2009.0342C - Index of
2009.0342C - Index of
Memo to the Planning Commission HEARING DATE: APRIL 30, 2015 INFORMATIONAL HEARING Date: Case No.: Project Address: Zoning: Block/Lot: Project Sponsor: Staff Contact: April 23, 2015 2009.0342C 2516 MISSION STREET Mission Street NCT (Neighborhood Commercial, Transit) 55-X/65-B Height and Bulk District 3616/ 061 Brian Reccow El Techo de Lolinda 2516 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Kimberly Durandet (415) 575-6816 kimberly.durandet@sfgov.org BACKGROUND On September 8, 2011, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Authorization under Motion No. 18434 to legalize a roof deck outdoor activity area as accessory to an existing restaurant, bar and other entertainment venue (formerly d.b.a. Medjool) within the Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) District and a 55-X/65-B Height and Bulk District. The Conditions of Approval required restrictions on the hours of operation of the outdoor activity area, acoustical insulation and other sound proofing measures to control noise, disallows entertainment within the outdoor activity area, a follow up noise study and an informational Planning Commission hearing was required. On December 14, 2011 the project sponsor (Gus Murad) submitted a Building Permit Application No. 2011.1214.0681 to legalize the accessory outdoor activity area located on the roof of the subject property. Planning Department staff reviewed and approved the application (R1) on March 23, 2012 and the permit issued on March 29, 2012. On April 8, 2013 Building Permit Application No. 2013.0408.4004 was filed to meet Department of Public Health requirements that the reheat kitchen be enclosed to prevent infestation of vermin in food preparation areas. Planning Department staff reviewed and approved the revised plan on April 8, 2013 and the permit was issued on April 23, 2013. Both issued permits were deemed complete by the Department of Building Inspection on May 10, 2013. CURRENT ISSUES On May 13, 2013 the roof deck opened the outdoor activity area as an accessory use to the ground floor restaurant. The business has also changed ownership (formerly d.b.a Medjool currently d.b.a. Lolinda). www.sfplanning.org Memo to Planning Commission Hearing Date: April 30, 2015 CASE NO. 2009.0342C 2516 Mission Street Since current operations began, staff has received no complaints from the public. Staff contacted the Mission Police Station for information on complaints received related to operation of the outdoor activity area. The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) reported on September 22, 2014 that no noise related complaints had been received since the outdoor activity area reopened. Department staff requested an update from SFPD. There have been no calls for service between September 22, 2014 and March 17, 2015. Furthermore, Department staff contacted the San Francisco Buddhist Center which is located behind the subject property and that was opposed to the previous operation. They responded that the current operation is not causing any noise related issues. COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS 7. Noise Control. The premises shall be adequately soundproofed or insulated for noise and operated so that incidental noise shall not be audible beyond the premises or in other sections of the building and fixed-source equipment noise shall not exceed the decibel levels specified in the San Francisco Noise Control Ordinance. The noise study conducted by Charles M. Salter dated April 17, 2014 indicates that the Project achieves acoustical compliance with the project acoustical criteria set forth to meet San Francisco Noise Control Ordinance standards. Additionally, the Project Sponsor has complied with the noise reduction measures as stated in the noise study conducted by Charles M. Salter dated May 15, 2011. 8. Odor Control. While it is inevitable that some low level of odor may be detectable to nearby residents and passersby, appropriate odor control equipment shall be installed in conformance with the approved plans and maintained to prevent any significant noxious or offensive odors from escaping the premises. The reheat kitchen has been relocated further away from the nearest residential unit and has been enclosed per Department of Public Health requirements. No complaints have been filed related to odor. 12. Hours of Operation. The subject establishment is limited to the following hours of operation: Monday through Thursday 3:00 pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11am to 1:30am and Sunday 11am to 11:30pm. No patrons may remain in the Outdoor Activity Area after closing time. Staff may remain in the facility as necessary for cleaning and other duties related to the operations of the Outdoor Activity Area one hour past the closing hour stated above. No employees may be in the Outdoor Activity Area after the clean-up time. The outdoor activity area is currently open Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm to 11:00pm, Friday 4:00pm to 1:00am, Saturday 11:00am to 1:00am and Sunday 11:00am to 11:00pm. The hours of operation are in compliance. 13. Other Entertainment. The outdoor activity area is not allowed to have other entertainment as defined in Planning Code Section 790.38. The Project Sponsor has not applied for any entertainment permits for the outdoor activity area. 2 Memo to Planning Commission Hearing Date: April 30, 2015 CASE NO. 2009.0342C 2516 Mission Street 14. Usable Open Space for Residential Hotel Units. The area designated to meet usable open space requirements for the Residential Hotel Units shall be physically distinct from the Outdoor Activity Area and for the sole use of the residential tenants. The usable open space for the residential tenants remains separate from the outdoor activity area. 15. Occupancy. Maximum occupancy for the entire roof deck shall be governed by the Building Code. However, the area used as the Outdoor Activity Area by the project sponsor shall not exceed 175 persons. The Department of Building Inspection has approved the maximum occupancy load of 166 persons. 16. Notices Posted. Notices shall be posted requesting patrons enjoy the roof deck in a quiet, peaceful, and orderly fashion and be considerate of noise impacts on the neighborhood. The notices shall be well-lit and prominently displayed at all entrances and exits of the establishment. The conditions set forth in this Motion shall also be posted on site. The notices and conditions are posted on site. 17. Beverage Service. Beverages served in the Outdoor Activity Area shall be obtained through wait staff only. The area dispensing beverages shall not have seating or walk up service. Beverage service is obtained only through the wait staff. 18. Planning Commission Review for Compliance. The Planning Department will conduct a public information hearing at the Planning Commission on the compliance of these Conditions of Approval within six (6) months from the date of this decision. In preparation for the hearing, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a noise study in the same manner and location sites as defined in the original scope of work prepared by Charles M Salter Associates and dated May 25, 2010. This study will compare the baseline level of noise from the noise study conducted by Charles M. Salter Associates, Inc. with current operations. After this public information hearing and with the advice and input of the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator may extend or reduce the permitted hours of the outdoor activity area. This study shall be made available to the public. As part of the Conditional Use Authorization CEQA review the project sponsor had installed acoustical barriers based on the original scope of work dated May 25, 2010. Sound testing was then conducted on April 8, 2011 through April 11, 2011. The conclusion of this sound test was that the use of the outdoor activity area by the previous business owner resulted in less-than-significant noise levels. This sound study was considered by the Planning Commission in their decision to approve the project. Current operation under new ownership did not begin until May 13, 2013. Department staff contacted the current community liaison six months after operation began to conduct a second sound study. As this was the beginning of winter, the Department recommended waiting for similar conditions to the original study. The second sound study was conducted from March 21, 2014 through March 24, 2014 at the nearest sensitive 3 Memo to Planning Commission Hearing Date: April 30, 2015 CASE NO. 2009.0342C 2516 Mission Street receiver and found that the roof deck is acoustically shielded by the installed barriers at the perimeter and by the reheat kitchen. The sound study found the site to be in acoustical compliance. Current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 3:00 pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11am to 1:30am and Sunday 11am to 11:30pm. ANALYSIS The Planning Department Code Enforcement staff has not received any complaints related to the operation of the outdoor activity area. Although the San Francisco Noise Ordinance is not intended to regulate noise from people, it was adapted to establish noise limits for Lolinda’s outdoor activity area through meetings with the San Francisco Departments of Public Health and Planning. The sound study conducted on May 15, 2011 found no correlation between either occupancy or the audio system and noise levels at locations 3, 4, 5, and 6. Therefore, the noise study conducted by Charles M. Salter dated April 17, 2014 took acoustical measurements only at the nearest noise sensitive receiver. These measurements were compared during occupied and unoccupied times at similar times of the day from March 21, 2014 through March 24, 2014. In order to meet the acoustical criteria, the change in the ambient could not exceed 8dBA2 at the nearest sensitive receiver. Also, Section 49 of the Municipal Police Code requires amplified music to be inaudible fifty feet from the source from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The outdoor activity area is surrounded by eight foot high angled acoustic barriers. The enclosed reheat kitchen provides additional acoustic shielding. Based on the results of the measurements taken from March 21, 2014 to March 24, 2014, the outdoor activity area is in compliance with the acoustical criteria. COMMISSION ACTION As this is an informational presentation, and the project has already been previously approved by the Planning Commission, there is no required Commission action. Should the Planning Commission decide that the Project Sponsor is not in compliance with the Conditions of Approval, the Planning Commission may request that this Project be scheduled for a Public Hearing in order to modify the Conditions of Approval, or to revoke the Conditional Use Authorization. Alternatively, the Planning Commission may advise the Zoning Administrator to extend or reduce the permitted hours of operation for the outdoor activity area. Attachments: Motion 18434 Noise Study dated April 17, 2014 Noise Study dated May 15, 2011 Proposal for Acoustical Study dated May 25, 2010 Correspondence from Neighbors Plans approved March 23, 2012 Revised plans approved April, 8, 2013 4 Subject to: (Select only if applicable) Affordable Housing (Sec. 415) First Source Hiring (Admin. Code) Jobs Housing Linkage Program (Sec. 413) Child Care Requirement (Sec. 414) Downtown Park Fee (Sec. 412) Other Planning Commission Motion No. 18434 HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 Date: Case No.: Project Address: Zoning: Block/Lot: Project Sponsor: Staff Contact: September 19, 2011 2009.0342C 2516 MISSION STREET Mission Street NCT (Neighborhood Commercial, Transit) 55‐X/65‐B Height and Bulk District 3616/ 061 Gus Murad 2516 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Kimberly Durandet (415) 575‐6816 kimberly.durandet@sfgov.org ADOPTING FINDINGS RELATING TO THE APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE AUTHORIZATION PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 303 AND 736.24 OF THE PLANNING CODE TO ALLOW A FULL‐SERVICE RESTAURANT, BAR AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENT (D.B.A. MEDJOOL) TO LEGALIZE AN OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AREA LOCATED ON THE ROOF OF A FOUR‐STORY BUILDING WITHIN THE MISSION STREET NCT (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TRANSIT) DISTRICT AND A 55‐X/65‐B HEIGHT AND BULK DISTRICT. PREAMBLE On May 4, 2009, Gus Murad (hereinafter “Project Sponsor”) filed an application with the Planning Department (hereinafter “Department”) for Conditional Use Authorization under Planning Code Section(s) 303 and 736.24 of the Planning Code to allow an existing Full‐Service Restaurant, Bar And Other Entertainment (d.b.a. Medjool) to legalize an Outdoor Activity Area within The Mission Street NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and a 55‐ X/65‐B Height And Bulk District. On September 8, 2011, the San Francisco Planning Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) conducted a duly noticed public hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting on Conditional Use Application No. 2009.0342C. www.sfplanning.org Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street On August 10, 2011 the Project was determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption under CEQA as described in the determination contained in the Planning Department files for this Project. The Commission has heard and considered the testimony presented to it at the public hearing and has further considered written materials and oral testimony presented on behalf of the applicant, Department staff, and other interested parties. MOVED, that the Commission hereby authorizes the Conditional Use requested in Application No. 2009.0342 C, subject to the conditions contained in “EXHIBIT A” of this motion, based on the following findings: FINDINGS Having reviewed the materials identified in the preamble above, and having heard all testimony and arguments, this Commission finds, concludes, and determines as follows: 1. The above recitals are accurate and constitute findings of this Commission. 2. Site Description and Present Use. The project is located on the west side of Mission Street between 21st and 22nd Streets, Block 3616, Lot 061. The property is located within the Mission NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District with 55‐X/65‐B Height and Bulk District. The property is developed with a four‐story mixed use building. The ground floor and mezzanine is developed with a full‐service restaurant and bar which also offers other entertainment. The third and fourth floors are authorized for twenty‐four tourist hotel rooms and nine residential hotel units per Motion Nos. 14876 and 14983. No usable open space is required for the commercial uses, restaurant and tourist hotel. However, the residential hotel units require approximately 958 square feet of usable open space. The subject property has approximately 52 feet of frontage on Mission Street. 3. Surrounding Properties and Neighborhood. The project site is located on Mission Street between 21st and 22nd Street. The adjacent property to the south is a commercial building. The adjacent properties to the north consist of two commercial buildings along Mission Street and three residential buildings along 21st Street. The adjacent property to the west is a residential building. The surrounding area is located in predominately Mission Street NCT, Valencia NCT, RTO‐M Zoning Districts and the Liberty Hill Historic District. The majority of the surrounding buildings along Mission Street are one‐ to three‐story commercial buildings, a few having residential uses above the ground floor. 21st Street is a mix of commercial, one mixed‐use, and 5 residential buildings. Bartlett Street which is at the rear of the site, has two residential buildings, one residential building which has been converted to the San Francisco Buddhist Center, which is an institutional use with group housing, and 3 large parcel commercial buildings. 22nd Street has consistent ground floor commercial with residential on the upper stories. The subject block is zoned Mission NCT and Valencia NCT with the exception of five lots on 2 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street the northwest corner of 21st and Bartlett Streets which are zoned RTO‐M. Mission and 22nd Streets consistently have ground floor retail of restaurants, retail, professional, and residential uses including Foreign Cinema, which has an Outdoor Activity Area in the rear at ground level. 4. Project Description. The Project Sponsor requests Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 736.24, to legalize a roof deck Outdoor Activity Area accessory to an existing restaurant, bar and other entertainment venue (d.b.a. Medjool) within the Mission Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) District and a 55‐X/65‐B Height and Bulk District. Medjool currently operates as a full‐service restaurant and bar with other entertainment employing 62 people. The existing restaurant and bar occupy approximately 7,817 square feet, therefore, an accessory use may occupy up to 2,514 square feet of space. The Project Sponsor proposes to reduce the existing area of the roof deck used as accessory to the restaurant from 3,414 square feet to 2,477 square feet, approximately a 25% reduction. When weather permits, the Outdoor Activity Area will operate as accessory to the existing restaurant and bar. Food will be prepared predominately in the main kitchen and reheated in the Outdoor Activity Area. Beverages will be provided through a service bar accessible only to servers, bartenders and employees. There will be no entertainment other than background music that will not exceed noise levels allowed per the San Francisco Noise Ordinance. The hours of operation will be from Monday through Thursday from 3:00pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11:00am to 1:30am, and Sunday 11:00am to 11:30pm (hours of operation are weather dependant). The proposed use is an independent use and locally owned, which has been encouraged throughout San Francisco. The proposed use is not a Formula Retail use. The proposal requires a change of use and Section 312‐neighborhood notification was conducted in conjunction with the Conditional Use Authorization process. 5. Past History and Actions. The subject property was authorized to construct a tourist hotel with 24 rooms and reconstruction of nine residential hotel rooms with ground floor commercial space intended for a restaurant (Motion Nos. 14876 and 14983). The open space required for the nine residential hotel units per Section 135 of the Planning Code as built is approximately 958 square feet and was to be provided in the rear yard area of the ground floor or on a proposed roof deck. An Outdoor Activity Area associated with the restaurant was proposed to be located in a portion of the rear yard area. The Planning Commission denied authorization to allow this accessory use on February 10, 2000. The Planning Department recommended approval on Health and Entertainment permit referrals on August 16, 2004 and January 31, 2005, respectively. The roof deck began operating as an Outdoor Activity Area at some point in or after 2005. In response to a complaint, a Notice of Violation was issued to the property owner which was appealed to the Board of Appeals on December 16, 2009. . The matter was continued at the call of the Chair allowing the property owner an opportunity to seek Conditional Use authorization to legalize an Outdoor Activity Area on the roof deck as an accessory to the restaurant and bar use at the ground floor. 3 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 6. 7. CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street Public Comment. To date, the Department has received communication from the San Francisco Buddhist Center and their lead counsel Ms. Sue Hestor in opposition to the proposal expressing the position that the subject property can not seek Conditional Use Authorization as the story controls do not allow a bar above the ground floor. They also suggested limited hours of operation no later than 10pm daily and a limit on the occupancy to 120 patrons. The Department has received no other public comment but one inquiry regarding the CU process from a neighbor to the west. Planning Code Compliance: The Commission finds that the Project is consistent with the relevant provisions of the Planning Code in the following manner: A. Principal Uses. Planning Code Sections 736.41, 736.42, 736.48 and 736.24 state that a Bar, Full‐Service Restaurant, Other Entertainment, and Outdoor Activity Area located at the front property line, are all principally permitted in the Mission Street NCT Zoning District. Per Planning Code Section 703.2 all principal uses shall be conducted within an enclosed building in Neighborhood Commercial District except uses when located outside of a building, qualify as an Outdoor Activity Area, as defined in Section 790.70 of the Code. The principal uses for this location are full‐service restaurant with a bar and other entertainment which are located on the ground floor within the enclosed building. The proposed accessory Outdoor Activity Area is exempt from being conducted in an enclosed building by definition per Section 790.70. B. Conditional Uses. Planning Code Section 736.24 states that an Outdoor Activity Area is conditionally permitted in the Mission NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District. The Outdoor Activity Area located on the roof of the subject property is the purpose of this Conditional Use authorization request. C. Accessory Uses. As defined in Planning Code Section 703.2, a related minor use which is either necessary to the operation or enjoyment of a lawful principal use or conditional use, or is appropriate, incidental and subordinate to any such use, shall be permitted as an accessory use when located on the same lot as defined in Section 102.14 as a parcel of land under one ownership which constitutes, or is to constitute, a complete and separate functional unit of development, and which does not extend beyond the property lines along streets or alleys. Any use which does not qualify as an accessory use shall be classified as a principal or conditional use. No use will be considered accessory to a permitted principal or conditional use which involves the use of more than 1/3 of the total floor area occupied by such use and the principal or conditional use to which it is accessory 4 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street and any bar, restaurant, other entertainment, or any retail establishment which serves liquor for consumption on‐site. The Outdoor Activity Area proposed is accessory to the principal restaurant and bar uses. The proposed Outdoor Activity Area is located on the same lot on the roof of the subject property. The area of the roof dedicated to the accessory use is less than 1/3 the total occupied floor area of the ground floor restaurant and bar including the mezzanine.. Food and beverage service activities are integral to the definition of Outdoor Activity Area and do not constitute a principal use because the principal use at the ground floor is in fact a restaurant and bar. Food is to be prepared predominately in the ground floor kitchen and reheated in the Outdoor Activity Area. Beverage service is supplied by a service bar located in the Outdoor Activity Area accessible only to wait staff, mixologists, and employees only. As such, the Outdoor Activity Area as proposed is appropriate, incidental and subordinate to the principal uses of restaurant and bar. D. Occupied Floor Area. For the purpose of this project, Occupied Floor Area consists of the gross floor area minus exterior walls, mechanical equipment, restrooms, storage, and areas necessary to the operation and maintenance of the building (Section 102.10). Please note: Gross Floor Area does not include the area of a roof deck (Section 102.9). The Occupied Floor Area of the restaurant has been calculated per Planning Code Sections 102.9 and 102.10 and is approximately 7,817 square feet. The allowable Accessory Outdoor Activity Area is 2,514. The proposed Outdoor Activity Area is approximately 2,477 square feet, which is less than 1/3 the total Occupied Floor Area of the principal use. E. Outdoor Activity. Planning Code Section 736.24 states that a Conditional Use Authorization is required for an Outdoor Activity Area located other than in the front of the property and is defined by Planning Code Section 790.70 as “an area...located outside of a building…which is provided for the use or convenience of patrons of a commercial establishment including, but not limited to, sitting, eating, drinking, dancing, and food‐service activities” (emphasis added). The Project Sponsor intends to use the Outdoor Activity Area for sitting, eating, drinking and food‐service activities both day and night. F. Hours of Operation. Planning Code Section 736.27 states that there is no limit to the hours of operation in this Zoning District. The project sponsor intends to operate the Outdoor Activity Area, weather permitting, Monday through Thursday 3:00 pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11am to 1:30am and Sunday 11am to 11:30pm. 5 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street G. Other Entertainment. Planning Code Section 736.48 states that Other Entertainment is principally permitted, as defined by Planning Code Section 790.38. The subject property has a permit for other entertainment for the ground floor use. The project sponsor does not intend to have entertainment in the Outdoor Activity Area other than background music for the pleasure of dining. The sound system will be altered to shut down if the volume is raised beyond an acceptable level per the San Francisco Noise Ordinance. H. Story Controls. Planning Code Section 102.23 defines a story as that portion of a building, except a mezzanine as defined in the Building Code, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the surface of the floor and the ceiling next above it. A roof deck by definition is not a “Story” of a building as there is no floor or ceiling above it. It is by definition an open use defined in Planning Code Section 102.20 as any use of a lot that is not conducted within a building. Therefore, the story controls do not apply to accessory outdoor activity uses. 8. Planning Code Section 303 establishes criteria for the Planning Commission to consider when reviewing applications for Conditional Use approval. On balance, the project does comply with said criteria in that: A. The proposed new uses and building, at the size and intensity contemplated and at the proposed location, will provide a development that is necessary or desirable, and compatible with, the neighborhood or the community. The legalization of an accessory Outdoor Activity Area located on the roof of the subject property is desirable as it enhances the dining experience for patrons of Medjool restaurant and bar. Mission Street was previously zoned C‐2, then NC‐3, and currently NCT. The commercial area of this District provides a selection of goods serving not only the day‐to‐day needs of the residents of the Mission District, but a wider trade area. A vital component of this zoning district are eating and drinking establishments which contribute to the streetʹs mixed‐use character and activity in the evening hours creating a vibrant and safe urban environment and economic viability of the Neighborhood Commercial corridor. B. The proposed project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, convenience or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. There are no features of the project that could be detrimental to the health, safety or convenience of those residing or working the area, in that: i. Nature of proposed site, including its size and shape, and the proposed size, shape and arrangement of structures; 6 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 ii. CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street The height and bulk of the existing building will remain the same and will not alter the existing appearance or character of the project vicinity. The proposed work will not affect the building envelope, yet the inclusion of outside seating will alter the use of the property. The accessibility and traffic patterns for persons and vehicles, the type and volume of such traffic, and the adequacy of proposed off‐street parking and loading; The principal use as a restaurant and bar was authorized as a Conditional Use and has been in operation since approximately 2005. The use of the roof deck although not legally authorized at the time will have no additional impact to traffic, parking and loading patterns by granting the legalization of the accessory Outdoor Activity Area on the roof. iii. The safeguards afforded to prevent noxious or offensive emissions such as noise, glare, dust and odor; iv. There have been complaints from neighbors in the past regarding noise generated from the Outdoor Activity Area on the roof of the subject property. As part of the Conditional Use Authorization process the project sponsor has installed acoustical barriers and conducted sound testing as part of CEQA review. The conclusions of CEQA review sound tests were that the use of the Outdoor Activity Area results in less‐than‐ significant noise levels as testing showed noise levels to be substantially below the Noise Ordinance threshold of 8dB over the L90 ambient level. Noise is a typical and expected characteristic of an urban environment, especially in areas zoned for a mix of uses as this area always has been and may cause some individuals temporary annoyance or inconvenience. The project sponsor has proposed further measures to reduce the potential of disturbing neighbors by reducing the area of the deck closest to the residential uses. There will be no entertainment in the Outdoor Activity Area, and the background music sound system will have an automatic shut off device installed if the volume rises above a certain decibel. Landscaping will also be installed to further buffer ambient noise. Treatment given, as appropriate, to such aspects as landscaping, screening, open spaces, parking and loading areas, service areas, lighting and signs; The proposed Outdoor Activity Area does not require any additional tenant improvements, but the project sponsor will add some landscaping on the roof deck. C. That the use as proposed will comply with the applicable provisions of the Planning Code and will not adversely affect the General Plan. The Project complies with all relevant requirements and standards of the Planning Code and is consistent with objectives and policies of the General Plan as detailed below. 7 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street D. That the use as proposed would provide development that is in conformity with the purpose of the applicable Neighborhood Commercial District. The proposed project is consistent with the stated purposed of the Mission NCT District in that the intended use will provide a selection of goods serving not only the day‐to‐day needs of the residents of the Mission District, but a wider trade area. A vital component of this zoning district are eating and drinking establishments which contribute to the streetʹs mixed‐ use character and activity in the evening hours creating a vibrant and safe urban environment and economic viability of the Neighborhood Commercial corridor. 9. Additional Criteria for Outdoor Activity Area 145.2(a)(2). An Outdoor Activity Area is subject to additional criteria that the Planning Commission shall find that: A. The nature of the activity operated in the Outdoor Activity Area is compatible with surrounding uses; The majority of the block consists of mixed and commercial ground floor uses with the exception of a few residences to the west and northwest of the subject property. As a restaurant, bar, hostel, and residential hotel located in the Mission NCT Zoning District, the proposed addition of an Outdoor Activity Area is compatible with surrounding uses. B. The operation and design of the Outdoor Activity Area does not significantly disturb the privacy or affect the livability of adjoining or surrounding residences; The conclusions of CEQA review sound tests were that the use of the Outdoor Activity Area results in less‐than‐significant noise levels. Noise is a typical and expected characteristic of an urban environment, especially in areas zoned for a mix of uses as this area is and has been historically. Because some individuals may experience temporary annoyance or inconvenience, the project sponsor has proposed to reduce the potential of disturbing neighbors by reducing the area of the deck closest to the residential uses Outdoor Activity Area so that the use is located primarily close to Mission Street property line. There will be no entertainment in the Outdoor Activity Area, and the background music sound system will have an automatic shut off device installed to activate if the volume rises above a certain decibel. Landscaping will also be installed to further buffer ambient noise. The privacy of the adjacent residences is not impacted by the roof deck as the area used is closer to Mission Street and access to the closest residential building is limited by the barbeque area and a fire escape where patrons are not allowed to stand, offering a privacy buffer to the closest residential building. C. The hours of operation of the activity operated in the Outdoor Activity Area are limited so that the activity does not disrupt the viability of surrounding uses. Although there is no limit to the hours of operation in this zoning district, the project sponsor intends to operate the Outdoor Activity Area, weather permitting, Monday through 8 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street Thursday 3:00 pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11am to 1:30am and Sunday 11am to 11:30pm. 10. General Plan Compliance. The Project is, on balance, consistent with the following Objectives and Policies of the General Plan: COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ELEMENT The goals of the Commerce and Industry Element are to ensure economic vitality, social equity and environmental quality. GENERAL/CITYWIDE Objectives and Policies OBJECTIVE 2: MAINTAIN AND ENHANCE A SOUND AND DIVERSE ECONOMIC BASE AND FISCAL STRUCTURE FOR THE CITY. Policy 2.1: Seek to retain existing commercial and industrial activity and to attract new such activity to the City. The Project will retain and enhance an existing commercial activity which adds to a diverse economic base for the City. OBJECTIVE 3: PROVIDE EXPANDED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR CITY RESIDENTS, PARTICULARLY THE UNEMPLOYED AND ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED. Policy 3.1: Promote the attraction, retention and expansion of commercial and industrial firms which provide employment improvement opportunities for unskilled and semi‐skilled workers. Sectors of the local economy which typically hire numbers of unskilled or non‐technically trained persons are the tourist and service related industries such as hotels and restaurants and the small business sector. Medjool is a small business hotel and restaurant that offers employment to 62 employees including affordable health insurance. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCE Objectives and Policies OBJECTIVE 6 MAINTAIN AND STRENGTHEN VIABLE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AREAS EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO CITY RESIDENTS. Policy 6.1: 9 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street Ensure and encourage the retention and provision of neighborhood‐serving goods and services in the city’s neighborhood commercial districts, while recognizing and encouraging diversity among the districts. No commercial tenant would be displaced and the project would not prevent the district from achieving optimal diversity in the types of goods and services available in the neighborhood. Policy 6.2: Promote economically vital neighborhood commercial districts which foster small business enterprises and entrepreneurship and which are responsive to the economic and technological innovation in the marketplace and society. The economic vitality of neighborhood commercial districts is an essential component of the fiscal health of the city and through the enterprise of small businesses, neighborhood commercial districts provide significant employment opportunities for city resident, and make a substantial contribution to the cityʹs tax base. Medjool restaurant and bar add to the economic vitality of the Mission by employing local residents and according to the project sponsor generates over $350,000 in taxes which contribute to the cityʹs tax base. Allowing an accessory outdoor activity will retain and enhance this small business enterprise without changing the basic character of the neighborhood. Policy 6.3 Preserve and promote the mixed commercial‐residential character in neighborhood commercial districts. Strike a balance between the preservation of existing affordable housing and needed expansion of commercial activity. The story controls in the Planning Code were created in the late 1980s as residential units above commercial uses were generally a more affordable form of housing at the time and there was a concern that in many neighborhood commercial districts, the physical location and structural aspects of the upper‐story housing units made it attractive for conversion to commercial use. Also, the retention of mixed use is desirable as residents in commercial areas help to create an active street life. As such, the story controls do not apply to the roof deck Outdoor Activity Area because the roof deck is outside the definition of a story and the intent of the story controls were to prevent housing conversion of upper story units to commercial uses. No such conversion is proposed. VISITOR TRADE OBJECTIVE 8 ENHANCE SAN FRANCISCOʹS POSITION AS A NATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVENTIONS AND VISITOR TRADE. Policy 8.2 Support locally initiated efforts to improve the visitor trade appeal of neighborhood commercial districts. 10 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street The legalization of the Outdoor Activity Area will add to the experience of visitors to the tourist hotel aspect of this property. The roof deck at Medjool offers city views in the heart of a vibrant multi‐cultural neighborhood‐commercial district, providing a unique and more authentic tourist experience. MISSION AREA PLAN LAND USE OBJECTIVE 1.1 STRENGTHEN THE MISSION’S EXISTING MIXED USE CHARACTER, WHILE MAINTAINING THE NEIGHBORHOOD AS A PLACE TO LIVE AND WORK. POLICY 1.1.6 Permit and encourage small and moderate size retail establishments in neighborhood commercial areas of the Mission, while allowing larger retail in the formerly industrial areas when part of a mixed‐use development. Medjool restaurant and bar is a small to moderate size business which has added to the economic vitality of the Mission. The business employs local residents and contributes to the cityʹs tax base. Allowing an accessory outdoor activity will retain and enhance this small business enterprise without changing the basic character of the neighborhood. This business is owned by a local resident and is not a formula retail use. OBJECTIVE 1.5 MINIMIZE THE IMPACT OF NOISE ON AFFECTED AREAS AND ENSURE GENERAL PLAN NOISE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. POLICY 1.5.1 Reduce potential land use conflicts by providing accurate background noise‐level data for planning. POLICY 1.5.2 Reduce potential land use conflicts by carefully considering the location and design of both noise generating uses and sensitive uses in the Mission. The conclusions of CEQA review sound tests were that the use of the Outdoor Activity Area results in less‐than‐significant noise levels. Noise is a typical and expected characteristic of an urban environment, especially in areas zoned for a mix of uses as this area is and has been historically. Because some individuals may experience temporary annoyance or inconvenience, the project sponsor has proposed to reduce the potential of disturbing neighbors by reducing the area of the deck closest to the residential uses so that the use is located primarily close to Mission Street property line. There will be no entertainment in the Outdoor Activity Area, and the background music sound system will have an automatic shut off device installed if the volume rises above a certain decibel. Landscaping will also be installed to further buffer ambient noise. 11 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street 11. Planning Code Section 101.1(b) establishes eight priority‐planning policies and requires review of permits for consistency with said policies. On balance, the project does comply with said policies in that: A. That existing neighborhood‐serving retail uses be preserved and enhanced and future opportunities for resident employment in and ownership of such businesses be enhanced. The proposal would enhance the district by providing an Outdoor Activity Area accessory to a full‐service restaurant and bar. The business is locally owned and it creates over 60 employment opportunities for the community. B. That existing housing and neighborhood character be conserved and protected in order to preserve the cultural and economic diversity of our neighborhoods. No housing is removed for this Project and no changes other than the sound attenuation barrier are proposed to the built environment. C. That the Cityʹs supply of affordable housing be preserved and enhanced, No housing is removed for this Project. D. That commuter traffic not impede MUNI transit service or overburden our streets or neighborhood parking. The site is well served by public transit. Legalization of the Outdoor Activity Area will not adversely affect transit or parking. Parking is not required in the Mission NCT Zoning District. E. That a diverse economic base be maintained by protecting our industrial and service sectors from displacement due to commercial office development, and that future opportunities for resident employment and ownership in these sectors be enhanced. The Project will not displace any service or industry establishment. The project will not adversely affect industrial or service sector uses or related employment opportunities. Ownership of industrial or service sector businesses will not be affected by this project. This is a service sector business which employs over 60 people. F. That the City achieve the greatest possible preparedness to protect against injury and loss of life in an earthquake. The Project proposes no alterations and continues to conform to the structural and seismic safety requirements of the City Building Code. This proposal will not impact the property’s ability to withstand an earthquake. 12 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street G. That landmarks and historic buildings be preserved. A landmark or historic building does not occupy the Project site. H. That our parks and open space and their access to sunlight and vistas be protected from development. The project will have no negative impact on existing parks and open spaces. The Project does not have an impact on open spaces. The Outdoor Activity on the roof of the subject property creates a commercial open space that is beneficial to patrons of the establishment and the community. 12. The Project is consistent with and would promote the general and specific purposes of the Code provided under Section 101.1(b) in that, as designed, the Project would contribute to the character and stability of the neighborhood and would constitute a beneficial development. 13. The Commission hereby finds that approval of the Conditional Use authorization would promote the health, safety and welfare of the City. 13 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street DECISION That based upon the Record, the submissions by the Applicant, the staff of the Department and other interested parties, the oral testimony presented to this Commission at the public hearings, and all other written materials submitted by all parties, the Commission hereby APPROVES Conditional Use Application No. 2009.0342C subject to the following conditions attached hereto as “EXHIBIT A” in general conformance with plans on file, dated August 4, 2011, and stamped “EXHIBIT B”, which is incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. APPEAL AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF MOTION: Any aggrieved person may appeal this Conditional Use Authorization to the Board of Supervisors within thirty (30) days after the date of this Motion No. 18434. The effective date of this Motion shall be the date of this Motion if not appealed (After the 30‐day period has expired) OR the date of the decision of the Board of Supervisors if appealed to the Board of Supervisors. For further information, please contact the Board of Supervisors at (415) 554‐5184, City Hall, Room 244, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102. I hereby certify that the Planning Commission ADOPTED the foregoing Motion on September 8, 2011. Linda D. Avery Commission Secretary AYES: Commissioners Antonini, Fung, Miguel, Olague, Sugaya NAYS: Commissioner Moore ABSENT: Commissioner Borden ADOPTED: September 8, 2011 14 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street EXHIBIT A AUTHORIZATION This authorization is for a conditional use to allow a full‐service restaurant, bar and other entertainment (d.b.a. Medjool) to legalize an Outdoor Activity Area located on the roof of a four‐ story building at 2516 Mission Street, Block 3616, Lot 061 pursuant to Planning Code Section(s) 303 and 736.24 within the Mission Street NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and a 55‐X/65‐B Height And Bulk District; in general conformance with plans, dated August 4, 2011, and stamped “EXHIBIT B” included in the docket for Case No. 2009.0342C and subject to conditions of approval reviewed and approved by the Commission on September 8, 2011 under Motion No. 18434. This authorization and the conditions contained herein run with the property and not with a particular Project Sponsor, business, or operator. RECORDATION OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Prior to the issuance of the building permit or commencement of use for the Project the Zoning Administrator shall approve and order the recordation of a Notice in the Official Records of the Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco for the subject property. This Notice shall state that the project is subject to the conditions of approval contained herein and reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on September 8, 2011 under Motion No. 18434. PRINTING OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ON PLANS The conditions of approval under the ʹExhibit Aʹ of this Planning Commission Motion No. 18434 shall be reproduced on the Index Sheet of construction plans submitted with the site or building permit application for the Project. The Index Sheet of the construction plans shall reference to the Conditional Use authorization and any subsequent amendments or modifications. SEVERABILITY The Project shall comply with all applicable City codes and requirements. If any clause, sentence, section or any part of these conditions of approval is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair other remaining clauses, sentences, or sections of these conditions. This decision conveys no right to construct, or to receive a building permit. “Project Sponsor” shall include any subsequent responsible party. CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS Changes to the approved plans may be approved administratively by the Zoning Administrator. Significant changes and modifications of conditions shall require Planning Commission approval of a new Conditional Use authorization. 15 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street Conditions of approval, Compliance, Monitoring, and Reporting PERFORMANCE 1. Validity and Expiration. The authorization and right vested by virtue of this action is valid for three years from the effective date of the Motion. A building permit from the Department of Building Inspection to construct the project and/or commence the approved use must be issued as this Conditional Use authorization is only an approval of the proposed project and conveys no independent right to construct the project or to commence the approved use. The Planning Commission may, in a public hearing, consider the revocation of the approvals granted if a site or building permit has not been obtained within three (3) years of the date of the Motion approving the Project. Once a site or building permit has been issued, construction must commence within the timeframe required by the Department of Building Inspection and be continued diligently to completion. The Commission may also consider revoking the approvals if a permit for the Project has been issued but is allowed to expire and more than three (3) years have passed since the Motion was approved. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 2. Extension. This authorization may be extended at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator only where failure to issue a permit by the Department of Building Inspection to perform said tenant improvements is caused by a delay by a local, State or Federal agency or by any appeal of the issuance of such permit(s). For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org DESIGN – COMPLIANCE AT PLAN STAGE 3. Noise. Plans submitted with the building permit application for the approved project shall incorporate acoustical insulation and other sound proofing measures to control noise. For information about compliance, contact the Case Planner, Planning Department at 415‐558‐ 6378, www.sf‐planning.org MONITORING - AFTER ENTITLEMENT 4. Enforcement. Violation of any of the Planning Department conditions of approval contained in this Motion or of any other provisions of Planning Code applicable to this Project shall be subject to the enforcement procedures and administrative penalties set forth under Planning Code Section 176 or Section 176.1. The Planning Department may also refer the violation complaints to other city departments and agencies for appropriate enforcement action under their jurisdiction. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 16 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street 5. Monitoring. The Project requires monitoring of the conditions of approval in this Motion. The Project Sponsor or the subsequent responsible parties for the Project shall pay fees as established under Planning Code Section 351(e) (1) and work with the Planning Department for information about compliance. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 6. Revocation due to Violation of Conditions. Should implementation of this Project result in complaints from interested property owners, residents, or commercial lessees which are not resolved by the Project Sponsor and found to be in violation of the Planning Code and/or the specific conditions of approval for the Project as set forth in Exhibit A of this Motion, the Zoning Administrator shall refer such complaints to the Commission, after which it may hold a public hearing on the matter to consider revocation of this authorization. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org OPERATION 7. Noise Control. The premises shall be adequately soundproofed or insulated for noise and operated so that incidental noise shall not be audible beyond the premises or in other sections of the building and fixed‐source equipment noise shall not exceed the decibel levels specified in the San Francisco Noise Control Ordinance. For information about compliance with the fixed mechanical objects such as rooftop air conditioning, restaurant ventilation systems, and motors and compressors with acceptable noise levels, contact the Environmental Health Section, Department of Public Health at (415) 252‐ 3800, www.sfdph.org For information about compliance with the construction noise, contact the Department of Building Inspection, 415‐558‐6570, www.sfdbi.org For information about compliance with the amplified sound including music and television contact the Police Department at 415‐553‐1012 or 415‐5530123, www.sf‐police.org 8. Odor Control. While it is inevitable that some low level of odor may be detectable to nearby residents and passersby, appropriate odor control equipment shall be installed in conformance with the approved plans and maintained to prevent any significant noxious or offensive odors from escaping the premises. For information about compliance with odor or other chemical air pollutants standards, contact the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, (BAAQMD), 1‐800‐334‐ODOR (6367), www.baaqmd.gov and Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐6863, www.sf‐ planning.org 17 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 9. CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street Sidewalk Maintenance. The Project Sponsor shall maintain the main entrance to the building and all sidewalks abutting the subject property in a clean and sanitary condition in compliance with the Department of Public Works Streets and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards. For information about compliance, contact Bureau of Street Use and Mapping, Department of Public Works, 415‐695‐2017, http://sfdpw.org 10. Community Liaison. Prior to issuance of a building permit to construct the project and implement the approved use, the Project Sponsor shall appoint a community liaison officer to deal with the issues of concern to owners and occupants of nearby properties. The community liaison officer shall be available by telephone at all hours should noise be problematic. The Project Sponsor shall provide the Zoning Administrator with written notice of the name, business address, and telephone number of the community liaison. Should the contact information change, the Zoning Administrator shall be made aware of such change. The community liaison shall report to the Zoning Administrator what issues, if any, are of concern to the community and what issues have not been resolved by the Project Sponsor. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 11. Lighting. All Project lighting shall be directed onto the Project site and immediately surrounding sidewalk area only, and designed and managed so as not to be a nuisance to adjacent residents. Nighttime lighting shall be the minimum necessary to ensure safety, but shall in no case be directed so as to constitute a nuisance to any surrounding property. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 12. Hours of Operation. The subject establishment is limited to the following hours of operation: Monday through Thursday 3:00 pm to 11:30pm, Friday 3:00pm to 1:30am, Saturday 11am to 1:30am and Sunday 11am to 11:30pm. No patrons may remain in the Outdoor Activity Area after closing time. Staff may remain in the facility as necessary for cleaning and other duties related to the operations of the Outdoor Activity Area one hour past the closing hour stated above. No employees may be in the Outdoor Activity Area after the clean up time. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 13. Other Entertainment. The outdoor activity area is not allowed to have other entertainment as defined in Planning Code Section 790.38. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 18 Motion No. 18434 September 8, 2011 CASE NO. 2009.0342 C 2516 Mission Street 14. Usable Open Space for Residential Hotel Units. The area designated to meet usable open space requirements for the Residential Hotel Units shall be physically distinct from the Outdoor Activity Area and for the sole use of the residential tenants. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 15. Occupancy. Maximum occupancy for the entire roof deck shall be governed by the Building Code. However, the area used as the Outdoor Activity Area by the project sponsor shall not exceed 175 persons. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 16. Notices Posted. Notices shall be posted requesting patrons enjoy the roof deck in a quiet, peaceful, and orderly fashion and be considerate of noise impacts on the neighborhood. The notices shall be well‐lit and prominently displayed at all entrances and exits of the establishment. The conditions set forth in this Motion shall also be posted on site. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 17. Beverage Service. Beverages served in the Outdoor Activity Area shall be obtained through wait staff only. The area dispensing beverages shall not have seating or walk up service. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 18. Planning Commission Review for Compliance. The Planning Department will conduct a public information hearing at the Planning Commission on the compliance of these Conditions of Approval within six (6) months from the date of this decision. In preparation for the hearing, the Project Sponsor shall conduct a noise study in the same manner and location sites as defined in the original scope of work prepared by Charles M Salter Associates and dated May 25, 2010. This study will compare the baseline level of noise from the noise study conducted by Charles M. Salter Associates, Inc. with current operations. After this public information hearing and with the advice and input of the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator may extend or reduce the permitted hours of the outdoor activity area. This study shall be made available to the public. For information about compliance, contact Code Enforcement, Planning Department at 415‐575‐ 6863, www.sf‐planning.org 19 17 April 2014 Lindsey MacDougall Bernarda LLC dba Lolinda Restaurant 2518 Mission Street San Francsico, CA 94110 Email: lfmacdougall@gmail.com Subject: Lolinda Roof Terrace Acoustical Study Acoustical Findings CSA Project: 14-0109 Dear Lindsey: From 21 March 2014 to 24 March 2014, we conducted acoustical measurements at the nearest noise sensitive receiver near the Lolinda Roof Terrace. The purpose of the measurements was to evaluate whether noise levels from the Lolinda Roof Terrace are in compliance with the project acoustical criteria. This letter outlines the project acoustical criteria and summarizes our findings. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on the results of our acoustical measurements, we find that Lolinda Roof Terrace noise achieves compliance with the project acoustical criteria with the installed acoustical barriers at the roof. ACOUSTICAL CRITERIA Although the San Francisco Noise Ordinance is not intended to regulate noise from people, it was adapted to establish noise limits for the Lolinda Roof Terrace through meetings with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the San Francisco Planning Department. It was proposed that the ambient1 be compared with the Roof Terrace closed and open at the nearest sensitive receiver (see Figure 1 for the measurement location). In order to meet the project acoustical criteria, the change in the ambient could not exceed 8 dBA 2 at the nearest sensitive receiver. Additionally, amplified music at the Roof Terrace is required to be virtually inaudible at fifty feet from the loudspeakers from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. as set forth in Section 49 of the Municipal Police Code. 1 The San Francisco Department of Public Health interprets the “Ambient Noise Level” to correlate to the L90 metric, which is the quietest ten percent of measured noise levels. 2 dBA--A-Weighted sound pressure level (or noise level) represents the noisiness or loudness of a sound by weighting the amplitudes of various acoustical frequencies to correspond more closely with human hearing. A 10-dB (decibel) increase in noise level is perceived to be a doubling of loudness. A-Weighting is specified by the U.S. EPA, OSHA, Caltrans, and others for use in noise measurements. Lolinda Roof Terrace 17 April 2014 Acoustical Study Page 2 ROOF TERRACE CONFIGURATION The roof terrace is acoustically shielded by glass barriers at the perimeter of the deck. Additionally, the cooking station at the north end of the deck provides substantial acoustical shielding. ROOF TERRACE NOISE ANALYSIS During the measurement period, the Lolinda Roof Terrace was open from 4 pm to 12 am on 21 March, from 11 am to 12 am on 22 March, and from 11 am to 10 pm on 23 March. We compared acoustical measurements at the nearest sensitive receiver during occupied and unoccupied times at the roof terrace at similar times of the day3. During the measurement period, the staff at Lolinda counted approximately 120 – 150 people from 5pm to 11pm on 22 March 2014. Table 1 below shows the comparison noise levels. Table 1: Comparison Measurement Results Timeframe Terrace Open/Closed L90 Range (dBA) Friday, 21 March 2 PM – 4 PM Closed 55 – 56 Friday, 21 March 4 PM – 6 PM Open 55 – 56 Saturday, 22 March 1 AM – 3 AM Closed 52 – 55 Friday, 21 March 10 PM – 12 AM Open 55 – 57 Saturday, 22 March 9 AM – 11 AM Closed 54 – 55 Saturday, 22 March 11 AM – 1 PM Open 55 – 57 Sunday, 23 March 1 AM – 3 AM Closed 51 - 54 Saturday, 22 March 10 PM – 12 AM Open 55 – 57 Sunday, 23 March 9 AM – 11 AM Closed 49 – 54 Sunday, 23 March 11 AM – 1 PM Open 54 – 56 Sunday/Monday, 23/34 March 11 PM – 1AM Closed 51 – 52 Sunday, 23 March 8 PM – 10 PM Open 54 – 56 CONCLUSION Based on the results of our acoustical measurements from 21 March 2014 to 24 March 2014, the Roof Terrace achieves acoustical compliance with the project acoustical criteria. This study was designed to document worst case conditions: a weekend with fair weather. 3 Note that there is one hour after the terrace closes where cleanup occurs. We have excluded this hour from the comparison. Lolinda Roof Terrace 17 April 2014 Acoustical Study Page 3 * * * This concludes our current comments on the Lolinda Roof Terrace Acoustical Study. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. Sincerely, CHARLES M. SALTER ASSOCIATES Diego Hernandez Consultant Cristina L. Miyar Vice President C h a r l e s Consultants in Acoustics, Audiovisual, Telecommunications & Security System Design 130 Sutter Street Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415 397 0442 Fax: 415 397 0454 www.cmsalter.com info@cmsalter.com Charles M Salter, PE David R Schwind, FAES Robert P Alvarado Eric L Broadhurst, PE Anthony Nash, PE Thomas A Schindler, PE Ken Graven, PE, RCDD, LEED AP Philip N Sanders, LEED AP Jason R Duty, PE Cristina L Miyar M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s I n c 15 May 2011 Sarah Bernstein Jones, AICP Senior Environmental Planner San Francisco Planning Dept. 1650 Mission Street, #400 San Francisco, CA 94103 Email copy: sarah.b.jones@sfgov.org Subject: Medjool Sky Terrace Noise Mitigation - Results of Acoustical Study CSA Project No. 10-0052 Dear Sarah, From April 8, 2011 to April 11, 2011, we conducted acoustical measurements at various locations near the Medjool Sky Terrace. The purpose of the measurements was to evaluate whether the addition of acoustical barriers at the terrace and the calibration of the Sky Terrace Audio System resulted in compliance with the project acoustical criteria. This letter outlines the project acoustical criteria; describes the installed noise mitigation measures, acoustical study, and analysis; and summarizes the results of our studies. Durand R Begault, PhD, FAES Thomas J Corbett, CTS Executive Summary Ross A Jerozal, CTS Joey G D’Angelo Eric A Yee Joshua M Roper, LEED AP Timothy G Brown Randy D Waldeck, PE, LEED AP Peter K Holst, PE, LEED AP Andrew L Stanley Based on the results of our acoustical measurements April 8 -11, 2011 and April 30th, 2011 correlated with our noise vs. occupancy analysis completed in May 2010, the installed acoustical barriers at the Medjool Sky Terrace achieve acoustical compliance with the project acoustical criteria. The audio system achieves compliance with project acoustical criteria when loudspeaker noise levels are limited to a sound pressure level of 77dBA at three feet from the Sky Terrace loudspeakers. Christopher A Peltier, PE Ethan C Salter, LEED AP Acoustical Criteria Thomas D Keller, CDT Troy R Gimbel, CTS Alex K Salter, PE Jeremy L Decker, PE David E Nussbaum, RCDD, PMP Dylan B Mills Davis H Keith, CTS-D Melody K Parker, LEED AP Brian J Good Heather A Salter Elizabeth F Thomas Although the San Francisco Noise Ordinance is not intended to regulate noise from people, it was adapted to establish noise limits for the Medjool Sky Terrace through meetings with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the San Francisco Planning Department. It was proposed that the ambient1 be compared with the Sky Terrace closed and open at the nearest sensitive receiver (at the nearest receiving property line) and at several other locations near the Sky Terrace (see accompanying map showing measurement locations).2 In order to meet the project acoustical criteria, the change in the ambient could not exceed 8dBA at the measurements locations outside the Sky Terrace property lines. Catherine F Spurlock Marva D Noordzee Debbie E Garcia Jasmine S Recidoro Dani S Cirignano 1 We interpret the “Ambient Noise Level” definition in the San Francisco Noise Ordinance to correlate to the L90 metric, which is the quietest ten percent of measured noise levels. This interpretation has been accepted by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. 2 Note that one measurement location, at the rear deck of Daniel Hall’s residence on Bartlett Street, could not be assessed during the study as planned. Mr. Hall was not available during the study period. Also note that the rooftop of 3215 21st is much closer to the Sky Terrace and less acoustically shielded from the Sky Terrace than the Hall terrace measurement location. Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 2 Additionally, amplified music at the Sky Terrace is required to be virtually inaudible at fifty feet from the loudspeakers from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. as set forth in Section 49 of the Municipal Police Code. Internal Noise Study May 2010 In order to develop noise mitigation measures for the Sky Terrace, we conducted acoustical testing at the Sky Terrace from Friday, May 28,, 2010 to Sunday, May 30, 2010. We used ambient noise measurements conducted by ESA in November 2007 as references for ambient noise without the Sky Terrace in operation. Based on our study, we determined that eight-foothigh barriers with the upper one-foot-high portion angled towards the Sky Terrace were required at the North, South, and West edges of the Sky Terrace and five-foot-high barriers were required at the East edge of the Sky Terrace. The installation of acoustical barriers was completed in December 2010. We counted occupancies at the Sky Terrace throughout the evening of May 28th/29th in order to understand the correlation between terrace occupancies and source noise levels at the terrace. The maximum occupancy documented during our internal study period was 135 people. Amplified Music Source Calibration Medjool typically plays music through their audio system from an external source (iPod). We played music similar to the music played at the Sky Terrace during operation through the Sky Terrace Audio System through an iPod and determined that a gain setting of -10dB (see photo below) limited amplified music noise to 77dBA at a distance of three feet from the loudspeaker. The audio system calibration was completed in the morning of April 9th.3 We confirmed that audio noise was inaudible at the nearest sensitive receiver (3215 21st Street). At the request of the San Francisco Buddhist Center, we coordinated the audio system calibration with Nancy Anding. Nancy confirmed that the Sky Terrace loudspeakers were inaudible at the San Francisco Buddhist Center property at the time of our testing. Sky Terrace Audio System with calibrated gain setting for external source (iPod). Additionally, the Sky Terrace audio system was turned off completely from 10pm to 11pm on April 9th at the request of the San Francisco Buddhist Center. 3 Previous measurements indicated that the ambient at the nearest sensitive receiver was similar at 10am to that at 10pm. C h a r l e s M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 3 Comparison Ambient Testing April 8 – 11, 2011 In order to measure the ambient noise without the Sky Terrace in operation at the study measurement receiver positions, the Sky Terrace closed at 9pm on April 8th and was also closed from morning until 9pm on April 11th. The night of April 10th/April 11th was designated as the night to measure the ambient at the study measurement receiver positions with the Sky Terrace in operation. The night of April 10th/April 11th proved to be cold and windy. The maximum occupancy recorded on the terrace was 58. The tables below show the late evening ambient noise at each measurement location with the Sky Terrace closed (Friday-Saturday, April 8 -9, 2011) as compared to the ambient noise with the Sky Terrace open (Saturday-Sunday, April 910, 2011). We also show recorded occupancy levels at the Sky Terrace for Saturday night/Sunday morning.4 Table 1: Location 2 (3215 21st Rooftop) Comparison Measurements 4 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 Ambient Terrace Closed 56.0 56.7 56.3 55.9 55.7 56.4 56.6 Delta 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.4 Ambient Terrace Open 56.9 57.2 56.5 56.6 56.7 56.9 57.0 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 22:10:00 22:20:00 56.3 56.3 0.4 1.1 56.7 57.4 22:10:00 22:20:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 OFF OFF 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 22:30:00 22:40:00 57.2 58.4 0.7 0.6 57.9 59.0 22:30:00 22:40:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 OFF OFF 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 58.1 58.0 58.3 58.7 59.3 59.0 58.1 57.7 57.7 58.0 57.9 57.8 58.7 58.7 58.0 57.7 58.0 57.5 0.3 0.0 1.0 -0.8 -1.1 -0.3 -0.4 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.3 1.0 -0.4 -1.0 -0.9 -0.1 -0.8 1.1 58.4 58.0 59.3 57.9 58.2 58.7 57.7 57.8 57.8 59.2 58.2 58.8 58.3 57.7 57.1 57.6 57.2 58.6 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 Occupancy 14 Speakers 6 17 OFF OFF 32 58 45 35 37 57 57 57 44 Data from Location 1 (Sky Terrace) indicate that the Sky Terrace was closed by 1:40am on 4/10/11. C h a r l e s M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 4 Table 2: Location 3 (Rooftop Santora Sales Building, 33 Bartlett) Comparison Measurements 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 Charles M Salter Associates Ambient Terrace Closed 63.2 64.1 63.7 63.6 65.0 63.6 64.6 64.8 65.3 64.6 64.4 62.3 64.1 64.1 63.7 64.6 64.4 63.5 61.9 63.7 58.5 56.7 54.8 54.4 54.0 55.0 55.1 54.5 54.3 Delta 0.1 0.8 -0.2 0.4 -0.9 0.6 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -3.6 -3.4 -4.7 -6.7 -8.2 -9.2 -7.9 -9.5 -2.7 -3.4 -1.4 -1.1 -1.0 -1.9 -2.3 -1.9 -1.2 Ambient Terrace Open 63.3 64.9 63.5 64.0 64.1 64.2 63.4 63.4 63.7 63.5 63.0 60.8 60.5 60.7 59.0 57.9 56.2 54.3 54.0 54.2 55.8 53.3 53.4 53.3 53.0 53.1 52.8 52.6 53.1 Occupancy 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 Speakers 14 6 17 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 32 58 45 35 37 57 57 57 44 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 5 Table 3: Location 4 (Bartlett Street) Comparison Measurements 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 Ambient Terrace Closed 49.0 50.8 51.3 49.1 50.6 49.9 49.6 48.0 48.3 49.7 47.7 48.0 48.7 48.9 49.6 49.7 48.7 46.9 48.0 46.0 45.2 45.1 46.1 46.6 48.4 45.8 44.7 43.1 44.5 Delta 1.3 -1.7 1.3 0.5 -1.0 -1.0 0.8 2.0 0.7 -0.6 2.0 1.7 0.0 1.4 -0.7 -1.0 -1.0 0.8 0.4 0.7 7.4 1.6 0.6 4.5 -1.8 -2.2 -0.8 1.0 0.1 Ambient Terrace Open 50.3 49.1 52.6 49.6 49.6 48.9 50.4 50.0 49.0 49.1 49.7 49.7 48.7 50.3 48.9 48.7 47.7 47.7 48.4 46.7 52.6 46.7 46.7 51.1 46.6 43.6 43.9 44.1 44.6 Occupancy 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 Speakers 14 6 17 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 32 58 45 35 37 57 57 57 44 Table 4: Location 5 (21st Street) Comparison Measurements 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 * 21:00:00 22:00:00 23:00:00 00:00:00 01:00:00 * Charles M Salter Associates Ambient Terrace Closed 56.0 55.0 56.0 56.0 55.0 Delta 1.0 2.5 1.0 0.0 1.0 Ambient Terrace Open 57.0 57.5 57.0 56.0 56.0 Occupancy 21:00:00 22:00:00 23:00:00 00:00:00 01:00:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 Speakers 6 to 14 17 OFF 32 to 58 37 to 57 44 * 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 6 Table 5: Location 6 (Capp Street) Comparison Measurements 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 Ambient Terrace Closed 50.6 50.4 49.1 50.1 48.7 48.2 48.6 50.8 47.3 49.4 48.3 49.7 51.2 49.4 50.5 49 48.1 48.4 49.2 48.2 47 47.7 47.5 47.4 48.3 47.7 46.8 46.6 46.4 Delta 1.4 3.3 2.5 1.6 4.1 3.2 1.4 -0.3 1.9 2.9 2.5 1.2 -0.8 2.3 0.3 1.1 3 1 0.7 1.4 5 3.2 3.2 3.2 1.9 1.2 2.2 2.8 4.1 Ambient Terrace Open 52 53.7 51.6 51.7 52.8 51.4 50 50.5 49.2 52.3 50.8 50.9 50.4 51.7 50.8 50.1 51.1 49.4 49.9 49.6 52 50.9 50.7 50.6 50.2 48.9 49 49.4 50.5 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 01:40:00 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 2011/04/10 Occupancy 14 Speakers 6 17 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 32 58 45 35 37 57 57 57 44 Correlation between Noise Levels at Sky Terrace and Receiver Locations A review of the Tables 1 – 5 above reveals no correlation between Sky Terrace occupancy and noise levels at locations 3, 4, 5, and 6. Additionally, there is no correlation between noise levels at these receivers with the Sky Terrace audio system on or off. Comparison Ambient Testing April 8/9 2011 and April 30/May 1, 2011 To further evaluate the Sky Terrace acoustical barriers, we conducted acoustical measurements at Location 1 (Sky Terrace) and Location 2 (3215 21st Street) on Saturday evening (April 30/May 1, 2011. The evening of this second round of measurements was calm and the weather fair. We counted a maximum of 113 people on the Sky Terrace that night. Table 6 below shows the late evening ambient noise at Location 2 (3215 21st Street) with the Sky Terrace open as compared to the ambient noise levels at Location 2 with the Sky Terrace closed (FridaySaturday, April 8 -9, 2011). We also show recorded occupancy levels at the Sky Terrace for Charles M Salter Associates 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 7 Saturday night/Sunday morning.5 Table 6: Location 2 (3215 21st Street) Comparison Measurements April 30/May 1 2011 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 Ambient Terrace Closed 56.0 56.7 56.3 55.9 55.7 56.4 56.6 Delta 3.6 2.6 2.6 3.3 3.9 2.1 2.8 Ambient Terrace Open 59.6 59.3 58.9 59.2 59.6 58.5 59.4 21:00:00 21:10:00 21:20:00 21:30:00 21:40:00 21:50:00 22:00:00 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 22:10:00 22:20:00 56.3 56.3 2.9 3.5 59.2 59.8 22:10:00 22:20:00 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 22:30:00 22:40:00 57.2 58.4 2.9 1.6 60.1 60.0 22:30:00 22:40:00 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 84 82 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/08 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 2011/04/09 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 58.1 58.0 58.3 58.7 59.3 59.0 58.1 57.7 57.7 58.0 57.9 57.8 58.7 58.7 58.0 57.7 58.0 2.2 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.4 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.9 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.6 -2.1 60.3 60.3 60.5 60.4 60.7 59.5 59.2 58.8 59.3 59.4 58.6 58.7 59.2 58.2 57.5 57.1 55.9 22:50:00 23:00:00 23:10:00 23:20:00 23:30:00 23:40:00 23:50:00 00:00:00 00:10:00 00:20:00 00:30:00 00:40:00 00:50:00 01:00:00 01:10:00 01:20:00 01:30:00 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/04/30 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 2011/05/01 80 84 91 120 108 113 109 87 82 92 81 75 74 69 37 12 Occupancy A review of the data above show that ambient noise levels at the nearest sensitive receiver with the Sky Terrace in operation and with the audio system on the Terrace in operation of a night with fair weather and up to 113 patrons at the Sky Terrace are well within the project criteria. Internal Study May 2010 In order to develop noise reduction measures for the Sky Terrace to meet the project criteria, we conducted acoustical measurements at the Sky Terrace in May 2010. The night of the study was relatively warm, and we counted a maximum of 135 patrons on the Sky Terrace that night. While we conducted these measurements as an internal study to inform our design, we referred to our collected data in order to study the difference in Sky Terrace noise levels between occupancies of 110 and 135. We observed an increase of two decibels in average noise levels at the Sky Terrace when comparing occupancies of 115 to 135. While we cannot calculate noise levels at the Sky Terrace for occupancies of greater than 135, the data collected indicate that the 5 The Sky Terrace closed at 1:30am on 5/1/11. C h a r l e s M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 15 May 2011 Page 8 acoustical barrier design at the Sky Terrace would achieve compliance with the project criteria with occupancy levels substantially higher than the observed maximum of 113 patrons. * * * This concludes our acoustical report for the Medjool Sky Terrace Noise Reduction project. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, CHARLES M. SALTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Cristina L. Miyar Vice President cc: Tom Rivard, SF Dep. Public Health (tom.rivard@sfdph.org) Gus Murad, Medjool (gusmurad1@yahoo.com ) Enclosures - as noted 11May15 Medjool Sky Terrace Acoustical Study Results Charles M Salter Associates 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 C h a r l e s Consultants in Acoustics, Audiovisual, Telecommunications & Security System Design 130 Sutter Street Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415 397 0442 Fax: 415 397 0454 www.cmsalter.com info@cmsalter.com M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s I n c 25 May 2010 Sarah Bernstein Jones, AICP Senior Environmental Planner San Francisco Planning Dept. 1650 Mission Street, #400 San Francisco, CA 94103 Email copy: sarah.b.jones@sfgov.org Subject: Charles M Salter, PE Medjool Sky Terrace Conditional Use Permit Proposal for Acoustical Study David R Schwind, FAES Robert P Alvarado Dear Sarah, Eric L Broadhurst, PE Anthony Nash, PE Thomas A Schindler, PE Ken Graven, PE, RCDD, LEED AP Philip N Sanders, LEED AP Jason R Duty, PE Cristina L Miyar Durand R Begault, PhD, FAES Thomas J Corbett, CTS Ross A Jerozal, CTS Joey G D’Angelo Eric A Yee Joshua M Roper, LEED AP This letter outlines our proposal for an acoustical study at the Medjool Sky Terrace. The purpose of the study is to: 1) Compare daytime and nighttime ambient noise levels at the nearest residential neighbors with the Sky Terrace closed and open to determine the extent to which the Sky Terrace contributes to the surrounding noise environment; 2) Establish acceptable source noise levels at the Sky Terrace to resolve noise issues that allow the venue owner to continue operations and give surrounding residential neighbors confidence that the Sky Terrace will operate within the limits of the San Francisco Noise Ordinance. Timothy G Brown Randy D Waldeck, PE, LEED AP Peter K Holst, PE, LEED AP Andrew L Stanley Christopher A Peltier, PE Ethan C Salter, LEED AP Thomas D Keller, CDT Troy R Gimbel, CTS We propose to mock up proposed acoustical design elements that will be added to the Sky Terrace as part of the conditional use permit. These are: new barriers along the North edge of the terrace and new solid elements between the existing barriers at the South edge of the terrace and in the stairwells at the North and South ends of the terrace (to address gaps in the existing barrier system). Alex K Salter, PE Jeremy L Decker, PE Fixed Noise Source Testing David E Nussbaum, RCDD, PMP Dylan B Mills Davis H Keith, CTS-D Melody K Parker, LEED AP Brian J Good Heather A Salter Elizabeth F Thomas Catherine F Spurlock Marva D Noordzee Debbie E Garcia Jasmine S Recidoro Dani S Cirignano The terrace loudspeakers will be tested for compliance with the San Francisco Noise Ordinance requirement for fixed noise sources. The S.F. Noise Ordinance requires that fixed noise sources be limited to 55dBA inside the nearest residential receiver with the windows open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Nighttime noise limits (from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.), are 45dBA inside the nearest residential receiver. We can either measure inside the top flat of 3222 21st Street if the residents/owners are amenable, or we can use the standard 15dBA noise reduction through an open window established by the EPA in the 1970s (on which Title 24 requirements for exterior noise insulation are based). If noise measurements for speaker noise are conducted at the façade of the unit rather than inside the unit, then we propose to limit loudspeakers to 70 dBA at the rear façade of the upper unit on 22nd Street during the day and 65 dBA after 10:00 p.m. Pink noise will be used for the testing to calibrate the speakers and the measurements will be Sarah Bernstein Jones 25 May 2010 Page 2 conducted when the ambient noise is low. General Testing for Residential Property Limits (Long-Term Noise Measurements) Once the terrace loudspeaker placement has been optimized and the system is calibrated for conformance with the fixed noise source requirements, we propose to evaluate Sky Terrace noise as a whole against the general Noise Ordinance provisions. These provisions limit noise to 5dBA above the ambient at any point outside the property plane (assuming that the more restrictive provisions for residential properties are applicable due to the residential adjacency at 3222 21st Street). Noise produced by the Sky Terrace would also be limited to 8dBC above the ambient at any point outside the property plane.1 In order to establish the ambient, we propose to combine two sets of measurements so that the Sky Terrace operations are minimally disrupted. Ambient measurements with the Sky Terrace closed will be performed on a Monday. We will use this data as the baseline ambient for daytime noise (until 9pm). In order to assess the nighttime ambient, the Sky Terrace will close early on a Friday night with fair weather. The Sky Terrace will close at 9pm, allowing the measurement of ambient noise at the monitoring locations for one hour before the Foreign Cinema outdoor patio closes. Splitting the ambient measurements into two days will result in the Sky Terrace having to meet a stricter standard, because the ambient will very likely be lower on a Monday than on a Friday. Although the combined measurement days do result in more data collected, this does not, in our opinion, pose any technical problem or compromise the study in any way. In order to measure the noise produced by the Sky Terrace relative to the baseline ambient, we will measure day and nighttime noise levels with the Sky Terrace in operation after the erection of temporary barriers to simulate proposed acoustical improvements. In addition to measuring average noise levels, we will also measure loud events by setting the monitors to record all noise exceedances over 80dBA. Long-Term Noise Monitoring Locations Figure 1 shows the proposed noise monitoring locations. The noise monitor at Location 1 will be at the Sky Terrace. This will provide us with source noise data so that we can back calculate what acceptable levels need to be to meet the Noise Ordinance. Additionally, we will monitor occupancy periodically during the measurements so that we can correlate occupancy with noise. 1 We have clarified the Noise Ordinance enforcement protocol with Tom Rivard of the San Francisco Department of Public Health. If noise barriers are used to mitigate source noise, and the line-of-sight is broken by the barriers, then the measurement location for purposes of the San Francisco Noise Ordinance compliance will be behind the barriers. C h a r l e s M S a l t e r A s s o c i a t e s 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 Sarah Bernstein Jones 25 May 2010 Page 3 The noise monitor at Location 2 will be behind the noise barriers (at a distance of three feet from the barriers) to simulate the worse-case measurement location that would typically be enforced by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The Location 3 noise monitor will be supported from the Northeast wall of the New Mission Theater. This monitor will collect data at the interior of the block near the San Francisco Buddhist Center and Foreign Cinema’s outdoor dining patio. The noise monitor at Location 4 will be located on Bartlett Street between 21st and 22nd Streets. The noise monitor at Location 5 will be located on 22nd Street between Mission and Bartlett Streets. The noise monitor at Location 6 will be located at the rear façade or terrace of 21 Bartlett or 25 Bartlett. * * * We look forward to meeting with you to discuss the specifics of this acoustical study further. Do not hesitate to contact me prior to the meeting if you have questions about this study. Sincerely, CHARLES M. SALTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Cristina L. Miyar Vice President Enclosures - as noted 10May20 Medjool Sky Terrace Acoustical Study Charles M Salter Associates 130 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco California 94104 Tel: 415.397.0442 Fax: 415.397.0454 ROOF DECK MEDJOOL RESTAURANT 2516-2524 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94110 - - . AERIAL VIEW PROJECTINFO OWNER: GUS MURAD 2516 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94110 PROJECT CONTACT: SANTOS & URRUTIA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2451 HARRISON STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94110 (415) 642-7722 (415) 8427590 . . V AO AO .l Al A2 A3 A4 AS AS Al V AB A9 AID All Al2 . PROPERTY ADDRESS: V V BLOCK/LOT: V ! - V ZONING FOR SITE. . DRAWING SYMBOLS SHEETINDEX 2516 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALJFORNIA941IO 3616 - 061 MISSION NC-T goo r - BUILDING ELEVATION TAG TITLE SHEET, DRAWING INDEX, GENERAL INFO CONDITIONAL USE AUTHORIZATION EXISTING GROUND FLOOR PLAN EXISTING MEZZANINE FLOOR PLAN EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN EXISTING ROOF DECK PLAN PROPOSED ROOF DECK PLAN GROUND FLOOR AREA CALCULATION MEZZANINE AREA CALCULATION ROOF DECK AREA CALCULATION EAST & WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION rop ,-\ l* BUILDING SECTION TAG AciVIuTj . . . . . "C’’’T" V I tI"lI I MA P IVlr SOUND SYSTEM SHALL HAVE NOISE LIMITER ALL SIGNS SHALL BE LIT AND VISIBLE TO PATRONS ROOF DECK PASSAGEWAY TO BE WELL DESIGNATED WITH DISTINCT AISLE LED LIGHTING CONTINUOUSLY ACTIVE DURING BUSINESS HOURS HOURS OF OPERATION: NO PATRONS MAY REMAIN IN THE OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AREA AFTER CLOSING TIME. STAFF MAY REMAIN IN THE FACILElY AS NECESSARY FOR CLEANING AND OTHER DUTIES RELATED TO THE OPERATIONS OF THE OUTDOOR ACT[ VI1Y AREA ONE HOUR PAST THE CLOSING HOUR. NO EMPLOYEES MAY BEINThE OUTDOOR ACTIVIT Y AREA AFTER THE CLEAN UPTIME. ,4*E4 CON APPROVAL POSTING WINDOW/ STOREFRONT TAG V IS’ SPEAKER DETAILTAG tI1 EJ\ .~zw,-j Por*G - ’ L i INT. WALL TYPE TAG (NUMBERS) I9 ’IJ J LOWER CASE LETTER DENOTES SUBCATEGORY i CONDITIONAL USE AUTHORIZATION . EXIT SIGN k/Y T PERV V W 02 of O z SW NOISE COURTESY SIGN VQ T (AX. i] EXT. WALL TYPE TAG (LETrERS) ( ’VVJ KEYNOTE I DOOR TAG > _J IU Lii ____________________________________________________ < . ’ r 0 Z U.. _____ Z < -- V V Or L0fl5 -. i_ 0 : C 0 Q Q I LL _ ___ co ILI z 13 P IV:TVV - (0 EMERGENCY LIGHTING. EXIT SIGNAGE. AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER PLACEMENT SHALL BE V.Z- LOCATION MAP - V______ A& no U. R J REQUIRED CONTACT INFD PERMITS AT 55 0 - SUBJECT PROPERTY 2512524MGSONST. Pi APPROVEn RECEIVED __ DEC 14 2011 z AW I CLASS / Jo A SAC 12-13-11 I AS NOTED R . S. 7661 SITEPLAN SCALE: 1/8"=V-0" 0114 F9 - IIII]IIIIIIIII_IlII_I_IIIILI14III__I_(IIII CL ESCIJW V 011 I ’, II I V si S2Zw ’ AO TheeM w L) U: c0 0 U- novas... - : -: oIIO. Nn1U34 Sem6.m361t I MofIgnN.i4i4 ENo.2o,f4zc i5tof.t, I I I I Thl..:th .onin Iq F . bmcp Am al n,e lo.allow k toU*rvinn 0linbL bof odin OnidonnA viA,00loon .on4oln10o ,tq i ii" ’ tto5!o ma sipyk Sir dtJlq. Lol i p.i]ælinpt to PIanlpg lo() I dith nod 73624 within the too Otont NCT (W.dgtlbodioodCon.mojnoI T1iOOIt Zo,lItt Dfd40th3c5-P &B4ktbn1l6 diti1 04d6jnco Io111iI6,d.M thep.i 42011, nod Imp.d ’EXhIBIT & I.d dod B. 4,o dodot Ci,. O0342(t nod A otkkt 10 tindIttotn of ntoF WinW.4 wof 0p.0004 Bj dtl oIimof0d n ep10oto 0, 2Q11o},font4o.t$44. V I I H I I I OFC0NDmONS - OF APPROVAL i’nf 6. to th I-000n of the bolidbog permit 6e 6bOtcnot p1 unØfo6 dip ProJkt blip Zonbog AdWi0 shah pp- on4 .4. a ’. of Rod.bo the bdidinord of ii,. Roonr4noof lb Cltlnnd Co0p ISbn Fondofwn lot dton b pooeniy Thu Nobtnshn!I stat 441, the pr.d to nnt.ot to the nondidoos of,pproval oontnto.d bin and r.vlow.d nod 0ldaoi64. b6IT6o1EjC4ofbnodoo I --:-:---- - JN11NG OF coliornolis OF APPROVAL ON PLANS I 11,p9amb.r:ojt dn.dItonofpppri,iI, ornpUance, MoflKorhtg, andRepol-tfflg I I PERfdLRI4ANdE I 2$llMIfllgh$trnot lb lod,. Shoot a coontouctlooylnos unbound wIth lb tola o.hnffdhng pplroolboo lcd din PooJ.d Th. J d.o$h 1 of oh onnst&wtboo pboonnl, ft ro1r.noo in V. - F kale I P. P - ! ,, I I I I ii.. Pbo.dnb.nul 000Iy with niboppubonbi. Citytodin nod .oqniwownn. if nndonan .onbanon, toOl iny pod of di pt Oft fitlorn . ofoppoon I fo any Aribisan hold to B. IdoglId, opd. In Ildily dial .fkd toyota c, i6 inofnboa d ase,, osbOp in noodoroofdin.. I ,iofidido. 14,dn61ohoæ ofin.i nbrIght bo6.o tonI6.i dhdfgjn.iL Poojod Syon,oc’ .h,bl lododo any .nb.oqnonurpoosibI. pinty. I I I I cnn’pKooni o1.bscn ColpE.frmasncni, Plat , 00 V’a,hpdJol 415-575’ fobs, nwnn.ofdenbin,oe. I ! I I ThIs eathoolonfon may be cxl ermod At the dUnn#o. pf46 Zoning Mtnlnhltiotoo oiaJy11yhkoto (aitdm l lss,ilo poocit btho Dp4ilono.tcif oobl4ing hap.obioobnpnfnenosld tpontIsypnoysontfoo U0sp64 bX... dpiay by. tn.oLSthIepa I I I For hirfi1ntntlon.class opmpliesc4 09n1on&11d.lnft9 -p4n3, P1OlIOgP.yJlnonl.l4l5.375- I I - I 10ol to tha ,pptosdd pinto may be .pponvol .d.aItiIsto.dvelyt,y the Zoning AdoobabLinon. Sbgolbbanotnhng.s and mndidoatbo.00fo,ndldon. shoE inqolos FInmdn oonmtndon oppunnol o.Condotoodhj,.00thprmnttko,. . I I I I ._ llnntitiodoi doe to ViOlatIon Shanld Lpplp.pe6)otlmo 14161. P4ct 060.11 10 s,p lpl le, loop. Thtoetnfnd pmpr,t)I oSadietc. crentdor6.. o noonniopiti loon.. avbloI. r. ant so,nlnndby lit.cspI-liposoop rand rQuA .IOy by.. pdono Ii. p FfalogCod ottodocth spnn1fi6Eooi4bilona0Iopov,tl oh Poofnotntsnlinrthin EoIt6I0A pr*0 Modo’i,th Zn0logdpki4aolotahSs.61d,cpsop6,nIndm C000nI16IOo -lCii. .tohbtE, it 61p hold & ’jnkIl c h.otbo on. the matter In onooldne .as.ccalioo-ofbd,onti.o.uoio.. ’ F0nlnJhtar’do.t..Oo’neaaqdlanrnuatntact Cool. Etlamonr ,oE P1soada5 Dqaan.nrei SI 6063,n000.iFnl.,si,yoe. 4is-sy5- -. I I In uZ V3 O I n3 * ..I ’’ _zn ’In piIII]P ZPZ I I I I I I 7. hot., ControL i]a p.raolon 6I6u1 1 boa4pqnalnlyonmsndpoopf$om Inonlaind rp5,pain. eld 64nibso IollcsddAl101’ototObli not i.saia’dibd.biyo. 4th epr6.dooncolnnoilooe p.ftona ottht buildIng nod bb4uwooeoqnhptep000.to.obelI not doend dip OInO6OI OSI.01IIod Mth.hd.pmooinb’hoi6icoo inO(Oodi11anen I . j fan lmforrnsbb., shone oohrplcon. atth thtfln.i ’i’coif’ol pbfrco snob .. robop sin tIll a’ hon g tntalqool o.ttlJ 11 p 2ro., s.d anton, sod nostynon 0 ocr Lb onw.)(sbk who 1c,nInonIsotb.C,snno 0001olJfroithboob1oi5 q.orbnp.,qP b/f 5d..IbhtISI4IS)252 3863,Wss..o’bkony I I r lojan.oilon Inp.(onospIlono. onibn Ito Oo.flsgag Flom’Iq Lbyo.tornct 09419-520- 6374 coOl -nioltoIstoIn 1 . 11IONI TORING.FTR ENTITI.EMENf E$ANPMOOFICAtIONS - I" I OPERATION colt.. I - 1ikritPltdionpm. 00.i 1611!64CpdnPnftrc.nb3, F1650618 DiPdilf,th48i#15 -5?56to64ni464tl.To.Oinr - I3. 68.I16 FOOlf00pofb4 with he building penmolt oplkotlool6rbte !Ppnomb.d proj000 nhaIO o.rnrpno tt otloonalIcal hoot don 6 other sound pntlnfing np eO.s3 Id 15 tool !SA3iUTY - n !ntIcSdmd -nip5p,Plqining CafeSep11p6 351frf (IfOld 646th wIth oh. f]atool - 6j Pn3ldboAlIlonInafommationatrauboo.rpliones , I 4P’do.3Tla &othr I:codex,pIndAlm;pbo.ol.57molr,., foi4I$-375- f I I I DESIGN- COMPLIANCE AT PLAN STAGE fliltkUDlon" 513616 il86i ,morojI6t.nhooer I I Candibbonol Us. nothodoslioto .nd ony nobotlfinat oa.dmonb on otodiiiosito CASEofO , fli0ll.p54l C 5,_ Mon1ttfdo, ii Thc1a19 !.qukn. monatitopag hifilap coPdiftdoo- of 4.3146.1 I. Ibm M6’ Th0Pfof443S4bloj’fcj56 -’ itii,nejes1topotoloolbebco)notowlt Volldhbyoadouplentone. Tha.otho,weilo.andpght .oio4by ,bv,pfthInplolib d,b4 of’the hbolio,. A bnhd.gpwan iso... the .yotfnpof Qf foddtag Innyonbion to noonbecict !1i4 ,li.yIfnt bn4lp ;odofnlo..tby ’n boned ned cc this Coodliloo.I’Use nilwhothon ho only .pp.ovel o f dip pupftn. p.oidd Andccndi’y no Ie,dapoodanL$gI.b ha fOl,tn,ddib peofedo 6.1. co-on. lbe oppnonrd son. The Plonning Com,pIsd6. m-T,IF, Opoblkloarbmg, Inn bdertfwrpvorabonf ,ppoologoo I.dil( lb nlboddipgpmIbh. nobbe*n tooine4 wit ltl fbi. dl obslaeM ilonopprovingil..Pons. Chant. bo0dt$tOtIIbUbn.ltoS4d, daa,b.nnlion cOlt comonloewldtltsth ilinothino....netfcsbsd lc’ the Sppa700enL of fm44ag inupsntlo.t pod by poed hahedil Id 10IOld4. 6C6nimb.inn pp ro, por.nit for d. Zkoct V.A byatfI b u t bp’aJlo1d b. ebpire sod otoon dtttfoft (3) yr6is haw .rd .Ihceoh.Mtbnnwns lppon#d, I obnfl 6. ,npoodncnl 1 MptlQnl Flop .9643-i I . 2. Ent.e.lo, - - 1 CAliE N3.Q$.O3dli C ! EXHIBIT A RECONDA10N ------ - ---- - Eolon.e,o-0, ’/1pI0II00 bOy of dan PtnneIn4 Onpfahopad arit oiblosto pfsppop6c1 onotoicred in bhb Iolioo or at my ad... prom4oloao ot Phnontog Cod. .pplkaicio to this Project shall be .objool In the ts.faromnanot poon.donrn And odcnthlatrallv. ploausirl set Fncrii nod., Planning Cod, Section 1760, b.orloo 176.1. The Planning Depaotownt sony -Is O dab. thevboLctto. Oothptaiblio loothor oily drpa.I.oedo Id{digotdsi toe ppaopst.or on1n,nn0 wIlt,, i.ndn, thofrjooiodldfon. I I I I I I I I I I I I I z I I SbdIofliFob aBooS aid,dto,e, o64 0. roonroodon unIon roetw4 Me in.penl.spon j 1 A odIgl ’pmrctlo 41555868711 46w3dI4om I I’ Oodowtfirir st.nsI oonpp(ierO, , lotUs 0. an,pl3Ood remand iad,,dIn1 0 .7 a 4 k e,,d tnlorOlo, 2Oto5-2$35f54f4ofOO ’ Ircar. Odn.oelinL W1dIoifl.lnaoit.bI_41olotooIowIorlofodnieaB.deOlI,t. enbyr4nIdinnd b46;4pioAlpaos...io.Alofof Oqhtpa.O .hod B. itotolled to nonfonnoam with Ilneoppmoord ploen ond maioldord bo p.nvotl ony.LgnllIoonI onoboacs oeo(footvendoonbnoienofpbn0 the proal.,., Al injbrrntlictr lo.I Onopriba omen.. bIt odor or nIl,, ofimlc,t ale pnlloln.to otaod.o.-d,.. Otolmot 4 i... .oi.- QtOOI!)5 .AlsnntmoilIPdtei,t (BMQMO). l-ddo-334-0OX’R 1 63676 66.1 CicIl CiflImnOotsi, Pk,,,tin5 boporti,iiot at 413-505-6564 0 I - I I I QtI tree 10 1 I5ZSibjoeaat.ronr I Ito .............................. S2Zw Lad No. 1B434 I 5p1. bsrB,2011 Motion I1060n No. 15454 11.0t10rlbu$,1511 CASENO. 20OI.O34C 2fltMbOntonSfrnot CASE NO. Zoo0,no.u01 2516Ml..bos.Stre e t cr CD -a - 9. Sidewalk bloB.. n. Th e ohall ,odololo the nato. eaton... to the baildingond nil .d.waIk. abunlo5 thd9tt nrpoopontybrnoobonod.dosniten,.aond-111w. In nocopiianon with the b.ponlm.nI piPoblIc Woolt, Sinont. and SlOnwelk Molostoonto I FnnIofr.,.I10. eBnt onnplionct onobont Spoon of Sinai U. and Ma,9.hip Oolonbo ,05i PLtl’Ikwonfi, 415-695-20 27, h0n76666o, I I I I For ta1linonajbo..Sont ro.nphhonnt no,tad Cod. E.hpanoot, PIns.big D.yinloaob at 415-5756863, .nnrs.9fple.piIo.oe9 I I I j bor000indIt.g ebdoivolt. oonn only, nod dosigard and managed "as not lob. noIWnne In .nnor.trinIdnt.1s Nlglabdmnitglatlog tholt lioi1. minimum nonoodasy -to or, odiny, bad doll to no cone be dioncted so no to conellloal. 0 oui.00re lo oy tosrrotcodbog - I - I I I I at 415-575- ii hoots of OposoltIon. Tha .nbJmd sotoblhd.m.nt to limited to the bolloinlo3, hoots of obipoo 3.15 .l;fCIpSh Pddoytshtoli3Sath, Sobidoil l,alB.temnodSoikd.y1lothIolf*n.. 160 p00.1mb ’n.y jtooslOIa the Qu..orAd1.4Pf/ion4ipoiofnofpamp1cneyanoain Intho fndflynolo4tnhatt for nttodbnli 664gtbdpdlotIOloolatodboTb* Opolotfiolt nb 16. Ooldoo, Antlolty Area non hone post tb.c donkaplion. otormd olin... 50. .npinnn May ha In ’I.. Onbdpp..litt.115 AoeO Olin. bib van . PSops -- I (1) - - I F,. infrn.mabioro At coollaon. ntnlod Co.f. Eofomonnwot, ?iaosiog bqonln.oit it 4lS-5756863, Lon’tI’alIsbitofnfOf.OJO I - I I p53,212115 lhaihhmoiIat, dent .nmnpSssoc4 10,100 cw Etfononcnl, P1O.O,IOO D,nrbnosi rt us-sm6663, mou,olodatomb..o,. I 10, PloswhtgCosnornic.lnon Ponies. (05 Carnplbnoc.. TIc. Plooctiog D.pa.t.n.nt will nondnit A pnbbnhnfa mar tlonhearing at the Pluodog Co.ncnitnl.n an the tornplloore of those "nit od App.5iodlhy p0 plo 16)ieoad.n tone, lite dinpof thisdadoloms. In . penynrodon far lb. hsonng, 6. Potojod Sp000otOholl wri dia of a poise a Indy in lb non. pidlnnallno elton s defined In do odglamol atopo of tooth pm.prnd by Cbaolen 1.4 SoIititAbstktith hind 4tindMi24 2013, 13161db ioillhiooipoif thtb6nllil*Ievoi of nois, horn16. robe shady 000dOdnd by doacri.. %&ndtan Anandalso, toe, old. onanomo tipanOopa. ,04r thulybsblkfot000tp-tLPI heaping lad 10111. lb. adebda ead Inp4 of . the Plowing CrntnlnInct. the Zormnf)~, Jtn.1Ol..y pobOod nO main.. the beeos’ttnd I" old.e opId r ondobby ores. This otndy dip b..nsdo evodabl. In the poblir. APE- I - abSiHIChI000 -1y’l/ilne000noj.,,j.--’ bLli4.,m0o..n. -. - - F- 0 -j . IL, I LL - I aici I V I’ D" ,-_-------j--- I FEB 20215 I I I T. 1po tuB if I (..l) 1 I on -mo j050 C,,o ’9 I z< 00 Ii _ 12-13-11 .tdta Cold. SIPS MAR 05 2112 OwonOy: OlSo: I IL 9! z - P68 hbnor.oliobl..at lmob?buin cn.mt66l Cod, IpOictoewaL P!a.tning 0.3 aims.,! in 415-575’ 6864 rn.rte s1.bsof,. coy On "rot., IA 0 0 I 23. 13th.. Enln.tahnono,1, The o.atdoo, odIoiny sin. U not nilowod In fone oil.., .nannoionOltandofonediofl.no.m5Cod.footoiT90 6$03.ops.’lonnIoa I0 I 17. Bwarng.Scmmio.. Peno-o6sn ,sovpd In the t3.4s6nor Activity Anna ahab its obtained diromcloaaipIt4t.ffonly. has eiea4InpnongbroondoU4atiwvroplbng ini.athop O5L*. 19 -I mr- CO 01 ml l4 I’ 7661 AO.1 14 Cp ZL 0 I Fr. hiphainstirin dial onnplmano. sootod Cob £4 owonml, filming bcpo,Inwoiot 41di375. 6863, batanododsonnodP For 60ho.sdno .bat thnlhoonp th6l Cido L"frona66h Plenntod b.poetthotl o6413-575I - z IS. Occupanc y. Ma.oiconatn aco6paoqr for the pollen rant deck .6,11 be goon.owd by the Bnlldbng Cod.. npy.p the pan toed pe do C4doo r .,qhwby An.a by lb0 ptojod oporowiahs1l tiaf oictd 155 peisana. Sb, iplepnatby 66m1 o,00dia.rn, ntnbntt Cola Cnefonnoo..I, PUnning Dap000nrnt 0415-575. 6563, .snnnI-.4an.ln, on. I I Cc Lu gI-0 md I from Ia. Nattota Posted. NatIon shall be posted rnq000dnil ynleono any the roof the donk baa e,nbnt, peroonInl,ond orderly foobbon snd be con,Idawti 61601w I.npools loo .itilgftbnthood. The noire, oboE be Web -Ill and pmoodananbhp dinpinynd in aS nitranoss and ado of the .clobhldanieoL The nnr.dldoo set Forth bs,this Motion 16.11 also be posted 00 hiitn. if. Ll5hling. All Projoot lighting ohohl be dlrodbd onto the Ptad.d oil, ad Inim.dlai,Iy Ion infnmosth.00foolw.opliomrce, conlont Cole EoJcro.nwol Heoniof Li’acbowmb 100.0 owO4e Foiliafor*tofinorOiinniplMnda, o.i.foli Car tlnfts-ooeo,prt. Pipanin Dq’msrlmntnlottlS-575680.1, mw.. 01 1P. Cnm000nityLiai.00. Polo, In loodanno of a 1,piltilngp.nn!oinopnptpistthe P*I bolplannoal thi .p.ov.d no., the Poofoin Opondo aholl oppniot oarntoos.iIv ll.inoo mw pim lb Tb.. 000.owrdly Ibloonofbbcn4hall B. bobI#bybnlplO., at niltiotisbnhootd onlidb. pnobte.no& The roof p0 Spon000 oltolt ptovld. the ZmtrS Ado,k.bbnstn, wi th writs... antice of the none, busboaw addresx and beloptooni uiaoobon of did ndtn.npnity UsShould ib. no.1s0 bnloosoatlonnitoag., the Zoning; Administrator shall be node swain of pad. ahengo. The noonnoarahty Saloon .6.11 o.ppt to the Zoning AdmIflIdonto, .nh.i Iw..e, If soy, om of ononoen t o die community and what Into.s have not been ainolvŁd by the pbnfsSpnnsor. ni - - I I 11, U,al,I. OpsonSpane for IIneIdeOOW Hated 1JO1Io. The ’con ds.bynob.d In 6p6.s0ien.qmoto 6t. lnbUthP.6.driaodl the cbaldqnrAnblolby Area and for ilnasol. ann nftheosobdmstbtdht.nonka I T T T C) u2 LL CL Ii l CA1tGCALUEXEW1 *RC(OICIWLRLLW CLASS____L_ I , JOh Uld, 50 MAR2B?M EXISTING GROUND FLOOR PLAN IoI I,I MAR %I cc U T T tz 1w 3 1 i, (I) OZ 8 NUN 0 ?Zw Im r’ ccL&, GO =a. uj LL. j LL cZZW cii&O o RR~E 4/ " 2 0 00 MEZZANINE AREA: 3142.9t SO. FEET - 0 EMOTE DETECTOR, 40 FT. ON CENTER SOFSFEC6L TE -2 H(XR, 36* DOOR WIPN4IC HRDWARE J, 1REVOW COMPLETE NFPA-13 SPRINKLEBED FIRE ALTEM SYSTEM THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE. kAR 29 r-Y1 -(Z T1Mr. MI77AMINI 11 (CiR P1 AN ,It~s, 9 NORTH o 2 O LL r SCALE: 1/4 " =V-0" DRA Z 12-13-11 SoI O Sy Job Sh R.S. 7661 ee t A2 01 14 Shee t , I,l II’ 1 c T T I_u OZ jr, . A_ Ojxs ir U) 25W 15 z I a aI II. ICO CLI J. JU WOO Z LL Oz< zQo AREA .54955SO. FEET 3 0 o - 16 ROOMS 0 SMOKE DETECTOR. 40 FT. 00 CENTER I DX .2 HOUR, SE DOOR WIPENIC HARDWARE COMPLETE NFPA-13 SPRINKLERED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE. EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN S. jV NORTH ) 0 Fu 2 9 2912 Ac 2-13-11 John Gird, SF01 000A I/4=l’O 55505 255 L n, RS. - 7661 ShnI A3 01 I IIII5III n IIII IIIII o III Ij 1 III I I 14 Shoe. 5 co 0 I U U) BmRmWom OZ . j 1 .r BEDROOM C..)WZ cn ZW 0 0 w BEDROOM LL< mcc 22. H is Z 00 U 0 56 ROOMS C) - SMOAE DETECTOR. 45 Fl. ON CENTER H 0 Jz COMPLETE NFPA-13 SPRINKLERED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE ,dL NORTH 0 H 22 -2 HOUR. 35 DOOR W/PANIC HARDWARE EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN ’ 0 AREA 5499.950. FEES RECF ’V FEB 2S2012 \ m tEC 14 2251 e SCALE: 1/4"=1’-O" U. z (1) 12-13-11 . H 540H: HAR25))2 N AL R.S. J091H: 7661 Sheet Of 14 A4 Shet CC RVA000Z T T z* J AR U) J A_ OZ t z :E cD#i C..)2 L1J S’2Zw LI. k t2 EL Z o F9ED &8 PIfl..OQ . Oz< zQ 0 00 g4 mrfady .L EAwdS WAI 111$1R!GTIOf5 U IM PRMICISCO DEPMT,c.T 0? Cc?? ??JJNINC gE CE IV ED, Jz 01000POWc?CW1 FVCf0?m0MMttK0CW CLASS_________ C, EXISTING ROOF DECK PLAN 1% 2011 0? NORTH SCALE: 1/4"=l’-O" FM 23 lOIS O*c. 5 12-13-11 SCOIC. 1/4=1-0 MAR 35 2002 R.S. CCC CA 7661 Sh0?t Of I 1 1 41 1 IIIIIIolIHI0IIIJI7 7L0 I 7 1 IIIII 14 A5 Sh.et, ILEtISSIG T RI T 3 5J (JIJ L/7. CI) OZ 2 TTENIJAT)ON NE rt 42’ HIGH STE. GUAROR .1 .I SrA Ij J iL ’ ROOF DECK MAX. OCCUPANCY 152 SPEAKER I (MOPES SPACE FOR SRO I NOR (N) BATE SN LATCH SPRING. SELF CLOSER (L) OS MIN. 00011 ES oil PANIC HARDWARE STORAGE t 4’Xr (N) 54 QUART PLANTER wIJASMS4E BUSHES II1 DN jx Ow H vi OUTDOOR BB.Q. GRILLREIAOVED j OUTDOOR REHEAT (E)EHITE/ MAIN RESTAURANT STORAGE rEi [D Ell , (N) OPEN SPACE FOR SRO [] FE - AREA- SR234SOFT Y % ’AI I 42’ HIGH STE. GUARD B NOTE 2010 CALIFORNIA BEADING CQOE TABLE 3-A DESCRIPTION OF OCCUPANCIES BY GROUP AND DIVISION SECTION 303.1.1 - (L/) GATE S/A LATCH (SPIIIIIIII SELF CLOSER sil HI .. I LL -. I w- c’Z LONG STL T7 SPEAKER 4_SB’ 54 QUART PUNTER BOXES WI JASMINE BUSHES 1. 42’ j. HIGH STE. GUARD - )/)GATEWNLATCH SPRING, BEEF CLOSER MECHANICAL ROOM j, . 4.r5 4. . 4H 60 MILL DOOR cc PASSAGEWAY on BAN (SERVICE OILY) (I) cn Zz rolilm ol"m SPEAKER 45r ENSO -- -- EXISTE4QFHIGH SOUND ATTENUATION SCREEN (E) rHO/I SOUND ATTENUATION SCREEN - .PSHuv CLJ/, - PEA INS DEP EAt / Oz< INSTALL’’ AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF FOR SOUND SYSTEM zp 0. 5512 OCCUPANCY CALCULATIONS, ROOF DECK AREA - 2,263 SOFT OCCUPANCY .2,253SQ PT, 15.152 OCCUPANTS ACCESSIBLE TABLES: PER ADA. 5% OF TABLES TO BE ACCESSIBLE PROPOSED ROOF DECK PLAN SCALE: 1/4=1-0’ ..LSOISIIOS__TCS NORTH NOTE ALL PUNTS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REPLACED AS REQO SPRINKLERS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT FIREPLASM UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT No PROPANE TANKS ALLOWED ON ROOF DECK NO PORTABLE HEATING UNITS ON ROOF DECK MIMMUM FETURE COUNT PER TABLE 2982.I FOR GROUP A000. 082.54 SQ FT. ROOF DECK PERTARLE1004.1 MAX FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCE PER OCCUPANT2282.54 + I5 NET .ISSOCO. 152*2.76 MALE /78 FEMALE MIN. PLUMBING FIXTURES: 0 NOTICE OP SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS CLASS I 2 0 F_I JUl15 Cord. 5212 pf 2(5521201) m LL oD FEMALE MALE 3:76-125 00)0 wo /\ ’-I - 3:78-125 12-13-il W*.n SIr .b N.: SheEt 1/4’=l’-o’ R.S. 7661 A6 Of 14 She,t, I IIEIIIIIIIIII I( IllIll I I - 0 ILL, .d ON 6 a V3 1 I2-5 64r REF UP 16< 166 D U 4U U) OZ 9 UP BAR WPANICHARDWARE AREA T = 486 SQ FT 000 00000 000 I11 i I REA 11 AREA fi= 1165.67 SQ+1 11, 919.20 SQF I ITCHEN I I - F AREA AREAfi=1329.64SQFT RESTAURANT NEW RETRO. SPACE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT )DNME9.0 £ 404 SO ISHWASI [ AREA 323.03 SQ F ] RESTAURANT -- 25-01/2 IZ ;I fr IEI 90 MIN. DOOR WI PANIC HARDWARE Ln C LZ To Fo SDIJ cI)aol 10) Z FSlORAF111 31 0 LL I I AREA CALCULATION 486S Q FT AREA NOT USED NORTH AW5DE DA45RJ. DW.9* SCALE: 1/41 = 110l EOPECIALRE TIO z 00 0 0 0)0 0)0 0 1165.67 SQ FT 1329.64 SQ FT GROUND FLOOR PLAN AREA CALCULATION 4 ic t WAIJGN3 COOLER H L) . .. - AlOE) 201) U, 919.20 SQ FT ca IL 323.03 SQ FT (I) 10< TOTAL GROUND FLOOR RESTAURANT AREA= 4223.5 SQ FT GROUND FLOOR OPEN AIR SPACE AREA () = 275.83 SQ FT 12-13-11 EAR: D,AR,, 0y Sh200 01 14 s R.S. 7661 cc T1 T 0 T 40 U) .LJ OZ 56 1 U,0W HI z 0 IJ 0 I 0 C Ui z z (I) I- ( p LL 0 0 O 0 oz AREA CALCULATION () -SMOKE DETECTOR, 40 FT. ON CENTER 232.00 SO FT 25 -2 HOUR. SW DOOR W/PAIAIC HARDWARE COMPLETE NFPAI3 SPRINKLERED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE. A AREA NOT USED APPROVED o 774.17SQFT 39158 SO FT . PER PLR5fry UPPLuC MEZZANINE FLOOR PLAN AREA CALCULATION ' SCCIDSfl m 455.23 SOFT NORTH rC. ONS 155.69 SOFT oALRES SCALE: 1/4"=1’-O 636.84 SO FT erhtDpflmSfreAe.fRCeueMALwtW () _________________ 497.40 SO FT : 2-13-11 TOTAL RESTAURANT MEZZANINE AREA= 3142.91QFT C JetS Curd, HA 7661 Sheet W 05 2012 H Of 1 1 IIIIIIIII 14 I’IIuI -. EA cc UIIt1’ IL " o U. N UI MEZZANINE AREW 5397.5 EW FEET I.,I2 A8 SheUc T <II J 3U U, UZ OJN Ir Pz UJI ?Zw. r-U .. - - e. _r_ uj2co C2 - cc& IL CL uj ci,a.c z o LL II PLEXI GLASS PANELTO BE INSTALLED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT FOR 501J140 BARRIER jOZ 9 751.30 SQ FT REQUIRED SRO OPEN SPACE AREA =958a? SRO OPEN SPACE AREA PROVIDE = 992.34 FE’ 561.70 SQ FT _________ 969.54 SQ FT AREA NOT USED P APPROVED DIADA ON ROOF DECK PLAN SCALE: 1/4’=l-O TOTAL SARtJ.OBEAM iR rn QOFSPEClTLREXERICONS TOTAL GROUND FLR. RESTAURANT+ MEZZANINE = 4223.54 + 3142.91 = 7366.45 SQ FT (0 cuss / ALLOWABLE OPEN SPACE AT ROOF DECK (7366.45-275.83) x 1/3 = 2363.54 SQ FT. DNA sR 2 8 aota PROPOSED RESTAURANT OPEN SPACE AT ROOF DECK =2282.54SQFT. - 1 oI 1I II cJ Z AlTO 01011 2282.54 SQ FT NORTH PASSAGE WAY i) 0 _..j INN DEP*RThS NAPAA Dt 00 ( Q B r Z 02-13--il 1/41-0 R.S. 7661 Sheet A9 Of 14 Sheet, g U U (.1) WO I-a , OZ to D6 11 ; I II I rz I ROOF ROOF SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR M1D1 ID FIRST FLOOR fl El=l ID - -- I-F Hfl H ETJTh T H T4 jJ Lii LII FIRST FLOOR T 1= Mill --- LIJEJhHEJ" ib !ih ___ E. MEZZSNRE FLOOR LIJ .----------------------------------------------------u IiIEIlRh&iIId c (OH Z 0 o GROUND FLOOR LL APPROVED -, od - IA v, ONO1J C?ALRESTRICflON5 CLASS . S DEC wn,rIro,cnynANoo. C.) SEll ronc iii! E0 I D EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=I’-O" SCALE: 1/4"--l’-O" IL (0 FED 2 9 2W2 < Dro: SrOI, AL N jf ______ John OmI, SF15 51R052012 RE SbNrr Oh nO N (i 12-13-11 1/4=1’O RS. 7661 A10 SI 14 Sheet, zwtf 4ft ze I- u 121’ :3 E)T HIGH LAM I NATED GLASS SOUND ATTENUAflON SCREEN ON EXISTING GUARDRAIL - ROOF ----. I _----- I \ \ ---- I I -----1 IE) T HIGH LAMINATED GLASS SOU ATrENUAT)ON SCAEEN ON EGSTING GUARDRAIL ND ----- ----- Ufl)Z I (E 7 HF4 LAMINATtD GLASS N OUNGATTENLJA11ON SCREEN ON EXLSTINGGLJARDRAL 0 - _______________________- -.- -- ----_..:: .- A - . _: -_¶_-- v7 V//.Z L? r I _________ - .--. -.- -_______ z U -- _________ ______------------------------- II’//’///’ /y’/,// I- SECOND FL OO R SuSAD-STrENURTI NO-LRMlNATEDGLASS- -----. _ _ > Ui -__---_ ------ - FIRST FLOOR _________ I/-,’ ________i__.__ -- L/‰;/ _____ ____________________ J _____ LII CD I I- Z U MEZZANINE FLOOR CC z - Z -0LL APPROVED ND APP ON SM. WANC.SCO DCPAflDjyc,,y nfl*dp4 Oz< zQ. 0 0 D~ SPe1 S ,\ SltBtALttDBWtI$tS1Jf.1PDflJTM.NW CLASS 1 1 / FPRES F REC F IVFD o _I NORTH ELEVATION - 00 I- . 202 LL I (0 SCALE: 1/4"1’-O’ (1) FEB 29 22 S 12-13li 1/4=1 RS. JM.hM JOIR 0112. SFFO Sheet 2495552 CI ’oI r 7,1 ii 7661 All 14 ca , Ori) UdIl (I) PER Z fr Sheet, .. ’tL I w c GHNOS S 40 U V. (I) 0Z S! I (5)5 HIGH SOUND ATrENUA1,ON SCREEN--\ CE) S HIGH LAMINATED GLASS SOUND A1TENUA1ON SCREEN ZZ <- AJ x tj) Gb) _____ 0 IIT z U I- - I - SECOND FLOOR BOUND ATTENUATING LAMINA iw GLASS -< - C)Z - > C..) J Lii I IJ FIRST FLOOR - --- ---- --------------------- LL. c,,o.o U MEANISS FLOOR (I) Zz ---- LL GROUWOnS4 -- So’J APPROVED Dol d n HARAP..AS’AGMV. DU’AME 1 -A cAt - ON Auy EIGWTFPfltJAWOWE%tALPttN oz< z 0 0 0 ,.-’ _)Q I0 Jz (R - ECIALR - DEC 2))) m R 11 SOUTH ELEVATION ,I V) SCALE: 1/4’=l’-O" FE)) 29 SI) Set., StoIc, 5,0.0 Hj JAG Curd. SFFD HAP 0) 552 05S0 Sheet ’U. (0 rZ U)( 12-13-11 I/4=1-0 R.S. 7661 Al2 Of 14 Shed, ----lilt_ri I I - 44.d o - P P 9 9 9 I lx Tit I 0 I o z J(L 0.0 z MEZZANINE FRAMING PLAN SCALE: IIb1-S" + 0< cc I-u. 2f Z oz z o&J0. ¶ ¶ 7 T T 0 LL 2 (1) O I- w 1.1. 0 rLL o z< ZQ RECEIVED 0 .IARt2U12 c 0 THIS P ACCED _J 0) 0 (1) 0 U) z / VE I I OldPflg.DBl Oat.: MAR 14 252 .3-1 0-12 S Sy Job 00. Sroon 7661 Sheet FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: a Of I DI I I I S2 Sheets uJ REVISIONS P P I ! ! JAtL F . U.aN. sThJ =-. pjpJ V2X14 PtAM I!7 P PLYW OOD ! ! . BE Ir! ..----- -.------ - E -- NO j=.r=r. _2----1 j r.J I i1 j : Ii L M P11 J liJgG s$ 1..IiJ f L1 JV--------- :[-: ’ ij ; J I4:T: ---- u/ rtf 3 1-11 F00000 __ I J TYP.. U.O.N. SECOND FLOOR FRAMING pyw C) NORTH BELOW, TYP. U.OiL I WOODS, DYE LL PLAN - cc cr LL SCALE: Z 15w- Zw IL li zr Z0s:ao: in LL z P F- I P P P PCETADCEEI OA.TDP.Uf.Rj._ I Rosa::? IrcA Al I LLI P co j SIOO IECTEPJORS1LDSO (1 nB-o.c. YP. DON Iw000 .JSRDMWNLL \ BELOW UJ uj Zz o Cc o -2wv III LL RECEIVED COL I ZE puki MAR 1 - WALL 4 : Q z< Z 0 o 0)0 ’ U) I_J c:fZ Z012 DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTION THIS PlAN MEETS TIlE 000UTY STANDARD FOR 000115 ACCEPTED W14174 CONT. " BELOW 14UPRoC.C. BYDI@IB’ I I WI?CO. OELOO WIM" ,. - W140T4 I MUSS WIMO P.O4 5NGI HANOI IW I - WINGM’ __-_----~BOVE I 514 4l4 : - uoNENr cq ’U- CONN. cOM W140?4 W241117Uct .AM’ 9 LD_ [I BELOW BELOW 5 4 II 4 zIla WISI7B H I RO/4 BELOW SM V1_ NORTH Solo Scolsa 3-10-12 1 /S- 1 1 -0 Crown T JAb NA: FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 7661 Sheet SCALE: 1/8.1’-0’ Of ’id I Sheets CJ)O C:\Documt , onl 5ett49s\flo\OnSlnp\n.dpoLdg 3/13/2012 1:26 PU Pioltad b0 ok,om 3524 )CREE: PHilt 0 m ’1 0 0 m -n z z m C) -- 0 - U z ---- fi ----@ --.-.-fi ----fi -41i I I-o V (TjI 41ic ASBUILT CONDITIONS 0 0 2516-2524 11AISSIONI s- rFtaiE:_r - - ROOF DECK FRAMING PLAN PENTHOUSE FRAMING PLAN TELEPHONE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DUPUCATE NO CAMERAS I NO COPIERS PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAW (415) 642-7722 B2V5UO > I - - The address of the project D.A. ciwCIaIST(p. i of 2): 2-S7b I’S For ALL tenant Improvement projects in commercial use spaces, this checklist Is rtq.uired to be reproduced on the plea set aridgi 1. The propdsed use of the project is gn ed. (e.g. Retail, Office, Restaurant, etc.) 2. Describe the area of remodel, inchidlng which llooc - . 3 The constnction cost di this project excluding disabled access upgrades is $_ , which is Ies than the Accessibility Threshold amourft of $JU.tO based on the (check ana)-D more than I . 201 3-ENR-Constpction CostTridex (The cost Index & threshold are updated annually). /3 Chdck one: 4. Is this a City project and/pr does itreceiva public fundisg? Instructions pegs for additional forms required. g /)(N-- Note: If Yes, then see Step 3 on the , . . Condifiphs below thusi be fully iocuthented by eccornpanyfngdra wings rterpfijllvsort ehenk thn most anniloshis box (nna hr, nr,h,5 A , All existing conditions serving the area of remodel fully comply with access requirements. No for upgrades axe required. All existing conditions serving the area of remodel that db fully comply with access requirements will be fully upgraded with this project Proposed project (check one) ,Iess than the threshold /0 is over-The threshold Malls under CBC 1134Z,2,1 Ex. 2; Psrtiai7 upgrades, including Equivalent Facilitatido will ha provided up to 20% of the project valtie as itemized un Form C. Priority of upgrades are to be. uinsidored iæthe ordfr listed on p. 2 of the D.A. Checklist. Fill out Hardship xequtst form(s) for non-fully sbmplying items, including for EuuiyaIeat Facilitation items. Checking box C means there are still non-complying items serving the area of remodeL DThAccess features will either fully comply or be provided with Code defined Equivalent Facilitation. Stibmit an Unreasonable Hardship Request (UHk) for the-Equivalent Facilitation items. . -. O E: Hardship appeal to be filed with Access Appeals Commission (AAC). Note: Plan check of items not undefAAC consideration wil l - ontiæue while resolution of AAC dCcislon is sought. O F: Consisting only of Bather Removal, Notice of Accessibility Violation (NO)) Compliance or Exempted Work; Fill out Form F. o G: Minor, xeyisioo to previously approved permit drawings only. (Note: This shall 1IQI be used for tiew or additional work) Preyide proviotfs approved permit application here: . Description of reviion Q n ari A finmimh ( helow o - ,, I C.5 . cel - - LX U Ii Ii ’.’9 tJ ’’ CC rose MAR292012- . .. - FE2 g20 12 - DEPT. OF BUlL-DING INSPECTION D.A. CHECKLIST (p.2 of . . - !A upgrades below sia IIate 1 prissily based on 030 11340.2.1 Ext . ’ 4. AccessIble public pay - phone. 5. AccessIble drinking fountalne (hi-low). ci Al o - ci - 0 .- 0 - 0.. 0. 0 - -0 - 0 -- 0 0. 0 0 0 0 ci - 0 ci ci - ci 0 ci .0 -O 0 0 0 0 ci - - ci - 0. - .IJ -- 0 All 5LuyLuluAiUm 1111 IL .. 0 ci . 0 - 0- -0 - - - -0 0 [1 - 0 0 0 0 ci 0 ci ci D cj D .D .0 flYLI–lULI L–InaIaa, juu,uuc - --- - 0 D - . 0 0 Lscatlsn otdetaIlII.IncIu5e so. S dawIrig ateet Ciajfltlon commeste cseb. wrltt,s here. _ 0 0 0 MEETS SPEOPON FOR MjC"ROFILMN - 0 . - ci . -. . ___ - o ci . . 7. Showar ED - 2): - Vusual.Alsrm. Parking B. Others: path from parking area LT . . None . AceOZ. Exiating Iuparae te Perti EqLuIvaInt existing 8 Appuala ,. BarrIer Fully - I Full . Uprae! FclLlIuUsr not rq’d b Cemmls- RecesseS sloe cenplylna Oumplienc Hardship 1uehlp Hardship Cede NOV ji.iccesaibla ehtranca serving the area of remodel. ! Note: This should bea -. primary entrance. Add’I upgrade may berequired If it Is not - . 2. An accessible route to the area of rempdal 2a.psthof travel . .. - 0 2b. ramps Co. elevator -. -2d. stairs (If no elevator) 0 .othec________ sAt Isgat ona accessIble - restroom for each sex servIng the arai of remodel. goo cd" ow Fall aofI1 - 1 z - : .. Dept. of Buildirf Insp. . h’rm\PAto511DAc11itd : l’w7sf1I D Al 0 0 0 Q. EI El -D .0 - ci - 0 pjrnjt dtplJilLuLIuuAlumueraeTC:A.tdCJ> - Cl £ C.’-1 .. I cc SANTOS & URRUTIA I RECEIVED March 14,2012 MAR 14 2012 David Pang, P.E. Building Plan Checker City and County of San Francisco Department of Building Inspection 1660 Mission Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 OF BUILDING INQf101 1 QU LIT PLAN IN FOR DARD PTED ACCEPT E - Re: 2516-2524 Mission St, San Francisco, CA DBI BPM: 2011-12-14-0681 S&UJob#: 7661 AI Dear Mr. Pang, We are writing this letter in regards to the above mentioned project. The structural drawings attached to this permit to legalize the rooftop deck for A-2 Occupancy are exact duplicate of the approved PAil 2003-07-09-9095 approved structural plans. No modifications have been made to these plans. Additional calculations are being submitted to show that the existing roof framing and the existing steel beams at the first floor ceiling are adequate for 1 OOPSF live load. (-7 12-0 0p j-s’ -v i: Mf Building .Iflsp I MAR 292012 Ems - aZ , wa 0 u. u_<< ECTO fth If you have any auestions please contact us. OFFICIAL GIN SPECflON CL MAR 1 4 2012 No. S 2984 Rodrigo Santos, S.E. Santos & Urrutia Structural Engineers, Inc. Exp. 6-30-12 R*Vi~ ~ IN MAR 1 4 2012 DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTION THIS PLAN MEETS THE QUALITY STANDARD FOR MICROFILMING ACCEPT 2451 Harrison Street San Francisco CA 94110 Phone 415-642-7722 Fax 415-642-7590 in II 1 I 2 I I 3 4 I .I I 5 I I I I 6 ’ 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I u1181h1191h11101h11111111121 www.santosurrutia.cOm SUBMIT THE FGA.OWillS ITEMS ON SEI’UFLETE BFPUCHTJOPI 1= TIE EQU-IPMENT_SCHEDULE OTT DESUSPIDI IW&F.CTS(ER NatL. El ARCHITECTURAL MECIWIICAL CONDOS IIIFIEM.ATOIfLZ2p DEMOMS SPSINKLERS’ 01*44011/PC 0000*445 DUCT 13 P FIRE SI)PPF1ESDID1I I CUSTOM CUSIOTI -40*WI 3 STOS&265 8100- OCT24 DISH HOSE WIDE 50.0824 _ ! 2 rsDThJT20 TOO 501.25 i T02.OUSDTTOTOAD2IW ctsyoo SOlO *20224 IDLE IDEa 200I1.IICETVDCO 20-242 nsa STE not Ta associates ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING IDEWI0055 P-TONTNT.ED4DOOHDDVOMOE ! 10-EON 2*00 TOGs S TOtED -1 ST2210SS STOOL LE000UIIJ105D EORWOROTASHT4CIIrW/0V1.V.I408 SrAfl.CSSSTHaOMEINTO000 01*22153 OTtO 4000SCOLIH152 am SnOT loaf 20-It WI CCIV. LESS IT mx 10010. P80-ED CUSTOM pEn_cs 132440 PTE. CUSTOM 2747 19Th STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94110 tel. 415.362.5657 boo. 415-362.5044 wWw.teCla .com . OIHC1.4Ul__ F. s!r 21 i 021224 0020221T*CCO 0*0.243 TSTCTP5.I.4k ON.F 00441*220 REFRIOERSIES POOP 24 EDIH*211W24 SITS WITH 24 *502110200 I OI.OISPTVGTR *D**UTHT*2V0 - .PSofl 00801CC 241*4 05000 RaDIO . TOLI I ; IwI - . IeFk2’t J 040413. raSnTO4-I,r FTOOC- . tMagKe ROOF PLAN A3 42461Z - S. LTI SANITATION NOTES: 1. ALL FOOD SERVICE AND RELATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION (NSF) APPROVED AND IN CONFORMITY WITH LOCAL HEALTH REGULATIONS. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET SAME REQUIREMENTS. ALL REFRIGERATION SHALL MEET NSF-CHAPTER7 REQUIREMENTS. 2. ALL ADJOINING EQUIPMENT AND COUNTER SHALL BE SEALED TOGETHER TO PREVENT THE ENTRANCE OF MOISTURE, SPLASH, GREASE. INSECTS. ETC. ALL EQUIPMENT. INCLUDING SHELVING, SHALL BE SMOOTHLY SEALED TO THE WALL TO PREVENT THE ENTRANCE OF SPLASH AND DEBRIS. ALL PORTABLE OR FREE STANDING UNITS SHALL ES REMOVABLE AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE FOR CLEANING. 3. ALL WORKING SURFACES SHALL BE SMOOTH AND IMPERVIOUS. 4. ALL REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT FOR HOT STORAGE SHALL HAVE THERMOMETERS WHICH ARE EASILY READABLE IN PROPER WORKING CONDITIONS. 5. STORAGE SHELVING MUST BE SPECIFIED AS HAVING A SMOOTH, NON-ABSORBENT FINISH. THE LOWEST SHELF TO BEE INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR 6. A SEPARATE WALL-MOUNTED HANOWASH SINK IS REQUIRED WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO SERVICE AREA AND PACKAGING AREA, PROVIDE PERMANENTLY MOUNTED SINGLE-SERVICE SOAP AND PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS. 7. ALL SINKS TO BE PROVIDED WITH ADEQUATE HOT AND COLD WATER FROM MIXING FAUCETS. B. ALL EXPOSED CONDUIT. PLUMBING, ETC., MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST B INCHES OFF THE FLOOR AND 1/2 INCH AWAY FROM WALLS. ALL EXPOSED FLEX CONDUIT IS TO BE SEALT1GHT OR EQUIVALENT. 8. THE JUNCTURE AT THE FLOOR AND WALL IN FOOD PREPARATION, COOKING AND SERVICE AREAS, MUST HAVE A COVED EASE WITH AT LEAST A 3/8 INCH RADIUS AND EXTENDING AT LEAST B INCHES UP THE WALL. IF TOP SEE COVING IS USED. IT MUST BE ADEQUATELY SEALED AT THE FLOOR WITH SILICONE SEALANT OR EQUIVALENT TO FORM WATERPROOF SEAL. 10. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSURES ON ALL ENTRY AND DELIVERY ROOM DOORS. ii. BUILDING SHALL BE INSECT AND RODENT PROOF, INCLUDING EXTERIOR DOOR WHICH MUST COME WITHIN 114 INCH OF FLOOR. ALL VENTS AND OTHER OPENINGS TO OUTSIDE NEED TO BE SEALED OR SCREENED. 12. REFUSE CONTAINERS SHALL BE MOISTURE AND VERMIN PROOF WITH TIGHT FITTING LIDS. æ* 4TAL24oPDI2*A1Z /ITF. SSfr4U9C , ,051,4AooMU c_,wz L £1oo3c,,L’ ,/I I91T ,4. f’oP/14S /LLQO7) /;1- Lu 6PTS.6(ZIL.L. - zo 1Oo o r)0 8 LL LO i 2. AFTER LAYOUT G.C. IS TO COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECT AND PROJECT MANAGER REGARDING ANY DIMENSIONAL, CLEARANCE, UTILITY OR OTHER ISSUES THAT WOULD CAUSE A DEVIATION FROM THE PLANS. 1 *41p10HSO Ph," Dept. T041640y J. 005114041 ISIS PRSJSCI a WIMP 1051J1C710104 oH 21 /DCORDEOJ -i --I El O NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESTISCTICVSI 5. D.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL HARD WiRING AND HARD PLUMBING OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES - IN OTHER WORDS. WHAT REQUIRES A PERMIT IS DONE BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT. ’hLZ Il’ 50, IT. 224 4. DISPLAY SHELVING VENDOR SHALL ENGINEER SUPPORT FRAMING FOR LOADS AND SPANS AS PANT OF SUBMITTALS. )PROVIDE AN ALTERNATE PRICING FOR STEEL SHELVING SUPPORT WITH A THERMOSET EPDXY POWDER COATED FINISH. ,J. EXISTING BAR (SERVICE ONLY) 2 HEALTH DEPT NOTES: 1. ALL SHELVING AND EQUIPMENT IS TO BE N.S.F. FINISH AND CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE SAMPLES OF FINISHES FOR HEALTH INSPECTORS REVIEW PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SEAL. AND CAULK TIGHT ALL PENETRATIONS. IN FOOD SERVICE AREAS, PROVIDE AN INTEGRAL COVE BASE, E MINIMUM IN HEIGHT. C.oIOlIO4CI....TO0*I1I .1 40800.443 DL’... ii ¶ S 2513 I JV am (7’ OUTDOOR REHEAT KITCHEN EXTENSION 0022 *14.I-2* - at Dolt. - - LEGEND I \ 0 pE1I1.0 SI - /110 sl (E) WALL TO REMAIN. - (N) 3 518 20 GA METAL STUDS @ NT O.C. WITH DUROCI( BOARD BOTH SIDES. - SEE FINISH P1./UN FOR FINAL. FINISH. SEE STRUCTURAL FOR ATTACHMENT DETAIL [I 1111111 I (N)3SI82OGA METAL STUDS @4rHIGH @ ¶6 O.C. WITH 518 DUROC}( ON BOTH SIDES ’-- <Jw 00 g EQUIPMENT NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. D.C. IS TO CONDUCT AWALX THROUGH WITH PROJECT MANAGER AND ARCHITECT TO VERIFY AND DISCUSS ALL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS. RV t EQUIPMENT PLAN AND SCHEDULE to J2___ OlDLUDLUO3 (), HOWARD ?o1E124-ON in.- cl LU 320 SE 1.0 I O Q WALL TO E-6 HIGH WITH S.S FINISH, SEE ELEVATIONS AND FINISH PLAN 13. ANY TRASH AND GARBAGE STORAGE AREA RECEIVING FOOD WASTE OR FOOD CONTAINERS. WILL HAVE A WATER BIB TO FACILITATE CLEANING. FLOOR. WALL. AND CEILING WILL BE SMOOTH AND CLEANABLE. RECOMMEND HOT AND COLD WATER BIBS BE AVAILABLE FOR CLEANING. WASTE WATER FROM SUCH CLEANING OPERATIONS MUST BE DISPOSED OF AS SEWAGE THROUGH A FLOOR DRAIN IN THE TRASH ENCLOSURE OR THE EQUIVALENT. SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES PER PLANS. 1 LOW WALL +42 THIGH WITH CAP ,4 IIoI’I$IIIj’II’ APR 16 2013 AI ’IA NAN associates ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94110 tel. 415-382-5857 lax. 415-362-5044 wym.Iecla.00m POIIb) SOUTH ELEVATION ’?I’ -P1, rESne+ Wh.e., !-, EAST ELEVATION ,- Sair If2 icr NORTH ELEVATION =,s Io ,=.iI t,Q a ..,’. ’k" -Ieatl ’4’ 11.,e .BiI(s e(( + t.i ’4 ,’ake4 b,t’-, I ED ILOi r1i5 .a4e..(s Pk4cDTh I8JSr4.t&..-i* tI, E+r,ISS S4iDJ, pf 4. ciii SplasLi ’c5 .-i( P!EovI -Pie I-io+ t,ia44 (Zf#. SLciui 1Bt Ci.e. o.- cWs4eS.) o. esi.;p’e.d Lie 3 ti-ti Lr.f _e (4 flie )oi4 EeJQ c’-)4se . S1EI- 5La(i Lie U/ CA’ iijs1,.,c 4’ie (2) 754 BULBS A, IeL.icj to 6Tc Ii POSS*ii,..a,jn GL,a h (i=.,4-C,J 4 Z2 SO. 1’0.S CLiSiITh I REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCHEDULE s=Aa1 ci - 5.._=,l Cvipp.i* i+ Se.14’o-,Il INS ci4-L,.s.f FINISH SCHEDULE ARROVFD PER OUT DOOR I INDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS j2 5re o-F.,p-Fo Lf,2 L,, Ps i.-cei-ie A = CERAMIC TILE WAINSCOT 2 x 4 FLUORESCENT SURFACE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE B = FRP PANELS FROM TOP OF BASE TO BOTTOM OF LOW WALL CAP EXIT SIGN C = STAINLESS The F,pproed PInIn Wit REt’edy J. Do,i 0 NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS 2jEcoRWD1 7. ALL FINISHED BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BEFORE 1. ALL PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERATION ROUGH-IN FABRICATION AND/OR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES. WORK: FINAL CONNECTIONS TO ALL FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES INCLUDING FAUCETS, VALVES, TRAPS, MISC. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL CEILING, WAIL AND FITTINGS, SWITCHES, WIRING. CONDUIT. OR FLEX. MAGNETIC FLOOR PENETRATIONS AND ALL SLEEVES FOR PLUMBING. STARTERS, DISCONNECTS. ELECTRICAL PANELS, THERMAL ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION, CO2 LINES AND VENTILATION DUCTS OVERLOAD PROTECTION. CORD AND PLUGS. ETC.. SHALL BE AS REQUIRED. PROVIDED BY APPROPRIATE SUBCONTRACTORS. TO PROVIDE POWER OUTLET(S) ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR 2. FIXTURES. ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE SPECIFIED 9. ON ROOF FOR HOOD EXHAUST FAN(S) AND MAKE UP PJR BLOWERS. BY THE ARCHITECT, SUPPLIER. OWNER. OR D.C. ALL EXISTING HOOD LIGHTS TO BE WIRED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. EQUIPMENT AND N.I.C. (NOT IN CONTRACT) ITEMS, SHALL BE 10. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NON-COMBUSTIBLE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL ELECTRICAL. AND PLUMBING WALLS BEHIND, ABOVE, AND ADJACENT TO COOKING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS FOR MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL FIRE & BUILDING CODES. 3. MECHANICAL ROUGH-IN AND FINAL HOOK-UP BY THE PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES. 4. ALL ROUGH-IN ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING THE FINAL SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND LOCATION OF SAME. 5. MECHANICAL SYMBOLS SHOWN PLUS 15 (UP 15) DENOTES HEIGHT FROM FINISHED FLOOR (A.F.F.) TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET. PIPE. ETC. IN WALL SYMBOLS SHOWN (STUB) DENOTES TO TERMINATE ROUGH-INS APPROX. 4 APP. 8. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FINISH FACE OF WALLS. FLOORS. CEIUNGS, OR CENTER LINE OF COLUMNS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 11. PLUMBER TO SIZE, FURNISH REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE. .c -FI,0. e.’Xce_ ci=crl I 151 ALie iJLiuiM NM z 0 AS I(/)0 J 0 j (2) I5Si 08.85 U) C) LO C/) rE: (2) 72/i 48555 IrA Ell1ISH FLOOR PLAN La A.6q REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - IA 3761 ilnoIhy Nagata. DBI & LOCATE GREASE TRAP IF APR 16 200 ELEVATIONS RCP, SCHEDULES 12. LAST DATE REVISION VOIDS ALL PREVIOUS DRAWINGS, 13. ALL CUSTOM SHELVING AND COUNTERS ARE OF CABINET QUALITY CONSTRUCTION WITH ALL SURFACES SMOOTH AND ALL CRACKS AND CREVICES SEALED WITH CAULKING TYPE SEALANT. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL WATER. SEWER. SPRINKLER LINES, ALL ELECTRICAL PANELS & SERVICE AND SERVICE CONDUIT. APR IS 20)3 HO WARD E. 0132 APR I(3 U.SF APR 15 203 I )’III6I’I’I’IIIII’I’l9I’I’(’ A-2 0? CC LL.1( 01 2:0 O II tª) d9c W) =LJ4 cakcs =+eA i I.-.) E.I=14JI be.’b44- ’f e.-tLf U i.LL,,IS ’SL,ciIt t-,, j Ice Lis W’-.’OU d.-4--i -ia;..e.cHsj 9 (5.10,4- si’4c3 p.t,vJC 4+ I.Wiif ci STEEL PANELS GENERAL NOTES: I L. CJ)ZW 7._Iu .,. LAI44 A )ce L-1 e II II (2) lie 5585 I ISO &KBS I U1- Cn ul Cl U- D.A. CHECKLIST ( . I of 2): The addreoo of the project is 251(1n 24 ,,c.,oJ zr ENTOTS, LITTOn 1J F-ALL Iccoro ierpronronoaproJocr. Or 040 theo*!Le 1, ,p. ercrotei rcqotrodi., krepiodowdoe iDpiosorianL04noS I. The proposed use of the project is O DOOR ~ 0 g Describe the area of remodel, isdodhrg which 90cc 3. The 4. Is this a City project anther does it receive pubic funding? Instructions page f or additonal tonio ceqnnkat S (00OR XI On (e. Reid. Office, Restaurant, etc.) 2. oonSbVthon coat of bIB prnjeJ 000lr,diog deobled acnOS opgrodee ich_ ". which is (check on.) 0 TroT. Via. I M lens the. the Aoo.eethility Threshold .00005004 $139,934.96 based on the 2012 ENR Cooetn.,okon Coat InderC (The Coot index & threshold are updated annually). Cheek cot O Y091 X. No Note: It Yes, lion see associates Conditlona thatooa,00fb. fnntlydoccor.nt.dhya0000rpacryhrg dcennlrTge BerA010 the ann, of TOITadOl TuCy EooTpSy web aroe TIgIiroeoe150. No Voohonoporodno TAT Toll/lTd. All eoicbog 0000lisico. 1.9IA. ann, of nonordol l iat do 050 fully ooreplywkh CrOW Virets _Wlft (cOy op0oodod with this A Al AS eo(eica 000dhisrl 0 CAB PLAN ELEVATOR ENTRANCE BT psojool. 0 Co Poop000lprcjocs (chopO coo) nil hon lhlo Or.. Ilendiold I F Demo 04,1 lhrrlhuld & - bIN uidrr COC 1340.2.0 Eo. 2; PaTid g Eqoiuslna FecIllelino will be prodded C 0201500 01-. project, SPETOdO.. iocl0010 00 ileunio lId cc Form C C. Priority of -PV-d-ISTO ho ooidorrd In ta Coo hoof or pe 2 of rho D.A. (.11pdoliol. Fill 0111 tilodnhjo oTq00 -PV-d0 th rori,) for flEO. EIlly 0000plyirg Bees. kohodtng for Equivalent Facilio.Oion items. CIIETBISTEbox C TOIlS lrn 000 10011 son -complying hTml snroicg the area of 0000drL 0 DI Aonco. TooTs,., will either folly 000ly oT be p000idrd with CdT defend Eqoio.koc Fecilialtec. SUI,OI’U IofJIoRorEroblT (dAldobIp CALL BUTTON PANEL DETAIL ELEVATOR NOTtty WOR rer no SOOT. OUR coronas con. DOORS. eJflOIs SlOt 0000 lOAd O 0/CC I) AS 0511CR. 001THIB BloAt SO 10510151W IT MMIX AID II INTO 0505 iOOWAIl0cOnABUOIUTINFi0 BOORce Ax OR INOABraw BETT000 Tie OCR rEarmed 515 orE TOO NOn or TOOTOT Enrolls aAron. io 00 STOCTOO lola i I/4. WOre nacEno Coca. X 000 09 10000 510000 MinI Wn.1O II _ ’TANT al 0 A Step 3on the - ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 101. 415-362-5851 lox. 415-362-5044 Ergornl (0140) b do Vgoiu.kol FMile.o’on irons. Li H..dotoip appTol 10 be Elnd WAN A001se Aypreh CdmaoiS000T (AAC). 1401.1 PIes 01110k of oeao no, nTdon/0AC oOnocOoraoOT will coruloco rohOe rraolulioo of AAC deuloon I. ,AABhI. Fo CAnoioloe 0011 of Ba,rinn Coronal. Notice ofAccoeibilhy Violeo(os I7AOh Ccmplienoo cc Eonr -.Hod W0dII Till Aid FerrIs 0. 00 Minor Invoice 00 pTOOlDcOly epp000ed p000h d,owic4n only. 19(0110mb stroll 5001 ho ed hr new on ooTdAiol,nl woolA) P1011040 JOT000AI IppToNTd p000rh opplicarno b DOIAojNicR of ronlionl wAm,n.leclo.t100 DOOR I l"A"UMM AT D . A. CHECKLIST (in. 2 of 2): Id EH I, $00DEQ 1 EXISTING ELEVATOR & SIGNAGE DETAILS One MoowbIe .01010, 5nFrAoE.eonadRImooOBi 5OINO 0 IIESII4I DramO. cOIled 5106 6101 OTleTodel HA Warble 0 0 0 0 ft 0 00 OlTa X 2S. Path cls.oel 0 AkNovpe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oa.eIooWa X AAarALdRnolllu ,IOT) 20.0000, 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In- 0 0 0 I] 0 0 0 Wa, 0 0 0 0 Ct $ 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 .PLALOnlOT0000TOSH4I LOCATE GRAB OPJIG ON EACH SlOE OF WATER CLOSETGO ONE 00000MW OiL OETIRO wETCA 010001. 000 GEAR OARS 0100 rOSE TO LONG WITH hO FRONT EN07 BA FTROITCTWATEOQ.OsET 00*0 SnOT AT TG00000 CoroNal BE LESS 1)001 0.01 0000 MRS BONSAi. NOT ROTATE MIETF0000TO TO BE TO TOGNPORAOROSI000LA000ITS ON OT000A000T TO Trial 00000 P.00 10 MOAN - AAoaeSInapn00Pay . Ln /4 1/4’ THK. 12 DIA T4LEQUALATERAL If) TRIANGLE 12 SIDES o CIRCLE o 0 fi EL 0 0 H 0 G p 0 o 0 o 0 a 0 0 0) 0 0 0 GoreS. WWOHOROI MEN PRovOR panonoNEsr SiGns in BornEo cone rico. u,ilaru.q corr005 0F SNOT-cons LEPERCO500-lO.OECTTRNACOOIPAJIEO BY SHADE-C 000LLE SIGNS SHALL 00 InSTALLED ON THE WALl. ANJACOATTO TriO LATCA OUTSIDE TAt 00Cc. ATOnE THERE 10 FOwAIJ.ACE ON THE LATCH SlOE. 00*0Cc. TOOTLE LEAF D0OTTT. 5I50550.OLL ON PLACED OS TOE TIEOOFAT *040051 WAIL COAsTiNG I100TNNOU. 00 00 0FF. mulE FLNTEIG.IIE OP SING 000TARNO LOCATION 515011 00 DETTREONEO ROWATAPTSSNO LINT P0000ACJI WIlds TO, TIGNAOFWTTTOIJI reonuMnOenc PROTRUDING 05000000e RTMRSIN cArTONS irer SalloW OF DOOR. - D D I. AreURMacoa. WOMEN P510kO SANITARY FACILITIES IDENTIFICA lION 00010 _nIh liaR EARWIG 0IO SNOW.. rAscAl. an nirIdS Nei,..n L000TOWIEO G 1 .01)5 .o..00l -: - 0 1 00 o J G I) 0 0 Cl 0)0 Z Z o J - 1 o 35C/) ~3 Z A...,.. LOU 2-IF H TAN RTCOMT.LT000 FLIGHT Ff001 THE FlOOR TO 100 1000011-0 LAVATORY. INNLLAT000 COACH ALL CT WATER MAO ORAlS PPES 000000 LAVST001. TAO ScOOP UN 00500TAE EDGES AE0M000 IRONER l.OvAT000. C14 z C/) GMElSPACE FAUCET CONT000.A 0100 OPEJIATIAG OEOFLONI000N 10*01 BE EASILY OPERATED 01000 11MW Nrc 00100 NOT REQUITE ONOSPCAIG FEIGNInG. ONTNO1STHC MIST. ut FOWE NEEDED NO ACTIVATE OW11000A SHOAL NOTEHEQEA SIRS. FOR LEVER - MAC 11001011 T000IRENENTS NC. ACCESSORY NOTES/ DETAILS - L 10– 10) - _0013tQco NO y - 0VO - v DOTT DOn LOTOTIOS Eu - BATOTIST / I,) l PloBl am Boo’ l.PJI - - Iva 0) OOYU’n’ JOVE. rA - - .oVPe LAnCerS L ElIOT DOn - D.A. CHECKLIST STANDARD DETAILS WOWAR D ZEE. OBt APR 16 2013 ENTRY DOOR SECTION APR 15 2013 I l I ( I I J ll IIIljlIIIIjIIlIIlIlIIIIJIII lI 1 I II I - A-3 II )- Pj Jc,u. C., LU CL (Pqi OUTDOOR LIGHTING AVeRKSHFFT 1 3) A. LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE FOR GENERAL HAROSCAPE AREA WATTAGE ALLOWANCE (Awn) 298.0 Awn B PER 0000W FOOT ABA (A A El 0.092 27.4 -OYs 5. NSA -- 1 I LINEAR WEl lACE ALLOWANCE (LWA) C A ILLLAIINATED I0000SCOPE AREA OLTG - 2C (Poge 3 of 4) Certificate of ComplionCe Proioou 5000: LOLINDA 0 F F PER UNE/W FOOT iRA (0 0 1) iou FERIMETER LENGTH OF GESCRAJ. FI005SCRWE 0.92 135.0 I _____________________ TOTAL GENERAL HAJ005CAPE 11001*10 ALLCWAoICE II INITIAL WATTAGE AL LOWANCE C 1 4 124.24 VA (WATTS) C o F * G 7700 921.8 Enter Idol rio 0110-iC; Pog, 4 of 4; Rn,. A GIIisg Pocer ARc once i on Cool Hordeoope 921.6 SPECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHTING-WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER UNIT LENGTH I IMPlORE TYPE F (Available only for soles frontage) P515N WATTS - ErI e loll 11,10 SIC-iC; Pug, 4 oF 4; 4 5 B the 014400 14115-4 bored be’ 1510401010010. CIII 810-I14. or . Ofunenoed by105 C0npI.le lIre inlorriOto, Edo, 4 the &Io.W OoIOccI 1i9fllc9 Zn has ie. onreroned by III. OAR jOOdoG00 Spoilg ouilodli "A’ oriOn 11-4. ord In born dedynol. 0s Cm, oF, s o 90W 101511 I dIL9roled purl. no ou5o,e pro, AWls erseoou, 122 oi 23. 0 OLOOl000e eTh lull, ID-114-A. tepo.ni Ire sledu o16r,0 .0131 ouch 0 coo.. 0 The 1515 (o.ioliisr heo09 oioIccrbi IoN 01(049 adopted 5 ohorge 10 he Slot. IriouB LrECg Zoo. 0010 tow nolilod Ill 5-.l COSIROSIOR by 7101709 the iloleliols 1091100 4 510-74(0) To lb. Eoeno(ioe Director. 10Th, ANpled clorpo is P001,4 nohe Enec Coepioriorp 0.50. I B. ADDITIONAL LFCI{IISC POWER ALLOWANCE FOR ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Ioddleenol Iqilso oge or Mosoroen Fr. dobbs u1.11. 147-C -it, 0 Y. 011. CeoWe II, eIoproolbu Ado, A sRAbA IglilAg pecee 0000ooces Fe sidPorn. reqoir.nrenl, ue;s: 0 The Asol o n 04000, bcco;n9 sdhorEp has 011009 odollod sp.cibio odlore (gAl Rod,. wOOSSIC POP CCCO 0 00 PORIAg, 01 rAIson, IsolnoIrdle 60cR. by belesLrg 5 p11010 plePese 0101 Okeled Too formal polOL hat TuoIioN054 PorrorerI obool the proposed LlOnge. 0Th. cool joiodidiun boA4 odflL, be obOciofly eolg,b.d sp.cAiP nol000r (flIrT broWs sIlICA OIC n0O,ed Os Ponloge or pronOlo9 lIrC leflcsd*1 rIolpuloIs reqiod j 0-114(f) Is the Toed.. Sector. SPECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHTING WATTAGE ALLOWANCE FOR ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING DETERMINE ’1l’iTTAGF All 000WCF C B I OinoIo LO MAO ARO,00cs or Iso , loot (soils per 110) Specifo Liqflhiq ippflusIiep ojordur - A a! Eider 10101 int, ALTO-IC; Pcg, 4 at 4; 0 woll090 Oloowiut .(5.e.c)_ los C; OpeL I E Nui0 or 05.S I ILIISAIRE TYPE F Lum0000 IrA , RpplooFIW Wollspe AWeunue For _.__. .Q5-p C B Lo,-riisAc .QARIIA WATTS I Well, psi tumiooir. - ThsIni, Is In oH by IN lecbgrleo 514 OlIoulefi Is II. pan. 11004 Mo. Is the 000100. 1501 le the Liyuliog RAIS 1R r,qkS Is 04.0k the ooc,p000e oWls 5040100 005lrtdeuioe, s,oi 0110-2k The d,ogro II. SolO; or spool SOMI I. psrTAS Os esolsg II. 400.pIsuoe eoq04nrd, re COlA CanIsooa K .4 9. ggAf., spies e 000541 0 ocloWtyoquleo 0 lesT,, Sot Ito oOleoO IglAcy p110 II. norter of spin Thu MO S.W. 0 Do ippsoMo 01 TIre RoCestliol Robeusoe Ap.Mioes d.o.d 0erth ITo 1l. 500 lihis loon 1 To tel 0011. pAlo, 000nklioc 01 Iris ,cid so pro. Or. ooporool, Rely I. 00450 Ic the slope d son. lulpIo400reN. Forms con to GroPed by typed 01 lodrolie oorluolled. SpecWu Aup(ooi n Ulrlir.g RATIng, All-Per Aol Length J Dseigr Rolls JQj.fl) ROSsd Wulls IlAinrum 01 0 or A Pqioipmenl Requiring Tesling OUTDOOR CONTROL OUTDOOR (PdRY 2o1 3) LIGHTING WORKSHEET lOt LOUNDA Descriplion 1 PHOT000NTROL I .T, t Local 0. 1 SEE P1.0*1 - - B THUII 3 onl000e 150 - TOo leuldeu brol CounpIonue Foums 2035 (Page 3 01 3(OddiEeiCO j;hCng ft.,ft..-100 J 1_ .ighlirg poeeo 000eOO, for (AIr0 (blow 000-2C Fog, I Pt 31 C Seeiohic opyibcoliorolboqe al"’-(01 am-1.11951119 (Toni 0110-DC ". I 11!3) I 61.4 ! Certificate of CC -nplOnce FIXTURT / 1161-1160 SpncoOP oppiunlor iping odloge diosOroe Per 000 (Tro.-o ELTC-2C Page 2 0 31 F A,ddiliorrol LgIrEng p00.1 olloonoc, Ion oudiniouce orqlrerue,bs (Iron SAR-2C Pope 3 ol 3) oei5Io- OkreopLsb.0000 oIsreA(nOIRA.oIon lnI ,0eonge mo 0 000015100 50 50500) 04 015 G C - - NJ M Te: I l_ 0 .05-Iso AOe-idoe ’00 .011 11,13 000.T 1 3 (2(75-WATT MN WALL MID. FIXT. :2118WATT MH WALL MOUNTEDFIXT. 150 3q E 01. 0 10 _,_ El- Tolul .Alocod 90110g. C Son oh rose 5 throo5 r: 003.0 A Total inazoled .0110 (1140 LorOncir, Schedule. ((10w 5-PS-IC Page 2 01 4) 5220 - run 070 - IC; Poge 4 ci 0 -J 0 -J 0 Todd krosolo. C I 0 ST Z O .00 co3 z 5- 3 2 4500 0 0 72.0 0 0 0 00 no oo G ’c3 U, C3 0 0 0 0 (ole. TonI I o iOR- 614 - S F Z - 0 Wprrq Installed B I Norr I _Ns_ o C14 Z u " PR 16n13 Pt. A; Told hO lpfledRArls l(pe 00 bOone ( lo .1 penS rrornoro 01.. Tact 10 nus-kOOldlWeII L.rhou.eo. Oloofe crr3roT bep eollngo .4 tong ioeto,psnL 1(5 bOor 195 G.e &ed-ort or OogleIk(i sorb. .0 hW and lOobOr 00 EeSPI5 Ion 10011010 TO0 (L. Fee00000c.oleu.o.Oo. or. Ls ,Poio.iourmAIedi3O5urstpoOO,lhen.Onowroornlogids,sllepee.ropere.OeI T011OOrieOlO.0 And 00 Ire 1.05,00, MITS 001105, 50 Pt brO (Sib( los o 00.0500 eTh OeC.Ag 1(0(4 01 e( I 104 001 4000, 00 Fogs 0 51 Pc e0,orso FOISTS flour. oil 100. .00000obe old. to 0010005 leldy 011100 Woe 11 eor000n. r.ALUpr LUMINAIRES Field luirprClio 0 Some Sombo Description 01 005mpl Iomiuuobres in opcpr00000 wilh 5147 61.4 J010 2010 2006 Npnresiderliol Cc-uopbborpe Forms 0:2013 Lommnoilo Sohedubn A 1- eo4. - D jOrIS I4510LL/ITIUIO CERTIFICATE. OIOG-T-INST - MO (Page 2 of 4) OLIG-lU FiELD INSPECTION CHECRLIST CONTROL SCHEDULE snot LOLINDA k,o _< fsor July 2010 I (pedro oppicolior P01:09. 000e010e per oppUollioro [ from OLIO-2C Poge 2 01 31 C I PIooid, Inol he 190109 poser 000.01Cc lulled 10 1OO A (Inrougi F eueideribl 01 10 1110 0(0009 eoTiOge pOcOO ollueoross labor ron DLTO-2C P ro I lliOeqII 3. Iouulplos ii InoToliod loll oQeoro, A 0 leo, Iron or eqilul Tn lIre TO.lrO1011eO O,TT0). in use 0 - -- Y50 ONu or I 9fl000 I nrrhIdu,.ir., oGOASRIRn CONTROLS DeScniplion PHOTOCTRL ploypro rut I LpCoTor if TRIO liOSpOPliAn Decoriplion 0 L0000ioo BEE PLAN SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST [ Sea cogs 2 01 0 00 ullo-iCI I r VAI TIC tool oobocceuurert ogecon 00004 p9 specol otleuCo. be the it6W0 N. uleokhL Tr.o, lien, egliresol snOiroyel il odsroodOanoreidolion000p000d eeRioOreIO.DelOoIe4yol0,nl0(01.RlAT5 . 0km5lheOAOTO0r O, juoub:poli oe, 0, 0rung reyd 0 051009 01 deSpe 001 otheroIle -ionuplec bored on the 0059309 of the p01101 juolfoolol old odgyoolUe slioluiTTed OR 16 5513 2009 NoiIooiAoIlisbtounpli soC. F..nIls In Oepeinobnr 2008 ;0I I I I gL p- o. .5?a5 5.SS COMPLIANCE I RiPcUi - 04.05-2013 hPll0000pe Ipreuilio 050110100 ighl;r5 .011005 olboeoroe per ord l,nqlh (loin O(lO_2C Pope I 01 3) U (flIer blot As 0110-IC; i’oge 4 .1 4;Ro.E Speci’o RppliOoIOl UglIIcg 9011090 OJOeooce Per 2:Z 1 ,. < a: oIl ploR. 2000 501 esdenl 01 Co p once Forms (Pug. 4 01 4) OLTG_i] OILed 1OLINDA CD LJ by 2010 - B 000.0 0011. 0 450 OLIO-2C OLIG-2C CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, 0110-20 4000 a J 0050, 0106-2C CouSIiooTe of Courpliorne Al I pepos 0900.0 or Plan For oft sobTAlbulo (tog, I 01 3(F9-109 004Toge Cllooroes TO Oonei0 Houo,00p,. Soles FronTOge or Ounonenli Ugolofi 3ico4 an plo. (Iteq, 2 or 3(Lh5-0r 4000g. 10,0 iioodol ploc. 0050 cu Per RypiIoOon on FirPe ke e . A 5. OTTO- IC 1 1dec11 SC lob 0011001 S,1oo 5-SC or Oulrtor LiohU 501011 Cart-4 - UP for SIdoor lolMorIrd. 015 lot Robr000nr’pol In, 5.0cR; orA 5T 00 Sbandoud (ro0-ecluoorirol( Ii- Loon oroepboi -ce 0 Spedlio Ap,pAcolboe Wollogo Monocle P0 W000pr 5 2Zw rria OP Lighliog Rulloge PoeolRJboeioioo - c_.)z COATING CcOPIRAOCE FORMS 9 OCOdOYFETS (unupsu boo ii .roruor,noli,inollided( Dedein4IlulIooFoccopIn ooud Ioij nod ? U (nell Elboor Stood.- ounrpflooc, bone, pkooe usher loll. O OF0P3wAr_ r 17M 04-05-2013 LFAT. SAN FRANCISCO CA. 94110 OUTDOOR 110 -111110 MIONCOTORT MEASURES ln Scold l000 TiOn on biding plo,. 01 Mandatory No.-... Sole Block: ALLOWEd AND INSTALLED OUTDOOR LIGHTING POWER L. SPECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHTING WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER AREA IlOeJRF TYPE DETERMINE WAITAGL OWMICC .J E A C D L S000ric 000rrcOcu Code Or slolrinulod -tAre. ScSOilO 1.19-if allcuororthn, icc. (soils pee rAt li.LLC) Tg OUTDOOR DINING 236.5 0.258 61.4 (2)75WMH 415 362 5857 I C5flSS If 2747 TBTIISTREET Arbeolpol LigIliog Designer’s Ceclorolloro 111,01 100 IN, Cedibcol, 01 Cowpflrnoe d000.nueololion Is ..,at. 01W oornp1040 sod oc000ls Ton di outdoor Ighlhng p-dikArIg SlIng noorolod, polo naIled. as cdi 00 01 other oui&o tglulieq 00119101 for the soc. 0.0 that riOSTlorol Li5-10g P-AlToosnopo to Opsoifo OpehIoC-ocs e Odd -II und T.ghliug Pan, Oflosorues lOT Thdinori Rogniutmoubs 1000 001 boeo .0.01.0 IOOC boo, one iris Ic II. sore ore,. i.rI 0000000,1. sITS SoCliie (OR 01 the SbOolAS 04-05-2013 PeRo000 0110-IC; Fog, 4 ul 4; Ro winsolerula.com Plrooei TECTA ASSOCIATES CrTy/Slolo/Ziuo 2741 1901-I STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 Tel 415-362.5857 fox. 415-362-5044 Sigrolooe AHMPoD MOHAZAB AC dreo. B CEWIEICATE CF COMPLIANCE EnisI 10101 mb ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS PLANNING E12808 Phone WESTI-4ILLS. cA 91307 Principal Li9h1in9 Designer’s Oecborobioo Slo(nmpit S I or, rT500 uric. 500dol 3 ST II. Cofloro Ro01iiecc .,4 501.00015 Cods 10 ooeld I.0pediToflIy I. IT. fiLth5 Oeng lL . Ills Coulibionlo 00 Cor neuono 01 O o .ifs the IgoOng ore, Iol and poulornonoe opm0oobior, regols or op no noe silO Tile 20 PpgoO I cad S SI Ito CuilorrA Cod. oF Regololiouso e 1 , lA O’Arl l,oloreo repoeocrrlrd 0 Ibis Ceithlt olo OP L II Iilo00 010 1Or0’oTerl ehlh lb - c nioirc olioo yooiided 10 dochnynl this Ossig, an (he agocopliuolse -pr, -7 Cups. sod, As. oolpiAoions. yore andepccR1olious s10nOled (0 theedloT000lmI NY OP opoosO .40 1110 51.40119 opplOOIO0. 3. SECIFIC APPLICATION LIGHT I NG WATAGE ALLOWANCE PER APPLICATION DETERMINE WILIAGE ALLOWANCE - Al L OWAIOFI -- .DESIGN W US .....G F 0 B C ..L. - frJ0d Rolls Wollogo Design 4,nirruer or Lumifl000 Roll, pAr Woll, ScOuTs LigtiErR Sumter Or Specific Applicolior P30,0,00 Luflinoirc ,ridr,.ro (N ANT U.-.;l D I OppOcolioS lrslorc,s 0JlO,sOeces Is.olt Lumens too. AR I U Symbol associates 04.05-2513 liner,. 227T5VICTORYBLVD. Ciiy/SIole/Zop OLTG-2C A 0010 Company MARS ENGINEERING GROUP Au dOor CoulpoTy CsuOPiooleolOoopbAToo 011020 1 Oldool LI0 Sling LolnbnMiots Controlled July 2010 04-05-2013 Idly518 MISSION STREET 298.5 SO. FT SAN FRANCISCO. CA. 941 10 ieneuol Inloumolion Phase Al C onolnco liOn: 0 N-Cooslunction 0 Addition Alteration Doporrienbolion A u lrrors DpcloroIon Slolemenl . I redly thon InTo Cerl icole of ConrpAonce ORcurPnolOIiAfl 04 Occul Out and nOiorftI,IR -lom, Sigrolure NATASHA MOGLEY 501W, Eniorc,noonb Agelcyl System Roceplonce. Reloo. DaoWcly P.r-si u glorIed lOt a neoN eoosluo.n.d 5010.9 or poor e No enee on Igollug e0Oe, .40 0001100 0 ioolslod 10 00 StIr9 or pole .104 I. oeloed cc .r.enirg ft Ooueplosc. Rrme.eoT,. lheOLTG--2dloorrosrdcol.tsdooanrpuIelormo04Ioidlobeccc.pTSbyltoesT000eIIeolsgoogLoesoIleEseooue olu,tS rdlar Red sri Ogled. 0 odOliun. 0 C0IRCIOT. St OorepT000e Ton, old I. sobmOld To Ito COTO1LSTOIII sgICy 1101 cooBes oI.. spldi004ioo. 1.1050150 peIlfihIrlog 004 up000rrg eM rOOlOOW, inloIroolie 0004 100 IOqAIdm,nle ST sb-lIt(S), III, 00 Tell 6 The Pod eep.010 ,os..l coo.. he p005111 Sled sod o,nd sgrd loins Score ire bo1109 to. leObfl 1.000l91101y. A osp 01 DLTC-SAbeeooOkIIsTeIdoghOrqsiooaaoolbs(e)ouololy.orldsleluoOsoeosl the boadeqiobr000eooldo rorrpenlol LiqIrl:rq 70110 Nonnno,denliol Conolionce Form, (Page 1o14)0LTG-1C LOUNDA OUTDOOR 11001010 ZGNEOINZ 1 DOLT 2 ZDLZ 3 DDLZ 4 OCCLPTAICE FORMS C. Required 000oplooce Tests ReOurAn snuO Certificate of Compliance 04-05-2013 0010509 LIGATiNG ZONE A LWA. And ISA TrAm TAble 147-A 000 used OS appropriate for (Tie Outdoor L i ghting Zone JEIERM,NF WATTAGE AIIIIWONCF C. OLIG-TC I 04.05-2013 LOUFAQA 1 it 2000 N.- 1 TITLE 24 FORMS Field InOloskluO NuloS 01 Piocren,ncieo: ; t Cj Co:rpIilIL’o Ions Jo52010 T-24A .Jw c/)Q10 a- LTG-3C INDOOR LICHTINC POWER ALLOWANCE PROJECT NAME LOLINDA ,UctUt 40440 ALLOWED UGHTlTGPOWER (Cho, Cn Method) A SnponOJ DC-DC AI 6 FilM NA Inn CAlOnd 148 UAINA AnINA 08 CONDITIONED SPACES cnn 8,1MW Litiblerg PA1MAcnnnnnn IOM 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACES (Page 3 of CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE 04-05-2013 LOUNDA LTG-1C 4) 04-05-2013 i:: 1 BUILDING CAEC3RY(Fi,, EAR MANDATOR? LIGHTING CONTROLS - FIELD INSPECTION ENIROT CHECKLIST mt. /- 0,101.0 MULTI-LEVEL SWITCH BA j..IOr 800600 4 0000,, I PAB,Lf40l 0 I 0 SEE PLAN 0-0 Is AREA CATEGORY MEHOD -PAct A AREA CATEGORY rnnn 0146 TAb INS-F) !Jfl KITCHEN PREP - B (Page LTC-1C ) 06 4) Dole - 04-05-2013 0 rnAjeu) Add,eAo 0141. 0(0. Ocb0010 00 118.0 SO, FT 2518 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA, 94110 dl - OuDAUS TWO 08 Dtosoo,. 0 s06.0A0 p4001 00 001etOcO,Bl.’ lIbel 01 COOpIiOli0 0 No,000S5.tid Hi oe-t00000’00.1110 0 Aot.I/NoIol C002SIOOO 50010, 08 UoulAllcn.2 5oc.o C o2ot Al-heI..y 08 U 6110,01041 5. U 0 SO. Co 00,4001- O U CO RP .1.10 041, 0 000 DUou4000lotion Author’s DUU,o,01’on StotOtnienI I I Cutup Iflot (his Ce, tIIieote 00 Compltopee doCurnonlotiBn 0,0 COOlO 10110,02 associates 0 occur ale ond complete 000141. . NATASHA MCGEE? 110.0 1.8 COMPLIANCE LOLINDA Geneeo- Informot.on - COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD OL CERTIFICATE 4004000 No,,,, INDOOR LIGH T ING SCHEDULE and FILLD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST IaoolUololoneuoe0000’o)000Aoct,tnIn,llu.0aU0oI,oto)Wo,1-oIoo$’dolUQ,l.,rAct,,,,,,.,. 0 250 II?. oc100nolA 401101100 006)10, Ic, 01110 00000 0 2300 ’2. 4) .100Oil UUOAOIL .0 dlopioy Ayhl’O,Q,OnIool,. I) 10.10,00 0q111’5 00,1,01. - gnt.’A 1.0AI1IOUOIIIAI000.pl ,ol.I, 0,0 40*040, 01000,0:01 000 0061cr 0031100 1008 0:0 010 5000 ENGINEERING GROUP 04-05-2013 064,0,. E12808 P0000: WESIT-IILLS. CA. 91307 oio 593 8099 lu Prinpipol Lih)ing 111.0 108.8 Field )nspeclo,s Notes or Disc’eponcies: Dcsigrlprn I PLANNING ii0010n S 22715 VICTORY BLVD. ol,/55117C; 0 ARCHITECTURE . INTERIORS LUOr005 2747 19TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 201. 415-362-5957 Declaration S)Blrrneel (MA. 415-382-5044 and Plolesolo,. Code to occept . I I All eli;blo oo,’Joo DiAoi:o 3 of the CoIIIo,,io B. 1 enpOrC ibility !or the highlIng dooign. S T1,io Co IiIict,Ic SI Complionco idenliSes lie lighting leolw.o 002 pe,formno,Ee SpOPiTCO lion,ltq&rr.4 co .-pl..24. o IN RIle PogeS 4 cod 6 or Ole Co 100310 CAd. RI Reguloliona C Th. 2.5161 Teal urn,Rep,0000le 0 DII this CertiFiCAte of Conrolionro 0,ePonsiolo -’,! OlIN he into,000IIoo Vooided to doCcIleli this oe.igl or the pIE-to 000IicUbIOpel,,pIiCOOe lOIm,, 0 0,0016110 , eoleoIoI’ons. plans 2n2000A50,1161, m0110’!led I. tb .9-y Ion 00,10001 oilh Ibis buiding pe,,nIlopplicil’lWn. 5010. TAon-t’ I wsono,)eoIa.com olAIMAD MOHAZAS AREA EAIEUBIAT AIEFIIOO-n’ART A AJAIIrOTAUL WAllACE AIIOWANCE(IROIJ TABLE 441’O.1a 46-F FOOTNOTES) l’tAOe, TECTA AND ASSOCIATES ’ 4154957809 2747 98TH STREET. C1783* LIly/Slob/ely cot. SAN FRANCISCO CA_ R-411S 04-05-2013 Q(’1 1, 31*45-CATER 610 bOA CA1tACRI LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS -M-PART MohaiR AnGst) In the nOlAn An 5-Ito, of TaR ItS-F for nhontAn oct o,nlI. 040RWUIp de WITACAI*in 6011114481061 noW pinooCAc AOocW1.IIiB*I&AIMA 4018106 11500111014.0 1404 .1,4. A SpnoiA IAUIM8,o 0,. 1)fll Fnlieo 6.11,1W in Ito loNe 46-F I emoles 1,01 0l0 105.11 In On 000lnoS nolloge cic.*nn.. IBiOREA 00100 10141 MAnIA R/o;Ioci.U the 116-IC I. LG 10110100 W.L100 118.1, III, do WORKSHEETS (oSeck box IC-OCIroon I or 4> Ron S [_ Cl I N- 00 0501110010 01 CopAionAe, ZC CD I worksheet is included) or deloilnd AoIoocIie,o on We usa oI Or, and eN Ellotny IlOh’oSy SIAI -do,de AAWpROnUe for., p10006 oeM, N0060eideeliol dorIA pcb1sreO by IOn Co00,100 o0, Eo,oniooiCs I. 61811001 .n,lIn nn*tA ,.I,nOn Abnnd 00AAn0C 0 )t SZL 1210;e.1o1uoo 2 01 HOne Ion 00 .010011100% 055100 EcrIlu. OIoCB W0lkot.t e200454100 Po. LTG-3E C01) - M!Anoce -rirD - Po. rrr 2008 AAOlnOl5-6oil COIIAnAOI. 141110 ILly 2010 4036 Roo,eaiOoo,t’0) CoIr -ploro, 5lo10 LEA C4404. 1000 1001100 -.1-I .., -L06 i lg r p - - Jo5 2010 2000 N onnco ’dentiol Cornplio,cn Formo U- NN (J CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I. 04)’) 0011:00. (0 010W 5001110) A .10 .1101 3. 1012(6)1 LTG- IC 05-MI3 = InolcIlu 114111 ColliCooct, llu .0 FAysleUtheoUd CR04100 ii 0000001 :00,00 A-ghlAg Poof, AooeoNloled Spoeo (lono 410-IC) LlAoed Litz, Po.e C0ldil’ed Too,.. 1100 lOG-IC) S 010.04 I B.’9 Required ACCepTOUCe Tests Ro,Io,rolA thl-oIT 031100 - 0 limo 06114 olIn Or 0,0,10), 010106 .1411.0:5, 40100 1000041 110 A. III *l1w 0404,405 1,0016. (1131(6)] LOG- I -INST Certificate oF Acceptance. LTC-2U 00 nnlN ’00 0 40-0)400 ’nO 04-aol 000,0 01 fog 00,00010 ) 18 Ml A- Onoe1pl40 ’U 11 1 )4)32WAT1T8 ELEC. BALLASTS 410-00 coo 1* C 0 40 - THE ABOVE MANDATOR- MEASURES APPLY TO All Equ,pnr.nt Roqul,,’og 100111 MLWTT-LEVELDWTICO4 Ceoe,opI,on - olI,olOoUdSorsUrs on, Automolie CUylghtig Co,t,aIo , Lneot:Ufl , Soc -SEE P1318 I REQUIREMENTS IN §131 CAN BE SUMMARIZED AS SATED ABOVE. - 0 0 0 U 0 0 U 0 0 0 0,** Cl 0 U bonn on 004008 W. 5100 04 oiyet In -,o 1a03000. A 0400100, boo .01 An .180011.0 to 00 0004.101 0)0064 1101 004dy pOrn. ore’tel a, 0001040. £015.10., 04 040.005 aS 6*101010. Wo.,o1 WoOl lb ,oqo,eno’no 01 010-lOT(S) A 1.00 2 Pot 0. IN 616 *40410 00.1 101.100 In "10.6 OAR0 Aped luro bela,. lb. boi0 000 ecU Os oocoeoroo 0 0040 A p0 ITO- DR old ITC- 30 0, 00. tOOt’ or! 0gnIi4 50Oul, malo) rcA 0 1.006,0 I, N. 0,o, 01 II, 0nt lo 001401*4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LI U 0’ LI U -- .00 i F5 U) 0 )o -0-i coca C000IZ RECEIV APR 16 r " 028 E,ITAIUO,rlen) ANWflCfl 10c ,, , UTC bull 04 1400,44(0 Syolrm .Coceplon,e. 6010. 0 ,0.0,40 1 1 n,.c1 u 00180 10 0 One4 060,110400 0101610 0 40010 0 .001, .004 Ml 101040 Ay4Ior 400 1.004, 0 001000 R 010 50000 0 0000 0400 be 05.50 0, COROnA IN kaepAo,o. O0,loS. WON_ RESIDENTIAL, HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL ONE H011,L/MQTE,, HU LUll-lOS 1100 0101,-I CONDITIONED AND UNCUNIJIIIIJNEO INTERIOR StALLS. THE ABOVE MANDATORY LIGHTING CONTROL z 042 IA. Ion a IC 1 .00 8 ISO 40 .02 01 - 00004 I. Il. ORoO. hod ink. ’0 l!n 040,1010. IS 10 I’, IlqGs orals.: LOG-Co ord LTC-3t. TA. Anon, 0 R0 d I. RID Ito 041001001 *4. 000 III 00 00,0,44 6o40 !04OIq It.. fl.*i,g 0, 01000 .001 be000000 10 00105 6. Oo.poo,e Rc*oot 10 CoO COO518,OIO. I ON 0. 840100 eyoInn, Or 00,4 ,6 01 0 AO’l44n VAt ’00406 I ES’. MI 1. Ale,oIA AqiAg .01 lIe 01,000 01 OcOOM 110 Na Octet A lb. 0240100 0) lIe HeoeoAeOA tnlo,noln 004,0100 00308 6.60006 :5. let lot. 00 0,0 .0 So pot 01 0* nlo. 000ynroo RI Co IoWAn .0 030. 11,0 1,00,080 ooln II *46031 10, II, 000gn or .015 5401000W, IBIr’, CO3 50 4lOU0d by typed Cl IIIITIIIIOOL’UlI SIo,no 101)6 II,, 50,000 CI 1,001 coo 601TnOlit,00I,0A 0 Shod 05001 IlyhU0oA.hnooroAtbmoieddnnmn6lnopoonnoi),0I;, 0.1100601 ’AWn We 018 itAly. 0 reId Inspector Designer Dioploi IighArg’. Acy000loly Ooi:lIlOd. (*1310,)) c/)utI 04-05-2013 0 A 0401100). 0 fIling Sal-cOOS AbA 0. 62*6 00) t01 CordSornd ord Iroondl’oned Spore. BOICROd E0),I8,g Po,e 401,0 0)1 Ills UQOlAg Icledot 01 crAy Ion 08 CONDITIONED SPACE 0 UNCONDITIONED SPACE 08 Ire0111d100000 fghlitg pAn 10105 5-so ill-II 1,010006 W-14 0)8 101,055 0051011o 10 cotoroo,e 01111 5116101. 00Ay 10, tIAra IP ID lIe Tool 02 .0110 per Wore 1001 of p6108, flghI’ny 51104 rot be ROiled 10 be ’mAE-AS ’a Ire 0600)01110 00 ,a1001001 -4-Ii P..decaOy ’In slalOm. sot, to Inception II SlA6(o),21 podiA. 4211140 0 B00 9L02 .0110 WI 01000 foot ’o 1010108 bOo., Lt.prlinc’re (Iypr, L:rrps. 50114011,) InslolcU Welts A 9 r C 0 E C H train 0 DO Ct 13 D 0 - I ’ f4il 0 1 0 DI 0 LI 0 LI 0 0 i 0 i !1 rA P. U_l_E. INSTALLED PlAITS PAGE TOTAL: 010005 440, 0140y40. t _No NAGOAcOlO) 126,0 2 I I L5- 04 VM 00000, 2335 Nonoidee,tioI CcnpAorUe Aorool (1 25(3 lAy 2010 1004 OWInAUCR1N MApucroelo,,,-, J.iy 2010 FORMS ’6oIIoe 0oI 5-ditn -loenoaRloSoUo, I!2(doo2.)eoIlnyeonsloe , eA)01l8op,Ioc,eo,eth005A ’II 106 A.. 600,10 00 e 2 at IN 00,0110. OolAoI F. I, 00 oeyAle SUn II U01,WOl. Un,P, AoMn o II cocoon, 2009 SUlt:OOdonli,A Connplcnoo I’o,mo 14- 2010 T-24B In 14 1 10 ’ I ’) ’ )11I ’ I ’ I ’ ’’I ZRAI:aOl: f. C.7 1 12. < Field Irnpec)cr 00640 ,-1_ LIE - iC ’4) -I nono . roe IS 00’! OW A 000 tnRoA.Oe RI*3 LOUNDA Opocos IWEON Et,A C,,AI UWondil’oond Spceo (ln 00G-2C) ;38---- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE c Rolli O . ui 0i) I N DOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE And FIELD INSPECTIOTF)0JERGY CHECKLIST l,,I0)ed UghLAg (1,0, UroAnAloUed LOG-IC Pa. 0) C 01:0.5- Corplat C flloMd 0. 101100 100,08 G)Ii RelOad ’0 load to tIc, CoorpAorce. gneS Ao!1g 10,01 be on 0 10001, 05ol-oII -Vol :04 Aspiny IglIi,q, 5,31(1;) 1. _ st J-4 WWlnCiAAd Po_ h. 04081 or 1.00) ,AeIlT - CnoI,ol. 005101.0 00 11101 RARER Ol.o roIl, or lobes. design 14010061.0 061 elncloo AghIng 10 IJ:y B0nd t,r 401400 10 1500 S. ff000 Ligolino CoOS CooN ConOilorrd Spo,00 (I,-EIC-2C( -IRUAIUIT 5. 141,0 .I.cT 51140)4! 41O1AIy I dAII All, A 200 W. 4. 4o( 4) -’ 8,01000) Al/Ar9 (I,on E,,thlA000 100-IC 1040 2) DoI4lAgtonIAn 1131(n)] - RIonoUn,ruIIi-Inod doighliNg 1.1000 *0)0 U 2,500 W. (Page SORLOOUNDA Condiliored nod UnCoodili OI060PAIR Lih,;ng mist 211An carobAnd 10, ,rdoon L,gNt,o9 Peon, or Codi!iond SpoCo. I’,UoAo Uyl,irg Po,on IAn Uoccodilio,nd 000 (0131(0)] AOiAO-InH ,onh01 Ion 84)1104 ,olnW. U 0.6 nt/n) a. gl ui’4 "QQ uo .8_Ij Paw- >g(( - boo LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES - - 388hMnn 60 lB.orNRonooU.hrno.o immiiiiii REVISIONS DRAWING I NDEX , PROJECT NAME: REHEAT KITCHEN ADDRESS 2516 MISSION STREET SIOCK 3616 0110 SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA S1.O S1.4 51.5 S2 53 61 jQJ I GENERAL - TITLE SHEET TYPICAL METAL STUD DETAILS AND NOTES TYPICAL CORRUGATED METAL DECKING DETAILS AND NOTES HIGH ROOF FRAMING PLAN AND ROOF FRAMING PLAN DETAILS A. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CALIFORNLA BUILDING CODE 2010 EDITION ,/ AMENDMENTS BY LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AT JOB SITE BEFORE COMMENCING WORK AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. C. OMISSIONS OR CONFLICT BETWEEN VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS, NOTES. AND DETAILS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF ARCHITECT AND RESOLVED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. D. DO NOT USE SCALED DIMENSIONS; USE WRITTEN DIMENSIONS OR WHERE NO DIMENSION IS PROVIDED. CONSULT THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. C. DETAILS SHOWN SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO TI-IC PROJECT AT ALL APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS WHETHER SPECIFICALLY CALLED OUT OR NOT. F. FOR WATERPROOFING, FIREPROOFING, ETC. REFER TO DRAWINGS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL. G. SEE DRAWINGS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL FOR: KINDS OF FLOOR FINISH AND THEIR LOCATION, FOR DEPRESSIONS IT FLOOR SLABS, FOR OPENINGS IN WALLS AND FLOORS REQUIRED BY ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL FEATURES. FOR ROADWAY PAWNS, WALKS, RAMPS, STAIRS, CURBS, ETC. H. HOLES AND OPENINGS THROUGH WALLS AND FLOORS FOR DUCTS, PIPING SHALL AND VENTILATION SHALL BE CHECKED BY THE CONTRACTOR, WHO VERIFY SIZES AND LOCATION OF SUCH HOLES CR OPENINGS WITH THE PLUMB I NG HEATING, VENTILATING AND ELECTRICAL DRAWNCS AND THESE SUB-CONTRACTORS. I. NO PIPES AND DUCTS SI-MEL BE PLACED IN SLABS OR WALLS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED OR APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. J. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED STRUCTURE. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SHORING AND TEMPORARY BRACING. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERTAKE ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO INSURE SAEEYY OF ALL PERSONS AND STRUCTURES AT THE SITE AND ADJACENT TO THE SITE. OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE SITE BY THE ARCHITECT, ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE SUBCONTRACTOR OF SUCH RESPONSIBILITY. K. NOTE THAT SHEET SI IS A STANDARD COVER SHEET AND AS SUCH, NOT ALL TYP. DETAILS AND OR NOTES APPLY TO EVERY PROJECT. II DESIGN CRITERA A. APPLICABLE CODE: CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2010 & SFBC 2010. B. VERTICAL LIVE LOADS: (REDUCIBLE). ROOF: 20 PSF. FLOOR: 40 PSF. HALLWAYS & CORRIDORS: 100 PSF. 0. .1 .li10 1.1111t. . 000in N.w.orr N.y Wnion L Day. C.I.O. Dtmolor SPECIAL INSPECTION AND STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION. A COPY OP ThIS DOCUMENT OHALI. SE KEPT WITH THE APPOOVOD STRUCTURALDRAWING SET NOTICE .lor.s0000Uo SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Please note that the Special Inspections shown on the approved plans and checked on the Spored Inspections; form loosed with the permit am required for this projed. The employment of special inspectors In the shed reeponsibffty of the owner or the engineer/arthf record rd acting as We owner’. representatIon. II S B o These Special Inspection. are roqolred In addition to Bra netted Inspections performed by the Deportment of Building Inspection. The name of the special inspector shell be furnished In the district building Inspector prior to Mart of worm for which special Inspection Is required. For questions regarding the details on extent of required bropncNon or tests, please Cal the Problems fIbe sin any fi Plan Checker assigned to this pmjeCi or 4154584132.rs regarding special Inspection, pleas. call your District 8f ding Impactor or 415.558.6570. Before Briol building inspection is echedwied, documentation at special Inspection compliance most be Submitted to and approved by the Special lnnpecdort Sonic.. staff. To avoid delays reports from the atdrtied in 114s procaso, the pncoct owner should request Fatal compliance or engineer of record and!or special Inspection agency noon clerks conclusion of work cnqrjking specIal hinpeclton. The penefl wHined be finalized without compflance with he .P..1 inspection ,nqahsmeela. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with See. foIsok woOL t lIllt-se.ngcsnsne r. I]-& Ibootwoornow. w* R.."-P llCaLa.e mea, O lbn000iu,00loaeOn.10ea.cr.t,. roll ea.O.elS.n0n&q rr.Il ronSOOeil.on .rawnooe * lO,0000newrer A P5404. 0004 Irep.tn lXbblraboe II lllrwo04io.,sn000n lb sHAaleae.lSicee.’la ..als ,.(Oeo n.1AIOe.0) II 5t4 II wereate loll NwIs000a.r.ro ,. II 110050051 II ceaea *0000w lt.lbE,leroF000t II 000*cOI 1004 11.r*.aer,nant.drr.nr005eee.roo nowo!eo. ,Is0400r.raar.lCr y.oserinal It if Ii..O,0SflSIe?OS Ibreroorono IItwSreOn lace 5flOIlOe0001 -IbOwerreno tasting is required for the it lelsk,00s.a&, ,,JtaCacencnean,oean. II C a. bower 1 P.S elbrarsCee.leoroS relic I) 5.e- ,.d.rae,ns,00,. eOOn .f010 e.ir.ns 1k;l 050,0. at. Ie.aA ’leo., III MATERIALS A. CONCRETE: T. REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A615, GRADE 60, 1 4 AND SMALLER, GRADE 40. 2. CONCRETE: NORMAL WEIGHT U.O.N. WITH COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF THE FOLLOWING AT 26 OATS: FOOTINGS, MAT SLAB & DRILLED PIERS 3000 psi WALLS, COLUMNS 5000 psi STRUCTURAL SLAB (L W. P.T.SEE 53 2)- 5000 psi 3. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL: a. SURFACE POURED AGAINST GROUND 3 b. FORMED SURFACES BELOW GRADE 2 C. SURFACES EXPOSED TO WEATHER 2 d. BEAM BARS (INCLUDING STIRRUPS) 1-1/2 n. ALL OTHER T’ 4. ANCHOR BOLT EPDXY - : HILT HIT-RE SOD-SD. (ICC ESR-2322) OR SIMPSON SET-OP (ICC ESR-2508) 5. SCREW ANCHORS-: SIMPSON TITE’A HD (ICC ESR-2713) 5 USE COMPRESSED AIR TO BLOW THE DUST OUT OF ANCHOR BOLT HOLES. 05 11 secodarseoso loneelfirsi l,owee,eserr.Irc.s,00,I l5rro000I 05110 ew,o05O54NntdaoOr4d - - - B.N. -BOUNDARY NAILING DIAMETER DA. E . N. - EDGE NAILING H.P. - HIGH POINT L.P. - LOW POINT Lvi.- - LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER L . W. - LIGHT WEIGHT M . L. - MICROLLAM PLWD - PLYWOOD SHEATHING PSL - PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER P . T. -PRESSURE TREATED OR POST-TENSIONED SYMBOLS lIsosnOp 00 nrnort or P05 01.4.. ’I limealere. . I,,,,I 0 0 0:::1 MPR000S. lease. eubndlwdr.ao,reJ 0010 -- SAD. S.O.G. S.S. T . O. PEP. Li O . N. - W.W.F. I-I I--I (C) WALL ABOVE (N) CONC. WALL ABOVE I O I I I- I (I) WOOD POST BELOW WOOD POST ABOVE (OR ABOVE A BELOW) .HOLOOWN 0 WOOD POST = TYPICAL - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WELDED WIRE FABRIC 0 STEEL COLUMN ABOVE 0 STEEL COLUMN BELOW MOMENT CONNECTION 1 Q#f C) DRILLED CONCRETE PIER PRECAST. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE AM Liw< w CO Z < uJ cc ’2 OF : L_ 0 oo -o uJ LL I Wr z IN W 03/29/13 Scale: DIAGONAL BELOW tiBJl w DIAGONAL ABOVE OOE000Iat A0001 SPECLIE rlofocnion 510 nTSuClr.000I. 0050000rlOn ni-cots cc DIOECIE000 noeds inpeofin Serelne. b4rnlnno-Ar305.dinaorritaigmn5oftrra,rno; a FMI4rR tls.0O14 AS NOTED Drown HA. special Inspection ServIces - rare elonlonnbost-son Frenohos CA 64113 olnoe Clot One-flag FAX 14151 O5a-a47a-otdbi.or. Job An: RE 081 I 62013 John Duct, SthD APR A I 520(3 Of in. I1 ’ ’ I ( I$ -7 T’1’2 ’T Z GO CONCRETE COLUMN ABOVE J. Issis 0iw 0011: Del Eneireen Plan Clad,. brood Irape010e Onoloan elan I ) ’ (12 CONCRETE COLUMN BELOW w/ DROPCAP ;; I G) SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SLAB-ON-EVADE STAINLESS STEEL TOP OF - I z_Z CONCRETE TOPPING OVER PLYWOOD CONCRETE TOPPING OVER CORRUGATED METAL DECK BRICK CR CMU WALL ABOVE (HUS TYPE. TON.) moor JILJ!0 1Va,L0An------ - (E) WALL BELOW ______________________________ Eeelr__________________________________________ jI.Or- I I V ABBREVIATIONS WOOD JOIST HANGER i I - nii-’ WOOD SHEAR -WALL (BELOW) pant I - .~r 0.0’ lao-en lare000 S IA. STEEL: 1 , ALL EXPOSED MEMBERS SHALL BE COATED WITH A ZINC PRIMER. 2. BOLTS, NUTS AND MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED. B. WOOD: l ALL EXTERIOR TIMBER AND GLU-LAM BEAMS SHALL BE PRESSURE! TREATED (BUT NOT CHROOLVTEO COPPER ARSENATE) OR WOOD OF ..- -NATURAL TESIST/’RCE 10 DECAY. ALL EXTERIOR HANGERS AND OTHER SIMPSON TYPE PRODUCTS ) 2. SHALL RE GALVANIZED. 0W’ 3 ALL PLYWOOD SHALL BE OF AN EXTERIOR GRADE. 4. METAL CONNECTORS IN CONTACT w/ PRESSURE TREK- ED WOOD 5 ’LT,O HALL BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED n/ MIN.. ZINC COATING OF G185. . , 50 ALL NAILS Br ANCHOR BOLTS .N CONTACT n/ PRESSURE TREATED 5 C ODD SI-bALL DC HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. = II II II 005000 .110000nn.Ir lb non. IIFII.alo.00SF05505IS100 lien it lOa04.ue00r00 Isle rrefr.*OtsdOenoll Not.; We or-. mnnlrrg toward. o ’peparless’ mod, of operation. All special Inspection oabmlltels, inclodIn fInal letter., may be smelled (profaned) or Varied. We will also be shifting toe pepsicos too receipt mode. rin..’ss,rorses.sea.rooe.a bIo.nerawd..ysnos,r0510e II o.me, -sr0,r.niw.ro.I..5 lILw54de Oen00rA,ee.re.,Orm II R.Laownaoe.4 II raIl,..oea 1100505405rw05.toe0540A. Special Inspection Services Contact Information 4. - II sm00.eInm. aCeeItOCwS,I5101 oil 2. 3. I 1701;I7D3.1704 (2010 SF60). Special Inspection an I. licowoeFor.ne.so .onea.el O lInewro.e.anoenoe S IIe1 lisp---’ Structural observation shelf he provided on required per Section 1710. The building paneS will not be finalized wished compliance with the structural observation requirements. Telephone: (415)35M132 Faro (415) 5586474 EmaIl: 4bl.ogecIoSnspec 1Innsofeon.onp Is person: ffeof .t 1680 Mlestors Street 0WNERPIctNEN I shed ed responsibility of the OrRNE or it. .nglrrnorlardtilodid coast oiling E,npinnnontol Spedd ln,00 In oO Ore Oerm’l ,epreeanlotns. Sp0001 hiofredor thai be one of finns es pr.scbnd hi One-nsa. Mane otopeniol anpeder eflol be tondshed to Dcl (OssId Inspector prior Is red 0(100 wcYo Inrn.IrAaI the Spaniel le,pesNcInls Ieqrired. B0oororal nhewc000n shall be pertonned on pmvldad by Section 1711k Aprson.elrocRon nnnfeanoe LI rennrnrneod.d NAeenelthrdiderordedgnw&riSIer 0101 p lex and hlglulea 0,01051.. d for en prefndoNlrina .. com cose s n.wprnneseaswrn.IailaIS. CnO0. I. ADD ENDUM ua_ APPLICATION NO. OWN0RNMOE __________________ - EXPOSURE TO WEATHER; 1. WIND: 05 MPH. BASIC WIND SPEED 2. SEISMIC; SITE CLASS D’ MAPPED SPECTRAL ACCELERATORS: Ss= BASE SHEAR ’A’ re on W CIty and County of n.e Francisco Oepartyfled 54 errlldlne tn.posNee B. CMU: UNITS 1550 P51, MORTAR (TYPE ’5’ ), GROUT 2000 PSI C. STEEL 1. SHAPES AND PLATES: ASTM A 36: TUBES: ASTU A500, GRADE B. 2. MOMENT FRAMES (BEAMS, COLUMNS): ASTU A-492 OR A913 (SO k.;) MOMENT FRAMES (PLATES): A572, GRADE SO. 3. METAL STUDS, SEE 51.4, NOTES 4. METAL JOIST , 50 kSi 5. BOLTS: ASTM A307, U.0 . 14. 6. WELDING ELECTRODES: E-TO FOR FULL PEN WELDS USE CI-IARPY V-NOTCH WIRE. Mill. 20 It B O’F 7. METAL DECKING, SEE 51.5 D. WOOD 1. FRAMING LUMBER DOUGLAS FIR LARCH 5- HEADERS. PLATES, JOISTS: NO.1 b. STUDS. BLOCKING: NO.2 C. ALL LUMBER IJ CONTACT WITH CONCRETE: PRESERVATIVE TREATED DOUGJ5....flR. (NOT CCA-C) d. POSTS AND SEAMS: NO.1 2. PLYWOOD SHEATHING a. SHEARIHALL PLYWOOD : 1/2 INCH STRUCTURAL I, C-D ERTERIOR, SPA RATED 32/16, CCC 6/51.1;k ii IC.OJTYALL DC: ICOULE 100 THICKNESS. b. ROOF SHEATHING: 5/8 INCH STRUCTURAL If. 0-0 EXTERIOR SPA RATED 32/16 C. FLOOR SHEATHING: 3/4 YCH STRUCTURAL II, C-D EXTERIOR SPA RATED 46/24 3. FRAMING HARDWARE AND JOIST HANGERS: AS MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON STRONCTIE CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL SIMPSON DESIGNATIONS USED. USE MAILS. PER I.C.C. APPROVAL FOR EACH DEVICE. 4. COMMON NAILS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHORT WAILS MAY BE USED PROVIDED THEY HAVE COMMON CODE SPEEIITEO MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. ALL NAILING TO BE PER 1110 TROLL NO. 2304.9.1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. S. CLU-LAM BEAMS: 24F-V4 (Fb=2400 PSI) 0. PARALLAM & MICROLLANI BEAMS AND TJI’s TO BE FABRICATED BY THUS JOIST. 7. FOR MICROLLALIS SEE CODE EVALUATION: ICC-ES ESR-1387 B. FOR TJI JOISTS SEE CODE EVALUATION: ICC-ES ESR-.3 t53AMiQV R.S; 8995 S1.0 ’i-Sheds U. h (METAL STUDS & JOISTS) 1. 2. 3. 4. METAL STUD FABRICATION SHALL CONFORM TO AJSI SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN OF LIGHT GAUGE COLD-FORMED SECTIONS. ALL GALVANIZED 18 AND 20 GAUGE STUDS, AND ALL GALVANIZED TRACK, BRIDGING AND ACCESSORIES SHALL BE FORMED FROM STEEL THAT CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTU A448. GRADE A. WITH A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 33.000 PSI. ALL GALVANIZED 12, 14 AND 16 GAUGE STUDS SHALL BE FORMED FROM STEEL THAT CONFORMS TO THE RQUTS OF ASTM A446, GRADE D. w/ A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 50.000 psi. METAL STUDS AT BEARING WALLS SHALL BE 0 MAX. 16’ SPCG w/ THE FOLLOWING MIN. SECTION PROPERTIES: FLANGE CAP’ CONT. MIN 18 GAUGE TOP TRACK GUIDE- I 06 PARHEAO SELF TAPPING SCREW OEA. STUD FLANGE. IYP.-" 5, METAL STUDS AT 9014-BEARING WALLS SHALL BE 0 MAX. 24’SPCG xs/ THE FOLLOWING MIN. SECTION PROPERTIES: 6. GAUGE WIDTH 55 (in) Is (in 5 ) 18 3 5/8’ 0.207 0.419 18 0.423 1.403 6 J II - 10 I BEND STUD FLANGE B INTERIOR SIDE OF STAGGERED STUD, ISP. METAL STUDS, SEE FRAMING NOTES FOR SIZE AND SPACING N 10 00 2x SOLID BLK’G B 48’C.C. 10d04 CC 8’ / - 8’ CONT. TOP TRACK IC I 3o IC I.,I cx .: WOOD SCREWS (2 TOTAL) _IL_iL JOISTS PARALLEL ALL WELDS FOR LIGHT GAUGE STEEL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AISC AND AISI SPECIFICATIONS. S. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. 9. ALL WELDS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTOR. 10. BEARING STUDS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A WdJWER WHICH WILL ASSURE THAT ENDS OF THE STUDS ARE POSITIONED AGAINST THE TRACK WEBS, PRIOR TO STUD AND TRACK ATTACHMENT. 11. STUDS SHALL BE SEATED SQUARELY IN THE TRACK WITH THE STUD WEB AND FLANGE ABUTTING THE TRACK WEB, PLUMBED AND ALIGNED, AND SECURELY ATTACHED TO THE FLANGES OR WEB OF BOTH THE UPPER AND LOWER TRACKS. 12. FOR BEARING WALLS, STUD BRIDGING SHALL BE ATTACHED IN H MANNER TO PROVIDE RESISTANCE TO BOTH MINOR AXIS BENDING AND ROTATION. BRIDGING ROWS SHALL BE EQUALLY SPACED NOT TO EXCEED 3’-O’O.C. 13. SPLICES IN STUDS SHALL NOT BE PERMrTED. 14. VERTICAL STUDS SHALL HAVE 1/2 GYPSUM BOARD (OR EQUIVALENT) ID EACH SIDE. 15. FRAMED WALL OPENINGS SHALL INCLUDE HEADERS AND SUPPORTING STUDS AS SHOWN ON TYPICAL FRAMING DETAILS PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. 16. TEMPORARY BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REaD UNTIL ERECTION IS COMPLETE. 17. FOR PLATE TRACKS 0 CONC. SLAB, SEE 1 #8 SCREW O [A. STUD FLANGE 2’ EMBED. CONT. BO1 TRACK " CONT. BOTTOM TRACK DOD QeR5 ST MAT S 0)0 Qfl- in <0 r’ ’-2x IDIOTS 0 1. 6"C.C. I REQUIRED 0 NON-BEARING STUDS SAME GAUGE AS STUD STAGGERED STUD WALL SCALE: I I/fl’ I-U’ - ?Zw Ui Z, jO) JOISTS PERPENDICULAR STANDARD SINGLE STUD WALL SCALE: 3/4’ = 1 - 0’ 0< METAL STUDS CONNECTED TO WOOD JOISTS SCALE: 2/4’ I-A’ u_rZ< TYPICAL NONSHEAR NONBEARING METAL STUD WALL 4- NECTION TO FRMG ABOVE. SEE(–) 1-0 EAT A IN C 1#8 #8 SCREWS ID 30 -C.C. STUD TO STUD C/) CL SCREWS B 30C.C. ~ STUD TO STUD Z 16 CA BOTTOM TRACK l2C.C. X1 TYP STUD K_ JOISTS FOR 4-0’ MAX OP1IG JOISTS FOR 4’ - 1’ TO 7-0’ OPNG JOISTS FOR 7-1’ TO ID’-O OPNG LA -0’ MAX. OPIAG. TO 10-0’ OPNG’S. (WELD, SEES 1W. STUD AH MIN . 18 GAUGE #8 SCREWS iLAI. TO 15’-0’ OPNG’S (WELD, SEE A I 14 4 z 2 j iLIx POWER FASTENERS 01 S’C.C.., HILT) X-U19P8 (ICC ESR-2269) POWER FASTENERS ID 16’C.C. TIP. TOP & BOTTOM CONT. BOTTOM TRACK 7. 8 <jr ix ’G55,,__ 1,,, CONT. TOP TRACK POWER FASTENER ID EA. BENT STUD FLANGE Of JOISTS N’C.C. GYP BOARD, S. I. , -FLOOR SHEATHING PLYWOOD 1,114. 1 EMBED . PROVIDE GYP BOARD OR EQUIVALENT BOTH SIDES - SELF TAPPING SCREWS TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM ALLOVARLE SHEAR VALUES: #8 205 lb. #10 277 lb. #12 353 lb. #14 493 lb. 42 BY 4) FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED SEE CADGE WIDTH 54 (in’) Ix (in) STUD TYPE INTERIOR STUDS. HT K 16-0’ lB 2.914 EXTERIOR STUDS HI < 10’ - IlI 16 0.971 2914 5’ STUD TAPE INTERIOR STUDS, Hi < 12-0’ EXTERIOR STUDS AT K 10’-O 5’ WIDE BOTTOM & TOP TRACKS NOTE 3 CONC. SLAB REASIONS NOTES 1) IF CONCRETE IS NEW, ’WAIT MIN. 7 DAYS AFTER POURING TO INSTALL FASTENERS 2) USE SAME CCN1A’ECTION FOR ATTACHING METAL STUD TO CONC. OR CMV WALL 3) FOR BOTTOM (OR TOP) TRACK TO P.T. CONC. SLAB, PROVIDE MAX. 3’ EMBED. LIGHT GAUGE STEEL FRAMING NOTES STUD OR )TRACK L iii Uiz W It I LL 0 - X1 STUD TO STUD LU - W OR TS STEEL REAM (COLUMN SIN.) z o. 00 0 SECTION Xi-TI A CONNECTION TO SLAB SEE 1W. STUD -" 3 METAL STUD FRAMING ' CORNERS & INTERSECTION - 102 4 METAL STUD ' STEEL BEAM/COL. SCALE: 3/4’ = I-D’ - HEADER Z~3 ’ SCRE WS EA.C SIDj FORTACRETE CEMENT PANEL. SCALE: 3/4’ = I 00 CcLL jID SCREWS. SEE WFZ SEETYP METAL ri OI5TS _ U .6; Co) APR 16iso S CUT FLANGE. FOR 0 N’ 1-06 SCREW 012C.C. Mz FOR 0 > 6’. 2-j8 SCREWS 012’C.C. BEND WEB 2-JIO SCREW JX2 SILL CONNECTIONS HEADER SECTION VT-Al OPTION SECTION X2-X2 METAL JOISTS 2- #B SCREWS 24104 0 BLKG, TAP. BCA TRACK w/ #8 SCREW B E& STUD FLANGE CLI TRACK BIJ<G 0 48" C.C. C UT ST BLKG w/2SCREWS TO TRACK (5" 2 METAL STUD FRAMING @ OPENINGS - SCALE: NONE TYPICAL CONNECTION FOR DOUBLE STUD SCALE 1 1/2 = in ’ ’ - 0’ 8 Scolo TRACK (’" Job No: IOI ’II II ’I APR 152013 Of I R.S. 8995 PARTITION NORMAL TO JOISTS TY PICAL NONBEARING/NON SHEARWALL SUPPORT SCALE: 3/4’ = I-fl’ 03/29/13 AS NOTED Drown By: Sl AG PARTITION PARALLEL TO JOISTS .2 z III F - fl’ S1.4A 4hnwTs lr4 C) T T = T T if T - - If’ ) IJib UZ 5U 1db. N I/f WATERPRODF]NC BY OTHERS SI)REBOARS. FINISH SAD J (F) PLYWOOD N ALIGN BLK WITH OLE. BELOW, DEPTH MN., SEE PLAN STIFFENER 0 SLIT. LOCATION HDU2 LP4 0 EACH SIDE OF BLOCK (4 TOAL) HIGH ROOF FRAMING PLAN c)Z SZw >j!cX I-’ ’.’ iZa cr IL iz 0. o’i IBUi JOIST, SEE PLAN SCALE: THREADED ROD LOCATION PR SE St OPTIOTI1 P WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS SIJREBCARD, 0 FINISH SA I ALIGN SLIT WITH DEPH MIN.. SEE PLAY - B ’-STIFFENER S DLII. LOCATION P4 0 EACH A TOE o (4 TOTAL) j 0 1/2 GR DE 4 ROD 3X3X1/4" PLATE JOIST. SEE PLAN Z THREADED ROD LOCATION < OPTION 2 OPTION --------- SCALE It 3/4 - Z Q (I) Lii . 11 iN JLJ ---------NORTH It" Dron,, eRr Hf R.S. Job No: ROOF FRAMING PLAN 8995 Sheet John Curd. 9FFD SCALE: l/Bl-O APR 15 2013 Of HIIII1IIII2!III3I’IIIIIII5llII6IIIJIIIIII9III 1 iO l I 1 ’,I I I I 2I 3 SheeI From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Brian Reccow Durandet, Kimberly (CPC) Lindsey MacDougall Fwd: El Techo /neighborhood Saturday, May 17, 2014 7:23:30 PM Kimberly Here is the letter of support from our neighbor directly behind us who is the main point of contact for any communication we have had. Sincerely, Brian R. Reccow Director of Operations Lolinda El Techo de Lolinda 415-370-0349 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Alan Fairhurst <alan@scomas.com> Date: Sat, May 17, 2014 at 12:20 AM Subject: El Techo /neighborhood To: Brian Reccow <breccow@gmail.com> To whom it may concern: My name is Alan Fairhurst and I live at 3239 21st Street. I've lived here since 1992. I often find myself involved in issues concerning my neighborhood and its improvement; (graffiti and litter abatement, public lighting, Friends of the Urban Forest, etc...) Since El Techo has been in operation, I've found their management team to be consistently accessible and willing to partner with the community in addressing any concerns relevant to El Techo's impact on this neighborhood. I was mainly concerned with noise and had discussed the issue with several other neighbors that were as well. I contacted the restaurant and was immediately put in contact with its Director of Operations, Mr. Brian Reccow. He and I keep an open line of communication in regards to noise levels, and he has always been receptive to the neighbors' concerns. I routinely ask my neighbors how sound levels have been and pass the information on to Brian who then addresses them. He has done a lot to diminish the bottle noise that is an unavoidable facet of the restaurant business. There is also a marked improvement in the noise that their HVAC generates,(mainly their kitchen hoods), as well as less music and crowd noise when compared to prior operations in the same location. As a parent, neighbor, and property owner, I appreciate El Techo's efforts in being good neighbors. I look forward to their continued success. Sincerely, Alan Fairhurst Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROId