Karst sink- holes in the Würm Gla cia tion de pos its, sub sur face
Karst sink- holes in the Würm Gla cia tion de pos its, sub sur face
STUDIA GEOLOGICA POLONICA Vol. 131, Kraków 2008, pp. 281–289. Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Tatra Mts, Carpathians Edited by K. Birkenmajer Part XIX Krzysztof BIRKENMAJER1 Karst sink-holes in the Würm Glaciation deposits, subsurface drainage and extent of Triassic limestones in the Sucha Woda Valley, Polish Tatra Mts (West Carpathians)2 (Figs 1–3) Abstract. Distribution of karst sink-holes developed in morainic deposits of the Würm Glaciation in outer part of the Sucha Woda Valley, Polish Tatra Mts (Carpathians), indicates much wider subsurface extension of Triassic limestones than that shown on geological maps of the area. Key words: Karst, sink-holes, Würm Glaciation, Tatra Mts, Carpathians. INTRODUCTION The present study on distribution of karst sink-holes in the Sucha Woda Valley and its surroundings (Fig. 1) is a result of reambulation by the present author of parts of the detailed geological maps of the Polish Tatra Mountains, 1:10,000, sheets Kopy So³tysie and Kopieniec. Karst sink-holes distinguished in detailed geological maps, 1:10,000 scale, of the Polish Tatra Mountains (Soko³owski & Jaczynowska, 1979a, b, 1980) evidence the presence of karstified Middle Triassic limestones both at the surface and under Quaternary deposits. This is particularly well visible in the Bia³a Woda Valley (eastern part of the Polish Tatra Mts), where distribution of karst sink-holes in vast areas covered by Pleistocene morainic deposits has been used to trace subsurface extension of Triassic limestones and of Late Tertiary (Middle Miocene) transversal fault zones (Birkenmajer, 1999, 2000). 1 2 Mailing address: Institute of Geological Sciences, Cracow Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Senacka 1, 31-002 Kraków, Poland. E-mail: ndbirken@cyf-kr.edu.pl Manuscript accepted for publication July 20, 2008. 282 K. BIRKENMAJER Fig. 1. Position of the Sucha Woda Valley in the Tatra Mts. Geological features after Bac-Moszaszwili et al. (1979), simplified and slightly modified. 1 – Hightatric crystalline core (pre-Mesozoic); 2 – Hightatric overthrust crystalline rocks; 3 – Hightatric Mesozoic sedimentary cover of crystalline core; 4 – Hightatric tectonic units (Mesozoic sedimentary rocks); 5 – Lower Subatric Nappe (= Kriûna Nappe: Mesozoic sedimentary rocks); 6 – Middle Subtaric Nappe (= Choè Nappe: Mesozoic sedimentary rocks); 7 – Podhale Palaeogene (stippled) and the Rusinowa Conglomerate Formation, ?Upper Cretaceous (black); 8 – important overthrusts; 9 – important faults; 10 – young mylonites; 11 – Polish-Slovak state boundary In the Sucha Woda Valley (central part of the Polish Tatra Mountains), karst sink-holes have been distinguished on geological maps: sheet Kopieniec, 1:10,000 scale (Soko³owski & Jaczynowska, 1979b), and the Polish Tatra Mts, 1:30,000 scale (Bac-Moszaszwili et al., 1979), in exposures of the Middle Triassic limestones to the south of the Psia Trawka meadow. No karst sink-holes have been recognized in outer part of the Sucha Woda Valley north of the Psia Trawka meadow either in detailed geological maps, 1:10,000 scale (Soko³owski and Jaczynowska, 1979b) and 1:30,000 scale (Bac-Moszaszwili et al., 1979), or in sketch-map of glacigenic deposits and morphological forms of the ancient Sucha Woda Glacier (Baumgart-Kotarba & Kotarba, 2001, fig. 1) attributable to the Würm Glaciation. CAPOWSKI Zakopane £ysa Polana LAS TOPOROWA CYRHLA Drog BRZEZINY Os a Balc a wald era 979.3 974.9 1016.1 1024.4 1031.7 1032.2 1041 1094.5 30 20 Such a Ch ³ ab 1087 30 30 30 20 30 30 Potok 1070.8 Po to k a od W ów 30 Koby³a Wy¿ni Toporowy Staw ka 30 Krzywañ O D Y B 30 1198.2 1231 1234.4 Polana pod Koby³¹ W 20 Podspad Ni¿ni Toporowy Staw 1059.8 1211.2 1280 E J H S U C Wielki Kopieniec 1308.5 Hala Kopieniec Kotlinowy Wierch N a ch Su I 1322 ? D P o d S z a tr O L Po k to od W k P a ñs zcz yc ki B 1182.5 a Psia Trawka ê 1260.9 1377 1216.1 A 1292.8 Pot o S u c h e 1358.1 Selected tourist paths Peat-bog Erosional escarpments Talus, weathering and solifluction clays Alluvia Holocene fluvial terraces Ponds Eocene–Oligocene cover Strzelecka Koliba 0 500 m Bathonian–Oxfordian Faults Bedrock B Karst sink-holes Oversized granite boulders Hettangian–Bajocian (B – Baboš Quartzite) Triassic Alluvial cones WÜRM OR PRE-WÜRM Bottom Terminal, lateral Dead-ice Bottom Terminal, lateral Pañszczycki Potok Lobe moraines LATE WÜRM GLACIATION Median and dead-ice Toporowe Stawy Lobe moraines LATE WÜRM GLACIATION LATE WÜRM GLACIATION Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe moraines Median and dead-ice Bottom Terminal, lateral Residual Toporowa Cyrhla moraine Fig. 2. Geological map of Pleistocene glacial deposits and distribution of karst sink-holes: Sucha Woda Valley, Polish Tatra Mountains KARST SINK-HOLES 283 THE SUCHA WODA GLACIER AREA: MORAINES AND OCCURRENCE OF KARST SINK-HOLES Glacial deposits and related geomorphological forms of the ancient Sucha Woda Glacier may be subdivided in three groups (Fig. 2): (1) The Toporowa Cyrhla residual moraine: ?Würm or ?pre-Würm; (2) The Toporowe Stawy Lobe: terminal and lateral morainic ridges; bottom moraine; recession and dead-ice melt-out morainic ridges. They represent the youngest epoch of the Würm Glaciation – the Bia³ka Stage of Lindner et al. (2003, 2008), 36Cl-dated at 11.6±2.3 – 21.0±1.3 Ka (Dzier¿ek et al., 1999, fig. 6); (3) The Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe: terminal and lateral moraines; bottom moraine; recession and dead-ice melt-out morainic ridges. They post-date the Toporowe Stawy Lobe moraines, thus probably representing the youngest episode of the Bia³ka Stage: Würm/Holocene boundary (?). A closer correlation of these moraines with detailed climatostratigraphic standards proposed for the Würm Glaciation in the Tatra Mountains by BaumgartKotarba & Kotarba (2001) and Lindner et al. (2003, 2008) is beyond the scope of the present paper. It is left open to further discussion. (1) The Toporowa Cyrhla residual moraine and karst-hole (i) Gently northward-sloping, forrested morphological surface south of the Toporowa Cyrhla and Brzeziny hamlets (Fig. 3) is covered by weathered morainic material (boulder clay) with scattered large granite boulders (up to 5 m across – see Derkacz et al., 2008, fig. 1). It plunges under the prominent, high terminal/lateral moraine lobe of the Würm Glaciation (2). Klimaszewski (1978) treated deposits which cover this surface as glacifluvial, Soko³owski and Jaczynowska (1979b) mapped this surface as “glacifluvial deposits of the last, and partly earlier, glaciations”, Baumgart-Kotarba and Kotarba (2001, fig. 1) – as glacifluvial cover in forefield of the terminal moraines. Derkacz et al. (2008, p. 64) and Wójcik et al. (in Iwanow et al., 2008, pp. 118–119), seem to favour a pre-Würm age and glacial, not glacifluvial, origin of the discussed glacigenic deposits at Toporowa Cyrhla. After a break, this morphological surface reappears immediately south-east of the Polana Kopieniec alp. (ii) Another bottom morainic surface is recognizable on both sides of the Sucha Woda Stream, upper course (south of the Psia Trawka meadow) between two marginal-type morainic ridges: Pod Szatrê (in NW) and Suche (in SE) – Fig. 2. It is unclear, whether it represents the same surface as at Toporowa Cyrhla-Brzeziny, or a younger one. Karst sink-hole. A single karst sink-hole, about 15 m in diameter and 5–6 m deep is visible within the Brzeziny residual moraine (see Figs 2 and 3). It is marked as point 1059.8 m a.s.l. in the topographic map of the Tatra Mountains, 1:10,000 scale (sheet No 4, published in 1984). South of this karst-hole, grey limestone of Middle Triassic (Anisian) of the 284 K. BIRKENMAJER Lower Subtatric Nappe (cf. Soko³owski & Jaczynowska, 1979b), crops out at red tourist path (Toporowa Cyrhla – Psia Trawka). In all probability, this limestone continues under glacial deposits as far north as the above-mentioned karst-hole. (2) The Toporowe Stawy Lobe: glacial deposits and karst sink-holes Terminal moraine. This is a well developed, high blocky moraine, rising about 30 m above the Sucha Woda stream bed, to 1094 m a.s.l. at its northernmost tip. It marks the maximum extent of the Sucha Woda Glacier during the Bia³ka Stage of the Würm Glaciation. Its best exposure is at left slope of the Sucha Woda stream just above the first bridge over the stream. From this terminal moraine comes a 11.6±2.3 Ka 36Cl date obtained by Dzier¿ek et al. (1999, fig. 6). Left lateral moraine. Along west side of the Sucha Woda Valley, the terminal moraine passes into the left lateral moraine. At a distance of about 1 km, between Brzeziny and red tourist path (Toporowa Cyrhla – Psia Trawka), it forms a steep wall rising southward from 1094 m a.s.l. (northernmost tip of the terminal moraine) to c. 1200 m a.s.l. (at top part of red tourist path). From this moraine come two 36Cl dates: 15.3±0.5 and 17.9±2.3 Ka (Dzier¿ek et al., 1999, fig. 6). Right lateral moraine. Along left bank of the Sucha Woda stream bed, the terminal moraine passes into right lateral moraine; it continues between the first bridge (in the north) and red tourist path, approximately opposite the Pañszczycki Potok stream outlet (in the south), at a distance of about 1 km. From this moraine, come five 36Cl dates: 13.6±0.5 Ka from its northern part; 11.5±0.5, 13.6±0.6, 17.2±2.2, and 21.0±1.3 Ka from its more southern part (Dzier¿ek et al., 1999, fig. 6). Bottom moraine and recession/dead-ice melt-out ridges. A small plain of the Toporowe Stawy peat-bog and residual water ponds, contained between the terminal, left and right lateral moraines of the discussed group, shows the presence of several morainic ridges which may be interpreted as formed during glacier recession and melt-out of dead-ice (cf., e.g., Baumgart-Kotarba & Kotarba, 2001; Wójcik et al., in Iwanow et al., 2008, p. 119). Depressions between recession morainic ridges are filled with Holocene lacustrine deposits, including peat-bogs which still grow around residual water ponds (the larger Ni¿ny Toporowy Staw pond and two smaller ponds of the Wy¿ny Toporowy Staw). Sediments obtained from a shallow borehole drilled near Wy¿ny Toporowy Staw (1135 m a.s.l.) were analysed by Obidowicz (1975) who recognized there a continuous sequence of Holocene climatic epochs starting with the Pre-Boreal one (see also Granoszewski & Wójcik, 2008). A sample taken at 3.5 m below the surface (Gd 19050) yielded a 9,190±210 yrs B.P. 14C date (Wójcik et al., in Iwanow et al., 2008, p. 119). The history of the Wy¿ni Toporowy Staw peat-bog formation did start during the Atlantic climatic epoch of the Holocene (Obidowicz, 1996, p. 191). Karst sink-holes. Nine karst sink-holes have been recognized along red tourist KARST SINK-HOLES 285 path, and slightly north of it, in front of the terminal moraine of the Kotlinowy Wierch glacier lobe (see below). They delineate a south-eastward subsurface extension of the Middle Triassic limestones (which are exposed downslope, further NW (Fig. 2). This indiates the presence of a rocky (limestone) threshold buried under glacial deposits. As a contrary, no karst sink-holes have been encountered either in the terminal or lateral moraines of the Toporowe Stawy Lobe. If present in the subsurface, they could be camouflaged by thick (30 m or so) morainic deposits. (3) The Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe: glacial deposits and karst sink-holes Terminal moraine. Outer margin of terminal moraine of the Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe begins near the Triassic limestone exposure (Fig. 2); there, it gradually merges with left lateral moraine of the Toporowe Stawy Lobe. Further south-east, this margin runs south of the red tourist path, approximately along a NW–SEtrending line of karst sink-holes. The latter mark subsurface extent of the Triassic limestone threshold (see above). Left lateral moraine. The left lateral moraine of the Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe continues southwards along the Kotlinowy Wierch high (1305.5 m at its highest point), south of the Hala Kopieniec alp. It is divided from this alp by a slowly SE-rising plain covered by residual moraine, probably prolongation of the Toporowa Cyrhla one (see above). The Hala Kopieniec plain, presently covered by weathered boulder clay and alluvia, had developed along a prominent transverse fault (directed N–S) which divides the Triassic–Jurassic strata (Lower Subtatric Nappe) of the Wielki Kopieniec mount (1328 m) from Triassic limestones exposed at tourist path further east (see Fig. 2). Right lateral moraine. The right lateral moraine of the Kolinowy Wierch Lobe is very well developed along left slope of the Sucha Woda Valley, called Pod Szatrê, SW of the Psia Trawka meadow. Bottom moraine and recession/dead-ice melt-out ridges. The terminal and lateral moraines of the Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe delimit a rather wide, nearly flat summit plain of the Kotlinowy Wierch high (1290–1300 m a.s.l.) which represents bottom moraine of this glacier lobe. In its southern part, the morainic ridges, originally mainly median moraines, are elongated parallel to the lateral moraines. In northern part, pattern of these ridges becomes irregular, suggesting that they originated due to dead-ice disintegration and melt-out. The beginning of the peat-bog formation in the Kotlinowy Wierch pond area (1280 m a.s.l.) happened during the Atlantic climatic epoch of the Holocene (Obidowicz, 1996, p. 191). Karst sink-holes. Only one questionable karst sink-hole has been recognized in SE part of the bottom-moraine field (near a forest road, above the slope called Pod Szatrê). Numerous karst sink-holes located along red tourist path, related to subsurface extent of the Triassic limestone threshold, had developed along outer 286 K. BIRKENMAJER margin of the Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe, at its contact with the Toporowe Stawy Lobe. THE PAÑSZCZYCA GLACIER AREA: MORAINES AND OCCURRENCE OF KARST SINK-HOLES Right slope of the Sucha Woda Valley between the first bridge (in the north) and the Psia Trawka meadow (in the south) is extensively covered by morainic deposits of the ancient Pañszczyca Glacier. They are distinctly separated from those of the Toporowe Stawy and the Kotlinowy Wierch lobes. Their clastic material derived, accordingly, from a different source – mainly from slopes and peaks which surround the Hala Pañszczyca alp and the Waksmundzka Hala alp (cf. Bac-Moszaszwili et al., 1979). A sigmoidal line which divides moraines of the Sucha Woda Glacier (Toporowe Stawy and Kotlinowy Wierch lobes) from those of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe, almost exactly follows the present course of the Sucha Woda stream. This could indicate that this stream flowed along confluence zone of both glaciers already during Würm Glaciation, either in a deep open ice-crevasse or in a subglacial ice-tunnel system. In the lack of radiometric dates, it is at present difficult to establish a direct age correlation between the Pañszczyca Glacier moraines and those of the Sucha Woda Glacier, i.e. either the Toporowe Stawy- and/or the Kotlinowy Wierch lobes. However, taking into account that patterns of recession and dead-ice melt-out ridges of the Kotlinowy Wierch Lobe, and those of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe, are roughly similar, it seems possible that they are coeval. Terminal moraine. The terminal moraine of the Pañszczyca Glacier is less pronounced in morphology than that of the Sucha Woda Glacier. The moraine rests directly upon Jurassic (Liassic) basement rocks of the Lower Subtatric Nappe. They are exposed at the surface between entrances to the Sucha Woda Valley in the west, and an unnamed valley which dissects the Koby³a Mount in the east, moreover along the Sucha Woda stream course to the east of the first bridge (Fig. 2). During summer, the stream dries up there, probably mainly due to subsurface drainage. Left lateral moraine. The terminal moraine passes into a narrow left lateral moraine which continues along right bank of the Sucha Woda Valley as far south as the outlet of the Pañszczycki Potok stream. Right lateral moraine. The terminal moraine passes into the right lateral moraine which continues southward as far as the Polanka pod Koby³¹ alp. Jurassic basement rocks (Liassic through Malm of the Lower Subtatric Nappe) form there eastern wall of the glacier’s valley between mounts Koby³a and Krzywañ – Fig. 2 (see also Soko³owski & Jaczynowska, 1997b). Bottom moraine. The bottom moraine forms narrow strips divided from each other by narrow morainic ridges, usually parallel with the margins of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe. They mainly represent median moraines of the ancient Pañszczyca Glacier. In the upper part of the Pañszczycki Potok valley (near Strzelecka KARST SINK-HOLES 287 Koliba), these ridges become irregular in shape. In a shallow borehole drilled at the Wy¿na Pañszczycka M³aka peat-bog, the oldest deposits were 14C dated at between 4570±100 and 3600±1100 yrs BP (Obidowicz, 1996, pp. 193, 197). At northern termination of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe, the bottom moraine is covered by a less regular pattern of narrow morainic ridges which could be interpreted as formed during dead-ice fragmentation and melt-out. Karst sink-holes and polje. No karst sink-holes have been found in the terminal and left lateral moraines of the Pañszczyca Glacier in the Sucha Woda Valley. On the contrary, numerous (13) karst sink-holes have been recognized in northern part of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe, between linearily-to-irregularly arranged narrow, rather high, bottom moraine ridges. Most of these sink-holes are dry, but in two of them small residual water ponds are still present. Two northermost karst sink-holes are 20–30 m in diameter, and 5–8 m deep; further south (west of Koby³a mount) there are several sink-holes 8–12 m deep, their walls being dissected by narrow gaps of water-outflow. Occurrence of karst sink-holes in frontal part of the bottom moraine of the Pañszczyca Glacier indicates that its bedrock is represented by karstified Triassic limestones of the Lower Subtatric Nappe (see Fig. 2). To establish their role in subsurface drainage of the Sucha Woda stream water during dry season of the year, it would be desirable to perform a suitable hydrogeological field experiment. Immediately south of the Koby³a (1231.6 m)–Krzywañ (1234.4 m) mountain ridge, a polje was recognized at Polanka pod Koby³¹ alp (about 1200 m a.s.l.). The polje is crescentic in shape, c. 400 x 200 m large, occurs within the right morainic ridge at c. 1210 m a.s.l.. Well marked crescentic scarps within the polje (Fig. 2) might indicate two stages of substratum collapse. The Koby³a–Krzywañ ridge north of the polje is built of northward-dipping lowermost Liassic shales, marls and limestones, with a thick quartzite intercalation (Baboš Quartzite: Sinemurian) in western part of the ridge. It is proposed that the Polanka pod Koby³¹ polje had developed above a strip of karstified Triassic limestones of the Lower Subtatric Nappe, under a cover of glacial deposits. The polje is situated above a steep scarp of the Podspad ¯leb gorge, once an icefall at a lateral outflow of the ancient Pañszczyca Glacier. Below the fall, the upper part of the Podspad Valley is covered with chaotically arranged moraine consisting chiefly of local Liassic limestone and shale fragments, with granite blocks (up to 2 m in diameter), and with pebble- to cobble-sized water-worn granite and quartzite pebbles. The polje is filled with Holocene lacustrine deposits. This could be a good place for drilling a shallow borehole for studying Holocene climate changes. SUBSURFACE EXTENT OF THE TRIASSIC LIMESTONES Distribution of karst sink-holes and a polje recognizable within morainic deposits of the Würm Glaciation in lower part of the Sucha Woda Valley is considered an evidence of the presence of karstified Middle Triassic limestones in the substratum 288 K. BIRKENMAJER of Quaternary deposits. These limestones belong to the Lower Subtatric Nappe as indicated by areal distribution of this nappe in the area (see Soko³owski & Jaczynowska, 1979b; Bac-Moszaszwili et al., 1979). (1) The Wielki Kopieniec Fault. East of a transversal N–S-trending fault which delimits the eastern extent of Triassic and Jurassic strata of the Wielki Kopieniec mount, here termed the Wielki Kopieniec Fault, Middle Triassic carbonates (limestones and dolostones) occur in the substratum of Quaternary deposits. They apparently form a subsurface strip extending between Toporowa Cyrhla (northernmost sink-hole) and the limestone threshold that divides the Toporowe Stawy from the Kotlinowy Wierch lobes. The Wielki Kopieniec Fault is a sinistral strike-slip fault (Figs 2, 3) which belongs to the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian) fault system well recognized further east, between the Kopy So³tysie mounts and the Bia³a Woda Valley (see Birkenmajer, 1999, 2000). (2) The Sucha Woda Fault Zone. Eastern termination of the above Triassic limestone threshold, at left slope of the Sucha Woda Valley, coincides with a zone of transversal (NNE–SSW-trending) faults, here called the Sucha Woda Fault Zone. The most prominent faults of this zone are again sinistral strike-slip ones. This fault zone is mirrored in the present course of the Sucha Woda stream, and also in the line of confluence between the ancient Sucha Woda and Pañszczyca glaciers. (3) To the east of the Sucha Woda Fault Zone, numerous well developed karst sink-holes present in northern part of the Pañszczycki Potok Lobe, delimit the northern extent of the karstified Triassic limestone bedrock. The Jurassic (Liassic through Malm) sedimentary rocks of the Lower Subtatric Nappe, and their postnappe Palaeogene (Eocene–Oligocene) cover, are displaced in this area by numerous, NNE–SSW-trending faults. The most prominent faults, the Koby³a–Krzywañ Faults, are again of sinistral strike-slip character (Figs 2, 3). (4) A striking coincidence between directions of the above transversal faults (1, 2), and elongation of lobes of the ancient Sucha Woda Glacier, might be an indication that tectonic structure of the bedrock played an important part in the development of the glacier’s valley. REFERENCES Bac-Moszaszwili, M., Burchart, J., G³azek, J., Iwanow, A., Jaroszewski, W., Kotañski, Z., Lefeld, J., Mastella, L., Ozimkowski, W., Roniewicz, P., Skupiñski, W. & Westwalewicz-Mogilska, E., 1979. Mapa geologiczna Tatr polskich, skala 1:30.000 (Geological Map of the Polish Tatra Mts, 1:30,000 scale). Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa. Baumgart-Kotarba, M. & Kotarba, A., 2001. Deglacjacja Doliny Suchej Wody w Tatrach Wysokich (Deglaciation of the Sucha Woda Valley in the Tatra Mountains). In: Karczewski, A. & Zwoliñski, Z. (wyd.), Funcjonowanie ekosystemów w zró¿nicowanych warunkach morfologicznych. Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich, Poznañ: 73–83. Birkenmajer, K., 1999. Late Tertiary fault system of the Bia³a Woda Valley, Tatra Mountains, Carpathians. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Earth-sci., 47: 239–246. Birkenmajer, K., 2000. Correlation of the Lower Subtatric Nappe partial units across the Bia³a Woda Valley, Tatra Mts, Carpathians. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Earth-sci., 48 (2): CAPOWSKI Zakopane £ysa Polana LAS TOPOROWA CYRHLA Drog BRZEZINY Osw a alda 979.3 Balc era 974.9 1016.1 1031.7 1024.4 1032.2 1041 1094.5 Po to k Potok Sucha Woda 1070.8 Wy¿ni Toporowy Staw Ch ³ 1087 abó O D Y wk a Koby³a Wielki Kopieniec 1308.5 Kotlinowy Wierch Lower Subtatric Nappe cki A a N 1182.5 W od I e ch Psia Trawka u O L 0 Eocene–Oligocene cover kP añ s zcz y S D S t Su ch a d a k o z rê Po to P ? Pot o 1216.1 1292.8 1322 1211.2 J H E C S U 1280 Hala Kopieniec 1234.4 Polana pod Koby³¹ W 1198.2 Krzywañ 1231 Podspad Ni¿ni Toporowy Staw 1059.8 500 m Miocene faults with strike-slip direction Jurassic Triassic Karst sink-holes Fig. 3. Subsurface extension of the Triassic limestones, based on distribution of karst sink-holes and a polje: Sucha Woda Valley, Polish Tatra Mountains KARST SINK-HOLES 289 231–245. Derkacz, M., Marcinkowski, B. & ¯arski, M., 2008. 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