pincher creek
pincher creek
FREE PUBLICATION A weekly breath of fresh air! April 6, 2016 Year 5, Issue 30 Making magic with mud Emerson Sinnott, 7, may have a future in tableware design. Proudly displaying her work, she was one of the attendees at Mud Makers at the Lebel. The kids ceramics class was a hit for all in attendance and a great place to let the creative juices flow during the Easter break from school. See more photos on page 23. Photo by Brenda Shenton Ruffles has a great selection of accessories for grad YOUR LOCAL APPLIANCE DEALER Earrings, necklaces and bracelets for every style Ruffles Boutique 403-627-4640 803 Main Street Pincher Creek Open Monday to Saturday – 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. David Tetachuk Owner Roberta Mercer Sales Associate FIND US ON FACEBOOK PINCHER CREEK OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 403-627-3717 RANCHLAND MALL Major Appliances Marked Down! Page 2 Shootin’ the Breeze Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Heather will lose her hair for cancer fundraiser By Brad Quarin Heather O’Bear is in need of a haircut. At the same time, many cancer patients throughout Canada are in need of hair. Soon there will be some resolution to both problems. When Heather has her hair cut on April 15, she will be donating it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, who will use it to make a wig. People are paying to see Heather go beyond a typical trim, and have her head completely shaved. Heather’s Hair-Razoring Fundraiser is underway now, with a goal to raise $2,000. “It’s a good cause, and I was going to cut my hair anyway,” she says. Although she has never known any cancer patients who needed a wig, donating hair is something she Heather O’Bear hopes to raise $2,000 Hair-Razoring Fundraiser. has wanted to do since she was 16. “I just decided one day that I wanted to shave my head, so I did,” she says, calling it “a teenage whim.” “It was at that time that I decided that the next time I go bald, it will be to donate my hair and fundraise for Canadian Cancer Society.” Over the past three years, Heather’s hair has grown to a length of around 21 inches. She planned to donate at least eight inches, the minimum amount that Pantene Beautiful Lengths will accept. Eight inches doesn’t give you a lot of hair, as it has to be folded in half for a wig, but Heather believes it could make a whole wig. In launching her fundraiser, she pledged that after the first $500, she would cut off another inch of hair for every $100 she receives. She estimates it will take $2,000 to make her totally bald. By the end of March, she had already raised $1,100, including $100 of her own money. The largest donation, $250, came from her supervisors at the Co-operators. So far, she knows she will be losing at least 14 inches of hair. The looming possibility of baldness doesn’t frighten her, though. She has been bald before, and says she’s not a self-conscious person. The bright side is she won’t have to do her hair every morning. On the downside, it will take a couple of years to grow her hair back to a nice length, and her husband isn’t too keen about it. Photo by Heather O’Bear Young members of the Crowsnest Pass Girl Guides were a little by cutting her locks for Heather’s sad too. They don’t like the thought of their guider, Heather, without hair. However, they think to it’s for a good cause, Heather says. Most people have reacted positively to Heather’s Hair-Razoring Fundraiser. Those who can’t make a large donation have contributed toonies, Heather says. Her hair will be cut by Kendal Brands at Side Street Stylz on Main Street, Blairmore. Wigs are free to cancer patients. The money donated to the Canadian Cancer Society supports research, information services and support programs. Winter in Alberta Photography Display NOW OFFERING THE FOLLOWING SERVICES All entries in the Wintervention contest will be on display at the office of GENERATORS SOLAR • Service • Sales • Installation • Design • Sales • Installation – Residential, Commercial, Off Grid, Grid Tie Until April 15 Drop by and vote for your favourite to win our 1373 A Hunter Street Pincher Creek 403-627-5756 Open 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday 697A Main Street Pincher Creek PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD! Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze FREE Page 3 Remedy’s RX Shuttle Service Coleman Remedy’sRx is now offering a FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE Are you a senior who doesn’t drive? Are you having difficulty getting to the pharmacy? Please call 403-563-3242 to arrange for transportation from our friendly and experienced driver to and from Coleman Remedy’sRx This service will be offered Monday to Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Photo courtesy of Shannon Schoening Pincher Creek 4-H Club members who participated in the regional public speaking competition in Brooks are, back row from left, Liam Hinch, Cadence Sinnott, Ellie Stauffer (first place in intermediate speech), Alexandra Russell (first in senior speech) and Justin Schoening; front from left, Shawn Hammond, Brooke Hammond (second in intermediate presentation), Carter Hammond and Madeline Schoening (first in junior speech). 4-H youth are stars in public speaking By Brad Quarin The Pincher Creek 4-H Club sent a group of young people to the southern Alberta public speaking competition in Brooks in March, and the results were outstanding. Local orators stood out in junior, intermediate and senior speeches and presentations, up against youth from Lethbridge, Vulcan, Taber and Medicine Hat. “It felt really cool, because you know you’re among the best of all the other districts,” says Ellie Stauffer, who placed first in intermediate speech. “If you win, it’s a pretty awesome feeling,” Once again, Alexandra Russell talked her way to the top, placing first in her first year in senior speeches. She will be heading to Wetaskiwin on Saturday for the provincials, which is for seniors only. Others who shone were Madeline Schoening, who placed first in junior speech, and Brooke Hammond, who placed second in intermediate presentations. Liam Hinch, Cadence Sinnott, Justin Schoening, Shawn Hammond and Carter Hammond also participated. Proud parent Shannon Schoening explains that each 4-H club in the Pincher Creek area has its own presentation and speech competition. Children who finish in the top two in their own club advance to district-level competition. The top young speakers in the whole Pincher Creek area then go on to regionals. Shannon believes Pincher Creek youth did well because of a lot of practice. Mom Linda Hammond says the children had been working on their presenSee PUBLIC SPEAKING, continued on page 4 We want to thank all our customers for their business! Page 4 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities PUBLIC SPEAKING, continued from page 3 tations since January. Given the strength of the competition, even the children who didn’t place still impressed, they say. Madeline and Carter both say going up in front of the audience in Brooks was initially nerve-racking, this being the first year they had done it. However, the audience was engaged and laughed at the right times, Madeline says. Madeline, who is 10, competed at the junior level for ages nine to 12. She chose to talk about Nerf guns, because she enjoys playing with them. Her speech, “Ready, Aim, Shoot” covered the earliest Nerf guns and the different kinds. During her speech, she strived to talk slowly and loudly, using tips her dad gave her. Ellie, 13, competed in the intermediate level, for ages 12 to 15. She picked fears and phobias for her subject, talking about how fear affects people. She said fear can be both a strength and a weakness, with a positive effect being that it can protect your body. In giving her speech, Ellie sought to be thoroughly prepared with her topic and calm during her performance. “Looking like you’re relaxed is half the game,” she says. She also tried to look at the audience and be passionate about her speech. The Hammond children all gave presentations. Brooke gave hers on her pigs, which are crosses between Berkshire and Duroc pigs. She used PowerPoint and tried to keep calm during her presentation. She spoke about the breeds and raising the pigs, and explained she loves them because they are cute and love to play. The audience laughed at some of the photos in Brooke’s presentation, including one of a Mangalica pig, which looks like it is part sheep. The crowd also laughed when Carter brandished a large bag of 169 batteries. These were used for his presentation on recycling batteries. “You brought that up all the way to Brooks!” Linda says, laughing. Carter explained that recycling batteries is important because they contain acid, and leaks can kill plants and animals. Shawn gave his presentation on Kerbal Space Program, a video game that gives him a chance to build a rocket. He included screenshots he took himself. Waiting to find out how they placed was suspenseful. When Brooke found out she had tied with another competitor, she had to answer a question about why she is proud to be an Albertan. She spoke about Alberta’s government and economy and, of course, its 4-H program. Alexandra will soon be facing a different kind of experience in the provincials. Keep watching Shootin’ the Breeze for her story. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEMS FARM • HOME • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL INDI • S O L A R SITE SURVEY • SYSTEM DESIGN SALES • INSTALLATION COMPUTER REPAIR * Virus and Malware Removal * Troubleshooting SERVING SOUTHERN ALBERTA CALL TODAY 403-627-8961 403-627-2922 WE CAN HELP! home medical equipment Ranchland Mall 1300 Hewetson Ave. Pincher Creek Trained & Friendly Staff • Locally Owned • Great Selection Our staff can assist in your selection of a quality Lift Chair to suit your needs or a Home Care Bed for your sleeping comfort and security. * FREE SET UP AND DELIVERY * 1-800-318-6000 220 - 12A Street North Lethbridge Open Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 5 New solar power business launches in Pincher Creek business in another province, and the company didn’t make a profit. HowBy Brad Quarin ever, Greg says he learned a great deal from the experience. Greg Hession hopes the sun will shine on his new business, Indi Solar, which installs solar power After going back to construcsystems. tion and general contracting, Indi Solar was launched he heard Alberta was moving in the Municipal District of towards announcing a solar Pincher Creek in May 2015. power program in 2013 and again This is Greg’s second venture after the NDP was elected. “If the government’s going to into the solar power business, having previously owned an start to get behind the industry, Ontario-based consulting then the population tends to company. respond fairly well to that,” he “I’d always had a fascination says. “I thought it was a good idea with solar and wanted to learn to try again.” Solar power had appeal for more about the business side,” he says. Greg because he enjoys outHe was living in Alberta door work, meeting clients, and when he started the last designing and building systems. company in 2007, but it was in Moreover, he feels that what Ontario because that province he is building is important to a Photo by Brad Quarin had a solar power program. Greg Hession, owner of Indi Solar, looks over the solar panels he installed for some See INDI SOLAR, It was difficult to run a residences in the Municipal District of Pincher Creek. Established in 1977 Let our 39 years of experience benefit you! * New houses for sale * General contracting * Build with confidence Mountain View Heights Subdivision – Lots for Sale Builders Welcome 403-339-5356 – Sheldon Boese 403-627-9256 – Darren Boese 403-627-5356 – Office – 1375 Hunter Street, Pincher Creek continued on page 7 Thank You! We would like to thank the community for their support during our Family Secrets Book Launch! We have been overwhelmed by your response, allowing us to go into our second printing. Judy Lane • Farley Wuth • Hilah Simmons • Valerie Wynder • Carole Teran • BJ Scott • Donna May Stirling • Sally Connelly • Betty Smith • Agnes Thibert • Joyce Taylor • Bill Smith • Kathleen Hancock • Joan Turcott • Shirley Mowat • George Mowat • Judy Trafford • Tyler Trafford Page 6 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities My Little Corner I was glad to have a shovel with me when I arrived at the Wolseley Cemetery in southeastern Saskatchewan on Easter Monday. Underneath a cover of snow I found the headstone marking my grandfather’s grave. The simple, flat headstone reads: Stanley T Robison, private, 46 Battn CEF, 14 Oct. 1968, Age 78. One hundred years ago, on April 6, 1916, my grandfather enlisted to serve in the First World War. He was 26 years old. As I sat alone at the cemetery, I wondered what was going through his mind that day. How did he feel about leaving his small community to step into the unknown? What was his motivation? Did his mother cry when he left? Could he fathom the horrors he would see and endure as a member of the 46th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force? Had he any idea that he would fight in many of the major battles on the fields of Europe? Could he imagine the pain of two sniper’s bullets that would tear through his body? Did he believe he was strong enough to witness the death of friends and comrades? Most importantly, did he understand what By Shannon Robison war does to men and women? War is part of most recorded history. It has evolved over time, and soldiers today face an entirely different set of circumstances than my grandfather did. The long-term effects of war are brutal. Children, women and men are impacted daily. Would Stanley have enlisted had he any clue of the post-traumatic stress disorder that would haunt the rest of his days? He and I have a year in common — that of my birth and his death. The more I wonder about him, the more I realize just how little I know. To commemorate his service, I fastened a wreath to the ground. I sat in silence and listened to the birds sing. Then I read aloud my editorial from November 2013 — it was a combination of words written by myself and my dad, in honour of his father. “Not all wounds are from bullets,” was the final comment from my grandfather the single time he spoke to Dad of his war experiences. This is as true today as in 1955 when Stanley tried to put war into words for his only son. This first trip to Wolseley held great personal meaning for me. I will go back. A positive voice in southern Alberta sharing personal and business success and community events. Small Business Award of Excellence winner in 2013 Scan the QR code with your smartphone to link directly to our website. Check it out! Editorial Share your stories and news ideas! Positive submissions, letters to the editor and photos are always welcome. Submit to Editorial deadline is Thursday at 4 p.m. Shootin’ the Breeze is available digitally 24/7 Shannon Robison, Publisher – Design, Writing, and Photography Cary Robison – Editing, Printing, Accounting, Tech Brenda Shenton – Administrative Assistance, Calendar of Events and Photography Brad Quarin – Writing and Photography Jessica Jensen – Pincher Creek Advertising Sales Erin Fairhurst – Crowsnest Pass Ad Sales, Writing and Photography Lois Johnston – Editing Gary Andrews – Crowsnest Pass Distribution Colleen Hann – Pincher Creek Distribution Winter Office hours 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Advertising Display ads, obituaries, personal ads, business directory ads and national ads are accepted for print. Web options include website ads and the Breeze business directory. Submit to Advertising deadline is Thursday at 4 p.m. Printing We offer a full line of commercial and personal printing services. Please contact us for details. 697A Main Street | Box 811, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 2,400+ copies of Shootin’ the Breeze are distributed every Wednesday to over 110 locations in Crowsnest Pass, MD and Town of Pincher Creek and Piikani Nation PROUD TO BE LOCALLY OWNED AND LOCALLY STAFFED! 403-904-2227 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shelley and Rory Ingram of Pincher Creek are pleased to announce the marriage of their son Benn to Lilia Vasylenko in Poltava, Ukraine on April 25, 2015 Photos by Brad Quarin Museum offers Easter activities Clara Websdale, left, and Leah Neumeier enjoy old-fashioned Easter egg decorating at Crowsnest Museum over the holiday. INDI SOLAR, continued from page 5 changing society. “In that, it’s quite fulfilling,” he says. It’s a challenge running Indi Solar, as each project is different. When installing a system, everything has to be compatible and the right size to work. “The renewable energy industry can’t really afford to have boondoggles,” he says. “We really have to make sure that anything that we build is uncompromised, is going to do what it was expected to do, and stand the test of time.” There are some advantages to switching to solar power. “You’re a leader in your community,” he says. “You’re setting an example for others to follow by adopting what is inevitably going to be the future for energy sources.” It is also a way to avoid rising power costs and a possible carbon tax. As well, many of the solar power systems are expected to last 40 to 50 years. When the sun goes down, the solar panel is either connected to the utility grid and begins drawing power from the grid, or a battery storage system gives devices power. Solar power is an investment, which will pay off if power prices continue to rise, he says. Currently, Indi Solar has seven part-time employees, including a welder, a machine operator and a journeyman electrician. Greg hopes Indi Solar will be able to offer top-quality service in the industry, quality equipment and job opportunities. He plans to keep listening to clients’ goals and expectations and meeting their definitions of success. They are now happy to welcome Lilia to Canada where she has joined Benn and they will make their home in Pincher Creek. The many members of Benn’s family wish them congratulations and a long, happy life together. Shootin’ the Breeze Page 7 Page 8 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities It’s Oral Health Month! Registered Dental Hygienists Bree and Stacey are looking forward to seeing you! Photo by Brad Quarin Bus driver Laurel Holte and Sgt. Mark Harrison visit with boys William, left, and Zachary Baker at their bus stop on Thistle Crescent in Pincher Creek. The stop is an area of concern during School Bus Safety Awareness Month. Pincher Creek asks drivers to pay attention for buses By Brad Quarin Sheryl Baker got a scare this school year with her twin boys, Zachary and William. “We try to teach the boys independence and get them to walk home … off the bus, on their own,” she says. Their house is near the bus stop at Thistle Crescent in Pincher Creek. “They’re in Grade 2 and they should be able to do that, and there’s two older girls on the bus that usually walk across with them,” she says. “But now I don’t feel I can do that, and in the morning I don’t feel like I can let them walk to the bus on their own.” Her concerns grew after she was walking with her boys, with them a little ahead, when a vehicle sped by on an icy road. The boys were already crossing the road. “I was waving my hands and screaming, trying to get them to stop,” she says. William and Zachary might not fully realize the danger of that situation, but it has made Sheryl more worried lately. The bus company staff at First Student share her concerns about Thistle Crescent and a few other stops. Vehicles have been seen speeding past stopped buses even though See PAY ATTENTION FOR BUSES, continued on page 10 403-562-2236 A Proud Member of Able Dental Group 2132 - 129 Street Blairmore Inspired Mountain Living Proud Builders of Ironstone Lookout In Crowsnest Pass and Area We Offer: • Custom Mountain Homes • Renovations (Residential & Commercial) • All your building and project needs 403-564-0007 Open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 59 Ironstone Dr. Coleman Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 9 Page 10 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities PAY ATTENTION FOR BUSES, continued from page 8 their red lights are flashing. This endangers children, especially those like Zachary and William who need to cross the street. First Student successfully lobbied town council to have April designated as School Bus Safety Awareness Month. First Student and Livingstone Range School Division are promoting the campaign with posters, a table at the volunteer luncheon on April 15 and a deluge of social media posts. Sharon Roberts, First Student location manager, says this school year alone there have been six “flybys.” Three of those were at Thistle Crescent, where Laurel Holte drives the bus. She knows to pay attention and signal to the children when it’s safe to cross. But other spots in the Pincher Creek area have seen this problem as well. Bus driver Wayne Camber saw a flyby southbound on Highway 6, and one eastbound on Highway 507. There have been flybys in and near Beaver Mines, and in Cowley as well. And Sharon fears drivers will only become more distracted and rushed in the spring months ahead. The concern is one of life and death for students like Zachary and William. “The kids are the most vulnerable when they’re loading and unloading, because that’s when they’re not on the bus,” Sharon says. “These little guys deserve to have a long life.” “We’ve had enough already, and every time we have another one, we’re just getting that much closer to our luck running out,” she says. Most motorists who get caught later claim they didn’t see the bus, though the lights were flashing. She also notes that the stop sign sticks out the side of the bus and is at eye level. Wayne says many of the drivers made eye contact with him while passing, casting doubt on their claims to not noticing the bus. While some may be tempted to blame the problem on a particular group, Sharon says the drivers who do this are young, old, male and female. She hopes that an educational campaign will convince all drivers to pay more attention to this. Besides student safety, another reason drivers should be cautious is for the sake of their own pocketbooks. The fine for passing a bus, flashing its red lights, is $544 and six demerits. The fine for not being careful when the bus is flashing amber lights is $465, she says. Those lights indicate the bus is coming to a stop. So please, pay attention and respect the buses, which carry the most precious cargo of all. STORAGE AUCTION Pincher Creek Mini Storage Inc. in Pincher Creek, AB, will be holding an online storage auction to satisfy outstanding rent incurred by the following: Cody Small Legs, Jody Scott, Cherie Baird, Nelson Chan, and Willie Miller To see pictures of lockers, go to April 1 to 15, 2016. Bidding requires an email and mobile number to register. Local Classified Ad Rates $10 plus GST (per week) includes up to 25 words. Additional words are 15 cents each. Consecutive weeks without changes are half price! Email your ad to or call 403-904-2227 Deadline is Thursday prior to publication at noon. FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER Pincher Creek Foundation – Crestview Lodge Sealed bids for the purchase of the following used buildings will be accepted until 1 p.m., Wednesday, April 20, 2016 #1 – Wood construction building, approx. 16’ x 20’ #2 – Wood construction building, approx 24’ x 40’ Buildings are sold as is, where is, with no warranty expressed or implied, and may be viewed at 978 Hyde St., Pincher Creek, AB between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. All utility hookups will be removed prior to the sale. The buildings must be removed from the premises by April 30, 2016, at the expense of the purchaser. Sealed bids will be received until 1 p.m., Wednesday, April 20, 2016. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Bids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with what you are bidding on. Deliver your bid to: Pincher Creek Foundation Administration Office Crestview Lodge 978 Hyde Street P.O. Box 1058 Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Pincher Creek Curling Club COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION EVENT In celebration of National Volunteer Week, the Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9 and the Town of Pincher Creek invite all volunteers to attend a celebratory luncheon to honour your contribution to our community. Friday, April 15 – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Community Hall 287 Canyon Drive, Pincher Creek Enjoy a free come and go lunch and refreshments Short program to start at 12:15 p.m. No RSVP required To highlight our volunteers, please send a picture to or drop off at the Recreation Office. For information, call 403-627-4322 Annual General Meeting Wednesday, April 6 Social at 6:30 p.m. Meeting at 7 p.m. Pincher Creek Curling Club Members are encouraged to attend and everyone else is welcome! For information, Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities Bonnie’s Fashions Let us dress you from head to toe! Formal and Casual Tuxedo rentals and outfits perfect for graduation Shoes, jewelry and accessories to dress every woman to her best for any special occasion 403-562-2516 12813 20th Avenue Main Street Blairmore April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 11 Getting ready for grad With the arrival of spring comes the excitement of graduation. Students are looking forward to their final days of high school in anticipation of spreading their wings at the end of June. Graduation can generate anxiety for both parents and students, which can be alleviated by being prepared well in advance of the ceremony. Many choose to dress formally in a gown or tuxedo, while others dress casually, or prefer to make a personal statement. This creates a perfect blend of colour, vibrance and individuality at grad. Local businesses can help graduates, escorts and guests look and feel their best when the big day arrives. At Bonnie’s Fashions in Blairmore, and at High Country Western Wear and Ruffles Boutique in Pincher Creek, one can find stylish outfits, accessories and footwear. Alberta Cosmetic Laser Clinic in Blairmore offers teeth whitening along with spray tanning as a safe option to create a summer glow. Chalsey Peeters Photography is available to capture the special moments of graduation to keep forever. Remember to shop and book your appointments early! Family and friends can share grad wishes! Contact us for details: 403-904-2227 HigH Country Western Wear ADD WESTERN FLAIR TO GRADUATION ! • Jeans • Shirts • Dresses • Hats • Boots • Accessories 403-627-5686 Ranchland Mall #33 - 1300 Hewetson Ave. Pincher Creek Spray Tan $25 Teeth Whitening $60 Medical Aesthetics Services LBERTA COSMETIC LASER CLINIC 13037 20th Ave Blairmore 403-753-5400 Call TODAY to book! Spray Tan and Teeth Whitening $75 GRAD SPECIAL Page 12 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Explore new adventures at the Lifestyle Show By Brad Quarin There will be a new perspective on the outdoors and its magic at the Lifestyle and Outdoor Adventure Show in Coleman this weekend. “There is a little more focus away from the quads and ATVs. We’re looking more at the hiking [and] mountain biking,” says Sylvia Kilford, office manager for the Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce. In addition to exploring different pastimes such as kayaking, the Outdoor Adventure Show will showcase more non-profit groups, introducing their impressive projects. The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, Crowsnest Conservation Society, BearSmart and the Nature Conservancy of Canada will be among those featured. “It helps to promote different events around the area,” Sylvia says. The Lifestyle Show, happening concurrently with the Outdoor Adventure portion, will be a trade show featuring at least 65 businesses. Visitors can meet the people behind the businesses and perhaps buy some of their products. They also have the opportunity to learn about different local services. There will be a section for home businesses at the show, which will host a number of regulars as well as some new endeavours such as photography and homemade honey. A few vendors are also planning some interesting demonstrations. One of these will provide information on protecting bees in your garden. And there will be local musicians providing entertainment. Tickets are $5 per person and free for children under 12. The Lifestyle and Outdoor Adventure Show takes place at Crowsnest Sports Complex on Friday from 3 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 13 Provincial grant allows for new water intake system By Brad Quarin Heavy rainfall in 2014 wreaked havoc on Pincher Creek’s water supply but, thanks to a generous provincial grant, the town has a new water intake system. The government announced at the end of February that Pincher Creek would receive $1.6 million from the Alberta Community Resilience Program to help cover the cost of a new system. The new system has been in the works for a year and is nearly complete, says Blaise Bruder, co-ordinator of capital projects at the water treatment plant. Photo courtesy of Al Roth Laurie Wilgosh, chief administrative Premier Rachel Notley meets Mayor Don Anderberg, officer for the Town of Pincher Creek, centre, and Al Roth, director of operations, during the explains that the rainstorm caused the creek announcement that Pincher Creek will receive $1.6 million for a new water intake system. to change course. That meant the water was no longer being carried into the existing water intake system. The system is supposed to draw water from the creek to the pump house, where it is pumped into the treatment plant and treated, Blaise says. This isn’t the first time the creek has been diverted. Moreover, Laurie notes the previous system had aged, and the piping needed to be upgraded. So, the town applied to provincial disaster recovery and resilience programs for funding. On the understanding the town would receive funding, construction on the new system began. Blaise says it was built by Unsurpassable Construction in Didsbury, with the pump house built by Porter-Tanner Associates in Taber. The grant covers most of the cost of the system, and Laurie says an additional $100,000 will be taken from town reserves. Medical Aesthetics Services LBERTA COSMETIC LASER CLINIC CHECK OUT OUR BOOTH AT THE CROWSNEST PASS LIFESTYLE SHOW APRIL 8 & 9 $10 BEACH 75 ml Exfoliating face wash 25% OFF ALL BOOKINGS 13037 20th Avenue $20 BEACH 120 ml Exfoliating face wash Blairmore Check out our 2016 models! Crowsnest Pass Lifestyle Show 403-753-5400 On-the-spot SPECIALS April 8 and 9 Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex all weekend long! 1-888-553-4494 Bob Morrow Ricky Sharma 367 - 25th St. Fort Macleod Page 14 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities COFFEE BREAK Courtesy of Fix Auto Pincher Creek and Fort Macleod see puzzle answers on page 20 No Need For The Big City In an accident? You don’t have to travel far to get your vehicle fixed with the latest repair and paint technologies 403-627-1800 1071 Kettles Street Pincher Creek 403-553-3636 603 12th Street Fort Macleod Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 15 Cupcakes to the Rescue benefits cats and dogs donation and were delicious, Lesley By Brad Quarin said. The children of Horace Allen School were reunited with an old Many HAS students visited the Hillcrest shelter to see the animals friend when Crowsnest Pass SPCA during this campaign. co-ordinator Wendy Zack stopped by. The SPCA staff appreciated their efforts. “We would really like to Fred is a dog who visited the thank all the students for all their Coleman school last year. Students heard how hard it was for him to help, and you are so generous,” Wendy Zack said. find a home, given his tendency to She told the students that if they chase horses and run away. still want to help the animals, they This year, Fred brought with him should save old towels and blanhis new owner, Wendy Vanee from Lethbridge. kets. The 22 cats and one dog at the Photo by Brad Quarin “It’s a very happy ending to the From left, SPCA co-ordinator Wendy Zack, joined by former SPCA resident shelter find them comfortable. story,” teacher Lesley Margetak said. Fred and his new owner, Wendy Vanee from Lethbridge, receives a cheque Donations of pet toys are also from Horace Allen School students Payton Jahn, Tiegann Bates and Ashton appreciated. Fred, his new mom and Wendy Winberg. Zack were at HAS so the students Wendy invited more children to could present the SPCA with their visit the animals and encouraged donation of $400, proceeds from their Cupcakes to the Rescue campaign. them to pet the animals. The Grade 2 class raised the money, with parents baking cupcakes “It makes them realize that they have other friends up there than just and their children selling them at the school. The treats were bought by us,” she told the children. Mercedes Murphy 1925 – 2016 Mercedes (Mercie) Murphy, beloved wife of the late Edward Murphy, passed away peacefully at the Pincher Creek Health Centre on March 23, 2016, at the age of 90. Mercie will be lovingly remembered by her daughters, Betty Jo (Tom) Hossner, Donna (David) Murphy-Burke, Connie (Terrance) Blomgren and Wendy (Peter) O’Shea; grandchildren Laura and Liam Murphy-Burke, Anastasia and Mary Blomgren and Katherine and Quinnlan O’Shea; and brother Lawrence Osachoff. Besides her loving husband, Edward, Mercie was predeceased by her brother Walter. Mercedes was born in 1925 in Blaine Lake, Sask. She grew up on the family farm and became a teacher. She accepted a teaching position with the Pincher Creek School Division and taught in both Fishburn and Cowley. On July 1, 1954, she married Edward Murphy and they lived on the family farm north of Cowley. They raised their four daughters there. Over the years she had many interests that included softball, curling, quilting, bridge, Scrabble, reading, crosswords and, of course, baking and gardening. Both Ed and Mercie strongly believed in family and were known to be kind and caring to everyone. Together they built a life tied to the rhythms of nature. Donations in Mercie’s name may be made directly to the Windy Slopes Health Foundation (PO Box 2554, Pincher Creek, AB, T0K 1W0) to support the Staff Training Bursary to further educate rural nurses in acute and palliative care. Mercie strongly believed in education and the care of others. Arrangements entrusted to Eden’s Funeral Home, Pincher Creek 403-627-3131 or BOOK RELEASE Meet Herky Cutler at the Pincher Creek Library Tuesday, April 12 at 7 p.m. “... a paramount read that will create a springboard for anyone in a leadership role or aspiring to be.” – Franca Best, Program Development Supervisor, Calgary Board of Education Page 16 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities Charlotte Mae Ames 1926 – 2016 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Charlotte Ames. With family by her side, Mom passed away at Vista Village in Pincher Creek on March 20, 2016, at the age of 89. In September of 1961, Charlotte and Albert purchased the insurance business now known as Ames Insurance. It is currently operated by son Gary and grandson Jeremy. She retired from the insurance business in her 70s but continued to be actively involved in her community. She was a life member of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary and a member of Pincher Creek United Church and the United Church Women. She volunteered for countless organizations over the years. Mom was voted Citizen of the Year in 1992 for her contributions to the community. Prior to her passing, she was very active at Vista Village, keeping everyone organized. Mom was always ready for a road trip, a game of cards, a hockey game — anything that had her spending time with family and friends. Family was a very important part of her life. Charlotte leaves behind, to cherish her memory, daughter Donna and son Gary; granddaughter Michelle (DJ) McNeill and grandsons Tony (Robyn) Gareau and Jeremy (Jodi) Ames; great-grandchildren Emily, Grayson, Braeden, Lane, Cade, Kristi and Hannah; brother Bill (Bertyl) Smith; sister Marilyn Thompson; and several nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Mom was predeceased by her parents, Robert and Nettie Smith; her husband, Albert; son-in-law Dave; daughter-inlaw Kathy; grandson Christopher; step-grandson Chad; and brother-in-law John Thompson. A funeral service was held on March 26, 2016, at Pincher Creek United Church, with Rev. Lloyd Nyarota officiating. Interment followed at Fairview Cemetery. Memorial donations in Charlotte’s name may be made directly to the Resident Social Fund, c/o and cheques payable to the Good Samaritan Society, PO Box 1510, Pincher Creek, AB, T0K 1W0. Arrangements entrusted to Eden’s Funeral Home, Pincher Creek 403-627-3131 or Wash Away The Winter Grime! Stop by Silver Spray Wash to get your vehicles and 4-wheelers shiny for summer 403-627-4255 988 Waterton Avenue Pincher Creek Pincher Creek Golf Course Is NOW OPEN! Monday to Sunday – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Restaurant Under New Management Open at 11 a.m. Monday to Sunday Daily Specials and Sunday Brunch Get Your Early Bird Membership Now! Until April 10 at the clubhouse AGM – April 11 at 7:30 p.m. 406-627-2126 942 Hyde St. Pincher Creek Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 17 Shuttle provides remedy for getting to the pharmacy By Erin Fairhurst A Crowsnest Pass business is introducing a new service to the community, and it’s free! The Coleman Remedy’sRx pharmacy, located on Highway 3, has launched a shuttle service for customers who are unable to drive themselves to and from the pharmacy. “It’s meant to be simple and easy,” says Jeannie Little, who has owned the pharmacy with her husband Steve for just over 10 years. “And it’s a service that we’re very happy to offer to the community.” “My grandparents were a huge part of my Photos by Brad Quarin life,” explains Jeannie, “and I know what goes into caring for an elderly family member.” “Hopefully this service will alleviate some stress on families, and also return a sense of independence to people who aren’t able to transport themselves to and from the pharmacy.” The pharmacy will continue to offer home deliveries, but hopes that the shuttle service will empower individuals who are typically housebound to get out and about. Stewart Nyquist, an experienced taxi operator from Lethbridge, will be manning the wheel of the shuttle. “He’s licensed to operate in the Crowsnest Pass and he’s really great. People can feel confident that they’ll be getting transported safely,” says Jeannie. The free service is currently being offered Mondays to Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m to 4 p.m. All customers need to do is call the pharmacy at 403-563-3242 to arrange for pickup and drop-off. “This service is for anyone who is unable to drive themselves,” Jeannie says. “We hope to get the word out so that it will be well utilized.” Bunny Bonspiel winners The annual Bunny Bonspiel played out in Crowsnest Pass over the Easter weekend. In first photo, Cayle Pasiechnyk, left, and Dan Mercereau sweep while Fizz McKie looks on. Along with Gordon Polacik, they won the men’s A final. In second photo, Shirley Kohuck, left, and Kendra Nakagame sweep a rock thrown by Jennifer Liner. Along with Nanette Dupont, they won the women’s A final. The rink of Jason Sorochan, Dale Linton, Kent Strandquist and Darcy Christensen won the men’s B final while Ross Simmons, Bill White, Eric Holdegaard and Bubba took the C final. Carrie Will, Karla McKie, Melissa Careelman and Mickey Martin won the women’s B final while Erika Primrose, Rae Kubik, Val Shigahiro and Danielle Robuka took the C final. Page 18 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities Crowsnest Pass Protective Services Weekly Bulletin Submitted by Steven Debienne Members of our department, including our FireSmart team, completed an intermediate chainsaw tree-felling course over the long weekend, put on by Woodland Trainers Association. This program is in preparation for the commencement of vegetation and fuel management in our area by our FireSmart crew. The FireSmart crew will start their first area of fuel management in the forested area behind Willow Drive. The crew will be cleaning up deadfall and leaning trees, and trimming ladder fuels up to six feet from the forest floor. Ladder fuels or fuel ladders are live or dead vegetation on the bottom section of a tree. Trimming them prevents small grass fires from climbing into the tops of trees. Please stay clear of marked areas due to the risk of falling timber. A community kickoff will be held on April 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a barbecue lunch provided for registered volunteers. This event is an opportunity for residents to assist the FireSmart team with the vegetation management of the Willow Drive area. Come out and help our FireSmart team make Willow Drive a fire-smart community. In preparation for summer, fire department members, along with the FireSmart team, are going to be conducting some prescribed burns throughout Crowsnest Pass. These burns are to reduce the risk of fine fuel fires in hot spot areas, as well as to clean up some thick grassy areas. A fine fuel, differing from a coarse fuel, consists of debris which ignites easily and burns quickly. As the planning phase continues, we will notify local media as to times and locations of these burns. The FireSmart team, along with Crowsnest Pass Protective Services, will be available to answer questions at some of our upcoming events, including the Lifestyle Show, which will be held April 8 and 9, and Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on May 7. Keep an eye open for the announcements of location. On a side note, Crowsnest Pass Fire/Rescue is now able to check, service, recharge and hydrostatically test your fire extinguishers. We also have fire extinguishers to sell and to loan while yours is being serviced. Please contact the fire department at 403-5628600 for more details or to book an appointment. Shootin’ the Breeze Business Directory See your ad here for as little as $13.60 per week. For information, call 403-904-2227 or email SPECIALTY SERVICES AND INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS Professional Handyman mr-b Computer Services Master Carpenter 35 Years Experience Senior Discount Available Computers • Networking • Websites Call for a free consultation 403-862-0938 Mystery Party Night Host a murder mystery party your friends will never forget! Murder Mystery Party Kits Made locally and sold locally at Crockets Trading Company Sonny’s Lock & Key Mobile computer lab serving southwestern Alberta 403-795-9750 403-339-0133 403-627-4292 The New Movement to a Healthier Life Lose Weight • Feel Better • Earn Money Improve Energy and Alertness Just use Prevail beverages Start your day with An Amazing Coffee Lose 12” or 12 lbs in 24 days – Ask me how! Michele Vogelaar – Independent Representative 403-627-6645 or visit NEED A LIFT? Care Bears can provide transportation to medical appointments in Pincher Creek, Lethbridge and Calgary. Specializing in residential and commercial lock and key service in Pincher Creek and area. VEHICLE LOCKOUTS & MASTER KEYING Need Business Cards? We Can Help! Let us work with you to design the perfect card to represent you and your business. See us for your commercial printing needs including: brochures, business forms, rack cards, posters, envelopes, flyers, invitations, gift certificates, menus, postcards, placemats, price tags, stickers, tickets, programs, bookmarks, cheques and more! Call 403-339-CARE Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jessica Jensen 403-904-2227 Spring advertising specials are available now! Contact your sales representative for details Erin Fairhurst – Crowsnest Pass 403-563-8673 Jessica Jensen – Pincher Creek 403-904-2227 403-904-2227 697A Main Street Pincher Creek Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 19 Shootin’ the Breeze Business Directory See your ad here for as little as $13.60 per week. For information, call 403-904-2227 or email RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL GOODS AND SERVICES • Residential • Commercial • Farm • Cell Phone Boosters • Maintenance • Generators: GENERAC & KOHLER • Steel Sales • Fabrication • Repair • Portable • Drill Stem Sales Township Road 6-0 403-627-5756 1373A Hunter Street Pincher Creek Electrical Supplies Sales Counter 403-627-1885 Pat’s EavEstroughing Pat Walsh Pincher Creek Juan & Suzanne Teran Renovations • Custom Cabinetry & Closets • Commercial • Furniture 403-627-2226 Pincher Creek Sand, gravel, landscaping rock, grader, dozer, skidsteer work 5” continuous EavEs, soffit, fascia, cladding 403-904-0676 403-632-7154 Aztec Cabinets Trucking Ltd. Formerly Seabound Eavestroughing Lucas Sorge Shop: 403-627-4361 Cell: 403-627-7615 P.O. Box 684 | 1176 Big Horn Avenue | Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 “Our Reputation is Building!” 1130 McLeod Street Pincher Creek, AB 403-627-2242 1-855-627-2242 LC Hollingshead Contracting Blairmore Precision Machining & Welding Ltd. Residential, Commercial, Agricultural COMMERCIAL – INDUSTRIAL – RESIDENTIAL Lee Hollingshead Journeyman Electrician 403-632-6191 Cowley, AB “Your junk is our treasure” • • • • • • • 40, 23, 12 yard roll-off bins 6, 4, 3, 2 yard dumpsters Bear-proof dumpsters Porta-potty rentals Security fencing rentals Septic services Hotshot/picker crane service CALL NOW TO BUY YOUR OWN BIN • Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Farm Ph: 403-627-3585 Cell: 403-627-8844 403-904-2227 Cathy Kolesar 403-421-0216 403-627-4193 Seniors’ Discount Available 403-562-2884 3630 - 18th Ave. – Coleman, AB Sentinel Industrial Park GrayRock Contracting Road Building • Site Prep • General Excavation • Dozer Work • Land Clearing BOBCAT SERVICE LTD. Contract Pricing or Hourly Work Free Estimates Current C.S.T.S. and First Aid David Froese 403-432-0344 Visit our website: BMT CONSTRUCTION LTD. • Commercial & residential concrete contractors • Equipment services & rentals • All civil work • COR certified • ISNet certified • Snow removal rates $65/hr • Certified Septic Design and Installation • Rubber Track Mini Hoe • Hi-Hoe • Chain-Link Fencing • Acreage Development • Site Prep & Laser Levelling • General Excavation • Weeping Tile & Drainage • Top Soil & Gravel 403-627-5991 LYLE REIMER PINCHER CREEK ON LOCATION STORAGE 403-339-3005 1305 Waterton Ave. Pincher Creek Towing Sea Can Sales & Rentals * Portable storage delivered to your yard * 8x20’ and 8x40’ * Custom sizes available * Recovery 403-627-9256 403-627-5356 Page 20 Shootin’ the Breeze Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Coffee Break Puzzle Answers SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MAY TO AUGUST 2016 DUTIES: • Assist with business operations and office tasks • Maintain building and site • Groundskeeping • Operation of tractor/groomer QUALIFICATIONS: • Responsible and able to work independently • Experience with machinery would be an asset • Valid driver’s licence required HOURLY WAGE: $12 Photo courtesy of Kirsten McLevin Thank you, Coleman Lions From left, guiders Kirsten McLevin and Jody Rice are present as Simon Long of the Coleman Lions and daughter Isabella Long present a $400 cheque to guider Launa-Lynn Desrosiers and the 1st Crowsnest Girl Guides. The money will sponsor the guides’ trip to the Calgary Zoo in May. 3” wide version Need a Tell them Danny Hooper sent you WATER WELL 3” wide version 12345 Time12345 Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment From storage to workspace. Customizable and secure. RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Iron Filters • Softeners • Reverse Osmosis • “Kontinuous ShoK” Chlorinator 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) Steel containers from 8' - 53'. 20' & 40' skids with optional 4' landings available. Mount with twist locks. View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM 3” wide version *Big Iron drills all winter long* *check rig availability in your area e squeethezmost 3.75” wide version out of your advertising dollars Let us amplify your message! 3.75” wide version Need a Tell them Danny Hooper sent you WATER WELL 12345 but short of cash?? Check status of 3 government grants/assistance worth up to $5000 or more EACH and CHECK BIG IRON’S $5000 WINTER DISCOUNT PACKAGE Place your ad in this newspaper 12345 wide and province $ with a combined circulation of over 800,000 for only... 995 plus GST/HST Value Ad Network 12345 Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228 to workspace. secure. From storage RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide)Customizable and email Iron Filters • Softeners • Reverse Osmosis • “Kontinuous ShoK” ChlorinatorSteel containers from 8' - 53'. 20' & 40' skids with optional 4' landings or visit this community newspaper AddPayment this feature nextand career ad booking Time Plan O.A.C.toforyour water wells water treatment 12345 Call for more details ext 235 available. Mount with twist locks. 1-800-BIG1-800-282-6903 IRON (244-4766) View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM *Big Iron drills all winter long* Applications will remain open until the position has been filled by a suitable candidate. We thank all applicants for their interest in the position, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Part Time ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK Required but short of cash?? Check status of 3 government grants/assistance worth up to $5000 or more EACH and CHECK BIG IRON’S $5000 WINTER DISCOUNT PACKAGE P.S. We also drill for people who aren’t short of cash SUBMIT RESUME TO: Pincher Creek & District Agricultural Society Box 326, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 ATTN: Pincher Creek & District Ag Board Or email Applicants must possess the following skills: • Excellent customer service skills • Computer skills • Accounting and administrative experience PLEASE SEND YOUR RESUME TO: Rhonda Poch, Pincher Creek Co-operative Box 970, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Did you know Shootin’ the Breeze is delivered directly to employment centres in Pincher Creek and Crowsnest Pass? BOOK YOUR HELP WANTED AD TODAY! CONTACT YOUR SALES REP FOR DETAILS! P.C. – Jessica Jensen 403-904-2227 C.N.P. – Erin Fairhurst 403-563-8673 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 21 CLASSIFIED ADS – You’ll find it here! AUCTIONS COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION. 6th Annual Edmonton Motor Show Collector Car Auction. April 8 - 10. Edmonton Expo Centre. Over 80,000 spectators. Over 85% sold last year. Consign today. 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION. Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m. Tractors, skid steer, mini excavator, trucks, trailers, horses. Edgerton, Alberta. Scribner Auction 780-8425666. Pictures & listing: ANTIQUE AUCTION for Shirley & Don Dubie - April 9 at Busby Community Hall. Wonderful variety of antique pieces. View details at www.spectrumauctioneering. com. 780-967-3375 / 780-903-9393. CIRCUIT CAFE & CATERING. Springbrook, Alberta (Hanger A at Red Deer Airport) Fri., Apr. 15, 11 a.m. Restaurant Equipment Dispersal. See 1-800-371-6963. ESTATE AUCTION. April 17 at 11 a.m. To view items go to (auction) or www. globalauctionguide (auctioneering college). Directions to be posted later. Phone 780-453-6964. FRIDAY, APRIL 9 - Estate Auction, Viking. Phone 780209-7961. JD 7630 & 7720 FWA tractors, JD 9600 4X4, 567 net wrap, Case 440 Bobcat 900 hours, JD 8960 tractor, Challenger 30’ swather & disc bine header - 473 hours plus full lineup. Saturday, April 16 - in Andrew, Alberta. Selling Unreserved 9500 sq. ft. grocery store in full operation. Phone 780-446-7520; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HIP OR KNEE Replacement? Restrictions in walking/ dressing? $2,500 yearly tax credit. $20,000 lump sum cheque. Disability Tax Credit. Expert Help: 1-844-4535372. GREAT CANADIAN Dollar Store franchise opportunities are available in your area. Explore your future with a dollar store leader. Call today 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229; CARD OF THANKS We would like thank you for the prayers, visits, cards, food, phone calls, flowers and gift baskets we received after the passing of our son. It was so overwhelming. Also to the Nanaimo paramedics and RCMP for being with Jordan in the last minutes of his life. We especially extend our appreciation to Jord’s beloved friends Jeff Chambers, Jon Saucier, Jay Sharp, Ryan Hogarth and Ian Spatuk (with the help from George Hoff) for the amazing craftsmanship of the casket they made. It was exactly what Jord would have wanted — plain and simple, nothing fancy, with a place to sign and leave a message. Well done, guys. A big thank you to Pastor Al Robinson for officiating; Darrell and staff at Fantin’s Funeral Chapel for your compassion, professionalism and support; Shannon Burton and Jeff Chambers for the music, as well as Jord’s uncle Walter for the trumpet solo; also to the members of the Crowsnest Christian Centre for the luncheon. This difficult time was made just a bit easier with the support of our family and friends and the outpouring of love from this community. Most important is to thank our Lord and Saviour for the wonderful 35 years he gave us Jordan. — Sieg and Rose Gail, Virginia Fenton, Robert (Lisa) Gail, Carla (Zeshan) Butt CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL TRAINEES needed now! Hospitals & doctor’s offices need certified medical office & administrative staff! No experience needed! We can get you trained! Local job placement assistance available when training is completed. Call for program details! 1-888627-0297. HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION Specialists are in huge demand. Employers want CanScribe graduates. A great work-from-home career! Train with Canada’s best-rated program. Enroll today; www.canscribe. com. 1-800-466-1535; COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW - Edmonton - Western Canada’s longest running collectors show - antiques, collectibles, and pop culture. 41st Annual Wild Rose Antique Collectors Show & Sale. Sellers from across Canada. Special collectors displays. Antique evaluations by Canadian Antiques Roadshow appraiser Gale Pirie $15 per item. Saturday, Apr. 16, 9 - 5 p.m.; Sunday, Apr. 17, 10 - 4 p.m. Edmonton Expo Centre. 780-437-9722; EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES HARDISTY HOME HARDWARE Store Manager needed. See details at Send resume to: or fax to 780888-2100. SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: ery! Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306-863-2900. HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. FOR SALE VISIT NEWMOM.CA to get money saving coupons that help you save on your favourite brands. 25+ new online and store coupons every month. Check in regularly to see how much you can save! Join newmom. ca today and start saving! Register code LEARN. BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE TREES 4-6 feet, $35 each. Machine planting: $10/tree (includes bark mulch and fertilizer). 20 tree minimum order. Delivery fee $75-$125/ order. 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Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood full Fleckvieh bulls, yearlings and 1-2 year old polled and horned, A.I. bloodlines, very quiet, muscled. 780-9137963; MANUFACTURED HOMES SPRING SALE Now On at Jandel Homes! $21 million in inventory must go and we are ready to deal! Homes priced from just $99,900. WE ARE “Your Total Rural Housing Solution” - Save up to $9000 on your Manufactured Home during our 45 Year Anniversary Celebration. Visit:, REAL ESTATE 2237 +/- ACRES GRAZING LEASE near MacKay, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 27 in Edmonton. 375 AUMs, natural water throughout. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; 5 PARCELS OF FARMLAND near Altario, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 12 in Provost, Alberta. Fenced land, natural spring water. Contact Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction. com/realestate. 104 PLACER GOLD CLAIMS - South of Dawson City, Yukon. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 27 in Edmonton. Claims on 60 Mile River & 13 Mile Creek. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652. Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY & SHOP - Strathmore, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 15 in Edmonton. 2+/- title acres industrial property & 8000 sq. ft. shop. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652. Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; PASTURE & HAY LAND. 400 - 8000 acres year round water. Management available. Central Sask. Natural springs excellent water. Grazing available. Other small & large grain & pasture quarters. $150k $2.6m. Doug Rue 306-716-2671; PASTURE & GRAZING LEASE near High Prairie, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 27 in Edmonton. 80 Acres Pasture & 2 Parcels Grazing Lease. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Broker: All West Realty Ltd.; SHOP & OFFICE COMPLEX - Millet, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 27 in Edmonton. 27,730+/- sq. ft. industrial shop & office complex - 40 +/- title acres. 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Experience Canada’s north, it’s wildlife and fur trade history on this Hudson Bay weekend. July departures from Calgary. 1-866-460-1415; Page 22 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities A night out will help rebuild Lundbreck playground By Brad Quarin A revitalized playground for Livingstone School could offer something for everyone in Lundbreck and area once it’s done. But that’s not all. Efforts to fundraise for this project will bring exceptional entertainment and a delectable dining experience. And that’s happening Saturday night. “We’re really hoping people will come out to support the school … but have fun at the same time,” says organizer Kimberly Hurst. “It’s been a lot of work, but it’s definitely going to be worth it.” The evening is being planned by the Livingstone School parent council, including Christi Hollingshead and Kimberly, and parent Lenea Darragh. It will take place at Pincher Creek Com- munity Hall. A Mexican buffet will be served by Twin Butte General Store at 6:30 p.m. and the entertainment will be provided by popular Lethbridge country musician Trevor Panczak. Kimberly says organizers agreed that the store’s Mexican meals are delicious, and thought that it would be something different. They believed Trevor’s music would appeal to a broad audience, as he is promoting his new singles. While there will be some older teens attending the dinner with their families, the event is not really for children. “It’s more of a grown-up evening out,” Kimberly says, noting there will be a bar. Still, the fruits of the evening will benefit the entire community, including the children, and Lundbreck is always supportive of its school. “We have quite an amazing community,” she says. Plans for the playground involve replacing old equipment and adding benches and places to walk for seniors. It would be nice to have such a spot right in Lundbreck, Kimberly says. The cost of the project is uncertain, and the revitalization will likely happen bit by bit. Tickets are available at Lushazz Boutique in Pincher Creek, Livingstone School and the Rose Peddler in Blairmore. A ticket costs $40, with a table of eight costing $280. Shootin’ the Breeze Business Directory See your ad here for as little as $13.60 per week. For information, call 403-904-2227 or email PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Dr. Adam T. Gorner 403-904-0099 835 Kettles Street Pincher Creek R. Roy Davidson Law Office Real Estate • Corporate/Commercial • Wills & Estates 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 403-627-3013 645 Main Street Pincher Creek Pincher Creek Eye Clinic Dr. Bart Anderson Dr. Laura Chisholm 403-627-2930 761 Main Street Pincher Creek Fantin’s Funeral Chapel 1-877-896-8555 Honouring Life’s Memories . . . Eden’s Funeral Home A division of Caringroup 403-627-3131 Box 924, 966 Elm St., Pincher Creek, AB 13461 – 20 Ave. Blairmore Dennis Novak Recipient of “Excellence in Customer Service Awards” Shawn Kyllo see us for all your accounting needs EAT WHAT YOU LIKE IN COMFORT ONLY 10 MORE PAYMENTS ... Let’s do some mortgage planning before your house falls down. personal • business • estates R obin & Co. CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT Pincher Creek Office Open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 403-627-3313 697 Main Street Pincher Creek Crowsnest Pass Office Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 403-562-2895 2022 127 Street Blairmore 403-627-4811 PINCHER CREEK DENTURE CLINIC Rae Steil, B.ED, AMP Mortgage Planner 1-877-303-7237 12707 - 20 Ave Blairmore Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities April 6, 2016 Shootin’ the Breeze Page 23 MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Wednesday, April 6 – Pincher Creek Curling Club AGM social at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m. at the curling rink – Connecting Communities: Let’s Dance - 1 to 3 p.m. at Crowsnest Community Library in Blairmore meeting I will move, or cause to move, the following: Pincher Creek Community Centre Hall Society will amend our bylaws. Specifically adding a new clause to Section 8, subsection G, the number of members at a directors meeting is five, including the chairman. Friday, April 8 – Garage sale - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 989 Canon St., Pincher Creek (north of the vet clinic) – Crowsnest Pass Lifestyle & Outdoor Adventure Show - 3 to 9 p.m. at Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex in Coleman – Pass Pottery Club Spring Pottery Sale - 5 to 9 p.m. at Coleman Sports Complex. One-of-a-kind gifts for Mother’s Day made by local artists. Friday, April 15 – Community Volunteer Appreciation Event - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Community Hall in Pincher Creek – Last day to vote for the people’s choice award for Winter in Alberta photo contest. Images are on display at Shootin’ the Breeze, 695A Main St., Pincher Creek. Saturday, April 9 – Crowsnest Pass Lifestyle & Outdoor Adventure Show - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex in Coleman – Garage sale - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 989 Canon St., Pincher Creek (north of the vet clinic) – Pass Pottery Club Spring Pottery Sale - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Coleman Sports Complex. One-of-a-kind gifts for Mother’s Day made by local artists. Sunday, April 10 – Garage sale - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 989 Canon St., Pincher Creek (north of the vet clinic) Monday, April 11 – Pincher Creek Golf Club AGM - 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse Tuesday, April 12 – Book release of Herky Cutler’s Get F.I.T. Go Far! - 7 p.m. at Pincher Creek library – Home Routes concert - 8 p.m. at Windsor Heritage Drop-in Centre in Lundbreck. Tickets available at Shootin’ the Breeze. – Pincher Creek Community Centre Hall Society will be holding our annual meeting on April 12, 2016. Regular at 7 p.m., AGM at 8 p.m. Change in bylaw. I hereby notice that at our annual Wednesday, April 20 – Connecting Communities: Let’s Dance - 2 to 4 p.m. at Crowsnest Hospital continuing care in Blairmore Friday, April 22 – Kananaskis Pro Rodeo - 7 p.m. at Coleman Sports Complex Saturday, April 23 – Kananaskis Pro Rodeo - 6 p.m. at Coleman Sports Complex Sunday, April 24 – Pincher Creek Minor Hockey Association annual general meeting 6:30 p.m. at Pincher Creek town hall gym – Kananaskis Pro Rodeo - 2 p.m. at Coleman Sports Complex Saturday, April 30 – Cowley Lions garage sale and pancake breakfast - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cowley Community Hall Saturday, May 14 – All Woman Ministry – Bring out the Real & Complete Woman - 6:30 p.m. at Pincher Creek town hall. Free admission. An evening of entertainment, networking, games, laughter and inspirational message that will bring out the real and complete woman in you! Sorry, no children allowed. Listings cost $10 (per week) and include up to 25 words. Additional words are 15 cents each. Consecutive weeks, without changes, are half price. Listings are complimentary for events also promoted with display ads. Email your event to or call 403-904-2227 Deadline is Thursday prior to publication at noon. Photos by Brenda Shenton More magic with mud In top photo, Carrie Cooley and her daughter Adrijanna celebrate the successful design of her art project at a kids ceramic class, Mud Makers at the Lebel. In bottom photo, Kullen Molaro and class instructor Deb Goldstein are shown with many of the creative endeavours of the day. See more photos online at Page 24 Shootin’ the Breeze April 6, 2016 Distributed weekly to Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and surrounding communities Empty Building Tour gathers momentum By Erin Fairhurst It started as an idea that grew into a plan, and now the Crowsnest Pass Empty Building Tour is attracting attention from all over the province. Since launching the project back in February, organizer Jessica Atkinson has contacted 84 community newspapers in Alberta — from Jasper to Fort McMurray to Redwater to Cardston. “I’ve had several responses,” Jessica says. “Global Lethbridge has confirmed that they’ll be sending a news crew out on the day of the tour.” The Empty Building Tour will take place on April 16 from 11 a.m to 4 p.m and is intended to be a self-guided tour to showcase a variety of Crowsnest Pass commercial properties, for sale or for lease. As layoffs continue to take place throughout the province, projects like the Empty Building Tour are a great reminder that when one door closes, another opens. In the case of the Empty Building Tour, there will literally be doors opening all over Crowsnest Pass as potential entrepreneurial and real-estate opportunities are explored. Earlier this month, Kathryn Marlow and Matthew Lazin-Ryder of CBC Radio’s The 180 came out to Crowsnest Pass to interview Jessica about the Empty Building Tour, and Jessica says the interview was a huge success. “They even joked that they could open a CBC bureau in the Crowsnest Pass.” Local realtor Wendy Valley and Chris Matthews, director of the Crowsnest Museum, were also on hand to discuss the unique real estate opportunities in Crowsnest Pass and to provide some insight into the historical buildings that will be featured on the tour. Maps for the tour have now been printed and a complete listing of the featured properties can be viewed at Amongst the properties are the old KFC building in Blairmore, the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Coleman (more recently known as the former Blackbird Café) and the historic Brazzoni Building in Bellevue. Meanwhile, residents and business owners in Crowsnest Pass are encouraged to do what they can to spruce up their yards and storefronts. April will be a busy month for the community as visitors come in for the Chamber of Commerce Lifestyle and Outdoor Adventure Trade Show, the Empty Buildings Tour and the Kananaskis Pro Rodeo. There’s more to see online! Check it out at See us for your accounting needs! Proud to be locally owned and staffed Dennis Robin – Pincher Creek Danielle – Pincher Creek Nicole – Hillcrest Janet – Pincher Creek Shelly – Bellevue Jenn – Frank Tammy – Coleman Julia – Pincher Creek Tiare – Cowley Leslie – Pincher Creek Business Services Personal Services • Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate Tax Returns • Accounting and Computer Consulting • Setup of Computer or Manual Accounting Systems • Tax, Financial and Estate Planning • Computerized Monthly/ Quarterly Bookkeeping, Payroll and GST • Business Consulting and Planning, Business Valuations • Income Tax Preparation • Retirement and Estate Planning • Investment Analysis - Basic education including advice on some of the tools used to evaluate investments, discussion of diversification, risk and rate of return, and various alternative types of investments including tax analysis • Tax Planning Including Income Splitting and Investment Products to Reduce Tax Payable • Tax Estimates for Current or Future Years • Lease vs. Purchase Analysis • Loan/Mortgage Analysis • Insurance Planning • Education Funding and Alternatives • Planning After Separation or Divorce Estates • Final Returns and T3 Returns • Will Planning Including Tax Analysis of Property Transfers R obin & Co. Chartered Accountant Dennis Robin, B.Mgt., CA, CPA (IL, USA) Pincher Creek Office 403-627-3313 Open Weekdays – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 697 Main Street Pincher Creek 1-800-207-8584 Crowsnest Pass Office 403-562-2895 Open Weekdays – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2022 127 Street Blairmore