May 2016 Print


May 2016 Print
Pinehills Activities
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The site goes LIVE! Start exploring.
Info sessions begin.
Be there or be square.
Pinehills Landowners Association, Inc.
55 Stonebridge Road ▪ Plymouth, MA 02360 ▪ 508.209.2355
Page 2
Pay or sign up at the Stonebridge club.
Use your payment as your reservation
made payable to PHLOA. Payments are
non-refundable. If no fee is listed, there
is no charge. Unless otherwise noted,
activities take place at The Stonebridge
Club. For more information regarding
activities or to signup,
please call
Upcoming Events, Workshops & Ongoing Classes
Sunday Morning Meditation, 9:30-10:30am.
An opportunity for inner reflection and spiritual
growth includes instruction and practice. Pam
Russell is Certified in the Relaxation Response
by Mass General Hospital, Reiki Master,
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Holistic
Health Coach. $30 or drop in $10/class.
Acrylic Painting Lessons, Wednesdays,
9-11am. Explore the use of acrylic using
canvas, wood, stone & paper. $75pp. Limited
to 8.
Watercolor Classes, Thursdays, 9-11am.
Learn tips and techniques that make
watercolor fun. $75pp; $20 drop in rate, paid
in advance. Limited to 8 participants.
New Resident One Hour Intro Sessions:
May 4th, 9:30-10:30am, & May 16th, 7-8pm.
The Welcoming Committee and Neighbor to
Neighbor provide tours of the facilities, access
card paperwork and general information.
Mahjongg Lessons, Mondays, 4pm, Cabana.
Contact Linda Ader, $5
payable at the first session.
Meditation, Thursdays, 4-5pm. Meditation is
proven to lower heart rate, blood pressure,
inflammation, and improve disease-related
pain. This group is self directed.
Women's Health Presentation, May 10th,
6:30pm. Join the NVNA & Hospice CEO, Meg
Doherty, for Debunking Myths of Menopause.
Topics include: What to Expect,
Perimenopause Symptoms, Helpful Tips and
Treatments. Contact: Meaghan Groves.
508.418.4900, Light
Refreshments. No fee. Sign up by May 6th.
Piano Lunch, Friday, May 27th, noon-1pm.
Pack your lunch and love of music and come
to the Rec Room. Pianist and resident, May
Tracy, will play a spring medley, including
Gershwin and Mancini melodies. No fee.
Adult-Learn-To-Swim lessons, Memorial Day Labor Day, with Bill Ryan, US Masters Certified
Lear-to-Swim Instructor. 37% of Americans
cannot swim the length of a 25 yard pool and
many avoid water. Few activities are as good
for you as swimming. Lessons will be in sets of
3 for a half-hour, and customized to the
individual. The goal is to learn the 5 Swim
Skills as outlined by the American Red Cross.
At The Spire Center for the Performing Arts
Friday, May 20th, 8pm
An evening of music, comedy and theatrical
skits by talented Pinehills friends and neighbors to support
Andy Oliveri Singer/Accordionist, Susan Hadfield Classical Pianist,
PBJ Folk Music Group, Bob Hollis Singer/Guitarist, Nancy HaywoodSemcken Singer, Sachel O'Baggs Comedian, Jeannine Brayman, Ed
Broms Pianists, Joe Laufen Crooner. Skits by The Stagedoor Players,
Produced & Directed by Pinehills Residents
Michael A Damiano & Evelyn Smith
In partnership with The Spire Center for the Performing Arts
Page 3
May 2016
Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is a volunteer organization that helps
residents of The Pinehills transition to and live well in the community. N2N
provides informational resources, programs and activities related to Health
& Wellness, Residence Maintenance & Technology, and Money Matters,
three aspects of daily life that touch everyone within The Pinehills.
A Social Support Program
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm
Conference Room
Take comfort in the camaraderie of laughter and listening with others who have experienced loss through death or divorce.
Wednesday, May 18th, 7:00-8:30pm at The Stonebridge Club
How secure is your identity? In the highly connected world we live in, identity theft is growing at an alarming rate. And the
financial and emotional impact that often follows such a theft can be devastating. In this N2N sponsored workshop Deputy
Lisa Budge-Johnson from the Plymouth County Sheriff's Department will describe how your identity can be stollen, and the
steps you can take to prevent it. In her presentation she will cover:
• Five different ways thieves can steal your identity
• How to protect your Social Security Number
• How to use your credit report to track illegal activity
• Scams that target senior citizens
• What to do if you are a victim of identity theft or a scam
Deputy Lisa Budge-Johnson has been with the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department for almost ten years. As the Community
Outreach Coordinator, she has presented over 600 public safety and history programs to community groups across the
county. She also represents the Sheriff’s Department while serving on several organizations that work to keep residents of
the county safe, such as the Plymouth Networking Group for Senior Services and to Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force.
Fee of $5 payable to PHLOA due no later than Wednesday, May 11th
Part 2: Major Types of Cardiovascular Disease
Wednesday, May 24th, 7:00-8:30pm
Dr. Glen Garson, Medical Director of BID-Plymouth’s Cardiac Catherization Lab, will provide “plain-English” information about
types of cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and cerebrovascular disease. He
will discuss risk factors, screenings and therapies. And he will offer ample time to answer your questions.
$5 fee payable to PHLOA due by May 16th.
Sunday, May 22nd, 3pm Round Robin, 4:30pm Party
Welcome the Season with a French Flair on opening day of the French Open
3pm Op onal Round Robin, Stonebridge Courts · 4:30-6pm Tennis Soirée in The Cabana
Say “Bonjour” to fellow players · plan summer tennis · Op onal social round-robin · Watch French Open
Play Lois’s Famous Tennis Trivia compe on · Bring drinks & food to share · No fee & open to all!
Sign-up or email: Susan Callanan: or Lois Karfunkel:
Important Notes & Reminders
All activities are held at The
Stonebridge Club, 55 Stonebridge
Road, unless otherwise noted.
C - Cabana, 53 Stonebridge Road
O - Overlook Clubhouse, Great Island
SH - Seton Highlands Clubhouse
WV- Winslowe’s View Meeting House
7:25am GRT
8:30am Conditioning & Toning
9:30am Conditioning & Toning
Sunday Morning
Drop In Bridge
1-3pm (C)
Art Studio 9-Noon (C)
Bird Brains 6:30am
Watercolor 9-11am
Writers Circle 11am
Acrylic Class 9-11am
Bridge Lessons 11:45-2pm (C)
Literary Women Book Group
Chamber Music Practice Noon-2pm
Homeowner Info Session 9:30am
Beginner Watercolor 2-4pm
Bridge Lessons Noon-2pm
2pm (C)
Welcoming Committee 10:30am
Chess Playing 2pm
Mah-Jongg Lessons 4-6pm
Positive Thinkers 2pm
Writing Group 1pm
Intermediate Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Chess Playing 2pm
Duplicate Bridge 1pm (C)
Meditation 4pm (C)
Singles Game night 7pm (C)
Tuesday Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Shalom Book Club 4:45 (C)
Moving Forward (N2N) 4pm
Glee Club 7-9pm (O)
Bunco 6:30pm (C)
Shalom Event 7:30pm
Conversational Italian 10am
Sunday Morning
Conversational Italian 12pm
Bunco2 6:30pm
Drop In Bridge
1-3pm (C)
9:00am Tai Chi
10:15-11:30am Yoga For Everyone
7:25am GRT
8:30am Conditioning & Toning
9:30am Conditioning & Toning
Fitness Schedule
Class descriptions found on
page 7 in Fitness Section.
May 2016
Website Info Session
9:15am (C)
Cribbage 10am-noon (C)
Art Studio 9-Noon (C)
Acrylic Class 9-11am
Watercolor 9-11am
Conversational Italian 12pm
Chamber Music Practice Noon-2pm
Duplicate Bridge 1pm (C)
Bridge Lessons 11:45-2pm (C)
Mah-Jongg Lessons 4-6pm
Bridge Lessons Noon-2pm
2pm (C)
Quilt Club 1pm (WV)
Beginner Watercolor 2-4pm
Veteran’s Clothing
Drive 10am-2pm
Stonebridge & Overlook
Club Parking Lots
Website Info Session
9:15am (C)
Tech Session 9:30am
Womanade Event 4-6pm
Chess Playing 2pm
Philosophy & Coffee 4pm
Chess Playing 2pm
Wine Club 7pm (C)
Tuesday Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Shalom Book Club 4:45 (C)
Intermediate Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Friday Bridge Club 1pm (C)
New Yorker 4:15pm (C)
Glee Club 7-9pm (O)
Moment in Time History 4pm
Meditation 4pm (C)
Menopause Myths 6:30pm
Great Courses 7pm (C)
Annual Town Election
7am-7pm (C)
Cribbage 10am-noon (C)
Social Knitting 6:30pm
Spring Fling Art Exhibit
Friday Bridge Club 1pm (C)
Conversational Italian 10am
Fishing Club 7pm (C)
Sunday Morning
Drop In Bridge
1-3pm (C)
Ping Pong 2-4pm
Art Studio 9-Noon (C)
Watercolor 9-11am
Mystery Book Club 2pm
Writers Circle 11am
Bird Brains 7:30am
Bridge Lessons 11:45-2pm (C)
Mah-Jongg Lessons 4-6pm
Chamber Music Practice Noon-2pm
Acrylic Class 9-11am
Beginner Watercolor 2-4pm
New Homeowner Info
Session 7pm
Bridge Lessons Noon-2pm
2pm (C)
Writing Group 1pm
Tuesday Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Duplicate Bridge 1pm (C)
Chess Playing 2pm
Well Read Book Club 2-4pm (C)
Chess Playing 2pm
Ping Pong 2-4pm
Intermediate Bridge 2-4pm
Moving Forward (N2N) 4pm
Minty Book Group 7pm
Meditation 4pm
Foreign Affairs 4:05(C)
10:15-11:30am Yoga For Everyone
American Civil War 7pm (C)
7:25-8:25am GRT
8:30-9:00am Conditioning & Toning
9:00-10:00am Stretching
Fitness Room Closed 6:30-7am
Website Info Session
9:15am (C)
Cribbage 10am-noon (C)
Friday Bridge Club 1pm (C)
Ping Pong 1-2:30pm
Great Courses 7pm (C)
Glee Club 7-9pm (O)
N2N: Identity Theft 7pm
Sunday Morning
Drop In Bridge
1-3pm (C)
Tennis Round Robin
Party 3-6pm (C)
Art Studio 9-Noon (C)
Acrylic Class 9-11am
Merry Bok Club 3pm
Chamber Music Practice Noon-2pm
Duplicate Bridge 1pm (C)
Mah-Jongg Lessons 4-6pm
Chess Playing 2pm
Ping Pong 2-4pm
Art Society 7pm (C)
Singles Pageturners 4:15pm (WV)
Philosophy & Coffee 4pm
Stonebridge Readers 7pm
New Yorker 4:15pm (C)
Glee Club 7-9pm (O)
Social Knitting 6:30pm
New Homeowner Social 7pm
N2N: Heart Attack II 7pm (C)
Sunday Morning
Ping Pong 2-4pm
Ping Pong 2-4pm
Mah-Jongg Lessons 4-6pm
Art Studio 9-Noon (C)
Bridge Lessons Noon-2pm
2pm (C)
Chamber Music Practice Noon-2pm
Drop In Bridge
1-3pm (C)
Tuesday Bridge 2-4pm (C)
Memorial Day
Chess Playing 2pm
Watercolor 9-11am
Bridge Lessons 11:45-2pm (C)
Chess Playing 2pm
Beginner Watercolor 2-4pm
Intermediate Bridge 2-4pm (SH)
Meditation 4pm
Great Courses 7pm (C)
Men’s Group 7pm
Website Info Session
9:15am (C)
Pool Opens
Cribbage 10am-noon (C)
Piano Lunch noon-1pm
Friday Bridge Club 1pm (C)
Ping Pong 1-2:30pm
Page 6
Clubs & Groups
Your amenities
Your amenities include The Stonebridge
Club, outdoor pool, tennis courts,
fitness room, Cabana, library, and Great
Island and Clam Pudding ponds. Access
Cards can be obtained MondaySaturday during office hours at The
Stonebridge Club. An access card is
necessary to enter the fitness room
5am-10pm, the pool dawn to dusk, the
Cabana and SBC after hours and on
Sundays. Questions? 508.209.2355 .
Clubs, Groups & Ongoing Classes meet at
The Stonebridge Amenity, unless
otherwise noted. This is an alphabetical
listing .
American Civil War Study Group will meet
Wednesday, May 18th, 7pm. Don Dewey
and Fred Wexler will have a joint
discussion on the pain, anxiety, frustration
and overall sense of accomplishment they
experienced in publishing their Civil War
books: "Return of the Dead: Plymouth
During the Civil War" and "The Tammany
Regiment: A History of the Forty-Second
New York Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864".
Art Studio. Gather with other resident
artists in the Cabana for a working studio
session each Tuesday, 9am-noon. No
instruction. All mediums are welcome.
Arts Society will meet Monday, May 23rd,
to discuss the Spring Fling and how artists
did in their first event. Contact, Roxanne
Ma rs h al, ro xa nn e@ p i c wo rt h .c o m ,
Bird Brains. Upcoming walks include:
Wednesday, May 4th, 6:30am, meet at
Stonebridge Club parking lot and drive to
Wompatuck State Park, Hingham (rain
date May 11th); Wednesday, May 18th,
7:30am, meet at Stonebridge Club
parking lot, and drive to Daniel Webster
Mass. Audubon Sanctuary, Marshfied
(rain date June 1st).
Bunco 2. Join them Monday, May 2nd,
6:30pm, in the Cabana for this fun, easy
to learn dice game. Contact Marie
203.209.0037 or Beth Jacobs,, 508.517.5070.
CAMP (Camping Active Members of
Pinehills) is planning a “trial run” camping
experience at nearby Miles-Standish State
Forest. The tentative dates are July 12th14th, to hike, kayak, swim, and enjoy a
campfire. No camping experience
necessary (equipment can be borrowed).
Contact person is Sandy Spekman at
Cancer Support Group. This group is for
women diagnosed and living with breast
cancer. Contact, Judy 508.209.1011,
Chamber Music Group. The Con Moto
group meets for weekly practice sessions
on Tuesdays, Noon-2pm. Contact, Tom
Shaughnessy, 508. 209.0085.
Chess Playing, Tuesdays & Thursdays 24pm at The Stonebridge Club. All ages,
including children, welcome! Learn from
instructor, Francois Allain.
Cribbage. Join others even if it has been
a while or you are just learning, for an
enjoyable Friday morning activity at
10am. Men and women are encouraged
to participate. Bring dollar bills. Contact
Leo Callinan at 508.209.0375.
Fishing Club will meet May 10th, 7pm, in
the Cabana to discuss fishing for striped
bass, and large and small mouth bass in
local waters. Resident, Bart Madruga
discuss how to fish Cape Cod Canal for
striped bass and will demonstrate
techniques and tackle for catching
striped bass. Techniques for catching
bass in our nearby ponds will also
covered. The group will also finalize its
two trout related trips, one local to the
Chiltonville Fly Fishing Club and the other
a weekend trip for a fly casting clinic in
the White Mountains. They are also
planning a fishing tournament that
currently is scheduled to be held on the
Quabbin Reservoir, Ware, MA. Contact:
Paul Barnett,
Foreign Affairs Discussion Group will
meet Thursday, May 19th, 4:05pm, in
the Cabana. Contact Perry Karfunkel,
Glee Club rehearses Wednesdays, 79pm. Contact Marcia Cunningham,, 508.209.0950.
History Group: A Moment in Time will
meet Thursday, May 12th, 4pm, to
discuss the industrialization of Japan.
Kayak Network will resume paddling
soon. Look for a schedule in the next few
weeks. Contact: Ken Stone,; 781-659-4768
Library at The Stonebridge Club. The
shelves are in need of slightly used
books. Please no text, self help or cook
books. This wonderful resource is
beautifully managed by resident
Men's Group will meet Thursday, May
26th, for a presentation by Plymouth
Town Manager, Melissa Arrighi. She will
discuss: the decision making process,
current budget, residential and retail
growth, the impact of Redbrook,
Entergy Plant, and the upcoming
Plymouth 400 events. A social half
hour will begin at 7pm. All residents
welcome. Sign up at The Stonebridge
Club or send an email to
New Yorker Discussion Group will meet
Tuesday, May 10th, 4:15 pm, and May
24th. All welcome, even if you have not
read the articles. Contact Lois:
Philosophy & Coffee. Join them the
2nd and 4th Wednesday, 4pm for
refreshing discussions.
Ping Pong, Doubles, Mondays and
Wednesdays, 2-4pm, and Fridays, 12:30pm. Drop-ins are welcome.
The Positive Thinkers will meet
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2pm. Contact
Deanna Nealey, 508.224.3797.
Quilt Club will meet Wednesday, May
11th, 1-3PM, Winslowe's View
Meetinghouse lower level, for a
demonstration on how to make a two
color quilt binding.
The summer
challenge will be a house block and a
pattern and instructions will be given
out .
Th er e w ill a ls o b e a
demonstration on the St. Louis 16
patch block. Lastly, they will discuss
the donation of baby quilts. Contact:
Lois Harvey,,
Rainbow Club, the LGBT social club of
The Pinehills, plans social events
throughout the year. Contact Val,
Road Cycling Group. During the
season, this group conducts two rides
per week, typically 25-35 miles at a
pace of 15-17 mph on local roads. The
schedule will be published soon.
Shalom Pinehills. Shalom PInehills is
observing Yom HaShoah (Holocaust
Memorial Day) May 4th, 7:30pm at
Congregation Beth Jacob 8 Pleasant
Street in Plymouth Center. This event
is sponsored by the Plymouth Area
Interfaith Clergy, Congregation Beth
Jacob and the Town of Plymouth's No
Place for Hate Committee. Everyone is
welcome. Contact Nancy,
Singles on the Go is an opportunity for
singles to get together to enjoy various
activities. They meet once a month for
a planned event, twice a month for
dinner out, once a month for games,
and once a month for a lively book
Page 7
May 2016
Clubs & Groups
club. Contact: Kari Amazeen,, 774-283-4456.
Game night is May 7th. Contact: Marie
Whittaker,, or
Poll y Br ennan, pb re nnan1 3 7 @ To learn about the dinners
on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday of
the month, contact Janet Carnesale, or 508.209.0391.
Social Knitting will meet the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays, 6:30pm, in the Great Room.
They will meet the next six months, then
move to the afternoon in the winter.
Elaine McCarthy, elainemccarthy@
The Stagedoor Players are hosting a
Variety Night at The Spire Center for
Performing Arts, Friday, May 20th, 8pm.
Enjoy an evening of music, comedy and
theatrical skits, performed by talented
Pinehills friends and neighbors: Andy
Oliveri Singer/Accordionist, Susan
Hadfield Classical Pianist, PBJ Folk Music
Group, Bob Hollis Singer/Guitarist, Nancy
Haywood-Semcken Singer, Sachel
O'Baggs Comedian, Jeannine Brayman,
Ed Broms Pianists, Joe Laufen Crooner.
Skits by The Stagedoor Players, It's all for
supporting the Spire Center Grand Piano
Fund. The event is being produced and
directed by Pinehills residents Michael A
Damiano and Evelyn Smith, in
partnership with The Spire Center for the
Performing Arts. $20 at the door.
The Veterans Group. Save Your Clothes
for the Clothing Drive, Saturday May 7th,
10am-2pm, Stonebridge Club & Overlook
Clubhouse Parking Lot. The clothing drive
benefits the Nathan Hale Outreach
Foundation. Men’s, women’s & children’s
clothing, shoes and pocketbooks are
welcome. Contact Jack McGrath,
Wine Lovers will meet Monday, May 9th,
7pm. To learn all about whites. Several
unique and delicious white wines will be
available for tasting. Bring one wine
glas s. Contact V al Baumann,
Womanade will meet Monday, May 9th,
4-6pm, for a presentation by Peter
Holden, President and CEO of Beth Israel
Deaconess (BID) Plymouth on the history
of BID-Plymouth Hospital, the strong
connection with Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, and future plans for
Plymouth’s community hospital.
Womanade provides short-term
emergency financial help to families in
need in the Plymouth School
District. One hundred percent of your
donation is used for this purpose. A $20
donation, or whatever you choose to
give, is suggested. If you are unable to
attend, contributions are still
appreciated. Please mail to Linda Gill,
61 Bradstreete Crossing, Plymouth,
MA 02360.
Writer’s Circle meets on the first and
third Tuesdays, and is fully subscribed.
Writing Group meet the 1st and 3rd
Wednesdays, 1-3pm. All skill levels are
welcome and members encouraged to
share ideas in this supportive and
constructive exchange. Sessions are
comprised of critiquing assignments,
instruction to by members, and
spontaneous writing practice. Contact:
Carol Coughlin,
Literary Women will meet Monday, May
2nd, to discuss The Finest Hours by
Michael Touglas and Casey Sherman
New members welcome. Contact:
E u n i c e
d e S i l v a ,
Merry Book will meet Monday, May
23rd, 3pm, to discuss Unaccustomed
Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. Contact, Pam
Hildebrandt, pchildebrandt
Mystery Book Club will meet Monday,
May 16th, 2pm, to discuss
Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm.
Contact Melaine Alpern,
Shalom Book Club will not meet in
May. However, they will meet June 1st,
4:45-6pm, to discuss City of Shadows:
A Novel of Suspense,by Ariana
Franklin. Everyone is welcome.
Contact: Sandy Spekman at
Singles Pageturners will meet Tuesday,
May 24th, 4:15--5:30pm at the
Winslowe's View Meetinghouse.
C o n t a c t :
L i n d a
G i l l
Stonebridge Readers will meet
Monday, May 23rd, 7pm, to discuss
The Boys on the Boat. Marilyn Kelley,
Well Read meet the 3rd Thursday of
the month. This group is currently full.
Signing up indicates firm commitment.
Beginner Bridge Lessons are held
Tuesdays, noon-2pm. Participants
learn the basics of bidding a hand,
responding to bids, and playing out a
hand of bridge skillfully. Fee of $60.
Contact Jayne Snarsky at, 508.209.0130.
Bridge Trends & Conventions. This new
series is for experienced bridge players
to learn the latest trends and
conventions. It takes place Thursdays,
11:45am-1:45pm. Participants will
learn strategies to assist in bidding
and responding to a bridge hand
including no trump bids, strong two
bids, weak two bids, how to bid slam
contracts and transportation
strategies. Fee of $60. Contact Jayne
Snarsky at,
Drop In Bridge meets Sundays, 1-4pm,
Cabana, and is for all levels. Beat the
weather and have some fun.
Duplicate Bridge meets Wednesdays,
1-4pm. Contact is Mary Kelley,
508.209.0429,Kelley.m9@ Sign up sheets are
available Wednesdays at 12:30pm.
Limited to 48 players.
Bridge Group meets Tuesdays, 2-4pm
in the Cabana, except the first
Tuesday. Contact Linda,
lader60 @gmail.c om or Melene
Friday Bridge takes place every week
at 1pm. Contact, Jayne Snarsky,
May Payment deadline is May 25th
Fees collected pay instructors.
Payments received after deadline,
have an additional $10 fee. Drop in
rate is $10.
Begins in June! Aqua Aerobics will
occur Mondays and Wednesday,
beginning June 15th—August 24th,
9:30-10:30am. Bring your exercise
regime to the great outdoors in the
heated Stonebridge Club pool. $99 for
summer if paid by May 25th.
Conditioning, Mondays & Wednesdays,
8:30am and 9:30am, & Fridays, 8:309am, Stretching 9-10am. $50/month
if paid by deadline of May 25th.
Group Resistance Training (GRT),
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays, 7:258:25am. Class uses weights, bands
and balls. Bring a mat and some water.
$35/month, if paid by May 25th.
Tai Chi & Qigong, Tuesdays, 9-10am.
Improve health and prevent illness w/
this self-paced system of exercises.
$30/month if paid by May 25th.
Yoga for Everyone, Tuesdays &
Thursdays, 10:15-11:30am. Perfect for
anyone wanting to practice gentle
yoga. $45/month paid by May 25th.