December 2011 - Temple Beth Sholom
December 2011 - Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY • 516-621-2288 December 2011 Kislev/Tevet 5772 Happy Chanukah First Candle - Tuesday, December 20 FROM THE RABBI’S DESK By Rabbi Alan B. Lucas A Parent’s Responsibility I was overwhelmed by the turnout at the recent program we cosponsored featuring Dr. Wendy Mogel, internationally acclaimed clinical psychologist, parenting expert and New York Times best selling author of “The Blessing of a Skinned Knee” and “The Blessing of a B Minus.” More than 800 people came and hung on her every word. She was informative and entertaining and clearly there is a desire to learn. Parents now more than ever feel at a loss. I believe that what has changed is not that the world is a more confusing place – it has always been so. What has changed is that the old structures that provided new parents with guidance and wisdom are not as available as they used to. Grandparents are off pursuing their own lives, and sometimes live far away – and more then ever young parents feel left to themselves to find their way in a challenging and confusing world. We can help. I believe the synagogue and Jewish tradition can provide the kind of guidance and wisdom that parents desperately need. Programs like our Morei Derech – are designed precisely for this purpose. The idea behind our Morei Derech program is to bring young parents and “more seasoned” parents together and to study and learn with our rabbis and educators what Judaism has to say and offer as we all work our way through the challenges of raising children. What are parents’ obligations to their children: To love them, to feed them, to protect them? Isn’t it interesting that the Torah does not speak of such obligations? Nowhere in the Torah is there a requirement to love your children. Nowhere is there a mitzvah to feed them. There is a discussion of parental responsibility in the Talmud in the Tractate of Kiddushin (29a) where it speaks of some of the detailed requirements of a parent to their child – but again it does not speak of these basic things rather it speaks about our obligation to circumcise our sons and marry them off and teach them a trade and even to teach them to swim – but not a mention of love, sustenance, clothing or the need to provide a roof over their heads. Dr. Micha Goodman a Fellow at the Hartman Institute and professor of Jewish Thought offers a possible explanation. A parent does not need to be taught to love their child. As parents we do not need to be taught to feed, to clothe to protect and care for them—we do these things the same way that we don’t need to be taught to breathe or feed ourselves – they are inherent in who we are as parents. But we do need to be taught to educate our children, to reach them a trade even how to swim. Why are these things different? From the very first moment you hold that infant in your arms – you as a parent understand that your child is dependent on you for most of his or her basic needs. needed. But there comes a point when our children must become independent of us – when they must live on their own, love on their own and to do the things we need to do as parents to help them achieve this independence – well that does not come so easily and certainly not naturally. Here the Torah must require us to do these things that we might not come to do on our own.It is a wonderful insight. The responsibilities of a parent are two-fold: to provide for our children when they are young all the things they depend on us to provide. And then, as they grow, our job is to help them develop the skills, the insight and the wisdom they will need to make it on their own. I love teaching High School students. My hours teaching in our Machon Beth Shalom with our High School students are amongst the most challenging and most fulfilling hours that make up my week. I love dealing with young people precisely as they are navigating the transition from dependence to independence and sharing with them the wisdom of our tradition to help guide them as they do so. The biggest fear a parent has is that as we step back and encourage our children to step forward on their own – we fear that due to immaturity and lack of experience they will make decisions that will hurt and harm them irreparably. It is one thing to stand back as our toddler takes their first step – knowing they may fall down and go boom. It is quite another when we hand over the keys to the car and know that a mistake, or bad judgment can be fatal. It is not made any easier when we open our newspapers every day and read of the tragic results of good kids who make bad judgments and end up seriously injured or worse. What is a parent to do? Two thousand years ago the rabbis of the Talmud taught us of the need to guide our children and give them the skills and wisdom to become independent. The challenge is no less important today. I hope you will allow your synagogue to help you grow and develop as a parent. I hope you will seek out more information about our various programs and come and study with us – so the wisdom of our sacred tradition can help you – as it has helped and guided the generations that have preceded you. Religious School Chanukah Book Fair! December 11th As a parent we understand this dependency and we even thrive on it – it is nice to be loved and it is wonderful to be Temple Beth Sholom 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK By Marc Magid Happy Chanukah! Enjoy Our Many Social Events! With Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, just a few weeks away, we are in a celebratory mood at Temple Beth Sholom evident by this month’s many social events featuring great entertainment. We start off with our Friday Night Live service and dinner welcoming our new members on December 2 and conclude the weekend on Sunday, December 4, at 4 p.m. with an electrifying concert featuring Rick Recht, the country’s top touring musician in the Jewish music circuit. He is an exceptional entertainer who has become an icon for Jewish youth, instilling pride and uplifting Jewish identity in his audiences. This concert is sure to be a real treat for the entire family. Ticket prices range from $5 for children ages 2 to 6, $10 for children ages 7 to 17, and $18 for adults. Just prior to the concert, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., there will be a Beth Sholom Day Camp Reunion and Camp and Early Childhood Center Open House. On Saturday, December 10, at 8 p.m., join us for our second annual Comedy Night. This event will feature three comics: Johnny Lampert, Moody McCarthy and Sherry Davey. Please BYOKB and BYOF (bring your own kosher bottle and bring your own friends), and we will provide the snacks. The event costs $20 per person in advance and $25 at the door. There is one thing I can guarantee: Anyone with a funny bone will be in for some really good laughs! The next morning, on December 11, the Men’s Club is running a blood donation drive at the Temple. All donors will receive a coupon for a free pint of soup at Ben’s Deli. Please call the office at 621-2288 to schedule an appointment. This is a great opportunity to help others with what could be a life saving gift. Also that morning is our PTA-sponsored Book Fair, a great place to purchase books and games for Chanukah gifts. Books for adults will also be available. Please Save the Date for Our Big Social Event Coming on Saturday, January 28, is our third annual Disco, Dinner & Denim Night, where you can dance up a storm while supporting our fundraising efforts. The raffle prizes and silent auction items at this event are very distinctive, desirable items just waiting for you to bid on them. Our Shabbat services are always evolving, as Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Beyer and Cantor Barnoy in conjunction with our Religious Affairs Committee work together to enhance our worship. To make it easier for our congregants and to improve the flow of our Torah service, we are asking people to stand at their seats and announce the names of those for whom they pray for good health, rather than come up to the bimah. This will allow everyone who wants to say misheberach for a relative or friend who is ill to do so easily. If you, yourself, are not well enough to attend services, fill out the misheberach form on our website under the Prayer tab, and our clergy will announce the names you request on your behalf. Rabbi Beyer launched Minyan Nafsheinu service on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, October 29. This new format provides a relaxed opportunity for prayer and insight into the Shacharit service, and it concludes in time for participants to join the congregation in the main sanctuary for the sermon and Musaf service. Minyan Nafsheinu will meet next on December 3 and January 7. See you there. This year at TBS we are starting an initiative to enable our clergy to meet and socialize with groups of our members. If you and your family have not had a chance to get to know Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Beyer, and Cantor Barnoy personally, let our office know and we will see to it that you are included. New Caterer Looks Forward to Serving You Joseph Craig Catering, our new caterer, is updating the décor of our function rooms, and has painted the ballroom and installed new lighting. The chef ’s Glatt Kosher cuisine is absolutely delicious! Craig Weinberg, one of the partners, is booking parties for our congregants and other members of the community. He looks forward to working with you on your simcha, so please feel free to contact him directly at 621-8200. On behalf of myself, my wife Amy, and the TBS Board of Trustees, best wishes to your and your family for a Happy & Festive Chanukah. Let us celebrate the Festival of Lights, which commemorates Judah Maccabee’s victory over Antiochus in 165 B.C.E., with a reverence for miracles! Just as one day’s worth of oil lasted for eight days, and the small band of Maccabees defeated their much larger foe, let us believe that ultimately, righteousness will prevail in the world and that all of Israel will know peace. Shalom chaverim, Shalom friends, Marc Magid Join us on December 2nd Friday Night Live! New Member Dinner Dinner - 6:45 PM Friday Night Live! - 8 PM Temple Beth Sholom 3 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR By Donna Bartolomeo People constantly marvel about the fact that TBS always has so many individuals attending programs, lectures, classes, etc. After the holidays were over, the Herbert Tarr North Shore Institute for Adult Jewish Education began, which features a variety of classes and fascinating lectures on Monday nights in October and November got off to a great start. For the first lecture we had over 400 people in our sanctuary. Coming up on December 4 we will be having the Rick Recht concert and Comedy Night on December 10. Both events are sure to be well-attended. And don’t forget our annual Blood Drive -help others by donating blood on December 11. As you heard on Kol Nidre, Temple Beth Sholom has been awarded the Homeland Security Grant. We have been granted $75,000. During the next few months, you will start to see the security improvements in and around the Temple. Last year, following membership approval we began replacing the roofs on our building. The next stage was just completed successfully in the Wingate Center and we expect to stay dry and warm for years to come. Index to December 2011 From the Rabbi’s Desk . . . . . . . . . p. 2 From the President’s Desk . . . . . . . p. 3 From the Executive Director . . . . . . p. 4 B’nai Mitzvah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 Derech: Life Long Learning . . . . . p. 6 USY Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7 MBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7 Religious School News . . . . . . . . . p. 8 Early Childhood Center . . . . . . . . . p. 9 Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10 High Holiday Appeals . . . . . . . . . p. 14 PIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16 Torah Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16 Sisterhood Scoop . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Men’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22 Temple Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 23 Schedule of Services . . . . . . . . . . . p. 24 Happy Chanukah Chanukah begins on December 20. I look forward to hearing the children sing Chanukah songs and create their own Menorahs. The Men’s Club chefs are always a hit when they serve latkes to the religious school students. December 20- December 28 Happy Chanukah from me, my children Jennifer, Jason, Samantha and Steven, and Alex. WELCOME TO HAZAK! A Community Dedicated To Looking Forward TBS adults come join us on Thursday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. For a festive Chanukah evening A light dairy dinner will be served $5 per person Reservations a must, call the Synagogue Office at 621-2288 Temple Beth Sholom 4 B’NAI MITZVAH ALEXA KAMBERG Daughter of Marci & Marc December 3 HANNAH GREENBERG Daughter of Amy & Evan December 15 100 years of healing through groundbreaking medical research and treatment educating our youth in the United States, Israel and abroad advocating for causes important to American Jews and women planting to protect Israel’s natural resources building a better tomorrow for Israel and its people HadassaH. For Now. For liFe. Celebrate 100 years of Hadassah with a $100 Lifetime enrollment. This celebration price is valid January 1 - December 31, 2011. Contact: 800.664.5646 or enroll online No deductions taken for previous payments. Payment plans excluded from offer. A portion of the Life Membership/Associate enrollment fee is allocated for a subscription to Hadassah Magazine. In keeping with IRS regulations, membership dues/enrollment fees are not considered to be tax-deductible contributions. ©2011 Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Hadassah is a registered trademark of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Temple Beth Sholom 5 DERECH: LIFELONG LEARNING AT TEMPLE SHOLOM DERECH – Lifelong Learning atBETH Temple Beth Sholom By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning What do really knowKnow about Chanukah? What Doyou You Really About Chanukah How do you about know about Chanukah?IsIsititaa significant significant religious holiday? Why do so many How much do much you know Chanukah? religious holiday? Why do Jews celebrate this holiday. Why don’t we start with a quiz from a fabulous website: so many Jews celebrate this holiday. Why don’t we start with a quiz from a fabulous Let’s test your knowledge here: website – Let’s test your knowledge here: Question 1. When was the Hanukkah song Ma'oz Tsur written? Question 6. Which dessert from Israel is eaten at Hanukkah because it is fried in oil? Biblical times Latkes Talmudic times Sufganiyot (jelly filled donuts) Medieval times Bimuelos (fritters) After the creation of the state of Israel Atayef (cheese-filled pancakes) Question 2. Which of the following was a behavior prohibited by Antiochus? Question 7. A special scroll that contained many legends about Hanukkah and was once read on the holiday is called Celebrating Purim The Scroll of Antiochus Celebrating Hanukkah The Scroll of Esther Learning Torah The Scroll of Light Dancing the Hora The Scroll of Swordsmen Question 3. When playing dreidel, if you spin and get a gimmel you should Question 8. Historians believe Hanukkah enjoyed a resurgence in America in modern times because Put some gelt into the pot Jews makes up a majority of America Skip a turn Public schools close for Hanukkah Get sent to jail Hanukkah falls so close to Christmas Take the pot for yourself Question 4. The Maccabees were led by the sons of the priest Mattathias. How many sons did he have? One Broadcast television featured lots of Hanukkah specials Question 9. The famous Hanukkah song written by "Peter, Paul, and Mary" is called Two I Have a Little Dreidel Three Light One Candle Four O Hanukkah Five December is the Best Month of the Year Question 5. True or False: The reason we eat latkes is because it was the food that fortified the Maccabees as they fought Antiochus. Question 10. The shehekheyanu blessing is recited Every night of Hanukkah True Only on the first night False The first night and the last night Every night of every single religious holiday Temple Beth Sholom 6 FROM MBS By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning Each month, I am pleased to share an article from a different member of the Machon faculty. The following article comes from Loen Amer, who also serves as our Youth Director. She writes about one of the highlights in our year – our Rosh Hodesh groups. She explains everything in her usual energetic fashion. I will let her do the writing. Hodesh Tov (a good month), Gila LEARNING FROM MY STUDENTS EVERY MONTH By Loen Amer, Youth Director I love being a Machon teacher! Last time I was asked to write a bulletin article, it was a top ten list of the reasons I love Machon so much. Machon is a fabulous supplemental Jewish high school, providing stimulating, substantive learning to different kinds of teen learners. Machon combines formal education in the study track, with the significant social interaction of youth group in USY, and learning through active social action projects in the “Gimme 10.” As much as I love Machon, one of the things I most love about it are the monthly Rosh Hodesh groups (which means I love Rosh Hodesh groups so, so much!). Rosh Hodesh is the first day of the new Hebrew month. The Rosh Hodesh groups for young women at Machon are based on the Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! curriculum, a program of Moving Traditions. Temple Beth Sholom was initially a pilot site for the project, and it has been successful here for years. There is a traditional assignment of Rosh Hodesh in Judaism as a day scared to women. It is the perfect time for teenage young women to meet for discussion, art work, and Jewish study about issues such as body image, friendship, stress, romantic relationships, academic pressure, and family. As an egalitarian congregation, we of course also offer a program for young men, “Bro Hodesh.” At the beginning of each Hebrew month, groups of guys meet for activities and discussion that bring meaning to their lives and create positive Jewish identity. I am very excited to announce that this year we will also be inviting day school students to join the new groups for the eighth and ninth graders. Until last June I was privileged to facilitate a group for the young women of the Machon class of 2011. Each month the teens and I would play games or create artwork, and discuss issues relevant to their lives based on traditional Jewish themes for that month. The “Rosh Hodesh Cloth” of the class of 2011 The Talmud quotes the great rabbi, Rabbi Chanina as having said, “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, and the most from my students” (Ta’anis 7a). Any good teacher knows the deep truth of that statement. I have often learned so much from my students. Though I’ve often had the wonderful experience of learning from students, it has never been as often true for me as it was in the Rosh Hodesh group. I’m confident that I learned far more from those young women than they did from me. I also know they learned a tremendous amount from each other, reflecting the second part of Rabbi Chanina’s statement, of having learned “more from my colleagues.” Our Rosh Hodesh group was a wonderful learning community, of which I loved being a part. This year, I confess that I’m nervous about my new Rosh Hodesh group of eighth graders. I had such a positive experience; how can a new group even come close? As was often the case, wisdom from last year’s group has reassured me. When discussing the nervousness of graduating high school and moving to college they were all experiencing last year, one of them pointed out that even if the future is scary, it would be worse if things never changed at all. Of course, she was right. I plan to learn just as much from the eighth graders this year. I am excited that the Machon and day school students will be creating a community of wonderful teens together. Even if it is scary, how can that be anything other than fantastic? Temple Beth Sholom Youth Programs At-A-Glance December 2011 (does not include Hebrew High School Sessions or Gimme 10) Friday December 2-Saturday December 3 METNY USY Kadima Shabbaton South Huntington JC For Grades 6-8 Sunday December 4 RICK RECHT CONCERT!!!! TBS – 4PM $10 Youth Ticket Friday December 11-Sunday December 13 Chazak USY Fall Kinnus Temple Hillel, Valley Stream Tuesday December 13 Machar Program Night Grades 4 and 5 6 – 7:15PM Thursday December 15 Kadima Program Night Grades 6 &7 6-7:15PM USY Program Night Grades 8-12 7:30-9PM Thursday December 23 –Thursday December 30 USY International Convention Philadelphia, PA Temple Beth Sholom 7 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS By Sharon Solomon, Religious School Director Our students and families fulfilled the mitzvah of Tikun Olam – Repairing the World, when they helped our Long Island neighbors in need recently. We extend a huge Yasher Koach to Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) who went to visit Sun Harbor Nursing Home in Roslyn, to Kitah Daled (4th grade) who cooked for the INN Interfaith Nutrition Network, to Kitah Hay (5th grade) students who went to the Atria Assisted Living facility in Lynbrook and to Kitah Vav (6th grade) who helped feed the hungry on Long Island. Each one of us can make a difference if we each lend a hand to those less fortunate. It is very easy to buy games and just give tzedakah but it rises to a different dimension when our children and families give up their time to support and visit the elderly or disadvantaged in our local community. These acts of loving kindness (Gemilut Hasadim) displayed by our families created and left powerful, positive Jewish memories. As we now begin the month of December, many exciting learning opportunities and activities are in store. We look forward to our annual Book Fair, which is sponsored by the Religious School PTA. Please support our PTA by purchasing your Chanukah gifts, books, and games at this big fundraiser, scheduled for Sunday, December 11th. Please mark your calendar! Jewish Literacy Comes Alive on Sunday, December 11th when our Bet classes launch a wonderful, empowering family program called Bet Connection. Each family will have an PTA PATTER By Francine Weinman & Felice Bergman Co-PTA Presidents opportunity over the course of the school year to read a book to the class and facilitate learning on Jewish topics/ holidays. This joint parent-child experience culminates each week with a hands-on class project that truly engages the class and family. This is a fine example of the family/home connection that Temple Beth Sholom Religious School strives so hard to achieve. Our Chanukah Assembly/Celebration/Candle-lighting will take place on Tuesday, December 20th at 5:00 pm. There will be regular classes from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. We will then enjoy dancing, singing, and sofganiyot (jelly donuts). Of course, we will feast on latkes, courtesy of our Men’s Club. Toda Raba to Joe Bruck, President of the Men’s Club and his crew for making our Chanukah so special. We will also have Chanukah raffles, prizes and so much more! It’s time to start planning your Chanukiah masterpiece! The theme for our annual Chanukiah-thon will be “The Miracle of Chanukah”. All Chanukiot will be on display on Tuesday, December 13th, and will be judged by our famous, impartial judges: Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Beyer, Cantor Barnoy, Donna Bartolomeo and Marc Magid. We encourage everyone in grades Gan – Zayin to participate in this fun event. Prizes will be awarded for the most original, most artistic and most related to the theme! This year, students in grades 4-7 (Daled-Zayin) are being challenged to enter our Chanukah Poetry/Song/Video Contest by submitting original work, also focusing on “The Miracle of Chanukah” theme. The grand prize will be a camera as well as two runner-up prizes – gift cards/ games. Here is your chance to show off your creative talents, and who knows, we might just have a You-Tube media sensation in our TBS midst! I wish you and your family a Happy Chanukah that is filled with joy and light. The Religious school PTA has been busy this academic year! We started off the school year with a welcome brunch meeting in September. It was great to welcome many new parents looking to be involved in enhancing their children’s Religious school education! A HUGE thank you to all of the families that helped to decorate our Temple’s sukkah. We had dad’s on ladders hanging decorations up high, moms all around and children making paper chains and hanging the wonderfully, creative masterpieces that our children made during Religious school under the auspices of their talented art teacher. The sukkah looked fantastic! Our first two fundraisers have been major successes! We are collecting Box tops all year. Please look for collection boxes at the Temple entrances. If you have not purchased your KidStuff book, the next opportunity will be at our Religious School Chanukah Book Fair on December 11th. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PTA Temple Beth Sholom 8 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER By Helayne Cohen, Early Childhood Center Director We are pleased to let the Temple Beth Sholom community know about the opening of registration for the 2012-2013 school year. The Early Childhood Center of Temple Beth Sholom knows the importance of choosing the appropriate educational venue for preschoolers. Our dedicated professional staff work diligently and Children are curious and creative, are full of potential and make meaning out of all that they see and do. Our goals are to address all areas of child development – cognitive, emotional, social, physical, promote positive relationships for children and adults, use Fun Time In The Playground Group Play strive to achieve and maintain the highest standards of excellence. Our teachers stimulate each child’s sense of curiosity and instill a love of learning incorporating both a Jewish and secular component in our program. developmentally appropriate teaching structures, promote good nutrition through healthy snacks and good health through physical activity both inside and out. We use resources within our community for our children and their families. We emphasize the richness and joy of Judaism with weekly visits from our rabbinic staff; always fostering a love of learning. This is the first stop of an educational journey and we are so proud of all that we have to offer to our children and families. Our 2’s At Work Important Dates at the Early Childhood Center For December Wednesday, Dec. 21 Chanukah Celebration at School – Parents Invited Thursday, Dec. 22 Chanukah Hero Party – 6:00 – 7:30 PM Monday.-Friday, Dec. 26-30 Winter Recess (No Classes) Our Future Geologists Please tell your friends and family members about our award winning school. For inquiries about our school call us at (516) 621-1171. With Chanukah on the way, I would like to wish the Temple Beth Sholom community a very happy Chanukah. May the glow of the candles provide much warmth to you and your families. Temple Beth Sholom 9 DONATIONS RABBI’S FUND In Honor Of marriage of Molly Brandwein to Stephen Ebinger Melody & Harvey Alstodt In Honor Of marriage of Dana Braverman to Adam Guetzow Melody & Harvey Alstodt In Memory Of Clara Cohen Melody & Harvey Alstodt In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg, Kallat Bereishit, Simchat Torah Sara & Alan Most In Memory Of Elycia Fanarof Karen & Jerry Karlik In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas, Cantor Barnoy, Rabbi Beyer & the TBS Family. Thank you for your love, support & guidance in memory of my beloved mother, Clara Cohen Jane S. Cohen In Honor Of Shoshanna Wingate’s 90th birthday Daniela & Steven Klein In Memory Of Ruth Blumenthal Sondheimer Daniela & Steven Klein In Memory Of Rose Landau & Morris Landau Frances & Martin Ilivicky In Memory Of Matthew Rosenberg Lenore & Alan Rosenwasser Barbara & Alan Kaplan Rose & Alan Schecter Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg Susan & Gil Lipper Rebecca & Michael Altman PTA of Religious School Rikki & Yale Kessler Maris & Andy Rosenberg In Memory Of Gienia Tabak Melnik Eva & Sanford Gerber In Memory Of Lila Siller Helene & Marty Bland In Memory Of Jean Friedlander Elaine & Marvin Friedlander In Honor Of engagement if Rachel Simonson to Jeffrey Cohen Helene & Scott Lurie In Honor Of marriage of Michal Lucas to Uri Friedman Helene & Scott Lurie In Honor Of Pearl & Nathan Halegua’s anniversary Rose & Alan Schecter In Memory Of Muriel Bursky Maris & Andy Rosenberg In Memory Of Leonard Gopstein Maris & Andy Rosenberg In Memory Of Benjamin Dobrow Maris & Andy Rosenberg In Honor Of the marriage of Michelle Sklar Maris & Andy Rosenberg In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg Simchat Torah honoree, Kallat Bereishit Barbara & Alan Kaplan & Sons In Honor Of engagement of Rachel Simonson to Jeffrey Cohen Susan & Gil Lipper Donation Nancy & Mitchel Charnas In Memory Of Tracy’s mother, Lila Siller Tracy & Russell Cohen ALBERT B. COHEN ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory Of Dr. Carole Disenhoff Jill & Louis Naviasky Amy & Marc Magid In Memory Of Matthew Rosenberg Jill & Louis Naviasky Amy & Marc Magid Lisa & Richard Levine Bernice Cohen In Honor Of The wonderful Simchat Torah honorees Bonnie & Barry Epstein In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Beyer & Cantor Barnoy for all their support during this difficult time Bonnie & Barry Epstein In Memory Of Lila Siller Kathleen Friedlander In Honor Of Rabbi Sidney & Ruthie Solomon’s grandson’s Shmuel and Meir Bar Mitzvahs Jill & Louis Naviasky Amy & Marc Magid Lisa & Richard Levine In Memory Of Shari Hadani Lisa & Richard Levine Amy & Marc Magid Jill & Louis Naviasky Bernice Cohen Barbara & Larry Glass In Honor Of Jill & Louis Naviasky, JTS honorees Ginger & Jack Bloom BERNICE COHEN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUND In Honor Of Susan Hoffman’s fine teaching contributions to early childhood learning Jane & Paul Lang SIDNEY & RUTH KAHAN CHESED FUND In Memory Of Melanie Eisenberg Judy Greenberg In Honor Of Sisterhood, in memory of my beloved mother Clara Cohen Jane Cohen In Honor Of Chesed, in memory of my beloved mother Clara Cohen Jane Cohen In Honor Of engagement of Shira Rosenberg Helene & Scott Lurie In Memory Of Shari Hadani Edith & Leonard Kliegman HAROLD KALB PRAYERBOOK FUND In Memory Of Charles Friesner Charlotte & Marvin Levine In Memory Of Martin Krivin Eleanor & Morton Roberts In Memory Of Lila Siller Cindy & Bill Slutsky In Honor Of birth of our grandson Jonah Reid, son of Amy & Robert Krolick Elaine & Michael Krolick In Memory Of Elaine Epstein Debra & Sheldon Shalom In Memory Of Muriel Bursky Debra & Sheldon Shalom In Memory Of Shari Hadani Debra & Sheldon Shalom MILTON HOROWITZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Memory Of Milton Horowitz Lila Horowitz MAX GREENFIELD BIBLE FUND In Memory Of Leonard Gopstein Laura & Cliff Atlas PAUL SHIPPER MUSIC FUND In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg Simchat Torah honoree Ellen & Paul Walk In Honor Of engagement of Cliff Moskowitz to Lindsay Grody Susan & Gil Lipper Temple Beth Sholom 10 MALKA’S FUND FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING In Memory Of Matthew Rosenberg Ellen & Paul Walk Dorine & Robert Wulwick In Honor Of Frances & Martin Ilivicky in celebration of their 80th birthdays Ellen & Paul Walk In Memory Of of Martin Krivin Ellen & Paul Walk In Honor Of birth of Eliezer Rosenthal Susan & Gil Lipper In Honor Of birth of twin granddaughter to Debbie & Sheldon Shalom Susan & Gil Lipper In Honor Of engagement of Stefanie Wulwick to Brian Ash Susan & Gil Lipper In Memory Of Shari Hadani Cyd Weissman & Jewish Education Project Marcia & Larry Atlas Paige & Larry Sirota & Family Rachel & Michael Schor Bonnie Rosen Rikki & Yale Kessler Ginger & Jack Bloom Amy & Lennard Katz Leatrice & Harold Baron In Memory Of Shari Hadani Lisa & Jim Schlesinger Barbara & Alan Kaplan and family THE ARTHUR GOLDBERG SOCIAL ACTION & CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM FUND In Honor Of Debra & Sheldon Shalom on the birth of twin granddaughters Ellen & Paul Walk In Honor Of Beatrice Karten, honoree at Simchat Torah Helene & Scott Lurie In Honor Of Leah Brochstein’s 90th birthday Lisa & Jim Schlesinger In Honor Of 90TH birthday of Yvette Abrams Children & Grandchildren of Yvette Abrams In Honor Of Jill & Louis Naviasky, JTS honorees Helayne & Jerry Cohen In Memory Of Arthur Goldberg Leonard & June Yohay LISA & JIM SCHLESINGER RAMAH FUND In Honor Of Jim Schlesinger Simchat Torah honoree, Hatan Torah Marilyn & Joseph Greensher Halegua Family In Honor Of Beatrice Karten, Simchat Torah honoree, Kallat Maftir Lisa & Jim Schlesinger In HO Engagement of Cliff Moskowitz to Lindsay Grody Lisa & Jim Schlesinger In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg Simchat Torah honoree, Kallat Bereishit Lisa & Jim Schlesinger In Honor Of Engagement of Rebecca Walk to David Sattler Lisa & Jim Schlesinger In Honor Of Jim Schlesinger, Simchat Torah honoree, Hatan Torah Lisa Schlesinger Sara & Alan Most Ellen & Paul Walk In Memory Of Matthew Rosenberg Geoffrey Sadow MBS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg honoree at Simchat Torah Sherrie Levine & Harry Staszewski In Honor Of Dr. Andy Rosenberg, Frauenthal honoree at Hospital for Joint Diseases Harriet & Mark Chertok In Memory Of Lila Siller Cheryl & Mark Friedman In Honor Of Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Silverman Cheryl & Mark Friedman In Memory Of Shari Hadani Phyllis, Steven, Rachel & Joshua Goldenberg Melody & Harvey Alstodt Rebecca & Michael Altman PTA of Religious School Dorine & Robert Wulwick Helayne & Jerry Cohen WM. SPIELMAN SOLOMON SCHECHTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor Of Jim Schlesinger, Simchat Torah honoree, Hatan Torah Harriet & Marvin Rosen In Memory Of Lila Siller Stacey & Mark Silverman RABBI ARIO S. HYAMS JUDAICA MUSEUM FUND In Honor Of Yvette & Martin Abrams 66th Anniversary Children & grandchildren of Yvette and Martin Abrams ZELMAN COLLEGE TEXTBOOK FUND In Honor Of Phyllis Fried Goldenberg Simchat Torah honoree, Kallat Bereishit Risa & Michael Doherty In Honor Of Dr. Beatrice Karten Simchat Torah honoree Ellen & Paul Walk GENERAL DONATIONS Friend of Suzanne B. Chervin Lawrence R. Schoenfeld In Memory Of Leonard Gopstein Tobie Aronson YAHRZEIT FUND In Memory Of Gertrude Winik The Winik Family In Memory Of Martin Spatz Anonymous Special Funds (Optional) Minimum Donation $18 Albert B. Cohen Endowment Fund The Wingate USY Scholarship Fund Lisa & Jim Schlesinger - Camp Ramah Malka’s Fund for Lifelong Learning The Arthur Goldberg Social Action And Cultural Arts Program MBS Scholarship Fund Milton Horowitz Religious School Fund Bernice Cohen Preschool Fund Paul Shipper Music Fund Rabbi’s Fund Rabbi Ario S. & Tess Hyams Judaica Museum Fund Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein Memorial Fund Ruth and Sidney Kahan Chesed Fund Ted Geffner Educational Scholarship Fund William Spielman Solomon Schechter Scholarship Fund Yahrzeit Fund Zelman College Textbook Fund Other Donations: Harold Kalb Prayerbook Fund Library Fund Max Greenfield Bible Fund Mel Hoffman Torah Maintenance Fund $36 $25 $50 $30 Temple Beth Sholom 11 Join us for a night full of laughter y d e Com t h g i N Three Professional Comedians! Three million laughs!!! A fun evening with friends and snacks. What could be better? December 10, 2011 Doors Open 8:00 PM $20 per person in advance $25 at the door BYOKB: Bring Your Own Kosher Bottle For more information, please contact the Temple Office 516-621-2288 - Temple Beth Sholom 12 Come Hear Jewish Music As You Have Never Heard It Before! Tickets purchased in advance will be entered into a drawing For a spectacular Rick Recht prize pack! For More Information, Contact Gila (516) 621- 2288 x129 . Ticket Prices TICKET ORDER FORM Please make checks payable to Temple Beth Sholom Mail to: Rick RechtStudent Concert, Temple Beth Sholom, 401 Roslyn General Seating (Age 7-17) Rd. . . Roslyn . $10Heights, NY 11577 Adult General Seating . . . . . . . . . . . $18 Name________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ Phone_______________ Children Ages 2-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Children under 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREE E-Mail___________________ City/State/Zip_____________________________ TICKETS Adult General Seating: ____ tickets x $18 each = ____ SPONSORSHIPS ______ Shchenim/Neighbors $100 2 tickets in Priority Seating SPONSORSHIPS Youth Ages 7______ Chaverim/Friends $180 7-17 ____ tickets @ $10 each=____ 4 tickets in Priority Seating and 1 Rick Recht CD Children Ages 2each = ____ $360 2-6 ___tickets @ $5 Schenim/Neighbors . . ______ . . . .Shutafim/Partners . . . . . . $100 6 tickets in Priority Seating 2 Priority Seating Tickets We cannot come to the concert. Please accept 2 Rick Recht CDs and 1 Rick Recht TT-Shirt this donation of _____. Chaverim/Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180 4 Priority Seating Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577Tickets Tel:516Tel:516-621621-2288 1 Rick Recht CD Shutafim/Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360 6 Priority Seating Tickets 2 Rick Recht CDs 1 Rick Recht T-Shirt Temple Beth Sholom 13 HIGH HOLIDAY APPEAL 2011-2012 Derek Abdekalimi Hartley Abdekalimi Martin and Yvette Abrams Philip & Marjorie Adler Benjamin & Shahla Ahdout Steven & Barbara Allen Harvey & Melody Alstodt Jeffrey & Dori Appleman Mark & Inez Bacharach Mansour & Diana Baradarian William & Anita Baron Lewis & Susan Bartell Barry & Denise Bass Nadine Belkin Leonard & Felice Bergman Adam & Anita Berkowitz Nathaniel & Golda Berlin Martin Bernard Harvey & Harriett Beyer Michael & Caryn Beyer Eric and Marilyn Blier Linda Borsykowsky Joel Brochstein Stuart and Susan Brown Joseph & Suzan Bruck Susan Burman Stanley & Eve Bykov Steve & Bonnie Cahn John & Carolyn Canova Drew & Sherri Caplin Barry & Stacy Carus Lois Carus Mitchell & Nancy Charnas Mark & Harriet Chertok Barton & Cheryl Cohen Jeffrey & Sara Cohen Mark & Margy Cohen Noel & Pamela Cott Menashe & Gloria Dallal Joshua & Ellen Dicker Darwin & Fay Dornbush Jess & Eva Drabkin Dennis & Judith Draizin Mildred Druss David & Cheri Dubner Janet Eder Jerome & Deena Ehrlich Bruce &Edna Eiber Marc & R. Beth Eichenholtz Jerome & Martha Eisenberg Mark & Susan Elowsky Manouchehr & Afsaneh Eshaghi Barry & Lynn Feder Lawrence & Janet Feinstein Paul & Carla Feinstein Theodore & Lisa Felderman Richard & Mindi Feldman Arthur & Terry Felsenfeld Sue Felsenfeld Barton & Ellen Fingerman Daniel & Arlene Fisher David & Tammy Fisher Irwin & Adele Flescher Brett & Allison Fliegler Dennis & Kim Floam Barry & Bella Freedberg Gary & Bonnie Freeberg Michael Freedberg Brandon Friedlander Lester & Amy Friedlander Marvin & Elaine Friedlander Mark & Cheryl Friedman Burton & Priscilla Friedman Mark & Cheryl Friedman Howard & Meryl Fuchs Norton & Barbara Furman Leon & Jean Futoran Paul & Reva Gajer Sandra Geller David & Doris Gladstone Adee Glasberg Lawrence & Barbara Glass Harry & Rochelle Glick Mark & Mary Glick Robert Goldaber & Marcy Hirschfeld Judith Goldberg Steven Goldenberg & Phyllis Fried Goldenberg Mark & Jeanne Goldman Arnold & Thelma Goldstein Billy & Rachel Goldstein Bob Goldstein Howard & Barbara Goldstein James & Karen Goldstick Andrew & Rena Goodman Robert & Elaine Gordon Daniel & Roberta Gordon Harold & Carrie Gordon Adam & Cindy Gross Howard & Susan Gursky Sara Hack Joshua Halegua Nathan & Pearl Halegua Aaron Halegua Robert & Alison Haime Douglas & Arleen Held Jonathon & Susan Held Edwin & Beverly Herschenfeld Marilyn Hoch Stephen & Wendy Hoffman Michael Honigsburg Jeffrey nad Karen Horwitz Arnold & Wende Hyman Martin & Frances Ilivicky Howard & Arlene Jacobs Richard & Gerry Jacobson Les & Jill Jacobs Marilyn & Patrick Jacques Howard & Meg Kahn Lucville Kain Ted & Sara Kallif Marci & Mark Kamberg Alan & Barbara Kaplan Victor & Marjorie Kasner David & Nancy Katz Ronald & Cynthia Katz Seymour & Arlene Katz John & Glenda Kaufman Martin & Anita Kay Yale & Rikki Kessler April Klein Temple Beth Sholom 14 Your generous response to our High Holiday Appeal provids support to the work of the congregation. You gave with an open hand, despite a difficult economy. Sherry & Barry Klein Maurice & Judith Klein Steven & Mindy Kober Steven & Barbara Kohl Scott & Barbara Kosgove Michael Kosgove Myron & Hannah Koslow Michael & Ellen Kotin Jack & Ellen Krampf Israel & Sally Kriegel Michael Krolick Martin & Rita Kroll David & Jodi Krueger Peter & Nancy Kurzweil Neil & Marilyn Kutin Leonard & Helene Landesberg Peter & Mona Lanzer Byron & Johanna Lassin Marvin & Charllotte Levine Richard & Lisa Levine Rita Lichtenstein Robert & Eleanor Liebmann Mark and Marcia Lilling Gil & Susan Lipper Norman & Joan Lisogorsky Eran & Ellen Lotzky Stephen & Diane Lovell Robert & Pamela Lustrin Rabbi Alan & Edy Lucas Robert & Pamela Lustrin Abraham & Sally Magid Marc & Amy Magid Dan Mallin & Renee Lefland Andrew & Judi Marcus Eugene & Galina Marder Harvey Markowitz Pauline Mattana Jay & Robin Merker Florence Meyer Manouchehr & Jane Michael Jack Moersel Steve & Lana Monas Anthony & Michelle Myers Martin Moskowitz & Marci Ostroff Louis & Jill Naviasky Ira & Caryn Newman David Oestreich Ruth Orange Victor & Gail Pasternack Richard & Joan Perfit Jeffrey & Elaine Perry Nathan & Shirley Peters Rubin & Sharon Pikus Aviva & Louis Pinto Josh & Ellen Pollack Murray & Claire Pressman Burton & Helen Putterman Howard & Mara Rachlin Milton & Marian Radutzky Allen & Ellen Relkin Rimon & Sandra Reshef David & Sybil Resnik Shira Robinson Marvin & Harriet Rosen Alan & Donna Rosenberg Andrew & Maris Rosenberg Holly Rosenthal Alan & Lenore Rosenwasser Jeremy Rosof & Rachel Fetner Paul & Tina Rotstein Melvyn & Lea Ruskin Brad & Jane Saltzman David & Julie Samber Stephen & Jill Saravay Morty & Rebecca Schaja Gerald & Nancy Schattner Alan & Rose Schecter James & Lisa Schlesinger Kalman & Susan Schmidt Michael & Rachel Schor Michael & Nancy Schreiber Steven & Hillary Schultz Joseph & Marlene Schwadron Stephen & Sandra Seltzer Sheldon & Debra Shalom Joel & Carol Sheinbaum Jay & Mindy Sherman Scott & Wendy Siegel Mark & Stacey Silverman Max Silverman Joel & Sheila Simon Barry & Robin Simonson Gregg & Wendy Sincoff Collin Smith Joe Sobel Robert & Norma Solomon Yoram & Sharon Solomon Jacob & Mildred Sosne Scott & Susan Spinner Gerald & Ronda Starr Kenneth & Louise Sussman Selma Taffet David & Linda Taub Moises & Rosita Tenembaum Vanessa Tannenbaum Robert & Linda Tepper Lisa Tract Robert Wagner & Shari Lusskin Sydney & Tobey Wain Paul & Ellen Walk Martin & Rose Warshawsky David & Julie Wasserman Greta Weinberg Jonah & Dana Weiner Stuart & Ceci Weiner Jonah & Dena Weiner Ben & Francine Weinman Albert & Shirley Wien Jeffrey & Sara Winik Charles & Elva Wimokur Claude & Lisbeth Wolgel Robert & Dorine Wulwick Phyllis Yablans Marvin & Suzanne Yarnell Joseph & Susan Zacherman Steven & Roberta Zeldis Leo & Regina Zelkin Alan & Susan Zelman Itzchak & Debora Zivari Alice Zwillenberg Temple Beth Sholom 15 TORAH FUND By Lisa G. Schlesinger Every year Jim and I have the pleasure of gathering together with our daughters and their families and other relatives for a Chanukah party. We light candles together (a real pool of light) and we exchange gifts. It is a fun filled evening. The highlight of the fun is the singing. We sing all types of songs including all five verses of Maoz Tzur. But I want to write about one of the other songs. It is a ditty about how it wasn’t Judah Maccabee who won the war against the Syrians, but rather it was Mrs. Maccabeus. It tells about how it really was her Latkes that did the work. It is a silly song but it contains a powerful message. History concentrates on the deeds of great men but always forgets that behind them were wives who deserved great credit for Sisterhood Brunch & Learn Brunch and Learn is a wonderful learning opportunity for all members of our congregation, not just sisterhood members. Please join us for exciting lectures and great company. their silent service. In today’s world we are much more cognizant of the role women have played and are playing. It has been my pleasure over the past umpteen years to be involved in a project of women, Torah Fund. This is not behind the scenes. This is an area where women throughout the country take it upon themselves to take the lead and make it possible for young men and women to study at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Ziegler School, Schechter Institute and Seminario Rabbinco to become the Rabbis, Cantors and Jewish Educators for the future. As the tax year comes to an end, those of you who have not yet made a special gift to Torah Fund, please remember Torah Fund as one of your charitable contributions for 2011. Happy Chanukah!!! Temple Beth Sholom Blood Drive December 19 A Chanukah celebration with Cantor Ofer Barnoy and Rabbi Cecelia Beyer 516.484.1545 ext. 196 Wendy Mogel Post-Event Community-Wide Parenting Workshops Facilitated by Partners in Caring Social Work Professionals, workshops will be held at 10:00am and 7:30pm on the following dates: • Thursday, December 1 at Temple Sinai of Roslyn • Thursday, December 8 at Sid Jacobson JCC FREE, RSVP required 516-484-1545, ext. 196 New Support Group series are beginning soon. Featured for December Caregiver Support Group Wednesday 7:30pm Weekly support group for those who are feeling overwhelmed and over-extended by the demands of caring for family, career, parents and loved ones. A brief phone intake is required. Sunday, December 11 8:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. “He who saves one life, saves the whole world.” Please join us and give the gift of life! All donors receive a coupon for a free pint of soup from Ben’s Best For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Temple Beth Sholom at 516-621-2288 Temple Beth Sholom 16 SISTERHOOD SCOOP By Beth Eichenholtz & Mahvash Zarabi Co-Sisterhood Presidents Sisterhood is looking forward to a fascinating program, “ A Conversation about Archie Rand,” at its next meeting on Thursday, December 8 at 8:15 P.M. Archie Rand is one of the most progressive American Jewish artists of the 20th century and the leading proponent of Biblical content in modern art. If you’ve noticed the colorful exhibit of his paintings in the Temple and read about it in the October Bulletin, you know you’re in for a real treat. Bat-Sheva Slavin, TBS’s museum curator, will share her insights with us about three of Rand’s most important series of works on exhibit here that bring the Bible to life! Please join us for Sisterhood Shabbat on January 21 when our members lead the Shabbat service and join us for a festive luncheon afterwards. This is always a very meaningful experience. You’ll enjoy it most if you participate on the bimah, so please contact Madeline Yousefzadeh at 621-7027 or Sara Most at 625-2537, our education vice presidents, to request a part in either Hebrew or English. It’s been a busy autumn for Sisterhood, with the start of Rabbi Beyer’s Judaism 101 Class on select Tuesday nights throughout the year, and our Monday morning Robert Perla educational program. We also started several weekly Yoga and Zumba exercise classes as well as Mah Jongg classes. Cantor Barnoy delighted us with his singing and keyboard accompaniment at our Sukkot celebration and we recently held a very enjoyable Paid-Up Membership dinner. Thank you to Robin Simonson, program vice president, and Rebecca Altman, membership vice president and event chair; Shari Schnitzer for seating arrangements; Susan Brown for handling the Jewish New Year cards; Amy Magid and Cindy Katz for securing raffle prizes; and to Adele Flescher and Helaine Kurtzman for handling registration. Also, our thanks to Roberta Zeldis for chairing the shiva meals committee; to Judith Seltz and Mahnaz Pourrabbani for chairing our luncheons for seniors, to Lyn Greensher for overseeing the Judaica Shop, to Rebecca Altman for membership and to Miriam Silverman for publicity. There are too many others who help us to mention here but todah rabah to all. Sisterhood has 39 new members so far this year. Please welcome these women: Karen Stein Aldad · Jennifer Bailey · Nazanin Barzideh · Monica Benaharon · Andrea Berkowitz · Linda Brsykowsky · Audrie Caracciola · Lori Feinstein · Allison Fliegler · Andrea Fox · Heidi Goldstein · Natalie Granovsky · Stefanie Guillon · Amy Guttell · Gila Hoshmand · Tara Hutchinson · Shelley Rothbart · Estrea Janoson · Kimberly Kaufman · Mojgan Khalili · Ashley Kiaei · Cindy Lipper · Susanne Liswood · Deborah Marchlewski · Lisa Mayeri · Farzaneh Rabenou · Inbal Rozen · Sahar Samadi · Susan Schildcrout · Hope Sedaghat · Cindy Skow · Rachel Miller · Stephanie Sorkin · Reisa Ullman · Phyllis Weinberg · Beth Weingarten · Shirley Wien · Mina Yousefi · Mina Younatani. Sisterhood Shabbat January 21, 2012 26 Tevet 5772 Men’s Club Shabbat February 4, 2012 11 Shevat 5772 MEN’S CLUB MADNESS By Joe Bruck, President Men’s Club has a busy agenda for December. Tuesday, November 15 was our first paid-up membership dinner meeting. We are having a Glatt Kosher extravaganza catered by Colbeh. The speaker of the evening for the evening was Marty Handler who gave a history of the Brooklyn Dodgers and some nostalgic looks at the Brooklyn of the past. November 20th, Men’a Club sponsored a wonderful vineyard tour and gourmet wine tasting along with a Glatt Kosher lunch from Deli Boss. December will kick off with the annual blood drive on Sunday, December 11th from 8.30 A.M. to 1 P.M. everyone donating a pint of blood will receive a voucher from Ben’s Best Deli for a pint of Chicken Soup. Men’s Club will be cooking latkes for one of the pre Chanukah celebrations taking place at the Temple between December 18 and the beginning of Chanukah. Men’s Club is preparing some exciting happenings for January and February which include meetings with exciting speakers as well as Men’s Club Shabbat on February 4th. We will keep you posted in the next bulletin and Temple mailings and e-mail ‘s. Happy Chanukah to all Temple members and their families. Temple Beth Sholom 17 Serving Your Family Sinai Chapels respects all Jewish traditions and customs, has a compassionate staff that is second to none, and has three generations of experience serving New York’s Jewish families. Sinai Preplanning protects your family from unexpected expense and making complex choices at a most difficult time. Your wishes are reflected in a unique and personal service. Costs are reasonable, all budgets are accommodated, and your investment is FDIC insured. Our staff Rabbi is available. For a no obligation consultation at our office or in your home, please call us. Funeral Directors & Planners 162-05 Horace Harding Expressway F re s h M e a d o w s , N Y 1 1 3 6 5 718-445-0300 or 800-446-0406 We are here 24 hours, to serve your family We offer FDIC insured pre-planning Chief of Podiatry, St Francis Hospital Diamonds • Gold • Watches Why not sponsor a Sunday morning Minyan Breakfast in honor of Bar/Bat Mitzvah, simcha, or in memory of a loved one? In addition, a particularly meaningful wayto commemorate a milestone in your life is to sponsor a Kiddush on Saturday morning, thereby sharing your simcha with the Temple family. Please call David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple office at 621-2288 for details or to reserve a date. From Italy With Love Jewelers Est. 1983 Repairs done on gold & platinum Remodeling • Appraisals • Pearl & Bead Restringing Buy old gold and diamonds Mention this ad for an additional 10% discount 473 Old Country Road •Westbury, NY 11590 516-333-3702 (opposite Fortunoff) Jeff Reisner, owner Temple Beth Sholom 18 Save The Date DISCO, DINNER & DENIM AT CLUB TBS Club TBS will be rocking again on January 28th 2012. Disco, Dinner and Denim is an event not to be missed. Mark your calendar now for this great evening! Serving NEW YORK: Nassau, Suffolk, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Westchester We maintain the very highest standard of care. Our caregivers are all screened and trained beyond state requirements. All of our caregivers are insured and bonded NEW JERSEY: Bergen, ®®Passaic, Essex, Hudson Counties Being home never felt so good... Licensed Home Health Care Agency We offer a full range of services from our expert care team ensuring ongoing client satisfaction No Minimum Hours! Available Services: Registered Nurses to conduct homecare assessments/PRI assessments State certified Home Health Aides State certified Personal Care Aides Live-in and around-the-clock care Call to speak to a Home Care Specialist NY office only 1-877-292-5050 Available 24 hrs. 7 days a week NJ office only Temple Beth Sholom 19 Joseph Craig Caterers Of Roslyn Craig A Weinberg 401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577 516-621-8200 • Fac: 516-621-8202 Long Island Psychiatric, PLLC LANA MONAS, PSY.D LICENSED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Individual - Marital - Family Therapy Children - Adolescents - Adults 2 MAIN STREE - SUITE 8 ROSLYN, NY (516) 626-2182 Temple Beth Sholom 20 Send A Package From Home Cornerstone Security & Investigations LLC 718 888-1779 Email: Do you have a child or grandchild in College? Do you want to keep then connected to Temple Beth Sholom? For only $36.00 per student on your list, Sisterhood will send a package of holiday goodies 3 times a year, Chanukah, Purim and Pesach. Just let us know names and addresses. Name________________________________________________ All phases of Security and Investigations. Please visit our Web Site Street Address________________________________________ City_____________________________ State________________ Owned and operated by former and current Law Enforcement Vincent LaPenta and Patrick Killeen Zip code_______________ Happy to be part of the Temple Beth Sholom Family! Coldwell Banker Claire Sobel 47 Years Family-Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Buying • Selling • Renting To Find Out How Much Your Home Is Worth Call Today for a Free Market Analysis 516/621-6300 27 Powerhouse Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Roy Sobel Broker/Owner Temple Beth Sholom 21 Temple Beth Sholom 22 18 11 4 TBS Israel Trip 25 Machon/USY Party (Not at TBS) Hartman Class PTA Meeting Gimme 10 (Not at TBS) Religious School Assembly Museum Opening Blood Drive Mitzvah Fair Book Fair Gimme 10 Machon Adult Parashat Class Camp Open House Gimme 10 Machon ECC Open House Camp Reunion Rick Recht Concert S 19 12 5 Robert Perla Adult Ed Machon 26 Robert Perla Adult Ed Sisterhood Brunch & Learn Machon (Not at TBS) Men’s Club Meeting Robert Perla Adult Ed Machon Robert Perla Adult Ed DARE Machon Mah Jongg JTS M T TBS Israel Trip Executive Board Mtg Board of Trustees Mtg Machar Basic Judaism 101 JTS Exectuive Board Mtg Yoga December 2011 27 20 13 6 28 21 14 7 TBS Israel Trip USY Conference (Not at TBS) TBS Israel Trip ECC Chanukah Party Senior Luncheon W 29 22 15 8 1 TBS Israel Trip USY Conference (Not at TBS) BQLI Choir TBS Israel Trip BQLI Choir Bat Mitzvah Hannah Greenberg Zumba Kadima BQLI Choir Morei Derech USY Zumba Sisterhood Meeting BQLI Choir JTS Zumba BQLI Choir Board of Education Mtg T TBS Israel Trip TBS Israel Trip 2 30 23 16 9 Mah Jongg Friday Night Live! & Dinner F Kislev/Tevet 5772 טבת תשע״ב/כסלו תשע”ב 3 17 TBS Israel Trip TBS Israel Trip 31 24 Shabbat Family Study Mini Minyan Mishpacha Minyan Minyan Yeladeynu Mini Minyan Comedy Night 10 Bat Mitzvah Alexa Kamberg Mini Minyan Mishpacha Minyan S TEMPLE FAMILY Mazel Tov To: Rabbi Sidney and Ruthie Solomon on the birth of their grandson, Yoel, and to the parents Rabbi Mayer and Noa Solomon of Baltimore Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 (516) 621-2288 Esther Meth on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Aaron Hersch. Proud parents are Ronny & Jeffery Hersch of Scarsdale Rabbi Alan B. Lucas Ester and Alan Causanschi on the birth of their grandson, Lee Owen Proud parents are Brooke and Michael Fleischman. Great grandparents are Harriett and Harvey Beyer Cantor Ofer Barnoy Joyce and Peter Sklar on the marriage of Michele to Eric Levin Howard and Susan Braverman on the birth of their grandson, Jacob. Proud parents are Richard and Dara Braverman. Get Well To: Paula Margulis Adele Flescher Millie Magid Lucile Kain Thank You To: Barbara Levine would like to thank Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Beyer, Rabbi Solomon and Cantor Barnoy, as well as the entire TBS family for all their support and comfort after my father passed away Our Sincerest Condolences To: Dr. Gabe Rosenberg on the death of his beloved brother, Matthew Rosenberg Tracy Cohen on the death of her beloved mother, Lila Siller Michael Harkavy on the death of his beloved sister, Devora Gila Hadani Ward on the death of her beloved mother, Shari Hadani Hamakom Yinachem — May God comfort the mourners together with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. L’DOR V’DOR-From Generation to Generation Create a lasting a legacy of your family’s connection to Temple Beth Sholom with the purchase of an engraved brick for the Courtyard in our new Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center. You can even choose between two sized bricks: Size 4x8: Cost: $180 per brick or 3 for $500 (Each brick can include 3 lines of text with up to 14 characters) Size 12x12: Cost: $540 per brick (Each brick can include 8 lines of text with up to 16 characters) Characters include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. For more information, contact Rebecca Altman at or Rachel Schor at Assistant Rabbi Cecelia Beyer Ritual Director Rabbi Sidney Solomon Executive Director Donna Bartolomeo Director of Lifelong Learning Gila Hadani Ward Religious School Director Sharon Solomon Early Childhood Center Director Helayne Cohen Summer Program Director Ginger Bloom Endowment Director Bernice Cohen Museum Curator Bat-Sheva Slavin President Marc Magid Executive Vice President Richard Levine Co-Presidents of Sisterhood Beth Eichenholtz Mahvash Zarabi President of Men’s Club Joe Bruck Co-Presidents of PTA Felice Bergman Francine Weinman Bulletin Editor Deborah Brosowsky Editorial Assistant Jennifer Khoda Temple Beth Sholom 23 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday Evening, December 2 Candle Lighting Friday Night Live! Saturday Morning, December 3 Parshat Vayetzei 4:15 PM 4:10 PM 8:00PM 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, December 3 Mincha/Ma’ariv 4:30 PM Friday Evening, December 9 4:15 PM Candle Lighting 4:09 PM Saturday Morning, December 10 9:00 AM Parshat Va-yishlah Saturday Evening, December 10 Mincha/Ma’ariv 4:30 PM Thursday Morning, December 15 10:00 AM Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Greenberg Friday Evening, December 16 Candle Lighting Saturday Morning, December 17 Parshat Vayeishev 4:15 PM 4:10 PM 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, December 17 Mincha/Ma’ariv Bat Mitzvah of Alexa Kamberg DECEMBER 4:30 PM Friday Evening, December 23 Candle Lighting Fourth Chanukah Candle 4:15 PM 4:13 PM Saturday Morning, December 24 Shabbat Chanukah Parshat Miketz 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, December 24 Mincha/Ma’ariv Fifth Chanukah Candle 4:30 PM Friday Evening, December 30 Candle Lighting 4:15 PM 4:17 PM Saturday Morning, December 31 Parshat Va-yiggash 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, December 31 Mincha/Ma’ariv 4:30 PM DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM ● Monday - Friday Mornings 6:45 AM ● Sunday - Thursday Evenings 8 PM Temple Beth Sholom 24
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