Analysis of the bridge houses and their urban context
Analysis of the bridge houses and their urban context
Analysis of the bridge houses and their urban context Research rapport by Leonoor Clemens Analysis of the bridge houses and their urban context Research rapport by Leonoor Clemens Research report By Leonoor Clemens Technische University Delft Faculty of Architecture Graduation studio RMIT: Mixed projects studentnummer: 1352415 Tutors: Lidy Meijers Wouter Willers Frank Koopman Delft, april 2013 1 Content 1.1 Urban analysis3 11th century3 17th century4 19th-20th century5 21th century6 Conclusion7 1.2 Architectural analysis8 Overview8 Orientation9 Volumes and elevations10 Lodewijk Pieter Kramers approach11 Routing, levels, human scale and transition12 Functions13 Open-closed14 Conclusion15 1.3 Building technical analysis16 Westerkeersluis16 Willemsbrug - foundation and basement17 Willemsbrug - ground floor and roof 18 Kattenslootbrug - foundation and basement19 Kattenslootbrug - ground floor and roof 20 Van Hallbrug - foundation and basement21 Van Hallbrug - ground floor and roof 22 Beltbrug - foundation and basement23 Beltbrug - ground floor and roof 24 Bridge technology and conclusion25 1.4 Value assessment26 1.5 Reference project27 1.6 Design proposal28 1.7 Sources29 2 1.1 Urban analysis 11th century Every scale of analysis starts with a research question which will give direction to the analysis. For the urban analysis I asked myself the question: What is the meaning and the use of the water in Amsterdam West over time? Dewatering In the 11th century there was a need for new farmland, because the population increased and there was a period of drought and spray in the dunes. Before the peat land was ready for farmland and living the land has to be dewatered by ditches which also served as a boundary. The reclamation began on the banks of the IJ. The drainage of the peat goes in the direction of the IJ through those ditches and gulfs. On the mined land there grew mainly oats and barly. After the dewatering the soil compacted, approximately half a meter per century. By land subsidence the groundwater level became relatively higher and the land has to be dewatered deeper to make agriculture possible. The mined area became also vulnerable to floods of the IJ. Dike construction was therefore inevitable because the peat extraction had to be protected. The first dike was the Spaardammerdijk, constructed in 1204. In that time the dikes not only served as flood, but also as a main traffic road. The first villages situated behind the dikes mostly on places were waterways meets traffic roads. A good example is the village Sloterdijk constructed were the river slochter meets the Spaardammerdijk. (Abrahamse , 2010) De Kostverlorenvaart was dug in 1413 due to the drainage of the southern parts of the Netherlands to the IJ. It also forms a boundary between two orientations of reclamation, the Amsteland en the Rijnland. Out of three peat lakes, Spieringenmeer, Haarlemmermeer and Leidsemeer, arose in the 16th century the Haarlemmermeer caused by peat extraction. The dewatering of the Haarlemmermeer to the IJ became very important and went through the Kostverlorenvaart. Farmer behind the Spaardammerdijk (Abrahamse, 2010) kostverlorenvaart (1413) 3 Reclamation directions in het Rijnland and the emergence of the Kostverlorenvaart (Clemens, 2013) Urban analysis17th century Water brought money The Golden Age was a time of economical growth by the trade of the VOC and the wood trade with Scandinavia. Amsterdam became a rich city by the storage of wood and steel. The city enlarged by the houses build for the workers. The growth of Amsterdam in de Golden Age period led also to investments outside the city. The most important infrastructural improvement was the construction of the Haarlemmertrekvaart at the west site of Amsterdam in 1631. The reason for this construction was because the transport over the IJ and the dike became too dangerous. The Haarlemmertrekvaart was mainly a connection between both cities for passengers. The Kostverlorenvaart got, next to the function of dewatering, a second function in that time. The Kostverlorenvaart was part of an alternative trade route between Amsterdam and Leiden via the Haarlemmermeer in order to avoid taxes. Over the Kostverlorenvaart wood and steel was transported to the southern part of the Netherlands. Besides that, the largest sawmill park of Amsterdam was constructed along the Kostverlorenvaart. In het zaagmolenpark wood was sawn and treated for the use in the housing and ship industry. They choose the west side of Amsterdam to construct the windmills because of the undisturbed windage and the prevailing west wind. Ditches in the zaagmolenpark were there for the transport in and out the area. Employees, living in the Jordaan could reach their work by connection paths over the Singelgracht. (Abrahamse, 2010) rt vaa k e r t r me m Haarle Sawmillpark next to the Kostverlorenvaart (Bakker) kostverlorenvaart Amstel Rijnland in the 17th century with the Haarlemmertrekvaart, de Amstel and the Kostverlorenvaart as important trade routes (Clemens, 2013) 4 Urban analysis19th-20th century Infrastructural increase of scale Under King Willem I new canals were dug due to the enlargement of the accessibility of Amsterdam. In 1824 the Noordhollandskanaal is dug, in 1876 the Noordzeekanaal and in 1891 the Merwede kanaal. The harbor functioned as storage and handling of goods like grain, wood and steel at that time. From Amsterdam the goods were transported national and international over the canals. The function of the Kostverlorenvaart, as alternative trade route to Leiden was still there but was less important in that time (goud voor hout, 2012). The function of the Haarlemmertrekvaart, as a connection for passengers between Amsterdam and Haarlem, was taken over by the arrival of the railway in 1839. Also goods were transported by train. The enlargement of the harbor caused an increasing population of the city of Amsterdam. The city had to be extended to accommodate all its inhabitants. J. Kalff made an urban plan for the extension of the city in 1888. The Kostverlorenvaart forms the boundary of that plan. The former sawmill area became a neighborhood for the working people and there was a park for leisure, the westerpark. In that Westerpark, the gasfactory was constructed in 1883 at a safe distance of the city and next to the railway in case of the gas supply. The Westergasbrug over de Haarlemmertrekvaart was constructed in 1886 to realize a passage for the kole ships used for the gasfactory (Smit, 2010). Since plan Kalff the Kostverlorenvaart was surrounded by neighborhoods and polders. Bridges were constructed to make crossings between the neighborhoods and the houses in the polder possible and also controlled the traderoute. The city counted bridge funds (bruggelden) for al kind of ships which are passing a bridge. In 1970, the bridge funds were abolished. Therefore the skipper has to pay 15 cent at daytime and 30 cent in the evenings and on Sundays. Since 1972 the city introduced the ‘binnenhavengelden’, charges for anyone with a (pleasure) vessel who sails through Amsterdam or occupies a berth. Ships pays per ton weight and pleasure yachts per night (Kruizinga, 1973). 1886 iron drawbridge, Westergasfabriek 1919 Tasmanbridge 1784 Tolbrug, the forerunner of the Wiegbrug 1885 double bascule Beltbridge (Beelbank archief Amsterdam) 5 1877 iron bascule Willemsbrug 1891 iron bascule Kattenslootbrug Plan Kalff (Kaartenkamer, TU Delft Bouwkunde) Urban analysis21th century Network With different extension plans, the one of Kalff and the AUP, the context of the kostverlorenvaart have changed. Starting in the 19the century the kostverlorenvaart is not an independent structure in the polder anymore. It slightly became a structure within neighborhoods. The boundaries of the water became quays, planted with trees and used by the inhabitants of the neighborhoods. At the junction where the water meets a new constructed road a bridge was build. The increasing use of cars and the upcoming tram network caused a high intense traffic situation over the bridges. The quays were more or less used for pedestrians.The direction of the road is leading over these paths. De regenboog_kinderdagverblijf Westerperk Haarlemmerpoort_stadspoort Marnixplantsoen Westerparkschool Geuzenkade Amsta locatie de Werf_zorg voor ouderen en mensen met beperking De Waterkant_openbare basisschool en daltononderwijs crossings traffic road route along the water Stadsboerderij Zimmerhoeve (source: route through streets 6 Urban analysisConclusion What is the meaning and the use of the water in Amsterdam West over time? - The context of the Kostverlorenvaart and the Westerkanaal have changed over time De regenboog_kinderdagverblijf - It was a structure for dewatering and transport and it now is inner city water for ships and leisure - Traffic over the bridges is dominated by cars, busses and trams Westerperk - Quays are mainly used for destination traffic and pedestrians/bicycles, BUT: - The quays are meaningless for Amsterdam West, because: - There is no continuity in the design of the quays - There is no continious route along the waterfront, because sometimes buildings block the route - The quays do not have a lot of attractive functions which promote its use Haarlemmerpoort_stadspoort Marnixplantsoen Westerparkschool Geuzenkade Amsta locatie de Werf_zorg voor ouderen en mensen met beperking De Waterkant_openbare basisschool en daltononderwijs Quays in Amsterdam West (Clemens, 2013) (source: 7 Stadsboerderij Zimmerhoeve 1.2 Architectural analysis Overview The architectural analysis starts with the question: What is the relation between the bridge houses and the water/the bridge? 346 In the area of Amsterdam West there are six bridges with bridge houses, recognizable by their bridge number. Two bridges are build under modern architecture by Zicht architecten and Mathieu Ponsen. Four bridges are built in the style of the Amsterdamse School designed by architect Pieter Lodewijk Kramer. The architectural aspects which are researched for this analysis are the orientation, the volumes, the design method of Pieter Kramer (proportion, routing, human scale), the function and the relation between open and closed facades. These architectural aspects could position the bridge houses in their broader context of the bridge and the water. It will gives a good inside in the relation as also the difference between the modern and the Amsterdamse school houses. Piet Kramer, Amsterdamse School 151. Willemsbrug, 1928 151 151 155. Kattenslootbrug, 1952 155 155 171 Modern architecture 346. Westerkeersluis, 2005 346 171. van Hallbrug, 1932 171 324 173. Wiegbrug, 1987 173 324. Beltbrug, 1930 324 173 (Source: (Source: Clemens, 2013) 8 O rArchitectural i e n t analysisOrientation ation (source: google maps) 173 324 171 155 151 346 Situation 9 (Source: google.maps, Clemens, 2013) Section Waterviews Architectural analysisVolumes and elevations 151. Willemsbrug 155. Kattenslootbrug 171. Van Hallbrug 324. Beltbrug 173. Wiegbrug Volumes 346. Westerkeersluis Elevations North North North-west East North-east West South-east All bridge houses, as part of a bridge, do have a connection with the water. The volumes show what the degree of the connection is. In some cases the volume is standing in the water. In other cases the volume lies inside the bridge. And only the house of the Willemsbrug stands at land and is just facing the water. The elevations tell how many facades make a direct connection with the waterfront. North-west North-west North-west North-east North-east South-east South-west South-west (Source: Clemens, 2013) 10 Architectural analysisLodewijk Pieter Kramers approach Pieter Kramer, born in 1881, worked as esthetical architect at the bridge department of the Publieke Werken Amsterdam from 1911 till 1952. Lodewijk Pieter Kramer was born and worked all his life in Amsterdam and his style belonged to the Amsterdamse school. Besides his work at the bridge department he worked as independent architect, sometimes in corporation with other Amsterdamse school architects like J.M. van der Mey and M. de Klerk. De Dageraad (1922) in Amsterdam is one of his best known work. When Kramer starts working at the Publieke Werken W.A. de Graaf was the director. His predecessor A.W. Bos felt that the service could use a leading architect. So J.M. van der Mey became esthetical adviser of the bridge department where Pieter Kramer starts as assistant in 1911. From 1916 Pieter Kramer took over the job of van der Mey and became the esthetical adviser. Both architects represented the expressionism of the Amsterdamse school. Also the municipality of Amsterdam harbored this style. The architects were given every opportunity to apply this style in buildings, bridges and furniture. In the forty years Kramer worked for the Publieke Werken he realized around 200 bridges for the city of Amsterdam. His design principles became clear in his buildings and bridges. He starts with simple, big forms which he adapted to urban conditions. He finished his design with a lot of original details. In case of the bridge design he was not only designing the bridge, but also the bridge house, the iron railing, sitting facilities and the greenery plan. He also worked with sculpters, like Hildo Krop, who made a lot of sculptures on or around the bridges of Kramer. By adapting a lot of different elements in the design, the crossings of Kramer became so called ‘bridge landscapes’, organically fit into the environment (Kohlenbach, 1994). Kattenslootbrug (Clemens, 2013) Kattenslootbrug (Archief NAi) 11 Pieter Kramer (Kohlenbach, 1994) Architectural analysisRouting, levels, human scale and transition 151. Willemsbrug 346. Westerkeersluis 155. Kattenslootbrug 171. van Hallbrug Bridge connection - Kramer Ent rance 346. Westerkeersluis 173. Wiegbrug A A -1 155. Kattenslootbrug A F l o o r l eEvnet lr a n c e T r a n s i tFi ol on o r l e v e l Transition Floor levels Human scale 346. Westerkeersluis Transition Transition Entrance Floor level Entrance Floor level Transition Bridge connection - Kramer Bridge connection - Others (Source: Clemens, 2013) -1 -1 A A -1 A A Every house has in particular a relation with the bridge. Their entrance is mainly on the level of the bridge, at the pedestrian side. Only the Kattenslootbrug and the Wiegbrug can also be entered at the level of the water. A A 173. Wiegbrug tion - Others 173. Wiegbrug A 346. Westerkeersluis -1 Bridge connection - Others higher then the bridgelevel, with the result that the bridgehouse can only be entered by taking the stairs. The raised floorlevel ensures that the view over the water aswel as the view on the road becomes more clear. A id 346. Westerkeersluis g e 324.c Beltbrug onnec A A A -1 171. Van Hallbrug Br 171. Van Hallbrug 155. Kattenslootbrug A similarity between all the bridgehouses is that their floorlevel is always 151. Willemsbrug 173.A Wiegbrug A 173. Wiegbrug Bridge connection - Others T r a n s i t i o n T r a n s i t i o Fn l o o r l e v e l F l o o r l e v eEl n t r a n c e E n t r a n c e Entrance Floor level Transition A Entrance B r i d g e c o n n e c t i o151. n -Willemsbrug Others 324. Beltbrug Every house has in particular a relation the bridge. entrance is The way the bridgehouses make a fysicalwith connection withTheir the bridge differs A mainly on the level of the bridge, at the pedestrian side. the in the per house. In the bridgehosues of Kramer there mainly is aOnly continuity -1 and the Wiegbrug can also be entered at the level of the Kattenslootbrug material use. The color of the brick in the railing is the same of the brick used water. in the facade of the houses. In the Kattenslootbrug you can see a gradual change of the railing to the house. In, for example, the Willemsbrug the transitionzone is muchallharder. There is an obvious junction between the railing A similarity between the bridgehouses is that their floorlevel is always and thethen wall the of the house. with the result that the bridgehouse can only be higher bridgelevel, bridgehouses in the last decades thethat transition entered In bythe taking the stairs.designed The raised floorlevel ensures the view over A fromwater the bridge less becomes clear. It seems be new structures the asweltoasthe thehouse view isonmuch the road moretoclear. by an excisting bridge. At the Westerkeersluis the retaining wall forms the transition between the bridgemake and the modern house andwith at the the The way the bridgehouses a fysical connection theWiegbrug bridge differs transition achieved by the little of crossing quay to entrance. per In the bridgehosues Kramerfrom there mainly is a continuity in the material use. The color of the brick in the railing is the same of the brick used in the facade of the houses. In the Kattenslootbrug you can see a gradual change of the railing to the house. In, for example, the Willemsbrug the transitionzone is much harder. There is an obvious junction between the railing and the wall of the house. In the bridgehouses designed in the last decades the transition from the bridge to the house is much less clear. It seems to be new structures by an excisting bridge. At the Westerkeersluis the retaining wall forms the transition between the bridge and the modern house and at the Wiegbrug the transition is achieved by the little crossing from quay to entrance. A 324. Beltbrug 346. Westerkeersluis A -1 A 173. Wiegbrug A A A -1 A A A 12 Architectural analysis Functions A bridgehouse is the residence of the bridge keeper situated near the bridge. A bridge keeper guards the bridge and operates the bridge form in- or outsite the house. He is responsible for the timely and safety opening of the bridge for the passing ships. But also responsible for the waiting vehicles on the road. The residence of the bridge keeper has to fit in a minimal amount of space, like the numbers below shown. The organization of the floor plan is based on the use of one person and is equal in all of the brigde houses of Kramer. At the ground floor there is a hall, a toilet and an operating room, like a tiny living room, where the bridge keeper can sit and have a maximum overview over the water and the road. The Westerkeersluis has more functions within the bridge house. This building is also used as meeting room and there is a service desk. The basement of al the houses is mainly used for storage. Transformer room Storage (salt) Operating room Hall Toilet Staircase to basement/ bicycle Kitchen Meeting room Service desk PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT W01- 2 346 Westerkeersluis Height 2,40m 2,35m 5378 908 173 7 2206 394 24 43 3829 6609 17 2568 13 2965 910 708 2453 B 3016 2143 2496 muurbestaande gebouw 3255 brug open PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 12731 6152 1500 333 2352 182 v1 d2 4 Groundfloor Groundfloor Bedieningsgebouw Westerkeersluis Height 2,25m 2,50m 5 v6 NIVO WERKRUIMTE 1 : 50 23 april 2004 muurbestaande 989 2145 vA W01- 3 d7 LUX Architecten Nieuwpoortkade 2a 1055 RX Amsterdam tel 020 6060 728 9476+ PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 600 354 733 1843 ca. m 1513 480 70 2453 550 1029 800 70 aten NIVO KELDER Basement 23 1471 900 2093 600 Surface Height Basement = ? ? Groundfloor= ? ? PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Height max. 3.60m 2,80m 173 Wiegbrug 13 C 5103 1372 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Height 3,75m 2,88m 324 Beltbrug Surface Basement = 34,3m2 Groundfloor= 25,8m2 vE Bedieningsgebouw Westerkeersluis NIVO KADEMUUR 1 : 50 16 juli 2004 LUX Architecten Nieuwpoortkade 2a 1055 RX Amsterdam tel 020 6060 728 Basement (Source: Zicht architecten, Archief Amsterdam) PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Height 2,70m 2,90m 171 Van Hallbrug Surface Basement = 15,6m2 Groundfloor= 15,6m2 4 dD 155 Kattenslootbrug Surface Basement = 23,9m2 Groundfloor= 23,9m2 211 v3 151 Willemsbrug Surface Basement = 23,7m2 Groundfloor= 23,7m2 4529 4240 1375 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Surface Basement = 34,5m2 Groundfloor= 58m2 Architectural analysis Open-closed The relation between open and closed facades depends on the style and the architects who designed the building. For Kramer the bridge house has to serve the function of the bridge keeper, to overview the waterways and the road. Kramer has a very functional approach in case of the window openings. Therefore big openings are only constructed in the operating room, the place where the bridge keeper is controlling the bridge. The openings have minimum sizes, they are big enough to have the perfect overview and they are made to guide the viewpoints. In case of the Beltbrug there are two big openings in the direction of the waterway at the side façades of the building. In the front façade there is a smaller window from where you can see and control the vessels in front of the bridge. In the toilet and the hall little openings are serving the function of daylight. The windows are too small and the glass is not clear to have look outside. But they are big enough to let in a sufficient amount of daylight. The more modern designed bridge houses like the Westerkeersluis and the Wiegbrug has another approach in case of the use of openings. Of course these houses also serve the function of the bridge keeper and will give the bridge keeper the perfect overview. But the application of glass is not only limited to the operating room. The Westerkeersluis for example has a glass strip al around the building. Both in the operating room as in the meeting room the glass has maximum sizes, almost from floor to ceiling. It will give these both rooms an environmental panorama view, also when the function of the room does not asking for it. Only at the entrance façade and the side façade the glass is not dominating the total façade. Closed panels and the form of the roof structure reduce the amount of glass in these facades. Willemsbrug Van Hallbrug (Source: Clemens, 2013) Beltbrug seen from the waterside (Clemens, 2013) Westerkeersluis seen from the waterside (Clemens, 2013) Beltbrug seen from the bridge side (Clemens, 2013) Westerkeersluis seen from the bridge side (Clemens, 2013) Kattenslootbrug Wiegbrug Beltbrug Westerkeersluis 14 Architectural analysis Conclusion What is the relation between the bridge houses and the water/the bridge? General - By being part of a bridge which is crossing the water, the bridge houses make a physical connection with the water - The approach of Kramer to make a ‘bridge landscape’ ensures a direct relation between the bridge and the bridge house - The function of the bridge house generates the organization of the floor plan and the view - The view and facade openings of Kramers houses are just related to the water and the road Per house 15 (Source: Clemens, 2013) The Westerkeersluis makes a connection with the bridge by the placement on an existing basement. The volume of the existing basement is standing in the water where a direct relation is made. The windows are al around the building, but the largest glass surfaces are facing the waterfront. The volume of the van Hallbrug lies within the volume of the bridge with one flat facade, which makes an optimal bridge relation. By being a volumes within the abutment there are only two facades directly facing the waterfont. The organisation of the smallest house is very functional and the window openings are limited to the operating room, like al the Kramer houses. The willemsbrug does not make a physical connection with the water, because the house is standing on the land. But the round shaped windows, highlights by the roof structure, at the front facade provide a maximum overview over the water. The connection with the bridge is made by Kramers approach of a bridge landscape; the material use, the form of the bridge and the bridge house are very harmonious. The Beltbrug has ‘eyes’ on the water and the road by a very precise placement of the windows. The volume is standing outside the brigde structure, besides the quay and makes therefore with two facades a connection with the waterfront. The relation with the bridge arise out of a clear transition zone. The brick masonry railing of the bridge goes in five steps over in the facade of the bridge house. The Kattenslootbrug is a very obvious example of Kramers bridge landscape. Bridge and house are designed under the same conditions with visible transition zones. The volume of the house is standing outside the volume of the bridge, so the connection with the water is very direct. There even is stairs which makes the connection between the bridge and the water level. Openings in the facade are very carefully chosen and are guiding the bridge keepers view. The modern bridge house of the Wiegbrug is standing, on a concrete pillar. Together they form an independent structure in the water. The water makes a connection with the bridge house at al four of the facades. The entrance of the bridge house is at the level of the water instead of the bridge. Therefore the house does not make a, direct or indirect, connection with the rest of the bridge. 1.3 Building technical analysisWesterkeersluis In case of the building technical analysis I wanted to investigate ‘How the structures could serve the position and function of the bridge houses?’ The former bridge house of the Westerkeerlsuis is built in 2005 by Zicht architecten. They founded a new house on an existing basement , an leftover of the previous bridge house. The steel construction makes big spans and openings possible. PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Photos of the steel structure (source: Zicht Architecten) The façade is made out of mint- colored coniseal, 3mm polyurethaan coating and glass with outside sunshading. W01- 2 4529 4240 1375 211 v3 4 steel tube vE 908 173 5378 staalplaat dD 2206 24 43 3829 394 7 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT C 708 2965 910 2568 13 17 6609 5103 2496 3016 2143 1372 2453 B staalplaatbetonvloer wooden parts coniseal cladding existing basement- reinforced concrete with brick masonry cladding muurbestaande gebouw 3255 brug open 12731 6152 1500 333 2352 182 v1 d2 4 Roof construction - steel profiles 5 v6 muurbestaande 989 NIVO WERKRUIMTE 1 : 50 23 april 2004 d7 B bearing steel beams, I profiles Section AA PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 9476+ LUX Architecten Nieuwpoortkade 2a 1055 RX Amsterdam tel 020 6060 728 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT eningsgebouw Westerkeersluis vA 2145 Coniseal constructed on a wooden underlayment. These wooden tiles are placed against steel tubes (main construction). Space in between the skeleton could be used for installations, derived from the air grids in the outer wall. W01- 8 W01- 2 B dD 9476+ 9221+ PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 1375 211 C B VA 65 100 8 70 v3 50 230 173 120 50 4 150 10 140 300 72 120 59 vE 173 5378 4529 4240 170 91 var. schuin verloop 100 908 200 50 var. schuin verloop 40 285 145 2965 B 2380+ 2496 3016 2143 A 10 70 v1 6152 d2 1500 4 333 2352 Floor construction- steel profiles ningsgebouw Westerkeersluis (Source: Clemens, 2013) 1 : 50 23 april 2004 5 v6 B NIVO WERKRUIMTE muurbestaande 989 182 1000 182 VAR. 60 122 20 5620+P b.z. nieuwe vloer 5620+P 220 409 5520+P 5210+P 5210+P 5150+ b.z. oude vloer VA 5150+ b.z. oude vloer VE techn. kast 2380+ muurbestaande gebouw 3255 brug open 12731 5620+ 5150+ (bestaand) 80 70 600 2568 6609 10 60 1000 18 700 80 35 80 C 900+vl 70 var. schuin verloop 325 20 257 254 keuken zie W-03 balie zie W-03 195 6475+P 220 187 281 182 409 94 80 302 61 2206 kabels 18 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 7 394 24 4 3 3829 13 17 910 708 2453 1372 kast zie W-03 60 vA 2145 d7 doorsnede CC LUX Architecten Nieuwpoortkade 2a 1055 RX Amsterdam tel 020 6060 728 9476+ Bedieningsgebouw Westerkeersluis I profiles on construction paws bearing core with stability braces existing basement- reinforced concrete with brick masonry cladding 150+ doorsnede BB Section BB PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT A 135 20 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 5103 bedieningspaneel brug 346 ca. 450 bepalen a.d.h. van frontdeksel 165 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT dD doorsneden BB en CC 1 : 50 27 febr. 2004 LUX Architecten Nieuwpoortkade 2a 1055 RX Amsterdam tel 020 6060 728 16 Building technical analysisWillemsbrug - foundation and basement The Willemsbrug is designed by architect Pieter Kramer in 1925. In the houses he accentuates the different functional elements by seperate them in different forms. The source of the forms can be found in nature. The roof has en expressive form as also have the windows (Smit, 2010). The house is standing apart of the bridge, but is founded on the same foundation. The building is constructed out of red brick (like the bridge is) and wood, because wood lends itself to vaulted constructions. exhaust smoke exhaust air ‘houtgraniet’ natural ventilation: fresh air reinforced concrete floor lays on brick masonry warm air by stove 465 water from toilet sink Red brick water from toilet Installation scheme reinforced concrete floor lays on concrete foundation 510 brick masonry walls Steens Crossbond floor support by foundation and brick masonry wall reinforced concrete basement floor concrete 1:3:4 cement:sand:gravel reinforced concrete foundation floor wooden pile foundation with reinforced concrete floor 17 Force scheme (Source: Clemens, 2013) Building technical analysis Willemsbrug - ground floor and roof woorden beam woorden lintel windowframe Vaulted roof structure Vaulted roof constructed out of diagonal sloped wooden beams. trimmer joists around chimney brick masonry walls with wooden lintel and wooden bearing windowframes (Source: Clemens, 2013) ceiling beams bear by the brick masonry wall and the wooden lintel load bearing masonry walls and wooden windowframes 18 Building technical analysisKattenslootbrug - basement and facade exhaust smoke exhaust air The Kattenslootbrug is designed by Pieter Kramer in 1950, two years before he left the bridge department of De Publieke Werken. Although at that time a progressive austerity prevailed, the bridge and the house are regonizable as one designed by Kramer (Smit, 2010). The house of the Kattenslootbrug is the biggest one of the four houses in Amsterdam West. The house has an reinforced concrete basement and a red brick masonry façade. like the rest of the bridge and the sitting facilities. The house has a simple gable roof form. 10 7 215 Red brick natural ventilation: fresh air warm air by stove water from toilet Installation scheme Steens Crossbond ‘Rollaag’ reinforced concrete lintel outer layer, cladding inner layer, bearing 1970 reinforced concrete ‘Vlechting’ concrete bearing box with probably wooden or concrete foundation piles 19 Brick masonry facade Force scheme (Source: Clemens, 2013) Building technical analysis wooden purlins span from masonry wall to wooden Kattenslootbrug- ground floor and roof standing wooden roof sheathing over purlins Roof structure - gable roof cavity brick wall concrete slab 440 the concrete slab supports two wooden trusses, they work together 540 Ground floor (Source: Clemens, 2013) concrete slab and wooden ceiling beams span from wall to wall the connecion between the concrete slab and the wooden beam 20 Building technical analysisVan Hallbrug - foundation and basement groundfloor level The van Hallbrug from 1932 is a bridge and a house where the expressionist architecture of Kramer is recognizable like the unusual placement of the window frames on the brickwork and the cap shaped roof. Forced by the cuts and the increase use of reinforced concrete the roof of the van Hallbrug is made out of this material instead of the more expensive material wood (Smit, 2010). The cladding is made out of orange-brown colored brick. orange/brown brick Steens Crossbond basement floor level 350 exhaust air exhaust smoke natural ventilation: fresh air masonry walls bear the reinforced concrete ground floor in two directions warm air by stove 480 Basement, ‘steens’ brick walls. Reinforced concrete floor spans in two directions Installation scheme concrete (1:4:8) underneath basement floor, brick masonry walls constructed all around natural stone (belgisch hardsteen at waterside pile foundation plan 21 foundation - piles and concrete floor Force scheme (Source: Clemens, 2013) Building technical analysis Van Hallbrug - ground floor and roof reinforced concrete vaulted roof reinforced concrete vaulted roof structure Roof above wall: reinforced concrete roof supported cavity wall Roof above window: reinforced concrete roof supported by wooden lintel. Wooden lintel above window openings ceiling beams with purlins between the roof structure brick cavity wall inner layer on reinforced floor 350 brick wall 480 Ground floor, bearing outer walls and chimney wall (Source: Clemens, 2013) from the ground floor brick cavatiy wall with bearing inner layer window detail 22 Building technical analysisBeltbrug - foundation and basement The Beltbrug (1930) is an exception of the bridge houses designed by Kramer. It was the first bridge house with a flat roof. Probably Kramer wanted to introduce a new architecture style in Amsterdam West of which the adjacent buildings were a example. This is also one of the first bridges where he used the yellowish colored brick, by the same reason as mentioned before (Smit, 2010). yellow brick reinforced concrete 470 Belgisch hardsteen to avoid rising damp Steens Crossbond 730 reinforced concrete basement walls reinforced concrete walls, basement pile foundation plan of bridge included the bridge house 23 foundation - piles and concrete floor reinforced concrete interior walls different concrete (1:3:5) floor levels deposited on foundation (Source: Clemens, 2013) Building technical analysis concrete lintel Beltbrug - ground floor and roof wooden beams wooden purlin lowest part of the roof highest part of the roof inner layer outer layer concrete lintel roof structure - flat roof constructed out of beams and purlins devided by a reinforced concrete lintel concrete lintel brick cavity wall brick cavity walls on reinforced concrete box, inner layer is bearing Window detail reinforced concrete panels ground floor plan (Source: Clemens, 2013) different reinforced concrete floor levels lie down on concrete box floor level detail: reinforced beams out of floor covered with concrete pannels. spaced used for channels and pipes from i.a the transformer reinforced concrete panels 24 Building technical analysisBridge technology and conclusion The bridge houses are designed and also build as part of the bridge. A bascule bridge consists mainly out of two elements, the abutments and the opening road sections. The abutments are constructed in the water on both sides of the quays. In Amsterdam most of these abutments have a wooden pile foundation. The bridge house is from the start part of the abutments and is part of the foundation plan. Over this foundation plan a reinforced concrete floor and reinforced concrete walls are constructed. Within these walls there is space for the opening mechanism of the bridge. The basements of the bridge houses are on the same level of the abutments. Over the abutments the opening road sections will constructed and the bridge is ready. The reinforced bearing walls of the abutments will be covered with a brick masonry façade. The first layer of the façade and the edges of the abutments will be constructed out of natural stone (belgisch hardsteen) to avoid rising damp and to protect the brick masonry against collisions with ships (Smit, 2010). As part of the abutments the bridge house will not be recognizable as a house. From the bridge level on it starts to be a building founded on the reinforced concrete walls underneath and with the same cladding. Conclusion How the structures could serve the position and function of the bridge houses? - The bridge and the bridge house have the same pile foundation, they both arise out of the same foundation. - From the basement on the bridge house releases itself from the bridge and starts to have an own identity, it became an authority. - The outer walls are bearing, no inner bearing walls. - Lintels in the bearing walls make big window openings possible. - The vaulted roofstructures highlights the orientation and the view. Bridge technology (Clemens, 2013) 25 Basement of the bridge with the opening installations (Clemens, 2013) 1.4 Value assessment Urban scale Architectural scale (Source: Clemens, 2013) Building technical scale (Source: Clemens, 2013) (Source: Clemens, 2013) (Source:, Clemens, 2013) + Kostverlorenvaart as historic structure + Bridges and houses of Kramer + Existing paths over quays - The dominant traffic stream over the bridges - Quays which are not accessible or blocked by buildings - Failing connection between bridge and quay + Kramers approach of the ‘bridge landscape’ (including the continuity of form, material and color) + The form, height and position of the bridge houses which emphasize and characterize the controlled and overviewing function + Carefully chosen window openings - basements (moister and lack of daylight) - Glass surfaces without extra function - No entrance at bridge level + The vaulted roof structures + Foundation as part of the bridge + Typical Amsterdamse school masonry bonds + Window openings orientated on the water and the road - Materials, not part of a certain style - not original elements like doors, alu windowframes, plasters, floor finish ect. 26 1.5 Reference project Stadswaterpark Rotterdam - Bokkers van der Veen Architecten en Planners ‘Stadswaterpark’ is designed as a floating park on the inner city waters of Rotterdam. The park has something for everyone, from nature to adventure playground and a catering pavilion. The function of the park is to make the inner city more lively and greener. The inner city water in Rotterdam differs from the inner city water in Amsterdam in a functional way. The water near the Binnenrotte does not mean anything for the shipping, it is even not accessible for big ships. The bridges over the water are not openable, so the water can only be used by low private boats. This means that the water does not take into account the rules of the inland navigation. But because there is no route over the water you do not will see a lot of private boats either. In comparising with the Kostverlorenvaart the Delfsevaart and the Steigersgracht has a dead end, this will explain the duckweed you see at google.maps, there is no stream. Also the bounderies of the water in Rotterdam differs from the boundaries of the Kostverlorenvaart. The Steigersgracht is dominated by highrise buildings and high quays. Also the surroundings of the Delfsevaart have a high density of about seven storie high buildings. Sometimes buildings are build directly to the water, which make the quays unaccessible for pedestrians. The quays are more or less the backgardens of the more attractive streets like the Meent and the Hoogstraat, hided for the public. The quays are high and there is no green. Stadswaterpark Rotterdam ( 27 Sweets - Space&Matter Sweets started out as an idea to create a distributed hotel concept for the city of Amsterdam that optimally re-uses existing small scale real estate as individual hotel suites. They will use the vacant bridge houses to realize their idea. I really like this idea, but after analyzing I also have my doubts. First of all I do not think a private function will fit the buildings. At the moment the bridge houses are not in use (a few houres a day) the windowscreens are closed and the buildings will look very obsolete. Althought the building has the meaning to have a wide and open view and have contact with the water and the road al the time. In case you put a hotel room in it, the guests will also close the screens to have some privacy, so the obsolute image will be maintained, which is in contrast with the meaning the houses are build for. Since I visite the houses I also put question at the surfaces. Most of the houses are so small that you can hardly put a double bed in it. A place for sanitair is hard to find. In their current situation the basements do not have windows, do have a lot of moisture damage and are therefore not suitable for any function. The last thing I worry about in case of the hotel rooms is the traffic noise. Over al the bridges, exept the van Hallbrug, trams are passing by. These trams (and also cars ofcourse) do make a lot of noise and let the house vibrate. They start driving every day around 5:30 AM and will disrupting the sleep. Sweets ( 1.6 Design proposal The urban design proposal is about making the quays, in perpendicular direction of the bridges, more accessible and uniform by creating a route. The existing paths over the quays could be included in this route, but paths over the water could be added for a total feeling of water experience and differentiation of the route. Keep in mind that there still are big barges passing over the water. Within this public network the bridge houses will be little landmarks, orientation points within the route. They should be interesting public spots with a short stay character. Short stay because in my opinion the houses are not suitable for more than one night stay because of their inside space and the traffic noise. Trams are passing every ten minutes since approximately 5:30 in the morning, creating a lot of noise courses that lets the buildings vibrate. The program should cause coherence between the six houses. The houses and their programm could also serve as an unifying factor between different districts. The bridgehouses need a public instead of a privite function. The former overviewing function gives the houses an open character. By puting in a privite function the houses will be closed for the majority and so will be their elevations . A public function will emphazie their open sight. (Clemens, 2013) 28 1.7 Sources Literature Articles Kohlenbach, B., ‘Herwaardering voor Pieter Kramer, 1881-1961’. In ‘Ons Amsterdam (1994) p.136-134 Books Abrahamse, J.E., et al, Tussen Haarlemmerpoort en Halfweg. Bussum, 2010 Bakker, T., De vroegste industriegebieden, Amsterdam, 2013 Boer, W., Amsterdamse Bruggen 1910-1950. 1983 Clemens, L., Afbeeldingen en foto’s. Delft, 2013 Hoeven, C van der, Louwe, J., Amsterdam als stedelijk bouwwerk, een morfologische analyse. SUN, 1985 Horst, A van der., Goud voor Hout. Amsterdam, 2012 Kuizinga, J.H., Amsterdam, stad der duizend bruggen. 1973 Smit, F.V., Bruggen in Amsterdam : infrastructurele ontwikkelingen en brugontwerpen van 1850 tot 2010. 2010 Speet, B., Historische atlas van Amsterdam. SUN, 2010 29 Pictures Abrahamse, J.E., et al, Tussen Haarlemmerpoort en Halfweg. Bussum, 2010 Amsterdams gemeente Archief Archief NAi Bakker, T., De vroegste industriegebieden, Amsterdam, 2013 Beeldbank, archief Amsterdam Clemens, L., Afbeeldingen en foto’s. Delft, 2013 Kohlenbach, B., ‘Herwaardering voor Pieter Kramer, 1881-1961’. In ‘Ons Amsterdam (1994) p.136-134 Website Bokkers van der Veen architecten en planners, Website space&matter, Website Zicht architecten, www.