE HOUSE 17:30 (100’) DOUBLE Catrinel Danaiata ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE NIGHT’S TIGHTROPE Yukiko Mishima TOEI COMPANY 18:00 (120’) 17:30 (86’) WELCOME HOME Philippe De Pierpont BE FOR FILMS 19 ANTBOY 3 THE SHEPHERD Ask Hasselbalch Jonathan Cenzual Burley ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION WIDE 15:30 (87’) 16:00 (90’) KOMBISSIRI René Letzgus STAR PRODUCTION 15:30 (92’) CR THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen invite only LES FILMS DU LOSANGE MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 16:00 (93’) SC 15:30 (114’) 17:30 (120’) HC 18 THE BFG Steven Spielberg MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT 16:30 (105’) CR DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS TAMARA Elia K. Schneider WIDE COME ALONG Igor Sterk SLOVENIAN FILM FUND 13:30 (88’) TRANSIT HAVANA Daniel Abma RISE AND SHINE WHO’S YOUR DADDY Sylvain Descloux BAC FILMS 14:00 (89’) 13:30 (99’) THE BODYGUARD Sammo Hung EDKO FILMS BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 14:30 (162’) CO 15:30 (158’) CO 17 AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold PROTAGONIST PICTURES 16 TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 15 14:00 (100’) CR 14 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-26 20:30 (97’) CHOLAI Arun Roy KR MOVIES 20:00 (110’) TRAPPED ABROAD 2 Erdenebileg G DIGITAL CONTENT 20:00 (82’) LES SAUTEURS Estephan Wagner WIDE HOUSE 19:45 (106’) HC CHOUF Karim Dridi DOC & FILM INT’L 19:30 (125’) CO 21 22:00 (100’) CR 22:30 (116’) HC THE NICE GUYS Shane Black BLOOM 23 24 BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 22 SUNDAY 15 FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 20 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-27 8 10 TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 11 14:00 (92’) 12:00 (108’) 12 13 TSUKIJI WONDERLAND Endo Naotaro SHOCHIKU 11:30 (110’) 11:30 (97’) CREATIVE CONTROL Benjamin Dickinson COPRODUCTION OFFICE ALWAYS SHINE Sophia Takal VISIT FILMS 12:00 (86’) KOBLIC Sebastián Borensztein FILMSHARKS INT’L 11:30 (94’) 14 15 LOUIS & LUCA THE BIG CHEESE RACE Rasmus A. Sivertsen SOLA MEDIA 13:30 (78’) 14:00 (90’) RARA Pepa San Martin LATIDO MOLLY MONSTER Matthias Bruhn GLOBAL SCREEN 13:30 (70’) ENCLAVE Goran Radovanovic EASTWEST VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION invite only 16 15:30 (90’) JULES AND DOLORES Caíto Ortiz PICTURE TREE INT’L 17:30 (91’) 17 18 STOPPING - HOW TO STOP THE WORLD Bernhard Koch SCHWARZER PANTHER FILM MRS B, A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN DOC & FILM INT’L 15:30 (70’) 19 18:00 (120’) CROMO Lucia Puenzo PYRAMIDE INT’L 17:30 (90’) 18:00 (115’) HELP, I SHRUNK MY TEACHER Sven Unterwaldt Jr. ARRI WORLDSALES AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Rodrigo Grande LATIDO 15:45 (120’) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY Florian David Fitz PICTURE TREE INT’L 16:00 (85’) 17:30 (93’) WAIT UNTIL HELEN COMES Dominic James TRICOAST WORLDWIDE THE POSSESSION EXPERIMENT BILAL Scott B. Hansen Khurram Alavi CINEMA MANAGEMENT AMBI DISTRIBUTION GROUP MY NEW SASSY GIRL Gun-Shik Joh MIROVISION INC. 15:30 (100’) FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 18:00 (134’) QR 17:30 (118’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 priority only 18:00 (90’) 20 NICK - OFF DUTY Christian Alvart GLOBAL SCREEN 21 MEDALLION. THE DOLL 20:30 (110’) 20:00 (162’) CO TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 20:00 (105’) BEHIND “THE COVE” Keiko Yagi METROPOLITAN PICTURES 19:30 (140’) THE FOURTH PHASE Jon Klaczkiewicz RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE ROSE & ROY Adolfo Doring NEW WORLD CINEMAS 17:30 (97’) THE HERITAGE OF LOVE Yuriy Vassiliev MONTECRISTO 16:00 (86’) 15:15 (110’) BUGS Andreas Johnsen AUTLOOK FILMSALES 14:00 (75’) 13:30 (102’) CR TERRAFORMARS Takashi Miike GAGA COMMUNICATIONS 16:00 (110’) 15:30 (100’) UNCLE HOWARD Aaron Brookner UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION LOS CABOS GOES TO CANNES FRONTIÈRES GOES TO CANNES LOS CABOS FILM FESTIVAL FANTASIA FILM FEST 14:00 (110’) 13:30 (110’) VERSUS Nurbek Egen CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP FOUNDATION “MOLODIST” 16:00 (90’) THE MATH GANG Vincenzo Stango ELLIPSIS MEDIA 15:30 (84’) BETWEEN WORLDS Miya Hatav INTRAMOVIES NOW I’M GONNA LOVE YOU 14:00 (93’) 13:30 (98’) BREAKING LEGS Mark Marchillo CALIFORNIA PICTURES THE SUMMER OF ALL MY PARENTS Diastème FILMS DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (97’) 09:30 (89’) MORRIS FROM AMERICA Chad Hartigan VISIT FILMS RICO, OSKAR AND THE BROKEN HEARTED Wolfgang Groos BETA CINEMA 11:30 (95’) CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 12:00 (97’) CR 11:30 (80’) CIARAN Andrew Mackenzie 1066 PICTURES 24 WEEKS Anne Zohra Berrached BETA CINEMA 09:30 (102’) SHEEP AND WOLVES Maxim Volkov WIZART ANIMATION 09:30 (80’) 08:30 (162’) CO 9 10:00 (80’) ROBERT DOISNEAU: THROUGH THE LENS JOUR2FETE 22 23 24 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 MOUNTAIN CRY Larry Yang FORTISSIMO FILMS 10:00 (107’) NEVER EVER Benoît Jacquot ALFAMA FILMS invite only 09:30 (90’) REDISTRIBUTORS Adrian Tanner PRINC FILMS 10:00 (87’) AFTER LOVE Joachim Lafosse LE PACTE 12:00 (98’) QR DANCER Steven Cantor WEST END FILMS 11:30 (95’) CHUCKS Sabine Hiebler SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL 12:00 (93’) 11:30 (94’) A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE Geordie Sabbagh PRINC FILMS THE BANKSY JOB Dylan Harvey METRO INT’L 12:00 (79’) 11:30 (90’) PET Carles Torrens WTFILMS 14:00 (87’) 47 METERS DOWN Johannes Roberts ALTITUDE FILM invite only HEARTSTRINGS Michel Boujenah GAUMONT 13:30 (89’) FREE IN DEED Jake Mahaffy STRAY DOGS 14:00 (98’) 13:30 (86’) TRANSPECOS Greg Kwedar SUBMARINE ENT. BADEN-BADEN Rachel Lang JOUR2FETE 14:00 (96’) 13:30 (100’) KEN SAN Yuichi Hibi ELEVEN ARTS 14:00 (83’) 16:00 (100’) ODD JOB Pascal Chaumeil GAUMONT 16:00 (109’) TSUMUGU Kazutoshi Inudo OPEN SESAME 15:30 (98’) SADAKO VS. KAYAKO Koji Shiraishi KADOKAWA AUTO HEAD Rohit Mittal STRAY DOGS 16:00 (98’) 15:30 (105’) AWAY FROM EVERYWHERE Justin Simms TELEFILM CANADA 18:00 (199’) CC THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND Sébastien Betbeder ACID 20:00 (98’) 20:00 (91’) BACK FOUR Nicolás Diodovich THE OPEN REEL A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA Bertrand Tavernier GAUMONT IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES 17:30 (98’) SC SNOW Ventsislav Vasilev SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL 18:00 (80’) 17:30 (90’) WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT Candice Cain XVIII ENTERTAINMENT PINKY BEAUTY PARLOUR Akshay Singh AKSHIKHA ENT. 20:00 (127’) 20:00 (108’) CC 22:30 (98’) THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND Sébastien Betbeder ACID ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE 22:30 (128’) QR 22:00 (92’) CC AMOUR Karoly Makk HUNGARIAN FILM INSTITUTE 22:30 (98’) SC 24 ONE WEEK AND A DAY Asaph Polonsky NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 22:00 (105’) QR 23 MEAN DREAMS Nathan Morlando TELEFILM CANADA 22 SUNDAY 15 FAITS DIVERS Raymond Depardon FESTIVAL DE CANNES 19:45 (108’) QR 21 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES 1 19:15 (95’) QR 20 FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS YOUNG WRESTLERS Mete Gümürhan WIDE HOUSE 18:00 (90’) 17:30 (82’) THE SABBATICAL Brian Stockton TELEFILM CANADA 18:00 (116’) CANOLA Chang MIROVISION INC. invite only 17:00 (99’) CC RENDEZ-VOUS DE JUILLET Jacques Becker GAUMONT 17:00 (98’) SC 17:15 (66’) QR 19 MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE Claude Barras INDIE SALES 18 ONE WEEK AND A DAY Asaph Polonsky NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 17 16:00 (110’) TAEKWONDO Marco Berger OUTPLAY 15:00 (96’) CC THE CINEMA TRAVELERS Shirley Abraham SUBMARINE ENT. 14:15 (108’) QR 16 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES 1 14:15 (105’) QR MEAN DREAMS Nathan Morlando TELEFILM CANADA 15 MONOLITH Ivan Silvestrini TRUE COLOURS 13:00 (88’) CC THE MASTER CLEANSE Bobby Miller XYZ FILMS 12:00 (100’) QUAND NAÎTRA LE JOUR 14 IKARIE XB 1 Jindrich Polák NATIONAL FILM ARCHIVE PRAGUE ONE WEEK AND A DAY Asaph Polonsky NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 11:30 (98’) SC 11:45 (66’) QR 13 MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE Claude Barras INDIE SALES 12 11:00 (94’) CC 11 GET SANTA Jacob Ley COPENHAGEN BOMBAY SALES 10:00 (75’) ENDLESS NIGHT Isabel Coixet METRO INT’L 09:45 (114’) PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE invite only 09:30 (100’) CR RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH 08:30 (95’) SC FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS 08:45 (95’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-28 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-29 8 9 12:00 (105’) 10 THE MOTHER Alberto Morais ALFAMA FILMS 09:30 (89’) 11 12 13 WE ARE FAMILY Gabriel Julien-laferriere TF1 INT’L 11:30 (98’) THE CREW Julien Leclercq SND / M6 priority only 11:30 (81’) 09:30 (105’) WALK WITH ME Lisa Ohlin TRUSTNORDISK invite only LIFE AT THESE SPEEDS Leif Tilden CONTENT MEDIA 11:30 (105’) 14 VINCENT-N-ROXXY Gary Michael Schultz FORTITUDE INT’L 13:30 (105’) 13:30 (97’) PYROMANIAC Erik Skjoldbjaerg TRUSTNORDISK invite only 15 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Alejandro Fernandez FILM FACTORY 13:30 (100’) THE NEW LIFE OF PAUL SNEIJDER Thomas Vincent SND / M6 priority only 14:00 (109’) 14:00 (106’) ALL THESE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Michał Marczak HANWAY FILMS KIKI, LOVE TO LOVE Paco León WILD BUNCH 13:30 (102’) LAST DAYS OF LOUIS XIV Albert Serra CAPRICCI FILMS priority only 12:00 (100’) HC LITTLE MOUNTAIN BOY Xavier Koller ARRI WORLDSALES 09:30 (104’) SOPHIE AND THE RISING SUN Maggie Greenwald SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 09:45 (116’) ALBÜM Mehmet Can Mertoglu THE MATCH FACTORY 10:00 (97’) SC LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Whitt Stillman PROTAGONIST PICTURES 09:30 (94’) EUROPACORP PRIVATE SCREENING TF1 INTL TF1 INT’L 14:00 (81’) 13:30 (90’) FIRST BORN Nirpal Bhogal METRODOME INTERNATIONAL THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS Colm Mccarthy ALTITUDE FILM invite only PRIVATE SCREENINGS - EUROPA CORP 2 09:45 (108’) LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 09:45 (116’) QR THE ORIGIN OF VIOLENCE Elie Chouraqui OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 09:30 (110’) 16 17 I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER Billy O’brien INDEPENDENT 15:30 (105’) GOLDEN YEARS John Miller CONTENT MEDIA 16:00 (96’) 15:30 (85’) LOVESONG So Yong Kim MONGREL INT’L TIGER RAID Simon Dixon BANKSIDE FILMS 15:30 (90’) THE BODYGUARD Song Yue ALL RIGHTS ENT. 16:00 (85’) 18 17:30 (90’) LONDON TOWN Derrick Borte RADIANT FILMS 17:30 (116’) BEING 17 André Téchiné ELLE DRIVER 19 DOWNHILL Patricio Valladares WTFILMS / BLOOD WINDOW 17:30 (82’) * FOG IN AUGUST Kai Wessel STUDIOCANAL 18:00 (127’) 17:30 (133’) HC WRONG ELEMENTS Jonathan Littell LE PACTE RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH press 18:00 (95’) SC 18:00 (110’) 20 NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER 2016 Daniel Nocke GERMAN FILMS 17:30 (96’) ANNA Jacques Toulemonde LOCO FILMS THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE 16:00 (83’) QR THE RED TURTLE Michael Dudok de Wit WILD BUNCH priority only 16:00 (80’) CR 15:30 (88’) ILLEGITIMATE Adrian Sitaru VERSATILE SOUTH AFRICA FACTORY 21 20:30 (98’) BEAUTIFUL DEVILS James Marquand CARNABY INT’L 22 * OLYMPIA 5 23 ALL RIGHTS ENT. 24 BOBBY THE HEDGEHOG 17:25 (25’) QUINZAINE DES REALISATEURS 20:30 (72’) QR 21:30 (125’) CO FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 LOVING Jeff Nichols 11 APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX 11:15 (96’) CR DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 13 11:30 (101’) SC 12:00 (110’) TELEFILM CANADA NOT SHORT ON TALENT 11:30 (110’) 11:15 (117’) THE CIRCLES OF THE VICIOUS ITALIAN RACE Philippe Vallois Matteo Rovere FILMS DU TOUCAN FANDANGO 10:00 (109’) FIGHT VALLEY Rob Hawk BREAKING GLASS 09:45 (85’) AMOK Vardan Tozija REEL SUSPECTS 10:00 (103’) THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE GIRLS DON T FLY Monika Grassl RISE AND SHINE 12:00 (90’) THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN Gaston Duprat LATIDO THE EXILE Arturo Ruiz CINEMA REPUBLIC 10:00 (87’) THE VIOLIN PLAYER DIAMOND ISLAND Bauddhayan Mukherji Davy Chou ALPHA VIOLET LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 15:30 (98’) 16:00 (90’) WORRY DOLLS Padraig Reynolds JINGA FILMS 15:30 (118’) BREATH Narges Abyar FARABI CINEMA 16:00 (73’) UNREQUITED LOVE Takayuki Takuma TOEI COMPANY 18:00 (90’) WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT Candice Cain XVIII ENTERTAINMENT 17:45 (86’) STOLEN Bijan Mirbagheri FARABI CINEMA 18:00 (85’) 20:30 (105’) DESPERATE SUNFLOWERS Kuroki Hitomi SHOCHIKU 20:00 (75’) 24 THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY 22:30 (114’) HC 23 HANDS OF STONE 22:15 (102’) CR HELL OR HIGH WATER David Mackenzie SIERRA / AFFINITY AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold PROTAGONIST PICTURES 21:00 (158’) CO 22 MONDAY 16 21 HIDDEN Frank Spano PANAMA FILM COMM. 19:15 (82’) HC HISSEIN HABRÉ, A CHADIAN TRADEGY Mahamat-Saleh Haroun DOC & FILM INT’L THE LIGHT ON THE HILL Ricardo Velarde WIDE 17:30 (60’) 20 19:00 (123’) CO LOVING Jeff Nichols 19 18:00 (124’) BANGLAND Lorenzo Berghella ELLIPSIS MEDIA SEVEN DAYS Jian Xing CHINA FILM PROMOTION 15:30 (92’) THE ANNIVERSARY Dan Chisu ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE RESET Thierry Demaizière UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION 16:00 (110’) 17:30 (120’) GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 Harold Cronk PURE FLIX ENT. 16:45 (100’) CR 18 BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 16:30 (96’) CR APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX RAMMSTEIN PARIS Jonas Akerlund NFP MARKETING ONE UNDER THE SUN Riyaana Hartley LOVE ENTERTAINMENT 14:00 (100’) TELEFILM CANADA NOT SHORT ON TALENT 13:30 (110’) 14:00 (90’) DEEP IN THE WOOD Stefano Lodovichi MINERVA PICTURES 13:30 (75’) THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS Sébastien Laudenbach PYRAMIDE INT’L ACID NEERJA Madhvani Ram FOX STAR INDIA 14:00 (105’) 13:30 (75’) HELL OR HIGH WATER David Mackenzie SIERRA / AFFINITY A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA Bertrand Tavernier GAUMONT 16:00 (100’) CO 17 PATERSON Jim Jarmusch K5 MEDIA GROUP 16 14:45 (198’) CC 15 14:00 (102’) CR 14 A COMEDY OF TEARS Marko Sosic SLOVENIAN FILM FUND FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 12 11:30 (125’) CO 10:30 (105’) CR 10:00 (72’) 10 09:15 (119’) CR 08:30 (123’) CO 9 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-30 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-31 8 9 12:00 (103’) 11:30 (100’) 10 STRUGGLE FOR LIFE Antonin Peretjatko BE FOR FILMS 09:30 (99’) 11 CHOUF Karim Dridi DOC & FILM INT’L 10:00 (106’) HC PRISONER X Gaurav Seth RAVEN BANNER 09:30 (90’) YOU ARE MY SUNDAY Milind Dhaimade MEDIA LUNA 09:45 (119’) THE UNSPOKEN Sheldon Wilson ARCLIGHT FILMS 09:30 (96’) 12:00 (100’) FUCKING BERLIN Florian Gottschick SOLIDMOVIES PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE priority only 12:00 (90’) CR 12 13 13:30 (54’) 14 15 CHIERI AND CHERRY Makoto Nakamura GAGA COMMUNICATIONS 11:30 (90’) KOMBISSIRI René Letzgus STAR PRODUCTION MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS priority only 13:30 (103’) QR 14:00 (108’) A DRAGON ARRIVES! Mani Haghighi THE MATCH FACTORY 13:30 (80’) MY REVOLUTION Ramzi Ben Sliman VISIT FILMS ALDABRA: ONCE UPON AN ISLAND Steve Lichtag VISION FILMS 13:30 (73’) VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION invite only BETWEEN SEA AND LAND Carlos Del Castillo GLOBAL SCREEN 11:30 (98’) SHOWDOWN IN MANILA Marc Dacascos LIGHTNING ENT. CITIA 16 THE GREEN FAIRY Dan Frank UPWARD RISING 15:30 (93’) 15:30 (85’) HEAVYSAURS Pekka Karjalainen EASTWEST 15:30 (100’) 17 I MARRIED A DUMBASS Taratuto Juan FILMSHARKS INT’L OUR LOVERS Miguel Ángel Lamata FILMAX INT’L 16:00 (80’) 15:30 (97’) JUST CHARLIE Rebekah Fortune MEDIA LUNA invite only 18 19 20 * ALL RIGHTS ENT. 21 22 23 24 BOBBY THE HEDGEHOG PALAIS I 17:25 (25’) OPERATION CHROMITE PROMO SCREENING FINECUT 20:30 (40’) 20:30 (110’) BAAHUBALI Rajamouli Sri Sailasri ARKA MEDIAWORKS LESLIE HOWARD: THE MAN WHO DIDN’T GIVE A Thomas Hamilton GALLOPING FILMS 17:30 (84’) 18:00 (114’) TOMCAT Klaus Händl FILMS DISTRIBUTION FROM NOWHERE Matthew Newton VISIT FILMS 17:30 (89’) A DOUBLE LIFE Hyoshiyuki Kishi ALPHA VIOLET 18:00 (126’) 17:30 (120’) SPIRITS’ HOMECOMING Jung-Rae Jo M-LINE THAT TRIP WE TOOK WITH DAD Anca Miruna Lazarescu ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE 18:00 (108’) 14:00 (102’) CR FLY AWAY HOME Mirjam Unger AUSTRIAN FILM 12:00 (109’) 18:00 (95’) 10:00 (88’) 16:00 (110’) BEST OF WORLD CINEMA GRETA JOANNE ENT. 20:00 (110’) HEAVEN WILL WAIT DUBAI GOES TO CANNES 74 TH GENOCIDE SHINGAL Marie-Castille Mention-schaar GAUMONT DUBAI INT’L FILM FESTIVAL ADELAWARE / KARABULUT PROD. priority only 14:00 (105’) 15:30 (82’) THE ALIEN Jesus Magaña Vázquez OUTSIDER PICTURES * THEM WHO? Fabio Bonifacci TRUE COLOURS 18:00 (92’) THE MAGNIFISENT NINE Yoshihiro Nakamura SHOCHIKU 17:30 (129’) ANNECY GOES TO CANNES 10:00 (110’) TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU priority only 11:30 (105’) SC FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA THE BODYGUARD Song Yue ALL RIGHTS ENT. 16:00 (85’) 15:30 (106’) MELLOW MUD Renars Vimba PLUTO FILM DIST. LEBANON GOES TO CANNES 14:00 (110’) 13:30 (108’) HIGANJIMA (ORIGINAL TITLE) THE FIREFLY SUMMERS Takeshi Watanabe Ryuichi Hiroki SHOCHIKU KADOKAWA BOUNTY HUNTERS THE LAST WILL BE LAST Terra Shin Massimiliano Bruno PEGASUS MOTION PICTURES TRUE COLOURS invite only 10:00 (107’) LET’S TALK Sergio Rubini FILMEXPORT GROUP 09:30 (101’) 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 11:30 (106’) VERSUS: THE LIFE AND FILMS OF KEN LOACH Louise Osmond DOGWOOF invite only 12:00 (96’) 11:30 (93’) THE WINTER Emiliano Torres CITÉ FILMS AMOUR Karoly Makk HUNGARIAN FILM INSTITUTE 11:30 (83’) TF1 INT’L LAND LEGS Samuel Collardey STRAY DOGS 12:00 (90’) OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE Ramzy Bedia GAUMONT PRIVATE SCREENING TF1 INTL 10:00 (81’) STALIN’S COUCH Fanny Ardant ALFAMA FILMS 09:30 (92’) SANTA & ANDRES Carlos Lechuga HABANERO invite only 10:00 (100’) THE CHARRO OF TOLUQUILLA RINGAN José Villalobos Romero Makarand Mane IMCINE MAHARASHTRA FILM 09:30 (90’) 12:15 (55’) QR 13 14:30 (198’) CC SHARING STELLA Kiki Alvarez HABANERO 14:00 (80’) THE NIGHT MY MOTHER KILLED MY FATHER Inés París INSIDE CONTENT 13:30 (93’) SCOTTISH MUSSEL Talulah Riley MOVIEHOUSE 14:00 (93’) 17:30 (140’) THE NEST OF THE TURTLEDOVE Taras Tkachenko INSIGHTMEDIA 16:00 (90’) ROCK DOG Ash Brannon TIMELESS FILMS BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 15:30 (100’) CR VAMPYRES Victor Matellano REEL SUSPECTS priority only 16:00 (80’) 18:00 (97’) CR THE TRANSFIGURATION Michael O’shea PROTAGONIST PICTURES MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 17:30 (122’) CO URBAN FAMILY Oskari Sipola SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL 18:00 (105’) CONSIDERING LOVE DO RE MI FA AND OTHER MAGIC Chris Zarb Dave Schultz DRAGONFLY FILMS ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION 15:30 (94’) THE SIMILARS Isaac Ezban STRAY DOGS 16:00 (90’) ARES Jean Patrick Benes GAUMONT priority only 20:30 (85’) 20:00 (82’) WILLY I Hugo P. Thomas ACID MONODIALOGUE Veronika Silchenko SV PRODUCTIONS 20:00 (50’) 20:00 (44’) 22:30 (141’) CC ONE-EYED JACKS Marlon Brando 22:15 (93’) SC MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX WILLY I Hugo P. Thomas ACID 22:30 (82’) 22:30 (105’) QR MEAN DREAMS Nathan Morlando TELEFILM CANADA VISOTSKY THROUGH THE EYES OF ODESSITES Anatoly Balchev APOLLO FILM PRODUCTION 18:30 (52’) CC 19:45 (152’) CC 19:45 (89’) SC 21:45 (85’) QR 23 WOLF AND SHEEP Shahrbanoo Sadat ALPHA VIOLET 22 24 MONDAY 16 21 APNÉE Jean-Christophe Meurisse ECCE FILMS THE WOMEN WHO INDOCHINE RUN HOLLYWOOD Régis Wargnier Clara & Julia STUDIOCANAL Kuperberg SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER 17:30 (110’) 20 18:45 (128’) QR PSYCHO RAMAN Anurag Kashyap STRAY DOGS 19 18:00 (174’) CO 17:00 (93’) SC MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 17:00 (55’) QR 18 THE LIVES OF THERESE Sébastien Lifshitz DOC & FILM INT’L 17 GARY NUMAN: ANDROID IN LA LA LAND Steve Read FANDANGO 16:00 (85’) 15:30 (85’) HOPE Erik De Bruyn DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL 13:30 (98’) 16 A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA Bertrand Tavernier GAUMONT 14:15 (89’) SC APNÉE Jean-Christophe Meurisse ECCE FILMS 14:20 (85’) QR 15 WOLF AND SHEEP Shahrbanoo Sadat ALPHA VIOLET 14:00 (90’) 14 THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND TRAIN DRIVER’S DIARY Sébastien Betbeder Milos Radovic ACID FILM CENTER SERBIA THE LIVES OF THERESE Sébastien Lifshitz DOC & FILM INT’L 11:30 (93’) SC MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 12 11:00 (92’) CC 11 DARK SHOW Olivier Parthonnaud DARK SHOW 10:00 (80’) SUMMERTIME Gabriele Muccino RAI TRADE 09:30 (105’) APNÉE Jean-Christophe Meurisse ECCE FILMS 08:30 (89’) SC ONE WEEK AND A DAY Asaph Polonsky NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 08:30 (98’) SC PSYCHO RAMAN Anurag Kashyap STRAY DOGS 08:45 (128’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-32 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-33 8 9 10 THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH press 09:30 (108’) CR 11 NERUDA Pablo Larrain FUNNY BALLOONS 10:00 (106’) QR THE OLIVE TREE Iciar Bollain SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 09:30 (98’) ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE 09:15 (128’) QR 12 I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH press 11:30 (100’) CO 13 #THE JEWS Yvan Attal OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 11:30 (111’) GLEASON Clay Tweel THE EXCHANGE 12:00 (110’) THE MINISTER Giorgio Amato ADRIANA CHIESA 11:30 (100’) I’M OFF THEN: LOSING AND FINDING MYSELF Julia Von Heinz GLOBAL SCREEN 11:30 (90’) MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE Claude Barras INDIE SALES priority only 10:00 (66’) QR CLINTON CASH M.a. Taylor ARC ENT. 10:00 (62’) INHEBBEK HEDI Mohamed Ben Attia LUXBOX 10:00 (89’) BIBI & TINA GIRLS VS. BOYS Detlev Buck BETA CINEMA 09:30 (109’) 14 13:30 (107’) ROCCO Thierry Demaizière WILD BUNCH priority only 15 14:00 (107’) 16 15:30 (108’) 17 TERRAFORMARS Takashi Miike GAGA COMMUNICATIONS 16:00 (117’) CR MANTO’S WORLD Rahat Kazmi RAHAT KAZMI FILMS 15:30 (92’) 15:30 (90’) LOST IN ARMENIA Serge Avedikian WTFILMS KALINKA Vincent Garenq STUDIOCANAL 16:00 (87’) FACTORY BOSS Zhang Wei FORTISSIMO FILMS invite only 16:00 (100’) A KID Philippe Lioret LE PACTE 15:30 (98’) SHEPHERDS AND BUTCHERS AFTER THE STORM Oliver Schmitz Hirokazu Kore-eda WEST END FILMS WILD BUNCH priority only WE ARE X Stephen Kijak MONGREL INT’L 13:30 (93’) 13:30 (96’) THE AFRICAN DOCTOR Aissa Maiga OTHER ANGLE PICTURES DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 14:00 (105’) CR JOHNNY FRANK GARRETT’S LAST WORD Simon Rumley ALTITUDE FILM 13:30 (94’) 16:00 (99’) 18 17:30 (138’) 19 LEGACY OF SOMA - AONORAN Hidenori Inoue VILLAGE INC. 17:30 (97’) FANNY’S JOURNEY Lola Doillon INDIE SALES * 17:31 (80’) WE ARE THE FLESH Emiliano Rocha Minter BLOOD WINDOW ONE WEEK AND A DAY Asaph Polonsky NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 18:00 (98’) SC RAI TRADE PRIVATE SCREENING RAI 18:00 (110’) 17:50 (134’) QR FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 18:00 (130’) 20 21 20:30 (95’) QR FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS 22 * OLYMPIA 6 23 24 TRUE CONNECTION (SHORT VERSION) José Cicala BLOOD WINDOW 17:30 (1’) 21:30 (118’) HC TRAIN TO BUSAN Sang-Ho Yeon CONTENTS PANDA RICO, OSKAR AND THE BROKEN HEARTED Wolfgang Groos BETA CINEMA 19:30 (95’) USS INDIANAPOLIS: MEN OF COURAGE Mario Van Peebles HANNIBAL CLASSICS invite only THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Stephan Rick PICTURE TREE INT’L 17:30 (97’) MY SCIENTOLOGY MOVIE John Dower HANWAY FILMS WINTER’S DREAM Joey Curtis SC FILMS 15:30 (110’) AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold PROTAGONIST PICTURES 14:00 (158’) CO VULCANIA José Skaf SND / M6 priority only 13:30 (90’) 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 10 PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET 10:00 (112’) SC ALOYS Tobias Nölle NEW EUROPE FILM SALES 09:30 (91’) THEY CALL ME JEEG Gabriele Mainetti RAI TRADE 09:45 (118’) LONDON TOWN Derrick Borte RADIANT FILMS 09:30 (90’) 12:00 (93’) 14:30 (81’) 16:00 (107’) OFFICIAL SELECTION Jacques Richard LES FILMS ELEMENTAIRES 15:30 (89’) 16:00 (85’) ON THE OTHER SIDE Zrinko Ogresta CERCAMON 18:00 (72’) ROMAN Eduardo Meneghelli SUPERAMOR CINE 17:30 (113’) 18:00 (155’) 19:45 (109’) HC 22:15 (120’) CR CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross SIERRA / AFFINITY 22:00 (102’) CR HELL OR HIGH WATER David Mackenzie SIERRA / AFFINITY 22:00 (105’) CO 23 PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 22 24 TUESDAY 17 21 FOOL MOON Grégoire Leprince-ringuet ALFAMA FILMS 19:30 (96’) CO JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar FILMNATION 20 SWEET LITTLE LIES IN DOWNTOWN Iura Luncasu ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE LA TRAMPA Carlos Alberto Poe ECLIPSE PRODUCCIONES THE LAST SURVIVORS THE SEA OF SEIRO: Arnaud Toussaint DETECTIVE MITARAI’S CA NYOTADIS Seiji Izumi TOEI COMPANY CAMPUS MOVIEFEST CAMPUS MOVIE FEST 13:30 (110’) 14:00 (94’) THE SLEEPER BY THE RIVER Manuel Sanchez QUIZAS CLEAN HANDS Tjebbo Penning WIDE 18:00 (108’) 17:30 (140’) THE WORLD IS MINE Nicolae Constantin Tanase ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE 16:00 (104’) 15:30 (90’) BOX Florin Serban ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE 13:30 (86’) 15:30 (100’) FRAGMENTS OF LOVE Fernando Vallejo WIDE MR FROG HOUSTON, Anna Van Der Heide WE HAVE A PROBLEM! ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION Ziga Virc SLOVENIAN FILM FUND THE LAND OF THE ENLIGHTENED Pieter-Jan De Pue FILMS BOUTIQUE 14:00 (87’) 13:30 (103’) SHIMAUMA Hajime Hashimoto TOEI COMPANY THE NIGHT MY MOTHER KILLED MY FATHER Inés París INSIDE CONTENT TELEFILM CANADA NOT SHORT ON TALENT 11:30 (110’) 12:00 (110’) MONKEY TWINS Nonthakorn Thaweesuk KAOTHAITAYARN 11:30 (107’) I AM YOUR FATHER Marcos Cabotá CINEMA REPUBLIC 12:00 (82’) TWISTING FATE Christophe Lioud BE FOR FILMS SUBMARINE CONFIDENTIAL SCREENING SUBMARINE ENT. 11:30 (88’) APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX 14:00 (96’) CR 16:30 (102’) CR 17:30 (114’) HC 19 HANDS OF STONE Jonathan Jakubowicz THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY 18 VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION 15:15 (116’) HC 16:00 (140’) CO 17 AQUARIUS Kleber Mendonca Filho SBS INTERNATIONAL 16 THE NICE GUYS Shane Black BLOOM CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross SIERRA / AFFINITY 15 14:00 (120’) CR 13:00 (100’) CO 13:30 (96’) CO JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar FILMNATION 14 PATERSON Jim Jarmusch K5 MEDIA GROUP 13 BY THE RAILS Catalin Mitulescu ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION 11:00 (102’) CR LOVING Jeff Nichols 10:00 (70’) 12 11:00 (105’) CO 11 10:30 (123’) CO TUMULT IN SVET IVOR Matthias J. Michel LEMENDU 09:30 (90’) JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar FILMNATION 08:30 (96’) CO 9 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-34 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 50 seats PALAIS H a-35 8 9 11:30 (97’) 12:00 (104’) 10 HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 09:15 (118’) CR 11 CLOUDY SUNDAY Manoussos Manousskis MEDIA LUNA 09:45 (116’) A GERMAN LIFE Florian Weigensamer CINEPHIL 09:30 (113’) 12 13 SUMMERTIME Gabriele Muccino RAI TRADE 12:00 (105’) FAMILY COMMITMENTS Hanno Olderdissen MEDIA LUNA A GOOD WIFE Mirjana Karanovic FILMS BOUTIQUE 12:00 (94’) 11:30 (90’) BORIS WITHOUT BEATRICE Denis Côté FILMS BOUTIQUE 10:00 (93’) 14 15 16 17 18 19 2101, SCIENCE AND FICTION TRA LE ONDE NEL CIELO Patrick Chiuzzi Francesco Zarzana C PRODUCTIONS PROGETTARTE CHROMATIQUES 17:30 (79’) LEGENDARY AD Leonardo Corbucci LEGENDARY SERIES 13:30 (93’) 17:30 (118’) 18:00 (115’) AGNUS DEI Anne Fontaine FILMS DISTRIBUTION FACK JU GOEHTE 2 Bora Dagtekin PICTURE TREE INT’L 17:45 (115’) THE BIG EVERYTHING Nicolas Bazz MEDIA LUNA 15:30 (84’) 16:00 (90’) GOOD LUCK SAM Farid Bentoumi FILMS DISTRIBUTION SOY NERO Rafi Pitts THE MATCH FACTORY 15:30 (120’) BILAL Khurram Alavi AMBI DISTRIBUTION 18:00 (115’) THE COMPLEXITY OF HAPPINESS Gianni Zanasi RAI TRADE THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE * * 16:00 (83’) QR THE BODYGUARD Song Yue ALL RIGHTS ENT. 17:30 (115’) PORT OF CALL Philip Yung ALL RIGHTS ENT. 18:00 (98’) PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE invite only 13:30 (100’) CR HISSEIN HABRÉ, A CHADIAN TRADEGY Mahamat-Saleh Haroun DOC & FILM INT’L 14:00 (82’) HC ZAZY M.x. Oberg GILLES MANN FILMPRODUKTION 13:30 (99’) THE OUTSIDER Christophe Barratier LE PACTE * 14:00 (117’) PLAY YOUR GENDER Stephanie Clattenburg ALL RIGHTS ENT. RED BILLABONG Luke Sparke ARCLIGHT FILMS 16:00 (108’) 18:00 (118’) MY NEIGHBOUR MARTIKA László Mohácsi THE PROLETARIAT 17:30 (100’) 18:00 (92’) 21 20:00 (100’) 4 KINGS Theresa Von Eltz GLOBAL SCREEN 20:30 (100’) ODD JOB Pascal Chaumeil GAUMONT 20:00 (95’) QR FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS 20:00 (92’) TREASURES Lawrence Russo VISION ENTERTAINMENT 20 THE UNNAMED Tauquir Ahmed MONTMARTRE MOTION PICT. press CURUMIM Marcos Prado ZAZEN PRODUÇÕES GUADALAJARA GOES TO CANNES FESTIVAL GUADALAJARA 16:00 (110’) 15:30 (85’) VAXXED: FROM COVER UP TO CATASTROPHE Andrew Wakefield CINEMA LIBRE 14:00 (96’) 15:00 (40’) 15:30 (79’) LEVELK FATIMA Philippe Faucon PYRAMIDE INT’L ALPHA PILL, AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE Vincent Diderot ADASTRA FILMS 13:30 (80’) SAMUEL STREET Aliakbar Campwala ARC PICTURES NATIONAL FILM DEVELOP. CORP. MALAYSIA 16:00 (60’) 17:30 (95’) PAT & MAT DIARY OF A FATMAN Marek Benes Steve Ravic ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION MAJESTIC FILM 15:30 (83’) MALAYSIA GOES TO CANNES FILM 265 14:00 AMERICAN SHARIA Omar Regan HALALYWOOD 13:30 (98’) 13:15 (90’) THE BOUNCE BACK Youssef Delara DOUBLE DUTCH INT’L 11:30 (83’) MERCI PATRON ! François Ruffin JOUR2FETE CHOUF Karim Dridi DOC & FILM INT’L 12:00 (106’) HC THE LIVES OF THERESE THE SUMMER OF Sébastien Lifshitz ALL MY PARENTS DOC & FILM INT’L Diastème FILMS DISTRIBUTION 10:00 (55’) QR LENALOVE Florian Gaag PICTURE TREE INT’L 09:30 (90’) MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 09:45 (122’) CO HOLDING THE MAN Neil Armfield GOALPOST FILM 09:15 (128’) INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL PANAMA PANAMA GOES TO CANNES 10:00 (110’) NUTS Henri Barges FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA 09:30 (107’) 22 * * * LERINS 2 23 24 ALL RIGHTS ENT. BOBBY THE HEDGEHOG 16:55 (25’) ALL RIGHTS ENT. BOBBY THE HEDGEHOG LERINS 2 14:55 (25’) 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 45 seats GRAY 2 81 seats GRAY 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 11 09:30 (70’) INTERCHANGE Dain Iskandar Said REEL SUSPECTS priority only 10:00 (102’) LIFE, ANIMATED Roger Ross Williams DOGWOOF 09:30 (92’) DAMASCUS COVER Dan Berk CARNABY INT’L 10:00 (98’) FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 09:30 (134’) QR THE BALLAD OF OPPENHEIMER PARK Juan Manuel Sepúlveda IMCINE MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 08:30 (93’) SC FIORE Claudio Giovannesi RAI TRADE 08:45 (110’) QR 9 WINWIN Daniel Hoesl STRAY DOGS 12:30 (84’) 12:00 (110’) DOWN BY LOVE Pierre Godeau STUDIOCANAL THE LIVES OF THERESE Sébastien Lifshitz DOC & FILM INT’L 11:30 (55’) QR 11:30 (89’) VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAAYA Punarvasu Naik MAHARASHTRA FILM SALSIPUEDES Ricardo Aguilar HABANERO 12:00 (97’) JUVENILES Nico Sabenorio RADIANT FILMS 11:30 (95’) 11:30 (105’) SC TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU 12:00 (83’) QR 13 ENOC THE RESPLENDENT STARGATE Marin Martha ERS 13:30 (6’) in a loop THE GREEN FAIRY Dan Frank UPWARD RISING 14:00 (93’) HALAL Shivaji Lotan Patil MAHARASHTRA FILM 13:30 (109’) THE SIMILARS Isaac Ezban STRAY DOGS 14:00 (90’) 16:00 (100’) CO PATERSON Jim Jarmusch K5 MEDIA GROUP HEAVEN WILL WAIT Marie-Castille Mention-schaar GAUMONT 15:30 (105’) 16:00 (102’) KINGS’ SHIFT Ignas Miskinis REEL SUSPECTS 15:30 (86’) 20:30 (99’) CC MIDNIGHT RETURNS: THE STORY OF BILLY HAY Sally Sussman 19:45 (103’) QR 20:15 (83’) QR THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE 18:00 (97’) PATTAYA Franck Gastambide GAUMONT 22 20:00 (99’) 20:30 (95’) DRIVEN TO SUCCEED Mark Colegrove DIRE WIT FILMS THE PARK Damien Manivel ACID 20:00 (71’) 22:30 (71’) THE PARK Damien Manivel ACID WOLF AND SHEEP Shahrbanoo Sadat ALPHA VIOLET 22:30 (85’) QR 22:30 (90’) CC 24 PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES Mario Bava 22:30 (105’) SC TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU 23 TUESDAY 17 21 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES 2 20 PRIVATE SCREENING THERAPY SUBMARINE Nathan Ambrosioni Laura Poitras EUROOBSCURA SUBMARINE ENT. invite only 18:00 (92’) 17:30 (106’) RINGAN Makarand Mane MAHARASHTRA FILM AYNABAJI Amitabh Reza Chowdhury CONTENT MATTERS 18:00 (95’) 17:30 (84’) 18:00 (115’) CC FAREWELL BONAPARTE Youssef Chahine TF1 INT’L 19 LESLIE HOWARD: THE MAN WHO DIDN’T GIVE A Thomas Hamilton GALLOPING FILMS THE LINDA VISTA PROJECT John Rogers XVIII ENTERTAINMENT 16:00 (84’) 16:00 (102’) BITTER HARVEST George Mendeluk SPOTLIGHT PICTURES UGETSU Kenji Mizoguchi FILMS SANS FRONTIERES 16:00 (93’) CC 17:00 (105’) SC 17:15 (110’) QR FIORE Claudio Giovannesi RAI TRADE 18 TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU 17 CE QU’IL NE FAUT PAS DIRE Marquise Lepage PRODUCTIONS DU CERF-VOLANT 14:15 (103’) QR 15:00 (66’) QR 16 MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE Claude Barras INDIE SALES 15 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES 2 13:30 (110’) 14 IN MY FATHERS GARDEN Ben Sombogaart DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE 12 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-36 79 seats OLYMPIA 9 127 seats OLYMPIA 8 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 77 seats ARCADES 3 a-37 8 9 THE GREASY STRANGLER Jim Hosking PROTAGONIST PICTURES 10 BAD GIRL Fin Edquist ARCLIGHT FILMS 09:30 (90’) AFTER THE STORM Hirokazu Kore-eda WILD BUNCH priority only 09:30 (117’) CR 11 SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS Philippa Lowthorpe HANWAY FILMS 09:30 (98’) 12 MY HINDU FRIEND Hector Babenco HANWAY FILMS 11:30 (114’) 13 12:00 (95’) SC RAW Julia Ducournau WILD BUNCH press WILD Nicolette Krebitz THE MATCH FACTORY 11:30 (97’) THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY Andrew Rossi ELLE DRIVER 10:00 (91’) 12:00 (93’) SC MIMOSAS Oliver Laxe LUXBOX 11:30 (93’) THE CHILDREN OF CHANCE Malik Chibane OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 10:00 (93’) APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX 10:00 (96’) CR 14 JAILBIRDS Audrey Estrougo ELLE DRIVER 13:30 (98’) WE CAN BE HEROES Sophie Reine MK2 13:30 (98’) 15 * 16 15:30 (62’) TORCH BEARER Stephen K. Bannon ARC ENT. 17 18 19 18:00 (100’) CO STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH press 17:31 (85’) BENAVIDEZ S CASE Laura Casabe BLOOD WINDOW A TOUCH OF WIND Olga Veremeeva KAMER-TON-FILM-RUSSIA 18:00 (77’) 20 18:00 (6’) in a loop ENOC THE RESPLENDENT STARGATE Marin Martha ERS TEEN STAR ACADEMY Cristian Scardigno MOVIE ON PICTURES 18:00 (90’) in a loop 17:30 (110’) LAURENT AND SAFI Anton Vassil B-MOL PRODUCTIONS HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON Alessandro Comodin THE MATCH FACTORY 15:30 (103’) SC 15:30 (90’) MOSTLY SUNNY Dilip Mehta MONGREL INT’L 16:00 (162’) CO TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 15:30 (98’) ROAD TO ISTANBUL Rachid Bouchareb ELLE DRIVER WILD BUNCH priority only 16:00 (80’) THE RED SEA 15:30 (97’) A MIGHTY TEAM Thomas Sorriaux OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 21 22 * OLYMPIA 6 23 24 TRUE CONNECTION (SHORT VERSION) José Cicala BLOOD WINDOW 17:30 (1’) PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 21:30 (105’) CO 50 seats PALAIS H 40 seats PALAIS G 34 seats PALAIS F 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 38 seats PALAIS B 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 10 THE UNKNOWN GIRL Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne WILD BUNCH 08:30 (113’) CO 9 INVERSION Behnam Behzadi NOORI PICTURES 11:15 (84’) CR JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar FILMNATION 11:30 (96’) CO 11:30 (156’) HC 12 THE WAILING Hong Jin Na FINECUT 13 13:30 (100’) FADO Jonas Rothlaender WIDE ANIMATION DAY IN CANNES DISCOVERIES Mohammad Hamedani ANIMAZE 13:30 (110’) THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP THE CREATIVE MIND SHORTS 11:30 (110’) GRIFFITH FILM SCHOOL ESRA ESRA NEW YORK 2016 DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 15:30 (105’) CR PRESUMED GUILTY Jijo Reed WORLD MEDIA DOCS 16:00 (87’) 15:30 (42’) A TWO WAY MIRROR Zrinka Katarina Matijevic CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CTR 15:30 (102’) CR VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION NGO “CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN CINEMA” YOU’LL NEVER BE ALONE Alex Anwandter WIDE NGO CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN CINEMA 18:30 (90’) TWO ZIONS: THE LIVING LEGACY OF QUEEN SH Cheryl Halpern GRETA JOANNE ENT. 20:00 (90’) 19:15 (110’) HC LE CANCRE Paul Vecchiali THE OPEN REEL 19:00 (113’) CO 21 23 22:15 (117’) CR AFTER THE STORM Hirokazu Kore-eda WILD BUNCH 21:45 (140’) CO AQUARIUS Kleber Mendonca Filho SBS INTERNATIONAL 22:00 (156’) HC THE WAILING Hong Jin Na FINECUT 22 24 WEDNESDAY 18 20 THE UNKNOWN GIRL Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne WILD BUNCH 19 RUNNING BY RUNES Arman Calbay CALLIGRAPHY PICTURES 18:00 (88’) 17:30 (110’) 16:45 (80’) CR THE RED TURTLE Pascal Ferran WILD BUNCH 17:00 (105’) CO 18 PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 16:00 (110’) CO 17 MA’ ROSA Brillante Ma Mendoza FILMS DISTRIBUTION 16 15:00 (110’) 14:00 (117’) CR 15 AFTER THE STORM Hirokazu Kore-eda WILD BUNCH 14 GRIFFITH FILM SCHOOL 2016 SHOWCASE 11:30 (110’) TELEFILM CANADA NOT SHORT ON TALENT 11:30 (110’) GO HOME Jihane Chouaib WIDE 11:30 (98’) PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE invite only 11:30 (100’) CR CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross SIERRA / AFFINITY 10:30 (120’) CR 11 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-38 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 4 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I a-39 8 9 10 11 12 13 BEHIND “THE COVE” Keiko Yagi METROPOLITAN PICTURES 11:30 (105’) 09:30 (105’) TEMPEST Huezo Tatiana CINEPHIL EXIL Rithy Panh FILMS DISTRIBUTION 11:30 (77’) HC 11:30 (109’) TOO HARD TO HANDLE Laura Lackmann BETA CINEMA FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS 11:30 (95’) QR THE NORTHLANDER Benjamin Ross Hayden MANIFOLD PICTURES 09:30 (98’) MOLLY MONSTER Matthias Bruhn GLOBAL SCREEN 09:30 (70’) LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 09:45 (116’) QR 14 15 THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY Greg Palast 2 BULLS ON THE HILL 13:30 (100’) S IS FOR STANLEY Alex Infascelli RAI TRADE 14:00 (78’) 13:30 (96’) ONE BREATH Christian Zübert ARRI WORLDSALES 16 17 POWER TO CHANGE – THE ENERGY REBELLION Carl-A. Fechner FECHNERMEDIA 15:30 (94’) SUMMERTIME Gabriele Muccino RAI TRADE 16:00 (105’) 15:30 (110’) THE BEST OF THE 48 HFP 48 HOUR FILM PROJECT 18:00 (135’) 18 19 KALACHAKRA - L’EVEIL Natalie Fuchs LEELAME PRODUCTION 17:30 (83’) 20 BRIDGE IN CLOUDS Xuan Zhong BEIJING STAR DRAGON MOVIE 18:00 (95’) LATE SHIFT- YOUR DECISIONS ARE YOU Tobias Weber CTRLMOVIE 16:00 (80’) SAMUEL STREET Aliakbar Campwala ARC PICTURES 21 20:30 (109’) 22 THE VISITORS: BASTILLE DAY Jean-Marie Poiré GAUMONT 23 24 77 seats ARCADES 3 128 seats ARCADES 2 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 32 seats GRAY 4 40 seats GRAY 3 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 10 11:45 (112’) SC A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET JACO Paul Marchand SUBMARINE ENT. 10:00 (90’) PATERSON Jim Jarmusch K5 MEDIA GROUP 12:00 (100’) CO 19:30 (65’) CC ALTITUDE FILM STRAIGHT 8 2016 17:30 (110’) THE CULT Andre Antonio THE OPEN REEL 18:00 (70’) HALAL Shivaji Lotan Patil MAHARASHTRA FILM 18:00 (98’) NO OTHER GO 20:00 (78’) SAC LA MORT Emmanuel Parraud ACID WATERFALL PICTURES 20:00 (106’) 21:00 (88’) CC 22:30 (78’) SAC LA MORT Emmanuel Parraud ACID 22:30 (110’) QR FIORE Claudio Giovannesi RAI TRADE 22:00 (112’) SC 23 A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET 22 VALLEY OF PEACE France Stiglic 20:30 (103’) QR MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS 21 24 WEDNESDAY 18 20 THE LAST FIVE DAYS OF A DIRECTOR Yao Zhang BEIJING PISCES CULTURE 17:30 (109’) SOPHIE’S MISFORTUNES Christophe Honore GAUMONT 16:00 (104’) ANTARDRISHTI Rima Das FLYING RIVER FILMS 15:30 (101’) TAGORE’S NATIR PUJA - THE COURT DANCER Professor Karl Bardosh GRETA JOANNE ENT. 13:30 (92’) 14:00 (85’) THE END Guillaume Nicloux GAUMONT 14:00 (67’) VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAAYA Punarvasu Naik MAHARASHTRA FILM 13:30 (89’) 17:00 (112’) SC 17:45 (97’) QR 19 TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR Kim Nguyen TF1 INT’L 18 A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET 17 BERNADETTE LAFONT, AND GOD CREATED THE FREE WOMAN Esther Hoffenberg DOC & FILM INT’L 15:00 (95’) QR 16 FRENCH TOUR Rachid Djaïdani CITÉ FILMS 15 THE TENANTS DOWNSTAIRS Adam Tsuei AMAZING FILM STUDIO 14:00 (95’) 14 LEAF BLOWER THE BEAR TALES Alejandro Iglesias Mendizabal Olmo Amato HABANERO THE OPEN REEL 12:00 (96’) RESURRECTION Eugenio Polgovsky IMCINE 11:30 (93’) NFVF SOUTH AFRICA SA SHOWCASE 12:00 (30’) in a loop CINEFONDATION CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 1 LISTEN Philippe Aractingi FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA HAPPINESS IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD Thabang Moleya NFVF SOUTH AFRICA 13 11:45 (103’) QR 12 MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS 11:00 (83’) 11 10:00 (103’) 09:30 (92’) TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU 08:30 (105’) SC TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR Kim Nguyen TF1 INT’L 08:45 (97’) QR 9 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-40 82 seats OLYMPIA 7 70 seats OLYMPIA 6 114 seats OLYMPIA 5 71 seats OLYMPIA 4 79 seats OLYMPIA 3 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 a-41 8 9 10 SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER 09:30 (174’) CO 11 12 13 REMAINDER Omer Fast THE MATCH FACTORY 11:30 (102’) AFTER LOVE Joachim Lafosse LE PACTE 11:30 (98’) QR 14 15 16 15:30 (110’) 17 1962 MY COUNTRY LAND Chow Partha Borgohain LIVING DREAMS 18 BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 16:00 (100’) CR PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 16:00 (105’) CO 19 20 21 22 THE WAILING Hong Jin Na FINECUT 21:30 (156’) HC 23 24 63 seats LERINS 3 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 34 seats PALAIS F 38 seats PALAIS E 43 seats PALAIS D 43 seats PALAIS C 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 GRADUATION Cristian Mungiu WILD BUNCH 08:30 (127’) CO 9 11:30 (97’) CO 13 12:00 (109’) 10:00 (105’) CO 16 15:30 (110’) CO MA’ ROSA Brillante Ma Mendoza FILMS DISTRIBUTION 15:30 (105’) SC TRAMONTANE Vatche Boulghourjian LE PETIT BUREAU 15:30 (108’) CLEAN HANDS Tjebbo Penning WIDE 17:30 (128’) QR ENDLESS POETRY Alejandro Jodorowsky LE PACTE 17:30 (97’) QR TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR Kim Nguyen TF1 INT’L 17:30 (122’) CO MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS FICMY - MÉRIDA Y YUCATÁN FILM FESTIVAL SHORT FILM RACE - FICMY 15:00 (110’) KOMBISSIRI René Letzgus STAR PRODUCTION 16:00 (90’) THE PARK Damien Manivel THE OPEN REEL ACID 17:30 (80’) CR THE RED TURTLE Michael Dudok de Wit WILD BUNCH 21 22:15 (100’) CR PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE 22:00 (97’) CO 23 IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD Xavier Dolan SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 22 24:00 (110’) HC GIMME DANGER Jim Jarmusch INDEPENDENT 24 THURSDAY 19 19:30 (156’) HC 20 THE WAILING Hong Jin Na FINECUT 18:30 (127’) CO 19 GRADUATION Cristian Mungiu WILD BUNCH THE DEATH OF LOUIS XIV Albert Serra CAPRICCI FILMS 16:30 (92’) CR 16:00 (71’) AFTER THE STORM Hirokazu Kore-eda WILD BUNCH 18 17:00 (105’) HC 17 THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 15:15 (117’) CR 14:00 (100’) CR PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE THE NEW LIFE OF PAUL SNEIJDER Thomas Vincent SND / M6 FOOL MOON Grégoire Leprince-ringuet ALFAMA FILMS 12:00 (109’) HC 6.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE Nae Caranfil PREMIUM FILMS 10:00 (112’) PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 14:30 (127’) CO GRADUATION Cristian Mungiu WILD BUNCH 15 MA’ ROSA Brillante Ma Mendoza FILMS DISTRIBUTION IN THE FOREST OF SIBERIA Safy Nebbou OTHER ANGLE PICTURES 12:00 (100’) LE CANCRE Paul Vecchiali THE OPEN REEL 11:30 (110’) HC THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 11:15 (92’) CR THE UNKNOWN GIRL Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne WILD BUNCH 14 13:30 (110’) CO IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD Xavier Dolan SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 12 11:00 (113’) CO 11 DON’T CALL ME SON Anna Muylaert LOCO FILMS 10:00 (82’) 10 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-42 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 63 seats DOC CORNER 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 a-43 8 9 10 11 IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD Xavier Dolan SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 09:30 (97’) CO AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold PROTAGONIST PICTURES 09:30 (158’) CO SIERANEVADA Cristi Puiu ELLE DRIVER 09:30 (174’) CO WRONG ELEMENTS Jonathan Littell LE PACTE 09:30 (133’) HC 12 11:30 (123’) CO LOVING Jeff Nichols 13 12:30 (96’) CO JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar FILMNATION 14 15 13:45 (162’) CO 14:30 (113’) CO 16 THE UNKNOWN GIRL Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne WILD BUNCH 15:00 (120’) CR CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross SIERRA / AFFINITY 14:15 (114’) HC 17 18 16:45 (125’) CO FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON Nicole Garcia STUDIOCANAL 16:45 (100’) CO PATERSON Jim Jarmusch K5 MEDIA GROUP 17:15 (97’) CR 19 20 19:00 (88’) HC BLOOD FATHER Jean-François Richet WILD BUNCH 19:00 (102’) CR HELL OR HIGH WATER David Mackenzie SIERRA / AFFINITY 19:00 (80’) CR 21 22 21:30 (97’) CO 23 IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD Xavier Dolan SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 24 The re-run of the Official Selection is strictly limited to Marché badge-holders. Entrance is subject to availability and without priority access. La reprise de la Sélection Officielle est strictement réservée aux accrédités du Marché du Film. L’entrée se fera sans accès prioritaire et dans la limite des places disponibles. REPRISE DE LA SÉLÉCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL SELECTION RERUN THE TRANSFIGURATION THE RED TURTLE Michael O’shea Michael Dudok de Wit PROTAGONIST PICTURES WILD BUNCH 16:30 (109’) HC 17:15 (119’) CR THE STUDENT Kirill Serebrennikov WIDE FOOL MOON Grégoire Leprince-ringuet ALFAMA FILMS 15:15 (108’) CR THE DANCER Stephanie Di Giusto WILD BUNCH 15:30 (94’) 17:30 (116’) QR LIKE CRAZY Paolo Virzi BAC FILMS 17:30 (98’) ROAD TO ISTANBUL Rachid Bouchareb ELLE DRIVER POWER TO CHANGE – THE ENERGY REBELLION Carl-A. Fechner FECHNERMEDIA 15:30 (98’) WE ARE FAMILY Gabriel Julien-laferriere TF1 INT’L 15:30 (98’) SC IN BED WITH VICTORIA Justine Triet INDIE SALES HANDS OF STONE Jonathan Jakubovicz THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY TONI ERDMANN Maren Ade THE MATCH FACTORY 12:45 (118’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 12:00 (118’) HC 13:15 (105’) CR DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS TRAIN TO BUSAN Sang-Ho Yeon CONTENTS PANDA BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Eran Kolirin THE MATCH FACTORY 11:30 (100’) CR VOIR DU PAYS Delphine Coulin FILMS DISTRIBUTION 09:30 (102’) CR 13:30 (81’) DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS THE FARMER AND I Juan Mejia Botero Irja Von Bernstorff CINEPHIL FECHNERMEDIA 11:30 (73’) 12:00 (90’) MISS IMPOSSIBLE Emilie Deleuze DOC & FILM INT’L 12:00 (101’) SC DIAMOND ISLAND Davy Chou LES FILMS DU LOSANGE TREASURES Lawrence Russo VISION ENTERTAINMENT 09:30 (92’) MERCI PATRON ! François Ruffin JOUR2FETE 10:00 (83’) CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 10:00 (97’) CR 246 seats ARCADES 1 19 seats GRAY 5 40 seats GRAY 3 BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats 8 A YELLOW BIRD K. Rajagopal ALPHA VIOLET 08:30 (112’) SC RISK Laura Poitras SUBMARINE ENT. DIVINES Houda Benyamina FILMS BOUTIQUE 12 13 11:45 (106’) QR TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR Kim Nguyen TF1 INT’L 11:30 (97’) QR FREE STATE Sallas De Jager NFVF SOUTH AFRICA 12:00 (98’) 17 16:00 (105’) CREDITORS Ben Cura NEW MORNING FILMS 14:00 (81’) LA TRAMPA Carlos Alberto Poe ECLIPSE PRODUCCIONES 16:00 (113’) UKRAINE. PARALIPOMENON. KALUSHI A CHRONICLE OF O Mandlakayise Dube Yulia Matsiy NFVF SOUTH AFRICA GRETA JOANNE ENT. 14:00 (110’) CINEFONDATION CINEFONDATION 14:30 (83’) 14:45 (95’) QR 16 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES QUINZAINE 1 15 CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 3 14 CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 2 11:00 (85’) 11 MRS RIGHT GUY Adze Ugah NFVF SOUTH AFRICA 10:00 (87’) 10 08:45 (92’) QR 9 18:00 (92’) QR 19 RISK Laura Poitras SUBMARINE ENT. 18 CO: Compétition Officielle • HC: Hors Compétition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • TITRE EN BLEU : Film projeté pour la première fois lors d’un marché QR: Quinzaine des Réalisateurs • SC: Semaine de la Critique • press : Presse autorisée • invite only : Sur invitation seulement • priority only : Badges prioritaires seulement THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-44 MERCENARY Sacha Wolff BE FOR FILMS 22:30 (103’) QR THE FAMILY WHISTLE Michele Russo 23 22:00 (65’) CC MRS. B., A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN Jero Yun ACID 20:00 (71’) 20:00 (108’) THE RED MAN Jimmie Gonzalez THE RED MAN FILM 19:30 (116’) CC 20:45 (106’) QR 22 DIVINES Houda Benyamina FILMS BOUTIQUE 21 24 THURSDAY 19 POLICE FÉDÉRALE, LOS ANGELES William Friedkin 20 SAÏD BEN SAÏD AND MICHEL MERKT PRESENT ISABELLE HUPPERT A FILM BY © PHOTO GUY FERRANDIS / SBS PRODUCTIONS © 2015 SBS PRODUCTIONS – SBS FILMS– TWENTY TWENTY VISION FILMPRODUKTION – FRANCE 2 CINÉMA – ENTRE CHIEN ET LOUP. PAUL VERHOEVEN FIF INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICE: FIVE SEAS HOTEL 1 RUE NOTRE-DAME, 4TH FLOOR, ROOM 409 WWW.SBS-DISTRIBUTION.FR CONTACT@SBS-DISTRIBUTION.FR LAURENT LAFITTE FROM THE COMÉDIE FRANÇAISE SCREENPLAY BY ANNE CONSIGNY CHARLES BERLING VIRGINIE EFIRA DAVID BIRKE BASED ON THE NOVEL “OH…” BY PHILIPPE DJIAN , © PHILIPPE DJIAN ET ÉDITIONS GALLIMARD 2012. 63 seats RIVIERA 2 63 seats RIVIERA 1 63 seats LERINS 2 63 seats LERINS 1 PALAIS F 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 THE LAST FACE Sean Penn LIONSGATE 08:30 (132’) CO 9 12:00 (70’) MRS B, A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN Jero Yun DOC & FILM INT’L 10:00 (83’) QR THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE Claude Barras INDIE SALES 12:00 (66’) QR 12:00 (80’) ROBERT DOISNEAU: THROUGH THE LENS Jan Vazak JOUR2FETE ROOMMATES WANTED François Desagnat SND / M6 10:00 (92’) DOGS Bogdan Mirica BAC FILMS 12:00 (82’) 13:00 (92’) CR 14:00 (80’) CR IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD Xavier Dolan SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL 18 16:30 (80’) CR 19:00 (132’) CO 20 THE LAST FACE Sean Penn LIONSGATE 19 THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS Andrea Testa FILMS BOUTIQUE 16:45 (110’) HC 17 GIMME DANGER Jim Jarmusch INDEPENDENT 15:30 (132’) CO 16 THE LAST FACE Sean Penn LIONSGATE 14:30 (97’) CO 15 THE RED TURTLE Michael Dudok de Wit WILD BUNCH 14 THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen LES FILMS DU LOSANGE MY FIRST HIGHWAY Kevin Meul PREMIUM FILMS CAMPUS MOVIEFEST CAMPUS MOVIE FEST 11:30 (110’) INVERSION Behnam Behzadi NOORI PICTURES 10:00 (105’) CR HARMONIUM Koji Fukada MK2 THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS Andrea Testa FILMS BOUTIQUE 11:30 (80’) CR GRADUATION Cristian Mungiu WILD BUNCH 11:45 (127’) CO 12:00 (117’) CO 13 THE NEON DEMON Nicolas Winding Refn GAUMONT 12 11:00 (84’) CR 11 9:45 (118’) CR 10 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-46 21 22:00 (84’) CR 22:30 (117’) CO THE NEON DEMON Nicolas Winding Refn GAUMONT 23 INVERSION Behnam Behzadi NOORI PICTURES 22 24 FRIDAY 20 252 seats OLYMPIA 2 341 seats OLYMPIA 1 147 seats PALAIS K 73 seats PALAIS J 73 seats PALAIS I 246 seats 34 seats ARCADES 1 291 seats BUÑUEL 380 seats MIRAMAR 500 seats THÉÂTRE CROISETTE a-47 8 9 10 MA LOUTE Bruno Dumont MEMENTO FILMS 09:30 (122’) CO MA’ ROSA Brillante Ma Mendoza FILMS DISTRIBUTION 09:30 (110’) CO GRADUATION Cristian Mungiu WILD BUNCH 09:30 (127’) CO LE CANCRE Paul Vecchiali THE OPEN REEL 09:30 (110’) HC THE LAST RESORT Thanos Anastopoulos WIDE HOUSE 09:30 (135’) DOG EAT DOG Paul Schrader ARCLIGHT FILMS 08:45 (95’) QR 11:00 (90’) 11 12 13 11:45 (140’) CO AQUARIUS Kleber Mendonca Filho SBS INTERNATIONAL I, DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach WILD BUNCH 11:30 (100’) CO INVERSION Behnam Behzadi NOORI PICTURES 12:00 (84’) CR THE DEATH OF LOUIS XIV Albert Serra CAPRICCI FILMS 11:45 (105’) HC 14:00 (90’) 14 15 14:30 (117’) CO 16 AFTER THE STORM Hirokazu Kore-eda WILD BUNCH 17 18 16:45 (100’) CO STAYING VERTICAL Alain Guiraudie WILD BUNCH 19 20 18:45 (96’) CR 20:30 (110’) 21 22 THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP 23 THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP - SHORTS 21:30 (117’) CO THE NEON DEMON Nicolas Winding Refn GAUMONT 24 The re-run of the Official Selection is strictly limited to Marché badge-holders. Entrance is subject to availability and without priority access. La reprise de la Sélection Officielle est strictement réservée aux accrédités du Marché du Film. L’entrée se fera sans accès prioritaire et dans la limite des places disponibles. 18:45 (105’) CO APPRENTICE Junfeng Boo LUXBOX DIVINES Houda Benyamina FILMS BOUTIQUE 22:30 (106’) QR 22:30 (90’) TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + PRIX DECOUVERTE L REPRISE DE LA SÉLÉCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL SELECTION RERUN PERSONAL SHOPPER Olivier Assayas MK2 17:30 (120’) CR CHOUF Karim Dridi DOC & FILM INT’L HEAVEN SENT Wissam Charaf ACID 20:00 (70’) MEMORIAS DEL SUBDESARROLLO Tomas Gutierrez Alea 19:45 (90’) TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + PRIX FONDATION GA 19:30 (95’) QR DOG EAT DOG Paul Schrader ARCLIGHT FILMS 18:30 (97’) CC 17:30 (106’) HC 16:15 (132’) CO THE LAST FACE Sean Penn LIONSGATE THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS Andrea Testa FILMS BOUTIQUE 15:45 (80’) CR EXIL Rithy Panh FILMS DISTRIBUTION 15:30 (77’) HC 15:45 (90’) CR PERSONAL AFFAIRS Maha Haj FILMS BOUTIQUE THE NEON DEMON Nicolas Winding Refn GAUMONT 13:30 (145’) CO PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE 13:45 (100’) CR HISSEIN HABRÉ, A CHADIAN TRADEGY Mahamat-Saleh Haroun DOC & FILM INT’L 13:45 (82’) HC CLASH Mohamed Diab PYRAMIDE INT’L 14:00 (97’) CR CINEFONDATION PALMARÈS CINEFONDATION 17:00 (90’) TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + GRAND PRIX NESPRE 16:30 (90’) 15:30 (106’) QR DIVINES Houda Benyamina FILMS BOUTIQUE TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + PRIX REVELATION F AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN Park Chan-Wook CJ E&M THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄK Juho Kuosmanen LES FILMS DU LOSANGE 12:00 (92’) CR RISK Laura Poitras SUBMARINE ENT. 11:30 (92’) QR CINEFONDATION CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 4 11:00 (84’) TALENTS ADAMI CANNES + PRIX SACD PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES QUINZAINE 2 12:00 (99’) QR TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats LUMIÈRE OLYMPIA 1 246 seats ARCADES 1 BUÑUEL 500 seats THÉÂTRE CROISETTE 280 seats BAZIN 1 068 seats DEBUSSY 432 seats SALLE DU 60e TICKET REQUIRED 2 294 seats 8 8 10 9 10 ELLE Paul Verhoeven SBS INTERNATIONAL 08:30 (130’) CO 9 11 11 12 DOG EAT DOG Paul Schrader ARCLIGHT FILMS 11:30 (95’) QR 13 FAI BEI SOGNI Marco Bellocchio THE MATCH FACTORY 12:00 (134’) QR COURTS-MÉTRAGES COMPÉTITION 11:30 CO THE LAST FACE Sean Penn LIONSGATE 11:45 (132’) CO 12:00 (124’) CO 13 THE SALESMAN Asghar Farhadi MEMENTO FILMS 12 14 15 PIT AND THE PENDULUM Roger Corman 14:30 (117’) CO THE NEON DEMON Nicolas Winding Refn GAUMONT 15 14:00 (80’) CC 14 18 16 17 18 COURTS-MÉTRAGES COMPÉTITION 16:00 (90’) CO PERICLES THE BLACK Stefano Mordini RAI TRADE 17 16:00 (100’) CR 16 CO: Official Competition • HC: Out of Competition • CC: Cannes Classics • CR: Un Certain Regard • BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market QR: Directors Fortnight • SC: Semaine de la critique • press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority only : Priority badges only LUMIÈRE a-48 19 20 21 21 24:30 (88’) HC BLOOD FATHER Jean-François Richet WILD BUNCH 22 23 24 SUNDAY 22 THE SALESMAN Asghar Farhadi MEMENTO FILMS 21:30 (124’) CO 22:30 (83’) QR 24 THE TOGETHER PROJECT Solveig Anspach LE PACTE 22:00 (124’) CO 23 THE SALESMAN Asghar Farhadi MEMENTO FILMS 22 SATURDAY 21 CÉRÉMONIE DE CLÔTURE 19:15 CO 18:30 (130’) CO 20 ELLE Paul Verhoeven SBS INTERNATIONAL 19 FILMS EN PROJECTION FILMS WITH SCREENINGS … 11/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) #HORROR Usa - 101 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Tara SUBKOFF - Cast: Chloë SEVIGNY, Taryn MANNING, Natasha LYONNE, Timothy HUTTON Inspired by actual events, a group of 12 year old girls face a night of horror when the compulsive addiction of an online social media game turns a moment of cyber bullying into a night of insanity. SPOTLIGHT PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F10 #THE JEWS (ILS SONT PARTOUT ) 13/5 ARCADES 2 (16:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 7 (11:30) France - 100 min - 5 - 10 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Yvan ATTAL - Cast: Dany BOON, Gilles LELOUCHE, Gregory GADEBOIS, Benoit POELVOORDE, François DAMIENS, Denys PODALYDES, Valerie BONNETON, Charlotte GAINSBOURG, Yvan ATTAL Yvan feels persecuted by a growing anti-Semitism and is used to being told that he is overreacting, that he is being paranoid. During his counseling sessions, Yvan therefore speaks of his particular concerns: his identity, to be French and Jew today. But these sessions are also and above all a key thread linking together several short stories meaning to dismantle, in a tragi-comic style, the most persistent anti-Semitism clichés! OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 18/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) 1962 MY COUNTRY LAND India - 109 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Chow Partha BORGOHAIN - Cast: Aham SHARMA, Daniel Shin HAN, Lakhpa LEPCHA, Ketholeno KENSE Three People fights for a piece of land that is neither in India or China. The confrontation changes their life forever in the Indo-Sino war of 1962. The two falls in love and becomes inseparable lovers, and the other betray his nation sacrificing for the two. LIVING DREAMS (India) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side 27 Boulevard Montfleaury, - ✆ 91 0 9871726819 17/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) 2101, SCIENCE AND FICTION (2101, SCIENCE ET FICTION) France - 85 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - French, English - 2016 - Director: Patrick CHIUZZI 2101, the dramatic climatic context leaves little future for humanity on Earth. Fosto, an astrophysicist banished from the scientific community, lives with Pandora, an artificial intelligence. She encourages him to settle in Sicilia where he inherits a house in the centre of Palermo. Moreover, the town university offers him an opportunity to resume his research on the exo-planet Eden 1024 that he claims is liveable. Mephisto, who intends to take Hell to a new land, lays a trap for Fosto by offering him youth in exchange for the coordinates of Eden 1024. Through vanity and his love for Margot, Fosto accepts the deal. This story, based on a comic, questions the scientists about science fiction and the state of progress of their researches. The feature-lenght documentary is part of a transmedia project including a web-documentary (2101.fr) and a comic. C PRODUCTIONS CHROMATIQUES (France) - ✆ 06 10 12 75 69 24 WEEKS (24 WOCHEN) 13/5 LERINS 2 (19:45) - 15/5 LERINS 1 (09:30) Germany - 102 min - German - 2016 - Director: Anne Zohra BERRACHED - Cast: Julia JENTSCH, Bjarne MÄDEL, Johanna GASTDORF, Emilia PIESKE The stage lights, the applause – Astrid loves being a cabaret performer, and loves her tolerant and supportive husband Markus. Every decision is taken together, and this one is no different: what will they do with the child that Astrid is carrying, now, six months into the pregnancy, that she learns it will be severely disabled? She and Marcus have a choice, but little time… A strong nature with a witty answer to everything, Astrid now feels lost, on her own, impossible to continue her comedy routine. Ultimately only she who is bearing the child can take this weighty decision. What will she do? Who decides whether the child will have a life worth living? BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 13/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) - 17/5 LERINS 4 (20:00) 4 KINGS (4 KÖNIGE) Germany - 99 min - German - 2015 - Director: Theresa VON ELTZ - Cast: Jannis NIEWOHNER, Paula BEER, Jella HAASE, Moritz LEU Christmas is coming, and all Alex (16) wants is harmony, beauty, light and hope. But it seems all her parents want to do is fight. She sees only one way out. The next day, she finds herself in the teen psychiatric emergency unit. There she meets three other young people: Lara (17), the striking daughter of an academic family who’s having acid flashbacks; shy Fedja (16), who is being bullied at school; and violent Timo (17), who has just been moved from the locked ward. Under the care of young psychiatrist Dr. Wolff, the four teens, who could hardly be more different, now have to deal with each other at Christmas, whether they want to or not. Dr. Wolff challenges them and clashes with his fellow members in the clinic due to his unconventional methods. The four teenagers discover that even though they’re very different, they all have one thing in common: all four are hurt and out of balance… (more info on cinando.com) GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 a-50 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 ARCADES 1 (15:30 invit) - 15/5 ARCADES 2 (14:00 invit) 47 METERS DOWN United Kingdom - 87 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Johannes ROBERTS - Cast: Mandy MOORE, Claire HOLT, Matthew MODINE Twenty-something sisters Kate and Lisa are gorgeous, fun-loving and ready for the holiday of a lifetime in Mexico. When the opportunity to go cage diving to view Great White sharks presents itself, thrill-seeking Kate jumps at the chance while Lisa takes some convincing. After some not so gentle persuading, Lisa finally agrees and the girls soon find themselves two hours off the coast of Huatulco and about to come face to face with nature’s fiercest predator. But what should have been the trip to end all trips soon becomes a living nightmare when the shark cage breaks free from their boat, sinks and they find themselves trapped at the bottom of the ocean. With less than an hour of oxygen left in their tanks, they must somehow work out how to get back to the boat above them through 47 meters of shark-infested waters. ALTITUDE FILM SALES (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Le Dauphin Entrance, 2nd Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 20 61 12/5 PALAIS J (13:30 invit) - 14/5 PALAIS I (16:00 invit) - 19/5 LERINS 2 (10:00) 6.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria - 110 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Nae CARANFIL Cast: Teo CORBAN A humble Romanian actor in his 40’s, hardly surviving between a complicated part in a musical, a depressed wife, and the obsession of an imminent, devastating earthquake, becomes the victim of his manipulative father. PREMIUM FILMS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 12/5 PALAIS G (10:00) 64 SIX-FOUR (64 ROKUYON) Japan - 234 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Zeze TAKAHISA - Cast: Sato KOICHI, Go AYANO, Nana EIKURA, Yui NATSUKAWA, Naoto OGATA, Masataka KUBOTA, Kentaro SAKAGUCHI, Kippei SHIINA, Kenichi TAKITOH, Eiji OKUDA, Toru NAKAMURA, Hidetaka YOSHIOKA, Masatoshi NAGASE, Tomokazu MIURA In 2002, a kidnapping has eerie parallels with ‘six-four’, an unsolved case from 1989 on which the Statute of Limitations looms one year hence. The year 1989 began in Japan as ‘Showa 64’, the 64th year of the reign of the Showa Emperor Hirohito. With his death on January 8th, a new era began, and 1989 became ‘Heisei 1’. On January 5th, a young girl is kidnapped. The kidnapper escapes with 20 million yen, but the girl is found murdered. Now, 14 years later, her father, a few aging police investigators, and the kidnapper himself still live in that week, in the case they have called ‘six-four’. Former Detective Mikami has been moved from Investigations to the Administrative side of the Gunma Prefectural Police, where as Chief PR Officer he battles a recalcitrant press corps, Administration bureaucrats concerned only with the machinations of the National Police Agency in Tokyo, and his ex-colleagues suspicious of him and resentful of Tokyo’s attempts to assert control over the way they do their jobs… (find more on cinando.com) TBS (TOKYO BROADCASTING SYSTEM TELEVISION, INC.) (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G19 16/5 PALAIS K (18:00) 74 TH GENOCIDE SHINGAL France - 115 min - Kurdish - 2016 ADELAWARE COMPANY KARABULUT PRODUCTION FILM USA (Usa) A A COMEDY OF TEARS (KOMEDIJA SOLZ) 16/5 PALAIS B (13:30) Slovenia - 75 min - Slovenian - 2016 - Director: Marko SOSIC - Cast: Marjuta SLAMIC, Ivo BARISIC Ida, a carer for the elderly, drives from the Slovenian coast to see Albert, an old man in a wheelchair living in a large apartment in Trieste, and to do the cooking and cleaning for him and wash him. Ida is confronted with his sarcasm and cynicism, which he uses to pick on people, including her, but she resists it with dignity up until the last moment when old Albert discovers her true identity. Ida originally comes from Bosnia but speaks perfect Slovenian. This discovery infuriates Albert, who has been talking disrespectfully about people who are not pure Slovenians every day since Ida arrived. SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE (Slovenia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 - ✆ 33 4 92 59 02 32 16/5 LERINS 3 (18:00) A DOUBLE LIFE (NIJU SEIKATSU) Japan - 126 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Hyoshiyuki KISHI - Cast: Mugi KADOKAWI, Lili FRANKY, Hiroki HASEGAWA, Masaki SUDA A PHD student in Philosphy gets involved into tailing and folllowing a stranger for writing her thesis. ALPHA VIOLET (France) - RIVIERA Stand E18 For full details go to BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-51 12/5 PALAIS G (18:00) A DOUBLE LIFE Japan - 126 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Yoshiyuki KISHI - Cast: Mugi KADOWAKI, Hiroki HASEGAWA, Masaki SUDA, Lily FRANKY Tama is an ordinary grad student who attends the Department of Philosophy and lives with her game designer boyfriend Takuya. She is getting ready to write her master’s thesis. Her professor, Shinohara suggests she tries “philosophical tailing” where she follows one stranger and makes a recording of his life and his every move. Tama feels hesitant about tailing, but one day when she goes to the bookstore to find reference, she spots Ishizaka, the man who lives in a house next to her apartment with a beautiful wife and daughter. When the editor Ishizaka leaves after his work, accompanying a writer’s to his book signing event Tama follows him out of the store. Tama starts tailing Ishizaka and soon he begins to show his various personalities, from a talented editor who is disciplined and sharp in his meeting with a novelist, and a father who communicates with his daughter in an innocent manner after his affair with his mistress Shinobu. Tama becomes obsessed with tailing her target… KADOKAWA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C12 16/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) A DRAGON ARRIVES! (EJHDEHA VARED MISHAVAD!) Iran - 108 min - 2016 - Director: Mani HAGHIGHI - Cast: Amir JADIDI, Homayoun GHANIZADEH, Ehsan GOUDARZI, Kiana TAJAMMOL, Nader FALLAH Detective Babak Hafizi is being interrogated by the secret police. Everything began on January 23, 1965, the day after the Prime Minister was shot in front of Parliament. Hafizi was ordered to investigate the suspicious suicide of an exiled political prisoner on the remote island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf. In an abandoned ship next to an ancient cemetery in the desert, Hafizi stumbles upon an even bigger mystery. A local gravedigger tells him about the legend of earthquakes occurring whenever someone is buried in the haunted cemetery. Seeing is believing for Hafizi and he dares to spend the night alone in the creepy ship, waiting for the ground to shake. Back in Tehran, Hafizi is determined to discover the truth about his eerie experience, even without agency approval. He recruits two other young men: Behnam Shokouhi, a geologist who has just returned from his studies in Germany, and Keyvan Haddad, a film sound engineer… (more info on cinando.com) THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 14/5 PALAIS C (14:00) A FLOWER AFLAME (KASHIN) Japan - 95 min – 0.3 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Hiroshi ANDO - Cast: Eri MURAKAWA, Kento HAYASHI, Masanobu ANDO, Mariya TOMOKO “It seems as if every fastener on your body is undone.” So says Ochi (Masanobu Ando) to his lover Sonoko (Eri Murakawa). She is married to Amamiya (Kento Hayashi), a man chosen by her parents, and has given birth to his son, but she does not love her husband. The couple eventually moves to Kyoto, after Amamiya is transferred there by his company. One day, Sonoko meets Ochi for the first time near the lodgings where they both stay, and falls for him. As she struggles to deal with emotions she has never experienced before, the cries of her womb grow so loud that she can no longer suppress them… TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 17/5 LERINS 4 (09:30) A GERMAN LIFE (EIN DEUTSCHES LEBEN) Austria - 113 min - German - 2016 - Director: Christian KRÖNES, Florian WEIGENSAMER, Roland SCHROTTHOFER, Olaf S. MÜLLER Although Brunhilde Pomsel always described herself as just being a side-line figure and not at all interested in politics, she nevertheless got closer to one of the worst criminals in world history than anyone else presently alive. Today aged 105, Pomsel used to work as secretary, stenographer and typist for the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Brunhilde Pomsel’s life mirrors the major historical ruptures of the 20th century and German life thereafter. Nowadays, many people presume that the dangers of war and fascism have long been overcome. Brunhilde Pomsel makes it clear that this is certainly not the case. “A German Life” forces viewers to ask themselves what they would have done and whether they would have sacrificed any possible moral principles in order to advance their own careers. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 13/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) - 17/5 LERINS 3 (12:00) A GOOD WIFE Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia - 94 min - Serbian - 2016 - Director: Mirjana KARANOVIC Cast: Ksenija MARINKOVIC, Hristina POPOVIC, Bojan NAVOJEC, Jasna DJURICIC, Boris ISAKOVIC, Mirjana KARANOVIC Milena, a middle-aged wife and mother, is living comfortably in an upscale neighborhood of Belgrade. She quietly tends to her looks, dutifully cooks and entertains her friends. But unsettling realities are beginning to seep into her when she finds out about the hidden past of her seemingly ideal husband. She begins an awakening from the suburban paradise she had thought to live in. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 A HOUSE ON THE 41 STREET (KHANEH-YEE DAR KHIABAN-E CHEHEL O YEKOM) 14/5 PALAIS F (13:30) Iran - 90 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Hamid Reza GHORBANI - Cast: Mahnaz AFSHAR, Ali MOSAFFA, Soheila RAZAVI, Sara BAHRAMI A major fight between two brothers leads to a family catastrophe. Their mother and her daughter in laws live in the same three-storey building and they all try to resolve the conflict on their own… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 u A JAMAIS —> NEVER EVER a-52 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA (VOYAGE À TRAVERS LE CINÉMA FRANÇAIS) CC 12/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) - 15/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) - 16/5 BUÑUEL (14:30) - SALLE DU 60e (14:45) France - 198 min - French - 2015 - Director: Bertrand TAVERNIER “This voyage is first of all meant to be an entertaining, non-academic stroll through the cinema I have learned to love. I would like to describe all the things that touch me. And I will also do what I can to put to rest some clichés, platitudes and legends. This film will be made up of excerpts, photos, and trailers, but also contemporary and other, more recent interviews, and interventions by technicians and/or historians. We will combine several approaches: my memories, my encounters, all the bits of information I have been able to collect, facts that often explain the angle taken by a film, the reasons behind some ambitions. And we will also attempt to show in a lively, concrete fashion why these films still speak to us, and why they still touch us today.” BERTRAND TAVERNIER GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 13/5 OLYMPIA 3 (09:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30) A KID (LE FILS DE JEAN) France - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Philippe LIORET - Cast: Pierre DELADONCHAMPS, Gabriel ARCAND Mathieu is 35, but he has never met his father. His late mother always told him that he was the result of a casual encounter. One day, Mathieu receives a call telling him that his father was Canadian, and that he had just passed away. He also discovers that he has two step brothers and decides to go to the funeral in order to meet them. But once in Montréal, he realizes that nobody is aware of his existence or even interested in it. He is alone, in hostile territory… LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 u A MAN AND A WOMAN —> UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME 17/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30) A MIGHTY TEAM (LA FINE ÉQUIPE ) France - 97 min - French - 2015 - Director: Thomas SORRIAUX - Cast: Gérard DEPARDIEU, Mehdi SADOUN, Chantal LAUBY A football star is injured and cannot play for a while. His agent sends him back to his home village to stay with his father he hasn’t seen for 15 years, and to train the local children’s team in order to improve his terrible reputation. There he finds much more that what he expects. OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 A NOBLE INTENTION (PUBLIEKE WERKEN) 11/5 PALAIS B (11:30) - 12/5 ARCADES 3 (20:30) Netherlands - 115 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Dutch - 2015 - Director: Joram LÜRSEN - Cast: Gijs VAN SCHOLTEN ASCHAT, Jacob DERWIG, Rifka LODEIZEN 1888. A luthier – Vedder (Gijs Scholten van Aschat) – has to step aside when his home opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs (Jacob Derwig), pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and for his wife Martha (Rifka Lodeizen), but alsof for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed – or is it pride? – the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences. DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 13/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) A PETTY BOURGEOIS DREAM Lebanon - 103 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Mazen KHALED - Cast: Wissam FARES, Jamal JAAFAR, Souraya BAGHDADI, Ahmad KAABOUR Ramzi, a 30-something Beiruti leftist newspaper editor, and Tarek, around the same age, a writer and part-time bar manager, have been close since childhood. The two met as children during a (then) boys-only summer camp, and have been inseparable since. Today, they share a flat in the eclectic Hamra district of Beirut. The two men’s relationship has a rigid structure, not devoid of co-dependence, which women fail to penetrate. Their friends joke about how close they are, but admire their closeness. Everyone wishes they had an ally in this life and this is exactly what those two have: an alliance: simple, pure and real. While Tarek is a talented writer struggling with finishing his first novel, Ramzi is facing the prospect of quitting his ‘committed’ leftist publication for a well paying job in a commercially driven news website, which represents everything he thought he deplored about the world of journalism… (more info on cinando.com) FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA (Lebanon) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 208 12/5 PALAIS I (20:30) A QUIET PASSION United Kingdom, Belgium - 124 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Terence DAVIES Cast: Cynthia NIXON, Jennifer EHLE, Keith CARRADINE, Emma BELL A QUIET PASSION is a film based on the life and work of the great poet Emily Dickinson. She wrote a poem a day, but only a fraction of her output was published throughout her lifetime. She was extremely shy, but with a wry, lively sense of humour and loved to laugh or to be made to laugh. Her friendships were intense but it was within the family that she found her greatest happiness. Her life is one of quiet dignity. The poetry magnificent. All the terror and beauty of the world distilled down to the quintessence of meaning and expression. She is quite simply one of the world’s greatest poets. DOUBLE DUTCH INTERNATIONAL ( DDI ) (Canada) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Grand Hotel, 6th Fl, Goeland Ent u A SEITA —> THE CULT BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-53 15/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE Canada - 93 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Geordie SABBAGH - Cast: Dylan TAYLOR, Melanie SCROFANO, Meghan HEFFERN Adam, 31, is a struggling writer on the verge of giving it all up. His books have failed, he is broke and his girlfriend Tracy, 29, wants to move on. As he struggles to finish his last attempt at a novel, he meets and falls for a smart beautiful woman named Emma, 26. Emma is also Death and she came to take Adam away. She offers him everlasting fame and a chance to take his place among the greats of the written word. Now Adam must decide if what he’s dreamed about is worth dying for, and if the woman he truly loves is in the present or in the life beyond. PRINC FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E1 A TIME TO DIE (TIEMPO DE MORIR) CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (21:00) Mexico - 90 min - Spanish - 1965 - Director: Arturo RIPSTEIN - Cast: Marga LÓPEZ, Jorge MARTÍNEZ DE HOYOS, Enrique ROCHA, Alfredo LEAL, Blanca SÁNCHEZ Juan Sayago returns to his hometown after 18 years of being in prison, accused of killing Raul Trueba, a horse dealer. Juan wants to live peacefully, but knows that Julian and Pedro, Raul’s sons, had sworn to seek revenge for their father. Juan visits Mariana, a widowed woman who used to be Juan’s girlfriend. Everybody’s advice to Juan is that he needs to leave town. Mariana and Juan renew their love but she doesn’t want to leave with him. Julian challenges Juan to a duel in the same place Trueba died, Juan dresses as a gunman, says goodbye to Mariana and puts on glasses to kill his enemy. Exasperated, Pedro challenges Juan, who turns his back on him, and so the young man must shoot enough with his brother’s gun to hit him down. ALAMEDA FILMS (Mexico) 17/5 OLYMPIA 4 (18:00) A TOUCH OF WIND (PRIKOSNOVENIE VETRA) Russia - 77 min - Russian - 2016 - Director: Olga VEREMEEVA, Elena DEMIDOVA - Cast: Julia AUG A TOUCH OF WIND is a new Russian experimental film, which combines fiction and documentary scenes in one continuous narration. The shooting of the film took place in Buryatia. This region is situated in the South-Eastern part of Russia and it is considered the center of Buddhism in Russia. In the fictional story, a Moscow actress comes to faraway Buryatia to find the man she once loved. She is terminally ill and Buryatia gives her a second chance. She does not believe in miracles, but a miracle happens. The real actress Julia Aug (prize-winning Russian actress Silent Souls, 2010 Venice FF; Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari, 2013 Venice FF, Rome FF; Intimate Parts, 2013), like her character, is also in Buryatia for the first time. The documentary, filmed during the shooting of the feature film, shows the real Julia’s feelings and experiences while she discovers the real Buryatia. She also has serious problems in her life, but she has her own personality and her own experience… (more info on cinando.com) KAMER-TON-FILM-RUSSIA (Russia) u A TOUS LES VENTS DU CIEL —> TWISTING FATE 18/5 PALAIS B (15:30) A TWO WAY MIRROR (IZA LICA ZRCALA) Croatia - 42 min - Croatian - 2016 - Director: Zrinka Katarina MATIJEVIC A poetic documentary that illustrates different states of mind, inner struggles and revelations through the beautiful but bitterly cold mountainous landscapes of Lika. While Zrinka, the protagonist, films the mesmerizing but harsh scenery of the Lika region, the scenery forms an outline of Zrinka, a woman enlightened, but no longer defined, by her many losses. CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CENTRE (Croatia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 A YELLOW BIRD SC 13/5 PALAIS F (17:30) - 17/5 PALAIS G (10:00) - 18/5 MIRAMAR (11:45, 17:00, 22:00) - 19/5 MIRAMAR (11:45) Singapore, France - 112 min - Tamil, Mandarin, English - 2016 - Director: K. RAJAGOPAL Cast: Sivakumar PALAKRISHNAN, Huang LU, Seema BISWAS, Udaya SOUNDARI Siva, a Singapourian Indian man is released after years in prison for contraband smuggling. Unable to find forgiveness from his mother, he begins a quest to locate his ex-wife and daughter. Just as he finds solace and hope in the company of an illegal Chinese prostitute, he is confronted with an unbearable truth about his family. How far will he go in order to redeem himself from his guilt? ALPHA VIOLET (France) - RIVIERA Stand E18 u ACANTILADO —> THE CLIFF u ADIEU BONAPARTE —> FAREWELL BONAPARTE u ADOPTE UN VEUF —> ROOMMATES WANTED 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (11:30) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 5 (18:00) ADULT LIFE SKILLS United Kingdom - 96 min - 2016 - Director: Rachel TUNNARD - Cast: Jodie WHITTAKER, Edward HOGG, Lorraine ASHBOURNE, Alice LOWE, Brett GOLDSTEIN Anna is stuck: she’s approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum’s garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn’t show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum – she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn’t put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to BACK THE F-OFF. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna’s self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her… (more info on cinando.com) INDEPENDENT (United Kingdom) - Numa Bianca, 23 rue Macé, 2nd Fl - ✆ 33 4 93 38 29 10 a-54 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique FTER LOVE (L’ÉCONOMIE DU COUPLE)QR 13/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:30) - ARCADES 2 (14:00) - THEATRE CROISETTE (20:00) - 15/5 ARCADES 2 (12:00) - 18/5 OLYMPIA 6 (11:30) France - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Joachim LAFOSSE - Cast: Bérénice BEJO, Cédric KAHN After 10 years of living together, Marie and Boris have decided to get a divorce. Marie is going to buy the apartment in which they live with their two daughters. But it was Boris who had completely renovated it, and since he cannot afford to find another place to live, they must share it. When all is said and done, neither of the two is willing to give up. LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 AFTER THE STORM CR 16/5 OLYMPIA 8 (16:00 prio) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 8 (09:30 prio) - 18/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 19/5 BAZIN (15:15) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 2 (18:45) Japan - 118 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Hirokazu KORE-EDA - Cast: Hiroshi ABE, Yoko MAKI, Kiki KILIN, Taiyo YOSHIZAWA Dwelling on his past glory as a prize-winning author, Ryota wastes the money he makes as a private detective on gambling and can barely pay child support. After the death of his father, his aging mother and beautiful ex-wife seem to be moving on with their lives. Renewing contact with his initially distrustful family, Ryota struggles to take back control of his existence and to find a lasting place in the life of his young son – until a stormy summer night offers them a chance to truly bond again. Multiaward winning and critically lauded director Kore-eda Hirokazu returns with a sensitive and powerful story of family ties remade. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 AGASSI, THE HANDMAIDEN CO 14/5 LUMIERE (08:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:00) - 15/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:30) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 1 (13:30) 145 min - Director: Park CHAN-WOOK CJ E&M CORPORATION / CJ ENTERTAINMENT (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand E19 12/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) - 13/5 LERINS 4 (09:15) - 17/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) AGNUS DEI (LES INNOCENTES) France, Poland - 115 min - French, Polish, Russian - 2016 - Director: Anne FONTAINE - Cast: Lou DE LAÂGE, Agata BUZEK, Agata KULESZA, Vincent MACAIGNE Poland, 1945. Mathilde, a young French Red Cross doctor, is on a mission to help the war survivors. When a nun seeks for her help, she is brought to a convent where several pregnant sisters are hiding, unable to concile their faith with their pregnancy. Mathilde becomes their only hope. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 u AL FINAL DEL TÚNEL —> AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL 12/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) ALBA Mexico - 90 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Ana Cristina BARRAGÁN - Cast: Macarena ARIAS Alba is eleven years old. She has learned how to deal with her mother s illness. She usually helps her going to the bathroom, she combs her hair and she has even learned how to play silently in order to let her rest during the day. At school Alba steals objects from a group of girls she wants to be accepted by, and she plays at home imitating what girls do. One night her mother gets worse and has to be taken to a hospital. Nobody can take care of Alba, so has to move to her father s place. She hasn t seen him since she was three years old. Edgar is a very lonely man, which works reading fingerprints in the register office. Living with her father is almost unbearable for Alba, because he reminds her everything she feels insecure about. Shame, her first kiss, visiting her mother in the hospital, Edgar`s tender efforts to get close to her and bullying at school, are some of the situations that pave Alba`s journey to adolescence and self-acceptance. MEXICAN FILM INSTITUTE (IMCINE) (Mexico) - RIVIERA Stand D5 ALBÜM SC 12/5 MIRAMAR (11:30, 17:00, 22:30) - 13/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) - PALAIS K (12:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 4 (10:00) Turkey, France, Romania - 104 min - Turkish - 2016 - Director: Mehmet Can MERTO LU - Cast: ebnem BOZOKLU, Murat KILIÇ, Muttalip MÜJDEC , Müfit KAYACAN, Zuhal Gencer ERKAYA A couple in their late 30’s sets out to prepare a fake photo album of a pseudo pregnancy period in order to prove their biological tie to the baby they’re planning adopt. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 ALDABRA: ONCE UPON AN ISLAND 11/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) - 16/5 LERINS 2 (13:30) Usa, Czech Republic - 73 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Steve LICHTAG - Cast: Flightless BIRDS, Ferocious SHARKS, Giant TURTLES This wonderfully entertaining 3D Family Theatrical Feature Film takes you on an awe-inspiring journey to a magical coral island. Now for the first time, the captivating stories of Aldabra, will be told by the island’s inhabitants themselves, the heroes of the movie—Elvi the Giant Tortoise, Buster the Robber Crab, Coastguards the Blacktip Sharks, Snooper the Wingless Rail, and many more. A journey you will never forget! Giant land tortoises swim for their lives through shark-infested waters. Turtle hatchlings make a dash for the open sea. The words largest terrestrial crabs scale palm trees to harvest coconuts. Flightless birds still share the extinct dodo’s belief that they have no predators and bully the locals. The most ferocious tides in the world carve gravity-defying sculptures out of coral and limestone. All of these awe-inspiring creatures co-exist on the world’s second largest coral atoll as it was 5,000 years ago, before it vanishes beneath the waves as it has on at least six occasions in the past VISION FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J3 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-55 14/5 PALAIS F (17:30) ALIBIS FOR HAPPINESS Japan - 115 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Takanori JINNAI - Cast: Daichi YASUO, Haruka KINAMI, Kiichi NAKAI, Tae KIMURA, Toshiro YANAGIBA “Coming-of-age Ceremony”, “Arranged Marriage”, “Marriage”, “Childbirth”, “Funeral” – they are all important turning points. This drama will lead us to laugh and cry, seeking the true happiness of life. TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 12/5 PALAIS E (12:00) ALIVE AND KICKING Usa - 84 min - English - 2016 - Director: Susan GLATZER - Cast: Evita ARCE, Emelie DECAVITA, Rebecka DECAVITA Born out of the Great Depression, swing dancing elevates the human spirit beyond one’s circumstances as dancers can move to the beat for the sheer joy of it and disappear into something bigger, something dazzling, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst. ALIVE AND KICKING gives the audience an intimate, insider’s view into the culture of the current swing dance world while shedding light on issues facing modern American society. MAGNOLIA PICTURES & MAGNET RELEASING (Usa) - 24 La Croisette/La Brise, 2nd FL - ✆ 120 3952 4413 15/5 OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) ALL THESE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Poland - 90 min - Polish - 2016 - Director: Michał MARCZAK - Cast: Krzysztof BAGINSK, Michal HUSZCZA, Ewa LEBEUF Warsaw has become a city emergent, teeming with a new generation of twenty-somethings trying to discover their place in a city uncomfortably torn between its traumatic past and the bold future that always seems just out of reach. HANWAY FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 1st Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 16 14 17/5 PALAIS F (09:30) ALOYS SWITZERL AND, France - 91 min - Swiss-German - 2016 - Director: Tobias NÖLLE - Cast: Georg FRIEDRICH, Tilde VON OVERBECK Aloys Adorn is a middle aged private detective who lives and works with his father. He experiences life from a safe distance, through a video camera he keeps recording 24 hours a day, and the massive collection of surveillance tapes he organizes and obsessively watches at home. But when his father dies, Aloys is left on his own and his sheltered existence begins to fall apart. After a night of heavy drinking, Aloys wakes up on a public bus to find that his camera and precious observation tapes have been stolen. Soon after, a mysterious woman calls to blackmail him. She offers to return the tapes if Aloys will try an obscure Japanese invention called ‘telephone walking’ with her, using his imagination as their only connection. As he is drawn deeper and deeper, falling in love with the voice on the other end of the phone, the woman opens up a new universe that may allow Aloys to break out of his isolation and into the real world. NEW EUROPE FILM SALES (Poland) - GRAND HOTEL Polish Cinema Stand, 9th Floor ALPHA PILL, AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE (PILULE ALPHA, L’EXPERIENCE INTERACTIVE) 17/5 PALAIS K (15:00) France - 40 min – 0.3 M$ - French, English - 2016 - Director: Vincent DIDEROT - Cast: Xavier SIMONIN, Ludovic BERTHILLOT, Anais TELLENNE, Vincent HAQUIN Tuesday 17 May 2016 @ 3pm, in a video-conference, the Director of the Montplaisir Clinic will reveal his latest invention to the world. For the best experience, heighten your senses and interact with Victor Montplaisir by swallowing the free pill available at the entrance and download the app PILULE ALPHA. ADASTRA FILMS (France) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 201 - ✆ 33 6 63 32 34 15 13/5 LERINS 2 (13:30) - 15/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) ALWAYS SHINE Usa - 85 min - English - 2016 - Director: Sophia TAKAL Always Shine follows two friends, both actresses living in LA, who take a trip to Big Sur to reestab- lish a bond that has been broken by years of competition and jealousy. Once alone, the two women discover their formerly intimate friendship has become a series of strained interactions, marred by perceived betrayals, competition and resentment. The mutual jealousy and rage eventually rise to the surface, leading to an utterly unexpected, yet inevitable confrontation that will change both of their lives forever. VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 AMERICAN HONEY CO 15/5 LUMIERE (15:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 1 (14:00) - SALLE DU 60e (21:00) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 1 (09:30) United Kingdom, Usa - 158 min - English - 2016 - Director: Andrea ARNOLD - Cast: Shia LABEOUF, Sasha LANE, Riley KEOUGH Star (Sasha Lane), a teenage girl from a troubled home runs away with a travelling sales crew who drive across the American Midwest selling Magazine subscriptions door to door. Finding her feet in this gang of teenagers, one of whom is Jake (Shia LaBeouf), she soon gets into the group’s lifestyle of hard-partying nights, law-bending days and young love. PROTAGONIST PICTURES (United Kingdom) - GRAND HOTEL 45 la croisette 7 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 39 30 70 a-56 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 PALAIS F (15:30) - 17/5 PALAIS H (13:30) AMERICAN SHARIA Usa - 98 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2014 - Director: Omar REGAN This comedy is groundbreaking and never seen before, staring some of the world’s most leading Muslim entertainers. Officer Richardson (Eric Roberts), profiles every Muslim he sees, as a terrorist. He goes on an arrest “frenzy”, which make community activists, Jihad Akbar (Adam Saleh) and Osama Khan (Sheikh Akbar) rally the community to stand up for their rights. Meanwhile, Police Chief, Adam Carswell (Joshua Salaam) aims to gain the trust of the Muslim community in order to get their votes for the upcoming election. Carswell calls on his own Muslim Detective, Mohammed “Mo” (Omar Regan) and partners him with a Middle Eastern Officer (Baba Ali), who just happens to be well-versed in Sharia Law. Mo is shocked with his new partner’s methods and pleads with the Chief to send him back to the country he came from. HALALYWOOD (Usa) - PALAIS -1 34 Boulevard d’Alsace - ✆ 132 3244 0662 13/5 PALAIS I (18:00) AMERICAN WRESTLER: THE WIZARD Usa - 116 min - 2016 - Director: Alex RANARIVELO - Cast: William FICHTNER, Jon VOIGHT, George KOSTUROS Determined to fit in, an immigrant teen facing racism and bullying joins his high school wrestling team and against all odds, becomes a champion. RADIANT FILMS INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL 5th floor, Albatross Entrance - ✆ 1 310 806 2540 16/5 PALAIS E (10:00) AMOK Macedonia - 103 min - Bulgarian - 2016 - Director: Vardan TOZIJA - Cast: Deniz ABDULA, Risto BURAZDENOV, Boris DAMOVSKI, Martin GJORGOSKI, Nikola RISTANOVSKI, Goran STOJANOVSKI, Ljupcho TODOROVSKI, Martin ZIVKOVSKI Phillip, one of the rough, marginalised, abandoned teenagers from a desolated suburban Juvenile Adoption Center, is forced by a corrupt police inspector to participate in a terrifying encounter which leads to severe consequences. Despite the futile attempts of his teacher, the only caring educator in the Center, to help out and put light on this incident in a country where power determines justice, and the efforts of his best friend Petar to persuade him to get over and forget the whole thing, something deep inside Phillip’s mind is broken beyond repair. This “tumor” devours his sanity, burns with rage for revenge, which he ultimately transfers to the other youngsters sharing his cruel fate. Incited by the awakening words of their educator who lost all hope, and Phillip as the emerging, ferocious leader of the pack, the lost boys resolutely embrace the path of violence, which takes them deep into the catacombs of the criminal underworld. Soon, all those who oppose or question their vigor, are considered enemies. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 u AMONG THE WAVES IN THE SKY —> TRA LE ONDE NEL CIELO AMOUR (LOVE) CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (22:00) - 16/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) Austria - 92 min - 10 - 25 M$ - 2012 - Director: Karoly MAKK Georges and Anne, in their eighties, are highly-educated people, retired classical-music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives outside France with her family. One day Anne has a mild stroke. When she comes home from the hospital, her body is paralyzed on one side. The love that has united this couple for so many years will be severely tested. CONTINENTAL FILM (Croatia) ANIMATION DAY IN CANNES DISCOVERIES (LES DÉCOUVERTES DE LA JOURNÉE DE L’ANIMATION) 18/5 PALAIS B (13:30) United Arab Emirates, Canada, Usa, Iran, United Kingdom, Singapore, Germany, France, Italy, Hong Kong (China) - 110 min - 25 - 50 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Ayman JAMAL, Mohammad HAMEDANI, Georges SNOW, Varsha BANSAL, Kamal BANSAL, And MORE On the occasion of the celebration of Animation Day in Cannes filmfestivals.com and Animaze are proud to offer this Compilation of Animation Discoveries in Cannes with showcase of a selection of up coming features (demo reels from BILAL by Ayman Jamal and THE SHONKU DIARIES - A Unicorn Adventure story by Satyajit Ray, The Return by Mohammad Hamedani, APE by Georges Snow). Shorts from Animaze Daze in Cannes: Dawn by S.Mansour Bani Hashemi, Sushi by Jacob Greenawalt, The Curse of the Were-Rat by Jan Julian Rospond, In a Good Way by Yi Ju Tsai, Pokey Pokey by JAKE ZHANG, That Fat Cat Ate Dad’s Hat by Darran Kuah, Die Slow by Robert Crispe, I am not a Mouse by Evgenia Golubeva, What they believe by Shoko Hara, White by Luce Grosjean, Tea Time by Luce Grosjean, Before Dying by Montagut Chuen, Limites by Giulia Landi. ANIMAZE - MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL (Canada) u ANIVERSAREA —> THE ANNIVERSARY 14/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) ANNA Canada - 109 min - French-Canadian - 2015 - Director: Charles Olivier MICHAUD Anna is an independent photojournalist investigating a human trafficking and child prostitution network in Asia. On her journey to the root of all evil, she meets Sam, a fixer who will intervene decisively in her destiny. SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-57 15/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30) ANNA Colombia, France - 94 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French, Spanish - 2015 - Director: Jacques TOULEMONDE Cast: Kolia ABITEBOUL, Juana ACOSTA, Bruno CLAIREFOND Anna is a young Colombian woman living in Paris, daily struggling with her emotional frailty. She tries to spend more time with her ten-year-old son, Nathan, but Philippe, her ex-husband, doesn’t trust her anymore and threatens her to take full custody of the child. Having no other choice, she convinces her boyfriend Bruno to help her, and the three of them fly away to Colombia. During this journey, Anna will strive to build a new family, and will face the difficulty of being a mother. LOCO FILMS (France) - 17 square Mérimée, 2nd floor 16/5 PALAIS K (10:00) ANNECY GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The Annecy International Animation Film Festival and its Market (Mifa) present a selection of works-in-progress by Animation filmmakers: ARARA AND THE GUARDIANS OF THE AMAZON RAINFOREST by Vlamyr Vizcaya, FUNAN by Denis Do, THE LAST FICTION by Pooyan Mokri and LOVING VINCENT by Sean Bobbitt. CITIA (France) u ANNEMIN YARASI —> MY MOTHER’S WOUND 11/5 LERINS 1 (14:00) ANOTHER EVIL Usa - 90 min - 2015 - Director: D. Mell CARSON After encountering a ghost in his family’s vacation home, Dan, a modern artist and his wife Mary hire an exorcist named Os to get rid of the beings. But Dan soon realizes that ridding the home of evil won’t be as simple as it seems. RAVEN BANNER ENTERTAINMENT (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand B4 18/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) ANTARDRISHTI (MAN WITH THE BINOCULARS) India - 101 min - Other - 2016 - Director: Rima DAS - Cast: Bishnu KHARGHARIYA “The Man with the Binoculars” is Rima Das’ tender and poignant slice-of-life debut film about love, desire, responsibilities, struggles, differences, loneliness, coming-of-age, introspection, realizations and the inner conflicts and angst of the chief protagonist. The film is the story of Chaudhury, a retired geography teacher from a small village in Assam, whose life starts turning upside down when his son, who has come for a visit, gifts him a pair of binoculars. The Man with the Binoculars can only find peace by becoming the Man without the Binoculars. FLYING RIVER FILMS (India) - 5 Avenue,Nice 15/5 PALAIS F (15:30) ANTBOY 3 Denmark - 86 min - 2016 - Director: Ask HASSELBALCH - Cast: Oscar DIETZ, Samuel TING GRAF, Amalie KRUSE JENSEN, Nicolas BRO, Paprika STEEN, Astrid JUNCHER-BENZON In the last chapter of this highly expected trilogy, our pint-sized superhero rises once again to the occasion by forming unexpected alliances and saving the town from destruction. Sold to the US, France, Germany, etc. ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION (Canada) - 32 du Commandant André St. - 4th 12/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) ANTS ON A SHRIMP Netherlands - 88 min - English - 2015 - Director: Maurice DEKKERS - Cast: René REDZEPI, Lars WILLIAMS, Rosio SANCHEZ, Thomas FREBEL, Dan GIUSTI, Kim MIKKOLA Tokyo - January 2015: The world’s number one restaurant, the Copenhagen based NOMA and its renowned chef-owner René Redzepi relocate the restaurant and its entire staff to the Mandarin Ori-ental Tokyo for 5 sold-out weeks of spectacular lunches and dinners with specially created menus. René Redzepi, who was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time maga-zine, runs one of the planet’s most successful restaurants, but for him to succeed in Japan, he has to put all of that aside and reinvent himself on the other side of the world. ‘ANTS ON A SHRIMP’ is not only one of the dishes that he created for the Tokyo menu, but is also the name of this food filled documentary that offers a unique look at one of the world’s most well respected, and well known chefs taking on perhaps one of the biggest challenges of his career in creating a 14-course ‘Japanese influenced’ meal in Tokyo, Japan. FORTISSIMO FILMS (Netherlands) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 20 bis Rue des Serbes, 7th floor APNÉE SC 16/5 BUÑUEL (08:30) - MIRAMAR (14:15:00, 19:45) France - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Jean-Christophe MEURISSE - Cast: Céline FURHER, Thomas SCIMECA, Maxence TUAL Céline, Thomas and Maxence have just decided to get married. All three together. Our Don Quixote heroes wander across the country, lost and outraged, searching for their ideals with this major civil and religious project. ECCE FILMS (France) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 a-58 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique APPRENTICE CR 12/5 OLYMPIA 5 (12:00) - 14/5 ARCADES 2 (12:00) - 16/5 DEBUSSY (11:15, 16:30) 17/5 OLYMPIA 2 (10:00) - BAZIN (14:00) - 20/5 PALAIS K (17:30) Singapore, Hong Kong (China), Germany, France, Qatar - 96 min - Malaysian, English - 2016 Director: Junfeng BOO - Cast: Rahman FIR, Su WAN HANAFI, Ahmad MASTURA, Boon Pin KOH, Nickson CHENG, Crispian CHAN, Gerald CHEW Aiman, a correctional officer, is transferred to the territory’s top prison. He strikes up a friendship with Rahim, who is revealed to be the chief executioner of the prison, and one of the world’s most prolific. Can Aiman overcome his conscience and his past to become the executioner’s apprentice ? LUXBOX (France) - RIVIERA Stand A10 AQUARIUS CO 17/5 LUMIERE (16:00) - 18/5 SALLE DU 60e (21:45) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 2 (11:45) France, Brazil - 140 min - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2015 - Director: Kleber MENDONCA FILHO - Cast: Sonia BRAGA, Irandhir SANTOS Clara, a 65 year old widow and retired music critic, was born into a wealthy and traditional family in Recife, Brazil. She is the last resident of the Aquarius, an original two-story building, built in the 1940s, in the upper-class, seaside Avenida Boa Viagem, Recife. All the neighboring apartments have already been acquired by a company which has other plans for that plot. Clara has pledged to only leave her place upon her death, and will engage in a cold war of sorts with the company, a confrontation which is both mysterious, frightening and nerve wracking. This tension both disturbs Clara and gives her that edge on her daily routine. It also gets her thinking about her loved ones, her past and her future. SBS INTERNATIONAL (France) u AQUI NO HA PASADO NADA —> MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING 13/5 ARCADES 1 (09:30 prio) - 14/5 PALAIS K (12:00 prio) - 16/5 ARCADES 2 (20:30 prio) ARES France - 85 min - 2014 - Director: Jean Patrick BENES - Cast: Ola RAPACE, Micha LESCOT, Hélène FILLIÈRES The story takes place in the near future. The world order has changed. There are still rich countries and poor countries, but with 10 million unemployed, France now numbers among the poor. The population, oscillating between revolt and resignation, finds an outlet in ultra-violent televised fights in which the fighters are legally doped and no punches barred. Reda, known as Ares, is a veteran fighter who lives from expedients between second-rate fights and his odd jobs as a police strongman. It’s been a while since he’s won a match when his coach proposes he tries an experimental drug that could make him win his upcoming fights. Ares declines. It’s not at over forty, when he’s reaching retirement, that he’s going to play guinea pig in the ring. That, however, is without factoring in his sister, who works for an anti-government website. She’s been arrested for possession of firearms and she risks up to ten years in prison… (more info on cinando.com) GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 11/5 PALAIS E (14:00) ARIANNA Italy - 84 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Carlo LAVAGNA - Cast: Ondina QUADRI, Massimo POPOLIZIO, Valentina CARNELUTTI, Corrado SASSI, Blu YOSHIMI, Eduardo VALDARNINI It is early in the morning and Arianna is bathing in the water of an ancient hot spring. She is naked and her androgynous body emerges from the hot milky water. Arianna is nineteen and she lives in Rome, with Marcello, her father - a tasteful liberal-minded doctor - and Adele, her graceful mother. She studies Chinese with Martino. She has feelings for him, but is too awkward to express them. One day Arianna and her family return to their old hunting lodge in Tuscany, a house where they lived when Arianna was a little girl. The house has been rented for fifteen years and there is a mysterious reticence in Arianna’s parents in going back. There, during the silent, sweltering afternoons, a cumbersome shadow begins to emerge for Arianna. A host of memories from her early childhood gradually resurface. She begins to wonder whether the scar in her groin area really is the result of hernia surgery, as she has always been told by her parents and their family doctor… (more info on cinando.com) RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 11/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30) - 13/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) AS YOU ARE Usa - 105 min - English - 2015 - Director: Miles JORIS-PEYRAFITTE - Cast: Charlie HEATON, Owen CAMPBELL, Amanda STENBERG ALMA CINEMA (France) - 5 rue des Belges - Silencio ter. u ASSOLO —> SOLO AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL (AL FINAL DEL TÚNEL) 13/5 PALAIS D (15:15) - 15/5 RIVIERA 1 (15:45) Spain, Argentina - 120 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Rodrigo GRANDE - Cast: Leonardo SBARAGLIA, Clara LAGO, Federico LUPPI, Pablo ECHARRI, Uma SALDUENDE, Javier GODINO From his wheel chair, Joaquin discovers that his neighbors are digging a tunnel to rob the bank next to his apartment. He also finds out that the lady renting the room in his own house is an accomplice. He eventually realizes that he is in serious risk, and also in love. LATIDO FILMS (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 a-60 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:30) AT YOUR DOORSTEP (CERCA DE TU CASA) Spain - 93 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Eduard CORTÉS - Cast: Sílvia PÉREZ CRUZ, Lluís HOMAR, Adriana OZORES, Iván MASSAGUÉ, Manuel MORÓN, Iván BENET, Oriol VILA Three stories intertwine as different people deal with the challenges of living through times of crisis. An evicted mother, a banker with a conscience and a police officer who has to do his job no matter what, sing and dance in this Brechtian musical drama about the economic crisis, people’s struggle with daily life, solidarity and hope. LATIDO FILMS (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 u ATRAVES DA SOMBRE —> THROUGH THE SHADOW 11/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) ATTACK OF THE KILLER DONUTS Usa - 87 min - 2015 - Director: Scott WHEELER A chemical accident turns ordinary donuts into blood thirsty killers. Now it’s up to Johnny, Michelle and Howard to save their sleepy town from…Killer Donuts. CARDINAL XD (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D9 15/5 PALAIS C (12:00) AUTHOR: THE JT LEROY STORY Usa - 110 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jeff FEUERZEIG - Cast: Laura ALBERT New York magazine’s October 2005 issue sent shockwaves through the literary world when it unmasked “it boy” wunderkind JT LeRoy, whose tough prose about his sordid childhood had captivated icons and luminaries internationally. It turned out LeRoy didn’t actually exist. He was dreamed up by 40-year-old San Francisco punk rocker and phone sex operator, Laura Albert. Author: The JT LeRoy Story takes us down the infinitely fascinating rabbit hole of how Laura Albert—like a Cyrano de Bergerac on steroids— breathed not only words, but life, into her avatar for a decade. Albert’s epic and entertaining account plunges us into a glittery world of rock shows, fashion events, and the Cannes red carpet where LeRoy becomes a mysterious sensation. As she recounts this astonishing odyssey, Albert also reveals the intricate web spun by irrepressible creative forces within her. Her extended and layered JT LeRoy performance still infuriates many; but for Albert, channeling her brilliant fiction through another identity was the only possible path to self-expression DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 15/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) AUTO HEAD India - 97 min – 0.3 M$ - Hindi - 2016 - Director: Rohit MITTAL - Cast: Rohit MITTAL A documentary crew follows a notorious auto rickshaw driver in the suburbs of Mumbai: This is TAXI DRIVER meets MAN BITES DOGS STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 u AVANT LES RUES —> BEFORE THE STREETS 13/5 PALAIS B (13:30) - 14/5 PALAIS E (10:00) AWAY United Kingdom - 109 min - English - 2016 - Director: David BLAIR - Cast: Timothy SPALL, Juno TEMPLE, Matt RYAN, Hayley SQUIRES, Terry STONE, Susan LYNCH Joseph and Ria are both looking for a way out. Joseph wants out of this life; struggling to come to terms with his wife’s death, he just wants the pain to end. Ria needs out of this town; parentless and penniless she tries hard to protect her younger sister Kaz from the evils of life including Ria’s abusive drug dealing ex-boyfriend Dex who has now set his sights on Kaz. Both have one destination in mind: the bright lights of the coastal town of Blackpool. For Joseph it is a fitting place to commit suicide – a favoured destination for he and his wife where they had competed in numerous ballroom dance competitions; for Ria it is a place of safety to make a fresh start far away from Dex and all he represents. Risking everything Ria makes her escape, but it is not long before a furious Dex catches up with her. Just when there seems no hope, Joseph accidentally interrupts the violent scene and decides to intervene… (more info on cinando.com) 7 & 7 PRODUCERS’ SALES SERVICE LTD. (United Kingdom) - The Members Club. Plage Royale. 15/5 GRAY 2 (15:30) AWAY FROM EVERYWHERE 105 min - Director: Justin SIMMS TELEFILM CANADA (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 17/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) AYNABAJI Bangladesh - 95 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Bengali - 2016 - Director: Amitabh Reza CHOWDHURY Cast: Chanchal CHOWDHURY Ayna is an actor whose arena is the Prison. He transforms into the characters of rich and powerful convicts for a hefty some of money. This bizarre profession is born out of a society, that doesn’t give him a chance to follow his passion of acting, but forces him to act in real life. Falling in love with the girl next door changes his entity and he decides to end his corrupt career with one last performance. This performance takes him deep into the rabbit hole. The story unfolds on how an underdog survives in a society, which is merciless and claws his way out from the clutches of this criminal racket, with which he is completely intertwined CONTENT MATTERS LTD. (Bangladesh) - 3 Rue Gerard Monod, Cannes 0640 - ✆ 8801713459864 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-61 B 16/5 PALAIS K (20:30) BAAHUBALI India - 137 min - 25 - 50 M$ - Tamil, Hindi - 2015 - Director: Rajamouli SRI SAILASRI - Cast: Prabhas UPPALAPATI, Rana DAGGUBATI, Tamannaah BHATIA, Anushka SHETTY A mother chooses an adopted nephew over her own son to be the new King. The young King spurns the throne for love. But treachery and betrayal lead to his vile murder leaving behind an ostracised wife. Their rescued infant child raised by tribals returns to avenge his parents. ARKA MEDIAWORKS (P) LIMITED (India) 14/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) BABYSITTER Usa - 87 min - 2015 - Director: Mc G - Cast: Max BURKHOLDER, Lesley Ann WARREN, Amy LANDECKER A dysfunctional L.A. family hires a mysterious babysitter who changes their lives. CARDINAL XD (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D9 u BACALAUREAT —> GRADUATION 15/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) BACK FOUR (LÍNEA DE CUATRO) Argentina - 91 min – 0.3 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Nicolás DIODOVICH, Diego BLIFFELD Cast: Diego ECHEGOYEN, Carlos EISLER, Alejandro HENNER, Alejandro LIFSCHITZ Back Four tells the story of four 30 years old friends who are reunited after a long time without seen each other to watch the worlcups Brasil 2014 final game between Argentina and Germany. After a long debate they decide to make a gamble, if Argentina loses the game two of them will tell a truth the others doesn t know, if Argentina beats, the other two must say their own truths. Everytihing is surrounded by an increasing level of tensión. Each truth can t wait to be realised until the end of the game and this pull ut the real conflicts between them, like the death of their fifth friend. THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 13/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) BACK IN THE DAY Usa - 117 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Paul BORGHESE - Cast: William DEMEO, Alec BALDWIN, Michael MADSEN, Mike TYSON, Danny GLOVER Set in both the late 80’s and the modern era, “Back in the Day” is a gritty tale about Anthony Rodriguez, a half Italian half Puerto Rican young man growing up on the streets of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn— at the time a very dangerous and racist neighborhood filled with bullies and ballers lining the social clubs where all of the local shots were called. Anthony had to endure an abusive, unemployed, alcoholic father but was blessed with a nurturing, hard-working mother who he loses at a very early age and is devastated by it. As he journeys into adulthood with the nearly impossible goal of achieving a professional boxing career, Anthony manages to not only go pro, but literally fight his way to the top and become a world champion middleweight boxer. But the loss of love, the pain of humiliation, and the fear of retaliation and revenge play roles in his triumphant journey to the top. The stellar ensemble cast includes William DeMeo (“Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn”), Academy Award nominee Alec Baldwin (“The Departed”), Michael Madsen (“The Hateful Eight”), Danny Glover (“Lethal Weapon”) and boxing legend Mike Tyson (“Ip Man 3”)… (find more on cinando.com) BLEIBERG ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L7 13/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30) BAD GIRL 90 min - - Director: Fin EDQUIST ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 15/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) BADEN-BADEN Belgium, France - 96 min - 2015 - Director: Rachel LANG - Cast: Salomé RICHARD, Claude GENSAC, Swann ARLAUD, Zabou BREITMAN When Ana, 26 years old, finishes a job she hates as runner on a big film shoot in Belgium, she makes an impulse decision to change her plans. Over the course of a summer, during which a broken love affair briefly blossoms again and Ana’s grandmother has to go into hospital with a broken hip, Ana does her best to cope with life. JOUR2FETE (France) - RIVIERA Stand D8 u BAIN HAOLAMOT —> BETWEEN WORLDS 16/5 PALAIS D (17:30) BANGLAND Italy - 60 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Italian - 2015 - Director: Lorenzo BERGHELLA A journey into the heart of Bangland, a city in a dystopian America now under the presidency of Steven Horatio Spielberg, who has declared war on the African nation Mahaba, thereby launching his own war on terror, the gist being that anyone who isn’t white is a potential terrorist. On the eve of the presidential elections that could spell the end of the Spielberg administration, the fates of a number of Bangland residents become entangled: Charlie Tucano and Tony Beretta, modern-day inquisitors working for the influential television evangelist Gold; Loogie Boogie, an Irish loan shark with a dysfunctional family; ELLIPSIS MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 u BARADARAM, KHOSRO —> MY BROTHER, KHOSRO a-62 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 LERINS 1 (09:45) - 12/5 PALAIS J (09:15) BASMATI BLUES Usa - 120 min - English - 2016 - Director: Dan BARON - Cast: Brie LARSON, Donald SUTHERLAND, Scott BAKULA A brilliant scientist is plucked out of the company lab and sent to India to sell the genetically modified rice she created which she doesn’t realize will destroy the farmers she thinks she’s helping. AMBI DISTRIBUTION (Usa) - LERINS Stand L-17 11/5 PALAIS B (13:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 8 (20:30) BEAUTIFUL DEVILS United Kingdom - 86 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: James MARQUAND - Cast: Adam DEACON Based on the classic play by Shakespeare, the script is adapted from the original story and has been given a modern twist and sensibility. Our hero, Othello, is young and handsome and soon to be successful. Along with his childhood friend, Iago, he has carved out for himself a bolstering career in the music industry. One of the big record labels is signing him and his future looks golden. Now Othello has it all, including the love of his life, the beautiful Desdimonda, but despite Othello’s undying love for her, her father refuses to approve of their relationship and will do anything to keep them apart. And there is someone else who wants to shatter Othello’s wonderful life – Iago. Jealousy and rage burn inside him as he is side-lined in the music deal and desires Desdemona from afar. Scheming plots and plans emerge and it can only end in tragedy. CARNABY INTERNATIONAL SALES AND DISTRIBUTION (United Kingdom) - 22 la Croisette, 23 Rue Mace - ✆ 44 7701 349 182 12/5 PALAIS H (13:30) BEFORE THE FALL Cambodia, Australia - 98 min - English, French, Khmer - 2015 - Director: Ian WHITE - Cast: Ian VIRGO, Antonis GRECO, Nicolas BERTHERY, Pauline CAMMAL A stunning nightclub singer engages in a battle of wits and deception with two lovers in a bid to escape a rapidly collapsing city under siege. Super cool style and razor sharp action drive this rich, noir thriller. CALIFORNIA PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand C7 - ✆ 33 6 60 69 12 82 13/5 PALAIS B (09:30) BEFORE THE STREETS (AVANT LES RUES) Canada - 97 min - Other, French - 2016 - Director: Chloé LERICHE - Cast: Rykko BELLEMARE, Kwena BELLEMARE BOIVIN, Jacques NEWASHISH Shawnouk, a native teenager, kills a man during a robbery and flees into the forest. Deciding to return to his Atikamekw village in Québec (Canada), he tries to redeem himself using traditional cleansing rituals. Before the Streets celebrates the revival of native culture and its traditions. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 15/5 PALAIS E (12:00) BEHEMOTH France, China - 88 min - Mandarin, English - 2015 - Director: Zhao LIANG In this visually powerful documentary one of China’s most interesting filmmakers explores social structures and the industrial provinces of the inner parts of Mongolia. The narrative reflects on Dante’s circle of hell and makes political as well as philosophical observations. The people portrayed in ’Behemoth’ are presented through images rather than words which underlines the visual experience. UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand H8 BEHIND “THE COVE” 15/5 PALAIS H (20:00) - 18/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) Japan, Usa - 105 min - Japanese, English - 2015 - Director: Keiko YAGI - Cast: Louise PSIHOYOS, Ric O’BARRY, Joji MORISHITA, Hideki MORONUKI, David HANCE Firsttime documentary filmmaker Keiko Yagi she was a child enjoyed eating . The general lack of this dish neverdeep fried whale cutlets when and negative news coverage ending whaling issue prompted Yagi to find out more about the topic. Yagi was aware of the 2010 on the documentary THE COVE, but had not bothered watching it, regarding it as another exaggerated attack on Japan’s dolphin hunting. But in 2014, t he U N’s International Court of Justice ruled that the Japanese government must halt its whaling program in the Antarctic, based on Australia’s argument that it was ‘commercial whaling in disguise’. This gave Yagi a sense of urgency and fear that whale meat wou ld soon completely disappear from Japan. Armed with nothing but a video camera to record her findings and a passion to know the truth of the matter on whaling, Yagi started her research, which eventually led her to Taiji. Until she arrived there, Yagi did not know the significance of the town of Taiji in the whaling debate, and that it was the hub for antiwhaling activist groups including Sea Shep Since the release of THE COVE, the small whaling town had presence of th e media Japanese or otherwise he grown tired rd… (find more on cinando.com) METROPOLITAN PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT, INC. (Usa) BEING 17 (QUAND ON A 17 ANS) 12/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 7 (17:30) France - 116 min - French - 2016 - Director: André TÉCHINÉ - Cast: Sandrine KIBERLAIN, Kacey MOTTETKLEIN, Corentin FILA 17 years old Damien lives with his mother, Marianne, while his father is on a military mission abroad. In school, Damien is constantly bullied by Tom, the adopted son of local farmers. But to help out Tom’s sick mother, Marianne offers to take him in. Forced to live together, the tension between the two boys becomes more and more palpable… ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette a-64 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) BEING CHARLIE Usa - 97 min - English - 2015 - Director: Rob REINER - Cast: Nick ROBINSON, Morgan SAYLOR, Devon BOSTICK, Cary ELWES, Susan MISNER, Common, Ricardo CHAVIRA Charlie Mills (NICK ROBINSON) likes to joke he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, which comes in handy when he wanted to cook heroin. Unfortunately, it’s no joke. He’s been in and out of rehab for three years – the latest stint, a ranch facility in Utah. His father, David (CARY ELWES), is an aging movie star-turned-politician, who is making a serious run for Governor of California. On the day of his eighteenth birthday, Charlie makes an escape. Within hours he’s high and calling his best friend from home, Adam (DEVON BOSTICK), asking him to pick him up and drive him back to L.A. Hoping he’ll be allowed back home appealing to his soft-hearted mother, Liseanne (SUSAN MISNER), Charlie is stunned when his parents stage an intervention and insist that he go back to yet another rehab program. Even Adam, whose parents have pressured him to succeed in college and ignored his own drug problem, convinces convince Charlie that rehab is his best option… (more info on cinando.com) BOB’S YOUR UNCLE (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 1 818 257 6758 17/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:31) BENAVIDEZ S CASE (LA VALIJA DE BENAVIDEZ) Argentina - 85 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Laura CASABE Benavides its a frustrated art teacher, he argues with his wife and seeks refuge at his psychiatrist’s house. Becomes a victim of the house’s system, at the end of the road that will change his life and destiny forever. BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 13/5 PALAIS G (11:45) BENCH CINEMA (SINAMA NIMKAT) Iran - 117 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Mohammad RAHMANIAN - Cast: Ali OMRANI, Mahtab NASIRPOUR, Ashkan KHATIBI, Hooman BARGHNAVARD BENCH CINEMA is a simple story. It is set in an era which videos were against the law in Iran in the eighties. A man with the help of a group of cinema lovers decides to perform feature films in public places… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 BERNADETTE LAFONT, AND GOD CREATED THE FREE WOMAN (BERNADETTE LAFONT, ET DIEU CREA LA FEMME) CC 15/5 PALAIS D (11:30) - 18/5 BUÑUEL (19:30) France - 65 min - French - 2016 - Director: Esther HOFFENBERG A journey in the company of Bernadette Lafont, French Cinema’s most atypical actress. Tracing her career from pin-up girl, to New Wave model of sexual freedom, to drug-dealing granny in the film Paulette, by way of La Fiancée du Pirate and Les Stances à Sophie, this film pays tribute to her extraordinary life and artistic odyssey. Her grand-daughters, Anna, Juliette and Solène, revisit the dreams of Bernadette, in the family home in the Cevennes region where they, like her, grew up. Her close friends, Bulle Ogier and Jean-Pierre Kalfon, reminisce on their artistic and human complicity. Throughout the film, Bernadette Lafont in person, with her inimitable character actress voice, re-evokes a life in cinema marked with insolence, courage and freedom. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 16/5 PALAIS H (20:00) BEST OF WORLD CINEMA GRETA JOANNE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 18.06 - ✆ 011 631 8879 590 13/5 RIVIERA 2 (09:30) BETWEEN FENCES France - 85 min - Arabic, Hebrew, English - 2016 - Director: Avi MOGRABI Avi Mograbi goes to meet African asylum-seekers in a camp in the middle of the Neguev desert where they are confined by the state of Israel. Together, they question the status of the refugees in Israel using ‘Theater of the Opressed’ techniques. Is their tragic story any different from the one of Mograbi’s grandmother who fled the Nazis? What leads men and women to leave everything behind and go towards the unknown? Why does Israel, land of the refugees, refuse to take into consideration the situation of the exiled, thrown onto the roads by war, misery and abuses? DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 12/5 PALAIS J (11:30) - 16/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) BETWEEN SEA AND LAND Colombia - 98 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Carlos DEL CASTILLO - Cast: Manolo CRUZ, Vicky HERNANDEZ, Viviana SERNA Manolo Cruz (who also wrote the film) gives a tremendous performance as Alberto, inhabiting a young man trapped by physical hardship but unbound by spirit. Carlos del Castillo directed this indelible first feature, which portrays the extraordinary grace of characters caught in between the margins of a beautiful place. GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 For full details go to BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-65 15/5 PALAIS H (15:30) BETWEEN WORLDS (BAIN HAOLAMOT) Israel - 84 min – 0.3 M$ - Hebrew, Arabic - 2016 - Director: Miya HATAV - Cast: Maria ZREIK, Maya GASNER, Yoram TOLEDANO Bina (46), religious woman from Jerusalem, arrives panic-stricken at the hospital after her son Oliel (25) was severely injured in a stabbing attack. This is the first time she sees him since he became secular and lost contact with the family. Her husband, Meir (50) comes later only after their daughter Ester’s (28) insistence. At the hospital, Bina meets Amal (24). While Meir searches for answers to revive Oliel, the two despondent women bond with one another. However, Amal hides a secret from Bina and Meir. While waiting for Oliel’s revival, they will learn about truth, faith, understanding, acceptance, and love that can and maybe should replace fear of the unknown. INTRAMOVIES (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 12/5 PALAIS C (14:00) BEYOND THE GATES Usa - 86 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Jackson STEWART - Cast: Sara MALAKUL LANE, Brea GRANT, Barbara CRAMPTON, Justin WELLBORN, Chase WILLIAMSON Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father’s video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game dubbed ‘Beyond The Gates’ that holds a connection to their father’s disappearance and deadly consequences for anyone who plays it. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G7 - ✆ 44 7765 398742 BEYOND THE LANDSCAPE OF JAPAN 11/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) - 12/5 GRAY 4 (20:00) Japan - 90 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Maki INDO AUGMENT5 INC. (Japan) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.01 BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS (ME’EVER LAHARIM VEHAGVAOT) CR 15/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 1 (15:30) - BAZIN (16:45) - 18/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) - 19/5 PALAIS I (11:30) Israel, Belgium, Germany - 90 min - Hebrew - 2016 - Director: Eran KOLIRIN - Cast: Alon PDUT, Shiri NADAV, Noam AMBAR, Mili ESHET, Yoav ROTHMAN David is discharged from the army after serving for twenty seven years. He returns to his home and family after being distanced from them for years, and tries to find himself in his new civilian life. He believes that, like his friends who retired from the military before him, he too will find his way in some managerial position in the private sector, but he has difficulties adapting to the pace of the “new Israel”, a competitive culture obsessed with success and money. More often than not, he finds himself alone at home, watching a morning show on TV or listening to the radio. When a friend suggests working for a company that markets dietary supplements, David sees this as an opportunity to get his foot into the door of the business world and make something of himself. But this decision slowly gets him and his family entangled in the web of dark forces that rule life in Israel. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 16/5 ARCADES 3 (09:30) BIBI & TINA - GIRLS VS. BOYS (BIBI & TINA - MÄDCHEN GEGEN JUNGS) Germany - 110 min - German - 2016 - Director: Detlev BUCK - Cast: Lina Larissa STRAHL, Lisa-Marie KOROLL, Louis HELD, Phil LAUDE It’s summertime, and that means summer camp! Tina and Bibi are attending the camp as well as a number of students from an international partner school. The highlight will be a “Geocaching” competition, a modern day treasure hunt between different teams. But one of the boys, Urs, stirs up trouble and and creates a rivalry between the girls and boys, and now even Tina’s friend Alex wants to be on the boys’ team rather than with his friends Bibi and Tina. Their team is instead joined by Francois a charming student from France. Urs and his team are pulling out all the stops in order to beat the girls and when Urs provokes and insults Bibi harshly she casts a spell on him, transforming him into the weirdest sort of bloke. But her powers are suddenly gone – and Urs is left with a giant head. Bibi is devastated: what’s a witch who can’t perform magic? Bibi and Tina try and get to the bottom of it, and are eventually pressed for time when there’s a huge forest fire and her magical powers are the only thing that can prevent a catastrophe… BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 15/5 LERINS 3 (18:00) - 17/5 LERINS 3 (18:00) BILAL United Arab Emirates - 105 min - 25 - 50 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Khurram ALAVI, Ayman JAMAL - Cast: Ian MCSHANE, Adewale AKINNUOYE-AGBAJE, China MCCLAIN, Thomas NICHOLAS, Michael GROSS A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history. AMBI DISTRIBUTION (Usa) - LERINS Stand L-17 For full details go to a-66 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 PALAIS G (18:00) BIRTHDAY WISHES Japan - 123 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Yasuhiro YOSHIDA - Cast: Ai HASHIMOTO, Aoi MIYAZAKI, Yusuke SANTAMARIA A shy young girl Noriko, living with her parents and a younger brother, loves her kind and charming mother Yoshie. But one day when Noriko is 10, Yoshie dies from an illness. Learning she does not have much time left, Yoshie promises her children that she will write them birthday cards every year until they both turn 20. As promised, Noriko and her brother each receive a letter from Yoshie every year. In her last letter when Noriko turns 20, she receives an answer to her question from 10 years ago – “Mom, are you leading your dream life? Are you happy?” Yoshie’s letters gave Noriko a chance to change through the many encounters and experiences. What’s more, charming mother, Yoshie, still had a surprise ready for Noriko. One final, unanticipated surprise was awaiting her …! KADOKAWA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C12 11/5 GRAY 2 (15:30) - 17/5 GRAY 1 (16:00) BITTER HARVEST Canada - 102 min - 10 - 25 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: George MENDELUK - Cast: Max IRONS, Samantha BARKS, Barry PEPPER, Terence STAMP Yuri (Max Irons, RED RIDING HOOD) is a young Ukrainian living a contented life in his country village of Smila. Unlike his warrior father Yaroslav (Barry Pepper, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN) and notorious grandfather Ivan (Academy Award Nominee Terence Stamp, THE LIMEY, SUPERMAN), Yuri is a talented artist, blissfully in love with his childhood sweetheart Natalka (Samantha Barks, LES MISERABLES)—unware of the burgeoning Soviet Union and political dangers facing the people of Ukraine. Following the death of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, tyrant Joseph Stalin senses retaliation and declares his merciless intention to enforce his predecessor’s system of collectivisation, thus starving Ukrainians into submission. Led by the ruthless Sergei, a band of Bolshevik soldiers are sent to Smila to enforce the man-made famine. Yaroslav and Ivan heroically defend the village but are powerless against the Bolshevik army… (more info on cinando.com) SPOTLIGHT PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F10 12/5 PALAIS H (09:30) BLACKWAY (GO WITH ME) Usa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Daniel ALFREDSON - Cast: Anthony HOPKINS, Julia STILES, Ray LIOTTA A desperate young woman (Stiles) enlists the help of a hardened ex-logger (Hopkins)— the only man in town brave enough to help her take a stand against her sociopathic stalker (Liotta), an ex-cop turned violent crime lord. ELECTRIC ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 21 Rue des Etats-Unis -Penthouse 13/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) BLIND SUN France, Greece - 88 min - English, French, Greek - 2015 - Director: Joyce NASHAWATI - Cast: Ziad BAKRI, Yannis STANKOGLOU, Mimi DENISSI, Louis Do DE LENCQUESAING, Gwendoline HAMON, Yorgos GALLOS, Laurène BRUN, Thodoris KANDILIOTIS, Andreas MARIANOS, Sarah KREBS Greece. Sometimes in the near future. A seaside resort struck by a heavy heat wave. Water is rare and violence is mounting. Ashraf, a solitary immigrant, is looking after a villa while its owner are away. On a dusty road crushed by the sun, he is stopped by a police officer for an identity check… REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 BLOOD FATHER HC 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30 prio) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 2 (19:00) - 21/5 LUMIERE (24:30) Usa, France - 88 min - English - 2014 - Director: Jean-François RICHET - Cast: Mel GIBSON, Erin MORIARTY, Diego LUNA, Michael PARKS, William H. MACY, Dale DICKEY, Thomas MANN After her drug kingpin boyfriend frames her for stealing a fortune in cartel cash, 17 year old LYDIA goes on the run, with only one ally in this whole wide world: her perennial screw-up of a dad, JOHN LINK, who’s been a motorcycle outlaw, and a convict in his time, and now is determined to keep his little girl from harm and, for once in his life, do the right thing… WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 12/5 GRAY 1 (18:00 invit) - 13/5 PALAIS K (18:00 invit) BLOOD ROAD Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Nicholas SCHRUNK - Cast: Rebecca RUSCH Blood Road takes a perceptive look at the power of human potential, social connections - and the very personal journey of ultra-endurance mountain biker Rebecca Rusch: Having lost her father, a U.S. Air Force pilot, in the Vietnam war, Rebecca teams up with a Vietnamese female cyclist to pedal 800 miles along the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. A route that is as challenging as it is visually powerful. A journey that will take the two women to the crashsite of Rebecca’s father – and an adventure that will have them form strong bonds with the people of modern Vietnam. RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE (Austria) BLOSSOMING INTO A FAMILY (MADOU-AFTER THE RAIN) 12/5 PALAIS D (17:30) Japan - 126 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Cast: Hitomi SATO, Miho NAKANISHI, Mantaro KOICHI, Yoshiko MIYAZAKI GOLD VIEW CO. LTD. (Japan) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.01 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-67 12/5 PALAIS H (11:30) BOBBY United Kingdom - 94 min - English - 2015 - Director: Ron SCALPELLO - Cast: - PELE, Paul GASCOIGNE, Franz BECKENBAUER, Russell BRAND, David BECKHAM, Ray WINSTONE Bobby explores the remarkable true story of English footballing legend and World Cup Winning Captain, Bobby Moore. A footballer, a father, a cultural icon and a footballing legend, Bobby Moore was a hero to successive generations of footballers and football fans alike, described by Pele as the best defender he ever played against. At the height of his fame, not only did he captain his country to victory at the 1966 World Cup, but alongside icons such as The Rolling Stones, renowned photographer David Bailey and Sir Michael Caine, he helped spread the influence of British culture across the globe. From huge success on the field for both his country and his beloved West Ham United, to personal tragedies away from football – including overcoming a cancer at aged just 24 - Bobby tells in intricate detail just how this legend became a global sporting hero. A man full of contradictions, he was renowned for his love of a drink and a party, yet his stoicism, courage and single-minded approach to both his life, and his football, was second to none… (find more on cinando.com) KALEIDOSCOPE FILM DISTRIBUTION LTD (United Kingdom) - LERINS Stand L21 BOBBY THE HEDGEHOG 15/5 OLYMPIA 5 (17:25) - 16/5 PALAIS I (17:25) - 17/5 LERINS 2 (14:55:00, 16:55) 25 min - - Director: James HUANG ALL RIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E13 BORIS WITHOUT BEATRICE (BORIS SANS BEATRICE) 13/5 PALAIS H (11:30) - 17/5 LERINS 3 (10:00) Canada - 90 min - French-Canadian, English, Russian - 2016 - Director: Denis CÔTÉ Boris Malinovsky has achieved all of his life goals: he’s strong willed, independent, proud, and arrogant. After his wife Beatrice falls into a mysterious depression, Boris indulges in a love affair with his colleague Helga. When a mystical stranger appears Boris must confront his world view and put his achievements and his certainties to the test. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 16/5 PALAIS I (10:00 invit) BOUNTY HUNTERS Hong Kong (China), Korea (south), China - 100 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Terra SHIN - Cast: Minho LEE, Hon Leung CHUNG, Yan TANG, Karena NG, Louis FAN, Jeremyjones XU (China-HK-Korea co-production) Bounty Hunters is an action comedy starring an international cast. Ex-interpol agents Lee Shan (Lee Minho) and Ayo (Chung Hon Leung), framed for bombing a hotel, join hands with the legendary bounty hunter Cat (Tang Yan) and her team to find the real bomber. PEGASUS MOTION PICTURES DISTRIBUTION LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E8 - ✆ 85 269 372 508 17/5 PALAIS E (14:00) BOX Romania - 94 min - Romanian - 2015 - Director: Florin SERBAN - Cast: Hilda PETER, Narcis Romulus DOBRIN, Claudia ARDELEAN, Orlando CHIRVASE Under the pretext of a love story, BOX unfolds a coming-of-age narrative. RAFAEL and CRISTINA were never supposed to meet. He is 19, Gypsy, works in a car-wash and wants to make it big as a boxer; he lives with his grandfather and he is about to have a breakthrough as an athlete. She is 34, Hungarian, an actress in the local theater, married, and goes through a professional and personal crisis; her husband is the star of the theatre ensemble and it seems that she has been living in his shadow for a while. Without knowing each other, Rafael follows Cristina every day, through the cobblestone streets of an old provincial town. She knows it and enjoys the attention. One time, she turns back and they face each other. The following day, he looks at her in the eyes and asks: “If you hadn‘t been married, would you have married me?” From that moment on, there is no way back for either of them… (more info on cinando.com) ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 u BRAQUEURS —> THE CREW BREAK THE SILENCE - SHORT FILM PROGRAM 13/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) Sweden - 58 min - Spanish, Swedish, Hindi, Arabic - 2016 Madre, Simón Mesa Soto - 14’ • Cannes Film Festival 2016 official selection • Dear Kid, Frida Kempff - 13’ • What Remains, Anahita Ghazvinizadeh - 19’ • Miles of Sand, Sonejuhi Sinha - 12’ PREMIUM FILMS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 15/5 PALAIS H (13:30) BREAKING LEGS Usa - 98 min - English - 2016 - Director: Mark MARCHILLO - Cast: Lee MERIWETHER, Chris KATTAN, Richard RIEHLE, Liv SOUTHARD It’s ‘Footloose’ meets ‘Mean Girls’ as high school freshman Bloom moves to a town where there’s no place to dance except the school dance team! But when the boyfriend of the team’s lead girl falls for her, she’ll have to fight to win her place amongst these venomous girls. Breaking Legs is sure one to kick your boots off and pull up your heels, as these kids dance the field away to compete for the homecoming crown at R. Murray High School. Will it be newbie Bloom, or her arch nemesis and Dance Team leader, Harmony? Watch as the two square off in this fun but odd match to the finish. Someone is doomed to ‘Break a Leg’ on the dance floor, or rather, the football field! CALIFORNIA PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand C7 - ✆ 33 6 60 69 12 82 a-68 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 16/5 PALAIS F (15:30) BREATH (NAFAS) Iran - 118 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Narges ABYAR - Cast: Pantea PANAHIHA, Mehran AHMADI, Sareh NOUR-MOUSAVI The wandering and daily life of a daydreaming little girl before puberty and her persistent efforts to discover the world so she can experience life with all its sweetness and bitterness in her own way. For any inquiries, please contact intl.7honaremandegar@gmail.com. FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 u BREF MANUEL DE LIBERATION —> WE’LL BE ALRIGHT BRIDGE IN CLOUDS (LE PONT DES ANGES) 18/5 PALAIS K (18:00) China - 95 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Xuan ZHONG - Cast: Xuan ZHONG, Deric WAN, Yuting LIU, Xia WANG, Zhuolin LI Bridge in Clouds will meet its audience in the summer of this year after 8-month post-production. The “Bridge in Clouds” does exist in real life. It is an ancient stone-arch bridge with a history of about 1,300 years, still standing in the old county of Yuyao, in the Zhejiang province. Local people call the famous bridge “the bridge linking life and death”, and worshippers come to the bridge from everywhere. In addition to directing the film, she is also the script writer and leading actress, as well as the composer of the theme song — Pure Heart. Other cast members include leading actor Deric Wan from Hong Kong, Liu Yuting from Taiwan, Xia Wang and child actor Li Zhuolin from Hong Kong. The movie can be viewed as a “mother-and-son” version of Ghost (1990). Meng Yan meets her dead son again on the Bridge in Clouds and is brought to a parallel world, shuttling back and forth between the worlds of death and life … (more info on cinando.com) BEIJING STAR DRAGON MOVIE (France) - ✆ 33 6 03 31 81 75 BRIGHT LIGHTS: STARRING CARRIE FISCHER AND DEBBIE REYNOLDS CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (22:00) Usa - 95 min - English - 2016 - Director: Alexis BLOOM, Fisher STEVENS Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher star in a tender portrait of Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity. From the red carpet to the back alleys behind it, this documentary film is about the bonds of family love, which are beautifully bitter-sweet. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 11/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) BRING THE SUN HOME Italy - 52 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Chiara ANDRICH, Giovanni PELLEGRINI Illiterate women from villages around the world with no electricity learn how to make solar panels in India. Without learning experience and English language skills, they are determined to master the new technology. Those who have completed the course in India have returned to their villages and brought the sun home to more than 350,000 people around the world. GALLOPING FILMS (Australia) - RIVIERA Stand H2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 15/5 LERINS 1 (14:00) BUGS Denmark - 76 min – 0.3 M$ - Danish, English - 2016 - Director: Andreas JOHNSEN Will eating insects save our earth? A gastronomic adventure with Nordic Food Lab by Andreas Johnsen Insects as food is a hot topic. Particularly over the last few years, since the UN recommended edible insects as a resource to combat world hunger, they have been heralded for their taste by cooks and gastronomes, for their low ecological impact by environmentalists and for their nutritional content by public health scientists. It would seem that insects are the new superfood that will fix all our problems of global food security. For the past three years a team from Copenhagen-based Nordic Food Lab made up of chefs and researchers Josh Evans, Ben Reade and Roberto Flore have been travelling the world to learn what some of the two billion people who already eat insects have to say. Andreas Johnsen follows them as they forage, farm, cook and taste insects with communities in Europe, Australia, Mexico, Kenya, Japan and beyond… (more info on cinando.com) AUTLOOK FILMSALES (Austria) - RIVIERA K6 - ✆ 43 676 900 3771 15/5 PALAIS G (16:00) BUNKER 77 Usa - 86 min - English - 2015 - Director: Takuji MASUDA - Cast: Clark GABLE, Tony ALVA, Bunker SPRECKLES The tale of Bunker Spreckels (1949–1977) reads like a pitch for a movie to rival Boogie Nights: the stepson of Clark Gable is a privileged Los Angeles party boy who is heir to a multimillion dollar fortune; passionate about surfing, martial arts, guns, and women, he lives the life of a debauched international jet-setter before succumbing to his excesses at the tender age of 27. The film project follows the success of its book Bunker Spreckels, Surfing’s Diving Prince of Decadence published by Taschen. Starring: Laird Hamilton, Tony Alva, Johnny Knoxville, Rory Russell, Kenneth Anger, Ellie Silva, Bunker Spreckels and Clark Gable SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 13/5 PALAIS F (11:30) BURDEN Usa - 86 min – 0.3 M$ - 2015 - Director: Tim MARRINAN, Richard DEWEY A probing portrait of Chris Burden, an artist who pushed the limits of creative expression and risked his life in the name of art. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-69 17/5 PALAIS B (11:30) BY THE RAILS (DINCOLO DE CALEA FERATA) Romania - 88 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Catalin MITULESCU - Cast: Ada CONDEESCU This is the story of Radu, a young man who left to Italy for work and now comes home after a year. He finds Monica, his wife, totally changed and their child, Luca, even more grown up than he expected. The time that they spent apart created mistrust and confusion between them, but it also gives them the possibility to start again… ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 14/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00) BY WAY OF HELENA Usa - 110 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2014 - Director: Kieran DARCY- SMITH - Cast: Liam HEMSWORTH, Woody HARRELSON, Alice BRAGA, William HURT Texas, 1887: a place filled with violence, lore, and legend. The prophetic Abraham Brant (Woody Harrelson), known as The Preacher to all, has a cult-like hold over the townsfolk of frontier town Mount Hermon. Stories of war, killing, and the divine follow him wherever he goes. Not far from this isolated town, a slew of dead bodies begins to appear, washed up on the shores of the Rio Grande. Battle-weary Texas Ranger David Kingston (Liam Hemsworth) is tasked with scouting Mount Hermon in order to find the source of the mysterious murders. in a twist of fate, Abraham is the very man who killed David’s father in a bloody duel when David was only a child. Intrigued and fascinated by the man who took his father’s life, David and his beautiful wife Marisol (Alice Braga) arrive in idyllic Mount Hermon. But as David is torn between the letter of the law, and discovering his own need for revenge, they quickly learn that nothing about Abraham, Mount Hermon or the murders is at all what it seems. WESTEND FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 28 bis rue des Serbes, entr. C - ✆ 33 4 93 30 00 19 C 11/5 PALAIS C (18:00) C STREET Usa - 86 min - English - 2016 - Director: Peter James IENGO - Cast: Dylan WALSH, Michael GROSS, Carrie LOWELL, Don STARK, Bruce ALTMAN, Grainger HINES, Jessica BLANK, Sondra JAMES, Evan HALL, Jason GRIFFITH C STREET is a comedy farce about a down-for-anything intern who pimps out his apartment to sex-starved politicians. Guy was on the fast track to power. All that changed one day when Guy found the object of his affections waiting naked in his bed — for someone else. Unbeknownst to Guy, his slick Senator boss was using Guy’s apartment to have an affair with Haley. Before Guy has a chance to express his true feelings, half of Washington shows up at Guy’s apartment unannounced and looking for love. Guy will have to corral the libidinous lawmakers, and decide what truly matters if he’s going to find redemption and win the girl of his dreams. C STREET is a comedy farce about a down-for-anything intern who pimps out his apartment to sex-starved politicians, only to learn his sleazy boss is using it to sleep with the girl of his dreams. L.A. CONNECTIONS (Usa) - 64 La Croisette - ✆ 33 7 62 71 93 90 CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS (VARZA,CARTOFI SI ALTI DEMONI) 12/5 PALAIS E (14:00) Romania - 60 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Serban GEORGESCU In the Romanian village of Lunguletu, 1000 farmers on their tractors sit on 100.000 tons of cabbage in the local market, waiting for customers. At the end of the day they either sell for nothing or destroy their crops. Intrigued of getting 1 ton of cabbage for just EUR 20 townie Serban decides to spend one year in the village and work the land, to see why these people got into a deadlock and if there is any way out. The Mayor and some villagers have ideas and possible solutions. But can they overcome the farmers mistrusting each other, their fear of a “collective farm” and the powerful urge to compete? A satire of current realities in agriculture Europe narrated by the director himself, the film will tell from the inside and in a self-ironical tone the story of a village that got stuck in between past and present. ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 CAFÉ SOCIETY HC 11/5 LUMIERE (19:15:00, 23:00) - 12/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:00) Usa - 96 min - English - 2015 - Director: Woody ALLEN - Cast: Jeannie BERLIN, Steve CARELL, Jesse EISENBERG, Blake LIVELY, Parkey POSEY, Kristen STEWART, Corey STOLL, Ken STOTT “It’s a story of a young man who comes out to Los Angeles in the thirties to try and make good in the business of movie, falls in love and returns to NY heartbroken” - Woody Allen FILMNATION ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION Appt. 3H2/3 - 4 rue des Serbes - ✆ 33 4 93 39 38 54 14/5 PALAIS H (17:30) CAINA Italy - 87 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Stefano AMATUCCI - Cast: Luisa AMATUCCI, Helmi DRIDI, Isa DANIELI, Gabriele SAURIO Caina passes her nights on a beach where she practices the rather particular profession of body hunter. Her job entails recuperating the corpses of drowned foreigners that the sea spits onto the shore. The stranded bodies are then dissolved into cement in a state run disposal facility. Caina earns 15 euros for each drowned cadaver. She can hear the dead speak, express fear and cry. Caina was a hired killer in the past, a cold hearted, contemptuous killer who specialized in immigrants. Her xenophobic soul is violent and in possession of a visceral hatred for anything foreign to her race, her skin color and especially her religion. Caina is the embodiment of the stereotypical fears of those who view Islam harshly. Caina is a sort of high priestess of death spreading her gospel to suspended cadavers, and who sometimes respond and occasionally appear as ghosts who she humanizes only because they no longer hold the status of human being… (more info on cinando.com) FILMEXPORT GROUP (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 a-70 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 12/5 LERINS 3 (12:00) - 14/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) CALIFORNIA Brazil - 88 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2016 - Director: Marina PERSON - Cast: Clara GALLO, Caio BLAT, Caio HOROWICZ, Livia GIJON, Letícia FAGNANI, Giovani GALLO 1984. Estela is going through the convoluted stage of adolescence. Sex, love, friendship; everything seems so complicated. Her uncle, Carlos, is her hero, and the trip to California to visit him, her biggest dream. But everything falls apart when he comes back to Brazil looking skinny, weak and sick. Between crisis and discoveries, Estela has to face a reality that will change forever her way of seeing the world. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 u CAMALEÓN —> CHAMELEON 17/5 PALAIS F (13:30) - 20/5 PALAIS F (11:30) CAMPUS MOVIE FEST 110 min CAMPUS MOVIEFEST (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 14.04 12/5 PALAIS F (13:15:00 invit) - 15/5 GRAY 1 (18:00 invit) CANOLA (GAE-CHUN-HAL-MANG) Korea (south) - 116 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Chang - Cast: Yuh-Jung YOUN, Ko-Eun KIM, MinHo CHOI Gae-chun, known as the legendary queen of female diver in a town of Jeju Island, and her granddaughter Hae-ji live peacefully looking after each other. One day, Gae-chun lost her beloved only granddaughter by accident. Gae-chun did everything she could do to find Hae-ji. In 12 years, Gae-chun finally reunites with Hae-ji. However, a story that Gae-chun does not want to believe is followed. Could Gae-chun and Hae-ji’s life be back to normal as it was 12 years ago? MIROVISION INC. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand D2 - ✆ 82 10 9552 3719 CAPTAIN FANTASTIC CR 17/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 18/5 BAZIN (10:30) - 19/5 PALAIS K (15:00) Usa - 120 min - English - 2014 - Director: Matt ROSS - Cast: Viggo MORTENSEN, Frank LANGELLA, George MACKAY, Kathryn HAHN, Steve ZAHN, Ann DOWD In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. SIERRA / AFFINITY (Usa) - La Lerina, 63 la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 46 69 09 u CARTAS DA GUERRA —> LETTERS FROM WAR CATFIGHT Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Onur TUKEL - Cast: Sandra OH, Anne HECHE, Alicia SILVERSTONE Sandra Oh and Anne Heche star as two women from opposite walks of life whose violent fight at a party sets off an epic feud. MPI MEDIA GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D15 CE QU’IL NE FAUT PAS DIRE (ONE NIGHT STAND, A MODERN LOVE STORY) 17/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) Canada - 85 min – 0.3 M$ - French-Canadian - 2015 - Director: Marquise LEPAGE - Cast: Annick FONTAINE Annick, 34, is a funny, strong and beautiful film director. Since her love life is a non conventional one, her closest friends start to worry… She looks carefree and invincible untill her past hurts and secrets eventually resurface. But Annick is a resilient…She will astonish everybody including herself. LES PRODUCTIONS DU CERF-VOLANT (Canada) - ✆ 33 6 66 47 80 81 u CELUI QU’ON ATTENDAIT —> LOST IN ARMENIA CENTER OF MY WORLD (DIE MITTE DER WELT) 13/5 LERINS 2 (17:30 prio) Germany, Austria - 115 min - German - 2016 - Director: Jakob M. ERWA - Cast: Louis HOFFMAN, Sabine TIMOTEO, Jannik SCHÜMANN, Ada Philine STAPPENBECK After a summer away at camp, Phil returns home to find that his mother, Glass, and twin sister, Dianne, aren’t speaking to one another. Not willing to confront his family during the last of the summer holidays, Phil escapes to hang out with his best friend, eating ice cream and playing dress-up. As the school year begins, a new student arrives - the handsome and mysterious Nicholas. Smitten, Phil watches his crush as he runs around the track afterschool, and is thrilled when Nicholas returns his feelings. However, when first love’s volatility comes to light, Phil realizes that he must deal with the problems of his past, in order to deal with the issues of his present. M-APPEAL WORLD SALES UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G14 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 49 12/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) - 14/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP LINE-UP 100 min CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP SALES HOUSE (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 u CERCA DE TU CASA —> AT YOUR DOORSTEP BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-71 CES MESSIEURS DAMES / BELLES DAMES, VILAIN MESSIEURS CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (16:45) Director: Pietro GERMI FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 14/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:49) CHAMELEON (CAMALEÓN) Chile - 86 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Jorge Riquelme SERRANO In an affluent beach house, Paula and Paulina spend their last day together befone one of them undertakes a long trip abroad. Their peaceful day will be disturbed by the unexpected arrival of Gaston, a guest from last night’s farewell party. As the afternoon progresses, we discover what kind of relationship they have, and who this intruder is. The viewer will witness a shoking transformation that reveals to us the dark recesses of the human mind. BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 12/5 PALAIS C (16:00) CHASING NIAGARA Usa, Mexico, Canada - 80 min - English - 2015 - Director: Rush STURGES - Cast: Rafa ORTIZ, Rush STURGES, Evan GARCIA, Gerd SERRASOLSES When pro kayaker Rafa Ortiz makes the decision to paddle over Niagara Falls, he sets in motion an incredible series of events that eventually takes on a life of its own. To prepare for this mission, Rafa enlists the help of world-renowned paddler Rush Sturges and a tight team of their friends. Together they go on a remarkable three-year journey from the rainforest rivers of Mexico to the towering waterfalls of the U.S. Northwest. Their journey concludes in Canada where the team plays a cat-and-mouse game with local police before Rafa’s mission comes to a heart-stopping climax at the iconic Falls. RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE (Austria) 14/5 LERINS 1 (16:00) CHECK POINT Usa - 90 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Thomas J CHURCHILL - Cast: William FORSYTHE, Bill GOLDBERG, Kenny JOHNSON, Michelle LEE, Fred WILLIAMSON, Tyler MANE, Ricky HARRIS, Mindy ROBINSON CHECK POINT is a story about truth, justice, and if you SEE something that you think could be Terrorism, please SAY something! A local vagrant discovers a sleeper Terrorism plot right in his home town. When he tries to notify the local Sheriff, the Sheriff has him locked up for loitering. When one of the Cops notices odd interactions with other towns folk he begins to look into the vagrants claim. After evidence of a beheading is exposed, questions and tempers begin to rise. This was a town where everyone knows one another… or so they thought. When the truth is blind and justice seems lost, It will take an army of five unlikely heroes banding together to infiltrate the insurgents and foil their invasion plans. War is Hell and hell comes home at the Check Point. VISION FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J3 13/5 PALAIS E (14:00) CHEER UP Finland, Canada - 75 min - Finnish, English - 2016 - Director: Christy GARLAND Miia, the ambitious coach of Finland’s worst competitive cheerleading team, is sick of losing and stuck in Rovaniemi, on the Arctic Circle. So she takes a trip to the motherland, Texas, where she’s inspired by the American mindset and focus of the world’s best cheerleaders. Returning to Finland a tougher coach, she pushes her girls to the breaking point… but is that what the team really wants? For Aino and Patricia, the team’s success is the least of their concerns as they struggle to fight painful battles in their teenage lives. For them, the cheerleaders are like another family, a stepping stone and a source of support along the path of life. Miia thinks a winning team is all she needs, until life steps in and surprises her. Cheer Up takes us into the teenage lives of a team of losing cheerleaders who try their best to get better and look perfect doing it, while really, life just sucks. For Patricia, Aino and Miia, finding out who they are, where they belong and what family means is much more important than any trophy. WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 12/5 PALAIS C (18:00) CHICKEN United Kingdom - 86 min - English - 2015 - Director: Joe STEPHENSON - Cast: Yasmin PAIGE, Morgan WATKINS, Scott CHAMBERS An impressive feature debut for young British director Joe Stephenson (who is now in pre- production on a much-hyped Noel Coward biopic set to star Ian McKellen and Vanessa Redgrave) about optimistic 15-year-old Richard – troubled with learning difficulties - and his restless and abusive older brother. When Richard falls for 17-year-old Annabel (Yasmin Paige, fromSubmarine) the relationship between the brothers is stretched to breaking point, family secrets are revealed and life for Richard starts to finally change direction. MIROVISION INC. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand D2 - ✆ 82 10 9552 3719 CHIERI AND CHERRY (CHIERI TO CHERRY) 14/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) - 16/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) Japan - 54 min - Japanese - 2015 - Director: Makoto NAKAMURA - Cast: Natsumi TAKAMORI, Gen HOSHINO, Machiko ONO Chieri is a 6th grade elementary school girl. Her father died when she was little, so she lives with just her mother. The only friend of Chieri had been a stuffed doll Cherry which she found on a storehouse at the time of her father’s funeral. In Chieri’s world of fantasy, Cherry had talked and played with, and adviced and protected her in place of her father. Chieri visits her grandmother’s house for a first time in a while to attend her father’s remembrance ceremony. There, she finds a stray dog being about to give birth to puppies. But a crow and strange monster come trying to get the pups. Can Chieri and Cherry save their lives? GAGA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand D17 u CHOCOLAT —> MONSIEUR CHOCOLAT a-72 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 15/5 PALAIS G (20:30) CHOLAI India - 98 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Bengali - 2016 - Director: Arun ROY - Cast: Saswata CHATTERJEE, Shankar CHAKRABORTY, Kharaj MUKHERJEE Cholai is a black comedy based on the 2011 hooch fatalities in Bengal and the bizarre repercussions following the incident. Country liquor, commonly known as ‘Cholai’ is a flourishing business in rural Bengal and has assumed the status of an organized industry. The operation syndicate of illicit liquor works through mobile manufacturing units set up in remote villages. Cheap, readily available and highly addictive - it is often manufactured and distributed with tacit political and law enforcement patronage. The storyline centres around the lives of 3 siblings Nimai, Nitai and Nata living in rural Bengal. Nimai, the eldest of the three, is a milk vendor. A simpleton and content with his life, he lives a nondescript lifestyle. Nita is con man and is perpetually on the run. Nata – the youngest, makes and sells Cholai for a living. With his wife doubling up as his business partner, Nata is happy with the growing addiction of the villagers to Cholai… (more info on cinando.com) KR MOVIES AND ENTERTAINMENT PVT LTD (India) 13/5 PALAIS H (09:30) CHOSEN Romania, United Kingdom - 101 min - 10 - 25 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Jasmin DIZDAR Cast: Harvey KEITEL, Luke MABLY, Ana ULARU An unassuming young lawyer leads a fight against the Nazis near the end of the Second World War. PREMIERE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D7 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 03 CHOUF HC 15/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:45) - 16/5 RIVIERA 1 (10:00) - 17/5 PALAIS I (12:00) - 20/5 PALAIS I (17:30) France - 90 min - French - 2016 - Director: Karim DRIDI - Cast: Sofian KHAMMES, Foued NABBA, Oussama ABDUL AAL, Zine DARAR, Foziwa MOHAMED Chouf: Means “look” in Arabic, but it is also the name and role of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. Brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a dealer, gets shot before his eyes. Sofiane gives up on his studies and gets involved in the drug network, ready to avenge him. He quickly rises to the top and becomes, the boss’s right hand, Réda. Trapped by the system, Sofiane is dragged into a spiral of violence… DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 14/5 GRAY 5 (10:00) CHRISTMAS EVE Usa - 95 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Mitch DAVIS - Cast: Patrick STEWART, Jon HEDER, Cheryl HINES, James RODAY, Julianna GUILL When a power outage traps six different groups of New Yorkers inside elevators on Christmas Eve, they find that laughter, romance, and a little holiday magic will get them through - and change their lives in unexpected ways. A heartless real estate tycoon (Patrick Stewart, “X-Men: Days of Future Past”) clings to life in a precarious construction elevator hundreds of feet off the ground. Unexpected relationships bloom for a musician (Cheryl Hines, “Curb Your Enthusiasm”) stuck with her dysfunctional orchestra mates, as well as an aspiring fashion photographer (James Roday, “Psych”) confined with the introverted paralegal in his apartment building (Julianna Guill, “Crazy Stupid Love”). A crass HR manager (Max Casella, “Blue Jasmine”) trapped with an employee he just fired (Jon Heder, “Napoleon Dynamite”) and a cynical doctor (Gary Cole, “Office Space”) transporting his terminal patient are forced to reconsider the way they think about others in this all-star ensemble comedy that proves that in a city of eight million, you never know who you might get stuck with BLEIBERG ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L7 15/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) CHUCKS Austria - 93 min - 1 - 3 M$ - German - 2015 - Director: Sabine HIEBLER, Gerhard ERTL SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 CIARAN (CIARAN THE DEMON HUNTER) 15/5 PALAIS H (11:30) Usa - 80 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Andrew MACKENZIE - Cast: Peter J. MORTON, Joanna Ranee WOOD, Megan S. PORTER, Nell TEARE When a monk unleashes a scourge of demonic souls on the City of Angels, The church turns to Ciaran, an exorcist for hire with druidic ancestry. Summoned to America, he leaves the Emerald Isle, shadowed by Willow a forest spirit. Dawning the black and collar, he begins his holy work and the results are immediate. The Church is grateful but cheap, and when the Bishop attempts to cut Ciaran’s stipend, he is filled with contempt and he leaves. Ciaran turns his back on his talent and instead takes up the guitar and distances himself from the Church, seeking a new identity. His path crosses with a winged street performer named Bianca and Helen, the Bishop’s secretary, whom is taken with his abilities. After a visit from his brother, Ciaran returns to the work but the exorcisms seem to bear more of a burden than before, each one taking a heavier and more dangerous toll than the last. 1066 PICTURES (Usa) CIEN AÑOS DE PERDÓN (TO STEAL FROM A THIEF) 12/5 GRAY 2 (09:30) - 14/5 PALAIS E (12:00) Spain - 96 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Daniel CALPARSORO - Cast: Luis TOSAR, Rodrigo DE LA SERNA, Raúl ARÉVALO, José CORONADO A rainy morning. Six armed men in disguise attack a bank in Valencia. What seemed like an easy, cut-and-dry heist quickly goes awry and nothing ends up going as planned. Mistrust and confrontations ensue between the two leaders of the group, The Uruguayan and The Spanish. But what exactly were the assailants looking for? FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-73 u CIGARETTES ET CHOCOLAT CHAUD —> WE CAN BE HEROES 18/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 1 CINEFONDATION (France) 19/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 2 CINEFONDATION (France) 19/5 BUÑUEL (14:30) CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 3 CINEFONDATION (France) 20/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) CINÉFONDATION - PROGRAMME 4 CINEFONDATION (France) 11/5 DOC CORNER (09:30) CITY 40 Usa, United Kingdom - 72 min - Russian - 2016 - Director: Samira GOETSCHEL Deep in the heart of Russia, there is a hidden city where thousands of people live behind barbed-wire fences. They are told that they are the nuclear shield and saviors of the world and that everyone on the outside is the enemy. It has also become one of the most contaminated places on earth, and home to Russia’s largest stockpile of fissile materials. This is CITY 40. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 11/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) - 14/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) CLAIRE IN MOTION Usa - 80 min - English - 2016 - Director: Annie HOWELL, Lisa ROBINSON - Cast: Betsy BRANDT, Anna Margaret HOLLYMAN, Sakina JAFFREY Three weeks after Claire’s husband has mysteriously disappeared, the police have ended their investigation and her son is beginning to grieve. The only person who hasn’t given up is Claire. Soon she discovers his troubling secrets, including an alluring yet manipulative graduate student with whom he had formed a close bond. As she digs deeper, Claire begins to lose her grip on how well she truly knew her husband and questions her own identity in the process. Claire in Motion twists the missing person thriller into an emotional take on uncertainty and loss. VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 CLASH CR 12/5 DEBUSSY (11:00, 19:45) - 13/5 BAZIN (11:00) - RIVIERA 2 (17:30) 14/5 PALAIS K (16:00) - 15/5 PALAIS I (12:00) - 19/5 RIVIERA 1 (10:00) - 20/5 PALAIS I (14:00) Egypt, France - 97 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Mohamed DIAB - Cast: Ahmed MALEK, Tarek Abdel AZIZ, Nelly KARIM Cairo, summer of 2013 - Two years after the Egyptian revolution. In the wake of the ouster of Islamist president Morsi, a police truck full of detained demonstrators of divergent political and religious backgrounds roams through violent protests. Can the detainees overcome their differences to stand a chance of survival? PYRAMIDE INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand J6 CLEAN HANDS (SCHONE HANDEN) 17/5 PALAIS C (18:00) - 19/5 LERINS 1 (15:30) Netherlands - 108 min - Dutch - 2016 - Director: Tjebbo PENNING - Cast: Jeroen VAN KONINGSBRUGGE, Thekla REUTEN, Teun KUILBOER, Bente FOKKENS, Nino DEN BRAVE, Angela SCHIJF Sylvia has turned a blind eye to her husband Eddie’s flourishing drug business for too long. When Eddie’s dealings take a turn for the worse, Sylvia wants to protect the lives and futures of their young children and decides to flee. But Eddie will stop at nothing to keep his wife inside the ‘family’. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 16/5 OLYMPIA 3 (10:00) CLINTON CASH Usa - 62 min - English - 2016 - Director: M.a. TAYLOR based on the New York Times 2015 best seller ARC ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH VILMOS ZSIGMOND CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (13:30) France - 80 min - English, French, Italian - 2016 - Director: Pierre FILMON - Cast: Peter FONDA, John TRAVOLTA, Peter SCHATZBERG, John BOORMAN, Nancy ALLEN, Vittorio STORARO, Darius KHONDJI, Vilmos ZSIGMOND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH VILMOS ZSIGMOND is the result of a special encounter. The last of the Mohicans, a legendary american cinematographer, Vilmos Zsigmond, 85 years old meeting Pierre Filmon, a young french director. Pierre wanted Vilmos to shoot his first feature film : a beginner asking a veteran to stand behind his camera. After many encounters another movie took place : a movie in which the cameraman stood in front of the frame. A documentary about a cinematographer, shot in Paris, in California and his homeland Hungary, about his life and works, starring his friends (directors, actors and cinematographers). TAMASA DISTRIBUTION (France) a-74 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 RIVIERA 1 (09:45) CLOUDY SUNDAY (OYZERI TSITSANIS) Greece - 116 min - Greek - 2015 - Director: Manoussos MANOUSSKIS - Cast: Andreas KONSTANTINOU, Christina HILA FAMEL, Haris FRAGOULIS A love story condemned to a tragic end, caught between a dehumanizing totalitarian regime and the insanity of racial discrimination. History, as always, is reflecting contemporary life. MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 13/5 LERINS 4 (15:30, 16:15) - 14/5 LERINS 3 (12:00, 12:45) CMG ANIMATION PROMOREEL Trailer 36 min - CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L19 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 45 15/5 PALAIS E (14:00) COME ALONG (POJDI Z MANO) Slovenia - 83 min - Slovenian - 2016 - Director: Igor STERK - Cast: Ivan VASTL, Mak TEPSIC, Ronja MATIJEVEC JERMAN, Matija David BRODNIK In search of the best photo for the school competition, four thirteen-year-old pupils head to remote hills. The competition for awards turns into a struggle for survival. A story about growing up, love, friendship and heroism. The warm but suspenseful and occasionally spine-chilling film focuses on what happens in the today’s world when technology stops working and the ‘primal’ human instincts come to light. SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE (Slovenia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 - ✆ 33 4 92 59 02 32 11/5 OLYMPIA 3 (11:30) - 12/5 OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 1 (12:00) COME AND FIND ME Usa - 109 min - English - 2015 - Director: Zack WHEDON - Cast: Aaron PAUL, Annabelle WALLIS Come and Find Me follows the character of David (Paul) who must track down his missing girlfriend after he realizes she is not who she was pretending to be. GOLDCREST FILMS INTERNATIONAL (United Kingdom) - 35 La Croisette, 1st Floor apt 4 u COMME ILS RESPIRENT —> LIVE AND BREATHE IT u CONEXIÓN REAL —> TRUE CONNECTION u CONEXION REAL (VERSION CORTA) —> TRUE CONNECTION (SHORT VERSION) CONSIDERING LOVE AND OTHER MAGIC 14/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) - 16/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) Canada - 93 min - English - 2016 - Director: Dave SCHULTZ - Cast: Eric MCCORMACK, Sheila MCCARTHY, Rory J. SAPER, Ryan GRANTHAM, Maddie PHILLIPS Wearing a baggy black sweater and a thick smear of black mascara around each eye, troubled teenager Jessie Wilson arrives at the home of Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Veronica Guest, the long forgotten literary darling of 1948 and close confidant to the very late Truman Capote. In desperate need of extra high school credits, Jessie agrees to tutor young Tommy Faber in science and math, but when the timid boy insists he hasn’t left Veronica’s mansion in more than sixty year, Jessie knows she’s bitten off more than she can chew. ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION (Canada) - 32 du Commandant André St. - 4th 13/5 GRAY 3 (20:00) CONSPIRACY (JEKYLL ISLAND) Usa - English - 2016 - Director: Aram RAPPAPORT - Cast: Minnie DRIVER, John LEGUIZAMO, Frank GRILLO, Maggie Q, Dianna AGRON, Annasophia ROBB Set two years in the future when the US economy is on the brink of yet another massive financial crisis, CONSPIRACY tells the story of Guy Clifton, a federally-indicted stock trader, who is secretly enlisted by the federal government to help thwart a cyber-attack aimed at the US stock market – an attack that could permanently cripple the economy. This fast-paced, save-the-world thriller is a story of redemption that also challenges viewers to question if their money is safe and if so, for how long… VMI WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J4 COURTS-MÉTRAGES COMPÉTITION CO 21/5 DEBUSSY (11:30) - BUÑUEL (16:00) FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 13/5 RIVIERA 1 (10:00) - 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) CREATIVE CONTROL Usa - 97 min - English - 2015 - Director: Benjamin DICKINSON - Cast: Benjamin DICKINSON, Nora ZEHETNER, Reggie WATTS, Dan GILL, Alexia RASMUSSEN, Paul MANZA, Gavin MCINNES In near future Brooklyn, an advertising executive uses a new Augmented Reality technology to conduct an illicit affair with his best friend’s girlfriend… or so it seems. COPRODUCTION OFFICE (PARIS) (France) - RIVIERA Stand L8 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-75 11/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30) CREATURE DESIGNERS: THE FRANKENSTEIN COMPLEX France - 104 min - English, French - 2015 - Director: Alexandre PONCET Movie creatures have never been as popular as they are today! Yet the art of creating monsters for the big screen is as old as cinema itself… From early experiments with apes and dinosaurs to the birth of special make-up effects, from the pinnacle of animatronics to the digital revolution, Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex explores a century of human imagination, cinematic thrills and wonders. Based on interviews of all the greatest artists in the genre and hours of exclusive footage from classics like Gremlins, The Abyss, Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, Starship Troopers, Spider-Man 2…, the documentary focuses on the stunning relationship between the creatures and their makers: like modern Frankensteins, special effects wizards create life out of raw material, art and complex machinery. LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 19/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) CREDITORS United Kingdom - 81 min - English - 2015 - Director: Ben CURA - Cast: Christian MCKAY, Andrea DECK, Ben CURA, Tom BATEMAN, Simon CALLOW, Ania SOWINSKI Grant Pierce (Christian McKay) arrives from London into Madrid, Spain, hoping to be given the chance to meet his favourite painter, American Freddie Lynch (Ben Cura), who is currently staying at a private hotel in an unassuming location outside the city. As Grant steps into the main building of ‘El Madroño’, he troublingly finds Lynch a crippled man whom, he soon reveals, has been unable to actually paint for the better part of a year. As the two men get to know each other under the watchful eye of one of the owners of the hotel, Michael Redmane (Tom Bateman), they start to piece together the disturbing picture of Freddie’s marriage to beautiful writer Chloe Fleury (Andrea Deck) which harbours secrets that will reveal much more than Freddie’s recent creative emaciation and clearly defined obsession with her ex-husband. Based on August Strindberg’s 1888 play, ‘Creditors’ is a modern re-telling of Strindberg’s story of love, betrayal, revenge and psychological manipulation, which he considered to be his one true masterpiece… (find more on cinando.com) NEW MORNING FILMS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 12/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:15) - 13/5 PALAIS C (09:45) - 15/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) CROMO Argentina - 120 min – 0.3 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Lucia PUENZO, Nicolas PUENZO, Pablo FENDRIK - Cast: German PALACIOS, Guillermo PFENING, Emilia ATTIAS, Malena SANCHEZ On a mission to expose environmental crimes in the rural areas of Northern Argentina, idealistic scientist Valentina travels to the swamp town of Corrientes to test the local water supply. Relying on remote support from her student Nina, who’s analyzing the data from her potentially contaminated samples, Valentina embarks on a quest into the dangerous Iberá wetlands. Meanwhile, Valentina’s husband Diego and his research partner Simon are on an expedition of their own at the South Pole, but their work is interrupted by the news that something’s gone wrong for Valentina. As they rush to the wetlands, hoping they are not too late to keep her safe, evidence of an ecological cover-up comes to light — as does the truth about a love triangle that threatens to break the bond of trust between Diego and Simon. PYRAMIDE INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand J6 14/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) CRUSH THE SKULL Usa - 80 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Viet NGUYEN A couple of master thieves find themselves trapped within a house they intended to rob, only to discover they’ve inadvertently wandered into the lair of a deranged serial killer. BREAKING GLASS PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 12/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) CTRL ALT DELETE Usa - 88 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: James B. COX - Cast: Andy ALLO, Amy AQUINO, Josh BANDAY, Molly BURNETT When a team of hackers break into a tech conglomerate’s server room, they unknowingly turn a power artificial intelligence prototype into an unstoppable killing machine. With the reluctant help of the company’s employees they’ve taken hostage, they must work together to escape as the A.I. quickly takes over the building and spreads across the Internet. TAYLOR & DODGE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E12 CULT OF THE VAMPIRE 14/5 PALAIS G (14:00) France, Usa - 79 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Andrew MACKENZIE Xandra is a modern day vampire bound by a coven she wants nothing to do with. Abandoned by the one who turned her, she finds love in the arms of a human named Camille. Xandra’s passion for music fills her hours. She breaks the rules and joins a rock band. Drago the coven’s sadistic enforcer is sent to deal with her. He imprisons Xandra but her fate is put in the hands of Cairo the compassionate leader. She is left alone in the basement to contemplate the error of her ways. Cairo releases her with the warning not to venture into the limelight again. Xandra’s spirit is not broken. She returns to her life unable to explain her disappearance and after awhile she is able to gain back the trust of Camille and her bandmates. All seems well until an attack on Camille leaves her for dead. Xandra has no choice but to turn her. Camille transforms with an insatiable craving for blood, while Xandra struggles to manage her… (more info on cinando.com) 1066 PICTURES (Usa) a-76 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 PALAIS J (17:30) CURUMIM Brazil - 100 min – 0.3 M$ - Brazilian-Portuguese, Indonesian, Italian, English - 2016 - Director: Marcos PRADO In July of 2012, ten years after being on the death row in Indonesia for drug trafficking, Marco Archer “Curumim”, invited the director, Marcos Prado, to make a film about his life. Curumim did not want to be remembered only as the first Brazilian to be executed by a firing squad, he had an important story to tell. They’ve worked together over three years; there were more than seventy hours of recorded phone calls and dozens of letters describing the paths that led him there. By his own will and risk, “Curumim” managed to hide a camera inside his room at a maximum-security prison and recorded around three hours of footage of his daily life. “Curumim” offers an intimate journey through the life of a bold, charismatic and irreverent man who regretted his own choices and needed who wants desperately to perpetuate its existence. ZAZEN PRODUÇÕES (Brazil) - ✆ 55 21 999962228 12/5 PALAIS H (15:30) CYANIDE (SIANOUR) Iran - 90 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Behrouz SHOAIBI - Cast: Mehdi HASHEMI, Haniyeh TAVASOLI, Babak HAMIDIAN, Hamed KOMEILI The end of the long silence after some time. Amir and Homa find each other while they have just one choice: Cyanide or survival… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 D 13/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30) D’UNE PIERRE DEUX COUPS France - 82 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Fejria DELIBA - Cast: Tata MILOUDA, Brigitte ROÜAN, Claire WAUTHION After she decides to venture outside of her neighbourhood for the first time in her life, 70-year-old Zayane Millia, a traditional, illiterate Algerian mother, sets events in motion that will bring her children together for the first time in more than ten years at their mother’s home. Meanwhile, their elderly mother has taken a trip with a friend to see her first employer in Algeria, a woman she hasn’t seen in more than fifty years and who has a mysterious box to give her. Culture shock and family histories are interwoven with ever-present memories of the war in Algeria, the country that binds these three women together. LOCO FILMS (France) - 17 square Mérimée, 2nd floor 13/5 OLYMPIA 8 (20:30) - 17/5 GRAY 1 (10:00) DAMASCUS COVER United Kingdom - 98 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Dan BERK - Cast: Jonathan RHYSMEYERS, John HURT, Olivia THIRLBY, Jürgen PROCHNOW A veteran spy is sent undercover in Syria to smuggle a chemical weapons scientist out of Damascus. Within days of arriving he realizes he’s being followed, his partner doesn’t show, and a group of men are trying to kill him. It’s not long before his routine mission unravels revealing a string of murderous conspirators. Marked for death and caught in a maddening puzzle, he must race for survival. CARNABY INTERNATIONAL SALES AND DISTRIBUTION (United Kingdom) - 22 la Croisette, 23 Rue Mace - ✆ 44 7701 349 182 12/5 LERINS 2 (10:30) DANCE TO DEATH (TANTSY NASMERT) Trailer Russia - 90 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Russian, English - 2016 - Director: Andrey VOLGIN - Cast: Ivan ZHVAKIN Deadly dance tournament is carried out in the city survived after nuclear apocalypse. Energy is extracted from the loser for the city to survive. A young guy from the street is forced to take part in the tournament and falls in love with girl who volunteered to participate in the battle. Will they survive or the arena will take their lives? PLANETA INFORM FILM DISTRIBUTION (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 13/5 OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) - 15/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) DANCER United Kingdom - 85 min - English, Russian, Ukranian - 2015 - Director: Steven CANTOR - Cast: Sergei POLUNIN Blessed with astonishing power and poise, Sergei Polunin took the dance world by storm and became the Royal ballet’s youngest ever principal. At the peak of his success, aged 25, he walked away, driven to the brink of self-destruction by stardom - his talent more a burden than a gift. Here is an unprecedented look into the life of a complex young man who has made ballet go viral. Urban rebel, iconoclast, airborne angel, Sergei is transforming the shape of ballet as we know it. But virtuosity comes with a high price. How can you be free to be yourself when you are ballet’s ‘hottest property’? WESTEND FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 28 bis rue des Serbes, entr. C - ✆ 33 4 93 30 00 19 u DANS LA FORET —> INTO THE FOREST u DANS LES FORETS DE SIBERIE —> IN THE FOREST OF SIBERIA BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-77 13/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) - 16/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) DARK SHOW United Kingdom - 80 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Olivier PARTHONNAUD - Cast: Joanne MCCALLIN, Malcolm CONRATH, Matthew MELLALIEU, Tony SIMONNEAU A TV reality show turns into a nightmare. DARK SHOW LIMITED (United Kingdom) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 - ✆ 33 6 70 58 54 81 14/5 PALAIS G (12:00) DAUGHTER (DOKHTAR) Iran - 103 min - Persian - 2016 - Director: Reza MIRKARIMI - Cast: Farhad ASLANI, Merila ZAREI, Mahour ALVAND The strict and traditional Mr Azizi leads an uneventful family life in an oil town of southern Iran. Then one day, exasperated by her father’s authoritarianism, Setareh announces she is off to Tehran to say farewell to one of her best friends who is leaving Iran for good. Unfortunately, the engagement celebrations of Setareh’s younger sister are taking place simultaneously. Despite her father’s objections Setareh takes the plane for Tehran. This act of disobedience sets in motion a series of perturbations that upset the calm tranquility of the paterfamilias. DREAMLAB FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand J12 - ✆ 33 6 14 01 02 03 11/5 LERINS 4 (15:30) DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST Usa - 112 min - 1991 - Director: Julie DASH - Cast: Cora Lee DAY, Alva ROGERS, Barbara -O, Trula HOOSIER, Bahni TURPIN, Cheryl Lynn BRUCE, Tony KING COHEN MEDIA GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 1 310 567 9337 14/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) DAYLIGHT’S END Usa - 105 min - English - 2015 - Director: William KAUFMAN - Cast: Johnny STRONG, Lance HENRIKSEN, Louis MANDYLOR, Chelsea EDMUNDSON, Hakeem KAE-KAZIM, Farah WHITE, Chris KERSON, Gary CAIRNS In the aftermath of a plague that has wiped out most of humanity, a group of survivors must escape from blood-thirsty scavengers. TAYLOR & DODGE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E12 u DE STANDHAFTIGE —> WALK WITH ME DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS 12/5 DOC CORNER (17:30) - 19/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) Usa, Dominican Republic - 73 min - English, Spanish - 2016 - Director: Juan Mejia BOTERO, Jake KHEEL In DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS, the murder investigation of a Dominican park ranger by a Haitian charcoal producer reveals the complex, growing conflict between the Dominican Republic and Haiti in the battle for natural resources. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 DEATH BY DEATH (JE ME TUE À LE DIRE) 14/5 GRAY 3 (12:15) Belgium, France - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Xavier SERON - Cast: Jean Jacques RAUSIN Full of deadpan visual humor, this tale focuses on the relationship of anxious, part-time actor Michel and his ailing, overly attached mother, who has been told that she is living on borrowed time, but has no intention of dying. STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 DEATH IN SARAJEVO (SMRT U SARAJEVU / MORT À SARAJEVO) 11/5 ARCADES 2 (18:30) France, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 85 min - Bosnian, French, English - 2016 - Director: Danis TANOVIC Cast: Jacques WEBER, Snežana VIDOVI , Izudin BAJROVIC, Vedrana SEKSAN, Muhamed HADŽOVI Sarajevo‘s Hotel Europe is bustling in preparation for tonight‘s European Union gala for the centennial of Archduke Franz Ferdinand‘s assassination. But the disgruntled staff plans to strike because they haven‘t been paid for two months. If this prestigious political dinner fails, the already mortgaged hotel will be shut down by the bank. With no time to lose to stop the strike, hotel manager Omer must turn to tough guy Enzo, who runs the cellar strip club. The staff union rep soon goes missing. Dedicated and pretty chief receptionist Lamija does her absolute best to keep everything running smoothly toward the big event. But things get tricky when her mother Hatidza, of the laundry room, is elected strike leader. The VIP keynote speaker doesn‘t have much time to prepare, and he stumbles through complex details and names. The French guest‘s rehearsals in his room are secretly recorded in B&W… (more info on cinando.com) THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 For full details go to a-78 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique DECALOGUE 5 (DEKALOG 5) CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (14:15) Poland - 58 min - Polish - 1988 - Director: Krzysztof KIESLOWSKI - Cast: Miroslaw BAKA, Krzysztof GLOBISZ, Jan TESARZ, Artur BARCIS, Krystyna JANDA, Olgierd LUKASZEWICZ, Maciej SZARY, Zbigniew ZAPASIEWICZ A young pimpled boy wanders about town. He is Jacek. A middle-aged man washes his cab thoroughly. In the meantime, Piotr passes his barrister’s examination.J acek watches taxi ranks. He orders an enlargement of an old andcrumpled picture of a girl, taken on the occasion of her first Communion. Frozen, he has coffee in a hotel bar. The taxi driver makes rounds of the town in his extra clean car, looking for a passenger. He refuses to take drunks: he does not want anybody to be sick on the seats. On the way, he buys a lottery ticket.Piotr has passed the examination. He believes he has a calling. We know now something will happen to bring those three men into relationship. After the examination, Piotr and his girlfriend go to the bar where the pimpled boy is drinking his coffee. There is a taxi rank in the neighborhood. Jacek takes the freshly cleaned cab and gives the driver an address in the suburbs… (more info on cinando.com) TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. (Poland) DECALOGUE 6 (DEKALOG 6) CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (15:15) Poland - 57 min - Polish - 1988 - Director: Krzysztof KIESLOWSKI - Cast: Grazyna SZAPOLOWSKA, Olaf LUBASZENKO, Stefania IWI SKA, Artur BARCIS, Stanisław GAWLIK, Piotr MACHALICA, Rafał IMBRO, Małgorzata RO NIATOWSKA Tomek is a boy of nineteen, Magda - a woman of thirty. She does not even know of Tomek’s existence. But all the time he loves her desperately. They live across the street. Every evening, Tomek adjusts a field glass. Magda lives a free, light and careless life. As a succession of men appear in her flat, Tomek lowers the field glass. No doubt such scenes excited him before - but he was not in love with her then. Today, he just cannot look. Obviously, he tries to come closer to her. He daren’t- but at the same time wants to. He takes a job as a milkman just to hear her asking at dawn through the locked door, “Who is it” and to answer, “The milkman”. He dials her number and keeps silent when she lifts the receiver. He interrupts her love affairs, unable to stand the men who take her to bed at the first opportunity. Working at the post-office, he forges notifications to make her visit his counter… (more info on cinando.com) TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. (Poland) 16/5 PALAIS E (14:00) DEEP IN THE WOOD (IN FONDO AL BOSCO) Italy - 90 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Stefano LODOVICHI - Cast: Filippo NIGRO, Camilla FILIPPI, Teo Achille CAPRIO A child disappears from a small village, the father is suspected of killing him, but is released due to lack of evidence; the body can’t be found. Five years later, a little boy is found, abandoned; his DNA matches Tommi’s, the missing kid. The case seems closed, but his mother doesn’t recognize him. Who is Tommi, really? MINERVA PICTURES GROUP (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A14 11/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) DELI MAN Usa - 92 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2014 - Director: Erik ANJOU - Cast: Jerry STILLER, Larry KING In Houston, Texas, Ziggy Gruber, third generation owner of a deli, has built arguably the best delicatessen in the United States. His story embodies a Jewish cultural tradition indelibly linked to its salty and nostalgic food. GALLOPING FILMS (Australia) - RIVIERA Stand H2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 13/5 LERINS 1 (16:00) DELUSION China - 110 min - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Danny PANG - Cast: Hu AN, Chow Pak HO, Yuan Yuan CHENG, Hong CHEN A longly-heart who recently found new love but did she; a social misfit daydreams about her co-worker’s perfect boyfriend, and a hardcore insomniac finds a girl being held forcibly imprisoned in a room across the street. ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 u DEMAIN —> TOMORROW u DER GEILSTE TAG —> THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY u DER KOMMER EN DAG —> THE DAY WILL COME DESPERATE SUNFLOWERS (嫌な女) 15/5 PALAIS F (09:30) - 16/5 PALAIS G (20:30) Japan - 105 min - 2016 - Director: Kuroki HITOMI SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 13/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 4 (12:00) DESTINY (XI HE) China - 97 min - 2016 - Director: Zhang WEI Destiny is one’s fate sealed at birth FORTISSIMO FILMS (Netherlands) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 20 bis Rue des Serbes, 7th floor BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-79 13/5 OLYMPIA 1 (16:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) DETOUR United Kingdom - 90 min - English - 2014 - Director: Chris SMITH Law student and all round good guy, Harper, suspects that his scheming step-father, Vincent, is responsible for the car crash that sent his mother into a coma. Drowning his sorrows one evening in a seedy L.A whiskey bar, Harper is interrupted by a tough looking redneck called Johnny Ray who offers to “take care” of his step-dad for the cool sum of US$20,000. Angry, intent on revenge and fuelled by alcohol, Harper agrees to the deal and spends the rest of his evening downing shots with Johnny Ray. The next morning, Harper awakes to the mother of all hangovers with hazy memory of the previous night’s events. Answering a knock at the front door, he is surprised to find Johnny Ray and his beautiful but distant girlfriend, Cherry, ready and waiting to drive to Vegas to kill Vincent. Harper’s claims that he was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing mean nothing to Johnny Ray who is more threatening than ever in the cold light of day… (more info on cinando.com) BANKSIDE FILMS (United Kingdom) - 55 Bd. La Croisette, 6th Fl. - ✆ 33 4 93 39 73 43 DIAMOND ISLAND SC13/5 MIRAMAR (11:45, 16:30, 22:00) - 14/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) - PALAIS I (10:00) - 16/5 PALAIS B (11:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) France, Cambodia, Germany - 101 min - Khmer - 2016 - Director: Davy CHOU - Cast: Sobon NOUN, Cheanik NOV, Madezza CHHEM, Mean KORN, Somnang NUT Diamond Island is a symbol of Cambodia’s future, a sprawling, ultra-modern paradise for the rich on the river in Phnom Penh. Like many other country boys, Bora, 18, is lured from his village to work on the construction of this property developers’ dream. There, he forges new friendships and is even reunited with his charismatic older brother Solei, who disappeared five years ago. Solei introduces Bora to the exciting world of Cambodia’s privileged urban youth, with its girls, its nightlife and its illusions. LES FILMS DU LOSANGE (France) - RIVIERA Stand J7 17/5 PALAIS H (17:30) DIARY OF A FATMAN Australia, Usa - 95 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Steve RAVIC - Cast: Steven HAAR, Tracey BIRDSALL, Maddie CREA, Ej DE LA PENA, Lloyd KAUFMAN, Geraldine DIANA Meet Berd ‘The Nerd’ in a story of a man with no story to tell… until he falls asleep that is. The lazy dole-bludger (welfare recipient) will have you believe that he is a modern day role-model for all the fat men of the world and fancies himself to be every girl’s wildest dream. Apart from having to visit his local job seeking agency, his life is a daily routine of doing nothing much apart from eating, watching television, daydreaming about his beloved Hollywood actress ‘Tracey Birdsall’ and sleeping. That is when he takes you on the wacky comical adventures of all his alter ego’s, from space-crusader (Duke Berdtalker), professional wrestler (Bulk Bogan), superhero sidekick (Berd Thunder), rock-star (Saxl Pose) with his band (Buns n’ Posers), pop sensation (Pelvis) to the ladies man (Casanova Berd) amongst others. The question is whether any of his dreams will ever come true? Description: Dare to imagine a character that combines the feel of characters like Dudley ‘Booger’ Dawson of ‘Revenge of The Nerds’, the human version of Homer Simpson, George Costanza of ‘Seinfeld’and Benny Hill all rolled into one… (find more on cinando.com) MAJESTIC FILM (Australia) - 3 la Croisette - Level 4 u u u u DIE DUNKLE SEITE DES MONDES —> THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON DIE LETZTE CHANCE —> THE LAST CHANCE DIE MITTE DER WELT —> CENTER OF MY WORLD DINCOLO DE CALEA FERATA —> BY THE RAILS 12/5 PALAIS G (16:00) - 15/5 PALAIS G (18:00) DISTRACTION BABIES (ディストラクション・ベイビーズ) Japan - 108 min - 2016 - Director: Tetsuya MARIKO SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 DIVINES QR 19/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (11:45, 20:45) - 20/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (15:30) - ARCADES 1 (22:30) France - 90 min - French - 2016 - Director: Houda BENYAMINA In a ghetto near Paris where drugs and religion reign supreme, Dounia is hungry for her share of power and success. Enlisting the help of her best friend, Maimouna, she decides to follow the footsteps of a respected dealer. When Dounia meets a young sensuous dancer, her life takes a surprising turn. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 Join & Watch Host easily & safely a-80 Invite anyone Watch anywhere CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 LERINS 3 (10:00) DIVISION 19 Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: S.a. HALEWOOD - Cast: Jamie DRAVEN, Alison DOODY, Linus ROACHE, Clarke PETERS The year is 2039. Radio Identification Chips (RFID) are now mandatory due to the rise of terror alerts. The chip will help eradicate crime, cap immigration, and lead to greater security. The government alone cannot protect the city, it relies on surveillance ships, drones, and more importantly its citizens. Also, with overflowing prisons, the Central Control has turned prisons into online portals with the felons being streamed on reality TV shows where the public can vote on what prisoners eat, wear, watch, and who they fight. However, Panopticon TV has one problem, its most popular prisoner, Hardin Jones, has escaped and is now affecting their ratings. Consequently, Panopticon TV plans on using Hardin’s younger brother, Nash, as their first resident of an experimental town. Will Hardin expose himself in order to rescue his brother or continue his life of anonymity? One thing is certain, there is nowhere to hide for Hardin Jones with an implanted chip, drones, surveillance ships, robots, and citizens all on the look out for one of the most recognizable faces on TV… (find more on cinando.com) SPOTLIGHT PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F10 u DNEVNIK MASINOVODJE —> TRAIN DRIVER’S DIARY 12/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) - 16/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) DO RE MI FA Malta - 140 min - English - 2015 - Director: Chris ZARB - Cast: Paul FLANAGAN, Irene CHRIST, Sean O’NEIL, Marc CABOURDIN An ensemble set in Malta that focuses on four characters: Bozo, a children’s party clown who is a closet pedophile; Claudia, a stage actress who is paralyzed with feelings of insignificance and is driven to do the extreme; Kyle, a family man with a deaf son who finds it increasingly difficult to cope with challenges at home and at work; and DJ Trim, a talk radio show presenter suffering from an anxiety disorder who advocates for the rights of illegal immigrants and becomes the target of unwanted attention from a threatening caller. DRAGONFLY FILMS LTD. (Malta) u DOBBIAMO PARLARE —> LET’S TALK DOG EAT DOG QR 14/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (15:30) - 20/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 19:30) - 21/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) Usa - 87 min - English - 2016 - Director: Paul SCHRADER - Cast: Nicolas CAGE, Willem DAFOE, Louisa KRAUSE When three desperate ex cons are offered a job by a Mexican mob boss, they know they should refuse, but the payoff’s too rich to turn down. All they have to do is kidnap the kid of a colleague who’s ripping the mob boss off. But the abduction goes away when the kidnappers are forced to kill an unexpected intruder who turns out to be the child’s father- the very man the mob boss intended to extort. Now unwelcome in the underworld and on the run for murder, the ex cons find themselves as the most wanted fugitives in the City of Angels. And each vows that none of them will eve ego back to prison. No matter what the cost. ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 DOGS CR 15/5 DEBUSSY (11:15:00, 16:30) - 16/5 BAZIN (10:30) - OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) 18/5 PALAIS D (15:30) - 19/5 PALAIS I (13:15) - 20/5 LERINS 2 (10:00) France, Romania - 104 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Bogdan MIRICA - Cast: Dragos BUCUR, Gheorghe VISU, Vlad IVANOV Roman, a young man from Bucharest, comes to the countryside near the border with Ukraine with the firm intention to sell the vast but desolate land he inherited from his grandfather. He is warned by old man Hogas, the local cop, that his grandfather was a local crime lord and his “boys”, led by the charismatic and cruel Samir, will not let go of the land - and their smuggling business - without a fight. Roman doesn’t give up and the three men clash in a triangle of violence. BAC FILMS (France) - 24, La Croisette, 5th floor - ✆ 33 6 26 98 85 59 13/5 PALAIS C (12:00) DOGS NIGHT (NOCHE DE PERROS) Argentina - 85 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Ignacio SESMA - Cast: Nicolas GOLDSCHMIDT, Facundo CARDOSI A road movie with a lot of car and not much road… Meet the argentine “y tu mama tambien! Razor sharp dialogue rocks this three men in a car into stratospheric comedy territory. A jolly in a stolen Mercedes is the springboard for a chain of dark but hysterical events as our accident prone heroes stumble from one disaster to another. And yet its the “feel good” movie of the season! LUPERCAL COMMUNICATION LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 05 u DOKHTAR —> DAUGHTER u DOLINA MIRU —> VALLEY OF PEACE Join & Connect Access contacts & films Browse festivals & markets Showcase your business BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-81 14/5 ARCADES 3 (19:30) DOLORES Germany - 89 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - German - 2016 - Director: Michael RÖSEL - Cast: Udo SCHENK, Franziska PETRI, Mona PETRI, Mathias HERRMANN, Alexander HÖRBE, Marcus GRÜSSER, Andreas WELLANO, Hede BECK, Wolfgang MÜLLER, Vilmar BIERI, Carl Heinz CHOYNSKI, Andreas KLAUE, Finn BLEIER, Kathrin HILDEBRAND Georg Letterer is a perfectionist modelers who build detail-obsessed models of prototypes. But George and his selfish, lazy brother Franz afflict existential fears. An order from the world-famous, no longer so very young Hollywood Actress Dolores Moor, to make a model of her extravagant Villa could bring salvation. That’s the opportunity for Georg to escape from suburban dreariness and the perfidious psychological terror of his brother. He is tirelessly working on the detailed model. Simultaneously every day the affection for the unattainable Dolores Moor takes more and more possession of him. One day Georg makes a strange discovery: by means of the model he is suddenly able to influence the physical reality of the villa and therefore his environment. The boundaries between model and reality are starting to blur. The introverted Modeler becomes a calculating “Puppetmaster”, which holds the threads of life of those around him in his hands. Georg opens up entirely new possibilities to win Dolores Moor for himself.. MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 14/5 ARCADES 2 (16:00) - 19/5 LERINS 1 (10:00) DON’T CALL ME SON (MÃE SÓ HÁ UMA) Brazil - 82 min - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2016 - Director: Anna MUYLAERT - Cast: Matheus NACHTERGAELE, Dani NEFUSSI, Naomi NERO, Daniel BOTELHO, Luciana PAES, Helena ALBERGARIA A bike, high school, joints, girls, a rock band. Pierre is a teenager like many others. After a DNA test, he discovers that the woman he calls Mom is not his real mother, and he now has to move in with his biological family. In a new home and with a new name, he starts to wonder about his identity. LOCO FILMS (France) - 17 square Mérimée, 2nd floor 11/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) - 12/5 PALAIS K (16:00) - 13/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) DON’T KILL IT Usa - 93 min - English - 2016 - Director: Mike MENDEZ - Cast: Dolph LUNDGREN, Kristina KLEBE An ancient evil is unleashed in a small Alaskan town leaving a trail of death and destruction as it passes from host to host. The only hope of survival lies with a grizzled demon hunter (Dolph Lundgren) who has faced this terror before. Together with a reluctant FBI agent he has to figure out how to destroy a demon with the ability to possess its killer. ARCHSTONE DISTRIBUTION (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F8 DON’T KNOCK TWICE 11/5 OLYMPIA 7 (11:30) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 8 (18:00) United Kingdom - 104 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Caradog JAMES - Cast: Katee SACKHOFF, Lucy BOYNTON, Nick MORAN ‘Candyman’ meets ‘The Ring’ in DON’T KNOCK TWICE, a psychologically terrifying, twisted urban legend that will have you clinging to the edge of your seat for dear life. CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre u DONG —> SEVEN DAYS 15/5 PALAIS D (17:30) DOUBLE (DUBLU) Romania - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Catrinel DANAIATA - Cast: Bogdan DUMITRACHE, Maria DINULESCU George, an architect on the brink of success, is pressed by a tight deadline and swamped in a society that doesn’t represent him. On the side, he also deals with a failing relationship and the illness of his own mother. Suffocated and tormented, he tries to escape his own daily existence when he meets Alina, a mysterious young woman who unravels him a new dimension on life. “Double” is a story of isolation and depression, of losing one’s self in a septic portrait film, marked by magical realism. ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 DOWN BY LOVE (EPERDUMENT) 17/5 ARCADES 2 (12:00) France - 110 min - French - 2015 - Director: Pierre GODEAU - Cast: Guillaume GALLIENNE, Adèle EXARCHOPOULOS 39 year-old Jean is an exemplary women’s prison director and loving husband who is enamored by a young attractive prisoner, Anna, recently sentenced for a high profile crime. The two are swept in a forbidden and impossible love, during which Jean puts everything on the line: his career, his family, his life… STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 15/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) DOWNHILL Chile - 85 min - English - 2015 - Director: Patricio VALLADARES After his best friend dies in a racing accident, biking star Joe agrees to go back on the wheels for an exhibition in Chile. On a test run with his girlfriend Stephanie, they stumble upon a badly injured man dying from a mysterious virus. That’s the start of a very bad day for them as they become the target of relentless killers ready to do anything to keep their secret to go out of the mountains. WTFILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Goeland entrance, 2 Floor, DoorA a-82 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique DOWNHILL Chile - 85 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Patricio VALLADARES After his best friend dies in a racing accident, biking star Joe agrees to go back on the wheels for an exhibition in Chile. On a test run with his girlfriend Stephanie, they stumble upon a badly injured man dying from a mysterious virus. That’s the start of a very bad day for them as they become the target of relentless killers ready to do anything to keep their secret to go out of the mountains. BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 13/5 PALAIS H (20:00) DR.DILARA Cyprus, Turkey - 85 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Turkish, English - 2016 - Director: Tamer GARIP - Cast: Ruhsan ANKAY, Cengiz BOZKURT, Buse KIRPALA, Pembegul BAYRAM, Ercan SAYMEN, Metin ERDURAN, Mehmet E VAIZ, Celalcan ORHAN ‘Nothing is as it Seems’ is the motto of Dr.Dilara. This is the story of a happily married woman who has to risk everything to rescue her daughter from the kidnappers after the unexpected suicide by her husband Antonio. Dr.Dilara moves to Cyprus with her 4 year old daughter (Asia) and begins to work at a university while researching the mass graves in Cyprus. To get her daughter back from the kidnappers Dr.Dilara has to solve the mystery surrounding Antonio’s suicide. SWEET ORANGE PRODUCTIONS LTD (Turkey) 17/5 ARCADES 2 (20:30) DRIVEN TO SUCCEED Usa - 95 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Mark COLEGROVE - Cast: Chris KAMSCH, Kathy CARSON, Jamaal JORDAN, Rick MILLER, Prince TAWRO When a candidate for state senate threatens the future of the D-rate driving academy, “Driven to Succeed,” it’s up to the self-centered owner (Jamaal Jordan) and his staff of moronic, drunk, pill-popping instructors (Chris Kamsch, Kathy Carson & Rick Miller) to save the school… and their jobs! No strangers to child endangerment, they recruit help from an unlikely student (Prince Tawro) to assist with some of the dirty work. Soundtrack featuring Gwar, Clutch, The Meatmen, Karma to Burn and more! DIRE WIT FILMS (Usa) 14/5 PALAIS H (20:00) DROPPING THE S BOMB Usa - 78 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Christina July KIM - Cast: Christina July KIM, Shani PARK, Joel CLARK, Madeleine GERHART After discovering that the guy of her dreams plans on attending Stanford, the not so book smart Cassie does whatever it takes to be accepted, even if it means doing things that may get her kicked out of school if she gets caught. SELAH PICTURES (Usa) 16/5 PALAIS K (16:00) DUBAI GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The Dubai Film Market presents a selection of works-in-progress by filmmakers from the Arab World: 4 SEASONS, 2 BROTHERS AND A BORDER by Maisa Safadi, FISH KILLED TWICE by Fawzi Saleh, MUNICH: A PALESTINIAN STORY by Nasri Hajjaj and BROOKS, MEADOWS AND LOVELY FACES by Yousry Nasrallah. DUBAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (United Arab Emirates) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 136 u DUBLU —> DOUBLE E u u u u u u u u u u EIN ATEM —> ONE BREATH EIN DEUTSCHES LEBEN —> A GERMAN LIFE EJHDEHA VARED MISHAVAD! —> A DRAGON ARRIVES! EKIPAZH —> THE CREW EL ALIEN —> THE ALIEN EL CHARRO DE TOLUQUILLA —> THE CHARRO OF TOLUQUILLA EL CIUDADANO ILUSTRE —> THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN EL DESTIERRO —> THE EXILE EL HOYO —> THE HOLE EL INVIERNO —> THE WINTER EL ORIGEN DEL CIELO (ORIGIN OF HEAVEN) 12/5 PALAIS F (20:00) Chile - 86 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: David BELMAR - Cast: Nelson VENEGAS, Andres ELIQUITAY, Carolina SADE, Hector AGUILAR, Anibal BARRERA, Nuri CID Luis, a family man, and Miguel, his older son, are laborers at a sawmill in the mountains in southern Chile. Solitude and sadness drive Miguel to migrate to the city and start over. Due to the instability in his work and his monotonous existence, Luis will try to change his life, but destiny will want something different. THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-83 u EL PASTOR —> THE SHEPHERD EL REY DEL ONCE (EL REY DEL ONCE (AKA THE TENTH MAN)) 12/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) - 14/5 PALAIS J (15:30) Argentina - 80 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Daniel BURMAN - Cast: Alan SABBAGH, Julieta ZYLBERBERG Ari, who has built a successful career in New York, thinks he has left his past behind. But his distant father Usher, who runs a Jewish aid foundation in El Once, the close-knit old Jewish neighborhood of Buenos Aires summons him back to his native city. What ensues is a comedy of errors, of missed and found people and connections, and a rumination on the extent to which we can ever really leave our past behind. FILMSHARKS INT’L (Argentina) - RIVIERA Stand D12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 06 12/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) - 14/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) ELIMINATORS Usa - 95 min - 2015 - Director: James NUNN - Cast: Scott ADKINS, Wade BARRETT From WWE Studios, Martin Parker (Scott Adkins), a highly trained former DEA agent, is hiding in the witness protection program in London with his young daughter, Carly. His world is turned upside down when a group of thugs break into his home looking for hidden contraband. Parker is forced to kill the intruders, which exposes his true identity to the criminal underworld, including mob boss, Chris Cooper, who is Parker’s arch-enemy as well as ex-father-in-law. Cooper sends his top assassin, Bishop (WWE Superstar Wade Barrett), to kill Parker, while Cooper tracks down Parker’s daughter. Parker, now on the run, must defeat Bishop while simultaneously trying to keep his daughter out of the deadly clutches of her grandfather. VOLTAGE PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand L5 ELLE CO 21/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 18:30) France, Germany, Belgium - 210 min - 5 - 10 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Paul VERHOEVEN Cast: Isabelle HUPPERT, Laurent LAFITTE, Christian BERKEL, Anne CONSIGNY, Charles BERLING When Michelle, the CEO of a gaming software company, is attacked in her home by an unknown assailant, she refuses to let it alter her precisely ordered life. She manages crises involving her 75-year-old sex kitten mother, her imprisoned mass murderer father, her spoiled and immature son, her ex-husband and her lover, all with the same icy equanimity. This is the approach she brings to the situation when it appears that her assailant is not finished with her. As the mysterious stalker hovers in the shadows of her life, taunting her, Michelle cooly stalks him back. What emerges between Michelle and her stalker is a kind of game, a game that soon spirals out of control. SBS INTERNATIONAL (France) u EMA —> MOTHER u EMBARAZADOS —> WE ARE PREGNANT u EMKAN-E MINA —> MINA’S OPTION 15/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) ENCLAVE (ENKLAVA) Germany - 92 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Serbian - 2015 - Director: Goran RADOVANOVI - Cast: Filip SUBARIC, Daniel MURIC, Nebojsa GLOGOVAC, Anica DOBRA, Miodrag KRIVOKAPIC Ten years after the war in Kosovo: 10-year-old Nenad lives together with his father and his sick grandfather in a small Serbian enclave. Besides them, an Orthodox priest and a 30-year-old teacher are the only Serbs in the community. Every day, Nenad is driven by a claustrophobic KFOR military vehicle from his father’s farm to school, where he is now the only student. His great desire to play with other children seems unattainable. Again and again, he sees two boys his age through the slots of the armored vehicle. And he encounters the 13-year-old Albanian shepherd boy Bashkim, who lost his father in the war and hates the Serbs. EASTWEST FILMDISTRIBUTION GMBH (Austria) - RIVIERA Stand K2 - ✆ 43 664 510 41 66 14/5 LERINS 3 (16:00) ENCLOSURE Usa - 93 min - English - 2016 - Director: Patrick REA - Cast: Jake BUSEY, Fiona DOURIF, Kevin RYAN A couple’s romantic camping trip is cut short after a group of nearby hunters are brutally killed by a mysterious creature. As the creature turns its focus on the couple, they must fight for their survival while their shelter is destroyed. FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - LERINS LERINS | Stand L6 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 44 11/5 PALAIS G (18:00) END OF A GUN Usa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Keoni WAXMAN - Cast: Steven SEAGAL Decker (Seagal) is an ex-federal agent scraping by as a mall security guard. He is told only to “observe and report” activity, never take action. But when he comes across a woman, Lisa, being beaten by her boyfriend, Decker is forced to kill the enraged man to save her. Instead of congratulations and thanks, Decker is fired for his heroics and faces possible criminal charges. Lisa, knowing his situation, asks him to help her steal $2 million hidden within her boyfriend’s car at the police impound lot. They successfully recover the money, but it only puts them in greater danger, as the money was supposed to be delivered to a drug lord. He catches wind of their left and sends a hit squad to recover the money back. Meanwhile, a determined cop, alarmed at the number of bodies piling up around Decker, is also hot on his trail. Decker must turn to an unlikely ally to keep the cash, save a now kidnapped Lisa, and survive an epic gun battle with the kingpin’s henchmen. THE EXCHANGE (Usa) - 4 Bd de la Croisette, 2nd a-84 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 15/5 GRAY 3 (09:45) ENDLESS NIGHT Spain, France, Bulgaria - 104 min - English - 2015 - Director: Isabel COIXET - Cast: Juliette BINOCHE, Rinko KIKUCHI, Gabriel BYRNE INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS. Greenland, 1909. Josephine Peary (Binoche) travels to the hostile icy landscape of the remote North in search of her explorer husband. As winter descends and determined not to turn back she finds companionship with an Inuit woman (Kikuchi). With the elements against them and their survival reliant on each other it becomes clear they are waiting for a man they both love. METRO INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT (United Kingdom) - 4th Floor, 23 Rue Mace - ✆ 44 7527 970 064 ENDLESS POETRY (POESIA SIN FIN) QR 14/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:00) - LERINS 3 (18:00) - THEATRE CROISETTE (21:00) 15/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:15) - 19/5 LERINS 3 (17:30) Chile, France - 128 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Alejandro JODOROWSKY Santiago de Chile, during the thrilling years of the 40s and the 50s. “Alejandrito” Jodorowsky, aged twenty, decides to become a poet against the will of his family. He is introduced in the inner circle of the artistic and intellectual avant-garde of the time and meets Enrique Lihn, Stella Diaz, Nicanor Parra and many other promising but anonymous young writers who will become the masters of Latin America’s modern literature. Totally immersed in this world of poetic experimentation, they live together as few have dared to live before: sensually, authentically, freely, madly. LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 u ENKLAVA —> ENCLAVE ENOC THE RESPLENDENT STARGATE (ENOC EL RESPLANDECIENTE STARGATE) Trailer 17/5 ARCADES 1 (13:30) - OLYMPIA 2 (18:00) Spain - 71 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Spanish, Hebrew, English, French, Other - 2015 - Director: Marin MARTHA - Cast: Marin MARTHA Spectacular and unique images that moved the world of shadows to the glow of light. Sequence that have a sense of history of humanity vibrating in the sigh and desire, in search of a wider reality in search of answers deeper inside the human being. A film without dialogues, where the acoustic live music and studio recording and experimental music, the piano and vocals, merge with the images, in a powerful and indissoluble form. According to the script, the initial action takes place in ancient times, where a priestess, called Sibylla, access inside an old temple, a sacred enclosure, a prohibited and dangerous place, located in the heart of a mountain, beyond the tunnel of death. Then, Sibylla enters the enclosure, in order to call forward the unseen powers of light, in a time when the shadows constrain the crystal grid of the awareness of the planet. After the central sequence of the film, Enoch, the resplendent manifest himself through a voice and a stargate, and so Enoch, the archangel, makes a unique release… (find more on cinando.com) ERS (Spain) - 16 rue Rouaze 6º left Cannes u EPERDUMENT —> DOWN BY LOVE u ES ESMU ŠEIT —> MELLOW MUD 18/5 PALAIS F (15:00) ESRA NEW YORK 2016 110 min ESRA - COTE D’AZUR (France) u ET LA FEMME CREA HOLLYWOOD —> THE WOMEN WHO RUN HOLLYWOOD EVERYTHING’S UNDER CONTROL 14/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) Austria - 93 min - German, English - 2015 - Director: Werner BOOTE Facebook, Amazon and Google provide us with around the clock access to the convinient digital world! Surveillance cameras on the streets take care of our security. But who actually collects our fingerprints, iris scans, online shopping preferences, and social media posting? Don t we care about our privacy anymore? In his unique charming and curious way filmmaker Werner Boote travels around the world (USA, UK, China, HongKong, Austria, Cuba) to explore the “brave new world” of total control. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 EXIL HC 13/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:30) - SALLE DU 60e (17:30) - 14/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) - 18/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) - 20/5 PALAIS J (15:30) Cambodia, France - 77 min - French - 2016 - Director: Rithy PANH Rithy Panh goes back to his childhood and depicts the decisive moment when one has to go on exile. Exile questions the reality, and the passion of reality, but also ideology. He mixes colors from today with past images, voices and sounds where the scream and the chanting of the human condition keep us awake. Rithy Panh takes us on a new journey, which mirrors the one of ‘The Missing Picture’ (2014 Oscar® nominated film). FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 11/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) EXIT 14 Usa - 87 min - 2016 - Director: Joe SALCEDO - Cast: Tom SIZEMORE, John SCHNEIDER A group of spring breakers get off on the ghostly Exit 14 and are haunted by the tales of a ghost story. CARDINAL XD (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D9 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-85 12/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30 invit) EXTORTION Usa, Puerto Rico - 110 min - 2016 - Director: Phil VOLKEN - Cast: Eion BAILEY, Barkhad ABDI, Danny GLOVER A doctor desperately tries to save his wife and their 5 year old son after their vacation in the Bahamas takes an unexpected turn. 13 FILMS (Usa) - 35 La Croisette – 2nd Floor - ✆ 1 760 218 1429 F 17/5 LERINS 4 (17:45) FACK JU GOEHTE 2 (FACK JU GÖHTE 2) Germany - 115 min - German - 2015 - Director: Bora DAGTEKIN - Cast: Elyas M’BAREK, Karoline HERFURTH, Katja RIEMANN, Jella HAASE Everyone loves Zeki Müller (Elyas M’Barek) at the Goethe Comprehensive School, but he’s beginning to lose enthusiasm for his accidental vocation: waking up early, delinquent students and endless paperwork. And now, overly-ambitious Principal Gerster (Katja Riemann) has set her sights on stealing the Thailand school partnership away from the elite Schiller School. Her dream: to boost the image of her derelict school in order to become the model for the Ministry of Education’s new public campaign. Müller and Schnabelstedt (Karoline Herfurth) are condemned to accompany the class on a trip to a remote Thai village. Chantal (Jella Haase), Zeynep (Gizem Emre), Danger (Max von der Groeben) & Co. are in prime form during their first trip abroad, rampantly displaying their full spectrum of social incompetence and cultural ignorance. And if that wasn’t enough already for Zeki, to have to deal with the constant teachers vs… (more info on cinando.com) PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 16/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00 invit) FACTORY BOSS China - 100 min - 2014 - Director: Zhang WEI FORTISSIMO FILMS (Netherlands) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 20 bis Rue des Serbes, 7th floor 18/5 PALAIS D (13:30) FADO Germany, Portugal - 100 min - German, Portuguese, English - 2016 - Director: Jonas ROTHLAENDER Cast: Golo EULER, Louise HEYER, Albano JERÓNIMO, Pirjo LONKA Young doctor Fabian travels to Lisbon to win back his ex-girlfriend Doro. While the two of them are gradually getting closer again they are being haunted by their fears. Fabian’s jealousy once again puts their relationship to the test. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 FAI BEI SOGNI (SWEET DREAMS) QR12/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 19:00) - 15/5 PALAIS K (18:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 2 (17:50) - 17/5 ARCADES 2 (09:30) - 21/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:00) Italy, France - 134 min - Italian, French - 2016 - Director: Marco BELLOCCHIO - Cast: Valerio MASTANDREA, Bérénice BEJO, Guido CAPRINO, Nicolo’ CABRAS, Dario DAL PERO, Barbara RONCHI Turin, 1969. Nine-year-old Massimo’s idyllic childhood is shattered by the mysterious death of his mother. The young boy refuses to accept this brutal loss, even if the priest says she is now in Heaven. Years later in the 90s, adult Massimo has become an accomplished journalist. After reporting on the war in Sarajevo, he begins to suffer from panic attacks. As he prepares to sell his parents’ apartment, Massimo is forced to relive his traumatic past. Compassionate doctor Elisa could help tormented Massimo open up and confront his childhood wounds… THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 FAITS DIVERS CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (20:00) France - 108 min - French - 1982 - Director: Raymond DEPARDON Raymond Depardon films the daily life of the police station of the V th district of Paris. Embarked with them, he follows policemen mobilized by inconspicuous or tragic events of the heart of the town. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) Join & Connect Access contacts & films a-86 Browse festivals & markets Showcase your business CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) FAMILY COMMITMENTS (FAMILIE VERPFLICHTET) Germany - 85 min - German, Arabic - 2015 - Director: Hanno OLDERDISSEN - Cast: Max VON PUFENDORF, Omar EL-SAEIDI, Maren KROYMANN, Ramin YAZDANI, Nikola KASTNER, Kristin HUNOLD, Franziska BRANDMEIER, Hendrik VON BÜLTZINGSLÖWEN, Corny LITTMANN, Michael PRELLE, Patrick HEYN, Nicole MARISCHKA The happy gay couple DAVID (38) and Khaled (29) would love to marry publicly. The jewish-born art gallery owner DAVID is asking his ethnic arab partner Khaled to marry him, when his father ALEDRISSI senior with his daughter AJNA (15) bursts in. What a big disappointment for David! It’s not the first time, that Khaled is unable to manage his outing. When David returns home and starts a discussion with Khaled there is only little time to breathe: SARAH (19), highly pregnant, is ringing at the door claiming that David is the father. They met at a vernissage and went to an SM club. If he doesn’t remember? Now Khaled is very disappointed, also because David doesn’t recognize the fathership and furthermore sees an adoption as absolutely impossible.. Davids mother Lea on the other hand, sees the baby as a gift and sign of god. She promises to solve Davids financial problems with the gallery, if he recognizes the paternity… (more info on cinando.com) MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 FANNY’S JOURNEY (LE VOYAGE DE FANNY) 13/5 OLYMPIA 3 (13:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 7 (17:30) France, Belgium - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Lola DOILLON - Cast: Cécile DE FRANCE BASED ON A TRUE STORY 1943. Germany is occupying France. Fanny (13 y.o.) and her little sisters were sent by their parents to the OSE, a foster home for Jewish children. When the Nazis arrive on Italian territory, members of the OSE desperately organize the departure of the children to Switzerland. Fanny and her sisters are among those traveling to the border. These 11 children suddenly left on their own will do the impossible to reach the Swiss border in order to survive. «Fanny’s journey» is an incredible tale of bravery, strength and survival, a story of a daring young girl who will stop at nothing and fear noone. INDIE SALES (France) - GRAND HOTEL Résidence La Flamant 8 floor - ✆ 33 6 62 93 51 62 FAREWELL BONAPARTE (ADIEU BONAPARTE ) CC 17/5 BUÑUEL (18:00) France, Egypt - 115 min - French - 1984 - Director: Youssef CHAHINE - Cast: Michel PICCOLI, Patrice CHÉREAU, Mohsen MOHIEDDIN In 1798, Napoleon lands his army in Egypt, defeats the Mameluke warlords (the remnants of Ottoman rule), and goes on to Cairo. Three brothers, who are Egyptian patriots, chafe under Mameluke rule and reject the prospect of French domination. Bakr, the eldest, is a hothead, quick to advocate armed rebellion; Ali is more philosophical and poetic; Yehia is young and impressionable. One of Napoleon’s generals, the one-legged intellectual Caffarelli, wants to make Frenchmen out of Ali, Yehia, and other Egyptians, opening a bakery where their father works, becoming a tutor, and declaring his love for them. Is tragedy the only resolution of these conflicting loyalties? TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette 14/5 PALAIS J (17:30) FAREWELL MY INDIAN SOLDIER 71 min RAJYA SABHA TELEVISION (India) FARREBIQUE CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (19:00) France - 91 min - French - 1946 - Director: Georges ROUQUIER Between 1944 and 1945, Georges Rouquier spent a year with a family of farmers – his own relatives– on the farm Farrebique, situated in Goutrens in the Rouergue. The film takes us inside a family whose life is governed by the seasons, by the dinnertime ritual of the grandfather cutting and handing out slices of bread. Rouquier shows the hardships of this peasant existence on the eve of the introduction of electricity – and of the arrival of the forces of modernity about to change it radically. At the same time, Rouquier has a keen eye for the beauty of the characters, their simple ways, and their closeness to their animals and to nature. LES DOCUMENTS CINÉMATOGRAPHIQUES (France) 12/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) - 17/5 PALAIS J (15:30) FATIMA France - 79 min - French, Arabic - 2015 - Director: Philippe FAUCON - Cast: Soria ZEROUAL, Zita HANROT Fatima lives on her own with two daughters to support: 15-year old Souad, a teenager in revolt, and 18-year old Nesrine, who is starting medical school. Fatima speaks French poorly and is constantly frustrated by her daily interactions with her daughters. Her pride and joy, they are also a source of worry. To ensure the best possible future for them, she works odd hours as a cleaning woman. One day, she takes a fall on the stairs. On leave, Fatima begins to write to her daughters in Arabic that which she has never been able to express in French. PYRAMIDE INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand J6 FEMALE FIGHT CLUB / FFC 11/5 PALAIS I (18:00) - 13/5 GRAY 1 (18:00) Usa - 95 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Miguel FERRER - Cast: Amy JOHNSTON, Dolph LUNDGREN, Sean FARIS, Chuck ZITO, Cortney PALM, Levy TRAN, Folake OLOWOFOYEKU, Jeanette SAMANO, Rey GOYOS A former fighter reluctantly returns to the life she abandoned in order to help her sister survive the sadistic world of illegal fighting and the maniac who runs it. CINEVILLE INTERNATIONAL, LLC. (Usa) BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-87 12/5 PALAIS F (15:30) - 16/5 PALAIS F (09:45) FIGHT VALLEY Usa - 85 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Rob HAWK - Cast: Miesha TATE, Holly HOLM, Cris CYBORG, Susie CELEK, Erin O’BRIEN When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory’s sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister’s mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She’s quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she’s going to have to fight her way in. “Jabs” (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she’s about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come faceto-face with Tory’s killer in FIGHT VALLEY. BREAKING GLASS PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 17/5 PALAIS I (16:00) FILM 265 60 min LEVELK (Denmark) - Scandinavian Ter, 55 Croisette - ✆ 45 3118 62 09 12/5 RIVIERA 1 (10:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30) FILMS DISTRIBUTION PROMO REEL Trailer France - 36 min - English - 2016 A presentation of promo reels and trailers of Films Distribution titles. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 12/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) FINDING ALTAMIRA Spain - 94 min - English - 2015 - Director: Hugh HUDSON - Cast: Antonio BANDERAS, Rupert EVERETT, Pierre NINEY, Golshifteh FARAHANI MYRIAD PICTURES (Usa) - 29 Rue du Commandant Andre, 2nd 12/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) FINECUT PRIVATE SCREENING Korea (south) - 160 min - Korean - 2016 FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 13/5 LERINS 1 (20:00) FINECUT PRIVATE SCREENING 2 Korea (south) - 115 min - 2016 FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 12/5 LERINS 1 (16:00, 16:40:00, 17:20) FINECUT PROMO REEL Trailer 60 min FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 FIORE QR 17/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 17:15) - 18/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) Italy, France - 105 min - Italian, French - 2016 - Director: Claudio GIOVANNESI - Cast: Valerio MASTANDREA, Daphne SCOCCIA, Josciua ALGERI Young and in prision for theft, Daphne falls in love with Josh, another inmate. Their love story exists through secret letters and fleeting conversations. RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 12/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30) - 15/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30) FIRST BORN United Kingdom - 86 min - English - 2015 - Director: Nirpal BHOGAL - Cast: Antonia THOMAS, Luke NORRIS, Eileen DAVIES, Jonathan HYDE Charlie and James are in love. They’re just starting out their lives together with no responsibilities when Charlie discovers she is pregnant. In a moment of youthful abandon they decide to keep the baby. Into their world comes Thea - a beautiful little girl, a goddess, the perfect addition to their newly-formed family. But it soon becomes clear that her arrival has brought with it things that are beyond their understanding. Thea is a bright shining beacon who is attracting the supernatural entities that exist all around towards her - and into their lives. Reluctantly, they enlist the help of James’ estranged father, Alastair, a dilapidated amateur spiritualist. Charlie and James begin to realise they must dedicate themselves to keeping their daughter safe. As Thea grows into a young girl, the once playful entities that crowd around her become increasingly violent, vying for her attention and threatening her innocence… (more info on cinando.com) METRODOME INTERNATIONAL (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G5 - ✆ 33 6 82 28 14 30 a-88 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 OLYMPIA 5 (18:00) FIVE France - 102 min - French - 2015 - Director: Igor GOTESMAN - Cast: Pierre NINEY, Francois CIVIL, Igor GOTESMAN, Margot BANCILHON, Idrissa HANROT Five childhood friends have always dreamed of living together. When they finally have the opportunity to move together, Julia, Vadim, Nestor and Timothée don’t hesitate, especially when Samuel offers to pay half of the rent! As soon as they move in, Samuel finds himself unable to pay the rent but he decides to say nothing to the others and secretly tries to make money by selling weed. But you can’t become a dealer in one day! When everything goes wrong, Samuel has no other choice than to turn to his only family: his friends! STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 FLY AWAY HOME (MAIKÄFER FLIEG) 16/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) Austria - 109 min - German - 2016 - Director: Mirjam UNGER - Cast: Zita GAIER, Ursula STRAUSS, Gerald VOTAVA, Paula BRUNNER, Lino GAIER, Krista STADLER Vienna 1945: The powder keg of war and the Russian occupation as seen through the innocent eyes of nine-year-old Christine. She knows as little about peace as children today know about war. Bombed out and penniless, she and her family are put up in a fancy villa on the outskirts of Vienna. They now have a roof over their heads, nothing more. After the German soldiers capitulate, the Russians take over the house. Everybody is scared of the Russians, who are believed to be a capricious lot. Everybody, except Christine. AFC - AUSTRIAN FILMS (Austria) - RIVIERA Stand K6 FOG IN AUGUST (NEBEL IM AUGUST) 11/5 ARCADES 1 (17:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 5 (18:00) Germany - 127 min - German - 2016 - Director: Kai WESSEL - Cast: Ivo PIETZCKER, Sebastian KOCH Set against the tumultuous backdrop of war-stricken Germany, FOG IN AUGUST tells the heart-wrenching true story of 13-year-old Ernst Lossa, who is sent to a psychiatric hospital but soon discovers the truth behind its façade. STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 FOOL MOON (LA FORET DE QUINCONCES) HC 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:30) - 17/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:45) 19/5 LERINS 2 (12:00) - PALAIS J (16:30) France - 109 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Grégoire LEPRINCE-RINGUET - Cast: Grégoire LEPRINCE-RINGUET, Pauline CAUPENNE, Amandine TRUFFY Ondine and Paul have loved each other. When she leaves him, he swears not to love again. To prove this to himself, he pursues the beautiful Camille, whom he intends to seduce and abandon. But Camille puts a spell on Paul whom she desires for herself alone. And, while falling under Camille’s charms, Paul has to deal with the memory of his past love. ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 13/5 PALAIS F (09:30) FORCE OF DESTINY Australia - 92 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Paul COX - Cast: David WENHAM, Jacqueline MCKENZIE, Shahana GOSWAMI Robert lives alone surrounded by his sculptures. He is close to his daughter Poppy, but has an unresolved relationship with Hannah from whom he is separated. The family is stunned when Robert is diagnosed with cancer of the liver and six months to live. In the process of physical decline and mental turmoil, Robert meets Maya who comes from a different world. New hope and future possibilities appear when he is put on the transplant list. Robert’s passion for Maya intensifies as he confronts the agony and ecstasy of finding the love that has evaded him his entire life, just as his body is about to be taken from him. GALLOPING FILMS (Australia) - RIVIERA Stand H2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 12/5 PALAIS D (09:30) - 14/5 GRAY 2 (09:30) FOREVER (VIR ALTYD ) South Africa - 101 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Afrikaans - 2016 - Director: Jaco SMIT - Cast: Ivan BOTHA, Donnalee ROBERTS, Kelsey EGAN, Andre JACOBS Childhood friends, Nina and Hugo chose different paths in life. Years later, Hugo returns to his hometown unbeknownst to him, the day before Nina’s wedding. Events on the wedding day throw them back together and they embark on a new adventure. PRINC FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E1 u FORUSHANDE —> THE SALESMAN FRAGMENTS OF LOVE (FRAGMENTOS DE AMOR) 17/5 PALAIS B (15:30) Puerto Rico, Colombia - 100 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Fernando VALLEJO - Cast: Angelica BLANDON, José Angel BICHIR, Alfredo DE QUESADA In a city darkened by violence, faith unites Susana and Rodrigo. The lovers live a boundless passion cocooned in Susana’s apartment. Every night, Susana opens up and tells Rodrigo a story about her sexual encounters with past lovers. Reluctant to hear the stories at first, Rodrigo will soon let go and together they will relive each and every one of Susana’s sensual memories. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-89 12/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00 press) FRANCE (LES HABITANTS) France - French - 2016 - Director: Raymond DEPARDON “I am going to drive through France, from the north to the south. I plan to stop in front of homes, places of business, municipal buildings. I am going to meet the people of France, to listen to what they have to say. I won’t ask questions. I’ll let them take their time, gather their thoughts and talk as they will. I will invite people I have only just met into a mobile studio to talk, without constraints, with absolute freedom.” -Raymond Depardon WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 15/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) FREE IN DEED Usa - 95 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Jake MAHAFFY - Cast: David HAREWOOD Set in the world of storefront churches, one man attempts to perform a miracle. The more he prays, the more things spiral out of control. STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 19/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) FREE STATE South Africa - 100 min - English, Afrikaans - 2015 - Director: Sallas DE JAGER - Cast: Andrew GOVENDER, Leleti KHUMALO, Deon LOTZ, Nicola BREYTENBACH, Terwadkar RAJIV Jeanette is a beautiful open minded law student. She decided to study while her boyfriend is completing his national military service. They are set to be engaged when he returns. During her summer holiday with her father in the Free State, a random act of kindness by an attractive Indian man sparks an unexpected love affair. Despite being warned not to act on these feelings she decides to pursue this relationship. Secret meetings followed, since it was against the law at the time to have an interracial relationship. When their secret comes out, all hell breaks loose. NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 120 FRENCH TOUR (TOUR DE FRANCE) QR 15/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 19:15) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 2 (20:30) 17/5 PALAIS J (20:00) - 18/5 PALAIS J (11:30) - THEATRE CROISETTE (15:00) France - 95 min - French - 2015 - Director: Rachid DJAÏDANI - Cast: Gérard DEPARDIEU, - SADEK, Louise GRINBERG Far’Hook is a 20-year-old rapper. Following a violent dispute with a rival, he’s forced to leave Paris for a while. His producer, Bilal, suggests that Far’Hook acts as driver for Bilal’s father, Serge, on a tour of French ports, following in the footsteps of the classic painter Joseph Vernet. Despite the age gap and culture clash, an unlikely friendship forms between this talented rapper and the bricklayer from the north of France during a road trip that concludes in Marseille for a final concert, one of reconciliation. CITÉ FILMS (France) - ✆ 33 6 73 68 26 16 FRIENDS FOREVER - A PIG’S TALE (MULLEWAPP - EINE SCHÖNE SCHWEINEREI) 12/5 OLYMPIA 5 (14:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 8 (10:00) Germany - 2016 - Director: Theresa STROZYK, Tony LOESER STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 FROG KINGDOM: SUB-ZERO MISSION 11/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) - 12/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) China - 87 min - Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Fei PENG Rain, who moved to the suburbs with Little Ken after escaping his own royal wedding, returns to Frog Kingdom after a series of explosions rock the capital. In the ensuing mass panic, with Frogizens fleeing the city, a chameleon distributes leaflets to the crowds proclaiming “Crystal Frog no longer protects Frog Kingdom! The end is nigh!” The Frog Princess, still furious with her runaway groom Rain, learns from her father that the Crystal Frog is indeed missing and that it can only be located by solving a four-line riddle. Forbidding the Princess from leaving the palace, the Frog King has Bodie investigate, only for the ace detective to be ambushed and captured by the Big Four near the forest of cannibal plants. The King next sends Rain, Big Gua and the other Frog Warriors to rescue Bodie and solve the mystery of the Crystal Frog. The frogs encounter the Princess at the border who insists on joining them, intent on both saving her father’s kingdom and keeping Rain in her sights… (more info on cinando.com) GOLDEN NETWORK ASIA LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand G17 13/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) FROM A HOUSE ON WILLOW STREET South Africa - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Alastair ORR - Cast: Sharni VINSON, Carlyn BURCHELL, Steve WARD Roguish kidnappers abduct the daughter of a wealthy diamond distributor. When they have her locked up in their hideout, they realize she’s been possessed by a sinister demon. THE EXCHANGE (Usa) - 4 Bd de la Croisette, 2nd 12/5 RIVIERA 2 (09:30) - 16/5 LERINS 4 (17:30) FROM NOWHERE Usa - 89 min - English - 2016 - Director: Matthew NEWTON - Cast: Julianne NICHOLSON, Denis O’HARE, J. Mallory MCCREE Three undocumented teenagers — a Dominican girl, an African boy and a Peruvian girl — are just about to graduate high school in the Bronx. Like most teenagers, all they want to do is hang with their friends, fall in love, and figure out where to go to college, but unlike their American classmates, these three live with the threat of being discovered by the authorities. When one of their teachers connects them with a lawyer to help them get their papers, the teens start to dig into their family history to assist their immigration cases. As they continue to deal with the everyday problems of adolescence, the teenagers are forced to confront their past and, at the same time, fight for their future. VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 a-90 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON (MAL DE PIERRES) CO 15/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 19:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) 16/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:30) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:45) France - 125 min - French - 2016 - Director: Nicole GARCIA - Cast: Marion COTILLARD, Louis GARREL, Alex BRENDEMÜHL Based on the international best-selling novel and starring Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard, comes the story of a free-spirited woman fighting for passionate dreams of true love against all odds. STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 15/5 PALAIS K (16:00) FRONTIÈRES GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The Fantasia International Film Festival and its Co-Production Market Frontières present a selection of Genre films work-in-progress: ARE WE NOT CATS by Xander Robin, BODOM by Taneli Mustonen and ONE DROP by Tricia Lee. FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 129 16/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) FUCKING BERLIN Germany - 100 min - German - 2016 - Director: Florian GOTTSCHICK SOLIDMOVIES (Germany) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 FUKUSHIMA, MON AMOUR (GRÜßE AUS FUKUSHIMA) 13/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) Germany - 104 min - German, Japanese, English - 2016 - Director: Doris DOERRIE - Cast: Rosalie THOMASS, Kaori MOMOI, Nami KAMATA, Moshe COHEN Young German woman Marie (Rosalie Thomass) escapes to Fukushima to change her life. Working with the organization Clowns4Help, she hopes to bring joy to 2011 nuclear disaster survivors, some still living in emergency shelters. Marie soon realizes she‘s absolutely unsuited to the task of making tragedy less wearisome. But instead of running away, Marie decides to stay with cantankerous old Satomi (Kaori Momoi), the last geisha of Fukushima, who of her own accord has decided to retreat back to her ruined house in the formerly radioactive Exclusion Zone. Two women who couldn‘t be more different, but who – each in her own way – are trapped in the past and must learn to liberate themselves from guilt and the burden of memory. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 G u GAE-CHUN-HAL-MANG —> CANOLA 14/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) GALLOPING MIND Belgium - 115 min - English, Hungarian - 2015 - Director: Wim VANDEKEYBUS - Cast: Natali BROODS, Jerry KILICK Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past…? BE FOR FILMS (Belgium) - RIVIERA Stand A6 - ✆ 33 6 14 34 37 55 14/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) GAME THERAPY Italy, Usa - 97 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Italian - 2015 - Director: Ryan TRAVIS - Cast: Lorenzo OSTUNI, Federico CLAPIS, Elisa PIAZZA, Leonardo DE CARLI, Daniele SODANO The film tells the story of a shy genius of videogames. A friend wants to help him with a machine to detoxify him from dependence on video games, but the machine sends him instead in a virtual world, as Morpheus in Matrix. His friend be forced to follow him to save his life. There will be many action scenes, the two protagonists will have to fight for their lives. ELLIPSIS MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 GARO THE ANIMATION THE MOVIE - DIVINE FLAME (牙狼 GARO -DIVINE FLAME-) 14/5 GRAY 4 (20:00) Japan - 80 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Yuichiro HAYASHI - Cast: Daisuke NAMIKAWA In the first animated series, the main character León Luís became a “True Makai Knight” and shown how their thought and mind were succeed to the other Makai Knights. In this movie, there will be a new question to Makai Knight. “Makai Knights were to save people but can’t they exist to save just only their loved one?” New GARO story begins. TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION (Japan) - PALAIS -1 GARY NUMAN: ANDROID IN LA LA LAND 16/5 GRAY 1 (16:00) United Kingdom - 85 min - English - 2016 - Director: Steve READ, Rob ALEXANDER At the end of the 1970s a nervy young musician topped the music charts… He quickly became one of the most famous men on the planet… Three decades of groundbreaking and hugely influential music would follow… Then six long years of silence…Until now. FANDANGO (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 - ✆ 39 347 524 8172 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-91 GAUMONT PROMO REELS Trailer 11/5 ARCADES 1 (09:00, 09:45, 16:00, 16:45) France - 90 min - French, English - 2015 GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 u GENÇ PEHLIVANLAR —> YOUNG WRESTLERS 13/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) GENESIS Usa - 76 min - English - 2016 - Director: Michael MCCARTHY - Cast: Robb TAFT, Haley JOHNSON, Michael APPLEGATE As the apocalypse evolves, US Marshals are sent to a remote farmhouse in Colorado to retrieve a scientist in the Witness Protection Program who may hold the key to solving the unfolding pandemic. KILLGORE FILMS (Usa) u GEROY —> THE HERITAGE OF LOVE 15/5 GRAY 4 (10:00) GET SANTA Denmark - 75 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Danish - 2016 - Director: Jacob LEY 8-year-old Julius lives at an orphanage and his biggest wish for Christmas is to get a family. Julius is an outsider and he secretly still believes in Santa Claus, but one day Julius ends up in a magical Christmas universe that changes his life forever… COPENHAGEN BOMBAY SALES APS (Denmark) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 13/5 PALAIS G (10:00) GHASHANG & FARANG (GHASHANG VA FARANG) Iran - 90 min - Persian - 2016 - Director: Vahid MOUSAIAN - Cast: Reza KIANIAN, Afshin HASHEMI, Sorush SEHAT, Raena AZADVAR, Manzar LASHKARI, Omid ROHANI, Jean Damien BARBIN, Hossein MOHEB AHARI, Ladan MOSTOFI, Bita FARAHI Ghashang and Farang are two elderly sisters living with their sons Bahman and Vahid. Farang’s son, Bahman is a film critic and Ghashang’s son, Vahid is a dentist. Although Vahid is married, he is not very committed to his marriage and due to this his wife has left him and moved to France to continue studying. On the other hand, Bahman and his wife have separated and she has moved to Dubai in an attempt to sell her paintings. One night, after hosting a party, Bahman goes for a walk and is hit by a car and fells into a coma. His mother and aunt try to bring him back to life by … FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 11/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) GIBBY Usa - 87 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Phil GORN - Cast: Crystal The MONKEY, Sean Patrick FLANNERY, Shannon ELIZABETH, Peyton MEYER, Shelby LYON, Vivica A. FOX A young girl’s life is turned upside down when she is asked to monkeysit Gibby, her science teacher’s beloved Capuchin monkey. VMI WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J4 GIMME DANGER HC 19/5 LUMIERE (24:00) - 20/5 SALLE DU 60e (16:45) Usa - 0.6 - 1 M$ - 2015 - Director: Jim JARMUSCH - Cast: Iggy POP, Ron ASHETON, Scott ASHETON No other band in rock’n’roll history has rivaled The Stooges’ combination of heavy primal throb, spiked psychedelia, bluesa-billy grind, complete with succinct angst-ridden lyrics, and a snarling, preening leopard of a front man who somehow embodies Nijinsky, Bruce Lee, Harpo Marx, and Arthur Rimbaud all rolled into one. There is no precedent for The Stooges, while those inspired by them are now legion. The film will present the context of their emergence musically, culturally, politically, historically, and relate their adventures and misadventures while charting their inspirations and the reasons behind their initial commercial challenges, as well as their long-lasting legacy. INDEPENDENT (United Kingdom) - Numa Bianca, 23 rue Macé, 2nd Fl - ✆ 33 4 93 38 29 10 16/5 PALAIS C (12:00) GIRLS DON T FLY Austria, Germany - 90 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Monika GRASSL “When you dream, dream big“, sings physically handicapped Lydia. Helped by British pilot Jonathan Porter who runs an NGO financed flying school in Ghana, she and ten other girls from poor families enter a flying training with Western military drill. Soon it becomes evident that the aim to help becomes a self purpose for the boss of the action. In the end, the girls might not have learned to fly a plane, but they found their place in life. RISE AND SHINE WORLD SALES (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand H8 a-92 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 PALAIS C (16:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 4 (12:00) GLEASON Usa - 110 min - English - 2016 - Director: Clay TWEEL - Cast: Steve GLEASON At the age of 34, Steve Gleason, a former NFL defensive back and New Orleans hero, was diagnosed with ALS and given a life expectancy of two to five years. Weeks later, Steve and his wife Michel discovered that Michel was pregnant with their first child. Director Clay Tweel’s film masterfully assembles roughly four years of footage, including personal and surprisingly humorous video journals shot by Gleason himself for his then-unborn son Rivers, and the athlete’s globetrotting adventures undertaken as part of his mission to live his life to the fullest. What emerges from this incredibly intimate portrait is not only a showcase of an astonishing assertion of the human spirit, but, more importantly, a powerful and inspirational look at life, love and family, and the intense bonds between husbands and wives and fathers and sons, in sickness and in health. THE EXCHANGE (Usa) - 4 Bd de la Croisette, 2nd u GLI ULTIMI SARANNO ULTIMI —> THE LAST WILL BE LAST u GNIZDO GORLYTSI —> THE NEST OF THE TURTLEDOVE 18/5 PALAIS D (11:30) GO HOME France, Switzerland, Belgium - 98 min - French, English, Arabic - 2016 - Director: Jihane CHOUAIB Cast: Golshifteh FARAHANI, Maximilien SEWERYN, François NOUR Nada is going home. Or at least she wants to. When she comes back to Lebanon, she realizes she’s a foreigner in her own country. But there’s still a place she calls home: an abandoned house in ruins, haunted by the presence of her grandfather who disappeared mysteriously during the civil war. Something happened in this house. Something violent. The story of a young woman searching for the truth and discovering herself. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 u GO WITH ME —> BLACKWAY 14/5 PALAIS D (17:30) - 16/5 PALAIS B (17:30) GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 Usa - 120 min - English - 2016 - Director: Harold CRONK - Cast: Melissa Joan HART, Jesse METCALFE, Ernie HUDSON, Ray WISE, Robin GIVENS, David A. R. WHITE The long awaited SEQUEL TO God’s Not Dead, the $65m grossing, #1 Indie film of 2014. After answering a simple question by a student, a high school teacher (Hart) faces an epic court case with the help of sympathetic and charismatic defence lawyer (Metcalf), that could cost her the career she had always dreamed of - and expel God from the classroom once and for all.” PURE FLIX / QUALITY FIX (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand B10 12/5 GRAY 5 (20:30) - 13/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) GOD’S OWN PEOPLE India - 80 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Nilamadhab PANDA, Shankhajeet DEY A God changes its body like the eternal soul does in the Hindu way of Living. The ritual is called Nabakalebara meaning new incarnation for Jagannath deity worshipped in the temple town of Puri in Odisha, eastern coast of India. This rare ritual took place last year after nineteen years. A tree nurtured lovingly by a household gets chosen to build the new idols for the God. This becomes a moment to explore ideas of anticipation, love, longing, separation faith and surrender to God. ‘God’s own People’ is a feature length narrative documentary showcases Odiya people’s relationship with God. ELEEANORA IMAGES (India) u GOKSUNG —> THE WAILING 15/5 OLYMPIA 8 (16:00) GOLDEN YEARS United Kingdom - 96 min - English - 2016 - Director: John MILLER - Cast: Bernard HILL, Alun ARMSTRONG, Una STUBBS, Phil DAVIS, Ellen THOMAS, Sue JOHNSTON, Simon CALLOW THEIR FUTURES WERE STOLEN BY THE BANKS. NOW THEY’RE STEALING THEM BACK! Having fallen foul of the pension crisis after 50 years of law-abiding, tax-paying citizenship, retired couple Martha (Virginia McKenna) and Arthur (Bernard Hill) are forced into an unexpected life of crime in this star-studded British comedy heist caper. Martha and Arthur refuse to accept this rip-off. The plan is simple – the financial industry has stolen their hard-earned pensions, so they’re going to steal them back, at the same time helping friends who are down-on their-luck, and saving their social club from destruction. Towing their Caravan behind their trusty Rover, they map out a crime route around England - that just happens to take in a host of beautiful old stately homes along the way. As they bumble their way through a succession of bank robberies, dressed in masks and armed with cucumbers as guns, this unlikely criminal duo feel a new surge of life running through their veins as the cash piles in! .. (more info on cinando.com) CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre GOOD LUCK SAM (GOOD LUCK ALGERIA) 11/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) - 17/5 RIVIERA 1 (16:00) France - 90 min - French, Arabic - 2015 - Director: Farid BENTOUMI - Cast: Sami BOUAJILA, Chiara MASTROIANNI, Franck GASTAMBIDE Samir has given much of his time and money developing ski equipments for a Swedish Olympic athlete. When the contract fails, his business partner and closest friend plans to save their company by sending Samir to represent Algeria at the Winter Olympics! Already broke, and expecting his second child, Samir trains to become the first Algerian crosscountry male athlete to participate in the winter games. Samir, the eldest son of an Algerian emigrant must first go back to his father’s homeland in order to achieve this goal. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-93 14/5 PALAIS B (15:30) GORAN Croatia - 86 min - Croatian - 2016 - Director: Nevio MARASOVI - Cast: Franjo DIJAK, Nataša JANJI , Janko POPOVI -VOLARI Goran lives a simple life surrounded by his friends and family in the snow-covered Croatian highlands. This carefree existence is put to an end when his wife announces she is expecting a child. Whereas they have every reason to celebrate, the good news will unleash the fiery personalities of the highlanders, leading to a darkly comic twist of events. The white winter will soon turn red… WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 GRADUATION (BACALAUREAT) CO 19/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 14:30, 18:30) - 20/5 PALAIS K (09:30) - SALLE DU 60e (11:45) France - 127 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Cristian MUNGIU - Cast: Adrian TITIENI, Maria DRAGUS, Lia BUGNAR ROMEO ALDEA (49), a physician living in a small mountain town in Transylvania, has raised his daughter Eliza with the idea that once she turns 18, she will leave to study and live abroad. His plan is close to succeeding - Eliza has won a scholarship to study psychology in the UK. She just has to pass her final exams - a formality for such a good student. On the day before her first written exam, Eliza is assaulted in an attack that could jeopardize her entire future. Now Romeo has to make a decision. There are ways of solving the situation, but none of them using the principles he, as a father, has taught his daughter. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 u GRAVE —> RAW 18/5 PALAIS G (11:30) GRIFFITH FILM SCHOOL 2016 SHOWCASE 110 min GRIFFITH FILM SCHOOL (Australia) u GRÜßE AUS FUKUSHIMA —> FUKUSHIMA, MON AMOUR 17/5 PALAIS K (16:00) GUADALAJARA GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara presents a selection of works-in-progress by Latin American filmmakers: PRUEBA DE ACTITUD by Augusto Matte and Fabrizio Copano, BUTTERFLIES by Juan Zapata, O FILME DE MINA VIDA by Selton Mello, EL APRENDIZ by Tomás De Leone and NOMBRE DE GUERRA ALIAS YINETH by Daniela Castro and Nicolás Ordoñez. FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE EN GUADALAJARA (Mexico) u GUEULE D’AMOUR —> LADY KILLER / LOVER-BOY u GUI-HYANG —> SPIRITS’ HOMECOMING H 17/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) - 18/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) HALAL India - 109 min - Marathi - 2015 - Director: Shivaji LOTAN PATIL - Cast: Pritam KAGNE, Priydarshan JADHAV, Chinmay MANDALEKAR, Vijay CHOUHAN, Vimal MHATRE, Chaya KADAM, Sanjay SUGAVKAR, Praglbha KOLEKAR, Neha DAKHINKAR It is hard being a woman in a man’s world and still harder if you have been rejected by one. Back at her parents’ home after her husband had decided to cut her out of his life by giving her a talaq, halim had had settled into the life of an outcast, the woman who could not keep her man. As halim prepared herself for a solitary life, spent at the mercy of her brothers and uncles, she took comfort in the fact that at least the worst was over. What she did not know is that this was just the calm before the storm, and just as suddenly as he had left, her husband arrived one day at her doorstep wanting to take off from where they had left off, oblivious of what this will do to Halim’s life. Halim’s life is turned upside down once again, but being the only man she had ever loved she decides to forgive him on hearing that he had left her only to protect from being tortured at his mother’s hands… (more info on cinando.com) MAHARASHTRA FILM, STAGE & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (India) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.08 HANDS OF STONE HC 16/5 LUMIERE (22:30) - 17/5 SALLE DU 60e (17:30) - 19/5 PALAIS J (14:15) 114 min - Director: Jonathan JAKUBOWICZ THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY (Usa) - VIEUX PORT M.Y. VICKY Yacht HAPPINESS IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD 18/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) South Africa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Thabang MOLEYA - Cast: Khanyi MBAU, Mmabatho MONTSHO, Renate STUURMAN Perfectionist Nandi seems to have the new South African dream life within her grasp, black female partner in a major firm, marriage, the perfect house – but it all goes up in flames a few months before the wedding, with her friends Zaza and Princess, Nandi will have to find out what truly makes her happy and then fight to get it. NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 120 a-94 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 LERINS 1 (14:00) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Usa - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Casey TEBO When two friends embark on a journey to Mexicali for a birthday celebration, they soon realize their psychedelic shenanigans have taken a turn for the worse. ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 12/5 ARCADES 3 (09:30) HAPPY FAMILY PROMO (3D) Trailer Germany - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Holger TAPPE - Cast: Emily WATSON, Jason ISAACS, Nick FROST, Jessica BROWN FINDLAY, Celia IMRIE, Catherine TATE Despite the title, the Wishbone family are far from happy. Mum, Emma (Emily Watson) has a bookshop on the brink of bankruptcy, Dad Frank (Nick Frost) is totally overworked and exhausted, daughter Fay (Jessica Brown Findlay) is going through those awkward teenage years as well as failing her exams and son Max is too intelligent for his own good and consequently being bullied at school – no wonder they all fight with one another all the time! And as if that wasn’t enough already, after being dragged to a ‘costume’ party by Emma, where they end up being the only ones in costume, the Wishbones then get cursed by an evil witch named Baba Yaga (Catherine Tate). Suddenly their ‘costumes’ become a reality – Emma is a vampire, Fay is a Mummy bandaged from head-to-toe, Max is a little, hairy werewolf and Frank, well he’s Frankenstein’s monster of course. It’s quite a shock but now the family must unite to find the witch and have her reverse the spell… (more info on cinando.com) TIMELESS FILMS (United Kingdom) - VIEUX PORT The Bettina Yacht, Le Vieux Port HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON (I TEMPI FELICI VERRANNO PRESTO) SC 14/5 BUÑUEL (08:30) - MIRAMAR (14:15:00, 19:45) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) Italy, France - 102 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Alessandro COMODIN - Cast: Sabrina SEYVECOU, Erikas SIZONOVAS, Luca BERNARDI, Marco GIORDANA, Carlo RIGONI, Paolo VIANO, Marinella CICHELLO A dense forest becomes a mysterious backdrop for danger and legend over the years: two men on the run for survival, a series of wolf attacks and a young woman mystified by a peculiar hole in the ground… First fiction feature from the director of award-winning doc L’ESTATE DI GIACOMO. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 HARMONIUM CR 14/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 15/5 BAZIN (16:00) - PALAIS J (17:30 prio) 17/5 RIVIERA 2 (09:15) - 19/5 PALAIS K (12:45) - 20/5 LERINS 1 (09:45) Japan, France - 118 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Koji FUKADA - Cast: Kanji FURUTACHI, Tadanobu ASANO, Mariko TSUTSUI Toshio hires Yasaka in his workshop. This old acquaintance, who has just been released from prison, begins to meddle in Toshio’s family life… MK2 FILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette 14/5 PALAIS C (16:00) HAROLD & LILLIAN - A HOLLYWOOD LOVE STORY Usa - 95 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Daniel RAIM Harold and Lillian worked on hundreds of iconic films during Hollywood’s golden age including The Ten Commandments, The Apartment, The Birds, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby, Fiddler On The Roof, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket and more. Although the couple was responsible for some of Hollywood’s most iconic examples of visual storytelling, their contributions remain largely uncredited. Through an engaging mix of love letters, film clips and candid conversations with Harold and Lillian, Danny DeVito, Mel Brooks, Francis Coppola and others, this heartfelt documentary chronicles their remarkable relationship and two extraordinary careers spanning six decades of movie-making history. WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 12/5 LERINS 3 (16:00) - 14/5 LERINS 4 (15:30) HAVENHURST Usa - 85 min - English - 2015 - Director: Andrew C. ERIN - Cast: Julie BENZ, Fionnula FLANAGAN, Belle SHOUSE A troubled young woman, Jackie (Julie Benz), with an unyielding alcohol addiction, is released from rehab and given a second chance with a new job and a furnished apartment at Havenhurst. Guilt-ridden over the tragic loss of her 8-yearold daughter, Jackie is quickly drawn into the mysteries of Havenhurst, in particular the unsolved disappearance of the apartment’s previous occupant, a young woman (Danielle Harris) she befriended in rehab who disappeared recently without a trace. Aided by a hardened New York police detective (Josh Stamberg) and a lonely foster child (Belle Shouse) who lives under the shadow of her caretakers’ sadistic whims, Jackie must not only battle her inner demons… but the very real ones that live deep within the walls of Havenhurst. CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L19 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 45 For full details go to BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-95 12/5 ARCADES 1 (17:30) - 15/5 ARCADES 1 (13:30) HEARTSTRINGS (LE COEUR EN BRAILLE) France - 89 min - French - 2015 - Director: Michel BOUJENAH - Cast: Alix VAILLOT, Jean-Stan DU PAC, Charles BERLING, Pascal ELBE Twelve-year-old Marie, a good student and a promising violonist, has a secret: she suffers from a degenerative eye disease… Even if she is still able to see well enough to live a fairly normal life, she knows that eventually she will have to live in the dark. Of course her parents know it too, and worry terribly about their daughter’s future. Recently, though their daughter won’t discuss it with them, they sense that her state has deteriorated. In the middle of the school year, they announce that they’re going to take her out of school and board her at an Institute for the blind. Marie, however, has other plans. At the end of the year she fully intends to compete at the entrance exam for a prestigious music school. Going to the institute would blow her chances. As a result, Marie decides to hide the acceleration of her disease to her parents and school, but she knows she can’t do it alone… (more info on cinando.com) GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 20/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) HEAVEN SENT (TOMBÉ DU CIEL) France, Lebanon - 70 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Wissam CHARAF - Cast: Rodrigue SLEIMAN, Raed YASSIN, Said SERHAN, George MELKI, Yumna MARWAN After 20 years apart, Samir a former militiaman who was presumed dead, reappears in the life of Omar, his little brother who has become a bodyguard in Beirut. Between drama and comedy, Samir has to come to terms with a country he no longer recognizes. ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette HEAVEN WILL WAIT (LE CIEL ATTENDRA ) 13/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30 prio) - 16/5 PALAIS K (14:00 prio) - 17/5 ARCADES 1 (15:30) France - 105 min - 2015 - Director: Marie-Castille MENTION-SCHAAR - Cast: Noémie MERLANT, Naomi AMARGER, Ariane ARSCARIDE, Clotilde COURAU, Sandrine BONNAIRE How French minors, teenagers from all socio-cultural backgrounds, can be brainwashed to the point of attempting to leave for Syria and what are the challenges facing those who try to help and turn them around before it’s too late. Melanie is 16 years old. She ponders the meaning of life and the state of the world. She wants to be a doctor. She lives in Créteil, a suburb of Paris, with her mother, who is raising her on her own. Like her friends, Melanie is constantly “connected” via social networks. Spotted by recruiters, she falls in love with one of them before converting and growing increasingly radical, one by one cutting off ties with her former life. Sonia is 17. She is caught trying to leave for Syria and almost commits the unthinkable. Because she is still a minor, the judge allows her to return home under the surveillance of her parents and special educators. As Melanie is gradually indoctrinated, Sonia follows the opposite path, the return path. Will she be able to leave the spiral and rebuild her life. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 14/5 GRAY 4 (17:30 invit) HEAVY WATER Usa - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Michael OBLOWITZ RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE (Austria) 16/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) HEAVYSAURS (HEVISAURUS) Finland - 85 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Finnish - 2015 - Director: Pekka KARJALAINEN - Cast: Milo SNELLMAN, Salli SIIVONEN While staying at an amusement park with their class, 10-year-old Toni and his girl classmate Suvi discover the “Heavysaurs”: a group of dino-like creatures that think of nothing but food and hard rock. The Heavysaurs are friendly, funny and know how to rock the stage – but they are kept in captivity by Maxim, a reckless entrepreneur who plans to use them for his business. Suvi and Toni have to fight together in order to save their rocking Jurassic friends. EASTWEST FILMDISTRIBUTION GMBH (Austria) - RIVIERA Stand K2 - ✆ 43 664 510 41 66 u HEDI —> INHEBBEK HEDI u HEL —> THIS IS HEL HELL OR HIGH WATER CR 16/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 1 (19:00) Usa - English - 2016 - Director: David MACKENZIE - Cast: Chris PINE, Ben FOSTER, Jeff BRIDGES, Katy MIXON A divorced dad and his ex-con brother resort to a desperate scheme in order to save their family’s farm in West Texas. SIERRA / AFFINITY (Usa) - La Lerina, 63 la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 46 69 09 HELP, I SHRUNK MY TEACHER (HILFE, ICH HAB MEINE LEHRERIN GESCHRUMPFT) 15/5 LERINS 4 (17:30) Germany - 101 min - German, English - 2015 - Director: Sven UNTERWALDT JR. The story of 11-year-old Felix, whom nobody believes he has “shrunk” the universally hated school principal Dr. SchmittGössenwein to a height of just 15 centimetres. Even he does not know how it happened and whether it maybe has something to do with the ghost of the school’s founder. But he now has the problem on his hands or, more accurately, in his backpack, because that is where the mini-principal is now and she is still ranting and raving. Together with his friend Ella and against his rival Mario and the latter’s father, Felix has to try everything to get her back to her normal size. If only she would just stop being so annoying! ARRI MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Germany) - LERINS Stand L11 a-96 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) HETMAN (ГЕТЬМАН) Ukraine - 120 min - Ukranian - 2015 - Director: Valeriy YAMBURSKY - Cast: Kostiantyn LINARTOVYCH, Dmytro LINARTOVYCH Film “Hetman” is an artistic concept of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi difficult personality and the dramas of his personal life in the context of Ukrainian national liberation war in the middle of XVII century as well as foundation of the Cossack state. One of the intrigues depicts Khmelnytskyi to a viewer not only as a hetman and war-lord but gives us a glimpse of his personal life as well as his not easy relationships with a loved woman. The main hero will experience a reckless and passionate love, treason, mistrust and will have to go through all these tortures, dramatic and emotional experiences. Additional information: The film “Hetman” was awarded a status of the National film of Ukraine. During the reign of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Ukraine gained it’s independance for the first time and remained as an independent state for 10 years. The topics which the «Hetman» film brings up are extremely vital for Ukraine during these difficult times… (more info on cinando.com) FOUNDATION OF CITIZENS “MOLODIST” (Ukraine) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 103 u HEVISAURUS —> HEAVYSAURS u HIBOU —> OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE 16/5 PALAIS F (20:00) HIDDEN Panama - 75 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Spanish, English - 2016 - Director: Frank SPANO, Guillermo BARCENAS This documentary portrays athletes from three different extreme sports and the journey that is their lives. The hustles, the efforts and the sacrifices will determine the path in which these champions risk their lives to represent their beloved Latin America. Three sportsmen together to disclose a “Hidden” land because some secrets have to be disclosed in order to achieve a greater good. Three natural elements: Air, Water, and Land. A skydiver with over 3,000 jumps who barely survived a near fatal crash, and prepares himself to jump again. A surfer with over 13 National Championships and a Guinness World Record for the longest wave ridden, over three hours in the Panama Canal. A record he looks to set once again. A motocross champion for 10 straight years who came to the crossroad of leaving his business and family behind to pursue his dream of becoming an international champion in the US. An untouched land, unbeknownst to the extreme world, is the showcase to discover Latin America in all its splendor. PANAMA FILM COMMISSION (Panama) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 202 12/5 PALAIS H (20:00) - 16/5 PALAIS H (11:30) HIGANJIMA (ORIGINAL TITLE) 100 min - Director: Takeshi WATANABE SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 14/5 ARCADES 3 (11:30) HIGHWAY TO HELLAS Germany - 89 min - German, Greek, English - 2015 - Director: Aron LEHMANN - Cast: Christoph Maria HERBST, Adam BOUSDOUKOS, Akillas KARAZISIS ARRI MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Germany) - LERINS Stand L11 u HILFE, ICH HAB MEINE LEHRERIN GESCHRUMPFT —> HELP, I SHRUNK MY TEACHER HIMITSU THE TOP SECRET (秘密 THE TOP SECRET) 11/5 PALAIS H (20:00) - 14/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) Japan - 149 min - 2016 - Director: Keishi OTOMO SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 HISSEIN HABRÉ, A CHADIAN TRADEGY (HISSEIN HABRÉ, UNE TRAGEDIE TCHADIENNE) HC 16/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:15) - 17/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) - 20/5 PALAIS J (13:45) Chad, France - 80 min - French - 2016 - Director: Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN Habré’s arrest in Sénégal, in 2013, was a decisive breakthrough in a 23-year struggle pitting the ex-tyrant against survivors. The documentary will give voice to the victims who have shown that, with courage and obstinacy, it is possible to bring a dictator to justice. They want justice making sure that those who committed crimes do not go unpunished. It’s a universal story which aims at putting words on untold stories marked in victims’ skin, who still wonder how it is still possible to live after having been through monstrous events. The judgment due for autumn 2015 will be a Historical moment for African justice. It’s a film also about Africa and its relationship with the rest of the world… DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 17/5 PALAIS J (09:15) HOLDING THE MAN Australia - 128 min - English - 2015 - Director: Neil ARMFIELD - Cast: Ryan CORR, Craig STOTT, Anthony LAPAGLIA, Guy PEARCE, Kerry FOX, Sarah SNOOK HOLDING THE MAN is the story of a bright catholic boy who falls in love with the captain of the school’s football team… and gets him. To have and to hold. Based on Tim Conigrave’s acclaimed memoir. GOALPOST FILM (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Entrance Flamant, 4th Floor - ✆ 44 7771 966 190 13/5 PALAIS D (20:00) HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE 88 min MEDALLION RELEASING, INC. (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.08 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-97 11/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) - 16/5 GRAY 1 (14:00) HOPE Netherlands - 90 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Dutch, English - 2015 - Director: Erik DE BRUYN - Cast: Monic HENDRICKX, Gene BERVOETS The highly ambitious economist Hannah Binnekamp (40) finds herself in an affair with prominent New York banker Ben Elzen (50). He loses his grip over the secret affair and helps her in her fight against the financial world in New York. But when Hannah overplays her hand Ben becomes the opponent she has to deal with in order to reach her goal. A thrilling story about an affair that totally turns out of control. DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 HOSPITAL CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (17:15) Usa - 84 min - English - 1969 - Director: Frederick WISEMAN HOSPITAL shows the daily activities of a large urban hospital with the emphasis on the emergency ward and outpatient clinics. The cases depicted illustrate how medical expertise, availability of resources, organizational considerations, and the nature of communication among the staff and patients affect the delivery of appropriate health care. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 17/5 PALAIS D (15:30) HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! (HOUSTON, IMAMO PROBLEM!) Slovenia, Croatia - 88 min - Slovenian, Croatian, English - 2016 - Director: Ziga VIRC The cold war, the space race, and NASA’s moon landing are landmark events that defined an era. But they are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In Houston, We Have a Problem! filmmaker Žiga Virc adds new material to the discussion on both fronts. This intriguing docu-fiction explores the myth of the secret multi-billion-dollar deal behind America’s purchase of Yugoslavia’s clandestine space program in the early 1960s. SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE (Slovenia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 - ✆ 33 4 92 59 02 32 12/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, Qatar - 88 min - Croatian, English, Serbian, Slovenian 2016 - Director: Ziga VIRC Cold War-era international intrigue, declassified top-secret documents, and a clandestine deal between John F. Kennedy and Yugoslavia’s president Josip Tito are just the tip of the iceberg in this absorbing docu-fiction. Blurring the lines between fact and fiction, “Houston, We Have a Problem!” explores the myth behind the origins of America’s race to be the first country to send a man to the moon, and a supposed multi-billion-dollar deal involving America’s purchase of Yugoslavia’s space program in the early 1960s. Deftly combining archival footage with modern-day interviews with philosopher Slavoj Žižek and some of the key figures in the film’s investigation—including a former Yugoslavian space engineer, an American historian, and a retired Yugoslav People’s Army general— ”Houston, We Have a Problem!” is a fascinating meta-examination of Cold War foreign diplomacy and myth-building, and the lies, manipulation, and dirty games that go into the construction of a national identity. Myth or reality? It’s up to you to decide CAT & DOCS (France) - RIVIERA Stand H8 13/5 PALAIS F (20:00) HOW TO BREAK UP WITH MY CAT Korea (south) - 102 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Sung-Kyu CHO - Cast: Jun Young SEO, Gyuri PARK A man who communicates with a cat and a woman who lives with a cat, they start dating and living together.One day, their cat gets cancer so they prepare to say good bye beautifully. MIROVISION INC. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand D2 - ✆ 82 10 9552 3719 HOWARDS END CC 12/5 BUÑUEL (20:00) - 13/5 PALAIS J (17:30 prio) United Kingdom - 140 min - English - 1992 - Director: James IVORY - Cast: Anthony HOPKINS, Emma THOMPSON, Vanessa REDGRAVE, Helena Bonham CARTER, James WILBY, Samuel WEST One of Merchant Ivory’s undisputed masterpieces, this adaptation of E.M. Forster’s classic 1910 novel is a saga of class relations and changing times in Edwardian England. Margaret Schlegel (Emma Thompson) and her sister Helen (Helena Bonham Carter) become involved with two couples: a wealthy, conservative industrialist (Anthony Hopkins) and his wife (Vanessa Redgrave), and a working-class man (Sam West) and his mistress (Niccola Duffet). The interwoven fates and misfortunes of these three families and the diverging trajectories of the two sisters’ lives are connected to the ownership of Howards End, a beloved country home. A compelling, brilliantly acted study of one woman’s struggle to maintain her ideals and integrity in the face of Edwardian society’s moribund conformist values. COHEN MEDIA GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 1 310 567 9337 12/5 OLYMPIA 8 (20:30) HUMAN France - 143 min - 10 - 25 M$ - English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, German, Mandarin, BrazilianPortuguese - 2015 - Director: Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND HUMAN is a collection of stories and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be human. Through these stories full of love and happiness, as well as hatred and violence, HUMAN brings us face to face with the Other, making us reflect on our lives. From stories of everyday experiences to accounts of the most unbelievable lives, these poignant encounters share a rare sincerity and underline who we are – our darker side, but also what is most noble in us, and what is universal. Our Earth is shown at its most sublime through never-before-seen aerial images accompanied by soaring music, resulting in an ode to the beauty of the world, providing a moment to draw breath and for introspection. GOODPLANET FOUNDATION (France) - lara@human-themovie.org u HYMYILEVÄ MIES —> THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄKI a-98 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique I 11/5 OLYMPIA 2 (18:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER Ireland - 104 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Billy O’BRIEN - Cast: Christopher LLOYD, Max RECORDS, Laura FRASER Fifteen – year old John Cleaver is dangerous, and he knows it. He’s obsessed with serial killers, but really doesn’t want to become one. Terrible impulses constantly tempt him, so for his own sake, and the safety of those around, he lives by rigid rules to keep himself “good” and “normal”. However when a real monster shows up in his town he has to let his dark side out in order to stop it – but without his rules to keep him in check, he might be more dangerous than the monster he’s trying to kill. INDEPENDENT (United Kingdom) - Numa Bianca, 23 rue Macé, 2nd Fl - ✆ 33 4 93 38 29 10 12/5 PALAIS E (10:00) - 17/5 PALAIS C (12:00) I AM YOUR FATHER Spain - 82 min - English, Spanish - 2015 - Director: Toni BESTARD, Marcos CABOTÁ - Cast: David PROWSE, Marcos CABOTÁ David Prowse, the actor who played Darth Vader at the first Star Wars Trilogy, never revealed his face during the films. He could have done it only once at “Return of the Jedi”, but something happened. Another actor did that sequence and that fact marked David Prowse life for ever. Thirty years later, a young filmmaker discovers why the producers took that decision, and is determined to pay Dave a deserved tribute, almost impossible CINEMA REPUBLIC (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 - ✆ 34 6477 868 12 I MARRIED A DUMBASS (ME CASE CON UN BOLUDO) 13/5 RIVIERA 1 (16:00) - 16/5 LERINS 4 (15:30) Argentina - 100 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Taratuto JUAN - Cast: Adrian SUAR, Valeria BERTUCELLI Fabián and Florencia work together as actors in a film and they get married almost immediately. As they get back from their honeymoon, she realizes that she’s fallen in love with an irreparable idiot that she took for the fiction character. A desperate Fabián asks the screenwriter of the film to write a few scenes for him as the character to try and win her wife back. FILMSHARKS INT’L (Argentina) - RIVIERA Stand D12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 06 u I RACCONTI DELL’ORSO —> THE BEAR TALES u I TEMPI FELICI VERRANNO PRESTO —> HAPPY TIMES WILL COME SOON I, DANIEL BLAKE CO 13/5 LUMIERE (11:30, 21:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - 14/5 ARCADES 1 (09:30 press) - SALLE DU 60e (14:30) 16/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30 press) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 1 (11:30) United Kingdom - 97 min - English - 2016 - Director: Ken LOACH - Cast: Dave JOHNS, Hayley SQUIRES Daniel Blake (59) has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle. Now, for the first time ever, he needs help from the State. He crosses paths with a single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie’s only chance to escape a one-roomed homeless hostel in London has been to accept a flat in a city she doesn’t know, some 300 miles away. Daniel and Katie find themselves in no-man’s land, caught on the barbed wire of welfare bureaucracy as played out against the rhetoric of ‘striver and skiver’ in modern day Britain. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 11/5 OLYMPIA 8 (12:00) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 5 (14:00) I.T. Usa - 101 min - 2015 - Director: John MOORE - Cast: Pierce BROSNAN VOLTAGE PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand L5 I’M OFF THEN: LOSING AND FINDING MYSELF ON THE CAMINO DE SANTIAGO 14/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30) - 16/5 ARCADES 3 (11:30) Germany - 90 min - German - 2015 - Director: Julia VON HEINZ - Cast: Devid STRIESOW, Martina GEDECK, Karoline SCHUCH High-powered entertainer Hape has reached a dead end in his life and decides to take a six-month sabbatical. Intrigued by the famed St. James’s Way, he embarks on a journey to Santiago de Compostela in search of … well, the meaning of life, but also of himself, and maybe even God… The path leads him on an arduous trek through a rough and mountainous terrain and to awe-inspiring locations in France and Spain. More importantly, the road to Santiago is also a gathering place for people from all over the world. Among his new acquaintances are Stella, a shy, quiet woman with a sorrowful secret, and Lena, a resolute young journalist. As he and his new friends finally reach the cathedral in Santiago, they now understand that even though the road has drained them of their strength, it has given them three times as much in return. GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 IKARIE XB 1 CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (13:00) Czech Republic - 88 min - Czech - 1963 - Director: Jind ich POLÁK - Cast: Zden k ŠT PÁNEK, Radovan LUKAVSKÝ, Dana MED ICKÁ, Miroslav MACHÁ EK, František SMOLÍK It is the second half of the 22nd century and a spaceship called Ikarie XB 1 is on its way to Alfa Centauri to search for extraterrestrial forms of life. Its crew, made up primarily of scientists from various fields, being far from our solar system, is exposed to unknown and unimaginable dangers. At the same time, though, it also deals with a number of their everyday worries as well as their delights. This unique classic Czech sci-fi movie makes uses of masterful special effects and an impressive production design together with modern electronic music and a strong ensemble cast. The film is said to be among the most important sources of inspiration for Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. NATIONAL FILM ARCHIVE PRAGUE (Czech Republic) a-100 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique u IL MINISTRO —> THE MINISTER 15/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30) ILLEGITIMATE (ILEGITIM) Romania, Poland, France - 85 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Adrian SITARU - Cast: Alina GRIGORE, Robi URS, Bogdan ALBULESCU, Cristina OLTEANU Bucharest. At a family dinner, four siblings discover that under the Ceausescu regime, their father reported women trying to get abortions… And that he stands by his actions today. Shocked by this revelation, the family explodes and deeper secrets emerge. VERSATILE (France) - MAJESTIC 23 rue Macé - ✆ 33 4 92 98 65 35 u ILS SONT PARTOUT —> #THE JEWS 11/5 OLYMPIA 4 (10:00) - OLYMPIA 9 (17:30) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00) IMPERIUM Usa - 105 min - English - 2015 - Director: Daniel RAGUSSIS - Cast: Daniel RADCLIFFE, Toni COLLETTE FBI intelligence analyst Nate Foster must go undercover in pursuit of white supremacists building a dirty bomb. GREEN-LIGHT INTERNATIONAL (Usa) IN BED WITH VICTORIA (VICTORIA) SC 12/5 MIRAMAR (08:30, 14:30, 20:00) - 13/5 BUÑUEL (08:30) - OLYMPIA 8 (10:00 prio) 15/5 ARCADES 1 (17:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 1 (15:30) France - 99 min - French - 2015 - Director: Justine TRIET - Cast: Virginie EFIRA, Vincent LACOSTE, Melvil POUPAUD, Laurent POITRENAUX Victoria is a beautiful Parisian criminal lawyer in her late 30s, sex-addict, workaholic, totally self-centered… Invited at a wedding party, she finds back there David, her ex-husband. But also, Sam, a former drug dealer, baby-sitter, trainee lawyer and Vincent her sexy loser friend. The day after she is embarked in a trial in which a dog and a monkey photographer will be her only allies. Torn apart by pressure from all sides, she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown ! Victoria will eventually experience love again and rediscover her own desires in this hilarious and tender comedy. INDIE SALES (France) - GRAND HOTEL Résidence La Flamant 8 floor - ✆ 33 6 62 93 51 62 11/5 DOC CORNER (17:30) IN CALIFORNIA (LA CALIFORNIE) France - 78 min - French, English - 2015 - Director: Charles REDON - Cast: Charles REDON, Mathilde FROUSTEY Charles Redon immerses himself in his wife’s environment, the ballet dancing, and starts documenting it. Slowly, he begins to understand that he can build a drama with his own life THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 u IN FONDO AL BOSCO —> DEEP IN THE WOOD 11/5 PALAIS D (13:30) - 17/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) IN MY FATHERS GARDEN (KNIELEN OP EEN BED VIOLEN ) Netherlands - 120 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Dutch - 2015 - Director: Ben SOMBOGAART DUTCH FEATURES GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 IN THE FOREST OF SIBERIA (DANS LES FORETS DE SIBERIE) 13/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30) - 19/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) Italy - 100 min - Russian, English, Italian - 2015 - Director: Safy NEBBOU - Cast: Raphael PERSONNAZ, Evgenyi SIDIKHIN Teddy decided to avoid a too superficial life and to go searching for a new breath, far from everything. He returns on the lake Baikal (Siberia), in the middle of winter. Alone, in a hut on the banks of the lake, he tries to find himself. One night, lost in the blizzard and ready to die, he is helped by Aleksei, a Russian hidden in the forest. A magnificent story of friendship is going to rise between two men that everything should oppose. OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 INDOCHINE CC 16/5 BUÑUEL (19:45) France - 152 min - French, Vietnamese - 1992 - Director: Régis WARGNIER - Cast: Catherine DENEUVE, Vincent PEREZ, Linh-Dan PHAM, Jean YANNE, Dominique BLANC, Andrzej SEWERYN French Indochina, 1930. The world is about to change. The beautiful, elegant and controlled Eliane Devries (Catherine Deneuve), with her father, Emile, rules over the vast domain of rich, red soil that is their rubber plantation. The only love of Eliane’s life is for Camille, her sixteen year old adopted Vietnamese daughter, a princess of Annam, whose parents died in a plane crash. Jean-Baptiste LeGuen (Vincent Perez), a French naval officer has just arrived in Saigon in search of glory. In spite of himself, JeanBaptiste will confront Eliane and Camille with their destiny. The two women fall in love with him; Eliane will give him up, but Camille refuses. JeanBaptiste’s tour of duty exiles him to remote outpost on one of the Tonkin Islands. Unable to live without him, young Camille treks across the country in search of the man she loves. On this arduous journey she discovers her real country, her people, her past… (more info on cinando.com) STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-101 INHEBBEK HEDI (HEDI) Tunisia, France, Belgium, Qatar, United Arab Emirates - 88 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Mohamed BEN ATTIA - Cast: Majd MASTOURA, Rym BEN MESSAOUD, Sabah BOUZOUITA, Omnia BEN GHALI, Hakim BOUMESSOUADI, Arwa BEN SMAIL Hedi is a quiet young man following the path that’s been traced out for him. Tunisia is changing, but Hedi doesn’t expect much from the future and lets others make his big decisions for him. The same week his mother is preparing his marriage, his boss sends him to the seaside town of Mahdia to seek out new clients. At a crossroads, Hedi begins avoiding his professional duties and soon meets Rim, a free spirited globetrotter working as an activity leader at a local resort. Rim’s lust for life quickly rubs off on Hedi and the two begin a passionate love affair. With preparations for the wedding in full swing back at home, Hedi is finally forced to make a choice for himself. LUXBOX (France) - RIVIERA Stand A10 17/5 GRAY 3 (10:00 prio) INTERCHANGE Malaysia - 102 min - English, Malaysian - 2106 - Director: Dain ISKANDAR SAID - Cast: Shaheizy SAM, Nicholas SAPUTRA, Prisia NASUTION, Nadiya NISAA, Alvin WONG, Chew KIN WAH, Iedil PUTRA DETECTIVE MAN (SHAHEIZY SAM), enlists crime photographer ADAM (IEDIL PUTRA) to help solve a series of bizarre murders in a city of dark secrets. The first murder 5 months ago was so gruesome, it triggered the disturbing visions that now haunt Adam. He retreats from the world, staying home and taking photos of his neighbours. Then, his seemingly innocuous pastime turns into a dark vision. Through his lens he spies IVA (PRISIA NASUTION), an attractive young woman from Borneo, a new tenant in the apartment opposite. Adam is smitten and is soon entangled in in her web of mystery and murder. As Adam is drawn further into Iva’s tribal world and Man delves deeper into his investigation, they discover the city’s mystical underbelly of shamans and supernatural beings as century-old superstitions come to life. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 13/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) INTERROGATION Usa - 87 min - 2015 - Director: Stephen REYNOLDS - Cast: Adam COPELAND, C.j. PERRY WWE Superstar Adam “Edge” Copeland and WWE Diva C.J. “Lana” Perry deliver a one-two action punch in this electrifying thriller that crackles with edge-of-your-seat suspense. After the FBI receives a threat that multiple bombs will be detonated across Las Vegas, an interrogator (Adam “Edge” Copeland) and an IT specialist (C.J. “Lana” Perry) are plunged into a deadly game of cat- and-mouse with a criminal mastermind, desperately racing against time to uncover the bomber’s true agenda as they fight to save their city. VOLTAGE PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand L5 12/5 OLYMPIA 2 (18:00 prio) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30 prio) INTO THE FOREST (DANS LA FORET) France - French - 2016 - Director: Gilles MARCHAND - Cast: Jérémie ELKAIM, Timothé VOM DORP, Théo VAN DE VOORDE, Sophie QUINTON, Mireille PERRIER Tom (8) and Benjamin (11) travel to Stockholm to spend the summer with their father, whom they have barely seen since he divorced their mother. Tom, in particular, knows next to nothing about this strange, solitary man who seems never to sleep.. When he suggests they spend a few days at his cabin in the country, the boys are delighted But the cabin is totally isolated in the middle of a huge forest, a place both beautiful and troubling. The boys grow uneasy. As for the father, he seems happy, at one with the environment. Cut off from the outside world, he can finally breathe again. And the more time that passes, the less he appears to want to return to civilization. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 INVERSION (VAROONEGI) CR 18/5 DEBUSSY (11:15) - 20/5 BAZIN (11:00) - PALAIS K (12:00) - DEBUSSY (22:00) Iran - 84 min - Persian - 2016 - Director: Behnam BEHZADI - Cast: Sahar DOWLATSHAHI, Ali MOSAFFA, Alireza AGHAKHANI, Setareh PESYANI, Roya JAVIDNIA, Shirin YAZDANBAKHSH, Setareh HOSSEINI, Toufan MEHRDADIAN, Mojtaba NAM NABAT, Payam YAZDANI, Ebad KARIMI, Yazdan AKHOONDI Tehran’s air pollution has reached the maximum level because of inversion. Niloofar, a 35-year-old girl who owns a sewing workshop, lives with her mother. She finds her old lover when doctors say her mother must leave Tehran forever because of her respiratory situation. Niloofar’s brother and the elders of the family decide that she must be the one to accompany the mother because she is the youngest child and still single without any children, and she has always obeyed their orders. This time, however, is different; she stands up to the decision the others have made for her. NOORI PICTURES (France) - RIVIERA Stand D10 - ✆ 33 6 76 41 89 67 11/5 OLYMPIA 8 (10:00) IRREPLACEABLE (MÉDECIN DE CAMPAGNE) France - 102 min - French - 2015 - Director: Thomas LILTI - Cast: François CLUZET, Marianne DENICOURT For the past thirty years, Dr. Jean-Pierre Werner has been working as a general practitioner in the countryside, far away from any other medical facility. When he finds out that he suffers from a serious illness, Werner is left with no choice but to find a replacement, although he considers himself irreplaceable… LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 13/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) ISOLA France - 93 min - Arabic, Italian, English, Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Fabianny DESCHAMPS - Cast: Yilin YANG, Yassine FADEL, Enrico ROCCAFORTE On an island lost between two worlds, Dai, a young Chinese woman, lives alone in a cave, expecting the baby that swells her womb. On the harbour which flurries with migrants, she searches for the man she loves and awaits: her husband. One night her wish is to be fulfilled… ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette a-102 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 LERINS 3 (18:00) IT HAD TO BE YOU Usa - 85 min - English - 2016 - Director: Sasha GORDON Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who has always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her boyfriend, Sonia has to decide whether she’ll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. TRICOAST WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D3 IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD (JUSTE LA FIN DU MONDE ) CO 19/5 OLYMPIA 2 (09:30) - LUMIERE (11:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:00) - 20/5 SALLE DU 60e (14:30) Canada, France - 97 min - French - 2016 - Director: Xavier DOLAN - Cast: Nathalie BAYE, Vincent CASSEL, Marion COTILLARD, Léa SEYDOUX, Gaspar ULLIEL After 12 years of absence, a writer goes back to his hometown, planning on announcing his upcoming death to his family. As resentment soon rewrites the course of the afternoon, fits and feuds unfold, fuelled by loneliness and doubt, while all attempts of empathy are sabotaged by people’s incapacity to listen, and love. SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Apt. 3A - ✆ 33 4 93 39 41 55 ITALIAN RACE (VELOCE COME IL VENTO) 16/5 PALAIS G (12:00) Italy - 119 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Italian - 2016 - Director: Matteo ROVERE - Cast: Stefano ACCORSI The De Martino family has been racing cars for generations. Mario, the head of the family, is forced to make way for his very young and exceptionally talented daughter Giulia. FANDANGO (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 - ✆ 39 347 524 8172 u IZA LICA ZRCALA —> A TWO WAY MIRROR J 18/5 GRAY 5 (10:00) JACO Usa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Stephen KIJAK, Paul MARCHAND - Cast: Robert TRUJILLO, Joni MITCHELL, Jaco PASTORIUS JACO is an award-winning documentary film about famed bass guitar player, Jaco Pastorius. He is generally regarded as one of the most influential and important bass players in music history, and is often described as “the Jimi Hendrix of bass.” JACO explores the musician’s full history, from growing up in 1950’s South Florida, to his meteoric rise to fame in legendary jazz-fusion group WEATHER REPORT, to his time with JONI MITCHELL, to his own ground-breaking career as bandleader, and ultimately to his tragic demise at the age of thirty-five. SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 17/5 OLYMPIA 3 (13:30) JAILBIRDS (TAULARDES) France - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Audrey ESTROUGO - Cast: Sophie MARCEAU, Suzanne CLÉMENT, Alice BELAIDI In order to save the man she loves from jail, Mathilde takes his place by helping his break-out. While she exclusively relies on him to survive in this prison setting, Mathilde has not heard from him since her imprisonment. Isolated, only supported by her son, she is now identified by the inmate number 383205-B. Will Mathilde become a convict like any other one? ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette u u u u JAMAIS CONTENTE —> MISS IMPOSSIBLE JE ME TUE À LE DIRE —> DEATH BY DEATH JEKYLL ISLAND —> CONSPIRACY JEUNESSE —> THE YOUNG ONE JOHNNY FRANK GARRETT’S LAST WORD 16/5 OLYMPIA 3 (13:30) Usa - 94 min - English - 2013 - Director: Simon RUMLEY - Cast: Mike DOYLE, Erin CUMMINGS, Sean Patrick FLANERY Based on a incredible true story, JOHNNY FRANK GARRETT’S LAST WORD is a terrifying tale of vengeance from beyond the grave. On Halloween night 1981, a Catholic nun is savagely murdered. In a haze of fear, the authorities in Amarillo, Texas feel compelled to solve the case quickly amidst widespread panic and lynch mob anger. Soon a suspect emerges as 18-year-old Johnny Frank Garrett is arrested and put on trial. Overlooking evidence that could have cleared his name, the jury passes swift judgement and Garrett is convicted and sentenced to death. But from the moment of his arrest until his last breath, Garrett professes his innocence, and following his execution a letter is found in his cell written in a voice driven by a dark force, promising retribution and cursing the souls of anyone connected with his demise. Within weeks of his execution, Johnny’s terrifying prophecy is unleashed as a series of unexplained deaths strike down those involved in the coverup… (more info on cinando.com) ALTITUDE FILM SALES (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Le Dauphin Entrance, 2nd Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 20 61 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-103 u JUILLET AOUT —> THE SUMMER OF ALL MY PARENTS 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) JULES AND DOLORES (O ROUBO DA TAÇA) Brazil - 91 min - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2015 - Director: Caíto ORTIZ - Cast: Paulo TIEFENTHALER, Tais ARAÚJO, Danilo GRANGHEIA, Milhem CORTAZ, Fabio MARCOFF Rio de Janeiro, 1983. In an attempt to pay off his gambling debt and pacify his flamboyant girlfriend Dolores, fun-loving Peralta and his happy-go-lucky buddy Borracha decide to steal a golden replica of the legendary Jules Rimet soccer World Cup trophy. Too bad they heist the original cup, which puts the entire country on the alert. JULES AND DOLORES is based on a remarkable event in Brazilian history. PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 JULIETA (SILENCIO) CO 17/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 13:30, 19:30) - 18/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:30) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 1 (12:30) Spain - 96 min - 2015 - Director: Pedro ALMODÓVAR - Cast: Emma SUAREZ, Adriana UGARTE, Daniel GRAO, Inma CUESTA, Darío GRANDINETTI, Michelle JENNER, Pilar CASTRO, Nathalie POZA, Susi SANCHEZ, Joaquín NOTARIO, Priscilla DELGADO, Blanca PARÉS, Ariadna MATÍN, Rossy DE PALMA Julieta lives in Madrid with her daughter Antía. They both suffer in silence over the loss of Xoan, Antía’s father and Julieta’s husband. But at times grief doesn’t bring people closer, it drives them apart. When Antía turns eighteen she abandons her mother, without a word of explanation. Julieta looks for her in every possible way, but all she discovers is how little she knows of her daughter. JULIETA is about a mother’s struggle to survive uncertainty. It is also about fate, guilt complexes and that unfathomable mystery that leads us to abandon the people we love, erasing them from our lives as if they had never meant anything, as if they had never existed. FILMNATION ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION Appt. 3H2/3 - 4 rue des Serbes - ✆ 33 4 93 39 38 54 13/5 PALAIS J (20:00) JUNCTION 48 Israel, Germany, Usa - 96 min - Arabic, Hebrew - 2016 - Director: Udi ALONI - Cast: Tamer NAFAR, Samar QUPTY, Salwa NAKKARA, Saeed DASSUKI Kareem leads an aimless life between odd jobs and hanging out with his buddies. He lives with his parents in a crimeridden ghetto of the mixed Jewish-Arab city of Lyd, some 20 minutes from Tel Aviv. Most of his childhood friends have turned to selling drugs through “ATMs” – transaction holes in the walls of dilapidated buildings. Kareem‘s loving musician parents are constantly worrying about his life choices and they try hard to guide their son on the right path. Kareem is devastated when his father is killed in a car crash. The family tragedy brings him closer to his singer girlfriend, Manar, and motivates him to do something more with his life. Kareem and his group have been performing at small neighborhood gigs and family birthday parties. When they finally get a chance to perform in a Tel Aviv hip-hop club, Kareem‘s star potential is quickly noticed. The “first Arab rapper” is asked to appear on a TV news program… (more info on cinando.com) THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 JUST CHARLIE (WORK-IN-PROGRESS) 16/5 LERINS 2 (15:30 invit) United Kingdom - 96 min - English - 2016 - Director: Rebekah FORTUNE - Cast: Harry GILBY, Patricia POTTER, Scot WILLIAMS, Karen BRYSON Football star Charlie is a girl trapped in the body of a boy. Rejected by her father and teammates will she ever play football again… MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 u JUSTE LA FIN DU MONDE —> IT’S ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD 17/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) JUVENILES Usa - 95 min - 2015 - Director: Nico SABENORIO - Cast: Beau KNAPP, Stephen MOYER, Martin HENDERSON A long-dormant blood feud between two families reignites when Lucas — a bright, college-bound young man — tries to escape a violent rural town but is first forced to avenge his father’s death at the hands of the vicious local crime boss. RADIANT FILMS INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL 5th floor, Albatross Entrance - ✆ 1 310 806 2540 K KALACHAKRA - L’EVEIL (KALACHAKRA - THE ENLIGHTENMENT) 18/5 DOC CORNER (17:30) France - 83 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - French, English - 2016 - Director: Natalie FUCHS - Cast: Jampa LEGDHEN, Tenzin NORZOM, Uma THURMAN, Natalie FUCHS I was eight: my sister had passed away. For a long time, I left this wound buried deep inside me. But every now and then, it would reappear, and crush me. I had to find peace. I had long been dreaming to attend the Kalachakra ceremony, which gathers pilgrims for all over the world. Given by the Dalai Lama, it’s the highest Buddhist initiation which leads to enlightenment. This time, my decision was made. I would go to Bodhgaya to find answers there. Thanks to my friends Jampa, Tenzin and Kehtsun, who aspire like I do to spiritual awakening and peace, I was introduced to the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism, and was even granted an exceptional meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They all responded to my questions with simplicity and humour. Through this film, we enter and discover an ancient yet unknown dimension where death meets life, a dimension which changes someone forever. LEELAME PRODUCTION (France) a-104 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique u KALACHAKRA - THE ENLIGHTENMENT —> KALACHAKRA - L’EVEIL 16/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) KALINKA France - 105 min - French - 2015 - Director: Vincent GARENQ Based on a true story, KALINKA is about the struggle of Andre Bamberski to bring justice to his daughter Kalinka who died in disturbing circumstances. After 27 years of investigation to hunt down his presumed murderer, Bamberski will finally get the killer kidnapped and brought to justice STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 19/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) KALUSHI South Africa - 110 min - English - 2015 - Director: Mandlakayise DUBE - Cast: Thabo RAMETSI, Thabo MALEMA, Welile NZUZA, Pearl THUSI, Louw VENTER, Gcina MHLOPHE The Film is based on a true story of the unlikeliest of heroes; a nineteen year old hawker, a Mamelodi township boy selling veggies to help support his family, avoiding the rioting at school, and train-surfing with his friends. But our first glimpses into Solomon’s story reveal his involvement in the Goch Street shootings, then as captives in the notorious John Vorster Square, and also at the commencement of the Supreme Court trial for murder and acts of terrorism. With these important markers in his future timeline, we track his story from its meek beginnings as vendor on the passenger trains running between Mamelodi and Pretoria – the Apartheid government’s base of power. Solomon lives with his mother, Martha Mahlangu, and brother, Lucas Mahlangu in their humble shantytown home. His call to adventure comes in the form of slick township cleva Tommie London who invites the trio: Solomon, Mondy Motluong and Brenda Riviera to join him on an upcoming march against oppressive Bantu Education laws… (more info on cinando.com) NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 120 u KASHIN —> A FLOWER AFLAME 11/5 PALAIS H (09:30) KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE Usa - 112 min - English - 2016 - Director: Robert GREENE Actress Kate Lyn Sheil is cast to play the role of Christine Chubbuck, a television host who committed suicide live on air in 1974. to prepare for the role, Kate travels to Sarasota to investigate the mysteries behind Christine’s tragic demise. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 u KATER —> TOMCAT 13/5 PALAIS B (15:30) KEEPER OF DARKNESS Hong Kong (China) - 110 min - Cantonese - 2015 - Director: Nick CHEUNG - Cast: Nick CHEUNG, Amber KUO, Louis CHEUNG, Sisley CHOI Streetwise exorcist Fat (Nick Cheung) becomes an overnight sensation when his extraordinary exorcism is recorded and gone viral, which catches not only a lot of attention from the media, but also the underworld. EDKO FILMS LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.06 14/5 GRAY 2 (15:30) - 15/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) KEN SAN Japan - 100 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Yuichi HIBI - Cast: Michael DOUGLAS, John WOO, Paul SCHRADER One year has passed since Mr. Ken Takakura, a major Japanese film actor, has passed away. Through retrospective screenings and personal reminiscence, we revisit the life of Ken Takakura and remember the impact he made on cinema. This documentary focuses on Ken’s success as a film actor both in Japan and internationally. Interviews with famous actors and directors from the U.S., China and Europe shed new light on the legendary actor. ELEVEN ARTS, INC. (Usa) u KHAB-E AB —> THE DREAM OF WATER u KHANEH-YEE DAR KHIABAN-E CHEHEL O YEKOM —> A HOUSE ON THE 41 STREET 11/5 PALAIS F (13:30) - 12/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) KID WITNESS Usa - 94 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Kevin KAUFMAN - Cast: Susan SARANDON, Ripley SOBO, Lev GORN Left in the care of her teenage brother Miles while their mom is out of town, 10-year-old Olivia Haden takes her dog Charlie for a late-night walk and witnesses a brazen kidnapping on the deserted streets of New York City. But when she tells Miles what she has seen, he dismisses her, and when she reports it to the NYPD, only a sympathetic detective named Dottie will even listen. Without solid evidence, there’s nothing Dottie can do, so the intrepid tween sets out to solve the crime herself. Facing down a trio of bumbling crooks, a mysterious fixer toting an oversized bunny, and a rapidly ticking clock, Olivia crisscrosses lower Manhattan in an exciting family-oriented thriller sure to delight kids of all ages, as well as their parents. BLEIBERG ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L7 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-105 11/5 PALAIS E (18:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 3 (20:00) KIDS IN LOVE United Kingdom - 98 min - English - 2015 - Director: Chris FOGGIN - Cast: Will POULTER, Alma JODOROWSKY, Cara DELEVINGNE Drifting through his gap year with its internships and travel plans carefully laid out by his parents, Jack (Will Poulter) has always suspected there was more to life than this. A chance encounter with the beautiful and ethereal Evelyn (Alma Jodorowsky) swerves his life radically off course. CARNABY INTERNATIONAL SALES AND DISTRIBUTION (United Kingdom) - 22 la Croisette, 23 Rue Mace - ✆ 44 7701 349 182 12/5 LERINS 4 (15:30) - 15/5 PALAIS B (09:30) KIKI Usa, Sweden - 100 min - 2016 - Director: Sara JORDENÖ 25 years after Paris is Burning, we dive back into the fierce world of voguing battles in the Kiki scene of New York City, where competition between Houses demands leadership, painstaking practice, and performances on point. A film collaboration between Kiki gatekeeper, Twiggy Pucci Garçon, and Swedish filmmaker Sara Jordenö, we’re granted exclusive access into this high stakes world, where tough competitions act as a gateway into the daily lives of LGBTQ youth of color in NYC. The new generation of ballroom youth use the motto, “Not About us Without Us.” Twiggy and Sara’s insider-outsider approach to their stories breathes fresh life into the representation of a marginalized community who demand visibility and real political power. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 11/5 ARCADES 1 (20:45 prio) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 3 (13:30) KIKI, LOVE TO LOVE Spain - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Paco LEÓN - Cast: Natalia DE MOLINA, Álex GARCÍA, Paco LEÓN, Anna KATZ, Belen CUESTA, Candela PEÑA, Luis CALLEJO, Mari Paz SAYAGO, Luis BERMEJO, Rea GIMENEZ, Alexandra JIMENEZ, David MORA Five stories of love and sex unfold over one hot summer in Madrid, when the protagonists discover strange and unusual sources of sexual indulgence with unpronounceable names: Dacryphilia, Eliphilia, Somnophilia, Polyamori, Harpaxophilia… Taboos are broken one by one as our horny couples enter into a thrilling liberation in which no pleasure is denied, whatever form it takes. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 11/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) KILL ME PLEASE (MATE-ME POR FAVOR) Brazil, Argentina - 101 min - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2015 - Director: Anita ROCHA DA SILVEIRA Cast: Valentina HERSZAGE, Mari OLIVEIRA, Julia ROLIZ, Dora FREIND Barra da Tijuca, West Side Zone of Rio de Janeiro. A wave of murderers plague the area. What starts off as a morbid curiosity for the local youth slowly begins to spoil away at their lives. Among them is Bia, a fifteen year old girl. After an encounter with death, she will do anything to make sure she’s alive. MPM FILM (MOVIE PARTNERS IN MOTION) (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 45 05 91 10 12/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30) KING OF HEARTS (LE ROI DE COEUR) France - 102 min - 1966 - Director: Philippe DE BROCA - Cast: Alan BATES, Genevieve BUJOLD COHEN MEDIA GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 1 310 567 9337 17/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) KINGS’ SHIFT Latvia, Lithuania - 103 min - Lithuanian - 2016 - Director: Ignas MISKINIS - Cast: Vainius SODEIKA, Aist DIRŽI T , Paulius IGNATAVI IUS, Dainius GAVENONIS, Vidas PETKEVICIUS, Juozas RAPALIS A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose crime suspect of World War II. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time-bomb at the very wrong time. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 11/5 PALAIS K (18:00) KINOLOGY PRIVATE SCREENING France - 2016 Kinology Private Screening KINOLOGY (France) - Rés. Le Minerve 5 floor - ✆ 33 6 69 10 17 29 KITCHENS OF GRATITUDE 14/5 PALAIS C (18:00, 19:00) India - 45 min - English - 2016 - Director: Vikas KHANNA ‘Kitchens of Gratitude’ is a short documentary presented by Michelin Star Chef Vikas Khanna that explores the world of faiths with a simple message of peace and harmony.The common teaching of every faith is sharing food with others and breaking the walls that divide us by breaking breads together. SMILE FILMS / SIFFCY (India) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side 112, India Pavilion. - ✆ 919 350 757 525 u KNIELEN OP EEN BED VIOLEN —> IN MY FATHERS GARDEN a-106 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 PALAIS E (14:00) - 15/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) KOBLIC Argentina, Spain - 95 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Sebastián BORENSZTEIN - Cast: Ricardo DARIN, Oscar MARTINEZ, Inma CUESTA Argentina 1977, Flights of Death: Political prisoners were thrown into the sea from Navy aircraft as a method of extermination. Captain Tomas Kóblic decides to abandon his military career and take refuge in a small village, where a friend of his father runs an old hangar and provides crop spraying services. Kóblic begins a new, unexpected and yet no less violent chapter in his life. But in this village, the only law laid down is that of Police Chief Velarde, the leader of a gang of cattle rustlers with shady ties to the military leaders in control of the region, and having Kóblic in “his” town makes him very uncomfortable, so he devises a scheme to eliminate Kóblic… There is nowhere to hide from yourself. FILMSHARKS INT’L (Argentina) - RIVIERA Stand D12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 06 13/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) KOKORO (LE COEUR REGULIER) France - 90 min – 0.3 M$ - 2014 - Director: Vanja D’ALCANTARRA After her brother dies, Lucie feels like a stranger in her own life, “so perfect” until then. She decides to leave to Japan and finds refuge in a small village by the cliffs. Nathan said he had found peace there, thanks to a man called Daisuke. As she follows her brother’s footsteps, Lucie hopes to come closer to him one last time. But in this strange place, both hostile and welcoming, it’s her own story she will discover. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 15/5 PALAIS E (16:00) - 16/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) - 19/5 PALAIS E (16:00) KOMBISSIRI France - 90 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: René LETZGUS STAR PRODUCTION (France) u KOMEDIJA SOLZ —> A COMEDY OF TEARS L u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u L’APPART —> WE ARE FAMILY L’ÉCONOMIE DU COUPLE —> AFTER LOVE L’EFFET AQUATIQUE —> THE TOGETHER PROJECT L’ESTATE ADOSSO —> SUMMERTIME L’OUTSIDER —> THE OUTSIDER L’ULTIMA SPIAGGIA —> THE LAST RESORT LA BALADA DEL OPPENHEIMER PARK —> THE BALLAD OF OPPENHEIMER PARK LA CALIFORNIE —> IN CALIFORNIA LA DORMEUSE DUVAL —> THE SLEEPER BY THE RIVER LA DRUM CU TATA —> THAT TRIP WE TOOK WITH DAD LA FELICITÀ È UN SISTEMA COMPLESSO —> THE COMPLEXITY OF HAPPINESS LA FILLE INCONNUE —> THE UNKNOWN GIRL LA FINE ÉQUIPE —> A MIGHTY TEAM LA FORET DE QUINCONCES —> FOOL MOON LA JEUNE FILLE SANS MAINS —> THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS LA LARGA NOCHE DE FRANCISCO SANCTIS —> THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS LA LOI DE LA JUNGLE —> STRUGGLE FOR LIFE LA LUZ EN EL CERRO —> THE LIGHT ON THE HILL LA MADRE —> THE MOTHER LA MORT DE LOUIS XIV —> LAST DAYS OF LOUIS XIV LA NOCHE QUE MI MADRE MATÓ A MI PADRE —> THE NIGHT MY MOTHER KILLED MY FATHER LA NOUVELLE VIE DE PAUL SNEIJDER —> THE NEW LIFE OF PAUL SNEIJDER LA PAZZA GIOIA —> LIKE CRAZY LA REINA DE LOS JUEVES —> QUEEN OF THURSDAYS LA ROUTE D’ISTANBUL —> ROAD TO ISTANBUL 17/5 PALAIS F (17:30) - 19/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) LA TRAMPA (THE TRAP) Ecuador - 113 min – 0.3 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Carlos Alberto POE - Cast: Juan Esteban VILLACIS, Cristopher DU PREE MOORE, Angelica VARGAS, Maria Isabel RODRIGUEZ, Jaime BONELLI, Gonzalo SAMPER+, Diego FERNANDEZ DE CORDOBA, Juan Antonio CEVALLOS, Margarita HINOJOSA, Andrea CARPIO, Mario LAURELES, Nadia ROSERO Joaquin, a not quite proficient drama student who because of his immaturity cannot maintain a stable sentimental relationship with Andrea, his fellow student and partner in the opera Carmen, . He gets in trouble and falls into a trap which leads him to being chased by the police and repudiated by all. His enemies uses every resource to destroy him and those he loves. His scarce theatre training, the social networks and an unexpected help are his only means to hide from his pursuers. The trap takes fatal dimensions that turn against his enemies when Joaquin finds out and prepares his vengeance and returns to demonstrate his innocence and recover his love, Andrea. But his enemies are waiting…. ECLIPSE PRODUCCIONES-ROSELAND S.A. (Ecuador) - L’Ancienne Laiterie - ✆ 33 6 63 45 71 38 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-107 u LA VALIJA DE BENAVIDEZ —> BENAVIDEZ S CASE 11/5 OLYMPIA 4 (14:00) LADY BLOODFIGHT Hong Kong (China) - 99 min - 2014 - Director: Chris NAHON - Cast: Amy JOHNSTON Jane is a beautiful but troubled American girl backpacking her way through Hong Kong. When she successfully fends off three thugs trying to rob her, it draws the attention of Shu, a Wudang champion, who is impressed by her raw street fighting abilities. Shu recruits Jane and trains her to fight in the vicious, all-female, underground martial arts tournament known as “The Kumite.” After months of rigorous preparation, Jane is ready to face off against the deadliest female fighters in the world, including Ling, the apprentice of Shu’s nemesis, Wai, a Shaolin master. Other nefarious forces also lie in the shadows, taking Jane on a journey through the gritty underworld of Hong Kong as she fights to be named the best female fighter in the world. VOLTAGE PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand L5 LADY KILLER / LOVER-BOY (GUEULE D’AMOUR) CC 12/5 BUÑUEL (14:45) France, Germany - 92 min - French - 1937 - Director: Jean GRÉMILLON - Cast: Jean GABIN, Mireille BALIN, René LEFÈVRE Lucien Bourrache, a good looking non-commissioned officer at the Spahis, is used to charm many women. He met Madeleine Courtois at Cannes. She is beautiful and lives in luxury. He lends her a large amount of money, which she loses gambling. Then she drops him. But Lucien is now in love, and once demobilized, he goes to Paris to find her again. But he’s not so sexy without his uniform, and Madeleine and him do not belong to the same “milieu”. TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette 16/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) LAND LEGS (TEMPETE) France - 89 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Samuel COLLARDEY - Cast: Dominique LEBORNE, Mailys LEBORNE, Matteo LEBORNE Dom has always been a Sea Dog. When his 16 years old daughter gets pregnant, he has to face his father responsibilities On Land. But can he really ? STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 13/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) LAPUTA Czech Republic - 93 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Czech - 2015 - Director: Jakub ŠMÍD SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 LAST DAYS OF LOUIS XIV (LA MORT DE LOUIS XIV) HC 14/5 GRAY 1 (16:00 prio) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 4 (12:00 prio) France - 100 min - French - 2016 - Director: Albert SERRA - Cast: Jean-Pierre LEAUD, Patrick D’ASSUMÇAO, Bernard BELIN, Irène SILVAGNI, Marc SUSINI August 1715. After going for a walk, Louis XIV feels a pain in his leg. The next days, the king keeps fulfilling his duties and obligations, but his sleep is troubled and he has a serious fever. He barely eats and weakens increasingly. This is the start of the slow agony of the greatest king of France, surrounded by his relatives and doctors. CAPRICCI FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand J10 18/5 PALAIS J (15:30) LATE SHIFT- YOUR DECISIONS ARE YOU United Kingdom, Switzerland - 264 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Tobias WEBER - Cast: Joe SOWERBUTTS, Haruka ABE, Joel BASMAN, Richard DURDEN, Lily TRAVERS ‘Late Shift’ has its hero, its plot, its high points and turning points. It has one beginning – but countless possible storylines and seven different endings. Matt, a student, has to prove his innocence after being forced into the robbery of a famous London auction house. How will the audience decide to act when everything is turning against him? The audience takes decisions for the interactive thriller’s hero while the movie keeps on running seamlessly. ‘Late Shift’ is the first feature film production in the novel interactive film format CtrlMovie, which offers an exceptional experience in-between film and game. The viewers make decisions for the protagonist, thereby influencing the plot and its ending. The film never stops and the audience is under the same time pressure as the protagonist. Countless storylines can lead to one of seven different endings. One interactive path is approximately the length of a feature film, bearing in mind that there are four hours of film slumbering in the background, with a total of 180 decision points at your disposal… (find more on cinando.com) CTRLMOVIE (Switzerland) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 201 - ✆ 41 786 649 494 LAURENT AND SAFI (LAURENT ET SAFI) 13/5 ARCADES 3 (20:30) - 17/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30) France, Mali - 115 min - 3 - 5 M$ - French, Bambara - 2015 - Director: Anton VASSIL - Cast: Tatiana ROJO, Nico ROGNER, Michel GOHOU, Xavier JOZELON, Habib DEMBÉLÉ, Teeyah TEEYAH, Guimba GUIMBA, M WAYNE, Innocent VERSACE, Fantani TOURÉ, Jean-Daniel SESSOU B-MOL PRODUCTIONS (France) a-108 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) LAW & DISORDER: THE INSANITY DEFENSE United Kingdom - 102 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Sylvie BOLIOLI - Cast: James BRADY, David KACZYNSKI, Rev. Jesse JACKSON, Prof. Michael PERLIN, Judge Steven LEIFMAN, Dr. Michael WELNER, Dr. Robert BERGER, Sylvie BOLIOLI An in-depth look at criminal responsibility and mental illness, ‘LAW & DISORDER: the Insanity Defense’ is the only documentary which puts the Insanity Defense itself on trial. POLARIS PRODUCTIONS LTD. (United Kingdom) LE CANCRE HC 18/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:15) - 19/5 PALAIS D (11:30) - 20/5 PALAIS J (09:30) France - 110 min - French - 2016 - Director: Paul VECCHIALI - Cast: Paul VECCHIALI, Catherine DENEUVE, Pascal CERVO, Mathieu AMALRIC, Annie CORDY A father and his son have a tense relationship that centers around their inability to communicate their affection toward each other. Laurent (Pascal Cervo) spent his youth in a manner of laziness, however now he is trying to seek his own way in life. He’ll understand too late the affection that linked him to his father Rodolphe (Paul Vecchiali), a man surrounded by the women of his life, whose sole obsession is to find again the great love of his youth, Marguerite (Catherine Deneuve). THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 u u u u u u LE LE LE LE LE LE CIEL ATTENDRA —> HEAVEN WILL WAIT COEUR EN BRAILLE —> HEARTSTRINGS COEUR REGULIER —> KOKORO CONFESSIONI —> THE CONFESSIONS FILS DE JEAN —> A KID GRAND TOUT —> THE BIG EVERYTHING LE MANS 3D – RACING IS EVERYTHING 12/5 LERINS 2 (13:30) United Kingdom - 90 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2014 - Director: James ERSKINE - Cast: Mark WEBBER, Andre LOTTERER, Sebastien BUEMI, Jann MARDENBOROUGH, Darren TURNER, David CHENG, Ho-Pin TUNG Presented in astonishing 4K 3D, and offering full theatrical 3D and 2D features, 3D and 2D TV hour versions, and a full feature and cut-down version for IMAX, Le Mans 3D tells in incredible detail, the full story of the 2015 race. Widely recognised as one of the closest and most thrilling events for many years, we follow six drivers and their teams as they put everything on the line in the pursuit of victory. Australian F1 favorite, Mark Webber, is racing for Porsche. A solid career is already secured, but he has so far failed to finish Le Mans in four attempts. Making one last push for true racing immortality, Webber recalls two life threatening crashes at this very track early in his career. As he travels to the race, he recalls how many more times he can roll the dice… The undisputed ‘King of Le Mans’ is Germany’s, Andre Lotterer. Racing for Audi, the four-time winner is used to fighting off pretenders to his thrown, but this year, will the hunter become the hunted? Racing for rookie team, Nissan, 23 year-old Brit, Jann Mardenborough got his big break by winning a PlayStation driving competition three years ago… (find more on cinando.com) KALEIDOSCOPE FILM DISTRIBUTION LTD (United Kingdom) - LERINS Stand L21 u u u u u LE LE LE LE LE PARC —> THE PARK PONT DES ANGES —> BRIDGE IN CLOUDS ROI DE COEUR —> KING OF HEARTS VOYAGE AU GROENLAND —> THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND VOYAGE DE FANNY —> FANNY’S JOURNEY LEAF BLOWER (SOPLADORA DE HOJAS) 18/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) Mexico - 96 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Alejandro IGLESIAS MENDIZABAL Cast: Alejandro GUERRERO S., Paco RUEDA, Fabrizio SANTINI, Jose Carlos RODRIGUEZ, Arcelia RAMIREZ, Daniel JIMENEZ CACHO An offbeat coming-of-age film about three teenage friends confronting their fear to grow up as they pursue a mission: to find some lost keys in a pile of dead leaves. HABANERO (Brazil) - RIVIERA Stand A16 LEBANON GOES TO CANNES 16/5 PALAIS I (14:00) 110 min - 2016 The Fondation Liban Cinema presents a selection of works-in-progress by Lebanese filmmakers: BEIRUT TERMINUS by Elie Kamal, ROOM FOR A MAN by Anthony Chidiac, FEMINITUDE by Soula Saad, ONE OF THESE DAYS by Nadim Tabet and TOMBÉ DU CIEL by Wissam Charaf. FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA (Lebanon) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 208 u LEDOKOL —> THE ICEBREAKER a-110 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 RIVIERA 1 (09:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 9 (17:30) LEGACY OF SOMA - AONORAN Japan - 138 min - English, Japanese - 2015 - Director: Hidenori INOUE, Hiroki NAKAMURA - Cast: Yuki AMAMI, Kenichi MATSUYAMA, Taichi SAOTOME, Zen KAJIHARA, Miharu MORINA, Shoko TAKADA, Jun HASHIMOTO, Macoto AWANE, Mikijiro HIRA Soma(Yuki Amami), lived as a fortune teller who was a strong and gentle woman. 10 years ago she was driven out of her country when it was invaded. Then there is, Kojiro Masakado(Kenichi Matsuyama), clumsy but a pure hearted character. They meet accidentally at festive gathering and fall for each other. But this turns out to be a roller coaster ride for both their lives. A man who gave up his identity for his people. A woman who raised a sword to preserve a mans’ soul. VILLAGE INC. (Japan) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.01 11/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) - 17/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) LEGENDARY AD Usa - 94 min - English - 2016 - Director: Leonardo CORBUCCI - Cast: William Paul CLARK, Marty ELI SCHWARTZ, Nick SATRIANO, David H. VENGHAUS JR., Donald SPARKS, Jason ROBERTS, Lisa C. SATRIANO, Brian E. FRANKISH, Mark Anthony LITTLE, Donald MURPHY, Chris SOLDO, Michelle PANELLIVENETIS, Alberto MANGIANTE, Arthur ANDRESON, Steve LANNING, Burt BLUESTEIN, Dan KOLSRUD, Michael ALAN KAHN, David MCGIFFERT, Alisha SEATON, Leonardo CORBUCCI What do “Star Wars”, “The Godfather”, “Back to the Future”, “Batman”, “Goonies”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Top Gun”, “Pirate of the Caribbean”, “Interstellar” and “Pulp Fiction” all have in common? Simple: Amazing Assistant Directors. A never been done before movie about Film heroes. These ADs have collected numerous stories from legendary films. These inspirational film veterans have the best advice and wisdom for those who strive to become film makers and stories that would intrigue any movie watcher. LEGENDARY SERIES (Usa) 17/5 LERINS 1 (09:30) LENALOVE Germany - 90 min - German - 2015 - Director: Florian GAAG - Cast: Emilia SCHULE, Jannik SCHÜMANN, Kyra Sophia KAHRE, Sina TKOTSCH, Anna BEDERKE, Sandra BORGMANN, Felix KNOPP Lena lives with her single mother who is too occupied with herself to be a support for her intelligent and special daughter. Dreaming her way out of the suburb, Lena spends her time assembling expressive collages and chatting with a guy she met online. Only her classmate Tim, a gifted graffiti-artist and loner himself, notices her artistic talent, and the two get closer – much to the displeasure of Lena’s childhood friend Nicole who is now best friends with cool but manipulative Stella. When Lena sees Nicole and Tim kissing, she breaks off contact with her former friends, not knowing that Stella set up the kiss. In her despair, Lena throws herself head-on into the social network and conides in the chat buddy she has never met in person – but behind the stranger’s proile are Nicole and Stella, plotting further intrigues against her. The joke among teenagers becomes a bullying excess that the adults are just as much a part of. As the façade of harmonious suburban life comes tumbling down and not only Lena’s life is at risk, each one has to question their loyalties PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 u u u u u u u u u LES LES LES LES LES LES LES LES LES BEAUX JOURS D’ARANJUEZ —> THE BEAUTIFUL DAYS OF ARANJUEZ CERCLES DU VICIEUX —> THE CIRCLES OF THE VICIOUS DÉCOUVERTES DE LA JOURNÉE DE L’ANIMATION —> ANIMATION DAY IN CANNES DISCOVERIES DERNIERS SURVIVANTS —> THE LAST SURVIVORS ENFANTS DE LA CHANCE —> THE CHILDREN OF CHANCE HABITANTS —> FRANCE INNOCENTES —> AGNUS DEI MALHEURS DE SOPHIE —> SOPHIE’S MISFORTUNES PREMIER, LES DERNIERS —> THE FIRST, THE LAST LES SAUTEURS (THOSE WHO JUMP) 15/5 PALAIS D (20:00) Denmark - 82 min - French, Bambara - 2016 - Director: Moritz SIEBERT, Estephan WAGNER, Abou Bakar SIDIBÉ In northern Morocco, lies the Spanish enclave of Melilla: Europe on African Land. On the mountain above, live over a thousand hopeful African migrants, watching the fence separating Morocco and Spain. Abou from Mali is one of them – the protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it. For over a year, he has ceaselessly attempted to jump the fence. At the fence, the other important and terrifying entity of the Film, they have to overcome the razor-wire, automatic pepper spray and brutal authorities. After every failed attempt, they return to Mount Gurugú, scouring for food in the nearby villages, trying to uphold some sort of order in the camp and building up their confidence again. Some give up and return home, others never return. Through the lens, Abou gradually finds expression and meaning in his situation. “When filming I feel that I exist”. But after 16 months on the mountain, Abou is close to a tragic accident… (more info on cinando.com) WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 u LES VIES DE THÉRÈSE —> THE LIVES OF THERESE u LES VISITEURS 3 : LA TERREUR —> THE VISITORS: BASTILLE DAY For full details go to BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-111 LESLIE HOWARD: THE MAN WHO DIDN’T GIVE A DAMN 16/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) - 17/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) United Kingdom - 84 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Thomas HAMILTON - Cast: Leslie HOWARD, Isabella ROSSELLINI, Vivien LEIGH, Clark GABLE A revealing and compelling documentary on the life of a great, forgotten star of the 1930’s. Leslie Howard was cinema’s quiet rebel. The star of such classics as The Scarlet Pimpernel and Gone with the Wind, yet one whose yearning for independence propelled him to a unique role in WWW2 – as an inspirational figurehead for the British war effort. GALLOPING FILMS (Australia) - RIVIERA Stand H2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 12/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) LET’S BE EVIL Usa - 83 min - English - 2016 - Director: Martin OWEN - Cast: Kara TOINTON, Isabelle ALLEN, Elliot James LANGRIDGE, Helene WILSON, Elizabeth MORRIS Let’s Be Evil is a psychological sci-fi thriller set in Los Angeles. Children’s skulls are thin. Despite the controversy over mobile phone radiation, step into the near future and the full dangers are still not yet disclosed, or commercially ignored. Irrespective, in order to avoid further slippage down the international educational league tables, the government declares its intention to equip all children with Augmented Reality Glasses, following a pilot study. Trials suggest that being permanently ‘plugged in’ from an early age can significantly enhance performance and IQ. Certain high-flying children are selected, who adore being always online. The potential benefits appear to be enormous, but there’s a catch: the electro-magnetism of the high-power batteries permanently adjacent to a child’s brain start to cause unusual effects. Our audience is at first amused and delighted, then exhilarated, always thoroughly entertained, and, in a breathtaking denouement, ultimately shocked, disturbed and horrified. MPI MEDIA GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D15 16/5 PALAIS H (09:30) LET’S TALK (DOBBIAMO PARLARE) Italy - 101 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Sergio RUBINI - Cast: Fabrizio BENTIVOGLIO, Isabella RAGANOSE, Maria Pia CALZONE, Sergio RUBINI Let’s Talk: this is the most feared sentence in the speech between any couple… Vanni, fifty years old, is a well-known writer. Linda, thirty, is his ghost writer. They live in a beautiful attic in central Rome as a perfect couple. Sure of their love, they prefer cohabitation to the traditional bourgeois marriage. Their best friends, however, Constance and Alfredo, the so-called Prof. a famous heart surgeon, are married. They belong to the upper class and manage their marriage as a Ltd. One evening, the Prof. and Constance burst into Vanni and Linda’s house. Constance has found out that Alfredo has a lover. This is the beginning of so many recriminations also involving Vanni and Linda, throughout the night, and will bring unexpected bitterness to both the couples. Which of the two couples, the morning after, in that apartment which has become a battlefield, will survive? FILMEXPORT GROUP (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 12/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) LETTERS FROM WAR (CARTAS DA GUERRA) Portugal - 105 min - Portuguese - 2016 - Director: Ivo M. FERREIRA - Cast: Miguel NUNES, Margarida VILA-NOVA, Ricardo PEREIRA, João Pedro VAZ 1971. António Lobo Antunes life is brutally interrupted when he is drafted into the Portuguese Army to serve as a doctor in one of the worst zones of the Colonial War – the East of Angola. Away from everything dear he writes letters to his wife while he is immersed in an increasingly violent setting. While he moves between several military posts he falls in love for Africa and matures politically. At his side, an entire generation struggles and despairs for the return home. In the uncertainty of war events, only the letters can make him survive. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 LIFE AT THESE SPEEDS 12/5 OLYMPIA 7 (17:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 6 (11:30) Usa - 105 min - English - 2015 - Director: Leif TILDEN - Cast: Billy CRUDUP, Graham ROGERS, Liana LIBERATO, Stefanie SCOTT, Tim ROTH We all have those memories. Indelible, perfect memories that make you glow with happiness. Like the way the sun shone off her hair the morning you met her; or the sound of your best friend’s laughter after an inside joke, or your coach’s inspiring speech; or daydreaming with the love of your life about your future together… CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre LIFE RISKING ROMANCE (MOK-SUM GEON YEON-AE) 11/5 GRAY 5 (14:00 invit) Korea (south) - 110 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Joy SONG - Cast: Ji-Won HA, Chen BO-LIN, JungMyung CHUN 33-year old Jane is a mystery novelist who is notorious for habitual false reporting to the police in town. Her only friend is police officer Rock-hwan, who has had a crush on her since childhood. One day, Jane hears a scream of help from an apartment upstairs and reports that a serial killer lives above her but no one believes her. Convinced that Jason, the handsome man living upstairs, is a serial killer, she asks Rock-hwan to help follow him around with her. But as she learns more about Jason in her pursuit to uncover the truth, she begins to fall for him. Seeing her in this state, Rock-hwan feels a tinge of jealousy. UNITED PICTURES (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G12 - ✆ 82 10 6246 4642 a-112 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique SAÏD BEN SAÏD & MICHEL MERKT PRESENT MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ SIGOURNEY WEAVER A FILM BY WALTER HILL TONY SHALHOUB ANTHONY LAPAGLIA CAITLIN GERARD 14/5 PALAIS B (11:30) - 17/5 GRAY 2 (09:30) LIFE, ANIMATED Usa - 91 min - English - 2015 - Director: Roger Ross WILLIAMS At three years old, a chatty, energetic little boy named Owen Suskind ceased to speak, disappearing into autism with apparently no way out. Almost four years passed and the only stimuli that engaged Owen were Disney films. Then one day, his father donned a puppet—Iago, the wisecracking parrot from Aladdin—and asked “what’s it like to be you?” And poof! Owen replied, with dialogue from the movie. Life, Animated tells the remarkable story of how Owen found in Disney animation a pathway to language and a framework for making sense of the world. By evocatively interweaving classic Disney sequences with verite scenes from Owen’s life, the film explores how identification and empathy with characters like Simba, Jafar, and Ariel forge a conduit for him to understand his feelings and interpret reality. Beautiful, original animations further give form to Owen’s fruitful dialogue with the Disney oeuvre as he imagines himself heroically facing adversity in a tribe of sidekicks… (more info on cinando.com) DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 LIKE CRAZY (LA PAZZA GIOIA) QR14/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45) - OLYMPIA 4 (09:45) - THEATRE CROISETTE (18:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 1 (09:45) - 18/5 PALAIS I (09:45) - 19/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) Italy, France - 116 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Paolo VIRZI - Cast: Valéria BRUNI-TEDESCHI, Micaela RAMAZZOTTI Beatrice is a blabbermouth and a so-called billionaire countess who likes to believe she’s in intimacy with world leaders. Donatella is a young quiet tattooed woman, locked in her own mystery. They are both patients of a mental institution and subject to custodial measures. Paolo Virzì’s new film tells the story of their unpredictable friendship and their escape from the treatment constraints that will become an hilarious and moving adventure of two technically insane creatures, looking for a bit of fun and love in this open-air nuthouse, the world of healthy people BAC FILMS (France) - 24, La Croisette, 5th floor - ✆ 33 6 26 98 85 59 u LILIOM ÖSVÉNY —> LILY LANE LILY LANE (LILIOM ÖSVÉNY) 12/5 PALAIS B (13:30) - 15/5 PALAIS B (11:30) Hungary - 91 min - Hungarian - 100 - Director: Bence FLIEGAUF When Rebeka and her young son, Danny, are together, they throw themselves into a world of stories and secrets. After the death of her mother, Rebeka decides to track down her estranged father. She takes Danny to places she knew as a child, inventing stories as a way of relating her dark recollections of childhood to him. While her memories start turning into demons, Rebeka and Danny carry on their dreamy journey regardless. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 u LÍNEA DE CUATRO —> BACK FOUR 18/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) LISTEN Lebanon, France - 101 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Philippe ARACTINGI - Cast: Hadi ABOU AYASH, Ruba ZAAROUR, Yara BOU NASSAR Joud is a discreet and sensitive young sound engineer. One day, on a shooting set, Joud meets the beautiful Rana, a vibrant and rebel actress.A young and spirited love is born. After a car accident, Rana falls into a coma. Joud refuses to give up and starts sending her a variety of sounds hoping to bring her back to life since he learned people in a coma can still hear their surroundings. With the help of Marwa, Rana’s sister, Joud is able to deliver the sounds to his sleeping lover. The unintended relationship between Joud and Marwa will evolve throughout time into an unforeseen attraction. FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA (Lebanon) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 208 11/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30) LITTLE MEN Usa - 85 min - 2015 - Director: Ira SACHS - Cast: Greg KINNEAR, Jennifer EHLE, Paulina GARCIA, Theo TAPLITZ, Michael BARBIERI Jake (Theo Taplitz) is a quiet, sensitive middle schooler with dreams of being an artist. He meets the affably brash Tony (Michael Barbieri) at his grandfather’s funeral, and the unlikely pair soon hit it off. The budding friendship is put at risk, however, when a rent dispute between Jake’s parents, Brian and Kathy (Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Ehle), and Tony’s mother, Leonor (Paulina Garcia), threatens to become contentious. MONGREL INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand L12 - ✆ 151 4912 8983 LITTLE MOUNTAIN BOY (SCHELLEN-URSLI) 14/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:30) Switzerland - 104 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - French, Italian, Swiss-German, German, English - 2015 Director: Xavier KOLLER - Cast: Jonas HARTMANN, Marcus SIGNER, Tonia Maria ZINDEL, Leonardo NIGRO, Martin RAPOLD, Sarah Sophia MEYER, Julia JEKER, Laurin MICHAEL Ursli is a real mountain boy, living with his family and his beloved animals in the Swiss Alps. When an accident occurs and all the kids in his village mock him, he stands a great adventure with cleverness and bravery. Directed by ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Xavier Koller! ARRI MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Germany) - LERINS Stand L11 a-114 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 PALAIS J (11:30) LIVE AND BREATHE IT (COMME ILS RESPIRENT) France - 90 min - French - 2015 - Director: Claire PATRONIK - Cast: Anna CHIRESCU, Louise DJABRI, Hugo MBENG, Claire PATRONIK, Claire TRAN Forget about the fantasy of a ballerina with satin slippers or the bohemian lifestyle of “Fame.” This film takes us into the daily lives of five characters whose paths may be very different, but are united by a common past, a common drive, a common need — dancing. UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand H8 14/5 PALAIS G (18:00) LIVING LOST Usa, Guatemala, El Salvador - 110 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English, Spanish - 2013 - Director: Jon BESSIRE Cast: Alan PIETRUSZEWSKI, Arman ALI, Jessica BUDA, John CHURCH, Jon BESSIRE, Lauren TAFOYA, Luis BACK, Natalie PERO, Brent GORDON, Daphne BACH, Elizabeth GELB, Gary CASEY, Gemma DEMPSEY, Keith BIENERT, Neal LOZINS, Richard PHILLIPS One more deal will make Gene Timbault a billionaire, but on the eve of his big score, discovers he has an incurable disease. Does he attempt an experimental treatment and sacrifice his career, or go full throttle for the deal, but lose his life? Gene surprises everyone when he chooses the unexpected… Escape! The adventure begins… NEW WORLD CINEMAS, INC (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.06 u LO CHIAMAVANO JEEG —> THEY CALL ME JEEG 12/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) LOBANOVSKYI FOREVER (LOBANOVSKIY NAVSEGDA) Ukraine - 92 min - Russian, Ukranian, French, English, Italian - 2016 - Director: Anton AZAROV Cast: Oleg BLOKHIN, Jozsef SZABO, Michel PLATINI, Carlo ANCHELOTTI, Igor SURKIS, Jacques FERRAND, Serhiy REBROV, Leonid KRAVCHUK, Bernard BERNARD LYONS This film is a documentary about the remarkable coach of the greatest award-winning football team of the former Soviet Union, Dynamo Kiev. The film features some unique archival footage and interviews of Ukrainian and foreign footballers, coaches, journalists, sport officials, fans, opponents and even presidents. Our story is a saga of a unique man, an unquestionable hero and a symbol of his epoch, his team and his country irrespectively of the club emblem he wore on the pocket of his jacket. Valeri Vasilievich Lobanovskiy is our 20th century. Without him both the history of the Soviet Union and contemporary history of the independent Ukraine would be impossible to imagine. “Lobanovskiy forever” is a football symphony with a solo of a truly genius coach and the orchestra of that time. DAS BOOT PRODUCTION (Ukraine) - RIVIERA DOC CORNER - ✆ 38 067 774 2039 13/5 PALAIS H (15:30) LONDON RAMPAGE United Kingdom - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Greg BURRIDGE - Cast: Greg BURRIDGE, Steve PATTEN, William OSPREAY London Rampage takes you on a dangerous journey through a city that carefully hides its dark underbelly of drugs, extortion, guns and illegal fight tournaments. Darren returns to his home turf in East London after a 10 year hiatus. The estate is in decay and rival gangs run the show, making it tough for his younger brother & sister to avoid the inevitable dangers of their perilous home town. It’s sink or swim as he ties to create a better world for his only remaining family, while the nefarious leaders on the estate make it difficult for him to walk the straight and narrow. CALIFORNIA PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand C7 - ✆ 33 6 60 69 12 82 15/5 OLYMPIA 9 (17:30) - 17/5 PALAIS D (09:30) LONDON TOWN Usa - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Derrick BORTE - Cast: Jonathan RHYS-MEYERS, Daniel HUTTLESTONE, Natascha MCELHONE In 1970s London, a 14-year-old boy discovers the music of The Clash and experiences first love over the course of one life-changing summer. RADIANT FILMS INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL 5th floor, Albatross Entrance - ✆ 1 310 806 2540 u LORO CHI? —> THEM WHO? 15/5 PALAIS K (14:00) LOS CABOS GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 CARROÑA by Sebastián Hiriart, LA HABITACIÓN by Carlos Carrera, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Carlos Bolado, Ernesto Contreras, Alfonso Pineda Ulloa, Alejandro Valle, Iván Ávila Dueñas and Natalia Beristáin, LOS DÍAS MÁS OSCUROS DE NOSOTROS by Astrid Rondero and WILLIAM EL NUEVO MAESTRO DEL JUDO by Ricardo Silva and Julia Pastrana. LOS CABOS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Mexico) u LOS PARECIDOS —> THE SIMILARS LOST IN ARMENIA (CELUI QU’ON ATTENDAIT) 16/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) France - 90 min - 2016 - Director: Serge AVEDIKIAN - Cast: Patrick CHESNAIS A French comedian accidentally crosses the border and lands in a small Armenian village. Not speaking the language, with no passport and no phone, will he ever be able to leave? WTFILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Goeland entrance, 2 Floor, DoorA BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-115 12/5 LERINS 1 (10:00) LOST IN THE PACIFIC Malaysia - 90 min - 2015 - Director: Vincent ZHOU - Cast: Brandon ROUTH, Russell WONG, Kitty ZHANG A story centered around a group of elite passengers on board an inaugural luxury, transoceanic flight that turns into a disaster. DARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 15/5 PALAIS F (13:30) LOST SOLACE Canada - 106 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Chris SCHEUERMAN - Cast: Andrew JENKINS, Melissa ROXBURGH, Leah GIBSON, Charlie KERR, Michael KOPSKA, Johannah NEWMARCH Spence Cutler is a psychopath. He’s never felt empathy or guilt. However, a fateful encounter with a new drug is about to give him a dose of too much reality, and he takes a mind-bending trip down the psychedelic highway of consciousness to come face to face with his own morality and his own twisted soul. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G7 - ✆ 44 7765 398742 u LOU XIA DE FANG KE —> THE TENANTS DOWNSTAIRS 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:30) LOUIS & LUCA - THE BIG CHEESE RACE (SOLAN OG LUDVIG - HERFRA TIL FLÅKLYPA) Norway - 78 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Rasmus A. SIVERTSEN When Louis the Magpie hears about the traditional Cheese Race, he is immediately hooked. Carried away by his enthusiasm to win, he places a secret bet on his team’s victory: the entire house and the amazing workshop of this friend, brilliant inventor Alfie Clarke! With his best buddy Luca the Hedgehog and clever Alfie on his team, Louis has no doubt he can prove himself a true racing champion. However, his confidence is shattered when his opponent’s team is boosted by a wacky comedian and a fierce gorilla. Will Alfie forgive Louis and will the friends bring home the victory against all odds? SOLA MEDIA GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F5 u LOVE —> AMOUR 12/5 OLYMPIA 3 (13:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 3 (09:30) LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Ireland, France, Netherlands - 94 min - English - 2015 - Director: Whitt STILLMAN - Cast: Chloe SEVIGNY, Kate BECKINSALE, Xavier SAMUEL Launched in Sundance to great reviews and enthusiastic audiences, Whit Stillman’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s early novella ‘Lady Susan’ delivers an exquisite comedy of match-making and heart-breaking. PROTAGONIST PICTURES (United Kingdom) - GRAND HOTEL 45 la croisette 7 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 39 30 70 11/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) LOVESONG Usa - 85 min - English - 2016 - Director: So YONG KIM - Cast: Jena MALONE, Riley KEOUGH, Brooklyn DECKER, Amy SEIMETZ, Ryan EGGOLD, Rosanna ARQUETTE Sarah (Riley Keough), a young mother, raises her precocious daughter in their country home while feeling abandoned by her husband, who perpetually travels for work. When Sarah’s old friend Mindy (Jena Malone) comes to visit, they decide to take a road trip, and after an alcohol-infused heart-to-heart, a long unspoken intimacy emerges between the longtime friends. Later Sarah is unable to articulate her thoughts about her husband or Mindy, and Mindy makes the decision to leave the trip and go home. Three years later, the two women are reunited for Mindy’s wedding, and Sarah is forced to reconcile the reality of her feelings. Sundance Film Festival alumna So Yong Kim (In Between Days, For Ellen) delicately strips down the central relationship of Lovesong using the poetics of naturalism and minimalism, where silence and gazes tell a more complete story than explicit dialogue. Keough delivers a beautifully understated and interior performance as Sarah, a woman suffocating in her isolation… (more info on cinando.com) MONGREL INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand L12 - ✆ 151 4912 8983 11/5 PALAIS D (11:30) - 14/5 PALAIS D (09:30) LOVETRUE Usa - 90 min - 2015 - Director: Alma HAR’EL Non-Fiction LOVETRUE offers a unique exploration of the challenges that love can present and how our past and present experiences shape the decisions we make when the fantasy of True Love dissipates. Using cinematic expressions of past memories and possible futures, the film also examines non-fiction performance as a documentation of truth and a purveyor of memory. Following three surprising love stories in starkly different American landscapes, we dive into the mysterious, the familiar, the dysfunctional, and the imaginary aspects of their relationships. LOVETRUE is a poetic rollercoaster down the inevitable nature of our shifting perspective on love. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 LOVING CO 16/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 19:00) - 17/5 SALLE DU 60e (10:30) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 2 (11:30) United Kingdom, Usa - 123 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jeff NICHOLS - Cast: Joel EDGERTON, Ruth NEGGA, Michael SHANNON “Loving” celebrates the real-life courage and commitment of an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving, who married and then spent the next nine years fighting for the right to live as a family in their hometown. Their civil rights case, Loving v. Virginia, went all the way to the Supreme Court, which in 1967 reaffirmed the very foundation of the right to marry – making their love story an inspiration to couples everywhere. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) a-116 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique u LUMEA E A MEA —> THE WORLD IS MINE M MA LOUTE (SLACK BAY) CO13/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 14:00, 18:30) - 14/5 SALLE DU 60e (12:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 1 (17:30) - 17/5 PALAIS K (09:45) - 19/5 LERINS 1 (17:30) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 2 (09:30) France - 122 min - French - 2015 - Director: Bruno DUMONT - Cast: Juliette BINOCHE, Fabrice LUCHINI, Valeria BRUNI TEDESCHI Summer 1910. Several tourists have vanished on the beaches of the Channel Coast. Infamous inspectors Machin and Malfoy soon gather that these mysterious disappearances take place in Slack Bay. There lives a community of fishermen. Among them evolves a curious family, the Brufort, lead by the father “The Eternal”, who rules as best as he can on his prankster bunch of sons, especially the impetuous Ma Loute. Towering high above the bay stands the Van Peteghems’ mansion. Every summer, this degenerate bourgeois family stagnates in the villa, not without mingling during their leisure hours with the local people. As starts a peculiar love story between Ma Loute and the young and mischievous Billie Van Peteghem, confusion and mystification will descend on both families, shaking their foundations. MEMENTO FILMS INTERNATIONAL (MFI) (France) - 84 Rue d’Antibes, 4th Floor u MA VIE DE COURGETTE —> MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE MA’ ROSA CO 18/5 LUMIERE (16:00) - 19/5 SALLE DU 60e (13:30) - LERINS 3 (15:30) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 1 (09:30) Philippines - 110 min - Filipino - 2016 - Director: Brillante MA MENDOZA - Cast: Jaclyn JOSE, Julio DIAZ Ma’ Rosa has four children. She owns a small convenient store in a poor neighborhood of Manila where everybody likes her. To make ends meet, Rosa and her husband, Nestor, resell small amounts of narcotics on the side. One day, they get arrested. Rosa’s children are ready to do anything to buy their parents’ freedom from the corrupt police. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 u MADOU-AFTER THE RAIN —> BLOSSOMING INTO A FAMILY u MÃE SÓ HÁ UMA —> DON’T CALL ME SON 13/5 OLYMPIA 5 (12:00) MAGNUS Norway - 75 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, Norwegian - 2016 - Director: Benjamin REE - Cast: Magnus CARLSEN, Viswanathan ANAND, Garry KASPAROV In 2004, when Magnus was 13 years old he made a decision: He would become the World Chess Champion. The coming of age story unfolds as we follow the prodigy battling his way through the ranks of chess, with personal sacrifices, special friendships and a caring family. MAGNUS is a character driven drama that is bound to engage the non-chess players, as well as the over 600 million people who play chess all over the world. TRUSTNORDISK (Denmark) - Rue des Etats Unis 25, 4th floor - ✆ 45 2421 4133 u u u u MAHANA —> THE PATRIARCH MAHBAS —> SOLITAIRE MAIKÄFER FLIEG —> FLY AWAY HOME MAL DE PIERRES —> FROM THE LAND OF THE MOON 17/5 PALAIS I (14:00) MALAYSIA GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) presents a selection of works-in-progress by Malaysian filmmakers: YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME by Saw Teong Hin, PEKAK by Mohd Khairul Azri, REDHA by Tunku Mona Riza, TAIPING ADAGIO by We Jun Cho and HOKA HEY ‘A GOOD DAY TO DIE’ by Harold Monfils. NATIONAL FILM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MALAYSIA (FINAS) (Malaysia) 13/5 LERINS 3 (09:15) MALGRÉ LA NUIT France - 155 min - French - 2016 - Director: Philippe GRANDRIEUX English musician Lenz searches for his lover Madeleine, who has mysteriously disappeared, but tumbles into an amour fou with troubled, self-destructive Héléne. Grieving the loss of her infant son, Héléne seeks oblivion in the murky subterranean world of a brutal sex ring, followed by Lenz. A stark, elliptical, hauntingly spectral narrative with scenes of sensual abandon and raw carnality. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-117 13/5 PALAIS G (16:00) MAMMAL Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg - 99 min - English - 2015 - Director: Rebecca DALY - Cast: Rachel GRIFFITHS, Barry KEOGHAN, Michael MCELHATTON Margaret, a separated woman in her forties, living alone in Dublin, learns that her teenage son has gone missing. Enduring this unsettling grief privately, Margaret escapes daily to the local swimming pool. One day at the pool she runs into Joe, a homeless youth she took care of late one night when she found him injured outside the charity shop she manages. Margaret offers Joe a room in her house and an unorthodox relationship starts to develop between them. After her son is found dead, Margaret’s ex-husband, Matt, begins to turn up randomly in her life. As Margaret and Joe’s mutual reliance grows their tentative trust is threatened by the escalation of Matt‘s grieving rage and Joe‘s involvement with a gang of violent youths. PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 u MAN WITH THE BINOCULARS —> ANTARDRISHTI u MÄNGELEXEMPLAR —> TOO HARD TO HANDLE 12/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) MANHATTAN UNDYING Usa, Canada - 92 min - 5 - 10 M$ - 2016 - Director: Babak PAYAMI - Cast: Luke GRIMES, Sarah ROEMER, Christopher JACOT, Daniel KASH A new thriller from acclaimed filmmaker Babak Payami, winner of the Best Director Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival. In this sexually-charged thriller, a beautiful vampire seeks out an artist to paint her portrait so she can truly see herself for the first time. Their relationship quickly escalates, as does a police investigation into a series of grisly crimes that seemly point back to her. BLEIBERG ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L7 MANTO’S WORLD (MANTOSTAAN) 14/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) India - 92 min - Hindi - 2015 - Director: Rahat KAZMI - Cast: Shoib KAZMI MANTOSTAAN is a dark satire based on four burning and the most controversial short stories (Khol DO, Thanda Ghosht, Assignment and Aakhri Salute) of Legendary Urdu writer Saadat Hassan Manto. Stories are set in 1947 India Pakistan partition time throwing a spotlight on most inhuman side of human beings. Manto’s Characters take you to a very dark satirical world where his characters grab your breath by portraying darkness yet innocence, gritty yet humorous at parts… MANTOSTAAN talks about the sufferings of common people and how the most beautiful creature called human being turns into the ugliest. BACKGROUND: In the riots, which preceded the partition in the Punjab Province, between 200,000 and 2,000,000 people were killed in the retributive genocide between the religions, estimates 14 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims were displaced during the partition; it was the largest mass migration in human history… (more info on cinando.com) RAHAT KAZMI FILMS (India) MAQUINARIA PANAMERICANA (PANAMERICAN MACHINERY) 12/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) Mexico, Poland - 86 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Joaquin DEL PASO - Cast: Javier ZARAGOZA, Ramiro OROZCO, Irene RAMIREZ, Edmundo MOSQUEIRA A run down construction-machine factory in Mexico City: Maquinaria Panamericana. The employees are happily winding down for the weekend, just like every Friday, except that this day a shocking event breaks their routine: their beloved boss, Don Alejandro, is found dead in the back of a warehouse. Soon this discovery leads to further ones: the company is bankrupt, the workforce have no prospects of employment elsewhere and no hope for any retirement funds. In a state of confusion, fear and grief they decide to hide his death and lock themselves in their dusty workplace to play out an improbable solution. LUXBOX (France) - RIVIERA Stand A10 MARIE & THE MISFITS (MARIE ET LES NAUFRAGES) 14/5 LERINS 1 (10:00) France - 104 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Sebastien BETBEDER - Cast: Eric CANTONA, Vimala PONS, Pierre ROCHEFORT, Damien CHAPELLE, André WILMS, Wim WILLAERT An alternative love triangle swinging between fiction and literature. Marie is an alluring young woman who lacks self confidence. When she leaves Antione – a melancholic writer, she meets with Simeon, a jobless journalist. Yet she prefers to let fate decide for her future. Antoine and Simeon become obsessed by Marie. This is a story of desperate souls between Paris and an island in Brittany. It’s also a story about a story being written. ALPHA VIOLET (France) - RIVIERA Stand E18 u MARLY GOMONT —> THE AFRICAN DOCTOR a-118 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique MASCULIN FÉMININ CC 12/5 BUÑUEL (12:30) France - 106 min - French - 1966 - Director: Jean-Luc GODARD - Cast: Jean-Pierre LEAUD, Marlène JOBERT, Chantal GOYA, Brigitte BARDOT As his girlfriend tries to advance her pop singing career, disillusioned PauI protests the Vietnam war… A portrait of “the children of Marx and Coca Cola “, the generation of the late 60s with its contradictory responses to sex, politics and culture and consumer society. A new generation who “can’t get no satisfaction.” Godard’s look is critical but not without tenderness. TAMASA DISTRIBUTION (France) u MATE-ME POR FAVOR —> KILL ME PLEASE 13/5 PALAIS D (09:30 invit) MAURIZIO CATTELAN: BE RIGHT BACK Usa - 95 min - English, Italian - 2016 - Director: Maura AXELROD - Cast: Maurizio CATTELAN, Massimiliano GIONI, Nancy SPECTOR, Francesco BONAMI, Marian GOODMAN, Giada Cattelan CATTELAN, Sarah THORNTON An art world upstart, provocative and elusive artist Maurizio Cattelan made his career on playful and subversive works that send up the artistic establishment, until a retrospective at the Guggenheim in 2011 finally solidified his place in the contemporary art canon. Axelrod’s equally playful profile leaves no stone unturned in trying to figure out: who is Maurizio Cattelan? DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 u ME CASE CON UN BOLUDO —> I MARRIED A DUMBASS u ME’EVER LAHARIM VEHAGVAOT —> BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS AND HILLS MEAN DREAMS QR 15/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (14:15:00, 22:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) Canada - 108 min - English - 2016 - Director: Nathan MORLANDO Mean Dreams is a coming-of-age thriller about a fifteen-year-old boy who steals a bag of drug money and runs away with the girl he loves while her corrupt cop father hunts them down. TELEFILM CANADA (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 u MÉDECIN DE CAMPAGNE —> IRREPLACEABLE u MEESTER KIKKER —> MR FROG 16/5 PALAIS H (15:30) MELLOW MUD (ES ESMU ŠEIT) Latvia - 105 min - Latvian - 2016 - Director: Renars VIMBA - Cast: Elina VASKA, Andzejs LILIENTALS, Edgars SAMITIS, Zane JANCEVSKA Loneliness, disillusionment and the experience of first love reveal the character of Raya, a 17-year-old living in rural Latvia with her grandmother and her little brother Robis. A staggering turn of events shakes up their lives, and the young girl must come to decisions that even a grown woman would find difficult to make. In his strong debut feature, director Ren rs Vimba carefully handles the delicate theme of coming-of-age and accepts the challenge of telling the story through the eyes of a young girl. PLUTO FILM DISTRIBUTION NETWORK GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 MEMORIAS DEL SUBDESARROLLO CC 20/5 BUÑUEL (18:30) Cuba - 97 min - English, Spanish - 1968 - Director: Tomas GUTIERREZ ALEA - Cast: Sergio CORRIERI, Daisy GRANADOS, Eslinda NUNEZ, Omar VALDÉS, René DE LA CRUZ Memories of the Underdevelopment traces back the history of Sergio, a well-to-do middle-class intellectual who – a year after the Castro revolution – and unlike his family and wife, not to leave the country. Estranged from the major sociopolitical upheaval that are changing the surrounding reality, Sergio is a misfit, caught between a past that he refuses and present transformations he cannot or will not embrace. His only income is a compensation he receives following the nationalization of his properties. Under the pretext of writing a book or a journal, Sergio spends his time trying to understand what is happening in his country, what happened to him, observing the outside world, reviewing his own life. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) MERCENARY (MERCENAIRE) QR15/5 PALAIS C (10:00 prio) - 16/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:30 prio) - 18/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (11:45, 20:30) - 19/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) France - 103 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sacha WOLFF - Cast: Toki PILIOKO, Laurent PAKIHIVATAU, Iliana ZABETH Soane, a young man of Wallisian origin from New Caledonia, defies his father’s authority to go play rugby in France. Left to his own devices on the other side of the world, his odyssey will take him on the path to becoming a man in a world where there is a price to be paid for success. BE FOR FILMS (Belgium) - RIVIERA Stand A6 - ✆ 33 6 14 34 37 55 MERCI PATRON ! (MERCI PATRON!) 13/5 GRAY 2 (15:30) - 17/5 PALAIS J (11:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 2 (10:00) France - 84 min - French - 2015 - Director: François RUFFIN JOUR2FETE (France) - RIVIERA Stand D8 a-120 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique u MERCI PATRON! —> MERCI PATRON ! MIDNIGHT RETURNS: THE STORY OF BILLY HAYES AND TURKEY CC 17/5 BUÑUEL (20:30) Turkey, Usa, United Kingdom, Portugal - 99 min - English - 2015 - Director: Sally SUSSMAN After his ingenious escape from a Turkish prison in 1975, Billy Hayes arrived home to a hero’s welcome, instant celebrity and within a week had a book and movie deal for his story. From the moment it stunned the world at the Cannes Film Festival in 1978, ‘Midnight Express’ cemented its place in film history as an artistic and financial success, before becoming an indelible part of pop culture. But its lasting impact has been on Turkish people worldwide who blame Billy Hayes for defaming them and their country. In an effort to clear his conscience Billy attempts a rapprochement with the Turkish nation but is refused entry. It is only when he receives an invitation from a most unlikely source that he returns to Turkey and faces a nation still haunted by the film and his own demons. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 14/5 PALAIS H (11:30) MIDORI-THE CAMELLIA GIRL Japan - 90 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Torico TORICO - Cast: Risa NAKAMURA “Careful what you dream” New live action movie based on the extreme “Shojo Tsubaki”, a masterpiece manga comic, heavily censored at the time, of a young orphan girl tricked into working as a house maid for a travelling troupe of circus freaks where she is constantly humiliated and denigrated. Until she is taken under the wing of a magician who joins the troupe. Despite his reluctance she persuades him to help her realise her dream of becoming a movie star! But there is a cost to this…! LUPERCAL COMMUNICATION LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 05 MIMOSAS SC 13/5 ARCADES 3 (09:30) - 15/5 PALAIS C (16:00) - 16/5 MIRAMAR (11:30, 17:00, 22:15) 17/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) - OLYMPIA 2 (12:00) Spain, Morocco, France, Qatar - 93 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Oliver LAXE - Cast: Ahmed HAMMOUD, Shakib BEN OMAR, Said AAGLI, Ikram ANZOULI, Ahmed EL OTHEMANI, Hamid FARDJAD, Margarita ALBORES A caravan escorts an elderly and dying Sheikh trough the Moroccan Atlas. His last wish is to be buried with his loved ones. But death does not wait. The caravaneers, fearful of the mountain pass, refuse to continue transporting the corpse. Ahmed and Said, two rogues traveling with the caravan, promise to take the body to its destiny. But do they really know the way? In another world, parallel and remote, Shakib is chosen to travel to the mountains where the caravan is. His assignment is clear: he has to help the improvised caravaneers to reach their destination. Shakib also doubts, this is his first mission. LUXBOX (France) - RIVIERA Stand A10 12/5 PALAIS H (17:30) MINA’S OPTION (EMKAN-E MINA) Iran - 100 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Kamal TABRIZI - Cast: Milad KEYMARAM, Mina SADATI, Shahrokh FOROUTANIAN, Shayesteh IRANI, Siamak SAFARI Doubt, suspicion and finally cheating leads romantic life of Mehran and Mina to a fatal path… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 u MINTE-MA FRUMOS IN CENTRU VECHI —> SWEET LITTLE LIES IN DOWNTOWN 13/5 LERINS 1 (10:00) MISBEHAVIOR Korea (south) - 81 min - Korean - 2015 - Director: Tae-Yong KIM - Cast: Ha-Neul KIM, In-Young YOO, Won-Gun LEE Hyo-joo, an untenured instructor at a boys’ high school is assigned to a class of seniors as a HR teacher. She notices that a specialized dance student Jae-ha is absent from the self-study session and finds him practicing ballet in the gym. The next day Hae-young, the school board chairman’s daughter arrives as a tenured instructor, the position assumed to be offered to Hyo-joo soon. Hae-young, sweet and without worries, treats Hyo-joo with affection, but Hyo-joo gives her the cold shoulder. Then one day, Hyojoo witnesses Hae-young and Jae-ha locked in an embrace in the gym, and she starts feeling a sense of humiliation towards Hae-young, while gradually falling for Jae-ha’s elusive charm. FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 MISS IMPOSSIBLE (JAMAIS CONTENTE) 12/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 2 (12:00) France - 90 min - French - 2015 - Director: Emilie DELEUZE - Cast: Léa MAGNIEN, Raphaëlle DOYLE, Patricia MAZUY, Philippe DUQUESNE, Alex LUTZ Some would say Aurore lives a boring life. But when you are a 13 year-old girl, and just like her have an uncompromising way of looking at boys, school, family or friends, life takes on the appearance of a merry psychodrama. Especially with a new French teacher, the threat of being sent to boarding school, repeatedly falling in love and the crazy idea of going on stage with a band… DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 u MOK-SUM GEON YEON-AE —> LIFE RISKING ROMANCE BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-121 15/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) - 18/5 LERINS 4 (09:30) MOLLY MONSTER Germany - 70 min - English - 2016 - Director: Ted SIEGER, Michael EKBLAD, Matthias BRUHN Molly Monster deals with the theme of becoming a sister or a brother and the excitement that comes with it from the point of view of a small child. Enchanting and entertaining – a universal preschool adventure. BERLIN IFF 2016: World Premiere - Generation GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 MOMOTARO, UMI NO SHINPEI CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (15:30) Japan - 74 min - Japanese - 1945 - Director: Mitsuyo SEO A propaganda animated feature film made during WWII with the funding by the Ministry of Navy. Based on the story of a typical Japanese fairy-tale, Momotaro, here depicted the activity of the Imperial Navy by comparing Momotaro with his follower animals to the Japanese Navy. The film was released in 1945, during the wartime Japan and has influenced the countless next-generation animators. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 13/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) MONEY Usa - 86 min - English - 2015 - Director: Martin ROSETE - Cast: Kellan LUTZ, Jesse WILLIAMS, Jamie BAMBER, Jess WEIXLER, Lucia GUERRERO Two wealthy businessmen are about to get away with $5 million in ill-gotten money until their plans are revealed by an uninvited house guest. RED SEA MEDIA INC. (Usa) - LERINS Stand L27 MONEY MONSTER HC 12/5 LUMIERE (11:00, 19:30) - 13/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:30) Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jodie FOSTER - Cast: George CLOONEY, Julia ROBERTS, Jack O’CONNELL, Dominic WEST, Caitriona BALFE, Giancarlo ESPOSITO In the real-time, high stakes thriller Money Monster, George Clooney and Julia Roberts star as financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty, who are put in an extreme situation when an irate investor who has lost everything (Jack O’Connell) forcefully takes over their studio. During a tense standoff broadcast to millions on live TV, Lee and Patty must work furiously against the clock to unravel the mystery behind a conspiracy at the heart of today’s fast-paced, high-tech global markets. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 17/5 PALAIS E (12:00) MONKEY TWINS (VANORN KU FUD) Thailand - 110 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Thai - 2015 - Director: Nonthakorn THAWEESUK - Cast: Sumret MUANGPUT, Panyanut JIRAROTTANAKASEM The story revolves around the life of Nuer, who has moved himself away to avoid retribution and vengeance. Among the changes to his local cultural surroundings, this young man, assigned to the role of Hanuman, a leading masked monkey character of the Khon dance drama, has been simultaneously trained in the martial art skills by his father and grandfather (Klar). With the inherited abilities in the performing art form called Khon Sod, he and his family members have made a living for generations. Nuer has one deep scar in his heart, which is the tragedy of a Chinese opera singer (Mei Fin) whom he was in love with. She passed away in the violent fight between himself and a gangster group, which also physically disabled the son of a Mafioso (Soe). One day, he comes across Lii-in, Mei Fin’s younger sister, who has come back from China with an education in Chinese Opera. She has always mistakenly believed that Nuer is the one who killed her sister… (more info on cinando.com) KAOTHAITAYARN CO.,LTD (Thailand) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.01 16/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) MONODIALOGUE (МОНОДИАЛОГ) United Kingdom, Russia - 50 min – 0.3 M$ - Russian, English - 2015 - Director: Veronika SILCHENKO Cast: Pavel BORODATOV Reflections of a Russian ex-politician who found political asylum in London. SV PRODUCTIONS (United Kingdom) - ✆ 044 783 457 3558 12/5 PALAIS B (09:30) - 15/5 GRAY 1 (14:00) MONOLITH Italy, Usa - 83 min - English - 2016 - Director: Ivan SILVESTRINI - Cast: Katrina BOWDEN, Damon DAYOUB, Brandon JONES, Jason HAYDEN It’s night and Sandra is driving in the middle of the desert her new car, the safest SUV ever conceived: the MONOLITH. She is trying to get to Los Angeles to reach her husband, jealousy is killing her and she wants to find out whether he’s cheating on her or not. Her 2 years old child, David, is tied on his child seat as locked as he can be, playing with her mother’s smartphone. Distracted by the baby, Sandra runs over a deer. She has to stop and get off the car to check the damage she has made. While out, David by mistake pushes the remote control of the car from the cellphone screen and MONOLITH locks down, leaving her outside and trapping him in. There is no way to open the car from the outside, the security system is too perfect to be forced. The night in the desert is dangerous and the day is so hot that the car is turning into an oven. Sandra doesn’t have much time to save her son and she can only count on her own forces. TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 a-122 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 PALAIS K (20:30) MONSIEUR CHOCOLAT (CHOCOLAT) France - 119 min - French - 2015 - Director: Roschdy ZEM - Cast: James THIÉRRÉE, Omar SY Rafael Padilla, aka Chocolat, was born in Cuba in 1860. He was the first black artist to appear on a French stage, and he and the clown Footit were the first to create a duo between a whiteface clown and a black Auguste. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 13/5 PALAIS H (17:30) MOOR Pakistan - 120 min - English - 2015 - Director: Jamshed Mahmood RAZA - Cast: Hameed SHEIKH, Samiya MUMTAZ, Shaz KHAN, Abdul QADIR, Shabbir RANA, Sultan HUSSAIN When his wife dies unexpectedly, Wahid must come to terms with her passing and his guilt from the events that led up it. As the railroad stationmaster of a rural Pakistani town, Wahid has become entangled with a criminal gang that is destroying the railways. With his elder brother dragging him deeper and deeper down a corrupt path, Wahid must choose between the promise of a more comfortable life and his wife’s dying wish for him to walk away from his deal with the criminals. When his estranged son Ehsaanullah returns home, Wahid discovers that the young man has been caught up in a similar conflict in the big city. Both the father and son must make hard decisions about the meaning of loyalty - to one’s land, one’s family and one’s principles. ADLER AND ASSOCIATES ENTERTAINMENT INC. (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand K3 - ✆ 31 068 435 45 12/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) - 15/5 LERINS 2 (09:30) MORRIS FROM AMERICA Usa, Germany - 89 min - English, German - 2015 - Director: Chad HARTIGAN - Cast: Markees CHRISTMAS, Craig ROBINSON, Carla JURI, Lina KELLER, Jakub GIERSZAŁ, Levin HENNING Morris Gentry is 13, overweight, and fancies himself the next Notorious B.I.G. He’s entering puberty, self-conscious, and new to living in Heidelberg, Germany, where nobody else looks or acts like him. His single father Curtis is better at relating to Morris as a friend than a father, bonding with his son over their shared love of music. Initially, Morris only interacts with Curtis and Inka, his kind - if naïve - German language tutor, but when forced to attend summer classes at a youth center, he instantly falls in love. 15-year-old Katrin is just the girl for Morris: rebellious, cool as ice, and not as indifferent toward him as the other kids. As the two begin to develop a slow friendship (albeit one that Morris hopes will be the start of something deeper), Morris drifts further from Curtis, who is having a hard time of his own adjusting to his son’s burgeoning adolescence. In the wake of these changing relationships, Morris risks everything in a journey far outside of his comfort zone toward self-confidence and acceptance in this new, foreign environment VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 11/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS Ireland, Russia - 101 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Russian - 2015 - Director: Johnny O’REILLY - Cast: Aleksey SEREBRYAKOV, Yuri STOYANOV, Mikhail EFREMOV, Lyubov AKSYONOVA The volatile intersections of contemporary Moscow and the intimate lives of five people. MONTECRISTO INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - LERINS Stand L25 13/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) MOSTLY SUNNY Canada, India - 90 min - English, Hindi - 2015 - Director: Dilip MEHTA Growing up in small-town Sarnia as the daughter of strict Sikh parents, no one anticipated Sunny Leone’s remarkable transformation into an adult film star and Penthouse cover girl – not even Sunny herself. More astonishing still, Leone has reinvented herself in India as a mainstream reality TV star and Bollywood actress beloved by millions of men and women, despite widespread awareness of her spicy past. The UNTITLED SUNNY LEONE DOCUMENTARY asks what makes Leone tick, and explores the birthplace of the Kama Sutra’s paradoxical relationship with sex. MONGREL INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand L12 - ✆ 151 4912 8983 12/5 OLYMPIA 3 (17:30) MOTHER (EMA) Estonia - 89 min - 2016 - Director: Kadri KÕUSAAR - Cast: Tiina MÄLBERG, Andres TABUN, Andres NOORMETS, Siim MAATEN, Jaan PEHK, Jaak PRINTS, Rea LEST The film focuses on a woman whose adult son has fallen into a coma after being shot. Taking care of him at home, she has to face a whole town trying to solve the puzzle of what exactly happened. But in a small town, where everyone knows everyone and everything except for what’s right under their nose, the world’s clumsiest crime may go unsolved. FILM SALES COMPANY (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand H8 15/5 ARCADES 2 (10:00) MOUNTAIN CRY China - 107 min - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Larry YANG - Cast: Yueting LANG, Ziyi WANG, Taishen CHENG, Ailei YU Set in a remote, spectacularly scenic mountain village in China in the mid 1980’s, MOUNTAIN CRY weaves a tale that begins with the sudden violent death of a man under unusual circumstances, leaving behind a mysterious widow - a young mute woman with two young children. The now broken family, strangers from a distant province, upends the village’s tight-knit traditional community structure. As the local village leaders struggle with how to handle the matter, the widow forms a bond with the hardworking young man who is tasked with providing for her and her children, and both he and the villagers discover that she has a dark story to tell, and the power to tell it wordlessly. FORTISSIMO FILMS (Netherlands) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 20 bis Rue des Serbes, 7th floor BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-123 MR FROG (MEESTER KIKKER) 12/5 PALAIS E (16:00) - 17/5 PALAIS D (13:30) Netherlands - 82 min - 2016 - Director: Anna VAN DER HEIDE - Cast: Jeroen SPITZENBERGER, Georgina VERBAAN, Yenthe BOS, Paul KOOIJ Adapted from a novel by best-selling author Paul van Loon (Fuchsia the Mini Witch), this is the story of an ordinary schoolteacher who has an extraordinary secret: from time to time, he changes into a frog! Luckily one of his pupils loves amphibians and she will do everything to protect him! From the producer of Minoes and Wiplala. ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION (Canada) - 32 du Commandant André St. - 4th MRS B, A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) - 20/5 RIVIERA 2 (12:00) France, Korea (south) - 70 min - Korean, Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Jero YUN Mrs. B. worked in a weapons factory in North Korea. Ten years ago, she left her village for China. She intended to work there for a few months then go back home to her husband and their two sons. But she was sold by traffickers to Jin, a poor Chinese peasant. She has become a smuggler herself and she plans to reunite with her two sons who are now living in South Korea. Arrested by the police while crossing illegaly the Thai border, she is transferred to the South Korean immigration service. Mrs B is now living in Seoul with her two sons. But to finally start a new life with her sons, Mrs. B. has to fight for justice. She has been accused of spying and trafficking by National Intelligence Service. A new battle begins for her. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 19/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) MRS RIGHT GUY South Africa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Adze UGAH - Cast: Dineo MOEKETSI, Lehasa MOLOI, Thapelo MOKOENA, Tau MASERUMULE, Thando THABETHE, Robert WHITEHEAD Gugu, the walking wounded, rejects men long before they can get too close to rock her self-imposed exile from love. But to find bliss with the right guy, she must first realise that no man is created equal and that, in love, nice guys not only have staying power but can be just right too. NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 120 19/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) MRS. B., A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN France, Korea (south) - 71 min - Korean, Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Jero YUN While illegally leaving North Korea, Mrs. B. is sold by her smugglers to a Chinese farmer. She becomes a smuggler herself and engages in a struggle to reunite with her sons. But the Intelligence Service gets involved… ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette 15/5 OLYMPIA 6 (13:30) MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (AQUI NO HA PASADO NADA) Chile - 94 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Alejandro FERNANDEZ Vicente, a college student on summer vacation, spends his days relaxing at the family beach house, drinking and flirting. Out partying one night, he piles into a car with new friends and winds up in a deadly hit-and-run accident. With his memory hazy and the others offering conflicting accounts, Vicente finds himself entangled in a criminal case and a corrupt system that closes ranks around the actual driver, the son of a prominent politician. FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 u MULLEWAPP - EINE SCHÖNE SCHWEINEREI —> FRIENDS FOREVER - A PIG’S TALE 15/5 PALAIS G (14:00) MY BROTHER, KHOSRO (BARADARAM, KHOSRO) Iran - 95 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Ehsan BIGLARI - Cast: Shahab HOSSEINI, Bita FARAHI, Nasser HASHEMI, Hengameh GHAZIANI Story of two brothers who have to spend some time together… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 12/5 GRAY 2 (15:30 invit) - 20/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) MY FIRST HIGHWAY Belgium - 82 min - Flemish - 2016 - Director: Kevin MEUL During a campsite holiday in Spain with his family, Benjamin falls hopelessly in love with a local girl. Being both outsiders, they are strongly attracted to each other. She finally shares her secret with him: she needs to find the man who raped her. Troubles begin. PREMIUM FILMS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 MY GRANDMOTHER FANNY KAPLAN 105 min - Director: Alena DEMYANENKO FOUNDATION OF CITIZENS “MOLODIST” (Ukraine) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 103 a-124 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 12/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) 11/5 OLYMPIA 7 (17:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30) MY HINDU FRIEND Brazil - 114 min - Brazilian-Portuguese, English - 2015 - Director: Hector BABENCO Diego is a film director very close to death. With a newly married wife and a brother in tow, Diego takes off for a last chance operation in America. His tempestuous behaviour makes his family and friends despair and disaster strikes when his brother abandons him in his moment of need. On his journey for a cure, with all the odds stacked against him, Diego finds new friends and a chance to relive his life. HANWAY FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 1st Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 16 14 MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE (MA VIE DE COURGETTE) QR 15/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (11:45, 17:15) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 5 (10:00 prio) 17/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (15:00) - 20/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) France, Switzerland - 66 min - French - 2016 - Director: Claude BARRAS Zucchini is an intriguing nickname for a 10 year old boy. Although his unique story is surprisingly universal. After his mother’s sudden death, Zucchini is befriended by a kind police officer Raymond, who accompanies Zucchini to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. At first Zucchini struggles to find his place in this strange, at times, hostile environment. Yet with Raymond’s help and his new found friends, Zucchini eventually learns to trust, finds true love and at last a new family of his own. INDIE SALES (France) - GRAND HOTEL Résidence La Flamant 8 floor - ✆ 33 6 62 93 51 62 MY MOTHER’S WOUND (ANNEMIN YARASI) 12/5 GRAY 4 (15:15) - 14/5 GRAY 4 (15:15) Turkey - 120 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Turkish - 2016 - Director: Ozan ACIKTAN - Cast: Bora AKKAS, Belcim BILGIN, Meryem UZERLI, Ozan GUVEN Upon turning eighteen, Salih leaves the orphanage to find his lost family and begins working in a Serbian farm. Suddenly, at the most unexpected moment he has found a home. Will he ever be able to let go of the ghosts of his past and be happy in this new life? As tension escalates disquieting secrets surface. MONTECRISTO INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - LERINS Stand L25 17/5 PALAIS K (18:00) MY NEIGHBOUR MARTIKA Australia - 118 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English, French - 2016 - Director: László MOHÁCSI - Cast: Emma BELLAMY, Jessica RACZ The gap between the rich and the poor has widened beyond repair. While the rich minority enjoy the delights of life, poor folk exist in a perennial state of squalor. They are distracted, confused, with nothing to do but quarrel over their plight and think about the never-ending pursuit of a better life obtained through the collection of money. For Alyona and her neighbour Martika, the end of their friendship begins here. With polar opposite personalities, they slowly disintegrate from realism to idealism, forgetting the trust they once shared, allowing desperate circumstances to inflict constant loneliness and inducing a never ending cycle of torment. THE PROLETARIAT (Australia) - 3 la Croisette - Level 4 MY NEW SASSY GIRL (YEOP-GI-JEOK-IN-GEU-NYEO-TWO) 11/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) - 15/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) Korea (south) - 100 min - Korean, Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Gun-Shik JOH - Cast: Tae-Hyun CHA, Victoria, Mina FUJII The new girl has finally come to Gyeon-woo’s life ever since his love left him. This new girl who came from China was Gyeon-woo’s elementary sweet heart. He has a charming memory about helping her learn Korean. One day, they were destined to meet! They passionately fell in love each other, and it led them to get married although not everyone was supporting for their marriage. Thanks to her craziness, Gyeon-woo even gets a job! He is the happiest man in the world! Their unimaginable and bizarre newlywed life will be unfolded! MIROVISION INC. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand D2 - ✆ 82 10 9552 3719 16/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) MY REVOLUTION France - 80 min - Arabic, French - 2016 - Director: Ramzi Ben SLIMAN - Cast: Samuel VINCENT, Anamaria VARTOLOMEI, Lubna AZABAL, Samir GUESMI Marwann is 14 years old. He lives in the Goutte d’Or neighborhood in Paris. He’s a radiant teenager, struggling to make a dent on Sygrid’s heart. Everything changes with the Arab Spring. Marwann unintentionally becomes the voice of the Jasmine Revolution. Suddenly finding himself behind the wheel of History, Marwann lies, goofs off and seduces as he invents a new character for himself: a revolutionary hero. Caught up in his lie, he explores love and his identity. VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 16/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00) MY SCIENTOLOGY MOVIE United Kingdom - 99 min - English - 2015 - Director: John DOWER Louis Theroux heads to Los Angeles for his feature documentary, in collaboration with director John Dower and double Academy Award winning producer Simon Chinn, exploring the Church of Scientology. HANWAY FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 1st Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 16 14 12/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) MYSTIC GAME Russia - 90 min - 2015 - Director: Artyom AKSENENKO - Cast: Alexander PETROV, Siana POZHARSKAYA, Kirill KOZAKOV Alex is a charming young adventurer who is dragged into the struggle of two powerful wizards. As a result of this battle, his beloved Tanya is cursed. To save himself and Tanya, Alex is forced to find a way out of this dangerous Mystic Game RED SEA MEDIA INC. (Usa) - LERINS Stand L27 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-125 N u NAFAS —> BREATH 12/5 PALAIS D (11:30) NAKOM Ghana, Usa - 90 min - Other, English - 2016 - Director: Kelly Daniela NORRIS, Tw PITTMAN - Cast: Jacob AYANABA, Grace AYARIGA, Justina KULIDU After his father’s sudden death, Iddrisu, a talented medical student, returns to his home village of northern Ghana. Faced with a debt that could destroy his family, Iddrisu has no choice but to turn their farm and fortunes around. Over the course of a growing season, Iddrisu confronts both the tragedy and beauty of village life, and must finally choose between two very different futures. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 11/5 PALAIS H (11:30) NALEDI: A BABY ELEPHANT’S TALE Usa - 90 min - 2016 - Director: Ben BOWIE, Geoff LUCK NALEDI: A BABY ELEPHANT’S TALE is ‘March Of The Penguins’ for elephants: the heartwarming, emotional true story of Naledi – a baby elephant - and her journey from birth through early childhood, caught live on camera in stunning, intimate detail. CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre u NEBEL IM AUGUST —> FOG IN AUGUST 14/5 PALAIS F (09:30) - 16/5 PALAIS C (14:00) NEERJA India - 110 min - Hindi - 2016 - Director: Madhvani RAM - Cast: Sonam KAPOOR, Shabana AZMI ‘Neerja’ is a biopic and a cinematic representation of the dramatic events that unfolded on September 5th, 1986 when Pan Am Flight 73 from Bombay to New York was hijacked in transit at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi by Palestinian extremists from Abu Nidal’s terrorist outfit. This is the story of Neerja Bhanot, a 22 year old part time model, who was the head purser on the flight. Neerja had escaped an abusive marriage at a very young age and as a life change, decided to become an air hostess, subsequently impressing everyone so much that they made her a purser. Throughout the horrifying situation, Neerja didn’t succumb to her fears and instead she fought her personal demons from the past and from the minute the plane was hijacked, through the terrifying 17 hours to the grueling end, she used her courage, wits and compassion to make sure that the passengers were protected, going as far as to hiding the passports of the American passengers… (more info on cinando.com) FOX STAR STUDIOS INDIA PVT LTD. (India) NERUDA QR 13/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 17:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 2 (10:00) - ARCADES 1 (22:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 8 (10:00) Chile, France, Spain, Argentina - 106 min - Spanish, French - 2016 - Director: Pablo LARRAIN Cast: Gael Garcia BERNAL, Luis GNECCO, Mercedes MORAN, Pablo DERQUI, Alfredo CASTRO It’s 1948 and the Cold War has reached Chile. In congress, Senator Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco) accuses the government of betraying the Communist Party and is swiftly impeached by President Gonzalez Videla (Alfredo Castro). Police Prefect Oscar Peluchonneau (Gael Garcia Bernal) is assigned to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to flee the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril, but they are forced into hiding. Inspired by the dramatic events of his new life as a fugitive, Neruda writes his epic collection of poems, Canto General. Meanwhile, in Europe, the legend of the poet hounded by the policeman grows, and artists led by Pablo Picasso clamor for Neruda’s freedom. Neruda, however, sees this struggle with his nemesis Peluchonneau as an opportunity to reinvent himself. He plays with the inspector, leaving clues designed to make their game of cat-and-mouse more dangerous, more intimate. In this story of a persecuted poet and his implacable adversary, Neruda recognizes his own heroic possibilities: a chance to become both a symbol for liberty and a literary legend FUNNY BALLOONS (France) - 17 Square Mérimée, 2nd floor - ✆ 33 6 85 73 87 02 NEVER EVER (A JAMAIS) 15/5 ARCADES 1 (09:30 invit) France, Portugal - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Benoît JACQUOT - Cast: Mathieu AMALRIC, Julia ROY Rey is a filmmaker. In a museum, during a retrospective dedicated to him, he sees a young woman doing a performance. He follows her to the exit. Her name is Laura, she is younger than him. They fall in love and hastily get married. They live in a big secluded house by the sea. Months pass, Rey dies in a motorcycle accident. Laura finds herself alone in this house. During the stinging, and mellow at the same time, experience of mourning, she discovers a human being living with her. Sometimes “it” has Rey’s features sometimes hers. Through this process, Laura replays the words and gestures of the couple before death and she finds a sort of fascination that liberates her. ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 For full details go to a-126 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER 2016 15/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00) Germany - 110 min - German, English - 2016 - Director: Zora RUX, Daniel NOCKE, Mingus BALLHAUS Cast: Hanns ZISCHLER, Andreas SCHMIDT, Heiko PINKOWSKI German Films invites you to discover young German talents with the latest edition of the acclaimed annual program of recent German shorts. Expect a selection of outstanding and wide-ranging films that exhibit a wealth of creativity and a variety of narrative forms. The program includes the animations AMOUR FOU by Florian Werzinski, PIANOID by Janina Putzker, WHO WILL PAY THE BILL? by Daniel Nocke, the animated documentaries EAT MY DREAM by Jessica Dürwald and EYE FOR AN EYE by Mahyar Goudarzi, Steve Bache, Louise Peter, as well as the fiction shorts CHAY by Charlotte A. Rolfes, EMILY MUST WAIT by Christian Wittmoser, GERM-FREE by Samuel Pleitner, PRINCE ALFRED by Mingus Ballhaus, SWEEPER’S PRIDE by Matthias Kossmehl, WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR BRAIN IF YOU SEE A GERMAN WORD LIKE…? by Zora Rux and the documentary ERIC THE SOLDIER by Charlotte Funke. NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER 2016 is supported by Sonopress and proomnia film and video. GERMAN FILMS SERVICE & MARKETING GMBH (Germany) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 125 - ✆ 33 4 92 59 01 80 NGO “CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN CINEMA” 18/5 PALAIS G (18:30) 90 min NGO CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN CINEMA (Ukraine) NICK - OFF DUTY (TATORT - OFF DUTY) 15/5 LERINS 4 (19:30) Germany - 120 min - German, English - 2016 - Director: Christian ALVART - Cast: Til SCHWEIGER, Fahri YARDIM, Luna SCHWEIGER Tough Hamburg cop Nick Tschiller lost his wife to the Turkish Mafia. When his teen daughter Lenny runs away to Istanbul to avenge her mother, Nick and his partner Yalcin go after her and find her in the hands of ruthless Russian gangsters. Lenny is abducted to Moscow and winds up in an organ harvesting clinic. Nick has to race against time to save his daughter’s life .. GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 u NICKY TANNER —> THE DRAGON SPELL (AKA NICKY TANNER) 14/5 PALAIS D (11:30) NIGHLIFE (NOCNO ZIVLJENJA) Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia - 95 min - Slovenian - 2016 - Director: Damjan KOZOLE Cast: Pia ZEMLJIC, Jernej SUGMAN, Marko MANDIC Lea Potokar is a college professor of solid principles. Her husband Milan is a successful attorney. They have everything expected of an affluent upper-middle class couple – an attractive apartment, a dignified air, and a son who studies abroad. When, late one night, Milan is found semi-conscious in suspicious circumstances, it becomes apparent that not everything is as it seems. Lea must confront insinuations, hushed-up truths, and her own fears, if she wants to protect her family. And herself. SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE (Slovenia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 - ✆ 33 4 92 59 02 32 14/5 PALAIS F (11:30) NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEB Usa - 85 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Kyle RANKIN - Cast: Maria THAYER, Michael CASSIDY, Ray WISE After a one night stand, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in town but pretty boy Ryan only knows it was a mistake and ushers her out the door… into a full-scale zombie apocalypse and a fight for survival as the mismatched pair discover that the only thing scarier than trusting someone with your life… is trusting them with your heart. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G7 - ✆ 44 7765 398742 15/5 PALAIS C (18:00) NIGHT’S TIGHTROPE (SHOJO) Japan - 120 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Yukiko MISHIMA - Cast: Tsubasa HONDA, Mizuki YAMAMOTO Two teenage girls harbor a desire to witness the moment when someone dies, in order to come face-to-face with the true meaning of death. Yuki works as a volunteer at a hospital’s pediatric ward in the summer holidays of her second year of high school. Toward the end of last semester, a transfer student in her class named Shiori boasted that she had seen the dead body of her best friend, which left Yuki feeling an indescribable sense of discomfort, and even a little envy. A desire has grown within her to surpass Shiori by being present when a person actually dies. What’s more, she wants to be the one to make that happen, in the most amusing way. She develops close relationships with the children she works with, who have cruelly little time left to live, and plots to make her dream come true. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Yuki, her best friend Atsuko is volunteering at a nursing home for the elderly… (more info on cinando.com) TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 u NIJU SEIKATSU —> A DOUBLE LIFE u NIKDY NEJSME SAMI —> WE ARE NEVER ALONE BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-127 18/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) NO OTHER GO India - 64 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English - 2016 The Film Moves around 5 Friends staying in a Hostel busy in their academics plans for a freak-out next morning. They all fell asleep late night then comes a message disturbing all of them ‘’WARNING THEIR DEATH BEFORE THE DAWN’’. In the meantime there would be Love Story Running between Hero and his Lover who is one amongst the gang. The hero will be planning to propose her next morning wherein there will be astonished by an unknown message, which will make them all sleepless. They shut themselves in one of thier room’s to hide oneself from the Mischievous Dialer. Later they will try to escape from the hostel by searching “THE EXIT” which would be left Mysterious, slowly this is followed by the death of gang one after the other in various scenarios. They are many mysterious characters involved in the death of the gang. But this is not “THE END” that makes a twist in the movie by which the audience will be starstrucked to. Altough the Mystery continuous… WATERFALL PICTURES (India) u NOCHE DE PERROS —> DOGS NIGHT u NOCNO ZIVLJENJA —> NIGHLIFE NOT SHORT ON TALENT (TALENT TOUT COURT) 16/5 PALAIS F (11:30, 13:30) - 17/5 PALAIS F (11:30) - 18/5 PALAIS F (11:30) 110 min TELEFILM CANADA (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 NOTES ON BLINDNESS 13/5 DOC CORNER (09:30) United Kingdom - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: James SPINNEY, Peter MIDDLETON In 1983, after decades of steady deterioration, writer and theologian John Hull became totally blind. To help him make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began documenting his experiences on audio cassette. Upon publication, John’s diaries were described by author and neurologist Oliver Sacks as ‘a masterpiece… The most precise, deep and beautiful account of blindness I have ever read.’ Following the Emmy Award-winning short film of the same name, NOTES ON BLINDNESS takes a creative approach to the documentary form. Actors lip-synch to the voices of the family, embedding John’s original audio recordings within compelling cinematography and textured sound design. The result is a poetic and intimate story of loss, rebirth and transformation, documenting John’s extraordinary journey into ‘a world beyond sight’. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 NOW I’M GONNA LOVE YOU 15/5 PALAIS I (14:00) 93 min FOUNDATION OF CITIZENS “MOLODIST” (Ukraine) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 103 u NUNCA VAS A ESTAR SOLO —> YOU’LL NEVER BE ALONE 17/5 PALAIS H (09:30) NUTS Lebanon - 107 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Henri BARGES - Cast: Darine HAMZE, Alexandra KAHWAGI, Gabriel YAMMINE, Hassan MRAD, Edmund HEDDED, Houssam SABAH, Tarek TAMIM, Bassel MADI, Jean EL ALAM, Abboudi MALLAH, Troy MAALOUF, Nayla MOUDABBER, Christina SADEH, Abdelrahman EL AWJI, Badih ABOU CHAKRA Lana, a young pretty and restless housewife likes to play the game of poker. The game leads her into unusual places where she is accompanied by her best friend and partner in crime Jenny, a sweet sassy man-eater. In a famous underground club in Beirut, they cross paths with Qassem, an old man in the long obsessive craze over the search of his brother’s murderer. Lana, cocky and a little too confident decides to shake hands and does business with him. From her doing, Jenny falls in love with one of Qassem’s henchmen, Waël, a violent mysterious looking pimp. But in Lebanon where woman struggle in finding their voice, things begin to go very wrong for them. Lana, who disappointed her old loony boss, finds herself at his menacing mercy. While Jenny on the other hand, discovers a terrible secret related to Waël’s childhood in which she now finds herself escaping the savagery of his brutal love. FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA (Lebanon) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 208 13/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) NY84 France, Usa - 80 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Cyril MORIN - Cast: Chris SCHELLENGER, Sam QUARTIN, David MARR III NY84 follows the adventures of three young artists in the downtown art scene in the early 1980’s. We gain an intimate glimpse into the creative and emotional life of Kate, Anton, and Keith. Young and carefree, the friends party, photograph, paint, sing, and play their way through the clubs and lofts of Alphabet City. Directed by Cyril Morin. MEDIA IN SYNC (France) O u O ROUBO DA TAÇA —> JULES AND DOLORES u OCHO APELLIDOS CATALANES —> SPANISH AFFAIR 2 a-128 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 ARCADES 1 (13:30) - 15/5 ARCADES 2 (16:00) - 17/5 PALAIS K (20:30) ODD JOB (UN PETIT BOULOT) France - 100 min - French - 2015 - Director: Pascal CHAUMEIL - Cast: Michel BLANC, Romain DURIS, Alice BELAIDI, Gustave KERVERN Jacques lives in a small town that has been going downhill ever since the last crisis. When the factory where he works closes down, it is the beginning of the end for him: his girlfriend Cathie leaves him and he finds himself struggling while waiting for better days that may never come. One day, André Gardot, a local bookmaker whom Jacques knows for having participated in a few of his illegal poker games, turns up. Gardot offers him a job: to take care of the murder of his wife for 20,000 euros. After hesitating briefly, Jacques accepts… GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 OFFICIAL SELECTION (SELECTION OFFICIELLE) 12/5 PALAIS G (14:00) - 17/5 PALAIS F (15:30) France - 89 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Jacques RICHARD - Cast: Bernard MENEZ, JeanClaude DREYFUS, Jackie BERROYER, Bruno PUTZULU, Margot VALLÉ, Jeanne GOUPIL, Géraldine DANON Ulysse, a young director hopes to seduce Clotilde by inviting the burgeoning actress on the Island of La Réunion at The Love Film Festival. Unfortunately he has missed submission deadline and his film will not be considered unless he can find a way to convince the organizers to show his film… LES FILMS ELEMENTAIRES (France) - filmselementaires@hotmail.com u OGGATONAMA —> THE UNNAMED u OLLAAN VAPAITA —> URBAN FAMILY u OMOR SHAKHSIYA —> PERSONAL AFFAIRS ON THE OTHER SIDE (S ONE STRANE) 17/5 PALAIS E (16:00) Croatia - 85 min - Croatian - 2016 - Director: Zrinko OGRESTA Vesna is a middle-aged visting nurse in Zagreb. She goes about her quiet daily life: babysitting her son, helping her daughter to prepare for her wedding. Out of the blue, she gets a call from her husband Zarko, who left his family on the eve of the war to fight for “the other side”. His reappearance sends her carefully reconstructed life in a tailspon, endangering her new identity… CERCAMON (United Arab Emirates) - RIVIERA Stand D6 - ✆ 33 6 21 71 39 11 11/5 PALAIS K (12:00 press) ONE AGAINST ALL 110 min CHINA SUNNY MEDIA CO. LIMITED (China) 18/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) ONE BREATH (EIN ATEM) Germany, Greece - 96 min - German, Greek - 2015 - Director: Christian ZÜBERT - Cast: Jördis TRIEBEL, Chara Mata GIANNATOU, Benjamin SADLER Due to the financial crisis in Greece, Elena decides to move to Frankfurt. She has become pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job working as a nanny for Tessa and Jan. Despite a few struggles with 1½ year-old Lotte at first, Elena starts enjoying the time with the little girl and makes friends with Tessa. In a careless moment, she loses Lotte and escapes from her responsibility and her conscience. Out of a powerless feeling, blind with grief and hatred, Tessa follows Elena to Athens. In Greece, she gets pushed to her limits of humanity and sanity. One breath decides on her ability to forgive herself and Elena. ARRI MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Germany) - LERINS Stand L11 12/5 PALAIS F (11:30) ONE FATAL WEEKEND United Kingdom - 94 min - English - 2015 - Director: Peter NICHOLSON - Cast: Callun BLUE, David HAYMAN, Rebecca NIGHT, Gemma-Leah DEVEREUX A dark and atmospheric story of female friendship tested by deceit, betrayal and a terrifying past. Susan, outwardly confident and Becky, more fragile and shy, both in their late twenties, are inseparable best friends. Before Becky’s imminent wedding, Susan treats Becky to a holiday on the moors. However, Susan’s motives for visiting Dartmoor are far from selfless and it turns out she’s motivated by something other than rugged landscapes. Both women have secrets they have not shared, some recent, some long past and deeply buried. After their encounter with the handsome charming Chris, they are led into a web of mind games, sexual deceit and betrayal. As Becky’s traumatic involvement in Chris’ own damaged past is revealed, a psychological journey swiftly becomes a fight for survival. MULTIVISIONNAIRE PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 07 11/5 PALAIS D (17:30) ONE KISS (UN BACIO) Italy - 102 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Ivan COTRONEO - Cast: Rimau Grillo RITZBERGER, Valentina ROMANI, Leonardo PAZZAGLI Lorenzo, Blu and Antonio are three High School sophomores in a small city in the North of Italy. For three unique reasons, they are all outsiders. Antonio, 16 years old, is a well-built young man and a key player for his basketball team. Off the court though, he is seen as dense and dull on account of his speech impediment. The whole school makes fun of him constantly for it. Girls don’t give him a chance and his teammates all think he’s stupid. Blu has just moved back to town. Every day on her walk to school she gets a rude reminder of what the entire community thinks of her by reading graffiti on the walls. One year ago she was caught having sex with her boyfriend and three other friends in a garage. Now the other girls at school avoid her and guys constantly harass her for easy sex. Then there’s Lorenzo who joins the class halfway through the academic year. He’s 15, gay and has recently been adopted… (more info on cinando.com) TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-129 u ONE NIGHT STAND, A MODERN LOVE STORY —> CE QU’IL NE FAUT PAS DIRE 12/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) ONE STEP Korea (south) - 95 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Jaihong JUHN - Cast: Sandara PARK, Jae-Seok HAN, Dong-In CHO Si-hyun loses all her memory after a car accident and lives with Ji-won at her place, her only friend whom she met at the hospital. Si-hyun only knows that she has colored hearing in which she can see sounds in colors, and that she hears an uncertain melody in her dream every night. Weary of fainting at the slightest noise, she always wears a set of headphones as big as her face. Then one day, Ji-won’s younger brother Woo-hyuk, who is secretly in love with Si-hyun, hears her sing an unfamiliar melody in her sleep. He writes down the melody on a score and gives it to Si-hyun as a gift. Meanwhile, Jee-il, a washed-up composer chances upon this score and offers Si-hyun to find the melody in her dreams. As the song nears completion, Si-hyun’s fragmented memories return to her. FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 16/5 PALAIS G (14:00) ONE UNDER THE SUN Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Vincent TRAN, Riyaana HARTLEY - Cast: Pooja BATRA, Gene FARBER, Michael KEELEY, Ava CANTRELL Astronaut Kathryn Voss, sole survivor of a disastrous space mission, is desperate to reunite with her terminally ill daughter but becomes a fugitive when the government discovers she’s returned to earth with an extraordinary gift. LOVE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 9 rue des Vosges ONE WEEK AND A DAY (SHAUVA VE YOM) SC 15/5 MIRAMAR (11:30, 17:00, 22:30) - 16/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) - OLYMPIA 5 (18:00) Israel - 98 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Hebrew - 2016 - Director: Asaph POLONSKY - Cast: Shai AVIVI, Evgenia DODINA, Uri GAVRIEL, Tomer KAPON, Sharon ALEXANDER, Alona SHAULOFF When Eyal completes the traditional Jewish week of mourning for his late son, his wife urges him to return to their daily routine. Instead, he gets high with a young neighbor and sets out to discover that there are still things in his life worth living for. NEW EUROPE FILM SALES (Poland) - GRAND HOTEL Polish Cinema Stand, 9th Floor ONE-EYED JACKS CC 16/5 BUÑUEL (22:30) Usa - 141 min - English, Spanish - 1961 - Director: Marlon BRANDO - Cast: Marlon BRANDO, Karl MALDEN, Katy JURADO After robbing a Mexican bank, Dad Longworth takes the loot and leaves his partner Rio to be captured but Rio escapes and searches for Dad in California. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) u ONNA GA NEMURU TOKI —> WHILE THE WOMEN ARE SLEEPING OPEN AT NIGHT (OUVERT LA NUIT) 12/5 ARCADES 1 (15:30) - 14/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30) France - 94 min - French - 2015 - Director: Edouard BAER - Cast: Audrey TAUTOU, Edouard BAER Who is Luigi, the dashing theater director who acts more like a ship captain? He runs one of the most prestigious theaters in Paris, but tonight, in the eve of the opening of the new play The Woman and the Monkey, he is a bit lost.. The team fusses, the rehearsal turns to disaster and the Grand Master Dazai, a great Japanese director, threatens to cancel everything if he cannot have a real monkey on stage immediately. Never mind! Luigi accepts the challenge and goes off to find the damn animal. After all, finding a monkey at night in Paris, what a wonderful job! In this crazy search, he is accompanied by Faeza, a young, overconfident and uptight trainee. She will discover Luigi’s Paris, colorful and flamboyant, and learn that when all the problems are coming at once, you have to give priority to the one you find most amusing. It will be a night full of surprises, a night where the absurd turns into an initiatory journey. LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 16/5 LERINS 1 (20:30) OPERATION CHROMITE PROMO SCREENING Trailer Korea (south) - 40 min - 2016 FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 u ORIGIN OF HEAVEN —> EL ORIGEN DEL CIELO 13/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) - 16/5 LERINS 3 (16:00) OUR LOVERS Spain - 90 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Miguel Ángel LAMATA - Cast: Eduardo NORIEGA, Michelle JENNER Carlos is about 40 years old. He’s attractive, but he looks sad, as if life isn’t treating him very well. One day he goes into a very nice bookstore-bar, and he asks for a brandy. His first brandy. Irene is about 30. As soon as she sees Carlos come into the bookstore-bar, she decides that she wants to “play with him”, without knowing him, without ever having seen him before. She just wants to improvise, without any hurry or obligations. Both need something to help them deal with their recent love failures. And so, without telling each other their names or exchanging phone numbers, Carlos and Irene start dating in the same bookstore where they met for the first time. Irene is a born dreamer, Carlos has forgotten how to dream, but both enjoy their little game, which connects them in a way they could have never imagined. FILMAX INTERNATIONAL (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A1 a-130 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique u OUVERT LA NUIT —> OPEN AT NIGHT 13/5 PALAIS K (14:00) - 14/5 ARCADES 2 (14:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE (HIBOU) France - 83 min - French - 2015 - Director: Ramzy BEDIA - Cast: Ramzy BEDIA, Elodie BOUCHEZ Rocky leads the life of a model employee in a pharmaceutical laboratory. He is happy apart from the fact that nobody is aware of his existence… He is transparent. On returning home one evening, he discovers a Eurasian eagle owl, who stares intently at him. Rocky understands that if he wants to regain his dignity, he must act. The next morning, he arrives at the office wearing a promotional owl costume, yet nobody pays him the least attention. Until the day comes when he meets a Panda in the street. When an Owl meets a Panda, everything becomes possible… GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 u OYZERI TSITSANIS —> CLOUDY SUNDAY 12/5 ARCADES 3 (11:30) - 14/5 ARCADES 2 (10:00) OZZY Spain, Canada - 90 min - 10 - 25 M$ - 2016 - Director: Alberto RODRIGUEZ - Cast: Benjamin NATHAN, Stephen HUGHES, Jonathan MELLOR, Frank ROBLEDANO, James SHAW Ozzy, a friendly, peaceful beagle has his idyllic life turned upside down when the Martins leave on a long and distant trip. There’s only one problem: no dogs allowed! Unable to bring their beloved Ozzy along for the ride, they settle on the next best thing, a top-of-the-line canine spa called Blue Creek. This picture perfect place turns out to be a facade constructed by its villainous owner to capture dogs. Ozzy will soon end up in the real Blue Creek, a prison for dogs, run by dogs. Ozzy will have to avoid danger and find strength in his new friends, Chester, Fronky and Doc to escape the prison and return home safely. The narrative of ‘OZZY’ aims to follow in the footsteps of movies which employs Pixar-like quality and fun. ‘OZZY’ is an animated comedy-adventure movie targeted for kids of all ages and represents family entertainment at its best. The story itself is based, almost entirely, around dogs… (more info on cinando.com) SC FILMS INTERNATIONAL (United Kingdom) - 3rd Fl., 24 La Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 89 87 P 12/5 LERINS 4 (17:30) PALI ROAD Usa - 95 min - 2015 - Director: Jonathan LIM - Cast: Jackson RATHBONE, Michelle CHEN, Sung KANG A young doctor wakes up from a car accident and discovers she is married to another man and living a life she can’t remember. Her search for the truth to her past life will lead her to question everyone around her and her entire existence. ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 20/5 BUÑUEL (16:30) PALMARÈS CINEFONDATION CINEFONDATION (France) 17/5 PALAIS I (10:00) PANAMA GOES TO CANNES 110 min - 2016 The Festival Internacional de Cine Panamá presents the “Primera Mirada” winner film from its selection: NOELÍ EN LOS PAÍSES by Laura Amelia Guzmán. INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL PANAMA (Panama) u PANAMERICAN MACHINERY —> MAQUINARIA PANAMERICANA 13/5 PALAIS D (13:30) - 17/5 PALAIS H (15:30) PAT & MAT Czech Republic - 83 min - 2016 - Director: Marek BENES Pat and Mat have been best neighbors for 40 years. Today, they decide to look back at their crazy life. What can be better than a home cinema showcasing a series of their everyday life stories recorded on 35mm reels?! As the old styled 35mm movie projector starts to roll and lights dim, they are amazed at how exciting their life has been. They have never been short of problems, nor solutions. They constantly fix something, even when nothing is broke. Life to them seems full of adventures and misadventures. They may not be the smoothest builders in the world; however, they surely are the most optimistic and imaginative ones! All is well that ends well! ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION (Canada) - 32 du Commandant André St. - 4th PATERSON CO 16/5 LUMIERE (16:00) - 17/5 SALLE DU 60e (13:00) - ARCADES 2 (16:00) - 18/5 ARCADES 2 (12:00) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 1 (16:45) Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jim JARMUSCH - Cast: Adam DRIVER, Golshifteh FARAHANI A wry comedy which chronicles the challenges of work and love and observes the quiet triumphs and defeats of daily life, and the poetry evident in its smallest details. K5 MEDIA GROUP GMBH (Germany) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Le Jardin du Grand Hotel (Shop) - ✆ 33 67 725 7262 PATHÉ INTERNATIONAL PROMO REEL Trailer 12/5 OLYMPIA 5 (10:00 invit) 90 min PATHE INTERNATIONAL (FR) (France) - GRAND HOTEL IBIS Entrance Apartment 4A/E BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-131 17/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) PATTAYA France - 97 min - French - 2015 - Director: Franck GASTAMBIDE - Cast: Franck GASTAMBIDE, Gad ELMALEH, Malik BENTALHA, Ramzy BEDIA Francky and Krimo dream about leaving their drab neighborhood for the notorious Thai beach resort of PATTAYA. To get there cheaply, the two friends come up with the mad idea of signing up the neighborhood dwarf in the World Dwarf Thai Boxing Championship. But what is meant to be a dream vacation is about to become the craziest, most perilous adventure of their lives… GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 12/5 PALAIS B (11:30) - 14/5 PALAIS I (14:00) PERFECT STRANGERS (PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI) Italy - 97 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Paolo GENOVESE - Cast: Giuseppe BATTISTON, Anna FOGLIETTA, Marco GIALLINI, Edoardo LEO, Valerio MASTANDREA TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 PERICLES THE BLACK (PERICLES IL NERO) CR15/5 GRAY 2 (09:30 invit) - 17/5 RIVIERA 2 (13:30 invit) - 18/5 PALAIS B (11:30 invit) - 19/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 20/5 PALAIS K (13:45) - 21/5 BAZIN (16:00) Italy - 106 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Stefano MORDINI - Cast: Riccardo SCAMARCIO, Marina FOIS, Gigio MORRA, Valentina ACCA, Maria Luisa SANTELLA, Lucia RAGNI Pericles is a noir film, a throwback to American movies of the ‘40s, with a tight rhythm and a plot which never misses a beat. The protagonist of the story, Pericle, works for an underworld boss and during one of his nomerous assignments he makes a serious mistake which damages another powerful boss. So he finds himself stuck in a situation which is well beyond him. Everyone wants to skin him alive, both his own boss to make sure he is pardoned by his rival and the latter to seek vengeance for the wrong he has been done. Pericle has no choice but to escape. During his escape, he meets a woman who lets him into her home and with her he starts a relationship which gradually turns into real affection. This will be a chance for him to grow, to become self-aware by refusing to follow the rules of his world. RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 PERSONAL AFFAIRS (OMOR SHAKHSIYA) CR 12/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:00) - 13/5 BAZIN (16:15) - 14/5 PALAIS D (13:30 prio) 16/5 LERINS 3 (12:00 prio) - 20/5 PALAIS I (15:45) Israel, Palestine - 90 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Maha HAJ In Nazareth, an old couple lives wearily to the rhythm of the daily routine. On the other side of the border, in Ramallah, their son Tarek wishes to remain an eternal bachelor, their daughter is about to give birth while her husband lands a movie role and the grandmother loses her head … Between check-points and dreams, frivolity and politics, some want to leave, others want to stay but all have personal affairs to resolve. FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 PERSONAL SHOPPER CO 17/5 LUMIERE (11:00) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:00) 18/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00) - SALLE DU 60e (17:00) - 19/5 LERINS 3 (10:00) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:45) France - 105 min - English - 2016 - Director: Olivier ASSAYAS - Cast: Kristen STEWART, Lars EIDINGER, Anders DANIELSEN LIE, Sigrid BOUAZIZ, Nora VON WALDSTÄTTEN Maureen is a young American in Paris making her living as a personal shopper for a celebrity. Also, she may have the psychic ability to communicate with spirits, just like her twin brother, Lewis, who recently passed away. Maureen soon starts receiving mysterious messages coming from an unknown source. MK2 FILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette 12/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) - 15/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) PET Usa - 90 min - 2015 - Director: Carles TORRENS - Cast: Dominic MONAGHAN Seth becomes obsessed with Holly, leading him to hold her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works. But soon the victim turns tables on her assailant… WTFILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Goeland entrance, 2 Floor, DoorA PETER AND THE FARM 13/5 PALAIS I (12:00) Usa - 92 min - English - 2016 - Director: Tony STONE - Cast: Peter DUNNING Peter Dunning is a rugged individualist in the extreme, a hard-drinking loner and former artist who has burned bridges with his wives and children and whose only company, even on harsh winter nights, are the sheep, cows, and pigs he tends on his Vermont farm. Peter is also one of the most complicated, sympathetic documentary subjects to come along in some time, a product of the 1960s counterculture whose poetic idealism has since soured. For all his candor, he slips into drunken self-destructive habits, cursing the splendors of a pastoral landscape that he has spent decades nurturing. Imbued with an aching tenderness, Tony Stone’s documentary is both haunting and heartbreaking, a mosaic of its singular subject’s transitory memories and reflections—however funny, tragic, or angry they may be. MAGNOLIA PICTURES & MAGNET RELEASING (Usa) - 24 La Croisette/La Brise, 2nd FL - ✆ 120 3952 4413 a-132 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 14/5 RIVIERA 1 (16:00) PHANTOM DETECTIVE (TAMJUNG HONG GILDONG: SARAJIN MA-EUL) Korea (south) - 125 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Sung-Hee JO - Cast: Je-Hoon LEE, Sung-Kyun KIM, A-Ra GO Private detective HONG Gil-dong is seeking revenge for his mother who was murdered in front of him when he was a child. An investigation determines that the assailant is a man named KIM, but when he arrives at the KIM’s house, he finds only the man’s grandchildren who tell him that their grandfather was kidnapped. HONG tracks down the vicious kidnapper with help from the grandchildren, but senses that he is not acting alone. The mastermind is the notorious leader of a massive cult – a man with a terrifying, bloody secret in his hands. Now, HONG decides to face him once and for all. CJ E&M CORPORATION / CJ ENTERTAINMENT (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand E19 u PILULE ALPHA, L’EXPERIENCE INTERACTIVE —> ALPHA PILL, AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE 15/5 GRAY 3 (20:00) PINKY BEAUTY PARLOUR India - 129 min - Hindi - 2016 - Director: Akshay SINGH - Cast: Sulagna PANIGRAHI, Khushboo GUPTA, Jogi MALLANG, Vishwanath CHATTERJEE, Akshay SINGH In India, unfortunately prejudice has taken deep roots in the form of an obsession with fair skin, especially with regards to women. This phenomenon is witnessed across the length and the breadth of this vast country. Women with fair skin are coveted, envied and considered beautiful and the darker-skinned ones are often shunned, mocked, shamed or considered inferior to their fairer skinned sisters. ‘Pinky Beauty Parlour’ is an engaging, entertaining, simple, poignant and ultimately tragic tale of the repercussions this obsession for fairer skin has on a human mind, families and society in general. The film takes us on a touching journey of two sisters’ lives, Pinky and Bulbul, who run a beauty parlor in one of the by-lanes of Banaras, the holiest of cities in India. Bulbul, the elder of the two sisters, who runs the small, quaint, but popular Pinky Beauty Parlour, is the sole guardian and kin to her younger sibling Pinky, since the death of their parents… (more info on cinando.com) AKSHIKHA ENTERTAINMENT (India) PIT AND THE PENDULUM CC 21/5 BUÑUEL (14:00) Usa - 80 min - English - 1961 - Director: Roger CORMAN - Cast: Vincent PRICE, John KERR, Barbara STEELE, Luana ANDERS Roger Corman’s The Pit and the Pendulum, starring Vincent Price (Nicholas Medina), is based on Edgar Allan Poe’s classic horror story, set in sixteenth-century Spain. The film opens with Francis Barnard (John Kerr) arriving at Nicholas Medina’s (Price) castle to investigate the death of his sister, Elizabeth (Barbara Steele), Medina’s deceased wife. Medina offers only a vague explanation as to the cause of her death, claiming she had become infatuated with the castle’s torture chamber. As Francis unravels the gruesome details of Elizabeth’s death he uncovers the secrets of Medina’s disturbing past. Each character becomes haunted by the ghost and corpse of Elizabeth, and Medina, on the verge of insanity, realizes his wife is not really dead. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES (TERRORE NELLO SPAZIO) CC 17/5 BUÑUEL (22:30) Italy, Spain - 88 min - Italian - 1965 - Director: Mario BAVA - Cast: Barry SULLIVAN, Norma BENGELL, Ángel ARANDA, Evi MARANDI, Stelio CANDELLI Spaceships Argos and Galliot are sent in exploration mission on the mysterious Aura planet. First landed, Argos does not show any sign of life. While Galliot’s crew members disembark in turn, they are taken of madness crisis and begun to kill each others. They rapidly discover that the same killing frenzy took hold of Argos’crew. The astronauts soon understand that Aura is inhabited by creatures ready for anything to run away from their dying planet… FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 17/5 LERINS 2 (13:15) PLAY YOUR GENDER Canada - 90 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Stephanie CLATTENBURG - Cast: Courtney LOVE, Sara QUINN, Melissa AUF DE MAUR What does it take for a woman to make it in music? ALL RIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E13 u POESIA SIN FIN —> ENDLESS POETRY u POJDI Z MANO —> COME ALONG POLICE FÉDÉRALE, LOS ANGELES CC 19/5 BUÑUEL (19:30) Director: William FRIEDKIN FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) Join & Watch Host easily & safely Invite anyone Watch anywhere BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-133 17/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) PORT OF CALL Hong Kong (China) - 98 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Cantonese - 2015 - Director: Philip YUNG - Cast: Aaron KOWK, Maggie SHIU, Patrick TAM, Jessie LI, Michael NING This is a story about three people, based on a true event – a murder and dismemberment that happened in Hong Kong. Jiamei Wang has moved to Hong Kong from Dongguan, China two years ago. Desperate to become financially independent from her mother and step-father, she ends up becoming a “compensated date”. Chi-chung Ting, a truck driver who had just been brutally dumped, finds Jiamei online. They communicate with each other via text message and become friends right away. They share their background stories, and talk about everything from love to hate, from life to death. On the day of the murder, Jiamei and Chi-chung finally meet in person. In the room, they play, indulge in ketamine and really enjoy themselves. Finally, they go to the bed. During sex, Jiamei tells Chi-chung she wants to die. Chi-chung squeezes her neck until she passes away. Chong Sir, in charge of investigating the case, is a quirky police officer… (more info on cinando.com) ALL RIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E13 POWER TO CHANGE – THE ENERGY REBELLION (POWER TO CHANGE – DIE ENERGIE REBELLION) 18/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) - 19/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) Germany - 94 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, German - 2016 - Director: Carl-A. FECHNER This is a film about a great vision – and the people turning it into reality: the rebels of our day. The future of world energy lies in decentralised, clean supplies stemming 100% from renewable sources. That is the message of the film documentary POWER TO CHANGE - the energy rebellion. Director Carl-A Fechner takes his audience on a journey through a country where hundreds of thousands of people are fighting for the energy revolution. Full of passion and hope, they accept setbacks and celebrate success. However, POWER TO CHANGE looks further afield. The film brings home to us why people in Ukraine fight with all they have left for a democratic energy system. POWER TO CHANGE is the story of transition to a future that dispenses with fossil fuels and nuclear energy – told through portraits of the people making it happen. It is touching, moving, surprising and informative. With a great accompanying score and shot in lavish Cinemascope, the film has a clear message for its audience: Let us fight together - for a world that is sustainable and just! Shot in Germany, Ukraine and Belgium POWER TO CHANGE is a dramatic narrative about passionate fighters for the energy transformation opposing scepticism and stagnation… (find more on cinando.com) FECHNERMEDIA GMBH (Germany) - ✆ 49 176 70 81 0210 18/5 PALAIS C (16:00) PRESUMED GUILTY Usa - 87 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Jijo REED Produced by Sugar Studios and directed by Los Angeles-based Jijo Reed, the controversial documentary tells the story of banking corruption in Switzerland and the country’s efforts to prosecute prominent individuals with the goal of winning international credibility. THE INVESTIGATIVE FOCUS: The Swiss court proclaimed that several Czech businessmen were responsible for pulling off a fraud on the Czech government. They were accused of pretending to be an American investor with a shell company called Appian Group. However, as we discovered, Appian Group was real, and was founded by Stephen Norris, who also is the co-founder of the well-known and respected Carlyle Group. One of Appian’s advisers also happened to be the former U.S. president George H. Bush and his former Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleburger. THE PROCESS: The shooting for the documentary took place in four countries. In addition to the USA, crews visited Switzerland, Belgium and the Czech Republic and features an interview with the IMF and World Bank’s ex-director Jacques de Groote, one of the people convicted… (find more on cinando.com) WORLD MEDIA DOCS (Usa) u PRIKOSNOVENIE VETRA —> A TOUCH OF WIND 16/5 LERINS 4 (09:30) PRISONER X Canada - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Gaurav SETH On a cold January night, a young man is found unconscious at the wheel not far from the Canadian border and a lump of weapons-grade Uranium is recovered from the trunk. He is thrown into a high-security prison and tortured relentlessly, but apart from a few vicious sounding curses, he utters nothing. Then one day, unprompted, the prisoner provides a detailed list of upcoming Supernova explosions. The very next day the first of those celestial events occurs exactly as predicted, sending shockwaves through the security establishment. It’s obvious; the man in custody is no ordinary terrorist. He is a time-traveler from the future! Fifteen years later, RAMIRO remains in “Sandbox” prison deep underground - but much has changed in the world above. Based on his ongoing intel, the US has waged a relentless war on terror in an attempt to neutralize the remaining 98 “temporal jihadists” he claims to have arrived with him… (more info on cinando.com) RAVEN BANNER ENTERTAINMENT (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand B4 14/5 PALAIS C (10:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 4 (18:00) PRIVATE SCREENING RAI 110 min RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 PRIVATE SCREENING TF1 INTL 11/5 ARCADES 2 (14:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 2 (14:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 2 (10:00) 81 min TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette PRIVATE SCREENINGS - EUROPA CORP 1 12/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 8 (14:00) 34 min EUROPACORP (France) - MAJESTIC Suite 250 a-134 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 2 (09:45) PRIVATE SCREENINGS - EUROPA CORP 2 108 min EUROPACORP (France) - MAJESTIC Suite 250 PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES QUINZAINE 1 QR 19/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (14:45) 95 min QUINZAINE DES REALISATEURS (France) PROGRAMME COURTS METRAGES QUINZAINE 2 QR 20/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:00) 99 min QUINZAINE DES REALISATEURS (France) 11/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) PROMO REEL (프로모릴) Trailer Korea (south) - 20 min - 2016 Next Entertainment World’s 2016 Marché du Film line-up promo reel. CONTENTS PANDA (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G6 11/5 PALAIS G (10:00) PROMO REEL OTHER ANGLE 110 min OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 11/5 OLYMPIA 1 (10:00) PROMO SCREENING TF1 INTL 110 min TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette 11/5 ARCADES 1 (20:30 prio) PROMO THE ODYSSEY 8 min WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 11/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00 prio) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 1 (12:00 prio) PROMOS 100 min WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 PROOF OF INNOCENCE (특별수사:사형수의편지 [TEUK-BYUL-SU-SA]) 14/5 PALAIS B (17:30) Korea (south) - 115 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Jong-Kwan KWON - Cast: Myung-Min KIM, SangHo KIM, Dong-Il SUNG Soon-tae is an upright taxi driver, a loving single father, and a proud citizen of Korea. All of a sudden, he is arrested as the main suspect behind the murder of the daughter-in-law of a major conglomerate. Despite Soon-tae’s pleads of innocence, he is sentenced the death penalty and his daughter is forced to endure the hardships of being the child of a murderer. Soon-tae who loses all hope sends out a letter of desperation to Pil-jae, a model policeman. However, Pil-jae has hung up his clothes and now works as an illegal broker for a small law firm. When he receives the letter from Soon-tae, he first disregards it but later learns that the case has something to do with the incident that forced him to retire from service. As Pil-jae tries to solve the murder case and indirectly prove Soon-tae’s innocence, he soon learns that the rabbit hole is deeper than he thought. CONTENTS PANDA (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G6 PSYCHO RAMAN (RAMAN RAGHAV 2.0) QR 16/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 18:45) India - 128 min - Hindi - 2016 - Director: Anurag KASHYAP - Cast: Nawazuddin SIDDIQUI, Vicky KAUSHAL A serial killer, Raman, sees his alter ego in a borderline cop, Raghav. From now on, Raman will have but one goal in life: make Raghav break bad STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 u PUBLIEKE WERKEN —> A NOBLE INTENTION u PYROMANEN —> PYROMANIAC 11/5 OLYMPIA 5 (14:00 invit) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 7 (13:30 invit) PYROMANIAC (PYROMANEN) Norway - 96 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Norwegian - 2016 - Director: Erik SKJOLDBJAERG - Cast: Agnes KITTELSEN, Henrik RAFAELSEN, Trond NILSSEN The year is 1981 and it is summer in the little village of Finsland. Dag is 19 years old and has spent his childhood in the countryside living with his parents. His father is chief of the local volunteer fire brigade and Dag has since he was a child been going along with his father to the call-outs. Dag has recently returned after a year of military service and his parents notice that he has changed. Then the fires begin. TRUSTNORDISK (Denmark) - Rue des Etats Unis 25, 4th floor - ✆ 45 2421 4133 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-135 Q QUAND NAÎTRA LE JOUR CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) Director: Aaejay KARDAR FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) u QUAND ON A 17 ANS —> BEING 17 13/5 GRAY 5 (10:00) QUEEN OF THURSDAYS (LA REINA DE LOS JUEVES) Usa - 79 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Orlando ROJAS - Cast: Rosario SUAREZ, Paula ROQUE, Alicia ALONSO, Fernando ALONSO She was the very pinnacle of grace, power and talent—yet for years Rosario Suárez, the former prima ballerina of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba, was only showcased on the ballet’s Thursday programs, and rarely in weekend performances. This went on for so long that Rosario became known as la reina de los jueves: the Queen of Thursdays. Her career in Havana existed only in deference to the founder and director of the Ballet, dancer and choreographer Alicia Alonso, the favored one chosen by Castro himself, until Rosario’s prima ballerina status was finally declared, long after she had reached the age where most dancers retired. Eventually a family crisis brought Rosario to Miami. And exile. As with many Cubans who struggle for years to make things work at home before surrendering to lure of new possibilities in Miami, Rosario’s inauguration of an artistic life in exile brought fresh challenges that were just as difficult to surmount as those she left behind… (more info on cinando.com) HABANERO (Brazil) - RIVIERA Stand A16 R 13/5 PALAIS D (11:30) RADIO DREAMS Usa - 91 min - Farsi, English - 2016 - Director: Babak JALALI - Cast: Mohsen NAMJOO, Lars ULRICH, Sulyman QARDASH, Siddique AHMED, Raby ADIB, Mohamamad TALANI, Boshra Dastournezhad DASTOURNEZHAD It’s a big day for the little radio station Pars Radio, broadcasting in Persian from San Francisco: Metallica is going to jam in the studio with Kabul Dreams, the first rock band from Afghanistan. But first, everyday life intervenes, in a dryly comical way. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 u RAMAN RAGHAV 2.0 —> PSYCHO RAMAN 11/5 PALAIS H (15:30) - 16/5 PALAIS B (15:30) RAMMSTEIN PARIS Germany, United Kingdom - 97 min - 2016 - Director: Jonas AKERLUND A state-of the-art-concert-film featuring the extraordinary German band RAMMSTEIN. Directed by award winning director Jonas Åkerlund NFP MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION (Germany) 13/5 RIVIERA 2 (11:30) - 15/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) RARA Chile, Argentina - 92 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Pepa SAN MARTIN - Cast: Mariana LOYOLA, Agustina MUÑOZ, Julia LUBBERT, Emilia OSSANDON, Daniel MUÑOZ, Sigrid ALEGRIA, Coca GUAZZINI Since their parents split up, Sara and her younger sister live with their mother, whose new partner is a woman. Everyday life for the four of them is very similar than it is for other families. The situation is actually totally fine with Sara. But not everyone sees it that way – her father in particular has his doubts. As Sara’s 13th birthday approaches, she feels rather overwhelmed: her first crush, her body is starting to change and to top it all off, conflicts over loyalty with her parents… Everything feels wrong. LATIDO FILMS (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 14/5 PALAIS D (15:30) RAVING IRAN Switzerland - 84 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Farsi, English - 2016 - Director: Susanne Regina MEUERS Anoosh and Arash are at the center of Tehran’s underground techno scene. Tired of hiding from the police and their stagnating career, they organize one last manic techno rave under dangerous circumstances in the desert. Back in Tehran they try their luck selling their illegally printed music album without permission. When Anoosh is arrested, there seems to be no hope left. But then they receive a phone call from the biggest techno festival in the world. Once landed in Switzerland, the haze of the instant euphoria evaporates quickly when the seriousness of the situation starts to dawn on them. RISE AND SHINE WORLD SALES (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand H8 a-136 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique RAW (GRAVE) SC 14/5 MIRAMAR (11:30, 17:00, 22:15) - 15/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) - OLYMPIA 2 (18:00 press) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 8 (12:00 press) France - French - 2016 - Director: Julia DUCOURNAU - Cast: Garance MARILLIER, Ella RUMPF, Rabah NAIT OUFELLA, Joana PREISS, Laurent LUCAS, Bouli LANNERS Everyone in Justine’s family is a vet. And a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a brilliant and promising student. When she starts at veterinary school, she enters a decadent, merciless and dangerously seductive world. During the first week of hazing rituals, desperate to fit in whatever the cost, she strays from her family principles when she eats raw meat for the first time. Justine will soon face the terrible and unexpected consequences of her actions when her true self begins to emerge… WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 17/5 LERINS 1 (16:00) RED BILLABONG Australia - 2015 - Director: Luke SPARKE - Cast: Jessica GREEN, Tim POCOCK In the Australian Outback, two brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked by someone or something from their worst nightmares - But is it just - A story? A legend? A hoax? Or is it real? ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 12/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) - 15/5 GRAY 5 (10:00) REDISTRIBUTORS United Kingdom - 82 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Adrian TANNER - Cast: Alexandra EVANS, Alastair MACKENZIE Redistributors is a contemporary thriller charting the plight of a PR girl on the run from the military corporation where she works. Forced to seek refuge amongst anti-capitalist outlaws – she finds that they are her only hope of destroying her former employers…and staying alive PRINC FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E1 u RELÈVE —> RESET 18/5 OLYMPIA 7 (11:30) REMAINDER United Kingdom, Germany - 97 min - English - 2015 - Director: Omer FAST - Cast: Tom STURRIDGE, Cush JUMBO, Ed SPELEERS, Danny WEBB, Nicholas FARRELL, Arsher ALI Hit by a falling object in a freak accident, an unnamed man awakens from a coma with £8.5m in compensation and his memory gone. All that remains is a fragmentary image – a small boy at the top of a stairwell in an old house, reaching out his hand to an old lady on the floor below – which the man physically reconstructs in the hope of triggering a more complex memory. Using his wealth, the man acquires a block of apartments and populates it with actors to play out the scene again and again and again. But as scraps of other memories present themselves and the man becomes ever more desperate to reconnect to life, his re-enactments grow increasingly complicated and risky, leading him to an unsolved crime and the secret of his undoing. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 RENDEZ-VOUS DE JUILLET CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (17:00) France - 99 min - French - 1949 - Director: Jacques BECKER - Cast: Daniel GELIN, Nicole COURCEL, Brigitte AUBER Lucien Bonnard, an ethnology student is vainly searching for funds to finance his expedition to Africa. Meanwhile, his actor friends are producing a play written by a young author. Caught in lovers’ cross-purposes, couples get together and come apart, but they remain a tight-knit group and are finally able to leave for Africa. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 14/5 PALAIS C (12:00) - 16/5 PALAIS C (16:00) RESET (RELÈVE) France - 110 min - French - 2015 - Director: Thierry DEMAIZIÈRE, Alban TEURLAI - Cast: Benjamin MILLEPIED Designated director of the company in 2014, Millepied puts on a show his first ballet on 25th September 2015. From the very first rehearsal up until opening night, directors Thierry Demaiziere and Alban Teurlai have immersed themselves in the world of the Paris Opera, right at the heart of its artistic creation. UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand H8 u RESTER VERTICAL —> STAYING VERTICAL 18/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) RESURRECTION (RESURRECCIÓN ) Mexico - 93 min - Mexican - 2016 - Director: Eugenio POLGOVSKY At the foot of the waterfall once known as the Mexican Niagra, the people of El Salto dream only of crystalline waters. Fish, colorful birds and swimming in the river are now just memories of the fishermen who lost their world when the train and industry arrived. Resurrection is an eye opener upon the ruins of the present. The exemplary fight for survival of a family, which goes hand in hand with the destiny of a river. MEXICAN FILM INSTITUTE (IMCINE) (Mexico) - RIVIERA Stand D5 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-137 13/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) RICE SOLDIERS (SUNDALONG KANIN) Philippines - 120 min - Tagalog, Japanese, English - 2014 The year was 1941. Across the world, seats of power are shifting; alliances are being made between countries to fight off other alliances; and innocent people are being killed; and the Philippines is caught in the middle of it. However, in the small town of San Nicolas, four boys – Nitoy, Benny, Carding and Badong, saw this as an opportunity to prove that they were no longer boys, instead they are men ready to join the war and fight for their country. Armed with their slingshots and arrows, they looked for the guerillas determined to show them that they can be valuable in the fight versus the Japanese Army who marched into their town and took over. Despite the fact that no one took them seriously, the boys continued with their mission – spying on the Japanese soldiers, who now occupy their school, and passing on this information to the guerillas. Things changed, however, when the people closest to them became victims of the war… (more info on cinando.com) TELE UP (Usa) 12/5 PALAIS C (10:00) RICHARD LINKLATER: DREAM IS DESTINY Usa - 93 min - English - 2016 - Director: Louis BLACK, Karen BERNSTEIN A feature documentary on the life and work of filmmaker, Richard Linklater. Directed by Louis Black (founder of SXSW) this is an unusual look at a fiercely independent style of filmmaking that arose from Austin, Texas in the 80s/90’s and how Linklater’s films sparked a low budget movement in the US and around the world. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 RICO, OSKAR AND THE BROKEN HEARTED (RICO, OSKAR UND DAS HERZGEBRECHE) 15/5 LERINS 1 (11:30) - 16/5 ARCADES 3 (19:30) Germany - 95 min - German - 2015 - Director: Wolfgang GROOS - Cast: Anton PETZOLD, Juri WINKLER, Karoline HERFURTH, Henry HÜBCHEN, Moritz BLEIBTREU For the first time ever, Rico has a friend coming over for a sleepover! After weeks of not seeing each other, Rico and Oskar are reunited again and start their adventure with the weekly bingo at the retirement home.But although Tanja even wins two handbags, Oskar seems suspiciously grumpy and Tanja oddly sad. On top of things Oskar’s dad leaves a bag in front of the door because he needs some distance from his son. So much heart affliction is too much for Rico! When Oskar finally tells Rico that Tanja was cheating at bingo the other night and that those ugly handbags she wins all the time are really expensive leather bags, Rico refuses to accept that his mother could be a crook. Ellie Wandback, the bingo host, must be blackmailing her. Since the Bühl is too occupied with a champagne drinking redhead, Rico and Oskar seek help from the sprightly pensioner Mr. van Scherten and together they try to find out what is going on. Not everything goes as planned, but in the end the two young detectives shall discover more than just the truth about the bingo-cheat and the handbags. BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 16/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) - 17/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) RINGAN (THE QUEST) India - 106 min - Marathi - 2015 - Director: Makarand MANE - Cast: Shashank SHENDE, Saahil JOSHI, Suhas SIRSAT, Kalyanee MULAY, Umesh JAGTAP, Ketan PAWAR, Abhay MAHAJAN, Vijay SALVE, Shantanu GANGANE, Shyam SAVAJI, Vitthal PATIL, Omkar MANE Ringan is a story about father and son. Their life is a living hell. Arjun, the father develops suicidal tendencies due to debts caused by drought and other factors. But his love and concern for his self-willed, stubborn son, Abhimanyu, motivates him to earn the money needed to buy back his ancestral land. He reluctantly takes his son with him when he leaves the village in search of work. They reach the holy town of Pandharpur a town nearby. Abhimanyu goes in obsessive search of his mother, who, he has been told, has gone to the Abode of God, which is Pandharpur. The film is a touching, stirring story of unbridled paternal love. It also underlines the hopeless plight of farmers whose lands, due to persistent drought, now lie infertile: denied a living, they have perforce to commit suicide. Arjun and Abhimanyu have an immortal bond and together they manage to overcome their odds. MAHARASHTRA FILM, STAGE & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (India) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.08 RISK QR 17/5 GRAY 5 (18:00 invit) - 19/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 18:00) - 20/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) Usa - 92 min - English - 2016 - Director: Laura POITRAS The Oscar-winning director of “Citizenfour” turns her camera on another controversial figure, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, in this immersive documentary, which continues Poitras’ courageous examination of voices who question authority in an era of ever-increasing surveillance and state secrecy. SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 ROAD TO ISTANBUL (LA ROUTE D’ISTANBUL) 14/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 1 (17:30) Algeria, France, Belgium - 98 min - French, English - 2016 - Director: Rachid BOUCHAREB - Cast: Astrid WHETTNALL, Pauline BURLET When the police inform her that Elodie, her only daughter, 20, has left to join the Islamic State somewhere between Syria and Iraq, Elisabeth’s life is thrown into turmoil. She is in shock and cannot understand this decision because the war does not concern them. Elisabeth manages to contact Elodie but finds herself at a loss faced with this young woman whom she no longer recognizes. Alone in her struggle, she decides to set off for Syria to look for her daughter and to convince her to return to Belgium with her. Will mother and daughter be able to reunite and understand each other? ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette a-138 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique ROBERT DOISNEAU: THROUGH THE LENS (ROBERT DOISNEAU, LE RÉVOLTÉ DU MERVEILLEUX) 12/5 PALAIS I (12:00) - 15/5 PALAIS H (10:00) - 20/5 LERINS 2 (12:00) France - 83 min - 2016 - Director: Jan VAZAK Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness. JOUR2FETE (France) - RIVIERA Stand D8 u ROBOUDEH SHODEH —> STOLEN 12/5 OLYMPIA 2 (20:30 prio) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30 prio) ROCCO France - English, French, Italian, Hungarian - 2016 - Director: Thierry DEMAIZIÈRE, Alban TEURLAI Cast: Rocco SIFFREDI, John STAGLIANO, Mark SPIEGLER, James DEEN Rocco Siffredi is to pornography what Mike Tyson is to boxing or Mick Jagger is to rock’n’roll: a living legend. His mother wanted him to be a priest; with her blessing he became a hardcore performer, devoting his life to one God only: Desire. Rocco Siffredi reveals all, even if it sometimes means busting his own myth: his true story, beginnings, career, wife and children… and the ultimate revelation that will change his life forever. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 13/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 2 (16:00) ROCK DOG Usa, China - 88 min - English - 2016 - Director: Ash BRANNON - Cast: Luke WILSON, Eddie IZZARD, Jk SIMMONS, Lewis BLACK, Kenan THOMPSON, Mae WHITMAN, Jorge GARCIA, Matt DILLON, Sam ELLIOTT ROCK DOG tells the story of BODI (Luke Wilson) a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff living in a remote Himalayan village of defenceless sheep. Bodi’s dad KHAMPA (J.K. Simmons) once thwarted an attack by a gang of wolves led by LINNUX (Lewis Black). Now Khampa prepares Bodi to assume his role as village guard. But hard as Bodi tries, he is painfully aware that he cannot fill his dad’s shoes. Everything changes the day a radio literally falls from the sky. Bodi hears a song by an old-school rocker named ANGUS (Eddie Izzard) that opens his heart to a musical world he must explore, even if it means leaving home and letting his father down. The village sage, FLEETWOOD (Sam Elliott), urges Khampa to let him go. Arriving in the city with a homemade guitar, Bodi discovers a park full of busking musicians, including a hapless band led by bassist DARMA (Mae Whitman), drummer GERMUR (Jorge Garcia) and cooler-than-thou guitarist TREY (Matt Dillon), who challenges Bodi to a “shred-off… (more info on cinando.com) TIMELESS FILMS (United Kingdom) - VIEUX PORT The Bettina Yacht, Le Vieux Port 17/5 PALAIS G (18:00) ROMAN Argentina - 72 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Eduardo MENEGHELLI - Cast: Gabi PERALTA, Carlos PORTALUPPI, Nazareno CASERO, Horacio ROCA, Arnaldo ANDRÉ, Aylin PRANDI Román is a neighbourhood police officer who believes in goodness and the beauty of little things, as he manages to live apart from a world he believes to be chaotic and corrupted. To do so, Román makes a daily effort shaping a meticulous routine, such as he does with his own body. But it is impossible to walk at a cliff’s edge without looking at it. When everything that keeps him safe collapses, Román is forced to react. If you look inside of an abyss for a long time, the abyss starts to look inside of you as well. SUPERAMOR CINE (Argentina) - PALAIS -1 BOOTH 23.02 // ARGENTINA - ✆ 541135975419 ROOMMATES WANTED (ADOPTE UN VEUF) 14/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:30) - 20/5 RIVIERA 1 (10:00) France - 95 min - French - 2015 - Director: François DESAGNAT - Cast: André DUSSOLLIER, Bérengère KRIEF, Arnaud DUCRET, Julia PIATON, Nicolas MARIE Hubert Jacquin, recently widowed, lives a lonely life in his spacious 4-bedroom apartment in Paris. Looking to hire a maid, he ends up with a roommate ! Manuela, a young and extravagant girl who shakes up Hubert’s routine and gives his life an unexpected twist. In a weak (and drunken) moment, Hubert even agrees to a bigger flat share. When he sobers up, it’s already too late. The search for roommates is on. Marion, an uptight nurse, and Paul-Gérard, a soon-to-be divorced lawyer move in. Despite all odds, the four of them grow found of this unlikely cohabitation. But Hubert is a 70 years old retired widow and old habits die hard… SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette 14/5 OLYMPIA 7 (13:30) ROSALIE BLUM France - 96 min - French - 2015 - Director: Julien RAPPENEAU - Cast: Noemie LVOYSKY, Kyan KHOJANDI, Alice ISAAZ, Anémone Thirty-something Vincent Machot is a lonely hairdresser in a small town. In his lacklustre life, his wacky mother and his womanizing cousin are his only friends. But meeting Rosalie Blum may just spice things up. She seems vaguely familiar. Vincent decides to investigate and starts following her. Goofy and predictable Vincent’s detective work catches Rosalie’s attention. The fifty something lady asks her niece Aude to investigate Vincent. Soon Aude is following Vincent who is following Rosalie. This charming game of hide-and-seek will change their lives. SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-139 12/5 PALAIS F (17:30) - 15/5 PALAIS H (17:30) ROSE & ROY United Kingdom, Usa - 97 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Adolfo DORING Rose & Roy is a documentary about British painters Rose Wylie and Roy Oxlade as they reflect on their past and present. This intimate portrait captures the two years leading into a prestigious exhibition for Rose at the Tate Britain, and their fifty-five years of marriage. The film is a meditation about love and what it means to be an artist, as life unfolds for these octogenarian career painters. NEW WORLD CINEMAS, INC (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.06 11/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) - 13/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) RUMBOS 96 min - Director: Manuela Burlo MORENO FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 18/5 PALAIS C (18:00) RUNNING BY RUNES (RUNA JUGIRUSHISI) Kazakhstan - 88 min – 0.3 M$ - Kazakh, English, Russian - 2015 - Director: Arman CALBAY Cast: Salamat RAKHIMOV, Zhannel NURSEITOVA, Roman CHEKHONADSKI, Arman CALBAY, Gulfairus SARYBAYEVA, Petr BOCHKAREV, Yuri TOLOCHKO, Zhulduz TERGEUSSIZOVA, Daulet INSIBAYEV, Roman STARIKOV, Darkhan SABYROV, Lana BULAT, Bakytzhan SATBAYEV, Yerlan NAGASHBAYEV, Zhanna BALABAYEVA, Ruslan ZHUSSUPOV An international company orders a report by an independent consultant. A clerk in the company discovers with surprise that the consultant has strange hobbies - Old Turkic runes and archery using a Mongolian bow. Despite dyslexia (like Einstein), the consultant’s life in full swing sharply contrasts with the boring existence of office plankton. Even the clerk’s girlfriend, on becoming acquainted with the consultant, falls in love with him. The consultant’s report evokes the company’s bosses’ enthusiasm while the clerk loses respect and is enmeshed in financial difficulties. He becomes depressed, almost turning into a zombie. But the consultant helps the clerk by arranging his meeting with a business celebrity in New York. This awakens the clerk, giving him a start toward real freedom. CALLIGRAPHY PICTURES (Kazakhstan) S 11/5 PALAIS E (16:00) - 18/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) S IS FOR STANLEY Italy - 78 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, Italian - 2013 - Director: Alex INFASCELLI - Cast: Emilio D’ALESSANDRO Notorious filmmaker Stanley Kubrick (1928–1999) has always been depicted by the media as a weird artist obsessed with his work to the point of seclusion. Books, newspaper articles and documentaries have always insisted on this supposed aura of mystery, megalomaniac ingeniousness, and hermitage. Until now. In October 2012 the book ‘Stanley Kubrick e Me’ (Stanley Kubrick and Me) finally reveals the thirty years of collaboration and friendship by one of the master’s closest collaborator: Emilio D’Alessandro. In 1960, aged 18, Emilio, from Cassino (Italy), goes to England to work and establish a new life. In London he becomes a Formula Ford driver, racing against the likes of Emerson Fittipaldi and James Hunt. Just when he is ready to jump to Formula One competitions, the economic crisis of the late ‘60s ends Emilio’s dream. He then finds a job as a minicab driver, taking famous directors and actors of British cinema to the studios in Borehamwood… (more info on cinando.com) RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 u S ONE STRANE —> ON THE OTHER SIDE 18/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) SA SHOWCASE Trailer South Africa - 45 min - English - 2015 The SA Showcase is a show reel of various South African films / documentaries on offer. NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 120 18/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) SAC LA MORT France - 78 min - Creole - 2015 - Director: Emmanuel PARRAUD - Cast: Patrice PLANESSE, Charles-Henri LAMONGE, Martine TALBOT, Nagibe CHADER In present-day Reunion, Patrice learns his brother’s murder from the mouth of his killer. The same day, he is evicted from his house. Whilst his mother seeks vengeance, Patrice would like to find a home… and keep his mind. ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette For full details go to a-140 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 PALAIS F (15:30) - 15/5 GRAY 4 (15:30) SADAKO VS. KAYAKO Japan - 98 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Koji SHIRAISHI - Cast: Mizuki YAMAMOTO, Tina TAMASHIRO, Masanobu ANDO Natsumi and Yuri casually bought a video deck in a recycle shop one winter day, and played back the VHS tape in it. Its images were horrifying to behold. Natsumi did watch the images, and from that time onward it was as if she was possessed by a strange phenomenon. Yuri consults with Tokiwa, who is the most powerful spirit medium. He discloses the terrible reality to Yuri, that Natsumi’s life will be snatched away “After two days”. Tokiwa and Yuri struggle valiantly together to try to save Natsumi. Meanwhile, a female high-school student named Suzuka and her family had just moved in a few days earlier, and she develops an interest in the abandoned house across the street. It is rumored that if you enter the house, you will go missing. Although it is supposed to be unoccupied, sometimes there seems to be some kind of presence there. When these two seemingly unrelated incidents become intertwined, the reality of the mysterious house, and the truth behind the inexplicable phenomena occurring around Yuri and Suzuka, are revealed KADOKAWA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C12 12/5 OLYMPIA 8 (12:00) SAINT AMOUR France - 101 min - French - 2015 - Director: Gustave KERVERN, Benoît DELÉPINE - Cast: Gérard DEPARDIEU, Benoit POELVOORDE, Vincent LACOSTE, Céline SALLETTE Every year Bruno, a disheartened cattle breeder, attends the Paris Agricultural Show. This year, his father Jean joins him: he wants to finally win the competition with their bull Nabucodonosor and convince Bruno to take over the family farm. Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine route. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but the real one, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine routes, but also the road that leads back to Love. LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 17/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) SALSIPUEDES Panama - 97 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Ricardo AGUILAR, Manolito RODRIGUEZ Salsipuedes tells the story of a young man, Andres Pimienta, who is sent to study in the U.S. to keep him away from bad influences, especially his father Bobby Pimienta who is a former boxing champion serving time in prison. Andres comes back ten years later for his grandfathers wake which will forever change his destiny. He decides to secretly stay in Panama and start a path that will make him understand his own life and past. HABANERO (Brazil) - RIVIERA Stand A16 12/5 PALAIS F (09:30) SAM Usa - 90 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Nicholas BROOKS - Cast: Natalie KNEPP, Morgan FAIRCHILD, Stacy KEACH, Sean KLEIER, Tom PELPHREY, James MCCAFFREY, Brock HARRIS, Sarah SCOTT The wheel of karma takes a hilarious spin when a magical curse transforms Sam, a misogynistic playboy, into a beautiful woman who must learn how to value females by being one herself. But when she starts feeling more romance than bromance for her best bud, she wonders if she’ll ever master the feminine mystique…or remain firmly planted in the friendzone. VISION FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J3 14/5 PALAIS E (16:00) - 17/5 PALAIS J (13:30) - 18/5 PALAIS I (16:00) SAMUEL STREET India, United Kingdom - 80 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - English, Hindi - 2016 - Director: Aliakbar CAMPWALA Cast: Sarita JOSHI, Saif THAKUR, Anne ADAMS Worldwide Premiere Screening in the Cannes Film Festival 2016. ‘Samuel Street’, the film revolves around the characters who live on this street which is famous for a very conservative and middle - class society in Mumbai. The film portrays the life of a young man who returns home after living abroad, a mother who has strong cultural values living independently throughout her life and a female neighbour living in the U.K combine in a series of life changing events that unveil in this city of Mumbai. The film follows their lives and how they are changed by the presence and absence of one another. Will it be for better or for worse? ARC PICTURES (United Kingdom) - arcpicturesuk@gmail.com 12/5 PALAIS K (14:00) SAND STORM (SUFAT CHOL) Israel - 87 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Elite ZEXER - Cast: Lamis AMMAR, Ruba BLAL-ASFOUR, Haitham OMARI, Khadija ALAKEL, Jalal MASARWA As wedding festivities get underway in a Bedouin village in Israel, Jalila finds herself in the awkward position of hosting her husband Suliman’s marriage to a second, much younger wife. During the celebration, Jalila stumbles across eldest daughter Layla’s involvement with a boy from her university—a strictly forbidden liaison that would shame the family. Burying the indignity of Suliman and his new bride living next door, Jalila also tries to contain Layla’s situation by clamping down on her. But younger and possessed of a boundless spirit, Layla sees a different life for herself. A story of tradition, modernity, and divided family, Sand Storm upends expectations. At its core, Elite Zexer’s mesmerizing debut feature portrays the emotionally layered relationship between mother and daughter, both bound by custom while struggling to adapt to a changing world. Zexer’s artful storytelling derives its authenticity—its complexity of character, rich detail, and subtle humor—from the 10 years she’s spent interacting with Bedouin women… (find more on cinando.com) BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 u SANGRE EN LA BOCA —> TIGER, BLOOD IN MOUTH BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-141 SANTA & ANDRES (SANTA Y ANDRES) 16/5 GRAY 5 (10:00 invit) Cuba, France, Colombia - 105 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Carlos LECHUGA Cast: Lola AMORES, Eduardo MARTINEZ Is 1983 in a rural mountain region of Oriente, in eastern Cuba. Andrés — a noncompliant gay writer in his fifties— has been blacklisted by the government for having “ideological problems”. A big event is coming up and, as it is routine in these cases, someone reliable must be appointed to watch over him and prevent him from making any public political statements. Santa —a local country girl in her thirties — is assigned to the task. For three consecutive days, Santa will sit in front of Andrés’ hut and watch over him. Santa and Andrés are as close as it gets of being true opposites and are not meant to like each other. What they cannot imagine, however, is that they have more things in common than they expected. HABANERO (Brazil) - RIVIERA Stand A16 u SANTA Y ANDRES —> SANTA & ANDRES SATISFACTION 1720 (TORDENSKJOLD & KOLD) 12/5 PALAIS I (18:00) Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic - 93 min - Danish, Norwegian - 2016 - Director: Henrik RUBEN GENZ - Cast: Jakob OFTEBRO, Martin BUCH, Natalie MADUEÑO, Kenneth M. CHRISTENSEN, David DENCIK, Björn KJELLMAN, Martin GREIS The Great Northern War is over, and Vice Admiral Tordenskjold, hero of the victorious Danish-Norwegian fleet, has no clue what to do with his life. His valet, Kold, persuades him to go on a vacation, arguing that now is the time to marry and settle down. The trip turns into a fun and freewheeling road trip through Denmark and northern Germany. Women swoon at the sight of the attractive young man – he is a 1720s version of a modern day rock star. Dark clouds gradually appear on the horizon, however, and in Hanover, the increasingly alarmed Tordenskiold is forced into a suspicious duel by a former Swedish archenemy seemingly bent on revenge. PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 u SCHELLEN-URSLI —> LITTLE MOUNTAIN BOY u SCHONE HANDEN —> CLEAN HANDS 16/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) SCOTTISH MUSSEL United Kingdom - 93 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Talulah RILEY - Cast: Martin COMPSTON, Talulah RILEY, Morgan WATKINS, Joe THOMAS, Paul BRANNIGAN Ritchie is a Glaswegian chancer with low hopes and no prospects. Disillusioned with city life, he goes undercover at a Highland conservation centre to make his fortune as an illegal pearl fisher with the help of his two hapless and accident prone mates, Danny and Fraser. Here he meets Beth, a pretty English conservationist passionate about saving endangered mussels from the clutches of pearl thieves in the Scottish Highlands. Falling for her instantly, Ritchie must beat off competition in the form of Highland Ranger Ethan, a smooth talking American Adonis convinced that Beth can’t resist his charms forever. After the success of pearl fishing attracts the unwanted attentions of old school Glaswegian mobster Gavin and his work at the centre leads him to question his true motivations, Ritchie must risk life and limb to save the Highlands from ecological disaster and win Beth’s heart. MOVIEHOUSE ENTERTAINMENT (United Kingdom) - Plage Royale, la Croisette - ✆ 44 7973 627 494 SEE YOU IN VALHALLA 11/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) Usa - 87 min - 3 - 5 M$ - 2015 - Director: Jarret TARNOL - Cast: Sarah HYLAND CARDINAL XD (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D9 u SELECTION OFFICIELLE —> OFFICIAL SELECTION 16/5 PALAIS E (16:00) SEVEN DAYS (DONG) China - 73 min - 2015 - Director: Jian XING - Cast: Deshun WANG The film tells the story about a lonely old man in the snow mountain with a fish, a bird and a child. CHINA FILM PROMOTION INT’L (China) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.03 15/5 PALAIS E (18:00) SHADOW WORLD Usa - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Johan GRIMONPREZ Directed by Johan Grimonprez and based on Andrew Feinstein’s globally acclaimed book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, the film SHADOW WORLD reveals how the international trade in weapons - with the complicity of governments and intelligence agencies, investigative and prosecutorial bodies, weapons manufacturers, dealers and agents - fosters corruption, determines economic and foreign policies, undermines democracy and creates widespread suffering. SHADOW WORLD posits an alternative through the experience of a peace activist and war correspondent, as well as the stories of Eduardo Galeano. But ultimately the film reveals the real costs of war, the way the arms trade drives it, how the weapons of war are now being turned against the citizens of liberal democracies, and how the ‘shadow world’ is taking over. In the hopes that in understanding how our realties are being constructed, audiences may see through this horror, and create a better future… (more info on cinando.com) WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 a-142 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 16/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) SHARING STELLA Cuba, Colombia - 85 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Kiki ALVAREZ - Cast: Tony ALONSO, Deisy FORCADE, Claudia MUÑIZ, Yarlo RUIZ, Yaima MORFA, Marybel GARCIA GARZON, Yanier PALMERO, May REGUERA, Kiki ALVAREZ Havana, December 2014. A director is looking for a leading actress to play Stella in a Cuban adaptation of “A Streetcar Named Desire”.The weightless everyday lives of a group of actors getting ready for the casting is unexpectedly interrupted by the announcement that Cuba and the United States are restoring diplomatic relations after more than half a century. While sharing Stella, they attempt to make sense of their lives, their choices and their options offering us a snapshot of Cuba at a crossroads. HABANERO (Brazil) - RIVIERA Stand A16 u SHAUVA VE YOM —> ONE WEEK AND A DAY 12/5 PALAIS I (14:00) - 15/5 PALAIS J (09:30) SHEEP AND WOLVES Russia - 80 min - 10 - 25 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Maxim VOLKOV - Cast: Tom FELTON, Ruby ROSE, China Anne MCCLAIN In a magical faraway land, in a picturesque little village nestled among green meadows and rolling hills, lives a flock of carefree sheep. But their pastoral and stress-free life is harassed by a pack of wolves that have set their camp up in the nearby ravine. According to the ancient traditions, the retiring pack leader Magra announces that his future successor must prove his right to lead the pack by defeating his rivals. When the powerful and blood-thirsty Ragear steps forward, the only wolf brave enough to challenge him is Grey, the pack’s favorite, but a hopeless goofball. To become a leader and win back Bianca’s love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit Mami gives him a magical “transmutation potion”. Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves’ den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into… a ram! WIZART (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 ROSKINO 16/5 OLYMPIA 8 (14:00) SHEPHERDS AND BUTCHERS South Africa - 107 min - English - 2016 - Director: Oliver SCHMITZ - Cast: Steve COOGAN, Andrea RISEBOROUGH South Africa, 1987. When Leon, a white 19-year-old prison guard commits an inexplicable act of violence, killing seven black men in a hail of bullets, the outcome of the trial - and the court’s sentence - seems a foregone conclusion. Hotshot lawyer John Weber reluctantly takes on the seemingly unwinnable case. A passionate opponent of the death penalty, John discovers that young Leon worked on death row in the nation’s most notorious prison, under traumatic conditions: befriending the inmates over the years while having to assist their eventual execution. As the court hearings progress, the case offers John the opportunity to put the entire system of legally sanctioned murder on trial. How can one man take such a dual role of friend and executioner, becoming both shepherd and butcher? Inspired by true events, this is the story that puts death penalty on trial and changes history. WESTEND FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 28 bis rue des Serbes, entr. C - ✆ 33 4 93 30 00 19 17/5 PALAIS B (13:30) SHIMAUMA Japan - 103 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Hajime HASHIMOTO - Cast: Ryo RYUSEI, Kenta SUGA, Kyoko HINAMI, Masaya KATO Tatsuo Kuragami and his cohorts make money by running extortion scams on married men, but his downward spiral accelerates wildly after targeting a member of the yakuza, which forces him to become a “retributionist” called Dora, and enter a whole new world of villainy… Fumio Obata’s manga “Shimauma” began its serialization in bimonthly manga magazine Young King in 2010, and over 1.5 million copies of its collected editions have been published since then, offering proof of its widespread popularity. Not only does it incisively penetrate the underbelly of modern Japanese society, it also exposes the dangers lurking nearby ordinary citizens. Now this “dangerous” manga has been made into a provocative live-action movie! The central character of Dora/Tatsuo Kuragami, a “retributionist” who uses every trick in the book to gain sadistic payback for his clients, is played by young rising star Ryo Ryusei… (more info on cinando.com) TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 u SHOJO —> NIGHT’S TIGHTROPE 19/5 PALAIS F (15:00) SHORT FILM RACE - FICMY 110 min FICMY - MÉRIDA Y YUCATÁN FILM FESTIVAL (Mexico) 11/5 LERINS 1 (16:00) SHOWBOX PROMO Trailer Korea (south) - 110 min - 2016 SHOWBOX PROMO SHOWBOX (Korea (south)) - LERINS Stand L3 11/5 GRAY 5 (12:00) - 16/5 LERINS 1 (10:00) SHOWDOWN IN MANILA Usa - 88 min - English - 2016 - Director: Marc DACASCOS - Cast: Alexander NEVSKY, Casper VAN DIEN, Tia CARRERE, Cary-Hiroyuki TAGAWA Private detectives Nick (Alexander Nevsky) and Charlie (Casper Van Dien) live and work in Manila. When a murder investigation leads them to the jungle camp of an international terrorist called The Wrath, they assemble a team of daredevils to walk straight into the Wrath’s lair and fight his renegade army. LIGHTNING ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - LERINS Stand L6 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 44 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-143 u SIANOUR —> CYANIDE SIERANEVADA CO 12/5 LUMIERE (15:30) - 13/5 SALLE DU 60e (13:45) - OLYMPIA 3 (17:30) 16/5 GRAY 1 (18:00) - 18/5 OLYMPIA 3 (09:30) - 19/5 PALAIS K (09:30) Romania, France - 175 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Cristi PUIU - Cast: Mimi BRANESCU, Judith STATE, Tatiana LEKEL Larry, a neurologist at the top of his career, and his wife, are attending a family meal in Bucharest to commemorate the death of his father, who died 40 days earlier. All the guests are waiting for the priest’s arrival. In the meantime, they argue about the 9/11 events. Lary tries to calm down the debate but opinions are so divided that not even the priest’s fl ying visit succeeds in reconciling the two camps. Just when things seem to be settling down, the arrival of an uninvited guest throws the commemoration into turmoil, which gradually deteriorates into an operatic settling of scores. ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette u SILENCIO —> JULIETA u SINAMA NIMKAT —> BENCH CINEMA u SLACK BAY —> MA LOUTE 12/5 ARCADES 2 (12:00) SLASH Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Clay LIFORD - Cast: Michael JOHNSTON, Hannah MARKS, Michael IAN BLACK, Missi PYLE, Jessie ENNIS, Peter VACK Neil is an introverted, questioning high school freshman. His main social outlet is the steamy erotic fan fiction he writes about Vanguard, the brawny, galaxy-hopping hero of a popular sci-fi franchise. When his stories are exposed in class Neil is mortified, but the fearless, effortlessly cool Julia comes to his defense. An erotic fan fic writer herself, Julia pushes Neil to publish his stories to an online “adult” forum, where they quickly grab the attention of the site moderator, Denis. When Neil is invited to present his work at a comic con live-read event, he has to face the fact that Denis’ interest in him may be more than simply professional… perhaps like his own feelings for Julia. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 u SMRT U SARAJEVU / MORT À SARAJEVO —> DEATH IN SARAJEVO SND GROUPE M6 PROMO SCREENING Trailer 11/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00 prio) - 12/5 OLYMPIA 6 (13:30 prio) 50 min SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette 15/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) SNOW (SNIAG) Bulgaria, Ukraine - 80 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Bulgarian - 2015 - Director: Ventsislav VASILEV SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 SOLA MEDIA PROMO SCREENING Trailer 11/5 LERINS 3 (16:00) Germany - 100 min - 2016 SOLA MEDIA GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F5 u SOLAN OG LUDVIG - HERFRA TIL FLÅKLYPA —> LOUIS & LUCA - THE BIG CHEESE RACE SOLARIS (SOLYARIS) CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) Russia - 167 min - German, Russian - 1972 - Director: Andrei TARKOVSKI - Cast: Natalya BONDARCHUK, Donatas BANIONIS, Jüri JÄRVET A psychologist is sent to a station orbiting a distant planet in order to discover what has caused the crew to go insane. MOSFILM CINEMA CONCERN (Russia) 14/5 PALAIS H (09:30) SOLITAIRE (MAHBAS) Lebanon, Jordan - 90 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Sophie BOUTROS - Cast: Julia KASSAR, Bassam KOUSA, Nadine KHOURY, Ali EL KHALIL, Betty TAOUTEL, Jaber JOKHADAR, Serena CHAMI Therese, the mayor’s wife in a Lebanese village, joyfully prepares for an overnight visit of her daughter’s suitor and his parents. She excitedly shares the happy news of the engagement with pictures of her beloved brother who was killed by a Syrian bomb 20 years ago and is still bizarrely present in every corner of her house. FONDATION LIBAN CINEMA (Lebanon) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 208 a-144 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 PALAIS D (15:30) SOLO (ASSOLO) Italy - 97 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Laura MORANTE - Cast: Laura MORANTE, Francesco PANNOFINO, Marco GIALLINI, Gigio ALBERTI, Lambert WILSON, Angela FINOCCHIARO, Piera DEGLI ESPOSITI Flavia is 50 years old, and after two failed marriages and a complicated relationship with a married man, she is now single again after a very long time. Not an easy endeavor for any woman her age, and for her in particular, due to her pathological lack of confidence which causes her to constantly depend on the people around her: her two ex-husbands, her two sons, her tyrannical friends and her husbands’ new wives, seen as unreachable role models that she tries to emulate without success. With the help of a wise and seraphic psychoanalyst, Flavia struggles regaining independence and self-confidence, tackling numerous driving tests and awkward approaches to auto-eroticism. TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 u SOLYARIS —> SOLARIS 15/5 OLYMPIA 5 (09:45) SOPHIE AND THE RISING SUN Usa - 116 min - English - 2016 - Director: Maggie GREENWALD - Cast: Julianne NICHOLSON, Margo MARTINDALE, Lorraine TOUSSAINT, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Diane LADD, Joel MURRAY, Bobby HENLINE Set in the autumn of 1941 in Salty Creek, a fishing village in South Carolina, the film tells the dramatic story of interracial lovers swept up in the tides of history. As World War II rages in Europe a wounded stranger, Mr. Ohta, appears in the town under mysterious circumstances. Sophie, a native of Salty Creek, quickly becomes transfixed by Mr. Ohta and a friendship born of their mutual love of art blossoms into a delicate and forbidden courtship. As their secret relationship evolves the war escalates tragically. When Pearl Harbor is bombed, a surge of misguided patriotism, bigotry and violence sweeps through the town, threatening Mr. Ohta’s life. A trio of women, each with her own secrets - Sophie, along with the town matriarch and her housekeeper - rejects law and propriety, risking their lives to save him. SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Apt. 3A - ✆ 33 4 93 39 41 55 SOPHIE’S MISFORTUNES (LES MALHEURS DE SOPHIE ) 18/5 ARCADES 2 (16:00) France - 104 min - French - 2014 - Director: Christophe HONORE - Cast: Golshifteh FARAHANI, Anaïs DEMOUSTIER, Muriel ROBIN Sophie is far from being the model little girl one would like her to be, unlike her friends Camille and Madeleine. She always insists on having her own way, often getting into trouble, to the despair of one and all. She cuts her mother’s fish into tiny pieces, she just misses burning herself wading through quicklime, she tortures her wax doll or cuts off her own eyelashes to look prettier! In a word, Sophie is constantly up to no good and has some naughty vices, such as gluttony, laziness or even dishonesty. But her mother is unbending and otherwise inclined. She wants her daughter to enjoy the essential of a good upbringing. She will not let her get away with anything, and poor Sophie will often have to live with the consequences of her bad behavior and learn her lesson. Which is not always very easy! GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 u SOPLADORA DE HOJAS —> LEAF BLOWER SOUTH AFRICA FACTORY QR 12/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:15) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 2 (20:30) 72 min QUINZAINE DES REALISATEURS (France) 17/5 LERINS 4 (15:30) SOY NERO Germany, France, Mexico - 114 min - English, Spanish - 2016 - Director: Rafi PITTS - Cast: Johnny ORTIZ, Rory COCHRANE, Aml AMEEN, Darrell BRITT-GIBSON Nero is running in the desert. He is trying to escape. He is running from the US border patrol. He is captured. Nero is a 19-year-old deported Mexican. After several attempts Nero finally manages to return and make his way back into the Promised Land. He follows the trail of his hometown, Los Angeles, to find his older brother Jesus. Jesus has set himself up in a new life, living with a girl named Mercedes. Nero begins to realize that as an illegal immigrant, his chances of leading a regular life will not be easy to come by. In an ultimate attempt to escape his desperate reality, Nero decides to enlist in the US Army as a “Green Card Soldier”, a short cut to citizenship. Nero is lost in a maze, a desolate landscape, where the boundaries between the immigrant in uniform and the US soldier are difficult to perceive. Although it soon becomes clear that while a soldier fights for a nation, the Green Card Soldier, Nero, fights to obtain his identity… SOY NERO. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 SPANISH AFFAIR 2 (OCHO APELLIDOS CATALANES) 11/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) Spain - 96 min - Spanish, Catalan - 2015 - Director: Emilio MARTINEZ-LAZARO - Cast: Dani ROVIRA, Clara LAGO, Karra ELEJALDE, Carmen MACHI, Berto ROMERO, Rosa Maria SARDA Koldo’s Basque nationalist alarm hits Defcon-3 when he finds out his daughter Amaia is planning on marrying a foreigner. Even worse, the man is A CATALAN, “Those people who think they’re less Spanish than even the Basque do!” That really gets him, so he gathers his courage and crosses the Basque border all the way down to southern Spain in search of Rafa. To convince him, Koldo sneaks into a Seville’s Easter procession that carries the statue of the Holy Mary throughout town, and before the statue shatters to the ground, Rafa agrees to Koldo’s insane proposal: they’ll go to Catalonia, he’ll pretend to be Catalan, he’ll even lead the new Catalan nationalist movement… whatever it takes, because the truth is, he’s still in love with Amaia. FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-145 16/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) SPIRITS’ HOMECOMING (GUI-HYANG) Korea (south) - 127 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Korean - 2015 - Director: Jung-Rae JO - Cast: Hana KANG, Lee CHOI, Suk SON, Hwa-Sun HWANG In 1943, 14-year-old Jung-min’s ordinary yet happy life shatters when she is taken by Japanese soldiers to a Comfort Station located in China. There, as comfort women, bunch of young girls are sexually abused. Despite of her hope for life innocent Jung-min ends up being killed like most of girls. In 1991, Eun-kyung, who bears scar of sexual violence, eventually finds out that she has an extraordinary power of being able to communicate with the dead. Staying at a shaman’s temple, she meets Young-ook, one of those few survivors from Comfort Station, and is asked to bring back her lost friend Jung-min. Eun-kyung starts a Homecoming ritual. M-LINE DISTRIBUTION (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand E15 14/5 OLYMPIA 6 (11:30) - 16/5 ARCADES 1 (09:30) STALIN’S COUCH France, Portugal - 92 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Fanny ARDANT - Cast: Gérard DEPARDIEU, Emmanuelle SEIGNER, Paul HAMY ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 STAYING VERTICAL (RESTER VERTICAL) CO12/5 LUMIERE (08:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:30) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 5 (10:00 press) SALLE DU 60e (11:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 8 (18:00 press) - 20/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:45) France - 100 min - French - 2016 - Director: Alain GUIRAUDIE - Cast: Damien BONNARD, India HAIR, Raphaël THIERRY, Laure CALAMY Filmmaker Leo is searching for the wolf in the south of France. During a scouting excursion he is seduced by Marie, a free-spirited and dynamic shepherdess. Nine months later she gives birth to their child. Suffering from post-natal depression and with no faith in Leo, who comes and goes without warning, Marie abandons both of them. Leo finds himself alone, with a baby to care for. It’s not easy, but deep down, he loves it. Through a series of unexpected and unusual encounters, struggling to find inspiration for his next film, Leo will do whatever it takes to stay standing. Alain Guiraudie follows Stranger by the Lake with this intimate, heart-stopping tale set amidst a wilderness in which secret desires are revealed. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 16/5 PALAIS F (17:45) STOLEN (ROBOUDEH SHODEH) Iran - 86 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Bijan MIRBAGHERI - Cast: Niki KARIMI, Rouzbeh BEMANI, Soroush SEHAT, Maral FARJAD A couple is going to emigrate when faced with a new problem. Now they must do anything they can to solve it… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 15/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) STOPPING - HOW TO STOP THE WORLD (STOPPING - WIE MAN DIE WELT ANHÄLT) Germany - 90 min – 0.3 M$ - German, English - 2015 - Director: Bernhard KOCH Stopping - how to stop the world Approaches to meditation. A film about meditation, its forms and practice Hectic, stress, pressure to perform and always busy: Four people between Berlin and London, who feel challenged in their everyday life, look for the calm and quiet of meditation in order to be better prepared for their lives. Focussing on their selves, zooming in on the elementary, they want to find the strength to make some changes. The film accompanies them to their courses. Friedrich, an anaesthesiologist visits the Allgau and studies Vipassana meditation at the Buddha House, a practice, whereby one focuses mostly on breathing. In London, an editor at an academic publisher, Dorothea, participates in an eight-week long course on MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction). Uta, mother of three children, would like to be more relaxed with her children. The anthropological meditation opens her eyes for what is alive in our everyday life… (more info on cinando.com) SCHWARZER PANTHER FILM/ SPUREN PFADE FILME (Germany) 18/5 ARCADES 1 (17:30) STRAIGHT 8 2016 United Kingdom - 80 min - English - 2016 straight 8 challenged filmmakers worldwide to make films on super 8 film with no re-takes, edit or post-production. The effort and results are wild. ALTITUDE FILM SALES (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Le Dauphin Entrance, 2nd Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 20 61 STRATTON (STRATTON: FIRST INTO ACTION) 11/5 PALAIS K (14:00) - 12/5 ARCADES 2 (14:00) United Kingdom - 95 min - 10 - 25 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Simon WEST - Cast: Dominic COOPER, Gemma CHAN, Austin STOWELL, Tyler HOECHLIN, Connie NIELSON, Sir Derek JACOBI, Jake FAIRBROTHER Crash! Two men in scuba gear hit a deserted beach. The cliffs are the next challenge and at the top we breathe and see Stratton, an SBS operative for MI5, specifically chosen for this toughest of missions and Marty, his American counterpart, a Navy Seal who is as tough as nails. These two ooze confidence and strength. They scope the target; a laboratory complex in Iran manufacturing biochemical weapons, capable of wreaking havoc should they get into the wrong hands. Stratton & Marty make it into the lab with the help of their comms expert back at base, Aggy. As they scope the lab they can see that the refrigerated cabinets are there, sure enough, but they’re empty. Someone was expecting them. Getting out of there is very different to getting in; Stratton and Marty are literally fighting for their lives whilst looking for any evidence as to how their operation was compromised. In the mayhem Marty is badly wounded as they retreat to the waiting helicopter and dragging him to safety, Stratton knows his friend is not going to make it… (find more on cinando.com) GFM FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL 10th F a-146 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 DOC CORNER (17:30) STRIKE A POSE Netherlands, Belgium - 83 min - English - 2016 - Director: Ester GOULD, Reijer ZWAAN In 1990, seven young male dancers - 6 gay, 1 straight - joined Madonna on her most controversial tour. On stage and in the iconic film Truth or Dare they showed the world how to express yourself. Now, 25 years later, they reveal the truth about life during and after the tour. Strike a Pose is a dramatic tale about finding the courage to be who you are. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 14/5 LERINS 1 (12:00) - 16/5 RIVIERA 2 (09:30) STRUGGLE FOR LIFE (LA LOI DE LA JUNGLE) France - 99 min - French - 2016 - Director: Antonin PERETJATKO - Cast: Vincent MACAIGNE, Vimala PONS, Mathieu AMALRIC, Jean-Luc BIDEAU, Pascal LEGITIMUS, Fred TOUSCH Marc Chestnut, an intern at the Norms and Standards Ministry, is sent to Guiana to ensure the implementation of European standards for GUYANEIGE - the first indoor ski slope in Amazonia designed to boost tourism in Guiana. Getting tangled in one misadventure after the other, he is also saddled with a new coworker. Marc doesn’t have any luck – she’s a pin-up. And worse - she’s got a strong head. BE FOR FILMS (Belgium) - RIVIERA Stand A6 - ✆ 33 6 14 34 37 55 17/5 PALAIS C (10:00) SUBMARINE CONFIDENTIAL SCREENING Usa - 90 min - English - 2015 Extremely Confidential. SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 u SUFAT CHOL —> SAND STORM 12/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) SUGAR MOUNTAIN Usa - 104 min - English - 2016 - Director: Richard GRAY - Cast: Jason MOMOA, Cary ELWES, Anna HUTCHISON, Melora WALTERS, Drew ROY, Haley WEBB Two brothers, down on their luck, fake a disappearance in the Alaskan wilderness so they’ll have a great survival story to sell, but the hoax turns out to be more real than they planned. FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - LERINS LERINS | Stand L6 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 44 16/5 GRAY 2 (09:30) - 17/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) - 18/5 RIVIERA 1 (16:00) SUMMERTIME (L’ESTATE ADOSSO) Italy - 105 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English, Italian - 2015 - Director: Gabriele MUCCINO - Cast: Matilda LUTZ, Brando PACITTO, Taylor FREY, Joey HARO Marco and Maria, two eighteen-year-old Italian kids taking a road trip in America, meet a gay couple, not much older than they are, who are trying to escape from a world that does not accept them. The journey that results will teach them all about the world and themselves and about who they want to be in their lives. None of them will remain unchanged. The other kids at her high school call Maria “the nun”, but during the course of the journey, to the great surprise of her travel companions, she will overcome her prejudices and realize that she must be herself if she wants to be happy. 18-year-old Marco appears to have everything, but the truth is that he is depressed, overwhelmed by uncertainty about what the future holds. His journey will help him regain faith in himself and find the courage to follow his dreams. Paul and Matt moved to San Francisco to escape family disapproval. Matt dreams of being a photographer, Matt’s passion is horseback riding, but both are stuck in jobs they hate and neglect what they really love… (find more on cinando.com) RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 u SUNDALONG KANIN —> RICE SOLDIERS 14/5 LERINS 2 (13:30) SUNTAN Greece - 104 min - Greek, English - 2016 - Director: Argyris PAPADIMITROPOULOS - Cast: Makis PAPADIMITRIOU, Elli TRINGOU For middle-aged Kostis, life has passed him by. As the newly appointed doctor of a tiny island, Kostis spends a dreary winter alone. By the time summer arrives, though, the island has turned into a thriving, wild vacation spot with nude beaches and crazy parties. When Kostis meets the beautiful and flirty Anna, he falls hard for her and goes out of his way to conquer and impress her. Before long, Kostis is spending nearly all of his time getting drunk, partying hard, and even making out with Anna. What starts as a rediscovery with his lost-long youth, though, slowly turns into an obsession as Kostis is willing to do whatever it takes to keep his Anna. Suntan celebrates the beauty and strength of the youthful body, while simultaneously embracing its inevitable decay. VISIT FILMS (Usa) - LERINS L4 14/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) SWAGGER France - 84 min - French - 2016 - Director: Olivier BABINET - Cast: Aïssatou DIA, Mariyama DIALLO, Abou FOFANA, Nazzario GIORDANO, Astan GONLE, Salimata GONLE, Naïla HANAFI, Aaron N’KIAMBI, Régis Marvin Merveille N’KISSI MOGGZI, Paul TURGOT, Elvis ZANNOU A teen-movie documentary, Swagger carries us in the midst of the astonishing minds of eleven teenagers growing up in one of the most underprivileged neighborhood in France. Despite their life difficulties, Aulnay’s and Sevran’s kids have dreams and ambitions. And no one will take that from them! ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-147 SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS 11/5 OLYMPIA 5 (12:00) - 14/5 ARCADES 1 (15:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:30) United Kingdom - 98 min - English - 2015 - Director: Philippa LOWTHORPE - Cast: Rafe SPALL, Kelly MACDONALD, Gwendoline CHRISTIE Set over an idyllic English summer holiday, the four Walker children and their sailing rivals, the Blacketts, run amok in their boats against the stunning backdrop of the Lake District. The Walkers sail the agile Swallow and the Blacketts commandeer The Amazon, making camp on a nearby island. Their world is one of imagination – filled with pirates and canons, where boats are captured and the enemy has to walk the plank. But when family friend, Uncle Jim is revealed to be a spy, our motley crew are forced to put down their imaginary swords and band together to protect him from his Soviet enemies. In the vein of Nim’s Island, Swallows and Amazons is an inspiring adventure for all the family, based on Arthur Ransome’s beloved children’s classics. HANWAY FILMS (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAY D’ALBION 1st Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 16 14 u SWEET DREAMS —> FAI BEI SOGNI SWEET LITTLE LIES IN DOWNTOWN (MINTE-MA FRUMOS IN CENTRU VECHI) 17/5 PALAIS E (18:00) Romania - 155 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Iura LUNCASU - Cast: George PISTEREANU Five young actors prepare a show in a theater in the Old Town. Doru, Dora, Lucy, Alecu and Freddie make a harmonious love pentagon. Dora and Lucy are in love with Doru, but Doru’s in love with slot machines. Alecu’s in love with Dora, but he makes do with Lucy, because Dora doesn’t love him. Lucy is ok with anyone. Anytime, anywhere. And Freddie … it’s hard to define who and what he loves most. One thing is certain: the loan sharks are not in love with Doru. With them chasing him, Doru goes to Toni, who has not lost his talent on hackering. The talent that he has in “Sweet little Lies”, the first part of the movie. Doru’s wife, Oana, wants to see Doru and Dora married, so Toni strikes again. As expected, the one that will be hit will be Toni. Lucky for him, he can be laughed at like no other. ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 11/5 OLYMPIA 8 (14:00) SWISS ARMY MEN 95 min - Director: Daniel SCHEINERT, Daniel KWAN BLOOM (Usa) - 15 Villa Rue Bertrand Lépine - ✆ 1 323 518 3825 T 14/5 LERINS 3 (10:00) TADMOR Lebanon, France, Switzerland - 103 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Monika BORGMANN, Lokman SLIM Amidst the popular uprising against the Syrian regime that began in 2011, a group of former Lebanese detainees decides to break their long-held silence about the horrific years they spent imprisoned in Tadmor (Palmyra), one of the Assad regime’s most dreadful prisons. They decide to testify publicly about the systematic torture and humiliation they experienced. To reclaim and overcome this dark chapter in their lives, they rebuild Tadmor in an abandoned school near Beirut. By playing the role of both “victim” and “victimizer,” they will relive their survival. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 15/5 GRAY 1 (16:00) TAEKWONDO 110 min - Director: Marco BERGER, Farina MARTIN - Cast: Marco BERGER, Farina MARTIN OUTPLAY (France) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 TAGORE’S NATIR PUJA - THE COURT DANCER 18/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30) India - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - 2015 - Director: Professor Karl BARDOSH - Cast: Sutapa Awon PRADHAN, Soumak BHATTACHARYYA, Professor Karl BARDOSH GRETA JOANNE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 18.06 - ✆ 011 631 8879 590 12/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) TAKE ME HOME Thailand - 94 min - Thai - 2016 - Director: Kongkiat KHOMSIRI - Cast: Mario MAURER, Nopachai CHAIYANAM, Wannarot SONTHICHAI After losing a memory from an accident, “Tan” tried to find his identity. Eventually, he found something and led him back to his home sweet home. There, he has “Tubtim” a twin sister who is living with a widower and his children. The more he knows them, the more he learns to fear of their secrets. No matter how hard he tries to go out of the house, he is getting closer to it. M PICTURES CO., LTD. (Thailand) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.01 u TALENT TOUT COURT —> NOT SHORT ON TALENT a-148 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 PALAIS F (13:30) - 15/5 PALAIS B (15:30) TAMARA Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay - 110 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Elia K. SCHNEIDER - Cast: Luis FERNADEZ, Pakriti MADURO, Karina VELAZQUEZ A successful lawyer with a wife and two kids finally comes to terms with his visceral desire to become a woman. He is determined to follow his heart, even though this will turn his whole world upside down and put his life at risk. So his trip to gender reassignment begins… WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 u TAMJUNG HONG GILDONG: SARAJIN MA-EUL —> PHANTOM DETECTIVE 11/5 PALAIS F (15:30) TANK 432 (AKA BELLY OF THE BULLDOG) United Kingdom - 88 min - 2015 - Director: Nick GILLESPIE - Cast: Rupert EVANS, Michael SMILEY, April PEARSON, Steve GARRY, Deirdre MULLINS, Gordon KENNEDY On the run and with nowhere to hide, a group of mercenaries find themselves surrounded by an unidentified enemy. As gunfire hails down and their mysterious pursuers begin to close in, they must keep moving to find safe shelter. The only chance of survival is to hide inside an abandoned tank discovered by inexperienced soldier, Reeves (Rupert Evans - Hell Boy, The Boy, Man in the High Castle). Once holed up inside the tank, they quickly discover the hatch is jammed and there is no way out. As the mercenaries begin their desperate search for anything that may aid their escape, they fall upon a shocking discovery: confidential files on dozens of soldiers; all listed as missing in action. Within those listed, are their own names. As discoveries are made inside the tank and they struggle to keep the forces outside at bay, little do they realise the real enemy is already amongst them, locked inside Tank 432. KALEIDOSCOPE FILM DISTRIBUTION LTD (United Kingdom) - LERINS Stand L21 u u u u TANTEI MITARAI NO JIKENBO SEIRO NO UMI —> THE SEA OF SEIRO: DETECTIVE MITARAI’S CASEBOOK TANTSY NASMERT —> DANCE TO DEATH TATORT - OFF DUTY —> NICK - OFF DUTY TAULARDES —> JAILBIRDS 17/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00) TEEN STAR ACADEMY United Kingdom - 94 min - English - 2016 - Director: Cristian SCARDIGNO - Cast: John SAVAGE, Blanca BLANCO, Bret ROBERTS Becoming a ‘’Star’’ is often the dream of many kids and young guys, or the fulfillment of the parent’s ‘’missed dreams’’ and so here we are, in a very special School called “Teen star academy”……where dreams come true. MOVIE ON PICTURES & ENTERTAINMENT LTD (United Kingdom) 11/5 PALAIS C (10:00) TELL ME HOW I DIE 108 min ELECTRIC ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 21 Rue des Etats-Unis -Penthouse 18/5 DOC CORNER (09:30) TEMPEST (TEMPESTAD) Mexico - 105 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Huezo TATIANA Two women, their voices echoing over the landscape and highways of Mexico from north to south, as they tell how official corruption and injustice allowed violence to take control of their lives, desires and dreams. An emotional and evocative journey, steeped not only in loss and pain, but also in love, dignity and resistance. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 u u u u TEMPESTAD —> TEMPEST TEMPETE —> LAND LEGS TENEMOS LA CARNE —> WE ARE THE FLESH TENEMOS QUE HABLAR —> WE NEED TO TALK TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D 12/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) Usa - 2016 - Director: James CAMERON - Cast: Arnold SCHWARZENEGGER, Linda HAMILTON, Edward FURLONG STUDIOCANAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L3 15/5 LERINS 3 (12:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) TERRAFORMARS Japan - 108 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Takashi MIIKE - Cast: Hideaki ITO, Emi TAKEI, Tomohisa YAMASHITA Slum-dwelling Shokichi takes responsibility for the crime of murder to protect Nanao, the girl he has grown up with and cares for. In a deal which would allow Shokichi and Nanao to avoid the conviction and receive a lavish reward, they agree to be a part of a top secret mission - Terraforming Project; 500 years ago, to resolve population explosion on Earth, cockroaches were sent to Mars with mosses to make the atmosphere habitable for humankind. Now in 2599, the mission is to exterminate the roaches and colonize Mars. Including Shokichi, 15 destitute people from all walks of life have been assembled for the task. They land on Mars with hopes of a better future that awaits them once the mission is completed and they are rewarded. However, the moment Shokichi sets foot, he finds out that cockroaches have evolved into huge creatures with unbelievable strength and mercilessly attack humans. In the midst of this danger, Shokichi is informed that all the crew members have actually undergone an operation to fight against the humanoid cockroaches… (find more on cinando.com) GAGA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand D17 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-149 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:34) TERROR 5 Argentina - 90 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Sebastian ROTSTEIN, Federico ROTSTEIN The night that TERROR 5 takes place is the conmemoration of the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of Camargo Street. That night Gabriela and Hernán decide to go to a motel for a “crazy” night. Paulo and Luciano try to convince Mariana and Marina to do a swinging. “Gene” gets a strange dvd. Juan meets Sonia in what seems to be an ordinary date. And it’s the same night in which the families of the victims in the cemetery along with their deceased heard the verdict of the tragedy. BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 u TERRORE NELLO SPAZIO —> PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES 16/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) THAT TRIP WE TOOK WITH DAD (LA DRUM CU TATA) Romania, Germany, Sweden, Hungary - 108 min - 2016 - Director: Anca Miruna LAZARESCU Cast: Alex MARGINEANU, Razvan ENCIU, Ovidiu SCHUMACHER THAT TRIP WE TOOK WITH DAD is a moving story playing in a turbulent year - 1968, with the “Prague Spring” setting the scene for the film in which a German family from Arad (Romania) – two very different brothers and their father - start a journey towards the GDR. There the older brother hopes for a surgery for his father . But after they cross the East-German border their way back is closed by Soviet tanks moving into the CSSR. Suddenly the family finds itself in West-Germany and our protagonists are faced with a vital problem: How much does one sacrifice to reunite with the family? ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 THE AFRICAN DOCTOR (MARLY GOMONT ) 13/5 OLYMPIA 7 (13:30) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 6 (13:30) France - 96 min - French - 2015 - Director: Julien RAMBALDI, Marc ZINGA, Aissa MAIGA A brilliant doctor from Congo is hired by the mayor of a small village in the North of France as he wants to get away from dictatorship. The locals are afraid as they have never seen a black person before, so he and his family struggle to adapt to this new life. Nothing is like they dreamed of but they end up finding something good they didn’t expect. Based on a true story. OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 14/5 PALAIS J (20:00) THE ALGERIAN 99 min MEDALLION RELEASING, INC. (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.08 16/5 PALAIS J (15:30) THE ALIEN (EL ALIEN) Mexico - 80 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Jesus MAGAÑA VÁZQUEZ - Cast: Ines DE TAVIRA, Paco DE LA FUENTE, Juan UGARTE, Juan PABLO CAMPA Lauro, Rita and Agus have a punk band that’s not very successful, so they decide to bring a keyboard player to “refresh” their sound, and that’s when they meet Pepe, a talented player. In spite of the fact that he has down syndrome, they accept him in the band and call him “The Alien”. Thanks to Pepe’s “touch”, Mr. Gramophone, a legendary music manager, decides to represent the band and takes them to the top of the music scene with a new genre. However, Lauro gets jealous of The Alien because he steals attention from him with his huge talent, and it seems he’s going to steal the love of Rita, his ex-girlfriend, as well. OUTSIDER PICTURES (Usa) 16/5 PALAIS D (15:30) THE ANNIVERSARY (ANIVERSAREA) Romania - 92 min - Romanian - 2016 - Director: Dan CHISU - Cast: Mircea ALBULESCU Radu Maligan’s 94th anniversary. Family members and former colleagues are invited to his birthday party. Everything gets complicated when half of the guests try to convince Radu to confess his sins to a priest, while the others think that no one should be forced to do something beyond their will. ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 17/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) THE BALLAD OF OPPENHEIMER PARK (LA BALADA DEL OPPENHEIMER PARK) Mexico - 70 min - French - 2016 - Director: Juan Manuel SEPÚLVEDA - Cast: Harley PROSPER, Marcus RAWEATER BEAR, Janet BROWN The Ballad of Oppenheimer Park is a film that celebrates the every day life of a group of First Nations, exiles from the Canadian reserves, who, over a fleeting summer, occupy a municipal park in Vancouver. Through direct participation in the filmmaking process, the day to day becomes a ritualistic space in the struggle to overcome historical and ongoing hardships. MEXICAN FILM INSTITUTE (IMCINE) (Mexico) - RIVIERA Stand D5 THE BANKSY JOB 13/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) - 15/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) United Kingdom - 80 min - English - 2016 - Director: Dylan HARVEY, Ian Roderick GRAY - Cast: Ak 47 The Banksy Job is about art, crime, authentication, ongoing feuds and a familiar statue that, when it’s reintroduced to the marketplace, could be worth Millions. METRO INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT (United Kingdom) - 4th Floor, 23 Rue Mace - ✆ 44 7527 970 064 a-150 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 18/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) THE BEAR TALES (I RACCONTI DELL’ORSO) Italy, Finland, Norway - 67 min - No dialog - 2015 - Director: Samuele SESTIERI, Olmo AMATO Cast: Freya ROBERTS, Bengt ROBERTS, Olmo AMATO, Samuele SESTIERI In a world that has been abandoned by humans, a mechanical monk follows a strange little red man. After crossing forests, dead cities and desolate plains, the two odd characters reach the top of a magic hill. The discovery of a torn teddy bear who’s in bad shape reconciles the two. They join forces, in hopes of bringing the inanimate toy to life and escaping the void that surrounds them. THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 12/5 ARCADES 1 (09:30 invit) THE BEAUTIFUL DAYS OF ARANJUEZ (LES BEAUX JOURS D’ARANJUEZ) France, Germany - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French, German - 2016 - Director: Wim WENDERS - Cast: Reda KATEB, Sophie SEMIN, Jens HARZER A beautiful summer day. A garden. A terrace. A woman and a man under the trees, with a soft summer wind. In the distance, in the vast plain, the silhouette of Paris. A conversation begins: questions and answers between the woman and the man. It deals with sexual experiences, childhood, memories, the essence of summer and the difference between men and women, it deals with feminine perspective and masculine perception. In the background, inside the house that opens onto the terrace, on the woman and the man: the writer, in the process of imagining this dialogue and typing it down. Or is it the other way around? Might it be that those two characters, over there, tell him what he’s putting down on paper: a long, final dialogue between a man and a woman? ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 18/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY Usa - 100 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Greg PALAST - Cast: Willie NELSON, Ice T, Greg PALAST A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits.as investigative journalist Greg Palast goes on the attack looking into vote-swiping schemes and the Sugar-Daddies who fund them. He’s joined by some of his celebrity fans such as Willie Nelson, Ice T.and many others. 2 BULLS ON THE HILL PRODUCTIONS (France) - RIVIERA Villa La Croix Des Gardes - ✆ 33 6 40 10 85 38 18/5 PALAIS I (18:00) THE BEST OF THE 48 HFP 110 min 48 HOUR FILM PROJECT, INC. (Usa) THE BFG HC 14/5 LUMIERE (11:45, 19:00) - 15/5 SALLE DU 60e (17:30) 120 min - Director: Steven SPIELBERG MISTER SMITH ENTERTAINMENT LTD (United Kingdom) - 3 Rond Point Dubois d’Angers - ✆ 44 0 20 7494 1724 17/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) THE BIG EVERYTHING (LE GRAND TOUT) France - 118 min - French - 2015 - Director: Nicolas BAZZ - Cast: Jauris CASANOVA, Hélène SEUZARET, Benjamin BOYER, Pierre-Alain DE GARRIGUES, Laure GOUGET It sounded like a great plan. In exchange for full pardon, Niels flies 4 scientists to a Black Hole. Sure, there’s the whole Relativity mess… The trip will last 6 weeks but a 100 years will have gone by when they return to earth. But Niels isn’t afraid of Relativity. Because he doesn’t believe in it. Only when an accident hurls them 10 000 light years away, does he accept the incredible truth: he’s stuck with 4 scientists he knows nothing about, 20 000 years from earth… Somewhere in the Big Everything. And there will be no cheating his way out, this time. MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 12/5 PALAIS B (15:30) - 15/5 PALAIS B (13:30) THE BODYGUARD Hong Kong (China) - 99 min - 10 - 25 M$ - Mandarin, Cantonese - 2015 - Director: Sammo HUNG Cast: Sammo HUNG, Andy LAU The Bodyguard follows a retired bodyguard (Hung) who has settled in the dark and unknown corner of the world where China, Russia and North Korea meet. Suffering from the beginnings of dementia, the bodyguard is befriended by a young girl whose life is threatened when her father (Lau) falls in with the local crime world. When the girl and her father disappear, the bodyguard must call upon his long forgotten skills to save the life of his young friend. EDKO FILMS LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.06 THE BODYGUARD 15/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) - 16/5 PALAIS I (16:00) - 17/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) China - 92 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Song YUE Yue Song’s great international debut after the netizen’s acclaim “King of the Streets.” Taking the lead from Bruce Lee, Yue Song displays authentic martial arts in THE BODYGUARD. Yue Song plays Wu Lin, as the successor of the ancient clan of the Iron Kick. After the death of his master, he leaves his village and ventures to the city to look for his fellow apprentice Jiang Li. Before he can find him, he takes the job of a bodyguard, protecting Faye, the wealthy daughter of a business man. Jiang Li returns, leading a gang of mobsters ready to kidnap Faye, and Wu Lin’s loyalties are split between his ancient clan of the Iron Kick, and his ward, Faye. ALL RIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand E13 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-151 17/5 PALAIS K (12:00) THE BOUNCE BACK Usa - 104 min - English - 2016 - Director: Youssef DELARA - Cast: Shemar MOORE, Nadine VELAZQUEZ, Kali HAWK Father, author and all around good guy, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind tour promoting his new book, The Bounce Back. He meets the acerbic Kristin a talk show circuit psychotherapist who’s convinced he’s nothing but a charlatan. DOUBLE DUTCH INTERNATIONAL ( DDI ) (Canada) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Grand Hotel, 6th Fl, Goeland Ent 16/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) THE CHARRO OF TOLUQUILLA (EL CHARRO DE TOLUQUILLA) Mexico - 86 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: José VILLALOBOS ROMERO Documentary film about a mariachi singer called Jaime Garcia Dominguez, he became fascinated by the recklessness and ladies man lifestyle of the classic Mexican movie characters with one difference: he s got HIV. It narrates the inner maturing process that Jaime faces as he decides between keeping this lifestyle or becoming a family man. MEXICAN FILM INSTITUTE (IMCINE) (Mexico) - RIVIERA Stand D5 THE CHILDREN OF CHANCE (LES ENFANTS DE LA CHANCE) 14/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 4 (10:00) France - 90 min - 3 - 5 M$ - French - 2015 - Director: Malik CHIBANE, Philippe TORRETON The true story of a Jewish child who lost all his family but was saved during the war by a hospital doctor, and his friendship with the other children who shared his faith in the hospital OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 13/5 PALAIS I (16:00) THE CHINESE LIVES OF ULI SIGG 93 min - Director: Ponte CREMENAGA, Michael SCHINDHELM AUTLOOK FILMSALES (Austria) - RIVIERA K6 - ✆ 43 676 900 3771 12/5 PALAIS I (09:45 prio) - 15/5 PALAIS E (09:45) THE CHOSEN Spain, Mexico - 120 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Antonio CHAVARRÍAS - Cast: Alfonso HERRERA, Hannah MURRAY It’s 1937 and Ramon Mercader is a young officer fighting against Franco s troops in the Spanish Civil War. His mother, Caridad del Rio, is an undercover agent working for the GPU (Soviet Secret Service) who recruits him to be one of the participants in an important undercover mission to assassinate Trotsky, an order that comes directly from Stalin. Ramon is sent to Moscow for training and later assumes the false identity of Jacques Mornard, supposedly the son of a wealthy Belgian diplomat. It is under this guise that he travels to Paris, where he meets the young Trotskyist Sylvia Ageloff. The two soon become lovers. They meet again in early 1940s Mexico, where Trotsky and his family have been exiled and where Sylvia is now working as one of his secretaries. Ramon claims to have fled Europe to avoid the war and the couple soon gets engaged. Sylvia starts preparing her wedding, ignorant of the fact that her position inside Trotsky s household is being used to obtain information in order to carry out Stalin s plan… (find more on cinando.com) FILMAX INTERNATIONAL (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A1 THE CINEMA TRAVELERS CC 15/5 BUÑUEL (15:00) India - 96 min - English, Hindi - 2016 - Director: Shirley ABRAHAM, Amit MADHESHIYA Showmen riding cinema lorries have brought the wonder of the movies to faraway villages in India once every year. Seven decades on, as their cinema projectors crumble and film reels become scarce, their patrons are lured by slick digital technology. Can a benevolent showman, a shrewd exhibitor and a maverick projector mechanic keep the last traveling cinemas of the world running? SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 THE CIRCLES OF THE VICIOUS (LES CERCLES DU VICIEUX) 13/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) - 16/5 PALAIS G (10:00) France - 110 min – 0.3 M$ - French, English - 2016 - Director: Philippe VALLOIS - Cast: Alexis SAGEOT, Philippe VALLOIS, Tony ZAROUEL, Belen FERRIS, Maellise BANTON, Alice OLIOT, Laurent ESTIMBRE, Thea FOUDRINIER May1973 : By coming back from the Cannes film festival, Jean-Jacques a young hitch-hiker is lost in the Cévénole forest at nightfall. He finds refuge in a farm where Maxime, age 60, claims his homosexuality and pretends to come from the future. Is Maxime sincere or does he try to seduce the young man ? After Three days of connivance, Jean-jacques call into question his conception of life, his sexual orientation, and his adult life projects . A touching philosophic tale with a lot of humour. FILMS DU TOUCAN (France) THE CLIFF (ACANTILADO) 11/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) Spain - 99 min - 2015 - Director: Helena TABERNA - Cast: Daniel GRAO A sect commits mass suicide in the Canary Island. Gabriel investigates to find out if Cordelia, his sister and one of the cult followers, is alive. But Cordelia might also be a suspect for all those deaths. WTFILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Goeland entrance, 2 Floor, DoorA a-152 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) THE COMPLEXITY OF HAPPINESS (LA FELICITÀ È UN SISTEMA COMPLESSO) Italy - 115 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Gianni ZANASI - Cast: Valerio MASTANDREA, Hadas YARON Enrico is the only one capable of doing the job he does. He’s the number one. It’s true that he’s the only one doing it and this somewhat helps. Hired as a ‘special consultant’ by a leading financial group, Enrico approaches executives who are completely incompetent and convinces them to leave.The amazing thing is that he manages to do it. Relentless, he performs the most absurd and useful job that he could ever invent. It will be easiest case to make him confront what he has been always avoiding: his own life. RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 12/5 GRAY 1 (14:00) - 15/5 PALAIS G (10:00) THE CONFESSIONS (LE CONFESSIONI) Italy, France - 100 min - Italian, English, French - 2015 - Director: Roberto ANDÒ - Cast: Toni SERVILLO, Daniel AUTEUIL, Lambert WILSON, Connie NIELSEN, Pierfrancesco FAVINO, Marie-Josée CROZE, Moritz BLEIBTREU A G8 meeting is being held at a luxury hotel on the German coast. The world’s most powerful economists are gathered to enact important provisions that will deeply influence the world economy. One of the guests is a mysterious Italian monk, Salus, who’s emerging from a long period of silent meditation. He has been invited by Daniel Rochè, the Director of the International Monetary Fund. Rochè wants the monk to receive his confession, that night, in secret. The next morning, Rochè is found dead. Salus was seen entering Roche’s room the previous night and is now the main suspect, but he refuses to break the seal of the private confessional. The finance ministers attending the G8 fear that Rochè might have leaked the details of a plan they were about to approve that will have a catastrophic effect on the economies of many countries. With more than his innocence at stake, Salus will not reveal any details of what Rochè confessed and now his silence may upend the schemes of the most powerful economists in the world TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 20/5 OLYMPIA 2 (20:30) THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP - SHORTS Usa - 110 min THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 14.12 18/5 PALAIS H (11:30) THE CREATIVE MIND SHORTS 110 min THE CREATIVE MIND GROUP (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 14.12 15/5 OLYMPIA 7 (11:30 prio) THE CREW (BRAQUEURS) France - 85 min - French - 2015 - Director: Julien LECLERCQ - Cast: Sami BOUAJILA Yanis Zeri is one of the most talented armored-truck hijackers in Paris. Meticulous and brilliant, he always kept himself under the radar. His friends, Franck and Nasser, and his brother Amine are the only men he trusts to work with him. But for his newest coup, Yanis brings in an explosives expert, Eric. Everything goes according to plan. They hit the jackpot ! But Amine is too greedy and makes a mistake that forces them to work for a powerful dealer. Their job : hijack a go-fast and take all the cash and drugs they can. If they fail, their families will suffer the consequences. The stakes never have been higher… SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette 12/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) THE CREW (EKIPAZH) Russia - 125 min - Russian, English - 2016 - Director: Nikolay LEBEDEV - Cast: Danila KOZLOVSKY, Vladimir MASHKOV A story about bravery, self-sacrifice and human dignity put on trial by the merciless power of nature. A young pilot is fired from military air force after disobeying an absurd order. He gets a job as a co-pilot with a civil airline. Being brutally honest and direct, he is not on best terms with his new colleagues. During a flight to Asia his crew receives a distress message from a volcanic island and makes a decision to attempt a rescue mission. Will it be a success? Will they survive the disaster? They have a single chance to find that out: by being a team and sticking up for one another. CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP SALES HOUSE (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 18/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) THE CULT (A SEITA) Brazil - 70 min - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2015 - Director: Andre ANTONIO - Cast: Pedro NEVES, Ericka ROLIM, Felipe ARAUJO, Julio EMILIO, Paulo FALTAY In the year 2040, the city of Recife, in Brazil, is deserted and in ruins. It was abandoned by the wealthy, who migrated to space colonies. The son of one of these rich families, bored in his new address, decides to return. In Recife, he redecorates his old house and spends his time reading, walking and getting involved with various men. Gradually, however, he perceives strange signs in the streets and discovers the existence of a secret cult. THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 Join & Connect Access contacts & films Browse festivals & markets Showcase your business BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-153 THE DANCER CR 13/5 DEBUSSY (14:00, 22:15) - 14/5 BAZIN (10:00) - ARCADES 1 (11:30 press) 16/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30 press) - 19/5 PALAIS I (15:15) France - French, English - 2016 - Director: Stephanie DI GIUSTO - Cast: SOKO, Gaspard ULLIEL, Lily-Rose DEPP 1887. After the death of her gold prospector father, 25-year-old Marie-Louise leaves her life in the American West to join her mother in New York and pursue her heart’s dream – becoming an actress. One night on stage, becoming tangled in her long dress, she avoids falling by spinning the fabric in a graceful, magical gesture: the “Serpentine Dance” is born. The audience - shocked, then overwhelmed - calls out for more. Marie-Louise has become Loïe Fuller. She embarks on a new, hectic life, leaving New York, where imitators try to steal her radical innovations, for Paris. At the Folies Bergères, she dazzles the capital, and illustrious admirers fall at her feet. Toulouse Lautrec, the Lumière Brothers, Rodin… the Electric Fairy becomes an icon, the blazing symbol of a generation. But fame isn’t all. An encounter with the young, spellbinding Isadora Duncan will disrupt her turbulent love affair with Louis and her complex relationship with her devoted assistant Gabrielle, and risk the very essence of her art… Revolutionary genius of dance and impassioned artist, neither pain nor treachery can defeat her… (find more on cinando.com) WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 16/5 ARCADES 3 (17:30) THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (DIE DUNKLE SEITE DES MONDES) Germany, Luxembourg - 97 min - German - 2015 - Director: Stephan RICK - Cast: Moritz BLEIBTREU, Jürgen PROCHNOW, Nora VON WALDSTÄTTEN, Doris SCHRETZMAYER, Luc FEIT Corporate lawyer, Urs Blank, is the undisputed star of his profession. He has money and the perfect wife. But the suicide of a business colleague throws him off track and leads to an attraction with Lucille and her alternative lifestyle. Seduced into experimenting with hallucinogenic mushrooms, his dark side emerges, as with merciless power, long suppressed aggressions burst out and go wild. The once civilised lawyer turns into an instinct-driven individual and erratic murderer. Deeply unsettled by the change he flees to the woods in search of an antidote but the police and his vindictive business partner are already on his tracks. PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 THE DAY WILL COME (DER KOMMER EN DAG) 11/5 OLYMPIA 8 (18:00 invit) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 5 (09:45 invit) Denmark - 119 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Danish - 2015 - Director: Jesper W. NIELSEN - Cast: Sofie GRÅBØL, Lars MIKKELSEN, Lars RANTHE The year is 1967, and a blooming youth culture is on the rise. In a working-classneighborhood of Copenhagen, two inseparable brothers, Elmer and Erik – are removed from their ill mother and put in the Gudbjerg Home for Boys, a place frozen in time. Here, Headmaster Heck practices his own brand of philosophy and regulation. Unruly boys are transformed into obedient citizens at any cost. From their very first day, the boys understand that their freedom is lost and a daily struggle for survival has begun. The boys try to live under the radar, but Elmer’s vivid astronaut dreams and clubfoot constantly gets him in trouble. The brothers realize they are on their own and a simmering revolt slowly forms. Armed only with a vivid imagination and a fickle hope the boys engage in the frightening battle against Headmaster Heck and his lethal tyranny. TRUSTNORDISK (Denmark) - Rue des Etats Unis 25, 4th floor - ✆ 45 2421 4133 THE DEATH OF LOUIS XIV HC 19/5 SALLE DU 60e (17:00) - 20/5 PALAIS J (11:45) Spain, France - French - 2015 - Director: Albert SERRA - Cast: Jean Pierre LÉAUD The last day of Louis XIV on his deathbed. CAPRICCI FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand J10 THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA 12/5 OLYMPIA 4 (12:00) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) Usa - 107 min - English - 2015 - Director: Bill PURPLE - Cast: Jason SUDEIKIS, Maisie WILLIAMS, Jessica BIEL, Orlando JONES, Paul REISER, Mary STEENBURGEN, Bryan BATT Featuring original music by Justin Timberlake, ‘The Descendants’ meets ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ in THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA – an emotional, funny and life-affirming story of how a widower’s life is given new meaning thanks to a friendship with a most unusual young drifter. CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN (EL CIUDADANO ILUSTRE) 14/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:15) - 16/5 PALAIS D (11:15) Spain, Argentina - 117 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Gaston DUPRAT, Mariano COHN - Cast: Oscar MARTINEZ, Andrea FRIGERIO, Dady BRIEVA, Belen CHAVANNE, Nora NAVAS After refusing big and prestigious awards all over the world, Mr. Mantovani, Literature Nobel Prize winner, accepts an invitation to visit his hometown in Argentina, which has been the inspiration for all of his books. It turns out that accepting this invitation is the worse idea of his life. Expect the unexpected when you have used real people as characters in your novels! LATIDO FILMS (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 15/5 PALAIS K (20:30) THE DOLL 110 min MEDALLION RELEASING, INC. (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.08 a-154 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 LERINS 1 (14:00) THE DRAGON SPELL (AKA NICKY TANNER) (NICKY TANNER) Ukraine - 73 min – 0.3 M$ - English, Ukranian - 2014 - Director: Vladimir MIKHAILOV 10-year old Nicky is a kind-hearted dreamer who cannot seem to live up to the expectations of his father, a famous dragon hunter. Riding on his pet calf Draco, he makes believe he’s soaring through the air on a dragon’s back. When Nicky hears about the legend of the fire flower and its magical powers, he and Draco are drawn into an incredible adventure. In the enchanted forest, Nicky encounters a scary giant, befriends a mischievous wood goblin, enters the cave of the last dragon and is charmed by the mysterious water princess. Will he and his new friends find the fire flower in time to prevent the evil plans of the swamp witch? SOLA MEDIA GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F5 15/5 PALAIS G (12:00) THE DREAM OF WATER (KHAB-E AB) Iran - 103 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Farhad MEHRANFAR - Cast: Hossein MAHJOUB, Payam FAZLI, Maryam NAHVI, Ashin JAFARIKHAH After the breakdown of his car in the desert, a young man who works for the water supply organization reaches an abandoned village. With the help of an old man who is also the remaining inhabitant of that region, he goes down the aqueduct. The old man’s condition to get him out is finding the spring that he believes it’s hidden under the ground… FARABI CINEMA FOUNDATION (Iran) - RIVIERA Stand J11 18/5 ARCADES 2 (14:00) THE END France - 85 min - French - 2016 - Director: Guillaume NICLOUX - Cast: Gérard DEPARDIEU, Swann ARLAUD, Audrey BONNET A hunter goes for a walk in the woods with his dog and his rifle. A few hours later, lost in the forest, he experiences strange encounters… GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 12/5 PALAIS D (15:30) - 16/5 PALAIS C (10:00) THE EXILE (EL DESTIERRO) Spain - 87 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Arturo RUIZ - Cast: Joan Carles SUAU, Eric FRANCÉS, Monika KOWALSKA During the Spanish Civil War, Teo is destined to a minuscule fort of vigilance, located in a cold and inhospitable place in the mountains. There he meets Silverio, his new companion, with whom he will have to coexist for six long months. The different personalities of these two men, will provoke many tensions, also accentuated by the limited space. The fragile coexistence will break up with the arrival of Zoska, a young militiwoman whom they will find wounded in the surroundings. CINEMA REPUBLIC (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 - ✆ 34 6477 868 12 11/5 PALAIS J (17:30) - 12/5 OLYMPIA 3 (20:00) - 14/5 PALAIS H (13:30) THE EYES OF MY MOTHER Usa - 76 min - English, Portuguese - 2015 - Director: Nicolas PESCE A young, lonely woman is consumed by her deepest and darkest desires after tragedy strikes her quiet country life. MAGNOLIA PICTURES & MAGNET RELEASING (Usa) - 24 La Croisette/La Brise, 2nd FL - ✆ 120 3952 4413 THE FAMILY WHISTLE CC 19/5 BUÑUEL (22:00) Italy, Usa - 65 min - 2016 - Director: Michele RUSSO The famed Coppola family of filmmakers and musicians descends from Agostino Coppola, a poor immigrant from an impoverished village in Southern Italy. Interviews and archival footage portray how the family history has inspired these artists, and how they continue to renew their ties to the land of their origin. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) 19/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) THE FARMER AND I Germany - 81 min - German, English - 2015 - Director: Irja VON BERNSTORFF German filmmaker Irja and Bhutanese farmer Sangay see how quickly Bhutan, after centuries of isolation, starts falling into the trap of unsustainable growth: replacing homegrown food with lower quality imports from India; youth emigrating to cities, where they face unemployment; loss of customs and culture in favor of Western models. Passionate and equally idealistic in their belief that this trend can be reverted, they team up to make a 25-episode fiction TV series for the only Bhutanese TV channel. Promoting autonomous modern and sustainable agriculture and offering an alternative to city life, the TV series appeals to a young Bhutanese audience in an identity crisis, disconnected from their parents’ generation of traditional farmers. Irja and Sangay risk failure when the very same forces that threaten Bhutan with collapse strain their relationship. Despite their shared vision, locals and foreigners can’t seem to agree even on the basics of collaborating on the project: no common working procedure, little money and time for Western standards, and problematic remote places without the comforts of modern life… (find more on cinando.com) FECHNERMEDIA GMBH (Germany) - ✆ 49 176 70 81 0210 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-155 13/5 GRAY 4 (20:00) THE FINAL BARRIER Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 84 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, German, Arabic - 2016 - Director: Jasmin DURAKOVIC - Cast: Michael KRISTOF Michael, a filmmaker from Austria travels with a cameraman to Serbia for a documentary about refugees from Syria. In a camp on the border between Serbia and Hungary, he meets the two young women Nur and Zhora. Both come from Kobane in Syria and were hostages of ISIS. Zhora has lost the language because of worse experiences . Nur wants to get with Zhora to London to create a new life . With them is Bassam, who also claims to come from Syria . Michael soon realizes that Bassam is not that’s what he claims to be. ARTDELUXE GMBH (Austria) 16/5 PALAIS H (13:30) THE FIREFLY SUMMERS Japan - 108 min - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Ryuichi HIROKI - Cast: Kasumi ARIMURA, Asuka KUDO, Ken MITSUISHI, Kazuko YOSHIYUKI Natsumi is frustrated and lost. While Natsumi‘s classmates in her photography course are moving ahead, she isn’t. Her relationship with her boyfriend is also going nowhere. Hoping to leave it all behind, she takes off on her deceased father‘s motorcycle to a river where memories linger. There she meets the kind owners of a small general store; Keizo and his mother Yasu who let Natsumi stay with them. She spends time with the local children and photographs the unpretentious country life. The local kids affectionately call Keizo Jizo, which means bodhisattva, because of his gentle demeanor. The only one Natsumi doesn’t get along with is Keizo’s friend, Ungetsu. But then her boyfriend joins her and they begin to enjoy the routine of their quiet life at the general store. Keizo’s outward calm demeanor hides a secret. He left his own family long ago and it still torments him. KADOKAWA CORPORATION (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C12 THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY 11/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 5 (10:00) Usa - 91 min - English - 2016 - Director: Andrew ROSSI - Cast: Anna WINTOUR, RIHANNA, Wong KARWAI, Jean-Paul GAULTIER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY follows the creation of The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s most attended fashion exhibition in history, “China: Through The Looking Glass” an exploration of Chinese-inspired Western fashions by Met curator Andrew Bolton. With unprecedented access, filmmaker Andrew Rossi captures the collision of haute couture and celebrity at the Met Gala, one of the biggest global fashion events hosted every year by Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour. Featuring a cast of renowned artists in many fields (including filmmaker Wong Kar Wai and fashion designers Karl Lagerfeld, Jean Paul Gaultier and John Galliano) as well as a host of contemporary icons from Justin Bieber to Rihanna, the movie dives deep into the debate about whether fashion should be viewed as fine art and how misunderstanding and appropriation exists across cultures. ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette THE FIRST, THE LAST (LES PREMIER, LES DERNIERS) 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (13:30 press) Belgium - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Bouli LANNERS - Cast: Albert DUPONTEL, Bouli LANNERS, Suzanne CLÉMENT, Michael LONSDALE, David MURGIA, Aurore BROUTIN, Philippe REBBOT, Serge RIABOUKINE, Lionel ABELANSKI, Virgile BRAMLY, Max VON SYDOW Inseparable bounty hunters Cochise and Gilou are hired to find a phone containing embarrassing files that has been mislaid by its influential owner. Their quest leads them to a little lost town where they meet Esther and Willy, a couple of young social outcasts apparently on the run… WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 11/5 PALAIS H (13:30) THE FOUNDERS Usa - 89 min - English - 2015 - Director: Charlene FISK, Carrie SCHRADER - Cast: Louise SUGGS, Babe ZAHARIAS, Marilynn SMITH, Shirley SPORK, Marlene BAUER HAGGE, Stacy LEWIS, Karrie WEBB They were not supposed to be athletes. They were not supposed to get paid to play. They were not supposed to call the shots. But in 1950, 13 amateur women golfers battled society, finances and sometimes even each other to stake their claim to become professional sportswomen by creating the Ladies Professional Golf Association (The LPGA). With humour, grit and raw talent, these underdogs not only changed the course of women’s sport but created a timeless story of redemption and endurance. Through rare, archival footage, historical re-enactments and current-day interviews with surviving founders and leading players, we tell that story - a special legacy - in this feature-length documentary. While their male counterparts drew adoring crowds and handsome purses for their athletic achievements, The Founders used money from their own pockets to stage tournaments in small, far-flung towns that questioned whether female golfers were even worth watching… (more info on cinando.com) KALEIDOSCOPE FILM DISTRIBUTION LTD (United Kingdom) - LERINS Stand L21 15/5 PALAIS I (18:00) THE FOURTH PHASE Usa - 90 min - 5 - 10 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Jon KLACZKIEWICZ - Cast: Travis RICE, John JACKSON, Pat MOORE Follow iconic Snowboarder Travis Rice on an epic journey around the ring of fire trying to find the world’s best snowboard ground. All shot in 4K. RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE (Austria) a-156 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 12/5 OLYMPIA 2 (14:00 invit) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30 invit) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 1 (12:00 invit) THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS United Kingdom - 105 min - English - 2016 - Director: Colm MCCARTHY - Cast: Gemma ARTERTON, Paddy CONSIDINE, Glenn CLOSE, Sennia NANUA The near future; humanity has been all but destroyed by a mutated fungal disease that eradicates free will and turns its victims into flesh-eating “hungries”. Only a small group of children seem immune to its effects. At an army base in rural England, this group of unique children are being studied, subjected to cruel experiments by biologist Dr. Caldwell. Despite having been infected with the zombie pathogen that has decimated the world, these children retain normal thoughts and emotions. And while still being subject to the craving for human flesh that marks the disease these second-generation “hungries” are able to think and feel making them a vital resource in the search for a cure. The children attend school lessons daily, guarded by the ever watchful Sergeant Parks. But one little girl, Melanie, stands out from the rest. Melanie is special. She excels in the classroom, is inquisitive, imaginative and loves her favourite teacher Miss Justineau… (more info on cinando.com) ALTITUDE FILM SALES (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Le Dauphin Entrance, 2nd Floor - ✆ 33 4 93 99 20 61 12/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS (LA JEUNE FILLE SANS MAINS) France - 76 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sébastien LAUDENBACH - Cast: Anaïs DEMOUSTIER, Jérémie ELKAÏM, Philippe LAUDENBACH, Olivier BROCHE, Françoise LEBRUN, Sacha BOURDO, Elina LÖWENSOHN In hard times, a miller sells his daughter to the devil. Protected by her purity, she escapes but is deprived of her hands. Walking away from her family, she encounters the goddess of water, a gentle gardener and the prince in his castle. A long journey towards the light… ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette 14/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) - 16/5 PALAIS D (13:30) THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS (LA JEUNE FILLE SANS MAINS) France - 76 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sébastien LAUDENBACH - Cast: Anaïs DEMOUSTIER, Jérémie ELKAÏM, Philippe LAUDENBACH, Olivier BROCHE, Françoise LEBRUN, Sacha BOURDO, Elina LÖWENSOHN In hard times, a miller sells his daughter to the Devil. Protected by her purity, she escapes but is deprived of her hands. Walking away from her family, she encounters the goddess of water, a gentle gardener and a prince in his castle. A long journey towards the light… PYRAMIDE INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand J6 14/5 OLYMPIA 9 (17:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 3 (11:30) THE GREASY STRANGLER Usa - 93 min - English - 2015 - Director: Jim HOSKING - Cast: Michael ST. MICHAELS, Sky ELOBAR This Los Angeles-set tale follows Ronnie, a man who runs a disco walking tour along with his loser son, Brayden. When a sexy, alluring woman named Janet come to take the tour, it begins a competition between father and son for her affections. It also brings about the appearance of an oily, slimy, inhuman maniac who walks the streets at night and strangles the innocent - soon dubbed “The Greasy Strangler”. PROTAGONIST PICTURES (United Kingdom) - GRAND HOTEL 45 la croisette 7 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 39 30 70 14/5 PALAIS H (15:30) - 16/5 DOC CORNER (15:30) - 17/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) THE GREEN FAIRY Usa, Switzerland, United Kingdom - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Dan FRANK - Cast: Roddy PIPER, Ashley LAURENCE, Manu INTIRAYMI, Linda BLAIR, Richard GRIECO For almost 300 years, absinthe known as a dangerous drink. It has been blamed for driving Vincent van Gogh (Trevor Snarr), Oscar Wilde (Roddy Piper) insane, and for the murder of Mrs. Lanfray (Linda Blair) which led to the ban that lasted 95 years. It’s time to tell the true story behind these crimes and crazy myths. UPWARD RISING DEVELOPMENT (Usa) THE HAPPIEST DAY IN THE LIFE OF OLLI MÄKI (HYMYILEVÄ MIES) CR 13/5 PALAIS J (09:30 invit) - 15/5 PALAIS D (15:30 invit) 19/5 DEBUSSY (11:15:00, 16:30) - 20/5 PALAIS I (12:00) - BAZIN (13:00) Finland - 92 min - Finnish - 2016 - Director: Juho KUOSMANEN - Cast: Jarkko LAHTI, Oona AIROLA, Eero MILONOFF Summer 1962, Olli Mäki has a shot at the world championship title in featherweight boxing. From the Finnish countryside to the bright lights of Helsinki, everything has been prepared for his fame and fortune. All Olli has to do is lose weight and concentrate. But there is a problem – he has fallen in love with Raija. LES FILMS DU LOSANGE (France) - RIVIERA Stand J7 13/5 LERINS 1 (18:00) - 15/5 LERINS 1 (16:00) THE HERITAGE OF LOVE (GEROY) Russia - 86 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Russian - 2016 - Director: Yuriy VASSILIEV - Cast: Aleksandr ADABASHYAN, Dima BILAN, Svetlana IVANOVA Andrey goes to Paris to visit the grave of his great-grandfather, who had been an officer in the White Army. On the headstone of the next grave, he notices the face of a young woman. MONTECRISTO INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - LERINS Stand L25 14/5 PALAIS G (16:00) THE HERO CHI YOU China - 104 min - 10 - 25 M$ - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Jian ZHAO - Cast: Kai TAN, Dong HAN, Xue QIN ChiYou, one of the ancestors of all Chinese, must fight betrayal, the losses of his warrior father and his love to survive, persevere and become Lord of War. CALIFORNIA PICTURES (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand C7 - ✆ 33 6 60 69 12 82 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-157 14/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) THE HOLE (EL HOYO) Trailer Mexico - 19 min – 0.3 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Alonso VALDEZ, Raúl TERRIQUEZ BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 12/5 LERINS 2 (10:00) THE ICEBREAKER (LEDOKOL) Trailer Russia - 100 min - 10 - 25 M$ - Russian, English - 2016 - Director: Nikolay KHOMERIKI - Cast: Petr FEDOROV, Sergey PUSKEPALIS, Anna MIKHALKOVA Based on a true story. Antarctic, 1985. The icebreaker “Gromov” got captured on the ice trying to dodge a giant berg. For 133 days in cold and ringing silence the crew tries to find the way out. One false move – and they will be crashed in the ice. PLANETA INFORM FILM DISTRIBUTION (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 12/5 GRAY 5 (14:00) THE INDIAN POSTMAN 94 min - English - - Director: Ramesh REDDY TUMMALA It’s the story of a South Indian postman who gets inclined towards the cause of social justice and equality while distributing the death letters of those killed in 1969-72 Telangana revolution in which 400 humans called telanganites were killed brutally in a police firing by racist police in southern part of India called as Telangana… DEVENKY FILMS (India) THE JOURNEY TO GREENLAND (LE VOYAGE AU GROENLAND)13/5 PALAIS I (14:00) - 15/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) 16/5 GRAY 2 (13:30) France - 98 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sébastien BETBEDER - Cast: Thomas BLANCHARD, Thomas SCIMECA, François CHATTOT, Ole ELIASSEN, Adam ESKILDSEN, Benedikte ELIASSEN, Mathias PETERSEN, Judith HENRY, Martin JENSEN Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch: they are both thirty something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas’ father Nathan lives. Among the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the local customs and their friendship will be challenged. ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette 12/5 RIVIERA 1 (12:00) THE LAND Usa - 104 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Steven CAPLE JR. - Cast: Jorge LENDEBORG JR, Erykah BADU, Michael KENNETH WILLIAMS, Noises ARIAS, Rafi GAVRON, Ezri WALKER, Machine Gun Kelly COLSON BAKER, Linda EMOND, Kim COATES Four teenage boys devote their summer to escaping the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, by pursuing a dream life of professional skateboarding. But when they get caught in the web of local gang queenpin, their motley brotherhood is tested, threatening to make this summer their last. FILM CONSTELLATION (United Kingdom) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Entrance Cormoran 2,1st Floor,1A - ✆ 33 9 84 50 14 66 THE LAND OF THE ENLIGHTENED 12/5 LERINS 3 (10:00) - 17/5 PALAIS C (14:00) Belgium - 87 min - English, Farsi, Pashtu - 2016 - Director: Pieter-Jan DE PUE In the wild Afghan mountains, a gang of Kuchi kids dig out anti-personal mines to collect the explosives, recycle weapons and keep tight control on the caravans smuggling opium . When they are not waging their own miniwars in the daily madness of life in Afghanistan, the children are fleeing away in their personal fantasies and dreams, while the American soldiers are planning their retreat… FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 THE LAST CHANCE (DIE LETZTE CHANCE) CC 13/5 BUÑUEL (11:00) Switzerland - 113 min - English, German, Italian, Yiddish - 1945 - Director: Leopold LINDTBERG Cast: Ewart G. MORRISON, John HOY, Ray REAGAN, Luisa ROSSI, Giuseppe GALEATI, Romano CALÒ Northern Italy, September 1943. Two allied prisoners of war, an Englishman and an American, escape when the train transporting them to Germany is bombed. Taken in by a village priest who smuggles into Switzerland everyone trying to escape the Germans, the two prisoners become smugglers in turn, leading a group of Jewish refugees of all ages and ten different nationalities. With the Nazis in pursuit, they try to reach Switzerland over the mountains… One year after Marie-Louise, Leopold Lindtberg made another deeply humanist film on the theme of war refugees in Switzerland. Winner of the Grand Prix at the Festival de Cannes in 1946, Die letzte Chance was a success around the world, and established the importance of Lindtberg internationally. “In its dignity, this film transcends mere realistic testimony to become an allegory: that of seeking refuge, a homeland. If only for that, Die letzte Chance deserves its place as a classic among prominent postwar films” (Hervé Dumont, Histoire du cinéma suisse, 1987). CINÉMATHÈQUE SUISSE / SWISS FILM ARCHIVE (Switzerland) a-158 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique THE LAST FACE CO 20/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 15:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (16:15) - LUMIERE (19:00) - 21/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:45) Usa - 132 min - English - 2014 - Director: Sean PENN - Cast: Javier BARDEM, Charlize THERON, Adele EXARCHOPOULOS, Jared HARRIS, Jean RENO The Last Face centers around a love affair between Dr. Miguel Leon (Academy Award® winner, Javier Bardem), a relief-aid doctor, and Dr. Wren Petersen (Academy Award® winner, Charlize Theron), the director of an international aid organization. Set against the devastating backdrop of war-torn Liberia, Miguel and Wren must find a way to keep their relationship alive in extraordinarily difficult conditions battling their mutual passion for the value of life matched by the intensity of their diametrically opposed opinions on how best to solve the conflict that surrounds them. Directed by Two-time Academy Award® winner Sean Penn, The Last Face also stars Primetime Emmy® nominee Jared Harris, and celebrated French actors Jean Reno and Adele Exarchopoulos. LIONSGATE (Usa) - 2 La Croisette, 5th floor suite - ✆ 33 4 97 06 90 2 12/5 GRAY 5 (10:00) - 18/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) THE LAST FIVE DAYS OF A DIRECTOR China - 98 min – 0.3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Yao ZHANG - Cast: Ke SHU A director rises a revolution in the last five days. BEIJING PISCES CULTURE MEDIA CO.,LTD (China) - ✆ 86 158 112 02 841 THE LAST RESORT (L’ULTIMA SPIAGGIA) 12/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:45) - 13/5 PALAIS E (18:00) - 20/5 PALAIS I (09:30) Italy, Greece, France - 135 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Thanos ANASTOPOULOS, Davide DEL DEGAN The Last Resort describes the lives stories of beach-goers revolving around a very popular beach located in Trieste, in the Northeast of Italy, where a wall still separates men from women. A film about boundaries, identities and discrimination. WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 THE LAST SURVIVORS (LES DERNIERS SURVIVANTS) 17/5 PALAIS G (14:30) Congo - 81 min – 0.3 M$ - French, Lingala - 2013 - Director: Arnaud TOUSSAINT - Cast: Arnaud TOUSSAINT, Fanny ROGER, Marcel MANKITA, Lucky JACOB, Didier LELONG, Loïc BRABANT, Sandra THOMAS, Fabien JOUBERT, Karim MOUTAOUKIL, Tristan BONNARD, Lola BONNARD, Angélique FRIANT Two brothers are trying to survive a planetary disaster. “Things” have envaded the world…. Nobody knows how they got here nor what they came here to do, only that they feed on living things included humans. The brothers dream of leaving far south, away from the place they’re at, when a dumb woman suddenly appears in their lives… NYOTADIS (France) THE LAST WILL BE LAST (GLI ULTIMI SARANNO ULTIMI) 16/5 PALAIS I (12:00) Italy - 103 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Massimiliano BRUNO - Cast: Paola CORTELLESI, Alessandro GASSMANN, Fabrizio BENTIVOGLIO, Stefano FRESI, Ilaria SPADA Luciana is leaving the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with his husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, claiming for the justice she affirms to deserve. TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 11/5 PALAIS F (17:30) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 4 (18:00) THE LEGEND OF BEN HALL Australia - 135 min - English - 2016 - Director: Matthew HOLMES - Cast: Jack MARTIN, Jamie COFFA, William LEE After two years on the road, bushranger Ben Hall considers surrendering to the law when his old friend John Gilbert entices him back into the game. Taking on a fresh recruit John Dunn, the gang ride again, before long becoming the most wanted men in the British Empire. When they are declared outlaw, the three decide to flee the colony forever. As Ben Hall seeks to make peace with his tortured past, the their trusted friend becomes a police informant. They set a cunning trap for the outlaws, and on the cold morning of May 5th 1865, Ben Hall emerges alone from his camp… and walks into legend forever. ODIN’S EYE ENTERTAINMENT (Australia) - LERINS Stand L2 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 THE LIGHT ON THE HILL (LA LUZ EN EL CERRO) 16/5 PALAIS E (18:00) Peru - 85 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Ricardo VELARDE - Cast: Ramon GARCIA, Manuel GOLD, Emilram COSSIO In a remote village in the Peruvian Andes, the mysterious death of a local shepherd unveils a shocking secret buried for centuries. It will seduce the ones involved in its discovery into the darkest valleys of human nature, where ruthless selfishness results in violent madness… WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-159 17/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) THE LINDA VISTA PROJECT Usa - 82 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2013 - Director: John ROGERS - Cast: Whitney ANDERSON, Paul DIETZ, Douglas TAIT, Kara LUIZ, Christopher Allan NELSON An expert in the paranormal, Emily Strand takes her team on their last ghost hunt to explain the supernatural. She finds her team terrorized in one of America’s most haunted places. Escaping from the supernatural is their only chance to survive. XVIII ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.12 THE LIVES OF THERESE (LES VIES DE THÉRÈSE) QR 16/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:15:00, 17:00) 17/5 LERINS 2 (10:00) - ARCADES 1 (11:30) France - 50 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sébastien LIFSHITZ Thérèse Clerc is one of the great figures of militantism. From the struggle to legalize abortion to the fight for equal rights of men and women and the battle for gay rights, she’s been on the front lines of all of them. She has just learned that she has an incurable disease and has decided to take a last look back over her life, a tender and lucid look at the battles and the love that went with them. DOC & FILM INTERNATIONAL (France) - RIVIERA Stand L2 THE LONG NIGHT OF FRANCISCO SANCTIS (LA LARGA NOCHE DE FRANCISCO SANCTIS) CR 13/5 BAZIN (13:00) - 20/5 DEBUSSY (11:30) - PALAIS K (15:45) - DEBUSSY (16:30) Argentina - 80 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Andrea TESTA, Francisco MÁRQUEZ - Cast: Diego VELAZQUEZ, Laura PAREDES, Valeria LOIS, Marcelo SUBIOTTO, Rafael FEDERMAN Buenos Aires, 1977. Francisco Sanctis, a family man living an eventless life, receives information about an upcoming kidnapping operation by soldiers of the dictatorship. In a race against the night, he will need to make the most important decision of his life: will he try to save innocent lives by risking his own? FILMS BOUTIQUE (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G3 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 20 THE MAGNIFISENT NINE (TONO, RISOKU DE GOZARU!) 14/5 PALAIS G (20:30) - 16/5 PALAIS H (17:30) Japan - 2016 - Director: Yoshihiro NAKAMURA SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 13/5 PALAIS D (17:30) - 14/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) THE MASTER China - 109 min - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Haofeng XU - Cast: Fan LIAO, Jia SONG, Wenli JIANG, Shih-Chieh CHIN, Jue HUANG, Yang SONG China, 1932. Tianjin is the capital of the martial arts world. Newcomers from the provinces visit the city to challenge fighters from the other martial arts schools. Chen Shi, from a once-wealthy Cantonese family that has been devastated by war, travels to Tianjin after the death of his martial arts teacher to continue his master’s teaching and restore his family’s fortune. But to establish his own school, he must successfully train a disciple to challenge and defeat fighters from eight different martial arts schools in Tianjin. The process is expected to take three years. He partners with Zheng Shan’ao, Tianjin’s leading martial artist who finds him a local disciple, and he has a marriage of convenience with Zhao Guohui, a woman with a damaged reputation after having a mixed-race child out of wedlock. One day, when Chen encounters the talented martial artist Geng Liangchen, he realises that he can shorten the process to just one or two years… (more info on cinando.com) GOLDEN NETWORK ASIA LTD (Hong Kong (China)) - RIVIERA Stand G17 THE MASTER CLEANSE 12/5 OLYMPIA 7 (09:30) - 15/5 GRAY 1 (12:00) Usa - 100 min - English - 2014 - Director: Bobby MILLER - Cast: Johnny GALECKI, Anjelica HUSTON, Oliver PLATT, Anna FRIEL After holding onto heartbreak for several years, Paul decides to restart his life, joining a spiritual retreat designed to cleanse negative toxins from his body. But things take a turn when Paul and the other participants discover that the cleanse releases something far greater than everyday toxins and traumatic experiences. A soulful and humorous blend of Cronenberg body-horror and old-school Amblin, THE MASTER CLEANSE asks the all-important question: can we kill our demons before they kill us? XYZ FILMS (Usa) - ✆ 1 317 752 6089 THE MATH GANG (UNA MAGIA SARACENA) 15/5 PALAIS I (16:00) Italy - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Italian - 2015 - Director: Vincenzo STANGO - Cast: Diego MAIELLO, Giovanni IZZO, Francesca GAMBA, Maurizio GRECO, Fabio GALADINI, Chiara CATALANO In a future in which the society is completely digitized, power is in the hands of a brilliant but heartless leader who has managed to bring most of mankind under his control. A group of rebels (called ‘the foolish’) tries to oppose his rule. Their own leader Leonardo lands in prison, where, when he isn’t being questioned by the police, he starts to create his own history of mathematics. Euclid, Archimedes, Pythagorus, Descartes and Fibonacci all come to life, revealing the myriad connections between art and mathematics. ELLIPSIS MEDIA INTERNATIONAL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 a-160 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 16/5 OLYMPIA 3 (11:30) THE MINISTER (IL MINISTRO) Italy - 104 min - Italian - 2016 - Director: Giorgio AMATO - Cast: Gianmarco TOGNAZZI, Alessia BARELA, Fortunato CERLINO scandals, bribes, corruption an unscrupulous entrepreneur, a corrupt Minister ADRIANA CHIESA ENTERPRISES (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand G10 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 27 13/5 PALAIS E (12:00) THE MISSING PAPER (USTICA) Italy - 112 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Renzo MARTINELLI - Cast: Marco LEONARDI, Lubna AZABAL, Caterina MURINO, Tomas ARANA On June 27th 1980, an Italian civil airplaine “ ITAVIA DC9” disappears from the radar screens without launching any emergency signal and crashes into the sea. Eightyone people died. Fourteen of those were children. Those eightyone victims and their relatives are still claiming for the truth… INTRAMOVIES (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 11/5 PALAIS G (16:00) - 13/5 GRAY 4 (09:30) THE MORNING AFTER Usa - 78 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, French, Spanish - 2015 - Director: Shanra J. KEHL - Cast: Michelle LOMBARDO, Vanessa EVIGAN, Ben ESLER, Philipp KARNER, Sarah OTEY, Sterling JONES, Markie ADAMS, Mason TRUEBLOOD, Christina COLLARD, Cameron JEBO, Roberto AGUIRE, Tina ARNING, Karli-Rae GROGAN, Jad MAGER The Morning After is a dramedy that follows eight individuals who wake up in someone else’s bed and need to make that decision on if they should stay or if they should sneak out. PRINC FILMS (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand E1 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY (DER GEILSTE TAG) 15/5 LERINS 4 (15:15) Germany - 110 min - German - 2016 - Director: Florian David FITZ - Cast: Florian David FITZ, Matthias SCHWEIGHÖFER, Alexandra Maria LARA The quirky, overambitious pianist Andi (33) and the happy go lucky, laid back Benno (36) have just one thing in common: Both are diagnosed with a fatal disease. With their end seemingly around the corner Benno convinces Andi to escape the dead-end hospice and to go on a road trip in search of their last and most awesome day. They cleverly scam the needed cash and set off 1st class for Africa! For the hypochondriac Andi the beginnings of the trip turns out as a nightmare, while Benno secretly pursues a hidden plan to face his past life for the first time. Their journey leads them through hazards and numerous tragic-comedic and dramatic moments and finally to their original aspiration…THE MOST BEATIFUL DAY PICTURE TREE INTERNATIONAL GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand G1 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 15/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30) THE MOTHER (LA MADRE) Spain, Romania, France - 89 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Alberto MORAIS - Cast: Javier MENDO, Ovidiu CRISAN, Nieve DE MEDINA, Laia MARULL ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 THE NEON DEMON CO 20/5 LUMIERE (12:00) - OLYMPIA 2 (14:30) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:30) - 21/5 SALLE DU 60e (14:30) Usa - 117 min - English - 2014 - Director: Nicolas WINDING REFN - Cast: Elle FANNING, Keanu REEVES, Christina HENDRICKS, Abbey LEE, Bella HEATHCOTE, Jena MALONE The Neon Demon centres on an aspiring model who moves to Los Angeles where her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will go to any lengths to get what she has. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 THE NEST OF THE TURTLEDOVE (GNIZDO GORLYTSI) 12/5 GRAY 3 (10:00) - 16/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) Ukraine - 110 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Ukranian, Italian - 2016 - Director: Taras TKACHENKO - Cast: Rymma ZYUBINA, Vitaliy LINETSKIY, Mauro CHIPRIANI, Lina BERNARDI, Nataliya VASKO, Mykola BOKLAN INSIGHTMEDIA PRODUCING CENTER (Ukraine) THE NEW LIFE OF PAUL SNEIJDER (LA NOUVELLE VIE DE PAUL SNEIJDER ) 13/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30 prio) 15/5 OLYMPIA 5 (14:00 prio) - 19/5 LERINS 3 (12:00) France, Canada - 115 min - French - 2015 - Director: Thomas VINCENT - Cast: Thierry LHERMITTE, Géraldine PAILHAS Paul Sneijder leads a decent, uneventful life in Montreal. Until his eldest daughter dies in a tragic and absurd elevator accident. Devastated, he has no one to turn to. His wife is focused on her job. Their twin sons are self-absorbed teenagers. Paul needs a dramatic change and quits his job. During his many walks and encounters in the city parks, he becomes a dog walker. If Paul can survive the wacky canines and their equally crazy owners, the cold Canadian winter and his wife’s strange obsession for organic chicken, he might be on a journey to self-recovery… SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-161 THE NICE GUYS HC 15/5 LUMIERE (22:30) - 17/5 SALLE DU 60e (15:15) Usa - 116 min - English - 2015 - Director: Shane BLACK - Cast: Russell CROWE, Ryan GOSLING, Kim BASINGER, Matt BOMER “The Nice Guys” takes place in 1970s Los Angeles, when down-on-his-luck private eye Holland March (Gosling) and hired enforcer Jackson Healy (Crowe) must work together to solve the case of a missing girl and the seemingly unrelated death of a porn star. During their investigation, they uncover a shocking conspiracy that reaches up to the highest circles of power. BLOOM (Usa) - 15 Villa Rue Bertrand Lépine - ✆ 1 323 518 3825 THE NIGHT MY MOTHER KILLED MY FATHER (LA NOCHE QUE MI MADRE MATÓ A MI PADRE) 16/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) 17/5 PALAIS G (12:00) Spain - 93 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Inés PARÍS - Cast: Belén RUEDA, Eduard FERNÁNDEZ, María PUJALTE, Diego PERETTI, Fele MARTINEZ, Patricia MONTERO Isabel (Belén Rueda) organizes a dinner at her house. Her husband, a crime writer (Eduard Fernández) and his ex-wife (María Pujalte), a filmmaker, want to persuade a famous Argentinian actor (Diego Peretti) to play the lead role in their next film. In the middle of the dinner, the hostess’ ex (Fele Martínez) shows up with his new girlfriend (Patricia Montero) who is fascinated by the actor. The dinner gets more and more complicated, until one of them is found dead and they all end up freaking out. INSIDE CONTENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 - ✆ 34 670 23 63 97 18/5 RIVIERA 2 (09:30) THE NORTHLANDER Canada - 97 min - English - 2016 - Director: Benjamin Ross HAYDEN - Cast: Corey SEVIER, Roseanne SUPERNAULT, Michelle THRUSH, Nathaniel ARCAND, Julian Black ANTELOPE In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides for Last Arc, the once nomadic band of survivors in need of food and water that is now growing scarce. The answer must be found before a group of outlandish Heretics descend upon them. Cygnus must voyage across the treacherous landscape to defend his people. Sent by Nova, the matriarch of the band, she acts based on her vision for Cygnus to find a seed of hope, The future of Last Arc is for him to discover, Cygnus ventures into a hostile landscape in search of an answer for his people. On this journey of encountering many traps and dangers, Cygnus discovers what has been hunting him is his identity. MANIFOLD PICTURES (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 16/5 OLYMPIA 7 (09:30) THE OLIVE TREE Spain, Germany - 98 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Iciar BOLLAIN - Cast: Anna CASTILLO, Javier GUTIÉRREZ, Pep AMBRÓS From Goya Award Winner and internationally acclaimed director Iciar Bollain, THE OLIVE TREE follows a willful and spirited young woman named Alma who embarks on a journey from the East coast of Spain to Germany in order to retrieve an ancient olive tree precious to her ailing grandfather. With the help of a variety of friends & new acquaintances, she pulls everyone she encounters into her plan with unexpected consequences for all involved. SEVILLE INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Apt. 3A - ✆ 33 4 93 39 41 55 15/5 ARCADES 3 (09:30) THE ORIGIN OF VIOLENCE France - 111 min - French - 2015 - Director: Elie CHOURAQUI - Cast: Stanley WEBBER Two boys fight on a beach while a VO evokes the origin of his violence, arising from childhood and fear. Two adults separate the boys and one of them, the most violent, is put in a car, tears in his eyes. We find the same boy, Nathan, years later, around age thirty, just as he’s about to leave for Germany with his students, along with another teacher. They are going to Weimar to visit Buchenwald. Nathan is also supposed to pick up some documents from a German contact, Yann Lachmann, for his thesis. But he’s met by a young woman named Gaby instead, he falls head over heels in love with her and they sleep together the same night. The next day, along with the students and the other teacher, they take an emoGonal tour of Buchenwald. But what strikes Nathan most is the picture of a prisoner standing behind the camp doctor named Wagner: this prisoner is his own father’s spiIng image. Once back in Paris, he starts to look into the unknown man, telling his father about his discovery in the restaurant where they meet every Wednesday for a lunch of calf’s liver… (find more on cinando.com) OTHER ANGLE PICTURES (France) - GRAND HOTEL ALBATROS - 2ND FLOOR - ✆ 33 6 67 58 54 61 THE OUTSIDER (L’OUTSIDER) 13/5 OLYMPIA 3 (11:15) - 17/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) France - 117 min - French - 2015 - Director: Christophe BARRATIER - Cast: François-Xavier DEMAISON 2008. The world economy is hit by the worst crisis since 1929. And only one man, a young trader, is the alleged responsible for the first and most extravagant in a series of scandals that will shake the financial markets worldwide: Jérôme Kerviel. Indeed, the biggest banking loss of its kind in history (almost 5 billion euros!) is discovered at the French bank Société Générale and soon attributed to this quiet, low-profile, 31 years old employee… Hired as a simple clerk at the same bank, 8 years before, no one could have predicted that Jérôme Kerviel would go so far, so fast. He became the star of the trading floor, nicknamed “the cash machine” by his colleagues. But how could he gamble supposedly alone - and in secret - 50 billion euros? This film is based on a true story LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 19/5 PALAIS C (16:00) THE PARK (LE PARC) France - 70 min - French - 2016 - Director: Damien MANIVEL - Cast: Naomie VOGT-ROBY, Maxime BACHELERRIE, Sessouma SOBERE Summer time. A teenage boy and girl have their first date in a park. Hesitant and shy at first, they soon discover each other, get closer as they wander, and end up falling in love. But as the sun goes down, it is time to part… And a dark night begins. THE OPEN REEL (Italy) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 - ✆ 33 6 75 72 87 97 a-162 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) THE PARK (LE PARC) France - 71 min - French - 2016 - Director: Damien MANIVEL - Cast: Naomie VOGT-ROBY, Maxime BACHELLERIE, Sessouma SOBERE Summer time. A teenage boy and girl have their first date in a park. Hesitant and shy at first, they soon discover each other, get closer as they wander, and end up falling in love. But as the sun goes down, it is time to part… And a dark night begins. ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette 12/5 OLYMPIA 6 (09:30 press) THE PATRIARCH (MAHANA) New Zealand - 103 min - English - 2016 - Director: Lee TAMAHORI - Cast: Temuera MORRISON, Akuhata KEEFE, Nancy BRUNNING, Jim MORIARTY 1960s, the East Coast of New Zealand. Two Maori sheep-shearing families - the Mahanas and the Poatas - are sworn enemies and commercial rivals. 14-years-old Simeon Mahana - the youngest son - seeks allies against his traditionalist grandfather, Tamihana. As Simeon unravels the truth behind the longstanding family vendetta, he risk not just his own future prospects but the cohesion of the entire tight-knit society. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 12/5 DOC CORNER (09:30) THE PEARL Usa - 97 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jessica DIMMOCK, Christopher LAMARCA Set against the hyper-masculine culture of Pacific Northwest logging towns, The Pearl sensitively follows four middle-aged transgender women as they struggle to find recognition, refuge, and love. Krystal and Jodie were brothers who kept their identities secret from one another for years until an explosive argument culminated in cathartic confessions. After attending a training camp, Krystal wholeheartedly embraces life as a woman while Jodie continues to struggle with a career on the road where she only feels safe as a man. Nina wrestles with how to tell her wife of nearly 40 years. And Amy prepares for surgery while trying to mother her younger roommates in a shambly group home. Gorgeous and gentle, The Pearl offers both sadness and joy, and, always, love. (T/F) CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 14/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) THE PEOPLE GARDEN Canada - 83 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, Japanese - 2015 - Director: Nadia LITZ - Cast: Dree HEMINGWAY, Jai Tatsuto WEST, Pamela ANDERSON When Sweetpea Jake arrives in Japan with the intention of breaking it off with her rockstar boyfriend, she finds a mystery awaiting her. Her boyfriend Jamie is missing. Last seen shooting a music video deep in a forest. Sweetpea sets out to solve Jamie’s disappearance with the help of Mak, a cool but cagey ranger. As she unfolds the sequence of events before he went missing, Sweetpea’s suspicions of the people around her turn towards the chilling forest itself. A story of love and blindness, THE PEOPLE GARDEN is at its core a mystery that Sweetpea can only solve by facing the fiction she has told to herself. SCYTHIA FILMS INC. (Canada) 12/5 GRAY 3 (20:00) THE PERFECT WEAPON Usa - English - 2015 - Director: Titus PAAR - Cast: Steven SEAGAL In a not too distant future, a totalitarian state secret government organization run by THE DIRECTOR controls all aspects of life. All “enemies of the state” are dealt with in the harshest way and most of them are executed by a secret organization’s operatives and assassins. The best operative is code-named CONDOR - an elite agent and hit man for the government. However, in his latest assignment he fails to kill an opposition leader and finds himself on the run from the very same government agency that he works for. This sets in motion a chain of events with unforeseen consequences for all involved. CONDOR just might survive the hunt by the all powerful government organization and the betrayals by so-called allies as he is THE PERFECT WEAPON. VMI WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J4 11/5 PALAIS B (17:30) - 12/5 PALAIS B (17:30) THE PLAY 118 min - - Director: Menna KAMEL RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 13/5 LERINS 3 (12:00) - 15/5 LERINS 3 (16:00) THE POSSESSION EXPERIMENT Usa - 85 min - English - 2015 - Director: Scott B. HANSEN - Cast: Chris MINOR, Jake BRINN, Nicky JASPER Brandon has always been drawn to the supernatural. When he is asked to pick a topic for his world theology class, Brandon decides to explore the dark world of exorcisms. Teamed with a classmate, the two are led to investigate a multiple homicide/suicide that eventually is discovered to have been an exorcism gone horribly wrong. Brandon quickly becomes obsessed with the event, and decides the only way to research this topic is to undergo it himself. Brandon realizes that though he was incredibly intrigued by it, he has taken on more than he can handle. CINEMA MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L19 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 45 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-163 13/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) THE POWER United Kingdom - 119 min - English - 2015 - Director: Paul HILLS - Cast: Grace VALLORANI, Constance CARTER, Valentine PELKA, Jonnie HURN Abducted and imprisoned by a Cult, Magda awakens in a filthy cell. Despite hearing distant voices, her screams for help go unanswered. She’s a prisoner, seemingly without hope… In time, she befriends another hostage, a girl who provides some comfort. However, as the weeks pass, the Cult prepares Magda for participation in a dark ritual with demonic, religious and sexual overtones and her despair grows. Her only hope is that she’ll be discovered by those searching for her or find some way to escape but, in the meantime, she must face an horrific and terrifying climax to her fate. From the Director of the Indi hit, Boston Kickout and in the vein of the Classic Horror Rosemary’s Baby comes the explosive… The Power. MOVIEHOUSE ENTERTAINMENT (United Kingdom) - Plage Royale, la Croisette - ✆ 44 7973 627 494 u THE QUEST —> RINGAN 19/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) THE RED MAN Usa - 108 min - English - 2015 - Director: Jimmie GONZALEZ - Cast: Daniel FARALDO, Michael O’NEAL, Lindsay NAVES, Charissa SAVERIO, Brian J. CANO, Daniel DIAMOND Celebrity DJ and recovering addict, Evan Gough had enough of it all — fame, fortune and transparent friends. Recently, recurring nightmares from a tragic past has led to doubt and suspicion about his life and neighbors at his trendy Red Man Tower apartment building. Especially skeptical about his psychiatrist’s prescribed medication regimen, Evan self-medicates on a soul-searching journey through psychoanalysis and pure intuition. Learning that his shrink and new neighbor may be involved in a secret society plot, drugging & killing fellow celebrity tenants, Evan teams up with Dr. Verde’s dubious female intern to find the truth behind, The Red Man. THE RED MAN FILM LLC (Usa) 17/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00 prio) THE RED SEA 80 min WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 THE RED TURTLE CR 15/5 OLYMPIA 2 (16:00 prio) - 18/5 DEBUSSY (16:45) - 19/5 BAZIN (17:30) - PALAIS K (19:00) - 20/5 DEBUSSY (14:00) France, Belgium - 80 min - 2016 - Director: Michael DUDOK DE WIT A man marooned on a desert island tries desperately to escape, until one day he encounters a strange turtle that will change his life. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 13/5 PALAIS H (13:30) THE RIFT Serbia, Korea (south) - 90 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Dejan ZECEVIC - Cast: Ken FOREE, Katarina CAS, Dragan MICANOVIC, Monte MARKHAM The CIA receives a signal that one of their spy satellites has crashed in Eastern Serbia. A team of US agents are dispatched to retrieve the flight data and unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G7 - ✆ 44 7765 398742 15/5 GRAY 2 (17:30) THE SABBATICAL Canada - 82 min - English - 2016 - Director: Brian STOCKTON When a university professor (James Whittingham) is forced to produce a new photography book on his year off, he finds he’s no longer the hot-shot artist he once was. He befriends a young artist (Laura Abramsen) who turns his world upside down. Mid-life crisis ensues. TELEFILM CANADA (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 THE SALESMAN (FORUSHANDE) CO 21/5 LUMIERE (12:00) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - LUMIERE (22:00) Iran, France - 124 min - Farsi - 2016 - Director: Asghar FARHADI - Cast: Taraneh ALIDOOSTI, Shahab HOSSEINI Forced out of their apartment due to dangerous works on a neighboring building, Emad and Rana move into a new flat in the center of Tehran. An incident linked to the previous tenant will dramatically change the young couple’s life. MEMENTO FILMS INTERNATIONAL (MFI) (France) - 84 Rue d’Antibes, 4th Floor For full details go to a-164 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 PALAIS G (16:00) THE SEA OF SEIRO: DETECTIVE MITARAI’S CASEBOOK (TANTEI MITARAI NO JIKENBO SEIRO NO UMI) Japan - 124 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Seiji IZUMI - Cast: Hiroshi TAMAKI, Alice HIROSE With a brilliant analytical mind, Kiyoshi Mitarai is a brain scientist with a perchance for cracking mysteries. After giving a university lecture one day, he is approached by a publishing company editor, Miyuki Ogawa, who comes bearing newspaper headlines to unsolved mysteries in hopes of providing insights to a mystery writer named Ishioka who bases his books on Mitarai’s real-life investigations. But Mitarai’s eyes stop on a headline that reads: “Corpse Island.” Mitarai and Miyuki immediately board a boat for Gogo Island in the Seto Inland Sea where six bodies have been found in the past half year, prompting Mitarai to declare: “The killer is this remarkable sea!” These currents, dubbed “The Clockwork Sea”, had carried the corpses from a “someplace” to the island. Pinpointing “someplace” to the mainland city of Fukuyama in Hiroshima Prefecture, Mitarai secures the cooperation of a local police chief Kuroda and begins his investigation… (more info on cinando.com) TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 11/5 DOC CORNER (13:30) THE SETTLERS France, Israel, Canada - 95 min - Hebrew, English - 2016 - Director: Shimon DOTAN Since Israel’s decisive victory in the 1967 Six-Day War, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have made their homes in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank. With unprecedented access to pioneers of the settlement movement and a diverse group of modern-day settlers, religious and secular alike, The Settlers is a comprehensive exploration of the controversial communities that exert inordinate influence on the sociopolitical destinies of Israel and Palestine. CINEPHIL (Israel) - RIVIERA Stand H8 15/5 PALAIS F (17:30) THE SHEPHERD (EL PASTOR) Spain - 105 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Jonathan Cenzual BURLEY - Cast: Miguel MARTIN, Alfonso MENDIGUCHIA, Juan Luis SARA Anselmo, a middle age shepherd, lives a modest but happy life in a remote house in the middle of the Spanish plains. When he refuses a juicy offer from a construction company planning to build a new residential complex on his property, little does he know that his life is about to be turned upside down. The owners of the neighboring lands have all agreed to sell and his refusal jeopardizes the whole deal. Blinded by greed, they are determined to do whatever it takes to make him change his mind… WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 14/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30) THE SILENCE India - 91 min – 0.3 M$ - Marathi - 2015 - Director: Gajendra Ahire SMR PRODUCTIONS (Usa) 16/5 GRAY 3 (16:00) - 17/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) THE SIMILARS (LOS PARECIDOS) Mexico - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Isaac EZBAN In this Survival in the vein of IDENTITY, eight characters waiting in a remote bus station in the middle of nowhere start experiencing a strange phenomenon STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 THE SLEEPER BY THE RIVER (LA DORMEUSE DUVAL) 14/5 PALAIS G (09:30) - 17/5 PALAIS D (17:30) France - 110 min - French - 2016 - Director: Manuel SANCHEZ - Cast: Dominique PINON, Marina TOME, Delphine DEPARDIEU, Pascal TURMO In a village by the Meuse river, located near the French-Belgian border, a factory storekeeper named Basile Matrin leads a dreary life with his wife, Rose. The young Maryse Duval, who had just come back from Paris, has abandoned her dreams of becoming an actress. She will unwittingly turn their life upside down. Basile’s great friend and neighbour, who is a reporter for a local newspaper « Le Quotidien de la Meuse», witnesses the comical drama that is unfolding on the street outside his house,and will unwillingly be drawn into this «Dramedy» … QUIZAS (France) THE SNOW QUEEN 3: FIRE AND ICE 11/5 RIVIERA 1 (16:00) - 14/5 PALAIS J (09:30) Russia - 35 min - English - 2016 - Director: Alexey TSITSILIN After heroically defeating both the Snow Queen and the Snow King, Gerda still cannot find peace. Her dream is to find her parents who were once taken away from them by the North Wind and finally reunite the family. Thus, Gerda and her friends venture on a difficult journey to find her parents and encounter new challenges along the way: they discover an ancient magical artifact of the trolls, the Stone of Fire and Ice. From that moment on things don’t go according to the initial plan… Will Gerda be able to tame the mighty forces of the magical elements and get her family back? The answer will be revealed in 2016. This is a story that contains everything you love about Wizart: kindness, bravery, friendship, mystery, family love, and a happy ending, of course! WIZART (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 ROSKINO u THE STOPOVER —> VOIR DU PAYS BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-165 THE STUDENT (UCHENIK) CR 13/5 DEBUSSY (11:15:00, 16:30) - 14/5 BAZIN (17:00) - 15/5 PALAIS D (09:15) 16/5 PALAIS D (09:15) - 19/5 PALAIS I (17:15) Russia - 118 min - Russian - 2016 - Director: Kirill SEREBRENNIKOV - Cast: Petr SKVORTSOV, Victoria ISAKOVA, Julia AUG Veniamin, a teenager in the midst of a mystical crisis, has his mother, schoolmates and entire high school turned upside down by his questions. - Can girls go to their swimming classes in bikinis? - Does sex education have a place in school? - Should the theory of evolution be taught as part of the Natural Sciences? The adults are soon overwhelmed by the certitudes of the youngster who swears only by Scripture. No one but Elena, his biology teacher, will alone challenge him on his own ground. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 11/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) - 15/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) - 17/5 LERINS 2 (11:30) THE SUMMER OF ALL MY PARENTS (JUILLET AOUT) France - 97 min - French - 2016 - Director: DIASTÈME After attempting to set a mailbox on fire, Pimpette, 14, and her elder sister, Joséphine, spend their summer holidays shuttling between their secretly pregnant mom and bachelor father. But when Joséphine gets involved with the wrong crowd, little Pimpette turns out to be more responsible than the grown-ups who spend their time educating her. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 18/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) THE TENANTS DOWNSTAIRS (LOU XIA DE FANG KE) Taiwan - 95 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Mandarin - 2015 - Director: Adam TSUEI - Cast: Simon YAM, Kang-Sheng LEE A strange man inherits a building where cameras have been installed everywhere. His new tenants are of all kinds: a single dad with his daughter, a sexy office lady, a lazy porn-addicted student, a divorced sports teacher, a gay couple, and a mysterious young woman always dressed in white, Yingru. The landlord spends his days spying on his tenants until, one day, he sees Yingru torturing a man in her room. Fascinated, he starts reconsidering his role in the building. And when Yingru asks him to be a partner rather than solely a witness in his tenants’ lives, and to help them “free” themselves, the strange man decides to act. AMAZING FILM STUDIO (Taiwan) - PALAIS -1 # 18 - 01 12/5 OLYMPIA 8 (10:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30) THE TICKET Usa - 100 min - 2015 - Director: Ido FLUK - Cast: Dan STEVENS, Malin AKERMAN, Oliver PLATT THE TICKET is the cautionary tale of JAMES (Dan Stevens), a blind man who miraculously regains the sight he lost at age 13. In doing so he loses his moral compass, discarding his old friends and wife, SAM (Malin Akerman), while acquiring a trophy girlfriend and high-powered job. But fate works in mysterious ways… THE SOLUTION ENTERTAINMENT GROUP (Usa) - RES. DU GRAND HOTEL Dauphin Entrance, 6F, Apt E THE TOGETHER PROJECT (L’EFFET AQUATIQUE) QR 15/5 OLYMPIA 4 (16:00) 17/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (12:00) - LERINS 3 (16:00) - THEATRE CROISETTE (20:15) - 20/5 RIVIERA 2 (10:00) - 21/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) France - 83 min - French - 2015 - Director: Solveig ANSPACH - Cast: Florence LOIRET CAILLE, Samir GUESMI Samir, a tall, lanky, 40-something crane operator from Montreuil, in the outskirts of Paris, falls head over heels in love with Agathe, a feisty young woman he sees in a café. He discovers she is a swimming instructor at the local public swimming pool, and, for lack of a better plan, he decides to enlist as her student…although he can swim perfectly. But his lie only lasts for 3 lessons, and Agathe hates liars. The truth surfaces. Agathe is furious. The end? Not quite! Agathe goes to Iceland on a business trip, putting an ocean between her and Samir. But it is without reckoning with his feelings and his stubbornness… LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 THE TRANSFIGURATION CR 14/5 DEBUSSY (11:30, 16:30) - 15/5 BAZIN (11:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) - 19/5 PALAIS K (17:15) Usa - 97 min - English - 2016 - Director: Michael O’SHEA - Cast: Eric RUFFIN, Chloe LEVINE, Aaron CLIFTON MOTEN Queens, New York…. 14 year-old Milo is an outsider. Orphaned, ignored by his schoolmates and bullied by older kids, he takes refuge in the apartment he shares with his older brother. To escape his solitude, he immerses himself in the world of the vampire. Milo hides a dark secret, but a chance encounter with a new neighbour Sophie leads him to develop new feelings. But is this enough to quash his dark urges? PROTAGONIST PICTURES (United Kingdom) - GRAND HOTEL 45 la croisette 7 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 39 30 70 u THE TRAP —> LA TRAMPA THE UNKNOWN GIRL (LA FILLE INCONNUE) CO 18/5 LUMIERE (08:30, 19:00) - 19/5 SALLE DU 60e (11:00) - OLYMPIA 1 (14:30) Belgium, France - 113 min - French - 2016 - Director: Jean-Pierre & Luc DARDENNE - Cast: Adèle HAENEL, Olivier BONNAUD, Jérémie RÉGNIER, Olivier GOURMET, Fabrizio RONGIONE, Thomas DORET One evening, after closing her practice for the day, Jenny, a young doctor, hears the doorbell ring but doesn’t answer it. The next day, the police inform her that an unidentified young woman has been found dead close by. WILD BUNCH (France) - 4 la Croisette – 1 floor - ✆ 33 4 93 30 17 00 a-166 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique Director Rina B. TSOU Arnie Screening Time— May 17 14:15 Espace Miramar - press/industry/general audience May 17 19:45 Espace Miramar - press/industry/general audience May 19 18:30 Théâtre Allexandre III - general audience The Road To Mandalay Director Midi Z Sales— Flash Forward Entertainment Kai KO, Ke-xi WU Forêt Debussy Director KUO Cheng-chui GWEI Lun-mei, LU Yi-ching Sales— Ablaze Image Ltd. / Palais 01 26.02 info@ablazeimage.com 17/5 PALAIS I (18:00 press) THE UNNAMED (OGGATONAMA) Bangladesh - 92 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Bengali - 2016 - Director: Tauquir AHMED - Cast: Mosharoff KARIM, Fazlur Rahman BABU, Shahiduzzaman SELIM, Abul HAYAT Oggatonama (the unnamed) is a film about local Life, Love and Hope while portraying a strong message of global Humanity. Despite our race, culture, religion and language – the only spirit makes us human is our sense of global HUMANITY. Humanity is still the key driver for the existence of human civilization. Humanity is the foundation built on the ‘ingredients’ of life, love and hope. Humanity is the spirit that ties us together as families, friends and fellows. The central character, a poor farmer from a remote Bangladeshi village facing challenges at every steps of this storyline, sometime from the bureaucracy, sometime from his peers and finally from the traditional mindset after receiving the dead body of an ‘Oggatonama’ – the unnamed. Circumstances challenged him to face a situation involved the death news of his son who was an expatriate, working in the middle east as an unskilled labor… (more info on cinando.com) MONTMARTRE MOTION PICTURES (Bangladesh) - PALAIS -1 Impress Telefilm Ltd. Palais I 14/5 LERINS 4 (09:30) THE UNSEEN Canada - 104 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Geoff REDKNAP - Cast: Aden YOUNG, Camille SULLIVAN, Julia Sarah STONE, Ben COTTON, Alison ARAYA Bob Langmore is becoming invisible. Eight years early, he abruptly left his wife and daughter, and isolated himself in a small northern town to protect them. Bob isn’t a classic “Invisible Man,” as his fading away is part of an irregular, random and progressive condition. Bob hides his advancing problem from the world, but when his wife pleads with him, he returns to the city for one last chance to reconnect with his daughter. When she goes missing, Bob will risk everything to find her, including exposing that he is becoming invisible. GOONWORKS FILMS (Canada) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 124 16/5 LERINS 2 (09:30) THE UNSPOKEN Canada - 96 min - 2015 - Director: Sheldon WILSON - Cast: Jodelle FERLAND, Sunny SULJIC, Neal MCDONOUGH, Jessie FRASER From the Producer of Insidious, the Executive Producer of Paranormal Activity and The Devil Inside. In a small town, a teenage girl ANGELA stumbles upon an old house. She has heard about a history of mysterious occurrences here and the town’s citizens all avoid go near it. A widowed mother has just moved in with her young son who hasn’t spoken since his father died. They hired Angela to be the nanny. As Angela spends more time with the boy and in the house, she discovers out her mysterious connection to the house. ARCLIGHT FILMS (Australia) - LERINS Stand L3 16/5 PALAIS B (10:00) THE VIOLIN PLAYER India - 72 min - Hindi - 2015 - Director: Bauddhayan MUKHERJI - Cast: Ritwick CHAKRABORTY, Adil HUSSAIN The Violin Player is the story of one day in the life of a failed Bollywood session violinist whose life revolves around remarkable nothingness. Life, that day, throws a carrot at him and he ends up finding expression in an unlikely place. The day unfolds to reveal startling truths about music, art, life and survival. ALPHA VIOLET (France) - RIVIERA Stand E18 THE VISITORS: BASTILLE DAY (LES VISITEURS 3 : LA TERREUR) 12/5 ARCADES 2 (20:30) - 18/5 PALAIS K (20:30) France - 109 min - French - 2014 - Director: Jean-Marie POIRÉ - Cast: Christian CLAVIER, Jean RENO, Franck DUBOSC, Ary ABITTAN, Karin VIARD, Alex LUTZ, Sylvie TESTUD, Marie-Anne CHAZEL After 20 years and 20 million admissions in France… Godefroy the Hardy and his loyal Jacquasse the Crass are back, in the middle of the French Revolution! GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 THE WAILING (GOKSUNG) HC 18/5 LUMIERE (11:30, 22:00) - OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - 19/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:30) Korea (south) - 156 min - Korean - 2016 - Director: Hong Jin NA - Cast: Do Won KWAK, Jung Min HWANG, Woo Hee CHUN, Jun KUNIMURA An old stranger appears in a peaceful rural village, but no one knows when or why. As mysterious rumors begin to spread about this man, the villagers drop dead one by one. They grotesquely kill each other for inexplicable reasons. The village is swept by turmoil and the stranger is subjected to suspicion. FINECUT CO. LTD. (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G9 - ✆ 33 49 29 93 21 12/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) THE WAITING Usa - 98 min - English - 2016 - Director: Kasra FARAHANI - Cast: James CAAN, Logan MILLER, Keir GILCHRIST The experiment started with a simple idea: if you had the equipment and the ambition, could you convince another person that they’re being haunted? THE WAITING follows two teenage boys as they attempt to do just that. Through a series of escalating “haunts”, the boys prod an elderly neighbor further and further in order to get a reaction. As their suspicions grow and the tension mounts, they realize too late that the man they’re manipulating is the last person they should’ve chosen for their project. FILM MODE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - LERINS LERINS | Stand L6 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 44 a-168 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 GRAY 1 (16:00, 17:00) THE WEAVING OF A DREAM: JOHNNIE TO’S VISION & CRAFT Hong Kong (China) - 48 min - Cantonese, Mandarin - 2016 - Director: Ferris LIN Using Johnnie To’s upcoming medical psycho-thriller THREE as a case study, this documentary examines the many facets of the auteur’s creative process. MEDIA ASIA FILM (Hong Kong (China)) - 6/F, 4 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 852 931 184 44 13/5 PALAIS G (14:00) THE WINDMILL MASSACRE Netherlands - 85 min - English - 2016 - Director: Nick JONGERIUS - Cast: Noah TAYLOR, Charlotte BEAUMONT, Patrick BALADI, Tanroh ISHIDA Jennifer is an Australian girl on the run from her past who washes up in Amsterdam. In a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, she joins a coach-load of tourists embarking on a tour of Holland’s world famous windmills. When the bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she and the other tourists are forced to seek shelter in a disused shed beside a sinister windmill where, legend has it, a Devil-worshipping miller once ground the bones of locals instead of grain. As members of the group start to disappear, Jennifer learns that they all have something in common – a shared secret that seems to mark them all for doom. KALEIDOSCOPE FILM DISTRIBUTION LTD (United Kingdom) - LERINS Stand L21 14/5 GRAY 1 (12:00) - 16/5 GRAY 2 (11:30) THE WINTER (EL INVIERNO) Argentina, France - 93 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Emiliano TORRES - Cast: Alejandro SIEVEKING, Cristian SALGUERO, Adriàn FONDARI, Pablo CEDRON After working his whole life on an isolated ranch in Patagonia, the old foreman Evans is forced to retire, replaced by Jara, a younger man who plans to set up there with his wife and kids. But when winter comes, the region is cut off by snow. It’s no longer a matter of working, but of surviving the harsh conditions. With nowhere else to go, in desperation Evans tries to scare Jara away. Confrontation is inevitable, as one tries to return, the other tries to remain… CITÉ FILMS (France) - ✆ 33 6 73 68 26 16 THE WOMEN WHO RUN HOLLYWOOD (ET LA FEMME CREA HOLLYWOOD) CC 16/5 BUÑUEL (18:30) France - 52 min - English - 2015 - Director: Clara & Julia KUPERBERG - Cast: Paula WAGNER, Robin SWICORD, Lynda OBST, Ally ACKER, Cari BEAUCHAMP The first talkie was directed by Alice Guy; the first colour film was produced by Lois Weber, who directed more than 300 films over 10 years. Frances Marion wrote screenplays for the Hollywood Star Mary Pickford and won two Oscars; Dorothy Arzner was the most powerful film director in Hollywood. And what do all of them have in common? They are all women and they have all been forgotten. Incredibly, it also took until 2010 for the first woman, Kathryn Bigelow, to win the Oscar for Best Director. Even if underrepresented women have always played a big part in Hollywood and it is this part of the film history left untold that this documentary sets out to uncover. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) THE WORLD IS MINE (LUMEA E A MEA) 17/5 PALAIS C (16:00) Romania - 104 min - Romanian - 2015 - Director: Nicolae Constantin TANASE - Cast: Ana Maria GURAN, Ana VATAMANU Sixteen-year-old Larisa lives in a small town by the sea. Her relationship with her mother, who struggles with a lack of finances, is far from ideal, and in addition to that, the girl has to care for her helpless grandmother pretty much by herself. When Larisa falls in love with Florin, the local playboy, she acquires a powerful enemy in Anna, a girl from a wealthy family who is determined to get rid of her rival at all costs. The small-town world in which good looks and money play the leading role does not favor Larisa. However, the stubborn girl is ready to do whatever it takes to win love and admiration, and she resolutely pushes ahead to make her dreams come true…. ROMANIAN FILM CENTRE (Romania) - VILLAGE INT’L - PANTIERO side PAV 210 14/5 OLYMPIA 7 (09:30) THE YOUNG ONE (JEUNESSE) France, Portugal - 84 min - 1 - 3 M$ - French - 2016 - Director: Julien SAMANI - Cast: Kevin AZAIS, Samir GUESMI, Jean-François STEVENIN ALFAMA FILMS (France) - RIVIERA Stand F1 - ✆ 33 7 86 55 92 23 16/5 PALAIS I (18:00) THEM WHO? (LORO CHI?) Italy - 92 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Fabio BONIFACCI, Francesco MICCICHE’ - Cast: Marco GIALLINI, Edoardo LEO, Catrinel MARLON, Lisa BOR, Ivano MARESCOTTI David is 36 and still dreams to become a novelist. By the way, after 10 years trying to publish his second book with no success, he accepts any decent job he can get, ending up working in a household products company as communication manager. His ambition is now to convince his evil boss that he is a valuable asset and that he deserves to get a much higher salary. Finally his chance seems to come: he needs to present their new industrial patent, a revolutionary invention which will bring the company to an incredible success. Marcello is a clever trickster who drives his victims into believing he can realize their dreams, in its own peculiar way, he’s an artist. With the help of two extremely charming girls who are his swindle partners, Marcello tricks David and steals everything he has, ruining his life. David looses his money, his car, his girlfriend and gets fired from his job. With his life twisted upside down, David decides to run after Marcello but, when he finally finds him, instead of getting his revenge, he is fascinated by his life style and the two pairs up… (find more on cinando.com) TRUE COLOURS (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand C1 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-169 17/5 GRAY 5 (20:00) THERAPY France - 96 min - French - 2016 - Director: Nathan AMBROSIONI - Cast: Shelley WARD, Vanessa AZZOPARDI, Luna MITI, Nathalie COUTURIER, Remy JOBERT Jane and Simon are two young police officers leading a routine investigation following the discovery of hidden video equipment in an abandoned house by a night watchman. But the first filmed images go well beyond a simple holiday movie. The two investigators realize that they have to move quickly if they are to find out what has become of Steven, Stephanie, Olivia, Sam and Sebastien… before it’s too late. EUROOBSCURA (Usa) - PALAIS -1 - ✆ 33 7 83 01 34 79 THERE ARE MONSTERS 11/5 OLYMPIA 2 (10:00 invit) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 2 (14:00 invit) Usa - 110 min - English - 2016 - Director: Bryan BERTINO - Cast: Zoe KAZAN From the creator of The Strangers comes a world of the lost; freezing spitting needles of rain, thunderbolt lightning, hypothermic cold and disorientating utter darkness. Mother and daughter trapped and tormented in a black forest by a screeching creature – it is unlike anything we have heard before. Not human. Not animal. Like a thousand horses, like a mother’s clamour, a baby’s wail, a father’s howl. Their relationship at breaking point, 10-year-old Lizzy is all out of faith in her mother Kathy (Elisabeth Moss) but tries to stay brave and fearless. Kathy, on the edge, barely keeping it together, knows that only a mother’s protective love, her most primal instinct, can save her daughter from what’s lurking in the darkness… EMBANKMENT FILMS LTD (United Kingdom) - Palais D’Orsay,62 Blvd Croisette THEY CALL ME JEEG (LO CHIAMAVANO JEEG ) 12/5 LERINS 4 (09:15) - 17/5 PALAIS E (09:45) Italy - 118 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Gabriele MAINETTI - Cast: Claudio SANTAMARIA, Luca MARINELLI, Ilenia PASTORELLI, Stefano AMBROGI, Maurizio TESEI, Francesco FORMICHETTI, Daniele TROMBETTI Enzo, ex-con from the poor outskirts of Rome, puts his newfound superpowers to use furthering his career as a delinquent, a fact which makes the local crime bosses far from happy. When he falls in love with Alessia, an unstable girl who beightens her dark world with elements from a Japanese anime, Jeeg Robot, Enzo will learn the value of helping others. But what price must he pay to become a hero? RAI COM (Italy) - RIVIERA Stand A12 THIS BEAUTIFUL FANTASTIC 11/5 LERINS 4 (17:30) Usa, United Kingdom - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Simon ABOUD - Cast: Jessica BROWN FINDLAY, Tom WILKINSON, Andrew SCOTT, Jeremy IRVINE A young woman who dreams of being a children’s author makes an unlikely friendship with a cantankerous, rich old widower. AMBI DISTRIBUTION (Usa) - LERINS Stand L-17 13/5 LERINS 3 (14:00) THIS IS HEL (HEL) Poland - 92 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English, Polish - 2016 - Director: Katia PRIWIEZIENCEW, Paweł TARASIEWICZ - Cast: Jack Philip LENKOWSKY, Kail Marcin KOWALCZYK, Mila Małgorzata KRUKOWSKA, Esma Katarzyna PASKUDA EASTWEST FILMDISTRIBUTION GMBH (Austria) - RIVIERA Stand K2 - ✆ 43 664 510 41 66 u THOSE WHO JUMP —> LES SAUTEURS THROUGH THE SHADOW (ATRAVES DA SOMBRE) 14/5 PALAIS B (13:30) Brazil - 106 min - 5 - 10 M$ - Brazilian-Portuguese - 2016 - Director: Walter LIMA JR - Cast: Virginia CAVENDISH, Domingos MONTAGNER, Anna Lucia TORRE, Mel MAIA, Xande VALOIS Laura is hired to work as a tutor, looking after two orphaned children who live in their Uncle’s coffee plantation, a remote estate haunted by hostile spirits. As she investigates the history of the building and the family that own it she discovers she has become the victim of a diabolical plot. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G7 - ✆ 44 7765 398742 11/5 PALAIS I (16:00) TICKLED New Zealand, Usa - 92 min - English - 2015 - Director: David FARRIER, Dylan REEVE After stumbling upon a bizarre “competitive endurance tickling” video online, wherein young men are paid to be tied up and tickled, reporter David Farrier reaches out to request a story from the company. But the reply he receives is shocking—the sender mocks Farrier’s sexual orientation and threatens extreme legal action should he dig any deeper. So, like any good journalist confronted by a bully, he does just the opposite: he travels to the hidden tickling facilities in Los Angeles and uncovers a vast empire, known for harassing and harming the lives of those who protest their involvement in these films. The more he investigates, the stranger it gets, discovering secret identities and criminal activity. Discovering the truth becomes Farrier’s obsession, despite increasingly sinister threats and warnings. With humor and determination, Farrier and codirector Dylan Reeve summon up every resource available to get to the bottom of this tickling worm hole. MAGNOLIA PICTURES & MAGNET RELEASING (Usa) - 24 La Croisette/La Brise, 2nd FL - ✆ 120 3952 4413 a-170 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 13/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) TIE THE KNOT Usa - 95 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Shuja PAUL - Cast: Tara REID Tie the Knot is a comedic drama set in Los Angeles & Mumbai. It reflects the struggles of two modern women (one East Indian American & one American), they have to balance their career ambitions with families, cultural pressures, and t… STARLIGHT GLOBAL FILMS (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 17.07 u TIEMPO DE MORIR —> A TIME TO DIE 12/5 OLYMPIA 1 (10:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 6 (15:30) TIGER RAID United Kingdom - 91 min - English - 2015 - Director: Simon DIXON - Cast: Brian GLEESON, Damien MOLONY, Sofia BOUTELLA Joe and Paddy are members of a private security crew working in the Middle East. They have been assigned to kidnap the daughter of a powerful man as part of a major robbery - a Tiger Raid. We meet them as they travel through the inhospitable desert on their way to execute the raid. Joe, the older of the two, carries a brutal and unrepentant view of the world, defined by fear and adoration of their invisible but omnipresent boss. Paddy is younger and recklessly ambitious, hungry to progress through the ranks of the crew. Neither man trusts the other as they tell half truths and stories of previous victories in a battle to determine who controls this increasingly volatile situation. As the raid progresses, deeply hidden truths about both men¹s pasts are revealed, fracturing their already fragile relationship and forcing them to face up to who they really are in order to survive its violent and shocking conclusion. BANKSIDE FILMS (United Kingdom) - 55 Bd. La Croisette, 6th Fl. - ✆ 33 4 93 39 73 43 TIGER, BLOOD IN MOUTH (SANGRE EN LA BOCA) 12/5 LERINS 3 (18:00) - 13/5 GRAY 2 (09:30) Argentina, Italy - 97 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Hernán BELÓN - Cast: Leonardo SBARAGLIA, Eva DE DOMINICI, Erica BANCHI, Osmar NUNEZ Ramon Alvia aka Tiger is a professional boxer. He’s won several interna- tional bouts, but now he’s almost forty and is at the end of his career. His wife and kids want him to retire and do some other kind of work. Not Tiger. He feels young, like he could keep going. Of all the young boxers down at the gym, there’s one who captures Ramon’s gaze: Deborah, beautiful and fierce. Seduced by her wild strength, Tiger gets his vigor back. He leaves his family and takes on his manager. The lovers go off on their own, giving themselves up to a passionate relationship where pleasure and pain are intimately linked and the violence increases in every round FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 11/5 PALAIS H (17:30) - 14/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) TIKKUN Israel - 119 min - Hebrew - 2015 - Director: Avishai SIVAN - Cast: Aharon TRAITEL, Khalifa NATOUR, Riki BLICH Haim-Aaron is an ultra-Orthodox religious scholar from Jerusalem whose talent and devotion are envied by all. One evening, following a self-imposed fast, he collapses and loses consciousness. The paramedics announce his death, but his father, refusing to let him go, takes over resuscitation efforts and, beyond all expectations, Haim-Aaron comes back to life. After the accident, he suddenly feels a strange awakening in his body and suspects that God is testing him. BLEIBERG ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - LERINS Stand L7 u TO STEAL FROM A THIEF —> CIEN AÑOS DE PERDÓN 11/5 PALAIS G (12:00) TOHO PROMO REEL Japan - 15 min - Japanese - 2015 Bakuman if cats disappeared from the world attack on titan parasite TOHO CO., LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand B8 13/5 PALAIS G (20:30) TOKYO SUNRISE (走れ、絶望に追いつかれない速さで) Japan - 83 min - Japanese - 2015 - Director: Ryutaro NAKAGAWA TOKYO NEW CINEMA INC. (Japan) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.01 u TOMBÉ DU CIEL —> HEAVEN SENT 13/5 LERINS 4 (17:30) - 16/5 RIVIERA 1 (18:00) TOMCAT (KATER) Austria - 114 min - German - 2016 - Director: Klaus HÄNDL - Cast: Lukas TURTUR, Philipp HOCHMAIR Together with their tomcat Moses, Andreas and Stefan live like in paradise. An inexplicable outburst of violence suddenly calls everything into question. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-171 14/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) TOMORROW (DEMAIN) France - 118 min - French, English - 2015 - Director: Mélanie LAURENT, Cyril DION What if telling a story that gives hope by pointing out solutions was the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that shake our world ? Following the publication of a study forecasting the possible extinction of mankind by 2100, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent travelled through 10 countries to understand the reasons of this upcoming catastrophe and, most of all, how to prevent it. During their journey, they met the pioneers who reinvent agriculture, energy, economy, democracy and education. By pulling together these positive, concrete and tested initiatives, they begin to see what could be the world of tomorrow… ELLE DRIVER (France) - 7 La Croisette 12/5 GRAY 3 (12:00) TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN - TV SERIES Australia - 110 min - 2015 - Director: Brendan MAHER ANNAPURNA INTERNATIONAL (PANORAMA MEDIA) (Usa) - 63 La Croisette, 4th Floor - ✆ 33 9 54 19 40 07 TONI ERDMANN CO 14/5 LUMIERE (15:00) - 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (08:30) - SALLE DU 60e (14:30) - PALAIS J (20:00) 17/5 OLYMPIA 5 (16:00) - 19/5 OLYMPIA 2 (13:45) Germany - 162 min - German, English - 2016 - Director: Maren ADE - Cast: Sandra HÜLLER, Peter SIMONISCHEK Winfried doesn’t see much of his working daughter Ines. The suddenly student-less music teacher decides to surprise her with a visit after the death of his old dog. It’s an awkward move because serious career woman Ines is working on an important project as a corporate strategist in Bucharest. The geographical change doesn’t help the two to see eye to eye any better. Practical joker Winfried loves to annoy his daughter with corny pranks. What’s worse are his little jabs at her routine lifestyle of long meetings, hotel bars and performance reports. Father and daughter reach an impasse, and Winfried agrees to return home to Germany. Enter dazzling “Toni Erdmann”: Winfried’s smooth-talking alter ego. Disguised in a tacky suit, weird wig and even weirder fake teeth, Toni barges into Ines’ professional life, claiming to be her CEO’s life coach. Wilder and bolder than Winfried, Toni doesn’t hold back,and Ines meets the challenge… (more info on cinando.com) THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 u TONO, RISOKU DE GOZARU! —> THE MAGNIFISENT NINE TOO HARD TO HANDLE (MÄNGELEXEMPLAR) 13/5 LERINS 2 (09:30) - 18/5 LERINS 4 (11:30) Germany - 112 min - German - 2016 - Director: Laura LACKMANN - Cast: Claudia EISINGER, Katja RIEMANN, Barbara SCHÖNE It’s no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it. She wants to be a ‘super patient’, catch up on the mourning she hasn’t done, put her mother on the spot and break up with her boyfriend Philipp. But it’s all too much in one go, her witty facade breaks and she slides into a depressive mood, to the extent neither her closest confidant Max nor her grandmother Bille can help her. It is only when her mother takes Karo in that she slowly pulls herself together again. She now declares war on her crisis, because ‘depression is a f***ing event.’ BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 17/5 OLYMPIA 9 (15:30) TORCH BEARER Usa - 62 min - English - 2016 - Director: Stephen K. BANNON - Cast: Phil ROBERTSON a historical analysis of religion and devotion to God since ancient Greek times, and the inevitable slide into totalitarianism when societies shun God for secular vices. ARC ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) u TORDENSKJOLD & KOLD —> SATISFACTION 1720 12/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30) TORO Spain - 100 min - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Kike MAÍLLO - Cast: Mario CASAS, Luis TOSAR, Ingrid GARCÍA JONSSON Toro is completing a two-year sentence in prison for a robbery where he seriously wounded a police officer, a crime he committed with his brothers Antonio and Lopez. In their escape, Toro lost control of the vehicle and crashed, causing the death of his brother Antonio. The other brother, Lopez, managed to escape and disappeared from Toro’s life completely. Five years later, Toro receives an unexpected visit from his brother and his 11-year old daughter, Diana. Lopez owes a lot of money to Rafael Romano, a dangerous gangster, and asks Toro for help. Toro’d kept clear of his brother and he knows that having him close again can only bring trouble, or even put his future at risk. He finally acquiesces when he realizes that not only is his brother’s life at risk, but so is that of his niece, with whom he has established a loving and respectful relationship. Turned into a little family on the run, Toro, Lopez and Diana head out on a frantic, violent and wild escape, a trip that winds up being much more dangerous than at first it seemed, where gangster Romano’s dangerous tentacles intertwine with old wounds, the sudden appearance of money needing to be robbed and the resolution of a family secret that Toro knew nothing about… (find more on cinando.com) FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 u TOUR DE FRANCE —> FRENCH TOUR a-172 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique TRA LE ONDE NEL CIELO (AMONG THE WAVES IN THE SKY) 17/5 DOC CORNER (17:30) Italy - 79 min - Italian, English - 2016 - Director: Francesco ZARZANA - Cast: Marco MORANDI, Laura EFRIKIAN, Claudia CAMPAGNOLA, Lucia FOSSI, Elena POLIC GRECO, Lucia BENDIA The January 28, 1966, seven young swimmers of the Italian national, their coach and a reporter RAI were among the victims of a terrible plane crash in Germany. Girls and boys, happy, motivated, full of hope and enthusiasm. Lives suddenly shattered when the plane Lufthansa where they were traveling rushed in the process of landing in Bremen, Germany, putting an end to their brief existence. Nearly an half century later, the author Francesco Zarzana retraces the tragedy that shocked Italy and changed the history of the Italian national swimming team forever. PROGETTARTE (Italy) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 11/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) TRADED Usa - 2016 - Director: Timothy WOODWARD, JR. - Cast: Kris KRISTOFFERSON, Michael PARE, Trace ADKINS A clever twist on Taken in the wild, wild west as a distraught father sets off on a mission to bring his runaway daughter home. In 1880s Kansas, sharpshooter turned rancher, CLAY TRAVIS, goes from happily married father of two to a man on a mission after the tragic death of his son and the disappearance of his daughter. Determined to bring his daughter home safely, and to protect what little family he has left, Clay leaves his quiet ranch and heads to Wichita and then to Dodge City while tracking an evil brothel owner, LaVoie, with the help of an unlikely companion, Billy. Together they set out to destroy LaVoie and his henchman and save Clay’s daughter while leaving a trail of gun smoke and dead bodies in their wake. VMI WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand J4 TRAIN DRIVER’S DIARY (DNEVNIK MASINOVODJE) 16/5 GRAY 2 (15:30) Serbia, Croatia - 90 min - Serbian - 2016 - Director: Milos RADOVIC - Cast: Lazar RISTOVSKI, Mirjana KARANOVIC, Nina JANKOVIC, Petar KORAC, Danica RISTOVSKI Statistics show that during their professional career, all train drivers run over a number of suicidal, careless and drunken people. Ilija is a sixty-year-old train driver on the verge of retirement. He is the champion of running people over. Although he’s completely innocent, Ilija regularly visits and lays flowers on the graves of all his victims. One day he finds a little boy called Sima, abandoned by his parents. He raises him better than a real father would, and they function as a happy little family because Sima is all that Ilija has. But when Sima decides to become a train driver like him, Ilija protests, knowing how hard and stressful that job is. But, just like a true father, he eventually gives in. FILM CENTER SERBIA (Serbia) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 134 TRAIN TO BUSAN (부산행 [BU-SAN-HAENG]) HC 12/5 OLYMPIA 4 (18:00) - 13/5 LUMIERE (23:45) 14/5 SALLE DU 60e (22:00) - 15/5 RIVIERA 2 (20:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 1 (21:30) - 19/5 PALAIS J (12:00) Korea (south) - 118 min - 2016 - Director: Sang-Ho YEON - Cast: Yoo GONG, Yu-Mi JUNG, Dong-Seok MA, Su-An KIM A divorced man, Seok-woo is always caught up at work, leaving him no time to spare with his daughter Su-an. Su-an decides to take the KTX train to Busan by herself to see her mom and Seok-woo is pushed to accompany her to Busan. As the train departs, an abnormal virus spreads from a girl who is infected and people start to transform to zombies. Will Seok-woo and Su-an make it out alive? “Train to Busan” is director YEON Sang-ho’s debut feature live-action film, who is loved by Cannes with his edgy animations. CONTENTS PANDA (Korea (south)) - RIVIERA Stand G6 TRAMONTANE SC14/5 PALAIS I (12:00 prio) - 16/5 PALAIS J (11:30 prio) - 17/5 MIRAMAR (11:30, 17:00, 22:30) - 18/5 MIRAMAR (08:30) 19/5 LERINS 2 (15:30) France, Lebanon - 105 min - Arabic - 2016 - Director: Vatche BOULGHOURJIAN - Cast: Barakat JABBOUR, Julia KASSAR, Michel ADABASHI, Toufic BARAKAT Rabih, a young blind man, lives in a small village in Lebanon. He sings in a choir and edits Braille documents for an income. His life unravels when he tries to apply for a passport and discovers that his identification card, which he has carried his entire life, is a forgery. Traveling across rural Lebanon in search of a record of his own birth, he meets people on the far fringes of society who tell their own stories, open further questions and give Rabih minor clues about his true identity. Descending into a void at the heart of his existence, Rabih encounters a nation incapable of telling his or its own narrative. THE BUREAU SALES/LE BUREAU (France) - RIVIERA Stand J8 15/5 PALAIS D (13:30) TRANSIT HAVANA Germany, Netherlands - 88 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Daniel ABMA In Cuba, transsexuals Odette, Juani and Malú wait for genital surgery – performed by European top surgeons and organized by the president’s daughter, Mariela Castro. Castro is leading a sexual revolution combined with classic state socialism. Is the socialist island changing into a queer paradise? RISE AND SHINE WORLD SALES (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand H8 For full details go to BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-173 15/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) TRANSPECOS Usa - 86 min - English - 2016 - Director: Greg KWEDAR - Cast: Gabriel LUNA, Clifton COLLINS JR., Johnny SIMMONS On a remote desert highway a makeshift Border Patrol checkpoint is manned by three agents: Flores (Gabriel Luna): with an uncanny ability to track; Davis (Johnny Simmons): joined the Border Patrol with dreams of romancing señoritas and riding on horseback; Hobbs (Clifton Collins Jr): one of the old guard who believes a college degree can’t stop a bullet. It’s like most boring days, but soon the contents of one car will change everything. What follows is a journey to uncover the surreal, frightening secrets hidden behind the facade of this lonely outpost. The end of the path may cost them their lives along a border where the line between right and wrong shifts like the desert itself. SUBMARINE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - 10 Rue Buttura, 06400 Cannes, Fr - ✆ 212 625 1410 15/5 PALAIS F (20:00) TRAPPED ABROAD 2 (ҮРГЭЭЛЭГ 2) Mongolia - 110 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - Mongole, English - 2016 - Director: Erdenebileg G Cast: Amarsaikhan B, Erdenebileg G, Bayasgalan J Garid went to jail for killing someone while helping out his friend Tegshee, who has been involved in illegal activities. Afterwards, Tegshee helped Garid to get out of the prison before finishing his sentence. Garid was thankful to Tegshee, not knowing the reason, why Tegshee is being so nice to him. DIGITAL CONTENT CO.LTD, MONGOLIA (Mongolia) - PALAIS -1 Stand 17.05 14/5 PALAIS H (22:00) - 17/5 PALAIS H (20:00) - 19/5 DOC CORNER (09:30) TREASURES (TREZOROS) Usa - 96 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Lawrence RUSSO This deeply moving documentary illuminates the lives of a Sephardic community in Greece whose story speaks for all people who have been displaced and wronged by war and discrimination. The story is set in the beautiful and idyllic city of Kastoria where Jews and Christians lived in harmony for over two millennia. In October 1940 this would all change after the invasion of Greece by Axis forces. Initially occupied by Italy, the Jewish community remained safe- but after Mussolini fell from power the Nazis took control of the town, dooming the community that had existed since the times of the Roman Empire. The film uses never-before-seen archival footage, vibrantly bringing to life just one of the many communities that had existed in Greece before the end of World War II. “Trezoros” (Ladino/Judeo Spanish term of endearment meaning “Treasures”) is a highly emotional story told by it’s survivors, with interviews filmed on location in Kastoria, Thessaloniki, Athens, Tsur Moshe, Tel Aviv, Miami, Los Angeles and New York VISION ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) u TREZOROS —> TREASURES 13/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) TRUE CONNECTION (CONEXIÓN REAL) Trailer Argentina - 4 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: José CICALA, Nicolás CUÑO, Martin LIEF, Machado CICALA MORASSU - Cast: Guillermo FRANCELLA, Nicolas FRANCELLA BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 TRUE CONNECTION (SHORT VERSION) (CONEXION REAL (VERSION CORTA)) Trailer 16/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) - 17/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) Argentina - 1 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: José CICALA, Nicolas CUÑO, Martin LIEF - Cast: Guillermo FRANCELLA, Nicolas FRANCELLA BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 12/5 OLYMPIA 2 (10:00 invit) TRUSTNORDISK PROMO REEL Trailer 90 min TRUSTNORDISK (Denmark) - Rue des Etats Unis 25, 4th floor - ✆ 45 2421 4133 TSUKIJI WONDERLAND 12/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) - 13/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) - 15/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) Japan - 2016 - Director: Endo NAOTARO SHOCHIKU CO., LTD (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand G15 TSUMUGU (TSUMUGUMONO) 15/5 GRAY 5 (16:00) Japan - 109 min - Japanese, Korean - 2016 - Director: Kazutoshi INUDO - Cast: Saburo ISHIKURA, Kkobbi KIM Unemployed Korean girl, Yeona, feels awkward staying at her mother’s place, and travels to Fukui prefecture in Japan on a working holiday. Her job was supposed to assist in making traditional Echizen Japanese paper, but the craftsman, Takeo, has fallen ill with brain cancer, and she ends up caring for him. Takeo has lived alone since his wife died without opening up to anyone, and he keeps spitting out prejudiced curses. Strong-willed Yeona unflinchingly faces up to Takeo despite little understanding of the language, and over time unexpected changes occur in Takeo’s mind. OPEN SESAME CO, LTD (Japan) - PALAIS -1 Stand 23.01 u TU HAI MERA SUNDAY —> YOU ARE MY SUNDAY a-174 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 PALAIS B (09:30) TUMULT IN SVET IVOR (TUMULT AUF SVET IVOR) Switzerland - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - German, Croatian - 2016 - Director: Matthias J. MICHEL - Cast: Maria BÖTTNER, Daniel MEZGER, Manfred LIECHTI, Daniel FREI Vanessa, a snobbish woman on her way to a luxury resort, ends up by mistake in a lonely rocky island hosted by a creepy lighthouse keeper. No ferries are expected to arrive in a week so she has to stay all alone with her host. When Sebastian, a second guest, appears from nowhere and claims the only shabby room to Vanessa, a mysterious corpse is discovered and events spin out of control. The disastrous holidays turn into a grotesque fight for survival where friendship and love will battle to grow among the players. LEMENDU (Spain) - ✆ 34 60 957 7147 u TWISTED TRUNK, BIG FAT BODY —> VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAAYA 13/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) - 17/5 PALAIS D (11:30) TWISTING FATE (A TOUS LES VENTS DU CIEL) France - 107 min - English, French - 2015 - Director: Christophe LIOUD - Cast: Noémie MERLANT, Caroline JURCZAK, Marie-Christine BARRAULT Claire is 17. While vacationing together in South Africa, her family dies in a terrible accident. By a stroke of fate, she is the only one to survive the tragedy. Utterly distraught, convinced she is responsible for the death of her loved ones, devastated and guilt-ridden, she flees and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, now guide her life. Will this initiatory journey give her the means to return home and face the scrutiny of others? Over the course of her adventures and encounters, some happy and others tragic, she skips over life stages, finally realizing that she carries within her the strength to shape her own destiny. BE FOR FILMS (Belgium) - RIVIERA Stand A6 - ✆ 33 6 14 34 37 55 TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR QR 18/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (08:45, 17:45) - 19/5 ARCADES 1 (11:30) - LERINS 2 (17:30) Canada - 97 min - English - 2015 - Director: Kim NGUYEN - Cast: Dane DEHAAN, Tatiana MASLANY We are in the Great North, near the North Pole, in a modern town where about two hundred souls live precariously in minus fifty weather, and where roads lead to nowhere but the endless white. In that town, Lucy and Roman are in love and try to give meaning to their lives. But tragedies in Lucy’s past force her to escape the ghost that haunts her. In a week, she will be gone. Roman can’t follow her to the South or all Hell will break loose, and he can’t deal with Lucy’s departure… Together, they will make a leap for life, a leap for inner peace. That adventure, which seemed simple and safe, turns into a real journey, a quest, a struggle for life. TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette TWO ZIONS: THE LIVING LEGACY OF QUEEN SHEBA AND KING SOLOMON 18/5 PALAIS D (17:30) Ethiopia, Israel - 90 min - English - 2015 - Director: Cheryl HALPERN “Two Zions” focuses on the Zions of Jerusalem, Israel and Axum, Ethiopia. It describes the relationship between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba that has connected two peoples and cultures through their religious observances from approximately 950 BC till today. GRETA JOANNE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 18.06 - ✆ 011 631 8879 590 U 14/5 PALAIS D (20:00) UARGH! Italy - 86 min – 0.3 M$ - Italian - 2016 - Director: Maria Lodovica MARINI - Cast: Raffaella IZZO, Guido DAGNINO, Fabrizio POLINI, Simona SERRA, Andrea ZANZOTTERA, Michela RESI, Ornella FERRARO, Pierluigi CURCI, Carlo MARENCO, Sara SIMONCELLI, Francesca STOPPINO, Alessandro BECHIS, Cinzia BASSANI, Sonia TESTA, Enza SARACENO, Folco FEDELE, Francesca PENSO, Gianfranco VENDEMIATI, Marco CIPOLLONI, Nerio BERGESIO, Marino PALTANI, Mauro SABBIONE, Max BLANCO, Miro GATTI, Oreste DE FORNARI, Pepos BENEVELLI, Pietro MARTINELLI, Roberto MONANNI, Stefania RESI, Vittorio ZOPPI, Maria Lodovica MARINI, Rocco DI DOMENICO, Cordula KLAEGER, Daniele MURGIA A journalist and a cameraman penetrate in a mental asylum looking for a mysterious composer, who tries to make known the Uargh! as existence modus, stating the uselessness of hyperactivism and racing pointless. He engages in the evolution of species and its message would aspire to a viral growth in every corner of the madhouse/world, if he were not to interact with different stories of repressed identity, crossed with each other with no apparent solution of continuity. These identities are tired, allow themselves to live; they do not know the contact if not deadly; they away inputs and intimacy. A daunting task in a confined space, which the protagonists live as the only possible reality….Going to make it? LAMACA GIOCONDA (Italy) - Inter-Hotel Les Agapanthes - ✆ 393401780596 u UCHENIK —> THE STUDENT For full details go to a-176 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique UGETSU (UGETSU MONOGATARI) CC 17/5 BUÑUEL (17:37) Japan - 93 min - Japanese - 1953 - Director: Kenji MIZOGUCHI - Cast: Machiko KYO, Masayuki MORI, Kinuyo TANAKA In the civil wars of 16th century Japan, two ambitious peasants want to make their fortunes. The potter Genjuro intends to sell his wares for vast profits in the local city, while his brother-in-law Tobei wishes to become a samurai. Their village is sacked by the marauding armies, but Genjuro’s kiln miraculously survives, and they and their wives head for the city. However, Genjuro soon sends his wife Miyagi back home, promising to return to her soon, and Tobei, in his keenness to follow the samurai, abandons his wife Ohama. Meanwhile, a wealthy noblewoman, the Lady Wakasa, shows an interest in Genjuro’s pots, and invites him to her mansion. FILMS SANS FRONTIERES (France) - ✆ 33 6 09 49 25 09 19/5 GRAY 3 (14:00) UKRAINE. PARALIPOMENON. A CHRONICLE OF OMISSIONS Ukraine - 92 min - 0.3 - 0.6 M$ - 2015 - Director: Yulia MATSIY A zero budget film made by single person (translator and music composer apart), by independent filmmaker Yulia Matsiy. The film features scenes and stories that are usually not included in films on Ukraine.Author’s reportage “Ukraine, Paralipomenon. A Chronicle of Omissions.” hightlightes the reality of Ukraine and Hong Kong during the summer 2014. In post-Maidan Kiev survivor’s guilt following the revolution. A strong patriotic spirit associate very different groups, including extreme right-wing paramilitary groups and drag queens at gay nightclubs. People in the Ukrainian capital petition the government to block an ‘undeclared war’ against the East.The city of Slavyansk is seen moments after it was liberated from Russian occupation. There are mass graves and some have land mines. The film also reveals the improper use of humanitarian aid and separatists hiding out in the city.Hong Kong is protesting against democracy restriction and the police is attacking protestants. Author’s Notes: “Paralipomenon” is Greek for “[book] of omissions”. Indeed, the documentary presents material that shows fresh details and new events never included before in the films about Ucraine case, so it provides a more in-depth view.Working on this film was particularly challenging. It offers a critical view of the political stance taken by filmmaker’s home country of Russia. GRETA JOANNE ENTERTAINMENT (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 18.06 - ✆ 011 631 8879 590 u UN BACIO —> ONE KISS u UN HOMME —> UP FOR LOVE UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME (A MAN AND A WOMAN) CC 14/5 BUÑUEL (19:30) France - 102 min - French - 1966 - Cast: Anouk AIMEE, Jean-Louis TRINTIGNANT Lelouch’s breakthrough movie won the Cannes Palme d’Or in 1966 and Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Screenplay and was a huge box office hit. The very simple story (of a couple trying to form a relationship hampered by memories of their dead spouses) is filmed with an almost casual technique, in colour, black & white and sepia. The acting is superb and Francis Lai’s light and elegant score added to the movie’s success at home and abroad. HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS (United Kingdom) 12/5 PALAIS K (20:30) UN NUOVO GIORNO Italy - 109 min - Italian - 2015 - Director: Stefano CALVAGNA - Cast: Luca FILIPPI, Niccolò CALVAGNA, Sveva CARDINALE The life of Giulio, a boy who never felt in the right body. At the age of 27, he decides to undergo surgery and to take a trip to Bangkok, to change his gender and become physically and physiologically a woman. That path will bring Giulio to re-evaluate the relationships with his family, his partner and his friends and to start a new life, finally in the perfect body, forgetting all the abuses suffered. POKER ENTERTAINMENT (Italy) - MAJESTIC 10 Boulevard de la Croisette - ✆ 3926984330 u UN PETIT BOULOT —> ODD JOB u UNA MAGIA SARACENA —> THE MATH GANG 15/5 PALAIS J (15:30) UNCLE HOWARD Usa, United Kingdom - 95 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Aaron BROOKNER Cast: Madonna CICCONE, Jim JARMUSCH, William BURROUGHS, Brad GOOCH, Howard BROOKNER When Howard Brookner lost his life to AIDS in 1989, the 35-year-old director had completed two feature documentaries and was in post-production on his narrative debut, Bloodhounds of Broadway. Twenty-five years later, his nephew, Aaron, sets out on a quest to find the lost negative of Burroughs: The Movie, his uncle’s critically-acclaimed portrait of legendary author William S. Burroughs. When Aaron uncovers Howard’s extensive archive in Burroughs’ bunker, it not only revives the film for a new generation, but also opens a vibrant window on New York City’s creative culture from the 1970s and ‘80s, and inspires a wide-ranging exploration of his beloved uncle’s legacy. UPSIDE DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand H8 UNDER THE SHADOW 13/5 ARCADES 3 (11:30) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 9 (09:30) United Kingdom, Jordan, Qatar - 84 min - Farsi - 2015 - Director: Babak ANVARI - Cast: Narges RASHIDI, Avin MANSHADI, Bobby NADERI, Ray HARATIAN, Arash MARANDI Tehran, 1988: As the Iran-Iraq War rumbles into its eighth year, a mother and daughter are slowly torn apart by the bombing campaigns on the city coupled with the country’s bloody revolution. As they struggle to stay together amidst these terrors, a mysterious evil stalks through their apartment. XYZ FILMS (Usa) - ✆ 1 317 752 6089 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-177 11/5 PALAIS G (14:00) UNITED STATES OF LOVE (ZJEDNOCZONE STANY MIŁO CI) Poland, Sweden - 104 min - Polish - 2016 - Director: Tomasz WASILEWSKI - Cast: Julia KIJOWSKA, Magdalena CIELECKA, Dorota KOLAK, Marta NIERADKIEWICZ, Andrzej CHYRA, Lukasz SIMLAT, Tomasz TYNDYK Poland, 1990. The winds of change are blowing in Poland. The first euphoric year of freedom, but also of uncertainty for the future. Four apparently happy women of different ages decide it’s time to change their lives, fight for their happiness and fulfill their desires. Agata is a young mother, trapped in an unhappy marriage, who seeks refuge in another, impossible relationship. Renata is an older teacher fascinated with her neighbor Marzena - a lonely former local beauty queen, whose husband works in Germany. Marzena’s sister Iza is a headmistress in love with the father of one of her students. NEW EUROPE FILM SALES (Poland) - GRAND HOTEL Polish Cinema Stand, 9th Floor 16/5 PALAIS C (18:00) UNREQUITED LOVE (ZEIIN KATAOMOI) Japan - 123 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - Japanese - 2016 - Director: Ken IIZUKA, Koto NAGATA, Takayuki TAKUMA, Keinosuke HARA, Mitsuhito FUJII, Santa YAMAGISHI, Hidehiro ITO - Cast: Sairi ITOH, Taishi NAKAGAWA, Erika MORI, Yoji TANAKA, Dori SAKURADA, Alice HIROSE, Takumi SAITOH, Jiyoung (KARA), Yua SHINKAWA, Jun SHISON, Fumika SHIMIZU, Yudai CHIBA, Manami HASHIMOTO, Ryusei YOKOHAMA, Masaya KATO A local radio in Yokohama broadcasts the series of ‘unrequited love stories’ posted by listeners, and the program consistes seven bitter-sweet stories. TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 13/5 ARCADES 2 (20:30) UP FOR LOVE (UN HOMME) France - 98 min - French - 2014 - Director: Laurent TIRARD - Cast: Jean DUJARDIN, Virginie EFIRA Diane is a beautiful woman. A very beautiful woman. The kind that turns heads wherever she goes. She is a brilliant lawyer with a good sense of humor and a strong personality. And since she’s just walked out of an unhappy marriage, she’s free to meet the man of her life. There’s no such thing as a coincidence. One evening Diane receives a phone call from a certain Alexandre who found her cell phone. Something clicks between them almost instantly during this phone call. Alexandre is polite, funny and visibly cultivated. Diane is under his spell. They rapidly make a date. But their meeting doesn’t go quite as expected. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 16/5 GRAY 5 (18:00) URBAN FAMILY (OLLAAN VAPAITA) Finland - 105 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Finnish - 2015 - Director: Oskari SIPOLA Selja is in her thirties and lives in a shared flat with her friends. One day a boy appears at her door; a boy she gave up for adoption sixteen years earlier. Selja has a chance to get to know her son, but at the same time, makes a complete mess of her and her best friends’ lives. Urban Family is a new kind of music film set in the modern-day world. SUMMERSIDE INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 11/5 RIVIERA 1 (17:00) - 14/5 PALAIS J (10:30) URFIN AND HIS WOODEN SOLDIERS Russia - 42 min - 10 - 25 M$ - Russian, English - 2016 - Director: Vladimir TOROPCHIN The sequel to the much-loved adaptation of Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Alexander Volkov in 1963. The story has stood the test of time, and has all the ingredients to become a modern animated classic. Urfin, a troubled carpenter, discovers a magical powder that brings his creations to life. With an army of wooden soldiers, he captures the Emerald City. Dorothy and her friends – the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the now-brave Lion – come to the rescue of the city dwellers. Creative producer - Konstantin Bronzit WIZART (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 ROSKINO USS INDIANAPOLIS: MEN OF COURAGE 12/5 PALAIS K (09:30 invit) - 13/5 PALAIS K (20:30 invit) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 1 (18:00 invit) Usa - 119 min - 25 - 50 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Mario VAN PEEBLES - Cast: Nicolas CAGE, Tom SIZEMORE, Brian PRESLEY, Thomas JANE, Matt LANTER, Cody WALKER Throughout WWII, the USS INDIANAPOLIS is known as one of the fastest ships in the entire US Navy. Under the command of CAPTAIN MCVA, its crew fights bravely in every major US campaign in the Pacific. As President Truman negotiates Germany’s surrender, he gives McVay a new mission. The US Government has developed a secret weapon, which McVay and his crew are to transport to Guam. The mission goes off without a hitch, and McVay is ordered to take the crew to an island in the Pacific where the men are to report for training. But along the way, disaster strikes. A Japanese submarine under the leadership of COMMANDER HASHIMOTO, surprises the Indianapolis and launches several torpedoes into the great ship. In only twelve minutes, the ship goes down. Of the 1,200 men onboard, only 900 survive the sinking. They wait in the water, spread out over miles of ocean, believing that their rescue is imminent… (more info on cinando.com) HANNIBAL CLASSICS (Usa) - LERINS S13 - ✆ 310 500 8510 u USTICA —> THE MISSING PAPER a-178 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique DOC CORNER MAY 11-22 9AM-6:30PM EXPERTS CONSULTING MARKET SCREENINGS MORE INFORMATION ON WWW.MARCHEDUFILM.COM/EN/DOCCORNER + Bronx (Paris) www.bronx.fr RIVIERA - STAND H8 DOC MEETS PRESENTATIONS LET’S TALK DOCS EXHIBITORS VIDEO LIBRARY THE ONE-STOP VENUE FOR DOCS V VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAAYA (TWISTED TRUNK, BIG FAT BODY) 17/5 GRAY 4 (11:30) - 18/5 GRAY 4 (13:30) India - 89 min - Marathi, Hindi - 2015 - Director: Punarvasu NAIK - Cast: Usha NADKARNI, Vijay MAURYA, Murari KUMAR, Naman JAIN, Nachiket PURNAPATRE, Jayant SAWARKAR A bomb has been planted in a Ganesha soft toy by an unknown terrorist organization. The plan goes haywire when Altaf, a Muslim street kid, accidentally picks it up and runs away with it. Altaf develops a bond with the likeness of the elephant headed God, but soon he is whisked away by the cops along with his thief friend, Paplu. Ganesha is left behind alone on a park bench, though only for a short while. He sets off on a journey with people from different paths of life. They all treat him like god, but use him to fulfill their desires at the same time, oblivious to the fact that there is a ticking bomb inside. Ganesha, the omniscient observer continues his journey to salvation. MAHARASHTRA FILM, STAGE & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (India) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.08 12/5 PALAIS G (20:30) VALLEY INN 110 min - Director: Kim SWING - Chris SPENCER MEDALLION RELEASING, INC. (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 19.08 VALLEY OF PEACE (DOLINA MIRU ) CC 18/5 BUÑUEL (21:00) Slovenia - 88 min - Slovenian, German, English - 1956 - Director: France STIGLIC - Cast: John KITZMILLER, Evelyne WOHLFEILER, Tugo ŠTIGLIC, Boris KRALJ, Maks FURIJAN, Janez UK, Polde DEŽMAN, Rudi KOSMA , Pero ŠKERL, Franjo KUMER, Franc DROFENIK, Tone HOMAR, Aleksander VALI It’s the story of two war orphans, a German girl named Lottie and a Slovene boy named Marko, who escape from a town which has been bombed, in search of “a valley where there is no war”, as the four-year old girl was told by her grandmother. Marko who is a few years older thinks that this is probably the place where he used to go for holidays at his uncle’s and so they bravely set up, retreating from the German soldiers. Jim,a black American pilot who parachuted from a plane that had been shut down joins them at the river. They continue the journey together and finally reach the place of peace the boy knows. However, “the valley of peace” is attacked by the Germans and the pilot is killed. The children run away in despair and continue their search. FESTIVAL DE CANNES (France) VALMONT CC 12/5 BUÑUEL (16:45) France, Usa - 140 min - English - 1989 - Director: Milos FORMAN - Cast: Firth COLIN, Annette BENING, Meg TILLY No-one can resist the seductive schemes of the Marquise de Merteuil and Viscount de Valmont. Bound together by their plotting and secrets, they hold court over the sitting rooms and boudoirs of the aristocracy. Young Cécile de Volanges, the latest victim of their debauchery, becomes the battleground for these two masters of romantic intrigue. PATHE INTERNATIONAL (FR) (France) - GRAND HOTEL IBIS Entrance Apartment 4A/E 16/5 GRAY 5 (16:00 prio) VAMPYRES Spain - 82 min - English - 2015 - Director: Victor MATELLANO - Cast: Caroline MUNRO, Marta FLICH In 1974, a horror film titled “Vampyres” was premiered in England. It was an English production, written and directed by Joseph Larraz. Soon, it became a successful movie, especially because of its sensuality, its gruesomeness and its twisted atmosphere. This new version of the universe of “Vampyres” keeps its sensuality, its gruesomeness, its insolence and the twisted atmosphere, but includes more action, more horror and more gore, according to modern times. This is the story of two vamps that “live” in a dark manor where they bring men with the promise of sex orgies that finally become blood orgies. REEL SUSPECTS (France) - RIVIERA Stand E3 - ✆ 33 6 14 45 62 78 u VANORN KU FUD —> MONKEY TWINS u VAROONEGI —> INVERSION u VARZA,CARTOFI SI ALTI DEMONI —> CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS VAXXED: FROM COVER UP TO CATASTROPHE 17/5 LERINS 1 (14:00) Usa - 91 min - English - 2016 - Director: Andrew WAKEFIELD - Cast: Dr. Jim SEARS, Dr Rachel ROSS, Polly TOMMEY An investigation into how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This alarming deception has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime. CINEMA LIBRE INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand F3 u VELOCE COME IL VENTO —> ITALIAN RACE u VENDEUR —> WHO’S YOUR DADDY a-180 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 15/5 PALAIS J (13:30) VERSUS Russia - 110 min - Russian, English - 2016 - Director: Nurbek EGEN Victor aka The Hammer is an MMA star going for world championship. Following a heated argument with a mafiaconnected bookmaker named Shark Victor is seriously injured in a car chase. His head trauma is life-threatening but he is determined to win the title of the world champion. Shark’s girlfriend Vera falls in love with Victor, but he finds it hard to trust her. What he doesn’t know yet is that Shark will stop at nothing to make the championship fight Victor’s last, and that it is Vera who will sacrifice a great deal for the sake of their love. CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP SALES HOUSE (Russia) - LERINS Stand L9 16/5 GRAY 3 (12:00 invit) VERSUS: THE LIFE AND FILMS OF KEN LOACH United Kingdom - 90 min - English - 2016 - Director: Louise OSMOND Vs. is a funny, provocative and revealing account of the life and career of one of Britain’s foremost filmmakers, Ken Loach, as he turns eighty and looks back at over fifty years of filmmaking. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 11/5 OLYMPIA 5 (18:00) VICKY France - 89 min - French - 2015 - Director: Denis IMBERT - Cast: Victoria BEDOS, Chantal LAUBY, Francois BERLEAND Already almost 30, Victoire is the baby of the famous Bonhomme family, the eternal angelic child of the tribe, who finally decides to break free, to discover alcohol, sex and her voice. GAUMONT (France) - 2 Rue Bivouac Napoléon - ✆ 33 4 93 68 90 20 u VICTORIA —> IN BED WITH VICTORIA 13/5 OLYMPIA 8 (16:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30) VINCENT-N-ROXXY Usa - 105 min - English - 2016 - Director: Gary Michael SCHULTZ - Cast: Emile HIRSCH, Zoë KRAVITZ In the vein of True Romance, this is a story about a pure love fighting to survive in a brutal and chaotic world. The film follows down-on-their-luck rebels Vincent (Emile Hirsch) and Roxxy (Zoe Kravitz) who fall in love and fall apart when their violent pasts catch up with them. FORTITUDE INTERNATIONAL (Usa) - 43 La Croisette, 3rd Floor - ✆ 1 703 303 4787 u VIR ALTYD —> FOREVER 11/5 RIVIERA 2 (17:30) - 12/5 PALAIS J (17:30) VIRTUAL REVOLUTION France - 100 min - 2016 - Director: Guy-Roger DUVERT - Cast: Mike DOPUD, Jane BADLER, Jochen HÄGELE, Maximilien POULLEIN, Kaya BLOCKSAGE Paris 2047. Most of the population spend all their time online, connected into virtual worlds, and don’t care anymore about reality. A shadow agent, Nash, working for one of the multinational companies behind these virtual worlds, is tracking down terrorists who threaten the system… EAGLE FILMS (Lebanon) VISOTSKY THROUGH THE EYES OF ODESSITES (ВЫСОЦКИЙ ГЛАЗАМИ ОДЕССИТОВ) 16/5 GRAY 3 (20:00) Russia - 52 min – 0.3 M$ - Russian - 2015 - Director: Anatoly BALCHEV This is a story of a great poet, actor, musician and bard - Vladimir Vysotsky, who often used to visit Odessa with his wife - A French superstar celebrity - Marina Vladi. A story of his life in Odessa, told by many witnesses. APOLLO FILM PRODUCTION (Usa) 12/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30 invit) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 8 (12:00 invit) VOICE FROM THE STONE Italy - 106 min - 2016 - Director: Eric D. HOWELL - Cast: Emilia CLARKE, Marton CSOKAS, Caterina MURINO Voice from the Stone is the haunting story of Verena, a solemn nurse drawn to aid a young boy named Jakob who has fallen silent since the untimely death of his mother nearly a year ago. Living with his father in a massive stone manor in Tuscany, Jakob not only refuses to speak, he seems to be under the spell of a malevolent force trapped within the stone walls. As Verena’s relationship with the captivating father and enigmatic son grow, she becomes ensnared and consumed by Malvina’s severe force. If she is to save the boy, and free herself, she must face the phantom hidden inside the stone. 13 FILMS (Usa) - 35 La Croisette – 2nd Floor - ✆ 1 760 218 1429 VOIR DU PAYS (THE STOPOVER) CR 14/5 LERINS 2 (09:30 invit) - 15/5 LERINS 2 (13:30 invit) 16/5 LERINS 1 (14:00 invit) - 17/5 DEBUSSY (11:00, 16:30) - 18/5 BAZIN (15:30) - 19/5 PALAIS I (09:30) France, Greece - 102 min - French, Greek - 2016 - Director: Delphine COULIN, Muriel COULIN - Cast: SOKO, Ariane LABED At the end of their tour of duty in Afghanistan, two young military women, Aurore and Marine, are given three days of decompression leave with their unit at a five-star resort in Cyprus, among tourists. But it’s not that easy to forget the war and leave the violence behind. FILMS DISTRIBUTION (France) - RIVIERA Stand D1 u VOYAGE À TRAVERS LE CINÉMA FRANÇAIS —> A JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINEMA BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-181 16/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30 prio) VULCANIA Spain, Sweden, France - 91 min - Spanish - 2014 - Director: José SKAF - Cast: Aura GARRIDO, Miquel FERNANDEZ In a small place lost in space and time, there is no other option but to obey the village leaders. Jonas has always been playing by the rules. Until he meets Marta. Falling for her, Jonas will question the system and unveil its dark secrets. As he realizes they have been fed a lie, Jonas has no alternative but to try and plan an escape. To fight his destiny and save Marta from a deadly future, Jonas will prove to be more than himself. He too has secrets… SND - GROUPE M6 (France) - 43 Bd de la Croisette W 15/5 LERINS 2 (17:30) WAIT UNTIL HELEN COMES Canada - 87 min - English - 2016 - Director: Dominic JAMES When a reconstructed family moves to a converted church in the country, 14-year-old Molly soon realized that she has a gift and must use it; she has to face her deepest fears, and save her troubled step-sister from a dangerous relationship with the ghost of a lonely girl. TRICOAST WORLDWIDE (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D3 13/5 OLYMPIA 3 (15:30 invit) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 7 (09:30 invit) WALK WITH ME (DE STANDHAFTIGE) Denmark - 105 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Danish - 2015 - Director: Lisa OHLIN - Cast: Mikkel BOE FØLSGAARD, Cecilie LASSEN, Morten HOLST, Silja ERIKSEN, Karen-Lise MYNSTER Deployed on mission in Helmand, Afghanistan 25-year old Thomas steps on a landmine and loses both his legs. At the local rehabilitation center he meets Sofie, an ascending ballerina from the Royal Danish Ballet, who is helping a relative to regain strength after a long term sickness. Thomas desperately wants back in the field and gets impatient, as progress does not emerge as fast as he wants to. When Sofie offers to help him with a more intense rehabilitation plan, he accepts. Despite their differences, they develop a special bond and a mutual affection. TRUSTNORDISK (Denmark) - Rue des Etats Unis 25, 4th floor - ✆ 45 2421 4133 14/5 DOC CORNER (11:30) WAS SHAKESPEARE ENGLISH? United Kingdom - 97 min - 25 - 50 M$ - Italian, English - 2016 - Director: Alicia MAKSIMOVA An enthralling, provocative docu-journey in search of the real William Shakespeare. Russian-born, British-based director Alicia Maksimova takes the spectator on a fascinating voyage which starts in the Strait of Messina, continues in Venice, Verona and England and returns to Sicily… SIRENA GLOBAL PRODUCTIONS (United Kingdom) WE ARE FAMILY (L’APPART) 11/5 PALAIS K (16:00) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 9 (11:30) - 19/5 RIVIERA 2 (15:30) France - 98 min - French - 2015 - Director: Gabriel JULIEN-LAFERRIERE - Cast: Julie GAYET, Thierry NEUVIC, Lucien JEAN-BAPTISTE, Julie DEPARDIEU, Arié ELMALEH, Philippe KATERINE, Claudia TAGBO, Chantal LADESOU Bastien, 13, is an only child… well, sort of. The various divorces and new relationships of his parents and step-dads have brought Bastien six step brothers and sisters. This means lots of moms, lots of dads, and many bedrooms where the kids spend a few nights, then pack up and move to the other parent’s home. Constantly carrying their lives on their backs, the children call themselves “The Turtles”. But now, Bastien has had enough. And he’s got a revolutionary plan: The seven kids will live in one place and the grownups will be the ones rotating! Confronted with how complicated they’ve made their kids’ lives, the parents reluctantly agree to give Bastien’s model a try… Secretely hoping that everything will return to normal soon. But nothing works out as expected including the grownups who discover thanks to the seven kids, that a fragmented family can perhaps become united in solidarity, in this great big loving mess of a home! TF1 INTERNATIONAL (France) - 25 Bd de la Croisette WE ARE NEVER ALONE (NIKDY NEJSME SAMI) 12/5 PALAIS D (13:30) Czech Republic - 103 min - Czech - 2016 - Director: Petr VACLAV - Cast: Karel RODEN, Lenka VLASAKOVA, Miroslav HANUS A paranoid prison guard befriends his new neighbor, an unemployed hypochondriac supported by his wife who works at the local grocery store. Weary of life and caring for her two sons, she develops an attraction to the nightclub bouncer, but he is in love with the club stripper, who is in turn waiting for the father of her child to return from the same prison where the prison guard works. No one is ever alone, no matter how lonely they feel. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 WE ARE PREGNANT (EMBARAZADOS) 12/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) Spain - 103 min - 1 - 3 M$ - Spanish - 2015 - Director: Juana MACÍAS - Cast: Paco LEÓN, Alexandra JIMENEZ It seems simple: an egg + sperm = one embryo. But if your sperms are “few, vague and abnormal” and your woman is almost menopausal at age 37, things start to get complicated. OUTSIDER PICTURES (Usa) a-182 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 16/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:31) WE ARE THE FLESH (TENEMOS LA CARNE) Mexico - 80 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Emiliano ROCHA MINTER - Cast: Noé HERNÁNDEZ, María EVOLI, Diego GAMALIEL Face to face with (and emerging from) a culture in which cruelty and lust are linked in a shocking way, this debut provides an intense, allegorical vision of an apocalyptic Mexico - one we do not, however, get to see. In a derelict building, a brother and sister become fascinated by an older man. BLOOD WINDOW (Argentina) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side Pavilion #127 - Village Internat - ✆ 33 4 92 59 021 14/5 OLYMPIA 7 (20:00) - 16/5 OLYMPIA 7 (13:30) WE ARE X United Kingdom, Usa, Japan - 93 min - English - 2016 - Director: Stephen KIJAK X Japan was formed by childhood friends, Yoshiki and Toshi, who ignited a musical revolution in Japan during the late 80’s with their melodic metal and flamboyant fashion. With more than 30 million albums sold worldwide, X is the most successful rock band in Japanese history. However, their success never translated to the West, despite influencing many popular American bands. In the fall of 1997, at the height of their success, X broke up - devastating millions of fans and leaving enigmatic leader Yoshiki to battle physical and spiritual demons in a solitary campaign to bring their music to the world. Almost twenty years after the tragedy-fueled split, the band prepares to reunite for a show at the legendary Madison Square Garden while struggling to reconcile a haunted past with the insatiable thirst for perfection that has made them legendary. WE ARE X is the story of the most influential band in the world that you’ve never heard of…yet. MONGREL INTERNATIONAL (Canada) - RIVIERA Stand L12 - ✆ 151 4912 8983 WE CAN BE HEROES (CIGARETTES ET CHOCOLAT CHAUD) 12/5 PALAIS I (16:00 prio) - 14/5 PALAIS K (14:00 prio) 17/5 ARCADES 3 (13:30) France - 98 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sophie REINE - Cast: Gustave KERVERN, Camille COTTIN, Héloïse DUGAS, Fanie ZANINI, Franck GASTAMBIDE Denis struggles to raise his boisterous daughters Janine and Mercredi on his own while holding down two jobs. Everything goes sour when Denis forgets Mercredi one too many times at the school gates. Séverine, a cheerful social worker, is appointed to scrutinize the family’s daily lives. MK2 FILMS (France) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette 15/5 PALAIS F (11:30) WE DON’T BELONG HERE Usa - 92 min - English - 2016 - Director: Peer PEDERSON - Cast: Catherine KEENER, Anton YELCHIN, Riley KEOUGH, Maya RUDOLPH, Cary ELWES, Kaitlyn DEVER, Molly SHANNON A matriarch of a dysfunctional family is pushed to her tipping point by the disappearance of her son. PREMIERE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP (Usa) - RIVIERA Stand D7 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 32 03 13/5 OLYMPIA 7 (17:30) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 4 (18:00) WE GO ON Usa - 89 min - English - 2016 - Director: Jesse HOLLAND, Andy MITTON - Cast: Annette O’TOOLE, John GLOVER, Clark FREEMAN Paralyzed by his fear of dying, Miles Grissom is offering reward money to the first person who can show him a ghost, an angel, a demon - anything to prove to him that we go on after our deaths. He narrows the responses down to three viable candidates, and embarks on an adventure through Los Angeles that will spiral into an unthinkable nightmare. METRODOME INTERNATIONAL (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA Stand G5 - ✆ 33 6 82 28 14 30 WE NEED TO TALK (TENEMOS QUE HABLAR) 11/5 PALAIS C (14:00) Spain - 91 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: David SERRANO - Cast: Hugo SILVA, Michelle JENNER Nuria has it all: a job she loves, a marvelous home and a boyfriend who is just as marvelous and who has just asked her to marry him. Her only pro- blem is Jorge, the ex-husband who she still hasn’t divorced despite having separated two years ago. Jorge, on the other hand, is down and out: he’s unemployed, lives in a ramshackle apartment and still hasn’t got over his break-up from Nuria. Nuria doesn’t want to send Jorge off the deep end by asking for a divor- ce so, first, she’ll try to cheer him up by making him believe that she has found him a job, hiding her new boyfriend from him and even trying to get her recently separated parents back together again for a few days. It doesn’t sound easy, but then again, with an ex nothing ever is. FILM FACTORY ENTERTAINMENT (Spain) - RIVIERA Stand A5 WE’LL BE ALRIGHT (BREF MANUEL DE LIBERATION) 12/5 PALAIS E (18:00) France - 77 min – 0.3 M$ - Russian - 2016 - Director: Alexander KUZNETSOV In Siberia, Russia, Alexander Kuznetsov follows Yulia & Katia who went from an orphanage to a neuropsychiatric institution. Deprived of freedom, work and family, they had no say in it and getting those fundamental rights back is a long and painful bureaucratic process. WE’LL BE ALRIGHT is their path to freedom. WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-183 12/5 PALAIS C (12:00) WEINER Usa - 96 min - English - 2016 - Director: Josh KRIEGMAN, Elyse STEINBERG With unprecedented access to his family and his campaign team, Weiner documents the dramatic and painfully funny political meltdown of Anthony Weiner, a New York mayoral candidate. DOGWOOF (United Kingdom) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 12/5 RIVIERA 1 (14:00) - 15/5 PALAIS B (17:30) WELCOME HOME Belgium - 86 min - French - 2016 - Director: Philippe DE PIERPONT - Cast: Arthur BUYSSENS, Martin NISSEN This is the story of two childhood friends – Lucas (a 16-year-old high-schooler) and Bert (a mechanic’s apprentice) - who flee the suffocating fish bowl that their killjoy families’ lives have become. Lucas, still quite immature, finds a “big brother” in Bert, a guide who is going to take him straight to the brink of catastrophe. Their escape leads them to vacant houses whose occupants have left on vacation. But very quickly, boredom resurfaces and the freewheeling sense of being on an adventure evades them. Should they return to the fold, or keep moving on? Their drifting logic compels them to blindly forge ahead. BE FOR FILMS (Belgium) - RIVIERA Stand A6 - ✆ 33 6 14 34 37 55 WELCOME TO NORWAY 13/5 PALAIS J (13:30) - 14/5 PALAIS K (18:00) Norway - 90 min - Norwegian - 2015 - Director: Rune DENSTAD LANGLO - Cast: Andres BAASMO CHRISTIANSEN, Olivier MUKUTA, Slimane DAZI, Henriette STEENSTRUP Per Primus is a fourth generation mountain resort hotel owner; he‘s born and raised far up in the Norwegian mountians and lives there with his wife and daughter. Primus is a bit more racist than most, and is hopeless with money. Since the tourists haven‘t been coming to the mountains anymore, he decides to go into the business of running a state-funded asylum reception center. But it‘s not going to be as easy as he first expected. Because along with 50 unruly refugees, most of them muslims and Arabic speaking, comes Abedi, an endlessly annoying optimist from Congo. He annoys the hell out of Primus, but eventually Abedi changes Primus‘ life completely. And in the end he has to make a choice: his friend or the money. BETA CINEMA (Germany) - GRAND HOTEL Le Goëland, 45 La Croisette - ✆ 49 176 1031 2646 WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT 15/5 GRAY 4 (17:30) - 16/5 PALAIS G (18:00) Usa - 90 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English - 2016 - Director: Candice CAIN - Cast: Amber ROSE, Shelly REGNER, Dave OTUNGA, Jake THOMAS, Lauren MAYHEW Joe and Mindy run into each other and discover that they accidently put their friends in the same bed. They conspire to let Danny and Sarah wake up next to each other, trying to figure out what happened the night before. XVIII ENTERTAINMENT LLC (Usa) - PALAIS -1 Stand 22.12 13/5 PALAIS E (16:00) WHILE THE WOMEN ARE SLEEPING (ONNA GA NEMURU TOKI) Japan - 103 min - 3 - 5 M$ - Japanese - 2015 - Director: Wayne WANG - Cast: Takeshi BEAT (KITANO), Hidetoshi NISHIJIMA, Shioli KUTSUNA, Sayuri OYAMADA, Lily FRANKY Novelist Kenji Shimizu and his wife, Aya, are set to enjoy a relaxing week-long vacation at a seaside resort. Kenji has been in a creative slump, despite the success of his first novel a few years ago. His doubts have coerced him to accept a corporate job at summer’s end. Aya, an editor, pushes him to write, but her ambition begins to create a rift in their marriage. While lounging at the pool, Kenji notices a couple composed of sexy young woman Miki and older man Sahara. Kenji and Aya joke about this odd couple’s relationship, and innocent curiosity plants a seed in the writer’s imagination. The following day, Kenji stumbles upon the couple leaving a local bistro. He questions the quirky owner who then reveals cryptic hints about the couple’s past. Kenji becomes even more fascinated, luring him to peep into the couple’s room late at night. He is surprised to see Sahara methodically filming Miki while she sleeps… (more info on cinando.com) TOEI COMPANY, LTD. (Japan) - RIVIERA Stand C10 12/5 OLYMPIA 8 (18:00) - 14/5 OLYMPIA 2 (14:00) WHITE ISLAND United Kingdom - 90 min - 2016 - Director: Benjamin TURNER - Cast: Lyndon OGBOURNE, Joel DOMMETT, Billy BOYD, Billy ZANE Ex DJ Connor is making his way in London, but is forced back to Ibiza to rescue his best friend Dex from the seductive danger of the White Island. INDEPENDENT (United Kingdom) - Numa Bianca, 23 rue Macé, 2nd Fl - ✆ 33 4 93 38 29 10 WHO’S YOUR DADDY (VENDEUR) 13/5 PALAIS C (18:00) - 15/5 PALAIS C (14:00) France - 89 min - French - 2016 - Director: Sylvain DESCLOUX - Cast: Gilbert MELKI, Pio MARMAI, Sara GIRAUDEAU Serge is one of the best kitchen salesmen in France. For the past 30 years he’s been operating in shopping areas and department stores, securing his employers an immediate, spectacular return on investment. He’s sacrificed it all for his career, including his friends, the women he loved and his son Gérald that he hardly ever sees. Not to mention his health. When Gérald reaches out to him to help him get a job so that he can fund the renovation of his future restaurant, Serge gives it some thought before getting him hired as a salesman. Against all odds, Gérald finds out he has a gift. BAC FILMS (France) - 24, La Croisette, 5th floor - ✆ 33 6 26 98 85 59 a-184 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 17/5 OLYMPIA 6 (11:30) WILD Germany - 100 min - German - 2015 - Director: Nicolette KREBITZ - Cast: Thania DIMITRAKOPOULOU, Michael WEBER A strange encounter with a wild wolf at the edge of Ania’s cold, mundane town sets off a deep-seated passion within her, shattering the drudgery of her dull days. Determined to hunt the untamed creature, she finds herself pulled to the natural world as a fearless lust for the wolf grows, eliciting a desire for her own sexuality and a disregard for social graces, repulsing yet attracting everyone around her. As the balance between the natural world and modern civilization begins to tip, so too do Ania’s inhibitions, forcing her to question the glaring hypocrisies closing in on her. THE MATCH FACTORY (Germany) - 25 Bd de la Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 90 67 14/5 ARCADES 3 (09:30) WILD SOCCER BUNCH - THE LEGEND LIVES! Germany - 99 min - German - 2015 - Director: Joachim MASANNEK - Cast: Michael SOMMERER, Aaron KISSIOV, Ron Anthony RENZENBRINK Six boys and a girl called Moe have to show they’re wild enough to beat Fat Mikey’s team and save Wild Soccer Land. Will they prove worthy successors to the original Wild Soccer Bunch, who are now grown all up? GLOBAL SCREEN GMBH (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand L7 16/5 ARCADES 1 (20:00) - ARCADES 2 (22:30) WILLY I (WILLY 1ER) France - 82 min - French - 2016 - Director: Hugo P. THOMAS, Marielle GAUTIER, Ludovic BOUKHERMA, Zoran BOUKHERMA - Cast: Daniel VANNET, Noémie LVOVSKY, Romain LÉGER, Eric JACQUET, Alexandre JACQUES, Robert FOLLET, Geneviève PLET When his twin brother dies, Willy, 50, finally decides to leave his parents’ home. He moves to a small nearby town to start afresh. “In Caudebec I’ll live. An apartment, I’ll have one. And friends too. And you can all go to hell!” Though a misfit, Willy tries to find his place in a world unknown. ACID (France) - La Malmaison - 47 la Croisette 13/5 ARCADES 2 (18:00) - 16/5 ARCADES 3 (15:30) WINTER’S DREAM Usa - 100 min - English - 2016 - Director: Joey CURTIS - Cast: Paul SIDHU, Branden COLES, Brad POTTS, Anne-Solenne HATTE The year is 2307 A.D. The earth is frozen over and virtually uninhabitable. The manmade Chimeric Virus wiped out over 75% of the population. The remaining humans live underground, unable to survive the sub-arctic temperatures. With no “man power,” scientists bio-engineered Humanoids that possess great strength, speed, and tolerance to extreme cold. tundra. A rogue humanoid named ASH-393 escapes from captivity and threatens to lead a humanoid rebellion against mankind. Arizona Federation leader, General Trajan, sends an elite team of Spartan 7 soldiers to hunt down and terminate ASH. Decorated veteran humanoid killer, Commander Bishop, will lead the team. SC FILMS INTERNATIONAL (United Kingdom) - 3rd Fl., 24 La Croisette - ✆ 33 4 93 39 89 87 17/5 GRAY 5 (12:30) WINWIN Austria - 85 min - 0.6 - 1 M$ - English, German - 2016 - Director: Daniel HOESL Four allegedly professional investors travel the globe in search of established companies they want to buy for nothing STRAY DOGS (France) - RIVIERA MARINA CLUB H6 WOLF AND SHEEP QR 16/5 THEATRE CROISETTE (14:20:00, 21:45) - 17/5 ARCADES 1 (22:30) Afghanistan, Denmark, Sweden, France - 86 min - 2016 - Director: Shahrbanoo SADAT In rural Afghanistan, people are storytellers who make up and tell each other tales of mystery and imagination to explain the world in which they live. The shepherd children own the mountains and, although no adults are around, they know the rules; they know that boys and girls are not allowed to be together. The boys practice with their slings to fight wolves. The girls smoke secretly and play at getting married, dreaming of finding a husband soon. They gossip about Sediqa; she’s eleven years old and an outsider. The girls think she is cursed. Qodrat, also eleven years old, becomes the subject of gossip when his mother remarries an old man with two wives. Qodrat roams alone in the most isolated parts of the mountains, where he meets Sediqa and they become friends. ALPHA VIOLET (France) - RIVIERA Stand E18 u WORK-IN-PROGRESS —> JUST CHARLIE 13/5 PALAIS B (11:30 invit) WORLDS APART Greece - 110 min - English, Greek - 2015 - Director: Christopher PAPAKALIATIS - Cast: J.k. SIMMONS, Christopher PAPAKALIATIS, Andrea OSVÁRT Worlds Apart follows three separate narratives each a unique love story. Each story depicts a different generation falling in love during a time of socioeconomic turmoil that dominates Southern Europe as a whole, only to connect as a single story in the end. 13 FILMS (Usa) - 35 La Croisette – 2nd Floor - ✆ 1 760 218 1429 BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-185 16/5 PALAIS G (16:00) WORRY DOLLS Usa - 90 min - 3 - 5 M$ - English - 2015 - Director: Padraig REYNOLDS In this Southern Gothic thriller a series of brutal voodoo inspired murders pits a Detective against the clock to save his daughter from possession by evil spirits. JINGA FILMS (United Kingdom) WRONG ELEMENTS HC 12/5 OLYMPIA 6 (17:30) - 14/5 SALLE DU 60e (19:15) - 15/5 OLYMPIA 3 (17:30) - 19/5 PALAIS J (09:30) France - 133 min - English - 2015 - Director: Jonathan LITTELL Uganda, 1989. A young Acholi rebel guided by spirits, Joseph Kony, forms a new rebel movement against the government: the LRA, The Lord’s Resistance Army. An “army” that grew by abducting teenagers – more than 60 000 over 25 years – of which less than half came out of the bush alive. Geofrey, Nighty and Michael, a group of friends, were among these youths, abducted at 12 or 13. Today, in their effort to rebuild their lives and go back to normal, they revisit the places that marked their stolen childhood. At the same time victims and murderers, witnesses and perpetrators of horrific acts that they did not fully understand, they are forever the Wrong Elements that society struggles to accept. Meanwhile, in the immensity of the Central African jungle, the Ugandan army still continues to hunt the last scattered LRA rebels. But Joseph Kony is still out there, on the run… LE PACTE (France) - LERINS Stand L23 X u XI HE —> DESTINY 14/5 OLYMPIA 1 (14:00) XYZ PROMO Trailer 60 min XYZ FILMS (Usa) - ✆ 1 317 752 6089 Y u YEOP-GI-JEOK-IN-GEU-NYEO-TWO —> MY NEW SASSY GIRL YOU ARE MY SUNDAY (TU HAI MERA SUNDAY ) 16/5 LERINS 3 (09:45) India - 119 min - 1 - 3 M$ - English, Hindi - 2016 - Director: Milind DHAIMADE - Cast: Barun SOBTI, Shahana GOSWAMI, Shiv SUBRAMANIAM, Vishal MALHOTRA, Rasika DUGGAL In the maddening congestion of Mumbai five young men, Arjun, Rashid, Dominic Mehernosh and Jayesh, living disparate lives, share a common goal- to play football at Juhu Beach every Sunday. While each one has their reason to look forward to the Sunday morning, there’s no doubt it’s a high point of their week. One Sunday, as a result of the actions of a senile old stranger who joins their game, a ban is issued on playing games at Juhu Beach. The group now has to look for a new place to play in the crowded city of Mumbai. More than just football, the film is about each of their lives and how each one deals with their own physical and emotional space. Above all, it’s a rarely seen before journey into Mumbai and the heart of its cosmopolitan middle class. MEDIA LUNA NEW FILMS UG (Germany) - RIVIERA Stand F12 - ✆ 33 4 92 99 33 09 YOU’LL NEVER BE ALONE (NUNCA VAS A ESTAR SOLO) 18/5 PALAIS D (20:00) Chile - 81 min - Spanish - 2016 - Director: Alex ANWANDTER - Cast: Antonia ZEGERS, Sergio HERNÁNDEZ, Gabriela HERNÁNDEZ, Andrew BARGSTEAD After his gay teenage son, Pablo, is badly beaten up by some homophobic youngsters, Juan, a withdrawn manager at a mannequin factory struggles between having to pay his son’s exorbitant medical bills and his last attempt at making partner at his company. As he runs into dead-ends and unexpected betrayals, he’ll discover that the world can be violent with him too. Juan has made too many mistakes, but his son can still be saved. WIDE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 YOUNG WRESTLERS (GENÇ PEHLIVANLAR ) 15/5 GRAY 3 (18:00) Netherlands, Turkey - 90 min – 0.3 M$ - Turkish - 2016 - Director: Mete GÜMÜRHAN The 26 boys living at the sports academy in the Turkish province of Amasya will endure a lot to realize their wrestling dream. In Young Wrestlers (Genç Pehlivanlar) they face the usual challenges of adolescence in a male dominated environment and contradictory contemporary Turkey. The camera remains observational and discreet while still allowing us to experience their everyday life at close range – somewhere between camaraderie and competition. WIDE HOUSE (France) - RIVIERA Stand G2 - ✆ 33 6 70 00 56 46 a-186 CO : Official Competition • HC : Out of Competition • CC : Cannes Classics • CR : Un Certain Regard QR : Directors Fortnight • SC : Semaine de la Critique 11/5 OLYMPIA 7 (15:30) - 13/5 OLYMPIA 9 (13:30) YOUTH IN OREGON Usa - 100 min - English - 2015 - Director: Joel David MOORE - Cast: Frank LANGELLA, Billy CRUDUP, Mary Kay PLACE, Christina APPLEGATE, Josh LUCAS, Nicola PELTZ ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ meets ‘Sideways’ in YOUTH IN OREGON, an emotional, life-affirming road-trip comedy about a man tasked with helping his embittered father-in-law rediscover his love for life. CONTENT MEDIA CORPORATION (United Kingdom) - 6 rue Florian, off rue Cdt Andre Z 17/5 LERINS 4 (13:30) ZAZY Germany - 99 min - German, Italian - 2016 - Director: M.x. OBERG - Cast: Ruby O. FEE, Paul BOCHE, Petra VAN DE VOORT, Philippe BRENNINKMEYER Zazy (18) is interning for a tailor in a small Italian town, where she meets Marianna (39), a wealthy elegant German, who is there on holidays with her children. Soon she discovers that Marianna may be romantically involved with her boss Patrick. When Patrick goes missing after a trip with Marianna, together with her boyfriend Tomek (21), Zazy starts blackmailing her. Soon enough the young couple have Marianna doing their bidding – a sadistic power play ensues. GILLES MANN FILMPRODUKTION (Germany) - VILLAGE INT’L - RIVIERA side PAV 121 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u ZEIIN KATAOMOI —> UNREQUITED LOVE ZJEDNOCZONE STANY MIŁO CI —> UNITED STATES OF LOVE ВЫСОЦКИЙ ГЛАЗАМИ ОДЕССИТОВ —> VISOTSKY THROUGH THE EYES OF ODESSITES ГЕТЬМАН —> HETMAN МОНОДИАЛОГ —> MONODIALOGUE ҮРГЭЭЛЭГ 2 —> TRAPPED ABROAD 2 부산행 [BU-SAN-HAENG] —> TRAIN TO BUSAN 특별수사:사형수의편지 [TEUK-BYUL-SU-SA] —> PROOF OF INNOCENCE 프로모릴 —> PROMO REEL ディストラクション・ベイビーズ —> DISTRACTION BABIES 嫌な女 —> DESPERATE SUNFLOWERS 牙狼〈GARO〉-DIVINE FLAME- —> GARO THE ANIMATION THE MOVIE - DIVINE FLAME 秘密 THE TOP SECRET —> HIMITSU THE TOP SECRET 走れ、絶望に追いつかれない速さで —> TOKYO SUNRISE BLUE TITLE : Film screened for the first time at a market press : Press allowed • invite only : By invitation only • priority badge : Priority badges only a-187 NOTES .................................................................................................................. 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