CY gears up for the 20th Festival Friday 4 Miler Friday, September


CY gears up for the 20th Festival Friday 4 Miler Friday, September
c o o p e rw
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CY gears up for
the 20th Festival
Friday 4 Miler
B y T o by S e l l s
Start at East Parkway and run east on
Summer Avenue. Pass the funky car lots, Tops
Bar-B-Q, the thrift stores, TJ Maxx, Kroger,
Central BBQ, and stop just past Ike’s. Knock
out the turns and this run is the same distance
as the Cooper-Young Festival Friday 4 Miler.
Runners from all over the Memphis area
have sprinted, strode, sweat, and kicked
through that distance in Cooper-Young every
year since 1992, when George H. W. Bush was
President and Aladdin topped Hollywood. In
those 20 years, the 4 Miler has become a
major fundraiser for the Cooper-Young
Community Association and a premiere event
on the Memphis running scene.
Brent Manley called the Festival Friday 4
Miler one of the top races on the Memphis
Runners Track Club (MRTC) calendar for a
couple of reasons. “It’s a departure from the
usual 5K, with a scenic course through a
historic neighborhood,” said Manley, editor of
MRTC’s newsletter, The Roadrunner. “Even
better, it’s part of a big outdoor party that
runners’ families can enjoy when the racing is
This year the post-race party will have
music by the Memphis Snake Doctors, food
from Camy’s Pizza and Easy Way, and beer
from Coors Lite. Lots of races have parties, but
what the Festival Friday 4 Miler has that most
races don’t is Cooper-Young residents,
according to Star Ritchey, owner of Star
Runners, a Cooper-Young-based running
program. “People come out of their houses
and support the runners. When you pass Celtic
Crossing, Young Avenue Deli and Cafe Ole,
people on their patios scream and cheer,” said
Ritchey. “That’s super-motivating, especially
for a beginning runner.”
About three miles into the Festival Friday 4
Miler route, lives one of the many CooperYoung neighbors that embody Ritchey’s
sentiment. Wayne Young and Salli Scott Young
keep it pretty simple at their Neighbors Light
Continued on page 13
Friday, September 16, 7pm
Register online at or
August 2011
LampLighter 1
Making the most of these hot CY days
It’s a typical, balmy Memphis summer. But instead of just complaining about the heat, I’ve
control issues can actually hold it indefinitely to avoid going outside. Second, after a recent
decision to show my support for local businesses by only wearing their t-shirts in public, I realized
Nick Canterucci art
chosen for 2011
Festival poster
how much said businesses need to offer summer versions of their shirts. Walking around in a
While our neighborhood is teaming with
bunch of black and navy blue t-shirts makes me feel like I may spontaneously combust. On a
artsy types, only one each year is bestowed
positive note, when the paramedics are reviving me on the sidewalk after a massive heat stroke,
with the honor of having artwork chosen to
one of them might be reminded of how tasty the food is at Soul Fish or that it is time to go to
represent the Cooper-Young Festival. This
Victory Bike Shop to buy a new bike helmet. Third, the members of my block club have proved to
year that talented, local artist is Nick
be the most dedicated and understanding bunch I know. Most of them actually showed up for our
Canterucci. Find out more about him and
“We Should Have Done This in Spring” Block Club party on the hottest day of the year, sat on their
get a sneak peak at his winning folk art
own lawn furniture that I creatively borrowed from their porches, and enjoyed the breeze from
committee is working
hard to get ready for
the event and
Are you CY’s best
party thrower?
If you can’t run the race in
record time, there is another way your name
post-race party.
can go down in Festival Friday 4 Miler
Whether you run the
history. All you have to do is throw the most
race to win or walk
lively, creative party along the race route
the whole way, it is a
and all the glory will be yours! Sure, the
great way to show
competition is fierce, but I know you are up
your support for the
for the challenge. This article will give you
CYCA. If you are not
all the details you need to get started.
running or volunteering for the race,
Five heat-wave
movies for a
scorching hot
have you already
figured out which
Neighbors Light the
Way party you’re
Are you looking for something to do
going to attend? Can’t
August CYCA
Membership Meeting
2298 Young Ave.
General Meeting
Tuesday, August 9, 6 pm
2298 Young Ave.
Sign up to volunteer for the Festival
Friday 4 Miler and the CYCA booth at
the Festival. Refreshments provided.
Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 7 pm
fans that I have yet to return to their rightful owners.
Hopefully, the heat won’t be so bad in September for the Festival Friday 4 Miler. The race
Saturday, August 6, 10 am
decided to reveal three things that I have learned as a result of these recent high temperatures.
First, I learned that if the heat index is above 105, my older, black-haired dog with chronic bladder
Meetings & Dates
2298 Young Ave.
Safety Meeting
Monday, August 22, 7 pm
2298 Young Ave.
Interested in making Cooper-Young
a safer place? Join the Safety
Committee and have an impact!
or call (901)272-2922 for more info.
Quarterly Cleanup
Saturday, August 6, 8 am
Bring your tools and meet at the
gazebo. Call Demetrius for more info
wait to see what last
while you wait for the mercury to drop? Matt
year’s pirates come up
Martin of Black Lodge Video offers his
with this year.....
recommendations for movies that were
Wednesday, September 14, 5 pm
June Hurt
Pre-race Cleanup
actually meant to be viewed during a heat
Bring your tools and meet at Bluff City
advisory. Grab a cold beverage and enjoy.
Sports parking lot to spruce up the
party site for the 4 Miler.
Stacey Adams, Sydney Ashby, Mary Baker, Emily
Bishop, April Boleware, Deborah Camp, Mary
Staff and Volunteers
Cashiola, Tamara Cook, Corey Davis, Barb Elder,
Business Manager
Ad Manager
Janet Stewart
Barb Elder
Emily Bishop
Patrick Miller
Chris McHaney
Rich Bullington
Kristan Huntley
Jacob Flowers, Mandy Grisham, Trisha Gurley,
Ad Sales
901-517-3618 901-726-4635
Randall Hartzog, Jeff Huelett, Kristan Huntley,
June Hurt, Ryan Jones, Richard Kendrickson,
Betty Lamarr, Matt Martin, Renee Massey, Dr.
D. Jackson Maxwell, Diana Owen, Toby Sells,
Deadlines for the September
Article submissions: August 15
Advertising copy: August 20
Distribution beginning: September 2
Please send all articles and submissions to For advertising
rate sheet, or to submit ads electronically,
please email
Ginger Spickler, Frank Wolff
Cooper-Young Organizations
The LampLighter is published by the CYCA. The opinions and information presented here are
those of the staff and volunteers of the LampLighter and do not necessarily reflect the entire
Cooper-Young community. The LampLighter assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
However, we commit ourselves to providing current and accurate information.
Kristan Huntley
Tamara Cook
CYCA Community Director
Kristan Huntley
CYCA Board Officers
June Hurt
April Boleware
Andy Ashby
Jason Word
CYCA Committee Heads
Beer Fest
Block Clubs
Code Awareness
Festival 4-Miler
Demetrius Boyland
Andy Ashby
April Boleware
Debbie Sowell
Amanda Ball
Emily Bishop
Richard Coletta,
Michael Ham,
Emily Bishop
Jason Word
Sarah Frierson
Renee Massey
Kevin Ritz
At-Large Board Members
Dan Atlas
August 2011
CYCA Ne ws
LampLighter Benefactors
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the following people who have shown their support of
the LampLighter by contributing financially toward our operating costs. These benefactors have
made a contribution of at least $60 either by making a one-time donation or a monthly donation
of $5 or more.
Glenn Althoff and Mike Parnell • Chip Armstrong • Emily and Steve Bishop •
Steve Cardwell-in memoriam • Barb and Jason Elder • Mavis Estes • Beverly
Greene-in memoriam • Frank and Sue Guarino • David Huey • June and Justin
Hurt • Chris and Jill Kauker • Terry and Cynthia Lawrence • Shannon Maris •
Marjoire Palazzolo • Jenni, Andrew, Elena, and Cora Pappas • Doris Porter •
Jacques and Joi Samson • Ronnie G. Smith • Betty Slack • Kobie and Bianca
Sweeten • Joyce and Jerry Turner • Tura and Archie Wolfe
If you love reading the LampLighter, please join us so that we can maintain the quality and
frequency of the paper. Go to and click on the Membership tab to learn how you
can become a recognized LampLighter Benefactor.
New Members
Household memberships
Art and Kim Edmaiston
Mitch Morelli
Michael Keesley
Anna Salinas
Kimberley Keller
Lindsay Vosburg
Neighbors Light the Way Contest
What is it?
Each year the CYCA awards prizes to the most lively, creative parties along the 4 Miler race route.
Want to get in on the fun but don’t live along the 4 Miler route?
Connect with neighbors on facebook to find out who is planning their parties for the race.
Have a great idea for a winning party?
Partner with someone who needs help and wants to win!
Want to meet your neighbors?
Invite them to cohost a Light the Way party with you.
To enter your party in the Neighbors Light the Way contest, register with the CYCA office at or call (901)272-2922.
Thank you for your support!
These memberships and donations were
received as of July 24. Donations received
after the 24th will be listed in the next issue.
Email for corrections
or additions.
C omm u n i t y S p i r i t
CY family creates a refuge from the
Mission Our purpose is to form an association of residents and interested
parties to work together to make our diverse and historic community a
more desirable and safer place to live, worship, work, and play.
B y S ydney A shby
You would not notice it by walking or driving by 2072 Oliver, but there is an oasis just up the
front porch steps. Lisa Marr and Steve Lancaster, along with her daughters, Brittany and Mallory,
have created a lovely, shaded area on their front porch that is easily ten degrees cooler than the
outside temperature. As you pass their home you will, however, notice the bright flowers at the
end of their walkway, which includes lantana, vinca, petunias, and moss rose. To the right you
also cannot help but admire the vibrant sweet potato vine surrounding the birdbath.
Steve keeps up the lawn, colorful vines, and floral accents. Lisa does her part by keeping many
potted plants and lush greenery on their front porch Shangri-la. Besides the plants, there are iron
works of art and wind chimes that help create a relaxed and inviting mood, while shades help
keep out the sun and fans create airflow.
Lisa has lived in Cooper-Young since 1987, and she and her household love it because of the
“wonderful neighbors, lovely historic homes, and a community that honors unique expression.”
Enclosed is a check for my membership in the Cooper-Young Community Association
Renewing (Memberships are from 1-1-2010 to 12-31-2010)
Household – $20
Trestle Tender – $50
Senior 55 and older – $5
Steve has lived in just about every area of Memphis and has decided that there is absolutely no
better place to be than Cooper-Young. So, take time to enjoy the colorful yard and say hello to
Name_ _______________________________________________________________________________
Steve and Lisa. They are probably sitting on their front porch, enjoying the neighborhood.
Address_________________________________________________ Zip___________________________
Phone________________________________________________ Email___________________________
I want to hear about volunteer opportunities
Enclosed is my gift of $_ _________________________________________________________________
in honor or/in memory of_ ______________________________________________________________
Enclosed is my gift of $___________________ for the General Operating Fund
Mail this form with your payments to:
CYCA Membership, 2298 Young Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104
You can also join online at The CYCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Are you signed up for our email alerts on safety,
community events, and volunteering?
Sign up @
August 2011
LampLighter 3
CYCA Ne ws
Camy’s Food Delivery and Playhouse
on the Square support the CYCA
B y R en é e M assey
In the heat of a Memphis August, many of us bristle at the thought of turning on the stove or
oven to prepare dinner. The good news for Cooper-Young Community Association members is that
several of our membership sponsors are available to do the work for you. If you’re not sure what a
membership sponsor is, these are businesses that generously offer CYCA members discounts
during the year of their membership. For example, the wonderful Camy’s Food Delivery at 3 S.
Barksdale offers CYCA members a free dessert with the purchase of any specialty pizza any one
time during the year. Pizza is good, but pizza with dessert is even better!
When I asked Camy why her business is a CYCA membership sponsor, she noted that a large
number of her customers live in the area. She also said, “We get to have our name in front of
some of the coolest customers around!” Speaking of cool neighbors, Camy herself lives among us.
She gushed, “I love the entire neighborhood, especially how friendly everyone is. Every day I walk
out my door and see neighbors walking their dogs, pushing their strollers, running, walking, and
they all wave!” Camy’s Food Delivery has been in business for 18 years, but they are still evolving.
You can now dine in at Camy’s! They have ice cold beer, free wi-fi, a large-screen TV, and a very
cold air conditioner. Plus, Camy’s is bicycle-friendly. You can visit Camy’s on Facebook or online at, but it’s even cooler to bike there in person for your specialty pizza and dessert.
And while you’re out
2011-12 season starts August 12. There is no better time to become a Season Subscriber! For
The subscription is flexible, so you choose how you use your tickets.
Make something cool out of the August heat. Join the CYCA by returning the form on page 3 of
keep you in from the hot
this paper, by going to, or by stopping by the CYCA office at 2298 Young Ave.
outdoors – Playhouse on
Then get yourself over to Camy’s and Playhouse on the Square to enjoy the membership
the Square at the
discounts. And don’t forget to thank these businesses for joining the CYCA in their efforts to make
intersection of Union and
Cooper-Young a more desirable and safer place to live, work, worship, and play!
share a similar goal: to
make the area the best it
can be. Playhouse on the
Square offers 50% off up
to 4 regular tickets to any
Thursday or Sunday
performance at Playhouse
on the Square, The Circuit Playhouse, and the POTS@TheWorks Series throughout the year for all
members of the CYCA. With 17 productions and two school tours each year, there should be a
little something for everyone.
I contacted Whitney Jo with Playhouse on the Square to find out why POTS supports the CYCA.
She said, “Everyone is accepted in Cooper-Young. Everyone has a chance to be a part of the
neighborhood. Everyone has a chance to make a difference. Cooper-Young is filled with artists and
patrons of the arts.” And did you know that the interns and some of the staff for Playhouse on the
August 2011
comfortable, and musical....sounds a lot like Playhouse on the Square!” Playhouse on the Square’s
$150 you can get 8 admissions that you can use throughout the year for any of the productions.
Square and the CYCA
else! The neighborhood is open, friendly, accepting, hip, quiet, exciting, dramatic, comedic,
get familiar with another
Cooper. Playhouse on the
Square live in Cooper-Young? In fact, Whitney Jo declares, “I personally would not live anywhere
and about in Midtown,
great sponsor that can
Mary Beth Ferguson and Camy Archer of Camy’s Food
Hairspray performance at Playhouse on the Square
City of Memphis
identifies cooling centers
for homeless citizens
Gandhi-King Conference speaker and
special music lineup
B y M ary C ashi o l a
The City of Memphis has identified the following organiza-
B y J ac o b F l o wers
We have very exciting news from the Gandhi-King Conference! We are thrilled to announce our
lineup of keynote speakers for this year, including Dolores Huerta, David Bacon, Clayborne
tions to provide temporary overnight shelter to our homeless
Carson, Pancho Ramos-Stierle, and Nipun Mehta. We will also be joined by a very special musical
citizens during the current extreme heat conditions.
guest, David Rovics. Speaker bios and more information can be found on the conference home
• Single ladies should contact The Salvation Army at (901) 543-8586.
page hosted this year by our partner the Peace and Justice Studies Association, peacejusticestudies.
• Single men should contact Memphis Union Mission at (901) 526-8434.
• Families should contact The Emergency Housing Assistance Hotline at (901) 260-4663.
The Memphis Union Mission will also operate daytime cooling centers at 600 Poplar Avenue
The conference is set for Friday, October 21 thru Sunday, October 23 and will be hosted by
Christian Brothers University. If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to register for the
conference ahead of the August 31 priority registration cut-off date for the early registration
for both men and women (open until 4pm each day) and at 383 Poplar for men only (open until
discount. You can register online at The cost of
the conference varies, but for local area residents registration is $70. The day rate for Saturday or
All of the above will remain in effect until the area heat advisory has been lifted.
Sunday is $20.
Exhibit space is also available to be reserved and will be available as long as space allows.
Contact to reserve your space today!
We greatly appreciate your participation, and we look forward to seeing you this October!
A great gift idea!
August 2011
LampLighter 5
C Y B u s i n e ss N e w s
Singers, magicians, and
belly dancers entertain
in CY
B y Tamara C o o k
Cooper-Young Night Out is coming on Thursday, August 4
from 5-9pm. Join us this month as we welcome the Side
Street Steppers as they present vintage music, primarily from
the 1920s and 30s. From classic blues to ragtime, Dixieland jazz to jug band, hillbilly to Hawaiian
- if it was recorded on a shellac disk in the first half of the 20th Century, it is fair game for a
Steppers performance! Guitars, banjos, ukuleles, kazoos, and washboards abound. The Steppers
even make many of their own instruments, and they use no amplifiers. Come experience the
music of Memphis from 100 years ago with the Side Street Steppers. Music begins at 6pm at the
gazebo. In addition, entertainment from members of the LaVinnia London’s Cabaret cast will
begin at 9pm featuring burlesque and fire performers, illusionists, comedians, belly dancers, and
more. If you have a healthy appetite for mystery and a rich sense of humor, join us for this late
William Charles Fitzberald
night taste of the life of LaVinnia London!
You can catch more live musical performances in CY throughout the evening. At 6pm Bob and
Susie Salley are singing on the Celtic
Side Street Steppers will perform on August 4, at the gazebo for the CooperYoung Night Out, held the first Thursday of each month.
Crossing patio. At Lou’s Pizza you can
enjoy 2 for 1 domestic beer with a pizza
Out while you enjoy free drinks and eats. Painted Planet has 50 percent off all gallery jewelry and
purchase as well as live music with the
live painting performances. David Perry Smith Gallery has new works of art by Andy Reed, Martica
Candy Company. Just down the street,
Griffin, Charlotte Terrell, and Greg Gustafson on display. Stop by for some fun at the Bubbly
join Java Cabana for open mic night and
Beauty Happy Hour offered by Midtown Acupuncture and Barefoot Bride Boutique where Jessica
coffee specials. Nora and Hank are jazzing
and Joelle will be serving champagne and cupcakes along with cosmetic tips, spray tanning,
it up over at Central BBQ from 6-8pm
Zerona demonstrations, discounted wedding and evening dresses, chair massages, and a Man’s
where you can also get half-price BBQ
Cave on the porch.
nachos and beer specials. Join Sweet
Grass Next Door for live music from
8-10pm featuring Scott Grimes and drink
specials all night. Cortona has wine and
beer specials at the bar and the best patio
for enjoying the entertainment at the
Other local businesses are serving up
specials on food and shopping. UnderA member of LaVinnia London’s Cabaret
ground Art has buy one piercing, get one
free so bring your friends. Café Ole has
happy hour margaritas all night with DJ Lil
Eggroll throwing tunes around at 9pm. Young Avenue Deli and Soul Fish Café have their buy one
adult entrée get a free child entrée as well as Trivia Night at the Deli. Ask about Night Out specials
on small plates and sushi offered at Beauty Shop and Do. Jasmine Thai has 10 percent off all
take-out or dine in orders. Toad Hall Antiques pays the tax on all items purchased during Night
August 2011
Bring it on. It’s summer in crazy, delightfully fun Cooper-Young!
C Y B u s i n e ss N e w s
Nick Canterucci art chosen for 2011
Festival poster
B y Tamara C o o k
Open to anyone grades 1-12
Cooper-Young Festival celebrates the 2011 poster artist, Nick Canterucci. Nick, a current resident
of Cooper-Young, is a self taught artist dating back to the late 1950s in Michigan. Over the years
CONTEST DEADLINE: October 21, 2011 – 3pm
he has studied and worked in collaboration with many artists within the Ann Arbor and Memphis
art communities. Nick is known for his eclectic folk art and his piece for the 2011 Poster Art is no
THEME: Communities Going Green
This year’s poster art is a pink and clear late model Apple iMac computer shell with images of
Cooper-Young attached to the screen. Nick’s theme for the piece is fun in the 21st century. Nick
explains that he wanted a high-tech, pop art feel for his poster art offering.
In the summer of 2010, Nick celebrated his first show in 30 years, Bellatrix, which was closely
MEDIA: Open to all two-dimensional, flat artwork. Nothing larger than 12” x 18” will be accepted.
Please do not mount art. Nothing framed, on stretch boards, or overly heavy will be allowed.
All artwork must be original and not previously reproduced or exhibited.
followed by another show, Pyjamarama, in early 2011. Pyjamarama was a group of crude
American folk art pieces created under a pseudonym, William S. Paley. Nick attached some of
these works to various telephone poles throughout the Cooper-Young area. Nick said, “These
Cooper-Young Business Association, 2120 Young Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104
pieces from my Pyjamarama collection were taken from the poles as soon as I could put them
Deliveries can be made Monday thru Friday from 8:30am - 3:30pm.
up.” In his most recent show, The New Frontier, Nick used classic compact Macintosh computers
Memphis City Schools should submit their materials to Gregg Coats. Please contact Mr. Coats
and later iMacs as the medium for his art. The New Frontier celebrated how the technology of the
regarding submission drop-off times.
early Macintosh computers changed the way people used technology and started exchanging
information. Look for another Memphis show by Nick titled Polaris in the winter of 2011.
The 2011 Cooper-Young Festival Poster will be available to purchase early September at the
CYBA offices, the night of the Art Invitational, or the day of the Festival in the Community
Cooper-Young Business Association – (901) 276-7222 –
Mr. Gregg Coats with Memphis City Schools – (901) 416-2920 –
Association booth. The original iMac artwork will be for sale the night of the 2011 Art Invitational
at David Perry Smith Gallery on Thursday, September 15 from 6-9pm.
Three 1st place awards of $500, three 2nd place awards of $100, three 3rd place awards of
$75, and three Honorable Mention awards of $50.
All contest participants will be honored at a reception on November 3, 2011 at Peabody
Elementary School, 2086 Young Avenue, from 6–7pm. The awards ceremony will begin at
Please cut here and attach this portion to your entry
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
School Address_____________________________________________________________________
Art Teacher_________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State__________ Zip________________________
Phone ___________________________
School ____________________________________________________________________________
Grade 1-4 _____
Grade 5-8_______
Grade 9-12______
August 2011
LampLighter 7
P e abody S chool N e w s
Peabody playground gets a face lift
Summer retreats connect Peabody
B y M andy G risham
A little over 3 years ago a unique partnership developed between the Cooper-Young community and our little neighborhood school, Peabody Elementary. You may remember that spring day
B y G inger S pick l er
For the record, Peabody’s dads are some of our best and most faithful volunteers, so the two
when everyone came together to completely makeover the playground behind the school. For
“Peabody Moms Summer Retreats” that were held in June and July certainly weren’t meant to
those involved, it was an amazing 4 months of planning with Kaboom!, the non-profit organiza-
discount the contributions of dads at the school. But sometimes, girls just gotta have fun! So, with
tion that provided the grant, and one unforgettable day of building the beautiful, new playground.
the intent of strengthening social bonds, sharing the common dreams we have for all our kids,
The school yard was swarmed with 100 neighborhood and school volunteers as well as 100
and putting our talents to work for the school, a diverse group of almost twenty moms (and a
volunteers from Home Depot, the corporate donor.
grandmother!) participated in the retreats.
During these 3 years, thousands of children from the school and neighborhood have enjoyed
For the first session in June, a dozen moms gathered at my house on a Friday night, and over
this play area. My oldest son, who was 2 when the makeover took place, has just completed his
dessert and some of my famous vodka-ginger lemonade, spent more than two hours dreaming
kindergarten year at Peabody and has had countless adventures on the playground.
big dreams. PTA Co-President Mandy Grisham led the group in a brainstorming exercise that was
On a hot June afternoon, the friendly folks from Neighborhood Church gave a few hours of
their time to spruce up the 3-year-old paint jobs on the wooden benches, stage, and picnic tables
as well as pull weeds and rake the mulch around the play structure. They also created a new sign
designed to help us think about the things we want for our kids’ educations, and also how we, as
parents, can most effectively help the school’s professionals.
Some common themes that came out of the session were a desire for a challenging curriculum
over the baseball field stating the heart of the school, “Peabody Loves Cooper-Young.” The school
that allows learners of all different levels to proceed at their own pace and for opportunities for
has been so grateful for the community involvement and partnership over these last 3 years and
our kids to be creative, think critically, appreciate their diverse community, and become aware
is excited for what is to come.
and concerned about local and global issues. Underlying all of these hopes was a desire to see
Neighborhood Church has been an adopter of Peabody for one year and hopes to continue to
offer support and resources as the school needs. If you are interested in becoming a Peabody
adopter, contact Sharon Ammons at
these things not only for our own children, but for every student at the school.
With these dreams for Peabody’s kids in mind, we talked about specific ways that we could
help them come true. Hundreds of sticky notes and a few glasses of grown-up lemonade later, we
called it an evening and agreed to meet again in July to get to work on all the great ideas.
In preparation for the July meeting we divided up all of the tasks into teams and sent out a
message to all the moms to be thinking about which team would best suit their talents and
interests. Consequently, when fifteen of us gathered for brunch on a July Saturday morning at
Mandy’s house, we spent a few minutes chatting and catching up, but then broke up into teams
and got straight down to the business of making plans for the coming school year. Later we
reconvened in the living room to hear from each team about some things that they plan to get
started on right away.
The Academic team was excited about using PTA funds and volunteers to help both struggling
and advanced readers.
The Community and Parent Engagement team has plans (both high- and low-tech) to enhance
communications with the greater Peabody community.
In addition to planning the traditional fundraising events like the Silent Auction and Chili
Cook-Off, the Fundraising team will be having numerous restaurant nights throughout the year, in
conjunction with local businesses like Central BBQ and Ching’s Wings, both of which are owned
by Peabody parents, but also at Chick-fil-A and Domino’s. Peabody T-shirts and bumper stickers
are also in the works.
The Staff Support team will be creating a teacher wish list book and will be recruiting room
parents who will help individual teachers with things like class parties and field trips.
The Membership team is not only developing recruiting incentives, but will be working to plug
new PTA members into these various committees at the start of the year so that supporting our
school is truly a community-wide endeavor. And when we say community, we mean it! PTA
membership is open to anyone, not just parents and teachers, who wants to see Peabody
June Peabody Moms Retreat at the home of CY resident Ginger Spickler
August 2011
Idlewild Historic District
Association holds potluck
B y M ary B aker
The Idlewild Historic District Association gathered at Chimes and
Occasions, 201 South Cooper, for a potluck dinner on July 5.
Idlewild neighbors brought dishes that included spaghetti, fried
chicken, vegetable salads, and deviled eggs. It all added up to a
delicious and fun meal. Everyone was especially thrilled when
Anne and Douglas Wood came in with a basket full of Ripley
Jerry Brown was in charge of selling raffle tickets for two raffle drawings: one for an Idlewild
Historic District Plaque and one for an Idle While You Cook cookbook that features favorite recipes
of Idlewild neighborhood residents. The plaque raffle drawing was all fair and square, not in any
way influenced by the Ripley tomatoes. Nevertheless, everyone was pleased when Anne and
Douglas Wood’s ticket was picked as the winner. Margo Mueller, Vice President of the Idlewild
Association, won the cookbook.
Emily Bishop of Cooper-Young attended the potluck dinner as an invited special guest reprePeabody mom, Tara Harris-Davis, talks about her dreams for the school as PTA
co-president Mandy Grisham listens at the June Peabody Moms Retreat.
senting the LampLighter. Emily received a round of applause and an Idle While You Cook cookbook for helping Idlewild get our events, stories, and pictures in the LampLighter.
Elementary become the pride and joy of Cooper-Young. Your $10 membership fee will make you
an investor in this great institution at the heart of our neighborhood. Contact Angela Bates at to join.
New Peabody mom Felisa Jackson, whose husband stood in the open enrollment line for 16
hours to get their son into the school, echoed the sentiments of many others who participated in
the retreats when she emailed Mandy after the second session saying, “It was overwhelmingly
awesome today. Although I already have a child in the school system and am very actively
involved, I’ve never really been this informed. I’m so excited about this coming school year!”
And it even seems that the Peabody dads weren’t content to wait for an invitation to join the
moms. Charlie Land and Josh Spickler are working to reenergize the school’s chapter of Watch
D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students). This group mobilizes male members of the community to keep
the school safe and provide positive male role models. Anyone interested in participating can
contact Josh at
You can follow the “Friends of Peabody” page on Facebook or @PeabodyFriends on Twitter to
keep track of all the great things going on at Peabody Elementary School!
Emily Bishop of CY and Mary Baker,
Secretary/Treasurer of Idlewild
Historic District Association
Anne and Douglas Wood
August 2011
LampLighter 9
Fill out the coupon in the LampLighter, stop by the office,
Household memberships only $20!
AM Photography - $25 off a session fee and $100 off a
wedding package when you show your CYCA
membership card
Art for Art’s Sake Auction - $5 discount on ticket
Black Lodge Video - One free video rental per month
Burke’s Books - 10% discount with any purchase all year
(excludes text books, previously discounted or sale items)
Cafe Ole - Buy one entrée get second entrée of equal or
lesser value at ½ price
Calming Influence - 5% off with membership card all
year (excludes gift certificates)
Camy’s Food Delivery - Get a free dessert with any
specialty pizza purchase
Cooper-Young Regional Beerfest - $5 discount on ticket
Fork It Over - 5% off food in the deli case or freezer all
year (not valid with other discounts)
Hollywood Feed: Union Ave. - 5% discount every time
you show your CYCA membership card
InBalance Fitness - 10% off group classes (excludes
personal training and specialty classes)
June Hurt, Notary Public - Free services to current
Memphis College of Art - 10% discount on Summer Art
Camp and Saturday School tuition
Mr. Scruff’s Pet Care - 15% off purchase of the TLC Visit
Package (incl. 24 TLC Visits)
Otherlands Coffee Bar -1 free cup of coffee or coffee
drink up to $3 value
Outback Steakhouse - Free appetizer with the purchase
of an entrée up to $7.29
Painted Planet - 25% jewelry discount every time you
show your card. Not valid on previously discounted or
sale items
Playhouse on the Square - Buy 1 get 1 ticket free up to
four tickets for Thursday or Sunday shows
Soulfish - 1 complimentary Lunch or Dinner Entrée when
a 2nd is of equal or greater value is purchased - Up to $7
Tara Taylor, Personal Fitness Trainer - 10% discount off
one training session with Tara at inbalance FITNESS
The Nail & Skin Bar - 10% discount off a Spa Pedicure
every time you show your membership card
Young Avenue Deli - Enjoy 30% off any one entree
10 LampLighter
August 2011
theft from Motor Vehicle
1000 tANgLEWOOd
theft from Motor Vehicle
2000 sERN AVE
theft from Motor Vehicle
900 s COOpER
theft of Vehicle parts/Access
1900 FELIX
theft from Motor Vehicle
2300 s pARKWAy E
To Our
Thanks to the Memphis Police Cyber Watch for the above statistics.
Crime Map
Do you want to know what crime is taking place in our
The LampLighter is working
with the CYCA to bring you meaningful crime information. In
theft from Motor Vehicle
to the crime map, which
details crimes within a03/04/09
one-mile radius
of the Cooper-Young
we also included
a list of crimes that happened
within our800
s COOpER This list
neighborhood? The Memphis Police Department offers a tool on its
website ( that allows you to locate crime
the case number, which
can use to contact03/02/09
the police. The
were reported
simple you
information. Crimemapper allows you to input an address and
from June
24 to July 23, 2011.
search in quarter-mile increments for a specific type of crime. It then
theft from Motor Vehicle
C A S E #0902016056ME
A rrest Offenses
theft of Vehicle parts/Access
1107018266ME yes Shoplifting/Misdemeanor
2000 WAVERLy
D ate
0 0 B lBLythE
o ck
yes Aggravated
Aggravated Assault/dV
0902013955ME Shoplifting/Misdemeanor
2300 s pARKWAy E
Aggravated Assault
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Aggravated Assault
MVt/passenger Vehicle
simple Assault/dV
1107014428MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
theft of Vehicle parts/Access
2000 CARNEs
2000 CARNEs
900 phILAdELphIA
900 N pARKWAy
yes Drugs/Narcotics
Vio/Felony 07/19/11
2200 s AND
yes Simple
s parkway
theft of Vehicle parts/Access
0902011559ME Vandalism/Misdemeanor
Crime Map
Theft & Recovery/Motorcycle07/15/11
The crime map for this issue was compiled by June Hurt.
900 s COOpER AVE
returns with the results of your search for the previous 30 days.
900 SO COX
do you want to know what
crime is taking place in07/13/11
our neighborhood?
Memphis police
1000 the
department offers a tool on its website ( that allows you to locate crime
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Theft from Building
information. Crimemapper allows you to input an address and search in quarter-mile increments
for a specific type of crime. It then returns with the results of your search for the previous 30 days.
The crime map for this issue
was compiled by Jane 07/11/11
1107007656MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
1107007357MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
Theft from Motor Vehicle
1000 BRUCE
1107006332MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
1107005721MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
1107004345MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
2000 YOUNG
Theft from Motor Vehicle
1107000967MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
1107000687MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
1000 BRUCE
1107000405MEOther Theft/Non-Specific
2300 ELZEY
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Theft from Motor Vehicle
1900 FELIX
Theft from Building
MVT/Passenger Vehicle
MVT/Passenger Vehicle
April 2009
LampLighter 19
From Col. Lori Bullard of the Union Station:
“We are processing the scene on every auto and residential burglary.
Please try not to touch anything when you discover that your property has
been broken into and that will give us a better chance of lifting fingerprints.
We are having a lot of success with fingerprint identification, and we are
able to make arrests after we identify the suspects.”
August 2011
LampLighter 11
Are you CY’s best
party thrower?
B y A pri l B o l eware
Attention! Attention! Calling all block captains, party
throwers, and party goers – it is time to start preparing for
the 20th running of the Cooper-Young Festival Friday 4
Miler. That means it is also time to start planning your
Neighbors Light the Way parties! Every year neighbors compete for the honor of having their celebration declared the
best race party of the year. Judges travel around, check out all of the competitors, and name the
best of the best. As the runners go by, you can cheer them on, offer them water, or even have
them run through a sprinkler to cool off. We want our runners to see how much we appreciate
their support of our neighborhood!
The Festival Friday 4 Miler has a wave start to give runners room to set their
best pace on the route through CY streets.
Check out the race map (page 13) so you can see where the runners will be going by. Pull
together your neighbors and friends along the route, come up with a theme, and let the party
begin. And for those who want to be involved but may be new to the neighborhood or looking to
meet new people, head to the CY Festival 4 Miler Facebook page, post your interest on the wall,
or connect with others who have posted and want to partner up for a party.
The prizes, along with bragging rights, are something our party throwing residents look forward
to competing for all year long! The 4 Miler starts at 7pm on Friday, September 16. To enter your
party in the Neighbors Light the Way contest, please register with the CYCA office at info@ If you have questions, please email April at
The pirates on Nelson Avenue took first place in the 2010 Neighbors Light the
Way contest. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place in the annual
contest that encourages everyone along the race route to cheer on the runners in
the Festival Friday 4 Miler.
12 LampLighter
August 2011
Festival Friday 4 Miler
continued from page 1
the Way party on Nelson with food, friends, drinks, music, and cheering on runners. But they’d
never miss the 4 Miler because for them it’s like Christmas. “It’s one time when all of our friends
come together for a great event,” Wayne said. “Everybody loves the Festival, and it’s a good way
to get our friends to come to CY for a visit. It’s just a great time.”
For runners, the event will have bib-tag timing (so, no chips to cut off at the finish line) and a
long-sleeve, Dri-Balance running shirt with a new, classic logo.
Registration for the Festival Friday 4 Miler is now open and can be accessed online at The entry fee is $25 (with a $2.50 registration fee). Early packet pickup will be available
on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before the race. Times and locations will be available
P r e s e n t e d B y B l u ff C i t y S p o r ts
online soon. You can also register on the day of the race (September 16) at Bluff City Sports at
Cooper St
York Ave
Elzey Ave
Cox St
Tanglewood St
S Barksdale St
Evelyn Ave
Central Ave
E Parkway
York Ave
Velma St
Metcalf St
Central Ave
Meda St
McLean Blvd.
769 Cooper beginning at 10am. Day-of registration is $30.
Evelyn Ave
Nelson Ave
Oliver Ave
Manila Ave
Cooper St
Walker Ave
E Parkway
Bruce St
New York St
Cox St
Felix Ave
Meda St
Felix Ave
Blythe St
Young Ave
Philadelphia St
Seattle St
Oliver Ave
Walker Ave
2011 Festival Friday 4 Miler race route
Memphis Snake Doctors to perform
at the 4 Miler post-race party
Sowell & Company Realtors • Central BBQ • Road ID
Dick’s Sporting Goods • Cafe Ole • Celtic Crossing
Huey’s • Schnucks • Soul Fish • State Farm Insurance
Emergency Mobile Health Care • MLG&W • Custom Plaques
National Economy Plumbers • Union Avenue Baptist
R egister at c o o p e r y o u n g 4 m i l e r . r a c e s o n l i n e . c o m
Plan your 2011 Cooper-Young Festival Weekend
Thursday Art Invitational at David Perry Smith Gallery, September 15, 6-9pm.
The Memphis Snake Doctors will be entertaining the runners at the 4
Miler post -race party. Steve Bishop, John Sanders, Gary Wagoner, Greg
Taylor, and Tom Stafford have been playing the blues together for years
and love to play for the Cooper-Young Festival Friday 4 Miler.
Friday Cooper-Young Festival Friday 4 Miler, Cooper and York, September 16, 7pm
Saturday Cooper-Young Festival, September 17, 9am-7pm.
August 2011
LampLighter 13
F l o tsam / J etsam
Bottlecapps goes east for
show at the Buckman
B y E mi ly B ish o p
Cooper-Young artist Karen Capps will show her work along with Suzanne
Henley at The Levy Gallery at The Buckman Performing and Fine Arts
Center. Karen has created all new works for the show that runs August 12
- September 9, 2011. The opening reception is Friday, August 12, 5:307:30 pm. The gallery is located inside St. Mary’s Episcopal School at the
southeast corner of Perkins Extended and Walnut Grove.
Capps is known for her colorful fok art that often features blues artists
and juke joints. For this show she created larger pieces and the recent
stormy weather added inspiration for her look at familiar scenes. Find out
more about Karen Capps at her website
Clark Tower by Karen Bottle Capps
14 LampLighter
August 2011
Coming Soon!
Three local artists inspired by nature
B y R ichard K endricks o n
Gallery Fifty Six’s August exhibition is titled 3rd Nature and includes the work of three Memphis
artists – Nancy White, Mary Stubbs, and Rollin Kocsis. The exhibit will be comprised of ceramic
sculptures, painted silk wall-hangings, and black and white photographs that concentrate on
nature and the environment. The exhibit will be available for viewing August 5 to August 27 with
an artist’s reception on August 5 from 5-8pm. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the
Nancy White has been working with
allegorical imagery mainly in clay since
1969. She uses imagery that is around
her to explore ideas on a universal level
that, hopefully, people can relate to.
She uses a wide range of techniques
from stoneware to raku to multi-firing to
come up with the finished product.
Nancy is an Associate Professor of Art
at the University of Memphis, where she
has been teaching since l974. Nancy
earned a MFA from Alfred University in
NY and a BA from Florida Atlantic
University. She has been exhibiting in
regional, national, and international
In the Thick by Nancy White
exhibitions and galleries since 1969.
Nancy was recently chosen to be one of
in 1970. He earned a Masters of Teaching in Art Education in 1977, and a MFA in Painting in
the Legends Award Artists by the
1991 from Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis). Rollin taught visual arts for
Memphis Women’s Foundation. She has
Memphis City Schools for 37 years. After retiring, he joined Gallery Fifty Six as one of their
work in public and private collections.
resident artists in 2009 and became the gallery’s curator in 2010.
In a series of black and white
photography called Looking Up, Mary
Stubbs uses trees as stand-ins for
beings and clouds as their spirits.
Branches gesture while clouds mimic or
For the Birds by Rollin Kocsis
frolic then oppose. Mary Stubbs is the third
element in her photographs. The camera
perspective implies her presence, as if
recalling a dream to be interpreted.
These images are printed in black and
white on fine art paper. Mary spent her
childhood in Birmingham but calls
Memphis home and considers her art a
reflection of southern roots. She
completed a BFA at The University of
Memphis in 1996 and exhibits locally.
Rollin Kocsis’ has been working with
acrylic and oil paint on canvas for the
past 30 years. He recently changed his
medium to dye on silk, which he has
experimented with since 1985. Rollin
uses fiber reactive dyes painted on pure
silk using the serti technique, a process
in which areas of color are blocked off
with a resist. The pieces he creates are
large wall-hangings, approximately 45 x
72 inches. The finished silk paintings
are hung on a simple rod mounted to
the wall. Rollin graduated from Indiana
University with an art education degree
It Appeared So Simple by Mary Stubbs
August 2011
LampLighter 15
Two events benefiting Mid-South Spay
and Neuter Services
Taking responsibility for our school
B y T risha G ur l ey
Yes, it’s hot outside. I am no fan of this heat, but I am a fan of beauty, fabulousness, and
animals. It’s not often these three elements combine, but they will on August 6 at Club Spectrum,
located at 616 Marshall, for Live In Memphis. The heat of Memphis in August will be chilly
compared to this show!
The gorgeous and legendary Mr. Charlie Brown will be one of the main performers, along with
none other than Alexis Mateo of the third season of RuPaul’s Drag Race! If the only Charlie Brown
you know of is the round-headed kid of Peanuts fame, then you’re in for a sugar-coated, fluffy
treat. She is originally from Atlanta, holding court as a reigning local queen, and was featured in
many nationally-produced films. Her most recent work has been in the casino circuit. She hasn’t
performed in Memphis in several years and is looking forward to her return. We are too!
What’s this got to do with animals, you ask? All proceeds from the event go to Mid-South Spay
and Neuter Services, which helps provide low cost spaying and neutering for dogs and cats.
Mid-South Spay and Neuter Services also offers lower-cost vaccinations for pets. Contact them at
(901) 324-3202 or visit their website at for more info.
Doors open at 8pm and the show begins at 9:30pm. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the
door. A table (8 people) can be purchased for $150. You may order tickets online by going to
If this doesn’t sound like your idea of fun, perhaps you’re the sort who loves a quiet game of
SCRABBLE? You and your fellow word nerds are invited – nay, exhorted – to take part in the SPAY
Is The Word SCRABBLE Tournament on Sunday, August 21 at The Parkview on Poplar (at the entry
for Overton Park and the Brooks Museum). For $20 (single player) or $35 (team of two), you can
flex your word muscles and again benefit Mid-South Spay and Neuter Services. If your workplace
would like to sponsor an individual, it’s $150 for a table of four, $75 for a team of two, and $50
for a single player. All entrants must be 21 or older.
Legendary radio personality and fellow SCRABBLE player Tom Prestigiacomo will serve as host
and will award prizes for the highest scoring teams and individual players. For registration info,
contact Deborah Camp at Seating is limited, so contact Deborah
now to lay your word smack down!
B y D r . D . J acks o n M axwe l l
We hear plenty of reasons and excuses for the perceived failure of America’s schools. The
media routinely relays stories of shrinking budgets, battling school boards, principals and teachers
acting irresponsibly, absentee students or others toting weapons, and parents failing their children.
Parents blame teachers, teachers blame administrators, administrators blame politicians, and
politicians blame each other. Into this toxic culture our children are thrown. Despite this, most
students respond beautifully, providing an example from which we can all learn a key lesson –
take responsibility for yourself! Every citizen has a role to play. Adults need to be role models,
taking proactive leadership roles in education. That said, I would like to offer a few common
sense solutions to the problems that plague today’s school systems.
First, the media needs to be celebrating children’s successes rather than reveling in school
tragedies and educational failures. In reality, these negative stories are the exception rather than
the rule. Everyday education has thousands of social and academic triumphs that go unheralded.
Yet the media loves to claim the title of “watchdog” as their raison d’état to parade the negative.
Reporters could better serve our community by providing a more balanced approach. Rather than
headlining the sensational, how about promoting the positive and focusing on children succeeding for a change?
Governmental agencies have responsibilities as well. The federal government has begun once
again to enact sweeping educational reforms. The Race to the Top legislation seeks to hold
educators and educational systems to a high standard of accountability. The consequences for
failing to meet these goals are severe, and boards of education, city and county councils, and
state departments of education all have roles to play in molding this new educational reality. They
all share in the responsibility for funding, hiring qualified teachers, providing the tools for learning,
and setting educational policy that will directly benefit the students.
Principals are the role models in every school community. The principal’s moral rectitude,
ethics, and demeanor should be beyond question. A principal’s character should serve not only to
inspire students but also to command the respect of teachers and stakeholders. Additionally, the
principal’s leadership is essential in providing a safe and comfortable learning environment.
Accomplished principals maintain discipline, reward success, and praise achievement. Principals
who fail to do this lose respect and ultimately are unable to be effective leaders.
Parents must be diligent in setting the example for their children. Beyond serving as role
models, parents provide the physical and social tools children need to succeed in school and in
life. Children crave structure and order. Thus, parents are tasked with home security. Further,
parents must instill acceptable social skills, discipline, and attitudes needed for success. These
include providing a regular routine, homework assistance, and ongoing encouragement. Every
adult can reinforce these by praising children, rewarding excellence, and extolling the merits of
Teachers must prepare themselves by continually seeking to improve their practice. They must
be lifelong learners. If a teacher does not have the ability or perquisite knowledge to effectively
teach, the teacher must be held accountable and steps must be taken to correct the situation. In
the classroom, teachers must convey the concept of mutual respect while imparting the knowledge children need to fulfill their dreams. Teaching is a unique profession in that most practitioners are not in education for the love of money but instead for the love of children.
Students have duties as well. Truancy is not an option. Children have to come to school ready
to learn. Students must act responsibly and show respect to both teachers and peers. They are
required to obey the rules. Failure to do so must have consequences. Lastly, students are tasked
with completing their homework, bringing supplies to class, and having a positive academic
Casting blame is worthless. In my opinion, the refusal to act responsibly is one of the major
factors inhibiting the reform and revitalization of our schools today. We all must assume a
measure of accountability to insure our children receive the best possible education. As adults, we
must work tirelessly on our children’s behalf. Everyone has a job in educating America’s youth.
We all need to step up, accept the responsibility, and teach our children well.
Dr. D. Jackson Maxwell is a National Board Certified Teacher with over 25 years of educational
experience. If you have any comments or questions, email Dr. Maxwell at djacksonmaxwell@gmail.
16 LampLighter
August 2011
August 2011
LampLighter 17
Five heat-wave movies for a scorching
hot summer
REAR WINDOW (1954) – Alfred Hitchcock’s voyeuristic masterpiece, set during an acrid, hot Manhattan
summer, finds Jimmy Stewart as a wheelchair-bound
photographer who passes the boring hours of the day
observing the growing tensions between his neighbors
B y M att M artin
in the courtyard below his apartment window. The heat
No one questions watching cold, snowy movies in winter. It just seems right. Every year, as the
really starts to rise, both in the weather and in the
holidays approach and the weather outside turns cold and bitter (well, for Memphis anyway), we
drama, when he and his girlfriend (a luminous, but
huddle together inside watching movies and television about warm, emotional human interaction
tough Grace Kelly) suspect one of them of murder.
amidst freezing temperatures and snowy climates. When we watch movies like White Christmas,
Hitchcock’s close, tense shooting style and claustro-
It’s a Wonderful Life, or Christmas Vacation, it has extra relevance and connection during the winter
phobic setting capture the discomfort and growing
because the events on the screen seem to almost be happening in reality with us. The cold
unease of big city asphalt summer perfectly. When
weather outside as we watch the movie adds to the suspension of disbelief, making the film seem
watched during really hot weather, the characters
more real and aids in our getting lost in the story. If you need an example, try watching Christmas
motivations and feelings of desperation seem all the
Vacation or The Polar Express during the heat of summer. Trust me, they have zero power. They’re
more palpable.
just not as much fun to watch, as if they’re bound to the season. And we, the culture, accept that
THE SEVEN-YEAR ITCH (1955) – This is one of the
and watch them continually every year, but only when the winter cold outside makes them truly
great comedies about summertime and easily one of Marilyn Monroe’s most charming roles.
dazzle and come to life.
Based on the award-winning play by George Axelrod and set during another grueling Manhattan
But watch a movie set amidst sizzling temperatures and overbearing sun during an actual
summer, the story centers on daydreaming businessman
heat-wave summer and people might look at you strange, as if to ask, “Why would you want to
Richard who sends his wife and son away to the
see more of this awful, hot weather?” But much like certain winter films, there are some films that
countryside for the season, while he stays in the city to
you can only watch in the summer. And not just any summer, but a painfully hot, sweltering
work. All of his co-workers immediately start partying
summer that drives us inside, blurs our thinking, and controls our days. These are not only films
the moment their wives leave, while Richard swears to
set in the summer, but ones where the heat is a character of its own, as influential, pervasive, and
play it straight and narrow. But then the heat-wave
integral as any human character. Like their winter counterparts, these films thrive and come alive
forces an unexpected bond between him and his
if you watch them during an uncomfortably hot season. So take a pause during these dog days of
beautiful neighbor Monroe, who has no air-conditioning
summer to use the heat to your advantage. With a cool drink, a little shade, and not too-much air
of her own. Fun, funny, sweet, and steamy, it was
conditioning, get lost in these sun-blistered, 100-degree cinematic scorchers. And don’t wipe away
considered very risqué for its time. In one scene, Marilyn
your sweat. Trust me, it will help.
made cinematic history and her most iconic look, when
she pauses over a subway street grate in a white,
summer dress to playfully let the passing cool subway
wind blow up her skirt. Magic.
THE DAY THE EARTH CAUGHT FIRE (1962) – Released during the height of the early-1960s cold war
panic and on the eve of the Cuban Missile Crisis, this
honest and disturbing look at global Armageddon was the ultimate nightmare for many at the
time. After simultaneous atomic tests in America and Russia cause a shift in the Earth’s axis,
humankind discovers that Earth is falling out of orbit and
set to collide with the sun. As the heat rises and water
becomes scarce, governments begin taking drastic
measures to control the masses, as mankind prepares for
one last attempt at a solution. Although dated and
peppered with some unnecessary melodrama (as films
of this kind were at the time), the film sets up a sweaty,
slowly-boiling wasteland that was once familiar, now
seeming impossibly hot. The fear and heat-based
sickness feel all the more disturbing when watched
during a sweltering summer. A similar idea was explored
in a phenomenal episode of The Twilight Zone from
1963 called “The Midnight Sun”. Want something more
modern in heat-focused science fiction? Check out
Danny Boyle’s 2007 sci-fi mind-blower Sunshine about
civilization facing a dying sun. A team of engineers and
astronauts are sent toward the sun to attempt to force it
to reignite through nuclear explosions. Brilliant, dizzying,
and most importantly, believable. Space never seemed
so hot before.
18 LampLighter
August 2011
DO THE RIGHT THING (1989) – On the hottest day of
the year on a street in Brooklyn, the resentment, hatred,
and racism of the neighborhood is smoldering under a
veneer of fake tolerance. As the heat sets in, tempers
flare, arguments turn to fights, and before long, no one is
spared the explosion of violence that from the first
scene, seem inevitable. Spike Lee’s groundbreaking
cinematic signpost brought the independent film scene
to life and started a new wave of black filmmaking in
America, while being one of the most controversial and
confrontational films of the 1980s. Each and every frame
captures the oppressive nature of extremely hot weather,
and its ability to alter and cloud our thinking and
actions, as well as strip away the pleasantries of civilized
life. The heat literally acts as a character representing their tensions. Lee uses a gallery of camera
and editing tricks to convey it, from oversaturated lighting to forced camera perspectives to bright,
hot color schemes. This is one of the greatest day-in-the-life films in history that takes on extra
relevance when watched in the heat and humidity of summer.
BARTON FINK (1991) – The Coen brothers deliver
one of their darkest movies in this uncomfortablycomedic drama about a New York intellectual writer in
1941 who moves into an eerie, extremely hot hotel in
Los Angeles to write a low-budget wrestling movie for
money. As writer’s block stalls him longer and longer,
the heat and distractions of the hotel start to push his
boundaries of sanity. Infused with multiple strains of
film noir cinema, the directors let the subtleties of
peeling wallpaper, cramped moist hallways, and long
strands of sweat on an actor’s face convey the growing
heat, both in the environment and in Barton’s mind. It
all culminates with a jaw-dropping sequence when the
heat really turns up, taking us all into Barton’s private
hell. Funny, uneasy, and unforgettable. Ideally, you
should watch this in a small, un-air-conditioned hotel
room in the summer, but I guess your living room will
And there are so many more hot, summer movies
bound to the season. Here are ten more to keep the more cinematic among you busy: Key Largo,
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Streetcar Named Desire, Paris When It Sizzles, 12 Angry Men, Night of the
Iguana, Dog Day Afternoon, Endless Summer, Meatballs, and Falling Down.
And if you’re like me, you like to liberally dose your seasonal cinema feasts with plenty of
summer horror movies, from Friday the 13th to Sleepaway Camp. And don’t forget to watch Wet
Hot American Summer, the 2001 parody of summer camp films, starring first-time performances
from a massive group of future A-listers, including Janeane Garofalo, Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler,
Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, and Christopher Meloni.
Now wipe the sweat out of your eyes and get to watching while the painful summer sun still
owns us all.
Matt Martin has written movie reviews for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and is co-owner of Black
Lodge Video, located on the corner of Cooper and Evelyn. Black Lodge is the largest video store in
the eastern US and is a faithful CYCA membership sponsor.
Sign up for free safety alerts.
August 2011
LampLighter 19
Dessert shop and bakery
offer locally sourced
breakfast menu
New eats in CY
B y R yan J o nes
B y B arb E l der
YoLo and LadyBugg Bakery have added
In July Lurene Kelley, editor of, reported the addition of a new restaurant to
several new breakfast options offered
the area. The Slider Inn, located on the corner of Peabody and Cooper, offers delicious food until
exclusively at their Midtown store at Cooper
midnight on weekdays and until one hour before closing time at 3am on the weekends.
and Madison, featuring many of Memphis’
The Memphis Business Journal also announced some tasty news – the owners of McEwen’s on
favorite local farmers and food vendors.
Monroe and other local partners are planning to open a yet-to-be-named restaurant in the two
Breakfast at the Midtown YoLo/LadyBugg
bays that previously housed Au Fond Farmtable and El Diablo at 938 S. Cooper. The restaurant is
scheduled to open in late August with a menu that features smaller entrees as well as a full bar
and wine list. The restaurant will be open from afternoon until late.
Church Health Center highlights
B y J eff H ue l ett
There are two free programs offered by The Church Health Center that you
Bakery location is served Wednesday thru
Friday from 7 to 11am (partial menu) and Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 1pm (full menu).
The LadyBugg Bakery breakfast menu will feature locally sourced sausage, pork, eggs, produce,
and other seasonally available items. Highlights of the menu include house-made peanut butter,
banana, and bacon sandwich on brioche, quiche of the day, house-made granola with Greek
yogurt, house-made maple sausage and apple panini with sharp white cheddar and spicy
mustard, and chipotle cheddar grit cakes using Delta Grind grits. The breakfast menu also will
will want to be sure to put on your summer calendars! We are offering a class
feature Benton’s bacon, house-made biscuits and gravy, tea from Groovy Foods, McCarter’s Coffee,
called Love Your Heart: Controlling Hypertension every first Wednesday of the
and a variety of freshly baked goods from LadyBugg.
month. The next classes will be held on Wednesday, August 3 and
Wednesday, September 7 at Church Health Center Wellness, 1115 Union Ave. In addition, The
Church Health Center and MIFA will host a farmers market from 10am to 2pm every Tuesday
through Labor Day at Church Health Center Wellness, 1115 Union Ave. For more information
about either of these opportunities call (901) 259-4673 or visit
Cycle Memphis holds monthly
B y B arb E l der
According to there will be
monthly group bike rides on the first Saturday of each
month. If you would like to participate, show up at the
CY gazebo at the corner of Cooper and Young at 8pm.
The next ride is scheduled for August 6, and everyone
is welcome to participate. For more information, check
out their Facebook page.
First electric vehicle charging station opens in Memphis
B y M ary C ashi o l a
The Peabody Hotel recently completed the installation of their Blink Level 2 charging station for
electric vehicles (EVs). The charging station is open to the public and can accommodate the
all-electric Nissan LEAF.
While the Peabody Hotel station is the first publicly available charging station installed in the
Memphis area through The EV Project, they are working with their partners to determine the best
sites for charging station installations, and are taking into account traffic patterns and the
locations of employment centers, regional attractions, and retail hubs. The EV Project is the largest
deployment of electric vehicles and charge infrastructure in history. Nissan LEAF drivers who
qualify to participate in The EV Project will receive a residential charger at no cost.
National honors bestowed on Theatre Memphis B y R anda l l H artz o g
The American Association of
Community Theatres has presented
Theatre Memphis with the 2010 Twink
Lynch Award which recognizes the
successful completion of major steps in
new directions. Specifically cited by the
selection committee was the Theatre
Memphis facilities upgrade, community
outreach expansion, ticket sales
increase, adult class curriculum, and
balanced annual budget.
Theatre Memphis also received two
more honors. TM was awarded Special
Merit for Integrated Marketing and
Design for the show Dr. Jekyl and Mr.
Hyde. Lastly, long-time Theatre
Memphis volunteer Bennett Wood was
presented with the Robert E. Gard
Superior Volunteer Award. This award
Debbie Litch (r), Theatre Memphis Executive
Producer, accepts the 2010 Twink Lynch
Award from American Association of
Community Theatres founder and long-time
Theatre Memphis volunteer, Bea Miller.
goes to individuals above the age of
65 who have faithfully served community theatre on a non-paid basis for over 25 years. Cited for
his 55+ years of service to Theatre Memphis, Wood has acted and directed, as well as served on
the board of directors, the play selection committee, marketing committee, and various other
committees in that tenure.
20 LampLighter
August 2011
Documentary on the rise of
Black Lodge Video
B y B arb E l der
For readers who follow,
you may have already heard about the short
documentary that has been made about CY’s own
Black Lodge Video. Local filmmaker, Patrick
Buttram, created this 20-minute short that details
the history of Black Lodge and how it stands out
from other video stores. If you don’t realize what a
treasure we have in Black Lodge, perhaps its time
you watch and learn. You can view the documentary at There is also a link to
the film at
Memphis Remembers Michael
benefit concert
B y C o rey D avis
The Memphis Remembers Michael benefit concert
is set to take place August 27, at Minglewood Hall at
8pm. This production is a 2 hour melting pot of
dance, live music, and fun giving honor to Michael
Jackson and all of his works and accomplishments.
This is also a fundraiser for The Freedom Preparatory
Academy, a local charter school who is helping inner
urban youth focus on business and life-lessons to
help them be successful later in life. Investing in
youth is the key to a resurgence of a strong economic foundation in Memphis, and we need your
help to continue to strengthen this foundation. Please go to to purchase
Calling all SCRABBLE players
tickets. In addition, box seating and group rates for
B y D eb o rah C amp For more detail about
Everyone knows that Cooper-Young is a hot-bed
tables can be reserved by contacting Corey Davis,
the concert, please visit us at
of devoted SCRABBLE players. From organized
games at Otherlands to impromptu sessions at Starbucks, this part of Midtown is indisputably a
go-to place when someone feels the itch to score a seven-letter word. For CY residents wanting to
Free back-to-school haircuts at Remington College
step it up a notch, the SPAY is the Word SCRABBLE Tournament will be held Sunday, August 21 in
B y F rank W o l ff
the ballroom of the Parkview Retirement Community at 1914 Poplar Ave. Whether you’re a living
Remington College-Memphis campus, located at 2741 Nonconnah Boulevard, is again offering
room player or a high scoring member of the
complimentary back-to-school haircuts for children this summer. The event is called Cuts for Kids
National SCRABBLE Association, there’s a place at the
and will run Monday, July 25 through Saturday,
table for you! Since adult beverages will be available
August 6. Parents can bring in children ages 17 and
on premises, players must be 21 years of age or
under for a complimentary haircut provided by
older to participate.
instructors and students in the cosmetology
Single players can register for $20 or teams of two
program. Parents can make appointments by calling
can register for $35. All proceeds will go to Mid-South
The Student Salon at Remington College at (901)
Spay & Neuter Services’ non-profit clinic on Goodman
396-8625 or just walk in. The Student Salon is open
Street. Those interested in playing should register
Monday through Friday from 10am to 2pm and
right away as there are only twenty tables of four
adds Saturday hours based on demand. Adults who
available. Check-in time will be 1pm, with the
bring a child in for Cuts for Kids will get 50 percent
tournament starting at 2pm. Prizes will be awarded to
off select services for themselves, including haircuts,
the individual with the highest score and to the
styling, and nail care. Contact The Student Salon at
highest scoring team. Food and beverages will be on
Remington College for details.
hand, and a small silent auction will be held between
games. For registration information contact Deborah
book, check out the community page at SPAY is the Word SCRABBLE Tournament. To find out
Celebrate back-to-school at The
Children’s Museum of Memphis
more about Mid-South Spay & Neuter Services go to
B y B arb E l der
Become a host family with the Center for Cultural
in a newsletter that they are rolling out the red
Camp at On Face-
B y S tacey A dams
The Center for Cultural Interchange (CCI) is looking for families to volunteer to host foreign
exchange students for its Academic Year Program (AYP) for the 2011-12 school year. This unique
program offers students the chance to be fully-immersed in a cultural
experience which includes connecting with a host family in the United
States, attending an American high school, participating in eco-focused
activities, and experiencing first-hand life as a teenager in America.
Volunteer host families will help make the lifelong dream of an international student come true, enrich the lives of their families and communities,
The Children’s Museum of Memphis announced
carpet for a back-to-school Celebrity Block Party on Saturday, August 13 from 10am-1pm.
Spongebob, Dora & Diego, Spiderman, Dorothy & Toto, Tinman, Scarecrow, and Lion will all make
this an event to remember. Don’t forget your camera so you can pose for pictures with your
favorite character. Programming includes arts and crafts, face painting, and balloon art. Admission
is free for museum members and $15 for non-members, and museum admission is included. For
more information, call (901)
458-2678 or
visit CMOM.COM.
and contribute in a significant way to global peace and understanding. All of
the students are 15 to 18 years old and are proficient in English. The
deadline for families to apply to host an AYP student is August 15. Families
interested in hosting a student should contact CCI by emailing or calling
CCI’s toll-free information number at (800) 634-4771. More information about hosting a foreign
exchange student can be found at
August 2011
LampLighter 21
We want YOU…
to send in your pictures! Email pictures and info of your weddings, fun trips, new
babies, parties, anniversaries, accomplishments, and more to If it’s good news in Cooper-
Young, we want to hear about it!
1 Ayler Edmaiston and Grayson Owens display
their missing-tooth grins at the Meda 4th of
July gathering.
2 Ayler Edmaiston shows off his slip-n-slide
skills at the 4th of July Meda Street bash.
3 Manilla resident Drew Barton gives a beer
brewing demonstration at the Cooper-Young
Community Farmers Market in July. Drew is
a Cooper-Young Regional Beerfest volunteer.
Tickets for the October 15 Beerfest go on
sale in September at
4 On Saturday, July 16, Johnetta McKee (seated in center back), hosted a lovely luau birthday
party for her granddaughter at her home on East Parkway. The birthday girl, Aniya McKee
(standing in the center back wearing her birthday leis), just turned 6. What a joyful group!
5 Violet Elder of Felix Avenue and Mason Currier of Pasadena, CA
(formerly of Nelson) proudly display their abstract creation at LA’s
Getty Museum during a July visit. Cooper-Young misses the Currier
22 LampLighter
August 2011
6 Renee Massey, Dana Bottenfield, and Jessica Foster are caught
bonding over a glass of wine on a porch swing, a scene that is
happily familiar in CY.
The high risk
of pregnancy
7 In July, Buzz and Judi
Shellaberger threw a
going away party for
Jennifer and Jason
Word of Nelson.
Edward Greene
(middle) poses for a
photo with the Words
sporting his proudest
CY shirt. In case
you’re wondering
why they’re laughing,
the Words are moving
to Germantown.
B y B etty Lamarr
One of the multiple unfair facts of
life is that thousands of wonderful,
loving couples are unable to have
children while unprepared teenagers
and mothers appear to have children
simply as an afterthought. Afterthought is an appropriate word
because there is a great deal of evidence that suggests many girls and women get pregnant first
and think about if after. Often there is little to no preparation for bringing a life into this world,
including prenatal care, financial planning, or creation of a safe environment. Instead we see drug
addicted and malnourished women having babies that end up with severe health issues and often
die at an early age. This is especially a problem in the city of Memphis, where the infant mortality
rate has continuously been one of the highest in the nation. Any doubts about this unfortunate
8 Edward Greene,
Doris Porter, Jim
Brasher, Joan
Foley, and June Hurt
enjoy a sizzling
Evelyn Block Party.
Not even the soaring
temperatures could
keep this friendly
group from hanging
statistic can be erased by visiting “Baby Land,” the term used for the burial ground of deceased
babies in Shelby County. It is easy to have a heavy heart thinking of all the infants that have had
the opportunity for a healthy and happy life stolen from them.
Of course we all know that while ill-prepared mothers are a huge problem, they are not the
only thing that increases the infant mortality rate. Part of the issue is a cultural one. Becoming a
vessel for new life is not as honored as it should be. It is an amazing gift (and feat) of God to
create a fully formed and fully unique child inside the womb of a woman and to bring it into this
world nine months later. Pregnant women should be cherished and admired for taking care of
their bodies for the sake of a happy, healthy baby down the road. All the effort they put into
monitoring their nutrition, physical activity, and drug use should be appreciated because they are
choosing to make sacrifices for that baby. Instead, pregnant women are often undervalued. Out of
necessity, they often must work long hours and prepare an environment for the baby without the
help of the father or a decent support system. Many are in poor financial situations as well and do
not prioritize the life of their child the way they should. As a culture we should work toward
valuing pregnant women and providing for them in times of need. Children are the future of our
society, and it is to our own detriment not to start them off in this world with everything they
The infant mortality rate partially stems from unprepared and devalued women and partially
from the cold, cruel hand of fate. There are times when a woman does everything she can to
prepare for the joy of bringing a child into this world, and she is still confronted with the obstacle
of having an unhealthy baby. One of the diseases I learned about recently that is increasingly
common is preeclampsia. After speaking with a nurse from a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
and reading up on, I learned that preeclampsia is a pregnancy condition in which
high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy. This
condition can happen to anyone, despite their race or socioeconomic status. If unwatched,
9 Meda resident Kim Edmaiston enjoys the 4th
with a sparkler.
preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia and cause complications such as seizures, bleeding,
10 Grayson Owens of Meda is mesmerized by
4th of July pyrotechnics!
is no known cause for this disorder.
premature separation of the placenta from the uterus, rupture of the liver, and even death. There
It is very important to value yourself and the life of your future child during pregnancy by
getting frequent doctor checkups. With all the obstacles in this world preventing a mother from
having a healthy baby, terming birth “the miracle of life” is not an understatement. It is a miracle
we should all learn to appreciate.
Betty Lamarr is an advocate for women’s issues and concerns. You can contact her with questions
or comments at August 2011
LampLighter 23
24 LampLighter
August 2011

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